Gateway Community Services Proposal Book

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Meet the



Missing Piece Media is an Advertising group started by four Michigan State University students with the goal of assisting a non-profit with their advertising, marketing and fundraising. Our mission is to provide our insight and expertise on advertising, marketing and design to organizations that can not otherwise afford to incorporate this vital piece of success into their company. We decided on our name because we saw the disconnect between non-profits and an advertising budget. Missing Piece Media strives to fill that gap by helping our non-profit, Gateway Community Services, build a stronger image and brand within the community and provide them a toolkit to continue to grow after we graduate.

Left to right: Brandyn Brazee, Liana Eckert, Sarah Titus, David James


Table of Contents







Table of Contents


Video Spot


Situation Analysis




SWOT Analysis


Website Design


Strategic Research


Social Media


Creative Brief


Guerilla Marketing




Media Overview


Corporate Identity


Thank You




Print Ads


Situation Analysis


Gateway Community Services Gateway Community Services is a private non-profit 501Š3 organization that has been serving runaway, homeless, and struggling youth and their families in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties since 1970. They have set out to provide essential services to youth and families that both strengthen and empower them to become stable, self-sustaining members of our community. Through effective teamwork, leadership, accountability, mutual respect, and compassion Gateway has helped so many local youths. Gateway stands at the forefront of this battle against homelessness, being that they are the only shelter in the tri-county area that allows unaccompanied youth. Gateway targets clients between the ages of 12 to 21 that are seeking an escape from violence, pain, intolerance and seeking love.




SWOT No clear branding. They have not been consistent with names and logos Gateway has clear goals and mission (meaningful, can pull on peoples heartstrings)

Gateway has a large directory of resources for potential clients and donors

Sense of family from the beginning (family oriented, makes clients feel at home and like they are with a safe family) Gateway has a lot of success stories Has community presence and has a small following

Little distribution and awareness and no real community voice Lack of funding They only have four tenants, they only have room for so many people


Affordable housing maintenance

Handouts are boring and to complex Pretty small following for being around since the 1970’s





They have create a means to communicate their mission, goals and actions to the community

Opportunity for funding and grants

Gaining a louder voice through social media

Lack of government grants and funding Being overshadowed by bigger charities Client hostility

Build on resource that they already have Use their strong mission as a selling point (we are trying to help the youth become strong pillars in the community) It would be easy to rebrand them without confusing people

Some clients don’t wish to speak on experience at Gateway


Client confidentiality Cost of living in the economy

Convincing new clients to join the program (primary audience is teens)


Primary Research


Have you heard of Gateway Community Services? 12 out of 60 said ‘yes’

How do you usually hear about non-profits that you typically support? TV & Radio: 17% Billboards: 10% Brochure: 37% WOM: 77%

Do you recognize the existing Gateway logo?

Location of survey-takers

20% yes 75% no

Have you heard of any of their individual programs? LGBTQ: 33% Crossroads: 33% Higher Ground: 23% Crisis Line: 26% Street Outreach: 11%

Out of 60 responses, 56 from MI. 68% from Ingham, Clinton or Eaton counties


How do you like organizations to keep in contact with you? direct mail: 17% e-mail: 63% social media: 62% website: 55%


Secondary Research


At any given time, an estimated 300,000 adolescents are living on the streets without supervision, nurturing, or regular assistance from a parent or responsible adult. 2 Over 12 million children (up to age 18) live in poverty (4.2 million under the age of six) and the number of children living in poverty has increased by 1.2 million since 1979.1 75% of runaways are females.3


According to a San Francisco government study, 17% of homeless youth are HIV-positive.5 Young people living on the streets are highly likely to be engaged in substance abuse (approximately 75%), as a means to self-medicate to deal with traumatic experiences and abuse they face while trying to survive.5

46% or runaway and homeless youth reported being physically abused, 17% reported being sexually exploited, and 38% reported being emotionally abused. Nearly 43% of homeless young men and 39% of homeless young women say they were assaulted with a weapon while living on the streets.5


National Center for Children in Poverty {NCCP}(2001) Child Poverty Fact Sheet. 2National Youth Development Information Center {NCY} (2001) NCY Public Policy Statements – Runaway and Homeless Youth. 3National Runaway Switchboard {NRS} (2000) National Runaway Switchboard Statistics. 4P Slavin, “Life on the Run, Life on the Streets,” (2001) Child Welfare League of America {CWLA}. 1

} 15

Creative Brief


Who is our client? Gateway Community Services What does the public know about Gateway Community Services?

What demographic are we attempting to reach?

The public is not very aware of the existence of Gateway Community Services as a whole. A few have said they thought Gateway had closed its doors years back. Gateway has many programs under their umbrella that are known independently, but the Gateway brand recognition is not very high.

Donors - Adults; Ages 18+ - Lives in Eaton, Ingham, or Clinton counties - Interested in helping the homeless youth in their community; whether it be monetary donations or just donation of time.

Message we want to relay to the public: Gateway Community Services is still here, and they are still doing AMAZING things to help our community’s runaway and homeless youth. Gateway is different than any other charity out there. There are tons of non profits that help animals and domestic violence and those are all great causes, but there is only one that helps runaway and homeless youth and that’s Gateway.

Clients - Youth; Ages 12-21 - Homeless, in need of a safe place to call home - Looking for an escape from; abuse (sexual, physical, ect.), intolerance, family issues, abandonment, ect.

What tone do we want to convey? - Pull on the heart strings - Warmth

- Loving - Urgency to help


Creative Brief


Competitive landscape Although Gateway is the only homeless shelter of its kind (allows unaccompanied youth) the competition in this area is still high when it comes to soliciting donations. The metropolitan area has hundreds of charities to donate to.

Obstacles facing this campaign: Budget! Budget! Budget!

How we plan on getting this message out there: Rebrand Gateway with a new logo. The new logo will give Gateway a new identity, one that they now have control over. They will be able to now uniformly brand all their different programs with the new logo. The new logo will also attract clients because it will convey hope and togetherness.

Social media Blitz. We will try to capitalize on their current presence on Facebook while also moving them over to other social mediums. We would like to provide them with a Twitter page and possibly look into mediums such as Pintrest. We will use these to interact with donors and others, relay information on upcoming events, and provide the public with information and statistics about the homeless youth epidemic.

Focus on free publicity. Drive this home by reaching to local news mediums and talk radio. And also take advantage of fundraising opportunities.





Gateway Community Services

The original logo for Gateway Community Services featured a person walking over an arch towards a sun. The graphics are outdated and it does not look uniform throughout all of Gateway Community Services programs. We decided to change the logo to an image that portrays an uplifting feeling, demonstrating growth and support. We incorporated more than one figure in the logo, as well as the symbolism of a tree to go along with the idea of moving forward and supporting one another within the community. We decided to go with a brighter blue that has a more uplifting feel to it and did away with the yellow, as one color will make printing significantly cheaper in the long run.


Corporate Identity


Gateway Community Services Marketing Style Guide Headings and Subheadings:

Gill Sans Regular Bold


Body Text:


Main Color:


Programs and Services: Leaves will be used to differentiate each program and service from one another, without losing brand recognition.

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Each leaf can be used as a secondary mark.

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Main Logo: To be used on all materials

o eZ f a S

Gateway Community Services




Letterhead: 2875 Northwind Drive, Suite 105 East Lansing, MI 48823

Gateway Community Services


Phone: (517) 351-4000 Fax: (517) 351-4094 E-mail:


Gateway Community Services 2875 Northwind Drive, Suite 105 East Lansing, MI 48823

Community Services

Barbara Morton Executive Director

Business Card:

P: (517) 351-4000 F: (517) 351-4094

Gateway Community Services



Print Ads



Other keywords will be used throughout the campaign as well, such as love, warmth and security.

Our campaign is designed to target both the potential client and donor. With the slogan “Find some. Give some.” we are hoping to address both target markets within the same campaign. In areas that donors are more likely to be found, “Give support to a youth today!” will be the tagline used. However, in areas with potential clients, such as in Safe Zones, the slogan “Find support today!” will be used.


Print Ads


Examples of love and warmth print ads, executing the “Find Some. Give Some.� tagline with symbolic images




This billboard design goes along with our Find Some. Give Some. campaign. We decided to use the term “security” for the billboard display because of the target audience. Billboards will typically be seen by potential donors more often than potential clients, therefore we used the “Give” angle of the campaign, as opposed to using “Find” in the tagline. This billboard advertisement will make people realize that not everyone has a sense of security in their home situation and that there are great organizations, like Gateway Community Services, designed to help out those less fortunate people.

We decided to use a white background for the top of the ad to take away from possible distractions, making the billboard easier to read in a quick few seconds that drivers will have to absorb your message.



Video Spot


Gateway Community Services PSA Storyboard




Informational bracelets


Gateway Community Services Find some. Give some. 1-877-833-3689

These bracelets will be promotional items for Gateway Community Services. They will function as a reminder for potential clients that Gateway Community Services is always available to help them. It is common for homeless or runaway youth to be hesitant to reach out for help when they may need it. When initially given these bracelets, some people may not react right away, but they will serve as a reminder that Gateway Community Services is there when they to anyone considering looking for help that Gateway Community Services is here when they are ready to seek help. The bracelets will have the Crisis Line number on them, enabling potential clients to get help as soon as they are ready to ask for it.


Website Design


Gateway Community Services







This website is designed to be cohesive with Gateway Community Services’ new brand recognition. It is much sleeker and simpler than the original site. With the use of the new Gateway blue and white, we have reduced the excessive amounts of color and reduced the clutter on the page. The home page displays pictures of recent events or activities, and can be replaced with pictures from different events throughout the year. The navigation tabs lead the user to different pages, explaining the background of Gateway Community Services, the different programs and services they offer, and how one can get help or get involved.

An important aspect of this design is the minimal color scheme. Our main focus in the rebranding of Gateway Community Services is to make your organization more recognizable throughout programs.




This form of social media is a great way for non-profits because it is a free form of advertising. Facebook should be utilized to promote fundraising events and activities. Photo albums can also be created to share pictures from events with prospective donors, enabling them to see where their time and money can be going. By designing their Facebook page to match the branding of their website and other collateral materials, we have created a unified brand for Gateway Community Services.

Facebook can also be beneficial in directing potential clients and donors to the Gateway Community Services website, as well as providing location and contact information. In addition, Facebook provides clients and donors an opportunity to give feedback on services and events.




Twitter can also be beneficial to Gateway Community Services through tweeting about the Street Outreach Program (SOP). Tweets can include times and locations of where the Outreach Van will be, which would be a helpful media tool in communicating with potential clients.

Twitter can be used to communicate with followers about upcoming funraisers and events. Twitter can also be utilitzed to promote Fundraising Friday, using #FundraisingFriday and other events or dates that would be relevant to runaway and homeless youth. This source of social media will be used throughout the year, but can be used more often throughout the month of November, to highlight National Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness Month. Twitter is also a good platform for tweeting statistics and information about how people can help donate their time and/or money to Gateway Community Services.


Guerilla Marketing


The guerilla marketing aspect of this campaign is geared towards gaining more clients. Chalk drawings and graffiti style markings will be drawn on sidewalks surrounding Safe Zone locations. These messages are meant to grab peoples attention and make them think about their own personal situations. If someone sees this message and realizes that they are missing love, support, security, or warmth in their life, then maybe they will look to contact Gateway Community Services. Many runaway and homeless youth want someone to turn to, but are either afraid or too ashamed to ask for help. We want to make potential clients feel like they can come to us to fulfill what they feel their life may be missing. The location of this marketing tactic allows us to approach the youth, instead of requiring them to seek us out.


Media Plan Overview


Decem ber

Novem ber

r Octobe

Septem ber

Augus t



Ma y



Febru ary

Januar y Print Ads Out-of-Home Social Media Promotions Video Spot Guerilla Newsletter

When it comes to our media plan, we want to maintain a continuous presence without spending too much. We will use multiple mediums to keep Gateway Community Services relevant throughout the year. Some of the mediums, such as out of home, newsletters, direct mail pieces and etc, will have to be done on a pulsing schedule. Our heaviest media usage will occur in November, where we will be advertising National Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness Month.


Thank you!


Dear Gateway Community Services, We here at Missing Piece Media would like to take this time to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work with you. By opening your doors to Missing Piece, you provided us the platform to display our many skills in advertising. Gateway Community Services has given us an unparalleled learning experience. We truly enjoyed working with Gateway and cherish the relationship that was formed with the staff. Now it is our pleasure to present to you all of our hard work. We have spent countless hours planning and developing this proposal that will raise awareness of the new Gateway Community Services. With this proposal Gateway will elevated to a new level, by integrating more social media into your advertising and a revamping your logo. We hope these small, but much needed changes will provide Gateway with a new brand identity and drive an increase of donations and volunteers. Thank you again for an extraordinary opportunity. We hope you find our work to be beneficial, helpful and useful. It has been our pleasure working with you.


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