Byron Shire Echo – Issue 24.48 – 11/05/2010

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Bangalow Billycart Derby

THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 24 #48 Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 21,000 copies every week

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Creditors give Shearwater a chance Mums on the run in Classic Eve Jeffery

According to PPB’s count, there were 112 creditors and proxies at last Tuesday’s meeting, convened to decide the immediate future of Shearwater school. On the recommendation from Voluntary Administrators PPB, whose report said, ‘It would be in the creditors’ best interest to resolve that the company execute a DOCA [Deed of Company Arrangement]’, 110 voted for and only two against the proposal. The school board and parents breathed a collective sigh of relief as those owed money, even though they are not happy with the financial actions of the school, still want the facility to stay open.

The VA’s recommendation also came with the news that current trading at the school would suggest that they have the capacity to trade profitably post administration. During the meeting, PPB partner Steve Parbary said he believed funds were not taken from the school. ‘I’d like to make it clear to creditors that … funds were used for other purposes, but were not misused for things outside the school.’ In the terms of the DOCA, creditors will receive ten cents in the dollar. Questions were still raised as to the feasibility of creditors becoming lenders and being accorded the same benefits given to family loans, but Mr Robinson said that the DOCA did not allow for that.

Creditors also asked if they could sue the school individually for insolvent trading. PPB said that if the deed were executed, creditors would have no ability to sue the school in another arena, Mr Robinson saying that even when this was an opportunity, few claims were ever successful. The process for the next three weeks was outlined and made clear, that there was still another three weeks hard work ahead before the school was safe from liquidation. At the time of the meeting there had been around $177,000 raised from direct donations and a further $33,000 through the PayPal account. Taking into consideration the dollar for dollar arrangement with Bharat continued on page 9

A celebration of harmony in the Bay

In podium formation from the start, second over the line Lisa Johnston with event winner Lisa Ferrier and third placed Lisa Elsa Frazier in their run across the Brunswick Heads footbridge. Story & photo Eve Jeffery

From left,Beatrice Ngoy, Helen Kalend with her son Nathan, Made Dennis, Sachiko Matsumoto and Harsha Prabhu were among those celebrating Harmony Day at the Byron Bay community centre last Saturday. Photo Jeff Dawson

A record number of 100,000 Australians chose to dedicate their Mothers Day morning to raising funds for breast cancer research by walking or running in Mothers Day Classic events across the nation. Over 50 mothers and others gathered at the Sound Shell in Brunswick Heads to take part in the inaugural Brunswick Heads Mothers Day Classic. Organiser Nicole McAuley was very pleased with the turnout and people’s willingness to give up what is traditionally a stay-in-bed morning to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. ‘We’re all here today for different reasons,’ said Nicole in her pre-event speech. ‘We are here to pay tribute to our Mums, to remember a loved one who has passed away from breast

cancer, or to offer our support to those who are currently undergoing treatment, but most importantly, we are here to help the National Breast Cancer Foundation find a cure.’ Before the event Nicole asked for a minute’s silence for those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and for those close to them, including partners, children, parents, friends and work colleagues. The circuit included a run across both bridges in town before heading out to the bowls club, then back for fruit and coffee courtesy of Brunswick Village Greens and Cino Bambino. The Byron Bay Breast Cancer Support Group was also on hand in the park to answer questions and make the day just that little bit more pink. Breast cancer remains one of the most commonly occurring cancers in

enrich your spirit Open 7 Days 10am-5pm (NSW time) 81 Monet Drive, Mullumbimby 40 mins from Tweed Heads 20 mins from Byron Bay (02) 6684 3111

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