An SL Thanksgiving Project 2020

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An SL Thanksgiving Project

“ It’s not where you are in life, it’s who you have by your side that matters.

Sylvia, I am so thankful for your friendship. I have always said that I don’t deserve you and it is still true. Thank you for loving me when I was completely unlovable, thank you for being my go-to with everything, big or small. Thank you for the constant support and for trusting me with you. I love you so much and absolutely cherish you. I know the last few years have been hard on you but I promise, I carried you with me every single day. Por vida! Sophia

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Aco, I am thankful for Aco. You are so very brave, when faced with the toughest of adversity. You show great determination to better yourself and your life. The creativity which runs in your veins, is so unique. You sprinkle a sense of awe and wonder wherever you go. With you beside me I am alive with hope and ambition. You empower me to be myself. You inspire me, amaze me, understand me and love me. Thank you for being Aco, my Aco. Abel


Dad I’m thankful for meeting you when I did, I’m thankful that we became close instantly because you came into my life at a time that I needed someone to help me through the rollercoaster that was the beginning of my 2020. Thank you for taking a chance on me and being there for me every time I needed it. I am thankful for your compassion and kindness which I will never forget or take for granted and I will always do my best to show you just how much it means to me. Te quiero mucho. Hayden

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Ara Dethly

Mom, The reasons why I am thankful for you are simple. You’re one of the people that gave me a true home in SL and made me feel like I belong after so long and on top of that, you’re kind, genuine, talking to you can put a smile on anyone’s face no matter what mood they are in. I have always said how I am thankful for having met you and I mean it with my whole heart. Your compassion is truly something the world needs more of right now. Te quiero mucho. Hayden


My dearest friend, I am very grateful for your friendship, and I want to tell you in this way so “beyond” from all that I am and I prove. Thanks for bringing your pink unicorns into my life, thanks for don’t letting me get numb in my icy Grinch crust, thanks for the times you make me laugh at the things we shouldn’t laugh at. I love you Nimoe

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Damien Crow

Damien, Life is so fragile and so changing that you are so rare and so deserving. Your friendship, your strength and courage through it all showed me what real love is. And I’m so grateful to have had you in my life through it all. Thank you, and love you always. Ameya


Kain, In a year where it seemed nothing was going quite right for anyone, and we all were just clinging to each other for a little normalcy...I opted to step outside my comfort zone and get to know someone new. I didn’t know it then that we’d have so much in common and you’d become so important to my life - a light in an otherwise not so great 2020. Just being you means everything to me, and I couldn’t be more greatful. A million kisses, never-ending smiles and whispers of iloveyou. Vanity

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Kathy, “First of all , I am truly thankful to God for keeping me and my family healthy but above all, I am thankful for having you, my beautiful Kathy , giving me hope every single day, giving me all your love that makes me feel as if nothing else matters but you and I. I am thankful beyond imagination , for being able to share my every moment with the woman who I can proudly call my wife ... the woman who I would choose over and over again every time to spend my life with .I love you completely baby !!! Jiannis


Kaja, I met Kaja through a mutual friend many years ago, and we connected right away, she is always there for me and the only SL person I ever met in real live, when she visited Amsterdam. She is a long time resident, a gifted sim designer, she is a kind and very brave person in real live, we share a lot about real live too, and also she gave me a place to live. I love her dearly and hope one time to visit her in her home country if my health allows travel again. Anandaheart

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Cosmic Banana

Max, We are so beyond thankful to have an incredible friend like you! Thank you for the endless laughs, memories, and being someone who we can always count on. You make our days so much more brighter. We are proud of all of your accomplishments and the strength and courage you carry every single day. You are a true inspiration to us and for that we will forever be thankful to call you our friend. Jess & Lexi


Funky, My love, you feel like home to me. You motivate me, you are supportive and the most caring, beautiful inside and out, intelligent woman there is to me. I am grateful for our amazing communication, for our trust. For our I got your back vibe and for the calm you have brought. We have fallen in love with our souls before we even touched our skins. That is love, that is a connection that is few and far between. I am grateful for you, for us, for our simple life and for our peace. I love you Roman

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Troy Nelson

Troy, Okay so I have to come up with a minimum of 50 words for why I am thankful for You, this could be a tough one. The things I do for You I swear ! All joking aside, I could gush pages worth of reasons but then you would cry even more than you already are you big sap ! You give more of yourself to those around You than anyone I have ever met, and inspire those same to do the same. You do it all with “I am just me� and just You is more than enough ! Kaitlyn


Romy, You’ve been one of my constants in SL and I’m so thankful to have met you. It’s seems like I’ve known you a lifetime and during our friendship you’ve given me so much love and care. You mean so very much to me and I’m so thankful that you are my forever boo. I love you Por Vida, Ami

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Ughlee Oh

Devin, We met during a really hard time in both of our lives and you helped me more than you know. You gave me a reason to want to log in and have fun with you and in turn I let go of some of my sorrow. We have had so many funny adventures and I cannot imagine a time where I didn’t know you. Talking to you at Sedona’s was one of the best choices in SL that I’ve ever made. I love you! Ami


Mumsie, I’m really glad that I found you in Second Life, as you are always becoming the prettiest soul. You are such beautiful mind that never judge, ears that always listen, heart that always accepts and forgives. I always adore your hardwork and creativity, also persistence. I know wherever you are, you will always be a star. Cora

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Kess Massimo

Kess, You have altered both my lives in ways that no one else ever has or will. I cannot begin to properly express my love and gratitude for our relationship. No matter what happens the love we have for one another is always triumphant. You are the epitome of female empowerment. You have pushed me and guided me into becoming so much more than I could have ever dreamed. The world would genuinely be a better place if more women were like you. I am eternally grateful for your love and friendship. Sady


Bev, The constant support you show not only to myself but others is remarkable. You’ve been through every rough patch in my life with words of encouragement. You are the only person who can make me laugh even when I dont feel like laughing. Throughout the years, you’ve consistently been a part of my life everyday. I dont have many people I can say that about. You’re a wonderful friend and a wonderful sister. You’re an inspiration and someone I look up to. I thank god for you and I’m truly blessed and thankful beyond words just to know you. Ric

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Steven Esel

Steven, Being in this Second World with the one you love is a truly amazing feeling. Never did I think I would find someone who is my other half. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being my rock and most of all, thank you for loving me for who I am. I’m so very thankful for you because without you, life would not be this great. I love you. Olly


All My Friends, Thanking only one person as the world seems upside down has proven to be impossible. So I have chosen to thank all my friends.The words that come to mind are grateful and appreciative for everyone that has allowed me to be part of their life. Thank you to everyone for laughing and crying with me throughout the years. Carley


Friends & Team, At first, I didn’t want to fill this form. I thought it would be unfair to say I am grateful for one person only. The fact I could be missing a name made me sad so I thought, maybe I could “cheat” the form just a tiny bit. My thanks go to every person I interact with. My close friends, my not so close friends, my team and my customers. Everyday in this Second Life you play an important role in a way or another and I wouldn’t be here without you. My life here is an endless opportunity for learning and growth because of you. Nodnol


Laurie, You are the most selfless, driven and loving person I’ve ever met in sl... You have given so much of your time and love to me and so many without asking for anything in return and for that I am thankful. It doesn’t matter where we are in this world or in our lives, you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. I love you. Parker

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Ron and Zom

Ron and Zom, I am super thankful for Ron and Zom. They motivate me in SL and give the best advice. For the record, they are such a cute couple and compliment each other so well. They are fashionable, and have the best advice for a spooky look. Zom is so hardworking, amazingly talented, and her photography work always stands out. Ron is such a fun outgoing person to be around, always brings out the best in people, and has an amazing taste in men’s fashion. The two of them are just a joy to be around. I love them both so much! Sol


Kairi, I am one of the lucky ones to have a niece like you! You have always seen the troubles coming my way much before I could ever see them and that makes you special to me. I am thankful for you in every way. I will always be thankful for your contributions in my life. You are a beautiful, kind-hearted person and bring nothing but positive energy. Thank you for being the best niece I could ever possibly wish for and most importantly thank you for being brutally honest you. Among the many gifts my family gave me, there was you. Rose

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Kahlil V. Hefner

Kahlil, My twin brother has been part of my life for over 10 years now whether it’s second-life or real-life I can always expect him to be there for me. There is not a lot of people you can be truly be yourself around and I can be myself with you. Thank you for showing me love and kindness over the years. There is always something or someone to be thankful for. I am most thankful for a brother like you! Rose


Dylan, In December 6th, it’ll be a year since we started talking. Thanks God you did, thanks God I answered, cause my life changed since that day. I am so much happier and that’s thanks to you, for being in my life and making it better. You saved me, you know in which ways, and that’s something I’ll never forget. Thank you for loving me as you do and for supporting me in all ways possible, and literally for being the best person I’ve ever met. I am thankful for our souls that finally found each other. Mahal kita. Araceli

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Hayden Dethly

Hayden, I have no doubts you are one of the purest people I’ve ever met isl. You are a thankful and a very very kind person, and those are words rarely used nowadays to describe people, since they are hard to find, but you are one of those. Thank you for always taking me into account, for being there, for supporting Dylan as you do, for changing his life, and mine. Thank you for being YOU. I’ll always be here for you. Te quiero mucho, son. Mom


Winter, As much as I adore words, sometimes words fall short when I attempt to express my gratitude for the many gifts you’ve brought into my life. Daily, I am in wonder of your kind heart, your gentle spirit, and of your ever-burning unique fire. Everything about us has been pure serendipity, and you have changed my life in amazing and beautiful ways. You are magic. Thank you for your light. Thank you for your humor. Thank you for being my peace, my safe space, and for saving me. I love you, and I’m endlessly grateful for you. Xandrah

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Justine Lemton

Justine, bb, If I think about Thanksgiving, the first person that comes to my mind is you. Here, in Italy, Thanksgiving is not celebrated, but you invited me to my first “Friensdgiving” and the tradition of decorating together is a moment that I look forward to. Thank you for your friendship, for your sincerity, for the way you make me laugh when you scream “fettuccineee!”. Thank you for trusting me and for considering me, immediately, “one of you, fantastic bbs”. I am grateful to have you as a friend, I love you so much, to the moon and back. Shocking, your italiana bb


Claus Villiers, It would take more than words to express how thankful I am for this wonderful man being in my life. He is the road sign that shows me the way when feeling lost, the burst of confidence when feeling insecure and full of doubts, the jokester when feeling sad. I am thankful for his unconditional love, and honored to call him a true and honest friend. I am thankful that everyday, I hear these magical words: “Good morning baby!� I am thankful to be the Dove to this sweet little Cowboy. Serenaelia

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Marqs and Nene

Marqs and Nene, I can’t put into words how grateful I am that the two of you came into my life this year. It has been so long since I’ve known what it was like to have people in my life who accepted me unconditionally. Knowing both of you has made me a better and stronger person, and I will forever be thankful for that. Nova


Mac, Last year I was thankful for finding such love, honesty and integrity in one person at the end of a year that was challenging. This year I’m thankful for him again. I’m thankful that he asked me to marry him and become Mrs M. I am thankful for the trust, belief and support that he gives me in everything I do. I am thankful for our family as we welcome our daughter, Tilly. I am thankful for his presence, in tiny ways and major ways. He’s always there for me, no matter what. Kess

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Sady Littlepaws

Sady, My sister is an inspiration and I’m thankful for what she teaches me without her even knowing she’s doing it. I’m thankful for what I’ve learned about forgiveness and letting go of bad juju from her. I’ve never met anyone with more love in their heart just bursting to get out and showered on those people she cares about. I’m thankful for Momma Sady too and I am very thankful that the bad news this year has been mild and positive in the long term. I don’t tell her often enough but I love her and I’m grateful to have her loyalty and love in my life each day. Kess


Ara, Of all the things I am most grateful for, you will always be first on that list. I am grateful for your patience and support. I am the luckiest because of your love. I am the happiest because you are in my life. You are this incredible light that brightens my world, and I am thankful for how the stars perfectly aligned when we stumbled upon each other. Thank you for setting my mind on fire, for tugging on the chord strings of my heart and for singing to my soul. Thank you for being the favorite part of my day. Iniibig kita. Dylan

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Hayden Dethly

Hayden, I could tell from the moment we properly spoke that you were a good person. I could tell you had a good heart. I am so incredibly grateful to have you in my life. You are one of my constants in Second Life, and I don’t want you to ever feel like I take that and you for granted. You truly are one of the most pure souls I know, and the world is a better place because you are in it. Thank you for being the best son I could ever ask for. Thank you for always checking up on me and for being supportive of all the things I do. I am so happy and lucky to know you. Te quiero mucho. Dad


“ Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. An SL Thanksgiving Project PAGE 36

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