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Cadet Nurses on Campus
OCTOBER • 1945
October, 1945
Vol. XI
Mary Shay '44 . . . . . ........... . . . ... ... . . ... . ... . ... . . ... .. . .. . Editor "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly- October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is, "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio."
MARY SHAY The appointment of Miss Mary Shay as ecretary of the University of Dayton Alumni A sociation was recently announced by Father George J. Renneker, S. M., president of the university. Miss Shay was graduated from U. D. in 1944 with the degree of bachelor of science in education. She has served as secretary to the area coordinator and also to the niversity of Dayton's institutional r epresentative in the U. S. Office of Education's engineering, science and management war training program. She also was director of the Americanization service of the Dayton Y. M. C. A. , where she served as teacher a nd counselor to the foreign born seeking citizenship. As alumni secretary she will be a Front Cover: May we presen t, left to right, H ester MacFa rland, Marilyn Goddard and Charlotte Stefaniks. Something new has been a dded to the University of D ayton campus- cad et nurses. The girls are student nurses from St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing, who are taking pre-clinical courses here at U. D. The first group completed their course of instruction in September, and the second group is enrolled as freshmen in the science division before continuing with regular nurses training. The pre-clinical courses are under the supervision of Dr. F . J. Molz, associate dean of the cience division, and Sister Mina lia, Director, St. Elizabeth Hospita l School of Nursing.
member of the university's committee on public relations, of which Brother Edward Knust, S. M. , is chairman, and she will be editor of the Alumnus.
Carter Returns Jim Carter, former head basketball a nd assistant football coach a t the University of Dayton has returned to the campus in the same capacity and assumed his duties O ctober 1. Carter will be an instructor in health and physical education in addition to his duties in football, basketball and minor sports. After having erved for four years on the U. D . staff, Ca rter resigned in April 1943 to accept the position of recreational director of the Du Pont plant in Pasco, Wa h. His return to the campus is coincidental with the d ecision of U. D . to resume intercollegiate basketball this winter. H e will also assist Harry C . Baujan, ath letic director and head football coach with an expanded intramural program of sport this fall.
Just a note of "Thanks" to Betty Mayl, Director of News Service Bureau, who took over a Editor-inChief of the Alumnus last M a rch . Betty has previously served as assista nt editor. H er kindne , co-operation and assi tance were always ch eerfully given, and gratefully appreciated.
Over 1200 Enroll In U. D. Fall Term Over 1200 students are enrolled in d ay and evening clas e a t U. D . for the fa ll term which began Sept. 17. R egistration is about equa lly divided, 606 in day classes, 606 in night school. Over 110 discharged veterans a re en rolled . The la rgest freshmen class si nce 1942 reported with over 260 stud ents. Over 300 coeds are registered for d ay classe and 325 women students enrolled at night. N ew faculty m emb e rs in c lud e Broth er Albert Rose, instructor in political science, and Brother John Lucier, chemistry instructor. Dr. Michael Grandy has returned to take up his dutie in the physics lab. Father John K enny, 0 . P., for the past several years associate professor of philosophy, h as been given a leave of absence to study for his doctorate.
Summer Graduation Thirty-two graduates were awarded d egrees at commencement exercise a t the close of the university's summer term Sunday, August 12, in the a uditorium of the Albert Emanuel The pre ident, Father library. George J. R enneker, conferred the d egrees and d elivered the principal a ddre s. Hubert A . E tabrook, Jr., vice-president of the class of '45, was valedictorian for his class.
The first season of th e U niversity Lectures is being ina ug ura ted, Sunday, November 11 , 1945 with the presenta tion of H allett Abend . Mr. Abend, a distinguished a uth or and lecturer, served as chief F ar Eas tern correspondent for th e New York Times. H e is a n authority on th e Pacifi c a nd the Fa r East. The title of th e first lecture is "A merica's Stake in the Pacific." Prior to our entrance into the war, and feeling the impending crises, Mr. Abend toured the Pacific region th a t la ter fell into the hands of the J a panese. In November 194 1, h e predicted the wa r with J a pan before Christmas. The U niversity L ectures, a group of fi ve lectures is being J?resented to th e public in D ayton in the ballroom of the Biltmore H otel monthly on Sund ay evening 路 at 8: 15. Other peakers include O skar H alecki, Willi am H enry Cha mberlin, R ev. J ames M . Gillis, C. S. P., and Frank J. Sh eed . In presenting th e U niversity L ectures to the Alumni a nd public in D ayton, it is th e desire tha t this series of lectures may become a regular feature of the university's educational progra m. The endor ement and support of the people of D ayton will be th e determining factor in the continua nce of the U niversity Lecture series. Season tickets are availa bl e a t the university. Bro. Elmer C . L acker, assistant dean a nd acting head of the division of a rts, who previously served as Alumni Secretary, is chairman of the lecture series.
1892 O scar Miller of Park Ridge, Ill. was a cam pus visitor June 26. 1894---Lo uis F . "Doc" Bucher is listed on D ayton ballots as a candida te for city commissioner. 1896- Mr. and Mrs. Ed . L arkin, Albany, N. Y., were recent campus visitors. 1905- Accompanied by his wife a nd da ughter, Elmer H erte visited h ere July 15. 1914---Florian Jindra resident of Cleveland, 0 ., wa a recent campus visitor. 1915- Victor Emanuel, American Avia tion Corpora tion of America, recently acquired the interes ts of th e Powell Crosley Corpora tion, Cin. cinna ti, 0 . Ema nuel will be remembered as h aving dona ted the libra ry at th e U niversity of D ayton as a memori al to his fa ther. In acquiring the Crosley Cor pora tion, Emanuel is q uoted as saying tha t through this h e would get back n earer to the scenes of his boyhood, his earliest a nd deepes t associa tions. 1916- M aj. Gen . R obert G . Breene has ass um ed command of the AAF Central Flying Training Command at R andolph Field, T exas. H e h as seen three year's service in the South Pacific. AI J. U nger, O sborn, was a recent campus visitor. 1918- D eepest sympath y is extended to the family of Russell G arrison, one of the first mecha nical engineering gradu a tes, who died July 18. Cletus Zolfkie of W a pakoneta, Ohio was a campus visitor July 19. 1921- C. J. R amus, with his son, visited the campus Jul y 20. 1922- D eepest sympa th y is expressed to R obert M. Payne, wh ose mother died in July. 1924---" Cy" Scha rf visited the campus July 19. L t. Col. Fra nk W. Williams, W ashington, D . C., was a campus visitor, July 2. 1925- J ack Byrne was a campus visitor Aug. 29. Lt. Col. M erle Smith and Bing Crosby shipped overseas aboa rd th e same troop ship. M erle was a campu 路 vi sitor Aug. 1. Sgt. J oseph M ay wa recently disch arged from the a rm y, and is n ow living in D enver, Colo. 1926--Lt. Col. Ch arles Himes, Jr., is with th e AAC H eadq ua rters in W ashington . W alter A. R eiling has been disch arged from Army service and will resume his medical practice. 1927- Lt. Col. J oseph Goetz received his army discha rge a nd will
res ume his pre-war post with R.K .O . 1928- U. D. faculty, alumni a nd students express their sym pathy to the fa mily of D eWitt Ashton who died a t his home in Sa rasota, Fl a. in July. H owa rd H artman has been na med as assista nt director of contract ter min a tion a t the U nited Aircraft Corpora tion. M aj. Vincent H . Schroeder is assigned as executive offi cer a t C a m p J ohn T. Knight, O a kl and, Calif. 1929- A son, Steven D wight was born to Lt. a nd Mrs. Dwight Freidline, July 19. Lt. Col. Francis K ohlri eser ha been a ppointed to a n ATSC post a t Wright Field . J oe K eller, recently discha rged, reigned from his ODT post, a nd will resume his law practice in Washington . . 1930- Lt. Col. Nelson I. D ecker ha return ed to the sta tes after 40 months overseas service. Paul M oorman has been promoted to th e rank of ma jor. H a milton Willhelm is now a First L ieutena nt. D r. Willi am Althoff, a ba tta lion executive officer, h as been discha rged from service a nd is preparing to resume his practice in D ayton. Ed Breen is a candida te for City Commission . 1931- J ack Pa tricoff was commiss ioned a second Lieutenant a t H ou. ton, T exas. Lt. Col. Blaire A. F roehlc wa a campus visitor O ct. 4. Cha rles Ba uma n is a candidate fo r municipa l court judge. M ari ne L t. T yrone Power made his first pleasure visit to T okyo on Sept. 21. Mr. a nd Mrs. J a ke Froug announce the a rriva l of a son, Sept. 29. J a ke has been recently discha rged and will resume his position of Sports Editor of th e J ourn al, here in D ayton . Lt. Col. H arvey J. Yost is commanding officer of th e First Service Command Special Training U nit a t Ft. D evens, M ass. 1932- C a pt. Ch arles D oudican i h ome after eight months in Eu rope. R ober t K eane has been promoted to the ra nk of major. Rich ard Fra nkcnsteen is a candida te for mayor of D etroit. M aj. Wm . Agenbroad, h as b ee ~ discha rged from active military scrv1ce. 1933- Ca pt. Richa rd Wharton receiving hi s discha rge recently wa a campus visitor. Mr. and Mrs. " Shine" C leary announce the birth of a da ughter, K a therine M a rie, M ay 20. Pvt. Willia m R eynolds was a mong the gradua tes of th e Athletics a nd R ecreation course a t the School for Personnel Service , L exington, V a . 1934- For outstanding work per(Co ntinued on page 6)
F/ 0 Robert A. Brown, ex ' 42 , met death in a mid-air explosion crash in a C-46 on a routine training flight last June in California. F/ 0 Brown had seen service in the Air Transport Command, and also in the Ferry Command. Bob was a student in the business administration department at U. D.
Lt. Richard J . Van Hausen, was declared dead August 19. He had been missing in action one year. Serving as a navigator on a B-24, Liberator Bomber, he was stationed in England with the Eighth Air Force, and was awarded the Presidential Citation , the Purple Heart and the Air Medal.
Lt. Richard Strugarek, '43, lost his life in action on Okinawa, June 20. He was a member of the first Marine Division . He was wounded on Palau Island. While enrolled at the university, " Dick" played varsity football , basketball and baseball .
Sgt. Robert C. Bratten, Jr. ex ' 46 , died as the result of burns received from a gasoline explosion June 11 . He died on the hospital ship U. S. S. Relief and is buried with the Second Marine Division on Saipan in the Marianas.
Pfc. James R. Barlow, ex ' 45 died in Percy Jones Hospital at Battle Creek, Mich ., July 7 . He had seen about a year's overseas service, and was stationed in the Aleutians and Alaska . He would have been graduated in the sprin'} of last year.
DOMINIC SPINELLI Pfc. Dominic Spinelli, ex ' 44, was reported killed in action in Germany last April. He had been previously listed a s missing . Serv ing as a surgical technician with the medical detachment of the infantry, he had bee n overseas since September, 1944.
ISABEL MOORE Pfc . Isabel S. Moore, Women's Army Corps, is the first coed amonq our Gold Stars. She died in Percy Jones Hospital at Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 13. Miss Moore was awarded the degree of bachelor of science in education from the un iversity in 1940.
HARRY BERGMAN Lt. Harry Bergman , ex ' 44 , wa s kille d in action at Ph ill ipsborg, France, Janua ry 3 , 1945 . He was attach ed to the 27Sth Infantry , and was awa rded the Purple Heart for bravery under en e my f ire . While studying at the university, Harry played va rs ity football.
68 GOLD STARS ON HONOR ROLL AS WAR ENDS; 7 ALUMNI STILL MISSING T he ending of the war has found the li t of Alumni Gold Stars increased to 68, including one woman. T en new fa talities were reported durin g th e summ er month s, an d even of our a lumni are still li ted as mi sing in action. The University joins the rest of the world in giving thanks for the ce a tion of hostilities, as well as in offering prayers for a lasting peace with justice a nd ch arity. Pfc. J a mes R. Ba rlow, ex. '45, died in Percy Jones Hospita l at Battle Creek, Mich., Ju ly 7. H e enlisted a t Fort H aye , Columbus, 0., M ay, 1943. After basic training a t Camp Wolter , T ex., he was tra n ferred to C a mp Beale, Calif. , and then to Fort Law on, Seattle, Wash . From there he was sent to the Aleutians, where he spent about seven months at Dutch H a rbor. After this he was a ttached to the Air Corps, Quartermaster's detachment in Alaska, stationed at Northway and Tok J unction for about five months. Jim was returning home on a 30-day furlough, when he took ill on the train between Chicago and D ayton. H e was hospitalized at Pa tterson Field, from which he was transferred to Percy Jones H ospital. Surviving are h is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Barlow, D ayton. Sgt. R obert C . Bra tten, Jr., ex '46, died as the result of burns received from a gasoline explo ion June 11 on the hospita l ship U. S. S. R elief, and is buried with th e Second Marine D ivision on Saipan in the M arianas. H e joined the forces of the Marines in M ay 1943, taking his basic training a t San Diego, Calif. Bob was selected for radar maintenance service. Upon completion of this training, h e left for overseas. H e served a t Pearl H a rbor, Midway, Eniwetok in the M arshalls, Tinian and Saipan in the Marianas a nd on Okinawa. Bob was enrolled in the busine s administra tion division of the university. Survivors include his parents, Mr. a nd Mr . Robert C. Bra tten, D ayton. F / 0 Robert A. Brown, ex '42, met death in a mid-air explosion crash in a C-46 on a routine training flight last J une in Cali forni a. H e was commissioned a t Blytheville, Ark., June 1944. Prior to his army service, h e was an in tructor in the Civilian Pilot Training Program. H e entered the Air Tran port Command of the Army Air Forces, and then la ter
the F erry Command. Most of his service was in the United Sta tes and Ca nada, however, two trip were made to the South Pacific. Bob entered the University of D ayton in the busine s administra tion department in '38, and was interested in sports, especially football. His mother, Mrs. Alice T. Brown, D ayton, and six brother survive. Lt. H a rry Bergma n, ex '44, was killed in Fra nce in J a nuary. H arry a pplied for adva nced R. 0. T. C. in 194 1, a nd was called to active duty in M ay, 1943. H e received his commi sion as a 2nd Lt. in the Infa ntry a t Fort Benning, Ga., in Augu t 1944. Upon th com pletion of four months adva nced training at Ft. Leona rd Wood, Mo. , he went overseas in Dec. 1944, a nd was presumed to be missing in action Jan. 2, 1945. In August h e was officially declared killed in action by the war department. H e was award ed the Purple Heart for bravery under enemy fire. H e played varsity football while at U. D . Mr. and Mrs. Berna rd J . Bergman, Cincinnati, survive. Pfc. Isabel S. Moore, WAC, '40, died a t Percy J ones Hospita l in Battle Creek, Michigan, on Sept. 13. A member of the Women's Army Corps, she was the fir t woman to be listed among our Gold Stars. Pfc. Moore enlisted in the Army August 14, 1944, and after training a t Ft. D es Moines, Iowa, was assigned to Wa keman General Hospital at Cam p Atterbury, Ind ., as a medical department specia list. She was admitted to Percy Jones on June 30. Miss M oore was gradua ted a nd received h er degree of bachelor of science in education. In addition to a ister, Mrs. R. H . K asten , of D ayton, and a brother J ohn D . Moore of D ayton, who i now with the Army in India, survivor incl ude two a unts a nd a n uncle in Peoria, Ill. Lt. Richa rd L. Strugarek, '43, was kill ed in action June 20, on Okinawa. Dick was commissioned in June 1943 at Quantico, V a., and served with the first M a rine Division. H e h ad seen action on Cape Gloucester, New Briton, and Pa lau Island, where he wa wounded, in addition to the eighty-one days h e had served on Okinawa. H e wa enroll ed in the education division at U. D. a nd played var ity football. Survivor include his parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Leo Strugarek, and his
wife, Mr . Virginia Struga rek, a ll of Tol edo, 0 . Lt. Richard J. Van Hausen, ex '41, was declared d ~a~ A~gust _19, after having been mtssmg m actiOn since August, 1944. Prior to entering service, he was employed in th e engineering division at Wright Field . Lt. Van Hausen received his commission in December, 1943, and was serving as a naviga tor on a B-24, Liberator bomber, sta tioned in England with the Eighth Air Force. H e was awarded the Presidential Citation, the Purple H eart, and the Air M edal. H e attended the university from 1937-1939. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Van Hausen, his wife, Mariagnes, a son D avid, and a sister, M ary Van Hausen Baker, ex '43. Pfc. Dominic Spinelli, ex '44, after h aving been reported missing in action, was declared killed in Germ any, April 14, in the June Alumnus. In December 1943, Spinelli entered the army, and served overseas since September 1944. H e was a ttached to a medical detachment of the infantry, serving as a surgical technician. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Spinelli, a sister and a brother from H amilton, 0. Capt. W ebster C. Smyers, ex '38, former Dayton physician, was killed in action when being transported from the Philippines in a Jap convoy, Oct. 24, 1944. The doctor had been taken prisoner a t Corregidor. The vessel sailed from Manila a nd was sunk by submarine action in the South China sea. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Sa rah Smyers, Dayton. Lt. (j.g. ) Wilson Finley D ennis, ex '44, was killed in an airplane crash in the Pacific. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M . D ennis, Cl ayton, Ind. , and an uncle, Dr. J. A. Judy, D ayton. No further informa tion was available a t the time of publication. Capt. Tim \'\1holey, '36, was killed aboard a prison-ship in the South Pacific. His death wa reported July 26, 1945. H e was called to active duty in May, 194 1, and was sent to the Philippines. Prior to entrance into service, C apt. Wholey was employed as salesman for th e International Harvester Co., Cincinnati, 0. A sister, Mrs. Margaret W . Tomli?s, Ridgewood, New J ersey, survives. Seven of our alumni are still listed as missing in action. They are : Capt. Ed. M cDermott, '41 , Paul R eis, '41 , Lt. Harold Raybould, '43, Lt. George Shullo, '43, Dave
CLASS NOTES (Co ntinu ed from page 3)
form ed a t an Air T echnical Service Command Station in Engl and, Capt. Robert Rader was a warded the certificate of M erit. Barth Snyder, Ed Barkmeyer and " Chuck" W estbrock were recently disch arged from the service and visited the campus on Sept. 1. Lt. Col. Charles C aking ETO. Lt. (j. g.) and Mrs. Jack was among recent returnees from the Foose, announce the birth of a son, Michael John, Sept. 11. Maj. Charles Boesch has been released from the army and will resume his law practice in Dayton. Capt. Robert Wahl performed ma ny operations on wound ed infantrymen during the p eak of the buzz bomb raids. Publication was announced of Don Sha rkey's second book, "After Bernadette", a descriptive travelog of Lourdes. Lt. M eyer Dreety was recently graduated from OCS at San Antonio, T ex. Tom Ca rey, received the War Department award for meritorious civilian ervice. 1935- Marty Armbruster, recently discharged has been n amed head football coach a t Tipp City, 0 . M aj. Jim Connelly is currently stationed at Boston. Paul Albright served as a Signal Corps draftsman at the Chinese Combat Comma nd near Kunrning, China. Phillip Grimes was a recent campu visitor. 1936 Mrs. T. Trentwood Foose, mother of Thomas Foose, died at her home in D ayton, July 10. Lt. Col. Oliver Saettel, Jr. , is stationed with the 8th Air Force on Okinawa. C a pt. Francis Duell visited the campus, Sept. 3. Mr. a nd Mrs. Richard Kappeler announced the birth of a second son, Michael Warren, June 1. Maj. D a n O'Keefe is handling psychiatri c cases at the General Office, Chevy Ch ase, Md . Capt. Thom as Moorman , hom e from the ETO, told of finding U. S. soldiers in the N azi hospitals. M a j. Don D avis was a recent campus visitor. 1937- John Foltz was promoted to captain at his base in Ita ly. H e has 22 comba t mis ions to his credit. Maj. Urban Rohr is sta tioned with the signal corps in Germany. M a j. Elmer Will was released from the army this past month. Capt. Robert Connelly is serving in the capacity of provincial officer in the Tuscany, Baste!, ex '44, Tom Braun, '45, and Irvin E. Lang. Any further information on them would be greatly appreciated by the university faculty as well as the alumni.
Ita ly region of the allied commission which is uperv1 mg reha bilita tion throughout Italy. Maj . Jose ph Fletcher a nd Miss Anna 0'Brien were married a t St. Brigid Church, X enia, 0., Sept. 13. M a j. Fletcher has recently returned to the states after a lengthy service in the C a nal Zone. Ca pt. a nd Mrs. J a mes G. Ayres announce the birth of Susan Lynn, July 18. Lt. Marion H ay was awa rded the Legion of M erit, degree of L egionnaire, presented to him for galla ntry in action a t M a nu Isla nd, Nov. 1944, when he treated the wounded on his ship, unmindful of his own serious inJUries. 1938- William W eis was a recent campus visitor. C apt. Gerald Rubin received the Bronze Star for conspicuously meritorious services jn Belgium and Germany. Capt. Geo. Duell a nd Bill Willis were campus visitors. Joseph D ell received th e promotion of T echnical Sergeant in Minda nao. Pvt. "Dutch" T sch erne is sta tioned at Fort Lewis, Washington . M aj. Dan Hobbs recently discharged was a cam pus visitor. 1939- Pandely K a mtchy was entered in th e '45 tennis event in D ayton a nd is a recent dischargee from military service. Normany Lacey will be commissioned a second Lieutenant, upon the completion of 17 weeks OCS Course a t Fort Sill, Okl a. S/ Sgt. Cas per Voit is sta tioned in C asa bl a n ca. C ap t. a nd Mrs. Don K ersting announce the birth of a d aughter, C arol L eslie, June 19 at the R egional Hospital, Fort M cCl ellan, Al a. Don is now on the instructor staff at the Armored School, Fort Knox, K y. J ames Schwering ha been promoted to Major a t his Pacific base. Lt. T yrus Winter is now a ttached to a m edical ba tta lion at Schweinfurt, Germany. C apt. Pa ul Schaeffer recentl y received his disch arge, after completion of 31 months ervice in India . Capt. Tom R yan h a been ap pointed as a n instructor at the Command and General Sta ff School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan . Lt. Joseph Andrasik, Jr. , appeared as an extra in several scenes of Erni e Pyle's "GI Joe." Ea rl Wil ey was n amed a Lt. Colonel at his base on Luzon, shortly before his return to the States. Capt. Robert Stoecklein was awarded the Bronze Star. Paul W agner has been discharged from the Army and has returned to D ayton . Frankie Baujan, with the Army on th e W est coast, is ta king a course in a Physical R econditioning Instructors' School. Lt. Col. and Mrs. George Zahn (Virginia Finke '40 ) announce th e birth
of a da ughter M a ry Elizabeth. 1940- Col. James Ballard and V enita Marie Strain were married on May 25. Capt. a nd Mrs. George Humm (Jane Watkins) announce the arrival of a son, George Robert, on July 8. Capt. Humm is in Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNamara, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Ann, June 8, at K ent, Ohio. C a pt. H enry "H a nk" Scharf is being discharged after two years ervice -in ETO. Dr. Cha rles Wilke attended the August meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers at which Dt. Lionel Galstaun ' 33 wa guest speaker. Harry J crina has been assigned to Selman Field, Monroe, La. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bootes a nnounce the birth of a son, Donald Craig, August 5. Lt. Joseph Thomas arrived home last month after serving in the ETO. Ca pt. Chris Ba rrett, W / 0 Wm. Allan H erzog, M erchant Marin er Robert Hoover and Maj. Fra nk Murphy were recent campu visitors. Norman Hoelzer has been named assista nt coach to L ee Zierolf '36. Carolyn Ann is the name of the new daughter of Mr. and Mr . Ed. Bishop, Louisvill e, Ky., who were recent campus visitors. Dwight Shannon is serving as an admission cl erk in a hospital unit on Northern Luzon, and wa awarded the M eritorious Service Unit Plaque, for service in action. Lt. (jg. ) Larry Knorr, after 3 years over eas service as PT boat kipper, has received his discharge and rejoins the D etroit Lions football team. Lt. (jg. ) Tony Rush is stationed at the Naval Hospital at San Di ego, California, and recently m et M a j. Jack Padley out there. 1941 - Lt. AI Suttman was released from a Jap prison camp in Manila, having been interned since 1941. H e is expected home soon. Elma Pla ppert arrived in the ETO to serve the armed forces as an American R ed Cro staff assistant. Cpl. M a rvin Lam and Cpl. Earl Cha ney were returned recently from the ETO. D eepest sympathies are expressed to Jack Kirchmer upon the death of his mother, July 23. Lt. Charles L eyes is home from oversea having been h eld a Nazi prisoner for nine months. Robert Shultz was promoted to Major at ATSC, Wright Field. A Bronze Star was awarded to Capt. Howard Bistlin e, now back from Europe. Capt. M elvin Nellis upplied the 14th airforce with incendiary bombs, and the Chinese troops with flam e throwers. Jack Kirchmcr, Mark Hicks '45, Bill R aiff '44, and John Rauscher '44,
h ave been credited for their part in re earch on the atomic bomb. Cpl. Maurice Chabrand was graduated from an advanced communications course at Boca Raton Airfield. Capt. Pa ul Humpert is in Miami, Fla. for reassignment after 24 months as a company commander in the Persian Gulf Comma nd theatre. Campus visitors included Lt. Charles Jackon, recently graduated from Command and General Staff School, Lt. Bill Joyce, C apt. Duncan Obee, Lt. Hugh Smith, and Joe Wohlschlager. Capt. Leo Farber returns to the sta tes after two years as prisoner of war in Poland. Lt. Howard Lansdowne is home, having seen service in Africa and Italy. Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Hollenka mp announce the birth of a son in July. 1942- Dr. Mark P. F echer and Lorraine Sebek were married in St. Louis, Sept. 29. J eannette Speckman became the bride of Lt. Richa rd Klopf, Jr. August 24, in Dayton. X avier Covarrubias, Jr. was married to Maria del Ca rmen on July 14, in M exico City. A son, Craig Stuart, was born to Lt. a nd Mrs. Robert Boyd, Jr., July 8, at Patterson Field R egional Hospital. Major and Mrs. Wm. Higgins were recent campus visitors. Capt. Earl Giesman, Jr., recently awarded four battle stars and a distinguished unit citation for action against the J a p mainland, has joined the H ell-bird group in the Marianas. Howard "Bud" Egbert upon acceptance of a position with the NCR will make his residence in Los Angeles. L eo Traen, sta tioned in the Philippines with the Fifth Air Service Command, has been promoted to major. Lt. H enry Richtien, Jr. , is now stationed at Boca R aton Field. Lt. and Mrs. R obert Wagner of Springfield, Mass., announce the birth of a daughter, Paula Christine. Lt. Bernard Schmidt is scheduled for redeployment at Indiantown Gap, Pa. Bob H eidkamp, Lovell General Hospital, Fort Devens, M ass. is a physical reconditioning instructor. H e was recently transferred from the transportation to the medical corps. Lt. Robert Wolff, USNR, married Eileen Schmitz, a t Long Beach, Calif., Aug. 14, after having erved two years overseas as a communications officer. Lt. Wolff is instructing at T erminal Island. The couple will re ide in Long Beach. Lt. (jg. ) Carl Woeber has just returned from duty as pilot of a N avy searching pla ne that opera ted from a base in the South Atlantic. Dr. Robert Swank is interning a t Good Sa maritan Hospital, Dayton, after having been graduated from Ohio State in June. L eo Palm-
er was gradua ted from the Univer ity of Cincinnati. Lt. (jg. ) Paul R yan, having served on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific was a campus visitor while home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Jackson (Grace K eller) are now residents of Caineville, Fla. Lt. Joe McShane was home after lengthy ervice in Italy. Capt. Robert Waltz i a t Camp Breckenridge, K y. Ens. Joe Schulkers i aboard an LST in the South Pacific. Blaz Scott i working again a t the Inland, after having uffered a broken neck some time ago. R ecent visitors were Ned H e , Lt. Bob Greene, Lt. Joe Quinn, Mr. a nd Mr. Don High (Sue M a rtin ) Lt. John Boland, Capt. " Pete" E cabert, recipient of the Purple H eart and Silver Star, Frank M edla nd, and Joe Murphy. Maj. a nd Mrs. Richard Hirt visited the campus in August. 1943- Capt. J erry We tend orf i sta tioned with the 78th Division of the Army of occupation in Germany, while Pa ul O'Rourke is seeing service in the Philippines. Lt. Bob Miller, 26th M a rine Division, received the Silver Star. Lt. H a rry Zavako has received his discharge from military service. Lt. Richard Christman emerged from 42 missions without a scra tch . A pursuit pilot, Dick was based in Italy. Lt. William Gauvey scored a direct hit on one of J apan' last two ba ttleships, the Nagato. Lt. Joseph Overwein, commissioned in the infantry at Ft. Benning in July, wa a campus vi itor July 9. H e is now awaiting hipment overseas. Lt. Charle L ause, Jr. , a patient in the army ho pita! in Florida, occupies his lei ure hours with art studi e . Lt. George L. Gei ler Jr., was awarded a battlefield commission, having risked hi life to save hi two wounded com rades. Ruth Ellen Bra mlage and Lt. Roman Wiggenhorn were married at St. Anthony's Church, Sept. 18. Lt. Wiggenhorn recently com pleted a five-week course at Roswell, New M ex., a a flight engineer a nd was destined for B-29 Superfortres assignment. Lt. Louis Thacker is in France with a redeployment company. Marth a Bucher has ta ken over the duties of libraria n at the Engineer's Club. Lt. Robert Ashenfelter finished hi B-29 operational training at Great Bend, K a nsas a nd is schedul~d to go overseas. Lt. J erry M cDonough is studying at the AAF School of Avia tion M edicine. Lt. J erry H erzog was presented th e Air M edal at his Filipino base. J ames Broga n has been transferred to th e Marianas, with 26 months in the
Pacific chalked up to his credit. Lt. William Knisley and Lt. Helen Burr, flight nurse, were married on Sept. 4. Amy Luthman and Lt. (j.g.) Wayne Stamm, veteran of 22 months in the European and Pacific areas, are to be married October 16. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jehn (Betty James '44) returned to Dayton, after completion of Larry's graduate studies at Brown University. Norman Wooley and Ruth Brinkman, '45, were married at St. Albert the Great Church on June 23. The unexpected occured for both L't. William Stormer and Lt. (j.g.) Robert Maloney, '42, when they met on Iwo Jima. Ens. Elizabeth McKown, U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, California, is working in a plastic surgery ward, and met Tony Rush, '40, out there. Campus visitors included Lt. John Wroe, recent returnee from ETO, M / Sgt. Charles Shiavo, Lois Stafford, Pat Tempest, Lt. Bob Vebbing. Lt. Ed Henz, and Lt. George Geisler - veterans of ETO, and Betty Bogart. Lt. Orrie Martino, was on Okinawa. Ethel Cochran Archer was also a campus visitor with her son, David. Sympathy is extended to Lt. John Wroe upon the recent death of his father. Maria Economides is now employed at Monsanto. Lt. Jim Fenton i stationed at Camp Beale, Calif., while awaiting overseas shipment. Ens. Leonard Poth, with 16 combat missions in the Pacific, a nd S/ Sgt. Ralph Kaiser with 28 months' duty in North Africa, have return ed home. D eepest sympathy is extended to M ary Elizabeth Leonard upon the death of her fath er, Robert K eogh, a form er university student, who was killed wh en struck by a car as he was h elping three soldiers change a tire n ea r Patt e r son Fi e ld. Lt. Bob Schmidt was a campus visitor. He just returned from the ETO. Lt. John Hoba n was a campus visitor before going overseas. Lt. Paul H erking visited the campus in August. 1944--Lt. Bob Seiter and J an Hibbert were m arri ed July 7. Mr. and Mrs. John Qua tman (D orothy Hummert '43 ) announ ced the birth of a son, Robert John, born a t th e Good Sama ritan H ospital, Sept. 17. Ens. Michael Connair reported for tempora ry duty in the electronics offi ce a t Puget Sound avy Ya rd, Bremertop, Wash., after h aving a ttended the training school a t MIT. Lt. J ames Richard Carnah an and M a ry Elizabeth Cryder were married on July 26. Sympa thies are extended to Wally Rugh, whose fa ther died
lc PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 71
June 27, and to Betty James Jehn, whose father died Aug. 6. Hugh Hoffman, Jr., holder of the Combat Star for action near Okinawa, arrived home from the Pacific area where he saw action aboard a destroyer-minelayer. Don Ruhl's recent overseas hop took him to Manila while Robert Luken served on Okinawa. John M. Beres has received his captaincy. Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter (Lynn Lorenz ) announce th e birth of a son, Terry Lee, July 26. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hallman (Ruth Driscoll ) announce the birth of a daughter, K a thleen Joan . Lt. and Mrs. Charles Freer (Mary Fischer '45 ) announce the birth of a son, David Charles, in July. Betty Rogge, dramatic art teacher at Stivers high school carried the leading role in the Yellow Springs summer theatre production of Claudia. Lt. (j.g. ) Carl Housekeeper is now with the 7th Fleet H eadqua rter in the Philippines. Lt. Finke is a ttached to the Third a rmy in Germany. Pfc. George K eller was stationed at Daytona Beach, Fla ., being treated for battle wounds, and recently was discharged. Lt. (j.g. ) Bill McHugh is a recent bridegroom. His brother Joe, has resumed studies at the university following his discharge from the navy. Lt. Robert Perkins is among U. D. servicemen sta tioned in Germany with the army of occupation. Lt. Joseph Goubeaux and LaJeanne Sarver were married Sept. 18. Carl Classen will return to New York, having received his disch arge from military service. William Fitzgibbon is ta tioned aboard the USS Columbia in the Pacifi c, where he h as as his ch aplain, F ather Tom Bodie, form er U . D. fac ulty member. Lt. Bill Sauerman, still serving in the ETO recently received the news of the birth of his son. Pauline Zink is teaching a t J efferson Township. Adele U nverferth as " Cornelia" h as her own radio program d aily on WHIO. M a rita Sharkey is with the R ed Cross recreation al service in India. John Hickey, now employed at the American Aircraft, was a recent campus visitor. Lt. J erry O'Grady,
Lt. Bob Seiter, George Markus and M / Sgt. John Graf were recent campu visitors. John Farnbacher is now serving in the army. Corp. Bill Goss is back in the States and was a campus visitor in September. Lt. Richard Rudnicki and Virginia Perry were married in September. Lt. Lee Schmidt was best man. Both were campus visitors before the ceremony. 1945- Sue Dudlext is now res~d ing in M exico City. Recently returned from service in France, Lt. Raymond T eegardin, A-20 pilot, is on temporary detached service and is with the First Tow Target Squ~d ron at Naples, Italy. Ens. Fred Liederbach, Jr. is serving aboard tl}e USS Rogers Blood as an Engineering Officer. Theodore Brown and Garn et Stout were married Sept. 1?· Cpl. John Quinlisk, Jr., member qf the 71st division, combat engineers, is enrolled in the U . S. arm y University Center in Engla nd . M a ry Elizabeth J ehn was married to Cla rk L. T erry July 14, a nd on July 24 Pfc. Arthur Ventura's ma rriage to Genevieve Jonas was solemnized. Pfc. Paul J. Hickey is home recovering from wounds received in the Pacific war theater. A regular '45 reunion was staged for AI Diringer, who met Ch arlie Seaman in M a nil a, and R ed H a rvey aboard ship a t Oro Bay. T ed Schuler is home after seeing service in England. Lt. Bill "French y" LaFleur is now a t O ceanside, Calif. Bob Pfeiffer is now a freshman a t West Point. Lt. Norbert Giere received his commi ion from OCS at Fontainebleau, Fra nce. R ecent campus VJSJtors were George Igel, Dick Alexander, M arian Dibley, Sgt. Paul K appes, returned from service in Italy, Sgt. J ohn Wh arton, also back from the ETO, and S/ Sgt. J ohn Wilker. Wilker i recuperating from wounds received in the European theater. Corp. J ohn Thoma is in Pa ris working as an X-ray technician. S/ Sgt. Willia m Thoma is in the Pacific theater . Lt. Bob Huels was a campus visitor after returning h ome after several months in a German prison camp. Joe Connelly was in the Mindan ao campaign.