Most Rev. Karl
J. Alter
Archbishop of Cincinnati
will deliver
1951 Commencement Address.
May • 1951
(Editor's note : The following is a letter received by Dr. William J. Wohlleben, S.M., following ~e close of tbe N. I.T. Activities in New York City . It is typical of many letters received by various faculty members and the alumni office.) ESTABLISHED
Dear Doc : Your ear hould have been burning during the basketball tournament in Madison Square Garden because next to the wonderful showing made by D ayton you were the most prominent part of my conver a tion with some of the old-timers. The Schaefer's and the Sherry's went to the first game on Sa turday afternoon, and the Schaefer's a nd the Strattner's saw the other games. This, of course, provided excellent opportunities to talk about the good old days. After the first game on Sa turday afternoon, Mary and I attended the Univer ity of Dayton get-together in the Lincoln Hotel. The most interesting part of that session for me was the fact that I saw two of my former students, n amely Mike Moran and Andy Zittel. We also had the pleasure of meeting Father Bodie, who is now attending Saint John's College; Frank Farrell, who graduated in 191 3, and his son who is now a student at U. of D . ; as well as Jim Brown and his two brothers. We had a wonderful time, but of course missed h aving you with us. We aw Mary Shay several times but only a t a distance and I am sorry we did not have a chance to talk with her. She wa , of course, extremely busy and I suppose just as excited as we were during the games. The end of another school year is ap-
FRONT COVER: M ay we pre ent the most R ev. Karl Alter, Archbishop of Cincinnati, 0., who will deliver the Commencement Address to the graduates of the class of 1951. Commencement exercises will be held at the National Cash Register Auditorium on June 9, at 2 :30 p.m. Four hundred and fifty-five degrees will be conferred by Father Geo. J. R enneker, S.M ., president, University of D ayton. The Baccalaureate M a sand services will be conducted at Holy Angel's church, Sunday, June 3. Father Carl Will will deliver the baccalaureate ermon. The Senior dinners will be h eld at the Van Cl eve Hotel on May 29 and 31.
Mary Shay '44 .. . .... .. . ...... . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . ......... . . . ...... Editor J a mes F. "Pep" Wilson .............. . . . .... . ... . ........ . . Sports Editor "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of D ayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio."
Letter from Alumnus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Class Notes ......... . ................ .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .... 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Montgomery County Chapter M eeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4, 5, 6 Dues Payers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
proaching, and we hope that during the ummer you will m ake the trip to New York which had to be postponed last year. We are anticipating the plea ure of having a visit with you . With kindest regards and best wishes from all the Sch aefers in the meantime. Sin cerely, Joseph
189o-Sympathy is extended to the famil y of Father Bernard F. Kuhlman who died in D ayton, M ar. 31. 1908 - Congratulation s are extended Bro. William Beck, S.M., professor of biology at U.D., on the celebra tion of his golden jubilee. 1911 - Edward A. Glockner is pre ident of the Glockner Ch evrolet Co., Port mouth, 0 . 1912 - Congratulation s a re extended to Bro. Lawrence Boll, S.M ., profes or of English, U.D. , on the celebration of his golden jubilee. Also included among the jubilarian was Bro. Ed wa rd Lynch, S.M., assi tant
supervisor of Alumni H all, and Father Joseph Tetzlaff, S.M ., former president of the University of Dayton. Fa ther T etzlaff is residing a t Rockway Park, L. I., N. Y. Martin Kuntz has been named general chairman of the St. Elizabeth H ospital Fund Drive. 1914- The Rt. R ev. M sgr. Robert Sherry, Col., C haplain, U .S.A. , has been tra nsferred from 'Korea to General H eadquarters in Tokyo. H e has served as chaplain in K orea for eight months. 1922- Robert M . Payne, insurance agent, announces the location of his offices as 208 Cooper Bldg., 3 E . Second St., after May 1, 1951. 1925- Dr. W . R. Hochwalt was a speaker at the annual meeting of the Ohio State M edical Association held in April at Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Willia m E . M ayer, Sr., C leveland, were campus visitor . Merle P. Smith was n amed a member of th e Armed Forces D ay committee. 1926- Andrew Aman received th e " man of the year " award from the University of Notre D ame Club of D ayton.
The Montgomery County Chapter of the
The Miami Valley Golf Club
Thur day, June 14, 1951
• Social hour will precede the dinner. R eservations hould be made not la ter tha n June 11 to Mr. Robert Payne, General Chairman. Phone MI 5621 ,--or member of the committee.
1928- Theo. (Shorty ) Sha rpen ter, Aurora, Ill., wa a campu vi itor.
1932 - ympathy i extended to Raymond Clemens on the death of his father, Joseph W . Clemens, '99 April 1, in D ayton . Survivor also include F a ther Bertrand C lemens, S.M., of Mt. St. John . M ason C. Benner, executive direc tor of th e Community Che t Agency, Fort Wayne, Ind. , is pla nning to return to Dayton June 15th. H e will a ume the position of regional director of the United D efen e Fund .
H eld ( M a ry Miltner ) Red Bank N. J., on the birth of their fifth child Alan J o eph on M ar. 26. Robert C. Zinck, .who erved in World War II as a n officer in Supply and Aircraft Maintenan e, ha been recalled to active service as major in the Air Force a t Hq ., AMC. Hi present a signment i As i ta nt to Chief M aintenance Division Admini tra tive Offi ce. During the last war he served with the 81st Air D e pot Group of the 5th Air Force in the Pacific Area. His Ia t a signment during World Wa r II wa public informa tion and Air Force liai on officer to Gen. Wainwright Commanding Genera l of the 4th Army, San Antonio, T ex. Lt. Col. Loui J. T chudi, ports director of radio station WING, ha a l o been recalled to active duty. Hi tentative a ignment i Commandant of Troop a t Wright-Pa tterson AFB. Lou will ma nage the housing, feeding a nd training of all the troops, and will erve as president of the base' a thletic council. During World Wa r II a t Mitchell Field, N. Y. Lou organized the physical training, recrea tion and entertainment programs, and was la ter placed in command of Camp Mill , N . Y. La ter he organized and trained the 83rd Combat Airdrome Squadron a t Hunter Field, Ga. , and took the outfit overseas.
1934- Con g ra tul ation s a r e extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Clayton J.
1935 - Charles Gross i affiliated with the Dupont Company in T exa .
1929 - Congrat ul a tion are extended to Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Spalding, Charle ton W . Va., on the birth of their fourth child, a daughter, M ary Elizabeth, on M a r. 24, 1951. Mr. Spalding i a i ta nt genera l manager of the Owen -Libbey-Owem Gas D epartment. Sympathy is extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Ernest Calha u, Sr. La nikai, H awaii, on the death of their son, Ernest, Jr. H e was killed in K orean ervice on M ar. 23 1951 . Mr . Calhau i the former There a Lauber of D ayton. 1930 - Congratulation s a r e extended to Col. and Mr . J oseph Servaite on the birth of their on Jan Martin, April 10.
The Montgomery County Chapter of the University of Dayton Alumni A sociation is ponsoring its first annual Country Club Dinner meeting at the Miami Valley Golf Club on Thursday, June 14. A social hour at 6 p.m. will precede the dinner at 6 :30. You a re cordially invited to bring your wife, husband, girl friend or boy friend. Robert M . Payne, '22, is serving a general chairman, and is being a isted by: Jack Brown, ' 26 entertainment ; Ed Borchers, '40, H erb Finke, '38, a nd D on Wehner, '49 welcoming; Beth Trupp R eilly '39, and Virginia Lehman Hoyer, '39, contact omrnittee ¡ Bill Ro encran , '41 , publicity; M a rita Sharkey, '44, ticket ; R o e D . R othberg, '40, decoration ; Buena Greer a nd M a ry Shay, '44, corres pondence. Tickets will be available from Mr. Payne, chairma n, or any of the above ommittee member . R eserva tions should be made by June 11 .
Loui P. Wilks, C hicago, was a recent campu vi itor. G. Richa rd Gott ch a lk , pres id e nt, M a nufacture r ' Supply Co., Syracu e, N. Y., wa a recent vi itor. Sympathy i extended to M aurice R . Reichard, head of the Music D epa rtment a t U.D. on the death of his father, Willia m H . Reicha rd on Apr. 16.
1938 - Congratu lation a r e extended to John Wirtz on his appointment as head coach, St. Ignatius High School Clevela nd, 0 . Congra tula tion a re extended to Robert Unverferth who received hi LLB from Georgetown University in D ecember. Recently he pa ed the bar, and is now a ffili a ted with the AVCO Encrineering Co., Cincinna ti, 0. Ray Arn, D ayton cameraman, wa recently upervi ed by Mr . Natalie K almus, H ollywood technicolor a rtist, in ta king a close up hot of a reha bilita ted per on weaving on a loom a t Goodwill Industries. Recentl y the Robert Schneble' a nd their children from Sylacau?;a, Al a., were D ayton vi itor . Mrs. Schneble i the former M ary Graziano. Robert E. Cotterman is affilia ted with the Erie Ordnance D epot a t LaCarne, 0 . Lt. Col. Roy J. Boe mer has been recalled to active dut y and is hipping to the 4th Air Force- Fa r Ea tern Command- in J a pan. H e end his "kinde t regards to all." (continued on page 6)
Dues Mailing Nets $3,029.00 A mailing for member hip in the University of D ayton Alumni Associa tion has netted 5 10 contributing members a of M ay 9, 195 1. A total of $3,029.00 h as been received. T h e Alumn i Associa tion offi cers and board would like to take this opportunity to tha nk all those who h ave so generously helped in this campaign . T he following member h ave responded to our maili ng: A
H erbert F. Albers, Columbu , 0. J am es E . Alde r , Chica go , Ill. Robert J. Alder , Chic.tgo , Ill. J . B. Alexander , Day ton , 0.- 10 Andrew Am a n , Jr., D ayton, 0 . Rev. Aloys C. An gel, Pittsburgh , P a. Thomas R. Armstron g, Ci n cinna ti, 0. Wm . G. Ashma n , Akron , 0. B Joseph C. Bach , Da yton , 0. Alton J. Back s, Chi cago, Ill. Cha rles Bacon, N.Y., N.Y.- $10 Ralph C. Baker , Dayton , 0. J ea nnette Barlow, Dayton , 0 . Josephine Barlow, D ayton , 0. E dwin G. Beck er , Cinci nnati, 0. Thomas A. Beck ert, Blooming ton, Ind . Otto P . Behrer , Cincinnati, 0. F . G. Belanich, Euclid, 0. L. A. Bentz, Dayton , 0. Alfred (.. Bergman, Dayton, 0 . Robert M. Berner, Dayton, 0. Elise 1. Biechler, Jr., Oticago, III. Raymond F. Biedenbender, P eoria, lli. A. V. Black, M.D., Center ville, 0. W. A. Blake, Dayton, 0. W. K. Blaire, Shawnee, 0 .- $10 Clarence E . Bleich er , Grosse Pointe, Mich.-$10 Lou Boehmer, Covington, K y. -$ 10 P aul J, Boeke, Birmingham, Mich. Raymond H. Boeke, Dayton, 0. Charles H. Boesch, Dayton, 0. Carl E. Bohne rt, Charleston, W. Va. Jam es P. Bolger, Cincinnati, 0. John H. Bramlage, White Plains, N. Y. Mary Braun, Hamtra m ck , Mich. H a rry D. Breen , Crestline, 0. John J. Brennan, Philade lphia, P a. Clyde R. Brenner , Da yton, 0 . Huston Brown, Day ton , 0. J ack Brown, Dayton, 0. J erome U. Brown, Dayton, 0. R. C. Brown, Jack son H e ights, N. Y. Geo. M. Buchard, Dayton, 0. Lawren ce C. Buch er , Cincinna ti , 0. Leo. A. Bucher , Da yton , 0. E d. L. Buesch er, Ca pt., Silver Spring, Md. Mi ch ael J. Burger , Whippan y, N. J.
c Francis C. Canny, Dayton, 0. Harry F. Ca ppel, Dayton , 0. Floren ce Carr, Dayton, 0. W illiam A. Carrigan, D.D.S., Tiffin, 0. Ri chard M. Car son, Dayton, 0. Virginia M. Cart er , Dayton , 0 . J . J. Caveney, Wheeling, W . Va . Claren ce W. Y. Chin g, Honolulu , T. H. J am es T. Cline, Day ton, 0. William C. Cline, Cincinnati , 0. Geraldine Clower , Fairborn, 0. Fra ncis H. Coffey, Dayton, 0.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF SOROSIS ACTIVE ON THE TEA TO BE GIVEN FOR ALUMNAE OF the class of 1951 ore left to right : Margaret Carroll , ' 45, general chairman , and Lois Kappeler, ' 49 , Jean Wright Earhart, ' 45 , and Virginia Lehman Hoyer, ' 39. Another member of the committee not present when picture wos token is Mary Ann Glaser, ' 45 . The teo will be g iven Sunday , Moy 27, o t Mrs. Benham ' s, 2419 For Hills Ave., from 3 to 5 p.m.
James A. Connelly, Da yton, 0. Robert J . Connelly, Dayton, 0 . William Connelly, Dayton, 0 . E dward J. Connors, Dayton, 0. Edward R. Costello, Beaumont, Tex. Robert L. Cotterman, Dayton, 0 . John Wm. Craig, Cincinnati, 0.-$25 Ca rl J, Crane, Col., USAF , Ret. , Helotes., T exas- $ 10 Thomas H. Cron , Chicago, Ill. E dward T. Crow, Bay Village, 0. A. D. Crowley, Union, N. J. John L. Crowley, Avalon, P a . Whelan W. Culley, Jr., Memphis, Tenn.
D Albert T. Dana, Ri chmond Hill, N. Y. Edith R. Davies, Glen Ridge, N. J. Leon J. D eger , D.D.S., D ayton, 0 . Ri ch a rd J. Deger, Dayton, 0. Urban Deger , Dayton, 0. Joseph A. De ll, Fostoria, 0. C. B. DeMa nn, Dayton , 0. Joseph R. Desch , D ayton, 0. H enry K. D exter, Dayton, 0 . Harry J. Dick , M.D-., D ayton, 0.-$ 10 Victor W . Dilgard, Da yton, 0. Rev. John F. Dillon , Cincinnati, 0. A. L. Diringer , Tiffin, 0.-$ 10 J ean Wh elan Dohen y, Berea, 0 . Wilson J, Drouhard, Loudonville, 0. John M. Duchak , M.D., Dayton, 0.$ 10 George W. Duell, Beech Grove, Ind. Edward J. Duffy, M.D., Dayton, 0. E J ea n R. Ed gington, D ayton , 0. Thomas V. Egan , Tre nton, N. J . J. J . E ilers, Jr., Dayton, 0 . Victor E m anu el, New York , N. 路Y.$ 105
St ephen J. Emeri ck , Dayton , 0. Anthony Engelhart, Dayton , 0. Norman M. Englert , Dayton , 0. J erome Epste in, Jr., Dayton , 0. F Theodore W. Falke, M.D., Dayton, 0. Geo. J. Falkenbach , Niagara F alls, N.Y. J. R. F erree, Arcadia, Calif. Audrey Fink, Dayton, 0. Harry F . Finke, Sr., Dayton, 0'. Harry F. Finke, Jr., Dayton, 0. John E. Finke, St. Louis, Mo. Paul R. Finke, Dayton, 0. William A. Fitzpatrick , Jr., Dayton, 0 . Willi am F . Flanagan, Dayton, 0 . Walter J. Fleck, Tiffin, 0. Joseph F. Fletch er, Dayton, 0. Gregory G. Florides, M.D., Day ton , 0. William H. Fock e, Dayton, 0. Edward F. Foster , Springfield, K y. Paul E . Foy, M.D., Troy, 0. RichardT. Franken steen , D etroit, Mich. E dward J. Freeh, Seaford, Del.-$ 10 Benjamin W. Freeman, Cincinnati, 0. Joseph G. Freeman, Dayton , 0. Dwight R . Friedline, Dayton, 0 . Carl Fries, Dayton, 0. R ev. Paul T. Froendhoff, 0 . P., Ri ver Forest, Ill. G James E . Ga le, Bridgeport, Conn.-$2 5 Manuel Ga rlikov, Middleto wn, 0. E rn e t J, Gerber , Chillicothe, 0 . Roman A. Ge rber, Chillicothe, 0. 0 . J. Gerhardste in, Dayton, 0 . R alph A. Gerlach , Man sfi eld, 0. Charles H. Gerwels, Gosh en, Ind. Lester S. Giambrone, Norristown, P a . Leo B. Glaser , Jr., Dayton, 0. Thomas H. Glick , Toledo, 0.
OFFICERS OF THE KNICKERBOCKER CLUB FORMED FOR U.D . STUDENTS FROM THE NEW YORK area are left to right : Henri Troin, vice-pres ., Glen Cove , N. Y., Mary Shay , Alumni Secretary, Edward Pequillan, president, Floral Park, N. Y., and William Greaser, secretary-treasurer, Jamaica, New York . This club was formed on campus during March , and will serve as a liaison between New York students and alumni.
C. H. Gosiger, Dayton , 0. Eileen M. Graham, Dayton, 0. Robert E. Gray, Dayton, 0. William J. Green, Dayton, 0.-$10 Buena Greer, Dayton, 0. Edward A. Greer, Dayton, 0. Bernard R. Griffin, Fairview Park, 0. Frederick W. Grinmt, Dayton, 0. M. V. Grisez, Canton, 0. John C. Grote, Los Angeles, Calif. Gerald C. Grout, M.D., Dayton, 0. Fred P. Grundish, No. Hollywood, Calif. William L. Guckes, Colmnbus, 0. Rev. George W. Gude, Cincinnati, 0. Philip M. Gundlach, St. Louis, Mo. Lowell George, Dayton, 0. Joseph L. Goetz, Dayton , 0. H William P. Haley, D.D.S., Dayton, 0. Jo eph F. Hammen, Fort Wayne, Ind. Thomas P. Hanlon, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Anne Pennell Hanna, Lima, 0. Re''路 John T. Hannahan, North Star, 0. Richard G. Hanousek, Oeveland, 0. Albert J, Hart, M.D., Oeveland, 0.$10 Paul H. Hartman, Forest Hills, N.Y. J, J, Hartnett, Dayton, 0. Mathias H. Heck, Dayton, 0. Paul J. Heckman, Dayton, 0. B. B. Heckel, Dayton, 0. Rev. Francis J, Heider, Amelia, 0. Joseph Heidkamp, Cincinnati, 0. Charles S. Helldoerfer, Dayton, 0. R. G. Helmig, Dayton, 0. Anthony W. Hemmert, Mt. St. Joseph, 0. W. E. Henrich, Cincinnati, 0. Edward C. and Mary Ann (Finke) Henz, Dayton, 0. John F. HerkenhofT, Minster, 0. William E. Higgins, Dayton, 0. Samuel V. K. Hipa, Honolulu , Oahu,
T. H. John T. Hoban, Detroit, Mich . John P. Hochadel, Salem, 0. Carroll A. Hochwalt, Clayton, Mo. C. E . Hochwalt, Dayton, 0. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Frederick C. Hochwalt, Was hington, D. C.-$10 George C. Hochwah , York, Pa.
Charles F. Hoey, M.D., Phoenix, Ore. John T. Hogan, Jr., West Lafayette, lnd.-$10 Robert L. Hohler, Jefl"erson I sland, La. Francis J, Hollencamp, Dayton, 0. J, G. Hollenkamp, Lakewood, 0. T. J. HoiJenkamp, Detroit, Mich. Robert W. Hommel, Dayton, 0. A. C. Horvath, Dayton, 0. C. Richard Horwedel, Rocky River, 0. J. Fred Howe, Dayton, 0. Virginia Lehman Hoyer, Dayton, 0. Henry J. Hoying, Richmond, Ind. Robert J, Duels, Dayton, 0. Eugene E. Hug, University Heights, 0. George and Jane (Watkins ) Humm, Cincinnati, 0.-$6 I Jack lngberg, Dayton, 0.
J F. J. Jankiewicz, Royal Oak, Mich. Lawrence J, Janszen , Cincinnati, 0. Carl Jauch, Dayton, 0. Clem G. Jauch, Dayton, 0.-$10 Joseph G. Jeckering, Dayton, 0. James S. Jenkins, Dayton, 0.-$10 Nena L. Jones, Dayton, 0. Thomas A. Joseph, Zanesville, 0. K Raymond M. Kalm, M.D., Dayton, 0. Robert E. Kavanaugh, Springfield, 0. Ray Kehn, Orange, Texas Erdine Kelbe, Dayton, 0. C. M. Kelley, Cincinnati, 0. William P. Kelly, Greenville, 0. Harry L. Kennedy, Dayton, 0. L. F. Kimmel, Paw Paw, Mich. Victor M. Kimmel, \Vayland, N. Y. Roland Kinder, Bellbrook, 0.-$10 EIJa B. King, Dayton, 0. Walter C. Kinzig, Dayton, 0.-$10 Hubert S. Kline, Dayton, 0. Ronald R. Klosterman, Dayton, 0. Norbert J. Knostman, Minster, 0. Frank J, Koehl, Huntington Woods, Mich.-$1 0 Joseph and Edythe Koehler, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Eldon A. Koerner, Lt. Col., Clifton H e ights, Pa. W. J. Krantz, Akron, 0. Urban Koo, Cincinnati, 0. Belle Lou Koors, Dayton, 0. Albert A. Kramer, Dayton 0.-$10 A~thur G. Kramer, Dayto~, 0. W. A. Kramer, Dayton. 0. Eugene Kreusch, Dayton, 0. Leo D. Kricker, Ports mouth, 0. Louis T. Kricker, Portsmouth, 0. Robert \~ '. Kronauge, Dayton 0. Daniel J, Kuebel, HamHton, 0. Jolm M. Kunst, Dayton, 0. Martin C. Kuntz, Sr., Dayton, 0.-$25 Peter Kuntz, Dayton, 0. Ri chard Kuntz, Dayton 0. William Kuntz, Dayton: 0. Kenneth Kurtz, 1\I.D., Dayton, 0. L John Ladner, Chicago, Ill. Philip J, I.ang, Sioux City, Iowa. Edward W. Lange, Lakeside Park, Ky. Howard and Martha (Manny) Lansdowne, Dayton, 0. Edward C. Larkin, Albany, N. Y. Wm. T. Larkin, Col., Albany, N. Y. Rosemary Lauer, St. Louis, Mo. Robert W. Lauterbach, Lebanon, 0. Mauri ce J. Leen, Jr., Dayton , 0. Joseph L. Leibold, Dayton, 0. Benjamin A. Levy, Dayton, 0. Edward J. Lienesch, Dayton, 0. T. F. Lienesch, Dayton. 0. Eugen.!; C. Litkowski, Dayton, 0. Mark I'. Litteken, St. Louis, Mo. Catherine (Ens ) Lizardi, Dayton, 0. Ralph C. Lohrey, M.D., Euclid, 0. Edward C. Longo, Cincinnati 0 Julia E. Lucas, Dayton 0. ' 路 William J, Lukaswitz, Dayton, 0. M S ister M. Elizabeth , S.P.S.F., Dayton,
Frank J, Macklin, Alexandria, Va. Edna M. Magruder, Dayton, 0 . Thomas E. Maher, Dayton, 0. Charles Mahlman, Brookline, Mass. Al H. Mahrt, Chillicothe, 0. J, E. Mahlmeister, Dayton, 0. Torrence A. Makley, Sr., Dayton, 0. Torrence A. Makley, Jr., M.D., Columbus, 0. V. C. Malloy, M.D., Akron 0.-$25 ~ildred W. Maloney, Day~on, 0. Stephen M. Maloney, Covington Ky -$10 ' . Margaret Ann Markus. Dayton, 0. Edward L. Marrinan, Dayton, 0. Frank Marshall, Sidney, 0. Louis M. Marzluft, Arcadia, Calif. M. J. Marzluft, Oakland, Calif. R. E ugene May, Lakewood, 0.-$10 Eu~ene A. May!, Dayton, 0. J, E. May!, Akron, 0. Louis J, McAnespie, Dayton, 0. J, Brian McCall, Columbus. 0. Mrs. Jeanneltc K. McCann, Morristown N. J, ' James D. McCarthy, Beardstown, Ill, Anne O'Hare and Francis J, McCormick , N. Y.., N. Y.-$20 Charles T. McCloskey, N. Y., N. Y. A. P. McDonald, M.D., Dayton, 0. Charles M. McFarland, T. ehighton, Pa. James T. McMahon. Toledo, 0. Thomas A. Medley, Owensboro K y. S25 ' Liese) Mehrfort, Dayton , 0. Paul J, Meiners, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Edward C. Me isner, Cindnnati, 0. Joseph F . Merkle. Dayton , 0. Henry W . Merland, Cincinnati, 0. (continued on page 6)
(continued from page 3)
1939 - Congratulations a r e extended to Fred George on his appointment as head ba ketball coach a t John Carroll U ., Clevela nd. Congra tula tions a re extended to Mr. and M rs. Joseph D . White (Ba rbara Becker ) on the birth of their first child, Ba rbara Jo, on April 8, in D ayton. Congratulations a re extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Gene May on the addition of J a mes Gera rd to their fami ly in J a nua ry. Other member of the " M ay crew" include Gene Sha nnon, M ary Ellen and M a rgery Ann . Mr. M ay received his CPA in July 1949. Since O ct. 1950, he ha been a uditor of the Regent Steel Co., Cleveland . GROVER SCHINBECKLER !LEFT) ' SO, IS BEING GREETED BY WILLIAM HILBERT IRIGHTl AS THE former addressed a meeting of the International Relations Club May 1 , at U.D. Grover, a veteran of three months路 Korean service, presented an interesting commentary on his Korean
experiences. At the termination of his emergency leave, he expects t o return to the 821 Oth MP Prisoner of War unit.
Dorothy A. Meyer, Ft. Loramie, 0. W. A. Mi chael, South Pasadena , Calif. Edward M. Miller, Chicago, 111.-$10 LeRoy E. Miller, Dayton, 0. Oscar C. Mille r , Park Ridge, lll.-$ 15 Charles D. Mitchell. Chicago, m. Ric hard C. Mille r, M.D., Dayton, 0. Mary C. Mitchell, Dayton, 0. William F. Montavon, \Vas hing ton ,
D. C. Senator Harold D. Moody, Dayton, 0. Jack H. Moody, Dayton, 0. George D. Moon, Jr., Cincinnati, 0. Mildred Mooney, Dayton, 0. Bernard C. Moore, Albuquerque, N. Mex. John T. Moore, Dayton, 0. M. F. Moran, Xenia, 0. Cl1arles J. Mueller, Dayton, 0. Rev. Francis M. Mue ll e r , Cincinnati, 0. E. L. Murphy, Dayton, 0. Gale Murphy, Dayton, 0.-$10 John 路E. Murphy, Capt., Chicago, Ill. Rev. C. P. Murray, Knoxville, Tenn. Howard W. Muth, Dayton, 0. Paul G. Muth, Dayton, 0. N Andrew E. Nickol, Baltimore, Md. Charle- R. Niehaus, Dayton , 0. William A. Nunn, Jr. , Col., Fort Leon路 ard Wood, Mo.
0 Teresa O 'Connor, Dayton , 0. Alice E. Ohmer, Dayton, 0. Ruth Mary Ohmer, Dayton , 0. Paul P. Ohmer, Cincinnati, 0. William C. Olsen, Fairborn, 0. Theo. H. Oppe nhe im, Coldwate r , 0. Louis A. Otto,. Jr. , Shaker Ht ., 0. p Jack and Shirley (Wurstner) Padley, Lt. Col., U.S.M.C.,Fredericksburg, Va. James G. Parke r , M.D., De laware, 0.-
$10 Marguerite M. Parrish, Pontiac, Mich. Clem Pater, Jr., Hamilton, 0. Clarence Paulus, Cleveland Hts., 0 . Charles E. Peterman, Champaign, IU. Henry A. Petschelt, Chicago, Ill.
James and Betty (Doherty) Pflum, Pitts burg h , Pa. Joseph T. Poelking, Dayton, 0. Louis G. Pohl, Cincinnati, 0. Anthony A. Pozelnik, Cleveland, 0. Paul B. Purpus, Dayton, 0.
Q Frank T. Quatman, Lima, 0.-$10 Clare nce E. Quigley, Dayton, 0. Charles B. Quinlan, D.D.S., Lima, 0. Everett W. Quintrell, Dayton , 0.
R George Rab e, Jr., Dayton, 0. C. J. Ramus, Adrian, Mich. He nry A. Rauc h , Dayton, 0. Louise T. Rauch , Dayton, 0.-$10 Robert A. Rauh , Chicago, Ill. Jolu1 Rausche r , St. Louis, Mo. Henry C. Rechti e n , Jr. , Ove rland, Mo. John P. Reeve , Chillicothe, 0. John A. R eiling, D.D.S., Dayton, 0. Walter A. Reilin g, Dayton, 0.-$ 10 Les te r E. Reisin g, Dayton, 0. A. M. R eite r , Dayton, 0. Robert C. R e nner , Dayton , 0. Lloyd A. Hen el, Dayton , 0. John A. Re tte r , Da yton. 0. Rose Marie Richards, Dayton, 0. William L. Ri c hards, Jr. , Dayton, 0. Don E. Ri s t, Ironton, 0. .Jolm H. Ritte r , Peoria, Ill. John A. Robe l.l o, Kalah eo, Kanai , Hawaii
Ralph J. Rohne r , Akron, 0. Robe rt G. Rohn e r , Akron, 0.-$ 10 Rose D. Rothberg, Dayton, 0. Arthur C. Routzong, Bellaire, T ex. ~els on J. Ruddy, Cincinnati, 0. Charles L. Ruppert, Jr. , Washington,
D. C.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Carl J. Ryan, Cincinnati, 0. Thomas P. R ya n, Albuquerque, N. Mex. (to be continued)
Lack of space necessita tes con tinuing thi list of contributors in the June Alumnus. All additional contribution received by June 9 will be published .
1940 - Congratu la ti on a re extended to Mr. and Mr . Pa ul H oefler on the birth of their second on, R ona ld Pa ul, April 12, in D ayton. Congra tula tions a re extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph Eiler, Jr. (Janet Whalen ), on the birth of their third son, M a rch 20. T hey have called him David Andrew. 1941 - Whelan Cu lley, M emphis, T enn., i a lso back in the Army. H e was recalled Ia t September with the 300 th M.P. C.I.D. At the present time he i ta tioned a t Fort Benning, Ga. H e write : "so if any of the fe llows I know are heading thi way, tell them to look me up." 1942 - Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mr . Geo. A. Madden (Jean Arga t ), Kokomo, Ind., on the birth of their da ughter, Eliza beth M arie, April 28.
1943 - Congrat ul a tions a r e extended to Mr. and Mrs. Richard H aines ( Polly M ack ) on the birth of their child- their second son- William Blockson, April 21. Capt. Robert J. Schmidt, Sandia Air Ba e, Albuquerque, New M ex., was a campus visitor.
1944 - Congratu la ti o n a re extended to Mr. a nd Mrs. John E . Esselstein (Adele Klopf ) on the birth of their third on, Pa ul Bernard on April 21. Congra tula tions a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charles R . Freer, Jr., (Mary Fischer ) Denver, Colo., on the birth of their fifth child on March 21. ( continued on page 7)
1951 Flyers
Sept. 22 . . ....... . . . . . Quantico Marines .. . . . . .. . ..... . .. . .... Dayton Sept. 30 .... . . . ....... St. Bonaventure . . . . .... .... .. .. .. . . ... Dayton *O ct. 5 .... . ...... . . ... Young town . .. .. . . .. .. . .... . . . ... Youngstown **O ct. 13 . ..... ..... . .. Toledo . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. . ... .. . .... Dayton O ct. 20 . .... ... . .... . . Chattanooga . . ...... . . . .. . . .. .. .. .... Dayton O ct. 28 . ... . .. . . ... . . . Xavier . .. .. . .. . .. . .... . . . ... . . . . .. Cincinnati Nov. 3 ... . ...... . . .. .. John Carroll .. . . .. .. . .. ........ .. . . . Cleveland Nov. 10 . ...... . . . .. . . Miami . . ... .. . 路... . . .. . . .. . .. .... . .. .. Dayton Nov. 17 . ... . 路.... ..... M ar hall .. . . ... . . . . . . .. ..... .. . . . Huntington *Night game **Homecoming game.
Test Tubes vs. Tennis Tactics The tran ition from te t tubes to tenni ta tic has been made su cce fully by the Univer ity of Dayton' net coach, Paul Ward . The chemistry profe or' tenni team smashed its way through its fir t seven opponents with little difficulty a nd even registered two hutouts. In a third match the Miami Univer ity R ed skin b a rely escap ed b ei n g blanked when they lo t 8-1 to the Flyer netter . Pacing the Dayton tennis aggregation a re Billy O'Neill and Larry Pedicord. O'Neill has dropped only one deci ion while Pedicord ha yet to lo e thi season. O'Neill, captain of the club, has been bothered by a houlder injury and was kept on the idelines when Dayton blanked Wilmington 9-0, but appear ready for full ervice now. O'Neill and Pedicord are No. 1 and No. 2 men of the Flyer quad with Bob Holycro s in the No. 3 po t. Juggling of the netter occurs often however as Coach Ward judge hi club with each new week. Nate Newkirk breezed through his fir t five matches without a los an d teamed with O'Neill to give the Flyer an ace doubles team. Pedicord h a doubled with Dutch Kronenberger and AI Ponce while Holycro ha teamed with Bud Staley and Ed Mulanovich at variou time to give Ward trong double combination . The Flyer opened by slapping down Ohio Sta te's Big T en team 6-3. Dayton followed by trimming X avier 7-2 ; then took Wright Field 5-2. The netters traveled to Richmond Ind ., to knock off Earlh a m College
6-3 ; then returned home to whitewash Wilmington 9-0. Miami fell 8-1 and Wright Field was dumped again, this time by a 7-0 core. Hopes of an undefeated eason are held by the netter , but trong opposition stands in their way. Louisville, Indiana and Toledo till must be hurdled and a trip to Detroit to meet Wayne Univer ity and the University of D etroit may dampen Flyer hopes. It appears certain, however, that the tennis tactics of a U.D. test tube expert will give the Flyer their best season in year .
Golf Coach Tommy Blackburn's University of Dayton golfer appear to be making a comeback in the collegiate links circuit. The Flyer golfers have waxed Xavier twice and hold a victory over John Carroll in three collegiate matche . However, the U.D. team bowed to Wright Field' link team in the fir t of two matche with the Air Force member . Ned Duffy and Bill Wi e have been leading Flyer golfer with low scores by Clarence Alexender and Gene Miller helping cop point. Eddie Bell and Tom Zink al o have been seeing action in Flyer ma tche and Blackburn has yet to na m his choices for the tate Inter-collegia te tourney at Columbus on M ay 21.
Baseball Coach Johnny M a r chall' steps to build U.D.'s Flyers into a baseball power were jolted everely by the weatherma n early in the sea on, but the rever a l of form in recent games has been encouragi ng to D ayton followers.
With one day of practice the Flyers lo 路t to Ohio State 15-1. After snow and cold weather froze out one game a nd all practice Dayton dropped a 7-0 decision to Miami and then lost 9-1 to Xavier. It was then that the Flyers did an about face. They licked Wilberforce State, Cedarville and Wittenb rg before running into a red-hot Mia mi team again and dropping a 7-3 deciion. Th e Redskins made the Flyer their 12th traight victim in that tilt. A wealth of young star have brightened the Flyer baseball picture which eem to indicate better things to com e in future year . M a rschall has uncovered a top pitcher in Bob Becker, ha rd throwing righth ander who is only a ophomore. Dick Witt, 6'2" and 195 pounds along with Tom Frericks, basketball forward a re two other sophomore hurler joining Lee Falke and Dick Zimmerman, both juniors to give Dayton a fa t improving mound corps. Fre hma n Don Pierce has clubbed his way into a spot a t second base with the veteran Barney Guilfoyle a t short top a nd John R eidinger, a sophomore, at third . Tall Don (Monk ) M eineke, the Flyer ace basketball center, has been playing first ba e. Frank Schubert, a junior, has been catching for Dayton with Vince Daly, Jim Matt, Bill Christian and Barney Hoge patrolling the outer pastures. With spring football at an end, Chuck Noll, a shortstop, and Tom Carroll, an outfielder, have joined the squad. Both are sophomores.
(continued from page 6)
1945 - Congratulation s a r e extended to Mr. and Mr . Rich ard DeBard (Joella Schmidt ) , D es Moine , Iowa, on the birth of their son, Mark Lyman on April 22. They plan to return to Dayton earl y in June after Dick receive his Doctor of O steopa thy diploma. Congra tula tion are extended to H elen Louis Rich ards a nd Vincent John D enise whose engagement and approaching marriage on M av 26, at Our L ady of M rcy Church, Dayton, has been announced . 1947 -
Congra tul ation s a r e extended to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thoma (H elen Lechner ) on the birth of their son , Mich ael, on April 25. Nen a L. Jane was a campus vi itor. Sh e i teaching a t th e J. A. ( continued on page 8)
lc PAID (continued from page 7)
Sexton school, and is attending T eacher College in Chicago. 1948 - Congratulation are extended to Dol_ore Ba tian and J arne A. Millard who e engagement has been announced. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. T errence P. Lynch (Jeannette Stoecklein ) on the birth of their second son, Daniel Patrick, on April 9. J ack J enefsky, Capt., was elected vice-pre ident of the R e erve Officer ' As ociation, Dayton . Congratulations are extended to Rita McGarry and Eugene Duane who will be married M ay 19, Corpu Christi Church, D ayton. They will reside in New York. Congratula tion a re extended to Armonde Loui e M alone and J ame H. Finke whose engagement ha been announced . They will be married on June 16 in Canton, 0 . AI T. Suttman ha been recalled to active duty with the 182nd A.A.A., and h a reported to Ft. Bli T ex. Mr . Suttman ( Patti Justice) and their da ughter, Pa tricia, have e tabli hed residence down T exa way.
1949 - Con gr at ul a tion s a re extended to Lee H . Lacey on hi work with the Goodwill Indu trie in D ayton. Recently an award of merit wa granted to the D ayton chapter. Congratul a tion are extended to Mr. and Mr . Theodore R . Liene ch (Joan Murray ) on the birth of their fir t child a on Theodore David, on April 21 in D ayton. Congratulation a re ex tended to Jim H anby on his appointment as coach, Stivers High chool, D ayton . Congratulation are extend ed to Mr. and Mrs. Willi am Gutbrod (Jeane Warman '48 ) on the birth of their first child a son, William Jr., on April 5, in C leveland . Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mr . Robert A. Hollencamp (Charlotte A. Kinninger ) on the birth of their son, April 11. Congratulation are extended to D orothy T. Murray and Thoma D . Knapke who e engagement h as been announced . Th ey will be married June 2, at St. Albert the Great Church, D ayton. Mr. Knapke i at pre ent teaching in New Riegel, 0 . Ed Seeboeck, who will receive hi Ma ter' degree in Busine from H arvard in June, wa a campu vi itor. 1950 -
Congratulation are extended to Mr. and Mr . Clement praley Jr., on the birth of their da ughter, Diann M arie on M ar. 30. Sym pathy is extended to Grover
Perm it No. 71 Doyton, Oh io U. S. POSTAGE
Schinbeckler on the death of hi mother in Ft. Wayne, Ind., May 4. Grover wa a recent campu visitor. H e is in the States on an emergen cy leave from Korea where he i attached to a Military Prisoner of War outfit. Phil Walker, Muroc, Calif., was a recent D ayton vsiitor. Congratulations are extended to Betty J eanne Edmondson a nd Eugene J. Huffman who were married in February at Holy Angel Church, D ayton. Mr. Huffman is a ttending St. Louis University M edical School. Congratulation are extended to M archeta Christensen and Cornelius R. Dicken whose engagement and approaching marriage h a been announced . Mr. Dicken i a t pre ent an aviation cadet a t Connally Air Force Ba e, Waco, T ex. Congratulations are extended to Nelda Seren a and Gregory Klo terman who were married in Corpus Christi Ca thedral, Corpu Chri ti, T ex. Mr. Klo terman is a socia ted with the Baroid Sale Divi ion of Houston, T exas. Second Lt. William H . Wright, Jr., has been tran ferred from Ft. Knox, K y., to the As ocia te Company Officers' course at Ft. Benning, Ga. Congratulation a re extended to M ary Ellen D aley and Rich ard W. Muth who were married on Apr. 14 in St. Michael's church, M echanic burg, 0 . Congratul a tion are extended to J eanne Stewart and Art Bok who e engagement and approaching m arriage h a been announced. They will be m arried Sept. 1 a t Holy Angel's church, D ayton . J eanne is an assistant in the personnel department of Ohio Bell Telephone Co., Columbus. Art is attending osteopathy chool in Chicago. Gerard (Jerry ) R yan, Queen Vill age, L . I., N. Y., was a campus vi itor. At the pre ent h e i a ttending a training program a t the Airtemp Division of the Chrysler Corp., D ayton . H e will be a signed a a field engineer for Airtemp in the New York region. Congratula tions a re extended to Barbara Ann Schmidt and Jame H . chmitt whose engagement a nd approaching marriage has been a nnounced . They will be ma rried June 30, St. Agne church, D ayton. H e i advertising
manager at the Allied Supply Co., Dayton. Congra tulation are extended to H elen M a rie K appeler and Jame P. Thompson whose engagem nt ha been announced . Mr. Thompson i stationed with the Navy in Yokas uka, J apan. Congratulation ar extended to Carolyn Lange and Jo eph Smith who were married on M a r. 3 a t the Salem Lutheran Church, We t Alexandria 0 . Congratulation are extended to Joan Snyder a nd J a me F . Leary whose engagem ent a nd a pproaching marriage h as been a nnounced. They will be married on Jw1e 30, in H oly Family church. Jim i tudying medicine a t St. Loui U. William H. Hufziger, Jr., i a i tant credit manager of the American Oil Co. , in Charlotte, N. Ca rolina. Roger E. R ei ch, S/ Sgt.., has been recalled to active duty with the M a rine . At the pre ent h e i a igned to Camp Pendleton, Calif., for further as ignment. Congra tul ations a re extended to Pa tricia Ann Pfeiffer and Robert J. O sterfeld who were married April 12 in the par onage of Corpu C hristi Church, D ayton. Mr. 0 terfeld i tationed with the U.S. M arine at Pa rri I sland. Congratul a tion are extended to J ane F. M eyers a nd Charle . W e terfield who were m arried on April 15 at St. Agnes Church, D ayton. Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mr . Robert H ead (D awn Dixon ) on the birth of their fir t on, Shawn Gregory, on April 19. Congratulations are a! o extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Ama nn (Shirley Mil e ) on the birth of their fir t child, a on, Robert J oseph, on April 19. Congratulations a re extended to Millie Kunk and H ank O sterfeld who were m arri ed in St. M ary Church, M ay 5. Congratullation are extended to Ann M arie Garrity and R aymond Nevel who were m arried M ar. 31 in Emmanuel Church, Dayton. Congratulations are extended to Na ncy Niswonger a nd Robert L. M eyer who were married on Mar. 31 at Corpus Chri ti Church, D ayton. Congratulation are extended to M arjorie Ann R eboulet and V ernon M . Gla er who were married April 21 , St. Agne Church, D ayton.