ham a, J apan. H e was fortun ate in seeing the Hol y Father four times during his sojourn in the Eternal City, a nd attend ing a bea tification ceremony in St. Peter's a nd the T enth Ann iversary R equiem M ass for Pope Pius XI in th e Sistine Chapel. H e obtained a spec ial blessing for the C haplains' School and Corps. Father Sherry a lso visited the new I ntern ational H eadquarters of the Society of Mary in Rome and met F ather .1 uergens, Brother Schad, and Brother Brennan .
1918 - Father Joseph D. McFarland served as sub-deacon a t the Solemn Pontifical Mass, Mar. 21 , in the I mmaculate Conception Chapel, U. D. campus. H e also has been named chapl ain of the Ancien t Order of Hiberni ans, Dayton. Ned Grimes, Chicago, was a ca mpus visitor. 1920- Eugene M ay! was re-elected president of the M on tgomery County H ospita l Service Burea u for 1950. 192 5 - Dr. Gerald C. Grout spoke a t a meeting of the Dayton Society of
MAY WE PRESENT SOME OF THE MANY STUDENTS AND ALUMNI OF TH E UN IVERSITY of Dayton who cha racte rize th e ide al s, purposes and function s of the Society of Mary. Left to right are: Marilyn Catron , CSMC me mbe r; Fathe r Edwin M. Le imkuhl er, S.M., he ad of th e departm en t of re lig ion ; Brother Lou is J. Fa e rber, S.M., ' 30, a ssociate profe ssor of e ducation ; a nd Pete r Kuntz, ' SO, pre sid e nt of t he se nior cla ss and acti ve in re ligiou s and social life on campus.
employment service to a lumni. d. Planning varied programs, both ed ucational and social. c. Promoting intra-group activity among alumni, such as among the professional groups. f. Increasing representation of the U niversity of Dayton and a lumni in the noontide clubs. It was d ecided by the group that regul ar programs and m ee tingssome activity each month- shou ld be sch edul ed. The Activities Committee composed ~f Lloyd R ensel, '43, vicepresident of th e Miami Valley Chapter, Martha (Lehman ) Duffy, '43, Bette Lou Koors, '42, and Elaine Glossinger, '44, was appointed. A report of their suggested activities is as follows: April 19 M eeting-Mi am i Hotel Bob H all-Speaker May 12 Barn Dance Place- The Towers, Dayton. Family Picn ic July Time and Place to be announced. Sept. 23 Dance after Youngstown
J ohn Mahoney, '48, and M arita Sharkey, '40; Historian, E laine Glossingcr, '44, Public R elations, Ed. Borchers, ' 40. The date of the n ext board meeting is set for April 12. The next meeting of the Miami Vall ey Chapter will be h eld on Wednesday, Apri l 19, in the Adams R oom, Miami Hotel, a t 8 :30 p.m. A soc ial hour will take place from 7 :308 :30. Robert H all of the Pfeiffer Brewing Company, D etroit, will be th e principa l speaker. A most cord ia l invitation is extended to a ll alumni and th eir friends to be presen t. ( P.S.- You may bring your wife, husband , girl friend, or best beau. )
(Continued from Page 2)
H. Heck attended the meeting of the State Prosecuting Attorney's Association at Canton, 0 . Th e Hon. Edward Breen voted in favor of admitting Hawaii to state hood. 1931 - Chief Ass ist a nt County Prosecutor William Wolff attended
tended to Dr. and Mrs. R. H. \-\' ahl on the birth of their daughter, Cheryl, Jan. 19, Dayton. Congratulations are extend ed to Mr. and M rs. Kenneth McKale on the birth of their son, 'J: Wi lliam R ob ert, Mar. 8. 1 935- Congratulations arc extend ed to M r. and Mrs. Ernest Grieshop, Dayton, on the birth of their son, Wi ll iam Edward, Jan . 12. Dr. A. V. Black h as been appointed assistant chairman of the J ourna l Club, St. Elizabeth's H ospita l. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam G. Ashman on th e birth of th eir second son, Th omas Robert, Mar. 2, in Akron. Mrs. Ashman is the former Agnes Miltner. Congratu lation s are extended to L t . Col. and Mrs. W a lter J. H aberer on the birth of their second d augh ter, Monica M arie, M ar. 13, Seoul, Korea, in the American Hospital. 1 937- Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. T. J. Hollenkamp, D etroit, on th e birth of their third ch ild, a son, Mar. 2. They have named him D an iel. John Reiling, (Continued on Page 6)
Urban H. Boll, N.O., M exico, D.F. C has. R. Borns, Cambridge, Muss. John H. Dramluge, Whil e Pluins, Ne w Yor k Harry W. Braun , Pittsburg h , l'u. Ma ry Braun, Hamtrnmck , Michigan Harry D . Breen , C restline , 0. Hus ton Brown, Dayto n , 0. J erome U . Brown, Dayton, 0 . R. C. Brown, Jack son H e ights, N.Y. Carl H . Brunner, Bluefie ld , W est Vir· g inia-$ 30 Ge orge M . Buchard, Dayton , 0 . L a wren ce C. Bucher, Cincinnati , 0 . Leo A. Buch er , Dayton, 0. Michae l D . Busciglio, Cle ve land, Ohio
Harry F . Ca ppel, Dayton, 0. Virg inia M. Carte r , Dnyton , 0. Vince nt J. Cnstrop, D earborn , Michigan J. J . Cave n ey, Wheeling, West Virg inia Pat r ick A. Connaug hto n , S t. Louis, Mo. Ro b ert J. Conne lly, Dayton , 0. Wm. Connelly, D a yton , 0 . C. 1\f . Conwny, Dayto n , 0. Mrs. Mi chael J. Cos tello, Dn yton , Ohio - In nte ntoriam. Thomas Cou g hlin , Cle veland , 0.-815 John W . Cra ig, Cincinnn ti , 0 . -$ 25 A. D. Cro wley, Union, New J er sey John L . Cro wle y, Ava lon , Pa. RiclHlr d Cull , Jr., W nshington , D.C.-
Wh e hm \V. Culley, Jr., Me mphi s, T e n· n essee
Cle m e n s B. D eMu nn, Daylo n , 0. Albert L. Diringe r, Tiffin , 0.- 810 Joseph R. Desch , Da ylon , 0 . Henry De xter , D ayto n , 0. Vi clor W. Dilg ard, Da ylo n , 0. Edwnrd C. Dill, Dayto n, 0 . Re v. John F. Dillon , Cincinmlli , Ohio J ean Wh elan Dohe n y, Be rea, 0. Jos. 0 . D o novan, N. Hollywood, Ca liforni a J o hn 1\1. Duchak , M .D. , D a ylo n , 0 .-
E J e an n.. E d g ing to n , D ayto n , 0. Gilbe rt T. Eich elberger , Cente rville, Ohio-In Me mori n m . Chas. P. Ei senha u e r, D ay lo n , 0 . Norman 1\f . Eng le rt, Da ylo n , 0. Cath erin e Ens, D aylon, 0. F Mar k P. Fech er , M .D ., J a ck sonville, Florid a The Misses Ann & J a n e F crneding, D;, ylon , 0 . He rbert M. Fink e, D ayton , 0 . -$ 10 H e rbe rt \V. F inke, Day lon , 0. Wm. A. F itzpa trick , Jr., D ayton , 0 . \Vm. F. Flanag an , D ayton , 0 . Jos. E. F le tch e r , D aylo n , 0 . Pmtl E. Fo y, M .D ., T roy, 0. G Mabel Ganger , Chi cago , Illino is Manue l C urllko v, Middle lo wn , 0. 0. J. Ge rlmrds te in, D ayton , 0 . Ralph A. Gerlach, Mans field , 0 . L eo B. Glaser, Jr. , D a yto n , 0.
\V. P. Rule y, D.D. S., Day lo n , 0 . Jos. F. H a mmen, Fort \Vnyn e, Ind. Mrs. Anne Penne ll H a nna, Lima , 0. Ray M. Harris, Porthmd , Oregon Albe rt T. Hurl, Dayton, 0.
~=~~~~~j.HH:!~~~;, ~;;:~n~~l.s,
N.Y. ' Ge rard L. Haury, Louisville , K y. Mathias H . H eck , Dayto n , 0 . Paul J. H eckman, D ayton , 0.-S:IO He v. F rancis J. H e ide r , Am e lia , 0 . Jos. B. H e idkamp, C incinna ti , 0. Rny G. H e lmi g, D aylo n , 0 . W. E . H e nric h , Cinc inn a ti , 0. H oward R. Heppner, O lde nburg, Ind iana John F . H e rke nhoff, Mins te r , 0 . Pnul W. H e rking, Milfo rd , 0 . John L. Hick ey, Dayto n , 0 . J. T . Hoba n , Day ton , 0 . John P . H ochade l, Salem, 0 . Ca rroll A. Hoc hwa lt, C layton, Mo. Rl. Rev. Msgr. Fred erick G. H och walt, Was hin g ton , D. C.-S lO G. A. Hocl,wuh, M.D., Dayton , 0 . Norma n C. Hochwa lt , M .D., D ayton , 0 .
-$10 Gle nn C. Hoffm a n , Louisville, K y. Fran cis J . H o lle n ca mp, D uy ton , 0. J os. G. H o lle nkamp , L a k ewoo d , 0 . J uck L. Hormm, Day ton , 0 . William V. Homan , D ay lo n , 0. Robt . W. Hommel , Dn yton , 0 . C. Richard Horwed e l, R ock y Ri ver , 0 . A. G. H o rva th, D aylon , 0 . J. Fred Howe, D a yton, 0 .
Kahn, M.D., Dayton, 0.
E leanore E. K a iser , Daylon, 0. Alber t J. Kemper, Cbicago, Ill . Harry Kennedy, Dayton, 0.
Wm. A. Keogh , Canlon, 0.-SIO Maj. Donald A. Kersting, New York,
Ne w York Leo F. Kimmel, Paw Paw, Michigan Viclor M. Kimmel, Wnylund, N.Y. Walter C. Kinzig, Daylon, 0. Wm . G. Knapp, Universily Cil y, Missouri Norberl J , Knoslman, Minslcr, 0. RichardS. Koehle r, M.D ., Duylon , 0. Urban G. Koo, Ci ncinnati, 0. Bette Lou Koors, Duyton, 0. J ohn H. Koors, Dayton, 0. \V. A. Kramer, Duyton, 0. E . H. K remer, Dayton, 0. E u gene F. Kreu sch, Daylon, 0. A. J. Kuenle, Jr., Duylon, 0. John J , Kuhn, Lima, 0. John M. Kunsl , Dayton, 0. Edward J . Kunlz, D uylon, 0. Peter Kuntz, Dayton, 0. Rich urd Kuntz, Dayton , 0. \Vi lliam Kuntz, Duylon, 0. L Norma n L . Lacey, Van Nuys, CaliL John J, La(lne r, Chicago, ru. Murlin S. Lancaster, Owensboro, Kentucky Emerson H. l .a ndis, D ayton , 0. George E. Lu n g , Oay lon , 0. Edwurd Lan~c, Covinglon , Ky. M r . & Mrs. H oward L. Lan sdowne, Dayton, 0.
M Edwurd Muehle, Dayton, 0. F nmk J , .a.tack lin , Alexandria, Va. Tho mus E. Ma her, Day ton, 0. J. E . Mablmeister, Dayton, 0. AI H. Mnhrl, Chillico lhe, 0 . Torrence A. Mukley, M.D ., Day lon, 0 . V. C. Malloy, M.D., Ak ro n, O .-S30 Robert E. Mangan , Elmira, New York Marg11ret Ann Markus, Daylo n, 0. Edward L. i\f urr imm, Daylon, 0. Fnmk H. Marsha ll, Sidn ey, 0. Joe R. Martinez, Sa nt a Fe, N. M. Mauhe w Murzluft , Oak land, Calif. Wm, E . Mayer, CIC\'Cia nd Hgts., 0. E u gene A. Mayl, Dayton, 0. J. E. Mayl , Akron , 0. J, E llis Mayl , Daylon , 0. Louis J, McAncspie, Daylon , 0. Ed gur J. McBride, Dnyton, 0. 1\l r s. J ea nn ell e K . McCnnn , Morris lown, New J ersey Antho n y A. McCnrthy, Duyton, 0. Cluts. T, McCloskey, New York , N. Y. Frunci s J. McCormi ck , New York , New York-S10 Tiwmas A. Medle y, Owensboro, Ky.$25 Rt. R e v. Msgr. Clel us Miller, Cincinmlti, 0. Edwurd lU. Miller, Chi cngo, 111.-$10 Fa the r Nor bert Miller, Ci n cin nati , 0. Ri ch a rd C. Miller, M.D .. Dayton, 0. E dwa rd A. Millonig, M.D. , D ;lyton, 0. Missiormry S islers of the Most Sl1cred Heart of Jesus, Bernharts, Pennsylvania
Charles R e iling , Dayton, 0. John A. Re ilin g , D .D.S., D ayton , 0. \Valter A. Reiling, M.D., Dlty lon, 0.SlO Leo Re illy, San Fra n cisco, Gdif.- S lO
:~b~r~ 1b~"n!~~"e~:路~;.~~~~o0: o.
Edwn rd C. Re no, M.D ., Canton, 0. John A. Re tt er , D ayton, 0 . August R ich le r , Cincinnali, 0.-$15 Don E. Ri st, I ron ton, 0. John H. Hille r , Milwuukee, Wise. Churles P . J. Rodwuy, Dayton, 0. R a lph J , Ro hn er, Akron , 0. Robert G. Rohne r , Akron, 0.-$10 Arthur C. Rou lzong , Honslon, Texas Nelson J , Ruddy, Cinc innati , 0 . Charles L. Ruppert, Jr., Wasl1in g1o n ,
D. C.-$10 R1. Rev. Msgr. Curl J, R yan, Cincinnati, 0 . Thomas H. R yan, Dayton, 0.
Sis ler M. Elizubclh, S.P.S.F., Dayto n ,
Oliver G. Suette l, Jr., Dayton, 0. E. G. Sunder , Dnylon, 0. Mary Margar e l Lung Sands, Cleveland,
Ed wnrd
}~ .
Sa lali u, Sh nker H eight s, 0.
R. J, Sa urine , Da yto n, 0.
D o lores Sav ino, Dny lon, 0. Ri chard l .. Suy re , Newlown , 0. Rev. William L. Scan Inn, Ca mde n, 0. Arlhur T. Scurp eUi, Dayton , 0. Robert E. Schaefer , Dayton, 0.
Paul M . Spah r, Lt. Col. , Was hington ,
Edward S pang, Daylon, 0. W. M. Ste lfe n , Bue na Park, Ca lif. John B. Ste inbru egge, Dayton , 0. Eugene \V. Stenger , West Carrollton ,
Walter T. S teph ens, Akron, 0. J. \V, Ste phens, Cincinnati , 0.-SJO Joseph E. Sterm er, Arlington. Va. Ro bert G. Stewart, J a muicu, N.Y. Frank B. Stilwell , Jr., n~, y l o n, 0. W illium E. Stoecklei n , D ayton, 0. Robert A. Strasser, Duyton , 0 . Katherin e St ru ck, D ayton, 0. Charles F. Such er, Dayton, 0 .-SlO Loui s A. Su che r , Duyto n , 0.-SlO AI and Patricia (Justice) S uttmun , Dayton, 0 . Robe rr Swurtzel, M.D. , Dayton , 0. Emme ll F. Sweetmnn . Urbana, 0. Loui s J. Synck, Orange, New J ersey Ste phe n E. Szabo, D.D.S., Da yton , 0. T C. E . Tuylor, Dayton , 0. Dante A. T erzi, Little Neck , N. Y. Loui s A. Thacke r , Indianapoli s, Ind. John R. Tha lhe ime r , Duyton, 0 . Curl A. Theuring, Huntington, \V. V1.1. Most Rev. Frnnk A. Thill , Salinu, Kun. sus-$25 Dorothy Zueng lein T ho mpso n, Dayton,
0. L. A. Timme r, D uyton, 0 . Joe ToUe, Dayton , 0 . J o hn \V. Torpey, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
l\f. E. Von Mach , Detroil, Mich.
Rt. R ev. R. Marce llu s \Vugne r , Ci n cin nati, 0. R. H. Wahl, M.D., Dayton, 0. Hugh E. WaU, Jr., Dayton, 0. jumcs R. ~'aU, Davton, 0. A. J , Walsh, South Be nd, Ind. Richard 0. Weber, Akron, 0. Vin cent B. \Veckesser, Dayton, 0. R ichard A. Welsh, M.D., Norlh S tar, 0. John J, Werst, Louisville, K y. R. j. Westbrock, Dayton , 0. Charles \V. Whalen, J r., Dayt on , 0. Herbert E. \VImlen, Jr., Dayton, 0. He rbert E. \Vhalen, Dayton, 0. Kathleen \Vhetro, Duylon, 0. Don L. W ilhelm, Jr., Lt . Col.. WoldChamberlain Field , Mpls., Minn.
- 820 Louis P. Wilk s, Chicago, Ill. E lmer J , Will, Fairborn , 0. J~un es L. W ilson, Dayton , 0.-SIO Warren H . W ilson. Duyton, 0.-S lO T yrus D. Wi nte r , M.D. , St. Loui s, Mo. Wulter J. Woeste, Duylon , 0. W illi a m and Grace (Doyan) Wolll', Duyton, 0. C. Jam es Wre n , \Vest Union , 0 .
Ralph J. Zaengle in , Alco;.1, Ten n.-$6 George A. and Virg in ill (Finke ) Zahn, D;,yton , 0. Bert Zimm er, Covi ng ton , Ky. Elwood E. Zimmer, Dayton, 0 . Robert J . Zimmerman , Da ylon , 0.
1940 - Charles K. Borns, Cambridge, M ass., wi ll r eceive his M aster of Business Administrati on degree from H arvard Graduate School of Business this June,-"And then, ac- \ cording to the 'advance dope,' I'm h ead ed for a tour of duty in J a pan. " John P. Reeves is in the Finance Division of th e V eterans Administration in Chillicothe. The Reeves trio John, Bill and Bob-are among the U.D. "rooters" in th at vicinity. 1941 - M abel Ganger, registered nurse, and formerly director of nu rses at Springfield (Ohio ) City Hospital is residing in C hicago. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kroger on th e birth of th eir son, Stephen J oseph, March 3, in Dayton. 1942- Congratulations are extended to John B. H aberer, who recently received a d irect appointmen t as Second Lt., in th e regul ar Army. H e is stationed at Camp H ood, Texas with the 92nd Armored Field Ar(Con tinued on Page 8)
Fl yer Co-Capta ins, Frann y Quinn, quarterback a nd ace line-backer, and Jo hnn y Calla han , fullba c k from Lima, 0., a long with the sensational H awa iia n Leroy (Th e hyphen ) K aNe and Joe Za leski, passing ace from Tiltonsville, 0., head the backs among the 17 returning lettermen. Early position changes for th e Flyers, now in th eir third week, include moving J erry V anderhorst, 210-pound junior from St. M ary's, 0., cen ter of Dayton's defensive line last fall to offensive tackle. Fleet Joe Ba nnister, of Willoughby, 0., has been moved from half to full bac k for usc on quick-opening plays in the midd le, whi le Cleveland's Emery Csizma, has been moved from full to hal fback to make better use of his abi li ty to dodge and weave. One of th e most hea ted scraps for pos ition will be the battle for leftha lf. Lea ding contenders a re Jimmy Uttermohlcn, the brittle-wrist kid from Columbus w ho pl ays wit h braces, a nd Dann y O 'Brien, safety man during th e '49 season. Spirited competition for th e berth of course wi ll please Gavin . Both
quite a bit of action. Up front this year the F lyers will have spirit and determination wh ich may overcome a lack of experience. Back in the middl e are ole faithful , Frank (Killer ) Kilbane, and Bob (Spike) Stachler. At the tackles J ocko Clea ry an d rugged Stosh Kurdziel bring back both experience and ability. Big Tony Kramer got a sprinkling of season ing last fa ll and may be a tough lad to keep out of th e first 11. Other tackles moving up from Johnn y M arscha ll's unbea ten fresh arc Tom Carroll and John Stewart, both run a round th e 200-pound ma rk. At th e guard posts Gavin has Lou Ca nna rozzi and Bob Crawford returning. Ca nnarozzi lettered for the varsity last fa ll. Up from the frosh arc two ca pable lads, Chuck Noll an d Jim Ra iff, and a long with them are Jim L emming, Joe Malloy, Titus Muzi and Brooklyn's Bernie Weiner. Also back for a shot at gua rd is capable Russ J ohnson. Th e end po-
Behind Johnny Call ahan, Gavin has Bernie Otten, who has hopes of becoming more th an a place-kicking specia list for the Fl yers, and fresh Jim Darcy, a long with the converted , Joe Bannister. Otten wi ll have to do a bit of coaching a nd scouting on his own before next fall rolls around. R ay ( Ripper ) J anaszek who held the ball for Bernie on extra-point and field goa l attempts gradu ates in June. Bernie is in the ma rket for a replacement. H e indica ted D anny O 'Brien mav have the inside track. Paul Vargo, fullback for the fros h ~ has been moved to tackle, but other frosh backs under the watchful eye of Coach Joe Quinn a re Dayton 's Tom Wei ss, who has been hitting the line hard from right half; Joe Young, and Jim Akau. Gavin hasn' t decided just how long practice will run , but as soon as the squad acqu ires the "s pring polish" he desires the Fl yers will end activities with a full-dress intrasqu ad tilt.
1944-Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Esselstein ( Adele K lopf) on the birth of their son, K enneth George, F eb. 24, D ayton. Bob Reeves is Claims Examiner with the Veterans Administration Chillicothe, 0. 1945- Arthur Dannin, wh o received his D.O. from Kirksville, Mo., is affiliated with the Gra ndview Hospital, Dayton. Miss Millie Parker, M .A., is in her 26th year of teaching a t Bath Twp. School, Fairborn, 0. Sympathy is extended to the famil y of Lt. Albert F. Lemme!, son of George M. L emme!, Chief H amilton County (Ohio) Engineer. Lt. L emme! was th e instructor pilot of a Navy training sea pl~ ne missing over the Gulf of M exico in Februa ry. He was transferred to Corpus Christi, Texas last September after nine months a t Ohio State University. 1946- Congratulations arc extended to V ernon H. Steinbaugh, conductor of the Manchester (Indiana) College String Symphony. H e has been teaching at Manchester for four
Charles W. Daley, Lima, Ohio, wh o has opened his law office there. 1948- Congratulations arc extended to Jean Anne Robison and James W. W oeste, whose engagement has been announced. They will be married April 15, Corpus Christi Church, Dayton. Jim is a chemical engineer and employed at Frig idaire Division, G MC. Mrs. Geraldine Clower is teaching second grade in Skyway School, Fairborn, 0 . Congratulations arc extend ed to David and Mildred Sellers on the birth of their daughter K athleen Anne, Oct. 8, 1949. Congratulations are a lso extended to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Loesch ( Patricia D ennis), who are the proud parents of a daughter, Auretta Dawn born Sept. 5, 1949. Congratulations arc extended to Dorothy Dien ert, who became the bride of Dr. M arvin :t\1iller recently in D ayton. Mrs. Miller is a labora tory technician. Dr. Miller, president of the Dayton Cooperative Club, is a graduate of the Ohio State School of Optometry. 194路9-Jeanne V\' arman, teacher of
are extended to Frederic M orton on his excellent appearances in Germany. H e is a vocal soloist. Bill Wheelock is with General Electric in Pittsfield, Mass. H e will be in the ; power transformer testing lab until the fall. Bill Ginn, coach, Springboro high school, was a campus visitor. Congratulations are extended to Margaret Parin and Fred Hoch walt, whose engagement and a pproaching marriage h as been announced. They will be married April 22, Corpus Christi Church, Dayton. Congratulations arc extended to Mr. and Mrs. William C. Zaenglein on the arrival of D aniel Urban on M ar. II. J. David Bourke has cha nged his residence from Wilmington to Springfield , 0 . Congratulations arc extended to J eanne Lawrence and Lester E. Schla ttman, whose engagement has been a nnounced. Congratulations arc extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borch ers on th e b irth of their daughter, Kathleen Elizabeth, Feb. 24. John Stanrr is doing post-graduate work in economics a t St. Louis University.