1 minute read
■ An Overview of Your Administrative Tasks
from Microsoft Office 365
by EckoTango
So you already know you’re a special person because you’ve got the keys to the kingdom. When you log in to your Office 365 account, if you’re an administrator you’ll see the Admin link at the top right side of the choices at the top of the screen. When you click Admin, the Admin Overview page appears, as you see in Figure 3-1.
FIGURE 3-1 The Admin Overview page gives you access to the various ways you can administer the Office 365 account.
When you first click Admin after creating your Office 365 account, the Admin page shows the Get Your Team Started area at the top. This special group of links gives you what you need to know to begin setting up your site for your team. Specifically, you can ■ Watch a video clip about the administrative tasks in Office 365. ■ See a video of user tasks and learn about Office 365 services.
■ Add new users to your account. ■ Add and verify the web domain you want to use with the account.