r Commencement Centennial
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Vol. XVI
.June, 1950
Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." lssued Monthly- October through June
SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including ~lcmbership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orden should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." Rev. Joseph D. Mcfarland
'lti, newly appointed pastor of H oly
C ommen cem ent exercises fo r the U niversity of D ayton's Centennial gradu ating class of 1950 will be held Saturd ay, June 3 at 2 :30p. m. , a t th e Na tion al C ash R egister Aud itorium. Fi ve hundred and forty-fi ve degrees will ' bc conferred b y the R ev. George J. R enncker, S.M ., pres iden t of the uni versity. D egrees will be awa rded in th e fi el ds of a rts, fi ne arts, music, business admini strat ion, secreta ri al studies, sc ien ce, home economics, medical techn ology, nursing education, and chemica l, civil and mecha nica l engineering. The Honorable Frank J L ausch e, Governor of th e Sta te of Ohio, will deliver the commencement address. Govern or La usch e was born in C leveland in November, 1895. Th e son of im mig ra nts to this country, the governor is one of four children. Governor Lausche a ttended Cleveland parochia l and high sch ools. After graduation from high school, he pursued his objective of pass ing th e State Bar E xa mina tions through attendan ce a t n ight classes. H owever, L ausche did not practi ce until his return from service in th e Army during World W a r I. The R ev. J ose ph D . M cFa rl and,
Ange ls church d elivered the baccala urea te sermon at th e Mass on Sunday, M ay 28, a t 9: 30 a .m., a t H oly Angels Church. This year because of th e lack of facilities on the ca mpus, bacca la urea te services were h eld a t Holy Angels. Peter H. Kuntz, son of Mr. and Mrs. M artin G . Kun tz, Sr., ' 12, h as been named valedictori an for th e Centenni al Class . A seni or in th e business department, he h as held the offices of presid ent, senior class; member of the student council ; editor-in-chi ef of the D ay toni an- th e yea r book ; cadet colonel of th e ROTC unit ; a nd nationa l vicepresid ent of th e Nationa l Fed eration of Ca tholi c College Students. The members of th e gradu ating class were g ues ts of honor a t banquets on Tuesday and Thursd ay, M ay 23 a nd 25 at th e Van Cleve H otel. At this time membership in th e Alumni Association was extend ed to th e gradua tes.
FRONT COVER, M ay we present the H onorable Frank J. La usch e, Govern or of the State of Ohio, who will d eli ver the com mencem en t address a t the Centennia l commencement exercises. G radu at ion will be conducted June 3 at 2 :30 P.M. in th e Na tional Cash R egister a uditorium .
Gov. Lausche to Address Graduates The H onorable Frank ]. L ausche, commencem ent spea ker for the U niversity of D ayton 's Centenni a l Comm encement was born of Slovenia n pa rents in Clevel and , Ohio. At th e death of hi s fa ther in 190 7, four children were left to th e care of his wid owed mother. Prior to her dea th in 1937, all four children were graduated from coll ege. At th e presen t time two arc lawyers, a nd one a dentist.
The road ahea d for th e man who was to be governor of the Sta te of Ohio was one paved with h ard work and a pplication to duty. H e attended pa rochia l a nd high school in Cleveland. Fo llowing this he went to night cl asses and passed the State Bar Examina tion. H e h ad the distin cti on of ranking second in the sta te in his bar examina tion. However, L ausche did not practice until hi s return fro m service in the Army during World W ar I. H e entered the service as a pri va te and was disch arged a Second Lieutenan t. World YVar I was res ponsible for the interruption in his educati on. Previous to completing his formal educa tion, Mr. L a usche entered professiona l baseball. Due to his moth er's'\ persuasion, he retired from baseball and return ed to school. La usche was admitted to the bar in 1920, following th e completion of his work at the John M a rsha ll School of La w in Cleveland. Th e Governor first a ttempted politics in 1922, when h e was a ca ndid ate for th e Sta te Legislature. His fa ilure to win did not term in ate his po li tica l career. In 1924, h e aga in ra n for th e sta te sena te. Following this d efea t, h e stayed out of po litics for seven years. In 193 1, he beca me interes ted in th e campaign of Ray Mill er, who was successfull y el ected M ayor of Cleveland. Mr. La uschc was offered a position as city U tilities Direc tor or Sa fety Director. Both were d ecl ined. Th e foll ow ing yea r, h e acce pted a vaca ncy as judge on th e m unicipa l bench until the spring of 194 1 when he resigned to seek th e pos t of M ayor of Clevela nd.
R eady, Bisho p of Columbus, Ohio, sa luted the Marianists by pointing ou t th at the end of edu ca tion is farther th an lea rning. Th e objective of educa tion is the production of good men. Father George J. R enneker, S.M., president of the Univers ity of Dayton, presented award s to the City of Dayton speech contes t winn ers, th e M arianist Schoo ls' speech contes t ; and th e M arianist Schools' essay contest winners. A High M ass of Than ksgiving and " in memoria m" was sung by th e Very R ev. J ohn A. Elbert, S.M., Superior Provincial of the Society of M ary on Wedn esd ay, M ay 17 in the Immac ulate Concep tion Chapel on th e Un iversity of Da yton campus. During the afternoon press and radio interviews were held with th e visiting n ationa l and internationa l digni ta ri es.
THE HONORABLE J. HOWARD M<GRATH, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES was the recipient of the Medal of Mary for his " outstanding service as a Catholic lay-
man." The award was made at the closing of the Society of Mary 's Triple Centennial on May 17 at the National Cash Register auditorium . Mr. McGrath is shown being congratulated by the Very Rev. John A. Elbert, Provincial Superior, who presented the
CENTENNIAL CLOSING CEREMONIES HELD IN DAYTON MAY 16 AND 17 The closing ceremon ies of the Marianist Triple Cente nni al took place in D ayton on May 16 and 17, 1950. These days were packed with activity commemorating th e three events which marked the Centennia l-the death of the found er of th e Society of M ary- the very R ev. William J oseph C h amin ade; the coming of th e Maria nists to the U nited Sta tes; and the fo und ing of the University of Dayton. The most路 R ev. Amleto G. Cicognan i, the Apostoli c Delega te to the United States, was celebra nt of a Pontifical High M ass held at Emm anu el ch urch at 10 a.m., on M ay 16. The Rt. Rev. Clarence G. Issenman, Vica r-Genera l of the Archd iocese of C in cin nati, del ivered the sermon.
MARIANIST AWARD An invitationa l lunch eon was highlighted by the presentation of the M arian ist Award to the R ev. Juni per B. Carol, O. F .M ., by His E xcell ency the Apostol ic Delegate. Senor D on P. M erry del V al, Cultura l Relations
Counselor of the Spanish Embassy, delivered a most interesting address on the Significance of Saragossa. T he Most R ev. Floyd L. Begin, Au xiliary Bishop, Cleveland, O hio spoke for the Clergy. The Honorable C harles J. Bren nan, former mayor of th e City of D ayton, served as toastmaster. Following the luncheon, guests were escorted to the Un iversity of Da yton and Mt. St. J ohn.
CIVIC DINNER The civic dinner was h eld a t 7 p.m., at the Miami H otel, and was very we ll attended by more than four hundred and fifty persons. Th e H onorable Edward M. O 'Con nor, Displaced Persons Commissioner, Washing ton, D. C., d iscussed the displaced person, his role in the wor ld, and more particula rl y th e effect of the di spl aced person on th e U nited Nations. He stated that within two years 54,000 a li ens wou ld be admi tted for permanent lega l entry into the United States. Th e M ost R ev. M ichael J.
T he fin a l presenta tion of the closing ceremoni es took place at 8 :30 p.m., on Ma y 17, in th e Nationa l Cash R egister aud itori um. M erle P. Smith, '25, acting Mayor of the C ity of Dayton was th e presiding officer. H e introdu ced th e church and state dignitaries present. Father John A. Elbert, S.M., discussed th e M a rianist posit ion, in which h e pointed out that th e Society of Mary tra ins for lea dership. H e introduced the Honorable J. Howa rd M cGrath, Attorney General of th e United States, and presented to him the M edal of Mary for his servi ce as an "outstanding Catholic L ayman. " In accepting the award, Mr. M cGrath asked all to ioin him in a "common prayer to Mary tha t I m ay ~ a lways have the strength and knowledge to carry th is honor with due humility and ap propriate selfless ness, and that it may serve as a source of inexh austible spiritual bounty in my life." The Attorney Genera l of th e United States pointed o ut th at "we stand ready today in th e event of a sudd en em ergency to take effecti ve steps within th e d emocratic framework of our Governmen t to secure th e protection of the na tion. " H e pointed out th at communism today represents a vital danger to America. Mr. M cGrath paid tribute to the Mari anist brothers a nd fathers for th eir work accomplished du ring the past century, and pointed to th e grea t U niversity of D ayton which stands as a monument to their noble effo rts. Mr. McGrath stated, "The need today is fo r stout-hearted men imbued Continued on Page 5
Annual Dues Drive nets $3,662.50 To date, M ay 25, the Al u mn i Association announces that returns have been received from 619 alu m ni wh o have contributed $3,662 .50 to the Centennia l Dues F und. Th e foll owing is a list of a lumni who h ave mad e con tributions since the last publi.;ation of contributors in April. T o all who h ave in a ny way contribu ted to our cam paign, we would like to express our appreciation. A
Edwurd 1:.. Ag n ew, Toledo, 0. Wulte r Ag new, C incinnati , 0.
Jos. A man , Zanesville, 0. Lu cille C, Arn, Dayton, 0. Robe rt J. As hman, Wynnewood, Pa. Wm. G. As hnmn , Akron, 0.
Paul Barton, M.D ., Champaign, Ill.
the United States, is shown presenting the Marianist Award to the Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M., at the Centennial luncheon held May 16 at the Miami Hotel. Father Carol received the Marianist award for his "outstanding service in America to the Mother of God."
T . A. Bec k e rt , Blooming ton, Ind. H e le n M. Bi strek , Duyton , 0 .
J e rome Eps tein, Jr., Dayton, 0 .
B Edwurd Bunker, Akron, 0 .
W. K. Bluire, Shawnee, 0.-$10 L1wre n ce Boec kerman, Da ylon , 0 . Horace Boe sch , Dayton, 0. H e rberl Bo hne rl, Cincinnati, 0 . Lee Bohne rl, Cincinnuti , 0. James P. Bolger, Cincinnati, 0 . Ma tthe w Boylan, Duylon , 0 . Clyde R. Bre nne r , Duylon , 0 . Charles Brinkman , Duyton , 0. Juc k Brown, Dayton, 0. B. F. Burdzins ki , Cupl., Cincinmui, 0 .
- $ 10 Mury june Burns, Duyt.on , 0. R. B. Busch , Webste r Groves , Mo.
c Wm . A. Carrig un , M.D., Tiffin, 0 . Richnrd 0.1rson, Duyton, 0 . Andre w T. Caufield, Duyton , 0 . Jonn S. Cline, We sl Millington, New J e rsey W . C. Cline, Cincinnati, 0. Ge ruldine Clowe r , Fairfield, 0 . Jumes A. Connelly, Dayton, 0. Ed. J, Connors, Daylon , 0. Ed Cos1ello, Beaumont, Texas
D Chas. S. Dei.lanlo, Dayton., 0. Le on j. D eger, M .D., Dayton, 0. Harry Ju ck Di c k , M. D., Dayton, 0 .
-$10 R e v. Jos eph H. Dic k , Chickas haw, 0 . Mnrgaret Dierken, Dayton , 0 . Albe rt N. Dirscherl, Troy, 0.-$6 Robert j . Dobbin s, Dayton , 0 . Frnncis R . Duell , Dayton , 0 .-$25 Edwurd Dwyer, London , 0.-$10
E George Eu rly, Dayton , 0 . Thomas V. Egun, Trenton , N. Jersey Richard J. Egger, Abe rdeen , Md. Victor Emunu e l, Ne w York , N.Y. Anthon y Engelhart , Dayton, 0.
F C . W . Fedde rs, Covinglon, Ky. J, R. Fe rree, Arcudiu , Calif. Edward J , Finan, Washinglon, D .C. Harry F. Finke, Sr. , Dayton, 0.-$ 10 James H. Finke, Dayton, 0 . W a lter j. Fleck , Tiffin , 0 . G. Floridis, M.D., DayiOn, 0. William H . Focke, Dayton , 0. Ells worth T. Foland , Dayton, 0. Thomas Fole y , Franklin, 0. Be njamin W. Free man , Cincinnati, 0. Curl Fries , Dayton, 0. Bluire A. Froe hle , Lt. Col., Sun Francisco, California
G Francis Gubel, Lt. Col., Arlington, Va. Earl E. Gebhart, Daylon, 0. Geo. A. Ge lofcsak, Dnyton, 0. Ernest j. Gerber, Chillicothe, 0 . Roman A. Gerber, Chillicothe, 0 . Wm. C. Ginn, Springboro, 0. M. M. Gitman, D a yton, 0. Thomas Glick, Toledo, 0. Leo. D. Goetz, Daylon, 0. L. E . Gough , M.D., Daylon, 0. Eileen M. Graham, Daylon , 0.-$10 Herbert Greuter, Dayton , 0. Fre d e ri c k W. Grimm, Daylon , 0.
H Francis J, Hagan, Dayton, 0. L. A. Hamme r , Muyfi e ld Heights , 0.
-$10 A. J, Hurt, M.D., Cle veland , 0. Dr. R . Clay Hatfi e ld, San Luis Obis po, Cal. Harry C. H e ide r , Duyton , 0. Chas. S. H e lldoerfe r , Duyton, 0. j . Joseph Hettinger, Jr. , Loui sville , Ky. Pnul F. Hickey, Dayton , 0. Edwurd , G. Hilton, Duyton, 0 . Dunie l j. Hobbs, Duyton, 0.
Geo. C. Hoc hwah, LuGrunge, Ill. Chu s, F. Hoey, M. D. , Phoenix , Ore. Euge ne A. Hollencamp, Dayton, 0. H e nry J , Hoying, Munci e, lnd.-$7 E. E. Hug, C leveland, 0. Frunk J . Hugh es, D a yton , 0. Frnnces 1'. Hussey, Dnyton, 0. Joan Hussey, Dnyton, 0 . Normn S. Hutzler, Duyton , 0 .
Louis Jucobs, Dayton , 0.-SllO
K Wm. P. Keune, Daylon, 0. W . F . Keating, Ashlabula, 0 .
:~~;a~e.1~eJ;,1 :~.?Sil\路er Sprin g , Md. ; John L. K e lly, SharonviiJe , 0. Wm. P . Kelly, Greenville, 0 . Alan H. Kempner, Jr., White Plains, New York J a mes A. Klopf, Dayton, 0. Kathryn M . Knese , Dnyton , 0. Vince nt C. Koepnick, Dayton, 0. Albert A. Kramer, Dayton, 0.-SlO Arnold H. Kramer, Coldwater, 0. Arthur G. Kramer, Dayton , 0. W. j. Krantz, Akron, 0. Le o Kricke r, Portsmouth, 0 . Albe rt H . Krimm, Dayton, 0 .- SlO Frank H . Krommge, Dayton , 0 . Dnniel J. Kuebel, Hamihon, 0. Mnrlin Kuntz, Daylon, 0 .-$10 K e nne th Kurtz, M. D., Dayton, 0.
L Philip J. Lung, Sioux Cily, Iowa Robt. F . Lang, Duyton, 0. Vincent F. L ung, Dnyton , 0 . La wre nce W. Lehnis, Alliance, 0. Benj a min A. Levy, Oaylon , 0. Robt . Lipp, Dayton, 0. Jnme s E . Love, Dayton , 0.
McGrath . . . . Cont. fr om Page 3 with fa ith in d emocra cy and a belief in the power of ind epend ent thought and willing to work and work hard for th eir nation stout-h earted men who will fight shoulder to shoulder ... for the right th ey adore. Then will the futur e of America be secure."
PRINCIPALS IN THE CIVIC DINNER HELD IN HONOR OF THE TRIPLE CENTENNIAL AT THE Miami Hotel on May 16 are left to right: Most Rev. Edward J. Hunkeler, Bishop, Grand Island , Nebraska , The Honorable J. Howard McGrath, Attorney General of the United States, Very Rev , John A. Elbert, S.M ., Superior Provincial of the Society of Mary, The Honorable Edwin Becker, ' 13, toastmaster, Most Rev. Michael J. Ready, Bishop , Columbus, Ohio, and The Honorable Edwin M. O ' Connor, Displaced Persons Commissioner, Washington, D. C. M
Louis W. Makley, Dayton, 0.-$10 Loretta W . .1\taloney, D;1y1on, 0. Mildred W. Mnloney, Duyton, 0. S , M. Muloney, Covington, Ky.-$25
Howurd M. Palmer, S1. Mary's, 0.-$10 Leo E. Palmer, M.D ., Delroit, Mich. James G. Parker, M.D., Delawure, 0.
G. W. Markus, M.D., Dayton, 0.-$10 Frank E. McBride, Duyton , 0.-810 Paul 1'. McClellan, N.Y., N.Y.
R. William Pullerson, Oaylon, 0. Roberl M. Payne, Dayton , 0.-$10 James D. Polley, Lukewood, 0 .
A. P. Mc Donnld, M.D., Dayton, 0. N. C. McGreevy, Dayton, 0. Edward 'C. Meisner, Cin ci nnali , 0. Joseph F. Merkle, Dayton, 0. Dorolhy A. Meyer, F l. Loramie, 0. H. j. Meyer, Daylon, 0. Wm. A. Michael, So uth Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Dorolhy E. Miller, Dayton, 0. Oscar C. Miller, Park Ridge, lll.-$10 Robert C. Miller, Bedford, 0. C. J. Mueller, Dayton, 0. Gale G. Murphy, Dayton, 0. Richnrd P . Muth, M.D., Daylon, 0.
N Richard H. Nea l, Daylon, 0. Fred T. Neuman n , Pittsbu rg, Pa. Cupt. John Newsock, Dayton, 0 . Mrs. Mnry Cat herine Nuslmwg, Dayton , Ohio
0 D. F. Obee, Toledo, 0. Angela Mae O'Brien, Dayton, 0. John O ' Grady, Maria Stein, 0. John P. O'Leary, Dayton , 0.-$30 Chus. L. Olinge r, Daylon, 0. Mrs. Dorolhy Olinger, Dayton, 0. T. Oppenheim , Coldwaler, 0 .
R C. J . R amus, Adrian , Michigan-$15 Robert A. Raub, Coldwa ter, 0. Wm. E. Reeves, Chillicothe, 0. Mr. and Mrs. Brendun J. Reilly, Dayton , 0. Lloyd A. Hensel, Dayton, 0. Milton A. Roberts, Geneva, N.Y. Roy Homes, Covington, Ky. Rose D . Rothberg, Dayton, 0. Mrs. Johanna C. Ruff, Dayton, 0.
s J. Howurd Sachs, Duyton , 0. Reuben Sucks, Daylon, 0. John W. Salm, Coldwater, 0. Anthony P. Saup, Zanesville, 0.-$10 Chas. E. Sa urine , Arlington, Va.-$7 Arnold C. Schaeffer, Dayton, 0. Donald j . Sche idler, Cincinnati, 0. J. B . Sc hluudecker, Cleveland, 0. Edward J. Schlei, Dayton., 0. Martin Schneble , Dayton, 0. Jos. A. Schneider, Steubenville, 0. Rev. C. J. Schriml, Cincinnu ti, 0. E::lward Secbocck, Cu mbridge, Muss.
R . E. Shanahan, \Vilmington, 0. Anna M. Shurkey, Dayton, 0. Theo. A. S lutrpen te r , Aurora, Ill. \Villium J. Sh ine, ClliCilgO, Ill. Glenn R. S mith , Dnyton, 0. Shirley V. Sm ith , Daylon, 0.-$10 Vi ctor Sm ilh , Dayton, 0. Rev. Raphael A. Sourd , Glendale, 0. T. K. Spa lding , Charleston, W. Va. An1l10ny E. Spra u e r , Duylon, 0. Eugene A. S la lzer, Waltham , MilSS. J esse E. S reberl, Duyton , 0. Montfort S. Stee ley, Dayton, 0.-$10 Carl A. Stic k e l, Dayton, 0. Lawrence W. Strattn er, New Rochelle, New York Wm. L. Struck, Dayton , 0. Fred Sl urm , Ft. Wayne, Ind . Robert N. St urwo ld, Daylon, 0.-$10 Mary Rose S ulli van , Dnylon, 0. Frank L. Su tter, Duyton , 0. Cli fford Suit miller, Daylon, 0.
T Lorettn TelzlufT, Dayton, 0. Belly J ea n Thomas, Ludlow Falls, 0. Thomas J. Thomas, M.D. , Dnyton, 0. Mark R. Tl10mpson , St. Louis, lUo.
u Joseph M. Unger, Dayton , 0. Robert H. Unverferth, Alexundria, Vu.
w J. G. Wagner, Sidney, 0 . J eunnette E. Wugner, New Breman, 0. Hugh E. Wall, Sr., Dayton, 0.-$30 Victor Wnlling, Bellevue, Wash. Lloyd E. Weeks, Union, 0. Charles Weprin, Dayton, 0. John R . Westerheide, Anna, 0. Adam F. Westerkamp, Cincinnati, 0. Ri chard Whurton , Daylon, 0. Jim While, Toledo, 0. Paul Wick, Pillsburgh, Pa. Pal J. Wilcox, Chauunooga, Tenn. Earl T. Wiley, Lt. Col., F1. Benning, Georgia Frank E. Wilkinson, Cres lline , 0 . Hamilton K. Willhelm, Dayton, 0. y Vincent H. Yuno, Cambrid ge, Mass. Joseph Yearling, Columbus, 0.-$25
z John Zarkn, Daylon, 0. Veryl L. Zech, Germantown, 0. Pnul H. Zimmer, Cin cinnati , 0. George Zimmerman, Dayton, 0.
Last Round-up . A few lusty puffs, bl own mainly by Coach Paul \.Yard 's tennis tea m, h ave inflated a red a nd blue spring sports ba lloon th at seems destined to lift th e Fl yer a th leti c program to a higher level. The performan ce of the tea ms n ow winding up their spring sch edules indicate U . D. is moving into a topflight well-rounded postwa r athl etic set-up.
Onl y tra ck is mi ss ing fr om th e current sports p icture and the interes t and abili ty of a number of Joey Gavin's fresh footba ll crs who wil l be read y for varsity competition next year foretell of better things to come on the cinder path . Coach Wa rd, who moves each afternoon from test tubes to tenni s tac ti cs, has come up with th e surprise of th e spring sports progra m with his hi gh flyin g n etters. This is onl y the second yea r th e Flyers have taken to th e courts since the war, but Wa rd's team has clipped off a 9 won and three lost record and looms as a club to be reckoned with. On ly State, Indiana U. , and Wright Field h ave bee n able to trim the Flyer tennis tea m. Flyer ace, Billy O 'Neill salvaged some Dayton prestige by knocking off the No. I men of th e res pec tive Buckeye and Hoosier teams and Wright Field dropped two ma tches to the Flyers. Fine showing by D ave Riney and a winning pace by th e unpredictable Dun Mudd have d one much to keep the F lyers in front. Nate Newkirk and Ea rl Kronenberger have come up with a good percentage of sing le victories a nd also h ave been key men in the doubles pi cture. AI Ponce h as worked his way into the tennis picture a nd seems to be the "endurance kid" of th e netters. M an y of Pon ce's m atch es go to three sets. Clete Oberst, sophomore basketball sta r, has been opera ting with th e doubl es play and may move into sing les before too long. A strong point of Ward 's club is the fac t tha t it will return practi cally intact next year. The Flyer coach is hoping to line up the top collegiate teams in neighboring sta tes for th e '5 1 sch edule. After a slow sta rt H arry Ba ujan and J ohnn y M arsch all have come up wi th a promising dia mond crew th at a lso is blessed with a crop of und erclassmen th at will be returning n ext year.
are left to right: The Honorable Charles J. Brennan, Toastmaster; Most Rev. Floyd L. Begin , clerical speaker; Senor Don P. Merry del Val , Cultural Relations Counselor, Spanish Embassy; The Rev. Juniper B. Carol , O .F.M., recipient of the Marianist Award , and Rev. George J . Renneker, S.M., President, University of Dayton . All took part in the Centennial luncheon .
Several promising hurlers give the Flyers hopes of a fin e season next spring. The '50 Fl yers have been playing .500 ball and seem to h ave the needed hitting power. H owever, errati c fielding a nd wildness of pitchers was costly in early ga mes. Lee Falke and Dick Zimmerman have turn ed in fine performances on the mound with Chuck McDaniel handling assignments when a southpaw was need ed. Chubby Leland (Junior ) Norris clubbing a t an amazing .594 h as been the key man in th e hitting attack. Another sophomore, Gordon Elliott, outfield er, is clipping along at .421 . Bobby Arnzen, shortstop and one of three se niors on th e club, is hitting .333 . Arnzen, M cD ani el a nd infi elder Mike Toohey are the only seniors on th e team. Bernie Gu il foyl e, pitcher and infield er, currently hitting .2 77 and fast moving outfielder Jim Mott are the only two juniors. Th e remainder of the squad arc soph omores. With the host of sophs and a number of promising frosh, the Flyer diamond picture is bright for '51. T ommy Blackburn 's golfers have had more th an th eir share of troubles this spring. Even Jack Zimmerman, golf ca pta in and tops in D ayton, has had trouble winning. The Flyers finished fifth in th e state golf tourney and Blackburn has high hopes of coming up with a first class links club next spring.
1883- Frank L. Sutter, student at St. M a ry's I nstitute, writes that Brother M. Maximum Zch lcr, his director, was very kind, but a stri ct disciplinarian. 1894- Mr. a nd Mrs. Edward Mi ller, Chicago, were campus visitors. 1901- Mr. Ed. J. Wright, who is affi lia ted with Scars, R oebuck & C ompany, was a campus visitor. This was his first visit since graduation. 1913 - Sympathy is extend ed to Willi a m Avery on the death of his '\ mother, on April 19th. 1916- James M. Duffy, faithful inner sentinel, was active in th e fourth d egree Knights of Columbus in presenting a color gua rd at the Pontifica l High Mass at Emmanuel Church on May 16. 1920 - Gene M ay I, Dayton attorney, received the outstanding local Notre Dame Un iversity Award for 1949. Dr. J. K. Bailey resign ed recently as president of the Consolida ted a nd Central Sta tes R acing Association. Dr. Bailey has held that post for the past twenty years. 1921- Vincent F. Lang attended th e annu a l sta te convention of th e Kni ghts of C olumbus at Akron. 1925- M erl e P. Smith was toastmaster a t the closing presentation of the M arianist Tripl e C entennial a t the N a tion al Cash Register auditorium on W ednesda y, M ay 17.
torney, h as form ed a new law firm in the C ooper Building. M ary Horrigan, assoc iate d irector of th e St. Elizabeth 's School of Nursing, attend ed the worksh op during April in Wayne U niversity, D etroit, Mi chiga n, on stud ent counse ll ing in sch ools of nursing. Mich ael J. Usas, La Grange, Jllinois, is in the personnel department, M arsh a ll Field & Compan y, C hi cago, lllinoi s. T om H oban, C leveland , has been nomina ted president of th e Cleveland Club.
CONTESTANT WINNERS IN THE CITY OF DAYTON SPEECH CONTEST AND THe SOCIETY of Mary 's Speech and Essay Contests shown above are left to right: Charles McCabe, Cathedral Latin, Cleveland, Ohio, Mary Jo-anne Cope, Northridge , Margaret Caulfield , Julienne High School, Robert Maylock , Dunbar, Robert Ziegler, Parker, Carl Mescher, Chaminade High School.
1926- Congratula tions are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Willia m Bla ke on the birth of th eir d a ughter, M ary R egina, on April 23. 1927- Dick Snelling was nomin a ted f01 the Gen eral Assembly from Spri ngfi el d (C larke County), Ohio. He won the d emocra tic nomination for the election to the H ouse in November. Wa lter "Sneeze" Achiu receu tly ap peared in a tag wres tling m atch in DaytOn. Mr. Achiu soon inten ds to go to the west coas t and en ter the com mercia l fi shing busin ess. Sympathy is extend ed to R obert W. K ellhofer on th e d ea th of his moth er, Mrs. Ida M . K ellhofer. 1928- Hcrbert M. E ikenbery has sta rted his 22nd season as pl aying ma nager of th e la wyers baseball team. 1929-Syl)l pa thy is ex tended to R. Willi am Patterson on the d eath of his father Judge R . C. Patterson, who died during April in Da yton. The Judge was a former professor of law a t U. D . and served as D ean of the Uni versity of D ayton Law Schoo l. R. Willi am Patterson a ttend ed th e annua l meeting of the Citizens Council in D ayton. Th omas H . R ya n was a delega te at the recent conven tion of " Va riety" in New Orleans. 1930 - The H onora ble Ed wa rd Breen sa t in th e spea ker's ch a ir in the H ouse of R epresentatives fo r the third
time in M ay. The Pres ident of th e Alumni Associa tion and the form er mayor of th e city of D ayton presid ed d u ring debate on a ppropri ati ons for ma ritime tra ining sch oo ls. H e is a member of th e M erchant M arin e Committee in the H ouse. Wa lter R eiling) M .D., was h onored by th e Optimist C lub and p resented with the frame tes tim oni al for "his ma n y yea rs of service in th e ca use of optimisim in D ayton and surrounding cities." Lt. Col. M. J. Cos tello spoke at a Kn ights of Columbus lu ncheon club meeting. Congratula tions a re exten ded to Dr. and Mrs. Willi am Alth off on th e birth of th eir son, J erome Louis, on April 26.
1932- J oseph Fihe, El wood, Indi an a, was recently named as a distributor for Cros ley and Genera l Electric Appl ian ces in Elwood. J ohn M. Kunst, own er and man ager of th e Gem City Wind ow C lea ning Compan y, was elected president of the D ayton R ound T able. J oseph Poelking was chairma n of the hospita lity fo r the Knights of Columbus during th e recen t cl osing Centennial celebration of the Society of M a ry. 1934 - Mr. a nd Mrs. L . D onald Neu h ave returned home following their H oly Yea r pilgri mage. Th ey traveled by pl ane and visi ted R ome, Fatima, Lisieux, Paris, and L ourdes. 1935 - Arnold C. Schaffer, local at-
1936- Very Rev. M sgr. Paul F. Liebold, chancell or of th e archdiocese of Cincinnati, has been eleva ted to the ra nk of dom esti c prela te. Bob a nd Camilla (Schad ) Ashm an, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, h ave three children, Bob, Jr. , age II , Bill, age 7, and Sharon, age 5 }'2. ln 1948, Bob, Sr. was promoted to regiona l manager for the Stand ard R egister Company in Philadelphi a. 1937- Congratula tions a re ex tended to Dr. and Mrs. John Reiling on the birth of their son, Edmund Charles on April 28. Congratul ations are ex tended to Mr. and Mrs. John Scott on the a rrival of th eir third d aughter, Judith Ann, in M arch. 1938- Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. George L. Wolf, Akron, on the arri val of th eir second child, M artha J ane, April 19. Dr. A. V . Blac k, pa rti cipa ted in the scienti fic progra m at the annu al scientific a nd business session of the Uni versity State M edica l Associa tion during M ay in Cleveland.
1939 - El wood ]. Zimmer was chosen secretary of the D ayton Li on 's C lub. L t . Comma nder T ed A. Brazelton recentl y compl eted a two week training cruise in the Carribean Sea. Grace (Aylstock ) Neander, South O zone Park, Queens, New York, was a ca mpus visitor. 1940- J ack Pad ley, treasurer of th e Agonis Club, presented a ch eck to Shawen Acres, the orphans' home in Dayton. 1941- J ack Baker again has been named chief train er for the Dayton Jndia ns. 1942- Dr. M . R. H a ley was interviewed on the subj ec t of d ental health in a recent radi o broa dcast. Congratu-
Continued on Page 8
(Jia4J. Nokd( Continued from page 7) lations are extended to Miss Rita Cecelia Duncavage and Paul R. Finke who were married in St. Peter and Pa ul Church of Tamqua, Pennsylva nia on April 15. They are residing in Dayton. J ean Linsker has been named business manager of the .Jewish Community Activities Playguild.
After July I ~ Leo E. Palmer, M.D., will be associated with Robert C. M a rkey, M.D. in the Third Nationa l Building. His practice will be limited to pedia trics. At the present time Dr. Palmer is in residency in Children's Hospital, Detroit. Congra tulations are extended to Miss Dorothy M ae
Berg and Robert E. Maloney, who wi ll be married on June 3, in Corpus Christi Church, Dayton. 1943- Congratulations are extended to John T . H oban and Miss Irene Barba ra G utgsell, who were married on May 20, in St. Agnes Church, Dayton. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kispersky of West La fayette, India na on the birth of their son, Phillip M ark in Home Hospital in La fayette. Pa ul receives his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Purdue in June. George T. a nd June ( Yendes) Brown have recently moved to Country Club Road in Midla nd, T exas. In addition to their two footba ll players, Tommy and Terry, they have a little da ughter, Barbara Lu. The 1943 Class Reunion was held in the home of Polly ( Mack ) Haines on April 18. This is the seventh annual Class R eunion. In addition to Polly, those in attenda nce were: Mrs. Robert Brown ( Dorothy Collins), Mrs. Leonard Rawson, ( M adelene Georgiev), Mrs. Robert K essler (Jean G ura), Mrs. Wayne Stamm (Amy Luthman ) Mrs. J oseph Overwein (Betty M ayl) M artha Bucher, M ary Rose Sulliva n, Kathleen Whetro, Dorothy H. Quatman, Muriel Musser, M aria Economides, Buena Greer and Kay Hayes. Martha Bucher is contemplating a six weeks' pilgrimage to Fra nce, Switzerland, Italy, England and Ireland. 1944-Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wening on the birth of their second son, Christopher Andrew, April 20. Mrs. William Bachus was a ticket committee member for the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae's Mary D ay celebra tion. Miss Betty T homas, in-
lc PAID Permit No. 71 Dayton, Ohio U. S. POSTAGE
structor in the Music Department, has presented a program of music each Saturday evening at 5: 15 over WHIO. The program "Twenty Fingers and Two Grands" has been on the air from February through M ay and will resume in September. 1945- Congratulations are extended to Lt. and Mrs. Robert M. Pfeiffer on the birth of their daughter Suzanne Therese a t Wright-Patterson Air Base H os pital on April 28. Lt. Pfeiffer is stationed at Lowry Field in D enver. Mrs. Pfeiffer is the former Suzanne Bucher of Dayton. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Allison R. White (Sue Dudlext) on the birth of their son on April 28, Downey, California. Mrs. Betty Speraw, instructor in the Music Department at U .D. was a member of the radio program "Twenty Fingers a nd Two G ra nds" along with Miss Betty Thomas, '44. Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gusman (Fern Channel ) on the birth of their son, Stephen D ale, on M ay 7.
1947 -
Hank Froelich, Cleveland, is a candida te for the vice-presidency of the Cleveland Alumni Club. J ohn Westerheide is a representative of the General E lectric Exhibit Train the more-power-to-America specialwhich is touring the eastern states. He will be aboard until July 1, following which he will go back to Erie, Pennsylvania. Bob Berner has been elected a member of Directors of the Dayton Junior Chamber of Commerce. Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Sta nley Chmiel on the birth of their daughter, Ba rbara Jeanne, May 3 in Dayton. 1948- Congratulations are extended to M r. and Mrs. Robert M. Blackford, Jr. ( Nan J ohnson M cGurk ) on the birth of their daughter, Robin Nan, at U niversity Hospital in Columbus on April 19. Congratulations are extended to M arianna Recher a nd Bob Cochran, whose engagement
and approaching ma rriage has been announced. They will be married on June 17 in St. Joseph's Church, Dayton. Don Scheidler, a chemist, with the Kroger Grocery Company in Cincinnati was a recent campus visitor. Congratulations arc extended to Frances Shank, who is now Mrs. Frances S. Ary and presently residing in Waynesville. Congratulations arc extended to Philip L. and Carol (D oles) Bowman on their " latest recruit in the safety pin set." She was born Friday, April 28 and her proud paren ts have called her Julie. Word from Paul Hickey, who is attending medical school at Loyola, indicates that the University of Dayton " fa mily" in Chicago is growing by leaps a nd bounds. In addition to Paul, Everett Archdeacon, AI and M ark Backs from 1948 arc attending school at Loyola. 1949-Congra tulations a re extended to the Ja mes Pfeiffer's ( Betty Hodapp ) on the birth of their first child, a son, William J ames on M ay 5 in Dayton. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. J ohn M. Quinlisk, who were married on M ay 6 in; Corpus Christi Church. Mrs. Quinlisk was the former Patricia M adden. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Niederman on the birth of their da ughter, judith Ann on April 11 in Dayton. H a nk Ferrazza is a candidate for the secretarytreasurer of the Cleveland Alumni C lub. Bob K eplinger was a campus visitor. H e is doing graduate work in education a t the University of Cincinnati and at the same time is teaching Junior High School a t Batavia. William L. Guckes was a campus visitor during M ay. H e has cha nged his residence from D ayton to Columbus, Ohio. Congra tula tions are extended to Joe and Peg (Ens) Eichel on the birth of their son, Joseph C harles, May 5. The following fortyniners send their greetings from Loyola Medical School : Bob Rowe, Eddie Voigt, R alph Kovacs, and K enneth Ching.