Ksu 9 15 17 onlineclass

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Housing/Real Estate

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, 785‑587‑2440. FREE SEPTEMEBER RENT two bedroom, $700 and $900 with fresh paint and NEW carpeting. Anderson Village at 1435 Anderson Village. See more details at our website www.wildcatproperty.com or call 537‑2332 Á LITERALLY 20 seconds to campus. That’s if you don’t have to wait for the traffic. Directly across North Manhattan from the new Business Building. Can’t get any more convenient. These units were built when quality made a difference. Inches of Concrete on the floors and soundproofed walls. Quietest apartments in town. We have units available for immediate move‑in. Contact Casie at 785‑539‑7961 to set an appointment.

Rent-Apt. Unfurnished

Other Services

Other Services

THREE BEDROOM main floor of house. One block to university. Three blocks to inbath. Laundry facilities 537‑7853.

DISH NETWORK Satellite Television Service. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/ mo! FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95/ mo! 1‑800‑610‑4640

SAWMILLS FROM only $4397.00‑ MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill‑ Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1‑800‑578‑1363 Ext.300N

Rent-Houses & Duplexes

DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. T H R E E ‑ B E D R O O M , Call for details. 844‑ one and a half bath, 268‑9386 one car garage, all appliances, fenced backINTERNET! yard. $1050/month FAST available immediately. HughesNet Satellite Internet. High‑Speed. Call 785‑792‑7030. Available Anywhere! Speeds to 25 mbps. Starting at $49.99/mo. Call for Limited Time Price! 877‑578‑8005 (Mon‑Fri 8am‑8pm CT) FOR RENT house on 1010 Leavenworth. $350 dollars per person. Includes all utilities. Call 785‑292‑ 4342. Á

ASHLEY FURNITURE Homestore in Manhattan is now accepting applications for part time warehouse and delivery positions. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and be able to lift heavy furniture. Please apply in person at 200 Sarber Lane in ManhatUPDATING YOUR tan. bathroom does not CONVOY SYSTEMS have to be expensive is hiring Class A or take weeks to comdrivers to run from plete. BathWraps Kansas City to the makes it easy. Call 855‑ west coast. Home 324‑2317 today for a Weekly! Great Benefree in home consultafits! www.convoysystion. tems.com Call Tina ext. 301 or Lori ext. 303 1‑ 800‑926‑6869.


Service Directory

Other Services

SAVE ON YOUR MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT! FREE QUOTES from top providers. Excellent coverage. Call for a no obligation quote to see how much you can save! 855‑587‑1299

OXYGEN ‑ Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All‑New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: DIAGNOSED WITH 844‑359‑3973 Mesothelioma or AsVIAGRA AND CIALIS bestos Lung Cancer? If USERS! There’s a so, you and your family cheaper alternative may be entitled to a financial than high drugstore substantial prices! 50 Pills SPE- award. We can help CIAL $99.00 FREE you get cash quick! 24/7: 855‑510‑ Shipping! 100% guar- Call anteed. CALL NOW! 4274

Help Wanted

Help Wanted THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Opportunities classifications. Readers are advised to approach any such business oppowrtunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607‑1190. 785‑232‑ 0454.

DIRECTOR OF Health Information Services ‑ southeast Nebraska Critical Access Hospital. Requires bachelor’s degree, AHIMA RHIT or RHIA certification, excellent organizational, customer service and planning skills. Coding experience preferred. Competitive salary, benefits. Apply at JCHealthandLife.org. For information call HR Director Sandy Bauer at 402‑729‑6850 PIZZA SHUTTLE is now hiring part‑time pizza makers. Please apply in person at 1800 Claflin.

Help Wanted DIRECTOR OF Therapy ‑ southeast Nebraska Critical Access Hospital. Requires DPT degree, customer service, organizational and planning skills. Management experience preferred. Competitive salary, benefits. Apply at JCHealthandLife.org. For information call HR Director Sandy Bauer at 402‑729‑6850. UNITED COOPERATIVES, INC., Plattsburg, Missouri is seeking a qualified CEO/ General Manager. Successful full service coop with sales of $15 million. Successful agricultural business management and financial experience desired. Apply: https://tinyurl.com/yc7hoqho Contact: David.Lemon@chsinc.com (320) 219‑0270

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Open Market

Items for Sale

40’ GRADE A Steel Cargo Containers $1650.00 in KC. $1950.00 in Solomon, KS. 20s’ 45s’ & 53s’ also available. Call 785‑ PIZZA SHUTTLE is 655‑9430 or go online now hiring pizza mak- to Chuckhenry.com for ers. Please apply in pricing, availability & Freight estimates. person at 1800 Claflin.

NEED A JOB Find One Here


Stadium West Campus Anderson/Seth Child


Aggieville/Downtown East Campus Close to town

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