President’s Message
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER2011 Volume 41, No. 6
ECMS is My Patient Centered Medical Home by Michelle Brandhorst, MD
Upcoming Events December 1, 2011
General Membership Meeting 5:30 PM
CME / Medical Errors Sponsors: ECMS, MECOP, Hancock Bank Location: Hancock Bank
January 14, 2012
2012 Inaugural Ball Location: Pensacola Country Club
RSVP: 478-0706 Founded in 1873
This is my final newsletter of the year as President of the ECMS. It seems that it took forever going through the usual offices leading up to this year and then it goes by in what seems to be a heartbeat. But, I would also do it again in a heartbeat. Preparing for the Bulletin articles forced me to read and learn more about the changes that are occurring and affecting our profession. It also forced me to be more sensitive to the day to day struggle that we all face when trying to allocate our time to maximize the attention we offer to our patients. The latest article I read, written by Dr. Sam J.W. Romeo was on the five principles of Patient Centered Medical Homes which I outline below. As the author points out these are principles and are consistent with medial ethics. It is because I can focus on these principles while working with and attending meetings of the ECMS, that I consider the ECMS my Patient Centered Medical Home. 1. Focus on the Physician/Patient Relationship. I ended each of my previous articles emphasizing this essential relationship. We are too often forced to abbreviate the time necessary in building this relationship. As a result there can be mistrust of what we recommend or we are seen as someone who only orders what the patient feels that they need. As this relationship builds, physicians become aware of and respect the patient’s needs and preferences and the patient is more likely to follow and be satisfied with the physician’s recommendation. 2. Make the patient the center of care. The patient, not the payer, should be our focus. Quality care and value can only occur however when the patient is a vested and committed participant in his or her care. 3. Provide care that is accessible, comprehensive and continuous. Talking with patients, examining patients, trying to solve their problems, and receiving a reimbursement that is agreeable to both of us. It seems old fashioned and idealistic but this is what we do in every other facet of our lives.
4. Emphasize data that is meaningful and understood by the patient. Patients are not interDr. Michelle Brandhorst ested in how quickly we sign our orders or if their office note is generated on a computer or if 72% of your diabetic patients have Hgba1c’s less that 7. However, these are metrics by which we are judged. Rather than this top down approach, patients care about what we do for their individual medical problems at individual visits in the context of them as individuals. Implementing and following requirements to facilitate reimbursement, when one does not feel that the requirements truly benefit the patient is not, in my opinion, ethical. 5. Give it time. These are fundamental principles that have been slowly subjugated for years. Refocusing on these principles and resurrecting them will not happen quickly. Most all of us who become physicians are very independent and willingly take responsibility for our actions and the resulting patient outcomes. We want to fix things and quickly. This will take patience but cannot start until we as physicians focus on these principles. My hope is our medical society as well as others remember one of the founding principles of the American Medial Association which is our duty to seek changes in law and requirements that are contrary to the best interests of the patient. In closing, thanks to all the past presidents of our medical society for their hard work in growing this important organization. Also to our new incoming President, Dr. George Smith as well as our new Executive Director, Erica Laxson, best wishes for an exciting new year. And finally and most importantly, thank you members for allowing me to lead the Escambia County Medical Society for the past year. What a great ride!!