7!>' c
Chapel Diamond Jubilee June 25 (See Page 6)
21st Gold Star
Vol. X
June, 1944
o. 6
. ) Brown '34 . . .. .. . . .. . . . .............. . .... . ... . . . ... Editor R . C . (Jun Betty M ay! '43 .... . ..... . .... .. ........ .. . ... .. . ....... A ssistant Editor Dr. Louis Saletel, S.M . .. ....... . .......... . . ....... . Staff Photographer
LT . WALTER A . REICHERT Lt. Walter A. Reichert, U. S. Infantry , commande r of a rifle platoon , wa s drown ed in Italy, May 9 , 1944. A native of Osgood , Ohio, Lt. Re ichert graduate d in 1943 with th e d e g ree B.S. in Business Admin istration . He wa s co mmiss ion ed at Ft. Be nn ing , Ga ., Augu st 23 , 194 3 .
Lt. Walter A. R eichert '43, was drowned in Italy, presumably in the Anzio sector, M ay 9, 1944. Details of the death of Lt. Reichert, who is the university's 21 st ca ualty, were lacking in the communication received from the Wa r depa rtment by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August ]. Reichert, O sgood, Ohio. Gradua ted with the degree, Bachelor of Science in Business Administra tion in April, 1943, Lt. R eichert, an advanced R.O.T.C. student reported a t once to Ft. Benning, Ga., where he was commissioned Augu st 23, 1943. H e la ter trained a t Ca mp Wheeler, Ga ., Camp Butner, N. C ., and Ft. George G. M eade, Md., before la nding in Africa F ebruary 7, 1944. On campu , Lt. Reichert wa active with the Officer club, Spirit Committee, Cha pel choir a nd intra-mural sports. - - -0 - - -
OTHER CASUALTIES Capt. Edward P. McDermott, weather offi cer with the AAF, wa listed by the War department as " lost" when the Liberator bomber, (See CASUA LTIES, Page 3)
3 ASTR Students Arrive .... . .... . ...... .. ......... .. ... . ......... . Hilltop H a ppenings ........... . . . .... . ......... ... . . ............ . 3 352 Alumni Contribute ........... . .... . ..... . ........... . ....... . 4-5 Chapel Dia mond Jubi lee . ....... .. ..... ... ... . ......... .. .. ... .. . . 6 7 Letters from the Alumni . .. ... . ............ . .. . . . .... ......... ... . Class Notes .... . . .................... . ......... . .. .......... 路 . 路 路 8
"Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, O hio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly- October through June SUBSCRIPTIO N- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the U niversity of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is, "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON - OFFICER S-
President ......... . . .. .... . ..... . RoN. WM . H. WoLFF '31, Dayton, Ohio Vice-President . . . ..................... CHARLES PFARRER '27, Dayton, Ohio Treasurer . . .. . . ... . . .. .. . ....... . WM. ]. R EYNOLDS '29, Philadelphia, Pa. ( Terms expire Commencement, 1943) Secretary ............. . R . C. BROWN '34, Dayton, Ohio (Appointive Office) - DIRECTORSTerms expire Commencement, 1943-JosEPH GoETZ '31 , Dayton ELMER WILL '37, Dayton Terms expire Homecoming, 1943- DR. LEoN DEGER '10, Dayton DR. WALTER REILING '30, Dayton Terms expire Homecoming, 1944--PAUL MooRMAN '30, Dayton HuGH E. WALL, JR. '34, Dayton ALUMNI MEMBERS - BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROLT erms expire J a nuary, 1943- RoBERT C. PAYNE '34, Cincinnati LEo SPATZ '28, D ayton Terms expire January, 1944- Loms R. MAHRT '26, Dayton MERLE P. SMITH '25, D ayton Terms expire January, 1945- MARTIN C. KuNTz '12, Dayton ]. ELLIS MAYL '08, D ayton 2
ASTR Students Arrive June 7 With the arrival of 20 3 students in the Army Specialized Training R eserve (ASTR ) June 7, seven members were added to the faculty for the new program. Brothers J ohn Lucier a nd John J a n en will teach chemistry; Brothers Nicholas R eitz a nd Wilbur Dunsky will assist Bro. William Bellmer in ma'thema tics a nd Brothers L awrence Eveslage, Berna rd J a nsen a nd J erome Pa rr have been added to the physics staff, assistin g "Brothers Michael Gra ndy a nd Albert W ehrle. R egul a r faculty members assisting with the ASTR a re Fa ther Cha rles Preisinger a nd Bro. Lou is Saletel, geogra ph y; Brothers Elmer Lackner a nd George N agel, history; Brother William Wehrle a nd Sister Genevieve M a rie, S.N.D., English ; a nd H a rry Ba uj an and Bro. Aloys Doyle, physical edu cation a nd health . F a ther H enry Kobe is coordinator of the program . The new contingent wi ll operate la rgely as a cadet unit, being housed in Alumni ha ll a nd taking meal in the mess hall which was established for the now discontinued Army Specialized Training Unit in the basement of Chaminade hall. The students a re a ll below draft, hence their cadet sta tus. They wear civilian clothe路. Their academic program is slightly above the high school level. Lt. Col. Lloyd L. H a milton has been a ppointed commanda nt of the ca mpu s milit a ry su ccee din g Col. Townsend.
ON THE CAMPUS- The Thespia ns presented a three act comed y, "This Genius Business" , June 18 ... The Student Council spon ored a picnic for students a nd faculty a t Tria ngle pa rk June 11 ... Officers elected for the summer term: Sigma D elta Pi, pre-med soc iety- J erry Grismer, pres ident, Ed Lum, vice- pre ident, J oan D odsworth, secreta ry, and John K elble, treasurer; M athem atics club - D ave Tom , reelected pre ident, George I ge l, vice president, Alla n Bra un, secreta ry, an d K enneth Trimbach, treasurer .. . The pre-meds attended a clinic at the Stillwa ter Sa nitorium, held a panel discussion on Socia lized M edi cine, an d heard a ta lk by photographer's mate 1/ c Lacon D odsworth on hi ~-xperi e n ces in the South Pacific . . . The M a th club hea rd talks by C. G. Peckh am , assista nt professor of m a thema tics a t U. D., a nd evera l student members ... Th e ma thema tics department admini tered a test to juniors a nd seniors at Chaminade high school , the highest grade to receive a trophy. The test wa ponsored by Chaminade to foster interest in high school a nd high r mathematic . This was the fir t in a n a nnual competition ... Special courses in physics a nd radio were offered during the first ses ion for student interested in radio technicia n's ra ting in the navy or in assignment to the a rmy ignal corps .. . Five tudents from Guatemala registered for the summer term in the coli ge of engineering. FACULTY SPOTLIGHT- F a ther Ch a rles Collins, assista nt dean a nd assista nt professor of psychology, was na med to the boa rd of the Dayton Guida nce Center ... Eight U. D. faculty members are listed in the 1944 edition of the biographical directory, " American Men of Science" : Dr. M a tthias H aas, Dr. Fra ncis Molz, Dr. Louis Saletel, Dr. William Wohlleben, Dr. Michael Grandy, Dr. Albert Wehrle, Dr. William Beck, a nd Dr. K enneth Schra ut. All except Dr. Schraut a re members of the Society of M a ry .. . Fa ther John A. Elbert, pre ident, and Brother George Tagel, head of the selective service bureau of information, a ttended a conference of the committee on wa r services a nd post-wa r adjustment of the Ohio College associa tion in Gra nville M ay 16 a nd 17.
Casualties ( Continued from Page 2) in which he was a n observer, fa iled to return from a mission against the Kurile I lands April 26. C apt McDermott enlisted a t Pa tter on Field in O ctober, 1940, and was commissioned in 1942. H e was a meteorologist a nd had b een sta tioned in the Aleutia ns for the pa t year and a half. His pa rents, Mr. and Mr . Thomas J . M cD ermott, reside a t 3525 E . Third st., D ayton . MISSING Ca rmel Clune ex '45, serving with the U. S. AAF in Italy has been listed by the Wa r department as " mis ing in action" since M ay 25 . At this writing there were no furth er details.
The Marian Library, a project begun by the department of Religion, to coincide with special devotions to Our Blessed Lady a ttendant to the celebration of the 75th a nniversary of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, has grown to a library of more than 200 book . F a ther Edmund J. Baumeister, dean of the gradua te division, has been a ppointed director of the project to continue the collecting of book dealing with the Ble sed Virgin. His student committee is headed by Joan R oderer a nd M a rgaret Voigt.
Following a re the name of the 352 alumni who have thus far contributed $2164 to the 1944 Alumni Dues fund. The total thus far is jut $108.70 short of the all time high yearly total of $2250.70 set in 1943. The 1944 drive has a nother six months to run a nd it is a foregone conclusion that a new record wi ll be set this year. Thanks of the administrations of both the Univer ity a nd the A sociation go to the Loyal 352. It is the consistent financial and moral help of this interested group tha t ma kes posible the continua tion of the A sociation , the gradual development of its projects, a nd the publicati on of the "Alumnu s."' Whil e the annual membershi p due a re set a t $4 ( including the $2 subscription price of the "Alumnus" ), it i heartening to note tha t average contribution thus fa r this year i $6. 15. In consideration of the consistentl y generous support of our loyal 352, we urge the help of the 2850 known alumni on our ma iling list who have not as yet responded . A
Joseph Accrocco, \Va shington , D. C. John B. Alexander, Dayton-$ 5 Paul U. Antony, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Thomas R. Armstrong, Cinc innati Grace E. Aylstock, Dayton
352 Alumni Contribute $2164 In 1944 Membership Campaign Harry F. Ca ppe l, Day ton John F. Chalme r s, Chicago -$ 8 Philip F. Chun, Honolulu-$ 5 Louis W. Clark, Dayton Cpl. Charles H. Collins, APO, New York Maj. Ralph Conners, New York (APO) g t. John L. Corcoran, Camp Maxey, Tex.-$5 Capt. Maurice J. Cos tello, Dayton Capt. R. L. Cotte rman, Stockton , Calif. Tomas Coughlin , Cleveland, 0. A. J. Cron, J er sey City, N.J. John L. Crowley, Ava lon, Pa.-$ 10 ,VJ,e lan W. Culley, Jr. , Me mphi s, Tenn. - $5 Cpl. Joe Curran, San Francisco, (APO) - $5 D
Kathleen Da y, Dayton Thomas E. Deger, Grosse lie, Mich. Urban D eger , Dayton C. B. Demann , Dayton-$5 Joseph R. Desch , Dayton J. T. D e van ey, South Bend, Ind. Lt. Frank J. Doorley, Dayton Capt. C. T. Doudican, Camp Breckinridge, Ky. Lt. Ray Drury, Willard, 0. Dr. John M. Duchak , Dayton Francis R. Duell, Camp Shanks, N. Y. -$50 R ev. Eugene F. Dunn, Miller sburg, 0. -$5 Lt. Col. W. E. Dwye r , Bethesda, Md.
E B Joseph C. Bach, Dayton Dr. J esse K. Bailey, Dayton-$ 5 Capt. C. S. Barre tt, Boca Raton , Fla. Frank G. Be lanich, Euclid, 0. Elise I. Biechler, Dayton Rev. Francis A. Bie ndl, Fayetteville, 0. -S10 Lt. H. H . Bistline, Camp Ca mpbell , K y. -$5 H e le n M. Bistre k , Day ton-$5 W. K. Blaire, Shawnee, 0 . -$5 C. E. Ble ic he r , Grosse Pointe Park , Mich.-$20 Joseph Bliley, Jr. , Richmond, Va. Mathias N. Blumenthal, Chicago Louis G. Boehmer, Covington, Ky. Paul Boeke, Dayton Charles H. Boesc h, D e troit Isabel Boile r, Dayton James P. Bolger, Cincinnati Rev. Joseph E. Bosch , Hamilton, 0 . $5 V. J. Braun, Altadena, Calif. Lt. Ted Brazelton, Annapoli s John J. Brennan, Philade lphia-$5 Hu ston Brown, Dayton-$5 Jac k R. Brown, Dayton Jerom e U. Brown, Dayton .L awren ce C. Buche r, Cincinnati Lt. R. K. Buche r , Ellington Field, T ex. -$5 Mi chael J. Burger, So uth Ozone Park , N.Y.
c Pat Cain, Nashville, T e nn. Francis C. Ca nn y, Dayton
N.J. Gau sepohl, Ft. Thomas, Ky. George L. Gei sler , Jr. , Columbus Francis A. Gerlach, Dayton-$ 5 Ralph A. Gerlach, Man s fi e ld, 0. Charles H. Gerwels, Kingsv ille, Md. S/ Sgt. L. S. Giambrone, tuttgart, Ark. - $5 Mathias Glaser , Da yton-$5 Capt. T. H. Glick, Tiffin, 0. Lee J. Goesling, Cleveland, 0. Arthur F. Gottron, Fremont, 0. Capt. Robe rt E. Gray, New York (APO) William J. Green, Dayton Maj. H. E . Gretller, Warner Robin s, Ga. - $5 M. V. Grisez, Canton , 0 . -$5 Gerald C. Grout, Da yton R ev. Charles W. Gude, Cincinnati
Capt. George M. Early, Dayton Maria Economides, Dayton Charles P. Eisenhauer, Dayton Victor Emanuel, New York-$25 Anthony Engelhart, Dayton-$5 Norman M. Englert, Da yton-$ 5 F
A. S. Farruggio, Chicago-$25 Lt. Jame Fenton, Columbus, Ga. Capt. John R. F e rree, Arlington, Va. Edward J. Finan, Wa shington , D. C. H. F. Finke, Dayton H. W. Finke, Dayton-$ 10 Herbe rt M. Finke, Dayton-$10 Lt. Paul R. Finke, New York (APO) Raymond L. Fitz, Cuyahoga Falls, 0. Maj. W. F. Flanagan , Gallup, N.Mex. Walte r J. Fleck , Tiffin, 0. Capt. J. F. Fletch e r , Xenia, 0. William H. Focke, Dayton Lt. Ellsworth T. Foland, Dayton Lt. Elwood Follick, Dayton-$ 5 Lt. John W. Foltz, Alexandria, La.-$ 7 Ens. Jack L. Foose, Dayton-$5 Pe rry T. Ford, Columbus, 0. Lt. Charles W. Fors tholf New York (APO) Capt. Robe rt Fors tholl", Dayton Be nj. W. Freeman, Cincinnati, 0. William A. Fritz, Miamisburg, 0. Lt. Anthony R. Furs t, Ft. McClellen, Ala.
G Manu e l Garlikov, Dayton J. Ru ssell Garrison, Dayton
H Ca pt. Francis J. Hagan, Miami Beach R ev. James Haley, Owe n sville, 0 . -$ 5 Sgt. Daniel V. Halli gan , New York (APO) Don Hamrock, Dayton Geo. W. H eck, Dayton Mathias H. H eck , Dayton Lt. Donald G. H eet , Dayton Edythe R. Heet, Dayton R ev. Francis J. H e ider, Withamsville, 0. Pfc. Robert H. Heidkamp, Brooklyn$5 R. C. H e mpelman, Dayton-$ 5 Lt. Edward C. Henz, Dayton Howard R. H e ppner, Oldenburg, Ind. J. F. Herke nhoff, Mins ter, 0 . -$ 10 W. J. Herkenhoff, Minste r, 0. Lt. Paul Herking, Cinc innati-$5 E. A. Hess, Coldwate r , 0. J. J. Hettinger , Jr. , Louisv iiJe Capt. Wm. Higg ins, Day ton-810 Lt. Chas. R. Hirt , Tampa, Fla. Capt. D. J. Hobbs, Ca mp Car son, Col. John P. Hochade l, Sale m , 0. C. A. Hochwalt, Dayton-$5 C. E. Hochwalt , Day ton Gustav A. Hochwah, Dayton Lt. Geo. Hollande r , Middletown, 0. F. J. Holle n ca mp , Dayton-$5 J. H. Holscl1e r , Chicago-$5 Mary Horrigan, Dayton C. R. Horwe del , Lake wood , Ohio. Melvin Hude n , Cincinnati Ca pt. Geo. W. Humm, Dayton Jane Watkins Humm, Day ton Joseph H. Humpe rt, Macon, Ga.
J Ens. J. A. Jacobs, F.P.O., New York$5 Lawrence J. Jan sze n , Cincinnati-$5 Clem G. Jauc h, Dayton Joseph G. J eck e rin g, Dayton Harry B. Jerina, Cleveland John L. Jone , St. Louis- $ 8 Maj. Robert Q. Jon es, Dayton
K Edward M. Kahoc, Philade lphia Lt. W. A. Kappe ler, Day ton-$5 Lt. R. E. Kavanau g h , an Francisco , (FP0)-$5
4 - - -- - - - - - - - -
John L. K e lly, Yellow S prings, 0. A. J. K e mpe r , Chica go---$10 C. R. K e mper , Dayton-$ 10 Ens. D. W. Ke r s ting, Miami Beac h Martha Killip, Day ton-$5 Lt. Col. Wm. E. Kinn ey, APO, New York. Hubert S. Kline, Dayton Frank J. Koe hl , Huntin g ton \Voods, Mich.-$10 Comd' r. J. S. Koe hler , Norfolk, Va. \V. F. Koverman , S iou x Falls, S.D. Albert A. Kramer, Day ton-$5 C. P. Krame r , Chicago Maj. E u gene F. Kre u sch , Dayton Lt. Oliver H. K.uhl, Dayton P e te r Kuntz, Day ton William Kuntz, Dayton K e nn e th Kurtz, D ay ton
L Norman L. Lacey, Day ton John J . Ladner, Chicago---$5 Edward C. Larkin, Albany, N.Y. Lt. Col. W. T. Larkin , Washington,
D.C. Louise Lehmkuhl, Cin c innati Lawrence W. Lehnis, Alliance, 0. Ca pt. John J. Lemming, Dayton E dward J. Lienesch, Dayton E. C. Litkowski, Dayton Mark F. Litteken, Aberdeen, Md. Ca pt. Paul J. Little, Seattle, Wash. (APO) Wm. J. Lukaswitz, Sr. , D ay ton Me Jea nne tt e McCann, Arling ton , Va.$12 P. P. McClellan, Old Greenwich, Conn. -$10 Earl P. McCloskey, Dayton Dr. A. P. McDonald, Dayton-$10 C. M. McFarland, Palmerton, Pa. Robert J. Mcintire, Xenia, 0. S/ Sgt. J os. McS hane, New York (AP0)-$5
M AI H. Mahrt, Chillicothe, 0. Frank. H . Marshall, Sidney, 0. Lt. Col. C. A. Maxwe ll, New York (APO) Ens. R. A. May, San Francisco, (APO) - $5 Margare t E. Mayer , Be dford, 0. William E . Mayer , Bed ford , 0. Be tty Mayl, Day ton Eugene A. Mayl, Day ton J. E. Mayl, Beverly Hills, Calif. E. C. Me isn e r , Dayton-$5 H e nry W. Merland, Cin cinnati W. A. Michael, Cleveland-$5 Edward M. Miller, Chicago---$16 0 . C. Miller, Park Ridge, 111.-$ 10 Siste r Minalia, Dayton R. J. Minnerup, Da yton Missionary S is ter s of the Mos t Sacr e d H ea rt of J es us, R eadin g, Pa.10 Pfc. C. F . Moll, Jr., St. Louis, Mo.-$10 Harold D. Moody, Dayton Be rnard C. Moore, Albuquerque, N. M. Maj. P a ul A. Moorman, Sebring, Fho.$5 Dan Mora n , Hous ton , Tex. Ca pt. M. F. Moritz, Mans fi e ld, 0.-$10 He rbe rt C. Morris, Beacon , N.Y. R ev. Francis M. Mueller, Ci n c innati Joe Mulhall, Owosso, Mi ch.-$10 Gale G. Murphy, Da yton Joseph B. Murphy, Day ton Walter F. Muth, Dayton-$10
N Joe 0. Ne uhofr, Dallas, Tex. Fred T. Neumann, Pittsburg
Lt. Ralph Nie haus, Columbus F. F. Niete rt , Cu ya hoga Falls, 0.
0 Lt. Col. R. L. Odenweller, Am a rillo, T ex. -$5 Ruth M. Ohmer , Dayton Margaret E . O'Neil, Da yton Theo. H. Oppe nhe im , Coldwate r , 0.
p Ca pt. Ja ck Padley, Dayton Shirley Padley, Dayton Cle m Pate r , Jr. , Hamilton, 0. R. William P a tte r son , Day ton Pfc. Firmin Paulus, Versailles, 0.-$5 Charles J. P ed e r sen , P e nn's Grove, N.J. - $5 R . F . Pfis te r , Los An geles- lH5 Be tty D. Pflum, Reading, 0. James F. Pflum, R eading, 0. E lma Plappe rt, Osborn, 0 . -$5 J. T. Poe lkin g, Dayton-$ 7 Karl G. Presser, Sprin gfield, 0. P a ul B. Purpus, New Orlea n s
Q Frank T. Quatman, Galion, 0. Geor ge B. Quatman, Lima, 0. Charles B. Quinlan, Lima-$5 R
C. J. Ramus, Napoleon, 0. Louis Rapi er, Owensboro, K y. Louise Rau c h , Dayton-$10 Lt. Harold Ra ybould, Mansfield, 0.$5 H e nry C. R echti e n , Jr. , E . St. Louis, Mo. W. E . Reeves, Chilli cothe, 0 . -$6 Lt. Walter A. R e ic he rt , O sgood , 0. C harles H. R e iling, Dayton-$54 Charles H. R e ilin g, Jr., Dayton Lt. John A. R e iling, Camp Ca mpbell, K y. Margaret R e iling, Dayton \Valte r A. R e iling, Dayton Leo R e illy, Sa n Francisco---$5 Ca pt. P a ul J. Re i , Be llev ille, Ill. Roxa na R e ussen zehn , Dayton Don E. Ri st, t. Louis, Mo. S.D. Robe rtson , R ed Bank, N. J.-$5 Vernon Rode n , Hamiton, 0. R. G. Rohne r , Akron, 0 . -$10 Nelson D. Ruddy, Cinc innati Charles L. Ruppe rt , Dayton J. M. R ya n, Columbus, 0 . -$5 Ens. Paul E. Rya n, New York (FP0)$5
s Cha rles R. Sack sted er , Day ton Richard L. Sayr e, Cincinnati Arthur T. Sca rpe lli, Da yton Lt. Robe rt E. Schae fe r , Dayton Elwood E. Sc hardt , Day ton Major Lee E . Sch e id, Wa shington , D. C. -$10 Harry J. Sche llhaas, Cincinnati Edward J. Schle i, Day ton Robe rt J. Schmidt , Day ton Harry W. Schmitz, Jr. , Dayton E . A. Schn eider, So. Charleston , W.Va. -$5 Ens. Francis Schnurr, Sa n Francisco (FPO) Edwa rd C. Sc hoe n , Chicago E dward N. Schroeder , Da yton Ma j. V. H. Schroeder, Ca mp Ston e man , Ca lif. J. R. Schroll , Dayton-$5 Rev. John J. Schul er , Newport, K y.
N. M. Schwe ic h er , Lakewood, 0. Lt. Robert J. Schwe lle r , Moultrie, Ga. Lt. J a m es Schwe ndema n , Harris Neck~ Ga. Maj. Jos. W. Ser va it es, Dayton R. A. Sewa rd, Youngstown, 0.-$5 Ens. Theo. C. Shafer , Dayton Donald C. Shark ey, Da yton Theo. A. Sharpe nte r , Aurora , 111.-$10 Carl J. Sh e re r , West Hartford, Conn. W. C. She rman , Dayton Maj. E . M. She rry, Ca mp Hood, T ex. William B. Sh err y, Nutley, N. J. Vincent M. S hie lds, Dayton J. M. Shi man e k , LaGrange, 111.-$5 Cpl. Ben Shoe, San Francisco (APO) Leo Showe l, Toledo, 0. Arthur L. Shroyer , D ay ton B. F. Sie be n , Chi cago---$10 Lt. Jane E. Simons, Bowman Field, K y. - $10 R ev. F ranc is S. Smith , Cincinnati Frederic D. Somm er s, Dayton Lois Stafford, D ay ton H e nry Stan g, Da yton Lt. John E . S tan g, Ca mp Butne r , N. C. - $14 R. L. Ste wart , Bro nx,•ille, N.Y. Carl A. S tic ke l, Dayton William E. Stoeckle in, Day ton L. W. Strattn er, New Rochelle, N.Y. Victor C. Stratton , Sa nta Monica, c;::a lif. Wm. E. Strong, Sa n Diego---$500 Carl C. Stube r , Akron , 0. L. G. S1 uhldreh er , Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. Dr. Clifford Stuhlmue lle r , Hamilton, 0. Charles Suc he r , Dayton-$5 Louis A. Su c he r , Dayton-$20
T Lt. Louis A. Thac ker, Dayton Most R ev. Frank A. Thill, Con cordi a, Kansas- $ 10 Geo. E . Thoma, St. Louis, Mo. L. A. Timme r , r., Day ton-$5 Sidn ey E. Trouard, New Orlea n s- $5 Lt. Thomas W. Tu ck er , S pring City, P a.
u Robe rt J. Uebbing, Cleveland-$5 Lt. Mic hae l J. Usas, Dayton
v H. A. Valiquette, Sr. , Dayton Lt. Joseph J. Va rley, Day ton Rt. R ev. Msgr. Martin M. Varley, Spring fi e ld Lt. E. M. Velten, St. Louis, Mo.
w Joseph G. Wagner, Sidn ey, 0. Hu g h E. Wall, Jr. , Dayton Hu g h E. Wall, Sr ., D ay ton-$5 James R. Wall, Wilmington, Del.-85 Leo F. Walter, Dayton J. J. Werst, Louisville, K y. Charles W. Whalen, Jr. , Ca mp Lee, Va. Charles W. Whalen, r. , Dayton H erbe rt E. Whalen, Dayton J ea n Whelan, Ber ea, 0. John A. Wiegand, Clevela nd-$ 6 R. L. Withrow, Dayton-$5 Lt. Walter J. Woeste, New Yo rk (APO) - $5 Lt. Robert A. Wolfl', Da yton Lt. J o hn Wroe, Dayton-$5
z R. ]. Za e n g le in, Alcoa, Tenn.-$10 Maj. George A. Zahn, Dayton Virginia Finke Zahn, Dayton S/ Sgt. Elmer L. Zang, Columbus Ber t Zimmer, Cov ing ton , K y. -$5 Lt. R. J. Zimmermann, Ca mp Polk, La.
The Campus- 1869, as Chapel Was Completed
BRO. MAXIMIN ZEHLER Pioneer President- Builder
The Diamond Jubilee of the dedication of the Cha pel of the Immacula te Conception will be solemnized a t the 8 :30 a .m. mass Sunday, June 25. Scenes a nd principals in the threequarter century history of the sacred edifi ce ap pear in this issue. Only con ecra ted church m this en tire section, the chapel, oldest major building on the campus, is likewise best remembered by the "old boys."
M embers of the na tiona l a nd dioce a n hierarchy, together with leader of the Society of M a ry a re shown in the accompa nying picture, ta ken in D ayton in 1917 in connection with the Centena ry Jubilee of the Society of M a ry. They are, first row, left to right: V ery R everend Geo. M eyer, S.M ., provincial, E astern province; Most R everend Henry Moeller, D.D. , Archbishop of Cincinn a ti ; Cardinal Gibbons; Right R everend Ferdin a nd Brossart, D.D., Bishop of Covington ; Most R everend L eopaldo Ruiz, Archbishop of Michoacan, M exico; Right R everend M sgr. J . T. O'Connell of Toledo. Standing, left to right: Bro. George Sauer, S.M., Inspector, E astern province; Very R ev. Louis Tragesser, S.M., provincial, Western province; R ev. Bernard P. O'Reilly, S.M ., president, University of D ayton; Very R everend Edwa rd Pace, Catholic university; Very R everend John Cavanaugh, C.S.C. , president, Notre Dame university ; Bro. J ohn Waldron, S.M., Inspector, Western province; R everend L awrence Yeske, S.M., superior, Mt. St. John.
MOST REV . JOHN B. PURCELL Consecrated the Chapel, 1869
Curran in Hawaii D ear Jim: Enclosed you will find P.O. money order for five doll a rs for m y alumni due . I am now stationed on the i la nd of O ahu in the H awaiian I sla nds. I have' been here two month s a nd so fa r things a re going good. I took a trip into Honolulu a couple of weeks ago and pent the morning with Joe Cabrinha in hi s office talkin?; over old times. J oe look about the same as he did when he was carrying the pigskin for D ayton except he is much heavier. How a re things back at D ayton, Jim ? Is Harry going to have a football team this fa 11? Do you ever hear from Da nny Gill or any of the other fellows from Philly? Joe Cabrinha told me tha t Eddie Longo i somepl ace on this island . H e was in to see J oe a nd is now a major. Chuck K a ntzler is now a major a nd the last I heard from h im he was someplace in the Pacifi c. Do you hear from M ajor Lou T schudi ? I read where Dan Adams was wounded .in action . Sure hope he is coming along well.
R egards to a ll a t D ayton and good luck, Your ole cl assma te, Cpl. Joe Curra n, '34, H awaii --- 0~--
Classmates m England D ear Jim: I'm enclosing my alumni due for the current year. I don ' t know if they are early or la te. After quite a lapse of time I recentlv received a copy of the Alumnu s a'nd suddenly awakened to the fact tha t there was a matter of dues to settle. I've been serving as an ordnance officer in the forces over here in Engla nd since the au ~ umn of 1942 a nd have been fortun a te enough to meet a few of my clas ma tes of the class of 1942 over here. I've met Ca pt. C. R . Hirt a nd Lt. Paul Finke in London in recent months. I enjoy reading thr Alumnus a nd especially the Cia s Notes section. It's interesting to see how the class-
Four Archbishops of Cincinnati Who Figured in the ChapePs History
Administered Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation
ma tes are cattered a ll over the world. The only other bit of news I have to report is th a t I have a different A.P.O . number. It is now A.P.O. 149. Sin cerely, Lt. W alter]. Woeste, '42 Engla nd
With Chemical Company D ear Jim: Enclosed find my alumni dues. K eep up the good work. H ave now completed ten year in the Con struction Engr. dept of Carbide and C arbon Chemicals Corp. , at Sou th Cha rleston . R egards to H a rry Ba uj an a nd your big brother, Sincerely, E . A. Schneider, 25, South Cha rle ton, W. V a .
253 In Day Classes A total of 25 3 student a re registered in the day classes for the first summer session which ends June 24. This figure does not include 203 student with the Army Specialized Training R eserve. Second ummer session begins June 26 a nd ends August 5. Graduation of the class of 1945 will be a n event of Augu t 6. There will be a pproxima tely 50 in the gradua ting cia s.
MOST REV. JOHN T. McNICHOLAS Appeared on Various Occasions
1 8 75- Will I. Ohmer, D ayton, who started school a t old St. M a ry's Institute 'in 1867- the year the erection of the cha pel began- was a campus visitor June 14. 1 887 - Alumni and faculty of the university extend their deepest sympa thy to the fa mily of Roma n T. Gerber, Chillicothe, who died M ay 27. Two of his son a re U. D. graduate , Roman A. '22, and Ernest T. '24. 1908- J. Ellis M ay I hils been elected president of the Dayton Agonis club. Fra nk Ca rrig, Buffalo, was a campus visitor June 2. 1 9 1 9 - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Schaefer and their daughter, M a ry, were campu visitors June 12. Joe is now Director of Development of the W yandotte Chemicals Corp. , Wya ndotte, Mich. 1 925 - J. C. Adla rd, Piqua, was a campus visitor June 6. 1 926- We extend our ympathy to R ay Schroll a nd Cha rles '36 on the d eath of their fa ther, John L., June 6. Mr. Schroll a ttended St. M a ry's Intitute in the class of 1894. 1 927- M a jor Charles P. Pfa rrer is serving in the South Pacifi c. 1 928- Michael Burger, Durha m, N.C., was a campus visitor June 14. H e is doing wa r research work a t Duke university. 1 930- Eldon K oerner of the Chicago Signal Corps Inspection Zone has been promoted to Lt. Colonel. Lt. H amilton K err Wilhelm has b een assigned to the Clevela nd Ordna nce Di trict of the Army Service F orce . 1 931- Ba rth J. Snyder ha been promoted to the ra nk of technical sergeant. Lt. Col. E. C. Cropper is headqua rters commandant of the 12th tactical a ir comma nd in Ita ly. 1932 - Cha rlie M ahlma n, St. L ouis, M o., became the fath er of a ba by girl, M a ry M a rtha, M ay 8. 1 9 34- Don Neu is now with the Inl and M a nufacturing Division of the G.M. Corp. M a jor Louis J. T schudi is in Engla nd recovering from an a ttack of pleuri sy. 1 93 5 - Capt. R obert E. K ell y is comma nding officer of in strument flight a t Freeman Army Air Base, Seymour, Ind. S/ Sgt. Elmer Za n a expects to be released from a Louisville ho pita! about July 1. 1 9 36- Sloan D. R obertson was a campus visitor June 5. H e is with the Bell T elephone L abora tory, member of the technical staff, in Holmdel, N.J. The engagement of Lt. H oward J. Brenner a nd Muriel Bra ndes, of
lc PAID Dayton, Ohio Pe rmit No. 71
Chicago, was a nnounced June 4. H e is in the fin ance department of the army. 1937- Robert H . M eyer, S/ lC, is on duty a t Port Hueneme, Calif. 1939- Lt. Joe Andrasik is at Ft. M cClellan, Ala. First Lt. Roland M yers is a t Moody Field, Valdosta, Ga. Cliff Suttmiller has b een promoted to capta in . M a jor H enry Spa tz is a t Camp Swift, T ex. Sgt. Francis B. Dineen is in Engla nd. Capt. Don K ersting is a t the R eam General Hosp ital, Palm Beach, Fla. H e received serious foot a nd leg injuries M ay 10 a t Anzio. Lt. Don M alloy was awarded the distinguished flying cross a nd the air meda l with two silver oak leaf clusters June 1 a t Lockbourne Army Air Base, Columbu s, 0. Capt. a nd Mrs. William M . Schroeder (Jeanne M cLa ugh lin '4 1) a nnounce the birth of a son June 9. 1 9 4 0 - Sgt. Claude Kro'!,'er is stationed in Engla nd . Cha rles R. Wilkie has received his Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from Wisconsin university. Lt. Donald N ash was gradua ted from bomba rd ier school a t Sa n Angelo, T ex., June 10. Ca pt. R obert Forsthoff, in D ayton on leave, was a campus visitor June 17. H e will shortly return to his regu la r post in Fairban ks, Al aska, where he has been stationed for two years. 1941- Lt. J a ne Simons has completed her fli g-ht nurse training course. Betty Myers Y ocis is the mother of a baby girl born in April. " Bud" Somers is at Ft. Monmouth . N.l Lt. W arren K appeler is in Corsica. Capt. Gustav J. Akerl a nd is with a Mitchell bomber wing sta tioned in Cor ica. Lt. Joseph Stoecklein is a n instructor in in strument fl ying a t Freema n Field, Seymour, Ind. M a ry M a rga ret La ng a nd D onald Sa nds wi ll be married June 24. Lts. Mike K erezi a nd H owa rd Sloan met recPntly in Engla nd. Lt. Richa rd Skap ik is a t Ft. Dix, N . J. R o e R othberg gradua ted from L aw college a t Cin cinna ti recently. Ch a rles M cFa rla nd is a t the Naval Training School, Great La ke , Ill. Mrs. J oseph Eilers (Janet Whalen ) and her daughter, J a net, were campus visitors June 13. Ca pt. Joe Eilers has been sta tioned near Birmingham, Ala. J ohn Chalmers, orth western U. M edical
school, was a campus visitor June 16. M ajor James Winter is serving in H awaii . 194 2 - Lt. "Beno" K eiter was a campus visitor June 5. Ca pt. Paul Unger is overseas. M aj. a nd Mrs. Benjamin Smilg (Leona Fox ) a nnounce the birth of a da ughter, Julia, M ay 30. Lt. Gil M cEwan a nd .leanne Smith were ma rried June 17. Sgt. George M adden is in Engla nd . Lt. J ack H aberer is a t Camp Gruber, Okla. Corp. Paul Kro~er is in Panama. M a jor Frank Knepper, comm a nding officer of a Liberator sq uadron in Italy, has been awarded the Air M edal. 194 3 - Lt. J ack Murphy is a t Cochra n Field, M acon, Ga . Lt. Ellsworth Foland was a campus visitor June 13. The engagements of Lt. H arold R aybould and Barbara Kirby, New H aven, Conn., and Lt. J ack Kussma n a nd M a rtha J a ne Neuma n, D ayton, were recently a nnounced . H arry is now in Great Bend , K a nsas ; J ack is overseas. M arine Cpl. Cha rles F ahrig is sta tioned a t Corpu Christi, T exas. Paul O'Rourke is a t Camp Grant, Ill. Lt. J erry W estendorf has gra du a ted from Communication s school, Ft. Benning, Ga. T om M acM a hon is in T exas. Lt. AI Bagot is in Fletcher Genera l Hospital, C a mbridge, 0., recoverin g from gas burns which he received while on ma neuvers. Tony Wong is a t Yale . .Terry H Przog is a n air cadet at Hondo, A.A .F. , T exas. Muriel Musser is vacationing in Florida. N a ncy Britton has ioined the WA YES. Dotty Collins Brown was a recent D ayton visitor. Lt. L ee Feinerer was recently graduated from bomba rdier school a t Kirtl and Field, Albuquerque, N. M. J ack .Tones is in radio school a t Scott Field , Ill. Lt. Orrie M a rtino is in the South Pacific. 1 9 44- Mr. a nd Mrs. M a rvin H endricks (Sylvia Scott ) have moved to Minnesota. Lt. Bill Ya rger and J a net Seelig were ma rried June 3. J ohn R a uscher was a campus visitor June 6. Mike H orikawa is working in Chicago. Bill Fitzgibbon has sta rted tra ining a t the U.S. Naval Academy as a reserve mid shi pman. Bob Perkins is a t Camp Pickett, V a. J ack Fitzharris has tra nsferred to the qua rterm asters corps.