The University of Dayton Alumnus, January 1946

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7l>P c, I

Annual Musical Rehearsing for




J anuary, 1946

M a ry Shay '44 ..................

U niversity Lecture . .. . . N ew F aculty ... . . . .....





























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Bro. Bernard Sch ad . ... . .... . . ... . . . .. .... . ... . . .. . . . . ........ . ... ,. 4 Lost Alumni .......... . .. . 4, 5, 6 Basketball Squad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 o

REV. JAMES GILLIS R ev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P. will speak on the University Lectures Series Sunday, Feb. 10, 1946 a t 8:15 p. m. , in the ballroom of the Biltmore Hotel. The topic of hi lecture will be "The Spanish Problem ." F a ther Gillis is a prominent fig ure in con temporary American letters. His fame has pread throughout the country, pa rticula rl y because of his series of Ca tholic H our broadcasts and as radio speaker on th e Angelus Hour. Since 1908 he has lectured in almost every state a nd in Canada and Europe. He was speaker a t the Interna tiona l Eucha ristic Congre in M anil a and Budapest; he is a member of the Board of Editors of the Ca tholic Book Club, and Academy M ember of the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors. Father Gilli is a member of the Ca tholic Press A socia tion of America and of th e American section of th e Intern ation al Academy of Sociology. Within the past few year , h e has been th e recipient of honorary degree of Doctor of Letters and Doctor of L aw from six colleges in the East and Midwest. His is one of the most capable a nd scorching pens against the errors and injustices of our day.

Front Cover: M ay we present Maurice R eicha rd, Bonnie Winckleman, and Bob Buehler. Bonnie a nd Bob have the lead in the 12th a nnual Mask a nd M ascara mu ical, which will be presen ted the middl e of February. R eicha rd is in cha rge of direction in addition to writing the mu ic and coll aborating on the script.





Class Notes . ....... . ..... . ....... .... . .. . ..... . ......... . ... . ... . 7, 8 "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly- O ctober through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including M embership in the Alumni Association, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton ." For will s a nd other bequests, the legal title of the corpora tion is, "The Unive rsity of Dayton, Dayton , Ohio."


President . ........ HoN. WM. H. WoLFF '31 , Dayton, Ohio Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . CHARLES PFARRER '27, Dayton, Ohio Treasurer . . .... . . . .. . . WM. ]. REYNOLDS '29, Philadelphia, Pa. (Terms expire Commencem ent, 1943) S ecretary. . ..... .. . . .. . . .. ......... MAr..Y SHAY ( AjJpointive Office) 0





- DIRECTORST erms expire Commencement, 1943- JosEPH GoETZ '31 , Dayton ELMER WILL '37, Dayton Terms expire Homecoming, 1943- DR. LEON DEGER '10, Dayton DR. WALTER REILING '30, Dayton Terms expire Homecoming, 1944- PAuL MooRMAN '30, Dayton HUGH E. WALL, JR. '34, Dayton ALUMNI MEMBERS - BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROLT erms expire January, 1943- RoBERT C. PAYNE '34, Cincinnati LEo SPATZ '28, Dayton T erms expire J anuary, 1944-L oms R. MAHRT '26, Dayton MERLE P. SMITH ' 25, Dayton Terms expire January, 19-J.S-MART!N C . Ku NTZ ' 12, Dayton J. ELLIS MA ~· L '08. Dayton


Faculty Members Added to Staff With the increased enrollment at the university a number of new faces will appear among the faculty. May we present addition to the teaching staff. Willia m F. Cah ala n, instructor in English, h as just finished his m aster' degree in educational psychology a t Columbia, after receiving his Bachelor's from Fordh am. H e h as served as registrar of X avier High School, ew York City, and as secretary to the Vice-President of Fordha m. Mr. Cahalan ta ught English at Dover, D elaware, until he enlisted in the Navy. John Hogan hails from Racine, Wise., and will a! o teach in the English depa rtment. Mr. Hogan received his B.A. from Marquette, and his m aster's from the University of Wisconsin in English. H e has recently b een discharged from service in the Army, after serving with a corps of Engineers. R euben Koch, a native Daytonian, holds a master's from Ohio State University in mathematics. H e will teach in our math department. Mr. Kock taught for a period of thirtynine years in the public school system . H e had planned to retire, but found such a great interest in teaching that h e is continuing in the profession of his choice. At the present, h e is collaborating with his son on the writing of a math book. Dr. Robert Kuder is scheduled to teach in the chemistry department. H e received his A.B., summa cum la ude, and with distinction in chemistry from Ohio State University. Dr. Kuder was awarded his Ph.D . in the fi eld of organic ch emistry at Northwestern. H e h as been affiliated with the Standard Oil Co. as a research chemist. DeSales Powell, instructor in sociology and philosophy, received his A.B., cum laude, from Georgetown University in philosophy, economics and sociology. He attended the Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto, Fordham, and Columbia Universities. Then he returned to Georgetown where he was awarded his Master of Arts.

Returned Veterans R eeves R. Schwartz, after three years' service in the Navy, is coming to the university to teach in the physical education department. H e has an M .S. in Phys. Ed. from the University of Minnesota. During his service in the Navy, he was stationed at the University of California, having


ACTIVE IN THE ANNUAL FATHER CHAMINADE DAY PROGRAM, Jan. 22, were seniors Kay Ens and Allan Braun. Father Charles Preisinger, S.M ., spoke on the new biography of Father Chaminade recently completed by Katherine Burton . Father Edwin Leimkuhler, S.M., also spoke on the progress of the cause of the society's founder.

charge of the intra mural program for a pproxima tely 1800 naval trainees, and assisted in coaching the baseball team. At California Polytechnical Coll ege, Sc hwartz h a d compl e t e charge of the Navy phy ical training program. Wilfred J. Steiner, also recently disch a rged from service, wi ll teach in the field of European history. While in service in Europe, he a ttended the University of Paris and completed a course in the French language and history. H e received his mas ter's degree from H a rvard. Leroy P. Sterling, M arietta, Ga ., has a Ph.B. in mechanical engineering from Sheffi eld Scientific School, Yale University. For some time h e was instructor of aviation engines, Riddl e Aeronautical Institute in Florida. Mr. Sterling also served as assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Alabama, and is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers. William W. Taylor will teach in the business department. H e received his bachelor's degree from Northwestern and his master's from New York University. H e has taught at Winona Business College, Winona, Minn., and in the public school system at Lima, 0. Also, he worked in public accounting for ten years. R e-


PAPAL BLESSING BESTOWED ON U.D. R ecently Father R enneker received a letter of thanks from the Office of the Secretary of State of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, for a modest offering made to His Holiness. Following is a quotation from the letter : "The Supreme Pontiff, greatly appreciating this expression of filial loyalty and devotion, bids me convey to you as President, and through you to all the generous donors, th e sentiments of His gratitude for their gift. " Th e Holy F ather, while tha nking you, bids me to assure you of His special interest in the welfare of your esteemed University, and as a token of his paternal solicitude and benevolence, He most cordially bestows on you, the faculty and students, His Apostolic Blessing." cently discharged, he comes to the University of Dayton.

Dean of Women Sister Agnes Immaculata, S.N.D. , dean of women, has fully recuperated and is back at her desk. It is good to see her back. Garth E. H eckman, instructor in accounting, has been given a leave of absence.

Midwest Aircraft, Inc. Rewards M.E. Lab Midwest Aircraft Products, Inc. Manufacturers of Aircraft Accessones D ayton, Ohio D ec. 31, 1945 University of Dayton, D ayton, Ohio Attention: Brother Andrew Weber Gentlemen: Enclosed find our check in the amo unt of $1,000.00 which we wish to contribute as a donation in appreciation of past services and favors rendered us by your Mechanical Engineering L aboratory. It would please us if you would use this donation to improve and add to the facilities of your M ech anical Engineering Laboratory. Very truly yours, MIDWEST AIRCRAFT PRODUCTS, INC. Signed M. M. Culver, President, A. M . F argo, Vice-President. Mr. Culver is no stranger to the mechanical engineering stud ents of '42-'43-'44. Because of the pump tests that were conducted in the labs under his supervision, Mr. Culver became路 well acq uainted with the mechanical engineering department and its students. Also, Mr. Culver became known because of the M.E.S. talk on speed boa t racing. H e holds the nation al ch ampionship of his class of boat- "The Yankee Doodle. " Mr. F argo is known by the class of '44 because of the valve tests that were conducted under the combined supervi ion of Mr. F argo and Mr. Culver in the M.E. Lab. The world of today is progressing rapidly along scientific and engineering lines as is experienced by both industrial concerns a nd educational. institutions. To meet present day problems facing industry and schools alike there must be a sympathetic understanding between them and a mutual cooperation in each other's difficulties. Midwest Aircraft Products, Inc. , is to be congratulated in realizing the present world conditions a they affect indu try and schools. We would like to expres the appreciation and thanks of the University of D ayton, F ather R enneker; president of the university, the mechanical engineering department, and the students to the Midwest Aircraft Products, Inc. , for the practical way it h a crystallized its realistic conviction.


DR. BERNARD SCHAD Bro. Bernard T. Sch ad, S.M ., former dean of the engineering college, and inspector of schools of the Cincinna ti province of the Society of Mary, has been appointed inspector general of schools of the Society of Mary throughout the world. Confirmation of the appointment came by cable from the vicar-general of the Society, Father Francis Jung, from Nevilles, Belgium. Broth e r Schad su ccee d s Bro. Michael Schleich , S.M., who died in Spain in April of 1945. Brother Schad is a nephew of the la te Brother Schleich, and is the third American to hold the post a nd become a member of the general administration of the Society of M ary. Entering the order of the Society of M ary a t D ayton in 1905, h e made his first profession of vows in 1906. H e began his teaching career a t the University of D ayton in 1920. The department of civil engineering was founded by Brother Schad. H e served as h ead of that department until 1935 when h e was appointed dean of the college of engineering. From 1922 to 1936, Brother Schad served on the UD a thletic board, and was faculty adviser of a thletics from 1926. H e was closely associated with the construction program of Alumni h allthe men's dormitory, the U .D. stitdium and the Albert Emanuel library. While a t the university, Brother Schad took an active part in civic affairs. H e was chairman of the safety committee of the D ayton Chamber of Commerce, a member of the D ayton traffic commission, and president of the D ayton ch apter of the Ameri4

Seek Information on Lost Alumni The University of D ayton Alumni Association is a very active and swiftly moving body. With the migration of alumni through their contributions to the war effort, some of which was civilian, a nd most of which was military in nature, many of our a lumni h ave become lost from our mailing list. We don't like this, and in order to keep all of our alumni informed as to activities, and to keep them posted on the latest bits of news, the editor is making an effort to trace all of our "missing," some of which. are listed below. The rest will follow next month. The "missing" are listed with the last known city of residence, which according to the Post Office is . not correct. If you find any of your friends listed, and you know their correct address, won't you please h elp ? Just send it to us, eith er on a post-card or by phone, if that is possible. - Thanks a lot.

A John Ahrim, Philadelphia, Pa . D r. Jos. Amersbach, '23, N. Y., N. Y. J oseph W. Andras, '30, Cleveland, 0. R ev. John C. Angel, ' 02, Marianna, P a. A. Stuart Armstrong, '30, Cleveland, 0. Clarke Ash, Lt., '45, Avon Park, Fla. Thomas A. Aspell, Ens., '37, San Di ego, Calif.

B Doroth y Mari e Baar, ' 42, D a yton, 0. J ohn Baczenas, '14, W ashin gton, D . C. Marcus Bakke, '22, Di ckenson, N. D ak. Pa ul Barton, St. Louis. Mo. Duke Belanich, Cleveland, 0. Dwight Ben tel, San Jose, Calif. Robert Bergan, '28, Peoria, Ill. 0. J. Beringer,' 12, D avton, 0. Frank M. Beisinger, ' 04, Pittsburgh, P a. Otis S. Birdsall, '34, St. Louis, Mo. W a lter Black, '33, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Continued on page 5)

can Society of Civil Engineers. In 1938, h e was n amed inspector of the schools of the Cincinnati province of the Society of M ary. H e supervised the academic training of prospective teachers and the advanced training of those engaged in the field of education. Brother Sch ad holds degrees from the University of D ayton, the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and two degrees including his doctor of philosophy from the University of Michigan. H e will leave for Europe as soon as passage is arranged . The entire Alumni body wishes to extend the heartiest of congratulations to you on your recent achievement and honor. God-speed, and may Almighty God in His H eavenly Wisdom, protect and guide you always.

Lost Alumni

1 \

{Contin ued from page 4) Mrs. Wm. K. Bookwalter, Troy, 0. Chas. R . Borns, Capt., '40, Louisville, K y. Mrs. H elen L . Bowman, Dayton, 0 . Wm. Bowman, Major '3 0 Camp Butner N.C. ' ' ' Richard K. Bramlage, Covington, K y. Paul Bran denb urg, Lt., '3 1, Danville, K y. C. G. Bran ds, Ens., W as hington, D . C. Mary T. Braun, '38, D ayton, 0 . Wm. C. Braun, '36, Dayton, 0 . Rob~ rt G. Breene, Capt., '08, L angley F1 eld, Va. Dr. John A. Brennan, Cleveland, 0. Fra ncis T. Brewer, '35, Dayton, 0 . Bernard Brisse, L aconia, Mass. Pvt. M. A. Broa d ston e '44 San Diego, Calif. ' ' Charles H . Brown, D ayton 0 . D avid Brosn, '28, Columb~s, 0. D on Brown, Columbus, 0 . Eugene Brown, '29, Marion, 0. V . S. Brown, '22, Chattanooga, T enn. All en M . Bryant, '35, D ayton, 0. Claude S. Buchanan, '35, D ayton, 0 . Clem J. Bueker , D ayton . 0. Mi chae l J. Burgher, '28, . Y., N . Y. Jam es R . Burns, '46, Springfield, 0. John .J. Bu yer, Lt., Ft. H ancock, N ew J ersey.


Roy Caponi, Se:t., '44, Ft. M cC lell a n Ala. Wm. W . Chapin, '20, D ayton, 0 . ' Bob Chester, N. Y .. N.Y. Lois Christensen, ' 40, D ayton, 0 . Gra tton Clavin, Capt., '33 , Fort H a milton, N.Y. R . P. Clemens, '24, D ayton , 0 : Jack W. Cobey, D ayton , 0. Robert S. Collins, '28 D ayton 0. C. F. Conway, '4 1, Dayton, 0 . ' W. M. Cooney, ' 15, Lima, 0. August Corso, '33 , D ay ton, 0. Francisco J. Crespo. '42, Dayton, 0 .

D John ]. Danis, Capt., '3 1, Plattsburg Barracks, N.Y. Lawrence J. Daugherty, '39, Fostoria, 0 . I. J. D eBrosse, '26, Dayton, 0. Thomas]. D empsey, Sg t., '3 1, Camp Gordon, Ga. ]. C. D eibel, '2 1, Yo un gstown, 0 . Dr. Gerald H. D en ni s, '26, Dayton, 0. John T . Dietz, '99, D ayton, 0. John Dill, Lt., '44, Pensacola, Fla. ]. A. Donahu e, '22, Dayton , 0. Joseph D oni si , '28. Bedford, 0 . George Donson, '29, D ayton, 0. Jam es C. Dowling, D ayton, 0 . W . G. Doyle, ' 25, Nashvill e, T enn. T. D. Drake, Lt. , ' 23, Plattsburg Barracks, N.Y. Charles L . Dresel, Lt. '35 Camp Stewart Ga. ' ' ' Ri chard Duffy, '36, Bell efont ai ne, 0 . Albert Dung, '46, Seattle, W ash . Andrew T . Durbin, K enton, 0 . B. A. Dury, '19. Camo Hood, T exas. R . A. D ye, '22, N.Y., N . Y .

E Arthur T. Eaton, '30, D ayton , 0 . Geo. E . Edmondson , ' 18, Columbus, 0. Milton M. Eh ert, Lt., '3 1, D ayton, 0 . Thom as C . Eickmyer, '36, Dayton, 0. Albert R. Evans, Capt., '32, Dayton, 0 .

F L eo Fa rber, Lt., '41, APO 251, c/ o PM, N.Y.,N. Y. D a n F. Fitzsimmons, '33, Cleveland, 0. R . J. Flattery, '44, D etroit, Mich. P~.,n V . Fl ,.ck. Upp er Sandusky, 0 . Art Focke, Woodacres, Md. E . C. Fortune, '04, Findla•' 0.

Wm. F . Foster, '09, Dayton, 0 . R. W. Foust, Lt., '35, Waco, T exas. Wm. F. Frischkorn . ' 25, Wichita Falls, T exas.

G M abe l Ganger, '4 1, Dayton, 0 . R ay Gass, D ayto n, 0 . Robert H . Gates, '3 7, N ew L ebanon, 0. Joseph H. Geis, T / 5, '45, APO 33 1, c/ o PM, San Francisco, Calif. L es ter Giambroni, APO 141, N . Y., N.Y. Loren H . Gillett, '44, R ec. Ship, San Francisco, Calif. George Corry, '33, Buffa lo, . Y. J ames R. Corry, Lt., '42, Columbus, 0 . C. Graham, '28, D ayton , 0 . Jos. F. Grau er, .Jersev City, N . J. R ay J . Groina, ' 29, Flint, Mich. E. L. Gross, ' 12, Cincinnati 0. John .J. Groos, '4 1, Chanute Field, R a ntoul, Ill. Louis R. Gross, Great L akes, Ill.

H Jos. T. H ackman, ' 74, Conn ersville, Ind. Edward G. H a ft , Pvt., Ft. Geo. G. M eade, Md . S. W . H a ll , '01. C harleston, W . Va. Wm. M. H a milton, '30, Troy, 0. J ames H. Hann egan, '22, D ayton, 0. W a lter H a rd es ty, Baltimore, Md. J ames A. H arris, Lt., D ayton , 0 . Haelen H ays, '4 1, Dayton, 0. Charles J H elldoerfer, '33, Clayton, 0. P. M. H enn essy, '3 0, D ayton, 0. Rose A. H ermetz, '39, D ayton, 0 . Lyman L. Hill, ' 13. D ayton, 0. John A. Hill er, ' 19, Cincinna ti. 0 . M . Hock enberger, D etroit, Mi ch . Th eo dore H . Hoffman, '29, D ayton, 0. William Holm es, Capt., W ashin gto n, D . C . .John W. Holtvoight, '24, D ayton, 0 . A. J. Holzhauer, ' 27, D ayto n, 0 . Louis Horger, D etroi t, Mich. Max M. Hou ser, '29 . Dayton, 0.


C. H .. Ja ckso n, '41, Germa ntown, 0. Harry L. Jacobs, D ay ton, Ohio. Norma n C . J acques, '20, Dayton, 0. Audrey E . J ames, '3 7. D ayto n, 0. Willi am ]. J anning, '20, Dayton, 0. Wm. A. Jord an, '3 2, Shend an, Pa. Willi a m A. Joyce, '4 2, Midland , T exas

K Sigmond Kahn. '38, Kirk esville, Mo. M aurice R . Katz, '30, D ayton, 0 . Dr. L . J K auffman, '22, D ayton, 0. Robert Kawk a. '35, Mi ami , Fla. T. .T. K ehoe, ' 18, C ynthiana, K y. Ri chard G. K ershn er, S/ Sgt., '42, Springfi eld , 0. Paul K ettl e, D ayto n, 0 . .T. J. Kienhoefer, ' 16, Dayton, 0 . M arion H. Ki eter, '36, Dayton, 0. William F. Kin geler, Dayton, 0 . H . F . Kirsch, '38 , Gibsonburg, 0. M elvin J. Klarin, Sgt., '35, Los Angeles, Calif. William K overman, Lt., '3 6, Sioux Falls, S.Da k. Ralph L . Krame r, '17, D ayton, 0 . Elmer D. Krug, '04, Los Angeles. Calif. A. M . K ru thaup, '2 1. Cincinnati, 0. Art Kugelman, ' 23, D ayton , 0 . Jos. C. Kuntz, '22, D ayton, 0 .

L Margaret E. Lackey, '41, Dayton, 0 . Wm. J. L a Fleur, '45, Tol edo, 0. Michael L ahood, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Lair, '27, Dayton, 0 . C . A. L a Londo, ' 22, D etroit, Mich. Russell C. L a ne, '3 1, Dayton, 0 . M ary M . L a ng, '4 1, Toledo, 0 . Theodore N. L a use, '3 7, Dayton, 0 . E. H. L ehman, Dayton, 0 . E. H. Lins, '28, Dayton, 0.


Walter Loch er, '3 1, Bluffton, 0 . Geo. Edw. Loges, '32, Dayton, 0 . J. E. Loges, ' 26, T erre H au te, Ind. H erman A. Lorenz, Lt., '39, Camp Polk, L a.

M J ames McCarthy, Lt., '34, Quonset, R. I. Mildred McCarth y, '26, Clay ton, 0 . Th eodore McCarthy, '22, Cartage na Colombi a, South America ' J. A. McDona ld, '21, Cincinnati, 0 . Joseph A. M cHugh, ' 12, North East, Md. Lt.VRobert J. M cKirn a n, '4 1, Qua ntico, a.

R obert McNa mara, '4 1, K ent, 0. Norman MacMillan, '43, D ayton, Ohio Edward Q. Mallon. ' 35, D ayton, 0. John J. Mallo y, W ashington, D. C. S. W. M a lon ey, ' 17, D ayton, 0. Charles Manch e, ' 14, D ayton, 0. Robert E. M a ntey, Lt., '44, Ft. Benning, Ga. Charles .T. Marshall, Jr., ' 19, D ayton, 0 . Frank Martin, '07, D ayton, Ohio Robert K . M artin , Lt. Col., Alachua Army Air Field, Gainesvi ll e, Fla. Joseph M artin ez, J r., '39 , Midland, T exas. J ames M asterson, '16, D ayton, 0. Charles A. Maxwell, Lt. Col., '30, Champagne, Ill. B. H. M easley, ' 22 Muskegon, Mi ch. Frank E . M egenity, '43 , D ayton, 0. P a ul M elk e, D ayton, 0. Alvin E . M eyer, '35, D ay ton, 0. Fred C . M eyer, '35, .Jacksonville, Fla. L orene Miller, '29, D ayton, 0. Chas. D. Miller, D ayton, Ohio Ri chard C. Miller, Capt., '3 1, Tampa, Fla. Norbert Monning, Chattanooga, T enn . N . P. Mott, ' 19, M arion, 0 . C. J Mu ell er, ' 22, D ayton, 0 . S/ Sgt. C lem R . Murph y, Ft. J ackson, S. C . Eskal ene D . M yers. '39, D ayton, 0 .

N E. F. N eary, ' 13, D ayton, 0. Robert H. N evin, '3 5, D ayton , 0. T. E. N ewman, ' 22. Columbus, 0. Madelin e Nichols, Fairfield 0. H enry Ni ehaus, '8 7, Cin ci nn ati, 0. R a lph Ni ehaus, '39, Great L akes, Ill.

0 Willi am T . O'Brien. ' 15, Columbus, 0. R ev. Wm. P . O 'Connor, '08, Camp Shelby, Mi ss. Ign acio Olazagasti, Brooklyn, N . Y . J ames D. Olcott, '39, Baltimore, Md . Albert L . O sterday, ' 29, D ayton, 0 . R ~ lph Outca lt, '45, Camp Gruber, Okla.


Ens. Clarence H. Patrie, Cha rl es ton, S. C. Roy Pau l, '3 7, D ayton, 0. Wm. D . Pau l, Cincinn a ti, Ohio Joseph P esce, '28, Indi anapolis, Ind. C. ]. Pfan der, Sgt., '28, Camp H ood, T exas. Alfred .J. Pfei ffer, '23 , D ayton, 0. H erbert Plu m pe. '36, W yandotte, Mi ch. M a rcellus R. Pohlmeyer, '2 0, Indi anapolis, Ind . M elvin Plaski , '38, Dayton, 0. A. L . Poliquin, Jr., ' 23, X enia, 0 . R . C. PotterÂŁ, '27, D ayton, 0 .


Wm. J. Quay, '24, Cleveland, 0. Luis Quijano, M exico, D . F.

R Robert L . R ad er, '34, W est Carrollton, 0 . Charles F . Rain s, '43 , D ayton, 0 . P etro Ramirez, '20, Tampico, M exico H enry A. R a uch, '34, Connersville, Ind. N eil R eich elt, Camp L ee, V a . John A. R etter, Maj ., Camp Edwards, Mass. (Co ntinued on page 6)


THOMAS N. BRAUN Sgt . Thomas N. Braun, ex ' 46 , was officially declared dead Dec. 4, 1945, after having been missing in action a year . Awarded the Purple Heart, he served as an aerial gunnerengineer with the 20th Air Force on Saipan.

Sgt. Thoma Nicholas Braun, ex '46, was reported killed in action D ec. 3, 1945, after being reported missing for over a year. Tom enlisted in the En listed R eserve Corp in O ctober of 1942 and reported for duty in May of 1943. H e served in the infantry

Lost Alumni (Co ntinued from page 5) E lden R eynold s, ' 22, California, 0. Edward H. Richard son, '2 2, Indianapolis, Ind. Robert M. Ri ed el, Lt. , W est Palm Beach, Fla. P aul R . Riesenberg, Cincinnati , 0 . H . .J. Robben, '91, Cincinnati, 0 . John Roll, '46, St. Louis, Mo. ]. H . Romer, '24, D ayton , 0 . P. J . Rosselot, '28, Glendale, 0. R. A. Rosselot, ' 26, Glendale, 0. J ohn J. Rumig, '41, Philadelphia, Pa. Edward R yan, Jr., Springfield, 0 .


Hugo .T. Sacksted er, Dayton, 0. Wm. C. Sackwitz, '3 2, Honolulu, T . H . L. D. Sadowski, ' 25, D etroi t, Mich. R ev. W . L. Scanlan, '27, Dayton, 0 . Fred erick J. Sch nei der, ' 29, Dayton, 0 . Lt. R obert N. Schenble, '38, Sandusky, 0 . R. E. Schott, ' 27 , Philadelphi a, Pa. J ean ne Schroed er, '4 1, D ayton, 0 . W m. W . Schroed er, Capt. , '39, Aberdeen, M aryland . C . G . Schwieterman, '28, Urbana, 0. Wilson R . Scott, '42, Dayton, 0 . Mrs. Georgia Selby, D ayton, 0 . Don Sheerman, '39, Honduras, C. A. Martin .f. Sherry, '90, D ayton, 0 . John F. Schneider, '26, Dayton, 0 . L. P. Sinnot, '22, Cleveland, 0 . Mrs. E. B. Sleeter, '43, D ayton, 0 . Cornelius F. Smedebush, '33, D ayton, 0 . Clarence Smith, H ouston, Tex.

from M ay until August of 1943 a t which time he was transferred to the Army Air Corps. H e received his basic training for the infantry at Camp Wolters, T exas. Then h e was sent to Sh eppard Field, T exas, to begin his training for the aerial gunner-engineers. From August, 1943 to O ctober of 1944 h e received training a t Harlingen and Ama rillo, T exas, Great Bend, K ansas, and K earney, Nebraska. In O ctober of 1944, he was sent to Saipan in the Marianas to join the 20th Air Force. Tom was reported missing in action over Tokyo on D ec. 3, 1944, after his pla ne had fail ed to return to its base. H e was serving on a B-29. An a wa rd of the Purple H eart was m ade to him. Tom began his college training here a t the University in September of 1942. H e was enrolled in the D epartment of Business Administration. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W alter Braun, Troy, Ohio, one sister, a brother in service, and All an '46. This casualty brings the number of University of D ayton Gold Stars to 69. There are still a number of persons missing in action upon whom we wou ld appreciate further information if that is avail able. Paul R eis '41 , Harold R aybould '43, George Shullo '43, D ave Baste! '44, and Irvin路 E. L ang, and Edwa rd M cDermott, are those who are still reported as among the missing. D eWitt W . Smith, '33 , Dayton, 0 . J a ne L . Smith, D ayton, 0 . Marvin B. Smith, '41, Piqua, 0 . Walter .f. Sm yth , Ft. Bragg, N. C . John W . Sm yth e, Cleveland, 0. Dr. Robert Snyder. '3 1, Ann Arbor. Mich. Mrs. J. R . Spatz, '39, Ft. Benjamin H a rrison, Ind . Bernard C . Stand, '40, Venice, Fla. H. V. Staley, '28, D ayton, 0. R . .J. Steelman, Camden, N . J. C. A. Stelzer, '26, Dayton, 0. Jose phine A. Stephens, '42, D ayton , 0 . A. L. Stowell, Capt., ' 13, Ft. Monmouth, N ew J ersey. Robert Strasser, '40, D ayton, Ohio. Geo . .f. Streham, Dayton, 0. Raymond S. Shuey, Los Angeles, Cali f.

T Edw. T. Tancred , ' 28, Dayton, 0 . J ames A. Taylor, '32, Dayton, 0. John W . Torpey, '29, Bermuda J. E. Tritschler, ' 26, Columbus, 0.


Ed Van Armheim, '24, W aco, T exas. R ev. L . .J. Virant, M a dison, 0 . Jack Voehringer, A/ C, '4 7, M axwell Field, Ala.


Alfred W agner, ' 15, Springfield, 0. Joseph R . Wagner, ' 22, San Diego, Calif. P vt. Lloyd D. Walkey, '35, Port Mobile,

T. C. Victor G. Walling, Phoenix, Arizona R ev. J. H. Walter, Odessa, Texas Gilbert Ward , D ayton, 0 .


Registrar Expects Peak Enrollment Th e second semester is to begin on F eb. 7 with enrollment expected to be the largest in the history of U.D. F a th er Charles L. Collins, vicepresident, registra r a nd dean, has announced tha t more th a n 300 disch arged servicemen have alread y a ppli ed for admission to day classes in the spring semester. A g reat number of U.D. students whose college education was interrupted by milita ry service are re uming their courses this semester . R egistra tion for the day cl asses begins Monday, J an . 28. Classes sta rt on Thursday, F eb. 7. To meet the n eeds of those who cann ot be accommoda ted in day cl asses, a n expa nded evening program of over 90 courses i plann ed. R egistra tion for the night classes will be held from Feb. 11 to 16, with classes beginning on Feb. 13. Brot h e r Elm e r L ac kn er , assistant dean and former Alumni secretary, is director of the evening classes.


Bill Knisley who was called by the Marine Corps during his last semester in 19'4 3 is scheduled to return to school to finish for his degree . He is expected to play basketball .

K en neth E . W eber, S/ Sgt., APO 9020, c/ o PM, N . Y ., N . Y. Pa ul W eid enhamer, ' 20, D efiance, 0 . Mr. J. L . W eigand, ' 13, Dayton, 0. H enry L. W einert, ' 17, Dayton, 0. Norvel A. W enzel, '28, Philadelphi a, Pa. J. C. Wick , Tulsa, Okla. Frank Wi ckham, Miami, Fla. Earl Wiley, Lt., '40, Gulfport, Miss. William H. Willoughby, Sgt., '41, Camp Maxey, T ex. John J . Wi rtz, Lt., '38, Scott Field, Ill. Roger P . Wise, Lt., '25, Dayton, 0 . Charles F. Wolf, '21, D ayton, 0 . Donald E . Wood, Corpus Christi, Tex. Robert W oodruff, '34, Fort Bragg, N . C .


MEMBERS OF THE VARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD L. TO R. FRONT ROW ARE Ed Marrinan, Lloyd Lewis, Bob Tobin, Bob Bockrath, Kenny Boxwell, and Bill Ginn. In the second row are Ivan Thomas, Jim Birtle, Jerry Federspiel, Coach Jim Carter, George Sullivan, Joe Bath and Paul Abbott.

U.D. BEATS CINCY FOR FIRST WIN The Flyer really turned in a championship caliber econd h alf performa nce to chalk up their first win of the eason over Cincinnati 48-37. Bob Bockra th and Bill Ginn led th e scoring with 16 a nd 15 points respectively. Bockra th a nd Tobin a re sla ted for th e Army, but Carter h opes to replace these men with new students enrolling for th e second semester. Scoring to da te is : D ec. 11- Cincy 45; U.D. 28. D ec. 19- 0hio U. 53; U.D. 41. J an. 5- Mia mi 63; U.D. 32.

Jan. 15-Cincy 37; U.D. 48. J a n. 18- Bowling Green 68 ; U.D. 37. Th e revised basketball sch edule is : J an. 31- Cam p Atterbury Feb. 4- X avier Feb. 8- Mar hall Feb. 9- At Ohio Univer ity Feb. 16- At Xavier Feb. 18- 0pen- a t home F eb. 20- Miami F eb. 25- At Wittenberg . Feb. 26- M a r hall

How About Your Alumni Dues? Statements for the p aym ent of your dues have been mailed. Please don't forget to send them into the Alumni office at your ea rliest convenience. J u t use the enclo ed envelope on which no postage is required . H elp us reach our goal. The list of dues payers wi ll be published in the M a rch Alumnus.

1910- L eon J. Deger, retired Lieutena nt Colonel, is resuming his dental practice in D ayton . 1915- Leon A. Anderson is affili a ted with the Atlas Powder Co., in Albany, Ca lif. 1920- Vincent D . M a loney was a cam pus visitor. H e is Vice-Presid ent in cha rge of purchases of the Utility Automotive Equipment Co., Ottawa, Ohio. 1923- J. Ed. Gibson has moved to Toledo, 0. 1924- Allen E . T ehan is making his home in Springfield, 0 . 1925- Dr. Prudencia Cobian, Torreon, M exico, was a recent campu visitor. H e h as spent a month in the sta tes and will return to M exico soon. M erl e Smith was a ppointed General M a nager of th e Joyce-Cridland Co. , D ayton . 1927- Walter Stephan is now living in Akron, 0 ., after having work e d in C e ntral a nd South America. 1929-Rev. Norbert Mill er h as been tra nsferred to St. Peter and Paul 's church, Norwood, 0. Elmer Gundl ach wa recently discharged from service. 1930- S/ Sgt. J a mes A. Perlin is on Saipa n with an Engineers Ba e D epot outfit, and ex pects to be discha rged in th e spring. Lt. Col. Elden A. K oerner i in Philadelphia with the Signa l Corps. 1932- R obert F . Lang, ex-Major, h as been di cha rged from service and reports that he received the


Alumnus on Saipan an d Okinawa. H e is now affili a ted with the J. T. Barlow Co. , D ayton . 1934- Jim Brown was a campus visitor during the holidays. Capt. I. L. Libecap spent his h olid ay leave with his parents after having been away alm ost four years. He was sta tioned a t F airba nks, Alaska, and la ter at Whitehor e, with headqua rter a t Edmonton, C anada, as base surgeon. Lt. J os. P. Kregan was a campus visitor. H e spent 22 months in the Middle E ast with the Army Engineers, then with the Survey Liai on Office and fin a lly with G-5. R ecently he has been sta tioned a t O akridge, T ennessee, as assi tant to the construction officer of one of the proj ects. 1935- M a jor and Mrs. Jim Connell y were recen t cam pus visitors. Jim expects to be released from active duty soon. Lt. (j. g.) H. Thomas H aacke, discha rged a t Great L a kes, will resume his law practice as associate of Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling, D ayton . H e was awarded the Philippine Libera tion ribbon with one bronze sta r, and th e A-P ribbon with three ba ttl e sta rs. 1936- Pete Zurlinden served as combat correspondent, was wounded a t T a rawa, a nd received the presidential cita tion . H e was married to En ign Beth Sorenson of the N avy Nurse Corps, a t the cathedral in San Diego. Now awaiting disch arge, h e pl ans to resume reporting. M aj. Verne H . M a lloy, AAF, and M argie H owe were married in St. M ary's church, Perth Amboy, ew J ersey. They wi ll reside in Sewaren, N . J. Robert Grime has been disch a rged

Class Notes ( Continued from page 6)

after 50 months' service in the Army. H e erved in aircraft maintenance. Richard C. Weber received a promotion to Captain a t Ft. Sill, Okla ., a nd' is serving as Army aide to a group of Latin American officers visiting the Field Artillery School. 1937- J erry Hochwalt i a ttending th e Mayo Founda tion, Rochester, Minn . Bob M e)(t!r is ta tioned on Okinawa . H e recently sent pictures of Dick Strugarek's '43, grave in the Fir t M a rin e Divi ion ce m e t er y ~h ere .-Th anks, Bob. Foster Fryman I S ma king his home in Newport Beach, c.alif. J ames Schwendeman, ex-Ca pta m, was a recent campus visitor. Elmer Will, ex-Li eutena nt Colonel, i affili a ted with the D ayton H erald. 1938- Mr. and Mr . Ch a rl es Gerwels a nnounce the birth of a daughter, Julie M a rie. M ajor Dick H empelm a n wa a warded th e Chinese Air Force Wings for ervi ce in the C.B.I. War Th eatre. Miss H elen K eiser a nd Willia m Riehle h ave announ ced th eir e n gage m e nt. Tom R eiling, on termin al leave, was a campu visitor. Capt. and Mrs. D avid Grim es a nnounce th e birth of a son D avid L ee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H enr; Spa tz (June Rich art ) were recent campus visitors. George "Barney" D oona n and Miss Bridget Higgins a re now Mr. and Mrs. C eo. J. Doona n. Th ey were ma rried J an. 19, a t St. F rancis Xavier Church, L a Grange, Ill. Mr. a nd Mr . Robert M. Schn ebl e (Mary Grazia no) of Aurora, Ill., a re announcing the birth of a daughter. Mr. a nd Mr . J ame Pflum (Betty D oh erty) a nd their three-year-old da ughter, Ba rba ra, were recent campus vi itors. Jim is a civilia n again. 1939-Lt. Col. and Mrs. Brenda n J. R eilly a nnounce th e birth of a son, Brenden Joseph, Jr., J an. 11. 1940- Mr. a nd Mr . Jos. A . Thomas (K ay H erold ) h ave e ta bli hed their home in Pittsburgh, Pa. J ack Padley, ex-UD ta r and marine h ero, h as been back in civvies for some time a nd has returned to his job with L ang, H aywood a nd R eck, accounting firm. M ary Sh arkey is with the R ed Cross on Guam and has met several UD alumni. Among them a re John J. W yrnn '44, Joe J acobs '43, Everett Archdeacon '45, Bob M cK ernan a nd J ohn H ambright. Fra ncis J. Schmitt was recently di cha rged from service a nd was a campus visitor. Lt. Col. Wm . E . Kinney h as moved to L o Angeles, C alif. L eo Fitzha rris, another civili an, visited his profs a nd pals a t the U.


lc PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 71

1941- Robert All en and Frank Baker, recently dich arged, visited the campus during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clem J. Young are residing in St. Louis. Cl em is affilia ted with the Monsanto Ch emical Co. H enry Hollencamp has been relea ed from service and has join ed his D ad in his law office in D ayton. Ca pt. Michael A. K ereszi was a campus visitor and reported tha t he is enj oying termina l leave after returning from th e ETO. M a j. Howard L ansdowne wa a campus visitor. H e also is on terminal awaiting his discha rge. Sympa thy is extended to the fa mily of Joseph Wohlschlaeger on the death of his fa ther. 1942- Lt. Gene Linsker is stationed on Gua m. H e expects to return to school and continue his studies in the fi eld of science upon discha rge. Lt. (j. g. ) John J. Boland sent greetings from Yokosuha, J apan . Bro. Timothy Froendhoff, O.P., was awa rded the pontifi cal faculty degree, a licentia te in philosophy, at the Dominican House of Studies, River F ores t, Ill. Ca pt. and M rs. E . A. Stalzer a nnounce the birth of a da ughter, Carol Lee. Lt. W a lter W oeste, campus visitor, is h ome on terminal, after 38 month in ETO with the 9th Air Force, and will be discha rged in April. Capt. a nd Mr . Gilbert J. M cE wan a nnoun ce the birth of a son. Lt. Cha rles F or toff was a campus visitor. Mr. and Mrs. R obert Sells a nnounce the birth of a third son, Ronnie. Gus Kinzeler h as joined th e staff of the New York offi ce of the a tiona! Cash R egister Co. Lt. (j. g. ) Robert E. M aloney is sta tioned at Sasebo K yushu, J a pan. The LST on which he is serving i being used to tra nsport J a pa nese from northern Chin a to J a pan . 1943- Lt. and Mrs. Frank D oorley announce the birth of a daughter, Gail L ee. Norma n W ooley was a recent campu visitor. H e is affilia ted with the D ayton Power a nd Light Co. Lt. J ohn Hoban after having spent 4 month in Chin a is in Greensboro, N . C., awaiting redistribution. Robert Mcintire a nd J ohn M a rshcall were campus visitors. M arc Dunnan i enjoying terminal leave. Lt. H erb H ayes is dischaq;e offi cer a t the Sig-


nal D epot at Baltimore, Md . Lt. John W. Wroe i not sta tioneQ at .Cha tha m Field, Savannah , Ga . J ack Murphy was a recent campus visitor. J e se Evans h as been discha rged and is working with the Frigidaire. Lt. Wm. F . Stoermer enjoyed a furlough a t home during the holidays. Bill must report back to Iwo Jima early in '46. J ack Kussman h a been di cha rged. 1944- Lt. Robert Perkin writes from Nuernberg, Germa ny, of somewha t improved living conditions and of the religious Christmas celebration. Lt. Charl es R. Freer is sta tioned with the Economic division of the U .S. Alli ed Commission in Vienna, Austria . Lt. Don E. Ruhl, sta tioned in Manil a, h as been made comm anding officer of a company in his ba ttalion, and is following a corre pondence course in air conditioning and refrigera tion. Lt. Bob Luken, promoted to rank of 1st Lieutena nt, spent Christmas with Don Ruhl in M anila. Ala n J. K empner, Jr., has established his resid ence in White Plains, N. Y. Pfc. C eo. W. M a rkus is now in Chicago, Ill. Sgt. John R auscher was a cam pus visitor. Miss N oreen R oth, fo rmer secreta ry a t the university, Arts Division, and Willia m Goss were married J an. 19. R ecently discha rged after serving in th e ETO fo r over 22 months, Bill will re-enter the university in Februar y. Bob Seiter h as re-enlisted in the service. 1945- Sgt. M a rk Hicks a nd Pvt. John F a rnbacher were campu visitors. J ohn is foll owing a mecha nics course on B-29's. Betty Carlton h as moved to Glen R ock, ew Jer ey. Pfc. Bob W . Colby's ten month s' stay in Germany is bringing resul ts in a n academic way in the na ture of a letter written in Germa n to Bro. Andy Weber. Lt. and Mrs. Eugene Brown ( M a ry M a rga re t Hunk e le r ) a n nounce the birth of a on, Eugene Russell. Annette Stutsman a nd Richa rd Anduze will be married in Corpus Chri ti Church, D ayton, on F eb. 2. June Goodman a nd Richard D eBard h ave announced their engagement. Dick is pl anning on returning to school. Pfc. T om Cron is a trumpet player in th e Okin awa Ba e Comm and Special Service Band .

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