Byron Shire Echo – Issue 23.43 – 07/04/2009

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ut Special lifto d an m progra is th in e id u g week’s Echo

Volume 23 #43 Tuesday, April 7, 2009


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from last

year’s Bluesfe st by Jeff


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Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 21,000 copies every week



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Don’t trash the Bay

Steady as she goes for the Bluesfest

Byron Shire Council is reminding businesses to ensure they have sufficient bins and rubbish collection due to the influx of people over Easter. Council’s acting manager of regulatory services David Murray said it is the responsibility of businesses to ensure waste is properly contained and not allow bins to become overflowing. ‘Poor waste management is not only unsightly but has the potential to attract vermin and may pose serious risks to public health and safety. We urge all businesses to consider their rubbish output and contact their waste collection contractor to arrange for additional pickups or bins if required over the busy period. ‘Leading up to and during the Easter weekend Council has also previously experienced problems with unauthorised signage, particularly in relation to the promotion of alcohol. Businesses who do not contain their waste and put up unauthorised signage can expect to be fined. ‘Council rangers will also be issuing on the spot fines for illegal camping,’ Mr Murray said.

Fire safety Firefighters from the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) and the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) are joining forces to warn holidaymakers of potential fire dangers over Easter. NSWFB Captain Warren Simmons and RFS

Blues Festival Venue Manager Brendan Meek stands in the main food court tent while ramps and bars are constructed behind him. With just days to go it is all go on site at Belongil Fields. Rain failed to delay set up schedules with all tents up and walkways down by last weekend. Final set up stages are underway now, with clean up a priority before production comes in to set up audio visual equipment. Bars are being stocked and food vendors are preparing themselves for the five day Easter event. See our Bluesfest feature and program details in the centre pages. Photo Lou Beaumont.

continued on page 2

The Echo over Easter

Greens warn Labor over Casino-Mur’bah rail link fallout promises from politicians,’ the group said in a press release. ‘The Greens also are sick of duck shoving between state and federal governments. ‘Queensland is doing the right thing by setting aside a rail corridor to link Robina to the Coolangatta airport. This brings within reach the dream of a rail line direct from Casino to Brisbane, by merely throwing a bridge across the Tweed River and filling in the gap.’ The Greens also want a commit-

ment from the state government that in any upgrade of the highway past Murwillumbah, a corridor for rail will be made part of the plans. In related news, Greens MP and transport spokesperson Lee Rhiannon has obtained a commitment from the government in NSW parliament that the final report of the Cross Border Transport Task Force will be publicly released by the end of the month. Minister John Della Bosca gave this promise during Question Time.

First Home Buyers


The Echo will be closed on Good Friday (so the ‘display advertising’ copy deadline is Thursday this week rather than Friday) but we will be open as usual on Easter Monday (so the ‘line classified’ deadline is the usual one – 1pm Monday). The next edition will come out on Tuesday April 14 as ‘normal’. Have a good weekend, drive safely, watch out for drink spiking, don’t play with matches and, above all, don’t stick peas up your nose.

Ms Rhiannon said the government must ensure the final report of the Task Force will see the delivery of desperately needed public transport services to Northern NSW. ‘The Greens call on the government to commit to developing an integrated transport plan for the region and the revitalisation of rail services. ‘The document analysing submissions to the task force, leaked to the Greens last week, clearly favoured bus continued on page 5

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The Byron Ballina Greens has warned both State and Federal Labor and Opposition parties that they should not rely on Greens preferences if they don’t commit to restoring the rail link between Casino, through Byron Shire to Murwillumbah. The Northern Rivers Greens has already announced that it will not allocate its preferences to any political party that does not commit to the restoration of the rail link. ‘The Greens are tired of vague promises and broken

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