The University of Dayton Alumnus, May 1945

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'7DP c. I

Principal Speakers at N.C.E.A. Meeting ... story on page 7

MAY • 1945

55 GOLD STARS ON SERVICE HONOR ROLL Fifty-five gold stars now a re represented on the university service honor roll. Four more fatalities have been reported since the last issue of the ALUMNUS. Second Lieutenant Gordon Ankney, a night class student, was killed while serving in the North African theater May 25, 1944. He was killed in a plane crash while returning from his 25th mission over Italy. He entered the service in November 1941, and received his pilot's wings Oct. 1, 1943 at Altus Field, Okla. He went overseas February 29, 1944. He is survived by his mother of Dayton. Lt. Edward Brennan, '37, was first reported missing over Italy July 12, 1944 and then given up for dead. After completing over 40 missions as a bombardier on a B-24 based in Italy his plane was forced down over the Gulf of Genoa after bombing Nimes, France. He entered the service in January 1941. H e was graduated from bombardiers' training school and commissioned in August 1943. He left for overseas in March 1944 and served with the 15th Air Force. He is survived by his wife and infant daughter, his brother Lt. Comdr. John A. Brennan, ex '39, stationed at Great Lakes, a nd his mother of Cleveland. Corp. James Bauman, ex '46, was killed while serving with the infantry in Germany Apr. 6. H e was called to active duty May 12, 1943 and was stationed a t Camp Wolters, T ex., and Camp Hood, T ex. , before going overseas in O ctober 1944. H e is survived by his parents in Piqua, 0., two sisters and two brothers. The university also received word tha t Ca pt. Tom Hummert, ex '38, was killed in a plane crash off Cuba. No further details a re avail able yet. Reported missing in action were Lt. H arold R aybould, '43, and Pfc. Dominic Spinelli, ex '44. Raybould was a flight-engineer observer on a ( S ee MILITARY) Page 6)


Vol. XI


May, 1945

No. 5

Betty May! '43 ........................ . ........ . ..... . ......... Edit or Bro. Vincent Wottle, S.M .. ... ..... ............. .. ... . Staff Photographer

55 Gold Stars Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 3 3

Dues Payers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 4, 5, 7 "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly- October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the Uaiversity of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is, "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio."


Front Cover: Principal speakers at the ational Catholic Education a sociation meeting at U.D. M ay 11 were : eated, F a ther George J. R enneker, S.M., preside nt of the university, chairman, and Monsignor Cletus Miller, '22, dean of the Institutum Divi Thomae; standing left, Dr. Elton Cook, assistant director of research of the Institutum, and Dr. Edward Ruth, acting head of the U.D. sociology department.

DANCE SOLOISTS IN THE SPRING MUSICAL FESTIVAL AT U.D. May 20 were, I. to r., Fern Channell, senior arts coed, Joan Sides, and Lorraine Winckelman, junior arts students, all from Dayton. The music of the seasons was the theme of the program.


96TH COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT DAYTON ART INSTITUTE JUNE 3 Commencement exercises for the University of D ayton class of 1946 will be held Sunday, June 3, at 2 :30 p . m. at the D ayton Art Institute. Fi fty-three bachelor's a nd three master's degrees will be conferred with Father George J. R enneker, S.M ., presiden t, presiding.

Give War Bonds to Field House Drive Progress is steadily and surely being made in the campaign for funds for a new fi eld hou e fo r U.D . T o quote from a letter recently received from the fa ther of Ens. R alph R ohner of Akron, 0 ., by Father Renneker: " T he Field H ou e news has a ttracted Ralph's attention, a nd he has written to me to take orne money from his savings accoun t and end it on to you so tha t he too would have a share in this undertaking. H e al o send his be t wi he to you." The committee also reports that orne alumni are donating war bonds to the d rive. With the Seven th War L oan drive in progress alumn i can help both their country and their alma mater by buying a bond a11d contribu ting it to the campaio;n for a more complete and useful Univerity of D ayton.



Principal speaker will be Dr. Emerson Landis, superintendent of D ayton public schools. H e holds a bachelor's degree from the Univer ity of Pittsburgh, a m astera te from Columbia, and was awarded the honorary degree of D octor of Education by U.D. in 1941. George J. I gel, jr., enior class president from Columbus, 0., will deliver the valedictory address. Igel, Joan Dodsworth, and Betty Carlton will b e graduated with honors and be awarded bachelor of science degrees. The honorary degree, Doctor of Education, will be conferred on Dr. B. L. Stradley, vice-president of Ohio Sta te University. H e was formerly dean of the college of arts and sciences at O .S.U. and is a past president of the orth Central association, accrediting organization. It was due to his suggestions, interest, and cooperat ion tha t U .D . became accredited by the North Central. Among the candidates for degrees is the fi rs t U .D . student to complete the m edical technology course offered as a result of the affilia tion between the univer ity and Miami Valley hospital. Miss Fran ces Thornton, D ayton, will be awarded a B.S. degree by the university and h as also been accepted as a registered medical technologist. D egrees will be awarded in arts, business administra tion, music, sci-

ence, home economics, education, chemical, civil and mechanical engineering. Candidates will be presented by their respective deans. Baccalaureate services will be held in the university chapel a t 9 :30 a.m. Sunday. F ather John P. K enny, O.P., assistant professor of philosophy a t the university, will deliver the sermon a t the mass. F a ther K enny has been a m ember of the U .D. faculty since 1940. H e holds a bachelor's degree from Providence college and a maste r of arts from the Ca tholic University. H e is also the author of a textbook on medical ethics. The exercises June 3 mark the 96th Commencement of the university. This class is the class of 1946 which is gradua ting a full year ahead of the normal year because of the accelerated program . In September 1942 these gradua tes entered the u niversity, and in just 33 months of actual school time they have completed the pre-war four-year course.

Summer T erm Open s The University of D ayton summer term will begin with registration June 15 and 16. Classes start June 18. Over 80 courses in 25 departments of the colleges of arts and scien ces and engineering will be offered . D irector of the summer term is F ather Charles Collins, S.M ., dean and registrar .


Ea rl y in M arch du es statements were sent to all alumni. At present writing 396 have responded with dues a nd special contributions netting $1850.00 - a slightly better record than tha t reached a t this time in 1944. We a re deeply 11;ra teful for this generous response. This active interest, this fin ancial and moral support makes possible the continuation of the Associa tion, the gradual development of its projects, the publication of THE AL U MNU S. We confidently h ope that the list of 1945 contribu tors m ay serve as a reminder to those who have laid aside the first notice for future considera tion to think of the "old school on the hill" and help m ake the year 1945, "the be t ever" in the annals of the Alumni Association . A W. H . Adam s, Jr., Zanesville, 0 .-$10 Jo hn R. Alexan der, D ayton , 0.-$10 H . C. Anderton , Dayton, 0 . Everett E . Ar chdeacon , Centerville, 0 . L t. Thomas R. Armstrong, Cincin na ti, 0 . B T / Sgt. J . A. Bach man n, Jr., Mob ile, Ala. Capt. F rank A. Baker , Moultr ie, Ga. J acob C. Baker, Barberton , 0. T hurston K. Batson, Cleveland, 0 . Frank G. Belanich , Euclid, 0. Major Louis E. Bender, Atlanta, Ga. Lawren ce A. Bentz, D ayton , 0. Capt. Ch arles E. Bischo f, St. Louis, Mo. Ed war d T . B ish op , Lou isville, Ky.$10 Capt Albert V. Black, Col um bus, 0. Walter K. Blaire, Shawn ee, 0 .-$5 Edward A. Blumenthal, Chicago, Ill. L t. Lawr ence F . Boeck erman , D ayton , 0.

Louis G. Boehmer, Covington, K y.-$5 Maj. Charles H. Boesch, Detroit, Mich. Herbert 5. Bohnert, Cincinnati, Ohio Lee B. Bohnert, Cincinnati, Ohio Rev. Joseph E. Bosch, Hamilton, Ohio -$5 Sgt. John D. Brennan, Lakewood, 0. John J. Brennan, Philadelphia, Pa. -$5 W. A. Brennan, Lakewood, Ohio Lt. Howard J. Brenner, Dayton, Ohio -$5 Norman W. Brinkman, R eading, 0. -$5 Jack R. Brown, Dayton, Ohio Jerome U. BrQ_wn, Dayton, Ohio--$5 R. C. Brown, Jackson Heights, N. Y.-$5 Carl H. Brunner, Bluefield, W. Va.-$5 George M. Buchard, Dayton, Ohio--$5 Lawren<:e C. Bucher, Cincinnati, Ohio Capt. William H. Bue hrle, Dayton, 0. A. J. Burgmeie r, Dayton, Ohio Virginia C. Burns, Chicago, III.


Martha Horsch Came•·on, Los Angeles, Calif. Francis C. Canny, Dayton, Ohio Jose L. Capacete, Chicago, III. Harry F. Cappel, Dayton, Ohio Lt. (j.g.) Wm. A. Carrigan, Waukegan, Ill. Lt. Col. John E. Carroll, Baltimore, Md.-$5 Clarence W. Y. Ching, Honolulu, H. I. William C. Cline, Lima, Ohio--$5 Louise Collins, New Castle, Ind. Major James Connelly, Dayton, Ohio John R. Connelly, Dayton, Ol1io Capt. Robert J. Connelly, Dayton, 0. John L. Corcoran, Lima, Ohio Capt. Robert L. Cotterman, Stockton, Calif.-$5 Arthur Couture, Detroit. Mich.-$5 A. .l. Cron, Jersey City, N. J. A. D. Crowley, Union, N. J.-$5 John L. Crowley, Avalon, Pa. ReY. Francis T. Culley, Dayton, 0. D Alfred Damm, Lorain, Ohio--$5 Arthur E. Dannin, Indianapolis, Ind. Blanche A. Davis, Rochester, N. Y. Kathleen Day, Dayton, Ohio Lt. Col. Leon J. Deger, Camp Alterbury, lnd.-$5 Richard .T. Del!er, Dayton. Ohio Thomas E. Deger, Grosse I sle, Mich. Urban Deger, Dayton, 0. Clemens B. Demann, Dayton , 0.-$5 James T. Devaney, South Bend, Ind. Mrs. Lois Kramer Dryden, St. Petersburl!. Fla.-$5 Lt. R. D. Dryden, Williston Park, N.Y. -$5 Dr. John M. Duchak, Dayton, Ohio Lt. Francis R. Duell, Camp Shanks, N. Y.-$10 Albert Q. C. Dung, H.A. l/c, Seattle, Wash.-$5 Thomas A. Durkin, New York, N.Y. -$5 E Lt. Claude M. Ecabert, Versailles, 0. -$5 Charles P. Eisenhauer, Dayton, Ohio Victor Emanuel, New York, N. Y.-$25 Lt. (j.g.) Paul M. En~.;le, Dayton, 0. Anthony Engelhart, Dayton, Ohio--$5 Norman M. Englert, Dayton, Ohio-$5 William P. Epperson, New York, N. Y. F Dr. Theodore W. Falke, Dayton, Ohio Edward J. Finan, Washington, D. C. -$5 Rev. Joseph Finan, Lewisville, 0.-$5 Lt. Lawrence D. Fink, Fostoria, 0. Sgt. James H. Finke, APO, New York H. M. Finke, Dayton, Ohio

Lt. Paul R. Finke, APO, New York Raymond L. Fitz, Cuyahoga Falls, 0. William P. Fitzgibbon, Glen Cove, N.Y. Maj. William F. Flanagan, Gallup, N. Mex.-$5 Walter J. Fleck, Tiffin, Ohio Major Joseph F. Fletcher, Xenia, 0. -$5 Capt. George T. Flynn, APO, New York William H. Focke, Dayton, Ohio Lt. Ellsworth T. Foland, Dayton, 0. Capt. John W. Foltz, APO, New York -$5 Benj. W. Freeman, Cincinnati, Ohio Charles J. Freeman, St. Louis, Mo. J. G. Freeman, Dayton, Ohi0"--$5 Lt. Dwight R. Freidline, APO, San Francisco George Freitas, Honolulu , H. T. G Lt. Col. Francis S. Gabel, APO, New York Grace Aylstock Garcia, Dayton, 0.-$5 J. Russell Garrison, Dayton, 0.-$10 Nicholas .T. Gausepohl, Covington, Ky. George L. Geisler, Jr., Columbus, 0. Lowell George, Dayton , Ohio Ernest J. Gerber, Chillicothe, 0. Francis A. Gerlach, Yuma, Ariz.-$5 Ralph A. Gerlach, Mansfield, 0. Major C. E. Gerson, Longview, Tex. -$10 Capt. Charles H. Gerwels, Edgewood Arsenal, Md. S/ Sgt. Lester S. Giambrone, APO, New York Michael J. Gibbons, Jr., Da yton , 0. Morris M. Gitman, Dayton, Ohio Capt. Thomas H. Glick, Tiffin, 0. Lee J. Goesling, Cleveland, Ohio Capt. Robert E. Gray, Dayton, 0. Major Herbert E. Greutcr, Dayton, 0. -$5 Capt. David L. Grimes, Dayton, 0.-$5 M. V. Grisez, Canton, Ohio--$5 Dr. Gerald C. Grout, Dayton, Ohio Fred P. Grundish, Los Angeles, Calif. -$5 Rev. George W. Gude, Norwood, Ohio H T. A. Hagan, Dayton, Ohio Sgt. Daniel V. Halligan, Cleveland, 0. -$5 Rev. John T. Hanahan, North Star, 0. Harry J. Hartke, Jr., Cincinnati, 0. Sgt. Paul Hartman, Forest Hills, N.Y. James J. Hartnett, Dayton, 0 . -$5 Gerard L. Haury, Louisville, Ky. Robert S. Hayes, Columbus, Ohio Capt. Carl L. Heck, McCook, Neb. Mathias H. Heck, Dayton, 0. Pfc. Robert H. Heidkamp, Dayton, 0. R. G. Helmig, Dayton, Ohio W. E. Henrich, Cincinnati, 0. Edward C. Benz, Dayton, 0. Wilford Hcrkenhoff, T / S, Minster, 0. Paul W. Herking, Cincinnati, 0.-$5 Edward A. Hess, Coldwater, 0. E. B. Hess, Piqua, Ohio Jeannelle Hibbert, Xenia, 0.-$5 John J. Hickey, Dayton, 0. Robert J. Hickey, Dayton, 0. Lt. John T. Hoban, Dayton, 0. John P. Hochadel, Salem, 0. Carroll A. Hochwalt. Dayton, 0. Dr. G. A. Hochwalt, Dayton, 0. Capt. Albert J. Hoegler, Camp Lee, Va. Dr. Leo H. Hoersting, Dayton, 0.-$5 Francis J. Hollencamp, Dayton, 0. -$5 Maj. T. J. Hollenkamp, Detroit, Mich. Joseph H. Holscher, Chicago, 111.-$5 Lt. Jack Homan, Dayton, 0. Robert W. Hommel, Dayton, 0. Lt. (j.g.) Charles B. Hoppa, Piltsburgh, Pa. Pvt. Michael Horikawa, Ft. Meade, Md.


C. R. Horwedel, Lakewood, Ohio Carl E. Housekeeper, Dayton, 0. J. Fred Howe, Dayton, Ohio Melvin Hudcn, Cincinnati, Ohio Edwin B. Huesmann, New Rochelle, N. Y.-$10 Capt. George \V. Humm, Moraine City, Dayton, 0. Jane Watkins Humm, Moraine City, Dayton, 0.


Herman J. Ja cobs, Columbus, 0. Clement G. Jauch , Dayton, 0.-$8 Joseph J. Jeckering, Dayton, 0. Robert D. Jon e , Washington, D. C.

-5 Major Robert Q. Jones, Dayton, 0. K Lt. Paul B. K eenan, Fairlington, Va. Dr. Alma C. Braun Kelly, Baltimore, Md.-$5 Lt. William P. Kelly, K ey West, Fla. Albert .T. K emper, Chicago, III. Charles R. K e mper, Dayton, 0.-$10 Ens. David H. Kersting, Milwaukee, Wis. \Villiam A. Keyes, Dayton, 0. Victor M. Kimmel, Wayland, N.Y. · William E. Kinney, Springfield, 0. George \V. Kirby, Yonkers, N.Y. Hubert Kline, Dayton, 0.- 5 Francis X. Kobe, Brooklyn , N. Y. Comdr. Joseph S. Koehler, Norfolk,Va. Lt. Col. Eldon A. Koerner, Chicago, III. -$5 Albert A. Kramer, Dayton, 0.-$5 Edward H. Kremer, Dayton, 0. Major Eugene F. Kreusch, Dayton, 0. Alma Kru eger , Osborn, 0. John J. Kuhn, Lima, 0.-$5 Martin C. Kuntz, Sr., Dayton, 0.-$5 Peter Kuntz, Dayton, 0. L John J. Ladner, Chicago, lll.-$5 Major Robert F. Lang, Wadsworth, 0. Cpl. Theodore N. Lause, Los Angeles, Calif. Lawrence W. Lehni , Alliance, 0. Joseph L. Leibold, Dayton, 0. Ca pt. John J. Lemming, Dayton, 0. Capt. I. L. Libecap, APO, Minnea polis, Minn. E. J. Lienesch, Dayton, 0. Eugene Litkowski, Dayton, 0. William .T. Lukaswitz, Sr., Dayton, 0. Newton J. Lumm, Dayton , 0. Me Mrs. T. A. McCann, Arlington, Va. J. A. McCune, Jr., Piqua, 0. Ens. Charles M. McFarland, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.-$10 Robert J. Mcintire, Xenia, 0. M J. E. Mahlmeister, Dayton, 0.-$5 AI. H. Mahrt, Chillicothe, 0. Louis R. Mahrt, Dayton, 0. Col. L. W. Makley, Dayton, 0.-$5 Pfc. George \V. Markus, Dayton, 0. Jolm M. Marschall, Wheelinl!, W. Va. Frank H. Marshall, Sidney, 0. Louis M. Marzluft, Lo Angeles, Calif. -$5 Lt. (j.g.) R. Eugene May, Berea, Ky. -$5 Margaret E. Mayer, Miamisburg, 0. \Villiam E. Mayer, Maple Heights, Cleveland, 0. Belly J. May!, Dayton, 0. Eugene A. May!, Dayton, 0. J. E. Mayl, Akron, 0. Thomas A. Medley, Jr., Owensboro, Ky. Paul J. Meiner , Miami, Fla. Henry W. Merland, Cincinnati, 0. Robert H. Meyer, S 1/ c, FPO, San Francisco, Cali f. Edward M. Miller, Chicago, 111.-$5 O scar C. Miller, Park Ridge, 111.-$10

Dr. Edward A. Millonig, Dayton, 0. Mi sionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart, Bernharts, Pa.-$14 Harold D. Moody, Dayton, 0. Dan Moran, Houston, Texas Mm路tin F. Moritz, Mans field, 0.-$ 10 Herbert C. Morris, Beacon, N.Y. Rev. Francis M. Mueller, Cincinnati, 0. -$5 Joe Mulhall, Owosso, Mich.-$ 10 l\lelvin J. Mueller, Chico, Calif. Lt. John E. Murphy, Maxwell Fld,. Ala. Joseph B. Murphy, Dayton, 0. Rev. Christopher P. Murray, Knoxville, T enn. Thnma J. Murray, Ironton, 0.- 10 Howard W. Muth, Dayton , 0. N Joseph F . Nellis, Dayton, 0.10 Floyd F. Nie tert, Cu ya hoga Falls, 0.


0 Lt. William O 'Connor, Chicago, Ill.$5 Ali ce E. Ohmer , Dayton, Ohio Ruth M. Ohmer , Dayton, 0. Margaret E. O'Neil, Dayton, 0. Joseph A. Opt~enh e im , Coldwater, 0. Theodore H. Oppenheim, Coldwater, 0. Pfc. Paul M. O ' Rourke, Toledo, 0. -$5 John L. Ott, \Vashington , D. C. Louis A. Otto, Jr., Shaker Ht ., Cleve. la nd , 0. p Major John J. Padley, Dayton, 0. S hirl ey Wurstner Padley, Dayton, 0. Marg uerite M. Parrish , Pontiac, Mich. Betty J. Wood Parson s, Dayton, 0. Clem Pater , Jr., Hamilton, 0. Betty Anne Be hringer Perkins, Dayton Robert F. Pfister, Akron, 0. Betty Doherty Pflum, Cincinnati, 0. Capt. Jam es F. Pflum, APO, San Fran路 cisco, Calif. Pvt. Lawren ce A. Piening, Norwood, 0. S/ S11:t. Paul Pie nin:!, Norwood, 0. Lt. Don Pinciotti, Ft. Benning, Ga. Joseph T. Poelking, Dayton, 0 . -$5 J"n uis Pohl, Cincinnati, 0 . -$ 10 Charles F. Points, Jr., Xenia, 0. William H. Powers, Dayton, 0. Anthony Pozelnik, Cleveland, 0 . -$5


George B. Quatman, Lima, 0. Joseoh B. Quatman, Lima, 0. Dr. Char路les B. Quinlan, Lima, 0.-$5

R C. J. Ramu s, Adrian, Mi chi gan. I"ouise T. Rau ch , Dayton, 0. John A. Rau sch er , T / 5, Oak Ridge, T enn. H enry C. Rechtien, Jr., E . St. Louis, Ill. S/ Sgt. John P. Reeves, APO, New York \Villiam E. R eeves, Chillicothe, 0. Charles A. R e iling, Dayton, 0. Major Walter A. Reiling, Dayton, 0. Leo I. R e illy, San Francisco, Calif.


Anthony M. Reiter, Dayton, 0. Robert C. Renner, Dayton, 0. Lloyd A. R en sel, Dayton, 0.-$ 10 August Richter, Cincinnati, 0.-$ 10 Ens. Donald E. Rist, Ironton, 0. Capt. Jolm Ritter , Dayton , 0. Milton A. Roberts, Geneva, N. Y.-$5 Bette Rogge, Dayton , 0. Cpl. Robert G. Rohn er , Akron, 0.

-$14 Clem ent J. Rowe, Jr., Dayton, 0. Nelson J. Ruddy, Cincinnati, 0. \Valter B. Rug h , Cincinnati, 0. C. L. Ruppert, Da yton , 0.-$5 Very R ev. Mons. Carl J. R yan, Cincinnati, 0. Dr路. Charles}. R yan , Da yton, 0.

ELECTED TO REIGN AT THE JUNIOR-SENIOR FAREWELL PROM May 19 at the Biltmore hotel were, seated left, Elaine Whalen, senior home economics student and daughter of Herbert Whalen, '09, queen, and right Richard Kinn, senior arts student from Fostoria, 0., king. Junior cl~ss attendants were Joseph Cunningham, of East St. Louis, Ill., and Dorothy Zaenglein, Dayton. The dance brought to a formal close the social season of the college year. Ca pt. Thomas M. R ya n , Washington, D. C.-$20 Capt. T. P. Ryan, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans.


Charles R. Sack steder, Dayton , 0. Charles E. Sa urin e, Arlington, Va.-$6 Mrs. R. E. Sa urine, Da yton , 0. Major Arthur T. Scarpelli, Dayton , 0. Joseph J. Schae fer , D etroit, Mich. - $ 10 Lt. Robert E. Schaefer, Dayton, 0. Arnold Schaffe r, Dayton, 0. Capt. Richard Schantz, Flat Rock , Ind. William Schantz, Wyoming, 0.-$5 Major Lee E. Sch e id, APO, San Francisco-$10 H enry J. Sch ellhaas, Dayton, 0. M/ Sgt. Charles Schiavo, El Paso, T ex. Cpl. Grover F. Schinbeckler, APO, New York-$ 10 Edward J. Schle i, Dayton, 0. R. W. Schleman, South Bend, Ind. Lt. Bernhard M. Schmidt, APO, New York-$5 Lt. Leland C. Schmidt, Belleville, Ill. Lt. Robert J. Schmidt, Dayton, 0. Ca therine M. Schmjtz, Dayton, 0.- 5 Martin Schn e ble, Dayton, 0. Rudolph G. Schne ble, Da yton , 0.-$5 Lt. (j.g .) Francis M. Schnurr, Ft. Pier ce, Fla. Alex H. Schoen, Oak Park, Ill. Corp. Alex Schoen , Jr., Dayton , 0. Edward C. Schoen , Chi cago, IU.

Ca pt. Ca rroll M. Scholle, Arsenal, Ark. - $5 Major Vincent H. Schroeder, St. Louis, Mo. Rev. John F. Shuler , Newport, K y. N. M. Schweicher , Lakewood, 0. Lt. James Schwe ndeman, Springfield, 0. Lt. Robert J. Schwe ller , Moultrie, Ga. \Vm. L. Seiden sti ck er , Columbus, 0. Robert A. Seward, Youngstown, 0.-$5 Theodore A. Sharpenter , Aurora , Ill. -$5 Maj. Emmett M. Sherry, Camp Hood , Tex. Cpl. Ben Shoe, Dayton, Ohio Leo Showel, Toledo, Ohio Bernard F. S ie ben, Chicago, Ill.-$10 Lt. Hugh M. Smith, Dayton, 0.-$5 Lt. Col. Merle P. Smith, APO, New York-$10 Capt. Wilbur J. Smolka, Dayton, 0. -$5 Lt. Frederic D. Sommer s, Dayton, 0. Josep h L. Spraley, Dayton , 0. Lois A. Stafford , Dayton , 0. James Sta n g, Dayton , 0. \Villiam E . Stoeckle in, D ayton, 0. Lawrence W. Strattner , New Rochelle, N.Y. W illiam Strong, San Diego, CaHf. Judge Wm. L. Struck, Dayton, 0. Lt. Rich a rd L. Strugarek , Toledo, 0. Ca rl C. Stuber, Akron, 0 . -$5 Charles F. Sucher , Dayton, 0.-$5 Louis A. S uch er , Dayton, 0.-$ 10 Robert L. Swartzel, Germantown, 0.


JAMES BAUMAN Corp. James Ba uma n, ex '46 , w a s killed in Germ an y Apr. 6 . An infantryma n, he w a s call e d to active du ty May 12 , 19 43 . He w a s sta tioned a t Camp Wolters and Camp Hood, Te x., be fore going oversea s in O cto ber, 1944 . He wa s previous ly wound ed but re turned to active duty.

Military ( Continued from page 2) B-29 and was reported missing over Japan M a rch 14. Spinell i has been m.issing in action in Germany since Apr. 14. Wounds have been su tained 'by Lt. Robert Mi ller, '43, on Iwo J ima, Lt. Don T ekamp, ex '43, in Germany, Lt. Frank Aires, ex '45, ~ver Germa ny, Pfc. Gerard Haury, ex 46, in France, and Sgt. George Geisler, '43, in Germany. Miller served with the M arine . Tekamp was with the

U . D. Men In On Russian Juncture M aj. Gen. Emil F. Reinhardt, commander of the 69th Infantry division of the American First Army, which made the historic juncture with the Russian troops April 26, was a former commandant of the Univer ity of D ayton R OTC unit. He was professor of military science and .tactics at U.D . in the 1920's and is remembered as a man of high principle and strong determination. With General R einhardt's division were two former students, Lt. Bill Sauerman, '44, and Pfc. R obert Colby, ex '45.



Lt. Ed ward Brennan , '3 7 , w a s ki ll ed

Lt. Gordon Ank ney wa s killed in a n

in a cti on over Italy J uly 12, 19 4 4 . He wa s a b om ba rd ier on a B- 2 4 ba sed in Ita ly . He w a s firs t re porte d missi ng after his p la ne mad e a forced land ing in the Gulf of Ge noa a fter bombing Nimes, France. He wa s late r g ive n up fo r d e ad .

a irplane cra sh May 2 5, 1944 w h ile servi ng in the North Afric a n thea te r of

Third Army comba t engineer . Aire ami H aury a re air corp men, Geisler is with the a rmored forces. Sgt. John Graf, ex '44, has been awarded the Purple H eart for wounds received in Germany. Pfc. John Wrynn, ex '44, has been given the Purple H eart for wounds received in action on Okinawa. News of the release of our m en from Germa n prison camps revealed tha t Lt. George K eller, '44, Lt. Donald D avidson, ex '43, a nd Pfc. Gilbert Stovicek, ex '46, were liberated. Lt. Barry Shillito and Lt. Jim Carnahan, both ex '44, a re believed to be free too.

Bro. Schleich Dies Brother Michael Schleich, S.M., 82, Inspector General of schools of the Society of Mary and a member of the general administration since 1909, died in Madrid, Spain, April 25. A n a tive of Pittsburgh, he was a member of the university faculty in the nineties and director of the Normal school of the university. H e also held the position of Inspector of schools of the Cincinna ti province of the society. Brother Bernard Schad, S.M., present Inspector of schools of the Cincinnati province, is the nephew of the late Brother Schleich.


war. He en tered the service in Nove m-

b er 194 1, received h is pil ot's wi ng s O ct. 1, 1943 and went oversea s Fe b . 29 , 1944. He was a n ight school student.

Weber As Guide D ear Bro. Lackner : Enclosed plea e find check for my 1945 membership in the Alumni associa tion . I do look forward to recelvmg the ALUMNUS and keeping up to date on the latest happening a t U. D . and its alumni. Plea e continue to send the ALUMNUS to my home address. I am sti ll a t Camp Ritchie, Md., although I just returned last week from my fourth trip in the past year, acting as interpreter a nd guide for a rmy officer from Brazil visiting various camps and army installations here in the U . S. and attending some service chool s a students. It is very inte res tin~ work and quite broadening in a military sense. For the next two months I am cheduled to take a course here at Camp Ritchie. What comes after th a t no one knows. Give my best regards to all my friend a t U. D. Sincerely yours, Lt. Richard Weber, '36 Camp Ritchie, Md .

Educators Meet at U. D. May II FARE~ELLS ~ND

FINALES . . . Dr. H enry Blumberg, professor of m athema tics at Ohw Sta te, was the principal speaker a t the M athematics club's final meeting of the year M ay 22. Newly elected officers of the club a re K av Ens, preside~lt, Pelayo Llarena, vice-president, a nd J ames Noll, secretarytreasurer. Wmner of the dean of science award for the best talk of this semester wa~ Alla n Braun, se~ior chemical engineer from Troy, 0 .. .. Ann Fitzgerald, semor home economics student, was chosen achievement queen to reign a t the spr!n~. musical fes ~ival M ay 20. She was elected by the coeds because of her activitle~, acc._omphshments and contributions to university life. Jea n Wright was maid of honor a nd her a ttendants were Catherine Stich a nd Leticia Rose seniors, Ada Kay Bamford and M ary Cotterma n, juniors Joan Hussey sopho~ mor~, and M arjorie Cru~cher, freshman. The program ~as sponsored by the music. depa rtment and directed by Mrs. Troy Sears.... A college unit of the Amencan R ed Cross was formed by the U .D . coeds. It is the first in Montgomery county, one of seven in Ohio and one of 200 in the country . .. . Father Charles Collins, dean and registrar, was admitted as a n honorary member to the pre-med society, Sigma D elta Pi, :'lt their final meeting M ay 16. New officers mstalled for next year are Ann Fitzgerald, president, Leticia Rose, vice-president, Ortha Tsc~udy, treasurer, and Rita Gough, secretary . ... Four students atten~ed th: regiOnal conference of the NFCCS at Cincinnati in April. . . . Lorrame Wmckelman was elected president of the Thespians drama tic club Frank Elardo, vice-president, and Ray Hummer, secretary .. . . The Mathe: matics department sponsored a competitive exam in algebra for Chaminade and Julienne students at the university May 9.... M ae Driscoll, senior science studen~ , was awarded an assistantship in physics at the University of Illinois. She will be graduated from U.D. June 3. . . . Dr. K. C. Schraut associate professor of mathematics, delivered a commencement address to Coldwater 0 ., high school graduates M ay 18... . F a ther George J. R enneker, president: addressed the graduating class of Hamilton Catholic high school June 1. . . . The annual dinner for the graduates at which they a re welcomed into the alumni association was held M ay 29 at U .D . .. . F aculty a nd students of the university observed V-E day in a solemn religious service in the chapel. After. wards, at the student assembly, the movie, "On To Tokyo," was shown . ... M a j. Clarence Whitney of Culver inspected the ROTC unit of the university May 18.

Dues Payers (cont.) W. B. Sweeney, Lima, 0.-$5. Emmett F. Sweetman, Urbana, 0. T Lt. Marvin M. Talmage, Dayton, 0. Earl J. Taylor, Fort Knox, Ky. J, ouis A. Thacker, Dayton, 0. Mark R. Thompson, St. Louis, Mo. Major Louis J. T schudi , Da yton , 0.


Robert J. Uebbing, Cleveland, 0.-$5 Capt. Paul E. Unger, Dayton, 0. Adele Louise Unverferth, Dayton, 0. Capt. Robt. H. Unverferth, Dayton, 0. Michael Usas, Dayton , 0.


Howard A. Valiquette, Dayton, 0.-$5 J, t. Edmund M. Yelton, St. Louis, Mo.

- $5


Joseph G. Wagner, Sidney, 0. Rt. R ev. Mons. R. Marcellus Wagner, Cincinnati, 0. Hu g h E. Wall, Jr., Dayton, 0. James R. Wall, Wilmington, D el. A. J. Walsh , South Bend, Ind. K enneth E. Weber, APO, New York

- $5

Lt. Richard Weber, Dayton, 0.-$5 Mary Weigand, Dayton, 0. Quintin A. Weilbacher, Columbus, 0. Lt. Frank "Dick" Welch, Ft. Benning, Ga.-$5 Lt. Frederick A. Wells, Dayton, 0. Major Robert A. Werner, Dayton, 0.

John J. Werst, Louisville, K y. John T. Wes terhe ide, Minster, 0. Charles W. Whalen , Sr., Dayton , 0 . Lt. Charles W. Whalen, Jr., Dayton, 0. H. E. Whalen, Day ton, 0. Mildred Wharmby, Dayton, 0. Jim White, Toledo, 0. Charles R. Wilke, Berkeley, Calif. John \Viii, Dayton, 0. Lt. Hamilton K. Willhelm Dayton 0.




Ri chard L . Withrow, Dayton, 0.-$5 C. Glenn Wolf, Akron, 0. Lt. John W. Wroe, APO, New York

- $5


Walter A. Zach , Toledo, 0.-$5 George A. Zahn, Day ton , 0. Virginia Finke Zalm, Day ton, 0. S/ Sgt. Elmer Zang, Camp Howze, T ex. Capt. Albert T. Zidanavich, Brooklyn N.Y. ' Patricia Ortengren Zink, Dayton, 0. Lt. Otto Zink, Dayton , 0.

U. D. Given $IO,OOO H arry C. Busch, gradu ate of St. Mary's Institute in 1896 and a member of the a socia te board of lay tr~st~es o_f the university, died in Cmcmna t1 April 14. According to the terms of his will U.D. will receive a gift of $10,000. H e was a

University of D ayton was host to representa tives of colleges a nd universities of Ohio and lower Michigan at the regional conference of the Midwest unit of the National Ca tholic Education association M ay 11. Father George J. Renneker, U.D. president, was chairman. Sister Camillus, of St. Xavier's college, Chicago, secretary of the executive committee, represented that committee. Principal speakers were Monsignor Cletus A. Miller, dean of the Institutum Divi Thomae, who spoke on "Women in Scientific Research," and Dr. Elton Cook, assistant director of r esearch at the Institutum, who talked on "Women a nd Scientific T echniques." Dr. Edward A. Huth, acting head of the U.D. department of sociology, led a discussion on " Catholic Colleges and the Interracial Question. " Father Edmund Baumeister, S.M., dean of the graduate division at U.D. , talked on " Catholic Action in Catholic Colleges."


1884- Faculty and alumni extend deepest sympathy to the family of William Lukaswitz who died M ay 11. Survivors include his granddaughter, Betty Behringer Perkins '44. ' 1898- Lawrence Schutte was a campus visitor May 13. 1899-We extend sympathy to the family of Charles B. N ash who died Apr. 17 in Pittsburgh. 1903- Sympa thy is also extended to Carl Ca ppel upon the death of his wife M ay 6. 1912- F ather Joseph Dick will observe his sacerdotal silver jubilee June 3 a t the Preciou s Blood Church Chickasaw, 0 . Ca pt. William B: Gray is in Paris. 1915- ( H. S.) Victor Ema nuel h as recovered from a recent illness. 1919-Joe Moosbrugger of ew York was a campus vi itor Apr. 28. 192Q-Carroll Hochwalt h a been made central researc h director of the Monsanto Chemical Co. 1924- Col. John A. Supensky is in the Pacific war theater. 1927- Capt. Augie Cabrinha was a campus visitor M ay 13. frequent visitor to the campus. The facu~ty and alumni deeply regret his passmg and extend their sympathy to his family.

1928- Corp. Chester Graham is at Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. 1929-Maj. Gardner Gibson is in New York. 1930- Lt. Col. Dudley Washington is commanding officer of a B-29 group in the Marianas. Capt. George !washita was a campus visitor May 4. Walter R eiling and his brother, Bob, '36, met in Engla nd recently. 1932- Ca pt. Charles Doudica n h as been cited for the direction of his company during enemy action. Robert Rohner is in Fra nce. 1933- Thomas D eger was a campus visitor M ay 12. M a jor William Ca rlin is a t Wright Field, D ayton . 1934- Lt. (j.g.) Fred Cotterman is serving as an executive officer aboard a n L.S.T. in the Pacific. M a j. Charles E . Gerson is stationed at Harmon General Hospital, Longview, Tex. Lt. (j.g.) Jack Foose is in the Pacific theater. Capt. Robert R ader was on the championship football team of the Eighth Air Force in Engla nd . 1935- Major Jim Connelly was a campus visitor Apr. 28. Michael Genter was a campus visitor April 17. Pvt. M arty Armbruste r was one of the Pacific vetera ns taking part in the 7th War Loa n demonstra tion, "Here's Your Infantry," May 24 in the U .D . stadium. 1936- Lt. Col. Hubert Plumpe and Robert Hohler were campus visitors M ay 10. Ed M eisner and Eileen Cull, sister of Richard Cull, jr., will be married June 13. M a j. V erne M alloy has been a wa rded a n oak leaf cluster to his Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordina ry achievements while serving as a C-4 7 pilot in the European theater. H e i now sta tioned in Newark, N . J., as chief of ma intenance. Lt. H. J. Brenner is overseas. 1937- Lt. J ame Schwendeman is with a fighter squadron in the Pacific. Capt. Bob Con nelly is with the allied control commission in Italy. Capt. J ohn Foltz i with a bomber squ adron overseas. 1939- Ca pt. D an Hobbs, assistant opera tion s officer of the 16th a rmy corps in Germany, was awarded the bronze star for conspicuous service in combat. Lt. Col. Bren Reilly was a campus visitor M ay 15. H e just returned from India where he met M.aj. Richard H empelman, '38, and Capt. V al Pernush, '41. R eill y also met Lt. George Myrick while cha ngit\g' pbnes in Wa hington. Bren is now in Ca lifornia . Lt. and Mr . Paul WagnPr announce the birth of a daughter, M ary Carol, Apr. 30. Lt. Wagner is on Okinawa. 5/ Sgt. Les Gia mbrone is with a Signal battalion overseas. Lt. D ouglas Graves is with the tenth a ir

force in Burma a nd wa recently awarded a n O ak Leaf cluster to his Air M edal. First Lt. R alph Niehaus has been awarded the Navy Cross for gallantry on Guam. H e is now stationed at Great Lakes. 194o-Maj. Jack Padley is home in D ayton after 16 months in the Pacific. H e will be sta tioned in California. Lt. Don Bootes is sta tioned in San Fra ncisco, Calif. Ca pt. Larry Fink is with the Infantry in the Philippines. His wife and two year old son La rry Jr. a re living in Fostoria, 0. Lt. Joe Thomas is in England. Capt. J ean Stapenhorst has gradua ted from the Educational and Physical reconditioning courses at the school for personnel services, Lexington, Va. Lt. Elie H. Meyers, Jr., has graduated from the Athletics and Recreation course at Lexington, Va. Ca rl Ruh and Capt. Paul Humpert were campus visitors May 17. 1941- Capt. AI Hoegle r is at Camp Lee, Va. Lt. and Mrs. Dick Sommers ( Marjorie Coffman ) visited the campus M ay 12. Joe Wohlschlager, now located in Springfield, 0., was a campus visitor M ay 12. M argaret Mayer a nd Joseph Welch of Marion , 0 ., were ma rried Apr. 21. Capt. Vincent Poeppelmeier was a campus visitor Apr. 18. H e is post engineer a t Westover Field , M ass., in charge of ma intena nce of grounds, buildings, and utilities. Dol a Zonars a nd Lt. Steve Steffa ns, USNR. announced their engagement. &/ Sgt. George T . Dresner is a waist gunner on a B-17 with the Eight Air Force in En gland . Frank Bucher and Grace Williams will be m arried June 9. 1942- Richa rd Hirt h as been promoted to M a jor. Lt. Richard Klopf i on Okinawa. Lt. J oe l gel is in Burma. Lt. Joe Dunn and M ary Rothhaupt were ma rried M a rch 24 in Savannah, Ga. Lt. D eWitt Peffley is overseas. Capt. and Mrs. Howard E gbert a nnounce the birth of a daughter M ay 4. Rita Geis and Thomas Richards will be married June 16. Sgt. J oe M cSha ne is stationed in California. 1943- First Lt. J ack Murphy was a campus visitor M ay 7. H e is on his way to Nebraska for furth er training


as co-pilot of a B-29. Lt. Cha rles Lause, recently released from a Germ an prison camp, was a campus visitor M ay 8. H e and Louise Collins are to be married in June. Lt. John Hoban is a t Chanute Field, R a ntoul, III. J ean Gura a nd Bob K essler were m a rried M ay 12. Lt. (j.g.) Paul Engle was a campus visitor M ay 4. Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. M arc Dunnam announce the birth of a daughter on Apr. 30. Dunnam is stationed in the Marianas. Lt. Lee Feinerer, fortress bombardier, has received the Air M edal for courage in action . K enneth Israel has been promoted from sergeant to second lieutenant. H e is sta tioned in France. J ane Boring Dunla p was a campus visitor Apr. 25. Lt. Robert Zimmerman is overseas. Lt. (j.g. ) Paul Schau er is on subma rine pa trol in the Pacific. Lt. William Stoermer is somewhere in the Pacific wa r thea ter. 1944- George Thoma was a campus visitor M ay 13. Corp. AI Schoen is in H awaii. Lt. Bob Perkins is in Germany. Pvt. Mike Horikawa was a campus visitor M ay 15. H e is in the a rmored forces. Lt. and Mrs. William Yarger announce the birth of a son Apr. 21. Lt. Frank "Dick" Welch was a campus visitor M ay 19. Corp . Frank Hollenkamp a nd Fred Grimm are in British N ew Guinea. Milt M cGuire was a campu s visitor M ay 7. Lt. M arvin T almadge was a campu visitor M ay 17. Lt. Bill Greenwell is a t F t. Monmouth, N. J. 1945- Sgt. J oe Connelly is in the South Pacific with the signal corps. S/ Sgt. Paul M oosbrugger was a campus visitor M ay 4 after everal months overseas. H e is now stationed at Patterson Field. Ens. Eddie Zweisler has finished four mon ths of training at Annapolis. Ens. R alph R ohner i temporarily stationed in San Francisco with the civil engineering corps of the naval reserve. Lt. Tom M cGuire and Stan Groene were campus visitors May 2. M cGuire is stationed at Langley Field, V a. Bill LaFleur is in OCS a t Qua ntico. Bill K ennedy is in I taly. Wendell Cultice is in France. Bill Bacchus is a t Pratt Field, K a ns. Tom H a rvey is in the Pacific theater.

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