THE MAN ON THE COVER Footba ll wasn't his game. The blond youth from Cleveland never played a high school football game. But when Toledo University journeys to D ayton on O ct. 15, the right end of the Flyer most probably will be Bill Gutbrod, captain of the U.D. squad. Gutbrod was a pitcher in high school. H e was unbeaten in 12 games hurled during his last two years a t Holy Name high in Cl eveland . " I always figured I wa too light for footba ll," Gutbrod a id. " I did go out my senior year. The coach encouraged m e, but I think he felt I wouldn't make a football player. Your senior yea r is too late to start. Besides the coach had some good sophomore coming up. I dropped off the squa d after several weeks." A scribbled note on an Army bulletin board lured Gutbrod into football. The note was a request for players for a paratroopers footba ll team at Cam p M cCall, N .C. , Gutbred reported . Got a real taste of football and decided he liked it. His career was almost cut short by a Na zi morta r shell in Ita ly in 1944. H e still carries shrapnel in his left leg. L a ter the leg was frozen during 1:he Battle of the Bulge. Doctors man aged to save it. Gutbrod enroll ed at U.D. after his discharge and now has three years of football behind him. H e earned the nickname " Digger" by digging graves during the ummer months between his sophomore a nd junior yea r s. Thi s s umm e r h e worked as a mailman. "Had to strengthen my legs," Gutbrod said. " And it worked. I feel in top sh a pe." H e had suffered a fracture of his right leg in the '48 season's fin ale at Cha ttanooga . Gutbrod says he's " ready to go." His coach feels the sam e. " Bill \ one of those fellows who doesn't look like a football pl ayer, but h e is. H e's a great end. Wish I'd h a d FRONT COVER: May we present William IBilll Gutbrod, Captain of the '49 Flyers. Hailing from Cleveland, Bill plays right end and is a key defensive player. A broken leg suffere.d at the Chattanooga game failed to keep him from attending the banquet, at which he was honored by his teammates with the captaincy of the '49 squad.
Vol. XV
October, 1949
M a ry Shay '44 . .... .. . .. . James E . " Pep" Wilson
..... Editor ...... . .. Sports Editor
"Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION-Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other beque~ts, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." him on my club in high school." The Flyer coach has reason to emphasize the last point . . .. for the
high school coach who had given Gutbrod encouragement was Joe Gavin, head coach of the University of Dayton Flyer .
FRIDAY - OCT. 21 I :00 p.m. -Downtown parade - floats - exhibits 8 :00 p.m.- Concert by the U.S. Air Force Band- N. C. R . Schoolhouse
SATURDAY - OCT. 22 9 :00 a. m. -R egistration- Student Union- St. M a ry's H a ll 10 :45 a.m.-Coffee Time - Fountain 11 :15 a. m.- Annual M eeting- Stud ent Union 12 :00 Noon- "Dutch" Lunch- Cafeteria Chaminade Hall 12 :00 Noon- M eet the Gang- Student Union 12 :00 Noon- U.D. Mothers' Club T ea - Student Union I : 15 p.m.-PRE-game program- Stadium
"CAMP US SALUTE" National R adio Show 2:15 p.m.- Game, U.D. vs. Youngstown- Stadium 5 :00 p.m.- "Old Grad Caucus" - Miami Hotel 8:00 p.m. -President's R eception- Van Cleve Hotel 9:30 p.m.- Homecoming Dance - Biltmore Hotel
SUNDAY - OCT. 23 10 :00 a.m.-Mass- U.D. Chapel
HOMECOMING EVENTS FEATURE CENTENNIAL The Centennial celebration of the University of Dayton in cooperation with the Triple Centennial of the Society of Mary will get under way with the University of D ayton W eek scheduled October 16-22. A week packed with activities will precede the Centennial Homecoming, O ct. 21 aRd 22 . Officia lly Homecoming will begin with alumni a ttendance a t the parade ponsored by the Chamber of Commerce at noon on Friday, O ct. 21. Industrial and retail floa ts will add color to the parade in recognition of the University of Dayton's contributions to the community. The C ente nni a l Hom eco ming Queen Frances D ersham and h er court will be guests of honor. Friday evening, Oct. 21 , the Air Force Ba nd will present a concert for alumni and guests at the National Cash R egister Auditorium . The program will begin at 8 P. M. with the Air Force national broadcast originating at this special performance a t 9 P. M.
REGISTRATION R egistra tion will take place beginning a t 9 A. M., Saturday, O ct. 22, in both St. Mary's Hall and the Student Union building. The members of Sorosis, the alumnae organization at U . D. , will be present to handi e alumni who are returning to the campus.
ALUMNI MEMORIAL MASS This year the Alumni M emorial M as is scheduled for Sunday, O ct. 23, at 10 A. M . in the U. D. Cha pel.
BUSINESS MEETING The business meeting which will be held in the Student Union building a t 11 :15 A. M. will be conducted by H on. Edward Breen, ' 30, president of the U. D. Alumni Association. At this time the newly elected officers of the alumni board and a thletic board will be installed . The Gold Sta rs' M emoria l Plaque, presented to the University by the class of '43, will be unveiled at this time.
LUNCHEON Luncheon will be served in the cafeteria in Chaminade H all beginning at 11 :45 A. M. Those who do not wish to join in the "Dutch" lunch can meet the gang at the Student Union building at 12:00, where the University of Dayton Mothers' C lub will be serving refreshments.
GOV. FRANK J. LAUSCHE OF OHIO OFFICIALLY PROCLAIMED THE WEEK OF October 16-22 "University of Dayton Centennial Week" . With the Governor when he signed the proclamation in which the entire state is urged to recognize the University of Dayton's 1 OOth anniversary were three University of Dayton alumni. Standing left to right are : Dr. Torrence A . Makley, Jr., '40, chairman of the Columbus chapter program committee ; Ray C'onnor, '34, a past president of the Columbus chapter, and Ralph Locher, '36, executive secretary to Governor Lausche .
FLYERS vs YOUNGSTOWN The pre-game program "Campus Salute" - a national radio show will begin at 1 :30 in the stadium . A part of the show will be picked up from our stadium between 1 :30 a nd 2:00. Ga me time i 2:15 . The contest between the Flyers and Youngstown is the second battle between the two schools路 and should prove to be a better game tha n most people believe. R ecords indicate that one previous game has been played with Youngstown in 1939. That time the Flyers were the victors 13-12. Half-time ceremonies will include t he presenta tion of the Centennial Homecoming Queen and her court. The band, under the direction of M a urice R. R eichard, head of the music department, will give out with their super Centennial H alf-time program.
OLD GRAD CAUCUS This year the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association recommended that the Old Grad Caucus be continued . The Silver Forest of the Miami Hotel will be the scene for alumni and their friends to renew old acquaintances following the
ga me. All alumni a re urged to gather a t the Silver Forest for the gab fest which will begin a t 5 P. M.- immediately following the game.
This year, Father George J. R enneker, president of the University of Dayton, cordia lly invites alumni to a ttend a reception in their honor at the Van Cleve Hotel. The time of the reception is 8 P. M. This will give alumni an opportunity to meet with Fa ther R enneker to talk about "old times."
"BUILDERS OF DESTINY" At the same time a radio program dedicated to the University of Dayton, and featuring the life of Father Leo M eyer, founder of U. D. , and leader in the Society's move to Dayton, will be featured over radio sta tion WL W on O ct. 22 a t 8 p.m.
DANCE Th e C ente nni a l Hom ec oming dance will be held at the Biltmore Hotel, Saturday, O ct. 22, from 9 :30 P. M. until 1 :00 A. M. Earl Holderman and his 14-piece band will play for the dance. Dress will be informal. Tickets are $3.00 per couple. Alumni, their guests, and students are invited to a ttend .
They call them "clim ax runner ". And this a ppea rs to be The Hyphen's years. For Leroy Ka-ne, the F lyer rambling Hawaiian halfback, has been racing off yardage in compiling a better tha n 10-yards per carry for Joe Gavin's fa st stepping U.D. eleven. A a counter-ba lance to The H yoen the Flyers Art Bok, running from left half, also tops the 10-yards per try average to give U.D. one of the greatest pair of running h alfback in the midwest. Rampaging Johnny D elp, Bill McK inley, J im U ttermohlen and Danny O'Brien along with Joe Banister and Bob Schaefer give the Flyers plenty of trength at the halfback post . They'll carry a big pa rt of the offense when the Flyers tangle with Toledo Saturday. Their running coupled with the consta nt threat of Joe Zaleski's passe will make the Flyers h ard to get along with on the gridiron the remainder of this season. However, Capt. Bill Gutbrod and the Flyers have their work cut out for them . On the rugged trai l ah ead a re eva d a, M i ami, X av i e r , Young town and up and coming Scranton . The Flyers this yea r are edging closer to the na tion' football spotlight : the name Dayton is creeping more a nd more into conversations whenever football powers are m entioned. The F lyers are no longer that fin e club from th e hilltop in Dayton. They now are tha t trong aggregation from Ohio th a t find a la rge number of na me teams a bit reluctant to include the Flyers on their grid schedule. Line play holds the key to the success of the Flyers in the coming games. H a rd running D ale Babione and Bill Saelzler make a fin e team a t the fl a nks in back-stopping Gutbrod and Gus Shoyer. Four husky tackles, Jock C leary, Bill Lange, Bob Dunn and Stan Kurdziel ra nge from 210 pounds to 225, and along with gua rds Bob W agn er , J e rr y V a nd e rHorst, Ed R eidy, AI Speth a nd Bob M aier ap pear to h ave hit their stride after coming out on the short end of a rough tussle with X avi er. On O ct. 30, th e F lyers will be out to a venge their 21-7 defeat a t the hands of th e Musketeers in the season's opener.
1891- Sympa thy is extended to the famil y of Edward C. H egman, who died in Dayton on June 10. 1892- Mr. and Mrs. O scar C. M iller have informed us tha t they planned a trip from th e States to London, Pari , returning via Lisbon. 1894 - Sympathy is extended to Peter Kuntz on the death of his wife, T eresa, in Dayton on June 21. Dr. L. F. Bucher, Secreta ry of the F.O .E ., Dayton, a ttended the convention in K entucky. 1901- Sympathy is ex tend ed to John A. Ruter, Cincinnati, whose wife died in January. 1902- Sympa th y i extended to the famil y of John M . Burgmeier, who died on August 11 in Chicago. H e was president of the Burgmeier Book Bindery, Inc. 1912- Sympa th y i ex t end ed to Berna rd Whelan, formerly affiliated with Howard Rinehart in aviation, on the death of the la tter.
1914- Rt. R ev. M sgr. R obert J. Sherry, Cincinna ti, was the celebrant of a Solemn High Mass of Thanksgiving a t the Sisters of Notre Dame Centennial of their a rrival in D ayton, Sept. 11. 1915- Symp a th y i extend ed to Martin Synnett on the death of his aunt, Joha nna B. Whalen. 1916- F a ther Joseph Finan was honored with a dinn er on the occasion of hi si lver jubilee in the priesthood, in June in Zanesville, Ohio. 1917- Virgil C. Murphy is manager of the Hotel Olmsted irf Cleveland. Rob e rt H. Humm ert was elected vice-president of Sta ndardThompson Corpora tion in D ayton. 1918- Ned Grimes' M etropolitan Paving Co., h as moved from the Ashland Block to 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. Sympa th y is extended to the fa mi ly of Emil Edmundson, Urbana, Ohio, who died last December. 1920- William Clendenin is residing in Washington, D . C. AI Crowley, with hi wife and two children, ew who a re residing in Union, J ersey, were campu visitors. Huston Brown is pre ident of the D ayton Rotary Club. Robert A. Seward, Girard, Ohio, has resigned as executive secreta ry of th e Business and Professional As ociation there, to accept a position as sales manager of the
Renner Brewing Co., Young town, Ohio. 1 922- H arold D. Moody is acclaims examiner of the Ohio State Highway Department in Columbus. 192 4 - Col. Carl J. Crane h a returned to the United States, and is being retired after 25 years' service in the Army. Dr. Joseph C. Amerbach, clinical member of the In titutum Divi Thom ae, made a tour of the European cancer research clinic , a nd the Pontifical Academy of Science in the Vatican City. Joseph L. Leibold wa elected secretary of the Premier Rubber Company. Cha rl e P. Eisenhauer holds the position of vice-pre ident of the St. Joseph Orphanage, D ayton. Sympathy i extended to the family of the Rt. Rev. M sgr. J ame W. O'Brien, who died following a heart attack in his room a t Mt. St. M ary's Semina ry, Cincinna ti, Sept. 1. 1925- William A. Zolg, San Leandro, Calif., received his professiona l engineering certificate in ch emical engineering for the State of California. M erle P. Smith was nomin a ted for re-election to th e City Commission in D ayton. 1926- Sympa thy is extended to Col. Thomas G. Fleming on the death of his father, Edward F., on July 21. 1 927- Sympa thy IS extended to Joseph H . Schriml on the death of his mother in Dayton on June 25. Lt. Col. Joseph J. Goetz was a campu vi itor. Frank B. Pettinger, electrical engineer, i affiliated with the Northwe tern Bell T elephone Co., at Grand I land, Nebraska. Congratulation are extended to Dr. and Mrs. Clemen Schneble on the birth of their son, D a niel Clemen , on Sept. 9th. Dick Snelling h as moved his paint and maintenance bu iness to W. High St., Springfield, Ohio. H e is reported to have lost 3 7 pounds while making the move- bringing him to a mere 260. 192 8 - Clarence A. Friemering i re iding in K enmore, New York. ympathy is extended to Arthur W. Meyring on the death of hi father, Andrew, on June 6, in Dayton. Congratul a tions a re extended to Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Aufderheide on the birth of Pa ula Sue on August 12.
1 929 - Dr. H . Th eodore Hoffman, affiliated with the D epartment of Commerce, recently made a tour of France and Italy to observe conditions in those countries. 1930 - William P. K eane, president of the Gaelic Cuman, was chairman of the Iri.~ h picnic in D ayton. 193 1-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Duffy are bcinft congra tula ted on the birth of their daughter, Suzanne Diedri, on June 25. Congratul a tions a re extended to J a net Finn and Howard V aliquette, who were married on August 13, a t Corpu Christi Church in D ayton. 1932 - Mr. and Mr . Vinton C. Kirk a rc th e proud parents of four children. Timothy Madden Kirk was born on July 23, in D ayton. Charles Gross, superintendent of the department of taxa tion, Dayton, addressed member of the Dayton Society of C.P.A.'s. Congratula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kline on the birth of their daughter, Judith Louise, on June 18. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Pa ul Lienesch on the birth of their d aughter, Patricia Ann, on July 3. Charles V . Mahlmann , Brookline, M ass., was a campus vi itor. H e is doing research at M.I.T. 1 933-Lioncl Gaulstran played an active part as a com mittee chairman in organizing the San Francisco meeting of the American Chemical Society this spring. 1 934 - Lou T schudi i affili a ted with WING. Bob Witte i in the landscaping and real esta te busine s in Austin, T exas. R ay M . H a rris was a member of the faculty of the Portla nd (Oregon ) Extension Center during the spring term. H e ta ught a course in engineering law based on texts and notes he compiled. The course included lectures, pa tents, and copyrights, a well as general law subj ects, with emphasis on an engineering basis. Congra tula tion are extended to Mr. and Mrs. D on Sharkey on the birth of their da ughter, M a ry, in D ayton, on July 5. Mr. Sha rkey has resigned from the George A. Pflaum, Publi her, Inc., to do his own writing. H e has been editor of Th e Young Catholic M essenger. Congra tulations are also ex-
THE INITIAL MEETING OF THE LOS ANGELES CHAPTER OF THE UNIVERSITY of Dayton Alumni Association was held on Tuesday, June 21 , at the Palms in Hollywood . Alumni present left to right seated are : Mrs . and Mr. Valen ine Lehman, 30; Mrs . and Mr. George Smyth, '35; Mr. and Mrs . C. 0 . Hoffman; John Shay; Mary Shay, '44, alumni secretary at U.D.; Mr. and Mrs. John Ferree, ' 32; William Steffan, '38; Mrs . and Mr. James Jones , ' 36. Standing left to right are : Melvin Klarin, '35 ; V. J . Braun, '32; Fred Grundish , '09; Brig Gen. Joseph 0. Donovan , ' 17; Sue Dudlext White, '45; All is on R. Wh ite; Mrs . and Mr. Louis Marzluft, '32; Mrs. and Mr. John Bod ie , ' 22 , and James Taylor. Present but not shown in the picture w e re : Mrs. Jam es Taylor and Mrs . John Shay.
tended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Jo cph Freerna , D ayton, on the birth of th eir son, Jeffrey Eldon, on July 23. Mrs. J eannette M cCann, Morristown, New J ersey, was a campus visitor. 1935- Steph en E . Szabo, D .D.S. , a nnounces the removal of his office to the R eibold Building. Hi practice is limited to x-ray, diagnosis, dental ex tractions, and oral urgery. Sympath y is extended to William L. Struck, a ttorney a nd former municipal judge in D ayton, on the death of his fa ther, William A., who died July 26. Survivors include Ca therine, '39. R obert Choate i residing in Mi amisburg, 0. Congratu la tion s are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn T. Moore (Virgini a Dohner, '39 ) on the birth of their second child, a son, J ohn Dohner, bo~n on August 10. K atrinka Louise wa the ource of congra tula tions for Mr. a nd Mrs. Cla rence Westendorf. She was born July 3 a nd has a sister, 2y2 years old . 1938- Paul A. Wi ck i affilia ted with the R ockwell Mfg. Corp. in
Pittsburgh. Congratulation a re in order for Mr. and Mrs. Victor Walling, Bellvue, Washington, who are the proud pa rents of a third child, a son, M a rk, born at Providence Hospital, Seattle, on July 28. Bob Pfi ter, who is affi liated with Goodyear Rubber Compa ny, M exico City, wa a campus visitor. Bob Schneble, formerly of Terrace Bay, Ontario, Canada, was a campus visitor. H e is es ta blishing hi residence in Alabama. Mr. a nd Mrs. Dwight W. Sh annon have changed their residence from T exas A. & M. College to Dayton. 1939-Don M alloy has been transferred to Wright Field as a training officer. Congratulations are extended to M a ry E . Thies and Wi lliam H. Kroger, who were married in Our Lady of M ercy church, D ayton, on June 18. Sympathy is extended to Bill Flanagan on th e death of his father, August 13, in D ayton. M ajor Donald A. K ersting is stationed at corJtirJuecl on page
continued from page 5
the Frankfort Military Post in Germany. Congra tulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter C. Steffen, San Diego, Ca lifornia, on the birth of their second child, a da ughter, Ann Marie, on August 20. Wa lter C ., Jr. , is 6 Y2 years old. Walter, Sr., is assistant edito of the Southern Cross - the official newspaper for th e diocese of San Diego. Eileen Fie!, editor of the school edition of Our Little M essenger, has resigned from the Pflaum Publishing Company. Congratulations a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel G. Neander (Grace Aylstock ) on the birth of their son, William Luis, on June 10, in New York City. Elwood Zimmer, secretary of the Lions Club in Dayton, attended the National Convention in July in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge A. Gelofcsak are being congratulated on the birth of their daughter, Donna Jean, on August 10 in St. Ann's Hospital in Dayton. Congratulations are extended to Mary E. M cDonough and John H . Ritter, who were married on June 18 in St. Robert's church in Milwaukee.
"Dublin" in Lima. Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran are the proud parents of a son born recently. Chas. M cFarland, L ehighton, Pa .. was a campus visitor. J ack Padley is the president of the newly formed "Varsity D" Club of Monogram alumni members . Sympa thy is extended to John Kirchmer, Port Arthur, T exas, on the death of his father, June 18. William R . Rosencran has been named recorder of the D ayton Council Knights of Columbus. Elise Biecher, Jr., administra tor of the Westla ke Hospital in Chicago, wa a D ayton vi itor. J ean R. Edgington, D ayton, has been named fin ance officer for the South Park M emorial Post, American Legion .
1940- Carl J. Ruh was succes ful in the political race of the 58th District, K entucky, for State representative. R epresentative Ruh takes office next year when the legislative body meets. From all reports h e led the race by a great majority. Congratulations! Ruth Ohmer had an extended visit with her sisters in Seattle, Washington, during the summer. Sympathy is extended to the family of Dr. Donald A. Waag, who died on July 29 in Dayton. H e served as a Captain in the South Pacific during World War II. Congratulations a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Agnew on the birth of Patrick Joseph on June 13. James Pequignot is residing in Euclid, 0 . Sympathy is extended to Arthur Modler on the death of his mother. Paul Bauman, Columbus, Ohio, was a campus visitor. Congratula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John L. L emming (Rose Kunkler ) on the birth of their son, Paul, on July 17. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Titsch (Dorothy Jane Shoe) . Jim Gibbons, Guatemala City, Guatemala, was a recent Dayton visitor.
1942- Congratulations are extended to Dr. Edith Gitman, Dayton, who was awarded a certificate for the ]Jractice of medicine in Ohio. Dr. Gitman is the widow of Dr. Wm. Gitma n, and the mother of four children. Betty Lou Koors, affili a ted with the Winters National Bank a nd Trust Co., was in charge of publicity for the Ohio-Michigan Institute of Banking Leaders' Conference held in Dayton in August. Congratulation are extended to Paul J. Boeke, who received the degree of Master of Science in Engineering in plastics from Princeton. Gil McEwa n, St. Louis, was a campu visitor. H e recently received his master's degree in Chemical Engineering from Washington U ., St. Louis. Congra tul a tions a re extended to Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R eagan, Miamisburg, Ohio, on the birth of their son, Thoma Lee, on August 12. Mr. and Mrs. John ]. Bola nd are the proud parents of John Joseph, Jr:, born August 12 in Bartonville, Illinois. Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Morris, Beacon, New York, on the birth of their second daughter. Congratul a tions are extended to Patricia Rabe and Joseph J. M cShane, who were ma rried on July 16 in Syracuse. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W . Jackson (Grace Marie K eller ) on the birth of their daughter, R ebecca Ann, Sept. 13, in St. Louis. William Knapp, who received his doctorate in Chemical Engineering fr0m Ohio State in June, is afnliated with the Monsanto Chemical Company in St. Louis. Alfred Rampone received his Master of Arts degree in Education from Adelphi College, Garden City, New York, August, 1949.
1941- J. L. Corcoran, Lima, Ohio, is operating a restaurant called the
1943- Following a summer at the University of Michigan, Kathleen
Whetro enjoyed a vacation in M exico visiting Acapulco among other places. J ack L. Homan received a notice that his di serta tion on the engineering project in which he was engaged merited for him the engineering license in the State of Ohio. Congratulations a re extended to Joan Kuntz and Thomas J. Wa lkup, who were ma rried on June 18, Holy Angels Church, D ayton. Congratulations are extended to M argie Sta lls and M ark F. ' '\Tare, who were married in September in H oly Trinity Church, Middletown. H e is a student a t the University of Cincinnati L aw College. Congratulations are extended to R osemary Anne Cannon and Milton J. Bramson, who were married on Augu t 21 , in the Commodore Perry H otel in T oledo. Milt was gradua ted from the Law College a t T. U . Congratulations a re extended to Dr. a nd Mrs. Robert Beck ted on the birth of their daughter, K a therine J a nice on August 12. Mr. a nd Mrs. Rich ard Loges a re being congra tul a ted on the birth of their daughter, M adeleine Anne on August 22, in D ayton. Mr. a nd Mr . William F. Stoermer, who a re residing in Clevela nd, a re the proud parents of a son, Willia m F. Jr., born June 16. Sympa thy is extended to Elwood E. Scha rdt on the death of his father in July. Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Ellsworth Fola nd on the birth of a son, Garry Alla n on July 3 in D ayton. Dr. George E. Thoma, who has been doing research work in Oakridge, T enn ., has returned to St. Louis. Betty M . Overwein was re-elected secreta ry of the D ayton Women's Press Club. John E . Murphy, Chicago, has been promoted to Captain, USAF, sta tioned a t Chatham Air Force Base, Sava nnah, Ga . H e is a ppointed to the 96th Squadron, 2nd Bombardier Group piloting B-50's. John W esterheide wa elected treasurer of the Knights of Columbus Council in Minster, 0. M artha Bucher is regent of the D ayton Chapter, Internationa l Federation of Catholic Alumnae. 1944- Sympathy i extended to Rosa Lee Ellington on the death of her mother. Miss Ellington was awarded a Master's degree from U.D. this summer. Elaine Glossinger has been spending some time in Hollywood, Calif. A rumor has it that she is returning to D ayton for the '44 class reunion, which is being held at the Van Cleve Hotel. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Couture on the birth
THE KOFFEE KUP IN SAN FRANCISCO WAS THE SCENE OF THE ORGANIZAtional meeting of that chapter. Alumni and members of the Society of Mary present were : seated on the inside of the table : Bro . John Perko, S.M., and John O 'Keefe . Seated on the outside of table left to right are: Mrs. John O 'Keefe, Mrs. Martin Boll, Martin Boll , Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sussman , Bro . Claude Boulay, S.M ., Bro . AI Doyle , S.M ., Mary Shay, '44, alumni secretary at U.D.; Leo Reilly, Bro. John McClusky; Melvin Huden; Bro. Joseph Becker, and Mrs . and Mr. William Zolg.
of their son, Arthur Gordon on July 16, in D etroit. R alph J. Rohner, assi ta nt treasurer, Burger Iron Co., Akron, 0 ., was a campus visitor. Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas Butz on the birth of their on, Bruce Thom as on July 4. Sympathy is extended to Dick O 'Brien whose mother died in June. Louis Synck, who was gradua ted from Carn egie T ech in June with a M aster of Science degree in ma thematics, is working in the ma th department of the Mutual Benefit Life In ura nce Co., of Newark, New J ersey. 1945 - Congratulations a re ex tended to Sue Bucher a nd Bob Pfeiffer who were married June 18 in St. M a ry's church, D ayton. Bob was gradua ted from West Point in June. Congra tula tions a re extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwin Zwie ler on the birth of th eir son, Edwin J erome, .Jr., on Augu t 29. Arthur D a nnin was enrolled in the summer school at .D. Dr. Richard Welsh and family have moved to North Star, Ohio, where he is practi ing after the completion of his internship a t St. Elizabeth's Hospital in D ayton. Congra tu lations are extended to Dr. and Mrs. J erome T . Grismer on the
birth of their first child, a da ughter, Janet El ain e on Augu t 20 in Portland, Ore. 194 6 - Congra tul a tion a r e extended to Ca ptain and Mrs. H enry W . Scharf, Oak Park, Illinoi , on the birth of their son, H enry William on August 1 I. Mrs. Marion S. Scheuerman and her son, Stephen, were campus visitor .
194 7 - Con g r a tul a tion s are atended to Miss Emma Yukawa and Joseph Mori who were married on July 9 in R esurrection Church, D ayton . Joe is with Brown and Brockmeyer, D ayton, as a n electrical engineer. Alice H endershot has assumed the duty of a nur e with the X enia-Greene County Public H ealth department. She volunteered for polio service a t Mia mi V a lley, Dayton . Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. and Mr . Dona ld Butler who were ma rried on Aug. 6, in the Notre D ame Chapel. Mrs. Butler is the former Rita M a rie Alexander of South Bend. D on was gradua ted from the H a rvard Business School, and is now an assistant profe sor in the bu ine s administra tion department at U.D. H elen J ean Adams and Laverne F . Seitz were married 7
on July 30, in St. Albert the Great rectory, D ayton . M a rian Ann Palotas and Fred Kroger were married on Sept. 24, in St. Stepha n's church, D ayton . Congratulation a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. Don Pinciotti on the birth of their da ughter, Pa tricia Anne on Aug. 22, in Waterloo, Iowa. Congratula tions are extended to Mr. and Mr . .John J. Weldon, Paducah, K y., on the birth of their son, John Jo eph, Jr., on Sept. 10. Bartlett C . Lubbers was awarded the degree of M aster of Arts at Ohio Sta te. H e is teaching a t U.D . in the education department. Congratulations a re extended to Ca rol Cutton and Joe Accrocco who were ma rried at Holy Angel , Dayton, on M a rch 7th. Joe is entering the Phy ical Theraphy School a t the University of Iowa, Iowa City. Bert H eckel, who received his M aster' from H arvard in June is employed a t Rike's in D ayton. Congra tula tions a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald R uhl on the birth of their da ughter, Cynthia L ouise, on August 18th. Sympa thy is extended to K enneth Trimbach on the death of his fa ther on Aug ust 10 in D ayton. Congratul a tions are extended to Burdell E. Brewer and James H . Payne, Jr., who were married on Sa turday, August 6 a t St. John' s Mi ssion churc h , D ay ton. Congra tula tions are extended to Wayne a nd J anet Sheidler on the birth of their son, Paul Wayne, June 16, in Dayton . Lou Cox, veteran " Y" aqua tic instructor is taking a leave of absence. Bill Knisley, former basketball, football, and baseball coach a t Coldwa ter, is now coaching at Wilbur Wright in D ayton. Congra tulation a re extended to Joa n R oderer and Stephen .Vargo who were married in Corpu Christi Church, D ayton, on July 30th . Congratula tions a re extended to J ack and J ane Fitzgerald on the birth of their da ughter, M a ry Jo ephine on July 30th . 194.8 - Norman F . Connor received his M aster's degree in Education in June from the University of Cincinna ti. H e is teaching in D ayton a t the McKinley Vocational Sch oo l. Congratul a tion s a r e extendr-\ to Bill and Dottie Bachus on the b1rth of their .d..a.!dJ~hter, D eborah J a ne on July 14th, inDayton. Grace Luther has entered the Tovitiate of the D aughters of M ary at their house near Paris, Fra nce. Connie Frank is teaching in the H ome Economics depa rtment at the Minster public high school. Congra tula tions continuecl on page 8
are ex tended to Mr. and Mr . J ohn J. Wilker on the birth of their econd child, their first da ughter, M a ry Constance on July 28, in D ayton . Congra tul a tions a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. orbert Ko a tcr on the birth of their son, Joseph Michael on Jun e 29. Congra tulations arc a l o extended to Mr. and Mrs. Pa ul Hi ckey on the birth of their da ughter, Suza nne M a rie on Jul y 3. Bob Dobbins, physica l education instructor in the D ayton school sys tem, ha been appointed a a si ta nt footba ll coach at Stivers. Barbara J ean Sa lisbery was married to John E . Crom in Ba kersfi eld, Calif., on June 18. They are residing in D ayton. Congratu lations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. J oseph Toile on th e birth of their daughter, M aureen Elaine, June 25, in D ayton. Congra tul a tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Ginder, Da ll as, T exas on the birth of their son, Willia m Luther, II. H e arrived on May 12. Mr. and Mrs. R obert J. Huels are being congratulated on the birth of their son, Thomas R obert on June 6, in D ayton. Ro emary Coulter a nd R obert W. Loeb were married on August 27 at H ope Lutheran Church in D ayton. Congratulations a rc extend ed to Mr. and Mr . D an iel E. K a uffman on the birth of their son, D aniel E ., IV. , on Jul y 28 in Chicago, Ill. Congratula tion a re extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Wm. V an L eeuwen on the birth of their da ughter, Marie Loui e on Sept. 15. Sta n Groene wa a campus visitor. Dick H anou ek was ma rried on July 9, in St. Wenceslas church, M aple H eight , Ohio. The engagement of Mary Pa ulson to Wm. H . Wright, Jr., of Seanton, 0., h as b een announced by her parents at O ak Pa rk, Ill. "Snuffy" is editor of the Swanton (Ohio ) Enterprise. Madeleine Unger's engagement to J ames A. Riley, Lima, 0. , has been a nnounced . The wedding will take place on Nov. 12, in St. Albert the Great Church,~Dayton. M adeleine is teaching in tH physical education department at .D. M artin J. Kinkade has opened his law offices in Zanesville. H e was graduated from the University of Cincinna ti Law College in June. Congra tula tions a re extended to Mary E. Dickey and Thomas M cCarthy who were ma rried on Sept. 24, in D ayton. Congratula tions are in order for H elen Louise Robinson and Lloyd J. R eindl, M ansfield, who were married in the Church of the Blessed
1c PAl D Dayton, Ohio Permit No. 71
Sacrament, ewark, 0., on June 18. They a re residing in D ayton. Congratulations are extend ed to Ruth K. M eyer and R ev. Elmer E . Christensen who will be married O ct. 22, in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Dayton. R ev. Christia nsen is assista nt pastor a t St. Pa ul's. After Nov. l , they will reside in Columbus, 0. 1949- Willia m G. "Duff" Donahue is teaching at Cha minade High School, Dayton, in the biology department. Congra tulations are extended to Lloyd G. Phillips, newly appointed principal of Dunba r High School, D ayton. H e received his Master's degree from U.D. in July. Congratulations are extended to Gloria J. Bushbaum and Glen E . Mumpower who were married on June 25 in D ayton. Martha Scheffer and Tom Brigha m were ma rried on O ct. 1, in Corpus Christi Church, D ayton. Congratulations are extended to Erma Fiste a nd William Bombeck who were married on July 29 a t the Church of the R esurrection in D ayton. Sympathy is extended to Mary C. Fl etcher on the death of her fath er, Loren Ca ebolt in June. Birdie M. Alexander ha returned to New Orlean , La. George V路/. Lawrence, Jr., is attending Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pa. Congratulations are extended to Suzanne K elly and Gerald R. H elmig who were married in Corpus Christi Church on Sept. 3. Congratula tions are also extended to Dorothy F. Evers and K arl F. Kroemer, Jr., who were married in South Park M.E. Church, D ayton, on August 5. They will reside in Mt. Sterling, where K a rl is a sociated with the firm of Brown a nd R oot, Inc. Congratulations are extended to Joy Vorhees and William Vandegrift who were ma rried on Aug. 1 in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. They will reside in Columbus while attending Ohio Sta te. Congra tulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Berna rd Doody on the birth of their son. Betty and Jim Pfeiffer are residing in Cincinn a ti where Jim is a ttending law school. Dorothy Elli-
fritt a nd Bill Ginn were married on Aug. 17th. They a re teaching in the Springboro school sy tern. Congratulations a re in order for Pa tricia Compton a nd William D . Thornton who were married September l in D ayton. Mr . Charle Prugh i commis ioner of the Tiffin (0 ) Girl Scouts. Angela Ca rney is an instructor a t Good Sa maritan Hospita l, Dayton. Phyllis J. Baumer a nd Thom as E. Kussman were ma rried on July 30 in St. Anthony's church, D ayton. Tom is with Frigidaire. Rosema ry Busic is teaching a t Web tcr school, Dayton. Bernadine Zakutny has been a ppointed clinical instructor at the Sacred H eart Hospita l, School of ursing, Allentown, Pa. R ay G. K ehn is stud ying a t Notre D ame. H e received the R eilly fellowship in chemical engineering. Edith Arnold and Paul Woeste were married in Dayton . Congra tulations are extended to Betty Jane Noyes and Douglas L awson, Jr., who were ma rried on June 11 in Westminster Presbyteria n church, D ayton . J ean Ba umaster a nd K enneth E. Boxwell were married on July 22 in X enia . Mr. Boxwell is teaching in Spring V a lley. R a lph C . K aiser, after pending some time in M exico, is attending the American Institute for Foreign Trade in Phoenix, Arizona. Dale Cummins, West Milton, was director for the Troy Kiwanis' Camp Chaffee. Congra tulations are extended to Clara Plank and R obert W . Wolfe who were married on July 9, in the Lutheran church in Tipp City, 0. Edith C. Arnold a nd Paul V . Woeste were married on Sept. 10 in St. Anthony's church, D ayton. Sympathy is extended to the family of George J. L emmon, Ca nton, who drowned June 19 a t Big Lake, Mich. H e had been principal of Tipp City high chool, and ta ught a t Dana College in Blair, N eb. Alfred E. Voigt has moved from Osborn, 0. , to the Phi Chi House in Chicago, Ill. Lee L acey is now working for the Good Will Indu tries of Dayton. Camilo P. Monforte is a ttending Oklahoma A. & M.