Volume 24 #36 Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 21,000 copies every week
I S O L AT E D S A R C A S M , C H A N C E O F I R O N Y
At last, a Helen St bridge for SGB
Local events for International Women’s Day March 8 is International Women’s Day and Byron Shire will be joining in the celebrations. The Tandoor Palace will see the women of Byron Shire coming together to have lunch, network, and showcase their businesses. The day will be a fundraising event to enable the Byron Youth Activities Centre (YAC) to purchase equipment for our young people attending programs there and will be hosted by 2010 Byron Shire Citizen of the Year, Nicqui Yazdi. Australia’s Most Easterly Indian Sandy Gandhi will be the MC for the day of celebrations, whch includes Bollywood Dancers, a fashion parade by young designers and a special performance from Karren Gimbert from GAIA (Goddess Association In Australia). There will also be guest speakers. Tickets are $35, $5 of which will go directly back to the YAC. Bookings are essential with Nicqui Yazdi 0402 013 177 or au. Anyone wishing to donate something towards the auction, please contact Nicqui.
Photo exhibition Young women from Byron Shire Youth Council and Byron Girl’s Group are assisting Mullumbimby’s Women’s Resource Service to hold a photographic exhibition on International Women’s Day from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the Mullumbimby Civic Hall. This year’s event is an exhibition of women’s photos reflecting the many ways women achieve success and contribute to the life of our community. The group has set a number of photographic themes and hopes to encourage the submission of a wide range of images to tell the stories of all women, including those with a disability, those with or without children, older women, Indigenous women and young women. Entries close Monday March 1. For more information on how to submit a photo, download an entry form from
Story & photos Paul Williams There was much joy on Wednesday afternoon among an inpromptu gathering of residents (adults, kids and dogs) of South Golden Beach. We were watching the big crane lifting the first span of the footbridge across the Capricoria Canal swung into place – conveniently just after our school kids came home. And the next morning, while most of us were at work or school, Davbridge came with a second big crane and put into place the other two spans. After 16 years or so of waiting and seven months of watching the building site, we now have the main structure of our long awaited bridge in place. There is still work to be done on the bridge deck, railings and approaches but at last we can see how it will look. For many of us it will be a really positive change in our lives and the lives of our children – connecting with friends on both sides of the canal and giving easier and safer access to the beach, shop and preschool. A big thankyou to those who helped make this happen! Just a little wait now until the grand opening...
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