2020 Doc Day thank you

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In honor of Doctors’ Day on March 30th, the ECMS pays special tribute to the physicians for their tireless service at the epicenter of a global crisis and their dedication to protecting the public health — 365 days a year.

Doctors’ Day Celebration! March 30th

ECMS Members & Leaders In Our Community: Abbas, Ismeth, M.D. Abusneineh, Basel, M.D. Abutaleb, Abeer, M.D. Adams, James, M.D. Allison, Allessa, M.D. Ali, Danish, D.O. Almazan, Catherine, M.D Al-Sheikh, Thabet, M.D. Altenhofen, Dean, M.D. Andrews, Carol A., M.D. Andrews, Robert W., M.D. Antonetti, Ana Marie, M.D. Antonious, George B., M.D. Anwar, David, M.D Anz, Adam, M.D. Arevalo, Alejandro M.D. Aycock, G. Ramon, M.D. Babcock, Thomas, M.D. Baird, Joanne, M.D. Baker, Krystin, M.D. Barangan, Virgilio C., M.D. Barnes Remski, Leslie M., M.D. Beasley, Jenna, M.D., FAAD Beasley, Michelle G., M.D. Behari, Vishnu, M.D. Belk, William W., M.D. Benton, Mark, D.O. Benson, Elizabeth W., M.D. Bentz, Philip Dean, M.D. Bernstein, David P., M.D. Biery Jr., John, D.O. Binkard, James, D.O. Bokelman, Katie, D.O. Botts, Kevin M., M.D. Boyd, Marc, D.O., M.D. Bradshaw, Bascom, D.O. Branco, Marcelo C., M.D. Brandhorst, Michelle J., M.D. Brennan, F. Elaine, M.D. Briley, Nicole, M.D. Brown, Benjamin, M.D. Buchalter, Jeff L., M.D. Bujnoski, Joanne, D.O. Bunting, Douglas, M.D. Bush, Suzanne Yancey, M.D. Butler, Peter N., M.D. Butler, Peter N., M.D. Calhoun, Allison, M.D. Capra, Jason, M.D. Carden, Veronica, M.D. Cartee, Wayne D., M.D. Celigoj, Micheleanne, M.D. Chandler, Ashley, M.D. Chandler, David R., M.D. Clark, William “Ben,” M.D. Cleveland, Jr., Crawford H., M.D. Coleman, Alexander, M.D. Comitalo, Jeffrey B., M.D. Concepcion, Pablo W., M.D. Coyle, Michael, D.O. Cruz Caban, Emmanuel, M.D. Dadisman, Christopher S., M.D. Davis, Joshua A., M.D. Davis, Kristin Lynn, M.D. Dawson, John, M.D. DeCampos, Juliet Marie, M.D. DeCesare, Julie A., M.D. DeJong, John Theodore, M.D. DeLaune, Rex, M.D. DeNapoles, Christopher, M.D. Denby, Jr., Donald, M.D. Dewey, Donald M., M.D. Dial, Patrick, M.D. Diaz, Carlos Ricardo, M.D. Disanto, David, M.D. Dillon, Vincence F., M.D. Dixon, Joshua F., M.D. Dixon, Joshua F., M.D. Dorvault, Christopher J., M.D. Doty, Daniel, M.D. Dozer, David, M.D. Drake, Nicolas, M.D. Dugas, Mitchell M.D. Dunn, Joe Allen, M.D. Eckert, Jeanne, M.D. El Goweni, Heba, M.D. Engin, Nesrin, M.D. Espinal-Witter, Rosanny, M.D. Fairleigh, David M.D. Farmer, Charles E., M.D. Fleischhauer, Franklin J., M.D. Foust, Joe, M.D. French, Barbara, M.D. Friedland, Edward L., M.D. Frost, James D., M.D. Garner, John W., M.D. Garrett, R. Ken, M.D. Garrison, Carrie, M.D. Giedrimas, Evaldas, M.D. Gilmore, Michael, M.D. Glisson, Paul, D.O Goto, Mark, M.D. Gotthelf, Gary, M.D. Gowda, Narendra, M.D. Grammer, John B., M.D. Gray IV, William B., D.O. Greskovich III, Frank J., M.D. Grier-Hall, Pamela, M.D. Griffee Belcher, Susan, M.D. Guerra, Christina Guitian, Jose A., M.D. Hackel, Andrea J., M.D. Hackel, Joshua G., M.D. Hakim, Fares S., M.D. Ham, Philip, D.O. Hanline Jr., Manning H., M.D.

Hansen, Win H., M.D. Havard, Benjamin, M.D. Hawkins, Bradley, M.D. Hawthorne, Richard, D.O. Hawthorne, Serda, M.D. Henchey, Ruth Ann, M.D. Herip, Donald S., M.D. Henson, Roger, M.D. Hilliard, Nicholaus J., M.D. Hlavacek, James, M.D. Holdt, Adam, M.D. Howard, Joseph D., M.D. Hudson, Janice, M.D. Hultstrand, Hillary O., M.D. Hultstrand, Victor F., M.D. Humeda, Humam, M.D. Irvin, E. Coy, M.D., M.B.A. Jabaley, Steven D., M.D. Jackson, Frederic, D.O., MPH Jacobi, Donna J., M.D. Jacobsen, Brenda A., D.O. Jaffri, Shabana, M.D. Jeffries, Cheryl, M.D. Jalbert, Eugene, M.D. Jones, Cheryl S., M.D. Jones, Derek A., M.D. Jonnalagadda, Sweata, M.D. Jordan, Steve E., M.D. Kalis, Michael, M.D. Kasabian, Michael, D.O. Keith, Douglas, M.D. Kennedy, Karen E., M.D. Kern, Matthew, M.D. Ketchum, Georgia, M.D. Kimura, Stephen H., M.D. Kirby, Brian, M.D. Knefely, George M., M.D. Kohler, Nathan, M.D. Konnell, Benjamin, M.D. Kotlarz, Jack P., M.D. Krier, Christine, M.D. Kronlage, Steven, M.D. Krueger, Kurt A., M.D. Kujawski, Eric, D.O. Kummer, Mark, M.D. Laenger, Susan J.G., M.D. Lampone, Thomas, M.D. Lanza, John J., M.D. Larkins, Mark, M.D. LaRose, Paul E., M.D. Lasquety, Ludovic M., M.D. Lauro, Francis, D.O. Law, Quintin O., M.D. Lawrence, Thomas J., M.D. Lehmann, Joan, M.D. Le Thi, Bach-Uyen, M.D. LeCroy, Christopher, M.D. Lee, Tony, M.D. Lenga, Heather H., M.D. Leveque, Jocelyn E., M.D. Lewis, Evan, M.D. Ling, Lanway M.D. Litra, Florentina, M.D. Lewis, Janet I., M.D. Long, Kenneth, M.D. Lonquist, James L., M.D. Lusane, Henry C., M.D. Maguchi, Megumi, M.D. Manis, Peter, M.D. Martin, Howell J., M.D. Martin, Rebecca, M.D. Martucci, Jean Pierre, M.D. Mastaw Jr., Gerald, M.D. Mauney, Weldon, M.D. Mayeaux, Dennis, M.D. Mayfield, Charles A., M.D. McBride, Suzanne, M.D. McCutcheon, Regina, M.D. McGill, Neilia-Kay, M.D. McKnight, Ellen Winters, M.D. McKnight, George T., M.D. McLeod, Paul Allen, M.D. Mehmood, Farhat, M.D. Mehta, David, M.D. Mehta, Mary B., M.D. Messick, Chester, M.D. Meyerholz, Andrew, M.D. Michel-Garrison, Patricia, D.O. Mickler, Casey, M.D. Miles, David A., M.D. Miley, Jennifer, M.D. Milligan, Michael, M.D. Mixon, Fred S., M.D. Miyamoto, Ryan, M.D. Montgomery, Kacey, M.D. Montgomery, Paula B., M.D. Moore, Jon M., M.D. Morris, Carol, M.D. Morris, Nancy, M.D. Moses, Andrew, M.D. Mousa, Omaima, M.D. Mullan, Adam, M.D. Murawski, Daniel, M.D. Murray, Jennifer L., M.D. Myers, John P., M.D. Nall, Monica, M.D. Nalley, James H., M.D. Nashed, Maged N., M.D. Navarro, Dina, D.O. Navas, Luis R., M.D. Newman, Frederic, M.D. Nguyen, Chi K., M.D. Noyes, Daniel S., D.O. Ortega, Teodoro K., M.D. Orth, Roger M., M.D. Ouellette, Bruce, M.D.

Oweis, Shadi, M.D. Padden, Maureen, MD, Parikh, Katie, D.O. Parra, Brett L., M.D. Patel, Vaidehi, M.D. Patrinely, James R., M.D. Patterson, Nathan W., M.D. Payne, Jennifer, M.D. Pennington, Karen, M.D. Pepper, Andrew, M.D. Peters, Dennis H., M.D. Peters Jr., C. Wade, M.D. Pettyjohn, Frank S., M.D. Plunkett, J. Michael, M.D. Porter, Henry, M.D. Powell, Ronald S., M.D. Prafke, Jill M., M.D. Presley, James, M.D. Prevatt, Amos L., M.D., FACP Pruitt, Valerie, M.D. Ptacek, Terry E., M.D. Pusateri, Scott, M.D. Qader, Haitham, M.D. Ramos, Tiffany, M.D. Redick, Guinevere, M.D. Reilly, Patrick F., M.D. Renfroe, James B., M.D. Riehl, John, M.D. Riesberg, Michael V., M.D. Riley, Charles, M.D. Rimmalapudi, Varun, M.D. Ripps, Barry, M.D. Ripps, M.D., Lorraine Risola, Keena, D.O. Rosenberg, Brian, M.D. Roth, Charles A., M.D. Rowland, Gayla D., M.D. Rush, Christopher, M.D. Ryan, Mark, M.D. Sackheim, Robert M., M.D. Salvaggio, John J., M.D. Samson, Rogelio D., M.D. Samuels, Richard, M.D. Sauer, Samual Wade, M.D., Saunders, Marc, D.O., FACS Schang, Steven, M.D. Schopmeyer, Kevin M., M.D. Schuka, Edward, M.D. Schurman, Pamela, D.O. Sekhon, Davinder S., M.D. Sellers, Richard G., M.D. Shaddix, Meredith, D.O. Shanahan, William J., M.D. Sharma, Amit, M.D. Sherrell, Victor, M.D. Simpson, Bobby, D.O. Simpson III, Michael J., M.D. Skoufis, Elias G., M.D. Slobodian, Stephen A., M.D. Smith, George A.W., M.D. Snow, Karen G., M.D. Somesan, Andy, M.D. Sonthheimer, Don, M.D. Southwick, Matthew MD, FAAP Spencer, John, M.D. Stallings, Linda L., M.D. Steichen, Carrie A., D.O. Stein, Aaron B., M.D. Stewart, Marian B., M.D. Stockamp, Kurt T., M.D. Stuart, Ronald Sidney, M.D. Suelflow, Jerry A., M.D. Sully, Keziah, M.D. Tarantola, Christina, M.D. Tan, Huaiyu, M.D., Ph.D. Tenniswood, Christine, M.D. Terry, Marisa, M.D. Thornton, John, M.D. Tiller M.D., J. Howell Tippett II, Troy M., M.D. Torres, Adelaida L., M.D. Torres, Dewey P., M.D. Trezza, Scott, M.D. Tunke, Laura M., M.D. Turnage, Robert B., M.D. Turner, David A., M.D. Ullman, Saul, M.D. Van Brocklin, Andrew, D.O. Vannorsdall, Mark, M.D. Vaughan, Taylor B., M.D. Vaz, Nutan, M.D. Videau, Brent, M.D. Watson, Amy Pote, M.D. Webb Ann, Laura, D.O. Welch, Kevin L., M.D. Wells, Alka, M.D. Westafer, Anita S., M.D. Westbrook, Thomas G., M.D. Whibbs, William J., M.D. White, Hilliary, M.D. Whitehead, Mitchell, M.D. Wiles, Ronnie D., M.D. Williams, Benjamin, M.D. Willis, Wayne S., M.D. Wilsdorf, Terry T., M.D. Winchester, Sara, M.D. Wolters, Jeffrey, M.D. Yonehiro, Layne R., M.D. Younger, Austin, M.D. Zeichner, Simon, D.O. Ziebarth, Angela, M.D. Ziller III., Stephen, M.D. Zimmern Jr., William A., M.D.

Our Mission:

Advancing physicians’ practice of medicine in our community.

Tradition – Honoring the history of medical care in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Service – Serving the needs of our community through the service of our members in the practice of medicine. Leadership – Meeting the challenges of the future and safeguarding our community’s health through organized collaboration on the local, state, and national level. Escambia County Medical Society was established in Pensacola in 1873 www.EscambiaCMS.org 4771 Bayou Boulevard #157 Pensacola, FL 32503 “Escambia County Medical Society, Inc.” is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

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