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HORIZON’S EDGE After School Program just seven miles from Manhattan is hiring edEmployment/Careers ucational lead instructors and assistants for 2018 positions. Starting pay $8‑ 10 per hour, 15 to 30 hours a Help Wanted week. Make a difference tomorrow, apply THE COLLEGIAN can- today! Call (785)313‑ not verify the finan- 5494. cial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifica- THE MANHATTAN tions. Readers are ad- Mercury is looking for vised to approach independent contracany such business tors for newspaper deopportunity with rea- livery throughout the sonable caution. The City of Manhattan, inCollegian urges our cluding campus, as readers to contact well as the Marysville, the Better Business Olsburg, and Lake Bureau, 501 SE Jef- Elbo areas. For more ferson, Topeka, KS information on a great UPDATING YOUR 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ way to earn extra money call 776‑8808. bathroom does not 0454. have to be expensive or take weeks to complete. BathWraps makes it easy. Call 855‑ 324‑2317 today for a free in home consultation.
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Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
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