Mediation fails over
Paul Bibby
The battle over a controversial mixed-used development proposed for the main street of Suffolk Park looks set to go to a full hearing in the Land and Environment Court with Byron Shire Council, after the courtordered conciliation process failed.
Councillors heard last week at their meeting that the behindclosed-doors mediation process between its lawyers, and those hired by the Sydney developer, Denwol Suffolk Park Pty Ltd, had not produced a resolution and was now at an end.
As a result, the matter must go to trial, and has been set down for a five-day hearing from June 5–9.
Located next to the existing Suffolk Park retail precinct on Clifford Street, the development proposes two new three-storey buildings incorporating seven town houses, four units, 12 affordable housing ▶ Continued on page 4
Ready for
Feros board refuse to provide evidence of facility closure claims
Hans Lovejoy & Eve Jeffery
With Feros announcing it will redevelop its aged care facility in Byron Bay, the management board, through a public relations manager, have declined to provide The Echo with evidence that the aged care home does not ‘meet the current government standards as a residential care facility’.
The Echo sought confirmation of claims by the Feros board that the facility ‘cannot be upgraded to meet the current government standards as a residential care facility and has to close’.
Sidestep Kids Festival includes arts and craft workshops, live music, circus, dance, comedy, game playing, storytelling, singing, collaborative construction and more. Pictured with Brunswick Public kids is Amber Light, the Lollipop Lady, who obviously has control issues. She’ll get to call the shots at the ‘Giant Game’.
Fresh STRA audits and prosecutions ahead
Hundreds of locals who are renting out their studios and granny flats on Airbnb, in breach of consent conditions agreed with Byron Council, could face prosecution under a new measure introduced last week.
In the latest attempt to address Byron Shire’s housing emergency, councillors unanimously voted to enforce the consent conditions, a move that they hope will encourage the owners of secondary dwellings
to move them from the short-term accommodation (STRA) to the longterm rental market.
The new enforcement strategy will particularly apply to property owners who made use of Council’s policy of waiving development contributions on the construction of new secondary dwellings in return for an agreement that the new dwelling would not be used for short-term holiday letting.
Having accepted the terms of this consent condition, and saved themselves up to $20,000,
it’s estimated hundreds of local property owners turned around and rented the secondary dwellings out on Airbnb anyway.
‘We have followed up with letters to owners, and we only got responses from half,’ Byron Mayor, Michael Lyon, told last week’s Council Planning meeting, where the motion was passed.
‘I don’t think many were admitting to the use of holiday let for those properties, but we have plenty of evidence that many of those dwellings aren’t being used
in accordance with the consent conditions.’
Council staff estimate that there are between 500 and 700 property owners who fit into this category.
It isn’t the first time Council has attempted to enforce the consent condition in question.
In a number of cases, the owners in question stopped renting their secondary dwelling on Airbnb to avoid prosecution.
In at least one other instance, Council gave up on the prosecution ▶ Continued on page 4
The Echo asked, ‘Is there a report, or government document, that supports this claim?’.
The board replied, ‘There are many factors that make it impossible for Feros Care Byron Bay to remain open in its current form. This is because the home now needs to meet the more stringent requirements of nursing home standards’.
It comes as elderly residents, some of whom had just secured a spot in the facility, met on Sunday to discuss their eviction. All the residents (around 40) have been offered a home in similar Feros facilities in Kingscliff and Bangalow.
In a statement, the Feros board said so far, ‘more than 50 per cent of the residents have chosen where they would like to go for their next home. Feros Care is supporting the residents in their preferences and moves in a caring and respectful manner’.
▶ Continued on page 7
FULLY COSTED AND SHOVEL-READY ELECTION ISSUE The Byron Shire Echo • Volume 37 #40 • March 15, 2023 • Lettuce do lunch ▶ p22 Health & Healing ▶ p24 Fun for the whole family to be found in Seven Entertainment ▶ p27 Who needs science or data on housing when money talks? ▶ p16 Election candidates Q&A! ▶ p2 A primer on NSW politics and why it matters ▶ p14
Psst: a free arts festival for kids and families will be held March 18–19, in Banner Park, Brunswick Heads (opposite the pub). Presented by Roundabout Theatre, the
Photo Jeff ‘Lollipopiscles’ Dawson
NSW election candidate Q&A:
Hans Lovejoy
Where do the candidates stand on policy and values? Herewith is a Q&A with all candidates for the state election, to be held March 25. Candidates are listed as they will appear on the ballot – note newcomer, Peter Jenkins (see page 10). Full replies are on
Holiday letting
Do you support Council’s precinct proposal or support the government’s intervention and decision after the IPC recommendations?
Peter Jenkins –Sustainable Australia Party
Supports Council’s STRA model.
Andrew Broadley – NSW Labor
Supports Council’s STRA model.
Kevin Loughrey – Independent
‘Absolutely not. It is effectively the theft of private property. Not only that, holiday rental brings wealth into our community’.
Tamara Smith (incumbent) – Greens
‘Yes and it is embedded in Greens NSW housing and planning policies’.
Josh Booyens – NSW Nationals ‘I will be supporting the
POSITION VACANT Showground Manager
The Board of Mullumbimby Showground is seeking an experienced Manager to:
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• Maintain relationships with showground stakeholders.
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Essential skills required: Site, event and/or venue management; excellent communication and organisational skills; computer literacy; financial administration; budget management; keen eye for detail. Previous project management experience is considered desirable. Onsite caretakers are contracted independently of the manager to handle campground operations.
The contract is for 28 hours per week, based out of the Showground office. Applications close at midday on Thursday 23 March, 2023.
For full position description and details of how to apply, please visit:
The Byron Shire Echo
Volume 37 #40 • March 15, 2023
Established 1986 • 24,500 copies every week
Phone: 02 6684 1777
Office: Village Way, Stuart Street, Mullumbimby NSW 2482
General Manager Simon Haslam
Editor Hans Lovejoy
Deputy Editor Aslan Shand
Photographer Jeff Dawson
Advertising Manager Anna Coelho
Production Manager Ziggi Browning
outcomes of the Independent Planning Commission recommendations’.
Planning panels
NSW government appointed Planning Panels override elected councils’ decision making with large developments. Should decision making be returned to councils and the panels abolished?
Jenkins – SAP ‘Yes’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘NSW Labor will build on the recommendations of the O’Kane and Fuller Flood Report, which called for simplifying the planning system, coordinating with councils and planning authorities, and ensuring flood-planning is factored into future planning decisions’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘Yes, government should be as close as possible to the people it serves.’
Smith – Greens ‘Yes’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘No. But we do need effective representation working constructively and productively between all levels of government’.
Do you support development on floodplains?
Jenkins – SAP ‘No’
Broadley – NSW Labor ‘No’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘Yes. It is possible to eradicate flooding and it is government’s duty to do so’.
Smith – Greens ‘No’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals ‘I support development that is appropriate and considered for its location’.
Floodplain legacies
How would you address the issue of legacy floodplain approvals (developments that have been approved, and not built, that are on floodplains)?
Jenkins – SAP
Nicholas Shand 1948–1996 Founding Editor
The Echo acknowledges the people of the Bundjalung nation as the traditional custodians of this land and extends respect to elders past, present and future.
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‘Governments should enter into negotiation for land swaps and/or compensation in order to protect our society from greater costs in the future’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘Where there has been a re-zoning but no development application has been approved, then development controls should be tightened to prevent approval of any future DAs. If a DA has already been approved, the
Reconstruction Corporation should consider purchasing the property’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘Authoritarians love to order people around (always for their own good of course!). People should be informed of the risks and then it is their decision’.
Tamara Smith (incumbent) – Greens
‘1. State govt conduct an audit of those DAs. 2. Through the State Reconstruction Authority, assess and offer as many land buybacks as possible, because ultimately the short-term costs will blow out in future flood events, and it puts people in harm’s way’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘There is scope to work with the development applicants. No one wants to witness again the levels of destruction we have just lived through’.
Should State Significant Farmland be preserved as farmland, not as future housing?
Jenkins – SAP
‘Yes. We should impose a moratorium on planning rezoning for higher intensity uses that are not in the public interest’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘Yes, a Labor government values significant farmland. We also plan to strengthen and secure the resilience of our agriculture industry, by legislating and funding an Independent Biosecurity Commission and plan to appoint a Dairy and Fresh Food Commissioner’.
Loughrey – Independent
‘Yes. This is the basic function of planning and resultant zoning’.
Smith – Greens
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘State Significant Farmland should be reviewed in its entirety. The policy has merit, but in the right locations. No one has yet been able to clearly articulate to me what
specific criteria, at the time of zoning, constitutes State Significant Farmland’.
Climate Change
Do you accept the science behind anthropogenic climate change – i.e. that burning fossil fuels releases CO2 which is causing global warming?
Jenkins – SAP
Broadley – NSW Labor
Loughrey – Independent
‘No, definitely not. It is fake science. Mankind’s emissions of CO2, methane and nitrous oxide do not appreciably affect the Earth’s atmosphere. All raw (unadjusted by charlatans) data shows that CO2 et al have no appreciable effect’.
Smith – Greens
Booyens – NSW Nationals ‘Yes’.
Logging native forests
Should NSW Parliament follow other states and stop logging of native forests?
Jenkins – SAP
‘Yes. We should impose a moratorium on all native forest logging given the huge loss of Australia’s native forests over the past 250 years’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘We need to move away from timber from native forests and ensure sufficient plantation timber sources are developed to support a transition plan that is able to supply materials for desperately needed housing, and jobs for regional workers. Loughrey – Independent ‘No. Logging is absolutely essential to maintain the health of forests, maintain fire-breaks and fire-trails. It also derives employment and valuable income to rural communities’.
Tamara Smith (incumbent) – Greens: ‘Yes.’
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘No. NSW has some of the tightest logging regulations. If we shut down logging the
construction industry will just go offshore to unsafe and unregulated sources of timber’.
Forest logging accountability
Should Forestry NSW be held more to account after being found to be logging vulnerable koala habitat?
Jenkins – SAP ‘They should be forced to stop’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘Enforcement of the rules is just not good enough and fines are currently too low’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘No. Koalas can be relocated while logging is taking place, and then returned once logging has moved onto another sector’.
Smith – Greens ‘They should be forced to stop’.
Josh Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘I support penalties commensurate with the law being broken’.
Flood reconstruction and govt oversight
Should the flood reconstruction corporations be taken away from the deputy premier’s department and become agencies so that they are subject to parliamentary and public scrutiny? Currently they exist without parliamentary oversight.
Jenkins – SAP ‘Yes’
Broadley – NSW Labor ‘Yes’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘Yes. Transparency in government is good for probity’.
Smith – Greens ‘Yes’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘I support giving the NRRC the powers it needs to cut through the red and green tape and getting on with flood reconstruction. I’m all for accountability and transparency, but right now the last thing people on the ground need is more bureaucracy’.
2 The Byron Shire Echo Local News North Coast news online
Peter Jenkins –Sustainable Australia Party
Andrew Broadley – NSW Labor
Kevin Loughrey – Independent
policy and values
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘NSW Labor will refer the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to the NSW Law Reform Commission for a holistic review. [The Act] is no longer fit for purpose. The review will involve wide public consultation… to ensure all people have the right to live free of discrimination’.
Loughrey – Independent
Drug law reform
Do you support the decriminalisation of cannabis?
Jenkins – SAP
‘Yes. We should treat personal drug use (and abuse) as primarily a health issue’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘A NSW Labor Government will hold a drug summit in its first term… to build consensus on the way NSW deals with drugs, including cannabis. NSW needs a positive approach to drug policy after a decade of the Liberals and Nationals ignoring expert advice on addiction’.
Loughrey – Independent
‘Not until the long-term health effects of its use are known’.
Smith – Greens
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘I support the decriminalisation of small personal quantities of illicit drugs and moving to fines to free up our court system only if also supported by investment in health, rehabilitation, and drug awareness programs’.
[Cannabis decriminalisation is not NSW Nationals policy, and Booyens later told The Echo he would vote for the party line, despite his personal views – Ed].
Rail trail vs trail
Tweed and Lismore shires are well advanced with rail trails on the disused tracks.
While Byron Shire Council has pushed for a multi-use option, there is no funding for light rail projects. Council are also now progressing with plans for a bike trail that will use the corridor from Mullum to Vallances Road for that purpose.
Do you support Byron Council’s multi-use option, or would you rather see the entire rail corridor in northern NSW become a rail trail?
Jenkins – SAP
‘SAP has no specific policy on this, but generally advocates for the expansion of state-based rail networks. At this point we would lean towards the multi-use option’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘This debate has gone on long enough and it is time to use the corridor before it rots away. The corridor must be kept in public hands. I support the proposals from Byron Council to use the rail corridor from Mullumbimby through to Valances Road for the bike path. It is not viable to have multi-use along the whole of the corridor, through tunnels and steep cutaways. There is already a train on part of the track, so any future proposal for the corridor will have to take this into account’.
Loughrey – Independent
‘For my generic views on rail, please see https:// I don’t know enough about the local situation to give an informed opinion. If this is a major issue to my constituents, then I will research it and discuss it with my constituents at town hall meetings I plan to hold on a weekly basis’.
Smith – Greens
‘I support Byron Shire Council engaging properly with all constituents in Byron Shire on the issue to see where consensus is, and going from there. We certainly need public transport and I support cycle tourism’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘I’m committed to working with Byron and Ballina Councils on the rail trail. If a feasibility study supports multi-use, let’s discuss it. But, if I were honest, we need stop kicking the can down the road and get on with our section of the rail trail, even if it means single trail’.
Bill of rights
Should NSW Parliament follow other states and adopt a NSW bill of rights?
Jenkins – SAP
‘SAP has no specific policy on this, but if elected we would consult broadly with the community and encourage a direct democracy engagement through a citizen jury or state-wide plebiscite to determine the outcome’.
Casino incinerator
Do you or your party support the NSW Government Policy and Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Thermal Energy from Waste) Regulation 2022, which allows a thermal waste incinerator to be built in the Richmond Valley Job Precinct, Casino?
‘Yes. This is, in my view, essential and this should be incorporated as amendments to the constitution of each state with the amendments being agreed by the citizens of that state by a referendum’.
Smith – Greens ‘Yes’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘People are talking to me about housing, costs of living and flood recovery / mitigation. A Bill of rights is not one of my priorities’.
Police powers reform
Do you support the reinstatement of a Police Board, comprising business and community groups, that would provide guidance and advice on what police spend their budgets on? For example, priorities may include addressing DV rather than random drug testing. The Police Board was abolished some years ago, and now the NSW police operate with a ‘single line budget’, and decide how they spend their budget.
Jenkins – SAP ‘SAP has no specific policy on this, but if elected we would consult broadly with the community. We would take an evidence-based approach to policy’.
Broadley – NSW Labor
‘I do not have a view on the appropriateness of a Police Board and would have to hear more about it’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘Yes. It would do us good to look at the US system where local sherrifs are elected’.
Smith – Greens ‘Yes’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals ‘No. We don’t need more boards and bureaucracies. An effective and engaged local member should be feeding back community sentiment to the leaders within NSW Police to help guide priorities’.
Jenkins – SAP ‘No’
Broadley – NSW Labor ‘No’.
Loughrey – Independent ‘Please see https:// Waste2Energy/Concept.html. This is a vital defence issue and addresses an environmental issue as well, in that it is bad practice to bury rubbish because of the possibility of ground water contamination’.
Smith – Greens ‘No. It is just too risky for health and the environment’.
Booyens – NSW Nationals
‘As far as I’m aware there is currently no application before Richmond Valley Council. This is a question for the member and candidates for Clarence’.
‘The NSW government released a new Energy from Waste Infrastructure Plan, which recognises that thermal treatment of waste will form part of the future solution for managing residual waste in NSW. However, I don’t believe thermal waste incineration to be compatible with the environmental ideals of most people in the Ballina electorate’.
Children’s and General Dentist, Dr Damaris Fernandez
Dr Fernandez graduated in 2006 with a degree in Dentistry, and later studied a master’s degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
and orthodontics, and has been a teacher of paediatric teenagers.
Dr Fernandez has permanently settled in the Bangalow area, and Dr Cluer and Dr Bayliss welcome her to the team. The Byron Shire Echo 3 Local
St, | Mon–Fri 9–5, Sat 9–3
2353 | 151 River
Tamara Smith (incumbent) – Greens
Josh Booyens – NSW Nationals
6687 2150 2/42 Byron Street, Bangalow
Local author, Victoria Thompson, is so passionate about protecting animals that she spent eight years researching and writing the book Animals Are Us – a guide to a kinder world
An animal advocate for many years, Thompson’s book describes our appalling failures in regard to animal welfare, and praises those (including Mahatma Gandhi, Peter Singer, the Dalai Lama, St. Francis, Brigitte Bardot, and the Buddha), who promote the enlightened awareness and humane treatment of animals.
Thompson believes that we must not continue to think of animals merely as resources to exploit, for animals, too, have a right to live naturally. In the book, she gives us solutions for a kinder world.
Born in Alexandria, Egypt, of French, Italian, Spanish and English parentage, she grew up speaking five languages. In Australia, she trained as an actress and worked in film, television and theatre. She left acting to study psychology and became a psychotherapist, eventually giving it up to return to her love of books, writing and animals. ‘I grew up in Egypt. There was so much cruelty. I was always rescuing animals’, she says.
The theme of Thompson’s book is clear in
The Northern Rivers Revolt Roller Derby tournament is returning after the covid hiatus to Byron Bay on March 18–19, with six teams competing at the Cavanbah Centre. Organisers say five teams will be travelling from around the country to
▶ Continued from page 1
units and 300 square metres of commercial space.
The original application for the development was rejected by Council last year, with Council setting out 17 separate reasons for refusal.
The developer, Sydneybased Denwol Suffolk Park Pty Ltd, has maintained that the development is
the prologue: ‘For too long, our civilisation has lived on the immense suffering and slaughter of animals’, she writes. ‘This in turn has led to a world where we see endless violence perpetrated against humans and the environment because all things are bound together’.
Thompson provides a frightful overview of the contemporary global situation, but also says that in fighting for animal rights, we are becoming more and more-and more-powerful.
For more info about Victoria and her book, visit:
compete in the ‘diverse and all-inclusive’ tournament’.
Co-organiser, Jade Lancett, says, ‘All profits raised will be donated to our charity partner Agape Outreach Inc, with funds supporting the local homeless and needy with food support and
appropriate for the location, and will provide muchneeded affordable housing for the Shire.
They appealed Council’s refusal in the Land and Environment Court (LEC), triggering the compulsory conciliation process.
A large, vocal group of local residents and business owners oppose the proposed
assistance to seek housing’.
‘Doors open at 8.30am for 9am start. Get your spectator tickets for $5 at the door. Paywave and cash will be accepted.
‘A GoFundMe page has been set up to help us support Agape Outreach Inc’.
development, arguing that it will cause irreparable damage to the character of their village, cause numerous amenity issues, and is far larger than is appropriate for the site.
Hundreds of residents have signed a petition against the proposal and around 70 attended a protest on the site last month.
Paul Bibby
Long-standing Brunswick Heads volunteer and Chamber of Commerce member, Kim Rosen, is retiring from public life in the town, and will be honoured with a plaque in the centre of Bruns.
The plaque will be located on the wooden seat outside the Brunswick Heads Visitor Centre, a service which Ms Rosen started more than 15 years ago.
The centre is one of numerous initiatives that Ms Rosen had a hand in over the past 25 years, as part of her mission to support local business and attract tourists to Brunswick Heads.
This includes the ‘Simple Pleasures’ campaign, the Mullum to Bruns Paddle, and the Old and Gold Festival, to name just a few.
‘She’s a powerhouse – driven and passionate,’
▶ Continued from page 1
process before going to court, owing to their limited chances of success and the time and cost involved.
‘We got to the point where the level of evidence we need to prosecute the argument was very burdensome,’ Council’s Director of Sustainable Environment and Economy, Shannon Burt, told last week’s Council meeting.
‘This resolution will signal to the community the support of Council to move forward with a fresh audit and the prosecution of cases that we have very strong chances of success in.’ Council has also received advice from senior barrister,
Josh BOOYENS Vote for BALLINA electorate
fellow Visitor Centre member, Cheerie Heale, told last week’s Byron Council meeting.
‘She joined the chamber 25 years ago. Brunswick Heads was very different back in those days. There were a lot of closed shops. Since then she did a lot to bolster the town.’
Ms Rosen was named Byron Shire’s Citizen of the Year in 2014. She has continued to have a significant role in Brunswick Heads since then, including spearheading
Jason Lazarus SC, that the consent condition can be enforced and that doing so could, if necessary, be defended in court.
A key legal issue in prosecuting such cases is the clash between the Council consent condition in question, and the state government’s policy on short term holiday letting, which effectively makes holiday letting a permitted use for secondary dwellings across the state.
Mr Lazarus’s legal advice is that, despite this clash, the consent condition can be enforced, but that it would need to be tested in court, so that Council had a legal judgment that it could rely upon
a campaign against the introduction of parking meters in the town.
Not everyone in the town supported this campaign, and Greens Cr Duncan Dey moved a motion at last week’s meeting that the townsfolk should be consulted before a plaque was installed. Cr Dey’s motion sought to assess how the community of Bruns feels about the initiatives Kim has progressed.
However, Cr Dey’s motion was not supported by the other councillors.
‘I appreciate the desire to have further community consultation, but I think Kim Rosen is a bit of a special case,’ Cr Sarah Ndiaye (Greens) told the meeting.
The meeting also heard that Ms Rosen has been receiving treatment for cancer and spending most of her time with family in Sydney.
for future prosecutions.
Obtaining such a judgment is a key factor motivating Council in the latest enforcement push.
‘I think we should test this in court as soon as possible,’ Cr Lyon told last week’s meeting. ‘We should contest it and get a judgment we can rely upon.’
In the motion passed at last week’s meeting, Council also agreed to continue prohibiting the use of short-term holiday letting for newly approved housing, including secondary dwellings and standard homes in residential areas in most parts of the Byron Shire.
The meeting heard that it was less clear that this aspect of Council’s policy could withstand legal challenge.
4 The Byron Shire Echo Local News North Coast news online
Photo & story Eve Jeffery
ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by J Lundy, National Party of Australia – NSW, Level 2, 107 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Putting regional people firs t
Victoria Thompson has authored Animals Are Us – a guide to a kinder world
2014 Citizen of the Year, Kim Rosen. Photo Jeff Dawson The Byron Shire Echo 5 Otherwise vote for... Me! Authorised by Kevin Loughrey, 1 Keith Hall Lane, Keith Hall, NSW 2478. VOTE 1 KEVIN LOUGHREY INDEPENDENT FOR BALLINA 25 TH MARCH 2023 A TALE OF MURDER, MANSLAUGHTER, OFFICIAL MALFEASANCE AND RECKLESS GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM IN COMPANY If y ou like: 1.Lockdowns, 2.Useless mask & vaccine mandates, and 3.Denial of early, effective treatment then vote for the Greens, Labor & Nationals! To support my campaign, please go to Please see: or scan the code opposite Sickness & Death Vrs No of mRNA Injections
6 The Byron Shire Echo
Elderly Feros residents consider their future
Intergenerational community
With the Crown-managed land slated to house an ‘intergenerational community’, The Echo asked the Feros board, ‘Presumably those without any relatives wouldn’t have a place in such a facility? Is this why the board will not commit to allowing the residents to return there? Is there another reason why the board won’t offer to relocate them back?’
The board replied, ‘Our current residents in Byron Bay will be given preference to move into the new development, if it is appropriate for them, and their individual care needs. They will not be required to have a relative living in the facility’.
‘This entire process will take some time, as it moves through community consultation, design and development application stages’.
‘Feros Care will consult with the community on any future plans for our region’s seniors on the site. Our priority right now is to support our residents to move into their new homes’.
‘Any new development on the site will be designed with aged care foremost in mindand in consultation with the community to arrive at the best possible outcome.
‘In the near future Feros Care will invite the community to collaborate in re-imagining a better future for our region’s seniors in Byron Bay’.
Packed Marvell Hall
On Sunday, Friends and Families of Feros Residents (FFFR) held a rally at Marvell Hall in Byron Bay. It was hard to tell how many people fronted up, because the room was bursting at the seams, and spilling out of
every doorway onto the street.
Organised and MC’d by Mandy Nolan, and daughter of a resident, Maree Eddings, those gathered made sure their numbers were counted.
Delta Kay said that, like many locals, she had run up to old George Feros with his wild grey hair with his collection box and put in coins.
‘I’m here to ensure that our residents get a home, a home so they’re safe, secure, and they’re happy. Is that right?’
Nolan said that a legacy is being destroyed, while local MP, Tamara Smith, said we need to reclaim George Feros’ good name.
‘This is definitely not
George Feros’ shame.
‘This is the shame of the corporation.
‘This is a community asset. This is Crown land, this is our land, this is public land.
‘The infrastructure came from money from our community.
Booted out: MP
‘So on what planet do our residents, in that vision, just get told – sorry, you’re booted out? It’s just bonkers. It’s completely bonkers.’
Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, said he was feeling quite uncertain.
‘In terms of a Council point of view – we don’t have any legal role here, or any decision making role, as far as I can tell. But there is certainly a role, and for me that role is to ensure that we get proper communication, and proper consultation, and proper understanding, before a decision like this, which is going to affect so many people and be so heart rending, gets started’.
Feros resident ninetyfive-year-old Kate Smorty thanked everyone for turning up. ‘It’s very reassuring and heartening.’
SMITH MP The Byron Shire Echo 7 Local News
Since I was elected in 2015 we have seen a 50% increase in infrastructure investment in the Ballina electorate. and recovery. My Greens colleagues and I have drug law reform. We secured greater dignity legislation in NSW. Authorised by A. Locker for The Greens NSW. 2/112 Dalley St, MullumbimbyNSW 2482 End coal and gas by 2030 & invest in renewables Regulate Short Term Holiday Lets & make housing affordable Stop land clearing and protect native species Fully fund works to relocate, raise Invest in regional health services Deliver universal preschool and reinstate free TAFE and University OUR PLAN
LOVING VETCARE MyVet Byron Bay 6685 6899
Your Local Member
Matilda, Kate Smorty and Dianne Briend. Photo Eve Jeffery
Continued from page
Belinda Hultgren from Circus Arts and brother Chayne, aka Space Cowboy, were spotted at the recent JEFA gallery exhibition, along with many other art lovers. Made You Look, Made You Stare is an exhibition featuring artists Anna Parsons, Dr Bronwyn Bancroft, Carmel Debreuil, Daniela Bradley, Mandy Nolan and Sarah-Jane. The exhibition ends March 21. For more information, visit Photo Jeff Dawson
Byron charity swim supports youth mental health
A group of dedicated swimmers will be attempting to swim 10km in the Byron Bay swimming pool to raise awareness and funds for youth mental health support. According to event organiser, Michael Gudgeon, the event also aims to highlight the need for better resources to support young people who are struggling.
‘The group comprises swimmers of varying ages and abilities, all coming together for a great cause. The event has garnered support from several local organisations, including the Byron Bay Surf Club, Byron Sting Rays, Ray White Byron Bay, and World Champion triathlete Tim “Reedy” Reed, who are all keen to lend their
support to this worthy cause’.
‘Following the swim, Fish Heads will be hosting a charity seafood barbecue to provide sustenance to all those involved in the event, including supporters, swimmers, and onlookers’.
Everyone is invited, and anyone who wishes to contribute can contact Michael Gudgeon on 0419 495 494.
Paul Bibby
Byron Shire Council has launched a pre-election call for more government funding and support to future proof all of the Shire’s floodimpacted premises.
In an attempt to capitalise on the current state government ‘promise spree’, the Council has written to NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet, Opposition Leader, Chris Minns, and all local candidates for the seats of Ballina and Lismore.
The letter calls on the leaders to ‘recognise the opportunities… to make all existing flood-prone buildings safer against future flood risks’ through buybacks, house-raising and wet-proofing.
It expresses gratitude for the $800M the government has already committed to achieve these goals region-wide, and asks for an additional $180M for the Shire itself to make premises ‘more resilient’.
The figure is based on an average of $100,000 per building, plus an additional $35M for buybacks.
It also asks the government to recognise that ‘many of Byron Shire’s premises can be returned to habitable use through house-raising, because ‘peak flood levels on the Shire’s floodplains are not as deep as on some other heavily impacted floodplains’.
‘This does not look after the grief, nor does it replace losses,’ Greens Councillor Duncan Dey told last week’s Council meeting while moving the motion in relation to the letter.
‘It’s about making things better in the future.’
‘I’m asking that all flooded premises, and there are 6,500 of them [for the whole region]… should be told that there will be funding coming to them if they’re eligible. That’s really what this motion is about.’
‘The money needs to start rolling as quickly as possible.’
The motion was passed unanimously, though some councillors did express doubt has to what effect it would have.
Earlier, during the public access section of the meeting, Susan Fell from the Mullum Flood Recovery
Action group, spoke about the plight of Mullum locals, such as herself, whose homes had sustained serious damage during the floods.
‘My house is a slab and a roof, and I’ve been in temporary accommodation since then. Recently I’ve been meeting with other elderly residents, most of them women, who are in a state of despair and uncertainty –trying desperately to move forward with the process of rebuilding and retrofitting,’ Ms Fell said.
‘Some are waiting for insurance scopes of works, others are waiting for determinations from the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Commission as to whether they can raise or retrofit their houses – the decision [appears to be] based on funding [availability].
‘Some have just found the whole thing way too much, so they’ve packed up and sold their houses for rockbottom prices, well below the market rate, and left our community altogether’.
‘For many others, they’re just waiting – overwhelmed, traumatised and homeless.’
8 The Byron Shire Echo Local News North Coast news online
Bevvies return to connect environmentalists
Story & photo Eve Jeffery
Rainforest 4 Foundation and Mullum SEED are inviting like-minded individuals and organisations to join them for the informal Green Drinks networking event this Friday.
Started in London in 1989, Green Drinks has spread to 56 countries, including hundreds of cities around the world.
Currently in Australia there are over a dozen chapters with the Mullumbimby group being rekindled.
Rainforest 4 Foundation CEO, Richard Christian, says those who attended previously are welcome and he hopes it will become a once a month event. Christian says, ‘Green Drinks brings together people that
have a passion for the environment and conservation – whether or not they be actively involved in restoration of degraded land with trees, or whether they’re involved in policy or involved in bringing people together to advocate
for greater protection of the environment and more funding’.
‘It’s for anybody who’s interested in the environment, no matter what side of politics – if they’ve got an interest in the environment, then it’s a way for people to come together and chat about those things.’
Christian says that more than ever, there are more people in the community who are thinking about environmental issues, particularly with some of the events that have occurred in the region over the last 12 months.
‘We’d like to move it around –Murwillumbah, Ballina’, he says.
This month’s Green Drinks will be held at Wandana Brewery, 20 Manns Road, Mullumbimby, this Friday, from 4pm to 6pm.
Local wetlands and ICOLLs – (Intermittently Closing and Opening Lake Lagoons) – such as Belongil and Tallow Creeks, will be the focus of a community event ‘Hands On! Caring for Water Places’ on Saturday March 18.
The free field day will run from 9.30am till 3.30pm, and is presented by the Byron Coastal and ICOLL Centre (BCIC). BCIC President and Councillor, Cate Coorey, says the event is aimed at engaging with citizen science.
Coorey says, ‘We want to show how the
community can be citizen scientists, observing and collecting information and learning how they can care for and restore these precious coastal areas, improving biodiversity and drawing down “blue” carbon’.
‘We also want it to be fun, and we’ll take time to picnic at the Byron Wetlands Centre and watch the waterbirds.
‘Participants can expect to get wet and maybe a bit muddy – they’ll be shown how to use digital water quality monitors. We’ll also be looking up close
at what creatures are living in our water (those we can and can’t see) and overall getting a bit “sciencey’,’’ says Coorey.
‘We’ll be starting out at the beautiful Byron Wetlands (Wallum Place) and ending up at a favourite coastal spot, where Arakwal elder, Delta Kay, will be showing us sea country through the eyes of her people who have lived here for centuries.
‘It will be a relaxed day, presented by BCIC’s Dylan Laicher, a marine biologist and PhD candidate, and myself’. The Byron Shire Echo 9 Local News An enhanced patient experience awaits you... clinic expansion, and a new in-clinic doctor - Dr ww a a dac cs co au We’re excited to share our stunning renovation, We’re to our Adam Ellerby. Adam will work along side founder, Dr Jamie Rickcord, and our friendly in-clinic nurses to provide a welcoming, completely supported p tient exp rience pa pe ii w.anan clinics. m. Suite 56/1 Porter St, Byron Bay NSW 2481 approach to health & vitality through plantbased medicine. “The plant we use to influence our Endocannabinoid System to achieve health and balance isn’t nearly as relevant as the results.” Dr Jamie Rickcord Appointments available this week Questions before booking? Talk to a registered nurse for FREE e. THE MAN WHO SPEAKS THE TRUTH Independent candidate for NSW seat of Ballina. Kevin will speak and answer questions at CWA Hall Mullumbimby. FRIDAY 17th MARCH 7PM TO 9PM Refreshments available Free. KEVIN LOUGHREY SPE AKS SPEAKS PUBLIC MEETING COME AND JOIN US
Rainforest 4 Foundation CEO, Richard Christian.
News from across the North Coast online
Hiromi Tango’s Rainbow in Lismore’s beating heart
On Saturday morning Magellan Street, Lismore, came alive with colour at the opening of Lismore Regional Gallery’s latest pop-up exhibition – Hiromi Hotel: Rainbow.
Tweed rail trail first weekend a success
The Tweed Shire section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail opened last week and its first weekend saw the trail in full use by walkers and cyclists enjoying the trail.
The Legalise Cannabis Party gets the donkey vote for Clarence
In the seat of Clarence, sitting member Chris Gulaptis, Nationals, of ‘Koala Wars’ fame, is retiring and the Legalise Cannabis Party tops the ballot paper.
Election 2023 –
Tweed: Craig Elliot
Long-term resident Craig Elliot is running for the seat of Tweed on behalf of Labor in the 2023 elections. He ran for Labor in the 2019 election, coming in second for the twoparty preferred vote behind sitting Nationals member, Geoff Provest.
Police attempt to remove forest protector so ‘Gully Giants’ can be logged
The magnificent old trees in a grove known as the Gully of the Giants were still standing on Friday morning, but are under immanent threat. The trees are part of Doubleduke State Forest, west of Evan’s Head, being logged under the auspices of the NSW Government’s Forestry Corporation.
Eight contenders for the seat of Lismore
Eight candidates have nominated to contest the seat of Lismore, a marginal seat held by Labor’s Janelle Saffin by only a two per cent margin.
Greens will see anti-protest laws repealed
If there is one thing that binds the people from all parts of the Northern Rivers community together, it is their great and successful ability to protest – yet the current government would see many of the folk who protested at Terania and Bentley, behind bars if those actions happened today.
Ballina’s surprise ghost candidate enters late into fray
Mia Armitage
Ballina voters had a surprise fifth candidate appear when the electorate’s ballot paper was drawn last week: Peter Jenkins for the Sustainable Australia Party (SAP).
Mr Jenkins drew what’s called the ‘donkey’ position: the candidate named at the top of the ballot form list.
It’s considered an advantage owing to a percentage of disengaged voters who will just vote 1 for the first candidate.
The minor party representative appears to be akin to a ‘ghost candidate’, a term used during the 2022 federal election with reference to Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party’s field of candidates, including in the Northern Rivers division of Richmond.
Ghost candidates were typically living outside
the electorates they were running in, and had low campaign profiles, including minimal engagement with the communities they were named as representing.
Links to Ballina electorate unclear
Peter Jenkins is registered as living in Bellingen, a riverine village halfway between Sydney and Brisbane in the
state electorate of Oxley.
By Tuesday afternoon, Mr Jenkins’ connections to the Ballina electorate were still unclear, with no obvious social media page for his campaign, besides the general ASP Facebook page.
While media releases are yet to be received from his campaign team at either 99.9 BayFM or TheEcho, his team posted a short bio at www. au/ballina2023 on Tuesday afternoon.
It reads, ‘I have lived in regional NSW for nearly all of my adult life. Born in Coffs Harbour, my father was a banana grower, and my mother was a ballet teacher. I am a self-employed IT consultant working mainly in the security and medical monitoring industry. I have been involved in small business my entire life whilst
also working with larger corporate enterprises’.
‘My wife and I have a 22-year-old daughter and 19-year-old son that we are very proud of and love dearly. I am passionate about the natural environment and also our built environment. Both of which are critical to maintaining and protecting our cherished way of life and our community.
‘I am running for the SAP because I believe there should be honesty in politics. SAP has practical and realistic solutions to the current problems of overdevelopment and environmental destruction’.
The SAP party says it is featuring 82 candidates across the state’s 93 electorates.
An ASP media spokesperson told The Echo Mr Jenkins would not be able to attend
Wednesday’s Meet the Candidates forum in the Byron Theatre, owing to him being outside the electorate.
An invitation for Mr Jenkins to participate in the free community event via video, as has previously happened at similar election forums, was also declined.
Invitations declined
Invitations for Mr Jenkins to participate in a feature interview as part of a series with candidates aired on BayFM’s Community Newsroom have so far been ignored.
Ballina: Meet the Candidates kicks off from 6pm sharp on Wednesday 15 March, with four of the electorate’s five candidates promising to be there for the event, hosted by The Echo and 99.9 BayFM Community Radio.
Tweed rail corridor rail trail ‘not looking to the future’
Pro rail groups on the Far North Coast say the opening of the Tweed ‘Rail (Bike) Trail’ has shown that pro-bike trail groups and Tweed Council have ‘bulldozed the project through, have refused to be inclusive throughout the process, and lack vision for a more sustainable transport future’.
Tweed Shire Council recently opened a section to walkers and bicycle riders between the Murwillumbah and Crabbes Creek section of the railway line.
The entire Murwillumbah to Casino line was closed in 2004 by the Labor Carr
government, and both sides of government have claimed it is not finiancially viable for light rail, despite evidence presented otherwise.
Northern Rivers Rail Ltd (NRRL) spokeswoman, Lydia Kindred says her organisation supports having both rail and bike trail beside each other, within the railway corridor, ‘which is a minimum 32 metres wide’.
‘This week marked a moment that so many Northern Rivers locals have dreaded, because of the lack of adequate public transport in our region, especially off road. Our roads are becoming
more clogged, and we need solutions to the bottlenecks and ever-growing emissions, which contribute greatly to our climate change problems.
‘Extending a service from the current Byron Solar Train to Mullumbimby and up to Bangalow as well as to Yelgun for festivalgoers would eliminate the frustrating and climate-unfriendly situation that exists now in the Byron Shire’.
The Echo asked the Byron Bay Railroad Company, who operate a private service from Sunrise to Byron CBD, if the train service could be extended within Byron Shire
‘if there was government assistance to make this happen?’
A spokesperson replied, ‘The Byron Solar Train is a notfor-profit venture. Any extension would need to be funded from other sources – be they government or private’.
Kindred says, ‘We still have the tracks within the Lismore and Byron shires and several railway companies are working together to bring regular passenger train services to these sections of our Northern Rivers Line’.
Ms Kindred said ripping up tracks in Tweed Shire was very short sighted.
‘Tweed Council managers are saying that they now expect 27,000 bike track users utilising their section, which is well down on the 300,000 plus they said in their own business plan’.
‘We’ll continue to work for the rights of our locals and visitors to have off road public transport. The fact that no community consultation was done before the rail trail was pushed through by TSC is of great concern to us, but we are working hard to return the line so that everyone can be included’.
For more, visit www.
‘Extraordinary’ and ‘powerful’ documentary screens April 5
Paul Bibby
Ballina Region for Refugees will present the inspirational doco, And Still I Sing, at the Byron Theatre on the evening of April 5, to raise funds for its refugee resettlement program.
Two Syrian families are now living in Ballina and Byron shires, with a third family coming in the next couple of months.
The group plan to help two more refugee families make new lives in our region before the end of 2023.
Funds are urgently needed for accommodation, transport, food and
household expenses to help the families integrate into their new communities.
An extraordinary film by Afghan filmmaker Fazila Amiri, And Still I Sing is the remarkable story of three female singers from Afghanistan who courageously use their voices to stand up for women’s rights despite threats of violence and even death.
Zahra and Sadiqa are contestants on Afghan Star – Afghanistan’s hit version of American Idol. They are mentored by trailblazing pop singer and Afghan ‘starjudge’ Aryana Sayeed, fighting against oppression and misogyny, as they compete
to become the show’s first female winner. Pop music was banned by the Taliban during their previous reign from 1996–2001. Sayeed received countless death threats and fled the country before returning after the regime’s fall.
And Still I Sing follows the heroic personal journeys of all three singers during the tumultuous timeframe leading up to the 2021 American troop withdrawal and Taliban takeover.
The screening will be from 7pm on April 5, at the Byron Theatre on Jonson Street, Byron Bay. For tickets, visit
10 The Byron Shire Echo North Coast news online North Coast News Ballina MORE THAN JUST A MEAL We deliver nutritious, delicious meals to the elderly, people with a disability or high risk consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meals can be delivered weekly as frozen packs for you to heat or daily if you require a hot meal. KEEPING YOU CONNECTED Our social support volunteers will phone you for a social chat and check on your wellbeing. 6686 2636 W. E. •NOURISHING MEALS •DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR •NO WAITING LIST OR LOCK-IN CONTRACT N w c WE’RE KEEPING
Peter Jenkins, candidate for Sustainable Australia Party. The Byron Shire Echo 11
Main Arm Road repairs grant unsuccessful
Hans Lovejoy
Despite the repairs being a priority of Council, residents and visitors to Upper Main Arm will not be seeing any road upgrades soon, after NSW government grant funding was rejected for the dangerous and unstable pothole-ridden road.
Two other projects from the Build Back Better program will see other Byron hinterland roads improved, however. Phil Holloway, Director Infrastructure Services told The Echo, ‘Council was very pleased to receive funding for Wilsons Creek and Mullumbimby Road as part of the Australian government and NSW government Build Back Better program.
‘We applied for funding for [Upper] Main Arm Road as well, but we were not successful, which is disappointing for Council, as well as for Main Arm residents.
‘From Council’s perspective, the repair of flooddamaged infrastructure in the Main Arm valley is a priority of Council, and we are continuing to apply for grants to fund this very necessary work’.
The Echo asked Regional Transport and Roads Minister
Sam Farraway (Nationals) why the funding was rejected, ‘given the road is in disrepair and dangerous?’
And, ‘Do minsters have intervention powers with the Build Back Better program?’
Farraway told The Echo, ‘The jointly funded $312.5 million Regional Roads and Transport Recovery Package (better known as our Betterment Fund) allows councils to rebuild their damaged infrastructure back to be more resilient against natural disasters rather than on a like-for-like basis’.
‘It’s a first-of-its-kind program in the country and is the way of the future’
‘Eligible councils who applied for funding all received funding for at least
Historical society celebrates 40 years
The Brunswick Valley Historical Society (BVHS) is turning 40 this year, and the organisation will hold several events throughout the year to celebrate.
Susan Tsicalas from BVHS told The Echo, ‘At the market this Saturday, we are having a thong throwing competition at 1pm. There is
a perpetual trophy from the Chincogan Fiesta days, and the winner will have their name immortalised. In the museum, and in Stewart’s Menswear window, is a new exhibition: ‘Community Groups – Past and Present’, in which we are acknowledging many of the groups that have, and continue to,
contribute to our area.
‘Next month, on April 15 and 16 at the Drill Hall, as a lead up to the Aquarius Festival’s 50th birthday in Nimbin, we are screening our four DVDs about the hippies and the alternative culture that developed. So watch this space to see which DVD is playing and when’.
one project – their preferred projects in most cases’.
Farraway added that representatives from TfNSW met with Byron Shire Council recently to discuss the unsuccessful grant. ‘Funding under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements is available’.
Minister decides
Grant applicants were assessed by an expert panel, established by TfNSW, Farraway said, ‘including observers from the NSW Reconstruction Authority and Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation’.
‘They then provided recommendations on those projects that best met the package criteria and eligibility to [himself], the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads’.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is calling for community-minded men and women to consider joining the on-call firefighter ranks at Byron Bay Fire Station.
An information evening at Byron Fire station will be held Tuesday. March 21 from 7pm.
Deputy Captain, Matt Crisp, urged residents from all walks of life to consider
becoming an on-call firefighter.
He told The Echo, ‘Your local fire station relies on people in the community to put their hand up to become firefighters – without that support, regional fire stations cannot survive’.
‘On-call firefighters respond from home or work to fires and other
emergencies’. There are currently two vacancies for on-call firefighters at Byron Bay Fire Station.
On-call firefighters balance work and family commitments to respond to fires and other emergencies on an ‘on call’, part-time basis. Visit for more info.
Mullum skate park road and car park works begin
Work has started on a muchneeded car park and access road at the Mullumbimby skate park, say Council staff.
They said in a press release last week, ‘The existing gravel access road, which is off Stuart Street, was only intended as a temporary
access route and it is in poor condition’.
Improving drainage
‘Council will also be improving drainage on the sporting field, and installing bollards to stop people driving onto the oval and
damaging the grass.
‘The budget for the project is $360,000. The skate park is part of a sporting, youth, and community precinct, which includes the community garden, the netball and tennis courts, a cricket pitch and green open space’.
12 The Byron Shire Echo Local News North Coast news online
Main Arm Road, just before Upper Main Arm School.
Feros Care – update
Feros Care wishes to restate that it has no option but to close Feros Village Byron Bay as it does not conform to the required government standards.
Feros Care is aware of the depth of community feeling about the closure, but there is a misapprehension among some passionate defenders of the home who believe it can somehow be saved in its present form and use.
The home was built 33 years ago as a low-care hostel and cannot be upgraded to meet the current government standards as a residential care facility and has to close.
Supporting residents
Since the announcement of the closure was made more than 50 per cent of the residents have chosen where they would like to go for their next home.
Feros Care is supporting the residents in their preferences and moves in a caring and respectful manner.
Commitment to Byron Bay
Feros Care is committed to aged care in Byron Bay. There has been community speculation that Feros Care is abandoning aged care in Byron Bay in favour of a lucrative re-development. Nothing could be further from the truth. Feros Care is a not-for-profit charity and does not own the land on which the Village is located.
Any new development on the site will be designed with aged care foremost in mind and in consultation with the community to arrive at the best possible outcome.
In the near future Feros Care will invite the community to collaborate in reimagining a better future for our region’s seniors in Byron Bay. The Byron Shire Echo 13
The Byron Shire Echo
Volume 37 #40 • March 15, 2023
Make it your preference to not waste your vote
The local candidates get most of the attention in the leadup to an election, but the Legislative Council (NSW Parliament’s upper house) also warrants some scrutiny, so here’s a quick primer on the other lot we get to vote for on 25 March. By going in prepared you can arm yourself with all the knowledge you need to ensure your vote isn’t one of many that will be unwittingly exhausted and wasted, and that you don’t get tricked by a sneaky group with a pleasant sounding name.
There is a rare, real opportunity for the balance of power in the upper house to shift to the side of progressives at this election. The last thing any of us needs is some bigoted wack job scraping in by just a handful of votes after much of the progressive vote was exhausted. Since you’re there casting your vote anyway, it would be a crying shame to waste it!
Members of the Legislative Council are elected for eight-year terms, and half of the seats are decided each election cycle. So this time around we will be choosing
the replacements for MLCs elected in 2015, and those we elect will be around for a long time to come.
It’s a proportional representation system with a rather small quota, which opens the door for groups to secure a seat with a pretty small percentage of the vote. It’s also an optional preferential system, and there are quite a few groups to choose from, which will lead to many exhausted votes. Unless you are diligent with your preferences, the danger of a wasted vote is very real.
The winners of the first 18 or so of the 21 available seats up for grabs are pretty predictable. Where things get interesting is those last few seats. There is no way to predict who will edge ahead in the race for those last few spots. What is certain is that it will be distributed preferences that decide the result.
The only way for your vote to count at that key final preference distribution is if you’ve included enough preferences to cover the last actual two groups left in the race. There is no way to predict which group of awful monsters
What is in the public interest, is not what the public is interested in
Hans Lovejoy
might be up against which not-so-shit group for that precious last spot, so roll up your sleeves and preference all the way. Don’t get lazy or complacent and vote just for your favourites. Keep going for as long as it takes, put every single piece of political deadweight after anyone who is even moderately less shit.
Now that you’re resolved to not waste your vote, you need good intel on the groups. You’ve come to the right place! Herewith is The Echo’s NSW upper house voting guide for the pragmatic progressive. Naturally opinion on the precise order and what exactly constitutes being ‘not shit’ or ‘shit’ will differ. So feel free to disagree and rearrange this list as you see fit. Please, just inform yourself, and go in with a plan.
We recommend that you put all of the ‘not shit’ groups in your preferred order ahead of the ‘too out there’ groups, and keep going through the ‘shit’ groups until you can no longer distinguish the least vestige of humanity.
Ziggi Browning, Echo production manager
Groups in this table are roughly in order of ‘least shit’ to ‘most shit’, but obviously opinion on what constitutes being not shit and the exact order will differ. The important thing is to put all the not shit / less shit groups ahead of all the shit groups. If you do that, then no matter who’s left at the final preferences distribution for that last seat, your vote will count towards a less awful government. Let’s not let some deplorable monster sneak in to the last spot because there were too many exhausted progressive votes! In the interest of brevity, ungrouped candidates have not been listed as they are unlikely to be voted in.
Group / party nameShit or not?The gist of it
The Greens Not shit
Elizabeth Farrelly Independents* Not shit
A wide-ranging platform of sensible policies for a better world.
Former SMH columnist and architecture critic Elizabeth Farrelly has jumped on the Teal bandwagon.
Animal Justice Party Not shit Animal lovers, guided by kindness, equality, rationality and non-violence.
Legalise Cannabis NSW Party Not shit Just legalise it already!
More hippies in parliament would be a good thing.
Public Education Party** Not shit
A narrow focus on improving public education. Social justice advocates.
Socialist Alliance Not shit Let’s bring down the imperial capitalist machine comrades!
Labor Party Less shit Lesser of two evils if you like your politics binary. A strong crossbench may delay the rot setting in.
Sustainable Australia Party –
Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption Too out there
Informed Medical Options Party Too out there
Liberal Democrats Shit
‘Is maintaining power for its own
Psst: there’s a NSW election on March 25, so let’s explore who’s vying for the lower house (the upper house summary is to your left).
You, dear handsome/ beautiful voter of the seat of Ballina (comprising Byron and Ballina Shires), have a big decision to make when you enter the polling booth.
When it comes to the the Legislative Assembly, or lower house, there are five Ballina candidates, and all offer varying skill sets and different visions of the future.
In NSW parliament, there are 93 members, each representing an electorate of the state.
Since 2011, the Ballina representative (member) has been Greens MP Tamara Smith, who was elected after the Nationals ruled us for an epoch under Don Page.
There are clearly opposing ideologies at play here.
March 25 is your one chance in every four years to either stick with the establishment, or vote for the outsider.
And while candidates will try and pitch themselves as one or the other, in reality the NSW Liberal-Nationals don’t offer much in the way of genuine reform.
Questions of reform feature heavily on pages 2 and 3.
From there, there are some clues as to what the candidates stand for.
Nationals candidate, Josh Booyens, appears to be on his own with many questions asked, but shares some commonality with ‘colourful’ wildcard Independent candidate, Kevin Loughrey.
Reform can range from making bureaucracy and
planning instruments work better, to putting an end to senseless native forest exploitation that is making koalas extinct.
It’s important to dig into what a candidate says and what they would vote for.
For example, if you vote for Nationals candidate Booyens because he says he supports decriminalisation of cannabis, you may be disappointed that when in office, he instead votes against such reform.
MPs who dutifully toe the party line, i.e. voting for what their party tells them to, are essential for mainstream parties to maintain their power.
But is maintaining power for its own sake what we need in 2023?
Voters should be mindful that Booyens’ party have, for the last 12 years, diminished the environmental credentials of this state to the point where deforestation is now on par with third world countries (and Qld).
Valuable assets – many historic – have been stripped and sold off. Is that good economic management?
And the grubby practice of pork barrelling – whereby electorates are favoured (with our tax money) – is a central theme of the NSW and federal Liberal-Nationals parties.
When politicians use our money against us to curry favour, integrity and trust suffers.
Decisions about fund allocations to electorates should be transparent and independent, but aren’t under the current government.
But gosh golly, Booyens is so young and energetic! Surely he wouldn’t be a party puppet for the vulture capitalist class?
Anyway. Over to Labor.
NSW Labor are doing swimmingly in the polls and could win, so it’s important that they don’t do anything silly like offer long and detailed policy.
Or make any sudden noises.
High school maths teacher, Andrew Broadley, is the local NSW Labor candidate. It’s his first foray into the dark world of politics.
As such, it would be expected that many of his written answers to questions (like the Nats’ Booyens) are lovingly curated by party advisors.
Lastly, Sustainable Australia Party (SAP) have put forward latecomer candidate, Peter Jenkins, who lives in Bellingen.
While there are merits to the platform of the party, it’s odd to spend time promoting a non local that has no profile and won’t even do a Zoom meeting (see page 10).
As for whether the current incumbent, Tamara Smith (Greens) will retain the seat, it’s over to you, dear voter.
Smith has been in opposition the entire time she has held office, having won twice.
The 2019 election saw Smith elected, with Labor preferences, despite a wellknown Nationals candidate promising us truckloads of pork.
But the electorate has changed much since then.
Or has it?
Worrying anti-immigration sentiment nestled among an otherwise reasonable sounding platform.
Antivaxxers and individual freedom advocates with an unfortunate habit of siding with the far right.
Advocating small government, low taxes and individual freedom – not particularly liberal or democratic but a name designed to catch the unwary voter.
Liberal Party*** Shit Free market rationalists and social conservatives. Have achieved little in the last decade other than selling off much of the state’s assets to their big biz mates. Well past their use by date as a government.
National Party*** Shit
Assorted coal monsters, koala haters, rednecks and other out-of-date political deadweight.
Small Business Party ShitMore free market rationalists by another name.
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Extremely shit For people who like to shoot things, FFS.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Extremely shit The poster child for bigots is still at it unfortunately...
Notesonpartynames: *Elizabeth Farrelly Independents were previously named ‘Keep Sydney Open’ in 2019, and then became the ‘Open Party’, and have changed again to support Elizabeth Farrelly’s campaign.
**Public Education Party was previously named the ‘Voluntary Euthanasia Party’ in 2019, then became the NSW branch of the Reason Party, and has now been re-named the Public Education Party.
***The Liberal Party and National Party share the same group.
14 The Byron Shire Echo Comment North Coast news online
Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay 02 6685 6445 NATUROPATHIC DISPENSARY Walk-ins Welcome 78
I, as one tiny person, am going to stand up and say, NO, it is not acceptable, ever, to evict people from their Feros retirement home. Particularly a group home that only exists due to land and labour donations by community members who saw the need. It was created to support our elderly community members.
Sarah Smith Mullumbimby
Thanks to The Echo for reporting (15 February) about
a development application (DA) in Myocum described by the architect as being for affordable housing, as the application is not required to be advertised under Council rules.
The article, which seemed to draw heavily on comments from the architect involved, reported the DA had been submitted by ‘local philanthropists’. In fact, the DA was not submitted by those individuals but by a superannuation fund – a structure better known for tax effectiveness than it is for philanthropy. If that’s not
enough to raise a question about the claim of affordable housing, perhaps the statement in the DA that the application does not include affordable housing is.
The article also included a claim that the land, opposite the golf course, does not flood; however, the DA says the land is below the 1-in100-year flood level. That is, the DA acknowledges the land is impacted by flooding. This concurs with my recollection from 12 months ago, when I recall the land being significantly impacted by flooding.
Everyone acknowledges that our region has a significant problem with housing availability and affordability but misrepresenting developments like this is not the way to fix it.
Paul Cholakos Montecollum
I enjoyed Michael McDonald’s article on LSD (8 March). I’d like to add the useful MDMA to the water of Putin and the paramilitary Wagner Group, either with or without their agreement. I wonder if a powdered form in their underpants would work?
Anonymous for safety, otherwise...
Margrette Young Rosebank
I am one of the regular contributors that David Heilpern references in his article (8 March) and I applaud his approach. The latest statistics I have read show that 61 per cent of households (and growing) have a pet and a significant number of those would be dogs.
The problem is not going to go away unless a concerted effort along
the lines David suggests is undertaken. Given he has written the article, I presume the legality and efficacy of taking a photograph of an offender, uploading to a Facebook page and the resultant identification. The serial offenders would soon appear consistently. The simple action of taking a photo of an offending owner would have the desired effect and there would be no
need to hold a conversation that can lead to abuse.
It is true that the majority of owners are very responsible and it is this group’s energy we need to harness. A critical mass of conforming owners is required to change the behaviour of the minority who reside in some form of personal ‘dog awe’ euphoria that is generally apparent only to them. They can be
Last The Byron Shire Echo 15
Thurs 16 Mar Dan Hannaford Fri 17 Mar Phil & Tilley 4pm-7pm Adam Hole Band 8pm-11pm Sat 18 Mar Matt Armitage 3.30pm-6.30pm Ragga
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EPIC 7pm-10pm
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Jason Delphin
22 Mar Felicity Lawless AND THE FAMOUS RAILS kitchen 86 JONSON ST, BYRON BAY | 6685 7662 | The Old Buttery Factory at historic Uki Village PARKING AVAILABLE AT SWEETNAM PARK Just a country drive away! Info/stallholders phone 0487 329 150 UkiButteryBazaarMarket
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and compassionate palliative care support, free of charge, to Byron Bay and beyond. If you’re interested in end-of-life issues as a carer or from general interest, register for our training: Last Aid, Caring for the Dying at Home. Mobile: 0468 483 857 Letters to the Editor Send to Letters Editor Aslan Shand, email:, fax: 6684 1719. Deadline:Noon, Friday. Letters longer than 200 words may be cut Letters already published in other papers will not be considered. Please include your full name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Letters ▶ Continued on page 17 LIQUIDATION SALE ALL STOCK MUST BE CLEARED ALL STOCK MUST GO! BYRON BAY 0%OFF* STOREWIDE BYRON BAY 148 Jonson St Byron Bay PH: 02 6685 8033 Trading Hours: Mon - Fri 7.30am - 5.30pm | Sat 8.00am - 2.00pm *
the 70s style markets Third
offering practical
Cartoon by Brendan Kelly
Who needs science or data on housing when money talks?
Professor Jeffrey Lewis
There were a number of disturbing presentations at the recent Independent Planning Commission’s (IPC) public hearing on Byron Council’s proposed regulation of short term rental accommodation (STRA).
As expected, there was an intractable gulf between the people who profit from STRA in the region, and those who are suffering its vicissitudes.
Perhaps the most disturbing presentation, however, came from a representative of the NSW Department of Planning. The representative was asked to explain how the department arrived at the 180-day STRA cap that has been imposed on several parts of the state. The representative conceded that the cap was largely ‘arbitrary’ and was not based on any research or ‘science’.
What does the research say?
On day two of the hearing, a spokesperson for STRA property owners and managers in Byron (ASTRA) also
defied the science, declaring that Council’s proposed cap reduction from 180, to 90, days would ‘not solve the Shire’s housing affordability crisis’.
As we have seen in their advertising blitz and lobbying, this claim has become ASTRA’s mantra in defence of the short-term rental industry.
So, in response to both of these presentations, we need to ask – is there any independent research into the effects of STRA and its regulation?
‘Large corporations and property owners have little genuine interest in the wellbeing and sustainability of communities. They are simply
In fact, a great deal of research has been conducted in those countries where STRA has had a significant impact on the economy and community life of highly visited cities and regions.
Central to these studies is the impact of STRA on housing access and affordability. Most of these studies have been conducted through universities, applying rigorous research methods and strict ethical processes. Research findings are always reviewed by external experts in the
field (peer review). When the research is published, it’s then available for further scrutiny and assessment by other researchers across the world.
Research not ‘opinions’
Findings are tested and verified against comparable research in the field. This is the ‘scientific method’.
So, to be absolutely clear, research findings are not opinions. They are verifiable contributions to our collective knowledge of any given issue. In making my own submission to the IPC, therefore, I reviewed those research papers that examine the relationship between STRA, and housing access and affordability.
The locations studied in the research include Amsterdam, London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Barcelona, New York, Barcelona, Los Angeles County, and Bordeaux.
The jurisdictions studied in the research introduced a range of more and less strict STRA regulations. Some, like Berlin, imposed prohibition of un-hosted STRA for four years from 2014. Under the ‘Airbnb ban’, a small number of 60-day STRA licencses were issued with extremely strict conditions and penalties. The vast majority of licence applicants were rejected. The impacts on Berlin’s housing crisis were striking. According to Bloomberg, ‘In 2016 alone, 2,500 apartments in Berlin were put back on the rental market following the ban.’
Within tourism literature, the different research teams examined the effectiveness of various kinds of regulation, including taxes, bed limits, registration and licensing, caps, precincts and various forms of prohibition, particularly for un-hosted STRA.
Taken together, the research shows quite clearly that: 1. There is a direct correlation between properties becoming un-hosted STRA and significant rises in house and rental prices.
STRA is considerably more lucrative than longer term rental. Moreover, online platforms like Airbnb have enabled a whole new system of promotion, booking and management. Tracking the rising property prices in New York, for example, one study found that before regulation every doubling of Airbnb
listings led to a 6–11 per cent increase in property prices.
2. When the Airbnb listings increased, so did property prices and rents. When strict regulations are introduced, the number of listings go down and properties are returned to the long-term rental and home buyer market. The evidence is clear— the stricter the STRA regulation, the fewer the STRA listings and the lower the home buyer and rental prices.
For example, when particular jurisdictions in Los Angeles County introduced strict STRA regulation, Airbnb listings declined by 50 per cent. In the 18 areas of LA County where Home Sharing Ordinances were introduced, the radically escalating house prices were arrested. Prices eventually stabilised and then declined in real terms.
Where such ordinances were not introduced, prices continued to rise significantly.
In other heavily visited locations around the world, un-hosted STRA have been effectively banned altogether. In New York, San Francisco, Santa Monica and parts of Tokyo the prohibition of un-hosted STRA in residential areas has kept house prices and rentals relatively stable.
3. The evidence also shows that lenient regulation, like a 180-day cap, has little or no effect on the negative social and economic impacts of unhosted STRA. A 180-day cap has sometimes been applied with strict licensing and tax measures that locate STRAs within the broader hotel accommodation industry. London, which has a 90-day cap, is regarded as a lenient regulatory jurisdiction.
Self-interest and
Australia has been very slow to understand and regulate STRA. Currently, though, there are discussions taking place in Queensland and Victoria, and The Greens are supporting tighter regulation. By world standards, Byron Shire’s ‘90-day cap and precincts’ are lenient.
With all this research readily available, it’s difficult to understand the lack of awareness in the NSW Department of Planning. It’s also difficult to understand how ASTRA can promulgate claims that are patently untrue.
The explanation is an unfortunate confluence of self-interest, avarice and in
some cases need.
Forbes estimates that Airbnb is worth around 31 billion USD. Privileged property owners have been attracted into an industry which is causing significant harm to communities, neighbourhoods and individuals. This point is also validated through innumerable international research papers.
Moreover, and like other deceptive industries – fossil fuels, tobacco, UV tanning – the major STRA players have lured workers and subcontractors away from other forms of employment. Now dependent on the industry, many of these ‘minnows’ rationalise their roles through alignment with propertied overlords and their propagated untruths.
Government pressure
The published research shows exactly how Airbnb and other platforms use this dependence to influence and pressure governments.
One particularly surreptitious strategy is to create ‘Airbnb clubs’. These clubs are supported, and in some cases funded, by Airbnb to lobby governments and generate commercial propaganda. As a guild of property owners, ‘HomeHost’, for example, offers direct advice to members on how to ‘work around’ the NSW 180-day STRA cap. That is, how to render an already lenient and ineffective cap even more useless.
As the Byron example shows, these large corporations and property owners have little genuine interest in the wellbeing and sustainability of communities. They are simply interested in their own profit.
Byron is clearly groaning under the weight of excessive tourism and development. For every resident in the Byron Shire there are around 64 visitors. Compare this with Berlin, the third-most-visited city in Europe, where the ratio is about four visitors to one resident.
Unlike Byron, Berlin has been able to use regulation to limit the harm caused by un-hosted STRA – and effectively return houses back into homes.
This isn’t an opinion. The research and facts are available for everyone to see. My submission, which will be available on the IPC website, shows exactly how the research has examined STRA and its regulation.
16 The Byron Shire Echo North Coast news online
19th march peking
9th april hermitude Articles
News / Letters
Legislating short-term holiday letting the way forward say Greens
Ballina MP, Tamara Smith, has committed to introducing legislation on short-term holiday letting (STHL) within the first 100 days of the next NSW parliament if she is re-elected.
The proposal for nonhosted STHL includes: development applications STHL to operate, a bed tax to fund local services, a requirement for STHL rentals to be used as emergency accommodation during natural disasters, giving local councils planning powers over how STHL operates in their area, and stopping the short-term letting of houses built after 1 January 2018 in an LGA until the vacancy rate hits three per cent. The policy is being
▶ Continued from page 15
identified when they call their dog and it pays them no heed whatsoever.
I suggest a concerted, coordinated education program be introduced, starting with: ‘No dog can be off leash at any time in any public area unless you can see a sign that indicates the contrary’. That, in effect, is the current law, and if this was universally understood and enforced it should reduce the need for most signage.
I would also like to see that when a dog is registered, a comprehensive online program must be completed by the owner explaining and agreeing to responsible ownership (This may exist?). A form of ‘dog’ licence if you like.
Finally, David is right about the need for a few to suffer maximum punishment. It will be the most effective deterrent in the short term and the convictions need to be well publicised. The latter, and education, were largely the reasons we were able to overcome the reticence to wearing seatbelts.
Stephen McIllhatton
Skennars Head
No dog problem
I just finished David Heilpern’s almost full-page opinion piece about dogs on beaches in the Byron Shire.
On a number of occasions I had to check that I wasn’t reading The Daily Telegraph and that the author wasn’t Miranda Divine. Talk about setting up a straw man issue!
I have lived in Byron for twenty-five years. The
launched this Wednesday at Lions Park in Lennox Head,
‘STHL has removed thousands of homes across the Northern Rivers from the rental market, leaving residents homeless, workers unable to afford accommodation, and people who have grown up here forced out of the region altogether. Something has to change,’ said Ms Smith.
Treat it as a business
‘STHL is a business and it’s time to treat it like a business. This policy would end STHLs dominance over communities across NSW. By giving regulatory powers to councils, each community can deal with the impacts of STHL in the way that best works for them.’
number of times I have encountered dogs on nondog beaches would barely reach double figures.
The idea that you would choose to write a whole column on this issue is bizarre. These are the big issues that the Dean of Law at SCU is consumed by?
That, after years as a magistrate, seeing such human misery, David feels most strongly about dogs on the beach?
And why is The Echo interested in publishing such rabid, conservative authoritarian bollocks? You lost me.
Peter Lawrence Byron Bay
Cate Faehrmann, NSW Greens MP, planning spokesperson and lead upper house candidate said, ‘If the gGovernment claims it will solve this housing crisis by building new houses then it needs to make sure those houses become homes and not holiday rentals. Freeing up new housing for rentals instead of STHL will help take some of the heat out of the rental crisis.
‘Short-term holiday letting makes big profits off the backs of communities while giving little in return. Giving councils the ability to set a bed tax on STHL will allow councils in high tourism areas like Byron Bay the ability to maintain their local services and invest in local housing.’
social engineering to make people frightened that their payments may not continue and to be grateful when they did. He also introduced the spurious concept of ‘mutual obligation’ which meant, in fact, that welfare recipients were required to do whatever they were ordered to do without question.
The percentage of welfare fraud has been calculated to be about 0.1 per cent of the total spent, but the Morrison government threw enormous amounts of money and resources at the scheme to ostensibly recover this tiny amount of money.
It is hard to resist the conclusion that it was just another government social engineering project.
David Gilet Byron Bay
Unhinged teenager
I think that the Morrison government may have regarded the disastrous Robodebt scheme as in some ways a success.
When John Howard gained his second term in office, I somehow knew he was going to crack down on welfare recipients, the unemployed in particular. The result was ‘breaching’ whereby people were denied payments for very minor infractions of the regulations. The scheme was promoted as revenue-related, but this was belied by the fact that 85 per cent of those struck off were reinstated and backpaid.
It was in fact a scheme of
If contributors to The Echo feel the need to use expletives to express themselves, I have a suggestion, expand your vocabulary, read quality non-woke publications and use a little common civility.
Contributors that crave a meaningful existence please don’t mention the unhinged angry little teenager from Sweden, how dare you! How dare you give her oxygen, it’s an instant turnoff. As for condoning schoolchildren attending climate protests, grow up.
First they need to learn how to read, write and understand before being indoctrinated into dangerous greenism.
G MacDonald Pimlico
▶ More letters on page 18 The Byron Shire Echo 17
P. 02 6681 9500 ballinarsl
7pm Show: 8pm Tickets: $50 18+ Event POWER HOUR THURSDAY 6 APRIL Dinner & Show $69 80’S Dress Up / Drag Shows / Games Music Trivia / Prizes - Doors 7pm - 18+ WEDNESDAY 19 APRIL Kids $10, Adults $10 - Doors: 1.30pm Show: 2pm
‘It was in fact a scheme of social engineering to make people frightened that their payments may not continue and to be grateful when they did.’
Op Shop
Iron Gates DA at Evans Head to go to court after conciliation fails
Aslan Shand
The Land and Environment Court (L&EC) conciliation meeting between Iron Gates developers at Evans Head and the Richmond Valley Council (RVC) that took place on Monday, 6 March ‘failed’ according to the Evans Head Residents for Sustainable Development Inc (EHRSD).
A L&EC directions hearing was scheduled for Sydney on Monday, 13 March, this has been moved to 27 March.
For those who have heard about the devastating cyclones and earthquakes that recently hit our neighbouring country of Vanuatu, and wish to help, there are a few possibilities.
The immediate emergency response is channelled through the Red Cross and World Vision. The recovery phase will be next. You may wish to consider donating to Field Ready, as I have: www. and info@
I have no affiliation with them, just noticed that they are highly effective in rebuilding the necessities, such as roof gutters to provide rainwater for drinking. Check them out.
Ephraim Sella Byron Bay
Save our wildlife
The public were excluded from several sections of the conciliation meeting on Monday, 6 March but they will be able to to listen online to the directions hearing.
‘I am not surprised the conciliation process has failed, because the case against the development application (DA) is so compelling,’ Dr Richard Gates, spokesperson for EHRSD, told The Echo
‘The two independent reports provided to the
The naked bicycle
Since the annual phenomenon of the naked cycle ride was inflicted on Byron Bay, I have wondered what its purpose was, other than as an opportunity for exhibitionism and as a diversion for bemused onlookers or passersby on a Byron Sunday.
I would ask this question of others; but nobody seemed able to give me a convincing answer. However, The Echo this week supplied me with one: that the ostensible purpose of this display is to focus concern on cyclists; that they be given appropriate consideration by drivers and be noticed.
Northern Regional Planning Panel (NRPP), which heard the case, left nothing to the imagination in their rejection. This was a “slam dunk No” backed up by other independent reports.’
Dr Gates asked RVC lawyers to seek costs against the developer should the developer lose. This is in the absence of requesting a surety upfront from the developer, as happened with Mr Ingles previously in the Queensland Supreme Court.
Another problem I have found is that when crossing the road, one cannot rely on the old children’s kerb drill. This is because so often some cyclists are bowling along on the wrong side of the road and one is lucky indeed not to be skittled, as they say.
Having grizzled the foregoing, of course, I do believe drivers should take notice of and show appropriate care with cyclists. Just as that consideration should be shown to the drivers. For example, not taking up inappropriate amounts of space, falling into a single file when it is necessary.
Withdraw the DA
‘The best now is for the Ingles group to withdraw its case, for council to rezone the land and for the land to be removed from future residential development ’ said Dr Gates.
‘Richmond Valley Council is in the process of completing its Growth Strategy and is ideally placed to do this given the community’s overwhelming view against residential development at the Iron Gates site.’
system. She would swim here as vanquished endangered Mitchell’s rainforest snails would tickle her tummy and local children played and laughter filled the air.
Now, the air resonated with the sounds of homeless human elders wailing community fear, in a minor key. The birds screeched ‘alienation rules’.
In the recent Romanian Championship, which was a powerful 84 player event, Irina Bulmaga (pictured) was challenging for the lead for much of the tournament before ultimately finishing fourth, the best result ever by a woman in a Romanian Championship. Since transferring from Moldova as a 15-year-old in 2009, Bulmaga has become an Olympic regular and Romania’s top female player since 2016.
However, at 29 she has nothing more to prove in the local women’s chess scene and so decided to try her luck in the open championship. The result was stunning, including being one of only two players to draw with eventual winner, ex-Ukrainian Kirill Shevchenko.
The Romanian Championship also featured an early nominee for game of the year, a brilliant win by Gergely Szabo, a co-winner of the 2012 Doeberl Cup.
Sebes 2023
White: G Szabo
Black: N Stepanencu
Opening: Caro-Kann Defence 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.h4 h5 5.Bd3 Bxd3
6.Qxd3 Qa5+ 7.Nd2 e6 8.Ngf3 Nh6 9.0-0 Nf5 10.c4 Be7 11.g3 0-0 12.b3 Rd8 13.Rd1 c5 14.dxc5!? ‘If my opponent had replied to 14.dxc5 with14...Nc6,’ said Szabo, ‘there’s quite some trouble for White, but I wanted to lure him into taking my queen.’ 14...Qxc5 15.Nf1
dxc4 15...Nc6 was still fine. 16.Qxd8+! Bxd8
17.Rxd8+ Kh7 18.Ne3! Qa5! 19.Ng5+ Kg6
20.Ng2! Nxg3?! Black’s first misstep. Taking the rook would allow 21.Nf4+ and 22.Nxf7, but after 20...Nh6! 21.Rf8 Nc6!! 22.Rxa8 Qc3!, Black could take over the initiative. 21.Nf4+ Kf5
22.Nxf7! Qc3! 23.Kg2! Ne4! 24.Rf8! Kg4?
Now Black’s king is hunted down. Only 24...
Nc6!! stays in the game, with White likely having nothing better than 25.Nh6++ Kxe5 26.Nf7+
Kf5! 27.Nf7+ and a draw. 25.Be3 Good enough, but 25.Nh6+! gxh6 26.Nd3!!! would have elevated the game into the ranks of the immortals. 25...Nxf2 26.Nd5! Qxa1 27.Nh6+
Kxh4 28.Bxf2+ Kg5 29.Be3+
I’ve just listened to Professor Vanclay from SCU Lismore on ABC north coast radio saying that the chances of having another fire event like we had in 2019–2020 are most unlikely. Wow, from what planet is he? Most scientists are saying that there will be more and more extreme events happening in the future. I’m scared of what he is teaching our students about the future at the university.
In the meantime, courageous protector, Valerie Thomson, is holding up the logging for a second day, of some of oldest, and biggest trees in Doubleduke State Forest, to raise awareness of what is happening to our public forests, and especially the wildlife depending on them.
We have to stop logging our native forests, especially after the huge impact the fires had on billions of animals. There will be no tourists coming here to see piles of wood chips, they want to see koalas, owls and gliders.
Chibo Mertineit Lillian Rock
I have always felt sympathetic to cyclists. My grandfather, suffering from PTSD (it was not called that then, of course) after WWI, was introduced to the Speedwell cycling club, as a way of coping, I suppose. He then took his two sons into the sport. My father had cycled his first one hundred miles through the English countryside by the age of eight. I too rode a bike; though not ambitiously.
But I will say that it is not just the cyclists who need to be noticed. I have found that the bicycle is increasingly a hazard when ridden, as it seems to be so often here, with careless abandon and lack of concern for pedestrians. They are often ridden as though in some circus act. No hands on the handlebars, or they are multi-tasking, for example, using some device as they go. Then they often use no indication that they are approaching a pedestrian from behind, often narrowly missing them. They speed along insouciantly on the pavement. Then there is the relatively new hazard of the electric bike, which can reach totally inappropriate speeds, and I believe should be regulated and have to use the roads. And wear safety helmets, when most seem not to do so.
I rather admire those who still do cycle in today’s conditions. When my grandfather lay dying in 1969, he told my father, ‘We’ve seen the best of it’. This being a reference to the countryside and road conditions of the 1920s and ’30s. I’m sure he was right.
David Morris Byron Bay
Homeless Elder, Wendy Water-Dragon had finally found a comfy home. She had lived in a pipe, near the back door of Mitre 10 hardware shop in Byron Bay. This was a safe escape for her after her wetland home in Butler Street, near the water tower, was destroyed by ‘progress driven’ humanoids – they required a new road. Wendy, and her extended family had fled during this assault and her family now lived all over the town. So she thought. Wendy’s natural welcoming tic had now become a nervous tic as she heard her home had been sold to very ‘big progress humanoids’. The air, once sweet, emanated a bitter acrid odour.
At the crack of dawn, homeless Wendy left her once-safe abode and quickly waddled into the small remnant of water near the water tower. This soothed her tic and loving memories of the past flooded her nervous
Cocking her head from side to side, Wendy heard human wailing coming from Feros Village. The screech of the birds terrified Wendy. In great haste she crossed the road at Simmos and met Walter, respected Elder Water-Dragon who lived in the NRMA… now sold to progress humanoids. Walter told Wendy their clan at the dive shop, which also had been sold to ‘progress humanoids’ were making their way to Belongil Fields. The whip birds responded to the environs at Belongil with a call that was perfect sad resonance… ‘home’… ‘less’ came the birdie response. And so it was. All folks at Belongil Fields had been given notice by progress humanoids to go. Wendy’s nose and tic responded to the acrid smell of trapped acid sulphate soils wafting from the West Byron development, which she felt had also appropriated the Belongil Fields.
At that moment, Wendy’s tic consoled her… her brain told her, her sense of danger was real. The Birds were silent and hovered above Wendy Water-Dragon. With great wisdom, gathering the interconnected energy of Mother Earth she turned her warrior eye to the sky and birds from all over Byron and migratory routes, respected this energy, this life force, this will to live and shrieked ‘attack’. Nature understood. Thus, the real story began. The greater Dragons overcame fear, and more is to come!
Jo Faith Newtown
18 The Byron Shire Echo North Coast news online
Kg6 30.Ne7+ Kh7 31.Nf7! Nc6 Too late. Now White repeats moves to reach the time control before winning. 32.Ng5+ Kh6 33.Nf7+ Kh7 34.Ng5+ Kh6 35.Nxe6+ Kh7 36.Ng5+ Kh6 37.Nf5+ Kg6 38.Nh4+ Kh6 39.Nf7+ Kh7 40.Ng5+ Kh6 41.Rxa8 g6 42.Rg8 Nxe5 43.Rxg6+ 1-0 CHESSbyIanRogers PlayersmeetatByronBayServicesClub,Sat2.30pmandMon5pm Choose an agent with over 20 years of experience – selling in all real estate markets. When the right advice counts A n te n n a Antenna o u t o f out of w h a c k ? whack? Probe our expert Probe our expert fixers and installers for a solution in a our Service our Directory on page 41 on page 41 • Ph 0447 927 600
Cnr Tweed St & Booyun St Brunswick Heads Next to IGA Supermarket Mon to Fri 10am–4pm Sat 9am–1pm ALL CLOTHES $2 News / Letters The Byron Shire Echo 19
More resources needed on the ground for Northern Rivers DV services
Aslan Shand
The domestic violence (DV) services in the Northern Rivers were already underfunded and stretched before the 2022 floods. Since then they have been inundated with people needing their help as the pressures from the floods, the previous fires and the covid pandemic took their toll.
‘There is always the spike that takes place after natural disasters like fires, floods, and earthquakes,’ Jacqui Watt, CEO of No to Violence told The Echo, following their ‘listening’ session in Lismore last week.
No to Violence (NTV) are a not-for-profit that works with men who use domestic
SUNDAY MAY 21 Articles
violence, supporting them to change their behaviour through counselling services like their Men’s Referral Service phone line. They also advocate for the wider ‘perpetrator intervention sector,’ which also runs behaviour change programs and other services.
Ahead of the 2023 NSW state elections they are on a ‘listening tour’ and they spent the day in Lismore meeting with three of the candidates running for the seat of Lismore, Janelle Saffin (Labor), Alexander Rubin (Nationals), and Adam Guise (Greens) to discuss preventing and responding to domestic violence locally.
‘The sector is chronically underfunded and under
siege, and someone described it like a “nuclear wave” since the floods,’ said Ms Watt.
DV increased across Northern Rivers
In the Lismore local government area (LGA), there were 222 domestic violence-related assault incidents in the 12 months to September 2022. This equals 508 assaults per 100,000 population, or one assault for every 197 people in Lismore according to the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. There were 265 domestic violence apprehended violence orders (AVOs) issued in the 12 months to September 2022. This is a six per cent increase from the number issued in 2019. In this period, there were also 152 breached domestic violence AVOs, which is a 20 per cent increase from 2019.
Similar statistics can be seen across the region with the Richmond Valley LGA having almost twice the state average of domestic violence-related assaults while Tenterfield LGA has more than twice the state average of DV AVOs issued.
‘The demand for womens and mens services has increased significantly,’ Ms Watt explained.
‘Housing was a significant issue across the region and has become even more critial in Lismore following the floods. It is a perfect storm. The sector was already under great strain and we need to get extra resources on the ground. There was a 20 per cent increase in DV reports the year up to September 2022, and that is the reported ones. So you have to assume there is a greater number as many go unreported.’
In the 12 months to September 2022 Tweed LGA has seen 413 domestic violence-related assaults, 380 domestic violence AVOs issued, and 314 breached domestic violence AVOs. The number of breached DV AVOs has increased by 61 per cent since 2018 (195 breached DV AVOs in the 12 months to September 2018).
Ballina LGA has seen the number of issued DV AVOs increase by 30 per cent since 2018 (144 issued DV AVOs in the 12 months to September 2018).
Clarence Valley LGA has seen issued DV AVOs increased by 29 per cent
Top: Alex Rubin (Nationals), Jacqui Watts CEO of No to Violence and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin (Labor) at the Lismore listening session last week.
since 2018 (In 2018 there were 257 issued DV AVOs). Breached DV AVOs have increased by 77 per cent since 2018 (in 2018 there were 69 breached DV AVOs).
In the Richmond Valley LGA and Byron and Kyogle LGAs the numbers of DV related issues have also increased.
Men’s behaviour change
‘We have made the case over a number of years to NSW government about getting more resources on the ground,’ said Ms Watt.
‘At the Lismore meeting the importance of early intervention, reaching and educating men and boys in high schools and primary schools about healthy relationships, was highlighted as key. There were mentions from service providers who have worked in the sector for long enough to see mothers and then their daughters come into the refuges. This kind of generational harm is devastating.
‘Men’s behaviour change programs in the area have long wait lists and not enough staff to keep up with demand. There is nowhere near enough staff for the number of clients coming through across the sector. Whenever a man is ready to get support there should be support for him. Otherwise he might miss the opportunity.
‘At Lismore Women’s and Children’s Refuge they will often have only two staff members, but six women
and 15 kids to care for at one time.’
Police training
There are estimates that up to 60 per cent of police work relates to DV, yet the police have only one week’s training in the area and there is little follow-up training for those on the front line.
‘There needs to be considerable focus on training and re-training for police, the judiciary and other groups working with DV,’ says Ms Watt.
‘On the one hand we can’t expect the police to resolve all of this, but we do need them to do the best they can.’
Coercive control legislation will be coming into effect in 2024 and Ms Watt says that extensive training and support is needed,
particularly for police and the judiciary.
‘Investment needs to go into preparing anyone who will have anything to do with the coercive control laws because you can’t implement a law you don’t understand.’
Scotland is seen as the ‘gold standard’ when it comes to coercive control laws and ‘what they stand out for is they worked extremely closely with the women’s organisations and refuges. That is what we need to achieve in NSW and that is what we do,’ explained Ms Watt.
Family and domestic violence support
1800 Respect, national helpline: 1800 737 732
Women’s Crisis Line: 1800 811 811
Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491
Lifeline (24 hour crisis line): 131 114
Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277
NSW Domestic Violence Line: 1800 656 463
Qld DV Connect Womensline: 1800 811 811
Vic Safe Steps crisis response line: 1800 015 188
ACT 24/7 Crisis Line: (02) 6280 0900
Tas Family Violence Counselling and Support Service: 1800 608 122
SA Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1800 800 098
WA Women’s Domestic Violence 24h Helpline: 1800 007 339
NT Domestic violence helpline: 1800 737 732
20 The Byron Shire Echo North Coast news online Paddle fun and challenges down the Bruns River A fundraiser for Brunswick Marine Rescue, Surf Life Saving Club & Visitor Centre early bird registration Brunswick Heads Surf Life Saving Club, Marine Rescue and Brunswick Heads Visitor Centre MULLUM2BRUNS PADDLE Early bird entries now open Principal Sponsors Gold Sponsors
No to Violence provide a men’s referral service, seven days a week, call: 1300 766 491. ‘Men, or anyone who is concerned with a man’s use of violence, can call at any time,’ said Ms Watt. in sponsoring? Contact Belinda on
Right: The round table discussed the issues facing domestic violence services in the Northern Rivers. Photos supplied
What the ph’c is going on? The ecological crisis and the steady-state solution
Jason van Tol
Every science student learns in school about matter and energy: that there are three states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas), and two forms of energy (kinetic and potential).
An astute physicist will point out that there are more states of matter (true), but that is not relevant here. What is relevant for our earthly concerns at this time, is that from the perspective of modern science, matter and energy are the foundation of everything that exists.
Everything? Yep, even you and your thoughts. In western philosophy this idea is called ‘materialism’, not to be confused with mass consumerism – another meaning associated with ‘materialism’. While controversial, the materialist worldview – that everything is composed of matter and energy –leads to some important principles relevant to the ecological crisis now underway.
First, humans have been increasing, and continue to increase, their use of both matter and energy for many centuries. The rate of increase accelerated greatly following World War II, and at present globally, humans use about 100 billion tonnes of matter and about 600 exajoules (6 followed by 20 zeros) of energy every year.
From the materialist conception of the world this has drastic ecological consequences since all that matter and energy for human use is unavailable for any other species. These increases in matter and energy are directly related to the commonplace policy of economic growth: the economy is a real thing, so the growth in production of real goods and services requires growth in matter and energy, which come from the environment. This materialist
understanding of economic growth and its ecological consequences is shown in figure 1. Notice that as the economy grows it expands into the surrounding ecosystems, degrading their functionality. With this materialist understanding of the world in view, the ecological crisis becomes wholly intelligible; put simply, there are too many people using too many resources. Virtually every ecological problem that raises concerns today: biodiversity loss, climate
change, the hole in the ozone layer, overextension of the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, plastics and other pollutant build-ups in the environment, and all the rest, are the result of our dedication to economic growth and its associated increases in matter and energy.
Solution straightforward
Next, with a materialist understanding of the world the solution to the ecological crisis is straightforward: we need to limit the amount of matter and energy that we use to a sustainable level. This situation, known as the steady-state economy, has been promoted by ecological economists for decades, and is depicted in figure 2.
This situation provides the important distinction between growth and development: whereas growth is a quantitative increase in matter and energy use, development is qualitative changes in material output, with the amount of matter and energy use held steady. Such qualitative changes can include changes in technology, fashion, and income and wealth distribution, and are represented in the diagram by different colours of material output. With this important terminological and conceptual difference in mind, there is no development going on
in Byron Shire, only growth, which is inherently unsustainable in/on a finite shire, state, Earth, solar system, etc. Think of a human body analogy: a baby grows by accreting more matter and consuming more energy, but a grown adult can continue to develop throughout their life through experience and education without any growth at all.
In a biophysical sense the steady-state economy is the solution to our ecological crisis, which will continue to worsen until the matter and energy used by humans is brought down to and held at a sustainable level. Straightforward though this is, achieving a steadystate economy will not occur easily; economic growth, capital accumulation and the associated concentration of political and economic power are core features of the capitalist world-system.
Still, one must hold out hope and do what is possible for its achievement. In the last federal election the only party that gave policy support for the steady-state economy was the TNL party (formerly registered as The New Liberals, an Australian political party formed in 2019 and founded by Victor Kline).
Perhaps linking facts about matter and energy to our ecological crisis in school would help realise a steady-state economy.
12.45pm Perfecting water. Making drinking-water safe, pumping, DIY irrigation.
1.30pm Out-door products. All of the best mowers, brush-cutters and accessories, pressure washers, chippers, and more. The Byron Shire Echo 21
101-103 DALLEY STREET, MULLUMBIMBY 02 6684 2022 enquiries: Chics with Chainsa ws A PRODUCT INFORMATION DAY FOR WOMEN GUEST PRESENTERS 10.00am Welcome 10.15am STIHL all the latest, try them yourself; learn to use chainsaws etc., and Gravely electric ride-ons.
with Hustler
HOSTED BY Ellen Briggs
11.30am Making mowing fun
12.15–12.45pm LUNCH (provided)
Figure 1: Economic growth – increases in matter and energy and decreases in ecosystems / natural environments.
Figure 2: Steady-state economy – allowing for the preservation of the ecosystem. Source: Author’s own, adapted from Daly (2015).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Eateries Guide Good Taste
Open for takeaway daily, 12 midday until dinner.
Open for takeaway daily, 12 midday until dinner.
Menu and more details
‘Make a meal of it’ Add chips and a drink, just $5.
All your favourites, every lunch and dinner. Experienced Thai chefs cooking fresh, delicious Thai food for you. BYO only.
Welcome for lunch, dinner and takeaway. Menus available on Facebook.
The Rocks Brunch
6.30am–2pm, every day
16 Lawson St, Byron Bay 6685 7663 Menus at @therocksbyronbay
Byron Bay
Native Indigenous Restaurant Cnr of Bay Lane & Fletcher St, Byron Bay 5614 8656
Barrio Eatery & Bar
1 Porter Street, North Byron Mon–Tues: 7am–3pm Wed–Sat: 7am–10pm @barriobyronbay 0411 323 165
Byron Bay
American style burger restaurant & sports bar
Upstairs at Mercato on Byron, Jonson Street.
North Byron Hotel
61 Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay Ph 6685 6500
Kitchen open Sun-Thu 11.30am8.30pm / Fri & Sat 11.30am-9.30pm
Bar open daily 11.30am-late
Bottleshop open daily 10am-8pm
No Bones Vegan Kitchen & Bar. 11 Fletcher Street 0481 148 007
Open 7 nights from 5pm
Loft Byron Bay
4 Jonson Street, Byron Bay 6680 9183
Book online:
The Italian Byron Bay
21, 108 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Open Monday to Saturday 5.30pm to late 5633 1216
Legend Pizza
Serving Byron Bay for 30 years. Open 7 days. Delivery from Suffolk to Ewingsdale. 2/3 Marvell Street, Byron Bay 6685 5700
The Rocks
We have a range of freshly sourced dishes, Reverence coffee, and hand-made juices and smoothies at locals prices. Fully licensed, all-day brunch and happy hour from 11am. Check out our new dishes on Instagram!
Food with history, story & connection DINNER, THURSDAY–MONDAY
Early sitting from 5pm | Second sitting from 7.30pm Bookings highly recommended, via our website | @karkallabyronbay For exclusive events & catering please contact us via our website.
Barrio brings together the local community in a relaxed environment for all-day dining. The wood-fired oven and open-flame grill is the heart of the restaurant. Keep an eye on socials for daily specials. Now open for Sunday lunch from 11.30am–3pm
American & local sports played live Family Offer Buy 1 kids meal, get 1 free. $8 after 8 $8 drinks from 8pm Thur–Sun.
Live music Fri–Sun.
Open 11am to 9pm daily – dine-in or takeaway.
Step away from the centre of town and into a shimmering oasis away from crowds.
A tucked away treasure, the North Byron Hotel is a thriving mecca of good food, great music, laughter and the ‘chilled Byron Bay vibes’.
Eat Drink Discover
Local DJ – Friday & Saturday nights, from 6pm $12 Margarita / Lychee Martini
$8 Tap Beers / $7 Natural Wines Book online via website
Signature cocktails, and casual dining with ocean views.
Happy Hour | Daily from 4–6pm $6 Loft beer or wine, $10 Aperol Spritz, $14 Margarita & $2.50 fresh oysters Espresso Martini Nights | Every day 9pm – close 2 for $25 Classic Espresso Martini. Open weekdays from 4pm and weekends from noon.
Locally-owned Pulp Burger has revealed their longawaited permanent home, at SAE Creative Media Institute’s Byron Bay campus. Owned by long-term industry innovators, Garry Cowland and Kerri Sharp, the burger joint has cultivated a community of burger addicts, called Pulpies, who have loyally
The Italian Byron Bay provides a bustling, atmospheric restaurant, dishing up contemporary inspired Italian cuisine and some of Byron’s finest cocktails and wines.
Byron’s Freshest Pizza
Order online and join our loyalty program.
Catering for up to 100 people lunch and dinner. BYO
Locally owned and operated.
Bangalow Bread Co.
12 Byron St, Bangalow 6am–3pm weekdays. 7am–2pm weekends. 6687 1209
Mullumbimby 62 Stuart St, Mullumbimby 6684 3778
Open 7 days from 9am–8pm Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
The Empire 20 Burringbar St, Mullum 6684 2306
Open for brunch and lunch
FB/Insta: EmpireMullum Online orders:
18–22 Old Pacific Highway Newrybar NSW 2479 02 6687 2644 @harvestnewrybar
No Bones, Little vegan kitchen and bar 84 Rajah Rd, Ocean Shores OPEN TUES–SUN from midday until 8pm 0422 355 928
Cakes by Liz Jackson
inundated their pop-ups at farmers’ markets and food festivals around the Northern Rivers for almost two years.
Kerri says, ‘It just feels like the perfect address for Pulp Burger. The Pulp Burger themes of innovation and gritty authenticity certainly blend with SAE’s creative community, and
Stone baked sourdough, hand rolled pastries, small batch pies, house made cakes. Your local artisan bakery, specialising in all things sourdough. Serving Old Quarter coffee along with freshly made sandwiches using our own sourdough bread, hand rolled pastries, award winning pies and a variety of house made cakes.
Coffee, malawach rolls, pita pockets, falafel, traditional Yemenite spices and all your favourites, always freshly made. Drop in for an authentic atmosphere. Dine-in or takeaway.
Something for all tastes, from epic burgers to vegan delights. Enjoy delectable treats and good vibes at this Mullum icon. Order and pay online! Scan the QR view menu and order online. Takeaway is available on the whole menu. Phone orders also welcome.
COFFEE CART 7 days | 6.30am–3.00pm RESTAURANT Lunch | Wed–Sun | 12–2.30pm Dinner | Fri & Sat | 5.30–8.30pm DELI 7 days | 7.30am–3.30pm
$5 TACO TUESDAY every tuesday from midday til 8pm HAPPY HOUR 5–6PM
$12 COCKTAILS / $7 WINE / $6 BEER Order online via our website
P: 0414 895 441
we’re looking forward to sharing our passion with the Byron community.’
Pulp Burger uses local beef, pork, chicken, seafood and produce, including vegan and vegetarian options.
Kerri says, ‘We pride ourselves on using local produce where we can. Our burgers are handmade
daily, using meat that we grind ourselves. We’re really passionate about using quality ingredients from Northern Rivers artisan producers who take pride in what they grow, resulting in a bloody great burger’.
Pulp Burger is open Monday to Friday at the SAE campus. Find out more at
22 The Byron Shire Echo
BYRON BAY continued
12–2.30pm. Dinner Mon–Sat
Closed Sunday 3/31 Lawson St, pages/Success-ThaiFood/237359826303469
Open Lunch Wed–Fri
Byron Bay
Main Street
@mainstreet_burgerbar 18
Menu, more details –
Jonson Street 6680 8832
code for menu.
Pulp Burger co-founder Garry Cowland Pulp Burger co-founder Garry Cowland
Good Life
Leading women of the farming sector
In recognition of International Women’s Day last week, the Byron Farmers Market are shining the light on some of our local women farmers who are carving out a niche in a traditionally male-dominated industry.
Belinda Fortune, farmer and president of Byron Farmers Market, says that while women still have a long way to go in the agricultural industry, things are changing, particularly on the local scene.
‘Women haven’t had a great history in farming,’ Belinda says. ‘We were only legally recognised as farmers in 1994, but it has definitely changed since then and is something that’s ever-evolving.‘
‘There’s a growing number of women getting involved in small-scale farming, which is great to see. On our farm alone, most of the employees are women.’
Today, women make up 32 per cent of Australia’s agricultural workforce, and
the number is increasing.
Belinda believes the detailoriented work of small-scale farming appeals to women: ‘I think it’s something women enjoy and are good at – the attention to detail. The male roles tend to lean more towards driving the tractor and using the farm machinery, all the ‘toys’. Not that we don’t like the toys as well, but we enjoy getting our hands in the soil and the finer detail’.
‘Also, the nurturing side of women naturally lends itself to farming. We enjoy watching things grow, and feeding people, and it offers
Jungle Juice
a really strong connection to community.’
Belinda says the Northern Rivers region is unique in terms of opportunities for young women wanting to enter farming.
‘We are lucky in this area to have places like Conscious Ground and The Farm offering access to, and education about, farming, where women – and men – who are interested can have a go and see what it’s all about and get a start in agriculture.’
And at Byron Farmers Market alone, the female farming presence is strong
with both the president and vice president roles being held by women, as well as half the founding members, bucking the national trend.
‘Women are definitely starting to balance out the agriculture sector,’ Belinda says. ‘We have something great to offer the industry and I think the female presence will continue to grow.’
Byron Farmers Market is held every Thursday 7–11am at Butler Street Reserve and Bangalow Farmers Market is every Saturday morning 7–11am behind the Bangalow Pub.
I honestly feel healthier just reading the list of smoothie and fruit juice ingredients!
Broccoli and silverbeet, celery and beetroot. Berries and kale, turmeric and honey. Mint and berries and cucumber: the list goes on… but wait, there’s
more, there’s chia seeds and spirulina and acai powder too! Soy milk if you spurn regular!
Jungle Juice has been part of the farmers’ markets since 2010, and in the hands of Guido Annoni and Natalia Quintana for the past two. Both are Argentinian and have hospitality
backgrounds but when they relocated here from Sydney they ‘wanted something more’, Guido tells me. To their luck they found this business for sale – ‘a perfect match’ – and at the farm in Mooball they lease from the original owners they pick the glorious, often exotic fruit that goes into the delectable smoothies and juices they sell. ‘It’s so meaningful to be able to provide people with produce so beneficial to their health’, Guido says. Their Immunity Boost Juice, for example, featuring turmeric, apple, honey, lemon and black pepper, sounds like the ideal way to fortify oneself for the coming winter.
The ‘star’ fruit according to Guido, are dragonfruit and black sapote. The former, unmistakeable with its vibrant leather-look skin
(hence its name) comes from a species of cactus. Inside it has a texture like kiwifruit – including its tiny black crunchy seeds – brilliantly coloured flesh, and is rich in antioxidants. Black sapote, often referred to as chocolate pudding fruit owing to its gorgeous rich taste, the colour is a type of persimmon and is loaded with vitamins, fibre and potassium. ‘Both fruits are loved by our customers’, Guido says. ‘We sell both fruits fresh and incorporate them into our smoothies.’ The couple hope to expand into making smoothie bowls, but for now they have their hands full keeping the community healthy! The Byron Shire Echo 23
BEST BOUTIQUE BOTTLESHOP BYRON @northbyronhotel thenorthbyronhotel We have everything you'd need BYRON BAY PORK & MEATS BUTCHERY Come in and see our friendly staff for a choice of local, grassfed, organic and free-range meats. All organic, antibiotic and hormone free. 70 Dalley St, Mullumbimby | 6684 2137 Mon–Fri 6am to 5pm / Sat 6am to midday 130 Jonson St, Byron | 6685 6261 Mon-Fri 6am to 5pm / Sat 6am to 1pm NOW OPEN IN BYRON BAY 5AM – 11AM EVERY DAY 49 BURRINGBAR STREET, MULLUMBIMBY
Victoria Cosford
Jungle Juice is at Mullumbimby Farmers Market every Friday from 7–11am.
Just some of the female farmers from Byron Farmers Market: (from left to right) Georgia Powell, Michelle Clarke, Debra Allard, Belinda Fortune and Brianna Atkin.
Ready to rumble: Jungle Juice’s Natalia Quintana and Guido Annoni.
acupuncture, massage and natural therapies.
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short course will teach you how to ride the heat and anxiety waves, release body and mind.
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disease and has special interests in mental health, sexual health and addiction
health professionals, including doctors, naturopath, nurses, osteopaths, pilates instructors, audiologist, psychotherapist and psychologists, NCMC doctors
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24 Shirley St, Byron Bay
24 The Byron Shire Echo
purpose and a supportive space.
A great example of community is the one Surf Getaways have created for female surfers. Their female founders created a community for beginners where one previously didn’t exist, and they now have a thriving following.
community platform, which allows women around the world to connect, participate in events and access exclusive content to support their journey, no matter their age, location or background.
So if you’re looking to be part of a community of like-minded, adventurous women, sign up today (from only $49), or grab a VIP membership and receive $775 in discount vouchers.
Byron Remedy Room is a herbal wellness dispensary located at The Health uses a combination of naturopathic therapies, dietary and lifestyle interventions while also working alongside mainstream medical approaches. Their dispensary naturopaths can support you in this way with complementary acute consultations, and provide guidance on the best high quality herbal and drop in for a visit at 78 Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay or call 02 6685 6445 for remote
Byron Remedy Room!
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honoured to work with people’s faces and witness profound transformations.’
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Coastal Dental Care Byron Bay is your local family-friendly practice. Their team is excited to introduce Dr. Claire Parsons, a highly skilled and experienced dentist dedicated to providing the highest level of care to the community.
for patients of all ages, including extractions, root canal treatments, endodontics, crowns, bridges, and Sedation Dentistry. Their team has the experience and expertise to ensure you receive the best possible care. They’re a preferred partner with key health funds and the Child Dental local patients to access the care they need.
Trust Coastal Dental Care Byron Bay for all your dental needs. They look forward to welcoming you and your family to their practice.
02 6685 7026
Suite 9/9 Fletcher Street, Byron Bay The Byron Shire Echo 25
Cryptic Clues
1. Turn angry like coppers at Paul’s intended destination (8)
5. Dog-paddled with a rider in the bogs (6)
9. A vehicle in a tardy menu (1,2,5)
10. Crash over, look at winter race (6)
12. Science incomprehensible to most – perhaps try human quote! (7,6)
15. Relaxed to plant a seed (5)
16. A falsehood – retract. For instance, British member of the upper house is a master demanding fealty and obedience (5,4)
17. English county, ‘The Rose of the Shires’ – and not territory with hard workers! (9)
19. Example of method with a beginner (5)
20. Angry theatre assistants for 1 down (5,8)
22. Pictures of Irish wizards (6)
23. Small and gentle – I have a plunge without equipment (4,4)
25. Hate to end the trial (6)
26. Remain of a piece of pasture for Dame Peggy (8)
1. Green squad assembled for Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (4,6)
2. Put target up for Farrow (3)
3. Partisan worker in a winter vehicle (7)
4. Unseen limits discerned for inopportune state (12)
6. You and I left firm – I object to greeting! (7)
7. Dog an example, said Spooner, meaning pamper (11)
8. Quarter note? In fact it’s half (4)
11. More than two work stoppages? Out! (5,6)
13. Remove Garfunkel – the painting is not realistic (8,3)
14. This time, cheer – the smell is a teenager! (10)
18. Sex workers make things secure (7)
19. Mother and offspring in command – could be oddfellows! (7)
21. Gentle type (4)
24. Consent to one and the same (1,2)
With five planets in fluid Pisces watering Venus in earthy Taurus, what you fertilise with your attention this week has no way to go but to grow...
The kind of girl who can’t say ‘No’
I’m just a girl who can’t say ‘No’. It’s been my default setting for as long as I can remember.
Quick Clues
1. Syrian capital (8)
5. Overwhelms (6)
9. Bill of fare (1,2,5)
10. Downhill ski event (6)
12. Science of the behaviour of atomic particles (7,6)
15. Alleviated (5)
16. Feudal superior or sovereign (5,4)
17. Abbreviation for Northamptonshire (9)
19. Replica (5)
20. Wears clothes of the opposite sex (5,8)
22. Likenesses (6)
23. Snorkel (4,4)
25. Loathe (6)
26. Brisbane Lions player Marcus … (8)
1. Men who perform in female clothing (4,6)
2. Not known for certain to be dead (1,1,1)
3. Askew (7)
4. Unseasonableness (12)
6. Appreciated (7)
7. Cosset; indulge (11)
8. Large truck (4)
11. In baseball the maximum number of legal attempts (5,6)
13. Non-representational painting (8,3)
14. Youthful (10)
18. Position in front row of the scrum (7)
19. Type of lodge for white apron wearers! (7)
21. Affectionate (4)
24. Marriage vow! (1,2)
It’s probably why, when I’m offered a drink, I’ll have six instead of one. Or if I’m offered a piece of chocolate I’ll want the whole block. I’m not a moderate person. I don’t understand moderate people and how they think. How do they so easily set limits for themselves?
I tell myself that moderate people live in beige houses and live beige lives. I don’t do beige. But do they – really? Maybe moderate people are just people like me who had to learn another way?
Recently I performed for eight fundraisers in 12 days. Even for me that’s a lot. By the way, none of that is tax deductible. It’s tricky donating services, the government still wants its GST. It’s easier to give money. Sadly I have more services to offer than I do cash – so I offer myself. I like that I can do it. I love to help communities and causes that I align with. It’s a core part of my purpose. I’ve never been driven by money. Making lots of money just seems like a silly and shallow goal unless it’s to pay a bill, or school fees, or car repairs, or to fund a campaign to smash the patriarchy.
I have Viking blood. I’m strong. I can work 16-hour days every day for a few months. And then I can’t. Then I hit a wall. Sometimes I accidentally break myself in the process and I have to re-evaluate how much I say ‘Yes’. But generally, after a rest I feel a bit better and go at it again.
Growing up as the daughter of a single working mother with strong
ARIES: With the astrological year’s final days in your sector of endings and letting go, remember clearing space for new beginnings isn’t only about material downsizing and decluttering. You also need to free your energy field by releasing pent-up emotions. Then next week tadah! Aries time is here...
TAURUS: Venus is sauntering toward your own comfort-loving sign, and one of her favorite homestays. She’s the original material girl with material world concerns: money, love, nice possessions and, yes, another helping please. But she’s not so much a fan of this week’s digressions and disruptions, which require you to stay flexible.
GEMINI: Having Mars in your sign can make you impatient with slowcoaches, procrastinators and waffling. And inclined towards arguing, which could provoke a storm-out-of-the-room moment this week. The importance of shared values is front and centre right now, along with the flexibility to agree to disagree without falling out.
community values I was role-modeled hard work. I was also shown the meaning of engagement and the gentle art of saying ‘Yes’. It’s actually central to who I am. The other day someone said the thing many people say to me when I hit the wall: ‘You have to start saying “No”.’ It makes me feel defensive. Straight away I say ‘But who will say “Yes?” if the people who can’t say “No”, start saying “No”, then who will say “Yes”?’ Community organisations and volunteerism is built on the backs of the people who don’t say ‘No’. Selfcare is something they raise money for – for other people, not for themselves. Whenever I turn up at a function, I marvel at those people; the ones who put out the chairs; who turn up with the barbecue and cook the sausages; who sit on the street taking signatures; who you see at the end of the night, sweeping the floor. These are the people who, like me, can’t say ‘No’. Some of them haven’t said ‘No’ since 1973. They turn up, every time. And maybe, like me they are wearing out too. I notice for the most part they are old. Most of them are older than me. They are going to need backup – soon. I realise this is an issue. There must be a compromise. Earlier this year I ended up in the covid ward, but I didn’t
CANCER: There’s a whole lot of flow to go with this week, though not all the smooth sailing kind. Amongst the rough and choppy, the sweet and serene, Venus weighs in with some welcome comfort and consistency, plus the impulse to spoil the ones you love, and yourself as well; why not?
LEO: Caution: this week is littered with emotional landmines, so best not send that inflammatory text, post that knee jerk reaction or snap back if someone’s opinion triggers you. Instead, try taking a breath, tuning into your creative muse who’s so there for you, and crafting the ideal response that benefits everyone.
VIRGO: With the cosmic spotlight on Virgo relationships, this week brings you closer to deciding whether you’re all in or out. You might see the situation in a new light – or perhaps an old light, as in a revival of what it was that initially excited you about this connection.
LIBRA: If Venus in Aries with her red dress on caused recent flareups, don’t feel guilty for taking time out to think things through. Or just to chill. And lean into Venus sashaying this week into luxury-loving, pamper-yourself mode, posing the rhetorical question; how much of a good thing is too much?
SCORPIO: Been honouring your need for the Scorpionic RDA of regenerative solitude, privacy and personal space? If so, excellent – because this week’s planetary emphasis is in your sexy, flirty, playtime sector of extrovert fun, creativity and glamour, which advises; for best results, dress up, step up and look up.
SAGITTARIUS: Your planetary ruler Jupiter, currently in Aries, is an auspicious cycle for saying ‘Yes’ to offers that feel right, opportunities that energise and inspire you. The test question being ‘Does it excite you?’. A healing insight on something that’s been a puzzle for some time could make decisions easier.
have covid, I had vertigo. Recently I ended up at the osteopath who said, ‘Congratulations – you’ve won. You have the tensest head, neck and shoulders I’ve ever treated. Except for the woman who couldn’t move her head.’ I am very competitive, so for a minute I thought ‘Wow! What do I win?’ and then I realised, ‘Oooh, it’ not the gold medal anyone should wear…’. A previous partner once called me Martyr 10, which I found insulting because I knew it was accurate. Oh dear. Me and the stiff-neck lady have serious issues. I hope she’s okay. Maybe she was like me, someone who couldn’t say ‘No’ and she put her neck out with the constant nodding, then one day she woke up and it didn’t move. Shit. That could be me. I wonder if she’s learnt to say ‘No’? If I can’t say ‘No’ then my body will make me.
This soapbox is for all the other people who can’t say ‘No’. It’s a call out to the other people who never say ‘Yes’. If you bastards could start saying ‘Yes’ more often then those of us who never say ‘No’ might be able to have a break. So, me and the other people who can’t say ‘No’ are organising a fundraising morning tea so we can sit down for a bit. Can you come? No? I didn’t think so.
CAPRICORN: If citizens workshopping every thought process aloud, and in detail, drives you a bit nuts this week, best not express those homicidal feelings. Make a graceful exit from circular debates that diminish the will to live. Resist the impulse to make promises you’ll regret having to keep. Stay calm, stay cool, stay sane, stay happy.
AQUARIUS: This week’s celestial focus on your money zone, along with the odd austerity measure, recommends putting thought and research into what will deliver a decent return on your future investments of time and energy. There’s nothing that can’t be learned if you put your mind to it, Waterpourers.
PISCES: In honor of recently departed local trivia master, Richard Moloney, the word of the week is ‘fluffle’: the Canadian collective noun for wild rabbits. Albert Einstein, who was a Pisces Rabbit, had arguably the wisest advice for current conditions: ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’.
26 The Byron Shire Echo
Mungo MacCallum’s Crossword #482
A previous partner once called me Martyr 10, which I found insulting because I knew it was accurate.
Issue #37.40
March 15–21, 2023
Editor: Eve Jeffery
Copy deadline: 5pm each Friday
P: 02 6684 1777
It’s 1968 and the Vietnam War is raging while the Age of Aquarius is dawning.
Following the huge success of Rent, Chicago and Little Shop of Horrors, Bangalow Theatre Company is set to consolidate its reputation as the region’s premier community-centric live theatre production company with their performance of Hair the ‘American Tribal Love-Rock Musical’.
Hair follows a young group of hippies fighting the establishment, dodging the drafts, getting high, living and loving in New York City.
Hair centres around Claude, his best mate Berger, roommate Sheila, and their tribe of friends as they struggle to balance the demands of a harsh world with their dream for a more peaceful planet.
A sensation when it premiered, Hair has brought the counterculture movement into theatres all around the world for almost 60 years. The issues of alienation, civil disobedience and youthful defiance are timeless.
The Bangalow Theatre Company production of Hair features a strong local cast of 16 actors in the capable hands of award-winning actor and director, Kate Foster, who directed Calamity Jane and Little Shop of Horrors and was assistant director of Rent. Foster says Byron’s wait for this quintessential hippie musical is finally over! ‘Bangalow Theatre Company’s Hair beautifully and authentically captures the energy, passion, struggles and possibilities of the era. The immensely talented and dedicated local cast deliver this show with fun, conviction and huge heart.’
In a departure from its usual home in Bangalow, this production will be staged at Byron Theatre from Thursday 23 March to 1 April to give audiences a more up close and personal theatre experience.
PLEASE NOTE: This show contains nudity, smoke and strobe lighting. Tickets on sale now for Byron Theatre:
Fresh off the back of sold out Adelaide Fringe shows, Wil Anderson returns to the Picture House with his hilarious show Whatchu Talkin’ ‘Bout Wil?
An all new show of the best stand-up, improvised comedy you’ll see in the Shire – it’s 80 mins of comedy gold! Every show is completely different, made up on the spot with the help of the audience.
With over a quarter of a century in the game, host of Gruen, Question Everything, and popular comedy podcast Wilosophy, Wil Anderson is a true master of stand-up comedy. You won’t want to miss this one-off remarkable performance.
If you don’t already know who he is and need the encouragement: Wil is a Helpmann Award winner; and a six-time Melbourne International Comedy Festival People’s Choice Award winner; Winner – Best of The Fest, Sydney Comedy Festival 2022; Described as ‘Lightning in a bottle’, and given four-and-a-half stars by The Sydney Morning Herald; Time Out called him ‘a master at finding humanity in the strangest things’, and gave him four stars; The Adelaide Advertiser reckons he’s ‘Unmatched and relentlessly fun to witness’, and also gave him four stars. We think they’re being a bit stingy with their stars.
Wil Anderson – Watchu Talkin’ ‘Bout Wil?
Tonight – Wednesday 15 March, 7pm.
One night only – get your tickets now: The Byron Shire Echo 27
Equinox Wiggle – Autumn Tribe Connect is a 6x6; a six hour, six DJ adventure with local legends Corqi, Moe Aloha, Nick Taylor, Pob & Halo + LilxBit from New York. This will be an epic production with Void sound system, next level ‘moving head’ light show, lasers and projection mapping c/o Crystal Grid and Spectacle Art. Feel free to dress fancy, get your face painted by Orchid Angels, try some Discopig smoking teapot mocktails and enjoy Yummify food and drinks. Check out Rady J Blackcrab’s live art, hang by the fire, catch up and of course wiggle it –as much as you need – with friends.
The Equinox Wiggle is happening on Saturday at Durrumbul Hall from 6pm until midnight. Limited tickets $45 + bf from
Fresh from their premier Australian performance at the Port Fairy Folk Festival, the Subhira Quintet is coming to Byron Bay. One of the most innovative ensembles in world music, with 25 years’ experience and 19 albums, the Subhira Quintet has played in world music festivals throughout South America, Canada, the USA, and Europe, and are now on their first ever Australian tour.
The Subhira Quintet blends progressive and contemporary world music, jazz, and folk, combining the musical and ethnic roots of their native Chile and other countries with classical music, jazz, and the rich traditional dancing music of South America.
The soul of the band is Rodrigo Cepeda who graduated with a Composition Degree from the Modern School of Music and a Master of Arts in Composition from the Conservatory of Music, University of Chile, Santiago. Alongside Rodrigo on piano, and other eclectic indigenous instruments, the quintet includes: Francisco Martinez on cello; Fernanda Jachi Prieto on violin; Ema Morales on flute; and Rebeka Martinez on drums.
The visual component plays an important role in the work of this quartet, and their concerts are often accompanied by stunning footage about the lives of different South American ethnicities.
Calling all young musicians! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra in Lismore this July. Hosted by the esteemed Northern Rivers Conservatorium, this orchestra brings together talented young musicians from all over the region for a three-day intensive program of rehearsals, workshops, and performances.
Led by inspiring guest conductors from associated regional conservatoriums, you’ll have the chance to work with some of the best music educators in the country and learn from their wealth of experience. As a member of the Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra, you’ll have the opportunity to hone your skills, collaborate with other talented musicians, and perform at the Whitebrook Theatre in a public grand finale concert. You’ll also make new friends and be part of a supportive and inspiring community of young musicians who share your passion for music.
Subhira Quintet plays the Byron Theatre on Saturday at 8.30pm. Tickets from:
NRYO partcipants can expect to learn a wide range of music from the high energy to the sublime, sourced from the movies, iconic bands and the great symphonies, and featuring many well-known composers, both contemporary and historical. ‘Speaking as someone who has done it every year since 2012, it is such an incredibly fun, rewarding and moving experience… alumni from NRYO have gone on to be world-class soloists and ensemble performers,’ says Tilly Jones, local performer/composer and Northern Rivers Conservatorium librarian. The Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra is split into a number of ensembles, including string and brass ensembles, symphonic wind band, quartet, and the full combined orchestra.
The cost for senior orchestra participants is $190, and for junior participants it is $170. An early bird discount of $15 applies until 18 May. So why wait? Apply now for the Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra and join them for an unforgettable three days of music-making and learning. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this amazing experience!
Enrol through:
28 The Byron Shire Echo Hiromi Hotel: Rainbow 11 March — 15 April 2023 Lismore Regional Gallery — pop-up space 46 Magellan Street, Lismore Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm Thursdays until 6pm Hiromi Tango, Heartbeat 2021, Brisbane City Botanic Gardens, Botanica Contemporary Art Outside. Photo: Joe Ruckli. See our website for information about community engagement or drop into the gallery on Thursdays, during the exhibition 23 March - 1 April BYRON THEATRE Tickets -
A Tiny Musical by Janet Swain
Gang of Youths were formed in Sydney, Australia, in 2011 and within months of their first gig, they’d started to attract a rabid fanbase enraptured by their expansive, widescreen take on indierock, the sort of music that manages to feel universal and personal at the same time.
On Friday 7 April, the Gang take to the Bluesfest stage – Seven caught up with drummer, Donnie Borzestowski, in Newcastle (he is away from the band’s UK base to catch up with his family). Does it feel weird being an Australian living overseas? And how often do you get to be at home in Australia?
Yeah, it is strange. It kind of has that [weirdness] I guess in both places. I was considering homes, and coming home to my original home, but I don’t live here anymore. So it does feel a bit strange, to be honest. But it’s always nice to be “home”, back in my true home.
I get back here three times a year if I’m lucky and I usually try and extend those patches – I’ll add an extra week either side to try and make the most of it. This is your first Bluesfest – are you excited?
Yeah this is the first time I’ve ever done it. It’s obviously one of the biggest, if not the biggest festival in Australia.
What are the pros and cons of playing festivals and playing your own shows?
There’s definitely pros and cons to both, but they’re just completely different experiences. Festivals are amazing because of the atmosphere that whole day or couple of days. Everyone’s just there to experience music and you probably get a whole bunch of people that may have never heard you or seen you before and that’s an opportunity for you play to them and try to, I guess, impress them.
Festivals can also be really difficult because you kind of have such a quick turnaround – your setups are really quick, and you can get on stage and feel that a little bit I guess. It can be a little bit shaky because things can not work properly, because that just the way it is. Especially for a drummer there’s a whole lot of stuff to set up. It can be challenging, but, festivals are also a little bit more like, ‘let’s just get on there and have a great time’. They’re both great experiences for sure. Yeah.
Are you currently writing or in the process of recording something new?
We are just about to start that process. We’ve kind of had a couple of little ideas floating about. I wouldn’t say there’s anything close to being released, but just starting. It takes us a little bit of time to get going.
Are you here until Easter?
No, I think we’re actually going to go back to the UK. Yeah, I know, right? Crazy, but we’re back and forth.
Hiromi Hotel: Rainbow by acclaimed Japanese Australian artist Hiromi Tango is a sensory art installation that takes inspiration from the rainbow, drawing on the colours and symbology of this natural wonder. The rainbow is a recurring theme in Tango’s work, however it has particular significance for Lismore. Lismore is in the ‘Rainbow Region’ of Northern NSW and its ever-changing weather means residents enjoy the regular privilege of seeing these beautiful arches of colour. The significance of the rainbow to Lismore is so pertinent that the Auslan symbol for ‘Lismore’ is the sign ‘rainbow’, expressed through an upward arching motion of the hand. Importantly, the rainbow is also a symbol for the LGBTIQA+ community, themselves a key part of Lismore’s cultural fabric.
People viewing Hiromi Hotel: Rainbow can experience it as they would any exhibition, or they can get actively involved. This gentle opportunity for engagement, and Tango’s artistic processes that encourage movement and uncomplicated human interaction, have known therapeutic benefits.
Activities are led by artist facilitators every Thursday. Artist facilitator Sigrid Macdonald will lead activities in Auslan for the Deaf community. Please check the gallery website for details.
Hiromi Hotel: Rainbow, Hiromi Tango
11 March–15 April, 2023
Lismore Regional Gallery pop-up space 46 Magellan Street, Lismore The Byron Shire Echo 29 Sat 18 & Sun 19 March BANNER PARK BRUNSWICK HEADS 10AM ~ 4 PM Free! Two jam-packed days of creative play, art-making & amazingshows! Proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Create NSW and Byron Shire Council Roundabout Theatre @ roundaboutheatre S
Photo: Rebecca Rushbrook
For program info & to register: Facebook Sidestep Kids Festival event page
Roundabout Theatre presents
When Janet began working on her first solo show four years ago, little did she know where it was going to take her. From sold out shows at Brunswick Picture House and the Drill Hall Mullumbimby in 2021, the show has continued to change and grow. ‘Working with dramaturge, Chrissy Olsen, and local choreographer, Delia Silvan, has been a demanding and rewarding process. We received a small grant from Create NSW that enabled us to rehearse together in an attempt to find the true heart of this story,’ says Janet Swain
Janet then organised a ‘Garage Tour’ of the show – which allowed the show to develop in front of boutique audiences in garages, living rooms, on verandahs, and even in a boat shed on an island. The show toured to a theatre in Gosford, and then Janet went on to perform 12 shows at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. She has returned to the Northern Rivers on the crest of great reviews and responses – like these…
‘Highly recommended! Warm, funny, utterly charming.’ –
Libby O’Donovan AOM
‘This is Janet Swain’s first solo show… and what a triumph it is. This is what a Fringe show should be, through and through.’ – Arna Eyers.
Janet is excited to bring her 50 minute tiny musical back to the Byron Theatre on Saturday 18 March at 6pm. Tickets are on sale now at: theatre-events/delphi-goes-bassooning
Sidestep Kids Festival is a wonderful, free festival for kids and families on this weekend at Banner Park in Brunswick Heads. The Echo jumped around with festival director Valley Lipcer to find out more…
What is your vision for Sidestep Kids Festival?
My vision is to transform Banner Park into a wildly colourful creative playground for a weekend, where kids feel totally empowered and inspired to lead their adults in fun making.
A welcoming, inclusive and free space for our community to meet new friends and play in art.
What do you think makes a good performance for kids?
I think good performance for kids should be intelligent and aim to inspire and empower kids as well as entertain them. Kids tend to take on and adopt bits from performances that they’ve been excited or moved by – they’ll talk about it, sing the songs, role play and replay bits in all kinds of creative and unexpected ways. That’s probably a fair test of how good the performance is – how long and well it can inspire kids’ imaginations after the live experience.
What are some of the acts and activities you are really excited about at Sidestep?
All of them!! The high quality music for kids – Curly Cousins, Bunny Racket and the debut of The Gumboots. The Pitts Family Circus and The Spaghetti Circus Troupe will be great and Joel Salom’s solo show with Eric the dog plus his session with Brunswick Primary School kids telling jokes will definitely be hilarious.
Then there’s the wonderous storytelling of Jenni CargillStrong and Tiff Bollhorn and dance workshops with Mitch King and dance vibemeister Jade. So much! I think I’m
mostly excited by what the kids will bring, what riotous magic and fun they will make happen as they engage with the all the spaces we’re setting up: Paper Caper, Cubby Land, Weave World, the Games Space and the Parlour.
Tell us a little bit more about Roundabout Theatre’s ‘The Game’?
The Game is one of Roundabout Theatre’s most recent interactive shows. It’s a giant colourful boardgame set up on the grass played by four teams chosen from the festival crowd on the day. It’s kind of a cross between ‘Snakes and Ladders’ and ‘Trouble’ with some absurd road safety themes. The Game is hosted by the infamous Roundabout Theatre characters The Lollipop Ladies and their new friends – The Grand Umpa, The Coach Captain and the kids from Brunswick Public school as side coaches. The objective of the game is to save the world (of course) one witches hat, wonky worksite and dance-off at a time. Given the public are the main players and are all un-rehearsed, the game will be a different show every playing – a live, slightly chaotic work-in-progress with clown hosts (who barely know the rules). Sounds very similar to my actual life now that I think about it!
Who has more fun at Sidestep – the kids or the adults?
There is no limit to fun and it’s quite contagious. Fun expands exponentially – the more you have, the more there is. Who has more fun? Well, the competition is on! Sidestep Kids Festival was made possible with funding from the NSW Government Reconnecting Regional Communities Grant and is supported by Byron Shire Council.
Sidestep Kids Festival | FREE entry | Sat 18–Sun 19 March | 10am–4pm | Banner Park, Brunswick Heads | Sidestep Kids Festival.
Facebook Event page
Subscribe to BayFM and you could win one-day tix for you and two mates to this year’s Bluesfest.
Catch Elvis, Jackson, Paolo, Tash or Bonnie, plus Doobies, Gang of Youths and dozens more - everyone’s coming!
For your chance to win, take out a BayFM subscription or renew your current one by midnight 29 March 2023. Your subscription supports your 100% independent,
Winner will be drawn on The Sandpit Radio show, 4–6pm 30/3/23.
30 The Byron Shire Echo DEPRESSION COMEDY MUSIC THEATRE SHOW COMING TO MULLUMBIMBY! Saturday 18 March 2023 at 7:30pm, Includes a post-show Q&A with Dave & local mental health guests. Drill Hall Theatre, 4 Jubilee Ave, Mullumbimby NSW 2482 Tix $30/$25 - ONESHOWONLY!
Buddy Guy at Bluesfest.
Image: Anthony Moulay, AVimages
Photo: Rebecca Rushbrook
With depression and suicide statistics at an all-time high of more than nine deaths per day in Australia, along comes a new music theatre show that is full of honesty, joy and heart. Promoting mental health through laughter, song and storytelling the show features the versatile acting skills of Dave Houston, who weaves multiple characters, elements of clowning and stand-up comedy, live songs and vulnerable storytelling connected to depression, loss, recovery and love. The show comprises original songs, over a range of genres, including rock, psyche-folk, punk, hip-hop and a sweet lullaby, and gives a sideways wink to the world of theatre and, unlike the Dr Suess poem, ‘Too Many Daves’, this show has just the right amount of Daves!
‘Part slapstick, part stand-up, part brutal honesty about living with depression, with cracking original songs. A moving and relatable piece of theatre about mental health.’ Dr Anna
Lowendahl – Royal Children’s Hospital.
‘You’ll struggle to find a more engaging theatrical solo performer at the Edinburgh Fringe than Dave Houston.’ – Edinburgh Evening News.
The show is touring theatre venues and high schools nationally in 2023.
Dave Houston, himself with lived experience of mental health challenges, has been acting and writing songs since he was 17.
He took his first solo show to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, has made six studio albums and created 22 theatre works for venues and festivals, performing around the world. He is the Artistic Director of Full-On Theatre.
One show only!
Saturday 18 March 2023, 7.30pm. Includes a post-show Q&A. Drill Hall Theatre, 4 Jubilee Ave, Mullumbimby. Tix $30/$25.
MIDDLE PUB, MULLUMBIMBY, 8PM KRAPEOKEEE WITH JESS The Byron Shire Echo 31 Admission prices: Adults:$15 Stud/Conc:$13 Senior:$12 Child:$11 Tel: (02) 6686 9600 Wednesday All tickets $11 3D Surcharge $3
Thursday Mar 16th to Wednesday Mar 22nd MARCHTHU16THFRI17THSAT18THSUN19THMON20THTUE21THWED22ND 65 M 93 MIN 11:55 AM 6:15 PM 11:55 AM 6:15 PM 11:55 AM 6:15 PM 11:55 AM 6:15 PM 11:55 AM 6:15 PM 11:55 AM 6:15 PM 11:55 AM 6:15 PM COCAINEBEAR MA15+ 95 MIN 2:25 PM2:25 PM2:25 PM2:25 PM2:25 PM2:25 PM2:25 PM CREEDIII M 116 MIN 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM 10:20 AM 4:10 PM 8:00 PM FISHERMAN’SFRIENDS2 PG 112 MIN 10:10 AM10:10 AM10:10 AM10:10 AM10:10 AM LIVING PG 102 MIN 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM 10:00 AM 1:40 PM 5:50 PM PUSSINBOOTS:THELASTWISH PG 102 MIN 10:10 AM10:10 AM SCREAMVI MA 15+ 122 MIN 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM 12:10 PM 3:35 PM 7:45 PM SHAZAM!FURYOFTHEGODS M 131 MIN 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM 12:25 PM 2:45 PM 5:05 PM 7:25 PM Session Times Thurs 16 Mar – Wed 22 Mar 108 Jonson St, Byron Bay • Book Online at Mercato Complex 3hrs FREE parking Validation for all Palace Cinemas customers SPECIAL SCREENINGS OF AN AGE (MA15) - PREVIEWS Fri -Sun: 1:45pm FAMILY FILMS Session times subject to change - check web for most up to date sessions. *NFT = No Free Tickets ANT-MAN & THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA (M) Daily: 11:00am, 6:00pm EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE (MA15+) TAR (M) Daily excl Thu: 4:00pm Thu: 12:00pm, 4:00pm TO LESLIE (M) CREED III (M) PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH (PG) Daily: 11:00am CHAMPIONS (M) Daily excl Fri/Wed: 1:10pm, 6:00pm Fri/Wed: 1:10pm BROKER (M) Movie Club Preview Wed: 6:30pm ALL FILMS 65 (M) Thu, Fri, Mon, Wed: 11:00am, 1:30pm Sat, Sun, Tue: 1:30pm COCAINE BEAR (MA15+) LIVING (PG) Daily: 1:15pm MEET ME IN THE BATHROOM (MA15+) (NFT) Thu, Mon, Tue: 2pm, 8:30pm Fri-Sun: 8:30pm Wed: 2:00pm Daily: 11:00am, 7:15pm SCREAM VI (MA15+) Daily excl Fri/Wed: 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 8:30pm Fri/Wed: 1:30pm, 3:30pm JOHN WICK 4 (MA15+) Craft Beer Preview Wed: 6:30pm JOHN WICK 1-3 MARATHON (MA15+) Fri: 6:00pm AFTERSUN (M) Daily excl. Wed: 4pm, 6:15pm Wed: 4:00pm Daily excl Thu: 11:30, 3:30pm Thu: 1:00pm, 3:30pm EMPIRE OF LIGHT (MA15+) Daily: 3:30pm, 6:00pm Daily: 11:15am, 1:30pm, 3:45pm, 6pm, 8:20pm PEARL (MA15+) (NFT) Daily excl Thu: 2:15, 8:30pm Thu: 3:40pm, 8:35pm SHAZAM! 2 (M) (NFT) Daily: 1:45pm, 4:30pm, 7:15pm, 8:15pm Daily excl Thu: 11:15am Thu: 11:15am, 3:15pm
It’s free to list your gigs in the gig guide. w:
Selling your property – the right advice counts
By Gary Brazenor of Byron Shire Real Estate
Despite continuing interest rate rises, with the latest hike on Tuesday 7 March bringing the current rate to an 11-year high of 3.6 per cent, the real estate market is stabilising, for now. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve seen an uptick in enquiries, inspections and sales, with sellers adjusting their expectations and buyers becoming more decisive – with some interstate buyers re-emerging.
A seller is in their strongest negotiating position when their property debuts. Hot buyers are ready to inspect and make offers. Properties with an enticing price will maximise views, inspections and offers, therefore it’s prudent, when selecting an agent, not to choose on the promise of a big price. Instead ask about their experience, their
process, the results they’ve achieved in your location and dissect comparable sales.
Online platforms have levelled the playing field for agents, using a big brand no longer provides any advantage. If the agent is experienced, is knowledgeable on local prices and offers a strategic process and marketing campaign, then they will reach all potential buyers. Trust your gut and choose an agent you gel with, who you believe is giving you honest advice, is a strong negotiator and will protect your interests.
In my 23-year career, 2021 has been the strongest market I’ve operated in and since transitioning to a less competitive market I’ve looked for innovative strategies to
help my clients move. An online timed auction is a new option working well for sellers as it sets a timeline with a closing date that creates urgency. And, in this tighter lending environment sellers can secure a cash offer with an unconditional contract under auction conditions, mitigating risk. For buyers the whole experience is transparent and less intimidating than a live auction. Bidding in the
comfort of their own home, with more time to consider their offer, is enticing; together with the knowledge they are dealing with a genuine seller wanting to sell at fair market value.
Pricing properties in this slower market is challenging and an auction is a great process to establish market value. Online auctions generate offers and price indication feedback in a short timeframe. An unarguable opening bid maximises enquiries and inspections, whilst setting a reserve price helps sellers remain in control. If not sold under the hammer sellers have a better
understanding of demand and can set their asking price accordingly.
The impact of further interest rate rises is difficult to predict however it seems we’ve bottomed for now. Whatever the market holds in 2023 the Byron Shire will continue to remain attractive in the long term owing to its energy, eclectic people, beautiful beaches, celebrity residents, position on the world stage and cosmopolitan feel in a country coastal location.
If you are thinking of buying then trying to pick the bottom or top of any market is fraught, and generally we don’t know the market has turned until we are looking in the rear mirror. If you have found the right long-term home then now is the time to act decisively.
32 The Byron Shire Echo Property Insider 0411 757 425 4 2 2 560m2 5 GEORGE STREET, BANGALOW A sublime residence in a prime, central location OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY 16 MARCH 12.30 - 1PM SATURDAY 18 MARCH 10 - 10.30AM AUCTION SATURDAY 18 MARCH 10.30AMON SITE 0411 757 425 4 3 2 1.01ha 168 JOHNSTON ROAD, CLUNES An impressive periodhome with spectacular views OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY 15 MARCH 1 - 1.30PM SATURDAY 18 MARCH 12.45 - 1.15PM AUCTION SATURDAY 1 APRIL 10.30AM ON SITE
A seller is in their strongest negotiating position when their property debuts. Hot buyers are ready
David Gordon: 0418 856 222 /
Kirsteen Slessor: 0498 003 655 /
3/15 Fletcher Street, Byron Bay NSW 2481 02 6685 6222
‘I am beyond grateful to be named the #1 Agent in Byron Bay! This award is a testament to the incredibly hard-working team behind me.
A massive thank you to my clients who have trusted me to get them the very best result with their biggest asset.’
If you are looking at selling or buying, give Damien a call today! The Byron Shire Echo 33
No one leases more commercial property in Byron Bay than the Ray White Commercial Team
Damien Smith
Damien Smith Agent of the year
Byron Bay
A Family Paradise
14 Daniel Roberts Drive + Spacious single-level home with multiple living rooms, a study and the option of a separate accommodation flat + Just over five fertile acres of grazing land with a large arena, four stables and a tack room for your beloved horses + A creek runs through the spring-fed dam, creating the lower border. Multiple irrigation points are installed throughout + Relax & unwind in the pebblecrete pool with a large umbrella, spa zone & slide. Town water and tanks - never go dry! + There is a sizeable eight-bay shed with power. Only 30 mins to the Ballina beaches and 10 mins to shopping centres
$1.38 million - $1.51 million
34 The Byron Shire Echo Property North Coast news online 0467 000 222 BYRON BAY | BALLINA | LISMORE
- Anita & Max Robinson
3 12 3.09ha
Gail Beohm Rachael Jenkins Katrina Beohm Chris Plim Sarah Gaggin Emily Hughes
5 The Byron Shire Echo 35
Luxury Designer Home Located in Prime Byron Position
•Located in a tightly held, quiet cul-de-sac is this superb modern designer home with high-end finishes, absolute privacy, and pure luxury
•Large, private courtyard with easy care cactus garden and limestone tiles
•Outdoors features an olympic size in-ground trampoline, Alpine Lucania 6 seater spa and a tranquil native bush backdrop
•Main bedroom features stacker doors opening to the beautiful back yard
26 Oakland Court, Byron Bay
Price Guide: $2.85m
Open: Saturday, 18th March 10–10.30am
Grand Home on Large Block with Separate Studio
•Main residence has retained many ornate features – high ceilings, timber floors, stained-glass windows, fireplaces and has multiple large living rooms
•A separate and private self-contained studio complete with kitchen, ensuite and private outdoor area
•The spacious yard is framed by established gardens and tall trees giving a great sense of privacy
6 Jubilee Avenue, Mullumbimby
Price Guide: $2.1m – $2.3m
Open: Saturday, 18th March 1.30–2pm
Hinterland Escape – Multiple Buildings – Pristine Horse Paddocks
•Contemporary inspired home elevated on 12 north-facing, easy-care acres
•15-metre infinity ozone magnesium lap pool with large deck area adjoining
• The kitchen is equipped with a stone benchtop, Miele appliances and breakfast bar
• An added bonus is the separate studio which offers endless opportunity
•Spring-fed dam with water all year round, plus additional water license
•Pristine quality land with plenty of water making it ideal for horses
132 Scarrabelottis Road, Nashua
Price Guide: $2.5m – $2.65m Open:
Spacious Elevated Home with Views to Lennox
3,394M 2
•This large country inspired home sits on a level block just under an acre with elevated north eastern views overlooking the lush Lennox Head hinterland
•Multiple living spaces that open to the verandas surrounded by stunning gardens
• An additional bonus is the private, one bedroom studio with kitchen and ensuite
•Outdoors is a 10m x 7m double height shed, ideal for caravan and boat storage
•Easy access to expressway north, twenty minutes to Byron Bay
44 Summerhill Crescent, Cumbalum
Price Guide: $1.75m – $1.925m Open:
36 The Byron Shire Echo
4 2 2 480M 2
Luke Elwin 0421 375 635 Su Reynolds 0428 888 660 5 2 4
1,379M 2
5 2
By appointment Helen Huntly-Barratt 0412 332 232
5 2 4
Saturday, 18th March 1–1.30pm Su Reynolds 0428 888 660 Luke Elwin 0421 375 635
Luke Elwin 0421 375 635 Su Reynolds 0428 888 660
2 3
• Award winning, luxury designed home with multiple living spaces
• Grand outdoor entertaining area equipped with an outdoor kitchen, alfresco dining area, and built in fire place and views of the sparkling pool
• The gourmet kitchen features a butler’s pantry, stone benchtops, quality appliances, an island, and plenty of storage
Stunning Queenslander Estate Moments from Byron’s CBD
• Set on 3/4 acre of exquisite grounds is this beautiful, character Queenslander home with a plethora of privacy, gardens and stunning swimming pool home
• The home features a spacious floorplan with extra high ceilings, solid hardwood timber floors, VJ walls and stained-glass windows throughout
• Council approval for a detached 2-bedroom self-contained studio
Price Guide: Contact Agent
Open: By appointment Helen Huntly-Barratt 0412 332 232
Open: Saturday, 18th March 10–10.30am
Relaxed Hinterland Lifestyle with Views and Pool
3 2 2 2.5HA
2 3 8.56HA
• Entertainment deck with sweeping rural views, outdoor speaker system, bath and luxurious 13x5m heated mineral pool
• Self-contained 1-bedroom studio with ensuite and kitchenette
• Additional rustic 90m2 barn with gorgeous, pitched ceilings and exposed wooden beams currently used as a creative space
• Crowning this offering are the walking tracks, soccer pitch, bike trails and extensive frontage to Wilsons River
358 Binna Burra Road, Binna Burra
• This ultra-private property offers a stylish main residence with high vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, a hand laid stone fireplace in main living area
• Set on 5 acres of open, park like grounds with established and easy-care gardens
• There is an enormous undercover and semi enclosed deck with a vaulted roofline and is easily accessed from several points of the home
• An additonal bonus is the secondary dwelling circa 1970 with potential to become a Dual Occupancy (STCA)
Price Guide: $2.75m – $3m
Open: By appointment Su Reynolds 0428 888 660 Sharon McInnes 0408 659 649 Denzil Lloyd 0481 864 049
Open: Saturday 18th March 11–11.30am Helen
Huntly-Barratt 0412 332 232
FLETCHER ST, BYRON BAY NSW 2481 The Byron Shire Echo 37
• Minutes to bustling Byron centre and world famous surf breaks 3
3,420M 2
38 Avocado Crescent, Ewingsdale
Su Reynolds 0428 888 660 SALES@BYRONBAYFN.COM
6685 8466
Spacious, Modern Home with Vast Outdoor Living and Pool
• Established, manicured, tropical gardens across the large corner block provide shade, privacy, and a lush green outlook from every window
1,905M 2
2 Oakwood Drive, Ballina
Price Guide: Contact Agent
41 Federal Drive, Eureka
Picturesque Hinterland Sanctuary with Additional Dwellings
Price Guide: Contact Agent
Brunswick Heads
7/11 Booyun, Brunswick Heads
27 Warrambool Road, Ocean Shores
Elevated, East Facing Apartment
What a fabulous location to live or invest! This spacious two-bedroom apartment boasts a sunny East facing aspect capturing natural light throughout the interior. The second floor setting provides views and encompasses sea breezes. Features include: Spacious layout with North aspect, prime location only 200m to village, second floor setting provides breeze, balcony with tranquil outlook, covered parking and storage area, filled with streams of natural light and spacious bedrooms.
View: Saturday 9am–9:30am
Contact: Dave Bosselman / 0431 100 097
Flynn Bosselman / 0417 441 451
Mullumbimby 125 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby
Panoramic Views
Perched in one of Ocean Shores’ best locations, boasting sweeping panoramic views, this is an exceptional opportunity to secure an elevated family home. This must be seen in person to truly appreciate this beautiful residence, and the ocean views that accompany it.
View: Saturday 11am–11:30am
Contact: Dave Bosselman / 0431 100 097
Flynn Bosselman / 0417 441 451
Grand Country Estate "Milla Milla"
The tree-line driveway sets the scene for the exceptionally private and tranquil environment that is this gorgeous estate.
Milla Milla is situated on 34 glorious acres just a minute's drive from Mullumbimby.
The home's generous proportions and elegant interiors offer several living zones, a well appointed kitchen and four bedrooms and a study / 5th bedroom, all opening onto the established gardens. This property's extensive infrastructure includes improved pastures that will appeal to livestock owners, or provide an income stream as currently enjoyed by the current owners that frees them to enjoy the idyllic lifestyle.
Contact: Dave Bosselman 0431 100 097
38 The Byron Shire Echo
211 Brunswick Heads | 1/12 Park St, Brunswick Heads | 02 6685 1206
Milla Milla is a truly unique property offering the serenity of country living, whilst being only 13 minutes drive from the stunning beaches and all the amenities and lifestyle that the Byron Shire offers.
7A Tathra Glen, Ocean Shores. Sat 12–12.30pm
Century 21
• 433 Koonorigan Rd, Koonorigan. Sat 10am–10.45am
First National Byron
• 5/6–8 Browning St, Byron Bay. Tues 11–11.30am
• 41 Gordon St, Mullum. Fri 11–11.30am
• 891 Main Arm Rd, Main Arm. Fri 11–12.15pm
• 2/10 Corkwood Cres, Suffolk Park. Sat 9–9.30am
• 2/54 Argyle St, Mullum. Sat 9.30–10am
• 62 Riverview Ave, West Ballina. Sat 9.30–10am
• 65 Lilli Pilli Dr, Byron Bay. Sat 9.30–10am
• 7/19 Teak Rd, Federal. Sat 10–10.30am
• 38 Avocado Cres, Ewingsdale. Sat 10–10.30am
• 26 Oakland Crt, Byron Bay. Sat 10–10.30am
• 11 Dehnga Pl, Suffolk Park. Sat 10–10.30am
• 1 Napelle Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 10.30–11am
• 14 Brooklet Rd, Newrybar. Sat 10.30–11am
• 8/19 Marattia Pl, Suffolk Park. Sat 11–11.30am
• 41 Federal Dr, Eureka. Sat 11–11.30am
7 Ocean Ave, New Brighton. Sat 11.30–12pm
• 15 Newes Rd, Coorabell. Sat 11.30–12.15pm
• 41 Gordon St, Mullum. Sat 12–12.30pm
16 Omega Cctt, Bruns. Sat 12.30–1pm
• 891 Main Arm Rd, Main Arm. Sat 12.45–1.15pm
• 132 Scarrabelottis Rd, Nashua. Sat 1–1.30pm 6 Jubilee Ave, Mullum. Sat 1.30–2pm
Harcourts Northern Rivers
• 22 Karalauren Crt, Lennox Head. Sat 9–9.30am
• 10/2 Condon Dr, East Ballina. Sat 10–10.30am
• 9 Richmond St, Wardell. Sat 10–10.30am
• 9 Bellevue Ave, East Ballina. Sat 10–10.45am
• 1 Bath St, Wardell. Sat 10.45–11.15am
• 36 Surf Ave, Skennars Head. Sat 11–11.45am
• 7 Sweetlip Pl, Ballina. Sat 11–11.30am
• 2 Ironbark Rd, Ballina. Sat 11–11.30am
• 950 Pimlico Rd, Pimlico. Sat 11.30–12pm
• 24 Farrelly Ave, Cumbalum. Sat 12–12.30pm
• 20 Earls Crt, Goonellabah. Sat 12.30–1pm
59 Dolphin Dr, West Ballina. Sat 1–1.30pm
• 7 Crandon Crt, Goonellabah. Sat 1.15 –1.45pm
• 731 Teven Rd, Teven. Sat 1–1.30pm
• 7 Platypus Dr, Uralba. Sat 2.15–2.45pm
• 82 Tyumba Ave, Teven. Sat 2.30–3pm
• 2/14 Patricia Pde, Lennox Head. Sat 3.45–4.15pm Jet
• 25 Stokers Rd, Stokers Siding. Sat 9.30–10am 135 Bakers Rd, Dunbible. Sat 10.30–11am
• 34 Ewing St, Murwillumbah. Sat 11.30am–12pm
• 1 Tombonda Rd, Murwillumbah. Sat 12.30–1pm
LJ Hooker Bruns
• 3 Garden Ave, Mullum. Sat 11–11.30am
• 8 Gin Gin Cres, Ocean Shores. Sat 11–11.30am
• 2/85 Andrew Ave, Pottsville. Sat 11–11.30am
2 Bower St, Bruns. Sat 12–12.30pm Mana Real Estate
• 60 Reserve Creek Rd, Kielvale. Fri 4.30–5pm
• 4/2 Nunyar Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 9–9.30am
• 4/4 Halyard Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 9–9.30am
• 60 Reserve Creek Rd, Kielvale. Sat 9–9.30am
• 4 Coonawarra Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 10–10.30am 351 Zara Rd, Zara. Sat 10.30–12pm
• 24 Rangal Rd, Ocean Shores. Sat 10.30–11am
• 2 Rangal Rd, Ocean Shores. Sat 11.30am–12pm
• 1/8 Yengarie Way, Ocean Shores. Sat 11–11.30am McGrath Byron Bay
• 3/37 Childe St, Byron Bay. Wed 4.30–5pm
• 43 Beech Dr, Suffolk Park. Thurs 4–4.30 pm 1/11 Korau Pl, Suffolk Park. Thurs 1–1.30pm
• 3/37 Childe St, Byron Bay. Sat 10–10.30am
• 51 Pine Ave, Mullum. Sat 9.45–10.15am
• 13 Brushbox Dr, Mullum Creek. Sat 10.45–11.1543 Beech Dr, Suffolk Park. Sat 12.15–12.45pm Ray White Byron Bay
• 86 Brushbox Dr, Mullum Creek Thurs 11.30–12pm
• 448 Old Byron Bay Rd, Newrybar Fri 12pm–12.30pm
• 65 Currawong Way, Ewingsdale Sat 9–9.30am
• 222 Friday Hut Rd, Possum Creek Sat 10–10.30am
• 3/14 Sunrise Blvd, Byron Bay 10–10.30am
• 20 Cavvenbah St, Byron Bay Sat 10–10.30am
• 13 Argyle St, Mullum Sat 10.30am–11am
• 28 Springvale Rd, Eureka Sat 11–11.30am
• 86 Brushbox Dr, Mullum Creek Sat 11.30–12pm
• 68 Pine Mountain Rd, Possum Creek Sat 12–12.30pm
• 13/146 Old Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay. Sat 1–1.30pm
• 2/4 Hazelwood Cl, Suffolk Park Sat 1.15pm–1.45pm
Real Estate of Distinction
• 2 Giaour St, Byron Bay. Sat 11–11.30am
2 Kolora Way, Ocean Shores. Sat 12.30–1pm
• 35–37 Edwards Lane, Kynnumboon. Sat 3–3.30pm Ruth Russell Realty
• 11 Quail Way, Mullum Sat 11–11.45 am
• 54 Main Arm Rd, Mullum Sat 12.30–1 pm
• 44 Pine Ave, Mullum Sat 3.45–4.30 pm Tim Miller Real Estate
• 1 Flatley Dr, Clunes. Wed 12–12.30pm
• 1 Flatley Dr, Clunes. Sat 12–12.30pm 168 Johnston Rd, Clunes. Wed 1–1.30pm
• 168 Johnston Rd, Clunes. Sat 12.45–1.15pm
• 756 Cowlong Rd, Eltham. Wed 2–2.30pm 756 Cowlong Rd, Eltham. Sat 2.30–3pm
• 8 George St, Bangalow. Sat 9–9.30am
• 5 George St, Bangalow. Thu 12.30–1pm
• 5 George St, Bangalow. Sat 10–10.30am
• 1098 Bangalow Rd, Bexhill. 1.30–2pm
Mana Real Estate
2 Rangal Rd, Ocean Shores. 12 noon
Ray White Byron Bay
• 12 Hibiscus Pl, Mullumbimby. Friday 17 March 2pm
• 448 Old Byron Bay Road, Newrybar Fri, 31 March 2pm
• 68 Pine Mountain Rd, Possum Creek. Fri, 31 March 3pm
• 86 Brushbox Dr, Mullum Creek. Thurs , 6 April 11am
Tim Miller Real Estate
• 5 George Street, Bangalow. Sat 10.30am The Byron Shire Echo 39 Property Open For Inspection OFIs online: Business Directory PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property Management 02 6685 0177 Save yourself thousands, call the expert property management team. Investment Management Team LJ Hooker Brunswick Heads PROPERTY STYLING View over 50 homes at Email: 139 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South Phone: 07 5523 3431 Mobile: 0423 028 468 Mr Property Services The Palms Village - Tweed Heads South Call Kelvin 0423 028 468 $349,000 Banksia Waters – Tweed Heads West Call Kelvin 0423 028 468 $399,000 31 1 1+1 Call Kelvin 0423 028 468 $269,000 2s Tweed Billabong Park- Tweed Heads South Call Kelvin 0423 028 468 $189,000 2 2 1 1 2 1 Tweed Shores - Chinderah Byron Shire Real Estate • 7 Yackatoon Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 10–10.30am • 14 Warina Pl, Mullum. Sat 10–10.30am 4 Yemlot Crt, Bruns. Sat 11–11.30am • 56 Tweed St, Bruns. Sat 11–11.30am •
40 The Byron Shire Echo Property North Coast news online NP CONVEYANCING PHONE 6685 7436 FOR A QUOTE NPC BUYING and SELLING REAL ESTATE? We are here to help PERSONALISED APPOINTMENTS IN BYRON BAY NOW NOW OPERATING OUT OF CENTRAL OFFICE IN POTTSVILLE Lic No 06000098 Suite 2, 5 Lismore Road, Bangalow NSW 2479 | P: 02 6687 1167 | Our services are: • Conveyancing NSW and QLD – competitive fixed prices! • Complex Property Matters • Sale & Purchase of Business • Retirement Village Contracts • Leasing • Options P: 02 6687 0548 | F: 02 6678 0352 | Suite 2/5 Lismore Rd, Bangalow NSW 2479 | FINANCE CONVEYANCING Business Directory WE ARE HERE TO SELL INDUSTRY LEADERS IN HIGH END MARKETING AND SALES Rez Tal 0405 350 682 Dave Eller 0404 364 284 Michael Ibrahin 0414 325 556 info@ 12 years local Real Estate experience Highly competitive fees & introductory offers Friendly & Approachable agents you can trust Premium results & peace of mind Effective, modern technology Alyce Field & Kasey Williams Ph: 04 E: Property Management & Sales 0411 757 425 @timmiller_realestate WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM AU AGENTS BRYCE & RACHEL CAMERON • 0412 057 672 3/47 Jonson Street, Byron Bay | 0487 287 122 | • Over 40 years of combined real estate/marketing experience • Fresh and dynamic approach to marketing our properties • Call our award-winning team to receive a complimentary new market value of your property • Bringing world class corporate service with small town authenticity WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU We felt fully supported through out the whole process. Tara and her excellent team went the extra mile, helping & guiding us right from the start and continued right through settlement. Tara is a joy to work with yielding formidable results. ts. W TARA TORKKOLA - SALES | SALES MANAGER INTERNATIONAL MULTI MEDIA
Tara to discuss
property or career
Professional and results driven with extensive knowledge. Servicing the Byron Shire and beyond. Call Paul for an appointment today. PAUL PRIOR SALES 0418 324 297 WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU
SELLING AGENT 0423 519 698| tara@byr @taratorkkolafirstnational @taratorkkola_realestate Contact
at First National Byron
Service Directory
DEADLINE: For additions and changes to the Service Directory is 12pm Friday.
LINE ADS: $99 for 3 months or $340 for 1 year prepaid.
For line Service Directory ads email
DISPLAY ADS: $70 per week for colour display ad. Minimum 8 week booking 4 weeks prepaid.
Please supply display ads 85mm wide, 28mm high. New display ads will be placed at end of section.
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The Echo Service Directory is online –
Accountants & Bookkeepers..........41
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration....41
Alterations & Repairs.....................41
Blinds, Awnings, Curtains, Shutters.41
Building Trades.............................41
Bush Regen & Weed Control..........41
Carpet Cleaning............................41
Chimney Sweeping........................41
Computer Services........................42
Concreting & Paving......................42
Decks, Patios & Extensions.............42
Design & Drafting..........................42
Earthmoving & Excavation.............42
Floor Sanding & Polishing..............42
Furniture Maker............................42
Garden & Property Maintenance....42
Gas Suppliers................................42
Graphic Design..............................42
Guitar Repairs...............................43
Landscape Supplies.......................43
Landscaping .................................43
Pest Control..................................43
Picture Framing............................43
Pool Services.................................43
Property Styling............................43
Rubbish Removal..........................44
Self Storage..................................44
Sensor Technology........................44
Septic Systems..............................44
Solar Installation..........................44
Television Services........................44
Tree Services.................................44
Veterinary Surgeons......................44
Water Filters.................................44
Water Services..............................44
Window Cleaning..........................44
Window Tinting............................44
Writing Services............................44
PLEASE The Byron Shire Echo 41
ACCOUNTANTS & BOOKKEEPERS ACCOUNTANT Paul Mayberry.............................................................................................. 66847415 MYOB / BOOKKEEPING Michael............................................................ 66845445 or 0436 438465 ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE M Collis............................................. 0490 022183 MARLENE FARRY Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine 0416 599507 ACUPUNCTURE at EASTERN MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE. Ph Dr Derek Doran............. 0414 478787 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION AU 37088 Lic 246545C
CALL 6680 9394 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION Mullumbimby Refrigeration & Airconditioning Services – Sales – Installation – Repairs – All Commercial Refrigeration – Residential & Commercial Airconditioning – Coolroom Design & Construction – Freezer Rooms 45 Manns Road, Mullumbimby Lic: 299433C ARC: AU40492 6684 2783 COOLMAN AIR CONDITIONING 23 years experience. Lic 178464C AU30147.............. 0412 641753 CLIMATE CONTROL AUSTRALIA Lic 362019C AU 27106... JARREAU............................. 0421 485217 ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS for alterations. or.................. 0422 885575 ARCHITECTS OCEANARC ARCHITECTS Reg. 66855001 AUTOMOTIVE • Tyres • Batteries • Wheel Alignments MULLUMBIMBY TYRE SERVICE Dalley Street, Mullumbimby 6684 2016 LEGENDARY OFFROAD TYRES 6684 5296 CASH PAID FOR UNWANTED CARS Free metal drop off Locally owned ally owned CAR BODY REMOVAL ABSOLUTELY FREE CASH ON THE SPOT GUARANTEE $50 - $1000 WE BUY UNWANTED CARS, UTES & VANS PHONE 0466 113 333 24/7 EMAIL: BLINDS, AWNINGS, CURTAINS, SHUTTERS 6680 8862 FREE MEASURE QUOTE SPECIALISTS IN HOME AUTOMATION 6680 0 8862 FREE E MEASURE E QUOTE E CURTAINS SUNSCREENS AWNINGS ROLL BLINDS PLANTATION SHUTTERS 6680 8862 FREE MEASURE QUOTE SHOWCASE DEALER SHOWROOM 6680 8862 FREE MEASURE QUOTE LOCAL 6680 8862 FREE MEASURE QUOTE 1/84 Centennial Circuit Byron Bay 6680 8862 FREE MEASURE QUOTE BLINDS SHUTTERS AWNINGS CURTAINS BRICKLAYING WALLFIX REMEDIAL • 20 years’ experience in lintel replacement • Crack stitching installation • Repointing • Retaining walls and all damaged brickwork Call: 0403 141 760 • Email: Servicing the Northern Rivers Lic no. 292267c Master Builder No. 3029326 BRICK/BLOCK LAYING Contractors. Lic 291958C. Phone Mark 0409 444268 BUILDING TRADES • DEPT OF FAIR TRADING: A licence is required for all residential building work where the reasonable market cost of the work to be done (labour and materials) exceeds $5000 (including GST). B&B TIMBERS BALLINA 6686 7911 HARDWOOD • PINE • L ANDSCAPING • FENCING • • LANDSCAPING • 110 Teven Road Ballina 110 Road Ballina sales@bbtimbers com au • www bbtimbers com au • Licensed builder, specialising in Bathroom renovations. Quality workmanship, and reliable and personalised service. 0417 654 888 Lic: 317362C 0488 950 638 NSW Lic. 83568c Qld BSA 1238105 • Floor installations • Door & Window installations • Decks & Pergolas • Alterations FULLY INSURED ALL CARPENTRY WORK DINGO DEMOLITIONS & ASBESTOS REMOVAL 66834008 or 0407 728998 BUILDER – JOHN McGAURAN Personalised Service. 20 yrs exp. Lic 170208C............. 0415 793242 BUILDER Renovations, maintenance, 30yrs exp. Lic 29792C.... 0408 663420 HAVEN BUILDING All aspects of building. Lic 326616C............................................... 0432 565060 FABRICA JOINERY Quality kitchens/timber doors/windows. Lic 244652C......................... 66808162 BUILDER: new builds/renos, subdivisions, kitchens/bathrooms, decks.. Lic 239988C.. 0416 345202 CARPENTER AVAILABLE: Decks, patios, building work. Lic253288C.......................... 0432 228980 ALL CARPENTRY & BUILDING WORK Owner builder friendly, refs avail. Lic 203206c....... 0424 158585 BUSH REGENERATION & WEED CONTROL WEED CONTROL SPECIALIST Parramatta Grass – Biological control............................ 0418 110714 CARPET CLEANING FarNorthCoastNSW John&Teresa 0408232066 FRANCHISEOFTHEYEAR! Green & Clean Carpet and upholstery cleaning, urine extraction, rust removal, heavy traffic areas, deodorising and sanitation. Cleans deeply, dries in 1-2 hours Commercial / Domestic / Insurance CHIMNEY SWEEPING BLACKS chimney sweeping & repairs AHHA member, insured. 3rd generation.................. 66771905 CHIROPRACTIC BAY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Peter Wuehr 17 Bangalow Rd Byron Bay.............................. 66855282 CLEANING Locally owned & operated Residential & commercial No job too big or small Obligation free quote Fully insured Services List Pool areas, Decks, Patios, Houses, Gutters, Awnings, Driveways, Paths, Pavers, Retaining walls, Fences 0426 119 550 ABN: 47576013867 AQUA PRESSURE CLEANING
42 The Byron Shire Echo Service Directory North Coast news online Byron Bay 5 Stars CLEANING SERVICE CLEANS: Holiday, Residential, Bond, Commercial, Spring. Phone Mick 0409 009 024 Email: Roofs | Paths | Decks | Houses | Solar Panels Walls | Fences | Free Quote | Fully Insured | SWIFT PRESSURE CLEANING Call 0428 899 409 or 0410 868 393 SWIF T PR DETAILED CLEANER/GUEST HOUSE MANAGER All natural products 4.8 Stayz rated.. 0410 723601 FULL CIRCLE REFINISHING Professional cold & hot water roof & pressure cleaning. .......... 0455 5735545 ANGEL5STAR HOUSEKEEPING & CLEANING SERVICES Efficient/Effective/Reliable....0493 504192 COMPUTER SERVICES We provide solutions to Windows PC issues in the convenience of your home or business. We service all areas from Byron Bay to Tweed Heads. Call Justine and Jeffrey today for fast, reliable and affordable service! • Software/hardware installation. • New or improved PC setup. • PC cleaning. • Improving PC performance. • Internet connection issues. • Printer connection issues. • Networking solutions. • File backup. $95/hr. 0403 546 529 RENT-A-GEEK Mobile PC Repair (Byron Shire).................................................................... 66844335 CONCRETING & PAVING SALISBURY CONCRETING Lic.136717c Over 30 yrs’ local experience. All forms of concreting. Residential • Civil • Industrial DARYL 0418 234 302 Lic No. 337066C ALL AROUND CONCRETING Free Quotes Call Daniel 0424 876 155 DECKS, PATIOS & EXTENSIONS THE DECK DOCTOR Sanding & refinishing, cable balustrading. Free quotes. Richard... 0407 821690 FULL CIRCLE REFINISHING – Specialist deck sanding and oiling. Free quotes ........... 0455 573554 DENTISTS LITTLE LANE DENTAL, MULLUMBIMBY 66842816 DESIGN & DRAFTING BAREFOOT BUILDING DESIGN Acton 0407 787993 DAVID ROBINSON DESIGN DRAFTING All Council & construction requirements...... 0419 880048 BYRON ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN & DRAFTING 0423 531448 FENG SHUI DESIGN CONSULTANT Lizzie Bodenham 0431 678608 NORTHFACE DESIGNS Greer 0434 272353 MIRO HALFORD BUILDING DESIGN JORDI TATE ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING 0498 662637 EARTHMOVING & EXCAVATION TINY EARTHWOR Philip Toovey 0409 799 909 various implements available for limited access projects CONSCIOUS EARTHWORKS • DRAINAGE DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PADS • WATERWAYS • ALL ASPECTS OF EARTHMOVING Phone Zac: 0468 344 939 NORTHERN RIVERS TRENCHING 65hp chain trencher, excavator, cable locating & tpr. 0402 716857 ELECTRICIANS 0439 624 945 AH 02 6680 4173 DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL JOBS: SMALL OR LARGE Lic: 154293c LEVEL 2 ASP ELECTRICIAN DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL SERVICING: • Tweed • Byron • Lismore • Kyogle • Mains installs / alterations • Switchboard upgrades • Meter queries • Tree maintenance near services Matthew Rutland 0439 733 703 NSW Lic# 312117 ASP Lic# 5547 AUTHORISATION# 503808 Servicing Northern Rivers 0416 989 895 Lachlan O’Connor License No: 334121C Licensed Electrician COUGHRAN ELECTRICAL 24 hour service, Lic 154293C.......................... 0439 624945 or 66804173 RONNIE SPINKS Everything electrical. Lic 27673......................................................... 0429 802355 JP ELECTRICAL All electrical. Level 2 ASP. Solar, data + TV. Lic 133082C....................... 0432 289705 JIM LABELLE ELECTRICAL O.Shores, Mullum, Byron, Brunswick. Lic 176417C.............. 0415 126028 BLUE BEE ELECTRICAL 25 years experience. Lic 189508C. Call Dave............................ 0429 033801 BEN FORSYTH, Electrician. Lic:240691C. Ocean Shores & surrounds. No job too small... 0422 136408 VALLEY WAY ELECTRICAL, 15 yrs exp. Domestic, commercial, new builds. Lic 253977c 0475 910622 FENCING BYRON & BEYOND FENCING Any fence, any time, prompt quotes....... 66804766 or 0439 078549 EDL FENCING Installations & repairs. Prompt service. .................................................. 0432 107262 FLOW FENCING Pool fencing, timber/colourbond, local, professional and reliable....... 0416 424256 FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING THE FLOOR SANDER New & old floors, decks, non-toxic finishes, special effects, free quotes 0407 821690 BYRON BAY FLOOR SANDING New and old floors. Non toxic. .............................0408 536565 FURNITURE MAKER custom furniture and joinery @ianmontywooddesign 0414 636 736 GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • Landscape Maintenance and Improvement Projects • Lawn Care / Acreage Mowing / Paddock Slashing • Tree Pruning / Palm Cleaning / Hedge Reductions • Rainforest Regeneration / Mass Plantings Call Paul on 0403 316 711 0430 297 101 Est. 2010 All aspects gardening & mowing Enhancive garden makeovers STEEP SLOPES – UP TO 60° HEAVY GROWTH SLASHING GRASS, LANTANA, TOBACCO AND MORE Call 0493 458 956 SLOPE MOWING AND SLASHING We mow where no man has gone before La Casa Gardening GARDENING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ACERAGE MOWING Call Scott 0467 481 676 Ride-on, large lawns & acreage. Ph Peter................ 0423 756394 GUTTERS CLEANED Solar panel cleaning, all areas, free quotes, fully insured.66841778 or 0405 922839 A-Z gardening & maintenance, lawns, acreage, hedges, gutters, p. clean-ups, tip runs.. 0405 625697 LEAF IT TO US Specialists in tree services and acreage mowing.................................... 0402 487213 TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVALS 4m3 trailer.............................................................. 0408 210772 RICK’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Mowing, brushcutting, gardening, hedging......... 0424 805660 GREEN DINGO for all your mowing and gardening needs. Ph Michael......................... 0497 842442 GW MAINTENANCE Ride-on mowing, acreage and large lawns. Ph George................ 0408 244820 POLLEN GARDENS Lawn & garden maint’. Professional & reliable. Dip. Hort. Dave...... 0438 783645 GAS SUPPLIERS Free Delivery No Rental Reliable Locally Owned Est 1996 • 0408 760 609 GRAPHIC DESIGN @thinkblinkdesign Graphic Design / Print Branding / Tutoring
B Timbs Painting B Timbs Painting The Byron Shire Echo 43 GUITAR REPAIRS EXP GUITAR TECH Get it sorted. Free assess, advice & quote. ..............Mullum. Vinny 0491 097112 GUTTERING Call Junior for friendly, genuine advice and service. 0405 922 839 or AH 6684 1778 ABN 180 623 364 42 Gutter guard Gutter cleaning Locally owned Fully insured Free quotes HANDYPERSONS BUILDING SERVICES RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL STRATA | MAINTENANCE SERVICES HANDY MAN SERVICES 24 hr response time guaranteed | Fully Insured Call: 0414 210 222 ASAP Decks, fences, bathrooms, plaster, paint, handy, jobs over $500.......................... 0405 625697 HANDY ANDY Carpentry, plastering, welding......................................... 66884324 or 0476 600956 AWESOME REPAIRS Professional, commercial & domestic. Wayne............................... 0423 218417 ABSOLUTE HANDYMAN. Repairs, renovation, maintenance, painting. Call Mark........ 0402 281638 KEEN HANDYMAN SERVICES Repairs, maintenance, gardening, odd jobs.................. 0428 679704 HIGHPOINT Repairs & handyman services. Painting, plastering & tiling. Michael........ 0421 896796 HOME MAINTENANCE All aspects. Carpentry, decks, painting, repairs etc. Insured..... 0434 705506 UTOPIA PROPERTY SERVICES Home repairs & maintenance. Insured. Paul Kelly....... 0409 772347 HEALTH • OTHER HEALTH RELATED SECTIONS IN THIS SERVICE DIRECTORY: Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Counselling, Dentists, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy ACUPUNCTURE & COSMETIC MEDICINE Dr Adam Osborne........................................... 66857366 MULLUMBIMBY HERBALS Naturopathic and herbal dispensary, consultations.............. 66843002 MOVE TO NURTURE PILATES STUDIO & mat classes. Lennox Head............................ 0404 459605 AYURVEDA, NATUROPATH, Herbs, Jacinta McEwen – Om Healing.............................. 0422 387370 THE MASSAGE SHED Mark............................................................................................ 0448 441194 HIRE MULLUM HIRE Marquees & all event equipment. Tools & machinery. Pool supplies & service 66843003 INSURANCE AUSURE BYRON BAY General insurance. Phone Mick Urquhart.................................. 0428 200310 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Sand | Soils | Gravels | Pots & statues | Lots, lots more 1176 Myocum Rd, Mullumbimby (just past golf course) 6684 2323 NURSERY • CAFE • LANDSCAPE YARD OPEN 7 DAYS 8 GRAYS LANE, TYAGARAH (JUST PAST BLUESFEST SITE) 0493 281 239 | LANDSCAPING Text or Ph: 0448 401 638 LANDSCAPING & EARTHWORKS goldleaflandscaping 20 years local experience 8 KS K 4 ton Kobelco 10 ton Kobelco LA LEMONTREELANDSCAPES.COM.AU Liam. Lic No 277154C......................................... 0423 700853 LOCKSMITH Brendan Duggan Locksmith. Automotive car keys and lock installation/repair....... 0412 764148 PAINTING • DEPARTMENT OF FAIR TRADING INFO: When dealing with home owners, painters are required to quote a licence number only for external work valued over $5000.
BYRON BAY • Domestic & Commercial • Servicing all areas • Workmanship guaranteed • Attention to detail Lic No 189144C 0438 784 226 • 6685 4154 Bruce Timbs 6685 1018 or 0413 666 267 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Domestic & Commercial Friendly & Clean Lic 184464C
YVES DE WILDE QUALITY PAINTING SERVICES FINALIST OF THE MASTER PAINTERS OF AUSTRALIA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE ENVIRO FRIENDLY PAINTING 6 6 8 0 7 5 7 3 0 4 1 5 9 5 2 4 9 4 6680 7573 0415 952 494 LIC 114372C Call now for a free quote 0466 969 067 Allan’s Painting & Decorating Service Family business for 40 years Interior & Exterior Special Finishes & Wallpaper Also available Roof Restoration All work guaranteed Licences: NSW (R53344) & QLD (15091890) DEREK BULLION PAINTING for a good honest job and free quotes Lic 211498c.......... 0414 225604 PEST CONTROL YOUR PEST & TERMITE SPECIALISTS Free quotes on active termites Environmentally safe 6681 6555 02 6685 6061 0432 181 689 Serving the shire since 1986 ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE PEST & TERMITE CONTROL THE PEST MAN EXTRAORDINAIRE Second opinion / alternative views. 50 yrs exp..... 0418 110714 BRUNSWICK BYRON PEST CONTROL 66842018 ‘NO BULLSHIT’ TERMITE CONTROL e with your problem 66842428 PHOTOGRAPHY Tree Faerie Fotos Professional • Commercial • Personal • 0417 427 518 30+ years experience in commercial photography and photojournalism PHYSIOTHERAPY NICK EDMOND Physiotherapy & Acupuncture. Open Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 466 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby..................................................................................... 66845288 ANTHONY D’ORSOGNA Physiotherapy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy Suffolk Park 1 Bryce St... 66853511 OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, dry needling, custom orthotics, shock wave therapy, real time ultrasound. Nigel Pitman, Ilse V Oostenbrugge.................... 66803499 PELVIC FLOOR PHYSIOTHERAPY In Bangalow with Lisa Fitzpatrick on Wed & Thu .... 0422 993141 OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, dry needling, custom orthotics, shock wave therapy, real time ultrasound. Nigel Pitman.................................................... 66803499 PICTURE FRAMING MULLUM PICTURE FRAMERS Studio located in Ocean Shores.................................. 0403 734791 PLASTERING RENDERING / SOLID PLASTERING 25 years experience. Free quotes. Ph John............ 0406 673176 PLUMBERS NEED A PLUMBER? DRAINER? GASFITTER? Chay 0429 805 081 25 YEARS LOCAL SERVICE Licence No. 207479C Taking on work NOW! Ph: 0427 528 108 Lic: 321191C Ben The Plumber Servicing Mullumbimby, Ocean Shores, Brunswick Heads & Surrounds 30 years’ experience BILL CONNORS All plumbing/draining. Lic #1051.................................. 66801403 or 0414 801403 MARK STRATTON All plumbing & emergency. Sewer drain camera/locator. Lic 57803C.... 0419 019035 POOL SERVICES BLUE EDGE POOL SERVICES Cleaning, maintenance, etc. 20 years experience. Joe.......... 0405 411466 PROPERTY STYLING PROPERTY AND INTERIOR STYLIST Nikolina 0434 362619 REMOVALISTS Andy’s Move & More Small & Medium Moves, Pianos, Artworks, Tip Runs, 1 or 2 Men at Low Prices to Most Areas Based from Byron Bay & Mullumbimby Calls always returned 0429149533 Est 2006 SHIRE REMOVALS & FREIGHT CO From Middle Pocket to Middle Earth Just give us a ring • Freight services to Brisbane weekly • Carriers of fine art • Furniture removal • E-bay pick up & delivery 0409 917 646
Byron Coast Removals
Byron Sensor Tech
The Water Filter Experts
44 The Byron Shire Echo Service Directory North Coast news online • Sydney • Gold Coast • Brisbane • Melbourne • • Gold Coast • Brisbane • Melbourne • Nor th Qld • Country • Interstate • North • • Interstate • • LOCAL 02 6684 2198 SERVICING THE NORTHERN RIVERS AND BEYOND
Competitive rates and packing supplies available 0432 552 067 | 6684 5481 | MAN WITH A VAN/TRUCK Reasonable rates. Phone Don............................................ 0414 282813 BENNY CAN MOVE IT! 0402 199999 ROOFING MONTYS METAL ROOFING Licence NSW: 30715C Licence QLD: 1227049 DOMESTIC • INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Metal Roofing Installations Guttering • Downpipes • Fascia Skylights • Whirlybird Patios Repairs • Leaf Guard Craig Montgomery – 0418 870 362 Email: Scotty’s Roof Repairs and LeakFinding Ph: 0419 443 196 Metal & Tile Roofs Experienced & Reliable Same Day Response Lic: L13549 Call Scott on 0413 797 232 RUBBISH REMOVAL OCEAN SHORES SKIPS Mini skip specialists ......................................... 0412 161564 or 66841232 TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVAL 4m3 trailer................................................................ 0408 210772 MAN WITH UTE. RETHINK REUSE RECYCLE. Ph Mark................................................ 0411 113300 SELF STORAGE BYRON BAY SELF STORAGE 66858349 SENSOR TECHNOLOGY
Smart wireless sensors to your mobile device. Food Safety, Agribusiness, Healthcare, Property, Energy monitoring. · Call Tony 0459 422 387 SEPTIC SYSTEMS TRINE SOLUTIONS Local sewerage specialists. Plumbers, drainers & gas fitters. Lic 138031C. 0407 439805 SOLAR INSTALLATION Your local, qualified team. Specialists in standalone & grid interact system designs. m 0428 320 262 e w Call us on 6679 7228 Pioneers of the solar industry Serving Northern NSW since 1998 Electric Lic 124600c TELEVISION SERVICES DIGITAL ELECTRONICS REPAIR & SERVICE TV. Audio. Antennas.......... 66843575 or 0414 922786 INSTALL SERVICE: TV, Wi-Fi, AV, special pensioner/concession rate. Damian............. 0414 741233 TILING FarNorthCoastNSW John&Teresa 0408232066 FRANCHISEOFTHEYEAR! TILE & GROUT CLEANING Servicing the Far North Coast for 20 years. Free quotes. Experienced local technicians. ChemDry’s patented cleaning systems. WINTER SPECIAL: Every 5th m2 FREE Leaky showers sealed at a fraction of the cost of re tiling 0412 026 441 TILING: all aspects. Bathrooms, kitchens, walls, floors, waterproofing. Lic 239988C........ 0416 345202 TRANSPORT arrive@ Call 0490 183424 Airport Transfers | Tours | Nights Out | Beach Walks Events | Parties | Weddings | Corporate | Festivals Door to Door Charter Services BYRON BUS Co Get a Quick Quote Now TREE SERVICES CHOPPY CHOP TREE SERVICES The Fully Insured Professionals Mark Linder Qualified Arborist 0408 202 184 • Stump Grinding • Bobcat • Cherrypicker • Crane Truck • 18" Chipper SENTINEL TREE CARE QUALITY, PROFESSIONAL ADVICE & EXPERTISE YOU CAN TRUST Expert Pruning • Cleaning and Removal of Plants Tree Removal • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding PH 0421 435 620 • 20 years local knowledge and experience • Fully insured / free quotes • 19 inch chipper • Bobcat • Cherry picker • Crane truck 0427 347 380 PRUNING ~ REMOVALS ~ STUMP GRINDING Tree Service Specialist Fully Insured−Qualified Arborists 0435 019 524 Martino TREE SERVICES Byron Bay & Beyond SUMMERLAND TREE SERVICES .............................................Call Tim 66813140 or 0417 698227 BYRON TREE SERVICES Qualified, insured. Call Alex.................................................... 0402 364852 MARTINO TREE SERVICES .............................................................................Martino 0435 019524 LEAF IT TO US 4x4 truck/chipper + crane truck. Local, qualified, insured. Free quotes 0402 487213 UPHOLSTERY BANGALOW UPHOLSTERY Now at Billinudgel. Re-covering specialists............................. 66805255 VALUERS BYRON BAY VALUERS NSW & QLD reg’d. Chartered Valuers................... 0431 245460 or 66857010 VETERINARY SURGEONS MULLUM VET CLINIC: Richard Gregory, Bec Willis, Mark Sebastian – After hours avail... 66843818 NORTH COAST VETERINARY SERVICES Dr Lauren Archer................................................. 66840735 WATER FILTERS for home, commercial and rural properties 6680 8200 or 0418 108 181
WATER SERVICES • Same day & onsite pump repairs • 24 hour emergency call out • Water filtration design, supply & installation • Pool pump supplies & services • Pool contract servicing • Pool water testing • Household water testing 6684 2022 A/H: 0419 963 750 WATER SERVICES WELDING WELDING & FABRICATION Structural, General, Repairs: Steel, Aluminium & Stainless.. 0408 410545 SITE WELDING & LIGHT FABRICATION..........................................................0428 352492 WINDOW CLEANING CLEAN VIEW Prompt, professional, insured. Phone David............................................. 0421 906460 WISHY WINDOW WASHING A team of friends. ...............................................0450 959696 WINDOW TINTING SUNRISE W. T. 3/19-21 Centennial Cct, Byron. Cars, homes, offices, etc. High quality.. 0412 158478 SURFWAGON - Car/Home/Office tint. Lifetime Warranty. W/sale price......................... 0434 875009 WRITING SERVICES
Advertisements placed in The Byron Shire Echo do not reflect the views or opinions of the editorial staff. The Byron Shire Echo does not make any representations as to the accuracy or suitability of any content or information contained in advertising material nor does publication constitute in any way an endorsement by The Byron Shire Echo of the content or representations contained therein. The Byron Shire Echo does not accept any liability for the representations or promises made in paid advertisements or for any loss or damage arising from reliance on such content, representations or promises.
RAISED VOICES A community choir protesting the ‘proposed’ closure of Feros Village (BB) will meet at the gates of Feros Village, Marvell St, Thursday 11am. For info, ph Mati Josephine Beams 0435049489. All voices welcome.
Ads may be taken by phone on 6684 1777
Ads can be lodged in person at the Mullum Echo office: Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby
Display classies (box ads):
Line classies:
Ad bookings only taken during business hours: Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend. Account enquiries phone 6684 1777.
Publication day is Wednesday, booking deadlines are the day before publication.
LINE ADS: $17.00 for the first two lines
$5.00 for each extra line
$17 for two lines is the minimum charge.
DISPLAY ADS (with a border): $12.85 per column centimetre
These prices include GST. Cash, cheque, Mastercard or Visa Prepayment is required for all ads.
Simple and effective solutions
Mullumbimby & District
Neighbourhood Centre
Connecting the Byron Shire Community
– Baristas –
– Gardeners –
– Food Sorters –
– Cleaners –
The team at MDNC are searching for some dedicated volunteers to help us continue to support our community.
Contact Volunteer Coordinator Kaz
Wednesday – Friday 6684 1286
AWL STALL. The Animal Welfare League has a street stall on Friday 17 March from 8.30am–1.30pm outside the newsagents on Station Street, Mullumbimby. Items include cakes, plants, books, bric-a-brac and more. Our cats & kittens really need your support.
Every Saturday Railway Park 4-9pm
• Sausage sizzle • Hot dogs • Sandwiches
• Coffee & tea • Fruit Salad
Come one come all and join us in a meal or just a chat.
Takeaway most welcome: COVID safe rules apply.
Frozen takeaway meals now available. 10am to 12pm
In the Ballina Presbyterian Hall
Corner of Cherry & Crane. Just behind the Presbyterian Church.
AMITAYUS HOME HOSPICE will be holding it’s AGM on Wednesday 19 April at 5pm at the CWA Hall, cnr Park & Booyun Sts, Brunswick Heads. All welcome to come along. Pleas bring $5 cash for annual membership. RSVP to info@amitayus. by Friday 14 April.
LOOK GOOD FEEL GOOD Free consultation. SANDRO 66805002
Anxiety, Cravings, Fears & Trauma. Maureen Bracken 0402205352
Vistara Primary School
• Part-Time Primary Teacher, Years 3–6 (Stages 2 & 3) on Mondays & Tuesdays. Starting Term One 2023.
• Maternity Leave – Full-Time Primary Teacher, Stages 1 & 2.
• Casual Primary Teachers, K–6.
Vistara is seeking a vibrant, dedicated Primary School Teacher to join our wonderful team. We are a not-for-profit, Independent Primary School with three multi-staged classrooms delivering the NESA NSW syllabus. Our classes are small and we aim to maintain a creative and dynamic approach to teaching and learning. Our school’s ethos and Neo Humanist philosophy (see is integrated withthe NESA NSW Syllabus. If you love to work in a beautiful rural setting, with a progressive educational philosophy based on ecology, we want to hear from you. The vaccination mandate has ceased and we are receiving applications from all teachers. The salary is based on the Association of Independent Schools NSW Hybrid Multi Enterprise Agreement. To be considered, applicants must submit the following:
1. CV – incl. full contact details, D.O.B., previous schools, year levels taught, duration at each school, two referees from two previous schools.
2. A copy of your Dept. of Education Approval to Teach letter.
3. Working With Children Check number.
Email your applications to:
Attention: Administrator / Applications Now Open: Feb 2023 Vistara Primary School, 41 Richmond Hill Rd, Richmond Hill. NSW 2480
$16,140 – Byron Escape fund
$7,754 – Tweed Impact fund
$92,310 – Raised in total over 8 years
Thank you everyone who supported, donated, or came! From Zenith and all the courageous vaginas.
Clear subconscious sabotages. Reprogram patterns and beliefs. Restore vibrancy and physical health. De-stress. Ph 0403125506
greater focus, clarity and calm into your workplace.
Leaf it to us 4x4 truck/chipper, crane truck, stump grinding. Local, qualified, insured, free quotes. 0402487213 FOR
MICRODERMABRASION unit, as new $2,000 plus other beauty therapy equipment available. Please enquire 0411872423
Dryers and dishwashers available at Bridglands Mullumbimby. 66842511
Road base, gravel, blue metal and metal dust. ALL SIZE DELIVERIES. Phone 66845517, 0418481617
A great range of fresh organic tea herbs, salad mixes and seasonal veggies from our garden in Mullum Creek. Come take your pick by appointment. DM via Instagram @pink_ house_pickandcollect
LP RECORDS: good condition, no op shop crap! Ph Matt 0401955052
Bayside@Byron Sat 18 March 7.30am
2 Beech Drive Suffolk Park Quality household furniture and goods Antiques, tools etc
Certified Mindfulness Educator Paul Bibby 0401 926 090 Firewood Sales Get your firewood early MARK - 0427490038 Tip Runs & Rubbish Removal 0408 210 772 Could poetry ever be a matter for calculation? Could chess be inspired by a Muse? In this story two very White Horses and Dark Knights David Lovejoy’s book is available at The Echo • FULLY INSURED • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • FREE QUOTES 0 4 0 2 3 6 4 8 5 2 0402 364 852 0427 347 380 Fully insured • Free quotes 20 years local experience • 19 inch chipper • Stump grinding • Cherry picker • Crane truck • Bob Cat Byron Bay & Surrounding Areas & Areas 6681 3140 Mobile 0417 698 227 Mobile • Arborist • 15” Wood • • Chipper • Stump Grinder • Grinder • Fully Insured • Insured
17 BANKSIA DRIVE, A&I ESTATE Final exclusively vintage furniture & h/wares sale. This Sat, 10am. Browse and brunch in Byron’s bastion of bohemian bliss. SAT 7.30AM, 5 INDERWONG
Pract ERAPY n m R RA Scoot. 1 way, 20 A and seat reserv v for Urg ememergency cyy. Call l within every a spect of your life. Call l Wen e dy 0497 090 233
2 PLANE TICKETS Gold Coast/Berlin with Scoot. 1 way, 20 April 2023. Name change and seat reservation included. $1,500 for the pair. Urgent sale due to family emergency. Call Linda 0419177120 The Byron Shire Echo 45
MASSAGE + more 66850498
AVE, O/S It’s a big one. Variety of bargains. MOTOR VEHICLES 2002 HONDA CIVIC Fully serviced, 12 months rego, $3,900. Ph 0413261011
CARAVANS We buy, sell & consign. All makes & models. 0408 758 688 JAYCO PENGUIN wind up caravan, 2004. All round windows catch the breezes, large 12V Solar system, large double bed & single/table, 240V/gas fridge, gas stove, registered to 1 Jun 23. $11,000. Ph 0427363006 TO LET LOCAL REMOVAL & backloads to Brisbane. Friendly, with 10 years local exp. 0409917646 SOUTH GOLDEN BEACH 3 min walk to beach. 3bdr, 2 bthrm, DLUG. $850p/w. Suit working couple only, good refs. Pet allowed. Available mid April. Please call Bob on 0423904291 INDEX Annual General Meetings..45 Birthdays.............................46 Business For Sale...............46 Caravans.............................45 Death Notices.....................46 For Sale...............................45 Garage Sales......................45 Health Notices....................45 Lost and Found...................46 Motor Vehicles....................45 Musical Notes.....................46 Only Adults.........................46 Pets......................................46 Positions Vacant.................46 Professional Services.........45 Public Notices.....................45 Social Escorts.....................46 Thank You...........................45 To Let...................................45 Tradework...........................45 Tree Services......................45 Tuition..................................46 Volunteers Wanted.............46 Wanted................................45
Make profound changes in your life. Achieve personal goals and reach your true potential within every aspect of your life. @ Work
Kate is a deeply intuitive, wholehearted, compassionate & sensitive person, who brings humour & warmth into your session. Take away detailed messages, guidance & tools, as well as a potent healing transmission from the crystals. 0413 003 301 GIFT
4. NESA number and level of accreditation. Additional information may be requested before an interview.
Manufacturing camphor laurel timber products for export & domestic markets.
Fully integrated business, saw mills, dryer, forklift, 1400mm thicknesser sander & dust extractor and many assorted tools. An affordable business. Peter 0428 263 086
Yellow Flower
Iconic restaurant in Suffolk Park for sale.
Incredible opportunity in uniquelocation.
Family owned for
A Number of tacks and nails dropped on the Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek Rail Trail - If they’re yours please call
Catholic Healthcare
Byron Dog Rescue (CAWI)
SMALL NATURAL COSMETIC company in the Byron Bay Arts/Industry Estate, offering a casual position 2–3 days p/w, varied duties including customer calls, cold calls, admin and packaging/labelling work. Must be able to work independently with great attention to detail. We value reliability, and would prefer someone who lives locally. Call Michael 0481277029 or email
Is a 29 place centre, located in Billinudgel. We have two educator positions available.
1. Mon–Fri, 28–35hrs per week
2. Wed–Fri, 15–20hrs per week
Qualifications: Diploma or Cert III. Start date can be negotiated. Phone Lyn 0266804025 for enquiries.
NEED EXPERIENCED NANNY FOR 2–3 days p/w for a 1 and 2 year old from 24 March–2 May. Ph Jo 0439492804
Household ironing, Bangalow area. 0402061110
LADIES WANTED, MUST BE 18+ Casual or permanent work available in busy adult parlour. 66816038 for details.
SOCIAL MEDIA GURU for small local business. Please call Wayne 0423218417
Thank you to the applicants for our final two paper runs. All seven positions have now been filled.
OFFICE/ADMIN, PT/FT position in wholesale business, Billinudgel. Reception, sales, invoicing, order processing, customer service, stock management. Must have good phone/ computer skills. Email resume to Ph 0405383039
Kirra is only 16-weeks-old and is desperate to begin her new life with a loving family. She is full of crazy antics and is definitely a lot of fun. Kirra is exceptionally loving and craves affection. Until the end of March, she and her friends of the same age, have $20 off their adoption fee. To meet Kirra, please visit the Cat Adoption Centre at 124 Dalley Street, Mullumbimby.
We rescued 7-month-old male Bull Terrier x Staffy ‘Prince’ from the pound. He is a delight! He’s bouncy, cheerful, friendly, sweet and adoringly affectionate. He’s a smart puppy and is learning quickly. He so wants to please, walks extremely well on-leash and already has excellent recall. Prince loves other dogs and will be lovely with older children. Looking for a loyal, loving, active companion or property dog? Come meet jovial joy-maker Prince. Please contact Shell on 0458461935. MC: 953010005793811
Experience essential Passion for yoga preferred
Marketing Manager For Byron Yoga Centre
Variety of palms and other indoor plants
Pandanus, Cycads, Agaves, Dracos, Frangipanis, Strelitzias, Cordylines, Bismark, Foxtail and other tropicals Advancedsizestockidealforgardens/landscaping
111MyocumRoad,Ewingsdale (1km west of Pacific Highway
Astbrink, Ernst Gösta Ingvar
Formerly of Southport. Died peacefully on 5th March 2023.
BALLINA EXCLUSIVE 34 Piper Dr. Open 7 days 10am
Lola is a 15 month old, Staffy X. Lovely little Lola is so ready for her new home, sweet natured and a little shy she is super affectionate and once she trusts you will love you with all her heart. For more information contact Yvette on 0421 831 128.
Please complete our online adoption expression of interest. adoption-expression-of-interest/
Meet the gorgeous newly retired mother TILDA. Absolutely beautiful two-year-old silver tabby with striking eyes. Tilda has a personality to match, being affectionate and friendly. She was off-loaded at a vet’s clinic together with her kittens. So now she has all that feline love to share. Her new wish is to take care of a human family. She will be a loving companion. All cats are desexed, vaccinated & microchipped. No: 900079000092228
Please make an appointment 0403 533 589 • Billinudgel
Volunteer with us for the 2023 MULLUMBIMBY SHOW
To find out how to be a part of the team, come along to our Annual General Meeting at Mullumbimby ExServices Club. 6.30pm on Wed 15 March 2023.
FRENCH • ITALIAN • GERMAN Eva 0403224842
Adobe Tutoring
Experienced Professional Trainer
• Photoshop
• Indesign
• Illustrator
Beloved husband of Marianne (dec.) and cherished father of Gunela.
Gösta is now free to sail the seas again.
Privately cremated at his request.
Gunela gives heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people at RSL LifeCare, such love and kindness to Gösta’s care.
Paperbark Death Care
See ad on back page for details Devoted
Nicola Ann Byrne
7/1/1973 – 6/3/2023
Nicky passed peacefully,thank you to all for thelove. A small private ceremony for immediate friends & family is being held. May we all walk with the grace & warmth of heart as Nicky did.
Purebred: one beautiful ruby red female puppy, and one stunning black male puppy looking for forever homes. Six weeks old, wormed, vet checked, vaccinated and micro chipped. Ready March 20th. Too cute and bursting with
Band 0434438706
46 The Byron Shire Echo Classifieds North Coast news online
Ph 1800 333 000
till late. In & Out Calls. 66816038. Ladies wanted Find us on Facebook and Twitter! COVID SAFE FULL BODY RESTORATION Healing Through Pleasure or 0425347477 LICENSED TO THRILL Premium Massage & Play KRYSTAL ADULT SHOP Large variety of toys and lingerie 6/6 Tasman Way, A&I Est, Byron Bay Ph 66856330 BLISSFUL MASSAGE FOR WOMEN BY A WOMAN Gift your wife a sensual treat! Ph 0407013347 MALE 2 MALE MASSAGE Sensual, relaxation, stimulation. Very discreet. In & outcalls 0476069889
LOTS OF GORGEOUS LADIES available for your pleasure nearby. Spoil yourself. In & out. 7 days. Ladies always wanted. 0266816038. COVID SAFE
turnoff) FROM 9.00AM
BISTRO STAFF NEEDED Front of House Back of House Cook Chef Grill Cook Supervisor Data Entry Clerk Cleaner Bookkeeper Social Media Guru Please email Damon on
Visit to view other dogs and cats looking for a home. ABN 83 126 970 338
Like us on Facebook! AWL NSW Rehoming Organisation Number: R251000222
OPEN: Tues
Thurs 3–5pm, Sat 10am–12 noon Call AWL on 0436 845 542
to Pleasure Couples, Men 0407 013 347 H A P P Y HAPPY B - D AY B-DAY B E N J I BENJI
& Women
23 years. Dine-in, takeaway, and retail frozen meals. 5-year lease with excellent turnover. Offers over 200k considered. 0421034813 Meditation and Menopause Caged Chords For Guitar Arranging Dried Botanicals Silver Jewellery (Intro) Bicycle Repair & Maintanence Hiking Workshop Vegan Nut Cheeses & Mylk DATE (March) DAY, MOON PHASE SUN RISE / SET MOON RISE / SET HIGH TIDES, height (m) LOW TIDES, height (m) 15W 6:46 19:0313:56 0248 1.49 1453 1.05 0936 0.67 2038 0.54 16TH 6:46 19:02 0:11 15:00 0414 1.52 1632 1.03 1113 0.62 2209 0.55 17F 6:47 19:01 1:14 15:58 0535 1.61 1800 1.11 1228 0.51 2333 0.48 18SA 6:47 19:00 2:24 16:49 0642 1.72 1905 1.23 1322 0.40 19SU 6:48 18:59 3:35 17:34 0737 1.82 1958 1.35 0042 0.37 1406 0.30 20M 6:49 18:58 4:45 18:13 0826 1.88 2045 1.47 0138 0.27 1446 0.23 21TU 6:49 18:56 5:54 18:48 0910 1.88 2130 1.57 0229 0.21 1523 0.19 22W 6:50 7:00 0951 1.82 2213 1.64 0316 0.19 1559 0.18 1030 1.71 2255 1.68 0403 0.23 1632 0.21 1106 1.56 2336 1.68 0451 0.32 1705 0.26 1142 1.40 0541 0.43 1737 0.33 0017 1.64 1216 1.24 0633 0.54 1808 0.42 0100 1.58 1256 1.10 0734 0.64 1843 0.52 0151 1.51 1348 1.00 0850 0.70 1928 0.61 14:060256 1.44 1519 0.94 1015 0.71 2040 0.69 SUN, MOON & TIDES – TIMES FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS Data sourced from Bureau of Meteorology. Times adjusted for Daylight Savings when applicable. W 1st SAT Brunswick Heads 0406 724 323 1st SUN Byron Bay 6685 6807 1st SUN Lismore Car Boot 6628 7333 2nd SAT Flea Market, Bangalow 0490 335 498 2nd SAT Woodburn 0439 489 631 2nd SAT Tabulam Hall 0490 329 159 2nd SUN The Channon 6688 6433 2nd SUN Lennox Head 6685 6807 2nd SUN Chillingham 0428 793 141 2nd SUN Coolangatta 3rd SAT Mullumbimby 6684 3370 3rd SAT Murwillumbah 0413 804 024 3rd SAT Salt Village Market, Casuarina 3rd SUN Federal 0433 002 757 3rd SUN Uki 0487 329 150 3rd SUN Lismore Car Boot 6628 7333 3rd SUN Ballina 0422 094 338 4th SAT Evans Head 0439 489 631 4th SAT Wilsons Creek 6684 0299 4th SAT Kyogle Bazaar 4th SUN Bangalow 6687 1911 4th SUN Nimbin 0475 135 764 4th SUN Murwillumbah 0413 804 024 4th SUN (in a 5 Sunday month) Coolangatta 5th SAT Flea Market, Bangalow 0490 335 498 5th SUN Nimbin 0458 506 000 5th SUN Lennox Head 6685 6807 FARMERS/WEEKLYMARKETS Each TUE New Brighton 0424 168 672 Each TUE Organic Lismore 6628 1084 Each WED 7-11am M’bah 6684 7834 Each WED 3-6pm Nimbin 0475 135 764 Each WED 4-7pm Newrybar Hall Each THU 8-11am Byron 6687 1137 Each THU 2.30-6.30pm Lismore 0450 688 900 Each FRI 7-11am Mullum 0424 168 672 Each SAT 8-11am Bangalow 6687 1137 Each SAT 8-11am Duranbah Rd (Tropical Fruit World) Each SAT 8am-1pm Uki 6679 5530 Each SAT 8.30-11am Lismore Each SAT 8.30-12am Blue Knob Each SUN 7-11am Ballina 0493 102 137 MONTHLYMARKETS The Echo updates this guide regularly, however sometimes markets change their routine without letting us know. Please get in touch if you want to advise us of a change. PETS g st, 0 OR N sual treat! 47 SSAGE timulation outcalls 9 Too cute and with personality. Kylie 0417 479 755 22 18:55 19:22 23 TH 18:54 8:04 19:55 24 F 18:53 9:08 20:29 25 SA 6:51 18:52 10:11 21:06 26 S SU U 6: 6:5 18: 18:5 18 1 11:13 21:46 2 27 M 6:52 18:49 12:14 22:31 2 28 TU 18:48 13:12 23:20 29 6:54 18:47 14:06 Data Bureau o adjuste app
Tintenbar-East Ballina (TEB) and Bangalow cricket clubs have each had two senior teams qualify for the finals this weekend, while Goonellabah Workers were the minor premiers in the LJ Hooker league.
TEB’s second-grade team has finished in second place on the ladder after beating Pottsville on the weekend.
Pottsville were rolled for 116 with Noah Hill top scoring with 34. The TEB bowlers shared the spoils as Riley Green took 3/8 off seven overs, well supported by David Dirou (3/24 off eight) and Brett Crawford (3/25 off six).
TEB reeled in the total in under 30 overs.
TEB will play Cudgen in the semi-final this weekend.
TEB third-grade will also play in a semi-final against Mullumbimby-Brunswick after they claimed the minor premiership, beating Bangalow on the weekend.
Both the TEB senior semis
Lennox Head surfer, Mikey McDonagh, has taken top honours at the 2023 Mad
Mex Maroubra Pro World Surf League (WSL) Qualifying Series (QS) 1000 rated event.
The win was McDonagh’s second in the 22/23 WSL QS season after taking out the Great Lakes Pro, last month.
The win in the final came easy for Mikey after his opponent Dakoda Walters had to bow out owing to injury.
‘I’m stoked to get the win here today, obviously it’s not the way I would’ve wanted to win but it’s a win and a crucial 1000 points,’ McDonagh said. ‘I would’ve loved to have had that final with Dakoda. He has been the in-form surfer of the event.’
Dakoda Walters hurt his
Tintenbar-East Ballina second-grade celebrate their finals berth last weekend.
will be played in Ballina.
Bangalow third-grade has finished in third place on the ladder behind TEB and Byron Bay after falling to TEB on the weekend.
Craig Thomas top the batting for Bangalow, scoring 43 of their 183-run total.
Joseph Elphick was the pick of the TEB bowlers collecting 4/38 off eight overs.
In reply TEB wobbled to 5/66 before Nathan Fryer (43
not out) and Ben Crawford (69) got the team within reach. They achieved the total in 32 overs.
Bangalow will take on Byron Bay in the other thirdgrade semi-final that will be played at the Recreation Grounds this Saturday.
Bangalow fourthgrade will also contest a semi-final this weekend against Lennox Head, while Alstonville take on the Ballina Bears in the other fourth-grade semi.
There were plenty of good results for the Byron Beez basketballers after five teams headed down to Port Macquarie for the first round of the North Eastern Junior League on March 5-6.
‘It was a great start to the representative season across the board. It’s not all about results,’ assistant coach James Short said. ‘Some teams are new, so it’s about building friendships and getting to know each other.’
The U/16 boys’ division one team were undefeated across four games.
Beez player Billy Blair emerged as the leading point scorer across the weekend, averaging 30 points per game. Billy and Sonny Milne were also among the top five three-point shooters.
The U/16 girls’ division one team had three wins from four outings.
‘The team combined well over four tough games to come away with three wins,
More than 3.5 million dollars to help local sporting groups get up and running after the floods of 2022 has been allocated by the state and federal governments.
which sets up our season really well,’ Coach Gary Lucas said.
‘The team also recently qualified for division one in the Gold Coast open girls’ competition. This is a highlevel competition with some elite players and will be a great challenge for the girls.’
A new team, the U/16 girls’ division two side came away without a win, but solid experience. The U/18 boys also came away winless.
affected by the floods of 2022.
Local MP, Justine Elliot, said sport brought communities together.
The U/18 girl’s division one were undefeated.
‘It was a great first round for the girls coming away with three wins from three games, especially as the majority are in their first year in U18’s and there is not much height within the team,’ James said. ‘They made up for it by having lots of heart and commitment.’
The NEJL runs over five rounds, roughly one per month.
Mikey in action at Maroubra Beach during the heats of the WSL Qualifying Series event. Photo Surfing NSW/Sue Duffus
ankle in his semi-final win against Joel Vaughan. The heat saw five 8-point rides and included Walters pulling
off a big aerial move that scored a perfect 10-point ride. But it came at the cost of an injured ankle.
Some of projects to secure funding include: Bangalow Sports Field (lighting – $795,350); Byron Bay Bowling and Recreation Club (new roof – $266,260); Byron Bay Croquet Club (gazebo and storage shed – $29,064), Mullumbimby Pony Club (Tyagarah Cross Country Grounds – $300,000); PCYC Tweed Heads (floor replacement – $493,881); Murwillumbah Rowing Club (boat launching ramp – $382,182).
A total of $36 million across the north coast has been awarded to 96 projects to repair and rebuild damaged facilities that were
‘Whether you’re on the field, in the canteen, or in the crowd, local sport brings people together and creates long-term connections.
‘The last 12 months has been tough for a number of sporting groups, and this support will help them to rebuild.
‘It also aims to make damaged sporting infrastructure more resilient in the future, including through drainage, irrigation, and track improvements,’ she said.
Lismore City Council will also receive funding for: The Lismore Memorial
Soul Pattinson Chemist
Baths Resilient Recovery project (replaces pumps and filters – $1,033,493), the Lismore Sports Facilities Resilience Recovery project (repairs to tennis and netball precincts and baseball complex – $996,358); Lismore Sportsfields LED upgrade project (delivers more energy-efficient lighting to Crozier Field and Mortimer Oval – $507,248.) The Byron Shire Echo 47
60 Burringbar Street, Mullumbimby Ph: 02 6684 4888 Web: Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm (Sunday Closed) Find a current lower advertised price and we’ll match it!^ ON SALE Wednesday 15th March – Saturday 25th March 2023. Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Omron HV-F127 T.E.N.S. Therapy Voltaren Emulgel 100g SAVE $196 $2099 SAVE $2596 $12999 Pharmacy Health Paraosteo 665 96 Tablets Ask your pharmacist about this product. Incorrect use could be harmful. $599 each Support your health this utumn with a range of products available to help keep you feeling your best. sport stories!
would love to run all kinds of local sport news on these pages
send your photos, stories and ideas to
Supported by Mullumbimby Soul Pattinson Chemist Mullumbimby
so please
Photo supplied
The Byron Beez contest the bounce off in Port Macquarie for round one of the NEJL. Photo supplied
Byron Bay’s largest supplier of reclaimed railway sleepers, turnout timbers and bridge timbers.
NSW Nationals MP Sam Farraway rejected Council’s application for Main Arm Road priority works (see page 12). Coincidentally, independent journalist, Jordan Shanks, last week dropped audio of former Nationals leader, John Barilaro, boasting shamelessly how he pork barrelled electorates during elections. A change in government on March 25 may be in order for better roads?
ICYMI the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission held a public hearing in Sydney on March 13, ‘regarding allegations NSW police officers used excessive force during the apprehension of a young person in northern NSW on September 11, 2022’.
With the illegal Iraq invasion, based on lies, turning 20, a Lismore Stands To Free Assange rally will be held on Saturday March 18 from 11am at the Lismore Memorial Baths, Molesworth Street. All welcome.
The Byron Chamber Business After Hours event, hosted by The Secret Garden, is set for March 30, from 5pm till 7pm. Speakers include reps from Business NSW, We Mean Business, and Byron Shire Council. Tickets available at
It ain’t rude to be nude, especially on ya bike! Byron’s chapter of the annual World Naked Bike Ride was held Sunday in the town, and promotes cycling as an alternative to a car culture, encourages a positive body image and reminds drivers that too many cyclists are killed or injured on roads by car drivers who claim that they did not see the cyclists.
and accused The Echo and BayFM of being ‘Marxists’. He also supports controversial historian, Keith Windschuttle, who is known for cherry picking evidence to talk down the impacts of the massacres. Those interested in Loughrey’s long rant can read it at
live in Byron Shire, or a longterm resident under mortgage stress? Hopefully it won’t
become a fiasco, like Council’s aggressive hinterland compliance raids in 2020.
Our range of sustainable timbers are perfect for landscaping, building or architectural projects. From unique garden beds, to pergolas, feature beams, retaining walls, steps, pathways and more.
Independent NSW election candidate, Kevin Loughrey, made some questionable claims around Indigenous massacres by early colonialists on BayFM recently. As it upset some listeners, The Echo asked him for further clarification, to which he replied with an 1,860 word essay. He said, ‘Stop telling Aborigines they are victims’,
Lismore-based theatre company, NORPA, are creating a pop-up theatre-making space and creative studio in a pavilion at the Lismore Showgrounds. Organisers say it will be the centre of activity for 2023 after they were made homeless by the floods. To learn more, visit
So, Councillors have directed a rather enthusiastic compliance chief to find and prosecute a test case of a landowner who holiday lets their secondary dwelling, despite consent conditions – see page 1. Who will it be? A wealthy investor who doesn’t
We promote the dignity, life and spirituality of older people
48 The Byron Shire Echo
on a permanent part
Australian Law Group is owned and operated by Justin and Alison Peters. Australian Law Group commenced trading in 2006. Australian Law Group merged with Egan Simpson Solicitors in February 2018 and has recently acquired Heydons Lawyers in Byron Bay. Justin and Alison moved from Brisbane to Murwillumbah in 2013 to raise their young family. With the support of the staff Australian Law Gro able to grow to meet needs of their clients. Australian Law Group your legal matter ra Family law, Estate and w law and conveyancin injury, business/commerc litigation.
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Photo Jeff ‘Nudity and Prudity Since 1986’ Dawson