kansas state Jardine’s new ‘green’ building is open for business. PAGE 10 www.kstatecollegian.com
Breathing fresh air? Visit today’s opinion page for a face-off about smoking around campus.
collegian Vol. 116 | no. 16
tuesday, september 14, 2010
Getting personal online? Elena Buckner gives some do’s and don’ts when using social networking sites.
Up all night in Hale library See www.kstatecollegian.com for a soundslide of students in line for Einstein’s.
Had an AJ slice to end the night? Check out today’s feature from Tim Schrag on the popular pizza spot.
Rapper arrested at fraternity event Tiara Williams, Austin Enns staff writers
Rebecca Tincher | Collegian
Students sat waiting in the hallways of Hale Library for the opening of Einstein Bros. Bagels Sunday night. Students filled the hallway and extended outside into the courtyard from around noon Sunday to 7 a.m. Monday when the new restaurant opened.
Students wait in line all night for Einstein coupons Over 100 people line Hale’s hall for chance at free food Danny Davis senior staff writer He was third in line, behind two Collegian staff members. Jonathan Culver, junior in elementary education, arrived at the opening of Einstein Bros. Bagels at 2 a.m. Sunday morning to wait for their bagel giveaway, but the line was empty, he said. So, Culver returned at 9 a.m. Sunday, when he was given ticket No. 3. The bagel company held its grand opening Monday morning. In celebration, the company gave away 100 coupon books containing 52 coupons - one free breakfast
bagel a week for a year. At 7 a.m., over 100 people lined the lower floor of Hale Library, waiting for the doors to open. “It’s about the free food,” Culver said. “It’s all about the freshness of a bagel in the morning and the wonderful coffee.” Matt Pray, marketing director for the K-State Student Union Food Service, said the food service decided to go with Einstein last year when the food service contract was up for bid. A proposal was made to the Union for Einstein Bros. Bagels, and it was judged to be a good fit for the library, Pray said. “Kids need to stay energized and do well in school,” Pray said. “We felt that this brand had that type of food and quality.”
See BAGELS, Page 10
Logan M. Jones | Collegian
Two employees of Einstein Bros. Bagels work on customers orders Monday morning, the restaurants opening day.
A Massachusetts rapper was arrested and booked on charges of disorderly conduct and incitement to riot at a local fraternity, according to a Riley County Police Department report. Lt. Herb Crosby of the RCPD said Samuel Adams Wisner, 23, of Wayland, Mass., had a noise/ party permit but ignored the guidelines. However, Andrew Huschka, senior in industrial engineering and president of Lambda Chi Alpha, said that Lambda Chi and Beta Theta Pi “took all of the appropriate legal and administrative action required to host such an event.” The event was a philanthropy sponsored by Lamda Chi and Beta to raise money for the Flint Hills Bread Basket. “We went by there once at 8:30 p.m. because the noise went over the limit,” Crosby said. “They had extra amps and people could hear the music several blocks away.” Police warned whoever was in charge of the philanthropy, but because the noise never quieted down, at 9:55 p.m. they went back to the Lambda Chi fraternity at 505 Denison Ave. to break it up, according to the report. “In the process of trying to calm people down, Wisner began yelling at police using profanity,” Crosby said. “The crowd then did the same so police took Wisner into custody.” Once Wisner was in police custody, Michael Galper, 18, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who was with Wisner on stage, grabbed the microphone and shouted, “F--the police,” according to the report. Police took him into custody before the crowd got out of control, Crosby said. Galper was also booked on charges of disorderly conduct and incitement to riot. Crosby said the person in charge oversold the tickets, causing the attendance to exceed more than 300 people, which was not what police were
See POLICE, Page 10
Coverage of Big 12 breakup critiqued Austin Enns staff reporter Midwest fans rejoiced earlier this year when the press announced that the Big 12 Conference would not break up. Instead, Nebraska and Colorado would be leaving and the rest of the conference would remain untouched. But throughout the summer, the media’s speculations on the state of the Big 12 varied from total collapse to complete preservation. Steve Smethers, associate professor of journalism and associate director for graduate studies, invited three journalists to talk about how social media affected the Big 12 story in his Mass Communication in Society class. Tim Fitzgerald, editor of Powercat Illustrated and gopowercat.com; Austin Meek, reporter for the Topeka CapitalJournal; and Tye Burger, editor of bringonthecats.com, offered a different perspective on the Big 12 story. The speakers, all alumni of K-State and the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications, agreed Twitter and the public’s need for
information put a tremendous demand on reporters to advance the story. Fitzgerald said Chip Brown, reporter at orangebloods.com, put every new fact he heard on Twitter, and that his ability to keep putting new updates on Twitter was “driving the story nationally; it was being cited on CNN and ESPN.” Fitzgerald also said he felt Twitter was a place where most journalists do not feel accountable for what they are posting because they are trying to keep the public informed on every new detail they learn. “The news cycle with Twitter is now literally every second. I would put something on the website, and people would ask 10 minutes later what was the update,” Fitzgerald said. “It was a lot of pressure on reporters to give new stories and keep reporting.” Burger said fans wanted information, but the decision makers had little contact with reporters beyond press releases. As a result, Burger said reporters had to “go to somebody else who doesn’t really know what’s going on.” Reporters were comfortable
with posting information from less credible sources on Twitter, and Burger said readers believed what was posted because they trusted the reporters’ judgment. “Some of them were in such a rush to be first, they forgot about being right,” Burger said. Meek said many good stories were getting “drowned out” because of the scope of the story and the frenzy for more information. All the speakers thought that media reports on this story had foregone accuracy and included anonymous sources because of the demand for Twitter updates. Meek said Twitter itself is a problem because it is not the most conducive place to post news updates due to the space limitations. “It’s hard to accurately report news in 140 characters. It can be misleading,” Meek said about tweeting. “I didn’t take the time or have the space to include all the information.” Kyle Mathews, senior in mass communications and student in Smethers’ class, said he enjoyed hearing about sportswriting from such experienced lecturers. “I thought it was awesome,
just getting a good group of panelists who have been reporting on sports a long time, and definitely K-State,” Mathews said. “Especially covering the Big 12 realignment story like they did, it’s just really cool to have that personal interaction with those kind of people.” After the speakers gave their perspective on the Big 12 story, they answered questions about how being in the new conference would affect K-State and whether this type of news cycle would continue. The speakers said they were optimistic about K-State’s place in the new conference and thought some websites had learned to be more cautious. Smethers said bringing in the speakers allowed students to see how journalists deal with real-world issues that affect KState. “I wanted to be able to bring this issue to the forefront because it’s an excellent way to be able to illustrate the current impact of social media on news reporting,” Smethers said. “I want my students to understand some of the real issues that media people are dealing with today.”
Alcohol, fireworks ordinances on agenda Katie Reilley junior staff writer Harsher alcohol regulations and provisions for fireworks are two of the main subjects to be addressed during today’s city commission work session. The proposed ordinance change involving alcohol outlines ways to control and limit alcohol sales and consumption during a special event. The ordinance proposes that any special event involving alcoholic beverages must have a permit up to 45 days in advance, as opposed to the current ordinance, which states the permit must be held up to 48 hours in advance. The proposed ordinance also outlines that the event must issue a wristband or another device to indicate that an individual is of legal age to
drink alcohol. Glass containers are also not allowed into the special event. The ordinance concerning fireworks will also get a second glance tonight. While the state of Kansas does not have any provision concerning the time to discharge fireworks, Manhattan’s current fireworks ordinance details that fireworks can be legally discharged from July 1 to 4 and from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. In early July, the commission expressed a desire to change the current ordinance. The idea of whether or not to extend or restrict the dates of discharging fireworks will be discussed. The city commission is also reviewing permits for block parties, parades, fireworks displays or stands, peddlers or solicitors, temporary-event food vendors and noise permits.