Byron Shire Echo – Issue 29.40 – 18/03/2015

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Volume 29 #40 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Phone 02 6684 1777 Fax 02 6684 1719 23,200 copies every week



Entertainment Need a tradie? Vale It’s all Inside Mungo Bored with All the best this magic CSG? So are Daevid Allen: about You needs start from p22 1938–2015 – p7 listings – p28–32 – p16 we! – p12 week – p12

Forced council mergers likely

Byron Shire Council Notices Page 37

Dawn service of another kind

Government faces criticism over plans for local govt Hans Lovejoy

The amalgamation of councils has not been ruled out by the NSW government, raising concerns from the state’s peak body that represents local government, Local Government NSW (LGNSW). Amalgamation is a policy that former local government minister and retiring Ballina MP, Don Page, previously rejected for the state’s 152 shire councils. Forcing councils to merge has in the past been unpopular; QLD’s Noosa being a well-known case. That shire and others ultimately rejected amalgamation attempts by the QLD government in 2007. Additionally both LGNSW and Labor are critical of the coalition’s financial plan for councils. When asked by The Echo if current local minister Paul Toole would force councils to amalgamate after the election, his office refused to acknowledge the question. Instead, Mr Poole’s spokesperson said that his government had a ‘comprehensive plan’ for local government called ‘Fit for the Future.’ ‘We have committed up to $1 billion in financial support to ensure we have strong councils that can deliver the vital services that communities need and deserve. The Fit for the Future package is the most significant investment the state has ever made in the local government sector. ‘The package includes access to a state borrowing facility resulting in savings of up to $600 million to

reduce infrastructure backlog; up to $100 million savings through reductions in red tape and duplication; $258 million in incentives to assist councils who decide to merge and make the changes needed to provide better services to communities and $4 million innovation fund to help small rural councils develop innovative ways of working. ‘In stark contrast, Labor has no plan to address the $7.4 billion dollar infrastructure backlog they created over 16 years of neglect. This is a once in a generation opportunity for councils to design their own improvement plan and set their vision for the future in partnership with the state. ‘We have listened and we have delivered. It is up to councils to show how they will become fit for the future.’

Labor replies But the office of shadow minister for local government, Sophie Cotsis, says Labor does have a plan to address the infrastructure backlog, claiming ‘most of which is roads.’ Through the ‘smokescreen’ of the Fit for the Future policy, they claimed ‘The Nationals are threatening councils with forced amalgamations’. ‘Labor will not force councils to amalgamate – we will work in partnership with councils to invest in better services and infrastructure. ‘A Foley Labor government will invest $1 billion in rural and regional roads. These funds will help alleviate the infrastructure backlog many continued on page 3

The Bentley Angel sculpture was raised at dawn on Byron’s Main Beach last Saturday, marking a year since the blockade of Metgasco’s drilling project at Bentley, near Lismore. Photo Jeff ‘No Angel’ Dawson

Mullum busts the meth myth A frank, honest, sometimes funny and at times sad discussion about the drug ice was held in Mullum on Monday night. It was very apparent that ice, or methamphetamine, is actually a significant issue; the Court House Hotel was packed with locals who heard from a range of panelists that work in the drug and alcohol sector. The message from the night, which was chaired by Mandy Nolan, centred around the social disconnect, lack of parental guidance and mentors that cause the gravitational pull towards destructive addiction. One panelist, Paul Phillips, said that ‘Ice smashes the central nervous system.’ ‘Like speed, this is a very destruc-

tive drug. Ice is actually known as high-quality speed.’ As for the cost to buy, Mr Phillips said it isn’t cheap in regional areas. ‘In Sydney it’s half the price… I believe the ice that is around here comes from the Gold Coast,’ he said. Mental health worker Clancy Bernard meanwhile said that parents need to have an open conversation about drugs at home. ‘Start early,’ he said to applause. Principal of Mullum High, Donna Pearson, was in attendance and said that drug education is part of the school’s curriculum. ‘We have a relationship with The Buttery [recovery facility], and we are focusing on building skills and resilience.’ While local help groups were named by the audience and pan-


elists, government funding cuts were highlighted as hampering the support that is needed. Politicians present included mayor Simon Richardson, NSW Greens MLC Jan Barham, Greens NSW candidate Tamara Smith and NSW Labor candidate Cr Paul Spooner. Local police were invited but did not attend.

Those with a problem with drugs and alcohol, or who are experiencing thoughts of selfharm or suicide: It is important to seek immediate help. Contact Lifeline on 13 11 14, Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 or if you are under 18 years old, Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800.

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