1 minute read
■ Setting Up a Profile
from Microsoft Office 365
by EckoTango
On the right side of the Office 365 home page, you’ll see the Resources column, which includes links to more information that can help you get started using Office 365. At the top of the column, you see a search box, which you can use to locate help content on any topic related to Office 365. Just click in the box, type a word or phrase that describes the type of information you’d like to find, and click Search. A pop-up window gives you a list of search results with links to the information you’re looking for. You can return to Office 365 by simply clicking the close box.
Back on the Office 365 Home page, the top article in the Resources area shows you how to import your contacts to your Outlook Web App address book. You can also find out how to set up your smartphone to receive your Office 365 mail (which you’ll learn more about later in this chapter), and you can click the Downloads link to install additional Office 365 services.
At the bottom of the Resources column, you’ll see a set of Community links that display ways you can interact with other Office 365 users. You can ask a question in one of the Office 365 forums, read the Office 365 blog, or add your own thoughts and content to the forum, wiki, or other community efforts.
Your first task, after you create your Office 365 account, is to tell the program a little about your preferences and interests. Your profile—similar to ones you’ve probably created on social media sites—lists the basics about who you are, where you live, and what language you use. There’s nothing fancy or too involved here, as you can see from Figure 2-3. Note, however, that the basic info about you—your name and address, for example—aren’t editable in the profile screen. That’s because the Administrator of your account is the one responsible for making changes to user accounts. You learn how to set up and edit user account info in Chapter 3, “Administering an Office 365 Account.”