2 minute read
■ What’s Next
from Microsoft Office 365
by EckoTango
FIGURE 4-8 You can easily apply new themes and layouts to the website you create for your team.
TIP If you’ve worked with Office Live Small Business, you’ll notice that the web tools are the same ones you used in that program. You can easily edit, format, and add web components to your pages using the simple web tools provided now in SharePoint Online.
See Also You’ll learn all about customizing the content in the SharePoint Online website in Chapter 5.
This chapter focused on some of the tasks you can start with as you begin to pull your team together. The next chapter goes into greater detail about customizing your team site in SharePoint Online. You’ll learn how to tailor the content just the way you want it for your team and create a site you’ll share with the world as well.
■ Planning your team site ■ Creating a simple team site— fast ■ Putting some thought into the team site design ■ Choosing a site theme ■ Changing the text layout of your page ■ Posting an update ■ Adding and formatting pictures ■ Adding a new page ■ Entering and editing content ■ Adding web parts ■ Sharing your site
Creating Your Team Site with SharePoint Online
SHAREPOINT ONLINE is likely to be the heart of your cloud operation, helping you stay in touch with the team, share documents, post announcements and updates, and manage the various tasks that will be part and parcel of your projects. You do, after all, need a space where your team can come together in some fashion and share what you’re working on. The basic SharePoint Online site provided for you in Office 365 is just the beginning—you can customize the site to include all sorts of tools and web parts that suit the type of information you need to manage and the results you want to create. You can also use SharePoint Online to create a forward-facing website that enables you to share your work with the world. The point is to create a site that looks and feels like a home base for you and your team—a virtual office space where you can find the files you need, chat with your colleagues over coffee, get updates on important tasks easily, and feel you’re in sync with the group. The last chapter introduced you to some of the tasks you might want to accomplish in your team site; this chapter shows you how to add text and images and rearrange the furniture so that it fits just the way you and your team like to work.