The University of Dayton Alumnus, April 1948

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APRIL • 1948

SOROSIS MEETING SET FOR MAY 6 The Alumnae A sociation of the University of D ayton held its first formal m eeting on Thur day, Apri l 15, a t 8 :00 p. m ., in the Student U nion Building on the campus. A vote of thanks was given to al l those who have worked so diligently to make th e meeting a succe s. F ollowing this the Constitution was decided upon. ~he Constitution ~ s amend ed will be fo und following this articl e. A nominating committee for officers to be elected a t the next meeting on Thursday, M ay 6, was cho. en. M embers of this committee a rc : Beth T. R eill y, '40; Betty ]. I. Wick, '4 1 ; M a rita Sh arkey, '44; Mary Ann F . H enz, '45 and J oan Hussey, '47 . It was decided that a tel ephone committee would be appointed. The members of this com mittee would be instrumental in calling m embers of their class to encourage greater attendance at the next meeting. Th e telephone committee includes: J oan Hussey '47; Ann Fitzgerald, '46 ; Elaine Wh alen, '45; and M ary Ann F . H enz '45 ; M arita Sharkey, '44; Julie Timmer, '43; Peg F. Killip, '42 ; and M a rtha R . M . La nsdowne, '41. Alumnae present at the meeting were : Betty I. Wick, '41 ; Ro e Lemming, '40; Virgina L. H oyer, '39; Marita Sharkey, '44 ; Beth T. R eilly, '40; June R . Spatz, '40; Connie H . Varley, '40; Joan Hussey, '46; Ann Fitzgerald, '46; K atherine Struck, '39; Elaine Whalen, '45; Elaine Glossinger, '44; Julie Timmer, '43; M ary Sharkey, '40; M ary Ann F. H cnz, '45; M a rtha R . M . Lansdowne, '41; Lois K. Dryden, '41; J ane L. Smith, '40; Virginia F. Zahn, '40; Rose G. Rothberg, '40; Frances Timmer, '40; and M ary Shay, '44, alumni secretary. The Constitution of the U. D. Alumnae Association is as follows : ARTICLE I-NAME Th e na me of this organization shall be SOROSIS OF THE UN IVERSITY OF DAYTON.

ARTICLE II-OBJECT This orga niza ti on sha ll be a factor in fost erin g interest between th e Universit,路 and former wom en students as qualifi ed in Arti cle III.

FRONT COVER: May we prese nl' the latest addition to the University of Dayton buildings. With concrete blocks and brick facing, the drill hall formerly at Camp Peary, Virginia, will be converted into a mechanical engineering lab to serve the great need for engineering facilities .


Vol. XIV


April, 1948


Mary Shay '+4 ........ . . .. . ... . ........ . . . . . .. . ..... Editor Pa tricia Shroder. . ........... . .. . . ..... . .. . ....... .. Ass't . Editor William J. Guensche, Jr., '47 ..... . .... . ..... . ... . ..... . .... . Spo rts Editor " Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, a t the Post Office, at D ayton ~ Ohio, under the Act of M arch 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including M embership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Checks, drafts a nd money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni A socia tion of the University of Dayton." For will s a nd other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of D ayton, D ayton, Ohio." ARTICLE III-QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP (a) All women grad uates an d those holding honorary d egrees from th e University. ( b ) All wom en who have atten d ed the University for one full year of credit, a nd whose class has a lready gra du a ted.

ARTICLE IV-MEETINGS (a) Th ere sha ll be three pla nn ed meetings a year. I . Th e last Thursda y in September. 2. The last Thursday in J a nuary. 3. The last Thursday in ApriL (b) Special m eetin gs shall be called at th e di scretion of th e Presi d ent. (c) Th e April m eeting sh a ll be consi d ered th e first m eeting of th e fiscal vear .

ARTICLE V-DUES (a) The dues shall be two dollars ($2.00) p er year. ( b ) The dues shall be payable at the April m eeting. (c) The dues shall be payable to th e Treasurer .

ARTICLE VI-VOTING (a) All iss ues shall be determin ed by a simple majority of those present. (b) All election s shall be by secret ball ot.

ARTICLE VII-OFFICERS (a) Th e officers of this organization shall be: Presid ent, vice-presid ent, secreta ry, treas urer, an d historianpubli city director. (b) Nomination of m embers for office shall be mad e by th e presid ent's nomination an d by a nominating comm ittee con sisting of five members elected from the floor. I . Th e nomin ating committee shall be elected a t the September m eeting. 2. No two m embers of the nomin atin g comm ittee shall be from th e same class. (c) El ection of officers shall be h eld a t th e J anuary m eeting and office rs sh a ll be installed at the April m eeting.


ARTICLE VIII-DUTIES OF OFFICERS (a) Presiden t- shall be the chief execu路 tive officer of the organization ; shall presid e at a ll m eetings of th e organization and of th e Board of Di rectors ; shall have genera l managem ent of th e a ffairs of the organi zat ion, shall deci d e a ll qu estions of ord er ; sh all declare vote resu lts ; sh all see that all orders an d resolutions are carried into effect ; a nd shall p erform all duti es incid ent to such office. ( b ) Vi ce-president- Shall preside in th e a bsence of the presid ent, and shall act as Social Chairman . (c) Secretary-Shall keep record of a!) m ee tings a nd be custodian of a ll pa pers a nd documents. ( d ) Tr easurer- Shall receive all mone y and shall be responsible for th e safe-keeping thereof ; sh all disperse th e funds as directed, shall at stated tim es give a written report of the mon ey received, th e sources and th e amounts paid out an d the purpose. (e) H istorian-Pu blicity Director- Shall secure publicitv for th e organization wh en necessary; sha ll keep a brief hi story of th e organization, including a fil e of all publicity.

ARTICLE IX-TERM OF OFFICE (a) Shall be one yea r. ( b ) No person sh all hold the sam e office for more than two consecutive terms .

ARTICLE X-BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors sh a ll consist of the p resid ent and four m embers , each from different classes, a ppointed by the President .

ARTICLE XI-CONDUCT Ofo' THE MEETINGS Roberts Rules of Order shall be th e parEamentary authority fo r a ll methods of procedure not specificall v covered h erein, or by any s o e~ ial rules of procedure adopted.

ARTICLE XII- AMENDMENTS An y m ember a mendm ent.







. M., president of the University of Dayton has announced that a building formerly used as a drill hall at Camp Peary, Virginia has been secured from the Federal Works Agency, Bureau of Community Facilitie . The ite of the build ing will be the ca t end of the university campus between Union ' Avenue a nd Alumni Hall. The structure, 100 by 316 feet, i to be 30 feet in h eight. Formerly of wooden construction, brick facing and concrete block will be added to make it a permanent addition to the univerity facilities. At the present the tructure i to be used temporarily as a Mechanical Engineering laboratory, beca u e of th e immediate need for lab a nd shop faciliti es for the Coll ege of Engin ering. However, th e unit i eventually to be used as a permanent drill hall for the R .O.T.C. program of the university. Freeman A. Pretzinger, D ayton a rchitect, has already begun the preliminary planning and work for the reconstruction of the building. It is being dismantl ed at Camp Peary and is being hipped to Dayton in sections. E tima te on the reconstruction, install ation of heating and plumbing a re approxima tely $250,000. Some of the facilitie which will be located in the addition to the College of Engineering include : team po er lab, internal combustion lab, machine hop ; h eating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration lab; instrument calibration and gaging lab ; vibrations lab; experimental stress lab; oil and lubrication lab; h eat treating lab; metallography and production m ethods lab. It is expected that clas e will be held in the new building in September, 1948.

Alumnus Dedicates Work To B.V.M. Don Sharkey, '34, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts in '44, is currently receiving publicity on the beginning of his fourth book. The three books which he has published a re : The Lo t Prince, White Smoke Over the Vatican, and After Bernadette, all being Catholic tories, with a modern approach. The e works were readily acceptable by the publishers without the aid of litera ry agents, or the usua l forerunner to success, the well known rejection slips. Mr. Sharkey's fourth book will en-


BUT THIS IS 1948 , AND COLLEGE LIFE ESPECIALLY FOR MARRIED VETS IS qu ite different. As Gene Mitchell preps for hi s economics , baby Danny expresses an interest, and Mrs. M itch ell in he r own way app lie s econom ic principles to living. Photo courte sy of Tom Schwartz, Dayton Heral d.

deavor to show the world the great need for Mary's h elp to lead na tion out of the chaotic exi tence they are now undergoing. How did thi potent young a uthor first begin uch work? H e joined the editorial staff of the George Pflaum Publishing Company, Dayton, following his graduation from the University. H e h ad been engaged in writing for the Parochial School weekly magazines issued in Dayton. La ter he completed his work on a Master of Art degree, and used his own book " White Smoke over the Vatican" for his the is. In 1939, Mr. Sharkey became editor of the Young Catholic M e enger, a weekly text publi hed by th e Pfl aum Co. It features di tori als, news articles, hi torical storie , comics and much the arne material a a daily newspaper, with the exception that it is written in a juvenile way for the compreh ension of econdary chool children. Behind all three works of the author lies a precedent. In writing "Our Lady of Fatima," the author wanted to show his young readers just what h e himself had seen on his trip to Europe. The story was so overwhelming that 50,000 copie were printed,


old a nd a n order for a n additional 50,000 wa placed within two month' time. Th e entire Sha rkey fa mil y, coni ting of Mr. a nd Mr . Sh a rkey, ( M a rtha Shea) and their three children, Bryan, seven, J erry, five, a nd Nick, three, are devoted Catholi cs. A fourth son, Don Jr. , died Ia t year a t the age of six months. Mr. Sha rkey does his creative writing in th e evenings, or whenever he ha a pa re minute, a he says it i a wonderful method of relaxation. At home, he writes on the econd flooraway from the rumpu cau ed by hi three vivacious sons. H e will admit to you that "any and all writing ta kes lots of effort, but it is difficult to resist the urge." His adventure into the literary fi eld ha broken all precedent in the fa mily, a before him lay several generations of medical men. His fa ther. who retired years ago was a practicing phy ician in Middl e town , Ohio, where Don was born. On both sides of hi famil y there are doctors, dentist , and surgeons. Mr. Sharkey's high school and college years included part-time news(Con t in ued on puge 5)

DUES DRIVE NETS $2253.50 As a result of the campaign in soliciting dues, to date-April 20, returns have been made by 393 alumni, tota lling $2,253.50. Th e average dona tion is $5.73 per ca pita. The following is a li t of those who have made contributions to the University of Dayton Alumni A socia tion dues fund : ,


J. B. Alexander, Dayton, 0.-$10 Lucile Cole Arn, Dayton, 0.-$15 Robe rt J. Ashman, Miami, Fla. B Joseph C. Bach, Dayton, 0. Edwin S. Beck e r, Cincinnati, 0. Otto P. Behrer, Cin ci nnati , 0. F. G. "Bill" Be hmiclt , Euclid, 0. Charles W. Benbow, Da yton, 0. Mason C. Be nn e r , Ft. \Va yn e, Ind. Lawrence A. Be ntz, Dayton, 0. Elise I. Biechle r , Jr., Chi cago, 111. Ra ymond F. Biede nbe nde r , Peoria, Ill. \V. K. Blaire, Shawn ee, 0.-$7.50 \V. A. Blake, Dayton, 0. Clarence E. Bleicher, Grosse Pointe, Mich.-$10 Thomas J . Bliley, Ri c hmond , Va. Raymond F. Blosse r , New York, N. Y. Mathias N. Blume nthal, Chi cago, Ill. Lawrence F. Boecke rman , Dayton, 0. Paul J. Boe ke, Princeton , N. J. Ch arles H. Boesch, Dayton , 0. Carl E . Bohnert, Charl esto n , W. Va. Herbert S. Bohne rt , Cincinnati, 0. Lee B. Bohne rt , Ci n ci nn a ti , 0. Mildred \Vh a rmby Bolenbaugh , San Francisco, Calif. Urba n H. Boll , N.D., Dayton, 0. J. H. Bramlage, White Plains, N. Y. Mary T. Braun, Lima, 0. Harry Bre m en, M. D., Dayton, 0. C. Huston Brown, Dayton, 0. Jack R. Brown , Dayton, 0. Jerome U. Brown, Dayton, 0. Marvin J. Brown, Dayton, 0. R. C. Brown, Ja ck son H e ig hts, N. Y. Carl H. Brunne r , Bluefield, W. Va.$ 25 George M. B•u·hard, Da yton , 0. Lawrence C. Bucher. Cincinnati, 0. John M. Burl-!meie r. Chicago, Ill. Pat H. Cain, Nashville, Te nn.


Mrs. Martha E. Cam e ron, Seattle, \Vash. Carl L. Cappel. Dayton, 0. Harry F. Cappel, Dayton, 0. Dr. Wm. A. Carrigan, Tiffin, 0. Richard M. Carson, Dayton, 0. Virginia Mae Cart e r. Dayton, 0. Vincent J. Castrop, D e troit, Mi•·h. Miriam Losh Chalfant , Da yton , 0. James P. Cole man, Sprinl-!fie ld, 0. John R. Connelly. Dayton, 0. Robe rt J. Conn elly, Dayton, 0. Charles M. Conwa y, Dayton , 0. Mi chael J. Costello, Dayton, 0. Thomas Co u~hlin, Cleveland, 0.-810 E dward T. Crow, Bay Villae:e, 0. AI. J. Cron, Minneapolis, Minn. AI. D. Crowley, Union. N. J. John L. Crowl ey, Ava lon, Pa. Dick Cull, Jr .. Washington, D. C. R e' '· Francis T. Culley, Dayton, 0. Joseph F. Cunnin g ham, East 1. Louis, lll.

D Albert T. Dana. Brooklyn, N. Y. Charl es Dansard, Chi cago, Ill. Blanch e A. Davis. R oche~ t er. N. Y. E li zab e th 0. Dawley, Dayton, 0.

Charles S. D eBa nto, Dayton, 0. Dr. Leon J. Dege r , Dayton, 0. Ri c hard J. Deger, Dayton , 0. Robe rt J. D eger, M. D., Dayton , 0. Thomas E. D eger , Grosse li e, Mich. Ut·ban Deger , Dayton, 0. Chal'les G. Dehler, Cleveland, 0. Cle m e n s B. D e mann , Dayton , 0. Joseph R. D esch , Dayton , 0. James T. Devaney, South Be nd , Ind. H e nry K. D ex te r , Dayton, 0. Harry J. D ick, M. D., Dayton, 0.-$10 Edward C. Dill, Dayton, 0. William H. Dorsey, Jr., Arling ton, Va. Mae A. Driscoll, Chicago, Ill. Dr. John M. Duchak, Dayton , 0. Francis R. Duell, Dayton, 0. E George M. Early, Dayton, 0. Richard J. Egger, Aberdeen, Md. Charles P. Eisenhauer, Dayton , 0. Vistor Emanuel, New York, N. Y.$100 Rt. Rev. Msgr. Chas. A. Ertel, Dayton, 0.-$8 F C. W. Fedders, Covington, Ky. Harry F. Finke, Jr., Dayton, 0. Harry F. Finke, Sr., Dayton, 0. Raymond L. Fitz, Cuyahoga Fa lls, 0. Wm. A. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Dayton , 0. Daniel J. Fitzsimons, Euclid, 0. William J. Flanagan, Dayton, 0. Joseph F. Fletcher, Dayton, 0. \Vm. Flynn, De nve r , Colo. U rban G. Focke, Dayton , 0. E llsworth T. Foland, Dayton, 0. Art Folino, Dayton, 0. Ja ck L. Foose, Dayton, 0. Ri chard T. Frankenstein, Detroit, Mich. Benj. W. Freeman, Cin cinna ti , 0. Ch as. F. Freeman , S t. Louis, Mo. J. G. Freeman, Dayton, 0. \Villiam A. " Bill" F ritz, Dayton, 0. L t. Col. Bla ire A. Froehle, San Francisco, Cali f. G Lt. Col. F rancis S. Gabel, Arlin g ton , Va. Ea rl E. Gebhart, Dayton, 0. Landis Gebhart, D ayton , 0. Ca rl F. Geppert, Wilmette, Ill. E rn est J. Gerber, Chilli cothe, 0. Charles H. Gerwels, Dayton, 0. M. J. Gibbons, Jr., Dayton, 0. Leo B. Glaser, Jr. , Dayton, 0. Joseph F. Goetz, Chicago, 111. Clarence H. Gosiger, Dayton , 0. Dr. James J. Grace, Springfield, 0. Robert E. Gray, Dayton, 0. William J. Green, Dayton, 0 . -$10 James E. Grimes, Crucago, Ill.-$10 M. V. Grisez, Canton, 0. Dr. Gerald C. Grout, Dayton, 0. Philip M. Gundlach, St. Louis, Mo. H Louise Hammond, Los Angeles, Calif. T. F. Harroll, Miamisburg, 0. Paul H. Hartman, Forest Hills, N. Y. J. J. Hartne tt, Dayton, 0. Gerard L. Haury, Louisville, K y. Mathias H . H eck , Dayton , 0. R ev. Francis J. Heide r , Ba tavia , 0. Joe Heidkantp, Cincinnati, 0. Ra y G. H elntig, Dayton, 0. Mr. & Mrs. Edward H e nz, Dayton, 0. John F. lierkenhoff, Minster, 0. Paul W. H e rking, Cincinnati, 0. J. Joseph Hettinger, Jr., Louisville, Ky. John T. Hoban, Dayton , 0. John P. Hochade l, Salem, 0. Ca rroll A. Hochwah, Dayton, 0. Norman C. Hochwah. M. D., Dayton , 0. Fa the r Charles Hollen ca mp, Rom e, Italy E u gene A. Hollencamp, Dayton, 0. F ran cis J. Holl e n camp, Dayton, 0. Josep h G. Holle nkamp, Dayton , 0.

J. H. Holsch er, Ch icago, Ill.-$10 J osep h W. Holter , Cincinnati, 0. Jack L. Homan, Dayton, 0. Robert \V. Hommel, Dayton, 0. A. G. Horvath, Dayton, 0. C. R. Horwedel, Lakewood, 0. I Jack Ingberg, Day ton, 0.

J Frank J. Jankiewicz, Detroit, Mich. A. J anszen, Cincinnati, 0. Lawrence J. J a u ch , Dayton, 0.-810 Joseph G. J eckering, Dayton, 0. J a m es S. J enkins, Dayton, 0. Thomas A. Joseph , Zanesville , 0.

K W . F. Keating, Ash ta bula, 0. Almu B. K e ll y, M. D., Silver Springs, Md. Albe rt Kemper, Chicago, Ill. Victor M. Kimntel, Wayland, N.Y. Roland Kinder, Bellbrook , 0.-$8 W. F . Kinzeler, Dayton, 0. Josep h H. Kinzig, Dayton, 0. \Va h e r C. Kin zig, Dayton, 0. Melvin Klarin, N. Hollywood, Calif. Hubert S. Kline, Dayton, 0. Norbert J. Knostm a n , Minster, 0. Vincent C. Koe pnick , Duylon, 0. Lt. Col. F. L. Kohlrieser, Dayton, 0. Urban G. Koo, Cincinna ti , 0. Claren ce P. Kramer, Franklin Park, Ill. \V. J. Krantz, Akron. 0. Edward H. Kremer, Dayton, 0. Eugen e F. Kre usc h , Dayton, 0. R. W. Kronau ge, Dayton, 0. J o hn J . Kuhn, Lima, 0. Martin C. Kuntz, Sr., Dayton, 0.-$ 10 Peter Kuntz, Dayton, 0. Ric h ard Kuntz, Dayton, 0. \V illiam Kuntz, Dayton, 0. Kenneth Kurtz, M. D., Dayton , 0. L J ohn J . Lad ner, Chicago, Ill. Georg-e E. Lang, Dayton, 0. Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Lange (Mary R e iling) , Covington, Ky. Mr. & Mrs. Howard J . Lansdowne (Martha Manny), Dayton, 0. Edwa rd C. Larkin , Alban y, N.Y. Col. Wm. T. Larkin, Alba n y, N. Y. F rank J. Lasner, F loral Park, N. Y. Maurice J. Leen, Jr., Dayton, 0. J oseph L. Leibold, Day ton , 0. John J, Lemming, Dayton, 0. Ben A. Levy, Dayton, 0. E dward J . Lienesch, Dayton, 0. Theodore F. Lienesch, Dayton , 0. E ugen e C. Litkowski, Dayton, 0. Mark F. Litteken, St. Louis, Mo. Eugene Lopez, Coldwate r , Mi ch. Garland E. Lotz, Dayton , 0. M Frank J. Macklin , Alexandria , Vll. Charles V. Mahlmann, Peabod y, Mass. Al H . Ma hrt, Chilli cothe, 0. Torrence A. Makley, Sr. , Dayton, 0. Loretta W. Maloney, Dayton, 0. Mildred W. Malon ey, Dayton, 0. Ste phe n M. Maloney, Ft. Mitc hell, K y. G. W. Markus, M.D., Dayton, 0. Frank H. Marshall, Sidney, 0. Wm. E. Mayer, Bedford. 0. Eugene A. May!, Dayton, 0. J. E. Mayl, Akron , 0. J. E llis Mayl, Dayton, 0. T hos. A. Medley, Owensboro, Ky. Edward C. Meisner, Cincinna ti , 0. Henry W . Merland, Ci n cinnati, 0. W. H. Meyer, Dayton, 0.-$10 P a ul P. McCIIelan, New York, N. Y. Ch urles T. McCloskey, New York, N.Y. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McCormick (A nn e O' Hare), New York, N. Y.25 Dr. A. P. McDonald, Duyton, 0 .

J oseph R. McFadde n , D r exel H ill, P e nna . C ha r les M. McFa rla nd , Le hi g hto n , Pa. F rancis J. Medla nd, L ogan sp o rt, I nd. J o hn A. Medley, O wen sbo r o, K y. Arthur W. Meyring, Day ton , 0. William A. Mi ch ael, Lon g Beach , Calif. J o hn D. Miles, D ayto n , 0 . Edward M. Mille r , Chicago, Ill.- $ 10 Ri ch a rd C. Miller , D ayto n , 0. E dward A. MiUonig, D ay ton, 0. Missio nary Siste r s o f th e Sacr ed H eart, Be rnharts, P a. -$ 20 Sen a tor H a r old D. Moo d y, D ay ton , 0. Berna rd C. Moor e, Albuqu e rque, New Me xico R ev. Franci M. Muelle r , Cin cinna ti, 0 .

- $6

L. R. Mul ca h y, K e w Ga rde n s, N. Y. J oe Mulha ll, Owosso, Mi ch.10 E. L. Murphy, D ayton, 0. Gale G. Murphy, D ayton , 0. J oseph A. Murphy, Owen sbo ro, K y. Jose ph B. Murphy, Dayton , 0. R e v. Chris toph e r P. Murray, Knoxv ille, T enn. T homas J . Murray, Iro nton , 0 . Howard W . Muth, D ay ton , 0. P a ul G. M uth , D ayton , 0 .

N Andre w E . Nick ol, Ba ltimore, Md. Mich ael E . Norr is, T r oy, 0 .

0 R ev. John L . Obe rl a nde r , Middle town, 0 . -$10 J. C. O' Brien, St. P e te r sburg, F la. Fran cis J . O' Conno r , Lou is ville, K y. J oe O'Conn o r , Ma rion, 0 . John J . O ' Gr a d y, Ma ri a te in , 0. Alice E. Ohmer , D ay to n , 0 . Ruth M. Oh m e r , D ayto n , 0 . \Villia m Ch a rles O lse n , Osbo rn , 0 . Ma r ga r e t E . O'Niel, Day to n , 0. J.D. O vingto n , H o liday Cove, W. Va. p Doyle H. P a ddock, Day ton , 0 . M r. a nd M r s. J o h n J . P adley, Dayto n , (Shirley \Vurs tn e r) J a m es G. P a rk e r , M.D., D e la ware, 0. )largu e r ite M. P a rri s h , Po ntiac, Mi ch. Cle m P a te r , Jr., H a milt on , 0. R o be rt C. P ayn e, D ay to n , 0.10 M r. a nd Mrs. R ob e rt M. Pa yn e, Da yton (Ma ry Bre nn a n) Ann e E . P e nne ll, Tiffin, 0 . -$ 10 Frede ri ck H. Pfa rrer , Evan s vill e, Ind. Geo. A. Pflaum, D ayton , 0. Joseph T. P oelking, Dayto n, 0 .- $ 10 Anthon y A. Pozelnik , Cle ve land, 0.


Dr. Ch a rles B. Quinlan , Lima, 0. R Carl J. Ramu s, Adria n , Mid1. Wm. E. R eever , Chilli cothe , 0. Charl es J. R e ilin g, D ay to n , 0. John A. R e iling, D.D.S., Dayto n , 0. Wa lte r A. Re iling, M.D., D ay ton , 0. - $10 Leo R eilly, an F r a ncisco, Calif.-S10 Dr. Edwa rd C. R en o, Canton , 0. Robe rt C. R e nne r , D ayton , 0. Roxa nna R e ussen zeh n, D ayton , 0. H ele n Ric hards, D ayton , 0. J o hn H. Ritte r , Mil wauk ee, W is. Milton A. R oberts, Geneva, N. Y. Vern o n Rode n , M.D., H a milto n , 0. R o be rt G. R o hne r , Akron , 0.-$10 Arthur C. R o utzong, Alle nto wn , P a . Charl es L. Ruppe rt , Jr. , Wa shin g ton ,

D. C.

J o hn W. Salm , Coldwa te r , 0. E . G. Sander , D ay to n , 0 . E dward F. Sat ali a, Shak e r H e ig hts, 0 . Antho n y C. Sa up, Zanesville , 0 . Ch a rles E. Sa urine, Arlin g ton , Va. -$7 R o be rt J. Sa urine, Day ton , 0. Ri ch a rd L. Sa y re, Newto n , 0. R ev. W m. L. Scanla n , Ga mde n , 0. Arthur J. Scarpe lli , Da yto n , 0. J oseph j. Schae fe r , D e tro it, M ic h . - $ 10 R o be rt E . Schae fe r , D ayto n , 0. Ric hard Sch a ntz, M.D., R e min g to n , Ind. R o bert Sch a ntz, Chicago, Ill. H e rbert Sch ear , Dayton , 0. Ri c h a rd W. Sche ibe r , Tiffin , 0 . Harry J. Sch ellha as, Piqua, 0. Capt. Chas. W. Sch e u , D ayton , 0 . E dward J. Schle i, Dayto n , 0 . \Vm. 0. Schl einitz, D ayto n , 0 . 1s t Lt. Robe rt J. Schmidt, Ann a p o lis, Md. Be rnh a rd M. Schmidt, D ay to n , 0 . Cathe rine M. Schmitz, Da yton , 0. Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Schn e ble, Da yto n , 0. Cle m en s J. Schne ble, D.D.S., D ay to n , 0. Ma rtin Schne ble, D ayton , 0. Ri c hard C. Schn eble, M.D., D ay to n , 0. Ric hard J. Schn eble, M.D., D ayton , 0 . F r a ncis M. Schnurr, Sa ndusk y, 0 . E dwa rd C. Schoe n , Chica go, Ill. Carroll M. Scho lle, Chi ca go , Ill. R ev. Albe rt L. Schreck , Ox fo rd , 0. Ch a rl es W . chroll , Dayto n , 0. J. R. Schro ll, D ayton , 0. E dwa rd W . Schroede r , D ay to n , 0. R ev. John F . Schule r , Newp o rt , Ky. J a m es L . c hwerin g, Ne w York , N.Y. W illiam J . Seide n stick el, Columbus, 0. R. E . Sh a n a h a n , W ilming ton , 0 . T heodo r e A. Sharpe nte r , Auror a , lll. Mar y Sh ay, D ay ton , 0. Vin cent M . Shi elds, T u scon , Ari z. J. M. Sh im a n ek , LeGr a n ge, Ill. Leo Showel, Toledo, 0 . Arthur L. Shroyer , D ay ton , 0. H e n ry S ilbe r e is, D ayto n , 0 . Joseph E . Simon, Wyando tte, M ich . Merle P . Smith, D ay ton , 0 . Claren ce P. Somse l, M.D., D ayto n , 0. T. K. Sp aldin g, Ch a rles ton , W . Va . Capt. E u gen e A. Stalze r , 0 born . 0 . W . M. Ste ffe n , Santa Mo ni ca, Ca lif. Larry Ste mbe r , Columbus, 0 . Paul R. Stagm a ie r , Ch a ttanooga, Tenn. Willi a m E. Stoecklein, Da yto n , 0. Lawren ce W. Strattne r , New R och ell e, N.Y. F . G. Stroop, Dayton , 0. Clifford Stuhlmu e Ue r , M.D., H a milt o n ,

0. Charles F . Suc h e r, Da yton , 0 . Louis A. Su che r , D ayt on , 0.- $15 E mme tt. F. Sweetman , U rban a, 0. Ste phe n E . Szabo, D.D.S., Da yton , 0. T Lor e tta T e tzlaff, D ay to n , 0. Lo uis A. Thack e r , D ayto n , 0 . H a rri e t Th eodose, D av ton , 0. Most. R ev. Frank A. Thill, a lina, K a n sas- $ IO GeQr ge E . Th o m a, M.D., St. Lo ui s, Mo. T h o m as J. Tho m as, D.D. S., D ay to n , 0. Mark R . Thompson, St. Louis, Mo. John W. Torpey, New H yd e P a rk . N.Y. La wre n ce M. Trimbach , D ay to n , 0 .


John E . Un verfe rth , L t. Col., Fort D evon s, Mass. R o be rt H. J. U n verferth , Ha rtfo r d, Conn.

E d wa rd P. Rus h , Wayne, M ich . Rt. R ev. Ms ~ r . Ca rl J. R yan , Ci n cin. nat i, 0 . T h o m as P. R yan , Albu q ue rque, New Me xi co

H oward A. Va lique tte, D ay ton , 0 . Rt. R ev. Ma rtin M. Varley, pring fi eld ,

R e ube n R. Saek s, D ayto n , 0.

E dmund M. Veh o n , We tbury, N. Y.



0. 5

Ma rga r e t K. Vo ig t , O sborn, 0.


Josep h G. Wagn er, Sidney, 0 . Rt. R ev. R. Ma rcellus Wagn e r , Cincinna ti , 0 . R obert H. Wa hl , M.D ., Dayton, 0 . H ug h E . Wa ll, D ay to n , 0. H u g h E. Wa ll, Jr. , D ayton, 0. Leo F. Wa lt e r , Day to n , 0. V. C. Wa lling, Bellev ue, Was h . A. J. Wa ls h , South B en d, Ind. Armo n E. Wease, Arling to n , Va. Vin cent B. Wec kesser, Day to n , 0. Ca rl Tho m a s Welte r , Tiffi n, 0 . Q . A. Weilbacher , Columbus, 0. C. W. W h a le n , Jr. , D ayto n , 0 . C. W. W h a le n , Dayton , 0 . H e rbert E. W ha len , D ayto n , 0. H e rbert E . W ha le n , Jr., D ayto n , 0. Rich ard H . Wh a rton, D ayto n , 0. Kathl een Wh e tro, Day to n , 0 . Pa ul A. W ick , Pitts burgh, Pa. Lo uis P. W ilks, Chi cago, Ill. E lme r J . W ill, Osbo rn, 0. Don L. W ilhelm, Jr., Col., Wold Cha m berlain F iel d, Mi nn ea po lis, Minn.- $15 H a m ilto n K . \V illhe bn, D ayto n , 0. W illia m H. Wolff', Dayto n , 0.


Be rt J . Zimme r , Covington, K y. Geor ge E . Zimme rm an, Dayton , 0. Andre w Zittel , J r ., New York , N.Y. W illia m A. Zo lg, Sa n Leandro, Cali f.

Sharkey (Cont inu ed f r om page 3)

paper work fo r the M iddletown J ournal, the D ayton J ournal, and th e U niver ity of D ayton Exponent, a litera ry magazine. As a yo uth he had the opportunity of traveling throughout the coun try talking with people, eeing sights of renown, which greatly aid ed him in the fac ts for his books. Then, after hi affili a tion with the Pfla um Co., he a nd Jim Pfla um, '33, a bu iness asocia te decided upon a " hitch-hiking" trip across Europe. They were asked by the Pfla um Compa ny to top a t the C a tholic Press Associa tion exhibit in R ome, which afford ed them the opportunity to see a nd h ear Pope Pius XI. T his visit to R ome and the V a tican led to the writing of the book " White Smoke Over the V a tican," first printed for hi young readers in the Parochia l school s. This book required eighteen month of research, as it covered the delicacies of Church Government, the personalitie of the Pope , how th e Va tican fun ctions, it hi tory, moderniza tion a nd treasures. Mr. Sha rkey, because of his achievements was elected to the Ga llery of Living Ca tholic Author , a nd i a generous counsellor of C ath olic authors striving to get a sta rt in th e writing profession. H e is a family ma n in every way, and regards his children as his hobhie . H e i treasurer of the D ayton Guidance Center, and is greatl y intere ted in its psychia tric work with children .

INTRA-SQUAD GAME CLIMAXES PRACTICE A two-d ay grid clinic for high school coaches and the annual intrasq uad game between the Flyer fir tstringers a nd th e Flyer reserve brought spring practice to a cl o e, Sa turday, April 17. The grid clinic promised to become an annual affair after the fine reception of th e fir t clinic conducted _by Joe Gavin a nd..his aides, Joe Quinn, D a nny Piloseno, and Johnny Marchall. Some 40 high school coaches, many former U. D. gridiron 路 stars, were pre ent a Gavin discussed his version of the " t" and the fund amentals of football play. The first day was given over to lectures and demonstra tions of the part th e backfield plays in the sys tem. Sa turday morning was given over to line play. In the afternoon, the annual intra- quad game cli_maxed th e two days of instruction . Particularly impressive in the bruising intra-sq uad battle, which saw th e Fly e r fir s t s tin ge r s, "The Blu e Bloods," edge the " White Trash" of the reserves 13-12, was the high competitive spirit evidenced by both squads. The fin , if sometimes tough and brutal, play of both squads gave promise of depth for a ll positions on the Flyer squad next season, and thus promises to correct one of the Flyers major weaknesses of last seasonthe need of capable reserves. The line play was particularly good in the intra-squad contest. Both squads, on offense and defense alike, displayed a rough, brui ing type of play tha t gave promi e of no easy time for th e opponents the Flyer will meet on their ten-gam e schedule n ext season. For th e "Blue Bloods," Leroy Ka- re, the hula-hipped h alfb ack from Hawaii, set up the first score with a 48-yard jaunt, the longest run of the day. K en Boxwell plunged from the 2-yard line for the score. On the second touchdown, it was the hard running of R ay Janaszek, Art Bok, and Johnny D elp tha t gave Ed " Chi ef" To canni th e chance to score on a quarterback sneak. Dick Dahn contributed the extra points. On the "White Trash" side, Bill M cKinley wa the top running back, but it was the riflearm of Joe Zaleski that accounted for the scores. Zaleski heaved a 20yard pass into the waiting arms of Joe Bannister in the end zone for the first score, and after setting up the second touchdown with passe to D ale Babione and Bill Saelzer, h e sneaked over from hi quarterback spot for the score.


MEMBERS OF THE FLYERS' VARSITY GOLF TEAM STROLLING DOWN THE fairway are left to right: Jack Zimmerman , George Zimmerman , Franci s McKenna, Tom Kenny, and leo Busse.

The Flyer nine, coached by Harry Baujan, have yet to face a collegiate foe, but h ave played four exhibition games to da te. In three contests with Frigidaire, Class AA entry in the D ayton sandlot league, the Flyers h ave come out on the short end of the score three times, bowing 5-4, 6-5 , a nd 10- 5. In a game with Moraine Products also a Cl ass AA D ayton sandlot team, the Flyers bowed 3-2 .

FLYER BASEBALL SCHEDULE April April April April May M ay

20 25 27 29 1 3

May 5 May 8 May 18 May 20 May 22 June


Miami University ... h ere . .. .. there St. Paris Xavier University . .. here Wilberforce .. . . here Miami University .. here University of Cinh ere cinnati Wilmington Coll ege. h ere . there Wilberforce . . Xavier University . . . there Wilmington College there University of Cin. there cinnati Lawrence T ech, D etroit ... . ... . .. . here


The Flyer golfers, under mentor Tom Blackburn, have already sta rted on th eir spring schedule. In three ma tch es to da te, the Flyer linksmen have come out on top twice- downing Ohio University 9Y2-2 Y2, and K enyon 7-5. The loss, 21-6, was at the h ands of Ohio State University. M a tches remaining on th e Flyers p;olf schedul e a re: April 23 Findlay Coll ege .... here April 27 X avier University .. . here May ] Miami Univer ity . there May 7 Miami University .... here May 14 Univ. of Cincinnati .. h ere May 17 Sta te Tournament Columbus May J 9 Ohio University .... there May 24 Xavier University . there

Merle P. Smith '25 -City Commissioner In March i sue of the Alumnu , we ra n a story on M erle P. Smith, '25, mentioning his possibilities for the vacancy on the Commi sion of the City of Dayton. We a re happy to release the information that Mr. Smith has taken the oath of office as a member of the legisla tive body for D ayton. Mr. Smith was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts, following which he spent two year at the University teaching Engli h a nd Jour-

1948 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ;+Sept. 24 Juh n Carroll University at .......... . ......... Cleveland, 0. **Oct. Oct.

3 St. Bonaventure College . . ................... . at Olean, N. Y. 9 Marshall College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at D ayton

+:路Oct. 16

niver ity of Tol edo .. . ...... . .................. at Toledo

**Oct. 24 St. Louis University ... . ..................... . ... at Dayton *-'路Oct. 31 Xavier University ....... : . .................. . a t Cincinnati Nov. 6 Miami University .... . ......................... . at D ayton Nov. 13 Oklahoma City University . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a t D ayton

(HOMECOMING) Nov. 20 Iowa State Teachers College ................... . .... a t Dayton ***Nov. 25 University of Chattanooga .... . ....... at Chattanooga, T enn. -;;.Night Games **Sunday Games **路*Thanksgiving D ay

nalism. L ater he erved as Alumni ecretary and Public R elations representative for a period of ten year . Following this, he joined the J oyceC ridland Company as a i tant sale manager. When World War II began, Mr. Smith en tered service erving both in the State and O ver eas. When he returned to D ayton, h e accepted the post of general manager fo r the firm mentioned above. Because of his personality which in o ur humble opinion is extremely sincere, but quiet and re erved, it wa quite na tura l tha t he hould be reticient about accepting the respon ib ilities of his newly acquired post. The degree of sincerity in this alumnu was evidenced in his rema rk during a pres conference when he said " Public service is a duty no citizen hould hirk. " M erle P. Smith wa born in H a milton, Ohio, but spent mo t of h i youth in Lima, 0 . In 1921, h e came to D ayton to enter the U niverity. H e i a well known and respected citizen of th is community, th rough his affiliation with the university, hi member hip on the board, past pre idency of the Optimi t Club, and hi member hip at the Miami Valley Golf Club. H e is a member of Corpus Chri ti Church, and also an active member of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. and Mr . Smith a re the parents of two children, a daughter recently married, and a on who will be gradua ted from Chaminade High School in June.

U. D. PLAYERS PRESENT COMEDY " Ramshackel I nn," under the direction of J ohn McGrath, a i tant profes or of speech, was th e final production fo r the season of the Univerity of D ayton Players, and wa presented on April 24th and 25th at the D ayton Art Insti tute. Peggy D avi , a junior in the education division, played the role of the a miable scatter-brained Belinda Pryde, a n ex-libra ria n who loves people in general and a certa in Commodore T owser in pa rticula r. The role was created by Zazu Pits when the play opened on Broadway in 1944. Mi s Pryde deserts her East Ipswich libra ry and buys a n old New England hotel where he was surrounded by va ri o us murd e re rs, li q u or rin g , G-women and even pig . In combina tion with several stabbing , shootings, light failure , and thou and of case of whi key th e e fo rm the ingredient of an exciting hilariou mystery. Those in the upporting ca t were : J ohn Comb , Willi am Wagner, Peg Ens, Mary Van D yke Brown, Merrick Stauffer, D ennis Griffin, Gil Stovicek, R obert Cochran, J ani Baker, ed Cofer, John K elly, D a n Kauffman, Madeleine Unger, Willia m Donahue, and orman Schmidt. Haro ld Moots, wa r e ponsible for d es igning the ettin g a nd the painting was directed by orman Schmidt.


1896 ympa thy i extended to the fami ly of J arne E . M aher who died in D ecember, 1947. 1907 - Sympa thy is extended to the family of D an Morgan, pre ident of the Continental Oil Co., who died in Hu ton, T exas. 1909-Herbert Wha len a ttended the sales and business managers convention of the general agents of the Northwes tern Mutua l Life Insurance Co., in Santa Barba ra, Ca lif. 191 5 - Rev. Fra ncis T. Cully, was elected to the post of director for th e Community Welfa re Council in D ayton. 191 Eugene Litkowski spoke on interior decora ting at the D ayton rt Institute. 1923-MEM BER OF TH E CLASS OF 1923 ARE ALREADY MAKING PLANS FOR THEIR TWE NTY-FIFTH CL ASS R EUNION TO BE HELD AT HOMECOMING, NOVEMBER 13. Jo eph ( Continue d o n p age 8)

Reichard Condqcts Annual Concert Under the direction of Maurice R . R eichard, h ead of the m u ic department, the University of D ayton Band pre ented it an nual concert on Sunday, April 11, in the N. C. R . Auditoriu m. The public was invited to attend t his a d m i io n- free p r ogr am, the twen ty-second in a erie of a nnual concerts. The program for the concert included: "The Triumvirate," by Ernest Williams, a trumpet trio, play ed by J ack 0 ' eill , Bill Thornton , and Thomas H errman ; a solo on the bass tuba by William 0 . Fetty; everal symphonic number transcri bed for band, including "The Finale from the Symphony in E F lat" by Sain t-Saens, an d t wo n u m be r , "Coronation March" from the Prophet, a nd "D edication and Benediction" from Les H uguenot , by the 19th century operatic composer, M eyerbeer ; an arrangement of the popular "Parade of th e Wooden oldiers," First Suite in E for Military Band, and a compo ition of the modern Engli h compo cr, Gu ta v H olst. William Fitzpa trick is pre id cnt, and H a rold D . M atheney, vice-president of the 60-piece university band. Both a re ophomores from D ayton. H oward Mill er, a enior from D ayton i ecretary-treasurer.

Class Notes (Continued from page 7)

S. Wagner, Sidney, is pre ident, a nd John H ealy, Newark, Ohio, is secretary of the group. We hope that '2 3 will be present 100 % trong. 1924- Dr. R . P. Muth was awarded the pa t faithful navigator jewels of the Knight of Columbus Council in D ayton. 1925- M erle P. Smith was sworn in a a member of th e Commission of the City of D ayton . Vincent B. Weckesser, ub-contractor, was elected to a two year term of the Dayton Builders Exchange. 1926- Lt. Col. Thomas G. Fleming, milita ry adviser, recently wa the subject of a newspaper article in which the difficulty of th e ba ttles with the Guerrilla in Greece was explained . 1927- Lt. Col. Jo eph F. Goetz, who ha held public relations posts with RKO for the past twenty years, has been called to active duty. H e will be assigned to SAF headqua rters in Washington, D. C., to upervise its motion picture operations. Congra tul a tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pier on the birth of their da ughter. John H erkenhoff :M inster, was a campus vi itor. ' 19-?8- Charle D ansard, Chicago, durmg a recent campus visit, informed us th a t he i the manager of the Chicago office of George LaMonte & Sons. Dr. and Mrs. Cla rence Somsel a nnounce the arrival of their third daughter, J ane, on March 20. Ed Machle is acting judge of th e municipal court, Dayton. Arthur M eyring was installed as leading knight for th e Elks Lodge in Dayton. 1929-Mrs. Anne O'Hare M cCormick, New York Time Foreign Correspondent, addre sed a convention of The Women' Action Committee for Lasting Peace in Washington, D. C. Mrs. M cCormick sta ted that the United Sta te is already fighting a "strange a nd unparalleled" war. 1930- Dr. Walter R eiling was chosen presid ent of the Optimist Club in Dayton . Mr. and Mrs. Gera ld " Fuzzy" Fau t were affilia ted with the Society of Mary at Mt. St. John Chapel. The Very Rev. Sylvester J. Juergens, S.M., Neville Belgium, Superior General of th e Society of M a ry conducted the a ffiliation ceremoni c . 1931- The Rt. R ev. Frederick G. Hochwalt, member of the a tion al Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D . C., has been a ked to celebrate the M as when the econd a nnual reunion of former tudents of Holy Trinity parochi al school ta ke


lc PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 71

place in Dayton on May 16. 1932- R ev. Ba rry J. Dwyer, S.J., is diligently compiling ma terial for his dissertation a t the University of Torth Carolina. 1933- Ga le Murphy has been installed as exalted ruler for th e Elk. in Dayton. 1934- Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs . Charle H. Boesch on the birth of their daughter, Nancy Irene on April 9. A daughter wa born to Mr. and Mrs. Charle M a tthews in March. William F . Barth received engineering license from the State of Ohio in the mecha nical fi eld . 1935- Mr. and Mrs. M a rtin Armbruster are receiving congra tulations on the birth of their son . .John Fisher, D etroit, was a campus visitor. 1936- M a j. Don D avis is a ttached to H eadquarters at Ft. Eu tis, Virginia. A on, Thomas Moorma n, Jr., was born to Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Moorman , Feb. 12 in St. Louis, Mo. Sympathy is extended to Robert H . Schoening, on the recent death of his fath er, H erman G. Schoening. 1937- Carolyn Ann Greany and Owen Y.l. Regan, Cleveland, were married on Saturday, April 17. Congratul ations a re extend ed to Mr. and Mrs. James Schwendeman on the birth of their son. 1938- Victor Williamaitis, Charles Gerwel and Bob Schneble were campus visitor . 1939- A third chi ld, D avid Lawrence was born to Mr. and Mr . Willi am Buehrle, J r.- Congratula tion ! 1\1iss M arguerite Kreb , director of the Dayton D airy council, addressed the April meeting of Sigma Omega K appa, honor society of St. Elizabeth Nursing School. 1940- John N. Sherman will be ordained in the Dominican Order at Lake Forest, III., on .June 4. 1941- Cia s member : Send the editor some news about yourself so that your class mates and fri ends will know where you are and what you a re doing. 1942- Marguerite E. Mullen and Robert C. Dodt were ma rried on April 17 at Corpus Chri ti Church, Dayton . Congra tulation a re extended to Dr. a nd Mrs. Willia m H . Citma n on the birth of their fourth child, Sh a ron Ca rolyn, March 9. Mr. and 8

Mrs. Gilbert J. M cEwa n, St. Loui , a nnounce the birth of their econd son, Stephen Earl on M arch 16. Robert M aloney was elected sergeanta t-arm of the Dayton Cha pter of Toastma ters Interna tiona l. Mr. a nd Mrs. William Kna pp were campus visitors. Bill is working toward hi doctorate a nd at the same time is a graduate assistant in the chemical engineering depa rtment at Ohio Sta te. 1943- Mary Sharkey is temporary chairma n of the U.D. Alumnae Associa tion which met on Thur day, April 15 in the Student Union building on the campus. Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert Nushawg ( M ary K. Sherman ) a re receiving congra tul a tions on the birth of their son. Barba ra R emick a nd M a rvin M . T almage were married on Saturday, April 10, in Corpu Christi Church, D ayton . M a rilyn Turner Bistline wa a campu vi itor. Dorothy Lee R any' engagement to Bill Bachus has b een announced . They will be ma rried on June 19th. 1944- Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. .John Everett (Juli a Carey) on the birth of their on. Dr. George Markus ha a nnounced that he is as uming the practice of the late Dr. R . D . Potts. 1945- Ann Nolan and Ed Zwiesler h ave a nnounced their engagement. 1946- Berna rd J. Trujill o, native Columbian, now affili a ted with the oversea department of the ational Cash Register Company, addre ed U. D.'s council of Pan-American affairs on the Columbian revolt. H a rold Mouch, coach a t Hamilton Catholic, made the final s in the State Tournament in Columbus. 1947- J eanne LeBoeuf and J a me D. Whalen will be married on June 2 in Corpu Christi Church, D ayton . Trudy obis, following her J a nua ry debut in Times Hall, was a recent Dayton visitor. Alma M ay Schultz a nd R obert E. Luken were ma rried on Saturday, April 3, in Holy Fa mily Church, Dayton. K enny Trimbach is in Eri e, Pa ., affili a ted with General El ectric. Mr. and Mr . H a rold Stephen on a nnounce the birth of their on, Lee D aniel on M a r. 13. Alice H end ershot is residing in Spoka ne, Washinoton.

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