r Passion Play To Be Given by U .D. Group The University of D ayton Players will pre ent their second annual Passion Drama based on Father McDowell's " Betrayal." The date of the play i the week-end of March 15. The first presentation of this play last year met with uch critical acclaim that the Players feel a yearly tradition i in order. " Most citie the size of D ayton have one or more such religious productions every year," according to John McGrath, director. " Our a udience response last year indica ted tha t Dayton is more than ready to support an annual production of the Passion Pl ay," Mr. M cGrath said. The cast will con i t of orne 70 actors and chorus members. Som of the early cenes of the play will be expanded to bring in the events of Palm Sunday. Scenery and lighting effects, which caused much favorable comment last year, will remain substantially the arne. M embers of the University Player will take the leading roles as they had last year, notably Ed F eidner, G ali on, 0 ., as Nicodemus; Don Loeffler Mt. Pleasant, 0 ., as Anna ; Jim Cosimati, Middletown, 0 ., and T om Ditzel D ayton, as false witnes e in the trial scene. The play is based on the two betrayal of Our Lord- the first by Judas and the second by Pilate, the R oman Governor. For the first time the famil y a a unit will be given con ideration bv the University Player in that children will be admitted at a special rate.
FRONT COVER: M ay we present one of the current favorite of Flyer fan freshman, - J ack Sallee, 6' 2" forward from Springfield, 0 . Sallee, without much playing time, has hit almo t 44 percent of his pectacular one-hand p ush shots a nd most probably will fini sh the sea on with more than 100 point . Flyer fan have ta ken to moving to the edge of their eats wh en Sallee enters the game for they know the action i going to pick u p-and . o far the change h as been in the F lyers' favor. Left to right-during the Georgetown game are: Gerry a ppy, Georgetown, no. 20 ; J ack Sallee, D ayton, no. 42 ; D enny Murphy, Georg town no. 14 ; and Don ( Monk ) M eineke, D ayton no. 54. 2
February • 1952
Mary Shay '44 ... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... .......... Editor James F . " Pep" Wil on ........... ....... ... ...... Sports Editor " Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, a t D ayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly- October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of D ayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of D ayton, Dayton, Ohio."
Passion P lay Alumn us Eva lua tion ..... . . ......... . . ........ . .. . . . . . .... .
Chapter M eetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letter from Alumni . ........ . ... . .... ....... . .... . ... . .....
3 5 4
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6, 7
3 Development Program . ...... .. . .. .. . . .. .............. . .. . . . 3 C lass Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4, 5, 7, 8
-OFFICERSPresident . ..... . .. . .. .... .. .. ..... WILLIAM J . GREEN, '30, Dayton, Ohio Vice-President . .. .. ..... . . ..... HoN. RODNEY M . LOVE, '33, Dayton, O hio Trea surer . ........... .. . ... .... MI SS RosE RoTHBERG, '40, Dayton, Ohio Secretary ... ............ . ... .... . .. . Mary Shay, '44, (Appointive office) T erms of elected officers expire Homecoming, 1952 -DIRECTORST erms expire Homecoming, 1952-FRANK MARSHALL, '32 , Sidney, Ohio jOHN T . W ESTERHEIDE, '43, Minster, Ohio T erms expire Homecoming, 1953-MERLE P . SMI TH , '2 5, D ayton, Ohio H uGH E . WALL, jR., '34, D ayton , Ohio T erms expire Homecoming, 1954-jOHN D ucHAK , M .D ., '31 , Dayton, Ohio E LMER j . WILL, '37 , Dayton, Ohio ALUMNI MEMBERS -BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROLT erms expire Homecoming, 1952-MARTIN KUNTZ , ' 12 , Dayton, Ohio J. ELLIS MA YL, '08, Dayton, Ohio Terms expire Homecoming, 1953-SIMON B URICK , '29, D ayton, Ohio G ERALD F AUST , '30, Day11rln, Ohio T erms expire Homecoming, 1954-P AUL WAGNER, '39, Day ton, Ohio CHARLES WHALEN, jR., '42 , D ayton, Ohio
U.D. ALUMNUS GIVEN 8.75 RATING At a Di trict Meeting of repreentatives of the American Alumni Council in D ecember at Highland Park, Ill., your University of Dayton Alumnu was submitted for analysis. Mr. Otto Forkert, noted publication analyst, Chicago, Ill., was available for comment and criticism. Your editor is happy to report the following "grade" . . . out of a posible 10 points for each item-h ere is the report: 8.8 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.5 8.8 8.7
8.9 9.0 9.0
Cover Table of Content Placement of Conte nts Layouts Heads, Blurbs, and Subh eads Text Type and Column Treat•nent lllustrations, Captions, and Boxes Pre s Work E ditorial Content R eadability
MEMBERS OF THE PETER PAN PLAYERS MADE THEIR FIRST PUBLIC PRESENTATION FEB. 8 AND 9 at the Dayton Art Institute . Directed by Mrs . Richard Anduze (Annette Stutzman ' 49) the enrollment has doubled in one semester. Shown left to right are : Shirley Bernier, Beverly Stevens and Penny Joy members of the cast of the Pie d Piper.
Development Program plans to be released If you've wondered why you have not received a " dues tatement" for your 1952 membership in the Alumni As ociation, stop wondering! 0 E WERE MAILED OUT ! H ere' th tory. There's reorganization and planning going on here at the University with a n eye to future developments. In fact, a D evelopm ent Program is in the making, details of which are being prepared for publication. To h ead thi program, Father Renneker has appointed Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, former Registra r as Development Director. On e feature of the new plan is a uggestion, adopted by the Alu mni Board of Directors, to abolish "dues payments" as uch and to reque t each Alumnus to make an annual gift to the University according to each one's means. The m achinery for effecting this change is now being gone over; in due time you will have a report in your ha nds. You might start aving now to make your gift an extra good one ! Another change agreed on concern the Alumnus magazine. The next few issues wil l reach you in their u ual form- but there is plan!ling in this direction al o for ornething new. K eep your eyes on the mail and one of these months, you're in for a urprise ! FEBRUARY,
CLEVELAND ALUMNI Meet at 1927- Rev. Wm. Scan lon is pastor of St. Patrick' church, Bellefontaine, 0. George Stra sberg was elected to the Board of the Flyers' C lub, Inc. 1929-Arthur Amorosi i residing in Perth Amboy, New J er ey. 193o-Jame T. Cline, D ayton a ttorney, is a ca.n dida te for the position of prosecuting attorney, Montgomery County. Sympathy is expressed to Gerard (Fuzzy ) Faust on the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary Faust in C leveland on Dec. 31. Walter Reiling, M .D., was named presidentelect of the Good Samarita n hospital taff for 1953. During J anuary, h e addressed a meeting of the Holy Angels PTA. 1931- Fred M . K err is erving as first assistant pro ecutor for Montgomery County, 0 . Congratulations are extended to Lt. Col and Mrs. Joseph Stermer on the birth of their da ughter, M ary Sandra on D ec. 29. 1932- Congratulation a re extended to R alph Canter on his promotion to Colonel. The Canters- the Colonel, hi wife a nd fo ur children are residing in J apan, where the Colonel i stationed a t Yokata Air Force Base. Congratula tions are extended to J oe Poelking on his election to the Central Sta te Bowling Association' executive committee. Joe is proprietor of "Poelking's L anes," Dayton.
CAVOLI'S RESTAURANT W . 117th St. afte r the Baldwin-Wallace game on March l 1933- R obert Flanagan is residing in Chicago, Ill. 1934- Dr. R alph D eger was appointed a chairman of the proctology department a t Grandview Ho pita!, D ayton. Lou T schudi, L t. Col., after having been hospitalized in J apan, is back in Korea. His position there is "Chief of the Directorate of Personnel Service for the Fifth Air Force"-which includes Korea in its entirety. Among his responsibilitie are listed activities such as recreation, a thletic programs, entertainment of a professional nature from the Sta te , information and education movies, re t and recuperation leaves to J apan, etc. Ray Harris h as moved to Arlington, Va. Richard ]. Timmer is residing in Needham, Mass. 1935-Congra tulations are extended to Mark Smith, who h a been na med western division manager of the Standard R egister Co. With his headquarters in K ansas City, Mr. Smith will supervise sales operations of region al a nd sub-regional offices. R obert E. Brockman is re iding in Connersvill e, Ind. 1936 - Maj. and Mrs. V erne continued on page 4
(Ed. ote:-The foUowin g is u typi eXll mpl of many le tte r r e ei•· d from ulumn i upon their notH1Ctltion of th u r dilution of th e Civil, E lect_rical and Mechunictll CoUeges of tit Unive r s t.y of D ayton by ECPD.)
orge J. R enneker, .M . Pr sid nt, niversity of Dayton D a ton 9 0 . R v r nd and D ear Fath As an a lumnus of th r ity I wa · v ry pleased to r IV our I tt r of November 30 1951 onfirming public information that th iv.il El ctrica l and M echanica l Engin ering oi l ge of the niv r ity h av r ntly been certifi d a fully a • cr dit d by the Engin ers' Coun il for Prof ional D evelopm nt. Thi long de ired and long work d for a hi vement i a r cogn ition of ati. fa tory performanc b the niv r it in developing th e Engin ring olle s. It is a ati faction to th form r graduates and provid pr • nt tud nts with a firm found ation upon which they may build their futur activitie . Plea a c pt my congratu lations a nd best wish s a nd my hop is tha t it wi ll be po sibl in th · near futu re to hav th Departm nt of Chemical Engin ring inlud d in this accreditation. " ith very be t wishe for th ntinu d ' clfare of th mv rsity I am incerely yours
Roknt e.
Building Insp tor County of Montgom .ry D ayton, 0 .
continued from page 3
NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Dayton Alumni Association are left to right : Bre nden Reilly, ' 39, vice-president; Martha lehman Duffy, ' 43 , secretary-treasurer; and lloyd Rensel, '43, president. The results of the election were announced at the Montgomery County Chapter meeting held Friday, Feb. 1, in the Student Union on campu s.
ferth on the birth of their third son Thoma Pa ul on J an. 6. Paul H eckman was elect d vi -pr ident of the Flyer Club, In . B b chneble according to information we ha ve received i affiliat d with the Foxboro Co., J acksonvill , Fla. John M cL aughlin ha chang d hi r idence from Moor town to Merchantville New J er ey. ongrat ulaton are extended to Lt. ol. a nd Mrs. John Unverferth on th birth of their fifth child a da ught r Pa ulin on J an. 1 at K ais r Laut rn, rmany. Thi make four girl and on boy. 193 Capt. and M . Paul R ado are residing at Lawton. kla .. wher the Capt. i tation d. ongratulation ar xt nded to Marguerite M. Kreb and R b rt Wm. tark' ho engagement and approaching marriage ha b n ann unced. They will be married on F b. 23 at t. Anthony church D ayton . Miss Krebs, previously director of th D ayton D airy Counci l, wa an in:tructor of hom economic in th · Madi on Twp. School . on ratulation are extended to Mr. and Mr . m. J. Beringer on the birth of th ir daughter, H elen Marie on J an. 17. ongratulation are extend d t tfichael T. Sulli an who earned hi law degr from Bo ton Coli ge hoot of L aw. ympathy is extend d to th fami ly of Dr. Thomas S. Tonnous, prominent and well-known By svill ., physicia n, UNII'BRS IT'If OF DAYTON ALUM U
Alumni Cincinnati Meeting Feb. 21, 1952-8:00 p.m. at
THE PAVILIONAnnunciation Church
325 R esor Ave., at Clifton
AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF SOROSIS JANUARY 31, THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS WERE elected: left to right : Elaine Glossinger, '44, vice-president; Jean Wright Earhart, '45, president; Pauline Spring, ' 51 recording secretary; Alice Blaeser Robert '46, treasurer; Mary Ann Finke Henz, '45 , publ icity chairman; and Irene Decker Veigel , '40 , corresponding secretary.
Mrs. Charles Hoppa, Pittsburgh, Pa ., on the birth of their daughter, Mary Bernadette, Jan. 3. Congratulations are extended to Joe Thomas, head coach a t Chaminade, Mineola, L. I., N. Y., on hs successfull season- 7 victories and one tie. Thi i the be t record in the history of the school. 1941- Congratulations are extended to Jame F. Winter on his promotion to the position of national hardware sales manager of Sears Roebuck with offices in Chicago. With the exception of four years' military service, Mr. Winter has been with Sears since 1940, a nd was appointed h ardlines merch andi e manager in 1949. Congratula tions a re extended to H oward Lan down e, affilia ted with Sears Roebuck Co., since 1946 on his appointment as h a rdlines m erchandise manager succeeding Jim Winter. Charles M cBride has changed hi re idence from Los Angeles to Encino, Ca lif. 1942- Bernard L. K eiter returned to Dayton at Christmas after fourteen months' duty in Korea. H e wa discharged from service a nd is working in the Probation office for Montgomery County. H e filed hi application to run for office of Sheriff, Montgomery County, ( 0 .), and is being endorsed by the R epublican party. The Nathans- Si and Ida Wymanh ave named their son D avid George. Congratulations are extended to FEURUA.RY,
Capt. and Mrs. C harles Forsthoff on chapter 3. Life began for Cynthia Ann on D ec. 27 at Station Hospital, Fort Dix, New J ersey. The Captain is till at Princeton, and expects to finish hi work in June. Phyllis N. Fackler has changed her r esidence from Dayton to Glen Burnie, Md . 1943- R ev. Harry Eckels has been a ppointed pa tor of the United Brethren Church a t Point Pleasant, 0. Capt. John E. Murphy is a ttached to the 96th Bomber Squadron, 2nd Bomber Group at Hunter Air Force Base, Savannah, Ga. K a thl een Whetro, D ean of Women a t U. D ., has announced a series of sp eakers. Th e purpo e of this lecture series is to interpret for coed various .types of careers. First on the series was Kay K a uffman, executive of the na tional fi eld staff of the Girl Scouts of America. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John a than R ay Austin, Jr., ( M arilyn Kelly ), Pittsburgh, Pa. , on the birth of their second son Thomas Anthony, Jan . 15 in St. Margaret's hospital. Capt. Ellsworth Foland has embarked for overseas duty. 1944--Congratulations are extended to M a rk W. Hicks, Richard O'Brien and R obert Perkins who have received their f ull license for the practice of engineering in the Sta te of Ohio. Bob Perkins h as embarked for service in K orea. Belated
congra tulations are extended to Dorothy Wilson and R ay Biedenbender who were married last June in St. Mark' church, Peoria, Ill. Ray is affiliated with the M eyer Furnace Co. John Beres is r esiding in Miami, Fla. 1945- Frances Thornton Hoyer h as ch anged h er r esidence from Jonesboro to Marion, Ind . R. C . Standish, D.D.S., is stationed at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif. Congratulations a re extended to Mr. and Mrs. Allison White (Sue Dudlext ) on the birth of their daughter, R ebecca, last June in Downey, Calif. Lt. Raymond P . Murphy, M.D. is attached to the U . S. Army Hospita l, Ft. Hood, T ex. 1946- Congratulations are extender to Harriet Theodose and Peter L. Patras whose marriage took place J an. 20 in the Greek Orthodox Church, D ayton. Mary Cotterman, who has a good role in " M ember of the Wedding" with Ethel Waters, is scheduled to a ppear in Cincinnati and Columbu , 0., during March. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wourm (Ann Fitzgerald ) on the birth of their da ughter, M ary Ann, on J an. 8. 1947 - Congratulations are extended to Joseph F . Accrocco who h as been named physical therapist at the Goodwill Industries R eh abilitation Center, D ayton . Mrs. Lois R . Sebree has changed h er residence from Gainesville to Ft. W a lton , Fla. Don E . Hoelle ha been transferred by the ationa l Cash R egister Co., from Carbondale, Ill., to Muncie, Ind . I sabel B. Stephenson is residing in Tipp City, 0. Nick Engler has moved to Cincinnati, 0. D on B. Butler is assistant to the vice-president of a les for the McMillen Feed Mills, Ft. W ayne, Ind. Congratulations are extended to Don and Rita Butler on the arrival of Margaret Ann on Nov. 19. 1948- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Duane (Rita McGarry) are residing in Jamaica, N ew York. Nan G. Blackford is back in Columbus, 0. Congratulations are extended to Everett E . Archdeacon, M .D ., St. Elizabeth Hospital, who ranked third in the State of Ohio continued on page 7
O wl without a vowel, undoubtedly a marked man, h as been experiencing a rough. season a nd is off the pace tha t enabled him to score a torrid 73 1 points last season. Thus D ayton's " M agnificent Monk" who has turned more and more into a feeder is going to have to operate at a fast clip from here on if h e is to punch out any scoring records on a national scale.
Down the Home stretch ...
Grigsby adding one to the score of the Georgetown game.
Meineke's record ... Out of a cluster of sha rp-shooting basketeers the University of Dayton 's Don ( M onk ) M eineke, 6' 7" senior center, h as stepped to h ead the parade of cagers seeking to set a new major-college scoring record for three easons. The current high of 1786 wa et by Jim Lacy of Ba ltimore Loyola. L acy a lso holds the four-year coring record of 2199 points. M eineke, clipping along with 506 points in 24 games of which Dayton h a won 21 gets three more ch ances to add to his total outpu t before the regul ar eason ends. The lanky Flyer pivot, one of the few major college player in the country to top the 1500 point marker, ha a total of 1676 points in his career at this writing. H e was 110 points hy of Lacy's three-year mark with 3 games remaining. With a current average of 21.1 points per game it appears that the 6
homegrown D aytonian can eclipse the mark provided he doesn't have too much of a letdown. Should D ayton be invited to a post-season tournament, M eineke would be afforded an additional opportunity to hike his total. H owever, the Dayton recordbreaker, who recently set a new school record when he sank 20 consecutive free throws, is getting plenty of competition in the challenge for Lacy's crown. At present the Flyer pivot has played more games this season than most of hi close competitors who will get a chance to catch up in game played during the second semester. St. J ohn 's Bob Zawoluk has topped the 1500 point mark . Sharp shooting Mark Workman of West Virginia is coming with. a rush a nd D angerous Dick Groat of Duke was trailing M eineke by just nine points, according to recent NCAB statistics. Big C lyde Lovellette of K ansas is making his move with a 26 plus point output while Bill Mlkvy, T emple's
Coach Tommy Blackburn's basketb all Flyers are having four tough hurdles as they move down the home stretch of the current basketball season. D ayton took Baldwin-Wallace a t h ome on F eb. 16, and mu t tangle with the Yellow Jackets again in Berea, 0 ., on M ar . 1 in the finale of the regular sch edule. Cleveland area alumni h ave planned a post-game dinner a t Cavoli's Restaurant, W . 117th St., after the Flyer-Jacket clash. With lanky Dick R etherford, B-W center, setting a torrid scoring pace, the Flyers are certain to h ave their h ands full in both games. Retherfo rd is one of the na tion's leading corers and has been bidding for Don M eineke's crown as the sta te's most prolific point maker. The Flyers also have return clash es with two arch rivals- Xavier University and the R edskins of Mia mi University. Because of the h eavy demand for tickets the Flyer-Musketeer tilt on Feb. 24 has been set for Cincinnati Gardens instead of the Xavier Fieldhouse. Approximately 16,000 fans can see the clash in the Garden-almost three times as many as could see the game if played at X avier. Dayton defeated Xavier in a nipa nd-tuck affair 67-60 earlier this season. The highly regarded R edskins from Miami invade D ayton on Feb. 20 in the Flyers final home gam e. Ea rly in the season Miami took a 6160 decision from the Flyers. The vastly improved Miami cage crew has become one of the strong teams of the mid-we t. The long sta nding rivalry between the two schools lends an added note of color to the always scra ppy contest. It' along about tha t time tha t Flyer fans can also sta rt thinking " tournament." Reportedly two tournaments, the NIT and the NCAA, a re very interested in D ayton . The UNII'ERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNUS
F lyers have proved to be New York's top drawing cards and are rapidly gaining fans in Chicago where the NCAA regionals will be p layed . ... But for the momen t the Flyers must win- and wait- for bids.
throws in trying to preserve the shutout while Toledo waived six in an a ttempt to hit for two point .
Basketball Schedule Holding them ... When a sharp-shooting Cardinal from the University of Louisville slipped th rough the first point against the University of Dayton in their clash at Louisville, it broke one of the most amazing "defensive streaks" in this era of high scoring basketball. The F lyers had not been scored on in th eir last 11 minutes and 25 second of play, wh en the Louisville game began. Tommy Blackburn's club completely blanked Toledo University du ring the fourth quarter of a game won by the Flyers 61 to 44. Toledo, using a zone defense and playing posse sion ball against the F lyers who wanted to ru n, h ad their carefully laid p lans blasted asunder by a 224-pound chunk of guard whose shots appear to be guided by radar. H e is Leland (Junior ) Norris, rotund captain of the F lyers. Dayton had moved into the second half trailing by seven points. Three times the Flyers made trips down the floor and three times Norris set and shot from way out. Three times his shots ripped through the cords without touching the basket ring. On the fourth trip down orris drove in for a lay-up and the fifth time h e hit again from far out. F ive shots, five baskets. Phil Martin, spectacular Toledo guard, had kept the Rockets in contention with a display of jump shots. It wa M a rtin who pitched in two points to give Toledo a 44-42 lead with one minute and 55 seconds remaining in the third period. It was the R ockets' last score of the night. D ayton's Don (Monk ) M eineke tied the score with a lay-up and Norris, with five seconds remaining hit his sixth basket in even attempts to give Dayton a 46-44 lead . Toledo had to leave the zone defense hartly after the fourth period started and Dayton racked up 15 points while holding the Rocket scoreles . ~hutting out the Rockets for a full quarter was truly an amazing feat. Especially since Dayton surrendered the ball more than a dozen time in that fourth period a the Flyers hit for five field goals a nd five free throw . D ayton waived nine free FEBRUARY,
HOME Berea 40 U.D. 77 Evansville 49 U.D. 98 Univ. Louis 79 U.D. 76 Mo. Central State 57 U.D. 61 U.D. 59 Loyola U. of the So. 48 Hamline 56 U.D. 76 73 U.D. 97 Mississippi So. 55 U.D. 69 Murr ay State 71 U.D. 101 Ohio Univer sity 62 U.D. 89 John Carroll 73 U.D. 90 Eastern Ky. St. 74 U.D. 80 Geo rgetown 60 U.D. 67 Xavier 44 U.D. 61 Toledo U.D. 97 Baldwin-Wallace 6 4 Feb. 20 Miami University
AWAY Loyola U. of the So. 64 U.D. 67 57 U.D. 59 Mississippi So. Miami Univer sity 61 U.D. 60 St. John's-N.Y.C. 62 U.D. 60 71 U.D. 91 Loyola Chicago U.D. 72 Louisville 71 U.D. 55 Toledo 53 U.D. 70 Bowling Green 68 U.D. 60 Eastern Ky. State 59 Feb. 24 Xavier University Mar. 1 Baldwin-Wallace
continu ed from p age 5
m pa ing the examination for his Ohio medical license. Maj . Jack J enefsky was active on the R eserve Officers' planning for Nationa l D efense Week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Grady (Pa t Somers) are residing in Alexandria, V a . Rodger L. Bli s has entered the real esta te, insurance and bui lding business in St. Petersburg, Fl a. 1949-Congra tula tions are extend ed to Julia M. Allison and Dr. Robert A. Wall who were married on Nov. 24 in Columbus, 0 . Mrs. Wall was associated with University Hospital. Congratulations a re extended to Dorothy Benchi and LeR oy M iller who were married on Sept. 29 in Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Dayton . Congratulations are extended to Mary Catherine Hunt and Ca lvin C. Elliott who were married on O ct. 6 in the Summit Christian Church, Dayton. Congratu la tions are extended to K athleen Poeppelman and
Richard C . Arndts who were married in Oct. a t St. James' ch urch, Dayton. J im and M arion (Shoch ) Scheuerman have move from Dayton to Celina, 0. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V . Egan have moved from E lmhurst, New York to Trenton, New J ersey. Mary Van Dyke Brown is working on her master's degree at Smith School of Social Work . At the pre ent time, she is tationed at R ockland State Hospital, Orangeburg, New York. Clarke Ash has accepted a position in the public relations department of the Ohio Fuel Gas Co., Columbus, 0. Don Wehner wa reelected record ing secretary of the St. J oseph's Orphans Society. Donovan Longenecker received h is master's degree from the University of Michigan last summer. After finishing his work at Michigan, he reported for d uty at the port of W ilmington, DeJa., in the consultants section of the Engineering Service Division. 1950- L t. Ben Ambrose, who had seen du ty in K orea since the summer of 1950, ha been returned to the States, and was a campu visitor. H e will be stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. Congratulations are extended to Nancy Joyce Fosco and Robert H . Maier who were married Oct. 20 in St. Mary's chu rch, Sandusky, 0. Bob is teaching at Cathedral Latin, Cleveland. Congratu lations are extended to M argery Mueller and James Wm . R omer who were married in Sept.Holy Trinity C hurch, Coldwater, 0. Congratulation. are extended to H elene Kappeler and James P. Thompson who were married on Nov. 10 in Holy Family Church, Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomposn are residing in Newport L. I., where Jim is attending Officer Candidate School. Congratu lations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. M ax Lewis who were married Nov. 22, Dayton. Mrs. Lewis is the form er Anna Chesman who has served as prim a ballerina for the Jorg Fasting Ba llet. Mr. Lewis is a ociated with the Inland Mfg. Div., GMC . Congratulation are extended to Imelda F . Kohnen and Charles W . Brown who were married on Feb. 9. Congratula tions are extend ed to 11arcia Weis and Dan Romer whose engagement has been announced. D an is attending medical school a t St. Louis. Congra tulations are extended to Janis Cool and Francis H. McKenna who were married on J an. 26 in Our Lady of M ercy Church, Dayton. Fir t Lt. Robert Tormey was a warded the Silver Star for gall antry in action a t "H eartbreak Ridge"7
OassNotescontinued from page 7
Korea. Bob is serving as commander of Co. K of the Second Division's 23rd Reg't. on D ec. 5, while on a rest and recuperation leave in Tokyo, Bob phoned Merle Smith, '25, vice-president and general manager of the Joyce-Cridland Co., Dayton. While in Dayton, Bob was employed a t Joyce-Cridland as assistant sales manager. Congratulations are extended to Dolores M arcene Caverlee and H arold Dean Matheny who were married on Ja n. 19 in the Pa rkview Church of the Nazerene, Dayton. Paul J. H ester is working for the Egry Register Co., Dayton. Congratulations are extended to Dorothy A. Owens and William M . Boa rdman who were married in July, St. Louis church, Cincinnati, 0 . Congratulations are extended to Yvonne C. Leis and Nelson Hauck, Jr., who were married last summer. Mr. H a uck i in the electrical engineering departm ent of the Inland Mfg. Div., GMC. "Frank ( Mike) Toohey has been appointed athletic director for the Dayton Boys' Club. Chuck K enny is affiliated with the Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., Toledo 0. Benjamin J. Campbell h as ch~nged his re id ence from Mt. V ernon to New York City. Theo. J. Leakas is re iding in Miami Springs, a nd Roger C. H arland is residing in West Palm Beach, Fla. Walter Woolery is attending graduate school a t Ohio Sta te. Willi am D . Thornton is re iding in Alger, 0 . Larry Dugan is working f?r th e Montgomery County Probation office, Dayton. Paul D . O 'Brien is residing in Los Ala mos, Calif. Tony DeKom, Jr. , Cpl., is sta tioned at Ca mp Gordon, Ga., and is as igned to H q. D et. PMGS 8801-a TSU. Lt. Earl M atre a nd Gil Stovichek are among tho e stationed a t Ft. Benning, Ga. Tom Ranson is residing in Alexandria, Va. Dolore L. Meek ha moved to Franklin, 0. Congratulations are extended to H elen Frances D ela ney and Edwa rd M . Boland on their. engagement and approaching marnage on Feb. 23 in Holy Angels C hurch, D ayton . Ed is president of the Bola nd Distributing Co., Troy, ew York. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thoma C. Hochwalt, D ayton, on the birth of their second daughter, Patricia Ann on J an . 8. At his home in D ayton, Fir t Lt. Louis Caras was host to two Colonel from Athens, Greece, who a re stationed a t Ft. Knox, K y. They a re in the States taking advanced study in tactics and technique of armored equipment. 8
Vera L. Seiler '50 659 Carlisle Ave. Dayton , Ohio
Permit No. 7 1 Doyto n, Oh io U. S. POSTAG E
1951- Charley M cDa niels, former pitcher for the Fl yers', underwent an emergency appendectomy in Korea in January. Congra tula tions are extended to Gloria Cacchione and Capt. Wm. G. Alexander, Cleveland, whose engagement and approaching marriage h as been announced. Charles H ermetz is teaching art in a new school at Ft. Campbell, near Clarksville, Ky. Congratulations are extended to M ary Ann H ess and William Iannuzi who were married on Feb. 2 in St. Anthony's church, Dayton. Congratulation a re extended to M ary Bunnell and James Funkhouser who were ma rried on Aug. 25, Dayton. Congratula tions are extended to Alice Marie Burns and R . M. Lewis who were married in O ct., at St. R aph ael' church, Bay Village, 0. Congratulation a re extended to Pat R aterman and Alvin Neff who were married on Thanksgiving D ay, ov. 23 in St. Patrick' church, St. Pa trick's, 0. Congratulation are extended to Amelia C. iedecken and Lt. Wm. H erlihy who were married on D ec. 27 at St. J ohn' Church, D elpho , 0. Lt. H erlihy is stationed a t Ft. Benning, Ga., a nd is on the faculty of the Officers' Candid a te School. Mrs. H erlihy was employed by radio station WIMA, Lima, 0 . Congratulation a re extended to Ann Jeannette M cLefresh and J ohn F . D effn er who were married on J a n. 19 in the Riverd ale M ethodist Church, D ayton. Mr. D effner is working with the D ave Chapman Studio in C hicago in the capaci ty of industri al engineer. M a rcellus H. Lachey, Lt., Ohio National Guard, fo llowing duty at Ft. Riley, K ansas, is a ttending a 15 week course in a nti-aircraft operations at Ft. Bliss, T ex. Prior to service he was employed at TWA, V a ndalia, 0 . Congratulations a re extended to Pat Cashman and Bill Locke wh o were married on D ec. 26 in St. Agnes C hurch, D ayton. Lt. Walter L. M cMahon, a frequent campus visitor, is sta tioned at Fort Knox, K y. K en D eVor, D ayton, was scheduled to appear on T ed M ack's Amateur Hour. Flaura Smith is teaching a t Newton
School. Earl J. Kronenberger is attending graduate school at Bowling Green. K enneth Brill is coaching a t Jeffer on School, Bowersville. Pvt. Richard Blaes is stationed a t Fort Monmouth, New J ersey. Frank P. Krein, Jr., has moved from Dayton to San Mateo, Calif. Lt. Robert B. Beck is stationed withE Co., 2nd Inf. Reg't., Indiantown Gap, Pa. The last information we had on Sgt. J ames F . Meeks is service with the 522nd Military Police Co. , at Camp Pickett, Va. Joanne Combs is a dra matic specialist for the City of Dayton R ecreation D ep' t. Congratulations are extended to Mr. a nd Mrs . Charles Wes terfield on the birth of their first child, a son, Rich a rd Charles on Jan. 19. A letter from Pvt. J a mes Wade directed to Bro. Andy Weber sta ted tha t Jim is attached to the 97 10th TSUCML D et. 3, Army Chemical Center, Edgewood, Md . H e is working for the Weapons and Munitions Branch of the Product Division. Pa ul Unverferth i a ttending dental school at St. Louis. Pvt. J ames E. K ennedy, O wensboro, K y., has compl eted processing at Ft. Geo. G . M eade, and is as igned to the 5th Inf. Div., Indi an town Gap, Pa ., for basic training. Bobby Arnzen brought his Delphos St. J ohn cagers to D ayton to play Dunbar. Even though St. John's Jo t, they made an excellent showing. Paul R. Leonard is enjoying the Sun hine State at Bradentown Beach . .Vincent D aly, Hollis, L. I., N. Y., wa a campus visitor. Joseph E. Williams is residing in D etroit, Mich. John N . Hupman h as enrolled in class at the American Institute for Foreign Trade, Thunderbird Field, Phoenix, Ariz. Specializing in South America, Hupman is ta king the chool 's intensive training in preparation for a career in American business or government abroad. Congratul ation are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gras on the birth of their son, Donald Frederic on Dec. 19, Dayton. Bob K epla r is in the career development program at WPAFB. H e recently attended a series of courses at the U niversity of D enver. VNIJ'ERSITY OF DAYTON ALU/Ifi'IUS