Landlords, investments, rates and rents
S HaslamInterest rates are nearing their peak, according to the big four banks, and on the most optimistic (CBA) estimates will fall from March to be 1% lower by the end of 2024. While market conditions mean the recent rapid annual price rises have tapered off, factors such as a return of immigration, and high employment rates have led to a situation where demand for housing is strong and supply problematic, to the extent that many are calling on governments to make sure we build more houses, especially cheap ones.
Despite recent higher rates, according to the ABS head of finance statistics on 3 July 2023, the value of new owner-occupier dwelling loans commitments rose 4.2% in May (total new loans rose 4.8%) and the number of new owner/occupier loans rose 5.1%, after a long steep decline in new (as opposed to refinanced) loans in the period January 2022 to January 2023. This may indicate those with the money are now taking advantage of the lull in price rises.
But despite some Northern Rivers agents reporting strong sales in recent months, and some vendors holding out for higher prices, now is a time when many people around the country are tightening their belts and are worried about their finances.
According to a survey published in the SMH,*[1] 51% of respondents said they would struggle to afford a major expense of a few thousand dollars, a figure 10% higher than five months ago. Not only low income (64%) but also middle income (49%) and high income (46%) people are feeling the pinch, and just 5% believe the economy will improve in the next month (47% believe it will get worse). It’s hardly surprising that many families are trying to find extra ways to earn income.
Because Australia’s landlords are overwhelmingly ‘mum and dad’ investors (71% of Australia’s landlords own just one property, 90% own one or
two) they tend to want to increase rents urgently when interest rate rises mean it’s a struggle to pay the mortgage on their house and rental property. One other option is to sell your investment property, taking advantage of the recent price rises. In March 2023, 59.7% of properties for sale in the City of Sydney were investment properties (the ten-year average is 38.6%).*[2]. However selling isn’t always a good option if you’re over-extended; 10% of sales in the March quarter in Sydney were loss-making sales.*[3] Kicking out tenants at the end of a fixed-term tenancy in order to rent to someone else at a higher price is known as a ‘no-grounds’ eviction, and concern for the tenants involved is leading to pressure to ban this practice in NSW, as has happened in the ACT.
Australia is one of the few countries that allows no grounds evictions, and the demand for urgent rent rises may not be as strong if Australia’s rental market was dominated by landlords with huge numbers of properties, allowing rent increases to happen more naturally as tenants move on. One factor influencing the large number of small landlords is Australia’s superannuation rules allowing people to invest their own self-managed super in property.

Whilst it’s common to hear of ‘greedy landlords’ kicking out tenants and increasing rents, there is
something of a myth that we’re overrun with tophat wearing landlords from the Monopoly board; the third-most-common landlord occupation is registered nurse – almost as many nurses are landlords as CEOs/managing directors. The fourth landlord occupation is accountants, followed by admin assistant/office worker, office manager, advertising/sales manager, high school teacher, infant/primary school teacher and so on. Only 40,000 people owned five or more properties in 2021, out of 2.2 million landlords.*[4]
Soaring prices over the last 20 years have led more people to invest in property. Record low interest rates have encouraged people to borrow to invest and over-extend themselves, leading now to lossmaking sales and rent rises. The number of people with just one rental property has risen 81% in that time, supercharging the market, but since 2019 the total number of landlords has started declining. Despite record rents, interest rate rises can make it uneconomical to hold an investment, and discussion of rent freezes, abolition of negativegearing and bans on no-grounds evictions have also discouraged some landlords.

The one group who’s the clearest loser in all of this is young people. Whilst many landlords have families, the number of young landlords has declined, although the number aged 60 and over has continued to increase, due to the fact that property price increases have overwhelmingly benefited those who bought property over 20 years ago. Meanwhile, most young people are struggling to pay high rents and save a deposit for their own home, let alone an investment property.
*Sources: 1. Shane Wright: SMH 18 July 2023 ‘Half of Australians on financial brink as living costs bite’.
2. CoreLogic, April 2023. 3. CoreLogic, 28 June 2023 ‘Short term selling on the rise as property profits fall’. 4. ATO dataset 2020–21 table 14a.
First National Byron awarded agency of the year, again
First National Byron
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