Byron Shire Echo – Issue 24.24 – 17/11/2009

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Volume 24 #24 Tuesday, November 17, 2009



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& NOV 20★ ★★




LuLu of a pet wins show honours



Bangalow Show


Govt backs off rail bill The NSW government has withdrawn its controversial Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill, which many saw as a plan to sell off disused rail tracks across the State. Greens MP and transport spokesperson Lee Rhiannon said the withdrawal was an important win for communities across NSW. ‘The government’s so-called Rail Trail Bill was an irresponsible piece of legislation,’ Ms Rhiannon said. ‘If passed it could have resulted in the loss of valuable rail corridors and infrastructure by alienating it for profit making purposes other than rail trails. ‘The government needs to face up to the reality that because of its appalling record on walking and cycleway infrastructure, no-one trusts them when it comes to public transport plans.’

Rail needed

LuLu, the 13 month old blue and gold macaw, holds up her winning ribbons from the Pet Show at the Mullumbimby Show on Sunday. She won the Most Unique Pet category and came second in the Most Colourful Pet category. Proud mum and Mullumbimby local, Jacquie Sands, looks on. Story & photo Lou Beaumont

Predominantly clear skies blessed the revived Mullumbimby Show in its 102nd year. With the previous show being two years ago, this year organisers were hoping for good attendance. Clearly happy with the day, President of the Mullumbimby Agricultural Society, Tony Naclerio, told The Echo, ‘It has all gone extremely well. The ring

events had increased entrants and the truck, cattle, horse shows were all a huge success. The truck auction was huge and the rural youth pavilion was fantastic. Mullum Primary won the best display in the youth pavilion. Gate takings were up and the talent show, pet show, motorbike show and sideshow alley were all a great success.’ Secretary Desley Creighton said, ‘It has been the biggest show in twenty

years. We had record horse entries this year, and one of the judges said that we had the best lineup of mares he had seen in any show in 40 years.’ Arts and craft judge, Shirley Moffatt, made a similar comment, saying, ‘In over 43 years of judging this was the best quality I have seen.’ Main pavilion steward, Daniel Mercer, said ‘The show has been bloody brilliant – a truly committed effort

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from a lot of people.’ Tony Naclerio continued, ‘A big thankyou from me to the committee for their tireless hardworking efforts. Thank you to all the competitors and exhibitors and to the people of the Brunswick Valley for supporting the local show and making it as big as it was. It is a community show, let’s see if we can make it bigger and better next time.’

TOOT president Karin Kolbe said, ‘We’re glad to hear that the government has realised the folly of selling off railway lines across the state. Perhaps they now realise that rail lines are needed in high-growth areas, in rural areas, and are an important method of reducing carbon emissions. ‘TOOT reminds our federal Labor representatives, particularly Justine Elliott, of the need to honour election promises to provide rail services.’ The NSW Farmers’ Association also welcomed the decision, saying it was a win for farmers concerned about transport infrastructure for the future. NSW Farmers’ Association President Charles Armstrong said the government should withdraw it completely, as the Association won’t be backing down. ‘The government has committed to not progress the Bill at this stage, citing a heavy amount of legislation on [its] agenda. However, we won’t rest until this proposal is well and truly dead in the water, and at this stage we don’t have a commitment that it will be fully withdrawn,’ Mr Armstrong said.

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