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About Eco Healing Artist, Philanthropist, Naturalist & Curator Lisa Léj After years of studies in the field of Fine Arts and Environmental Sciences at University of Central Florida, Lisa Lej had decided to merge both fields in order to make a positive impact on her country's eco systems. She has been working as a Visual Artist for over 8 years using recycled materials in the creation of her art. Using her passion as her drive she has dedicated her art as healing to humanity as well as the environment, which has inspired her to further her initiative of upcycled art towards educating and uplifting the spirits of the youth with Creative Expression Voluntarily as a movement towards becoming the positive change that she wishes to see in the future. She went on to further her studies in Holistic Movements while living in India which she uses elements from her lesson in the symbolism of her works as well as her Mosaic Imaginative Composing that the learned while studying in Mexico. Art is a universal language that helps bring people together and she uses art to find solutions to our social, environmental, and economic issues. This is her life and dream which she has been pursuing in various ways over the years. From the Director and PRO of the Key Club International during her teen, as the V.P. of Fundraising for the Kiwanis Club of Montego Bay, and through years of collaborating with various organisations like the Tryall Fund, the Rotary Club of Montego Bay, and the University of the West Indies to now having her own NGO which cares about leaving a positive foot print on the land, caring for the environment, as well as others, has always been the foundation of her purpose of being. She believes that living an ecological lifestyle is the way forward towards helping our environment to heal and become sustainable and by sharing that lifestyle with those around as an empowerment to take action now. Over all she is highly passionate about the arts and culture, the environment and its biodiversity. Art is healing… “If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him… We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.” ~ John F. Kennedy

To contact her you may call 876 573 9442 / / / email: Namaste

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