Rent-Apt. Unfurnished ONE TO four‑bedroom units close to campus and Aggieville. Very spacious. Most with washer and dryers in Rent-Apt. Unfurnished units. Call (785)539‑ 5800 and visit for MANHATTAN CITY more information. Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in ONE TO Three bedhousing without dis- room apartments/dutinction on account plexes. Available June of race, sex, familial and August 5377138. status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, na- W W W . W I L D C A T tional origin, ances- One‑ try, sexual orienta- bedroom ‑ $610; two‑ tion or gender iden- bedroom ‑ $910. 1435 tity. Violations Anderson Ave. in Anshould be reported derson Village. Above to the Director of Hu- Sparrow Coffee and K‑ man Resources at State Credit Union. City Hall, 785‑587‑ Call office for viewing 2440. (785)537‑2332.˚
Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished
Rent-Houses & Duplexes Rent-Houses & Duplexes
WILLIESVILLAS.COM ‑ One Bedroom in newer complex located two blocks east of campus, half block to Aggieville. Leases begin June 1st and August 1st. NO PETS/ NO SMOKING ensures a CLEAN apartment when you move in! (785) 313‑7473
W W W . V I L L A FAY P R O P E R T I E S . com. One to eight bedroom duplexes, houses, apartments. Next to campus. Washer/dryer, parking. No pets. 785‑537‑7050
FIVE‑BEDROOM house. Close to campus. Two kitchens, two living rooms, two washers and two dryers Available August 1. $1575. 785‑537‑7138
Four‑Bedroom House. Two bathrooms. Appliances included. Two refrigerators. Washer/ Dryer. Across the street from campus. $1600/ month plus deposit. No pets. 1507 Denison. Call Bill at FOUR TO Six bedroom 316‑210‑6312.Á houses/duplexes. Available June and August. F O U R ‑ B E D R O O M , two bath house. 5377138. Fenced yard. Garage. $1200. Available June 1. 5377138
Take a Seat.
Let the
do the work
for you.
Kansas State Collegian Map data ©2012 Google
Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child
Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town
Classifieds 103 Kedzie Hall 785-370-6355
ADJACENT TO Campus studio apartment one block from campus. Good condition, quite residents, ample parking. Available June 1 and August 1 $395. 776‑3624 leave message.
APARTMENTS NEAR CAMPUS: One bedroom $500‑$590; two‑ bedroom $560‑$720; three‑bedroom $900‑$930; four bedroom $1100‑$1200. Property locations: 1838 Anderson, 516 N 14th, 519 N Manhattan, 1214 Vattier, 1207 Kearney, 1225 Ratone. Call 785‑539‑1545 or 785‑537‑1746; Email brooksidemgmt@gmail.comÁ¢
Rent-Houses & Duplexes COUNTRY HOUSE for rent, very close to town. This house has four‑bedrooms, two‑ bathrooms. Washer and dryerand other modern amenities. Pet friendly. $1500 per month. Call Bernard at 785‑564‑3872. Available August 1, maybe sooner.
FOUR‑BEDROOM, two‑bath house for rent. $1400 per month, utilities not included. One‑year lease, beginning June 1. One block west of campus. 1845 Platt. (913)426‑2488. ˚
Rent-Houses & Duplexes JUST ONE left! Four‑ Employment/Careers Bedroom duplex for rent beginning August 1. This is a newer unit with two bathrooms, Help Wanted washer/dryer and off‑ street parking, close to campus. $1,100 per THE COLLEGIAN canmonth. Call Bernard at not verify the finan785‑564‑3872 cial potential of advertisements in the NEWER HOUSE for Employment/ Opporrent, three blocks to tunities classificacampus. This house tions. Readers are adhas four‑bedrooms, vised to approach t w o ‑ b a t h r o o m s . any such business Washer and dryerand opportunity with reaother modern ameni- sonable caution. The ties. Pet friendly. Collegian urges our $1500 per month. Call readers to contact Bernard at 785‑564‑ the Better Business 3872. Available August Bureau, 501 SE Jef1. ferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M 0454. One‑Bathroom house 1130 Colorado Street June lease. $1200 per month. No smoking No pets. Call Megan ENJOY THE Outdoors? Kaw Valley Green620‑968‑9139. houses, Inc is looking for temporary loaders. Working now until mid May. Loading plants Roommate Wanted onto shipping carts. Pays $10/hr. Apply at TWO FEMALES. $300 kawvalleygreenhouses.per month. March rent com/employment for free. Call (785)537‑ questions call 776‑8585 4947.
Need a roommate? Find one here.
PART‑TIME SALES POSITION at Faith Furniture. Afternoon and weekend position for honest, energetic and self‑motivated person. No experience necessary. A great part‑time position, please apply in person at 302 East Poyntz Ave in Manhattan or send resume to
Open Market
Wanted to Buy BOOKS WANTED! I buy academic and scholarly press books, recent college textbooks, and many other used books. Also looking for vintage and rare books in many areas. Please call 800‑823‑ 9124 or e‑mail