ECLIPSE Magazine July 2018

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Through the Lens

The theme for this issue is “Summer on a Boat,” and Absinthe Holloway takes us on a journey through her camera lens.

Rockefeller Club

ECLIPSE Magazine shines the spotlight on Rockefeller Club, one of Second Lifes premiere music venues!

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Trending Now


World of Roleplay


Ask Noey

The ECLIPSE stylists highlight outfits of their favorite summer fashion trends.

The Proust Spotlight

Teaming up with the Blogger & Vlogger Network, we shine the Proust Spotlight on blogger, Parker Droverson.

At Home With...

For the monthly Home & Garden feature, June Fallon showcases the best decor for summer relaxation.

Briony explores and discovers the world of “The Realm of Kardoloth.”

Noey Ivy London Flower offers the best advice on the grid for all your SL needs.


ECLIPSE Magazine is dedicated to not only offering an aesthetically pleasing publication, but to also be considered a platform that offers rich and relevant content. Each month, we showcase residents and groups that have taken the concept of “your world, your imagination� to such great heights that they have impacted the culture and lifestyle of the Second Life community.


Cover Story Dust Bunny Cover Photographer Lessthen Zero


Voices from the Grid


Artist Highlight


The Wayfarer


Writer: Cajsa Lilliehook

Each issue ECLIPSE Magazine asks residents a question, see what they have to say.

From WSL Promotion, we feature their artist Porter Paquot.

Join the Wayfarer on a journey exploring the sim, Rustic Retreat. ECLIPSE July 2018 | Page 7


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executive team


Trouble dethly

cajsa lilliehook

Taylor Wassep

carley benazzi


Copy Editor

Creative Director

Lead Stylist

jessyca teardrop Assistant Editor

the c



Briony Writer Cajsa Lilliehook Grayden Foxe oey Ivy London Flower Novaleigh Freng Oema Synful Aeon Taylor Wassep

Autumn Rose Blair Lockhearst Carley Benazzi June Fallon Lessthen Zero Taylor Wassep Tempest Rosca Wicca Merlin

stylists Blair Lockhearst Boniefacio Caesar Langer June Fallon Lua Vendetta Misoindite Romano SaianSamuel Sienna Bellios Tempest Rosca

guest stylist & photographer Absinthe Holloway

interested in advertising with eclipse? have an idea for a great story? looking to start a new career in second life? email


When you support the things you do and people you interact with that bring you joy, it should be done with no expectation. It should be done because there is no better way to show your appreciation for the people and things that make your life even just a little brighter. It is a strange edge to balance on, where should the line be drawn? These are the thoughts that orbit my mind, before instantaneous clarity is found — albeit with the help and insight from a friend. I still believe that there is a beauty in dreams. And that this virtual world and any world is built on a foundation of those dreams. I feel that everyone is entitled to a certain level of respect by simple virtue of their humanity. Depending on their behavior, this level of respect can grow or diminish. For those I know and those that know me, I will afford them the benefit of the doubt in situations that demand it with the expectation that they would do the same for me. That is not how the world works, unfortunately. Louder voices, though dishonest, will be heard. Some will keep you around for what you offer freely and cast you aside just as quickly. Idle musings, of course. Do keep receipts, and a bit of chalk to hand out. This issue of ECLIPSE Magazine, we feature Dust Bunny on the cover, and I am thrilled. Noel is extraordinarily talented and creates some of the cutest things on the grid. Visit the land, and you’ll be able to tell that I’m a fan. With that, we have a total of 11 features in our July edition, and I do hope you enjoy them. Happy Readings!

letter from the publi


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through the lens Styling by absinthe holloway. photography by absinthe

Each issue, ECLIPSE Magazine invites one of the many talented photographers from Second Life to collaborate. With this piece, they style, create and share a glimpse through their lens. Absinthe Holloway (sinontherocks), a talented photographer, extraordinary stylist and Editor-in-Chief and CEO of Ferosh, showcases “Summer on a Boat.�



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a lived-in second life

written by cajsa lilliehook. photography by autumn rose & less

sthen zero.

A persistent irony of Second LifeÂŽ is that when we can create a world without limits, where we can live in the air, underwater, or in the crater of a volcano, where we can exist in any century and in any kind of construction, most of us turn to the familiar. Further, even though we need never wipe down cobwebs, wash dishes, or clear the dust bunnies under the bed, we embrace the tatterdemalion, we want rust, spills, cobwebs, and more than anything else, we want our dust bunnies. And that is what Noel [lxlnoel] has set herself to deliver with her perfectly named home decor store Dust Bunny.

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Noel describes the Dust Bunny aesthetic as lived-in and cozy. “Dust Bunny is designed to give that rustic, cozy vibe that gives a space a homey feel I love to create items that make a space appear inviting and make you want to sit right down and get comfortable.” She has a simple goal, “To create items that people love and enjoy. I try to make places and items that I would love to use myself, and seeing people create so many beautiful scenes using Dust Bunny is heartwarming.” The name Dust Bunny is a perfect marriage of the homey and the quaint. So was lxlnoel tapping into our deep love of the tattered and dusty when she named her store? Actually, it was serendipity as she was thinking more about two of her favorite things, rabbits and buildings and voila...Dust Bunny. Noel first learned of Second Life from seeing online advertisements. One day eight years ago, she had school work to do, so of course, she downloaded SL® instead. She has also heard of it from friends who migrated to SL after a game they all played shut down. The idea of creating her own virtual world was so tempting.

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She spent her first day in SL at a neko-themed mall buying everything that was free and “then proceeded to attach all the boxes to my avatar because I didn’t know how to unbox anything.” A friend introduced her to building. She found the learning curve steep, but she was not intimidated as she had built houses in “The Sims.” She adds, “I was hooked after we built a haunted hotel featuring an elevator.” Her first creation for Dust Bunny was The Vintage Bakery. “I remember I didn’t have a hang of the basics of Blender but I tried my best with what little I knew. Oddly enough, I still remember watching the series premiere of the series “The Strain” while I worked on it back in 2014. I have no idea why I remember that when I have such a bad memory!” Her favorite creation was The Penrose Treehouse which is the most ambitious item she has ever made. “It helped me realize that I can create whatever I put my mind and motivation towards.” Noel does not lack for inspiration. In fact, she sees inspiration everywhere she looks. As she explains, “I feel like inspiration is all around me, either when Page 44 | ECLIPSE July 2018

I’m shopping and seeing current trends or by playing games and looking at the architecture in them. I also love to watch baking/ cooking shows, and those always inspire me with delicious ideas for food to create!” She keeps a journal to save her ideas so she can come back to them when she she’s ready to take them on. Being a creator is Second Life is a little bit like being Doctor Doolitte’s pushmipullyu. On the one hand, there are the residents posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr pictures of things they want in Second Life. There’s even a Flickr Group called Please Make This in SL. On the other hand, if they fulfill that wish, there’s an SL Secret waiting for them on Sunday even though taking a real life item and recreating it in mesh still requires time and skill. Noel acknowledges the balancing act can be tough at times. She avoids the trap by always putting her own spin on any ideas that inspire her. “It’s important for me to create items that are unique enough to not create something that has already been made due to designers getting the same inspiration.”

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Her design process varies depending on what she is making and how complex it will be. “Generally I start with a planning phase that can take me anywhere from a few hours to a day or two. Once I have a game plan for what I’m doing I take it into Blender (a 3D modeling program) and this would be the most time-consuming part of the process. Modeling, Sculpting, UVing, and texturing an item can take days. Once I have it inworld I’m able to complete the final details like permissions, scripts, and boxing.” Asked what would make it easier for her, she joked, “If someone else did it all for me! Just kidding haha. Probably the most time consuming thing for me is trying to figure out what my customers would enjoy the most, if there was some way to know that it would make things so much easier for me!” Like other creators, she struggles with the balance between mainstore releases and events. At the moment, she mostly releases through events, but echoes many other creators with a desire to increase her focus on mainstore releases. Currently, she participates and in Collabor88, Fameshed, Uber, and Fifty Linden Friday. ECLIPSE July 2018 | Page 47

Choosing the right mix of events that ensure her brand is seen by enough people while not allowing events to determine her schedule and drive her creativity is not a simple task. For her, the factors that matter most are traffic, organization, and how people respond to the event. If it is an exciting and unique experience that gets them talking, that makes a successful event in her eyes. If you look at Dust Bunny’s releases over the past year, you can see there has been a strong turn toward creating plants and food, the ingredients of a lived-in life. “I’ve always enjoyed creating plants and food and after seeing how well my customers responded to those items It’s encouraged me to create them more often.” She has done fewer

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sets and buildings because of time constraints however she is looking forward to doing more later in the year. “Going back to my ‘roots’ with buildings and furniture will be my main focus for the rest of the year if all goes well. I eventually would like to have a good balance of decoration, furniture, and buildings....I have a lot of ideas that I can’t wait to bring to life and show everyone!” While Noel does the planning and creating, she is not the only member of the Dust Bunny team. Divos Titanium is her Blogger Manager. She explained his role “He helps select the amazingly talented team of bloggers who showcase Dust Bunny items brilliantly. He also assists with promoting the Dust Bunny brand. I don’t know what I’d do without him!”

Second Life is transformative for nearly all creators. No less so for Noel. “SL has become a huge portion of my life and I’m forever grateful for the opportunities it has given me. I am able to do what I love as a job, and have a creative outlet at the same time. I’ve also made some amazing friendships here (shout-out to them for helping to keep me sane throughout the years)!” Of course, no work is perfect and for Noel, the lack of protection for creators is an ongoing problem. She does not feel that Second Life is a safe space for creating when people can exploit their work in and out of SL, even selling copied items on SL’s own marketplace with little consequence. But that is not the worst of SL in her

opinion. Perhaps pseudonymous identities weaken social norms such as “if you can’t say anything nice…” or perhaps some people are just mean, but there is tendency for criticism to be over-the-top. As Noel puts it, “While the positive greatly outweighs any negative, there can be some pretty harsh feedback from some people as well, it can get pretty overwhelming at times but I do my best to make everyone happy.” However, as she said, the positive outweighs the negative. “The best thing is the communities we create in our virtual world. “There are so many amazing and supportive people here, the positive feedback is so appreciated and always brings me motivation and is just overall heartwarming.”

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When she’s relaxing, Noel likes to play games. Her current favorites areOverwatch, The Witcher 3, Dying Light and Fortnite. While she is working, she keeps an eye on series television. Lately she has been watching “The Handmaid’s Tale” and “Outlander.” If she needs both eyes focused on her work, she listens to Spotify® with a heavy rotation of Dermot Kennedy, Rainbow Kitten Surprise and Post Malone. As to the future, she tells us to expect some changes soon. “I can’t go into specifics, but since I’ve stopped putting so much focus into gacha like I have in the past, I’ve been putting that time and energy into exploring ways to make shopping fun for customers. Dust Bunny will always be growing, it’s been such an exciting journey so far with so much amazing support from my customers, and I hope to keep things exciting for everyone!” With that promise, we all can look forward to an exciting and live-in Second Life for a long time to come. Teleport to Dust Bunny. Check out Dust Bunny on Marketplace. Follow Dust Bunny on Flickr, their Facebook and Plurk.

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Dead Dollz: Margot Romper Photographer & Stylist: Carley Benazzi Page 52 | ECLIPSE July 2018

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rockefeller club

written by taylor wassep. photography by taylo


or wassep.

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With summer in full swing, nothing gets the s of a friendly crowd, listening to the tranquil latest dance animation on the dance floor. C way, much like their real life counterparts, fo clubs in Second Life have an atmosphere tha them is the newly reopened, Rockefe

spirits a-rockin’ like enjoying the atmosphere songs from a talented singer, or busting the Clubs in Second Life™ gather the masses in a or hours of fun and letting loose. Only a few at cannot be outdone by any others. One of eller Club founded by Nathally Blokke.

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Rockefeller Club is an up-and-coming club based off of an iconic New York City landmark smack right in the center of Midtown Manhattan. Nathally explained why she created a club inspired by The Big Apple because she wanted to “showcase some of the newest and best talents in a classy and sophisticated way.” Nathally wanted the club to have the same kind of feeling as being in an upper-class establishment, of sorts. Like that vintage 1930’s art deco feeling that one might get when they think of class and sophistication – think along the lines as “The Great Gatsby”. Apart from the atmosphere of the club, Nathally touched on the realism she wanted to achieve with the building of the Rockefeller Club. She wanted people who came to the club to feel like they are partying on the ground floor, outside of 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

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With the success of clubs throughout the history of Second Life, The Rockefeller Club has moved to the forefront of the pack; even though it’s fairly new. Having only just recently reopened after nearly a year of hiatus. Nathally needed to leave Second Life due to some real life circumstances. Thankfully, she has returned and was able to step right back into the club scene and bring back Rockefeller Club. When asked about the reason behind opening Rockefeller Club in the first place, Nathally spoke about how “Second Life is a world where we have a chance to meet people of different cultures. Many [of the] clubs in Second Life have lot of drama amongst the staff and patrons.” She wanted to find a haven where live performers and clubgoers could feel appreciated for themselves and not just feel isolated or ignored. That there would be inclusive content for all kinds of people to enjoy and respect for all kinds of cultures. Just like the mix of the patrons who come to Rockefeller Club, Nathally wanted that for the live performances as well. When asked about the diversity of

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music performed in the club. Nathally talked about the mixture of artists that have played at the club over the last year. How she wanted to have the best live performers for her patrons and only the most entertaining Dj’s on the grid – for events that happen in Rockefeller Club. Just like its real life namesake, Nathally’s Rockefeller Club has rules in place so that that as many people are able to enjoy the club as possible. At Rockefeller Club, a family of eight or two people going on their first blind date could all immerse themselves in the same rich and exciting setting for that day. Rockefeller Club is open 24/7 with scheduled performances only on the weekends. Nathally talked about how Saturdays usually have a live performer from late morning (11a.m. SLT) to the evening (5 p.m. SLT). Likewise on Sundays, the live performances are usually from the mid-afternoon (2 p.m. SLT) to the evening (7 p.m. SLT). During the week though, recorded music is played for those who wish to enjoy a more subdued time at Rockefeller Club.

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So when you have some times on a weekend, why not go down and enjoy a day of soothing melodies sung by some of your favorite artists on the grid. Favorite performers include Phil Setner or AleyKat, both of whom are considered family to the Rockefeller Club. Other than those two, Nathally rattled off some other names of artists on their lineup, such as Samm Quendra, Nina Branderbung, Diane Twin, Djembe, Erik Kotzon, Gabriel da Soilva, Max Kleene, SingerGirl and Khiron Ametza – just to name of few of the artists that have performed at Rockefeller Club. Though Nathally confessed to ONLY contacting live performers and DJs, she never had any interest in grabbing the mic and filling in for an act on the weekend. She has a song in mind that she keeps close to her heart in memory of someone very special to her. That song would be, “How Would You Feel” by Ed Sheeran – a song dedicated to someone’s love. From live singers to DJ sets, to events and enjoying the scenery, Rockefeller Club is the total package with all the amenities someone would want in a great club in Second Life. The passion and drive behind this business comes from a great team that Nathally has cultivated over the past year or so. Though as an owner, there are moments when people can make mistakes. Nathally would say that she is far from perfect, and as a human, does make mistakes from time to time. But from those mistakes, we, as humans make, teach us on how to improve and get better. That is where drive come in, the passions we try to achieve and find through trial and error. That kind of drive brought about the ingenious idea of taking such an iconic landmark, such as Rockefeller Plaza, and bringing it into the virtual world of Second Life shows the creativity and dedication the entire staff at Rockefeller Club has.

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So there it is, with some of the biggest performers in Second Life now performing at Rockefeller Club, it will be amazing to see where this wonderful place goes. From everyone here at ECLIPSE Magazine, we are so very honored to have spent time with Nathally Blokke and her amazing team at Rockefeller Club. That they had the time to speak with us and to give us just a little bit of insight on what it’s like running a club in Second Life is all about! Teleport to Rockefeller Club. Check out their Calendar. Like Rockefeller Club on Facebook.

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the proust spotli

photography by Parker D

The Proust Spotlight is our monthly feature where we highlight one of the many creative residents of Second Life®. Utilizing the Proust Questionnaire, whose namesake comes from the late 19th century French writer, we will offer a glimpse into what makes them tick. ECLIPSE Magazine has teamed up with the Blogger & Vlogger Network, so each month the blogger we showcase on the Proust Spotlight is a group member. The group member we feature this month is the talented Parker Droverson . When asked to share something about himself, he tells us, “After being dragged to Second Life by a ground a friends I found myself 6 months later being the only one left still playing it. I found myself exploring SL making new friends. And ways to be creative in world. Blogging has becomes such a part of my SL. I could not imagine my time here without it.”



What is your ideal of perfect happiness? I could not think of anything better then finding peace and comfort in creative surroundings with the person I love. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Silence is far to overrated in my opinion. I value open communication most of all. Even when you hear something you don’t agree with at least it’s a response. I would rather hear what i don’t want to then nothing at all. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I use “meh” more than I probably should. What do you consider your greatest achievement? When it comes to Second Life it would have to be my blog. It was something I hounded to do by friends and I am glad I listened to them. Seven years later and I can’t imagine SL with out it. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? I think I would enjoy being some creature deep in a corner of the amazon hardly visited by man. What is your motto? “These are the moments that make life worth living” a quote from the movie Death Becomes Her. It comes in handy all the time. And the movie never gets old. Connect with Parker on his Flickr, Google+ and Blog.

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at home with...

STYLING BY june fallon. photography by ju

Althernating each issue between the talents of Blair Lockhearst and June Fallon, ECLIPSE Magazine explores the long underappreciated and overlooked world of home and garden design. The flourishing diversity and abundance of choice since the mesh revolution has led to a bold new world of world creation. For this month’s feature, June showcases different ways to decorate with summer relaxation in mind.

une fallon.

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Pergola Pavillion 2018 by Abiss *night Dahlia - Malta - Distressed - Mirror - Grey [Black Bantam] Prissy Pom Pillow Decor Yellow llorisen // inside out lounge bed (A) .:revival:. rattan ottoman large Soy. Potted Traveler’s Palm Tree [Gray] Botanical - Boxwood Hedge v2 J (Straight 4x2x1) 22769 - Beach Windbreaker *AF* Lattice Fence 3 Lg Granola. Zhara Lanterns. White Long.

[ARIA] Blair glass console table [ARIA] Vivien rolled towels {anc} little pillow (dot/brown) 2Li Dahlia - Cora’s Summer Champagne - Glass Brut Dahlia - Cora’s Summer Champagne - Cocktail Mixer - Silver Dahlia - Cora’s Summer Champagne - Champagne Ice Bucket - Brut Dahlia - Cora’s Summer Champagne - Blackberries - Silver LB_PonyPalmv1.3 ..::THOR::..All you need is Summer - Bar Shelf - RARE Soy. Glass Fishing Float (clear) Soy. Glass Fishing Float -w/o net- (clear) ..::THOR::.. Mojave Cushion Fancy Decor: Iced Tea {anc} Magician’s honey drink (rez 1Li Fancy Decor: Jean Wood Tray Dahlia - Cora’s Summer Champagne - Glass Brut Fancy Decor: Jean Table Fancy Decor: Jean Chair .:revival:. rattan pillow basket .:revival:. nordic lantern white [ keke ] rug 43 - oriental sky Dahlia - La Dolce Vita - Sun Hat Apple Fall Long Curtain (Old Item) N4RS Fasciata Granola. Solana’s Pouf. Cream. Fancy Decor: Jean Wire Lanterns junk. cream animal rug. Dutchie bathrobe white Fancy Decor: Modular Seat Corner II dust bunny . sweetheart lunch . strawberry salad serving bowl Fancy Decor: Mod Table II Driftwood Mermaid ~ By The Sea ..::THOR::.. Mojave Terrarium Kalopsia - Summer Chill - Radio Cream Kalopsia - Summer Chill - Magazine Black .10 [ kunst ] - Magazines

.:revival:. wood crate I .:revival:. canvas bag brown .:revival:. rattan table Dahlia - Yasuni - Tropical Chair - Cream 31 - 8f8 - Green Grocers - Lemonade Jian :: Hearthside Fire Pit Dahlia - Cora’s Summer Champagne - Table - Silver Soy. Glass Fishing Float -hanging- (clear) Fancy Decor: Leather Pillow 01 Fancy Decor: Compass Pillow Fancy Decor: Burlap Pillow {anc} retro swim ring (yellow) 5Li (linked shadow) .peaches. Summer Memories - Dispensing Stand ..::THOR::..All you need is Summer - Tea Punch Granola. Avalon’s Succulent. Granola. Nona’s Succulent White ..::THOR::.. Mojave Cushion Duo ECLIPSE July 2018 | Page 107

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Trending now

photography by wic

Trending Now is a monthly piece dedicated to showcasing some of the best ready-to-wear fashion found on Second LifeÂŽ. For this issue, ECLIPSE Magazine stylists put together outfits inspired by their favorite summer trends!

cca merlin.

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Boniefacio in All White Glasses: SALVADORIPARIS - RICHIE Hair: MODULUS - JOEY Top: GB summer suit jacket Pants: kalback - original joggers Rings: since1975 dj ringset Shoes: Bleich - Fanny

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Caesar Langer in Dad Denim Shirt: Cold Ash - Taylor Pants: Complex - Ripped Denim Shoes: Deadwool - Chase Sneakers Watch: Mandala - Billionaire Smexy Bracelet: Mandala - Billionaire Smexy Ring: Ysoral - Luxe Ring Temeo Shades: Sorgo - Billionaire

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Lua Vendetta in Feathers Top: Mimikri - Anouk Leather Bralet cascade Jacket: Mimikri - Fancy Fur Jacket blush Skirt: Mimikri - Hope Feather - blossom Footwear: TETRA - Wrap Around Beige Sandal in Pink Feather Hair: TRUTH Panny - Blonde Jewels: Chop Zuey Matangi Rishi Set Makeup: Zibska ~ Suli & *League* Amaia Gloss Lipsticks Nails: .::LUNA::. Body Art - Trendy Page 116 | ECLIPSE July 2018

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Misoindite Romano in Floral Dresses Dress: Ghee - Flora Tea Dress Hair: TRUTH - Fenella Hat Ears: Swallow - Princess Ears Accessories: :::ChicChica::: Flower Red Pure Poison - Sunflower Platform

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Saian Samuel in Side Stripes Pants: Semller Ballpark - Strap option Shirt: Legal Insanity -Gangsta hoodie boss Hat: Noir - Niko Beanie Gloves: Ascend - Trevor bento Shoes: Xin - Ohayo balance

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Sienna Bellios in Fringing Dress: United Colors - Kara Jewelry: KUNGLERS - Anika cuff - Crystal Jewelry: KUNGLERS - Bromelia bracelet - Copper Shoes: N-core MIA Hair: Stealthic - Somber Makeup: Suicidal Unborn Nails: Alme

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the world of role

featuring “The Realm of Kardoloth.” written by briony WRITER. photography by temp


pest rosca.

The Realm of Kardoloth, an adultthemed, mature, medieval-fantasy roleplay community, opened on May 5, 2018. Co-Founders Parzival Der Ritter, Warwick Falconer, and Phoebe Rain (Biohazardous) wanted to create their dream place for people to roleplay. All experienced roleplayers, mesh creators, scripters, etc., they wanted to utilize all their combined knowledge and inspiration to create a fun experience everyone could enjoy without players. Phoebe did the majority of the build, Parzival wrote up a majority of the rules, how to implement the meter, etc., and Warwick is the mad genius behind the whole meter/experience system as a whole. The main inspiration for the Realm of Kardoloth was to create a roleplay experience that was made by roleplayers for roleplayers to enjoy a basic, set standard of medieval fantasy roleplay. All too often roleplay sims allow too many variances in lores, races, magics, etc.

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Two Kingdoms Divided, in One Realm Kardoloth is made up of two separate kingdoms. One kingdom was dark, Moorish, full of shady characters, evil glares, self-seekers, thieves and a dash of dark magic. It was known as Darkmoore. The other Kingdom, known as Concordia was bright, cheerful, full of honor, justice and merriment, harmonious and peaceful with hints of light magic. Focused on community, healing, farming and the acceptance of all races. Each was ruled by twin brothers, one brother inspired peace and harmony, the other chaos and ambition. Under this rule, many of the non-human inhabitants left the kingdom to live on the outskirts in small villages, and clans. They feared the humans now and were unsure of what would become of them if they stayed too close. Recently, there was a major battle that was the finale of an ongoing rebellion to overthrow the evil Prince who was persecuting the people, taxing them unfairly, putting high tariffs on trade, etc. New rulers have been established in the two realms and we are moving onto a major plot as to why magic has been fading from the land and how to possibly restore it.

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When you TP into Kardoloth, you are presented with an easy to follow path to join the sim. Observer tags are available for those who would like to wander and explore. Staff Admins, Leads, and Mentors are always nearby to help newcomers – and the directions for choosing your character and applying to the sim are laid out in straightforward directions. There are a variety of character possibilities to choose from at Kardoloth that help to create a deep tapestry of roleplayers and stories. There are 18 races; Fae, Orcs, Minotaur (Rare), Faun & Satyr, Druids, Dragons, Trolls (Rare), Centaurs, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Merfolk, Nymphs, Lycans, Half-Elf, Giants, Halflings, Vampire. Each player then chooses one of the seven Guilds they want to belong to – their character’s discipline or career. The Witches, co-led by Aelithe and Freydis, are rumored to have been present long before the first bricks of a kingdom were settled inside of Kardaloth. There are whispers that some witches originated from a sect of druids. They at one time followed the druid reverence for nature but were Page 134 | ECLIPSE July 2018

greedy for more power and warped the elements to their will, causing tension between the Druids and Witches. However, despite these defected druids, not all witches are evil. There are many different types of magic and paths that one can follow. Many such crafts can heal while others can cause serious harm. The Druids, led by Zahla Banduri, study the way of nature and have great reverence for the circle of life. Birth, growth, death all have a purpose in the world and the Druids work with the elements to help Nature. Druids are secondary healers and primary casters. Next to the cleric on the battlefield, they hold the only other power of resurrection and typically that is reserved in case the head cleric falls. Healers are humble beings putting their Goddess and all others before themselves, often in the name of mercy, grace, and empathy. There are no boundaries to whom or where, they might practice their skill and art - they are the light to stay the shroud of death, regardless of their alignment. Parzival is the interim lead, until a full-time lead can be found.

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Lead by Lala, the Rangers are specialized Scout Class fighters. Rangers typically will move about the outskirts of the forests in pairs or solo only stopping to rest or resupply at the main Ranger encampment. Rangers keep invaders at bay with allowed weapons and are deeply ensconced in the natural forces and some of them are known to dabble in forms of druid-like religions. They can follow two different paths - Ranger Medic (skilled herbalists) and Ranger Scout (survivalist path without healing). Keedo leads the Faceless Ones, or Thieves. Unscrupulous scoundrels, bandits, spies, or assassins, they operate outside the law bending the rules and distorting the truth to get what they need. Thieves are often free of the constraints of a conscience or any form of honor—their only code is the contract. Parzival leads the Templars. A Templar is the sword and shield of their deity upon the field of battle. They perform quests and deeds in the name of their deity. Each type of Templar, be they Light or Dark, follow a code of honor according to the will of their deity.

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The Warriors of Kardoloth are renowned for their use of various weapons and their specialty in heavy armor, but no two warriors are the same, each warrior can have a different fighting style, creed, or appearance! The warrior faction, known as the “Brotherhood of Canutus”, is a neutral faction neither good nor evil, different warriors of different alignment are free to join and learn the way of the warrior. Canutus is latin for grey further supporting their neutral theme. Draven Vilefang and Parzival are interim co-leads until a full-time lead can be found. The last choice a character can make when joining is which faction they want to belong to. This decision doesn’t have to be made at the time of joining, nor do players have to join a faction at all. The Highborn within the Realm of Kardoloth are of those who are born of some sort of noble blood. May it be of lords, ladies, queens, or kings, down to princes and princesses. They reside in either kingdom. They are the ones within the Realm of Kardoloth who dress in finer clothing and eat with finer wares. Their homes are not shacks, or cottages, but those made of fine crafting with the sweat of other men.

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The Mythicals, are just as the name states. Magical beings, or those of many races. Their personalities range from cruel, to lighthearted, as their looks range from brown, green, to blue or white! The Mythicals are any magical race, basically. Dragons, dwarves, elves and halfings. They live just about anywhere they can fit in, or hide in. Most dwell within the outskirts of the kingdoms due to recent events within the realm, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find one drinking mead at the table next to you! The Townsfolk of Kardoloth reside in both Kingdoms. They are the people that flourish within the villages, inside and outside. They hold many types of jobs, ranging from fishermen, to bakery, all the way up to running brothels, or even farmers. They dress lower than those of the Highborn, due to not being born of the ‘right blood’ but they do not let that stop them. Most are cheerful, others are spiteful. The Nomads can be travelers, migrants, wanderers, wayfarers, roamers, gypsies, scarfed fortune-tellers, or a band of traveling musicians and dancers in colorfully decorated wagons. Nomads don’t typically trust outsiders, or those within castle walls, and they don’t share much of their lives with others. They’ve migrated to the outskirts of Kardoloth, up on a large hill known as the NoMads’ Camp. Given their seclusion, many of them are learned in the trade of animal training, fighting, and entertainment. Here you find your fortune-tellers and performers such as singers, dancers and musicians. But don’t be fooled by their bright colors, charming smiles, and addictive laughs. They can easily con you into things, steal from you when you least expect it, and take up arms in weaponry to defend their families and land! Page 138 | ECLIPSE July 2018

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The Clansmen and Clanswomen of Kardoloth own farms, land and cattle, living in both shacks and/or cottages on the outskirts of the Kingdoms. They engage in daily chores such as farming the fields, milking cattle, and fishing, as well as building houses and wagons. Many clansmen will import, export and trade to either kingdom, other clans or amongst themselves in return for coin or other valuable items. The Clansmen are pilgrims, they vary from all walks of life, and much like Vikings, they are rough around the edges. They express their status by their hairstyles and clothing, as well as hand crafted jewellery, belt buckles, necklaces and arm rings — though some just like to live a simple, inexpensive lifestyle. The Lullaby Of Woe is a cult founded by a pair of elves. They and their followers seek to bring back the true way of the world. To oppose the human-loving ways of the mythical beings who have assimilated into human culture thereby, in the cult’s eyes, dooming them to an early grave. While their membership is largely elves but they are open to all non-human creatures. The Lullaby of Woe is an underground resistance faction shrouded in darkness and the tightest of secrecy. Hiring elite assassins to do their dirtiest work, some kneel to worship The Body as the embodiment of goddesses unnamed. Page 140 | ECLIPSE July 2018

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In Kardoloth, the aim is not to restrict player’s stories with any limitations and allow everyone to create and expand their stories as ‘they’ want to. In regard to combat and the meter used, Parzival said, “We offer several ways of doing combat. Of course, the Unity Maxim Meter created by Warwick Falconer is a major part of everything we do on sim, from getting experience, gathering items, combat, etc. We also allow free form and dice if it is wanted. We host practices, tournaments, and sparring sessions often but the primary goal is RP.

Conflict as in most sims, drive focus, but we do love to have also recently added a new c WeaponMaster Guild. The W a challenge-based ranking s Second Life. To be successfu virtually every legal weapon available. People tend to fig weapons, so you can expect them all!

For more information, visit t in-world, on Flickr Page 142 | ECLIPSE July 2018

es RP. It’s not our primary e combat.” Warwick has competition, the Kardoloth WeaponMaster Guild is system for fighting in ul, you will need to master n (excluding magic) ght with their favorite t to be challenged with

“Looking to the future, the meter coincides with Second Life Experiences, the official gaming system within Second Life that brings players more into the scenes for a seamless experience.” Parzival added, “I am hoping to build further on this to create quests and expand upon that. To make the environment more interactive and immersive. As well, I am hoping to use this to give players a chance to affect the lore and realm with their roleplay.”

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ask noey: the advice guru

send your questions to noey here, and it might be in our next issue. written by noey ivy london fl

lower. photography by tempest rosca.

Dear Noey, I adopted a child on SL, and she was part of my family for over a year. It’s come to light recently how she would make inappropriate comments to her father. We approached her and decided to part ways from her, but now she keeps harassing and stalking us. How can we get her to stop? Stalked Sarah Dear Stalked Sarah, She probably wont for some time, so just block her. And if she decides to make an alt? Block that one too. Just keep blocking until she gets tired of not being able to affect you and she will give up. The more you entertain her behavior then the longer this will go on. No one needs to be subjected to that kind of childlike behavior. At the end of the day, we are all adults playing SL, so you will just have to remember that and walk away. Its hard not to play into the games, but you will be happy at the end. Remember....BLOCK.

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Dear Noey, When I started SL I told myself that I wouldn’t involve myself in relationships. I’m happily married in real life… but then I met “Bill” a year and a half ago, and we’ve been partnered for a year now. My feelings for him have deepened but he doesn’t know I’m married. My husband doesn’t know that I’m in a relationship, he just thinks I’m chatting with my friends on that “virtual platform.” I know I should end things with “Bill” but I love him and I love my husband too. What should I do? Torn Tammy Dear Torn Tammy, This is a tough question because some pretty deep feelings are involved. We all have known someone or been affected by this personally if you have played SL long enough. So this question will probably help more people then you know. Thank you for having the courage to put your question out there. I think you need to ask yourself a couple of questions. Are you really happy in your real life arrangement? Would you like it if he just happened to forget to mention he was married? And finally, the most important of them all.....What truly will make you happy? Now I know that those few questions wont solve your problem, but at least its something you can mull over to try to figure out what your first step is going to be. Because if you dont, you are going to make yourself miserable, and in return that is going to affect your RL and your SL relationships. I personally think you need to start off by being honest with “Bill” and let him know that you are married. See how he takes it and go from there. Figure out what you are going to do after he tells you how he feels about the revelation. Is this something you can juggle? Can you live in 2 worlds and keep each set of feelings in its place? Its hard, not easy. Secondlife is full of real connections. Married or not its hard not to form those sometimes. It can hit you smack in the face and then there you are a year later trying to figure out how to navigate it. Be honest with “Bill”, I think once you do you will be able to figure out how to map the rest of the course. Just remember that there are more than your feelings here, make sure to listen to his as well as your own. Let me know how it goes, lead with your heart and lead with love. Best wishes. Page 154 | ECLIPSE July 2018

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Dear Noey, HELP! I’m spending too much money on Second Life. I’ve tried to curb my spending habits but every event I always need the newest things. I’ve looked at the mess of my inventory, and I have so many of the same things from different designers. How do people budget their spending? Spendy Sammy Dear Spendy Sammy, Trust me...I think we have ALL been there. You need to make a reasonable budget for yourself, and stick to it as best as you can. Remove your payment info on file so that you have to manually input it every time you would like to buy linden. Its so easy to fall into the trap of just clicking buy and hearing that “cha chingggg”.... but food, clothes, bills and rl entertainment are far more important than something you cant physically touch or feel. 20-30 bucks is far enough to spend on sl a month. When you go to events you need to look at what you REALLY want. Take a look at Seraphim before hand and do some pre-shopping. Look at everything, instead of compulsive buying. I bet you majority of the items you buy are pure compulsive purchases. And you definitely cant return it and get your money back like you can in RL. Try that for a couple months and see if you can do it, if not...write me back and we can try to figure something else out. Remember.....1. set a budget 2. remove your payment info on file 3. Pre-shop and think! Good luck!

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Voices from the g

Voices From the Grid is a monthly survey of opinions and ideas of Second Life® residents on the salient issues of the day. For this issue, ECLIPSE Magazine asked residents, “What changes would make Second Life better?”


Photograph provided by Isabella Brune. Page 162 | ECLIPSE July 2018

Isabella Brune


sabella Brune, joined Second Life in January 2009. She has always enjoyed exploring the possibilities the game provided. This led her to exploring photography as a way to record her vision of the game. Her photos show a softness in the shapes and her sensitivity. At first her photos expressed the woman integrated with nature and fantasy-oriented photos. With the passage of time and with some invitations, she created her blog. The Savoir-Vivre was born as another way of feeling Second Life. With Savoir-Vivre, Brune does not usually follow trends, she follows only what pleases her eyes and her personality coupled with her commitment and loyalty to those who trust and admire her work. Second Life is a platform that is celebrating 15 years. This demonstrates that it is a game or a virtual reality that was and actually is very successful. I often say that Second Life is what you want it to be, maybe that’s why it’s such a current platform and the reason for its success. I’m just a resident, in such a complex world. But in my experience, of course it has some small details that I think could make our permanency easier. I feel instability, insecurity on the part of some residents about their data and their account. It is common, in conversations with friends, to hear that someone had the account hacked or the fear this might happen. It would be interesting to have mechanisms that would give us more security. I’ve read something about how some of the changes that LL intends to implement, the incentives for those who have their Premium account and storage, which I believe will help in our daily struggle with lag. But for me one of the great changes that could occur in Second Life is in social behavior. I wish for a more humane look at this universe, a desire to help others, and respect for other residents, the same respect we usually use in our lives. Check out her Flickr, Blog and Facebook.

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Photograph by Tempest Rosca. Page 164 | ECLIPSE July 2018

Lia Mistwalker


ia Mistwalker saw a TV story about Second Life describing it as a way to make a living as a creative person. This piqued her curiosity and led to her signing in for the first time in May 2009. She found many helpful and friendly people. It felt like a daily slumber party with friends from all over the world. Her group of friends took a daily field trip of sorts, led by a woman who chose a new location each day. She started going to clubs, loving the social life, the house music, and the great DJs. She was soon hired to host and continues hosting to this day. In 2013, she challenged herself to start blogging sharing her enthusiasm for fashion and home and garden decor with others in Second Life. It is a creative outlet for her and she motto is “Life is a blank canvas. It’s never too late to create your Masterpiece!” She enjoys Second Life because of the opportunity to expand her creativity it gives her to express herself in photography. Every day is an adventure and a challenge to learn something to new. There are a few changes that would make Second Life better. Looking at SL as a social and business network rather than a game would change the way SL and residents think about SL. The SL community gives us an opportunity for being creative, for showing your skills and talents. Looking at it as a social/business network would lead Linden Lab to be more proactive about bullying. They might have more staff to address incidents, to counsel people to stop bullying, to help people who are being bullied. A big improvement would be to have more mentors in Second Life who can address different subjects. People are looking to learn and explore but sometimes need help. Check out her Flickr, Blog, Twitter and Facebook.

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artist highlight

photography by taylo

or wassep.

Porter Paquot is one of the many talented artists represented by Whispering Sands Live Promotions. She has been with them for almost a year and performs many times each week. Her inspiration comes from “sultry blues artists, gritty 70’s funk, soul and Motown.” While she does do cover songs, the most meaningful ones that she sings are her own because it showcases who she is. For those who are starting out in the SL music scene, she has this advice, “Take any gig, let your audience find you, don’t try to fit into a box. Just be yourself and have fun! If you take it too seriously, it’s not fun anymore.” When asked what some of our readers would find interesting about her, Porter shares, “For the last 8 years I’ve been doing my sets to tracks, and just in the last few weeks I’ve begun doing acoustic sets on piano with covers and my originals. It has been deeply satisfying and also completely scary! I want to thank everyone for supporting me as I deepen my performances.” Listen to her RL band. Listen to her SL music. Check out her calendar.

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THE wayfarer...

photography by taylo

“The Wayfarer” is a monthly feature by Taylor Wassep showcasing some of the most aesthetic places in Second Life®. For this issue, the Wayfarer voyaged to the scenic Rustic Retreat. Whether you visit by yourself, with a group of friends or that someone special, you shall find yourself immersed in the beauty of these hidden lands.

or wassep.

Explore Rustic Retreat.

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