Kansas State Collegian Print Edition 2-25-10

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collegian kansas

To see what K-State was like back in the day, check out the Edge on page 5 for a review of some of K-State’s early traditions.


thursday, february 25, 2010


Vol. 115 | No. 108

So Far, So Good


Unruh, Oliver team Brinton, McGuire wins primary election embrace diversity, win

Senate to advise funding decrease Danny Davis | Collegian

Tommy Theis | Collegian

Annie Oliver, senior in life sciences, and Daniel Unruh, senior in political science, stand in Tubby’s for their watch party. The two would eventually hear their names as winners of the primary election. Danny Davis | Collegian The Unruh/Oliver campaign for Student Body President and Vice-president was one of two campaigns that will advance to the general election after winning in the primary. At 5:30 p.m, the West room of Tubby’s Sports Bar was filled with roughly 50 people who showed up in support of the Danny Unruh and Annie Oliver campaign. All of the campaign members and many of the supporters donned official campaign shirts that read “Danny and Annie” across the front. The campaign rented the large room at Tubby’s to hold their election watch party. The polls for the primary election were set to close at 6 p.m. Senator Annie Bachman, campaign member, said the students she had spoken with on campus had been really receptive of the campaign’s platform. Jared Schnefke, senior in finance and accounting, was one of the people who showed up in support of Unruh and Oliver. “They have phenomenal experience in student government,” Schnefke said. “They

can take our student body in a tremendous direction.” Oliver, the current speaker pro temp, said the campaign experience has been great. The support from her family and friends has made the it easy and fun, she said. By 5:50 p.m., the place had filled to about 75 people and the main entrance was crowded with supporters. Senator Joe Norris, also a campaign member, was there as well. He said Unruh is a good friend of his and that the campaign has really good ideas for its platform. To help run the campaign, Unruh and Oliver recruited Senator Brandon Harder, senior in animal sciences and industry. He was also the campaign manager for the successful Dalton Henry and Wayne Stoskopf campaign last year. “If you look in the past, the [Henry / Stoskopf] campaign was successful because it was running on things they could actually accomplish,” Harder said. “We have a huge concern with tangible things. If you’re going to get students riled up about an issue, you have to be able to back it up.”

See WIN, Page 3

Tommy Theis | Collegian

Samuel Brinton, senior in mechanical engineering, and Molly McGuire, junior in political science and speech communications, held their watch party at the ECM building. They celebrate their victory in the primary. Austin Enns | Collegian Walking into the location of the Sam and Molly Campaign party, it was easy to discern why they were able to make it to the next stage of the elections. Despite only containing 25 people, the Ecumenical Campus Ministry (ECM) building had a very diverse campaign party. International, nontraditional and LGBTQI students were all represented. Samuel Brinton, senior in mechanical engineering with a nuclear option and vocal performance, and Molly McGuire, junior in political science and speech communications, said they chose the ministry building as the site of their campaign party as a way to reach out to all their constituents. “ECM is a very open place where everyone can feel welcome. Those who are not 21 and do not feel comfortable at a bar can feel comfortable,” said McGuire. She pointed out that some of the non-traditional students had brought their kids to the party, and if it had been held at a bar they would have been excluding that section of their base. When it was announced that the campaign had made the gen-

eral elections with 32.7% of the vote, the hall in which the party was located erupted in cheers. Almost immediately, Brinton and McGuire were ushered into another room to conduct a radio interview, and it seemed fitting since next week is when the real campaigning starts. Michael Champlin, junior in political science and campaign manager for Brinton and McGuire, is looking forward to the elections knowing that their campaign had the most votes. The favorite does not usually lose to the underdog. “It’s only been done twice in K-State History,” said Champlin. The Brinton-McGuire Campaign is hoping to stay the course with its message but at the same time mobilize the voters. Brinton said typically candidates for president have to double the number of votes cast for them in the primary if they want to win the general election. Optimism is tempered with caution; Brinton noted there was only a difference of 50 votes between them and their challenger. Thursday will be the test to determine whether or not the diversity of their base is strong enough to carry them to the presidential positions.

Shane-West campaign ends in disappointment Joe Sommers | Collegian As the sun began to set and election day came to a close, supporters of the Shane-West campaign gathered together at Porter’s Bar in Aggieville to show support for their candidates. Filling the long and narrow room with teal and neon green shirts, the candidates and their supporters waited optimistically for word of their victory. Vice Presidential nominee Brandon West, senior in education and speech, greeted his numerous supporters while waiting for the polls to close. Despite the uncertainty of the evening, West remained optimistic about the outcome. “We have worked too long and too hard to think otherwise,” West said. Those who attended did anything they could to show their support for the men they hoped to be the new heads of the stu-

Tommy Theis | Collegian

Doug Shane, junior in animal sciences and industry, and Brandon West, senior in education and speech, meet with Molly McGuire, junior in political science and speech communications, at the ECM building. dent government. Campaign manager Abigail Gloe even brought along a cowbell, which she explained as more than just random.

“Both Doug and Brandon are very active in the agriculture department,” she said. “So the bell goes along with that.” With their spirits and glasses

held high, the crowd patiently listened to the radio to hear the results of a campaign four months in the making. As the unwanted news of defeat rang out over the crowd, the silence was quickly broken up by the sounds of a lone cowbell. The mood of the room quickly turned from defeat to recognition of a hard fought campaign. Amid lighthearted requests for a recount, Doug Shane, junior in animal sciences and industry, thanked all those that had voted for and supported them throughout the campaign. Although disappointed, the candidates and their staff felt confident they had run a good campaign. “There is nothing we would have done differently,” Gloe said. While the prospects of higher office may have been lost, supports refused to let the loss spoil their evening.

The Student Senate will review a resolution that will be introduced at tonight’s senate meeting that concerns the spending of Student Centered Tuition Enhancement (SCTE) funding. According the resolution, $1 million are available for the fiscal year 2011. In the resolution, the SCTE Committee recognizes the current budget crisis and recommends the funding be reduced from its current level. In 2009, $1,056,000 was allocated for SCTE programs. This year, $961,797 is recommended by the committee for 2011. The funding supports programs that “enhance student experiences at K-State and seed money for the creation and implementation of new programs and initiatives,” according to the resolution. The largest expenditures on the list include the Educational Opportunity Fund, Diversity Programming, Global Education Initiative and KState Healthy Decisions. Student Senate meets at 7 p.m. in the Big 12 Room at the K-State Student Union.

Chili feed attendees find food, fellowship Tiffany Roney | Collegian More than 200 people laughed, mingled and chowed down on chili at the Annual Soup and Chili Supper, hosted by the First Methodist Men’s Group. While the leaders from the men’s group organized the event around fundraising efforts, other attendees came simply to fill their bellies and catch up with friends. Florence Sperman, senior administrative assistant for the chemical engineering department, said the food was fantastic. “We’re enjoying it immensely, and, after this long winter, it hit the spot,” Sperman said. “There’s a great turnout, and having it right before the ballgame was a master stroke.” While Sperman came with a group of close friends, Mark Queen, another attendee, said he came not only for the cheap food, but also for the opportunity to meet new people. “There’s a very honest, open dialogue to create fellowship among everybody that’s here, which is great because there’s a lot of people here that don’t know each other – this is open to the whole community,” Queen said. He motioned to a couple sitting across the table from him; the two are members of the Presbyterian Church. “I’d never met these people before tonight,” he said. “In fact, the thing I’ll remember most about this night is meeting these two.” The supper was held on Wednesday night in the fellowship hall of First Methodist Church at the corner of 6th street and Poyntz Ave.

thursday, february 25, 2010

kansas state collegian

page 2

Driven by hunger | By Erin Logan

Daily Blotter

The Planner


campus bulletin board

TUESDAY Lasheen Eola Cooki Washington, homeless, was arrested at 1:56 p.m. for failure to appear. Bond was set at $12,000. Cecilio Oliver Olivera Flores, 2500 Farm Bureau Rd., was arrested at 3:30 p.m. for failure to appear. Bond was set at $1,500. Clemente Tomas Valdez, 500 Laramie St., was arrested at 4:30 p.m. for failure to appear. Bond was set at $750. To view the daily arrest report from the Riley County Police Department, go to the Collegian Web site, www.kstatecollegian.com.

CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS If you see something that should be corrected or clarified, call news editor Bethaney Wallace at 785-532-6556 or e-mail news@spub.ksu.edu.

kansas state collegian The Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is published by Student Publications Inc. It is published weekdays during the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2010

Safe Call SafeRide

How do I use SafeRide? 1. Call 539-0480 2. Give Name, Address and Location 3. Wait at location for Taxi 4. Show KSU Student ID to driver

Using the Aggieville Pick-Up Station 1. There is no need to call Safe Ride 2. Wait at Willie’s Car Wash at 12th and Bluemont for first available taxi

Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday

11:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. A free service provided by the K-State Student Governing Association

Empty Bowls “Bowl-a-Thon” at the Manhattan Arts Center. Come make a bowl for the 2010 Manhattan Empty Bowls Project on Sunday February 28, 2010, from 7 - 9 p.m. For a $5 studio fee, community members can make or paint a bowl that will be sold and profits will go to local hunger fighting organizations. No experience needed! For more information contact Emily at 785-532-6444 Intramural basketball playoffs will begin March 2. Playoff brackets will be posted as follows: Fraternity, residence halls, women and 6’ Under brackets posted Sunday, Feb. 28, at 10:30 p.m. Independent and co-rec brackets posted Tuesday, March 2, at 3 p.m. Nominations are being accepted for the Anderson Senior Awards, the Multicultural Leadership and Service Awards and the Graduate Student Awards. Anyone is free to nominate deserving students who will be graduating in May, August or December 2010. Forms are available at k-state.com/awards and are due by 5 p.m. March 12. The Student Homecoming Committee is now seeking applicants. Pick up an application at the Alumni Center or complete one online at kstate.com/homecoming. Applications are due March 12 at 5 p.m.

WHY Architecture, will present “A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste” at 5 p.m. Friday in Seaton Hall’s Foerster Auditorium (room 63). The event is open to the public without charge and is sponsored by the College of Architecture, Planning and Design. Attendance at the lecture can be submitted as continuing education credit for design professionals by contacting Diane Potts at 785-5321090 or potts@k-state.edu. Sensible Nutrition and Body Image Choices will present the following events for Eating Disorder Awareness Week. The theme is “It’s Time to Talk About It: Everyone Can Do ... Just One Thing!” -A discussion titled “The Relationship Between Exercise and Body Image: Harmful or Helpful?” with keynote speaker Dr. Beth Fallon at 6 p.m. in the Flint Hills Room in the Union on Thursday. The Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, Office of Mediated Education and Information Technology Assistant Center is offering the Instructional Design and Technology Roundtable: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 minutes and 40 seconds, add 20 slides and Welcome to the World of Pecha Kucha. Come join us from 11 a.m - 12:30 p.m. today in Union 212.

The Little American Royal is now having sign-up through today in Weber Hall and Waters Hall. Anyone can sign up to show KSU-owned livestock. Even if you have never shown an animal before you can learn how it is done. The show will be held April 23.

The City of Manhattan Parks & Recreation Department is looking for volunteer coaches for the upcoming youth soccer season. The season will run approximately March 1 to May 6. The department is also hiring soccer officials at a pay rate of $12 - $24 per game. Interested individuals should call 785-587-2757 or e-mail Jeff Mayer at mayer@ci.manhattan.ks.us.

Noted architect Kulapat Yantrasast, principal and founder of

Information Technology Assistance Center will be presenting the

following orientations. The events are open to all K-State faculty, staff and students. Registration required. -IT Orientation: Library Technology will be held from 10 - 11 a.m. March 4 in Hale Library room 401B. -IT Orientation: Emerging Technologies will be held from 10 - 11 a.m. March 10 in Hale Library room 401B. Applications for National Student Exchange for fall 2010 and spring 2011 are due by March 1. For more information, contact Kari Nap in the Office of Admissions at karinap@kstate.edu or go to nse.org. The TechBytes series is offering the following sessions. The series is open to all K-State faculty, staff and students. Registration is not required. All sessions are from 1:30-2:30 p.m. and held in Hale Library room 501, except for Thursday’s session, which will be held in Hale room 301A. -Today - Uses of WordPress -March 4 - Twitter Tools -March 11 - Zimbra Calendar -March 25 - Google Wave Information Technology Teaching and Learning will offer the following sessions: March 25 - A Sense of Where We Are: Geographic Information Science and Systems April 22 - Show ME, Don’t Tell ME. All events are from 11 - 12:30 p.m. in Union 212. Events are open to all faculty, staff and students. The Planner is the Collegian’s bulletin board service. To place an item in the Planner, stop by Kedzie 116 and fill out a form or e-mail news editor Bethaney Wallace at news@spub.ksu.edu by 11 a.m. two days before it is to run. Some items might not appear because of space constraints, but are guaranteed to appear on the day of the activity.

thursday, february 25, 2010 Police Report

Electronics stolen Hannah Blick | Collegian More than $1,000 in home electronics were stolen from an Ogden man’s home earlier this month, according to a report from the Riley County Police Department. The incident occurred sometime between 8 a.m. on February 7 and 8 p.m. on February 22, said RCPD Lt. Herbert Crosby Jr. Jeremy Hockett, 33, of 211 C. Seventh St., Ogden, Kan., reported the items stolen from his home earlier this week. The items include four computer parts, valued at $540; one TV, valued $300; one Wii game console, valued at $250; three Wii games, worth $60; and one headset, worth $85, for a total estimated value of $1295, according to the report. No arrests in the case have been made.

kansas state collegian

WIN | Oliver calls win ‘dream come true’

Quotable quote:

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. ”

- John Quincy Adams

Continued from Page 1 As the moment neared for the announcement of the winning campaigns, about 100 people packed the room. When it was revealed that the Unruh / Oliver campaign had won 31 percent of the vote and would advance to the general election, the room roared with applause. Oliver was speechless as she looked for words to describe the emotion on her face. “It’s a dream come true,” she said. Unruh and Oliver stood on the bar to thank their supporters. “We’re here everybody, in for round two,” Unruh said. “Everyone sacrificed a lot of time and Annie and I are confident we can win.”

page 3

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Tipor Story or e-mail: Call 785-532-6556 collegian@spub.ksu.edu

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kansas state collegian

page 4

thursday, february 25, 2010

Quality Control

Government principles do not align with actions

Letter from the President’s Desk

Lectures bring ‘best and finest’ Dalton Henry Dear Wildcats,

Marshall B. Frey Today many social studies textbooks would classify our nation as an ethnic and cultural patchwork. As U.S. citizens, we embrace the fact we have people of all nationalities, religions and backgrounds living and working alongside us. The founding fathers acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence that all men were created equal, regardless of race, nationality or religion. Yet, do we really believe this in all aspects of government? Perhaps we do not, as the federal government’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program shows. Many Americans are completely unaware of this program. The program, which pertains mostly to federal contracting work such as the construction of highways and buildings, requires a certain monetary percentage of each project be awarded to a firm that is deemed “disadvantaged.” A firm can be disadvantaged only if the title of the business is held by a person who is either a minority, female or handicapped. While the program’s intent to spread federal funds out to various firms seems well and good, the effects of this program have some considerably negative connotations. Often times, firms that qualify for DBE status are under-qualified and perform sub-standard work at a higher cost. Additionally, the DBE program has caused some business owners to falsify their information in order to obtain status. History shows us that the DBE program produces a product of lesser quality for a much higher price. As taxpay-

Illustration by Hannah Loftus ers, we should be concerned about the stewardship of those we have elected. Paying a specific set of businesses top dollar for a bottom-dollar quality product is nonsensical. If we are all equal as the Declaration of Independence states we are, the actions of our government should reflect that principle. We need to move away from the socialistic economic policy that is currently in place and move back toward the more laissez-faire school of thought of the past. I’m all for equal opportunities and small business enterprises. As Ronald Reagan said, “Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.” It is a proven fact that we

need small business and entrepreneurs to survive economically. I also think it is great that we are starting to see the diversification of business owners spread to females and minorities. However, I am against the poor stewardship of our federal tax dollars that this program is encouraging. The DBE program applies poor economic policy and rewards companies and businesses for factors that are completely random, such as race and gender. Additionally, the program reduces the heartbeat of American capitalism by stripping away the ability for businesses to compete with one another. If we are to become fiscally responsible as a nation, we need to stop handing out mon-

ey bags hand over fist and start requiring privatized companies to compete with one another to provide the best quality service as the most reasonable price possible. By doing so, we would reduce spending significantly on the construction of highways, buildings and other contract-oriented service while at the same time upping the quality of these vital services. The national deficit is climbing higher and higher every day. Isn’t it about time that we start taking action to do something about it? Marshall Frey is a sophomore in preprofessional construction science management. Send comments to opinion@spub.ksu.edu

Yellow journalism thriving on Internet Drew Morris Thanks to the Internet, a fad from the past has re-emerged to haunt the journalism world: yellow journalism. Yellow journalism occurs when news and media become sensationalized and focus more on attention-grabbing headlines than legitimate reporting. Unfortunately, some of the media being published today by amateur journalists and bloggers leans towards this tendency. Nowadays, everyone can post whatever they like on their Twitter accounts, post videos on YouTube and create their own political blogs. Never has communication and news been so easy to access for the general public. The problem lies with the rules of journalism, and how they are misapplied by the masses. It is hard for news to not become sensationalized when amateurs can take video of an incident and post it on YouTube with their own commentary. When the public watches these videos of important events, they may take into account the opinion of the poster. According to mediacultures. net, as of March 2008, 78.3 million videos were estimated to be on YouTube and 2.6 percent of those videos fall into the “news” category. They estimated that 80.3 percent of the total videos were made by amateurs. That means that a little more

K-State was very fortunate to host Dennis C. Blair, director of national intelligence, as a Landon Lecture speaker this past week. The Landon Lecture series is a K-State tradition that brings some of the nation’s most prominent political and public figures to our campus. Throughout my time here at K-State I have been fortunate enough to see many Landon Lecture speakers, including past Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The lecture series is an integral part of K-State’s mission to excel as an academic institution. This lecture series brings only the best and finest to our campus. The Landon Lectures are in honor of one of Kansas’ most prominent historical politicians, Alfred M. Landon. Landon served as governor of our great state and campaigned for U.S. President. The K-State Landon Lecture series started in 1966 with a lecture from Alfred M. Landon himself. Since that time, K-State has hosted six U.S. Presidents, numerous U.S. Senators and Representatives, as well as more than five presidents from other nations. The list is not limited to politicians however; past speakers have also included Nobel Peace Prize winners, major newspaper editors, human rights activists and directors of various prestigious organizations. If you did not have the opportunity to attend Dennis C. Blair’s lecture on Monday, I encourage you to watch his lecture online at ome.ksu.edu/ lectures/landon/past. Also, look forward to the second Landon Lecture this semester on March 3 at 4 p.m. This lecture is less than a week away, and features the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Michael G. Mullen. This will be a lecture you won’t want to miss. I look forward to seeing you all there. Dalton Henry Student Body President

collegian kansas

than 150,000 amateur news videos were published on YouTube as of 2008. Two years later, we can only imagine how that number has increased. One problem of independently produced news comes with the lack of fact-checking that goes into the process. With the individually-created YouTube videos and political blogs comes little financial investment, which is exactly what makes them so popular to create. With only the individual credibility to lend their articles and no money for fact-checking, there comes a mass of biased and inaccurate information on the web. It’s analogous to Wikipedia. Your professors won’t let you use it as a source, but it might be a good place to start while researching a topic. You have to

doubt and analyze everything that you read, and check other sources before claiming anything to be true. Progress comes with groups like groundreport.com, which according to their Web site, “is a citizen news portal that enables anyone to instantly publish articles, photos and video to a global audience.” They also send all reports to a team of editors before they publish them, to ensure correctness and professionalism. What we need are more outlets like this in which people can report news as it happens right in front of them, but in an edited manner. While most people’s intentions may be pure, their ability as journalists may be lacking. News stations and journalists cannot always be on the scene as news occurs and sometimes

Illustration by Erin Logan amateur footage helps. We need to make sure, however, that this footage finds its way through an appropriate outlet before it is published. We have entered an age in which traditional print journalism is falling by the wayside. What cannot fall to the curb is professionalism in journalism. We must still hold ourselves to an unbiased and informative view of what happened as best we can. Without this, we will be lost in a sea of propaganda and sensationalist media. Drew Morris is a senior in journalism and mass communication. Send comments to opinion@spub.ksu.edu


Corene Brisendine editor-in-chief Lauren Garrison | metro editor Grant Guggisberg | sports editor Hannah Loftus | opinion editor Justin Nutter | sports editor Owen Praeger | online editor Kelley Price | multimedia editor Jesse Riggs | managing editor Mayra Rivarola | campus editor Carlos Salazar | presentation editor Tim Schrag | edge editor Logan Snyder | ad manager Rachel Spicer | presentation editor Tommy Theis | photo editor Bethaney Wallace | news editor Bethaney Wallace | copy chief

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KANSAS STATE Collegian news@spub.ksu.edu Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506

kansas state collegian

thursday,february 25, 2010



page 5

Those Were the Days

Traditions provide windows to the past of K-State Melissa M. Taylor | collegian The traditions of K-State began long before the university was deemed Kansas State University. Traditions tied students together through class rivalries. They linked them to school pride during sporting events and academic success. Traditions created links, among all, to K-State. “Traditions are the heart and soul of a university,” said Pat Patton, university archivist. “It’s the spirit of a school and it’s the essence of traditions that brings everyone together. Students today have a lock on all the fun traditions, but if you look back to the early years of the university, they had a fun time too.” In 1858, Bluemont Central College was founded in Manhattan by the Methodist Episcopal Church. Four years later, Bluemont College was given to the state of Kansas and was renamed Kansas State Agricultural College. In 1931, the university became Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, and in 1959 it took on today’s title of Kansas State University.

Live Mascots Before Willie the Wildcat appeared on the scene, there were two notable mascots on campus. From 1906 to 1909 a black Labrador named Boscoe represented KState at sporting events. In 1922, two university veterinary graduates working in Twin Falls, Idaho brought the idea of a bobcat mascot named Touchdown to campus. The idea took root and the custom of live bobcats as the school mascot continued. The Touchdowns were retired in 1978.

The Shepherd’s Crook The class of 1898 decided to bring something new to campus: a long shepherd’s crook, symbolizing the senior shepherds herding the freshmen flock. Like the spade, the shepherd’s crook instilled campus tomfoolery. The class of 1900 refused to receive the symbol, but that did not stop the class

of 1899 from tying a black ribbon to its staff with the numbers ‘00 and hiding the crook from public viewing. However, the crook did not stay in hiding long, as it was presented to the class of 1901. The crook was passed from 1898 to 1938, when it disappeared again, though it resurfaced in the 1960s for university centennial activities, bearing 26 class ribbons.

The Class Spade


In 1892, George L. Clothier planted an ivy vine near the main entrance of Anderson Hall with a new spade and started a tradition of trickery among classes. For several years the spade was stolen, buried, hidden and stolen again among the classes. “In May, 1895, the greatest series of class fights this college ever has seen began between the senior and junior classes,” Floyd B. Nichols wrote in the 1912 Royal Purple Yearbook. “The cause of the disturbance was the refusal of the class of 1895 to give up the spade.” To end class wars, Clarence Holsinger ran to the banks of the flooded Blue River one night and tossed the spade into its currents.

There has been only one tradition reported throughout the years to be banned at K-State: The Smooch Line. It originated from the concept of greek pinning ceremonies, followed announcements of pinnings and engagements at organized houses. Dr. Benjamin Lafene, 1957 student health director, said the kissing would lead to various diseases of the mouth. Instead of smooches, handshaking became the tradition.

Flash Card Sections Though the K-Block, or flash card section, was seen in the 1920s it did not take root until 1957. Its intention was to increase student participation at home football games. By 1958, the section had 1,200 participants and several designs. During games a yell leader would call out a number and each fan would hold up a colored, numbered card. Though there is not a formal flash card section anymore, present day football and basketball stands tend to be littered with homemade signs cheering on the Wildcats.

Freshman Caps The class of 1916 presented a custom that would last until the late 1950s. Purple and white beanies were sold for $1 to freshmen who were supposed to wear them to all home sporting events and on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If freshmen were caught without their head cap, the varsity athletes would paddle them or dunk them in large water tanks.

Dani’s tips for saving cash Danielle Spellmeier

As a college student, I look for ways to save money in everything I do. One of the primary ways I am able to accomplish that is by buying offbrand products when grocery shopping. I’ve come up with a few tips to help others search for off-brands and save money: 1. Most of the time it is the same product just in different packaging. If you don’t feel like you’re getting the same thing, then check for the active ingredients and compare the brand to the off-brand. If they both have the same stuff in it, then go with the cheaper one. It is as simple as that. Think about off-brand cere-

als, candy, chips, crackers and even sodas. 2. When buying medication, check with your pharmacist about generic brands to see which will treat the same ailments as the brand name and why. Again, most of the time the same active ingredients will be found in both, so just go with whatever is less expensive. The generic for Motrin is ibuprofen, Aleve is naproxen, and other medications have different generic names than the brand names. However, don’t automatically assume that the generic is the cheapest. You should also look at the volume or amount of the container. A tube of a name brand toothpaste can cost $3. The generic of the same kind of toothpaste can cost $2.25. If the name brand toothpaste has 7 ounces and the generic has 4 ounces, and you will save money by choosing the name brand. If you buy the gener-

ic, you pay approximately 56 cents per ounce. If you buy the name brand product, you pay approximately 32 cents per ounce. 3. Whenever possible, buy your milk and milk products from local farmers. Milk is not something that needs a name brand on it to be good. Milk comes from cows. That doesn’t change depending on the name on the container. By buying locally, you are also supporting local farmers. You may also be able to get fresher milk locally than from a grocer who has milk shipped from across the country. Sometimes people are not able to buy generic brands due to allergies, but if you can you should. I’m not trying to say that generic is always the best option, but just don’t knock it until you have tried it. Danielle Spellmeier is a sophomore in elementary education. Send comments to edge@spub.ksu.edu.

photos courtesy of university archives

Performance Series finds new kind of audience Pauline Kennedy | collegian McCain Auditorium brought the 1930s back to life last night, when the Performance Series welcomed the nationally-touring show Annie. The nearly sold out show was the fourth of the semester for the series. Todd Holmberg, executive director of McCain Auditorium, said with the type of show Annie was, there were many people that were coming to a McCain show for the first time. “We’re extremely pleased,” he said. “For a Wednesday and a school night we are blown away by the turnout.” The show brought back the old story of a young orphan girl, holding out hope that her parents would one day come back to get her. It’s a story of hope, love and always seeing the silver lining. The tale of Annie has been a part of pop culture for decades, becoming very well known from its time on Broadway and eventually in theaters. But, the idea came from the comic strip,

“Little Orphan Annie,” by Harold Gray in the early 1920’s. Gray was inspired from a James Whitcomb Riley poem “Little Orphan Annie,” which told of a young girl who worked hard and taught children to mind their manners. Gray’s comic strip, however, was not always the happy-go-lucky Annie, but had underlying political messages and somewhat violent and dangerous situations. The McCain performance focused the Broadway tone, complete with its many hits like “Tomorrow,” and “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.” Many audience members were happy that the McCain Performance Series has had such a variety of shows. “It makes McCain seem more family-oriented,” said Alisha Ball, freshman in business administration. “It’s great to have something so well done that everyone can enjoy,” said Manhattan resident Carol Elmore. “It’s very professionally done and the quality is outstanding.”



75 kansas state collegian

page 6

Nutter’s “Midweek” Musings


thursday, february 25, 2010

Red Raid in Bramlage

Justin Nutter Thursday conundrums while the sixth-ranked men’s basketball team continues to establish itself as one of the best road teams in the country. • Tuesday night’s win at Texas Tech was one of the most comfortable victories KState has pulled off all season. Sure, the Wildcats have won several games by double digits, but it was really nice to see them control this one from the opening tip. • Maybe it’s just me, but I often find myself pulling my hair out when it’s a two-point game at halftime, regardless of the opponent. Unfortunately, I guess I can blame that paranoia on the six years of Jim Wooldridge basketball that I sat through. • No offense to Wooldridge – he seemed like a nice guy and I often lobbied for a “neck brace day” at Bramlage Coliseum – but it got awfully old watching K-State invent ways to lose (see Pervis Pasco in the 2003 Big 12 Tournament). • OK, enough with the bad memories. This year’s team is a lot more fun to watch. It’s amazing how much difference a few years (and coaches) can make, isn’t it? • Several ESPN personalities – Dick Vitale, Skip Bayless, etc. – are starting to say the Wildcats have legitimate Final Four potential, and after seeing Tuesday night’s performance, it’s hard to argue with that statement. • Like I mentioned previously, K-State finally put together two solid halves of basketball against the Red Raiders. Doing so will be key in making a deep tournament run next month. • After watching the last five or six games, it would be easy to label the Wildcats as a “second-half team.” But if you take a look at the box scores, that’s not necessarily the case. Here’s a quick breakdown of the numbers: • In K-State’s 13 conference games, the deficit has been four points or less nine times. They are 8-1 when leading at the half and undefeated when leading by double digits. They have been outscored in the second half five times with three of those instances translating into losses. • Long story short: When the Wildcats play two complete halves, they can be regarded as one of the best teams in the country. When one half isn’t up to par, they can be challenged by anyone in the conference. That could really come back to haunt them in the postseason if they’re not careful. • They’ll get another great chance to put two good halves together when Missouri comes to town this weekend. Wouldn’t it be great to see KState run the Tigers out of the gym? • Also, it wouldn’t break my heart to see a little payback for Laurence Bowers’ last minute showboating in Columbia, Mo., earlier this season. For those that don’t remember, Bowers threw down a breakaway dunk as time expired. The game was already well out of hand. • Sorry if it makes me a poor sport, but if K-State gets a big lead late in the game, I wouldn’t mind Frank Martin putting in Wally Judge for some ESPN highlight reel material. Probably won’t happen, but I can dream, right? Justin Nutter is a senior in print journalism. Please send comments to sports@spub.ksu.edu.

Photos by Jonathan Knight | Collegian

Red Raider senior guard Jordan Murphree blocks a shot attempt from K-State sophomore forward Alina Voronenko from the front as her Texas Tech teammate pulls on the basketball from the back. The Wildcats came from behind after halftime to regain the lead and at least to keep even to force overtime. They accomplished that, but they ended up losing 75-67.

K-State women force OT, lose 75-67 Sam Nearhood | Collegian K-State battled Texas Tech last night in a showdown stretching into extra minutes, but the Red Raiders stole the game 75-67 with a strong display in overtime. The first half saw charged action on both sides as the game went back and forth between the two teams. K-State (12-15, 4-9 Big 12) took a small lead, but Texas Tech (17-10, 5-8) stole it away eight minutes in. The Wildcats trailed the Red Raiders 28-23 at halftime. In the second half, both teams made strong pushes in the first minutes, with K-State rallying to force overtime. Texas Tech had all the momentum in the extra period to win the game. K-State head coach Deb Patterson said her team played well in the second half, but not so much in overtime. “We just didn’t play that last five minutes of the game well,” she said. “Right now, our decision making is a little scattered.” For the third time this season, senior guard Kari Kincaid had the high score for her team with 18 points. She also committed no turnovers. She made half of her field goals and all her free throws. Freshman guard Taelor Karr nearly had a double-double, scoring 11 points while hauling in a game-high nine rebounds behind 50 percent shooting. For the Red Raiders, senior guard

Coach Deb Patterson surveys last night’s game against the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Jordan Murphree put up 26 points and eight rebounds while hitting the majority of her free throws. Texas Tech head coach Kristy Curry said she was happy with her team. “We always want to come out and make sure we’re aggressive,” she said. “I’m so proud of these kids.” K-State sophomore forward Jalana Childs kicked off the game with a

quick jump shot, followed minutes later by an exchange of runs with both teams making a few buckets to raise the score 9-7, K-State. They led at halftime 28-23 behind 10 first-half points from Murphree. The Wildcats returned from halftime with better offense, rallying from the halftime deficit to tie the game around the 10-minute mark. At the nine-minute mark, freshman guard Brittany Chambers sunk two, regaining the lead for her team 4544. However, K-State did not hold it for long after the Red Raiders made a pair of free throws to tie the game 48-48. The game inched forward, and the lead jumped back and forth between the teams, but a layup from Chambers with two seconds left pushed the game into overtime. Both teams fought hard to take home a win, but Texas Tech drove to the front behind the leadership of Murphree, who scored all six points of the first four minutes. Kincaid and Karr each sunk two to move their team within six, but the Red Raiders picked up some more points to win the game by eight. Coach Patterson said her team’s performance dropped too far to be competitive. “We just regressed back to wasting possessions,” she said. “They were good shots that Texas Tech earned. We were really wasting ours.” The Wildcats return to the floor this weekend when they take on Iowa State on the road.

Off the court with Frank Martin In less than three years, K-State head coach Frank Martin has taken the men’s basketball team to heights not reached by the Wildcats in several years. Martin recently touched on a variety of topics, including the Wildcats’ return to the national spotlight, his rationale for man-to-man defense, and his demeanor toward the players.

Q: How are the players handling being in the top-10? A: “They’re kids going through something they’ve never been through before, which is being ranked in the top 10 in the country. Are they going to make a mistake? Probably. Is there going to be a day from here to the end of the year when they’re going to not play as well as I want them to? Probably. They’re kids, and they play their hearts out. If they make a mistake I’m not going to be happy; I’m not going to quit on them either. That’s why you go through a season so you can grow and get better.”

Q: What was it like to look at the rankings Monday and see your team at No. 6? A: “I’m being honest: I don’t pay attention to them. If today was March 14, whatever day that Sunday is, then I’d be sitting here and I’d be telling you I’m as proud as a peacock. But right now, I’m happy for K-State, I’m

happy for our players, but I don’t wait on Monday to see what seed, what ranking we got. I don’t get the bracketology and all that nonsense. My last year at Cincinnati I spent the last six weeks of the season studying that bracketology every day, looking at it, this guy has us in, this guy has us out, and at the end of the day we didn’t win so we got left out, so I spent all my energies worrying about things that weren’t important. The only thing that’s important is winning the next game on the schedule. That’s what I try to do.”

Q: What are your thoughts on zone defenses? A: “I’ve never liked zone defense. It’s not my personality. It’s a good defense, don’t get me wrong. A lot of people have won a lot of championships playing zone defenses, but you’ve got to coach who you are. I have never been who sits back and kind of lets things come to me. I like to go aggressively to go get what I want, so zones make me impatient.”

Q: Is it more stressful being ranked at this point in the season than it has been earlier? A: “I’m just as stressed out right now as I was in 1985 when I was coaching a JV basketball team in Miami, Fla. I have a duty to those kids, I have a duty to my assistants, I have a duty to the school who I represent, and it’s about winning that next game.

People get caught up in saying high school kids, JV kids, well it’s not about winning. No. If it’s not about winning, they wouldn’t keep score. It is about winning. Life is about winning. If you’re not going to get out of bed and go win, then you’re going to fail, so you’d better understand how to deal with winning and deal with losing. That’s what life’s about. I’ve always lost sleep during the season because I’m so worried about the next game. That doesn’t change because the name of a school is a bigger school or it’s college or whatever it might be.”

Q: What is the approach to practice like after a loss or bad game? A: “I’m consistent with my emotion with the kids. I get more upset with them for not going to class than I do for losing by 40. Those things happen in sports. It’s a long season. You’ve got to stay the course.” - Compiled by Ashley Dunkak

To place an advertisement call

785-532-6555 wednesday, february 25, 2010

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

“August Pre‑Leasing” Several units available June/ August. Most units less than ten years old, energy efficient apartments. Washer/ dryer included in most units. $300 to $350 per bedroom. Please call for details 785‑776‑2102. www.wilksapts.com.

fo u r‑b e droom . CLOSE to campus, dishwasher, central air, laundry facilities. No pets. 785‑539‑0866.

kansas state collegian


1001 Kearney. Four‑ bedroom, two bath. Off‑street parking, garage. New furnace and air. 785‑317‑ NEW ONE, two, three- 7713. bedrooms. Near campus/ Aggieville. Granite, 1022 Humboldt. stainless steel, washer/ Very nice four‑bedroom dryer, walk‑in closets, two bath. Washer/ pool, theatre, pet dryer, dishwasher, cenfriendly. www.twinrent.- tral air. June lease. No 1015 Kearney. Two‑ com. 785‑537‑2096. pets. $1200/ month. bedroom, two bath. one/ two‑bedroom 785‑313‑3976. Newly constructed apartments. Some 1120 bertrand four, apartment complex. En- brand new. Half three, two‑bedroom ergy efficient. Washer/ block to campus. apartments. Could be dryer. No pets. August Washer/ dryer, dish- used as seven or lease. washer. Private park- nine bedroom house. itstime2rent.com. ing. No pets. Available Three kitchens, four Call Susan at 785‑336‑ August. 785‑537‑7050. bath. No pets. 785‑537‑ 1124. ONE/ two‑BEDROOM 7050. 1105 Ratone, 1201 in newer complex. 1127 Thurston. Six‑ Bertrand, 1224 Half block to Aggieville, bedroom house. June Pomeroy. TWO‑BED- two blocks to campus. 1. One block to camROOM apartments. On‑site laundry facility. pus. Off‑street parking. Washer/ dryer, private 785‑313‑7473 or 785‑317‑7713. parking. No pets. Avail- ksurentals@sbcglobal.1541 Hillcrest available August. 785‑537‑ net. able June 1. Four‑bed7050. T H R EE‑ B E D R O O M . rooms. Washer/ dryer. 1118 Vattier, two‑ Close to campus. Cen- No pets/ smoking. bedroom, two tral air, dishwasher, $1035. Call 785‑456‑ bath apartments, one laundry in complex. No 3021. block east of K‑State. pets. 785‑537‑1746 or Newer apartments with 785‑539‑1545. 330 N. 17th Street; large bedrooms and four‑bedroom, two TWO AND three‑bedopen floor plans. All apbath, two car garage, room. VERY close pliances including washer/ dryer provided, to campus. Washer/ washer and dryer in close to campus, availdryer, air, August lease. each apartment. $850. able June 1, one‑year $350 per person. 785‑ No pets. August lease. lease, no pets; 776‑2100 or 785‑556‑ TNT Rentals. 785‑539‑ $1400/ month plus utili2233. 5508. ties; 785‑532‑7541 (day785‑532‑9366 1209 Bertrand. two and three‑ time), O n e ‑b e droom bedroom, close to (evenings). apartmentS. One campus, spacious. Dishcentral air, 916 Vattier, two‑bedblock east of K‑State. washer, Newer luxury apart- laundry facility. No pets. room. Very nice, close to campus, washer/ ments. All appliances in- Call 785‑539‑0866. dryer. June lease. No cluding washer and pets. Call Susan at 785‑ dryer in each apart336‑1124. ment. $660. No pets. Rent-Duplexes June lease. TNT APM. one, two, three, Rentals. 785‑539‑5508. four, five, six‑bedroom 1832 Claflin, two‑ 1530 Houston. houses and apartbedroom apart- Clean. Four‑bedrooms, ments. Great locations ments, across street two bath, two living and pet friendly. Call from Marlatt Hall. $580. rooms, one and one‑ Alliance PropLandlord pays trash half kitchen, all appli- erty Management and water. No pets. ances, free laundry. No today. 785‑539‑2300 June leases. TNT pets, no smoking. www.rentfromapm.com. Rentals. 785‑539‑5508. $1225. 913‑484‑1236. BEAUTIFUL FIVE TO E I G H T‑ B E D R O O M ! Very cute, very nice. Many amenities and pet friendly.2:46 CallPM Tony at 785‑341‑6000.

Announcements For sale: Mini manual on dealing with burglars, stalkers, etc. Books and DVDs by Stan Wilson, used intructional martial arts videos, $2 each. Knives, swords, self‑defense and martial arts equipment, 2032 Judson, Manhattan, KS 66502. 785‑313‑5488. LEARN TO FLY! K‑ State Flying Club has five airplanes and lowest rates. Call 785‑562‑ 6909 or visit www.ksu.edu/ksfc.

SHOUT-OUT Congratulations to the baseball team on a great start to the season! DON’T know what happened last night, woke up with “wolf pack” tattooed on my knuckles. GOOD LUCK to our BSU at the Big XII Conference. :‑) my math teacher staples Burger King applications to failed tests. Tamara, I know we didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I still love you! TRIPLE XL SHOW. Wildcat 91.9 FM Fridays 7‑ 9p.m. In your face rock music. Vote for a king or queen cantidate at royalpurple.ksu.edu today! Way to go Pullen 28 points strong! Why was the campus not informed about the bomb threat on Monday?

AVAILABLE June 1. Five‑bedroom and three‑bedroom. Close to campus, no pets, and no smokers. 785‑ 776‑3184.

CUTE HOME! FOUR‑ BEDROOM, two to three bathrooms, well kept, many amenities, campus location. Call Tony at 785‑341‑6000.

five and Six‑bedrooms. Excellent conditions. Next to campus. Washer/ dryer, central air, private parking. No pets. Available August. 785‑537‑7050.

FOUR AND five‑bedroom house. Very close to campus. Washer/ dryer, air. August lease. 785‑776‑ 2100 or 785‑556‑2233. four TO five‑bedroom house, two blocks from campus, 1835 ANDERSON. Four‑bedroom home 2217 NORTHVIEW. June leases. 785‑770‑0491.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

The Pavilion Apartments at 1121 Thurston. Now leasing. Two‑bedroom, two bath. Washer/ dryer, inRent-Apt. Furnished ternet, water, trash included. Close to KSU/ Aggieville. Call Marcie, MANHATTAN CITY Or- 913‑269‑8142. dinance 4814 assures every person equal t h r e e ‑b e d r o o m Close opportunity in hous- APARTMENTS. ing without distinc- to campus. Reasonable tion on account of rent. Laundry on‑site. and August race, sex, familial sta- June tus, military status, leases. $300 off first disability, religion, month rent for lease age, color, national signed in February. 785‑ origin or ancestry. Vio- 632‑0468 or brianj@perlations should be re- fectionclaycenter.com. ported to the Director t h r e e ‑b e d r o o m . of Human Resources AVAILABLE August. at City Hall, 785‑587‑ Water/ trash paid, cen2440. tral air, coin operated laundry facilities. Close to campus. 785‑537‑ 7810 or 785‑537‑2255.

Wonderful TWO‑ BEDROOM basement apartments in family home. No smoking or pets. Washer/ dryer furnished, tenant pays electric. June 1. 785‑ 539‑2028.

Housing/Real Estate

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished t h r e e ‑b e d r o o m s .

MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑ 2440.

JUNE lease, one block to campus, central air. Two bath, full kitchen, on‑site laundry, off‑ street parking. Reasonable rent. 785‑341‑ 1897.

T W O‑ B E D ROO M , TWO bath, 1010 Vattier. Newly constructed, off‑street parking. Washer/ dryer. Will rent quickly. August lease. $850. 785‑341‑0815.

June 1, two‑bedroom, one bath; August 1, two‑ bedroom, one and a half baths, off‑street parking. Washer/ dryer hook‑ups. Trash, lawn care provided. No smoking/ pets. 785‑532‑ 8256.

s i x‑b e d r o o m s (TWO kitchens). Remodeled house, very nice, close to campus, central air, washer/ dryer provided. 620‑ 242‑3792.

GREAT Three‑BEDROOM brick ranch. Lovely fenced backyard. Quiet neighborhood. Lawncare and trash provided by landlord. 1709 Vaughn. $1000. Available June 1. Contact Jack RyanCell: 785‑313‑0455. Home: 785‑776‑7706. Large FIVE‑BEDROOM two bath split level. Close to campus. Off‑street parking. August lease 1500/ month. 1830 Elaine Drive. Call 913‑845‑ 2943. Leave message.

Rent-Duplexes 916 OSAGE, four‑bedroom, two bath, $1200/ month, trash paid, washer /dryer provided, available June 1st, 785‑ 556‑0960. 917 claflin. Three‑ bedroom, washer/ dryer, central air, off‑ street parking. No pets. August lease. 785‑770‑ 0062.

F OUR‑ B E D ROO M TWO bath duplex, 915 Colorado, great condition, $1100/ month. Available in August. Call Brad for details (913‑484‑7541).

page 7

Help Wanted

lease Fell through Four‑bedroom, two bath. Laundry, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, garage. Big, near Aggieville/ campus. $1200 June Lease. 785‑ 317‑5488. NOW LEASING: One, two, three, four, and five‑bedroom houses and apartments for June and August. 785‑ 539‑8295. seven and eight‑bedroom houses (two kitchens). Close to campus and Aggieville. Central air, washer/ dryer provided. Call Caden 620‑242‑3792.

Business Opportunities

HIRING ALL positions: THE COLLEGIAN canhostesses, servers, not verify the financial combos. Apply in per- potential of advertiseson at the Manhattan I‑ ments in the EmployHop at the intersection ment/ Career classifiof Tuttle Creek Blvd cation. Readers are and McCall Rd. 785‑ advised to approach any such business opthree and four‑bed- 587‑9800. rooms, really nice PLAY SPORTS! HAVE portunity with reasonhouses west of cam- FUN! SAVE MONEY! able caution. The Colpus. No pets, smoking Maine camp needs legian urges our reador partying. $900‑1200. counselors to teach all ers to contact the BetBureau, klimekproperties@cox.- land, adventure and wa- ter Business 2:41 PM SE Jefferson, net or 785‑776‑6318. ter sports. Great sum- 501 8/12/08 Topeka, KS 66607‑ Call three, four and six‑ mer! Black888‑844‑ Line-400.crtr - Page 1 - Composite 1190. 785‑232‑0454. 8080, apply: cambedroom houses. Close to campus and Ag- pcedar.com. SMALL FAMILY custom harvest operation needs combine/ grain cart operator mid‑May‑ August working in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Wage plus room and board, includes all meals. 785‑587‑1956. SPEND YOUR summer vacation traveling the country as a combine/ truck driver. Ambitious individuals for high volume harvesting operation. Operate new JD9770 STS and Peterbilt Semis. Guaranteed excellent monthly wages and room and board. Sign on bonus for experienced workers. Approximately mid‑ May to mid‑August. Snell Harvesting 1‑888‑ 287‑7053. STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. PAID survey takers needed in Manhattan. 100% free to join. Click on surveys.

SUMMER JOBS AND INTERNSHIPS WITH SALARY, ON‑SITE HOUSING AND ALL Awesome Condo: MEALS PROVIDED! two‑bedroom, two large Rock Springs 4‑H Cenbath, laundry room, ter, a nationally recogwalk‑in closet, custom nized camp and confercabinets with island, ence center, is seeking washer/ dryer, mi- 45‑ 50 Summer Staff crowave, dishwasher, members for the comrefrigerator, stove in- ing summer. Must be cluded, ten foot ceil- energetic, enjoy workings, two gated parking ing with youth and spaces. 820 N. Manhat- spending time outf i v e ‑b e d r o o m tan Ave. Call 785‑845‑ doors. Most positions are for recreation inHOUSES (two 8617. structors in areas includkitchens). Several locaing team building, tions, close to campus, horses, environmental washer/ dryer provided. Roommate Wanted education, rifles, trap, June and August archery, canoes, crafts, leases. Call Caden 620‑ disc golf and lifeguards. 242‑3792. Two FEMALE house- Positions are also availfour, five, six‑bed- mates wanted for fur- able in food service, three‑bedroom maintenance and custoroom houses. Great lo- nished cations. Pet friendly. house. Available June dial departments. Rock Call Alliance Property 1. $300/ month. All utili- Springs is centrally loManagement today. ties paid. Call 785‑537‑ cated 14 miles South of 785‑539‑2300 www.- 4947. Junction City, Kansas, rentfromapm.com. on the edge of the Flint Hills. Rock Springs, in Four‑bedroom AT addition to salary, hous2425 Himes. For four‑ Sublease ing, and meals, profive people. August 1. vides staff with free Central air, washer/ dryer, dishwasher, March/ April wireless Internet, free trash paid. No pets. through August sub- laundry facilities, use of activities when $1200. 785‑587‑7846. leaser wanted for $325. the groups are not in sesf o u r ‑b e d r o o m 920 Leavenworth. Four‑ three bath. sion, friendships to last BRICK house. Washer/ bedroom, dryer, dish- a lifetime and the oppordryer, appliances fur- Washer, tunity to make an imnished. Low cost utili- washer, personal bathpact on the lives of ties. Nice neighbor- room. Three great roomyouth that will last behood. Close to campus. mates. Male or female. yond your lifetime. For 2436 Himes. 785‑632‑ k v a n h o r n @ k s u . e d u . an application or more Thanks! 4892. $1160/ month. information you can SU B LEASER F o u r ‑b e d r o o m contact Levi Lucas at: NEEDED. February‑ CLOSE to campus. Rock Springs 4‑H CenFebruary paid. ter, C/O Summer Jobs Central air. Washer/ July. One bedroom in four‑dryer. New appliances. 1168 K‑157, Junction two bath City, KS 66441. 785‑ June lease. No pets. bedroom, apartment. Female pre785‑341‑5070. 257‑3221. llucas@rockferred. Huge room. Fur- springs.net. ApplicaPM month. f o u r ‑b e d r o o M nished. 2:42 $287/ tions also available onTWO bath brick house. One 8/12/08 block from cam- line at www.rocksprings.Washer/ Black dryer, Line-300.crtr appli- pus. 785‑317‑2028. - Page 1 - Composite net. Representatives ances furnished. Low will be in the Union, cost utilites. Nice neighFebruary 8‑ 11 and borhood. Close to camMarch 1‑ 4. pus. 2436 Himes. 785‑ 632‑4892. $300/ bedSURVEY TAKERS room. NEEDED: Make $5‑ f o u r ‑b e d r o o m , Employment/Careers $25 per survey. GetPaidToThink.com. TWO bath. Washer/ dryer included. Available June 1. Call Theresa at 785‑457‑ Help Wanted 2812. F OUR‑ b e d r o o m , two bath. 1022 Humboldt. Very nice, large bedrooms. Washer/ dryer, central air. JUNE lease. $1200. No pets. 785‑313‑3976.

Two or three‑bedroom apartments. Walk to campus. Excellent condition/ location, w w w. r e n t k s t a t e . c o m 785‑447‑0183.

TWO, THREE, four or eight‑bedroom. Now leasing June‑ August. No pets. Close to cam1219 Kearney. Two‑ pus. Starting at $300. bedroom. Year lease 785‑537‑5154 or 785‑ August through July. 456‑5329. No pets. Water/ trash paid. Across street from T w o ‑b e d r o o m campus. $760. 785‑539‑ CLOSE to campus. Private balcony. No pets. 5136. August lease. $650/ four‑bedroom LUXmonth. 907 Vattier. 785‑ URY apartment, across 341‑5070. the street from west campus. Large rooms, parking and laundry. No T W O‑ B E D ROO M pets and no smoking. CLOSE to campus and August $1300. Aggieville. 1106 BlueKlimekproperties@cox.- mont $650/ month. Water and trash paid. Aunet or 785‑776‑6318. gust leases, no pets. F o u r ‑b e d r o o m 785‑539‑4283. CLOSE to campus. All bills paid. 785‑341‑4496. tw o ‑b e d r o o m s . ONE, TWO, three and Close to campus. four‑bedroom apart- Personal washer/ dryer, ments. Close to cam- dishwasher, water and pus and Aggieville. 785‑ trash paid. $680‑ $720/ 539‑5800. somerset- month. 785‑341‑4496. mgmtco.com.


NOW RENTING FOR 2010/ 2011. Four‑bedroom, two bath newer Rent-Houses construction with dishwasher and washer/ LARGE TWO‑BED- dryer. Great location, ROOM. Nice, clean. no pets. $1150, 785‑ Close to campus. Off‑ 410‑4783. street parking. Washer/ gieville. 785‑539‑5800. dryer. 785‑762‑7191. www.somersetmgmtco.com. NINE AND seveN‑ Rent-Houses BEDROOM HOUSES. three‑ SIx‑BEDMULTIPLE kitchens, ROOM. Central heat/ baths. One block to 1001 Kearney. Four‑ air conditioning, campus. Washer/ dryer, bedroom, two bath. Off‑ washer/ dryer. Off‑ central air. Private park- street parking, garage. street parking. No pets. ing. No pets. 785‑537‑ New furnace and air. June/ August leases. 7050. 785‑317‑7713. 785‑587‑9460. ONE‑ SIX + bedroom 1121 N. Juliette. Four‑ t h r e e ‑b e d r o o m apartment houses. bedroom, two bath- HOUSE 1725 AnderSome brand new. room. Two kitchens. son. June lease. $975/ Next to campus. $1300/ month, or split month. Contact KSUF Washer/ dryer. Private three‑bedrooms. $900/ at 785‑532‑7569 or 785‑ parking. No pets. 785‑ month and one‑bed- 532‑7541. 537‑7050. room. $500/ month, t h r e e ‑b e d r o o m S I X‑ B E D R O O M washer/ dryer provided, HOUSE, 1741 Anderavailable June 1. 785‑ HOUSE. Near K‑ son. June lease, no State and Ag- 556‑0960. pets. $1125/ month. gieville. Three bathContact KSUF at 785‑ rooms. Two kitchens. 1127 Thurston. Six‑ 532‑7569 or 785‑532‑ All appliances including bedroom house. June 7541. washer and dryer. 1. One block to camtw o ‑b e d r o o m Great price. $275 pus. Off‑street parking. HOUSE, one‑car per bedroom ($1650 to- 785‑317‑7713. garage, full basement. tal). No pets. June 1528 hartford Rd. June lease, $900/ lease. TNT Rentals. Four‑bedroom, close to month. 1033 Denison. 785‑539‑5508. campus. No smoking/ Contact KSUF at 785‑ s i x ‑b e droom pets. August lease. 532‑7569 or 785‑532‑ house for June 1. No $1100/ month. Call 785‑ 7541. pets. 2054 Tecum- 759‑3520. seh. Call 785‑313‑ APM. one, two, three, 4812. four, five, six‑bedroom

FOUR‑BEDROOM, TWO bath, three blocks to campus/ Aggieville. Granite counters, stainless steel appliances, flat screen TV, washer/ dryer. June lease. $400/ bedroom. 785‑ 313‑6209. ITSTIME2RENT.com. One and two‑bedrooms. Quality student housing. No pets. June‑ August. Call Susan at 785‑336‑1124.



four, five, six‑bedroom houses. Great locations. Pet friendly. Call Alliance and apartProperty Management T H R EE‑ B E D R o O M houses today. 785‑539‑2300 REMODELED. KSU lo- ments. Great locations cation. 785‑341‑6000. and pet friendly. Call Alwww.rentfromapm.com. thr e e ‑b e droom . liance Property Managefo u r‑b e droom JUNE. $975. Near KSU ment today. 785‑539‑ TWO bath. Updated, ap- stadium, washer/ 2300 www.rentfromapm.pealing appliances, dryer, central air. No com. washer/ dryer, central pets. 785‑341‑5346, FIVE‑ four‑BEDair. Near KSU stadium. 785‑537‑8420. ROOMS. June leases, No Pets. August, $1300 central air, full kitchen, ($325 per person). 785‑ washer/ dryer. Close to 341‑5348 or 785‑537‑ campus. Reasonable 8420. rent. 785‑341‑1897.

AVAILABLE AUGust/ June. Two, three, four, five and six‑bedrooms. Close to campus. Washer/ dryer. No pets! 785‑317‑5026.

NICE DUPLEX, 606 Vattier, three/ four‑bedroom, two bath, all major appliances, washer/ dryer, 2:45 available PM August 1. 785‑293‑5197.

8/12/08 8/12/08 ck Line-000.crtr - Black Page 1Line-100.crtr - Composite- Page 1 - Composite

Bulletin Board




THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Career classification. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑ 1190. 785‑232‑0454. Bartending! $300 a day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800‑ 965‑6520 extension 144. Earn $1000‑ $3200 a month to drive new cars with ads. www.YouDriveAds.com. FARM HELP wanted. Experience necessary. Call nights. 785‑457‑ 3452. Greenhouse positions available for seasonal full‑time and part‑time employment at Horticultural Services, Inc. Above average wages proportionate to experience and abilities. Apply in person at 11524 Landscape Lane, St. George, Kansas. 785‑ 494‑2418 or 785‑776‑ 0397.

Open Market

Computers We have six Apple G4 eMacs for sale. These are all in one computers. Each machine will come with a power cord and an OS install disc. Each computer has a fresh version of OS 10.4 (Tiger). Basic Specs 1.25 GHz processor, 768 MB of RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, DVD drive, 17 inch screen, Ethernet, USB 2.0, Firewire 400. Note one machine has 80 GB Hard Drive, and one machine has a CD stuck in it. Selling for $175 a piece. Please contact mactech office M‑F 10am‑ 5pm for more information. mactech@spub.ksu.edu or 785‑532‑0733.

Pets/Livestock & Supplies AKC registered. Chocolate and yellow Labradors. Ready March 12. Call to reserve your pup now! 785‑485‑2744.

kansas state collegian

page 8

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