C. I
Mayor Ed. Breen '30 Endorses Field House Campaign
March • 1947
1874 - Sympathy is extended to ~he family of Joseph Moeder, who died F ebruary 27. 1895- Edward J. Rotterman has ch anged his residence from LaGra nge, Ill. , to Dayton, 0. 190o-Lawrence J auch as i ted on a committee at St. Joseph Institute, D ayton, for the devotions to St. Joseph, patron of the organization. 1902- Sympathy is extended to Charle J. Hoba n on the death of his broth er, Willia m P., on March 16. 1907- Sympathy i extended to M rs. Alfred W. Schneble, Sr., on the death of her husba nd, March 10. Survivors include a son A. William Jr. '39, and Rich ard C. '41. 1909-Louis A. Sucher represented th e Lin coln F ederal Building and Loan Association at the annual meeting of stockholders in Cincinnati. 1913- Torrence Makley is general chairman of the Insurance Convention scheduled at U.D. on April II. 1915- The R ev. Francis T. Culley, pastor of Holy Angel Church, D ayton, is ch airman of th e Bishops' R elief Campaign for Victim of War. F ather Culley was the celebrant at the Solemn High M ass for all members of the Hibernian . 1916- Louis E. Favret is president of the Willi amson F avret Furnace Company, Columbu . H e has two son who are a ttending the University of D ayton. 1920- Dr. Carroll A. H ochwa lt. director of ifonsanto' Central Research Lab in D ayton, has returned from a two-week study of the world's first a tomi c power pl ant, which is now in process of construction a t O ak Ridge, T enn. 1922- Sympathy i extended to R oy R omes on th e death of his son, Freddie. H e was buri ed from the Covington, K y. Ca th edral on March 19. 1924- J ohn Holtvoight was a recent campus visitor. H e spoke to the members of the U .D . H ome Economics C lu b on "Chin a". 1926- Charles E. Leach i a gas FRONT COVER:- Mayor Edward (center ) is hown m akinf! the first don ation in the current T ( D . Student Council Fieldhouse f und-ra i ing ca mpaign to J ames Whalen, (left ) '47, presid ent of the Student Council. Charl e Whalen, Jr. , '42, ch airman of th e Alumni Fieldhou e Fund Committee, looks on.
.J. Breen, '30,
March, 1947
"l V·[ a rv Shay '44 · · · · · · ·Edt.·tor • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' • " " ' ' ' · .. · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Sue .Dudlext '45 ........................ . . . ... · · · · · · · · · · · Ass't. Ed~tor J ack .Jones '47 . ............... . . . . . . . . . . Sports Edttor "En tered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Po,~t Office, at Dayton, Ohio under the Act of March 3, 1879. ' Issued Monthly- O ctober through .June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including M embership in the Alumni Association $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." measurement engineer at the Ohio Fuel Ga Company, Columbus, 0. 1927- Louis W . Makley h as ~n nounced his candidacy for the City commission on a non-partisan ticket. Mr. M akley will be the principal speaker a t the Electrical ~ngin ee rs ' Seminar on Tuesday, Apnl 15. W. A. Ohm h a moved from Lombard, Ill. , to Cincinna ti, 0. 1928- Dr. Clarence P. Somsel h as returned to D ayton after serving 34 months in the Army. H e will resume the practice of psychiatry. Dr. Gerald T. Milliette was a recent campu visitor. H e i professor of orthodontics at Marquette University. 1929- Mr . Anne O'Hare M cCormick of th e editorial staff of the Iew York Time received tribute as outtanding journalist from s,orosis, t~e first incorporated woman s club m the United States. 1930- Mayor Edward Breen issu ed a proclamation designa ting the week of March 10 as American Legion Week. Prosecutor M a thias H . H eck was b efore the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., presenting the Ernest " Hospital" Stewart case. Also H eck and Wm . H. Wolff, '31, assistant prosecutor, a ppeared before the Ohio State Supreme Court in Columbus on an appeal motion from the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court. H enry D ybvig i practicing law as a patent attorney in D ayton. 1931- Wm. H. Wolff discussed "Fair Trials" before a meeting of the Prosecuting Attorney's Association in Cincinnati.
1932- Dr. R. Frank D onley is practicing medicine in Columbus, 0 . 1933- R alph J. Zaenglein is affilia ted with th e North Carolina subsidiary of ALCOA, a t Tapoco. H e (Continued on Page 8)
Alumni Dues Drive Nets $ 2166.50 As a res ult of a general dues mailing for the .D . Alumni A ociation and subscriptions to the ALUMNUS, return amounting to $2166.50 have been made from 388 members. The followi ng list includes the na mes of all persons and the a mount contributed to the Alumni Associati on, to and including M arch 15, in ce th e last publication of donors in the J a nuary ALUM rus. M ay we ta ke this op portunity to th ank all tho e who h ave responded to our appeal. A David J . Abromow itz, Dayton, 0.-$5 Thomas R. Arms tron g, Ci nc inna ti , 0. - $5 B P e te r A. Babb, Durango, Mexico Thurston Batson, Cleveland, 0. Martin E . Beigel, Dayton, 0.-$5 Frank Belanich, E uclid , 0. L. A. Bentz, D ayton , 0. Elise I. Biechler, Jr., Melrose Park, Ill. A. V. Black, M.D., Centerville, 0. \V. K. Blaire, Shawnee, 0.-$7 W. A. Blake, Dayton , 0.-$5 . Claren ce E. Ble ich er , Grosse Pte., M•ch.
-$10 Mathias N. Blumentha l, Chicago, IU.
Charles H. Boesch , Dayton , 0 .- $5 Carl E. Bohnert, Charleston, W. Va.
- $10
(Continued on Page 3)
LETTER FROM ALUMNI PRESIDENT "The objects of this organization shall b e to maintain and perpetua te the hallowed memories of school days; to fo ter a spirit of loyalty and fraternity among the former stud ents of the University of Dayton; to establish closer relations between the University, Alumni and Alumni Associa tion; and more pa rticularly to promote ths interest, influence and usefulness of the University of Dayton." And there you have the purpose of the Alumni Association . . . . of its chapters . . . . quoted verbatim from Article II of the constitution. F ellowship should be the keynote, the reason for existence, of every ch apter- especially at the outset of reorganiza tion. You've got to help yourself before you can help others. And you'll find, I believe, tha t in setting reorganization as your immedia te goal, you'll automatically be complying with Article II-"perpetuating the memory of school days", "fostering a spirit of loyalty", "establishing close relation with the University". And tho e chapters that do establish themselves on the basis of Fellowship rather th an premature and overl y-ambitious goals of immediate university aid (although we respect the patriotism tha t motivates such ideas ) will make a better showing when the chips are down-chips such as the number of membership contribution sent in or the amount of tickets sold in support of the Stud ent Council's Field House drive. On that, I'll take bets ! What's the moral ? Simply this : bend every effort to the establishm ent of the chapter in your area. With strongly organized cha pters throughout the country, the Alumni 路 A sociation can and will fulfill its ultima te mission of "promoting the interest, influence and u efulne of the University of D ayton."
Council Annolinces Fund-Drive Plans The Univer ity of Dayton Student Council recently announced plans for an intensive drive to raise additional funds to help finance the proposed $300,000 fi eldhouse, soon to be under construction. This campaign, which will be launched . April 1st, will continue throughout the month of April and during this period donations will be solicited from members of the student body and the Alumni Association.
Alumni upport to thi student underta king has been pledged by President Elmer Will. An Alumni Committee, headed by Charles W. Whalen, Jr., '42, h as been appointed by President Will to work in conjunction with the student committee, composed of student council members and class officers. Serving with Chairm an Whalen on the Alumni Committr C' are Frank Doorley, '43, Cl arke Yirby, '41, Robert Butler, '42, J erry Westendorf, '43, and Jack Kussma n, '43. All former tudents in the D ayton area, as well as out-of-town alumni, will be contacted by committee members. The Alumni Committee has set a goal of at least a ten-dollar contribution to this worthy project from each form er student. Complete details regarding this campaign will be found in a letter which will be mailed on April 1st to all University of Dayton Alumni . The new fieldhouse is another step forwa rd in the expanding athletic program now in progre s at U.D. This structure, which will replace the old gymnasium, erected in 1873, will provide permanent seatin~ for 4,500. PreseQt plans call for a further exp ansion which will increa e the seating capacity to 6,000.
ELECTION SLATED FOR COLUMBUS GROUP The fir t post-war meeting of the Columbus, Ohio Chapter of the University of Dayton Alumni Association was h eld in Columbus a t the Neil House on Tuesday, M arch 4. R ay Conner, '34, p ast president, pre ided at the meeting, appointed and introduced George Humm, '40, as temporary chairman. Humm stated that a group composed of Conner, Don Brown, '33, and the acting ch airman served as a steering committee to formul ate plans for the meeting h eld on M arch 4. It was decided that the purpose of the Alumni Associa tion wa to keep the members in contact with each other, to meet a t certain intervals, and the election of officers. A committee was appointed to formulate policies a nd objectives and to submit a calendar for the coming year. Serving on this committee along with Humm will be Louis F avret, '16, George Igel, '45, and Don Brown, ' 33. '. ,. . The election of officers. will be conducted a t the next meeting .which, after much discu ion, was Ci ~cid ed to be h eld on Thursday, April 17. The time and place will be announced at a later da te.
Around-the-tab le introdu ctions were made by each member sta nding and introducing himself. Those pre ent a t the meeting were : Paul K appes, '45; George Igel, '45; Kay Ens, '46; Brother Vincent Wattle, S.M ., who is currently working on hi ma ter's degree a t Ohio Sta te ; Louis Favret, '16 ; H . C. "Cliff" T aylor, '36; Joseph Igel, '42; Sam Simmons, '41 ; Charles H ayes, '40; Dr. Fra nk Donley, '30 ; H erman J acob, '35; R ay Conner, '34; George Humm, '40; Elmer Zang, '36; J ohn 路 Wirtz, '38 ; Charles Leach, '26 ; Lawrence Stember, '27 ; Charles F alkenbach, ' 26 ; Elmer J acobs, '38; Quintin Weilbacher, '42; Sebum Alexander, '37; Dr. J ohn Smythe, '37; and M a ry Shay, Secretary of the Alumni Association. Dues Pa yers Continued From Page 2 Herbert S. Bohnert, Cincinnati, 0. Lee B. Bohnert, Cincinnati , 0. James P. Bolger, Cincinnati , 0. Dr. Urban H. Boll, Dayton, 0.-$5 Capt. Charles L. Borns, Ft. Knox, Ky. John H. Bramlage, White Plains, N. Y.
Mary Braun, Lima, 0.- 8 Rev. Victor F. Broering, Hamilton, 0. -$5 Sam ue l P. Broomhall, Columbus, 0. Charles Huston Brown, Dayton, 0.
-$10 Jack R. Brown, Dayton, 0. J erome U. Brown, Dayton , 0. R. C. Brown, Jackson Heights, . Y. - $5 Carl H. Brunner, Bluefield , W. Va. 10 George M. Buchard, Dayton, 0.-$ 10 Lawrence C. Bucher, Cincinnati, 0.
Pat H. Ca in, Nashv ille, Tenn. Franci C. Canny, Dayton , 0. CarlL. Cappel, Dayton, 0.-$10 Robert E. Carrigan, Muncie, lnd.-$6 James T. Cline, Dayton, 0. William C. Cline, Lima, 0.-$5 Donald J, Coan, Pittsburg h , Pa.-$ 5 C. Homer Collins, Dayton, 0. James A. Connelly, Dayton, 0. John R. Connelly, Dayton, 0. Robert J, Connelly, Dayton, 0. Marjorie Wehner Connors, Dayton, 0. John T. Conoboy, S. Euclid, 0. Titomas Coughlin, Oeveland, 0.- 10 John W. Craig, Richmond , Ind.- 10 John L. Crowley, Avalon, Pa.-$5 Rev. Francis T. Culley, Da yton, 0. -$10 D Arthur E. Dannin, Kirksville, Mo. Edith R. Davies, Erie, Pa . . Blanche A. Davis, Roch es ter, N. Y. Elizabeth Dawley, Dayton , 0. C. . DeBanto, Dayton, 0.-85 B. A. Decker. Dayton , 0.- 5 Dr. Leon J, Deger, Dayton, 0. Urban Deger, Dayton, 0. Joseph A. Dell, Fostoria, 0. Clemens B. Demann, Dayton, 0.-$5 Titomas J. Dempsey, Dayton, 0. Rev. John F. Dillon, Cincinnati, 0.
Edward 路C. Dill, Dayton , 0.-'-$5 Albert N. Dirscherl. Troy, 0 ..:....$5 Frank J ; Doorley, Dayton, 0. (Continued on Page 4)
U. D.
The stud ents at the University from the ta te of K entucky recently formed the Blue Grass Club which will consist of pre ent student and alumni from K entucky. Th e purpose of the organization is two-fold, to take care of the social life of the members and to care for the interest of the K entucky alumni a t th e Univer ity. Th e club is planning a welcome for th e alumni at the H omecoming next fall and reserva tions for the alumni can be made through the club. ext fall the members expect to h old da nce a nd oth er social fun ction for the entertainment of the member . M embers of the group a re: Patrick Elder, Richard Berry, Frank Schmidt, J erry H aury, Joseph Conn aughton, a nd Richa rd Bywa ter, all from Louisville; H enry O'Brya n, Charle Mudd, Dave Riney, J ack Weldon, J oe Ba umgarten, William W eikel, Bill Brown, Leon Smith and Cha rle W esterheide, from Owensboro; Ed Foster, Springfi eld ; H arry Humpert a nd Robert Gronnette, Covington ; Tom Graham, Bellvue ; Robert Arnzen, Newport ; and Carl Crawford, Stricklett. Jack Weldon heads the club as president, assisted by Frank Schmidt, vice-president, Patrick Elder, secretary, and Tom Graham, treasurer. (Continued from Page 3) Conan J. Doyle, Pittsburgh, Pa.-$5 Richard D. Doyle, Akron, 0. Mae A. Driscoll, Chicago, Ill. John M. Duchak, M.D., Dayton, 0. -$5 Francis R. Duell, Philadelphia, Pa. -$10 James J. Dwyer, New York, N.Y. E Victor Emanuel, New York, N. Y. -$100 Stephen J. Emerick, Sr., Dayton, 0. W. P. Epperson, New York, N.Y. F
Capt. Leo J. Farber, Ft. Knox, Ky. -$10 Raymond L. Fitz, Cuyahoga Falls, 0. William F. Flanagan, Dayton, 0. Walter J. Fleck, Tiffin, 0. Lt. Col. Thomas G. Flemine-, \~ oodstock, Va.-$10 Joseph F. Fletcher, Dayton, 0. Urban G. Focke, Dayton, 0. Ellsworth T. Foland, Dayton, 0. Thomas R. Foley, Franklin, 0. Benjamin W. Freeman, Cincinnati, 0. Charles F. Freeman, St. Louis, Mo. J, G. Freeman, Dayton, 0.-$5 Mary and Charles Freer, Jr., Dayton, 0.-$5 Dwight R. Freidline, Dayton, 0. G Alex GarJand, C.harlt>slon, S. C. Earl E. Gebhart, W. U.rrollton, 0. George L. Geisier, St. Louis, Mo. Charles H. Gerber, Dayton, 0. Ralph A. (;erlach, Man~ofield, 0. Thomas H. Glick, Toledo, 0.
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON STUDENTS FROM THE STATE OF KENtucky recently formed the Blue Grass Club. Shown at the initial meeting are seated left to right: David Riney, Joe Berry, Bill Weikel, Jerry Haury, Jack Weldon, Frank Schmidt, Robert Gronette, Tom Graham, Patrick Elder and Joe Baumgarten. Standing left to right are: Leon Smith, Charles Mudd, Harry Humpert, Edward Foster, Henry O'Bryan, Charles Westerfield, and Bill Brown. Bro. Tom Price is serving as moderator for the group. Joseph F. Goetz, Chicago, Ill. C. H. Gosiger, Dayton, 0.-$10 James J. Grace, M.D., Springfield, Mass.-$5 Robert E. Gray, Dayton, 0. W. J. Green, Dayton, 0.-$10 Edward Greer, Dayton, 0. James M. Griffin, Dayton, 0.-$5 James E. 'Ned' Grimes, Chicago, III. -$10 M. V. Grisez, Canton, 0.-$5 Dr. Gerald C. Grout, Dayton, 0. Rev. George W. Gude, Norwood, 0. Philip M. Gundlach, St. Louis, Mo. -$10 H Rev. James R. Haley, Owensville, 0. -$5 Richard A. Hall, Dayton, 0. J. E. Hamburger, Celina, 0. Louise Hammond, Piqua, 0. Mary C. Harrington, Dayton, 0. HerbY. Hart, Chicago, Ill.-$10 Harry J. Hartke, Jr., Cincinnati, 0. Paul H. Hartman, Forest Hills, N. Y. Gerard L. Haury, Louisville, Ky. Mathias H. Heck, Dayton, 0. Rev. Francis J. Heider, Batavia, 0. Joseph Heidkamp, Cincinnati, 0. Clayton J. Held, Red Bank, N. J.-$5 Charles S. Helldoerfer, Troy, 0. Ray G. Helmig, Dayton, 0. Earl R. Hendricks, Parma, 0.-$6 John F. Herkenhoff, Minster, 0.-$6 J. Joseph Hettinger, Jr., Louisville, Ky. John L. Hickey, Jr., Dayton, 0. William C. Hill, Chicago, Ill. Charles J. Hoban, Dayton, 0. John T. Hoban, Dayton, 0. Daniel J. Hobbs, Dayton, 0. John P. Hochadel, Salem, 0.-$5 Carroll A. Hochwalt, Dayton, 0. Norman C. Hochwalt, M.D., Dayton, 0.-$10.
Francis J. Hollencamp, Dayton, 0. -$5 J. W. Hollers, Cincinnati, 0. Jack L. Homan, Dayton, 0.-$5 Robert W. Hommel, Dayton, 0. C. R. Horwedel, Lakewood, 0. J. Fred Howe, Dayton, 0.-$5 I
Hilbert F. l ske, Hamilton, 0.-$10
Herman J, Jacobs, Columbus, 0. Clement G. Jauch, Dayton, 0.-$10 Lawrence Jauch, Dayton, 0.-$10 Joseph G. Jeckering, Dayton, 0.
K William P. Keane, Dayton, 0. Rev. John L. Kelly, Yellow Springs, 0. -$10 Dorothy J. Kemper, Dayton, 0. Alan H. Kempner, Jr., New York, N. Y. \'ictor M. Kimmel, Wayland, N.Y. Lt. Col. William E Kinney, Springfield, 0 Walter C. Kinzig, Dayton, 0.-$10 Vinton C. Kirk, Dayton, 0. Urban A. Klin, Dayton, 0. Adele M. Klopf, Dayton, 0. Frank J. Koehl, Huntington Woods, Mich.-$10 Richard S. Koehler, M.D., Dayton, 0. Vincent C. Koepnick, Dayton, 0.-$10 Francis L. Kohlrieser, Dayton, 0. C. P. Kramer, Franklin Park, Ill. W. A. Kramer, Dayton, 0.-$8 W. J. Krantz, Akron, 0. E. H. Kremer, Dayton, 0. Eugene F. Kreusch, Dayton, 0. Leo D. Kricker, Portsmouth, 0. Alma M. Krueger, Osborn, 0. Edward Kuntz, Dayton, 0.-$5 Martin C. Kuntz, Sr.• Dayton, 0.-$10 Peter Knntz, Dayton. 0. Richard Kuntz, Dayton, 0.-$7.50 (Continued on Page 5)
( Continu ed From Page 4 ) L Jolm J. Ladner, Chicago, 111.-$6 Martin . Lancaster, Owensboro, K y.
-8;\ Jose ph L. Leibold, Dayton, 0. Edward j. Lienesch, Dayton , 0. Eugen e C. J"itkowski , Dayton, 0.-$10 Mark F. Litteken, St. Louis, Mo. Rod ney M . Love, Da yton , 0. New ton J. Lumm, Dayton, 0.-$5 M Frank J. Macklin , Alexa ndt路ia , Va. Geor"e Madden , Shak er H g ts., 0.-$5 Marl!aret Ann Markus, Dayton , 0. Louis M. Marzluft, Los An gele , Calif. Ch ar les A. Maxwell, Cleveland, 0.-$ 5 William E. Mayer, Clevela nd, 0.- : '5 Manue l D. Mayerson , Dayton , 0.- 9 E u gen e A. May), Dayton, 0. J. E. May l, Akron , 0. J. E llis Mayl, Dayton , 0. Louis J. McAnespie, Da yton , 0.-$6 Jud ge Robert L. McB rid e, Dnyton , 0. J ea nn ette K. McCann, Larchmont, N. Y. Paul P. McClellan, New York , N. Y. Charl es T. McClosk ey, New York, N.Y. -$5 Anne O' H ,He & Fram.:s J. McConn ick, New York, N. Y.-$25 A. P . McDonald, M.D., Dayton , 0. H enry Merland, Cincinnati, 0. Edward M. Miller, Chicago, Ill.10 Robert C. Miller, Maple H g hts., 0. Dr. G. Millie tte, Milwaukee, Wisc. $20 Edward A. Millonig, M.D., Dayton, 0. William F. Montavon, Washington, D. C.-$10 Harold D. Moody, Dayton, 0.-$9 Bernard C. Moore, Albuquerque, N. Mex. J. C. Moosbrugger, Rockville Center , N. Y.-$ 5 Rev. Francis M. Mueller, Cincinnati, 0. - $6 L. R. Mulcahy, Kew Gardens, N. Y. -$5 Edward L. Murphy, Cincinnati, 0.- 5 Gale G. Murphy, Dayton, 0. Joseph B. Murphy, Dayton, 0.-$10 Rev. Christopher P. Murray, Knoxville, Tenn.-$5 N Richard H. Neal, Dayton, 0. Andrew E. Nickol, Baltimore, Md. 0 J. C. O' Brien, Dayton, 0. Francis J. O'Connor, Louisville, Ky. William P. O'Connor, Chicago, Ill. Alice E. Ohmer, Dayton, 0. Ruth M. Ohmer, Dayton, 0. Margaret E. O'Neil, Dayton, 0. Theo. H. Oppenheim, Coldwater, 0. p Shirley W. & John J. Padley, Sr., Day. ton, 0.-$6 Jame~ G. Parker, M.D., Delaware, 0. -$10 Clem Pater, Jr., Hamilton, 0. Mr~. Edith McClure Patterson, Dayton,
Robert M. Payne, Dayton, 0.-$5 Charle'! J, Pedersen, Penn's Grove, N. J.-$ 5 Hetty Ann Perkins, Dayton , 0. Robert j. Perkins, Dayton, 0. George A. P:flaum, Dayton, 0. Joseph T. Poelking, Dayton, 0.-$ 10 Vincent Poeppelmeier, Man c hes ter, Conn.-$8 Louis G. Pohl, Cincinnati, 0.-$10 Col. J. D. Polley, Lakewood, 0.-$5 Robert T. Potter, l)ayton, 0. Edward C. Powers, Dayton, 0. Anthony A. Pozelnik, Cleveland, 0. (Continued on Page 6)
MEMBERS OF THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY AT THE University of Dayton who took an active part in the annual St. Patrick's Day party are left to right: Clyde Brenner, Don Ruhl, and Fred Kroger. The party was held in the Lounge of Alumni Hall. Alumni of the Mechanical Engineering Society were invited to attend the affair.
GAVIN NAMES THREE TO STAFF The university coaching staff was completed this month when D anny Piloseno and Joe Thomas were named as as ista nt coach es and it was announced that Joe Quinn will stay as an assistant to head mentor, Joe Gavin. Thomas, Flyer quarterback, who was "Number 77" in the " Quaker Sta te E xpress" backfield in 1937-3839, returns to the university from Pittsburgh North Catholic high school where h e took a coaching job after his graduation in 1940. During the war h e served as an infantry captain and returned to be assistant football coach and h ead basketball mentor at the Pittsburgh high school. Present plans call for Gavin and Quinn, who joined the Flyer coaching staff last year as freshman coach, to supervise backfield activities, while Thomas and Piloseno direct the linemen. Piloseno, form er coach a t Cleveland H eights, 0., high school, is a gradua te of North Carolina State University. Unusually successful for a young coach, he h as compiled an overall record of 54 wins, five losses and four tie . Before coaching at Cleveland H eights h e was mentor a t Powhatan, 0., high school, and served in the U.S. Army. A native of Bellaire, 0., Piloseno is married and is the fath er of two children. Thomas teamed with Eddie Marre, .'i
Coley M cDonough and J ack Padley to make up what is considered D ayton's greatest backfield combination, a nd was the fi eld general when the Flyers b a ttled the St. M ary's Gaels to a 6-6 tie in the K ezar stadium in San Francisco in 1939. H e is a native of Philadelphia and is married to the former Kay H erold of D ayton .
EIGHTY ANSWER FOOTBALL CALL Spring football practice got an earl y sta rt on M a rch 11 , just one week after Coach Joe Gavin's arrival from Cleveland a nd though the first outdoor sessions were partly spoiled by bad weather, the new coach expresses satisfaction at the results of the early workouts. More than eighty candidates turned out for the daily practice sessions which are due to continue for six weeks. Gavin, a n advocate of the "T"formation, got started immediatdy after his arrival drilling prospective centers and quarterbacks in the tactics of the new system. After a week' work in the gym with the quarterbacks, key men in the "T", Gavin began workouts with the whole squad on the practice field. Physical conditioning, fundamentals, and the n ew plays of the "T" system are being stressed during the spring session. Sixteen lettermen from last fall 's. squad are among the 80 hopefuls. attending the daily drills.
( Continued from Page 5)
George B. Quatman, Lima, 0.
Cha rle~ B. Quinlan, D.D. ., Lima
--$ 5
0. '
C. J, Ramus, Adrian, Mich.--$ 14 Doroth y Lee Raney, Da yton , 0 .--$5 H em-,. A . Rauch , Dayton , 0. Loui e T . Rauch, Dayton, 0.--$5 John P. Reeves, Chillicothe, 0. \Villiam E. R eeves, Chilli cothe , 0. Charles J, Re iling, Jr., D ay ton , 0. John A. Reiling, D.D.S., D ayto n , 0. \Valter A. R e il'ng, M.D. D ay to n 0 . --$10 ' ' Leo R e illy. San Francisco, Cali f .-- 10 Anthon y .1\1. Reiter , Dayto n , 0.--s a Robert C. Renner, Dayton , 0. Lloyd A. B en sel, Dayton, 0 .·- $ 10 Louis Ri e p enhoff, Dayto n , 0. Milto n A. Robe rts, Geneva , N. Y.--$5 Anthony V. Rodrig u es, Cla r k's Summit, P a. Ho bert G. Holme r , Akron, 0.--S10 Willi a m Rosencrans, Day ton , 0. Arthur C. Routzong, Allento wn, P a. Nelso n J. Ruddy, Cincinna ti , 0. Edward P. Rush , Wayne, Mi ch.--$5 Ver r Re~. Msgr. Carl J. R ya n , Ci n c •nn a tr , 0. P a ul E . R yan , Norristown , P a.--$5 T h o m as P. R yan , Midla nd , Texas
Cha l'le~ R. Sa ck sted er , Da yto n , 0.
E. G. 10\ander , Dayton, 0. Edward F . Sata lia, S ha k er H «ts. 0 --$5 ~ , . Cl.ua rles E . Sa urine, Arling ton , Va .--$6 Ra ch ard Schantz, M.D. R e mington ~d.
R o be rt ch a ntz, Chicago , Ill. Ha .... y J, Sche llhaas, Piqua, 0. Cap t. Charl es \V. Sche u , APO N Y --$5 ' . . J, B. chl a udeck er , Cleveland, 0 . Ed wa rd j . Schle i, D ayton , 0 . W illia m 0. SchJe initz, D ay to n , 0. Bern hard M . Schmidt, D ay to n , 0 .-- 5 L t. Ro bert J, Schmidt, Alexandria, Va. Ca th ~ rin e M. Schmitz, Da yto n , 0 .-- 5 Mm·tm chne ble, Dayton , 0. E d ward A. Schne ider , S. Cha rle to n , W . Va.--$5 F r a n cis M. Schnurr, Sandusk y, 0. E dward C. Schoen , Chi cago, 111.--$ 10 Cm·r o ll M. Scholle, Chicago , 111.--$10 Cha rles W . Schroll, Da yto n , 0 .--$5 J, R. chroll, D ayton, 0. Edwa rd N. Schroede r , D ayto n , 0. Vincent H . Schroede r, St. Lo ui s, Mo. J o hn E. chule r , Wyan~otte , M ich . R ev. J o hn F. Schuler , Newpo rt, K y. ' . M. Schweich er , Lakewood , 0.--$5 .Ta m es L. Schwering, Ne w York , N. Y. Rev. W illia m L . Scanlan , Ca md en , 0 . --$5 Blaz Scott, D ayton, 0. L u cy e li g, D ayton, 0. RobeJ·t A. Sewa rd, Girard, 0 .--$5 R a lph E . Shanahan, Wilmin l!'ton , 0. D on Sh a rkey, Dayton, 0.--$5 Ma rita S ha rkey, Dayton , 0.--$6 Mar y Sh ay, D ayton, 0.--$5 Arlen a Sh er a rd, Dayton, 0. W . B. Sh er ry, Nutley, N. J, V ince nt M. Shields, Tucson, Ari z. J ose ph M. Shima n ek , La Gr a n ge, Ill. --$5 Arthur . Shroyer , Dayton , 0.--$10 Jose rlh E . S imon, W yandotte, Mich. --$10 W ilbur J, Smolka, Alexa ndri a , Va. --$5 T . K . Spa lding, Charlesto n , W . Va . --$5 Lois A. S tafford, Dayton, 0.
Jolm C. te inlage, Jr., Uni ver sity City, Mo. Moth er M. Ste pha ni a, Bernharts, P a. --$ 14 Wa lter T. te pha n s, Akro n , 0.--$ 5 J, W. St e phe n , Cincinna ti , 0.--$5 Ma jor Jose ph E. termer , APO, N. Y. --$5 William E . S toeckle in, D ay ton , 0. Robert A. tra sse r, D ay to n , 0. Lawr e n ce W. Stra ttn er , New R och elle, N. Y. F . G. Stroo p , D ayto n , 0 .--$8 Ca rl A. Stu ber, Akro n , 0 . Lo ui s G. Stuhldre her, Grosse Pte ., Mi ch . Louis A. Such er , D ayto n , 0 .--$10 Ma ry R ose ulli van , D ayto n , 0. Shinza buro, umida, H o n olulu, T. H. --$ 5 Robert wa rt zel, M.D., Germa ntown , 0. E mm ett F . Swee tm a n , Urbana , 0. Dr. Ste phen E . Sza bo, D ayto n , 0.
T Lo r etta T e tzlaff, D ay to n , 0 . Loui s A. Thack e r, D ay ton , 0. Most Rev. F r a nk A. T hill, D .D., Salina, K a n s.--$ 10 Geor "'e Tho m a, Jr., St. Lo uis, Mo. Bett y J ea n Tho m a , L udlo w Fa lls, 0 . Tho m a s j. T ho m a ·, D. D .S., D ay to n , 0 .-$5 Ma r k R. T h o mpso n , t. Louis, Mo. J o hn \V. T o rpey, For est Hills, N. Y. Vi r g inia Lower Tu ve ll, D ay to n , 0 .
Adele L U n verferth , D ay to n . 0.-$5 Mich ael J, Usas, Va lpara iso, Ind.
H o wa rd A. Va lique tte, D ay ton , 0.-$5 E dmund M. Velt en , Ca rle Place, L . I. N. Y.-$ 5 Ma r ga r et K . Vo ig ht, O sb o rn , 0.- $ 5
Jo e oh G. Wagn er , S idney. 0. Rt. R ev. Msgr. R. Ma r ce llus Wagner, Cincinna ti , 0 . H u g h E. Wa ll, J r ., D ay to n . 0. J am es R . Wa ll , H ighl a nd Pk., N. J , Arthur I. Wa ll ace. D e tro it. Micll....,.:. 5 V. C. Wallin l!', Be llevu e, Wash. A. J, Wa lsh . So uth Be nd . Ind. R ev. Leo M. \Valsh , \Vyo min g-, 0 .
·., r
Leo F . W aite •·, D ay to n. 0.- $10 R o~te r M . \Varn er , Middletown , 0 . Richa rd 0. Webe r, D ay to n , 0 .- $5 Quint in A. Weilbach er , Columbus, 0 . J o hn T. Wein ga rtner, S idney, 0.-$ 6 Ro be rt A. \Verner, Knoxv ille, Tenn. J o hn J , \Ve rst. Loui sville, K v. Ch a rl es W. \Vh a len , Jr., D ayto n , 0. - $5 Ch a rl es W . W h a le n , r ., D ayto n , 0. - $5 H erbert E. W h ale n , D av to n. 0.-$5 H erbert E . Wh a len , Jr., D ay ton , 0 . - $5 Mildred W harmby. D ay to n. 0 .- $5 K a thleen W h e tro, Dayto n , 0 .- $5 John C. W ick , .Tr., H o bbs, N. Mex. P a ul A. W ick. Pittsburgh , P a . L t. Col. Ea rl T. W iley. Ab erdeen Provin g Gr o und , Md.- $10 Louis P. W ilk , Chi cag-o, 111.-$ 10 H a milton K. W illhelm, D ay ton. 0.-$5 R . L . W ith row. D ay to n , 0 .--$5 Jose ph A. Wohlschla eger , Springfield,
0. Geor ge L . Wolf. Akro n , 0 . W illia m H . Wolff, D ayton , 0 .- $5 C. Jim W r en , West U nio n , 0. John W . W r oe, D ayto n , 0.--$5
R a lph J, Zaen gle in , T a poco, N. C.
- $10 George A. Za hn, D ay to n , 0.
Col. Pa ul W . Zehr ung, D ayto n , 0.-- 5 Pe ter P . Zier o lf, D ayton, 0 . -$ 5 Bert J, Zimmer , Covington, K y .--$5 Geor ge E. Zimme rm an , D ayton, 0. Robert J, Zimmerma n , D ayton , 0 . - 5 W illia m A. Zo lg, San Leandro, Cal. E d win J . Zwiesler , D ay ton , 0 .
St. Lou is Alumni Chapter Directory Since we a re publi hing the di rectory in the ord er of reorganization of th e chap ters, the fo llowing is a li t of the ?;ra dua tes a nd former tudents of the nive rsity of D ay ton who, according to our fil es, a re residing in the St. L ouis a rea. Pl ea e no tify the Alu mni offi ce a t U.D . if you find a ny correcti ons which should b e m ad e. K eep the e clirectory pa):re ; they m ay be useful in securing the a ddress of a friend , and renewing an old fri endshi p. Alfre d W. Bagot 61 4 F i e H ~ t on e Terra ce \Vebster Groves 19, Mo. D r. P a ul Bart o ns 7530 Bu ck in g h a m Cla yto n , Mo. Ch arles Bischof 1539 Ver o ni ca Ave nu e St. Lo u is 2 1, Mo. R o y Boem er 4 000 W . Ma in Stree t Bellev ille, lllino;s H enry J, B uehler 151 6 Ca liforni a Avenue St. Lo u is, Mo. R a lph B. Busch 236 East Swa n Aven ue Web ster Groves 19, Mo. J oseph F. Cun n ingh am, Jr. 8{)7 Ohio Aven ue East St. Lo u is, lllinois Leo F . Donley, Jr. 4 9 8 6 R osa li e Aven ue St. Louis 15, Mo. Fra nk E . F lo tro n 5569 P alm Stree t t. Loui s 20, Mo. Dr. Geor ge T . F lyn n , J r. 6445 Vermo nt St. Lo u is 11, Mo. \V illia m F lynn 5064 Lotu s Avenu e S t. Lm•is 13, Mo. Charles F. Freem a n ' 38 Bren t m oor P ark St. Loui s 5 , Mo. Rev. Au g u st F risch e c/ o Ch am ina de College Clay to n 5, Mo. Geo rge L . Geisler , Jr. 4 945 Columbia St. Loui s, Mo. E lmer R. Gu n dlach Box 229 Be lleville , Ill. Philip M. Gundlach 4 205 U ta h Stree t St. Louis 16 , Mo. E rnest G. K irschte n St. Loujs Star T imes t, Louis, Mo . Ma rk F . L itte k en 8 568 P ark Lan e St. Louis 21, Mo. ( Continued on P age 7 )
John P. Re is 625 Centerville Avenue Bellev ille, Ill.
Attn: AlumniWe are planning to run a directory of those r esiding in the variou s chapter cities. Please r eturn immediately, so that you will he included. Thank you ver y much.
Paul J. Re is 625 Centerville Avenue Be llev ille, Ill.
Name_____________________________________________________ Class
Degre e
Dr. F. J. aue r 634 North Grand Blvd. St. Louis 3 , Mo.
Address No.
Business_____________________________________________________ Name of firm
Business Address
Maiden Name ______
___ _ Occupation ___________________
Vincent H. Schroeder 4 964 Ma ffitt Place St. Loui , Mo. Fred W. Schulenberg Frig idaire Sales Corp. 4 82 N. Kings highway St. Louis, Mo.
__ I
( Continued From Page 6) George Edw. Loges 1230 \Valdron Avenu e Univer sity City, Mo. Pe te Loren z 3 Layton T errace Richmond H e ig hts, Mo. Robert Mcintire, Jr. Southside Hi g h School South Grand Blvd. St. Lo ui s, Mo. Howard McKni g ht 3 643 Wa shingto n Ave nue St. Lo ui s, Mo.
Ru ssel Schlattman 1352 McC utch eon, Apt. B Ri chmond H e ights 17, Mo.
Thomas Moorman 3501 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis 4, Mo. Me lvin Mu eller 15 South 97th Stree t Bellev ille, III. L. H. O' D o nn ell 4 827 Fa rlin t. Louis 15, Mo. H en ry R echti cn , Jr. R. R. 1, Box 276 Florjssant, Mo.
HILLTOP HAPPENINGS R ev. George J. R enneker, S.M., president of the university, was the guest of th e Chicago Ch a pter, U .D. Alumni Associa tion a t a dinner m eeting h eld M a rch 25 at the Civic Opera Building. While in Chicago h e will attend a meeting of the Midwest Unit of the N ational Catholic Educational Association, erving as a m ember of the problems and nomin ating committees .. . . Brother George Nagel, S.M., V eterans' counselor, a nd Lloyd R ensel, h ead of the Guida nce Center, a ttended the Council of Guidance and Personnel Associations meeting M arch 28- 31 at the D esch ler-Wallick in Columbus... . F a ther Charle L. Collins, S.M., dean and director of admissions, a ttended the Chicago Conference on higher education of the National Education Association .. .. M a urice R eichard, h ead of the music department, sponsored a musical progra m, March 30 a t the National Cash R egister Auditorium . . . . Forty Hours D evotion began on Friday, Mar. 21, a nd closed a t 4 :30 p.m. on Sunday, March 23 . . .. Brother Alphonse Miller, S.M., served as the auctioneer when th e D ayton Philatelic Society h eld an auction of foreign stamp . . . . Joe Gavin, coach, was the principal sp eaker at the annual Bui lders' Exchange m eeting . . . . D r. Edward H uth, h ead of the department of sociology, has returned from Chicago, where he repre en ted the university at the 15th ann ual convention of th e National Cath olic Conference on Family Life. T h e conference was open ed with a pontifical high mass at which H is Eminence Samual Cardinal Stritch presided. D r. H uth participated in di cussions on "Family Security" . . .. F ath er H ugh H a lton, O.P., professor in the department of philosphy served as retreat master for the Catholic Busin e s Women's D ay of R ecollection h eld at the Loretto . . . . J oseph M ori, senior electrical engineer, was n amed h ead of th e EE Seminar which was recently reorganized . .. . Sigma D elta Pi, pre-med society, initiated 19 new m embers. T h e 62 pledges also took part in the ceremonies . ... Father Ch as. L. Collin , M ayor Edward Breen, '30, Joseph Gavin, and Brother Tom Price were speakers at the M arch meetin~ of the Hibernians. . . . Bro. T om Price spoke to the members of the O ptimist Club. 7
Rev. John Schulte 9101 o uth Broadway St. Louis 23, Mo. Donald G. Schultz 3 4 5 4 Eads Avenue S t. Louis 4, Mo. Niall M. cully 3903 Pa rk A venue Medi ca l D e partment St. Louis 10, Mo. J ean C. S tape nhorst 1918 McLaren Avenue S t. Louis 21, Mo. John C. Steinlage 1501 Ly nd a le Avenue Uni versity City, Mo. M. R. T ho mpson 4 7 36 Bess ie Court t. Lo ui s 15, Mo. Gle n Va tter o tt 9 9 05 S t. Ma rth a Lane St. Lo ui 路 14, Mo. P a ul Va llerott 9905 St. Ma rtha Lane S t. Lo ui s 14, Mo. J ohn Virant 3815 Bo t.a nical S t. Lo uis 10 , Mo. Dr. J oseph Von K aen el 7752 Kingsbury Blvd. Clay ton , Mo. George B. Wa nder 1835 Ru ssell Ave nue St. Louis 4, Mo. R ev. F ra n cis X. Weini g 2011 Linton Avenue St. Louis 7, Mo. Joseph \Ventker St. Cha rles, Mo. Dr. T . D. W inter 6 4 20 Cla yton Road St. Louis 17, Mo. Max L. Wool, M.D. St. Louis City Hospital t. Louis, Mo. Clem Yo ung 5061 Queen s St. Louis, Mo.
c L,.; i< •• : cr. ,•.; u: (Continued from Page 2)
h as charge of all construction a nd maintena nce at the two hydroelectric dams in tha t area. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. H elldoerfer announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth J ane, F eb. 13 in Troy, 0. Judge Rodney M . Love spoke on a forum sponsored by the D ayton Business Women's Club. 1934-Mr. and Mrs. K evin Dwyer announce the birth of a daughter, Nora Marie, ' on M a rch 2. Lou T schudi addressed the members of the American Business Club on "Sports as I See Them". Sympa thy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Sharkey on the death of their six-month old son, Donald C., Jr. 1935- Dr. Stephen Szabo is doing advanced work in surgical anatomy of the head and neck at the University of Michigan. Dr. A. V. Black has been elected a member of the board of directors of the Montgomery county ch apter, Ohio M ental Hygiene Association. J ames S. Stubbs spoke at a m eeting of the Agonis Club, Dayton. Elmer Zang is affiliated with the Veterans' Administration in Columbus, 0 . H erma n J . J acobs is with the Jacobs Furniture and Appliance Company, Columbus, 0 . The engagement of Miss Agnes Miltner a nd William Ashman h as b een announced. They will be m arried M ay 3. Mr. Ashman is affiliated with the Standard R egister Company in Akron. M a jor C. F . Robbeloth has ch a nged his residence from D ayton to Phoenix, Ariz. 1936- Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. R eiling announce the birth of a son, R obert Charles, on M arch 16. Mr. R eiling has been appointed manager of the Sears-Roebuck store in Canton, 0. S. J. Al exander is sales manager for the Mutual Chemical and Supply Co., Columbus, 0. Mr. a nd M rs. D an O'Keefe announce the birth of a daughter, Ba rbara Ann, on F ebruary 14. Mr. and Mrs. Richard 0 . Weber were recent campus visitors, before they left to sail for Sao Pa ulo, Brazil. Maj. V erne M alloy was a campus visitc•r. H e has been transferred from Newark Army Air Base to R ome, N.Y. H e is the subject of a chapter in WARRIORS WITH WINGS by Philip M cK ee. His story is called " Ole M an Moe of the Mountains". His feat is stunting a C-47, peeling it over a precipice a nd maneuvering it in a narrow -gorge, mostly on its wing-tips, while 'bringing a load of shot-down airmen .and brass h ats out of the Yugoslav ·mountains. 1937- Dr . .John W. Smythe is on ;the sta ff at Grant Hospital, Colum-
H') : J')L. U ~ U ,
bus, 0 . Congratulations are being received by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Westendorf on the birth of their daughter. 1939-Mr. and Mrs. Brenden J. R eilly announce the birth of a daughter, Pa tricia K a thryn, on M a rch 2. Miss H elen Bistrek is director of the St. Joseph Community Center, in Dayton . R obert J. Stoecklein passed the Ohio Sta te Bar exam . Bob saw four years' service, and earned three battle stars and the Bronze Star cita tion . H e will practice in Dayton. 1940- Mr. a nd Mr s. G eo r ge Humm (Jane Watkins) are being congratulated on the birth of their son, Peter Frederick, on February 24. Cha rles G. H ayes is assistant superintendent, Universal Concrete M achinery Company, in Columbus, 0 . Jim Gibson, Jr., reports from Berlin tha t while a ttending a course in the "Great Classics" a t the American University there h e met R ene O shaua, who formerly taught political science a t U.D. Mr. O shaua is on the faculty there, coming up from Biarritz which university h as been closed . Joe Thomas, formerly coach a t North Catholic High in Pittsburgh, h as been n amed to the a thletic staff a t U.D. Capt. H enry Sch arf was a campus vi itor. H e has received the appointment of Captain in the regular army, and is attach ed to the Corps of Engineers. 1941- Donald G. H eet h as been named buyer of men's furnishings a nd sportswear a t the H ome Store, D ayton. Alfred Geiser received the appointment of business manager at the D ayton State H ospital. Prior to this position h e was manager of the a via tion department of the B. C. Coleman Insurance Agency. 1942- J ean Whelan D oheny h as es tablished h er residence in Burlington, V ermont. M ajor C. Richard Hirt is attach ed to H eadquarters, AAF in Washington, D .C., doing safety work. Dick expects to be relieved from active duty soon. H e and Mrs. Hirt were campus visitors. Simon Na than and Jimmy K een met in J acksonville. George Madden and J oe M cShane are sharing the same apartmen t in Cleveland. George was a campus visitor. 1943- Mr. and Mrs. L eon ard R awson, Jr., (M adeleine Georgiev)
y Au c H I NG H•
are receiving congratula tions on the birth of their son, Leonard Georgiev. Nancy Britton is working on her master's degree in history a t the University of Colorado. Bob Miller was married recently in Cleveland. John Wroe was a campus visitor. H e is studying at Ohio State on his master's in mechanical engineering. George Markus was graduated from the Loyola University School of M edicine F eb. 9. Dr. Markus was married to Elizabeth Edgar at St. Carthage Church on F eb. 12. H e will interne a t St. Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton, beginning April 1. 1944- Adele Unverferth a ttended the convention of the Associa tion of Women Broadcasters in New York. Alma Krueger, R .N., is affiliated with the Public H ealth Clinic in D ayton. 1945- Edwin H . Collins has qualified for registration in Ohio as a professional engineer . Frances Thornton a nd Richard H oyer, Jr., were married on V alentine's D ay in the H aynes Street Baptist Church. They will reside in D ayton. George J. I gel, Jr., h as completed his studies at Notre D ame and is working with his dad in Columbus. Rich ard A. Welsh received his doctor of medicine degree at Ohio Sta te U niversity on M arch 14. Miss Beverl y Tompkins h as been appointed instructor and assistant to the director of the St. Joseph Community Center, D ayton. Beverly h as been recreation instructor for the D ayton Bureau of R ecreation since April, 1945. 1946-Gerard H . Risach er passed the state professional engineers' license exam a nd is registered as Engineer-in-Training in the State of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell E. Bray (Nancy Andrews) announce the birth of a daughter, Carlyn M arie, on F eb. 22. M arilyn Zimmer was a campus visitor. K arla Wescher was another campus visitor, and is in nurses' training in Cincinnati. H elen Louise Higgins and D ale W. M artin were married Feb. 17 at the I mmacula te Conception Church in Los Angeles. Lola Lake and K enneth Selz were married on M arch 22 in D ayton. Announcement h as been made of the engagement of M ary M argaret M agin to H ans Pauls of Brooklyn, N.Y.