Classifieds 2-17-11

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advertising Rent-Houses & Duplexes

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Admissions Repre- Help wanted on loClassified ads must be sentative‑ Kansas cal hog operation. Part‑ placed by noon the day State University is re- time help needed immecruiting for several Ad- diately. Could become before you want your ad mission Representative full‑time position for the positions. These individ- right person. Some exto run. Classified display three ‑ b e d roo m uals are responsible for perience with pigs and ads must be placed by TWO bathroom house. the implementation of mechanical skills would 4 p.m. two working days 1841 Platt, one block an effective recruitment be helpful. Salary defrom campus. June 1, program within a spe- pends on experience. prior to the date you year lease. $1050. Cell cific geographic region Call Ken 785‑210‑6298. Rent-Houses & Duplexes 785‑313‑0455, home as part of K‑State’s Horticulture Serwant your ad to run. overall enrollment man- vices Garden Center 785‑775‑7706. agement plan. Individu- is seeking part‑time seaTh r e e ‑ B e d r o o m , two ‑ b e d roo m als serving as Admissonal staff. Sales expetwo bath, double car HOUSE. Car port, nice sion Representatives rience and plant knowlE-mail garage, close to KSU yard, clean. No pets. work as part of a team edge helpful, must be campus, washer/ dryer $640/ month. 785‑556‑ to develop new proavailable weekends. Inin unit, water, trash, 0662. grams and improve ex- volves lifiting and physilawncare provided, NO isting programs to Nice clean propercal work. Above averPETS, available June ties. One level brick serve prospective stu- age wages. Apply in 1, $1100/ month, 785‑ dents and their families. house. Four‑bedroom, person at 11524 Land410‑4291. 1 DAY two bathroom, very low The major responsibili- scape Lane, St. ties include: serving as utilities. All appliances, George, KS 66535. 785‑ 20 words or less including wash/ dryer. a primary recruitment 494‑2418 or 785‑776‑ $14.00 representative; coordiNo pets. $1200/ month. 0397. Th r e e ‑b e d r o o m Call Rich 785‑313‑3831. nating strategy and reeach word over 20 source people for the re- KSU Student help house 1721 Ander20¢ per word for working son, June lease. fo u r ‑ b e d roo m gion; developing and needed $1,050/ month. Con- house near campus. maintaining service rela- greenhouse and tree with high packing. Starting mid to 2 DAYS tact KSU Foundation at Central heat and air tionships Washer, schools and community late February. Monday ‑ 785‑532‑7569 or 785‑ conditioning. 20 words or less dryer, and dishwasher. colleges; attending ma- Friday daytime hours 532‑7541. $16.20 June 1 lease. $1200/ jor community events; between 8:00 AM & 5:month. 785‑565‑1492. and coordinating efforts 00 PM; $7.25/ hour. Apeach word over 20 for the region with K‑ ply at Kansas Forest 25¢ per word t h r e e ‑b e d r o o m 1440 square foot, Service, 2610 Claflin one State faculty and staff, Road. HOUSE 917 Bluemont. three‑bedroom, alumni, and current stuJune lease. Washer / bath, country home on 3 DAYS dents. Qualifications in- lanscape foreman dryer, dishwasher. www.- five‑acres, two miles Services, 20 words or less south of Westmoreland. clude a recent K‑State Horticultural Horses welcome! No bachelor’s degree; fa- Inc. is seeking a quali785‑539‑5800. $19.00 smoking, or pets inside. miliarity and excitement fied landscape foreman each word over 20 A must see. $995. Call for K‑State; demon- experienced in all ast h r e e ‑b e d r o o m after 2 p.m. Monday‑ strated academic suc- pects of landscape in30¢ per word HOUSE on 1735 Ander- Friday, Full‑time, 785‑477‑2109 cess and student in- stallation. volvement/ leadership year‑round son, June Lease. or anytime weekends. employ4 DAYS skills in student groups ment. CDL preferred. $1200/ month. Conand organized living; Benefits include health tact KSUF at 785‑532‑ 20 words or less strong communication insurance, paid leave 7569 or 785‑532‑7541. $21.15 skills (oral/ written); time and 401 k. Apply each word over 20 strong social skills for a in person at 11524 Roommate Wanted variety of situations; Landscape Ln., St. 35¢ per word ability to work indepen- George, KS 66535. 785‑ dently; overall high en494‑2418 or 785‑776‑ Sale-Houses available sub- ergy level and enthusi- 0397. 5 DAYS lease now. June 1 or asm; willingness to 20 words or less Six‑Seven BED- August 1 lease. Female travel extensively; and BARTENDING! So long $23.55 needed. a valid driver’s license. saloon is now taking apROOM houses and roommate two At least one successful plications for bartendtwo apartments Four‑bedroom, each word over 20 Appliances candidate should have ing. Apply in person. available. Laundry, cen- baths. 40¢ per word tral air. June/ August washer/ dryer included. native or near‑ native dependleases. Call 785‑410‑ No pets, no smoking. Spanish language profi- Wanted: (consecutive day rate) Walking distance to ciency. Positions will able, reliable person 6491. campus and stadiums. start July 5, 2010, and with car to provide 785‑741‑0298 or 785‑ pay $33,500 for 12 transport for grade‑ schoolers on Monday 741‑1374. months. Candidate and Tuesdays, possibly should send a letter of Female Roommate other times. Call 785‑ resume, 532‑8092. Roommate Wanted needed. $300/ month. application, transcript(s) from any Close to campus/ AgGo to Kedzie 103 gieville. Move in now. college/ university in r o o m m a t e S which 12 or more hours (across from the K-State 785‑ NEEDED immediately. were earned, and the Business Opportunities 216‑0203. Student Union.) Office All utilities included in names and contact inrent. www.wilksapts.- Female roommate formation of three referhours are Monday needed. Nice four‑bedcom call or text 785‑ ences to: Search Com- THE COLLEGIAN canroom house. 1525 477‑6295. through Friday from mittee, New Student not verify the financial Nichols. Washer/ dryer. Services, Kansas State potential of advertise8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No Pets. Utilities paid. 2:42 Pm University, 122 Ander- ments in the Employ$350/ month. 785‑249‑ Opportunities son Hall, Manhattan, ment/ 8/12/08 1618, 785‑230‑1973 or KS 66506. Application classifications. Readblack Line‑300.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite 785‑862‑3456. deadline is February ers are advised to approach any such busi25, 2011. Kansas State University ness opportunity with caution. is an Equal Opportunity reasonable All classifieds must be Employer and actively The Collegian urges seeks diversity among our readers to contact paid in advance unless the Better Business Employment/Careers its employees. Back- Bureau, 501 SE Jefferyou have an account ground check required. Rent-Houses & Duplexes Topeka, KS Paid for by Kansas son, 2:41 Pm with Student 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ State University. 0454. 8/12/08 FOUR‑BEDROOM Publications Inc. Cash, Bartending! a black$300 Line‑400.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite HOUSES. Great locaHelp Wanted day potential. No expericheck, MasterCard or tions. Pet friendly. Call ence necessary. TrainAlliance today. 785‑539‑ ing provided. Call 800‑ Visa are accepted. 2300. www.alliancemhk.- THE COLLEGIAN can- 965‑6520 extension not verify the financial There is a $25 service com. potential of advertise- 144. SIX‑BEDROOM HOUSES. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance today. 785‑539‑ 2300.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses & Duplexes

1015 Kearney. Luxury two‑bedroom, two bathroom apartment. Washer/ dryer. Two blocks to KSU. No Pets. August lease. www.itstime2rent. COM. Call Susan at 785‑336‑1124.

Available August 1, 785‑313‑0462. 515 Bluemont, two‑bedroom basement apartment with high ceilings, tiled kitchen and bathroom, dishwasher, laundry provided, no pets, $650 plus utilities. 511 Bluemont, three‑bedroom house apartment with porch and sunroom, laundry provided, no pets, $960 plus utilities.

TWO, THREE, or Four‑Bedrooms close to campus. Dishwasher, central airconditioning, laundry facilities. No pets. 785‑ 539‑0866.

Fiv e ‑b e d r o o m HOUSES and two‑bedroom apartments for rent. Close to campus. Washer/ dryer. Several locations. Call 785‑410‑ 6491 for showing.

two‑bedroom, two bathroom apartment, 1118 Vattier. One brand new. Colbert block to K‑State and AgHills, reserved parking gieville. Two‑bedrooms available adjacent to $860. Newer, large KSU campus, huge bedapartments. Washer/ rooms, granite coundryer. No pets. August ters, stainless steel aplease. TNT Rentals Next to campus, one pliances, alarm systo seven‑bedrooms, tem, 50’’ flat screen TV, 785‑539‑0549. houses, apartments $1100, June or August, 1203 Thurston and (some two kitchen. www.1209 Bertrand. One Wide variety including 785‑313‑6209. block to K‑State. Two‑ older well manintained bedrooms one bath- to luxury, brand new room $850. Two‑bed- apartments. No pets. rooms two bathrooms June/ August. 785‑537‑ Rent-Condos & Townhouses $900. Three‑bedrooms 7050. three bathrooms $1300. Newer luxury apart- one, two, three, four‑ BRAND NEW! Silo apartments townhomes featuring ments. Washer/ dryer. bedroom No pets. TNT Rentals close to campus. 785‑ loft architechure. Avail539‑5800. www.som- able March, April, June, 785‑539‑0549. and August 1. Three1832 Claflin across Bedroom, two and one‑ One‑bedroom IN from Marlatt Hall. One‑ half baths. Two car new complex close to bedroom $450, two‑bedgarage. Maintenence campus and Aggieville. rooms $600. Central air free. www.capstone3d.Available June 1 and conditioning. No pets. com Call Tony 785‑317‑ August lease. TNT August 1, 2011. No 1013. pets. Contact John 785‑ Rentals 785‑539‑0549. 313‑7473 or john- Three Styles of 350 N. 16th. Two four‑bedroom condos blocks to K‑State. Two‑TECUMSEH LOFTS! ranging from $1150‑ bedrooms $600‑ $650. State of the art award $1550/ month. Including Central air conditioning. winning design/ build. lawn care, trash, snow Coin operated laundry. Call removal and all appliNo pets. August lease. cances. August 1, year Tony 785‑317‑1013. TNT rentals 785‑539‑ lease. No pets. Call 0549. T w in r e n t . c o m . 785‑313‑0751 for denew one, two, three- tails. apartments All NEAR K‑State. bedroom to ksu. One, Two and Three‑ close bedroomS. Call for Washer/ dryer, granite, details including prices pool, workout. No re- Rent-Houses & Duplexes and specific locations. strictions on pets. 785‑ No pets. June and Au- 537‑2096 BEST HOUSES AND gust leases. TNT Two, three and four‑ LOCATIONS! Four to Rentals 785‑539‑5508. bedrooms. Near cam- Eight‑Bedroom homes. pus. Cental air condi- All amenities, walk to tioning, dishwasher, KSU. Exceptional Value. August pre‑LEas- laundry on site. No June and August ing. Several units pets. 785‑537‑1746 or leases. www.capclose to campus, 785‑539‑1545. Call Tony washer & dryer in785‑317‑1013. cluded. Some units less Two, Three or four‑than 10 years old. Com- bedroom apartments cUTE AND CHARMpassionate landlords available June 1 or Au- ING! Four‑Bedrooms providing housing for gust 1. Close to cam- walk to KSU. Spacious KSU students for over pus. Pets allowed in with all amenities. June 25 years. www.wilk- some units. For more in- and August leases. 2:46 Pm call or text formation please con- 8/12/08 785‑477‑6295. tact 785‑456‑5329. Call Tony 785‑317‑1013.

Four‑Bedroom HOME. Simply the best ...location with all amenities. Walk to KSU. Call Tony 785‑317‑1013.

ck Line‑000.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite



Rent-Apt. Unfurnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of Announcements race, sex, familial status, military status, LEARN TO FLY! K‑ disability, religion, State Flying Club has age, color, national three airplanes and low- origin or ancestry. Vioest rates. Call 785‑562‑ lations should be re2:45 6909 or visitPm www.ksu.- ported to the Director 8/12/08 edu/ksfc. of Human Resources Line‑100.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

Bulletin Board

Housing/Real Estate

Rent-Apt. Furnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

*ALLIANCE* One, two, three, four and five plus bedroom houses. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance today. 785‑539‑2300.

F O U R ‑ b e d roo m , two bath townhome, brand new, reserved parking available adjacent to KSU campus, huge bedrooms, walk‑in closets, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, alarm system, 50’’ flat screen TV, $1700, June or August, 785‑447‑0404. F o u r ‑b e d r o o m , TWO bathrooms. Very nice. Washer/ dryer. No pets. Close to KSU. June/ August leases. www.itstime2rent. com. Call Susan at 785‑336‑1124. FOUR‑BEDROOM DUPLEX. 925 and 931 Bluemont. Spacious, dishwasher and fireplace. Central air conditioning, laundry hookups. No pets. No smoking. 785‑539‑0866. Newer four‑bedroom, two bathroom duplex. Washer/ dryer furnished, great location. $1240 per month. 785‑410‑4783. one, two, three, and four‑bedroom apartments and houses for rent. 785‑776‑3184 rental house available next school year. Nice three‑bedroom with full kitchen, washer/ dryer, and central airconditioning. No dogs/ cats. June lease. Call now! 785‑539‑ 4641.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses & Duplexes O ne ‑ Be d roo m , CLOSE to campus. June 1 or August 1 lease. Call Holly at 785‑ 313‑3136.

CALL 785-532-6555

Classified Rates

To Place An Ad

Advertise in the Classifieds

Across from KSU football stadium. Four‑ bedroom, two bath, all brick home. Off‑street parking. June 1 lease. $1150/ month. Emerald Property Management The Pavilion apart- 785‑587‑9000. F o u r ‑ b e d roo m ments at 1121 TWO bathroom house, Thurston. Now leasing. ALLIANCE, One, two, washer/ dryer, wood two‑bedroom, two bath- three, four and five plus floors, fireplace, storhouses. age space, large home, room. Washer/ dryer, bedroom free internet, water, and Great locations. Pet text or call 785‑819‑ trash included. Close to friendly. Call Alliance to- 3518. 785‑539‑2300. KSU/ Aggieville. Call day. Marcie, 913‑269‑8142. FREE LAUNDRY!

three‑bedrooms. One block from campus, center air conditioning and heating, with dishwasher and laundry in complex. Available August 1. 785‑ 537‑2255 or 785‑537‑ BEST DEAL AVAIL- 7810. ABLE THREE‑BEDROOM, one and a half bathroom apartments. Close to campus. Trash T wo ‑ b e d roo m s . and water paid, laundry CLOSE to campus, on site, $900/ month. washer/ dryer. Water Sign lease before and trash paid. Off‑ March 1 and we will street parking. 785‑341‑ take $300 off your first 4496. months rent. Call or text 785‑632‑0468. one ‑ b e d roo m F o u r ‑ b e d roo m BASEMENT of house APARTMENT. Spa- available now and four‑ cious with washer/ bedroom houses availdryer. Close to campus. able August 1, 785‑539‑ 785‑410‑3455. 8295.

How To Pay

ments in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.

CLEAN! Duplex four‑ bedroom, two bath, all appliances, dishwasher, close to K‑ State. No pets, no smoking. Available August 1. $1225/ $1275. Mustang gentleFOUR, FIVE, SIX and 913‑484‑1236. man’s club, now hirS e v e n‑ B e d r o o m houses. Next to cam- July. Large three‑- ing dancer’s and secupus. All amenities, bedrooms one and a rity. Great money, flexwasher/ dryer, private half bathroom. All appli- ible hours, no experiparking provided. No ances, washer/ dryer ence necessary. Call pets. 785‑537‑7050. hookup. Quiet neighbor- 785‑375‑5279 or apply hood close to campus in person after 7:30 FOUR‑BEDROOM AT with very cheap bills. pm. 1330 Grant Ave., 2425 Himes, August 1, $1100/ month plus bills. Junction City. central air conditioning, Call or text 785‑735‑ SMALL FAMILY cuswasher/ dryer, dish- 4856. tom harvest operation washer, trash paid, no needs combine/ grain pets, $1200 785‑587‑ cart operator mid‑May‑ 7846. June 1, four‑bedroom, August working in Oklathree bath, off‑street homa, Kansas, ColF o u r ‑ Be d roo m parking, washer/ dryer orado, South Dakota, HOUSE, washer/ dryer, hook‑ups, no pets, and North Dakota. pets ok, storage space, trash and lawn care pro- Wage plus room and new kitchen, text or call vided. 785‑532‑8256. board, includes all 785‑819‑3518. Extra clean. meals. 785‑587‑1956.

FIVE‑BEDROOM HOUSES. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance today. 785‑539‑ 2300.

STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. paid survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. Click on surveys.

Open Market

Items for Sale

charge on all returned checks. We reserve the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.

Earn $1000‑ $3200 a month to drive new cars Women of K‑State protect yourselves, keywith ads. chain pepper sprayers on sale. 785‑341‑5294 If you find an error in or e‑mail Farm Help. 2:39 Pm Looking for weekend hacman72@hotmail.your ad, please call us. help, usually one day/ com. 8/12/08 We accept week. Thirty miles north black Line‑600.crtr ‑ Page 1 ‑ Composite responsibility of Manhattan. Successonly for the first wrong ful candidate will have strong agricultural backinsertion. ground including experience with cattle and farm machinery, good references and ability Travel/Trips for physical labor. Looking for ongoing commitT hree ‑ Be d roo m , If you sell your item ment. If interested, conTWO bathroom condo tact kufahls@yahoo.(sleeps eight) on South before your ad has com with description of Padre Island at Saida qualifications. expired, we will refund Towers for rent Spring Break. $375/ night you for the remaining farm looking for $2250/ week (plus days. You must call us part‑time help with shop cleaning & taxes) work, maintenence and Owned by a K‑State before noon the day field work. Twenty miles Alum! www.vrbo.Northeast of Tuttle com/78244. 901‑854‑ before the ad is to be Creek Dam. 785‑457‑ 2539/ Mention K‑State published. 3440. for these prices.



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