Ecolocal Sowing 2013 edition

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The Locally Grown Issue Sowing 2013 • Issue 32


MAGAZINE.COM Capital District • Saratoga • Southern Adirondack


Free to Be – At Mack Brin Farm PLUS: Soul Fire Farm Revolutionary Gardens at Fort Ticondroga Doing Good at the Good Morning Café

Locally Grown Guide

A directory of local farm and food resources Cover photo courtesy of Rich Lannon


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Rayna Caldwell, chair of the group Sustainable Saratoga showing her local love at the Saratoga Farmers Market

On the Cover This is “Chile-mon,” a San Clemente Island goat, enjoying the spring grasses at his home on Mack Brin Farm in Ballston. Chile is rare breed in the purest sense. One of only several hundred that exist on the planet. He and his kin were shunned from their home on San Clemente Island, off the coast of California, and is one of the few to make it off the island alive. Stu and Julie Murray, owners of Mack Brin Farm, have embraced these fine animals and are working to conserve the breed.

DEPARTMENTS 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 44 62

News and Views Rawlicious Money Matters Green Designer Wellness Doc Holistic Health Green Energy Expert EcoMama Washington County Eco-LOCAL People


GROWING FOOD AND JUSTICE At Soul Fire Farm in Petersburg 24-42 LOCALLY GROWN GUIDE Connecting you to Local Farms, Local Food & Local Products 40-41 REVOLUTIONARY GARDENS Creating a Growing Legacy at Fort Ticonderoga 42 WE ARE FREE TO BE Chickens Rabbits and San Clemente Goats 58 A BENEVOLENT AMBITION Doing Good at Good Morning Café


Letter from the Publisher Sowing. It is act of scattering seed for growing. It is also a metaphor for life, because it has been said, that we shall reap what we have sown. Put down good seed, and there will be an abundant harvest. Celebrations. Joy. But put down bad seed, and the harvest will not come. Lack. Unhappiness. Sorrow. Sowing, then, and what we sow, is perhaps the most important thing we can do as a human beings. For it determines how our future will be. Sowing the seeds of love will mean that our future will be filled with love. How cool is that? That is why we have a garden here on our small quarter acre. Each little seed that we plant is a package of love. It emerges from the ground as the chosen species of plant that will yield an amazing abundance of food that we can reap to sustain ourselves with into the future. One tomato seed, for instance, can produce a hundred tomatoes. Now that ‘s a lot of love coming back, isn’t it? So many tomatoes that we have to share them with our neighbors! Now that’s proof positive that God loves us and wants us to live in abundance. All from that tiny seed. And a little love that we impart in it when we sow it. In this issue, we offer a celebration the love that is locally grown. We are fortunate to have such an abundant foodshed, and the people who work in the farms and the fields that bring it to us in the farmers markets and many of the fine restaurants that integrate local foods into their menus. We have put together a directory of sorts, to help you find the best local options here in the Capital Region of New York. When browsing the guide, please note that the featured listings have paid to be there, and these folks especially want you to do business with them. Each has signed a pledge to offer the highest quality of food using organic principles and sustainable methods. They are doing what they love, and have an abundance to share with you! Remember that what we give attention to expands. There is no clearer evidence than the stories you will find in this magazine. Read on and find out about some of the people who are agents of positive change, right here in our own backyard. Julie Murray of Mack Brin Farm asked herself “If not me, then who? If not now, then when?” It was her call to action. What is yours? We all can make a difference in the world, and it first comes with the decision to do so. Then act with the passion and power you have within, and yes, you can and will make the world a better place. It is why we are here. So go ahead, and follow the lead of our ecoLOCAL people within these pages and sow the seeds of love. Because love is all that we need!

-David DeLozier, Publisher

eco LOCAL PUBLISHER / EDITOR / SALES David Delozier 518-879-5362 DESIGN / PRODUCTION Centerline Design 518-883-3872 PRINTING Benchemark Printing, Schenectady PHOTOGRAPHY Cover Photo - Editorial Content - David Delozier CONTRIBUTORS Amber Chaves, Dr. Jessica Davis, David Delozier, Tracy Frisch, Hanna Jane Guendel, Harry Moran, Dr. Michael Quartararo, Prof. Johann Sophia, Karen Totino, Hudson Solar SUBSCRIBE The eco-LOCAL magazine is a free bi-monthly magazine for people choosing to lead more sustainable lifestyles within the greater Capital Region of New York. It can be found throughout the region at independent retailers, shops, restaurants and other high traffic locales. Visit to find a location near you. If you would like to receive a subscription by mail, send $20 along with your name and address to: Eco-LOCAL Media PO Box 621, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. If you would like updates and information by email, please sign up at our website. SUPPORT We seek to transform this special region of upstate New York into a local living economy of vibrant towns, productive farmlands and healthy open space. By reading eco-LOCAL, you become part of our team. The eco-LOCAL magazine is brought to you solely by the advertisers found within. Please tell them you appreciate their support of eco-LOCAL. We are all in this together, and we must support each other. Thank you!

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News and Views Rhythm on the Ridge Rhythm on the Ridge (ROTR) is upstate New York's finest little roots music festival! Hosted by the Flood Road band, the event is held on the scenic grounds of Maple Ski Ridge, in Rotterdam, NY. Each June, the fest features over two dozen local and regional bands and artists performing original roots music on two stages! The fest also has a variety of crafters & vendors, children's activities, music workshops, open mic, food, beverages and more! Field pickin' is welcome, so bring along your instruments! Single day or weekend ticket, and overnight camping are available. Children 16 and under are free with a paid adult entry. Two-day adult ticket only $15! Sunday morning, Pic with Pancake Breakfast and Open Mic 9AM-12PM, and then it's back on stage for more great local performers! ROTR will be held on June 8th & 9th, 2013. For additional information, visit us at

Buying Farm Fresh

Passive Pioneer Award The Passive Pioneer Award honors those in the passive field who provided the theories, early research efforts, new concepts and opportunities for later researchers to follow and improve upon. The award is presented to a deserving innovator who was involved in the early stages of the creation and development of significant ideas, theories, and concepts of passive theory, design, application, or technology. At the annual American Solar Energy Association conference held in Baltimore the 2013 Passive Pioneer Award is presented to Bruce Brownell for his early recognition and application of passive solar design concepts.

Author Julie Cushine-Rigg takes us through the alphabet soup of terms and abbreviations associated with the food industry, allowing the reader the knowledge and confidence to take advantage of the exciting trend toward buying local. Healthy, more nutritional food options are available right here in our own backyard and this book will allow you the information to access those alternatives and support some area farmers that would sincerely appreciate your business. Whether purchasing grass-fed beef, artisan cheeses, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables or identifying a restaurant that serves farm fresh foods, A Guide to Buying Farm Fresh will empower you to make the best decision about what you and your family eats. You may purchase the book by going to

Bruce built his first passive solar home in 1960 and was involved in the building of more than 350 passive solar homes over the next five decades. In addition, he taught and mentored others on the basics of passive solar home design. During his career he advocated for passive solar, speaking at the original Earth Day in 1970, presented testimony to Congress and shared his work at many solar conferences. Bruce's work in passive solar design helped set the stage for and contribute to the development of modern concepts of passive design and are certainly worthy of this award. His hard work, dedication and pursuit of a world focusing on passive solar design and energy conservation are in keeping with the highest mission and ideals of the American Solar Energy Society. Bruce is the founder and president of Adirondack Alternative Energy of Edinburg, NY. Visit or call 518-863-4338 for more information.


Greenwich Library Thursday June 13 7PM WITWATS, a documentary film by Michael Murphy, is a sequel to WHAT in the World are They Spraying? Mr. Murphy is investigating the environmental and human health implications of geoengineering programs, how these can be used to control our weather, what industries benefit from the programs, and how the atmospheric spraying of nano-particles affects us all. Of particular interest to the farming community, and anyone who likes food, are the impacts of geoengineering techniques such as Solar Radiation Management on agriculture and the commodities market. Those who are controlling the weather can invest accordingly. "While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming," Mr. Murphy states, "it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives." The Greenwich Library is located at 148 Main St. Greenwich, NY. There is no admission charge for the film. It is co-sponsored by Dionondehowa Wildlife Sanctuary & School, The Bonnefire Coalition, and the Agriculture Defense Coalition. Visit and for more information or call 518-854-7764.


RAW-licious By Prof. Johanna Sophia

The Wonderful Network of Health Food Stores Every time I come into a health food store I am greeted by incredibly friendly, happy people. And that in spite of the fact that I come not as a customer but as someone who wants to sell them something. This is highly unusual in the world of sales… and it tells us something about the new paradigm, the new consciously positive, intentionally healthy attitude that we can have and that makes our lives rich in human connections and that deep, deep feeling of being recognized that we all crave. Reversely, we recognize those receiving us in this manner as immediate friends and colleagues on a similar path. What a blessing to be working in a field where human interaction has reached a whole new level of ease and joyfulness. Being healthy really helps being happy. No, not everybody gets it, but 90% of the time this is true. When you are a Waldorf alum you know that wherever there is a Waldorf school there is a health food store nearby - comes with the territory. After all, Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf schools, was the first to come up with the idea of growing foods organically. He called it “Bio-Dynamic” farming. Not that he just made it up one day, no he was not a farmer, but he was asked by farmers how they could improve their yields and render plants more nutrient-rich. So he gave them a bunch of advice - at a time when chemicals just entered into the main stream. And since he was a promoter of peace not war, he had to be averse to synthetic chemicals. Actually, not to digress too much but, yes, you'd guess!, most chemicals now used in agriculture entered our life via the development of warfare or weapons of mass destruction, our 'defense' or 'offense' departments. They were invented as killer gases, nerve gases disrupting respiratory tracts and reproductive cycles. And their later variations range from the gas used to kill millions in gas chambers to our insecticides and herbicides, to our present tense antibiotics and man-made anthraxes. I'll write more about that another time.

destroy them. This is particularly true for degenerative diseases in our bodies and pollution issues on the planet, for example in our rivers. Both can heal incredibly fast given a chance. However, this is not to say that the healing will happen by itself. WE have to sow the seeds and follow through to reap the harvest of this healing process.

Of course Steiner was sowing the seeds for many humanitarian, healthy, conscious, and Earth-compatible modalities in our life and societies on planet Earth. And with the Waldorf schools and biodynamic farming also came the store in which to specifically purchase those healthier choices of foods. Furthermore, since his was Today in this issue, it's all about “Sowing the Seeds” and I want to a non-denominational approach, we now have Waldorf schools in contribute to that notion. Sowing the seeds for healthier, happier countries all over the globe and health food stores with organic lifestyles that turn us away from the destructive path of global products in most of those countries. warming, fossil fuels (out of which all those chemicals are made) toward a healing path, toward strengthening the networks we Needless to say that when I travel - and I have traveled a lot - I already have, such as our health food stores. Frequent your local always seek out the health food store of the location or the Waldorf health food stores as much as you can and you are doing all of school of the city and I know I'll be in good hands and in good company. And, of course, I'll also have good food for my organic raw humanity and yourself a great favor. food lifestyle. Sickness? What's that!? --- to your good health and a It is amazing to me to witness over and over that it takes indeed less great big thanks to all the health food stores of the globe ; Johanna time and effort to heal parts of our body or our planet than it took to Johanna's Raw Foods - now at - or call 518-795-5030.


Money Matters By Harry Moran, CFP® AIF®

Bringing It All Back Home Sustainable and responsible investing (“SRI”) takes many forms. The movement started with a focus on excluding the stocks of weapons manufacturers and other defense contractors. The so called “sin stocks” of companies in the tobacco, alcohol, gambling and pornography businesses were also typically excluded. Much of this stemmed from the religious orientation of some of the pioneering SRI mutual funds such as Pax World. In fact, their first fund was started in the Vietnam era by a couple of Lutheran ministers who wanted to create a core investment option that excluded weapons makers.

not only what they want to avoid, but also what they want to support. SRI mutual funds set up a variety of positive screens around such issues as racial and gender diversity in management and on boards of directors. Investors who were looking for a more active role in influencing corporate behavior started what we now call shareholder advocacy or engagement. In many cases, being at the same table as management and engaging them in constructive ongoing dialogue has been an extremely effective means to bring about change.

The third pillar of SRI is community investing. Screening and shareholder advocacy are critical tools for social investors but for me, investing in our local communities has the greatest and most tangible positive social impact. Our purchasing habits as consumers along with our choices of saving and investment options can truly make or break a community. Every dollar we spend, save or invest has an impact but it's up to all of us as individuals to decide what that In the 1980's, the attention shifted heavily to the South African impact will be. divestiture campaign that set out to bring down the Apartheid regime. Nelson Mandela has said that the financial pressure brought We have several great ways to support the local economy. I've to bear by SRI activists from college campuses to corporate written in these pages before about the Community Loan Fund of the boardrooms was a key element in the eventual demise of Apartheid. Capital Region ( and still consider that The international boycott weakened the economy to such an extent an extremely powerful way to channel capital to underserved that the government eventually relented to the will of the global groups in our area. Green America's Community Investing Guide is a community and started repealing the segregationist laws that had great resource and provides a helpful primer on community been on the books for decades. investing in general along with a list of high impact, local investing options. You can obtain a free PDF of this guide here: As hugely important as the success of the anti-Apartheid movement was, there was a growing realization that negative screening would de.cfm. Of course, investors need to do their homework to make sure only take us so far. We also needed to proactively identify companies that a particular product is appropriate given their objectives, risk who contribute to a more peaceful, healthy and sustainably tolerance, time horizon and tax situation. This is especially important prosperous world. This forces investors to be very intentional about - continued on Page 22


The Green Designer By Karen Totino

Good Sleep

There has been a lot of emphasis and attention to the importance of diet and exercise to our overall well-being with sleep quantity and quality overlooked. Consistent high quality sleep is crucial to our health and well-being. Our hectic lifestyles often interfere with getting enough sleep. Have you heard someone say “l’ll sleep when I’m dead”. Well that may come sooner if you’re not getting enough sleep! According to the National Sleep Foundation, at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a few nights a week or more. Most of those with these problems go undiagnosed and untreated. Furthermore, 69% of children

experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during a week. Sleep affects every system in our bodies including neurological performance, endocrine balance, immune system functioning, and musculoskeletal growth and repair. The release of human growth hormone, an essential player in cellular regeneration, occurs during GOOD sleep. Any mother can relate to being sleep deprived and the effect it has on short term memory and stress levels. Memory, problem solving , creative thinking are all enhanced and supported by a good night’s rest. Your immune system kicks in as well during sleep to fight off all the germs you have been exposed to during the day. For those athletic types who think they are superhuman and don’t need sleep..well your race times will improve with more sleep. Getting good sleep can be complicated for some but here is a good place to start: 1. Form good sleep habits! This includes a dark room, no electronic “blue” light from cell phones, computers or televisions. Our body reacts to those lights and thinks it is still day time. 2. (Try) and keep a consistent “bedtime”.

Developing habits are crucial and make good sleep easier. 3. Make sure you are sleeping on a comfortable bed! If you are tossing and turning all night, you’re never really getting the quality sleep that you’re body needs to reset. Number three is where we can help most. We have various lines of mattresses that not only are customizable but also are nontoxic. It’s easy to overlook that you spend ? of your life in your bedroom and on your mattress and that it’s one of the best places to make an investment for a healthy life. The mattresses we carry are made from a variety of natural, no VOC fibers, including natural latex, wool, and cotton. These natural fibers do NOT need the be sprayed with natural flame retardants like traditional synthentics. They also are more effective at temperature moderation and are extremely durable. Come in, try a mattress, stay a while! Green Conscience Home & Garden is located at 33 Church Street, Saratoga Springs NY. It is a retail showroom that offers a variety of non-toxic and ecofriendly home improvement products, including paint, wood, cork and linoleum flooring, clay plasters, carpets, kitchen cabinets, countertops and beds. For more information call 518-306-5196, email or visit


The Wellness Doc By Dr. Michael Quartararo of AAC Family Wellness Centers

What's Your Philosophy of Health? I guess the first place to start would be, “Do you have a philosophy of health?” I contend that we all have a very strong health care philosophy, however how much thought do we give it. How you choose to eat and feed your family, how or if you exercise, how often you take time for relaxation, do you take vitamins, drink alcohol, take multiple prescriptions drugs, or do you really even care about your health and give it any thought? These questions are all answered based on your invisible ideas of what keeps your body working well. And where did these ideas come from? Were your parents health conscious? Did you have a relative that became ill and that experience made you become health conscious? Perhaps, like many of my patients, you yourself had a life changing experience with your health and you decided to take charge of your health and well-being. Whatever experience you have had, your current philosophy needs some conscious attention. Instead of letting your health philosophy

happen to you, create it based on current research and make it match how you want to live your life. For instance, science has concluded that living a pro-active lifestyle has far greater returns on your quality of life then living a re-active lifestyle. That is to say, eating well, moving well, and thinking well allows our bodies to steer clear of illness and disease. Contrary, waiting for illness and disease to happen to us and then try and fight our way back to health with drugs and surgery has been shown to lower our quality of life as well as our lifespan. Therefore let's take a moment to examine some simple ways we can live a pro-active lifestyle in this re-active world of healthcare. 1. The most important aspect of being pro-active is having a health coach. Haven't heard of a health coach. It's not a new idea, coaching has always been around for those of us that want to perform at a higher level. That is what we are talking about, right? We want our bodies to function at its optimum all the time so we can achieve and maintain a healthy body. I have a health coach I consult with every week, my wellness doctor. A doctor who is educated in living a proactive lifestyle, not a re-active (wait till I get sick) lifestyle. 2. Eat consciously. Sounds simple? Surprisingly it is. Read labels, look for preservatives, added sugar, trans fat, etc… Choose REAL food, not -continued on Page 22


Holistic Health By Dr. Jessica Davis

Balancing Act

5 years ago, I had a blog called ‘The Balancing Act.’ I started it when my oldest was 6 months old, and I was beginning my chief resident year and acupuncture training. I kept up with it for about a year, mostly as a way to update out-oftown family and friends on life with my firstborn. (Remember the time before Facebook?) Then I completely forgot about it until my husband happened across it last week! Reading through my old posts brought me right back to that new mom time when I was still trying to adjust to multiple new roles, and searching for some sense of equilibrium. From my first post: “I’m a mom and a doctor, wife and individual, daughter and sister. Family comes first, so why does it feel like work is usually in the way? I have survived a family practice residency, and am now getting used to another new role as chief resident.Theoretically this brings an easier schedule that should allow me oodles of free time to play with my kiddo and blog all night. I’m still waiting…” Even looking at just those few sentences, I realize how my perspectives have shifted. I’m no longer waiting for things to get better, I look for the ways to enjoy what I have now. If something feels out of whack, I work on what would feel a little bit better. I have created a medical practice that I love, so that going to work doesn’t feel like a chore. Family generally does comes first...except when it doesn’t. Balancing everyone’s wants and needs means that sometimes it’s more important to take care of a sick patient if my own kids are healthy... or doing something for myself if I have been spending all my time taking care of others. Most importantly, I have realized that balance is not some state of perfection that can be reached (or when you do find it, something

shifts to move you off-center again.) It is a ever evolving goal that slips through your fingers if you try to grab too tightly. Balance is not going to look the same for everyone. The key is to create some breathing space to define what you actually want your life to be like! Then figure out how the different pieces fit in to that whole. Once you have a clear picture in mind, it will be easier to make little course corrections to stay on track. What does balance feel like for you? How do you find balance in your daily life? Check in with yourself often. In the middle of taking care of everyone else, or going about your day on auto-pilot, develop a habit of tuning in to yourself for a minute here and there. This is especially important when you feel off-balance, cranky, tired, hungry...What do you really need? Sleep? Protein? Fresh air? Grown-up conversation? Take a deep breath and really listen to your body, rather than reaching for the first thing that is available. So many of us are in the habit of ignoring our needs, this can take a lot of practice! If you are way off-balance, get back on track one step at a time. If you can get in the habit of tuning in to the little things, you can hopefully prevent them from developing into major crises. Sometimes things get away from us, and sometimes life throws us curveballs, so you may find yourself living out of balance for a certain period of time. Birth, death, illness... there are many reasons you may find yourself shifted way over to one side, and need to accept that you will be there for a while. At some point though, it will feel better to move back towards the middle. When you’re ready, remember what your ideal life would feel like, and make one baby step to get closer to that feeling. It is too much to try to get there in one giant leap. Build in transition times. This is one I am definitely still practicing. Without much of a commute I can find myself jumping from work mode to mommy mode within minutes, and showing up to my kids with work still on my mind. It really doesn’t work that well! Develop a practice of building in extra time between activities so that you can mentally wrap up one -continued on Page 22


Green Energy Expert By your local solar expert at Hudson Solar

Solar Tax Credits 101: Maximize your Dollar While Going Green.

With tax credits easily accessible for anyone who wants to save money, there has never been a better time to harness the energy of the sun. The return on investment is extraordinary. However, navigating through the information can be a little tricky; at Hudson Solar, we want to simplify it for you. First of all, you should know that tax credits now available to individuals and businesses who install solar energy systems are very different from tax deductions. A tax credit reduces your overall tax liability; if you owe $500 in taxes, and your tax credit is $100, then you will only owe $400. Simply put, a credit reduces your tax bill, dollar for dollar. A deduction, on the other hand, reduces your taxable income, but typically doesn’t have the same impact as a credit. It is important to note that when you are going solar, you enjoy the benefits of a Federal Tax Credit. The Federal Tax Credit, available for anyone who purchases a solar

energy system before the end of 2016, allows you to claim 30% of the total cost as a tax credit. The credit is available whether the system is installed on your primary residence, a second home (if it is not solely used as a rental property), and has no limit in terms of dollar amount. Whether your system costs $20,000 or more, you are able to claim the full 30% as a Federal Tax Credit, translating to big savings. For example, if you purchase a $36,000 system, you can immediately account for $10,800 in savings by claiming this credit. On a State level, you will find access to even more incentives when you move to solar power. New York State Tax Credits allow for up to 25% of the total costs (up to $5,000) to be claimed.The systems are exempt from state and local sales tax, and some local governments allow for property tax exemptions as well. An added bonus for both Federal and State Tax Credits is that excess credits can be carried forward into the future. The financial rewards of going solar continue beyond the tax advantages. Owners of solar systems obtain the paybacks of net metering, which allows them to sell excess energy to utility companies, and, of course, also enjoy increased home value. “From a tax standpoint, going solar is clearly a fiscally responsible decision, but the technology really has financial advantages on every level”, shares Michael Bucci, CPA, of Pattison, Koskey, Howe, and Bucci CPAs in Hudson, NY. Hudson Solar is a local, family-owned solar provider based out of New York and proud employer of military veterans. This year they are celebrating their 10th anniversary with over 1,000 systems installed. Serving New York, Western Connecticut, Western Massachusetts, and Southern Vermont, Hudson Solar is the leading renewable energy company in the region. They take great pride in offering the best quality and service, and back it up with years of experience and many awards. Hudson Solar is a local, family-owned solar provider based out of New York and proud employer of military veterans. Serving New York, Western Connecticut, Western Massachusetts, and Southern Vermont with over 10 years of experience and over 1,000 systems installed, Hudson Solar is the leading renewable energy company in the region. They take great pride in offering the best quality and service, and back it up with years of experience and many awards.


Eco-Mama By Amber Chaves, The Bundle Store

Organic Baby Food Made Easy Honest. to a farmer's market once weekly. But more and more I am hearing about families belonging to CSAs (community supported agricultures) and parents ditching the store bought jar of carrot puree for simple homemade baby food practices.

When I sat down to ponder what I would write about for a Local Food issue from an eco mom perspective, I started to remember fondly how easy it was to spend time and money on green and sustainable choices of my choosing pre-baby. I had more time to shop trendy second hand clothing stores and more money to spend on an endless array of organic personal care products just for me!

One mother that recently came into the store told me about how much she loves their family's subscription to the Kilpatrick Family Farm CSA ( because of the affordability, pick-up locations, and “seconds” option. A “seconds” option in a CSA allows you to purchase the not so cute looking carrots at a discounted price so that you can go home, cook em' up, puree, and freeze in ice cube trays for some pretty nutritious and affordable homemade baby food for months to come. Or even better yet freeze soup for the whole family for those late nights getting home from karate or a soccer game come Fall again.

Once I became pregnant, organic and farmto-table foods got bumped to the top of my list for how to spend my green on green. And they're on top permanently because now it's not only about being healthy and supporting local sustainability, it's also about modeling eco local living to the next generation of our family.

A great recipe book to start with for homemade baby food to whole family recipes that would nicely compliment a CSA subscription is Into the Mouths of Babes: A Natural Foods Nutrition and Feeding Guide for Infants and Toddlers by Susan Tate Firkaly. My favorite recipe is the zucchini pancakes which I tend to munch on as I'm As busy parents we all have our method of making them. approaching green, eco, and local when it Or take a local “How to Make Homemade comes to food. We personally tend to do the Baby Food” class with Paula Tancredi. You organic thing at the supermarket and I am don't need any fancy baby blenders or very strict about refraining from purchasing gadgets. Just some good local produce and food products containing soybean or palm an afternoon and you can make months kernel oils for their implications on our global worth of baby food. Paula's simple approach environment and humanity. We also try to get to making home made baby food makes putting a jar of store bought baby food in your grocery cart seem strenuous! Amber Chaves is the busy mother of a toddler and a pediatric occupational therapist. She is certified in infant massage and trained in babywearing through the Babywearing Institute. Amber is also the owner of The Bundle Store located at 35 Milton Ave in Ballston Spa, an eco friendly baby and maternity store specializing in natural and hand-made items. For more information on products and classes at The Bundle Store call 518-5578809 or visit





If you drive up a certain private lane off Route 2 in the hills of eastern Rensselaer County, you'll come to a striking handmade house overlooking an expanse of gardens and pasture. The farmstead is self-contained, surrounded by woods and out of sight and sound of traffic. You've arrived at Soul Fire Farm in Grafton. It's the home of Leah Penniman and Jonah Vitale-Wolff and Neshima, age 10 and Emmet, who is seven. Leah and Jonah are small farmers who act daily on their vision for a better world. They're also parents, educators, community organizers, dancers, strategic planners, conflict mediators, and a great team - among other things. If you have the pleasure of meeting them, their generous spirit will impress you. You'll also witness their commitment to social justice, community-building and ecologically sound agriculture. They've been skillful at achieving their goals and inspiring others to join in. Given all the good works of the farm that don't bring in any income, you might assume it's a not-for-profit. But no, Leah and Jonah own and operate Soul Fire Farm as a family business. But they describe it as "very mission driven." The Soul Fire Farm mission is "to dismantle the oppressive structures that misguide our food system." Jonah says they frequently ask themselves, "Are we being the agents of change that we want to be?"

FOOD AS A MEDIUM FOR SOCIAL EQUITY Now in the third year of offering shares through Soul Fire Farm's Community Supported Agriculture, the couple's deep love of growing stuff has worked magic in regenerating their farm's worn-out, heavy clay soil. But farming also serves a higher purpose for Leah and Jonah. They are using food and agriculture as the nexus to reach people and bring about positive social transformation. "Food can be a very powerful healing entity or it can be a drug," says Leah. In her view what's for sale in the corner store - unhealthy manufactured food -- is "basically killing people and communities, crippling children's ability to learn and causing an epidemic of diabetes." Leah and Jonah are very generous in the CSA shares they distribute. Each week members receive 10 to 14 different items -- the equivalent of a bushel of vegetables, plus a dozen eggs (or sprouts for vegans). But it wouldn't be sufficient for them to provide CSA shares only to people who can afford to join on their own. They believe that access to land and good food is a basic human right. Toward that end they've set up their CSA in such a way that they can serve poor inner city neighborhoods -- Arbor Hill, West Hill and the South End in Albany and North Troy. Since they work with people who might not have other good sources of food, they aim for their CSA share to meet a family's complete dietary needs as far as vitamins, minerals and protein, though not carbohydrates as they're overabundant in the average diet.


Their CSA operates on a sliding scale so moderate and upper income members subsidize low-income shares. Thus CSA members with the means pay $30 a week ($570 for the 20-week season), while low income members pay $22 a week or $432 a season. In addition, Soul Fire Farm accepts EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer is the swipe card that replaced food stamps and may be the only CSA in the region to do so. "It's legally and logistically possible, but time and paper work intensive," said Leah. They're working with the Northeast Organic Farming Association to improve government policy and ameliorate the situation. By providing the same food to people regardless of their means, Soul Fire Farm deliberately goes a step further than food pantries or soup kitchens. Another expression of their social justice orientation involves analyzing how and why social conditions deny large groups of people access to good food. They also always include an article highlighting a food justice issue, which may be local, national or even global, in their weekly CSA newsletter. This year they started working with the Albany Food Justice Coalition, a networking group of providers, neighborhood people and government agencies trying to identify and overcome barriers to food access.

WORKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Besides good food, Soul Fire Farm creates free educational programming for urban youth. When a group of teenagers come to the farm, Jonah says, "They have a profound experience." At the farm young people get their hands dirty in the gardens, cook up real food together and take part in an activity to learn about where they're situated in the food system. Fun is always on the agenda, too. At lunchtime Leah and Jonah get everyone dancing in styles like hip-hop and African. There's also a trapeze to play on (Leah is an aerialist). But what's special for youth at Soul Fire goes beyond learning new skills and consciousness raising or even having a blast.


"A lot of these young people don't experience being addressed as fully capable humans," Jonah said.

He recounted a comment made by the educator at the Produce Project, a group they work with in Troy: 'Young people, especially black urban teenagers, are treated as stupid and guilty, instead of as innocent and intelligent.' What a sad indictment of our society! Leah and Jonah use respect and solidarity as an antidote to this corrosive pattern. They believe in human potential and are energized by their work with teenagers. "I love the 'aha moment' when they see they matter and they connect with the earth," says Leah, who works with young people as an environmental science and biology teacher at Tech Valley High School in Rensselaer. Despite her full-time off-farm job, during the first year of their CSA, she was the sole farmer producing for 15 families. Education takes various other forms at Soul Fire Farm. Leah and Jonah have live-in interns who work with them on the farm. They do lots of outreach, from tabling at events to meeting with community organizations, and they also give talks, put on cooking demonstrations, and mentor beginning farmers.

INTENSIVE GROWING FOR SOIL FERTILITY AND BIODIVERSITY ON AN UNLIKELY SITE Ecological principles inform the way that Leah and Jonah have chosen to farm. They use methods that minimize their fossil fuel usage, prevent soil erosion and maximize biological diversity. Their practices also build healthy, productive soil. Soul Fire Farm is somewhat unique because most vegetable farmers grow on rich river bottomland or other sorts of prime farmland. They started out with only six inches of topsoil on top of clay. On my walking tour of the farm, we come upon newly opened ground and I see the consistency of the unimproved soil with my own eyes. The 73 acres that comprise Soul Fire Farm are 1500 feet in elevation and were once overgrazed by sheep and abandoned to forest. Jonah admits, "We chose community over agricultural land." Prior to moving to Grafton, the PennimanVitale-Wolffs lived on Grand Street in Albany's Mansion neighborhood for five years and formed lasting relationships with other families in the vibrant Albany Free School community. The Free School owns a

camp a mile down the road and the Peace Pagoda is also nearby. Jonah and Leah say their farm is a demonstration that it's possible to grow an abundance of nutritious food on marginal land. They are proud to have turned their heavy clay soil into a really great growing medium. Their twice-yearly soil tests at the University of Massachusetts show that their soil fertility is "phenomenal". And they say their gardens are high yielding and produce very high quality vegetables. "We can feed a family for 20 weeks out of a bed 100 feet long by 3 and a half feet wide," Leah explains. They grow crops by hand in permanent beds. Once established, the garden beds are never tilled. With under an acre of these neatly laid out beds, they are able to amply supply upwards of 50 CSA shares. Besides vegetables, Soul Fire Farm offers an egg share and raises chickens for meat. The laying hens gets moved to new grass once a week and the meat birds are moved daily on their five acres of pasture. (I wanted to buy a dozen eggs, but Jonah said sometimes the demand is great and sometimes it's hard to save enough for the family!) 19

In addition, Leah and Jonah grow mushrooms in the woods and collect maple sap for a friend's sugar shack. They have already put in different kinds of small fruit for themselves and this year they will be adding more plantings from seedless grapes to kiwi, and brambles to elderberries, plus fruit trees, nut hedges and perennial herbs.

FAR FROM NOVICES Though neither Leah nor Jonah grew up on a farm, they came to their own farm project equipped with the benefit of years of agricultural experience. Leah told me, "I've been farming since I was 15 years old. I was one of the kids that the Food Project was trying to save." The Food Project is a wildly successful Boston area organization that uses agriculture as the vehicle for fostering leadership among urban and suburban teenagers while also producing organic vegetables for low income and more affluent residents. Leah and Jonah, who met in college and have been together ever since, both worked several seasons at Many Hands Farm, a small diversified organic farm in Barre, Mass. Each of them later did a stint managing that farm. Jonah also gained significant experience at a biodynamic horse-powered farm in northern California and Leah worked at the Farm School. In 2002 when Jonah was coordinating the citywide community gardening program in Worcester, the two of them launched an urban youth agriculture program. A decade later it's still going strong, employing over 40 young people every year and training and supporting them as leaders.

Closed Sundays in July and August 20

Jonah and Leah's deep commitment to handscale growing for a 50-member CSA requires different methods than both home gardeners and most commercial growers.They've come up with systems that work for their soil and overall situation, and they continue to experiment. Even the way that they kill sod to prepare the ground for planting is novel, through a process called sheet mulching. They refined the details by playing around with permutations of the basic approach. In the mid fall they spread a 2 to 3 inch layer of composted manure they buy in directly on top of the sod. Next, they lay Kraft paper, which they buy in 6-foot wide rolls. Over the paper they put about six inches of old hay. By spring the sod has decomposed and the compost has been incorporated. They'll rake the hay into the pathways to ready the new bed for planting. It's only at that initial stage that they apply a lot of compost. Instead Leah and Jonah have relied on mulch as their primary source of nutrients. They cover their garden beds with hay when they put them to sleep for the winter and over time nutrient-rich organic soil and decomposed hay accumulate in the paths. They fertilize the beds by depositing it on top.

OTHER CHOICES IN ONE FARM'S STARTUP Soul Fire Farm has gotten its name on the map pretty quickly. There wasn't even good access to the property until 2007 when they got a road built, and they only started farming there in 2011. Five years ago Jonah broke ground for their timber-frame, straw bale, earth-plastered, passive solar house, which he designed and built. He used to make his livelihood with his company, Hudson Valley Natural Building, but now he's cut back to limited consultations and design work in order to farm. Their beautiful home is integral to their food-based education and social justice work. At times they host 30 or 40 people for meals and gatherings. Though their lives are informed by strong principles, Jonah and Leah are too pragmatic about achieving their priorities to be purists. "Originally we were going to be off the grid [relying totally on solar power for electricity]. But we shelved that idea to maintain our community connections," Jonah reports. Leah and Jonah understand sustainability as a threefold goal. Besides its ecological and social justice dimensions, there's financial viability. In that vein, Jonah offers this advice for beginning farmers. "Do not go into debt because then you don't have any choices," he says. Soul Fire Farm debunks another myth as well: that the only way to farm is as a full time farmer. They have done neither. Instead the two have essentially been volunteers on their own land, developing their farm enterprise in alignment with their values. They plan to keep growing slowly, staying well rooted in community, with the intention of being around for a long time. Find out more about Soul Fire Farm at or by calling Jonah at (518) 229-1339.

Recently with the acquisition of a small tractor and a tiller, Jonah and Leah have mechanized to a limited extent. They're using the tractor to move high volume materials like compost, and the tiller functions only to speed up opening new ground. They also got a tractor implement called a bed former, which substitutes for the physical labor of shoveling out the pathways every year. Jonah says it's saving his back. They also employ other strategies for enriching their soil, like under-sowing soil-improving "green manure" crops - such as clovers, oats, buckwheat, field peas and vetch - under their taller crops. At the end of the season they run their flock of 80 laying hens chickens through the garden as a clean up crew. They eat bugs and crop residues, hasten decomposition of organic materials and leave behind their manure. Soul Fire Farm is evolving. Jonah posed a question they're striving to answer: "How can we close the nutrient cycle?" The aim is to need to bring in fewer off-farm inputs while continuing to produce really good food. To that end they've become interested in bio-nutrient farming and sea minerals. Undoubtedly they'll arrive at some creative solutions to their quest. 21

BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME - continued from Page 10

since many community investment vehicles are not insured so there's no “safety net”.I'd be remiss if I didn't also take this opportunity to stress the importance of supporting our local farmers. While it may be too late to join a CSA for this summer, we're blessed with a number of amazing farmer's markets. Buying as much of our food as possible locally is one of the most effective ways to foster a vibrant and resilient local economy. Fresher, safer, more nutritious and energy efficient, locally sourced food represents a win-win for the environment and our communities. This may not be exactly what the inscrutable Mr. Dylan had in mind but community investing is truly about “Bringing It All Back Home”. Keep it local, keep the faith, and enjoy all of the bounty and beauty this area has to offer. Harry Moran helps socially conscious investors define and achieve their highest goals by aligning their money with their values. A 26-year veteran of the financial services profession, Mr. Moran has held the Certified Financial Planner® designation since 1991. He is a member of First Affirmative Financial Network, a national professional organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the socially conscious investing community, and a member of the Impact Investing Division of Portfolio Resources Advisor Group, a registered investment adviser. Mr. Moran can be reached directly at Sustainable Wealth Advisors at or 518-450-1755. Mention of specific securities, funds, or companies should not be considered an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell the security, fund, or company. To determine the suitability of any particular investment, please consult with your investment adviser. Remember, past performance is no guarantee of future results and no investment strategy can assure success. The opinions expressed are those of the author and may change without notice. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, SIFMA.

WHAT'S YOUR PHILOSOPHY OF HEALTH? - continued from Page 12

from a bag or a can. Thankfully we live in an area where we have access to fresh local foods. We have weekly farmers markets and local orchards that provide the best possible food at great prices. 3. Move everyday! Many of us have sedentary jobs where we drive to work, sit all day at work, and then get home and sit for dinner. Finally we end this exhausting day by sitting on the sofa to watch our favorite program and fall asleep to do it the next day. Our bodies aren't designed to be so inactive. This is one of the many reasons why we have more arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, and obesity problems then we have ever had in history. 20 minutes per day, take time to walk around the block, go to the gym, swim, and just move! 4. Be silent! Each day take some time in your hectic day to be quiet. Yoga is a great way to silence your thoughts while strengthening your core. Some of us choose to meditate, pray, take naps, read, etc… Whichever you choose, know that our brains need a break from the constant stimulation of everyday life. Stress hormones are released when we are stimulated, even with positive stimulation. Give your brain a rest and allow those hormones to level out. You will feel this right away and your stress level with be reduced allowing your body to heal itself more efficiently and avoid those common ills you suffer from. Take some time this week to evaluate your current philosophy of health. Make it congruent with your goals of how you would like your future health to be. Keep in mind the statistics say this current generation is going to live past 100 years. Do you want to be like the average person over 60 today that takes 6-9 different prescription medications per day? The patients that visit our office consult us so they don't end up like their parents, grandparents, etc… They want to live a full, active, life to the end of their years. Do you? Join the 100 year lifestyle. We would love to help you live a pro-active life for 100 plus years. Educate yourself! The resources are readily available. Visit and our website at There you can stay in touch with the latest workshops and seminars we will be holding in the community. We hope to see you soon. As always, Be Well. Dr. Michael Quartararo has been a chiropractic wellness practitioner in Saratoga since 1993. He is the CEO and founder of AAC Family Wellness Centers, a Milton family and pediatric wellness center. He is a member of the New York State Chiropractic Council, International Chiropractic Council, International Pediatric Chiropractic Council and World Chiropractic Alliance. Visit or email

BALANCING ACT - continued from Page 13

thing, transition without rushing, and show up at the next activity ready to go. Even better, use some of that time to do your check-in with yourself to figure out what you need before you get wrapped up in the chaos! Back to those days of being a new parent...How can you possibly find balance and take care of yourself when the baby seems to need you 24/7? Stay tuned for the next issue, ‘Nurturing for New Moms’. Jessica Davis MD practices in Stillwater NY as “The New Mom's Family Doctor”. She is board certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Medicine, and also practices Medical Acupuncture. For more information: or call 877-664-6116. 22


WELCOME TO THE 2013 LOCALLY GROWN GUIDE Here you'll find an amazing bounty of local food and other agricultural products available at farms, grocery stores, restaurants, farmers' markets and retail outlets throughout the Capital/Saratoga Region of New York. Whether you're planning your weekly shopping...heading out for a great meal...or looking for that special gift, we encourage you to visit one of the many farms or businesses featured here and show your support for the people who help keep our local economy strong and vibrant.

Why Buy Locally Produced Food? • Fresh locally-grown food tastes really, REALLY good! • Buying locally-grown food keeps money in the local economy, supporting your neighbors • Cooking with locally-grown food makes it easy to eat nutritiously • Buying locally-grown food connects you to farms and farmers • Locally-grown food is an investment in our working landscape • Locally-grown food can reduce energy demands through decreased transportation distances and minimal packaging • Local farmers carry on our region's food traditions, including raising heirloom varieties of produce and livestock not commonly found in the commercial marketplace. The area code for all phone numbers is 518, unless otherwise specified.


Locally Grown Guide FARMER’S MARKETS Featured listings:

Saratoga Farmers Market High Rock Park pavilion, High Rock Avenue, Saratoga Springs. Saturdays, 9am-1pm; Wednesdays, 3-6pm. At Saratoga Farmers' Market, now celebrating its 35th anniversary, you'll find fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, poultry, milk, cheese, yogurt, baked goods, soaps, jams, honey, plants, flowers, herbs, and more, including live music and special events. Come for the food, stay for the fun. Voted the state's “Favorite Farmers’ Market” in 2011 and 2012. Market accepts EBT, WIC, and FMNP coupons.

Cambridge Farmers Market, Cambridge Freight Yard, Cambridge. Sundays, 10am2pm. Clifton Park Farmers Market, St. George's Church, Rt. 146 Clifton Park. Thursdays 2-5pm July October

Schenectady Greenmarket Around City Hall, Jay Street, Schenectady. Sundays, 10am-2pm Schenectady Greenmarket connects farm and city to create a responsible, sustainable food system—right in the heart of downtown. Each Sunday from 10am–2pm, friends gather to purchase fresh local produce and artisan goods in a festive community marketplace. Our outdoor market is located around Schenectady City Hall from May through October, with more than seventy vendors who produce everything they sell. EBT, credit and debit cards accepted.

Troy Waterfront Farmers Market Every Saturday, 9am-2pm on River Street. More than 70 local food growers, bakers, and artisans gather to offer the freshest and finest! The 2013 Summer Season brings with it a new market - The Troy Twilight Farmers' Market (5pm to 8pm). This market is the last Friday of each month during Troy Night Out. Visit us on FB, twitter, and at

Warrensburgh Riverfront Farmers Market Fridays, 3-6pm, Memorial Day Weekend thru the end of October (May 24 - October 25), Warrensburgh Mills Historic District Park, River Street, across from Curtis Lumber. Live Music. The best of the north country farms is available to you from May - October at The Warrensburgh Riverfront Farmers' Market, a "producer only" market, limiting sales to locally grown, raised and prepared products including produce, plants, cut flowers, dairy, poultry, meats maple syrup, honey, wine, preserves, baked goods and refreshments. Additional listings:

Altamont Farmers Market, Orsini Park, Altamont Train Station, Main Street and Maple Avenue, Altamont. Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Ballston Spa Farmers Market, Wiswall Park, Ballston Spa. Thursdays, 3-6pm; Saturdays, 9am-noon. Brunswick Farmers Market, Rt. 7 at the Town Office, Saturdays 9am-1pm. Burnt Hills Farmers Market, Corner of Rt. 50 and Lakehill Road, Saturdays 9am-1pm.


Capital District Farmers Market, 381 Broadway, Menands. Saturdays, 8am-1pm; Sundays noon-4pm. Wholesale Farmers Market is held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Saturday Retail Market is from 9am-1pm. Central Avenue Farmers Market, 339 Central Avenue (the Linda/WAMC parking lot), Albany. Saturdays, 10am-1pm. Cohoes Farmers Market, parking lot next to Smith's Restaurant, Cohoes. Fridays, 4-7pm. Farmers Market at The Crossing, Crossings Park, 580 Albany Shaker Road, Colonie. Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Delaware Area Neighborhood Farmers Market, St. James Church, 391 Delaware Avenue, Albany. Tuesdays, 4-7pm. Delmar Farmers Market, First United Methodist Church, 428 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar. Tuesdays, 2:30-6pm. Delmar Saturday Farmers Market, Bethlehem Central Middle School, 322 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar. Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Downtown Albany Farmers Market, Tricentennial Park, Broadway, Albany. Thursdays, 11am-2pm. Canal Street Station Farmers Market, Canal Street Station Railroad Village, 2100 Western Turnpike, Duanesburg, Wednesdays 4-7pm, Sundays noon-3pm. Empire State Plaza Farmers Market, north end of ESP opposite the Capitol, Albany. Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am-2pm. Fort Edward Farmers Market, Broadway Bowl parking lot, Rt. 4, Fort Edward. Fridays, 10am-1pm. Fort Plain Farmers Market, Legion Street lot, behind Haslett Park. Thursdays 4-7pm. Glens Falls Farmers Market, South Street Market Pavilion, Glens Falls. Saturdays, 8am-noon. Gloversville Farmers Market, Bleeker Square, pavilion behind Church, Gloversville. Saturdays 8am-noon. Granville Farmers Market, Main Street, next to the old train station, Granville. Mondays, 2-5pm. Greenwich Farmers Market, 70 Main Street, Greenwich. Wednesdays, 3-6pm. Hudson Falls Farmers Market, Sutherland Pet Store, 1161 Dix Avenue, Hudson Falls. Tuesdays, 10am-1pm. Malta Farmers Market, Malta Community Center Rt. 9 Malta Tuesdays 3-6pm Middle Granville Farmers Market, Middle Granville Road, Granville. Mondays, 2-5pm. New Baltimore Farmers Market, Wyche Park, New Baltimore Road, New Baltimore. Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Prestwick Chase at Saratoga Farmers Market, 100 Saratoga Blvd., Saratoga Springs. Mondays 3-6pm. Queensbury Farmers Market, Elks Lodge, 23 Cronin Road, Queensbury. Mondays, 3-6pm. Salem Farmers Market, Salem Village Park, Salem. Saturdays, 10am-1pm. Schenectady Farmers Market, in front of City Hall, Jay Street, Schenectady. Thursdays, 9am-2pm. Schenectady Union Street Farmers Market, In the Coldwell Banker Prime Properties parking lot at 1760 Union Street. Saturdays from 9am-1pm from May till last Saturday in October. South Glens Falls Farmers Market, Village Park, Glens Falls. Mondays, 10am-1pm. 26

Locally Grown Guide State Campus Farmers Market, Harriman State Office Campus Vendor Park. Thursdays, 10am-2pm. Voorheesville Farmers Market, 68 Maple Avenue (Rt. 85A), Voorheesville, Fridays 3-6pm. Accepts EBT. Waterford Farmers Market, Waterford Visitors Center, One Tugboat Alley, Waterford. Sundays, 9am-2pm. Watervliet Farmers Market, Hudson Shores Park, Watervliet. Tuesdays, 2-5pm.

Food Co-Ops and Grocers Featured listings:

Adirondack Natural Foods

foods, wild fish and pasture-raised beef, as well as a wide selection of gluten-free products. Save by buying in bulk or caselot pre-ordering. Open Mon - Sat 10 to 6, Thurs until 8 pm Sunday 11 to 2:30

Healthy Living Market and CafĂŠ 3056 Rt. 50, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 306-4900 At Healthy Living we're proud to sell the freshest, finest food in Saratoga Springs! We work closely with local farms to bring in everything from meat to dairy, produce to coffee, chocolate to maple syrup, and more. Our goal is to serve Saratoga by sharing its amazing bounty with the people and energizing everyone we meet!

63 Main Street, South Glens Falls, Saratoga County 793-0321 Raw local honey, local grass fed beef, local chicken and pork, argyle cheese farmer yogurt Battenkill milk & ice cream, local produce, Four Seasons Natural Foods Store & Cafe personal care, gluten free and much more! We are "your connection 33 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 584-5670 to the local farmer" Like us at whole foods Celebrating 25 years in business - since 1988, we have been serving Cambridge Village Co-op our community with natural products and healthy fare in a 1 West Main Street, Cambridge, Washington County 677-5731 wholesome and fun setting. In our retail store, we offer a full array of natural foods groceries, organic produce, teas, coffees, The Cambridge Food Co-op has been serving the Battenkill Valley supplements, personal care and aromatherapy. We carry many towns with wholesome, affordable natural foods for over 31 years. locally produced items as well. Our cafe serves lunch and dinner Our store serves both members and the public, selling local organic and is unique in the area. We offer hot and cold entrees, soups, produce and products, like fresh cheeses and fresh baked whole-grain salads, fresh breads and muffins, homemade desserts, teas, coffees breads. We carry a broad variety of delicious, natural, wholesome and cold beverages. Most dishes are vegan and all are vegetarian.


Green Grocer 1505 Rt. 9 Halfmoon, Saratoga County, 383-1613, The Green Grocer is committed to your health and well being. Not a chain or franchise, but a real locally-owned and operated grocer something of a rarity these days. Come in see what personal service is all about. We have all your vitamin and supplement needs, and of course the best in organic produce and body care. Conveniently located on Rt. 9 in Halfmoon, we are just minutes away from where you are.

Honest Weight Food Co-op 484 Central Avenue Albany, Albany County, 482-2667 Moving to our new location at 100 Watervliet Avenue in Albany June 19th! Honest Weight Food Co-op is the Capital Region's only community-owned and operated-grocery store. Our mission is to provide the community with affordable, high quality natural foods and products for healthy living. Specializing in organic & locally grown produce, bulk foods, natural groceries, local meats, gourmet cheese & specialty items, natural health and body care and much more! Open Mon-Fri 7am- 9pm, Sat-Sun: 8am-9pm

The Niskayuna Coop 2227 Nott Street, Niskayuna, Schenectady County, 374-1362 Since 1943 the Niskayuna Co-Op has been serving the community. Your source for organic, gluten free products as well as Buckley Farms range eggs and grass fed beef. International deli featuring Co-Op in store roasted turkey. Memberships still only $5 and available online or from a friendly cashier. Buy, Eat, Live-Local! Additional listings: - An online farmers market delivering your custom order to your door weekly; produce, eggs, poultry, meat, herbs, teas, bakery, syrup, honey, wool and more. Glens Falls Food Co-op, 1338 Route 9, at exit N'way 17N, Moreau, Saratoga County inside the Rock Hill Bakehouse Mohawk Harvest Cooperative Market, 51 N Main Street, Gloversville, Fulton County, 706-0681, Open the public, with a strong local emphasis. Mildred's Meadows, 6560 Duanesburg Road, (Rt. 7), Duanesburg, Schenectady County, 518-231-2946. Offering locally grown produce, horticulture, artisan food items and crafts.

Dairy Featured listings:

Berle Farm Beechwood Road, Hoosick, Rensselaer County 686-3249 Proprietor Beatrice Berle has been entirely dedicated to pursuing and executing the most environmental and healthful farming practices since 1995. Now fully solar powered, Berle Farm is a blend of old and new technologies. This beautiful farmstead produces hand-


Locally Grown Guide stirred artisan cheeses, yogurt, organic beef and seasonal farm goods.. All cheeses are Aurora Certified Organic. All grains and grasses for the goats and all the milk for pasteurized and raw milk cheese are produced on the farm. Find our products at Honest Weight Food Co-op, The Green Grocer, and the Cambridge Co-op. Ask for them by name!

Nettle Meadow Farm 484 S. Johnsburg Road Warrensburg, Warren County, 623-3372 Happy Goats (and sheep) - Great Cheese! Nettle Meadow Farm is a 50 acre goat and sheep dairy and cheese company in Thurman, New York just below Crane Mountain. The Farm was originally founded in 1990 and is the home of over 300 goats, several dozen sheep and a variety of farm sanctuary animals. Nettle Meadow Farm is truly committed to the artisanal nature of each of our cheeses, the use of natural and organic ingredients, and the well-being of all our animals. The farm is normally open Thursday through Monday from 11am to 3pm for cheese sales. Tours are given at 12 noon on Saturdays only. Additional listings:

Argyle Cheese Farmer, 990 Coach Rd., Argyle, NY 12809. 6388966. Farmstead cheese & yogurt sold at the farm and the Glens Falls, Saratoga and Troy Farmers Markets Battenkill Valley Creamery, 691 County Route 3, Salem, Washington County, 852-2923. Home delivery of milk and other local foods in the Saratoga Springs area. Breese Hollow Dairy, 454 Breese Hollow Rd., Hoosick, Rensselaer County. 518-686-4044. Organic, grass-based dairy permitted to sell farm fresh raw milk. Homestead Artisans Enterprises, Ft. Edward, Washington County. 638-8530, Makers of artisanal cows' milk cheeses, sold at the Saratoga Farmers Market. King Brothers Dairy, 311 King Road, Schuylerville, Saratoga County. Call 695-MILK. A local home delivery business.

Meadowbrook Dairy, RR 443, Clarksville, Albany County. 768-2451. Home and commercial delivery in the Capital District. Willow Marsh Farm, 343 Hop City Rd, Ballston Spa, Saratoga County. 885-8731. Farm store selling, milk, farmstead cheese and Greek yogurt, beef veal and pork.

Meat & Poultry Featured listings:

Adirondack Grazers Cooperative We're a collection of 15 Family Farms working together to supply Washington County's 100% grass fed beef locally and regionally. No hormones or feedlots, just safe healthy beef. Our farmers care about their animals and their community and you can taste it in the meat. From our family farms to your family's table, please contact us for a price list or more information: (518)638-8263. A variety of frozen packages are always available Mon-Sat 8am-5pm at Nessle Brothers Meats 2945 County Rt 74 Greenwich, NY

Blakemore Farm 110 County Rt 59A Buskirk, Washington County, 677-3677 Blakemore Farm grazes a herd of Belted Galloways following Managed Intensive Grazing (MIG), know as rotational grazing. Cattle are grass-fed start to finish, without grain or added hormones. Belted Galloways are a heritage breed, generally lean due to extra insulating hair. Our farm is Animal Welfare Approved (AWA). Primary sales are sides of beef, but individual cuts may be available.

Duell Hollow Farm 291 Duell Hollow Road, Buskirk, Washington County, 701-8858 We are a family owned and operated farm. We raise all natural grass fed beef. Everything our cattle are fed is grown right here on our farm, they are not fed any additives or given hormones. We offer our meat in a variety of ways. You can buy just one package up to a whole cow. We offer home delivery.


Elihu Farm 654 Beadle Hill Road Valley Falls(Easton), Washington County 753-7838, A pastured life has been the best life for our livestock and poultry since 1986. The sheep, lambs and poultry often graze 9 months of the year, and eat hay outside in winter. The geese are great grazers and are protective companions for the ducks. At fairs and festivals our sheep, lambs and shorn wool have won many awards. Visit us at the Saratoga Farmers' Market or at Elihu Farm.

Frantzen's Scenic Acres 248 Line Road, Berne, Albany County, 872-1199 or 573-5949, Using organic practices we raise your table vegetables, eggs, chicken, Heritage Turkey, goose, duck, rabbit, and Scottish Highland beef. Our animals are raised on pasture where they enjoy foraging and running around, while our ducks and geese enjoy swimming in a pond. Purchase our products from our table at the Delmar Saturday Farmers Market, Saratoga's new Spa City Farmers Market on Sundays, New Covenant Presbyterian Church farmers market on Tuesday afternoons or by appointment from the farm. Like us on Facebook!

Heather Ridge Farm and Bees Knees Cafe 989 Broome Center Road Preston Hollow, 239-6234 Welcome to our solar-powered Farm Store and Bees Knees CafĂŠ! Great lunches right on the farm! Enjoy mountain views from shaded picnic tables or eat inside our 1820s farmhouse. Serving our grassfed meats and pastured poultry with local organic produce. Animal Welfare Approved. Saturday-Sunday, 11am-3pm. Farm store open with retail cuts. Catering available. Farm tours. Year-round meat/poultry CSA. We ship!

Horny Hill Farm 3302 State Rt 196 Hartford, Washington County, 518-632-5590 Our Scottish Highlander and Belted Galloway Cattle are raised in a traditional calf-cow operation on 110 acres of hillside pastures and forest. Stress free to wander the backland as nature intended - they love foraging through brush! May to October we rotationally graze the herd on a growing number of divided pastures. Cattle are outside year round and fed quality hay and haylage round bales in winter. 100% Grass Fed - No Antibiotics - No hormones - Lots of Love!

Lewis Waite Farm 135 Lewis Lane, Greenwich, Washington County, 692-3120 We are big believers in nature's way. We raise grass-fed, grassfinished beef and pastured pork on our hilltop 450 acre farm Certified Organic by NOFA-NY. Our cattle are rotationally grazed. Our pigs enjoy pasture and woods. The animals live healthy, happy lives in scenic pastures. We raise our own food in our large garden. We love our rural way of life and enjoy the great scenery as much as our animals do. Find us at the Saratoga Farmers Market or on the farm by appointment. 30

Locally Grown Guide Long Lesson Farm 444 Goosen-Regan Road Buskirk, 753-0356 Longlesson Farm is home to North Country Daylilies and Longlesson Angus. We raise all-natural purebred Angus beef on our 450 acres. Cows are rotationally grazed during the growing season and fed our own hay during the winter. We feed no grain. A grain-free diet is natural and beneficial to the cows, and also better for us, the consumer. We process our meat locally at USDA inspected Eagle Bridge Custom Meat and Smokehouse. Find our beef at Empire Plaza, The Crossings, Malta, and Cambridge Farmers Markets, at Max London's and Local Pub in Saratoga Springs, and 50 South in Ballston Spa, or visit us at the farm for both beef and daylilies.

Mack Brin Farms Julie Murray 578 Randall Road Ballston Spa, Saratoga County 528-1987, , FB and Twitter We are a family farm producing pasture-raised roaster chickens, free-range brown eggs, heritage meat rabbits, willow and hay. We believe in organic methods of pasture management & sustainable farming techniques. We are the only conservation breeders of the highly endangered San Clemente Island Goat in New York State. We are helping others all around the country interested in owning these beautiful animals. We also sell pet Holland Lop bunnies to wonderful homes. Farm tours are always welcome please make an appointment.

Mack Brook Farm 312 McEachron Hill Rd., Argyle, Washington County 638-6187, We raise beef that we want to eat. We are passionate about a healthy lifestyle and a healthy environment so it is 100% grassfed and rotationally grazed. And, it is juicy, tender and delicious! Shop for individual cuts of meat from our On-Farm store. We're here 7 days a week and after 5. Call us!


Mariaville Farm


2978 Duanesburg Churches Road Delanson, Schenectady County 518-864-5234 A diversified farm raising natural and grass fed meats. Black Angus Beef pork, lamb, and chickens raised on pasture. We are also growing gourmet mushrooms on logs(shiitake, oyster, and lions manes). Find us at the Troy Waterfront Market, Schenectady Greenmarket, Spa City Market and Gade Farm, or Find us on facebook. CSA available.

Tilldale Farm 22 Tilley Lane Just off Rt. 7, 1/2 mile east of Hoosick River Bridge Hoosick, Rensselaer County 686-7779, The Tilldale Family Farm was established in 1938 along the picturesque Hoosick River. We raise 100% grassfed, heritage breed cattle and pasture-raised pork. We are NOFA Certified Organic, which assures you of quality and purity. Our primary goal is to nourish you with wholesome food. Come out to the farm and see for yourself, or find us at the Delmar Farmers Market and the new Cheese Traveler shop at 540 Delaware Avenue in Albany.

White Clover Farm

Healthy Living Market and Café has been working with local farmers in Vermont for almost 30 years, and NOW we’re excited to meet and support farmers in the Saratoga Springs, NY area. Long before “local” was a buzz word, Katy Lesser, Healthy Living’s founder, started small, buying from the Burlington Farmers Market to sell in her tiny health food store. Now Healthy Living employs over 200 people and the demand for local food has taken off! Healthy Living has worked with farmers and food producers for years, teaching them about packaging, pricing, building relationships and how to bring their products to market. It’s a proud and happy collaboration! Healthy Living staff regularly visit and volunteer at local farms in Vermont, and now we're eagerly building those relationships in NY. We bring the best local produce, eggs, meat, cheese, dairy and so much more direct from local farms to our customers. We strive to make farm-fresh products the star at Healthy Living, with regular in-store farmer and food producer demos, a terrific selection of locally grown produce and locally produced specialty foods, and even a local CSA pick-up. We are so proud to team with local agriculture! If you are interested in learning more about how you can bring your local products to Healthy Living, please email us at, or call (518) 306-4900.


20 Graham Lane Argyle, 638-8263, White Clover Farm is a 125 acre farm in Washington County, New York practicing responsible, humane, and environmentally sound livestock management. We're small family farm that is committed to providing our customers with healthful and delicious 100% grass fed and finished beef and pastured heritage breed pork. Chemicals or pesticides of any kind are NEVER used on our pastures. Our Animal Welfare Approved herd of Belted Galloway and Angus cattle enjoys fresh air, sunshine, lush green grass, fresh water, a stress-free life and stunning views of Vermont's northern Taconic Range. Content and happy cattle make for delicious and healthful meat. Additional listings:

Anderson Acres, 52 Western Ave., West Charlton, Saratoga County. 882-6050 Angus beef vegetable and flower baskets. Farmstand on Rt. 67 in Charlton Brookside Farm, 125 County Rt. 45, Argyle, Washington County. 6388972 veal, beef, chicken and turkey sold at the Saratoga Farmers Market Cornell Farm, 292 Lower Pine Valley Road, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County 686-5545 Eggs and vegetables and flowering baskets sold at the Troy Waterfront Farmers Market and the Schenectady Greenmarket. Dall Hollow Farm, 7047 St. Hwy 22, Granville, Washington County, 642-9059 USDA Processed lamb and 2 year old classic English mutton as whole and half carcasses, and free range meat chickens and eggs. Free Bird Farm, 497 McKinley Road, Palatine Bridge, 673-8822. Certified organic produce and pasture-raised eggs and poultry available at regional farmer's markets and CSA. Foster Farm, 220 W. River Road, Schuylerville, Saratoga County 695-3058. Pasture-raised sheep and poultry. Gordon Farms, 144 Beebe Road, Berne, Albany County 573-7732, Pasture-grazed beef

Locally Grown Guide King Crest Farm, 831 Grooms Road, Rexford, Saratoga County 371-5069. Various cuts of beef and pork. Lane Farm, LLC, 12362 Rt 22, Whitehall, Washington County, 499-0229. Maple Hill Farm, 110 Ashdown Road, Ballston Lake, Saratoga County 399-4097. Hormone-free, grain-fed beef from polled Hereford cattle. Nagimor Farm & Kennel, 165 Hite Road, Warnerville, Schoharie County 254-0021 Naturally raised beef, lamb, pork and chicken. Porter Ridge Farm, 7068 State Route 22, Hebron, Washington County, 802-379-3523. Pasture/woodland raised pork and chicken. All natural, no nitrate smoked pork. Padgett Farm, Salem, Washington County, 854-9035. Naturally raised beef with no antibiotics, no steroids and no growth hormones. Saddled Duck Deer, 14 Whites Beach Road, Ballston Lake, Saratoga County. 399-4516. Farm-raised, antibiotic and hormone-free venison and rabbit. Sap Bush Hollow Farm, 1314 West Fulton Road, Warnerville, Schoharie County, 234-2105. Grassfed/pastured beef, lamb, pork, gourmet sausages, poultry, eggs, Thanksgiving turkeys, honey, crafts. South Farms Longhorns, 1417 Peaceable St., Charlton, Saratoga County 882-1571. Grass fed Texas Longhorn Beef available at the farm. Sweet Tree Farm, 138 Karker Road, Carlisle, Schoharie County, 2347422. Various cuts of grass-fed beef, pork and chicken. West Wind Acres, 2884 West Glenville Rd., West Charlton, Schenectady County. 361-3167. Raising grass fed beef, pastured poultry and pork

Joanne Tarbox of Tarbox Earth’s Bounty Farm

Produce Featured listings:

Denison Farm 333 Buttermilk Falls Rd. Schaghticoke, Rensselaer County, 664-2510, Retail and wholesale market vegetables We are a community supported family farm in the Hudson Valley. We adhere to the organic national standards by participating in NOFA's Farmer Pledge and are certified through Certified Naturally Grown. Our CSA provides 500 families a weekly share (22 weeks) of fresh vegetables, delivering to Albany, Clifton Park, Guilderland, Delmar, Niskayuna, Troy, Saratoga, and Round Lake. Shares can also be picked up at the farm and at the Troy and Saratoga Farmers Markets where we sell each Saturday from May through January.

Long Days Farm 42 Durfee Road Buskirk, Washington County, 677-8128, Our small farm and stand are located in southern Washington County. We grow a wide variety of vegetables and berries, including many unusual varieties, using natural and sustainable practices. Our Heritage laying hens wander freely throughout our property and produce fantastic eggs. In the fall, we sell pasture-raised broilers. Look for our painted signs on County Rt. 74 in South Cambridge, or, at the Farmers Markets at 70 Main in Greenwich Wednesdays 3 - 6, Salem Saturdays 10-1 and Cambridge Sundays 10-2.

Justine Denison of Denison Farm and CSA


New Minglewood Farm 99 County Rt 52 Greenwich, Washington County, 692-8579, New Minglewood Farm, your source for fresh, local, specialty produce. All our products are certified organic by NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC. We pride ourselves on producing the highest quality 'hand crafted' food possible. Find us any Saturday at the Saratoga Springs Farmers' Market, from May through October. We offer the only Certified Organic vegetables at the market. Specializing in greens, sprouts, and heirloom tomatoes

9 Mile East Farm 136 Goff Road Schuylerville, Saratoga County, 514-8106, 9 Miles East Farm is dedicated to making it easy for busy people to enjoy local food. Subscribers receive weekly meals made with vegetables and herb grown on the farm and prepared in a commercial catering kitchen. The spring 2013 season is sold out, but there are still a few slots available for summer and fall. Visit to see how easy it can be to enjoy local food. Additional listings:

Photo courtesy of Rich Lannon


Adirondack Aquaponics, 38 Conclingville Road, Hadley, Saratoga County. 696-4400. Fresh local and natural tilapia, salad greens and herbs Black Horse Farms, Rt 9W, Coxsackie, 943-9324. Seasonal cut flowers and vegetables. Country Garden, 3712 Consaul Road, Schenectady, 346-1996. Seasonal fruits and vegetables, pick-your-own berry patches. Freebird Farm, 497 McKinley Road, Palatine Bridge, 673-8822. Garlic. Fox Creek Farm, Fox Creek Farm Road, Schoharie, 873-2375. Organic garlic. George's Farm, 240 Wade Road, Latham, 785-4210. Various seasonal vegetables. Glenville Berry Farm, 653 Swaggertown Road, Scotia, 399-3549. Vegetables, berries and melons. Happenchance Farm, 396 County Rt. 68, Eagle Bridge Washington County 686-0750. Certified Organic family farm growing vegetables, flowers, strawberries, vegetable & herb transplants. Kilpatrick Family Farm, 9778 State Route 22, Middle Granville, Washington County. Vegetables available year round through area farmer's markets and a (CSA) in Glens Falls and Saratoga Krug Farm, 65 Everett Road, Albany, 482-5406. Greenhouse products, sweet corn and vegetables. OAFP Farm Stand, 296 Town Office Rd., Brunswuick, Rensselaer County. 279- 9721, Growers of heirloom vegetables, berries and salad greens Oreshan Farms, Rt 9, Latham, 785-0217 Seasonal vegetables & sweet corn. Our Family's Harvest, 245 New Scotland Road, Slingerlands, 7682344. Retail outlet for Stanton's Feura Bush Farms seasonal produce. Paper Dragon Farms, 4683 Rt 9, Corinth, 893-0726. Organic vegetables, tomatoes and pumpkins.

Locally Grown Guide Pigliavento Farm, 3535 E. Lydius Street, Schenectady, 356-9188. Seasonal produce. Quincy Farm, Easton, Washington County, 290-0296: Naturallygrown veggies for Ballston Spa CSA and local farmers' markets. Riordan Family Farm, 264 Diamond Point Rd., Lake George, Warren County., 623-9712. U-pick vegetables and CSA shares for the Lake George area. Slack Hollow Farm, 177 Gilchrist Road, Argyle, 638-6125. Organic seasonal vegetables. Soul Fire Farm, 1972 NY Route 2, Petersburgh, Rensselaer County, (518) 229-1339. Produce, eggs, and meat. Underwood's Shushan Valley Hydro Farm, 588 Juniper Swamp Rd., Shushan, Washington County, 518-854-9564. Hydroponic tomatoes and herbs.

On-Farm Markets Featured listings:

Gardenworks Farm LLC 1055 Route 30 Salem, 518-854-3250 We are a specialty crop farm with a greenhouse and a marketplace of local farm groceries and specialty items. We have U-Pick Blueberries and Raspberries and grow squashes, pumpkins and flowers. Our renovated dairy barn offers local honey, cheese, maple syrup and organic vegetables from our farm and neighboring farms. Local handcrafts, dried floral designs and art compliment the farm products with a barn gallery featuring Washington County artists. Open: Monday-Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 11-5 from April to Dec 27. We host tours, food samplings and special events.

Lakeside Farms Country Store & Garden Center 336 Schauber Road Ballston Lake, Saratoga County 399-8359 We welcome you to slow down and relax. Stop by and browse through our country store full of specialty items and gifts. Lakeside features an on premise bakery, deli, farm fresh produce, cheddar cheeses, maple syrups, honey, molasses, and the original apple cider donut. Breakfast and Lunch served daily.

Saratoga Apple 1174 Rt 29 Schuylerville, Saratoga County, 695-3131 At our farm market we sell a wide variety of apples, cider, fresh baked goods, and produce. We also stock an assortment of local, natural, and healthy food and gifts. Pick Your Own apples in September and October. We grow our apples with great care, using low-spray techniques and micronutrient fertilization. Find us at the major regional farmer’s markets!

Shaker Shed Farm Market 945 Watervliet Shaker Road Colonie, Albany County 869-3662, At the Shaker Shed Farm Market the greenhouses are full of bedding plants, Proven Winners plants, hanging baskets, perennials, herbs, rose bushes, and vegetable plants. Some local produce is coming out,


The restaurant industry is a huge consumer of food, so when there is an opportunity to source menu ingredients locally, those purchases can make a pretty big impact in the local economy, and keep small, local farms in production. But it can be hard for the restaurateurs to do it on their own – so much of their food buying is restricted to what their distributors will provide. For example, the big national food service trucks travel thousands of miles to bring restaurants lettuce from California, when there may very well be local options within 50 miles. The problem is that no relationship exists between the farmer the distributor, and thus, the restaurant and their patrons miss out on what is a better option for everybody, which in most cases is a fresher, more nutritious product. And way more sustainable than having lettuce travel 1,500 miles to make it to the dinner plate.

BUILDING LOCAL RELATIONSHIPS: Local farms get a Green Fields certification so that the local distributors in the network can buy direct from them. A key element is improving safety standards, and creating a consistent product. Some paper work is involved and farms need to commit to continue working towards sustainability.



A food consortium called ProAct is out to change all that. They’ve started the “Greener Fields Together” program to connect local food producers to local distributors in a way that optimizes quality, safety, efficiency and sustainability. ProAct realizes the importance of building relationships with local farmers to decrease reliance on fossil fuels and to increase the impact the farms have on local economies, and building value for what they are doing because, in many cases, it’s more sustainable than anything the larger commercial operations can offer. Plus, it’s just a better product. It tastes better, cooks better and is better for the end user – the restaurant patron! THE PROGRAM ENTAILS FOUR COMPONENTS: Large Farm Audits: A basis is established to determine where the food producers are right now. Then the program has recommendations as to where improvements can be made and the step that can ber implemented to become more sustainable with things such as integrated pest management, organic practices, water conservation, and minimizing packaging. FOOD DISTRIBUTOR ACTIONS: Looking at ways to improve efficiency of operations, recycling, planning routes that reduce fuel consumption, making improvements towards energy efficient of motors and lighting. Composting of food waste. Use of Reusable pallets and pallet wraps. 36

HOSPITALITY PARTNERS: The most important step is here, where the food is actually served to the public. It all comes together on the plate, where dinners can experience the difference that local sourcing brings to the table. The commitment to work with the distributor to integrate the local offering into the menu is key. Partners identify themselves as participants with a Greener Field logo sticker on the entry door of their establishment, and patrons know that they are supporting conscientious people who are striving to improve our food system. Antonnucci’s Produce and Seafood, a family run food distributor out of Gloversville, has embraced the program whole heartidly. Being a small local business, they already have connections with local farmers, and they see it as an opportunity to bring others into the fold so that a large portion of their offerings can be derived from the local foodshed.

Sandy Foster of the Village Pizzeria in East Galway was one of the first local Hospitality partners to join the program. When John Antonnucci, Jr. introduced the program to her, Sandy immediately joined. Village Pizzeria has become a model of how the program is designed to work. They’ve got gardens on the property that support the kitchen, and were sourcing locally even before joining Greener Fields Together. Working with Anotucci’s, Village Pizzeria tries to to deliver as much local as possible into their menu. And Antonucci’s has responded by reaching out to their networks to match the demand. Antonucci’s Porduce is constantly looking for more partners to work with, so that the local network grows. Any interested parties can contact John Antonucci, Jr. at 802-318-0996 The goal on the consumer end is that people will vote with their dollars and support the establishments that are participating in the Greener Fields program. It all will help expand the programs goals of creating a sustainable food system nationwide!

Locally Grown Guide including strawberries and asparagus. When July rolls around, the Shaker Shed is known for its sweet corn which is picked fresh daily. There are also local tomatoes, peppers, and fruits. Take a break and visit our café, open 9am-3pm daily.

Sheldon Farms of Salem, LLC 4363 State Route 22 Salem, Washington County 854-9252 We are a sixth generation family farm specializing in New York State potatoes, sweet corn and maple syrup. We also offer a diverse selection of local and regional products. Try our homemade tamales and Mexican specialties. Visit us from June 14th through Columbus Day at our farm stand located just before the village of Salem on Route 22, or Saturdays at the Saratoga Farmers market or Tuesdays at the Malta farmers market. Find us on Facebook: Sheldon Farms of Salem.

Tarbox Earth's Bounty Farm & Market 1533 Highway Rt 7 Center Brunswick, Rensselaer County 279-9517, We raise wholesome, naturally grown beef, vegetables, and small fruit. All are carefully raised and cared for by three generations of the Tarbox family. We work together for the health of our family and customers and to enhance farm incomes. The Farm Stand is open daily 9-6 with eggs, cheese, all cuts of frozen beef, and vegetables in season, especially delicious sweet corn and tomatoes!. We are just east of Troy - come out and see us! Additional listings:

Altamont Orchards, 6654 Dunnsville Road, Altamont, 861-6515, Apples, cider, cider donuts, pies and specialty items; pick-your-own on fall weekends. Buhrmaster Family Farm, Scotia 399-5931. A family farmstand offering fruit, vegetables and annuals. The Berry Patch, 15589 Rt 22, Stephentown, Rensselaer County 733-6772 Locally produced berries, vegetables, fruit, fresh flowers, home-made baked goods. Bowman Orchards, 141 Sugar Hill Road, Rexford, 371-2042, Apples, berries, pumpkins, peaches, pears, sweet corn, soups, syrups, fruit butters, donuts. DeVoes' Rainbow Orchard, 569 Rt 9, Clifton Park, Saratoga County, 371-8397. Apple orchard, farm market for local products. Gade Farm, 2479 Western Avenue, Guilderland, 869-8019, Various seasonal vegetables and fruits, baked goods, dairy, jams and jellies, salsas, soups and syrups. Goold Orchards, 1297 Brookview Station Road, Castleton, Rensselaer County, 732-7317, Pick-your-own apples and berries, produce, fresh-baked and frozen pies, winery. Hand's Farm Market, 533 Wilbur Rd., Greenwich, Washington County. 692-7502. Farm Market and Pick your own strawberries, blueberries, and tomatoes Hicks Orchard, 18 Hicks Rd., Granville, Washington County, 6421788. Pick you own apples and fruit, Slyboro Cider maker, August.October Indian Ladder Farms, 342 Altamont Road, Altamont, Albany County, 765-2956, Apples, pumpkins, berries,bakery, café, family activities.

Knight Orchards, 325 Goode St., Burnt Hills, Saratoga County 399-5174,. Apples, pears, peaches, plums, vegetables, cider, pies, syrup, honey. Kristy's Barn, 2385 Brookview Road, Castleton, Rensselaer County, 477-6250. Vegetables and fruits in season. Lansing's Farm Market, 204 Lishakill Road, Colonie, 464-0889. Seasonal produce, pick-your-own vegetables and berries. Liberty Ridge Farm, 29 Bevis Road, Schaghticoke, 664-1515, Farm market, pumpkins, pick-your-own berries, café, family activities. Lindsey's Country Store, Orchard: 267 Sugar Hill Road, Rexford, Saratoga County, 371-5785; Store: 1537 Route 9, Clifton Park, 3713100. Malta Ridge Orchard & Market, 107 Van Aernem Rd Ballston Spa, Saratoga County. Call 365-6015. Pick your own apples in season, bakery items and produce available at the farm store and Saratoga Farmers Market Predel's Ranch, 59 Garnsey Rd, Rexford, Saratoga County. 3990265 farm store selling meats, eggs and many locally made items. Saratoga Apple, 1174 Rt 29, Schuylerville, Saratoga County. 6953131 Orchard and farm market open 7 days a week, 12 months a year. Smith's Orchard Bake Shop, 4561 Jockey St., Charlton, Saratoga County 882-6598. Farm store features meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables, bakeshop. Yonder Farms Cider Mill & Bake Shop, 4301 Albany St, Colonie, Albany County, 456-6823. Bake Shop and Gifts Gardening/Horticulture

Gardening/Horticulture Featured listings:

Balet Flowers & Design 5041 Nelson Avenue Ext. Malta, Saratoga County 584-8555, Balet Flowers and Design provides high quality plants, flowers, and pottery to customers around the Saratoga region. Our greenhouse and flower farm produces vibrant annuals, perennials, vegetable and herb plants and cut flowers as well as seasonal plant and flower arrangements. We also work with wedding parties and others, planning special occasions to create elegant floral designs with unique country flair. Find us at the Saratoga Farmers Market!

Free Spirit Farm Garden Center 39 Atwell Rd. South Corinth, Saratoga County 495-8119, We are a family owned greenhouse business that offers a large selection of annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, vegetable & herb plants, fall mums & pumpkins, Christmas trees, wreaths & kissing balls. We also have homemade castile soap and offer silk designs for the holidays. We utilize safe fertilization practices on all of our edibles by using fish emulsion, worm casting & bokashi teas. Open 6 days (closed Wednesdays), 10-7 May - Mid-July, Labor Day Halloween. 11-9 Thanksgiving weekend thru Christmas Eve. Call for additional availability.


Tree of Life Garden Designs 38 Tamarack Trail Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 4660178, We specialize in permaculture designs for small urban & suburban settings. We rely on thorough observation and analysis of each individual site to determine how best to benefit the ecosystem, while at the same time, copiously fulfilling the goals and needs of the inhabitants. We seek clients who wish to transform their yards into an edible landscape, utilizing forest gardens, poultry husbandry, composting, and rainwater capture. Discover how you can create food abundance and resilience for your family on a quarter acre or less! Additional listings:

Bob's Trees, 1227 West Galway Rd., West Galway, 882-9455. Nursery and Garden Center. The Botanic Barn, 1570 Route 7, Troy, 279-3080. Nursery, garden supplies, design services. Colonial Acres Nursery, 2552 Western Ave., Altamont, 456-5348. Faddegon's Nursery, 1140 Troy Schenectady Road, Latham, 7856763. Gardening and nursery supplies. Fiddlehead Creek Farm and Native Plant Nursery, 7381 Rt. 40, Hartford, Washington County. 632-5505. Native plants for sustainable landscapes. Harvest Moon, 141 Remson Street, Cohoes, 266-0370. Organic indoor and outdoor garden supplies and accessories. Healthy Harvest, 63 Broadway, Fort Edward, 480-4698. Organic indoor and outdoor garden supplies and accessories. Hewitt's Garden Centers, Rt 9 and Sitterly Road, Clifton Park, 3710126; Rt 4 and I-90, East Greenbush, 283-2159; 605 Feura Bush Road, Glenmont, 439-8169; 1969 Western Avenue, Guilderland, 456-7954; 1129 Troy Schenectady Road, Latham, 785-7701; 294 Quaker Road, Queensbury, 792-3638; 3 Charlton Road, Scotia, 399-1703; Rt 9, Wilton, 580-1205. Garden supplies and accessories. Jessecology Organic Garden Design, 932-1991, service area: Lake George - Clifton Park Ecological landscape design. Kulak Nursery & Landscaping, 1615 Rt 146, Rexford, 399-2404. Garden center, nursery, landscaping. Olsen's Hardware & Garden Center, 1900 New Scotland Road, Slingerlands, 733-5868. Hardware store with nursery, garden supplies. Osborne Mill Nursery, 231 Osborne Road, Albany, 482-8150. Plants, trees, and shrubs. Other Side of Paradise, 481 Rt 40, Troy, 237-5287. Nursery, garden supplies, trees, landscaping. Patroon Nursery, 500 West Sand Lake Road, Wynantskill, 2833807. Flowers, plants, trees, shrubs, accessories and supplies. Price-Greenleaf Store & Nursery, 14 Booth Road, Delmar, 4399212. Nursery, plants, garden supplies, trees. Troy's Landscape Supply, 1266 New Loudon Road, Cohoes, 7851526. Nursery, garden supplies, landscape design and installation. Underground Alchemy, 70 Third Street, Albany, 512-9780. An herbal CSA, offering monthly shares of locally grown, handcrafted herbs, herbal extracts and elixirs. Van Geest Nursery, 43 Donna Drive, Albany, 459-1093. Nursery, landscape consulting, period gardens and contemporary designs. 38

Locally Grown Guide Restaurants Featured listings:

One Caroline Bistro 1 Caroline Street, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County587-2026 Stop by One Caroline Street Bistro and you feel that you have been transported to Old Montreal! Stone walls, copper topped tables, candle light and the best in live local music 7 nights a week. Our meats, dairy, cheese, eggs and vegetable are sourced from local sustainable farms. We offer lots of choices from small plates for sharing tapas style, fresh delicious salads large enough to share and traditional large plates as well. Stop in on Monday, during happy hour, when we offer half price drinks and great small plate offerings and the music starts early. We are vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free friendly. Taste our offerings of NY State wines!

DISH Bistro Restaurant 93 Main Street Greenwich, Washington County 692-0200 A cozy, casual natural foods bistro in downtown Greenwich (a beautiful 20 minute drive east of Saratoga Springs on Rt 29). Eclectic menu, local & organic foods, gluten free & vegan friendly, great wines & beers, awesome homemade desserts! Follow us on Facebook for weekly menu specials and live music events! Lunch: Tues-Sat, 11am- 3pm Dinner: Tues-Sat, 5pm-9pm Closed Sun & Mon

Farmhouse on Top of the World 441 Lockhart Mountain Road, Lake George, Warren County 668-3000, The Farmhouse on Top of the World is a chef-owned and operated restaurant which showcases produce from our own farm, and meats, dairy and cheeses from area farms. Our menu changes to reflect the best local and seasonal products and sustainable seafood. Delicious wine, beer and cocktail lists. Open Wednseday - Sunday on the east side of Lake George. Come see our

beautiful views, and share our passion for local food! Member of the Slow Food Cooperative.

Fifty South Restaurant & Bar 2128 Doubleday Avenue (Rt 50) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County 884-2926, Fifty south your Ballston Spa farm to table restaurant proudly using locally and regionally sourced organic and biodynamically farmed food, beer and wine. We support dietary accommodations. Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan. Prefer reservations Open Wednesday through Saturday 4:30-close of dinner service Sunday 9am-2pm Breakfast and lunch. Sunday 2pm-8pm dinner. Private Parties, Special events, live music, wine tastings and much more. Thank you for being a part of our family.

Good Morning CafĂŠ 2100 Doubleday Avenue (Rt 50), Ballston Spa, Saratoga County 309-3359 We feature delicious, healthy, freshly prepared omelets, breakfast specialties, baked goods, signature soups, salads and sandwiches. We pride ourselves on using as many products as possible from local, organic, fair trade and "just plain good" food sources. Our goal is to serve the healthiest, best tasting breakfast you have ever eaten! Open 7-1 Tuesday-Friday, 8-1 Saturday and Sunday.

We will be relocating to 615 Pawling Ave. in Troy, with a Grand Re-Opening slated for August.

Lakeside Farms Country Store and Restaurant 336 Schauber Road, Ballston Lake, Saratoga County 399-8359, Enjoy a meal in our country dining area where we offer made-to-order fresh cooked breakfasts and specialty lunches every day. We feature grilled and deli sandwiches on home-baked breads, homemade soups, delicious deli salads and fresh vegetables,. End your meal with a decadent dessert from our bakery shop

The Hungry Fish CafĂŠ 461 Main Avenue, Wynantskill, Rensselaer County 874-4573 Hungry Fish Cafe and Country Store focuses on locally grown produce and quality that can't be beat. We offer only the freshest, from-scratch food prepared daily on site and delicious pantry items to enhance your own recipes at home. Join us for breakfast and lunch featuring gourmet soups, salads and sandwiches made with only the best Boar's Head deli products. We offer daily specials, fresh homemade baked goods and gifts including mugs and kitchen towels, locally made soaps, spices and more!


the local pub and teahouse 142 Grand Avenue Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County, 587-7256 The Local Pub and Teahouse serves traditional English and Irish specialties with a unique selection of craft brews and organic teas from around the world, using ingredients from farms and locallyowned businesses in Saratoga, Warren, and Rensselaer Counties. Now in their 6th year, The Local has received accolades including Best Bar, Best Beer Selection, Best Restaurant off-Broadway and Favorite Local Neighborhood Bar in the Local's Choice Awards. Stop in for lunch, dinner, or weekend brunch, enjoy live music, or relax in the pub garden. For upcoming events & specials, find us on Facebook or call 518-587-7256.

Mouzon House 1 York Street, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 226-0014, The Mouzon House is a restored simple Victorian home, focused on sourcing local ingredients from small farms that are sustainable in their practices. Our meats are grass fed and free range; we source local artisan cheeses, eggs, dairy and vegetables. In addition to local farms we also grow many of our own herbs, field greens and flowers in our gardens. We specialize in vintage cocktails at our outdoor bar and feature outstanding live local music outdoors, weather permitting. Our brunch menu is fresh local and creative offering delicious healthy choices and decadent choices for special celebrations, with a Louisiana flair!. We offer gluten free, vegan and vegetarian choices as well. Hope to see you soon!

New World Bistro Bar 300 Delaware Avenue. Albany, Albany County 694-0520, We are a cozy Bistro featuring Chef Ric Orlando's Global Neighborhood cuisine. Our menu includes local produce, sustainable seafood, free range meats, creative vegetarian, vegan and


gluten free options. Voted Best International, Best American, Best Vegetarian and Best Place to Take a Date in the 2013 Metroland "Best Of" poll. Open 7 Nights and Sunday Brunch.

Village Pizzeria & Ristorante Route 29, East Galway 882-9431 Celebrating 25 years as one of Saratoga County's favorite dining destinations! Just ten miles west of Saratoga on Route 29, in beautiful East Galway. We participate in the Greener Fields Together Program to ensure sustainable sourcing of our ingredients. We have an extensive gluten-free menu featuring pizza, pasta & beer. The Patio is now open; enjoy dinner & a great bottle of wine al fresco nestled in our beautiful gardens. View our menu & award winning wine list at our website. Join our mailing list or become a fan on Facebook to receive info about our upcoming events.

Upper Hudson Valley Wine Trail Stretching from Lake George to Saratoga Springs and Easton, the Upper Hudson Valley Wine Trail include farm vineyards, locallyowned wineries and tasting rooms, as well as the satellite Tasting Rooms of 2 Finger Lakes' wineries. Featured listings:

Ledge Rock Hill Winery 41 Stewart Dam Road, Corinth, Saratoga County 654-5467 We are a family run operation with a dedicated love and appreciation for the art of fine wine making. We specialize in limited vintage production of artisan-crafted wines made from premium grapes. We take pride in producing wines that are custom crafted from the highest quality fruit available. Fruit that is harvested from our own vineyard as well as a select few partner vineyards that have been able to consistently meet our high quality standards. Come visit our Adirondack tasting room just off Rt. 9N in Corinth, and discover our passion for good wine! Look for the signs.

Locally Grown Guide Natural Selection Farm Winery 85 Darwin Road, Center Cambridge, Washington County 677-5208, Located in scenic Center Cambridge between County Rts. 60 and 74, we are a micro winery making wines in small batches from grapes and blueberries harvested on our farm, and from New York State juice. We feature burgundy dry reds: St. Croix, Geneva Red 7, Marquette and blends. Our dry white wines are Vidal Blanc, and Diamond. Rhapsody in Blueberry, a 100% blueberry wine, is a farm specialty. Our artfully handcrafted wines can be sampled at the winery and at local wine shops. Vineyard and winery tours upon request. Open daily from June - October, and 1-5 PM on winter weekends.

Oliva Vineyards 2074 State Rte. 4 Fort Edward, Washington County 7472156 Oliva Vineyards combines the owners' passion for wine with their love of horse racing. Washington County's most innovative winery is situated on a thoroughbred horse farm, the only establishment in the area which combines these two pleasures. Taste our fine wines; then relax on the deck overlooking the Hudson River or gazing at horses in the paddock. Attend Friday Night Wine Down for wine, beer, food, and live music. We strive to make your visit a memorable experience. For wine and horse

lovers like the Oliva family, Oliva Vineyards is the perfect destination. Summer: Daily noon - 5 PM, Friday till 9 PM Additional listings:

Adirondack Winery, 285 Canada Street, Lake George, Warren County 668-WINE Altamont Vineyard and Winery, 3001 Furbeck Road, Altamont, Albany County 355-8100, Amorici Vineyard, 637 Colonel Burch Road, Valley Falls, Washington County 469-0680 Johnston's Winery, 5140 Bliss Road, Ballston Spa, Saratoga County 882-6310 Swedish Hill Winery, 379 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 450-1200 The Saratoga Winery, 462 State Rt 29 West, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 584-WINE Thirsty Owl Saratoga, 184 S. Broadway, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 587-9694 Victory View Vineyard, 11975 State Rt 40, Schaghticoke, Washington County 461-7132 *Opening August 2013


Maple Adirondack Gold, 90 Bear Pond Road, Thurman, Warren County 623-9718 Dry Brook Sugarhouse, 432 Chambers Road, Salem, Washington County 854-7651 Grottoli's Maple, 91 Ritchie Road, Middle Granville, Washington County 642-2856 Mapleland Farms, 647 Bunker Hill Road, Salem, Washington County 854-7669 Nightingale's Maple Farm, 4767 Jersey Hill Road, West Galway, Saratoga County 882-9334

Rathbun's Maple, 181 Hatch Hill Road, North Granville, Washington County 642-1799 Sugar Mill Farm, 2469 St Rt 29, Greenwich, Washington County, 692-2486 Valley Road Maple Farm, Valley Road, Thurman, Warren County 623-9783 Toad Hill Maple Farm, 151 Charles Olds Road, Thurman, Warren County 623-4744

Fiber Battenkill Fibers Carding and Spinning Mill, 2532 St Rte 40, Greenwich, Washington County, 692 2700.

Organizations Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County 50 West High Street, Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, 8858995, Cornell Cooperative Extension builds partnerships and coalitions with individuals, communities, organizations, government agencies around issues of mutual concern; develops local leaders who use CCE knowledge to inform decisions; promotes youth development through 4-H clubs and other experiences; strives to help participants make informed choices using the best knowledge available.

Merck Forest & Farmland Center 3270 Route 315, Rupert, VT 802.394.7836 Merck Forest and Farmland Center (MFFC), an educational nonprofit organization, teaches and demonstrates innovative management of forest and farmland to visitors. The 62-acre farm specializes in potatoes, garlic, organic maple syrup, and wool products. Staff and apprentices care for the pasture-raised lamb, pork, and eggs. Come visit us!

Regional Farm and Food Project PO Box 621 Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County 879-5362 Founded in 1996 to promote sustainable agriculture and local food systems. RFFP is a member supported, farmer focused, non-profit group serving the greater Hudson-Mohawk Valley foodshed of New York State. Our newest initiative is to create a sustainable farming education center to foster the next farming generation. This is a community initiative, and we need your help!

Slow Food Saratoga Region Our membership supports and promotes the unique local food culture of upstate New York. We educate people about local food, and provide insight into what makes our region and cuisine worth preserving. Join Slow Food Saratoga Region's newsletter to get updates and news about local initiatives, great food, and gourmet events. Join us and celebrate Slow Food!




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The King's Garden in full bloom (early August).

Revolutionary GARDENS


Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain is well known as a pivotal battleground for the control of the American Colonies in the eighteenth century. The French built the Fort to control the vital north-south corridor to New France from New England. The French and Indian War was a battle over who would claim control over the lands north of Albany and into Canada. Fort Carillon, as the French had named it, fell to the British in 1759, who renamed it Ticonderoga. Enter the Americans in 1775 - the Revolution had just begun; realizing the strategic importance of the Fort, Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys attacked the Fort and gained control of it for the Colonists. It was America's first revolutionary war victory. The rest, they say is history. Battleground of the colonial superpowers, and the birthplace of a new nation, Fort Ticonderoga has become a place of legend.

GARDENS FOR THE GARRISONS There is another part to the story of the Fort, which without it, the military story may have unfolded differently. That story is one of food. Armies need food, lots of it, to sustain the troops and survive the rigors of living on the edge of the wilderness. The promontory point that became Fort Carillon and then Fort Ticonderoga is rocky with very thin soil. It's not a place that could support the garrisons of the French, British and American armies. However, adjacent to the fort is a flat flood plain of clay loam soil - just the type that can support life in abundance. It is here that in 1756 the French developed their “ Jardin du Roi,� a six acre vegetable garden designed to feed the summer garrison charged with constructing the new fort, Carillon. Dubbed the Kings' Garden in honor of the homeland, it would prove to be a vital to the health and well being of the soldiers building the fort. Down on this flat along the lake, a perfect soil and microclimate exists to support crops that could feed

the garrisons stationed at the Fort. Remember, that this was wilderness. And the nearest supply houses were back in New France (Quebec). The ability to produce food locally allowed the Fort inhabitants to survive and thrive, and not be dependent upon some far-off shipment for sustenance. When the British took over the Fort, they named the land the Garrison Gardens. Regiments were typically assigned specific plots that they would care for and consume. Soldiers who volunteered to tend the gardens received extra pay for their work. Fresh vegetables were an important supplement to daily rations, providing essential nutrients to help prevent sickness and disease. Cabbage was an important crop, valued for its high vitamin-C content and could be eaten fresh or stored whole for winter use. Leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, mustard greens, and cresses were eaten in season. Root vegetables like turnips, beets, onions, and carrots could be stored for later consumption.

THE PELL FAMILY - FROM RUINS TO RESTORATION After the end of the Revolutionary war, the Fort was no longer strategically important, and fell into disrepair. A New York City merchant by the name of William Ferris Pell would travel past the ruins on his way back and forth to Canada. He admired the scenic bluff and thought it might make for a nice summer homestead. That opportunity would become a reality in 1820, when he was able to purchase it from the owners, Columbia and Union Colleges, for $6,000. Mr. Pell set to work on creating a summer home down on the garden flats. The Pavilion, which still stands today, became the Pell family summer home. Each spring, to announce his arrival to the home, his eldest son Archibald would fire a cannon to honor his father's arrival. Sadly, on one such occasion, the cannon exploded,

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America's Fort Cafe features vegetables grown on site. killing Archibald. “Pell was so devastated by his son's death that he never returned to The Pavilion and, according to family legend, died from a broken heart the following year.” (excerpt from The Pell family home at Ticonderoga would eventually repurpose into a hotel during the late nineteenth century. It became part of the fabulous story that was the American colonial renaissance - a time of interest in the arts, literature and the storied history of America, now a century old. The Fort became a stop on the Great Northern Tour; steamboats would dock and unload passengers for a stay at the hotel at Ticonderoga and to see the ruins of the Fort. In 1909, the great-grandson of William Ferris Pell, Stephen Pell, and his wife Sarah, came up with the idea of restoring the Fort to its former grandeur. They decided to reclaim the Pavilion back into the family home, and set out to acquire the funds that would be needed for the restoration. Sarah petitioned her father, Robert Means Thompson, to fund the project and he agreed. “Just send me the bill,” he is reported to have said. While the reconstruction of the Fort was underway, Sarah Pell envisioned a Colonial Revival garden adjacent to the rear of the Pavilion homestead. Mrs. Pell was inspired by the Colonial Revival Gardens that were part of the celebration of the colonial history of America at that time. Colonial Garden design was all rage in New York City. Colonial gardens were orderly, with pathways and geometric patterns of various species of food crop. The Revival followed the ideals of decorative landscaping, but not with the practicality of food raising, which was the original intent. In the 18th century, people used their land to produce food. Only the very wealthy would have flower gardens. Now in the 20th century, more “common” people wanted the decorative flower gardens. Stephen and Sarah Pell commissioned the architect of the Fort restoration, Alfred Bossom, to construct a garden in the fashion of the Colonial Revival. Blossom picked the order and geometric layout of colonial gardens but made it instead a “pleasure” garden. A 48

rectangular brick wall surrounded the gardens filled with flowering plants, intersecting paths and a tea house in the far corner. The garden was best viewed off the back porch of the house, and was named the King's Garden” in honor of the early heritage of the land.

A CONVERGE OF INFLUENTIAL WOMEN AT THE KINGS GARDEN In 1921, Sarah Pell heard about a female landscape architect from New York City, Marian Cruger Coffin, who was designing gardens for the country estates of the wealthy I the lower Hudson Valley. Coffin is a well know landscape architect of the early twentieth century, especially since she was one of the first female architects of the time. Inspired by Coffin's designs in the downstate countryside, the Pell's hired Coffin to redesign the Kings Garden with a more open plan that would include 32 geometric flower plots, and a center lawn with reflecting pool. Later a statue was added: “the young Dianna, goddess of the hunt” by Anna Hyatt Huntington. Another prominent woman of the day, Ms. Huntington was one of the first women to be recognized in her medium, and also the cousin of Stephen Pell. She gifted the statue to the Pell's in 1937, and it became the focal point of the garden from then on.

THE FORT GARDENS, REVIVED FOR TODAY Heidi teRiele Karkoski is the curator of the landscaping at the Fort property. She and her team are keeping the styles and themes of the Coffin design alive today. The Kings Garden was reopened in 2001 after a considerable restoration effort throughout the 90's. When the initial restoration process began, the garden conservancy was consulted to look at the various gardens styles of the early 20th century, and they decided to incorporate as much of the original Coffin design as possible. “I believe this is the most fully redeveloped Coffin garden of its kind anywhere,” said Karkoski. “We were able to follow her work because we had the draft plan for the gardens in the archives, written in her hand, that lists the flowers and shrubs and everything she had prescribed for this garden.” Outside the Kings Garden is the Garrison Garden, which is a model

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of the early vegetable gardens of the military garrisons. Here, plots have been laid out for vegetable plantings that will support not garrisons, but the Fort Café. Visitors to the Fort can dine on local food, just as the soldiers did. Cameron Green, who works with the Military Programs at the Fort, mentioned that this year visitors can lend a hand in the gardens, planting cultivating and harvesting, just as the soldiers did. “This land has been continually cultivated for 300 years, and we have an opportunity to keep it going, feeding the next generation of Fort visitors and participants.”

really hungry for it.” It's a far cry from the dry dioramas and boring lectures of other history sites. It seems that today's history buffs want less of the show and really want to roll up their sleeves and dig into the story to feel how those who made the history toiled and labored. And the Fort staff is ready to deliver, and loves volunteer labor. Last year, they had almost 150 hours of volunteer service, planting seeds, cultivating weeds, harvesting pumpkins, etc. Today, the Fort is a living museum. The staff is learning history by living and doing the things that people did 100, even 200 years ago. They make and wear their clothing, just


as was done in the day they are representing. Every year they highlight a different historical year and a different regiment in the programming. For example, last year was 1775, the year of the initial rebellion, and a regiment from Connecticut was represented. “New evidence presents itself all the time,” says Hill. “People have access to more information than ever before, which gives the management an opportunity to immerse visitors into the story.” The immersion by both staff and visiting public is a transformative experience. It's a story without an ending. A new chapter is written every year. It is the past merging with the present, impacting lives into the future!

The gardens have been the main priority of the restoration of the Pell homestead, and the home is included in future restorative plans of the whole site. This summer the staff is going to have behind the scenes tours of the Pavilion to show the restoration process as it unfolds. It's a critical part of the Fort's mission of integrative education and historical recreation. Fort President Beth Hill is thrilled to take on these new initiatives. Today's visitors show great interest in the process of doing history, whether it translates to horticulture at the gardens or the material culture at the Fort. “Breaking down that wall or ripping down the curtain to expose how it's done,” explains Hill. “That's what our audiences are really excited about. It's why we offer the types of programs that we do. People are

A wattle fence under construction in the military Garrison Garden. 49

WHEN YOU GO Visit Fort Ticonderoga and relive some of the greatest moments of America's history! Built by the French military in 1755, today Fort Ticonderoga is America's Fort™ and is one of the most significant and oldest historic sites in North America. Fort Ticonderoga sits on 2,000 acres of picturesque landscape alongside Lake George and Lake Champlain. Visitors of all ages can become fully immersed in the culture of the 18th century and experience history through daily activities, exhibits and beautiful gardens to recreate Fort Ticonderoga's defining events. New recreational activities that highlight Fort Ticonderoga's rich historic landscape include a scenic Battlefield hiking trail and canoe rentals that provide a unique perspective of the Fort's history. Special events and tours include Behind the Scene Tour of Fort, Guns By Night (demo of 18th Century guns), Historic Pavilion tour of the Pell summer home, Garrison Ghost Tours and more! Enjoy a 6-acre Heroic Corn Maze opening August 15th-October 20th. For more information on special events, tours, and battle re-enactments visit to see what's happening throughout the season. King's Garden Tours: The King's Garden is the largest public garden in the Adirondack and Lake Champlain region and is one of North America's oldest gardens. The stately King's Garden recreates the estate's colonial revival garden of 1921, incorporating brick pathways, teahouse and the reflecting pool with 32 colorful flower beds and a historical herb Garden. Guests will roll up their sleeves and dig into Fort Ticonderoga's centuries of horticulture in the formal garden along with the Discovery Gardens - the Garrison Garden, Children's Garden, and Three Sisters Garden. A new interactive 18th century French Garrison Garden will bring this vibrant, living garden space to life and highlight the vital vocation of gardening that was an important part of soldiers' duties at Fort Ticonderoga.

"The Young Diana" by Anna Hyatt Huntington 50

Fort Ticonderoga is open daily 9:30 AM - 5 PM May 17th - October 20th Located on Route 74 East/100 Fort Ti Road in Ticonderoga, NY Visit for more information or call (518) 585-2821.

IRON KETTLE PEA SOUP One of the most common meals eaten amongst the French soldiers at Fort Carillon was pea soup. Soldiers meals were cooked and eaten in groups of eight soldiers called a mess. These soldiers would pool their rations, or issued food, together to make up their meals. Each soldier at Fort Carillon was issued four ounces of peas and a half a pound of salt pork, amongst other food. These food items which made up the bulk of the meal could also be mixed with fresh vegetables, game meat, and spices such as pepper. Of course it always depended on what was available to the soldiers at the time. This soup would have been cooked in an Iron Kettle in which the soldiers took turns carrying. Taking turns cooking the meal as well, the cook would then split the portions up equally and serve the soup with their issued bread. INGREDIENTS: 5 cups of peas 2.5 tbsp of salt (if using beef only, not to be used salt pork) Pepper if available 8 cups of water (have canteen filled in case more is needed) 1 package of salt pork or half a package of beef (about 1.25 lbs) 2 onions Other vegetables if available and desired Drain soaked peas and put them in kettle with water. Add salt if beef is being used. If using salt pork the salt from the pork will salt the soup. Put kettle on fire and boil peas until the peas are about half of the way cooked. While peas are boiling dice up vegetables and cut meat. Add harder vegetables right away. When peas are half way cooked add softer vegetables like the onions and stir occasionally. You may want to decrease the amount of flame from the fire to decrease heat. Boil until peas, vegetables and meat are finished. Peas should be boiled down into a paste, if using beef cut a piece of the beef open to make sure it is done. Take kettle off the fire when everything is done. Let the kettle sit about a half a foot from the fire for 10-15 minutes or until peas become mushy. Serve and enjoy.

Give your dull knives, scissors & reel mowers a new edge! Sharpening at Niskayuna Co-op Tuesdays 2-7pm and Honest Weight Food Co-op Wednesdays 2-7pm

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The Adirondack Trust Company Opens New Branch at Exit 11 with Ribbon Cutting Ceremony The Adirondack Trust Company announced today that it is has officially opened its twelfth full-service branch in Ballston Lake, NY at 322 Ruhle Road, one quarter mile west of Exit 11. The new branch is approximately 2,400 square feet and offers traditional banking services such as four drive-up lanes (including a drive-up ATM), teller and customer services areas. The Exit 11 branch also features a new drive-up ATM that allows customers to deposit checks or cash without using a deposit ticket or an envelope. Customers have the option to receive a receipt with a printed image of the checks deposited. The office provides the full array of financial services, including retail and commercial banking as well as trust and investment services. The Bank also provides personal and business insurance through its affiliate, Adirondack Trust Insurance. This branch is the first to be designed with an environmentally friendly theme in mind. The design also incorporated over fifty comments from a survey the Bank had taken in this market area asking members of the local communities for suggestions concerning the branch's design. Items incorporated include a customer lounge area, a self-service coffee bar, a coin counter, free Wi-Fi, high definition televisions and cafĂŠ seating for up to 20 people. The branch incorporates a passive solar design, solar panels on the roof, large, south facing windows, concrete flooring to absorb and radiate heat, high-efficiency LED lights and bike racks to encourage low impact travel. The exterior landscape design incorporates a mix of native plants and a retaining pond along with natural stonework. 52

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Commenting on the new branch, Charles V. Wait, President & CEO noted, “We are very excited to open this new branch and firmly believe that the green and tech-savvy design elements requested by members of the local communities create a unique and attractive look that is very efficient. The rapidly changing market dynamics of this area created by the expansion of GlobalFoundries and others provide us with a significant opportunity to extend our presence to the southern part of Saratoga County. This expansion further demonstrates the Bank's long-term commitment to, and confidence in, this area while strengthening our branch network.” The new Exit 11 Branch is managed by Ms. Sally Harrison, who has extensive banking experience. She is supported by two staff members. The bank's grand opening celebration is from February 14th - March 2nd. The Bank will be giving away a $1,000 gift certificate to Green Conscience Home, an Apple ® iPad mini and $250 in cash with its “Fresh Greens” $1.00 bill promotion. The public is invited to the open house on March 2nd from 10 a.m. -12 a.m. Founded in 1901 in Saratoga Springs, The Adirondack Trust Company is an independent, employee and locally owned and operated, community bank offering a wide variety of business and personal services. The Bank has over $1 billion in assets and twelve branches. The Adirondack Trust Company is rated by Bauer Financial as a 5-Star bank for the period ending September 30, 2012. The Bank offers trust, insurance and investment services and originates real estate mortgages, both residential and commercial, and commercial business loans throughout its market area. The Bank's website is

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Farming is often an occupation one is born into. Grandpa did it. Dad does it. You do it. For others, it is an intentional occupation. The proverbial question of “what do you want to be when you grow up?” is answered, “Farmer” and off you go to an agriculture school, learn all the latest methods and technology, become an intern on a farm, and then seek out some land to call your own – to farm. But what if, instead of you being called to the land, the land calls upon you to farm it, even though you had no intention of being a farmer? This is the case of Murray Family of Ballston. Julie Ann and Stu Murray had been running the family business, HVAC contracting, in Georgia, when an opportunity came along to return back to the Capital Region to connect with family. A farmhouse needing some serious TLC owned by a family member, just west of Ballston Spa, was offered as a place to stay and get their footing. So back north they came, with son Duncan and newborn daughter Tessa in tow. The house needed alot of work – it was a rental for several years and had been not been cared for. But the Murrays were handy, and they could fix it up, they thought. The property, an old horse farm on 56 acres, had been neglected, and was overgrown and shaggy. It was certainly a project. Welcome to New York!

THE CHICKEN AND THE EGG DELIVERY The Murrays looked at the property as an opportunity to help out a family member. Not long after they moved in, the couple decided to buy the property. The thought was to fix it up and restore the house and barns back to their original condition. The land, wild and unkempt, had ideas of its own. It called out to Julie, “I need animals,” it seemed to say. In came the chickens. Julie thought raising some laying hens would be a good project for the kids and their friends. Of course, laying hens lay eggs, and soon the Murray had a surplus. What to do with all these eggs?, Julie thought. Give them to the neighbors, was the answer. She would drive down her street after the mail was delivered and leave a dozen eggs in the boxes along the street. The ‘flag-up” soon became the sign that the eggs had been delivered. Word got out, and more people got on the egg list. And more chickens acquired. The chickens are allowed to freely to roam the property, expressing their full chicken-ness. They do a lot of work, too, tilling, weeding, and adding nitrogen to the soil. The land seemed to like it. The Murrays began to look at their property now as a farming opportunity. Laying hens were pretty cool. How about meat birds?

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The Murrays built a couple of shelters out of arched cattle fencing and ordered some chicks. They rigged the chicken shelters so that they could be dragged across the pasture to new grass every day. But first, the fields had to be cut for hay. Gotta get that ol’ 56 Ford tractor up and running again! The meat bird experiment went pretty good. The chickens thrived on the pasture and were protected from the sun and predators in their sliding homes. And the land liked it. The grass flourished with all the extra nitrogen provided by the chicken manure. It grew vigorously, and then, it was time for haying again. The Murrays thought that was pretty cool, but the haying project was always a lot of work. What else like to eat grass?

DUCKS AND RABBITS Julie likes to say that she has two of everything – two barns, two ponds, two kids. So she figured why not get a couple of ducks and a couple of rabbits. The duck acquisition was actually an accident – apparently a duckling had gotten into her brooder order from Meyer hatchery. Tessa, who gives everything a name, called the little duck “ Harry.” Harry needed a friend, and as luck would have it, a neighbor had a duckling. Enter Sally. Harry turned out to be girl and Sally a boy, but the names stuck anyway. There a cute story about when Harry met Sally on the website in the links tab. Check it out! 56

The rabbit acquisition was through a rescue. A lot of people get rabbits as pets for Easter, but soon realize their care is more than they bargained for. Julie got a pair of Holland Lops rabbits and built a nice shelter for them. Then came the Heritage breeds, to raised for meat. The rabbits, like the chickens, are free to move about in their dens and yard, expressing their full rabbit-ness. And yes, they do breed like, well, rabbits, so Julie has to segregate the boys from the girls so that things stay manageable. The Murrays started thinking of other ways to improve the land, and to work with nature and the land to practice sustainable farming. There were two ponds on the property, but all grown in. The back portion was wild and wooly, full of thickets and brush . So a bulldozer was rented and walking paths were created, making trails around the property. The pond perimeters were cleared. A lot of brush was cleared, but there was still more to be done. What likes to eat shrubs and poison ivy?

THE SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND GOATS Julie thought that goats might be the perfect complement to their half woodsy, half pastured landscape. In the search for a breeding pair, she came upon a small herd of goats in need of rescue in Orange County near Middeltown. These just weren’t any goats; these were the famed San Clemente Island goats – a near extinct feral breed that had been rescued off of San Clement Island off the California coast. Left by explorers some say, hundreds of years ago, the goat

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herd expanded to 15,000 animals. The US Navy, who now controls the island, deemed that the goats were invasive and were destroying the native flora. The goats had to go, and the extermination order went out. Conservation advocates were able to rescue some of the animals and bring them to the mainland. There, they were sold to interested parties, to have as pets. These six goats in Middletown are part of the only 400 that exist in the world. And they were in danger, improperly fed and dying. Julie leaped into action and acquired the whole herd of half dozen animals. With the acquisition of the SCI goats, Julie was now a fully fledged farmer. The goats took to their new habitat perfectly. The combination of pasture and woodlands was what these goats needed most. The goats ate the grasses and the nasty shrubs and wild rose on the property. And the land was happy to have the goats adding additional fertilizer to it. The SCI goats have great potential to come back through careful breeding and husbandry. The Murray’s are part of a unique group of people across the country that have these goats, and there is talk of exchanging goats to keep the genetic pool as diverse as possible. Julie’s next ambition is to make endangered goat cheese. There’s a great niche there, and novelty to the whole idea. They may raise some goats for meat as well, as their wooded property in the back is ideal for goat forage. Growing the herd, and securing their heritage is a charge that the Murray’s have embraced.

FULFILLING A DESTINY All the animals at Mack Brin Farm seem to have the perfect life. There is a circle of life at Mack Brin Farm that is wonderfully sustainable and true. The land supports the animals who in turn support the humans, and the humans work the land to enhance the value for the animals, and so on. All the animals live are free to live fully as the chickens, rabbits ducks and goats that they are meant to be, and are loved and cared for by some very passionate human beings. And the farm is being restored back to its original design – supporting a web of life. The Murray’s are now smitten with the potential of their small farm. Julie has created a small test plot of willow in the back that she wants to develop into biomass energy. And it’s great fodder for goats. “We want to pull this back into being a diversified farm for the twenty first century,” says Julie. “I want this to be operating on sustainable methods, raising food without chemicals of any kind, and utilizing the natural resources that we are blessed with here.” The land has found its perfect custodian. It is giving back more than the Murray’s put in. All it ever wanted was a little love. And the animals that live on it to be free. Mack Brin Farm is located at 578 Randall Road in the town of Ballston, Saratoga County. Phone 518-528-1987. Their website is To find out more about the SCI goats, go to

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Good Morning owner Nancy Holtz-Stegman with Adam and Clem Marino Photo by David Delozier 58

A Benevolent Ambition DOING GOOD AT THE GOOD MORNING CAFÉ STORY BY HANNA JANE GUEDEL Hanna is a lifelong friend of Adam Marino (all of her 15 years).

It's May 5th and the sun has risen about 3 and-a-half hours ago to mark the beginning of a gorgeous Sunday-and a very profitable one at that. Today is the final day of Adam Kaddo Marino's three-day fundraiser he is carrying out in part with the Good Morning Breakfast Café that is located in Ballston Spa. The café seems to have the perfect, friendly environment for hosting such an event. The motto, “Eat good, feel good, do good” gives newcomers a feel for the goals of the sunny café. Good Morning Café works to meld ideas of support for local organizations; organic-and, not to mention, delectable-foods; and giving to commendable causes. Owner Nancy Holtz-Stegman explains that she wanted to “start a platform for direct giving.” The direct-giving goal is achieved with the idea of a donation to a certain fund when a particular food is ordered. A large sign inside the café elaborates on this. Part of it says, “Selecting, enjoying, and purchasing a specific healthy food item at Good Morning Café creates a direct donation into a fund which directly impacts a relevant and worthy cause” then goes on to list some food options and fund categories linked to them, such as salad and the Good Earth Fund. The cozy café is adorned with an assortment of art such as paintings, jewelry, chairs, and benches, and

also of jams and granola. But it is not all the sale items or just the mouth-watering food that is attracting an even-greater crowd today. Adam Marino enters the cheery café sporting a red T-shirt that reads “Camp Aspire.” His parents, Janette Kaddo Marino and Clem Marino, follow close behind. The 16-year-old has joined together with this popular noshery to raise money in order for two kids with Type 1 diabetes to visit the camp depicted on his shirt. Holtz-Stegman had gladly agreed to help, finding it an opportunity to “profoundly affect two people's lives.” It costs $600 per person to attend, so Marino and supporters are hoping to raise about $1,200 for two kids to go. Adam's father begins to set up a microphone in a cleared out area and strums a few cords on his guitar before beginning his two hours of melodic entertainment. Adam and his mother help out in the café and also visit with friends and family who appear at the door, so ready to contribute that they seem to have money burning holes in their pockets. An hour or so later, Adam joins his father for a quick speech and to perform an acoustic “It's Time” by Imagine Dragons. After a few more hours of socializing, noon arrives; time has run out. It has been a fruitful day.

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Photo by David Delozier Adam himself has to deal with Type 1 diabetes, and also regularly participates in the program. He feels that every child with diabetes should have the chance to go to the camp. Camp Aspire is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). The

camp program has a variety of activities to offer. Attendants partake in athletic activities, arts and crafts, and wilderness camping & training, along with other activities. Adam points out that typically children/teenagers with diabetes do not

have the chance to go to a camp because of their need for around-the-clock medical maintenance. This camp, though, works towards managing these tasks independently, also giving kids a bit of freedom and the chance to actually go to

Photo by Diane Guendel

camp. The camp also has a very welcoming atmosphere of great camaraderie. “It's definitely a good experience. [Kids] should at least try it,” Adam states. “Part of being a kid is going to camp.” Adam is also very thankful to the Christopher Dailey Foundation who has agreed to assist as needed and possibly expand on Adam's objective. The goal of this foundation is to supply children in Saratoga with access to athletic activities. They are known for supporting numerous sports organizations in Saratoga and for also for building the Christopher Dailey Memorial Youth Gymnasium. In addition, the Chris Dailey Foundation hosts the annual Saratoga Turkey Trot. More information can be found at The scheme continues! Adam Marino is looking for two kids/teenagers to send to the camp. The kids need to have Type 1 diabetes and also never been to camp prior to this. Contact him by email at

EAT GOOD • FEEL GOOD DO GOOD That's the motto of the Good Morning Café. When envisioning her restaurant, owner Nancy Holtz-Stegman wanted to serve good food and please her customer, just like any other restaurateur, but she also wanted to use her place of business as a vehicle that would impact lives. Local lives; people who live within her community. The first thing that came to mind was the supply chain. What if a restaurant were to source as much local ingredients as possible? And if it wasn't available locally, it would organic and/or fair trade, so these positive values could expand in the world. Fortunately, find local purveyors to supply the menu at Good Morning Café turned out not only to be easy, but opened the door to some fantastic relationships that Nancy cherishes every day. “I love my farmers!” she exclaims. In most cases, they deliver the goods personally, which gives Nancy an opportunity to catch up and chit-chat. And the food they supply are one reason why Nancy can boast that “It's the best breakfast you'll ever have!” Rock Hill Bakehouse Breads, Argyle Cheese Farmer yogurts and cheeses, Mapleland Farms maple syrup, free-range eggs from Handsome Brook Farm, Oscars Smokehouse bacon, to name a few.

Baked French Toast - Photo by David Delozier Aspire that is featured in the adjacent story. She has dedicated several menu items to “do good” when you purchase them - she calls it her “Five for Five Funds” a unique give back model in which 5¢ from relevant menu items are allocated to five funds that reflect the mission and the vision of Good Morning Cafe. By Selecting and enjoying a specific healthy food item on the menu, Nancy will designate money into a fund which directly impacts a relevant and worthy local initiative. The Five Funds are: Buy GRANOLA help the GOOD HEALTH FUND Promoting healthy living through programs that encourage education and exercise - Cafe initiative to host diabetes education programs and send 2 local youths to CAMP ASPIRE. Buy SOUP and help the GOOD NEIGHBOR FUND Supporting local “good neighbor” initiatives that provide direct assistance to neighbors in need. FLOYD WARRIORS, helping local families affected by cancer one household at a time. Buy a SALAD and help the GOOD EARTH FUND Raising awareness and funds for regional environmental, greenway and sustainability projects of SUSTAINABLE SARATOGA. Buy SARATOGA SPARKLING WATER & ICED TEA and help the GOOD GLOBAL FRIENDS FUND Raising funds to aid small rural farming villages in Cambodia and Uganda - CAMBODIAN VILLAGE PROJECT & THE GIVING CIRCLE AFRICA. Buy a DESSERT and help the GOODNESS FUND Supporting hospice and small local non-profits that make life sweeter for individuals and families dealing with end of life issues - GATEWAY HOUSE OF PEACE. Good Morning is committed to treading lightly on our planet. Nancy has integrated conservation initiatives throughout the restaurant, from recycling and composting to reusing empty bottles as flower vases. There are many local craft goods for sale as well, all representing some kind of repurposing and reusing into the design. The result - Good Morning Café is a place unlike any other. And the community seems to love it. In her short three months of business, there is already a lot of chatter going on around town about the place. It's all about good vibes, good food, and the good stuff that Nancy and her team are doing to make this world a better place.

These ingredients are masterfully crafted into omelet's and specialty items like a Baked French Toast that please the palette like no place else. And with Fair Trade and Organic coffee to wash all the deliciousness down, you are certainly feeling good. And you can feel good knowing that the entire meal is helping out the local economy. But Good Morning Café is located on Route 50 in the Carousel Plaza, just north of Nancy wants to do more. She wants your visit to the Good Ballston Spa. Online at, or better yet, just stop in, sit Morning Café to help out local charity causes, like Camp down, and dig in to the best breakfast you'll ever have! Text ecolocalmag to 72727 for updates, events and special offers


Eco-LOCAL People

Chaz Martel Meet Chaz Martel – One Sharp Guy! Got Knives? Chances are, they could use a little sharpening. Well then, Chaz Martel is your man. If you’ve shopped the Honest Weight or Niskayuna Co-ops, you’ve probably seen Chaz working the grinding wheel, giving a knife that perfect edge. Every Co-op customer has knives, so everyone that passed by his table is sure to get his invitation to have him sharpen their knives. “Bring them in next time, and I’ll sharpen them while you shop” he’ll say. His big smile under that trademark fedora is infectious. Of course you’ll bring in your knives next time. And you’ll be glad you did, because Chaz will make you knives better than new. And anything else that needs a better edge – garden tools, reel mowers, whatever the shape or size, give it to Chaz and let him work his magic. For the folks in Delmar, Chaz is also the friendly guy who delivers the ecoLOCAL magazine. He has become an invaluable part of our team, and our biggest cheerleader. How long have you been in business and what inspired you to get started? I have been a professional cutler for four years. I have been sharpening knives and other tools for more than forty years.Ä I love cooking, and appreciate a good, sharp knife. I thought that other people would appreciate a knife sharpening service, and sure enough, they do! What's the best part about your job? I love the rapport I have with my customers. The hardest part of my work is getting people to remember to bring me their knives, scissors, and garden tools to the co-ops for sharpening. I use a lot of humor to help people remember. I also do what I can to help people get over their fear of sharp knives. A sharp knife is much safer than a dull one; people just have to pay attention to what they are doing. Why do you choose to operate your business in Delmar as opposed to somewhere else? I operate from Delmar because they have reasonable solicitation laws. I operate from the Niskayuna and Honest Weight Food co-ops because they make space for me to service their customers. I can sharpen knives nearly anywhere...except the moon. Why do you think it’s important to keep it local? Spending our money with local businesses helps to stimulate the local economy. Stimulating local economies helps to promote the national and global economies in turn. If we spend money with a national or international conglomerate, very little of what I spend gets circulated in the local economy. It's the local circulation of money (AKA the velocity of money) that stimulates a local economy and promotes a healthy national economy. When I spend money at a big box store, most of it gets scattered around different places around the earth. Very little return to the local economy. What locally owned business (other than your own) could you not live without? I love the local (Niskayuna and Honest Weight) food co-ops. They provide me with a place to work without being subjected to the elements, and they are both locally owned businesses. It's a great partnership for us both and for the local economies.

What are some of the things you do to help make the world a little bit better? I do a lot of volunteer work for my church. I also collect and bring food to some local soup kitchens and a food pantry in the city of Albany. I also compost my scraps and drive a car that gets nearly 40mpg to reduce my carbon footprint. What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time, I work with my church, garden, and parent my youthful daughter. She doesn't need me as much now that she's twenty years old, but I still manage to have some good things to say about stuff from time to time. I also love to listen to classical music frequenting all the recitals I can fit into my schedule. I also support local theatres; there's nothing like live theatre in all it's shapes and sizes. What's the best advice you've ever received? Learn what you know least--Ben Franklin. Our Facebook fans want to know: What is it that sets you apart and promotes loyal, repeat business? I am a local business. I work with local people and local businesses. I spend my money with local businesses as much as possible. I get to know my clients and work with them to help them improve the way they take care of their knives and other tools. Our Twitter followers want to know: What drives you to keep doing what you do? I love to make things better. I also love to make people happy. Fortunately for me, what I do does both!

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