Mar ap final

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Editors: Karen Snow, M.D. | Erica Huffman, Executive Director


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This January I’m proud to say we had the most attended ball in the history of our medical society with nearly 160 people in attendance. We heard from Dr. John Fogarty, the dean of the FSU College of medicine as well as Dr. Ralph Nobo, the President of the FMA. The final $50,000 dollar check for our endowment to FSU COM was given and I got to get my picture in the paper which showed me how much more hair I’ve lost in the last year. Finally we presented the We Care Doctor the year award to Dr. Ranjith Dissanayake who provided over $41,000 in uncompensated care and treatments in 2015. I’m sure this is when you’re thinking, “Oh no, this is where he tried to get me to sign up for We Care again.” Well, you are right, but I also would like to tell you more about the program and honor others who participated as well. We Care was established here in 1992 by our medical society. It now functions throughout the state. The program now has 115 participating specialist and has ancillary support from all 3 hospitals. In 2015 the physicians provided nearly $770,000 in care with over 1,200 visits. The most visits/treatments this year was 64 provided by Dr. Donald Dewey, Orthopedics who I am proud to call my friend and partner. The top 5 physicians were: Dr. Ranjith Dissanayake, Dr. Luther Carter, Dr. Ian Weisberg, Dr. Norman Haines, and Dr. Donald Dewey. We Care is unique in that it provides you the ability to provide charity care in your office and incorporate it into your daily schedule. Malpractice is covered under state sovereign immunity which provides peace of mind. Those physicians that participate are eligible for free license renewal and 25% CME credit towards renewal.

CONTENTS There is no pressure to take patients. There is no minimum or maximum number of visits. Referrals are sent to your office and it is up to you which ones you accept. I have been participating in We Care for the last four years. My experience has been nothing but positive. My We Care patient are the most appreciative and compliant patients in my practice. As an added bonus, I don’t have to worry about needles documentation, PQRS and meaningful use. I can write a straight forward note, and actually feel like a physician again. While there are challenges, We Care is one of the most rewarding programs in which I have participated. If you currently participate in We Care, Thank You, this program is only as strong as the physicians that support it. If you aren’t, please consider, the commitment is small and the reward is great. If you would like to get more information please talk to me, Erica at the Medical Society, Dr. John Lanza, or call We Care at 850-595-6500 x1081. The next meeting is the legislative update which is one of the most informative of the year. Representatives Broxson and Hill will be there to update us and answer your questions. I look forward to seeing all of you there.

Page 3 & 5 - Membership Page 4 & 5 - Events Page 6 - Practice Mgmt. Page 10 - Medical/Legal Page 14 - Foundation Page 15 - In the Community

SAVE THE DATE Thursday, April 14, 2016 Pensacola Wahoos Game Time: TBD General Membership Meeting Doctors Day Celebration Thursday, May 5, 2016 | Hilton Garden Inn Airport Boulevard | 5:30p General Membership Meeting Mini Health Vendor Fair & physician speed networking event Tuesday, August 9, 2016 | V.Paul’s Italian Ristorante | 5:30pm Young Physicians Section Meeting- “Direct Patient Care” Founded in 1873


Founded in 1873


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