The Byron Shire Echo – Issue 38.20 – October 25, 2023

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THE DAYS OF USING PROPER ENGLISH ARE WENT. HOW EMBARRASSMENT The Byron Shire Echo • Volume 38 #20 • October 25, 2023 •

Flood data shows extent of damage to Byron Shire


ore details have emerged around last year’s devastating floods, with Greens MLC Sue Higginson receiving answers on October 17 from questions asked on September 25 to NSW Minister of State, John Graham. Yet the data provided does not reflect homes lost in landslides, or that were known to be washed away in the hinterland. According to the minister’s replies, 817 homes were flooded in Byron Shire in February/March 2022, with 468 in Mullumbimby, 10 in New Brighton, 183 in South Golden Beach, 122 in Ocean Shores, one in Wilsons Creek, two in Upper Wilsons Creek, 26 in Brunswick Heads, and five in Byron Bay. Lismore City Council recorded 1,585 flooded homes, while 1,648 homes were flooded in Tweed Shire. Asked how many floodimpacted homeowners in the Byron Shire requested a house buyback, raising, or retrofit, the minister replied in part, ‘There have been 977 program registrations in total within the Byron Shire Council area as of September 29, 2023’. As for ‘how many flood-impacted homeowners in the Byron Shire have been approved for a house buyback, raising or retrofit’, the minister replied that ‘four buyback offers have been approved for homeowners in the Byron Shire Council area as of September 29, 2023’. He added there have been no house raising or retrofit approvals in Byron Shire as of September 29. Asked ‘How many floodimpacted houses in the Byron Shire were uninsured, rentals or primary homes’, he replied, ‘This

Tyagarah fire expected to continue ▶ p2

information is not available to the NSW Reconstruction Authority’. And as for the ‘initial and ongoing cost per modular home for the temporary housing program for flood-affected areas in NSW’, the minister replied in part that, ‘an average cost is unable to be calculated’, owing to, ‘Establishment and ongoing costs [which] vary greatly over location and time’. The minister was asked about the breakdown of water levels affecting flooded homes in Byron Shire. He replied that of a total of 817, 157 homes had 1–5mm, 408 had 5–300mm, 188 had 300–1,500mm, eight had 1,500–2,400mm, and two had >2,400mm. Not noted were 54 homes.

And given the flood mapping was changed to not include the 2022 flood data, the minister admitted that ‘All 977 registered [Byron Shire] homeowners would qualify for assistance under the program if the criteria for assistance was changed to only reflect impacts from the 2022 event’. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the NSW Reconstruction Authority told The Echo, ‘On June 13, the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation (NRRC) released flood mapping data, which indicated homes prioritised for a buyback offer based on the greatest risk to life for both residents and emergency service responders’. ‘The flood mapping data identifies locations where there is the greatest risk to life and predicted to experience more frequent, high and fast floods in the future’.

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The Byron Bay Film Festival (BBFF) is now in full flight, with venues across Byron Bay, Lennox Head, Brunswick Heads and Murwillumbah screening dramas, docos, short films, surf flicks. Young filmmakers and homegrown films are also featured. Pictured is BBFF patron and actor, Jack Thompson, with BBFF director, J’Aimee Skippon-Volke. For more info see page 16 or visit Photo Jeff ‘Silver Scream’ Dawson

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Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital turns first sod ▶ p4


Cheeky Jack gets ƐIJĕ ǕōŔ party started

Saddle Road employment hub proposed Paul Bibby


large greenfield site on the edge of Brunswick Heads would be turned into an employment hub featuring light industry, a business park and live/ work precincts, under a plan proposed by a local developer. In a proposal coming before this week’s Byron Council meeting, developer Creative Capital is seeking planning permission for a multiuse development on a 52-hectare area of land at 66 Saddle Road. Creative Capital is owned by developer Brandon Saul, and is the group behind the Habitat mixeduse development next to the Byron

Healing in a post-truth world ▶ p12

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Nevertheless, the development would dramatically change the character of the site, which currently consists of a large paddock in a picturesque rural setting. The development would require a series of zoning changes, and the construction of a roundabout on Gulgan Road to accommodate significant traffic entering and leaving the site throughout the day.

How uninterested voters sank the Voice ▶ p14

Making marvellous spaces ▶ p20

Check out Byron’s Arts & Industry ▶ p22


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As such, the development requires approval not only from Council, but must also go through the state government’s ‘Gateway’ approval process. The proposed development, which includes 6.5-hectares of built areas, would include a number of separate precincts, one for a business park, and another for a ‘traditional industrial precinct’. There would also be an area designated as work/live dwellings, which appears to be buildings where people can both live and work. The proposal does not specify the number or exact type of buildings to be included in ▶ Continued on page 3

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Arts and Industry Estate. The land in question has previously been identified by Byron Council for use as industrial and employment land, a commodity in short supply in the Byron Shire.

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Jonson Street, Byron Bay • 02 6685 6878 •

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