No 2 / Novembre-Décembre 2010
Bulletin de l’équipe des parents accompagnateurs en exogamie Newletter from the Team of parent-facilitors in exogamy
What on earth is ‘exogamy’? You or your spouse does not speak French? More than one language is spoken in your household? These situations sometimes lead your child to prefer the other language, often English, rather than French. This reality, exogamy, is experienced in many families of children attending a CECCE school. In Ontario, where French is spoken by a minority of people, exogamy presents many challenges and thus highlights the need to promote the French language in your home and community. Exogamy: Exogamy is the union of two people issued from two different languages and cultures. In our environment, this means that a language, other than or in addition to French, is spoken regularly in the household. In Ontario, English is very often the ‘other’ language spoken at home. ‘Exogamous’ parents often find it difficult to maintain the French language in their family life outside of the classroom when one of the two parents does not speak French. A conscious effort is needed to encourage French in all aspects of life outside of school, so that the child learns that French is not just something spoken in the classroom, but rather a part of everyday family life as much as the ‘other’ language is. Témoignage : As the anglophone parent who doesn’t speak French, I’ve always felt that there was little I could do to encourage my kids to speak more French outside of school. Then I realized that even my francophone wife had fallen into the habit of speaking English to our kids just because I was around and she wanted me to feel included in their conversation. Lately, I’ve begun reminding her to speak French with the kids, even if I’m there, so that they learn that both their parents’ languages are equally important at home. Amazingly, since I’ve started to encourage my wife to speak French to the kids, I’m noticing that I actually understand more of their conversation than we all thought I would! Who knows, with time I may even improve my understanding of French enough to add a few sentences of my own into their conversation! I’m pleased to know that even if I’m the anglophone parent, there is still a role I can play in encouraging French in my home.
Chers parents, Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter les membres de notre équipe de parents accompagnateurs en exogamie. L’équipe est formée de 5 parents engagés dans leur communauté scolaire : • • • • •
Adorata Uwizeyimana-Jacob Carole Gauthier Cindy Desouza L’Heureux Kristine Gavrel-McKeague Tanya Marion-Chapman
Cette équipe se réjouit de pouvoir tenir des ateliers-causeries pour parents vivant ou ayant vécu en couple exogame, où le français et une autre langue font partie de leur quotidien au foyer. L’équipe a pour mission d’appuyer ces parents dans leurs efforts pour appuyer et aider leurs enfants dans l’atteinte de leur plein potentiel. Le contenu des ateliers-causeries vise les objectifs suivants : 1. Discuter du rôle des parents dans un environnement où le français est minoritaire. 2. Permettre l’échange de défis et de solutions entre parents vivant ou ayant vécu en couple exogame. 3. Répondre aux préoccupations et aux besoins des parents dans un cadre conçu pour les échanges et la transmission de messages clés. 4. Stimuler un sentiment d’appartenance à la communauté francophone. Pour plus d’information au sujet des ateliers-causeries en exogamie, veuillez communiquer avec Monique Brûlé, au 613-744-2555, poste 3331 ou par courriel à l’adresse suivante : Le FrancoFUN est publié 4 fois par année.
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Vivre le plaisir en français Événements communautaires
Cette rubrique a pour but de vous informer des activités francophones dans la région d’Ottawa. Consultez aussi les sites Internet suivants :, et
5 à 9 ans
4 et 5 décembre
Nuit d’orage
Centre National des Arts
13,96 $
Théâtre français enfance/jeunesse
5 à 105 ans!
8 janvier
Rythmes sautillants
Centre National des Arts
21,52 $
Aventures familiales TD avec l’Orchestre du CNA
5 à 9 ans
22 et 23 janvier
Le voyage
Centre National des Arts
13,96 $
Théâtre français enfance/jeunesse
5 à 105 ans!
30 janvier
Orfea et la harpe dorée
Centre National des Arts
8,61 $ +
Concerts Bouts d’chou
2 décembre
Marie-Chantal Toupin: Noël c’est l’amour
La maison de la culture
39 $
3 à 8 ans
12 décembre
Arthur l’aventurier : L’aventure de Noël
La maison de la culture
19 $
Enfants et famille
N’oubliez pas le Casse-Noisette ! L’un des spectacles favoris des enfants et de leur famille. Venez célébrer le temps des fêtes avec ce grand classique! Du 1er au 4 décembre à 19 h et les 4 et 5 décembre à 13 h 30. Coût des billets 26 $ à 83 $. De plus, une heure avant le spectacle il y aura des activités pour les enfants : bricolages de Noël, activités interactives, et bien plus encore!
La télévision
La lecture
Caillou - Caillou est l’histoire d’un héros de 4 ans et de ses aventures quotidiennes : nouveaux amis, cauchemars, visite chez le médecin, sa première journée à la garderie. lundi au vendredi à 7 h et 16 h
Minimag est un magazine en couleur pour les 4 à 7ans. Il contient des textes informatifs sur divers sujets et propose également plusieurs activités amusantes et colorées : des jeux des bricolages, des contes, des bandes dessinées, etc. Mon Mag à moi est un magazine pour les jeunes de l’élémentaire (3e à la 6e année) avec textes informatifs, divertissants et qui leur permettent également de découvrir des jeunes provenant de différentes régions de l’Ontario français. Jeux, blagues, bandes dessinées, articles de fond, etc. Le site Web offre une foule d’activités complémentaires pour les élèves. Ces magazines sont en vente par la Librairie du Centre. Consulter le site internet suivant : 02 |
Vous pouvez trouver sur TFO, au poste 12, des émissions en français pour les enfants. En voici quelques exemples : Charlie et Lola - Charlie, le grand frère de Lola, doit faire preuve de beaucoup de patience pour aider sa petite sœur à comprendre le monde qui l’entoure. lundi au vendredi à 6 h et 15 h
Carmen Campagne - Venez jouer avec Carmen Campagne et ses amis qui vous feront rire et découvrir des métiers fascinants. Lundi au vendredi à 10 h 30 Consulter le site de TFO pour l’horaire télé :
pssst... You don’t speak French?
Parents Exogames, saviez-vous ?
Look over HERE
1. Saviez-vous que pour un nombre important de municipalités ontariennes, la proportion de francophones est majoritaire. Quelques exemples sont :
89 %
68 %
63 %
75 %
60 %
70 %
83 %
70 %
Source :
2. Seulement 58 % des enfants ayant droit fréquentent une école élémentaire de langue française alors que 48% fréquentent une école secondaire de langue française. Source : Document de consultation entente Canada Ontario 2009-2010 à 2011-2013
As the non francophone parent, do you want to be part of your child’s school life but are not sure how? Here are a few suggestions for the holiday season: -
Try volunteering in your child’s classroom. You can start by doing small jobs that require less direct talking to students. Teachers always need help with cutting, laminating and photocopying especially during the Christmas season. Your child will be pleased to see you at his/her school, and at the same time you are validating his/her French language education.
- Participate in school activities such as school concerts, plays, fundraising, movie nights etc. Here are a few sentences that can help you out on such occasions: I am here to help for the Christmas activities Je suis ici pour aider avec les activités de Noël. Where do I need to go? Où est-ce que je dois aller? What can I do to help? Qu’est-ce que je peux faire pour aider? Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël. Enjoy your holidays Bonnes vacances. Your child will be very impressed when you speak a few words in French at school, and I am sure he/she will be your best teacher in getting the pronunciation right! Remember to have fun in French!
à l’écoute
Mrs Need more info, Firstly, I congratulate you for your involvement in the decision to send your child to a French school. Your involvement and openness in this decision-making process as a non-francophone parent is a plus and will ensure the success of your child in the French education system.
Dear Exo, My husband and I will be placing our son into the French Catholic School system when he starts school (kindergarten). My husband is French, and I am English. My husband’s concern is that our son will go into French Kindergarten and will suffer because he is exposed to more English than French at home. I am looking for some resources online that will identify the success rate of English speaking children becoming Bilingual by attending a French only school and any resources that could offer some ideas on how to prepare our child for his kindergarten school. Mrs «Need more info»
The growing number of exogamous families is a new reality in the French community. A high percentage of the student body have one French-speaking parent and one parent who speaks another language. Although French might not be regularly spoken at home, these children are able to learn and embrace the French language and the French-Canadian culture. Based on the French Catholic School Board Data from 2009-2010, here are a few facts that demonstrate the level of progress for students who have little or no comprehension when they start school in Junior Kindergarten.
Grade Level
Junior Kindergarten
Senior Kindergarten
First Grade
Percentage of students that were evaluated as ALF ( ALF: term that means to « Actualize their French Langage skills » )
All ALF students began school at the low language performance level, type 1
50% had improved their fluency and were upgraded to a medium ability performance level, type 2
100% of ALF students had been upgraded to type 2.
Obviously, any help or promotion of French vocabulary on the home front is a winning combination. A child who understands what is being said to him in a classroom setting will be more receptive, learn more quickly and view school in a more positive way. Be reassured that French schools offer different programs to help all students achieve success in their French language development. Here are a few examples of what is available for our students in the French Catholic School Board: a French Actualizing Teacher who works with small groups of students to perfect their sentence structure and augment their vocabulary base, the AIM language learning program that uses a kinaesthetic approach to help students acquire vocabulary and the Parent Exogamy Team. Here are a few resources that I might recommend to help you prepare your son in this French language development: Taylor, Glen. Fusion – I’m with you2: Raising a bilingual child in a two-language household Edmonton,AB: Glen Taylor.2007. DREAM BIG little by little: A simple guide to building a Francophone identify at Home. Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants. 2007. Lire et compter en français à la maison: Guide à l’intention des parents d’enfants de la maternelle et du jardin. Centre Franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques. You can download a pdf file from this link: Once again I commend you for your quest in finding resources to help prepare your child for his school debut. It will be a big step and might be hard at times, especially in the beginning, but the rewards for your child will be great. A winning suggestion: have your husband start speaking French with your son as soon as possible. Young children have a great capacity for learning and adapt very quickly when regularly spoken to. I wish you success as well as a lot of fun in helping your child reach his potential in becoming bilingual.
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