The Byron Shire Echo – Issue 38.24 – November 22, 2023

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‘YOU FOUND IT OFFENSIVE? I FOUND IT FUNNY. THAT’S WHY I’M HAPPIER THAN YOU.’ – RICKY GERVAIS The Byron Shire Echo • Volume 38 #24 • November 22, 2023 •

Height increase repeat for Byron Bay CBD?

School’s out for climate

Paul Bibby

Around 200 students and supporters marched up Jonson Street on Friday for the School Strike 4 Climate. Photo and story Eve Jeffery


round 200 students and supporters gathered in Railway Park in Byron Bay on Friday morning before marching to Peace Park on Main Beach, for a School Strikes 4 Climate event to send a message to the government that coal, gas and oil need to stay in the ground. Organiser of the Byron Bay event, 16-year-old Lani Field, said she wanted to organise the march to create awareness of the fear in young people. ‘It’s heartbreaking to see what’s going on around the world and know that not much is really changing in Australia’. ‘Australia made promises to reach net zero and start acting, but they’ve opened up nine new fossil fuel projects just this year. And it’s just bizarre to me how people

are still turning a blind eye and not doing anything. It’s honestly heartbreaking. ‘I just thought I wanted to do something to make a difference.’ Field, who is in year 10 at Byron High, had a large team of supporters helping on the day, who also wanted to see changes made. ‘I think it’s so important just to give us hope, because it can be so overwhelming,’ she said. ‘We’re surrounded by all this stuff all the time, like bombarded on social media, with all these crazy problems, and it feels like we can do nothing’. ‘I think if we come together, we have so much power, and we can truly make a difference if we put our mind to it and start taking action in every way we can.’ The march was peaceful, with many adults and tiny tots joining in – marchers were led by a police

Local MP responds Pod residents to calls for a oppose pesticide ceasefire ▶ p3 treatments ▶ p4

escort from Railway Park up through Jonson Street and along the beachfront where they were greeted with entertainment and speeches from local talent and environmental groups. Field was happy with the turnout and said it meant a lot to see so many supporters.

Important message ‘The march was great – very powerful. They were enthusiastic, passionate and very loud. The police presence was great. They led us through slowly and made sure that all the roads were blocked. ‘It was really great and shows how important our message is. Take action. In every way you can, choose it every day, choose the planet. It’s our future.’ Similar strikes were also held all around the country.

Meet the new Byron chamber pres ▶ p5



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mĕīōĶīĶćōĕ ĶŔżëĈƐǼ ƆƐëǔ ‘Having regards to the minor increase in height, it is considered the impact is negligible and the variation is supported in this instance,’ Council staff said in their report on the matter. ‘The proposed variation to the height limit does not result in a materially different presentation to the Jonson Street (eastern elevation) or western elevation of the building. ‘The proposed variation does not impact on the bulk or scale of the proposed built form. ‘It is considered strict compliance with the height limit provisions in this instance is unreasonable having regard to the minor variations being sought to the elements listed above, and the development standard can be varied in this instance.’ The proposed modification application also results in a shortage of car parking by three spaces. ‘This is not supported in its entirety and conditions of consent are recommended to provide for a third car share space to service tourists staying within the serviced apartments,’ staff said in their report. The matter is due to come before this week’s Council meeting for determination.

Shop local in Mullum to win! ▶ p19

Scratch your bum and give idleness a chance ▶ p17

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Just two weeks after Byron Council took a stand against developers repeatedly applying for incremental height breaches in Byron Bay, another proponent is trying its luck with a similar application. This time, the applicant is the developer behind ‘The Bonobo by Raes’, a luxury 41-unit development on the site of the old Holiday Village backpackers at 116–118 Jonson Street. The developer, listed somewhat cryptically as Aidop No 6 Pty Ltd & Aidop No 5 Pty Ltd, received approval for the three-storey $27.6m development in May last year. Council documents indicate that the approved development already exceeded the maximum height limit for that part of town, with the proposed lift overrun, privacy screen, roof terrace fencing and pool exterior breaching the 11.5m cap. Now the applicant is back before Council with an application for ‘minor design amendments and modifications’ that involve a further additional height breach. ‘There is an additional breach of the building height standard involving three building roof-top elements increasing 11cm, 6cm and 10cm…’ Council staff said in their report. Each of these relate to the pool proposed for the roof-top of the proposed development. The application has similarities to a modification application which was refused by Council at its last meeting for 43 Lawson Street. That application, for new luxury holiday apartments, also involved modifications to a roof-top pool

area as well. A majority of councillors voted against the proposal, finding that it was still an inappropriate breach of building standards, particularly the rules pertaining to height planes. The latest application is also similar to the Lawson St one in that is has received a recommendation of approval from Council staff.

Jack Johnson – a career worth having ▶ p27

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Jonson Street, Byron Bay • 02 6685 6878 •

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The Byron Shire Echo – Issue 38.24 – November 22, 2023 by Echo Publications - Issuu