The University of Dayton Alumnus, December 1956

Page 1





Eatablllhed 192t Vol. XXII

THE ALUMNUS 11 more than happy to announce your IIICiftlage caNI the blrlhl of your new aclclltf0111. However, we'd like to IIICiko ca request: H you wllh to have that IIMN'rlago or that birth lilted In theN pa..., pl0010 Mnc:l such annouiiCMiellll to tho .....,, Including call IICIIMI, ........ caNI clclll yean cappllcablo. For lftltonco: John H. Smith, '55, IIM!Irrlod Jocan AM Jonee, '56, St. Sobclllfan Church, Norfolk Va., Nov. 26. Or: Third child, IOCHCI 1011, William Michael, to Mr. caNI Mrl. John H. Smith, '55 (Jocln Jono1, '56), 4071 Crottvlow Av., Norfolk, Yea., Sept. 20. We'd like to follow ca llmllcar procedure In our ''In Momorlcam" column. We particulcarly urge our calumnl to Inform us of dHthl In their fcamlll01 caNI of follow calumnl. MCifty thanks for your cooponatfonl

Deeembet lf$6

Dick hctch. '52 ....................... ..... Jelnes F•••, ........ Wilton .......... lp4Nts lciJtot

December 1, 1956

My Dear Alumni and Alumnae: It seems as though it were yesterday that we met so many of you at the Homecoming celebration. It was a wonderful day and an inspiring get-together. We did lose the football game but that did not seem to matter. In fact, the thing that struck me most ih conversing with you about the past was not the trivial things that come and go with campus life but the things that carry over into your lives after graduation. These latter experiences have helped to formulate your philosophy of life. It is, indeed, imperative that we have a proper philosophy of life to carry us through the troublesome times in which we live. In the past few weeks we have seen the whole world disturbed by the unprincipled policies of nations who refuse to live in brotherhood under God and who deny to their fellowmen their Godgiven rights. Our own country is blessed in its orientation toward God, with an acknowledgment of our trust in Him and our gratitude to Him for His many blessings bestowed upon this nation. We are particularly conscious of these advantages when we contemplate our dedication to God and our fellowmen as expressed in our university's motto. Your happiness will always be yours if this formula of service to God and country inspires your life. We inject these thoughts in this letter because by the time you receive it, we will be close to the Christmas Season with its promise of " peace to men of good will.'' This peace can be based only on love of God for Himself and of our fellowman for the sake of God. That every blessing may come to you during this blessed Christmas Season and for every day of the New Year is the wish of

Your President,

V. Rev. Andrew L. Seebold, S.M., Ph.D.

million-dollar •tory •••

Research at the University of Dayton has grown into a million dollar business. Individual projects, first begun at UD on an organized basis some seven years ago, have grown to such magnitude that a central office-the University of Dayton Research Centerhas been set up to handle the rapidly expanding service. Announcement of the formation of the Research Center came September 1 from the Very Rev. Andrew L. Seebold, SM, UD president. As Fr. Seebold pointed out, the center becomes a part of the recently organized Community Service Center, together with the Division of Specialized Educational Services, discussed in the September issue of THE ALUMNUS. The Research Center will centralize the negotiation and administration of research services performed by the university for government and industry. At present, the majority of work being done on the campus in the various research projects is under government sponsorship. Research activities on the campus-over and above the individual projects which have been undertaken by a number of the faculty-are centered in several "projects." These include " Project Globe" and "Project Delta," the two largest research ventures; an electrical engineering department project and. a psychology department project. Delta's primary effort is centered in classified experimental programs. Project Globe is engaged in computation and data reduction. The electrical engineering department is experimenting and evaluating tubes, transistors and other semiconductors. The psychology department is conducting research in human engineering problems.

The Research Picture at


THE PRESENT research program actually began in 1949 when data processing and computational services were initiated by Fr. Charles Collins and several members of the mathematics department. This was the beginning of Project Globe. In 1952, Dr. Kenneth C. Schraut, chairman of the mathematics department, organized Project Delta. Both have grown rapidly. At the present time, the university is performing work under some twenty research and development contracts. These are being sponsored by the Department of the Air Force, the Department of the Navy and several industrial organizations. The greatest portion of the research activities is sponsored by the Wright Air Development Center. UD's proximity to this center of the Air Force's research program has contributed largely to the success of the university's research activity.

by John C. Bramlage Jack Bramlage, a UD grad of the of '52, is an administrative assistant in the newly organized Research Center on the campus.


Research activities at the university are highly diversified and extend into practically all fields of physical science. More work in the fields of the social and biological sciences are in the plans of the research center. Because of the great diversification in the research programs, personnel now employed on various projects include aeronautical, chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineers; physicists, chemists, statisticians and psychologists; electronic, mechanical and instrumentation technicians; artists, draftsmen, and photographers. Wherever possible and feasible, personnel requirements for the different projects are filled by utilizing qualified members of the faculty and student body on a part-time basis. Some twenty-five faculty members and 300 students are working on various projects in addition to the forty-five full-time personnel.

Many students have been helped financially through parttime work on the projects and many have gained valuable experience from solving actual engineering problems involved in the research. As a result many students with experience on UD's research projects have received credit for the experience and obtained better offers from employers upon graduation. Project work also has been to the advantage of the faculty since it has helped enable them to gain practical experience and keeps them abreast of the latest developments in a number of fields. It also provides supplementary remuneration for faculty members enabling them to receive a total yearly salary that is more competitive with salary scales of other organizations, thus encouraging more educators to remain in the teaching profession.

the growth of research, at a glance . ..

1 , 100~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~

1 , 000~----------------------------------------------------------------------

900 1------1




Thousands of Dollars Fiscal Years 1949-1956















DOLLARWISE, research at UD has grown at an unbelievable rate. As the graph shows at a glance, growth has been steady and now has a value 273 times the original value when first begun in 1949. Here are the figures: 1949 ............................................................ $ 3,821 1950 ............................................................ 26,042 1951 ............................................................ 34,361 1952 ............................................................ 272,721 1953 ............................................................ 862,589 1954 ···························································· 809,571 1955 ............................................................ 962,624 1956 ............................................................ 1,045,276 EIGHT-YEAR TOTAL ..........................$4,017,006 Heading the center is John R. Westerheide, '47, who, prior to this appointment, was director of Project Delta. Mr. Westerheide joined the staff of the University in January, 1952, and was one of the original members of the Project Delta group established at that time by Dr. Schraut. Before returning to UD, Mr. Westerheide was associated with the General Electric Company in the positions of test, design and commercial engineer. Another alumnus, John C. Bramlage, '52, is assistant to the director. Mr. Bramlage was formerly a counselor with the UD Guidance Center. His duties as assistant to Mr. Westerheide include the responsibility for conducting routine contract negotiations with the sponsors of various research contracts and maintaining necessary controls and records on security, personnel and project accounting. Still another alumnus, also of the class of 1952, is a member of the center's administrative staff. He is Gerald E. Busch, property administrator. Mr. Busch conducts all purchasing for the projects, maintains the necessary controls on government and industrial property and administers the Facilities Contract which has been negotiated between the U.S. Air Force and the university. Property purchased by the university or on

During October and November, the Research Center was awarded govemmental and industrial contrads totalll,.. $294,815.00.

Gerald E. Busch, '52 Property Administrator Research Center

John R. Westerheide, '47 Director UD Research Center

"It is our expedatlon that the Research Center will be another University center of service to education and research, to facuhy and students, to business, Industry and govemment." -Fr. Seebold

loan to the university for research work has increased steadily until it now exceeds $350,000 in value. Included in this equipment is an electronic computer, automatic data processing equipment, three-specially designed laboratory vans which are utilized on field operations, and specialized instrumentation equipment. Mr. Busch has been on the university's staff since graduation. He held an administrative position on Project Delta prior to his present appointment. Administrative offices for the Research Center are located on the first floor of St. Mary's Hall where the large conference room was formerly located. With space at a premium on the campus, the conference room during the past summer was subdivided into a smaller conference room and three offices for the Research Center. Research projects themselves are scattered throughout the campus, utilizing any space available. Project groups are located on the second floor of the Albert Emanuel Library, in the basement of St. Joseph's and Chaminade Halls, in Liberty Hall, the basement of the Old Gym and in the mechanical engineering laboratory. In succeeding issues of THE ALUMNUS, we hope to present reports on some of the individual projects which make up the million dollar research story on the UD campus. FOR OUR COUNTRY to maintain a high standard of living, a healthy economy and its position as a world power, it is necessary that the educational institutions of this country take an aggressive approach in the advancement and dissemination of knowledge through education and research. By establishing a central organization to administer and coordinate organized research, the University of Dayton hopes to meet more effectively its obligations to the community and to the nation.


UD SPORTS PEP'S PEEPS Sam Andre's Street & Smith Publication, always a leader in the football preview field, stepped into the basketball picture this year with a top-flight publication covering the nation's colleges. S & S ranked the Flyers third in preseason forecasts while Dell publications spotted Dayton lOth . Tom Blackburn would settle for either rating right now. The magazines are on your newsstands.

• • •

"Little" Dayton is still supplying fine talent to the pro football ranks. Jimmy Katcavage, co-captain of the 1955 team, is having a fine rookie season with the defensive unit of the New York Giants. Chuck Noll, also an ex-co-captain, is doing a fine job with the Cleveland Browns although the Brownies slumped this year. Katcavage's co-captain Jack Muldowney is in the Army at Ft. Knox, Ky. Big Mo is playing with the Knox grid team and expects to play pro ball after his discharge. Also at Knox are Lts. Johnny Bettinger and Bob Jacoby. Both are just beginning their Army service.

• • •

Jimmy (Power Tower) Paxson, No. 1 draft choice of the Minnepolis Lakers, is making a name in the pro basketball ranks. Paxson has been highly acclaimed by the Laker's front office and his performance on the court is making an impression on the entire league. Don (Monk) Meineke is trying to "retire" from basketball and if his will power is strong enough, Monk won't return to the court. He's working in Dayton with Butler Heating.

• • •

Say, it isn't too late to get a 1956-57 basketball press book with lots of information about the Flyers. Just send 60 cents, which covers postage, to the U.D. Public Relations office, or drop around to the office and pick up a copy for 50 cents.

• • •

Herbie Dintaman's frosh basketball team will undergo considerable observation this winter as the Flyers will be greatly in need of varsity help next season. Only six varsity players will remain after this season.

• • •

Have you voted yet? We mean for Campus Queen. Miss Ruth Berner, UD drum


Kerr's "Reckless Rascals" May Be Step Forward In Football Rebuilding Plan Brooklyn's familiar cry, "Wait until next year," is slipping into the University of Dayton football picture. Actually Bud Kerr's rebuilding program probably won't be hitting on all cylinders until 1958, but the promise of wide-open, daring football appears to be nearer at hand. In fact, the 1957 club could become Kerr's "reckless rascals" if Dayton can hang onto a fair number of the flashy frosh that thrilled crowds this fall. The Flyers have a fine start up front in the rebuilding program and if they can come up with the backfield speed promised by the frosh, quarterback Don (Butch) Zimmerman will be able to give the Kerr offense a real whirl. Dayton was stacked with sophomores up front this season. Emil Karas, the rangy left tackle; Bill Korutz, 219-pound center, and 238-pound John Stolte at right tackle were first stringers at the beginning and Jerry Raiff, glue-fingered, converted fullback, took over right end in the stretch. Left guard AI Shanen and right tackle AI W eckle were the only seniors to command starting spots once junior Gary Krause took over right guard. The Flyers' top pass receiver, Fred Dugan, a junior, returns to left end next season so only Shanen's spot is wide open on the first team. The Flyers still have big Ron Finotti returning to guard. Finotti was a starter at the beginning of the season but an ankle injury that remained chronic limited his action. Kerr will also have experienced varsity players available for backstopping the line and if the frosh produce even a handmajorette, is one of our co-eds across the nation in line for the honor. SPORT Magazine conducts the contest each year. Drop a card to SPORT at 205 East 42 Street, New York 17, N.Y., and tell them you wish to cast your vote for Dayton's Ruth Berner for Campus Queen.

• •

Pioneering in the football field apparently isn't a dead issue. Bobby Recker, former Flyer star halfback, opened football competition for DeSales High in Toledo as the school's first head football coach. Now a teammate of Recker's, Joe Malloy, a guard on the Flyers' 1951 Salad Bowl team, is slated to do the same thing at Covington (Ky.) Catholic. Malloy, recently discharged from service, will conduct a spring training program in an effort to mold the school's first football team for next fall.

Don lllutchl Zimmerman

ful of lineman, Dayton may improve its woefully weak depth situation. Key returning backs will be Claude Chaney, Dave Huber and Gerry Faust. Fullback Frank Pinn may get to finish his senior year and Dayton could use his power. However, the Army may call Pinn. Chaney and Huber give Dayton a starting nucleus at the halfback posts and Faust can give Zimmerman a hand at quarterback. If the two frosh quarterbacks, Mel Smolik and Pat Connor, come through, Faust may move back to end. The jump from freshman to varsity is a tremendous one, but the Flyer frosh had speed galore in halfbacks Ernie White, Bill Gallagher, Bob Narke, and George Burdell, as well as in fullbacks Joe Dillon and Jack Parnell. Speed can't overcome inexperience, but Kerr and his staff will have something to start with in building the 1957 team. The key once again will be Zimmerman. A sound Zimmerman is one of the best in the nation and a sound Zimmerman can take Dayton a long way down the road to football fame.

U.D. Office Compiles Ohio Grid Records As a service to Ohio's sports writers and announcers the University of Dayton Public Relations Office has compiled a book of outstanding records of Ohio's college football teams. The book, produced after five years of research, contains outstanding performances of individual players in a single game, single season and career and top team performances in single games and over a season. Ohio is the only state in the union to have such a record book. The bulk of the tallying work was done by Miss Dee McAnespie of the PR Office. The book, in pamphlet form, was printed through the efforts of John Chaney, former Flyer end, and Tom Zimmerman of C. W. Zimmerman construction firm.

Flyers To Defend Kentucky Title Defense of ita University of Kentucky Invitational Tournament title highliahta the Flyers' 1966-67 buketball ~ehedule. Dayton defeated previously unbeaten Utah, then outahot Kentucky in the finals to win the prestige-packed clauic last aeuon. This year the rebuilt Flyers face Dlinoia in the opening round, Dee. 21, with Kentucky meetinc Southern Methocliat. The follo'Winc week the Flyers p in quest of the initial Bluecrau Tournament championahip in Louisville. Dayton faces Duquesne with Louisville meeting St. Louis in the first round of that brand-new tournament. Once again the Flyers wlll play 16 games at home and 11 on the road. Dayton, the only major college in the country to win 26 pmea in each of the put three aeaaona, will again operate in top-flight competition. Uainc Dick Dunkel's power-indo system, which is baaed on caliber of oppoai· tion and is free of sectional bias and "popularity", a survey shows Dayton played more pmea (13) against teams in the top 26 in the nation than any other club. Here's the complete schedule:

,---------------------------~ CLI P THIS

1956-57 FLYER BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

1 ________________Gustavus Adolphus 5 ______ ___ ___u. of Miami, Florida 8 ________________ DePaul at Chicago 12 ______Miami U. at Oxford, 0. 15 ------------------------------Cincinnati 18 _____ _____ ______ Los Angeles State 21 ______ __u. of Ky. Invitational Dayton vs. Illinois Kentucky vs. Southern Methodist Dec. 22 _____ _u, of Kentucky Finals Dec. 28 ______ __ Bluegrass Tournament at Louisville Dayton vs. Duquesne Louisville vs. St. Louis Dec. 29 ________ __________ Bluegrass Finals Jan. 3 ----------------------------------Duquesne Jan. 8 ------------------------------------Canisius Jan. 10 _____________ __ _st. Francis (N.Y.) Madison Square Garden Jan. 13 _____________ .Xavier at Cincinnati J an. 19 ________________ Eastern Kentucky Jan. 26 __ ____ __Louisville at Louisville Jan. 30 ------------------------------------DePaul Feb. 2 _____________ _____ ___ _Morehead State Feb. 6 ___ __ __________ _________ Miami of Ohio Feb. 8 __ __Villanova at Philadelphia Feb. 12 ______ __ Loyola of New Orleans Feb. 14 ------------------------Regis College Feb. 20 ------------------------------------Xavier Feb. 23 --------------------------------Louisville Feb. 27 ------------------------------------Toledo Mar. 1 __ __ __Cincinnati at Cincinnati

lackbun Rev...-.'56-57 Flyers For What May Be Toaghest Seasoa This could be Tommy Blackburn's toucheat season as Flyer buketball coach. It's the second straight rebuilding year and Blackburn will have to refashion his club without the aid of great height. For the put six aeuona with tall Johnny Horan or seven-foot Bill Uhl around the buket the Flyers have had a great height advantage. Tallest of the Flyers counted on to play a major role this year ia 6'8" Jimmy Palmer. After that the Flyers taper off to around 6'6". Palmer, however, ia one of the greatest jumpers in college basketball and the other Flyers have never been bashful about boundinc around the bankboards. Palmer, a senior, and the smooth, jumpshot artist, Arlen Boekhorn, 6'4" pard, are the only two starters returning. Departing with Uhl from last year's first five were Capt. Jimmy Puaon and Ray Dieringer. Key to the Flyer picture may be a virtual unknown-at least to the general basketball public. He's 6'6" Al Sicking, senior who will take Ubl'a spot in the pivot. While Sicking is "unknown" in the national picture he's far from that locally. Flyer fans have seen him pull a number of games out of the fire the past two seasons with his accurate shooting. In the only full pme Sicking played he pulled off 26 rebounds, one ahy of the school record. Sicking, Palmer and Bockhorn are likely to be three of the five starters although Blackburn has voiced the opinion that he may have an "eight-man starting team" this aeaaon. The starters from came to came could be determined by personnel of the opposition and performance of individual Flyera in the previous came. Eight lettermen and two sophomores eompriae the

AI Slckl..

entire squad, smallest in years. The only sophomores are Paul Shafer, 6' pard, and Ray Atherton, 6'9" center, who appears a year away. There will be plenty of scrapping for the other two starting spots. Jack McCarthy, lean 6'6" junior, and Bill Almaahy, 6'4" sharpshooting senior, will tangle for the other forward. Certain to give Bockhorn a tuule at cuard are the little ICooter, Carmen Riazzi, senior, and Don (Night Train) Lane, junior who may be the surprise package of the aeuon. The other letterman, Diek Bogenrife, will play all three poaitiona. It can be a lone aeuon for the Flyers but an intereating one and the "unknown" Sicking can brichten the picture.


leperted Killed In ~ Popular Andy Zulli, former Flyer football center, was reported killed in Germany in September while in the service of his country. Details were lacking but the ex-Flyer's parents were informed that their aon "Lt. Andy Zulli was killed in a military vehicle accident."



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'round and 'bout

the campus ENROLLMENT AT UD in September reached another all-time high with a total of 5,725 students registered, a better than ten per cent increase over last year's 5,065. Day classes drew 3,134, with 2,591 signed up in the evening division, 500 of whom are in non-credit "feature" courses. Here's how the divisions rank, numerically: business administration746 day, 634 night; engineering-721 day, 326 night; education-576 day, 305 night; arts-462 day, 248 night; science-408 day, 240 night; technical institute-221 day, 338 night. In the day classes, there are 1,245 freshmen, 720 sophomores, 564 juniors and 458 seniors. And there are 2,584 men and 550 coeds 'round and 'bout the campus during the daytime.

THE ALUMNUS went to press too soon to compare this with the nation--wide results, but in a straw vote of UD students taken in late October, Eisenhower downed Stevenson by a two-to-one margin, 910 to 450 votes. When a similar straw vote was taken in 1952, the campus results were very similar to the subsequent election returns across the country. Voting machines were used in the polling and for the first time in UD history, the homecoming queen and her attendant were elected by use of voting machines. UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON has been granted $1,000 by the Dayton Rotary Club Foundation to use for student aid. The gift will be added to an $8,865 fund established two years ago for long-term loans to needy students who had completed the first year. UD was one of four area colleges receiving the Rotary gift.

THE UD PLAYERS, now operating under Fr. Charles Preisinger's speech and drama department, have returned to the stage of the Dayton Art Institute for their productions. Their first presentation of the year, "Detective Story," under the direction of Pat Gilvary, '50, played late last month. FIRST WINNER of the Joseph Westendorf scholarship to UD is Sally M. Bring-


man, a 1956 graduate of Julienne high school, who has enrolled in an arts course. The scholarship was established in memory of Mr. Westendorf, an alumnus of 1886. In his second year on the Harry F. Finke ('02) scholarship is Ronald F. Koesters of Dayton, now a sophomore in engineering.

STUDENTS AND FACULTY demonstrated an exceptional public spirit in their support of the recent Dayton Community Chest campaign. The student body, at a special assembly, contributed $917 to which the student council and individual classes added enough to make an even $1,000. The faculty and staff contributed $1,508.25 or 169 per cent of the quota. Both sums gave UD 277 per cent of the quota. Mason C. Benner, '92, development director, headed the campus committee for the campaign.

GRADUATE AND ALUMNI placement is now being handled by the division of specialized educational services under the direction of John B. Steinbruegge. A number of positions are available which alumni are invited and encouraged to investigate. A listing of such opportunities may be found on page 19. Mr. Steinbruegge also encouraged alumni, who wish to hire personnel, to file such notice with him in order that alumni and graduating seniors may be informed of interesting offers.

NOTES: Harold Nielsen, prior to 1951 a member of the mechanical engineering faculty at UD, has returned to the campus as head of the ME department, after serving five years with the city of Dayton as superintendent of the building inspection division . . . Miss Mary Tuite, friend of countless U D alumni, has changed jobs. She's now assistant to the director of admissions, after twenty years as assistant to the registrar . • • Miss Kathleen Whetro, dean of women, also has a new assistant. She's Mrs. June Benner, wife of UD's development director, Mason Benner ...

UD's 1956 engineering graduates who underwent the State Board of Registration exam in July were 100 per cent successful. State-wide results show that only 291 of the 409 taking the exam were successful. Sixteen June graduates in civil, electrical and mechanical engineering were tested.

Oelman Heads Associate Board New president of the Associate Board of Lay Trustees at the University of Dayton is Robert S. Oelman, executive vice president of the National Cash Register Co. Mr. Oelman was elected to this post at the board's reorganization meeting held late in September. At the same meeting, two good friends of the university-one of them an alumnus-were named new members of the board for six year terms. They were H. W. "Whitey" Gillaugh, president of the Third National Bank and Trust Co., who served as general chairman during the recent development fund campaign, and William J. Kuntz, '14, president of the Peter Kuntz Co., who served as chairman of the corporation and special gifts division during the campaign. Mr. Oelman, a member of the board since 1952, succeeds Samuel Finn in the presidency. Mr. Finn remains a member. Other officers of the board were renamed to their positions: David L. Rike, vice president; Merle P. Smith, secretary, and Walter H. J. Behm, treasurer.


Mr. Glllaugh

Mr. Kuntz

"AMONG OUR ALUMNI" Weinstein Directs Congregation's Educational Unit

Two UD Men Get Air Force Commendation Two University of Dayton alumni, staff members of the Air Force Overseas Employment Office in Los Angeles, have received high commendation from the Secretary of the Air Force for outstanding recruiting and public relations work.

Dr. Hochwalt Wins Chemical Award

Heading the educational program of the Congregation Beth Y eshurun in Houston, Texas is a younger graduate of UD's education division, Joshua Weinstein, '53. Appointed educational director of the congregation just over a year ago, Weinstein guides a highly-interesting program. The Beth Yeshurun schools include "Beth Hayeled" (The House of the Child), devoted to the development of effective bicultural education of Jewish children in their early childhood years; the Foundation School, for children on the first and second grade levels; the Hebrew School, designed to teach boys and girls to read, speak and write Hebrew and includes studies of the Bible, Jewish history, customs and ceremonies, arts and crafts and Jewish current events; a Sunday school and a Sabbath school. In addition to these schools for the youth of the congregation, Weinstein also directs an adult education program, offering classes in Hebrew, the Bible, history, child psychology and a lecture series by prominent guest speakers. The bi-cultural, bi-lingual experiment being conducted in the day school by Weinstein is one of the few such instances in the country where a second language (Hebrew) is introduced to four-to-eight year olds. "Our success in this has exceeded all expectations. Our children chat Hebrew, read Hebrew fluently, sing Hebrew songs. The introduction of the second language broadened the horizons of our children and intensified their studies in all other areas," he comments. In spite of his heavy work load, the UD grad is attending night classes at the University of Houston, working toward his doctorate in education.

One of UD's most distinguished alumni, Dr. Carroll A. Hochwalt, '20, has been named winner of the 1956 Midwest Award of the American Chemical Society's St. Louis section. Dr. Hochwalt, vice president for research, development and engineering of the Monsanto Chemical Company, is the twelfth recipient of the award, given annually for "meritorious contributions to the advancement of pure or applied chemistry or chemical education." He was cited at the November 5 presentation of the award "for scientific achievement, for leadership in industrial research and for contributions to the dignity of the scientist as a citizen." A member of UD's associate board of lay trustees, Dr. Hochwalt has more than 70 patented discoveries to his credit. He has been a Monsanto vice president since 1947.

Robert S. Boyd, '42, chief of the Los Angeles office, and Edward Q. Malloy, '35, assistant chief, were commended for efforts "beyond the call of normal duties." The two alums, who began working together during World War II in the personnel division of the Air Materiel Command, have held first place among 27 overseas recruiting offices since 1952. They have processed four times the average number of personnel shipments by other offices and six times the average number in critical shortage categories. After leaving AMC at the end of World War II, Boyd and Malloy became affiliated with the Air Force's Directorate of Civilian Personnel where together they directed the world-wide network of 65 overseas recruiting offices. Boyd transferred to Los Angeles in 1952 and Malloy in 1953 when they developed the Los Angeles recruiting office. Both are living in West Westchester, a Los Angeles suburb.

niversary story in the September ALUMNUS is Carl J. Sherer, resident of West Hartford, Conn. Mr. Sherer, retired from active business A member of the class of 1906 whom we in 1952, gives us this account of his days failed to include in our homecoming an- since leaving St. Mary's Institute fifty years ago: "After graduation I followed a business career. During World War I, was treasurer of the Dayton Metal Products Company and the Dayton Wright Airplane Company. Following the merger of those companies with General Motors in 1919, was treasurer of the Dayton Wright Company, a division of General Motors, until 1924 when I left Dayton to become vice president and treasurer of the Marmon Motor Car Co. in Indianapolis. In 1934, came to Hartford, Conn., to become vice president and treasurer and later general manager of the Russell Manufacturing Company ... " Mr. Sherer's family includes six children: twins who are architects in Milwaukee; one in business in Hartford; one a priest and another studying for the priesthood; and a daughter.

A Report on Carl J. Sherer Class of 1906


Class Notes 1912 W. K. Blaire is a patient at Mount St. Mary's hospital, Nelsonville, 0.

1921-1929 Mr. and Mrs. George Pflaum, '21, were received into the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem ... . Carl Theuring, '23, 1221 Charleston avenue, Huntington, W. Va., has been an invalid for several years and would appreciate prayers and letters from his UD friends . . . . Fr. Gregory Sullivan, '24, is VA chaplain in Long Beach, Calif..... Harold Melia, '24, formerly personnel director at the Dayton Steel Foundry, was promoted to director of the company's new industrial engineering department . . . . Edward Schneider, '25, has been transferred from Los Angeles to New York by the Union Carbide and Carbon Corp . . . . . Patrick Cunningham, '26, is chief bailiff of the Dayton Municipal Court . . . . Bob Renner, '27, was reelected treasurer of the National Tool and Die Manufacturers Assn ... .. Col. Louis Makley, '27, is with the office of the Inspector General at Norton AFB, Calif. . . .. Joe Goetz, '27, is new manager of the Red Fox Steak House in Dayton . . . . W. V. Piekutowski, '28, is a cataloging specialist at Wright-Patterson . . . . Walter Kraft, '28, credit manager of the Marion Power Shovel Co., was a campus visitor . . . . Charles Deger, '29, merchandise manager with the OwensIllinois Glass Co. in Toledo, celebrated his silver wedding anniversary in October . William Boyd, '29, is with the Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area of the USAF . . .

tion and is living in Inglewood, Calif. . . . . Martin Kuhn, '36, plant superintendent of Hooker Detrex, Inc., in Ashtabula, was a campus visitor .... James Shannon, '38, has moved from Broken Arrow, Okla ., to Denver, Colo . . . . . David Grimes , '39, has been named president of Narmco, Inc., San Diego research and development company. He was formerly vice president and general manager of the firm . . .. William Fitzpatrick, '39, general manager of the M. J . Gibbons Supply Co. in Dayton, is the new president of Central Supply Assn . . . . . Lt. Col. Lou Tschudi, '34, stationed in Washington, has returned from a tour of San Francisco, Tokyo, Korea, Okinawa, the Philippines and Honolulu. While in Honolulu, Lou got together with former UD football stars from the Islands. The group included August Cabrinha, '27, Joe Cabrinha, '31, Richard Tom, '39, George Houghtailing, '29, Vincent Yano, '44, John McColgan, '29, and William K endall, '29. Also present were the Very Rev. Walter Tredtin, SM, and Bro. James Wipfield, S.M . . . . .

1940-1945 Alfred Lange , '42, is with the Louisville division of Seagrams . . . . Harold Reindl, '42, has been promoted to supervisor of the research and development paint lab at Inland in Dayton .... Henry Rechtein, '42, has been delivering lectures on "Automatic Control Problems of Piloted Aircraft" for McDonnell Aircraft's speakers' bureau. During the summer, Hank received his MS degree from St. Louis U .. . Virginia Fletcher Jay, '43, is an accountant and assistant to the treasurer of Sonoma Mortgage Corp. in


1946-1949 William Gay, '46, is teaching high school in Old Saybrook, Conn ..... Paul Kappes, '46, is a special agent with Prudential in Columbus .... John Rauscher, '47, is a senior chemical engineer with Monsanto in St. Louis .. .. Jack Jones, '47, staff writer with the Dayton Daily News, received an award from the Amercan Political Science Assn. for a series on "Urban Growing Pains" in the News .... Leo Buse, '48, a sales engineer with Rochester Paper Co. and the Rocky River Paper Mill, visited the campus . . . . Robert Thome, '48, was promoted to project engineer with IBM product development in Poughkeepsie, N.Y . . . . . Dr. A. L. Bridges, '48, is new president-elect of the Hoosier State Medical Assn. He's living in Anderson, Ind ..... Donald Stoff, '49, is back in Dayton, working with the research and advanced development division of A VCO .... Charles Kohler, '49, is an electrical engineer with Convair in San Diego .... Dr. Joseph Wack, '49, is senior instructor in the department of pathology at St. Louis U. School of Medicine .... Jerry Brun, '49, is a life underwriter with Mutual of New York . . . . Robert Sturwold, '49, was awarded an MBA degree at Ohio State in August .. ..


1930-1939 Mary K. Kernan, '30, is a legal assistant in the Staff Judge Advocate's office at Gentile AF Station in Dayton . . . . Joe Fihe, '31, celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary this year. He has a fantily of nine children and six grandchildren and is owner of Fihe's TV and appliance store in Elwood, Ind. . . . . Carl Rentschler, '33, is in Argentina as chief electrical inspector of a new Armco steel plant . . . . Leo Glaser, '34, is in the accounting section of the printing division at Wright-Patterson .... S . J. Alexander, '36, is with North American Avia-

Sebastopol, Calif..... June Brown, '43, is interested in contacting UD alums in the Los Angeles Area .... Lawrence Jehn, '43, is a research associate with the U. of Michigan's engineering research institute at Willow Run, Ypsilanti, Mich. . . . . Lou Ripenhoff, '44, is promotion and publicity director of WISN and WISN-TV in Milwaukee . . . . Frances Thornton Hoyer, '45, is living in Binghamton, N.Y., where her husband is an assistant pastor .... Capt. Bob Pfeiffer, '45, is staff weather officer at Pope AFB, N.C . . . . . Fr. Anthony Rodrigues, '45, has returned from Bolivia and is at Maryknoll Junior Seminary in Clark's Summitt, Pa. . . .

Sparkling new glass and aluminum doors have been Installed at the entrances to St. Mary's Hall . The doors are part of the program of modernizing the 85-year-old building.

Jim Mueller is in the Central Engineering Division of Chrysler in Detroit . . . . Albert Krouse passed his CPA exam in May . ... Jim Riley, sales engineer for the Mine Safety Appliances Co., recently completed transactions for his company on a contract with the Air Force in excess of $1 million . . . . Bob Winemiller is job superintendent for Morris Skilken Construction Co. in Columbus . . . . Franny and Frannie Quinn are in California where Frannie is teaching the first grade and Franny has a rifle company . . . . Eugene Mitchell was promoted to assistant sales manager of the Dayton Steel Foundry Co. . . . . William Holzmann is a design engineer with Escambia

Chemical Corporation in Pensacola, Fla. Fla..... Bros. Charles Barnett and John Schneider, SM, received M. Ed. degrees from U. of Pittsburgh . . . . Paul W. Schreiber was awarded an MS degree by Ohio State in August and now heads the physics department at Sinclair College .... Joe White is teaching in UD's education division . . . .

1951 Clifford Scholes is with Haskins and Sells, CPA firm in Cincinnati . . . . Francis Schmalz is a caseworker with the department of public welfare in Utica, N.Y ..... Bill Murphy is with Reynolds Aluminum in Milwaukee . . . . Ralph Moore is teaching high school in Bryan, 0 . . . . . Parker McGee is a tabulation project planner trainee in statistical services division at AMC, Dayton .. . . Martha E. Johnson is with the VA hospital in Montrose, N.Y . . . . . Bob Adams is a medical technologist at Greene County Memorial Hospital, Xenia .... Don Cosgrove is completing work on his Ph.D. and is an assistant instructor at Ohio State. Mrs. Cosgrove (Pauline Kelley, '52) is president of the Ohio State chapter of the National Association of University Dames and is editor of "The Villager," a monthly publication for residents of OSU's GI Village . . . . Earl Kronenberger is a counselor at U. of Kentucky .... Norb Kelly is in the sales department of Farwell Metal Fabricating in St. Paul, Minn . . . . . Dick Dickman is new administrator of the East Dayton Urban Renewal program. He was formerly assistant to the Cincinnati Planning Director . . . . Jim Gilvary is city attorney of Kettering . . . . Tom Walsh is assistant sales manager of the Eastern Insulated Wire Corp. in Connecticut . . . . Don Lange is chief physical therapist at Lexington Clinic and Cardinal Hill Hospital in Lexington, Ky. . . . . John E. Condon received his MS from Ohio State in August .... Phil Gleason is working on his Ph.D. in history at Notre Dame ....

kee's sixth ward .... Bob Goodpaster is planning coordinator with Huber Construction Co. in Dayton .... Glenn H es-ter is managing the Essex house in Indianapolis . ... John Pustinger was appointed a member of the central research department at Monsanto in Dayton .... Leo Carsner is with the Highland View hospital in Cleveland . . . . Dr. Mary Theodoras is the first woman doctor on the Grandview staff since the hospital began its intern program 15 years ago .... Jim Tumbusch is a statistical analyst with General Electric in Cincinnati .... Pat Luby received his doctorate in math from Purdue and is teaching there .... Robert Lehner was awarded his MA by Western Reserve in September ....

terne at Toledo State hospital .... Don DeChant is an industrial sales representative for Dobeckmun Co. in the eastern states .... Louis Goetz, now a senior at St. Louis U. Med School, is president of the Intra-Fraternity Council and president of Phi Chi medical fraternity. He was recently elected into Alpha Omega Alpha, national medical honorary fraternity .... Bill Little was promoted to first lieutenant l!t Ft. Sill, Okla. . . . . 1st Lt. Valentine Bozymski is at Ft. Richardson, Alaska ... A medical supervisor at Veterans Hospital in East Orange, N.J., Cora Solberg hopes to get her master's degree in personnel and guidance from Seton Hall in June .... Donald Reichert got his MA degree from Ohio State in August ....



After receiving his MS from U. of Maine in June, 1955, and working in Alaska for some 10 months, Frands X. Groselle is in the Navy. He got his commission in October and is now stationed at Pearl Harbor . . . . Arnold Stein is working with a real estate broker in New York Francis X. Groselle City and is in the insurance business . . . . Ernie Koerner (Barbara Payne) expects to be awarded his doctorate in chemistry this month at Iowa State . . . . Wilbur Spatz is with the overseas section of the NCR order department . . . . Gene Dressler is with Pure Oil as a geophysicist, working in the Gulf of Mexico area .... Elton Dale Whitehair is with Prudential in Dayton . . . . Jim Lauber is a psychological in-

1952 Elmer Luthman, SJ, is continuing electrical engineering work at St. Louis U. while studying for the priesthood . . . . John Coy is an account executive with National Requirements Service in Dayton .... Bill Enouen has been elected a member of the American Institute of Accountants .. .. Mary Ellen Nagel's "McCall Spirit" won an award at an industrial editors' conference in Columbus .... Bill Hallerman is head of the new sports department at Rike's . . . . Bill Conley is working on the West Palm Beach (Fla.) Post-Times . . . . Melvin Brooks is democratic committeeman in Milwau-

Dave Ford (Pat Radican, '52) is administrator of Cameron hospital in Angola, Ind., and a hospital at Bryan, 0. They recently moved to Angola from St. Petersburg, Fla. . . . . Pat Schenk is teaching at Orville Wright school in Dayton .... Wayne McClune is a sales representative for Standard Register in Pittsburgh . . . . Shirley Ann Ackermann is working at Drake Memorial Hospital in Cincinnati . . . . Oscar Kallam was promoted to manager of the price analysis department at Airtemp in Dayton .... Jonas Strouth is a junior medical student at Medical College of Virginia . . . . Lillian Szabo is working on her master's at U. of Miami, Fla. . . . . Ray Bedwell was one of 25 top radio-TV personnel taking the NBC-Northwestern Summer TV Institute . . . . Jim Koverman is studying law at Ohio State .... Dick Finan and wife (Joan Neumann, '56) are in Cincinnati where Dick is in law school . . . . Charles Dieker is in the accounting division at AMC, Dayton . . . . Doris Drees is teaching physical education at UD . . . . Thelma Biggs is teaching in Coldwater, 0. . . . . Bob Smith, now at Camp Wolters, Texas, hopes to be released from the service shortly . . . . Pete Mariani, stationed at Fifth Army headquarters in Chicago, was a campus visitor . . . . John Martin, in Korea with the Seventh Division, was promoted to first lieutenant . . . . John Anderson was promoted to first lieutenant at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. . . . . Charles Gentile, at Ft. Dix, is a new first lieutenant . . . .

1955 Bill Klare, '52, was presented the meritorious civilian service award In October by Gen. E. W. Rawlings, AMC commander. Klare, deputy chief of the manpower and organization division at AMC, received the award - the second highest AF civilian honor--for "exceptional managerial ability in manpower management."

Ruth Ann Drees is teaching at Vandalia elementary school .... Louis StanisZewski is an engineering assistant with General Electric in Cincinnati . . . . Bill Potter is the new president of the National Council of Catholic Youth. He's




In daily contact with Standard' s sales representatives throughout the country are, left to right, James McNally, '32, Hubert Wolff, '50, and John Sakal, •50, senior correspondents and William Anderson, '49, Junior correspondent.



UD ALUMNI form a good portion of the staffs of a number of Dayton businesses and industries. One local firm which has its share of alums is the Standard Register Company, a close friend of UD since the company was founded in 1912 by John Q. Sherman, one of the early chairmen of UD's associate board of lay trustees. A current member of the board is M. A. Spayd, president of the company. William P. Sherman, assistant secretary of the company, is a member of the national alumni board. Wohlleben Hall, now under construction on the campus, will contain the John Q. and William C. Sherman Memorial Lecture Hall, a gift to the university from the Sherman Family and the Sherman-Standard Register Foundation. On these pages are seen a representative group of the men and women who are helping carry on the UD tradition at Standard Register. In succeeding issues, we hope to present reports on other firms, both in and out of Dayton, where UD alumni have gathered. UD men In Standard's Pacific division Include Mark Smith, '35, left, general sales manager, and Wilbur Dunsky, '31, manager of sales training.


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Charles Sherman, ex '50, executive trainee, confers with his brother, William P. Sherman, '41, assistant secretary of company.

Harry Heider, '26, Atlantic div. mgr. and James Schmitt, 'SO, of the office management staff, are at Standard's York, Pa. plant.









In the order department are IslandIng, left to right) John Durham, ex '55, Junior order analyst; Carl SchUpp, '54, storage order control clerk; Jerry Murray, '54, Junior printing order Inspector. Seated Is John Sauer, '54, senior order correspondent.

Alumna with Standard Include Pat Ramsey, '53, budget clerk In the factory budget office, and Kathaleen Monaghan, '54, secretary to the manager of the International Division.

In financial work at Standard are, left to right, II chard Stewart, '54, sen lOt" cost estimator; Edward Flely, '50, Internal auditor; and Leonard Iaker, '37, general accountant.

Charles lowman, '50, left, and Walter Lutzwelt, '50, are both research englneen In the development engineering department.


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George luchard, '29, Is manager of electronic development In the development engineering department.

Working at the company's experimental engine erlng building In Dayton are !left to right I Charles Dietz, '50, development engineer; 1111 Homer, '50, field engineer; and Phil Fischer, '56, dwelopmenl engineer.






0 StaH engineer Frank Parenti, '50, lleftl, confen with DIrector of Development Engineering lay Fortune, '41.









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The Ashmans - ISIII, '35, top, Is Mid-Atlantic division manager, and lob, '36, bottom, Is Akron district manager.

Members of Standard's research department Include, left to right, Joseph Howard, '55, research englnHr; Dr. W. A. Yackley, '20, director of research; and Oscar Kroger, '41, proJect engineer.



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A member of the Duquesne University faculty since 1928. Died August 21 in Pittsburgh. WILLIAM A. SONNANSTINE, ex '59

Sophomore at UD, was killed in an auto accident near Dayton August 30. KENNETH L. WIEGING, ex '60


Former UD football star was killed September 20 in an army vehicle crash in Germany. OSCAR RUPERT, '39

Full military honors were accorded Mr. Rupert, an Air Force civilian employe, killed in an airplane crash Sept. 24 in Colorado. He had been decorated a number of times for courage and outstanding achievement while a member of the Air Corps during World War II. MRS. MINNALEE WEBB, '47

Mrs. Webb died October 21 in Dayton. FRANK RAAB, '85

Died July 6, 1956. CLEMENT J. KEMER, '29

Died August 23 in Cleveland. FRANK J. SENN, HS '11

Mr. Senn died July 13 in Louisville. RAY M. DE CASTRO, '09

The university was informed that Mr. De Castro died in February in Havana, Cuba. CAPT. LEONARD N. CHAPMAN, '50

Capt. Chapman was killed in a plane crash in Alaska September 1. LAWRENCE SCHUTTE, '93

Died in Dayton July 15. MSGR. MICHAEL J. HYNES, '24

Died in Cleveland August 9.

A freshman engineering student at UD from Ottoville, 0., died in a Lima hospital October 29 while home for a week end. MRS. LILLY CRUSH

Mother of Howard Crush, '29, of Cincinnati. MRS. MARY T. SHERRY

Mother of Msgr. Robert J. Sherry, '14; Jos eph E. Sherry, SM, '27, and William B . Sherry, '19. Died October 9 in Dayton. JOSEPH ODELL

Former chairman of the Associate Board of Lay Trustees at UD. Died in October. ANNA SCHWIND KEYES

Widow of William A. Keyes, Sr., first chairman of UD's Associate Board of Lay Trustees. Died October 4 in Dayton.

working at Armco in Middletown Al Langen is with the Army in Alaska .... Hattie Baker is living in Ann Arbor, Mich., where her husband is attending U. of Michigan . . . . 2d Lt. John Darcy is at Ft. Bliss, Texas . . . . Jack J enning and wife (Joan Vo elker, '56) are in Columbus where he is in Ohio State medical school .. . . Don Gordon is working for Convair at San Diego and is living in a new home in La Mesa, Calif. . . . Ensign Paul Grubbs has qualified as a carrier pilot at Pensacola, Fla. . . . . Lawrence Leese was commissioned an ensign in the Navy at Newport, R.I., in AuPaul Gn~bbs gust ... George Van Schaik was promoted to first lieutenant at Ft. Hood, Texas ....


Three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. McGarry, '49 (Myra Boland, '48). Died October 20 in Dayton. GEORGE M. CLINE

Brother of James Cline, '30, '34. Died September 22. JOSEPH MAST ANDREA

Father of Robert E. Mastandrea, '38. Died in Dayton October 28. MRS. EFFIE KAMTCHY

Mother of Pandely Kamtehy, '38. Died October 26 in Dayton.

George Falkenbach, '48, Cleft) principal engineer In electrical engineering research at Battelle Institute In Columbus, discusses a problem with a future alumnus, Earl Hosler, '57, one of 59 high caliber students selected to do research work at Battelle during the summer.


Class Notes, Cont'd

1956 Merle Athmer is in the hydraulics lab at Delco in Dayton .... Lenore Littleton is a beauty salon supervisor in Detroit . ... Bill Thesing is in Dayton at Rike's on the U. of Pittsburgh retailing program. Carol Wortman and Tony Papa are at Pittsburgh department stores .... Bob Cullen is in accounting at Moraine Products in Dayton . . . . Walter Shostack is a tool engineer at Delco in Dayton. Says his hobbies are "bridge, people, and trying to figure a way to make unhappy people smile." Good luck, Walt . . . . Lois W ebb Beyer is a dietician at Ohio State . . . Tony Kristofic is with General Electric in Fort Wayne . . . . Joe F ecke is at Wright-Patterson and is working on his master's degree at Ohio State . . . . Bill Uhl is with Ohio National Life Insurance .... Martin Schaff is in law school at U. of Cincinnati .... Mary Lloyd Hunting is with Ohio Bell in Dayton . . . . John Hussong is doing graduate work at U. of Detroit . . . . Sharon Dymond is doing social work with children in Dayton . . . . Al Horvath is doing post-grad work at U. of Michigan .... Paul Litkowski is teaching electricity at NCR's evening school . . . . Paul Dacey is with Burroughs Business Machines in Pittsburgh .... Anita Beacham is teaching at Horace Mann school, Barbara Smith is at St. Agnes and Florence Luby Schmall is at Irving school, Dayton . . . . Bob Wilhelm is in production control with Brown and Brockmeyer in Dayton . . . . Tod Egan has been working part-time on the campus . . . . Gordon Dodane is an assistant buyer at Metropolitan .... The Army has claimed a few more members of the class: Bob Bar-

Class Notes, Cont'd

Your New Alumni OHicers

rett, Lawrence Smith, Jerry Cassidy, J erry Kmett, Ed Mahle, Art Bigelow, Clement Chang, Bob Jacoby, Jim Kricker, John B ettinger, Jim Kennedy, Ed R enn ecker and Bob Rosensweet. The Marines have Jim Synk and the Navy took Ted Nunn . . . .

Marianist Award To Legion Head University of Dayton's seventh annual Marianist A ward will go to Frank Duff of Ireland, founder and international head of the Legion of Mary. Presentation of the silver plaque, given yearly "for outstanding service to the Mother of God," will take place at the annual alumni Mass in the UD chapel Dec. 8. Mr. Duff, who will come to Dayton to accept the award personally, founded the Legion of Mary in Dublin, Ireland, in 1921. The Legion is an association of Catholic laymen whose purpose is to sanctify its members, to assist the clergy in bringing fallen away Catholics back to the Church, to seek new converts and to intensify Catholic life. The award was established in 1950 to commemorate the triple centenary of the coming of the Marianists to the United States; the death of their founder, the Very Rev. William Joseph Chaminade, and the founding of UD by the Marianists.

First prize In the oil painting classification at a recent art show in Dayton went to Peggy GNenwood Falke, '55. Sh•'s shown her• with one of h&r favorite canvasses.

Aft Scarpelli, '34 VIce l'resltleftt


loll Connelly, '37 1111 She-, '41 M-lten, ao..l of Dl...,_

With the Chapters Your new officers of the NATIONAL BOARD, University of Dayton alumni auociation, elected through the recent mail ballot, were installed at the annual meeting during the homecoming celebration Oct.. 20. The new president, R. William Patterson, succeeds Lou lrlahrt, '26. About 800 voted in the election. The TOLEDO and DETROIT chap. ters of the alumni association are reactivating-and are off to a good start. Together they sponsored aD excursion from the northland to DaJton for the Detroit game Nov. 26. About 100 were expected to make the trip. Handling arrangements for the occasion were Paul O'Rourke, '43, Joe Kwiatkowski. '&3, and Bill Saeb~ler, '51. At an October meeting at Cathedral Latin School, the CLEVELAND chap. ter mapped plana to reorganize its board to include a representative from each eJ-. arouptng. Announcement of the new board members is expected soon. P._na alllo are being completed for the annual Chriatmas dance, to be held again this year in conjunction with UD atudenta from the Cleveland area. A UD coed will reign as dance queen. Third annual Alumni Maas of the MONTGOMERY COUNTY chapter will be at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dee. 8, when the university will present its seventh annual Marianist Award. Being a holy day, the 6 p.m. Mass will offer alumni an opportunity to attend

Junler ........




.........; Alllletlc ......

an earl)o evening Maaa and be back home in time for the broadeaat of the DePaul baalcetball game while taking part in a most worthwhile alumni activity. These are the newly appointed members of the ehapter'a board: Bill Beecroft, '61, Jim Gilvary, '51, Charlotte Hollencamp, '48, George Humm, '40, Paul Litkowald, '66, Paul Moorman, '30, AI Neff, '61, Joe Overwein, '43, John R111111ell, '25, Wilbur Smolka, '42, Jim Wall, '37, and Clara Weiaman, '61. Lou Goldkamp, '41, past president, also ia a board member. The CINCINNATI chapter is starting aomething which looks very interesting - a regular monthly luncheon meeting for UD alumni of the ThieM area. The first waa held in October and attendance is expected to grow as the luneheona continue. Such meetinga may have possibilities for other chapters. Joe Thiem, '28, is handling arrangementa.


WEDDINGS (See Announcement, page 2) Louis Dean Benasutti, '54, married Joanne Marie Heider, Mary Help of Christians Church, Sept. 8. Richard Joseph Brockman, '51, married Mona Marie Flickinger, Nov. 3. Great Cedric Milthaler, '56, married Dorothy Gage Ladd, Memorial Baptist Church, Sept. 22. Ralph Paul Hamberg, '56, married Mary Lucinda Price, '50, Church of the Holy Angels, Oct. 13. Philip Walter Fischer, '56, married Margaret Ann Hagan, Corpus Christi Church, Oct. 6. Robert John Basel, '53, married Lynda Smith, '55, Holy Angels Church, Oct. 20. Clifford R. Scholes, '51, married Arlene Mabel Hanson, Lakeside Presbyterian Church, So. Ft. Mitchell, Ky., Aug. 25. Daniel E. Ferrazza, '51, married Margaret Blum, St. Dominic Church, Shaker Heights, 0., Nov. 17. S/Sgt. C. James Rowe, Jr., '41, married Eleanor Rockwood, Gardner, Mass., July 14. Jim Wilkerson, '54, married May Bradshaw, St. John's Catholic Church, Nov. 24. Francis J. Klaus, '53, married Inez Pemberton, Marion, 0., Oct. 6. Wilbur Spatz, '53, married Virginia Eileen Bergemeier, St. Anthony Church, July 28. Charles D. Dieker, '54, married Helen Robinson, Oak St. EUB Church, Aug. 11. Gisela Bielitz, '53, married Dr. Luciano Vieira da Cruz, New Haven, Conn., June 19. Thomas E. Keck, '50, married Joanne Poeppelman, St. Joseph's Church, Nov. 22. John T. Janning, '55, married Joan Voelker, Our Mother of Sorrows Church, Cincinnati, Aug. 4. Richard Dwight Seifried married Elizabeth Romer, '54, St. Henry Catholic Church, St. Henry, 0., Aug. 21. Paul R. Hennessy, '51, marrried Mary Ann Meyer, St. Anthony Church, Oct. 6. Cletus Moorman, '52, married Jean Marie Flaspoehler, Holy Trinity Church, Sept. 1. Gerald Joseph Badum, '56, married Charlene Louise Daum, Our Lady of Mercy Church, Sept. 1. Mary Elizabeth Jauch, '54, married Donald G. Schweller, '52, Corpus Christi Church in September. Willard Clarence Clark, Jr., '55, married Antoinette Marie Cetinske, Our Lady of Mercy Church, Sept. 8.


Robert William Albers, '55, married Viola Janet Bertke, St. Augustine Catholic Church, Minster, 0., Sept. 1. Gene Weaver, '56, married Judy Schaffer, Corpus Christi Church, Sept. 15. James Edward Paxson, '56, married Jacquelyn June Macbeth, Holy Angels Church, Sept. 15. Edward Breen, '30, married Constance Focke, Church of the Holy Angels, Nov. 10. Paula Shay, '52, married Robert E. Kern, Corpus Christi Church, Oct. 27. Gerald M. Hauer, '56, married Norma Browning, St. Albert the Great Church, Oct. 6. Joseph Anthony Oths, '56, married Suzanne Elizabeth Kronauge, Church of the Holy Angels, Dec. 1. Norman Fromcis Dahm, '50, married Camille Cummins, Good Shepherd Church, Beverly Hills, Calif., Dec. 1 Albert A. Scarpelli, '56, married Dolores Mae Bayus, St. Albert the Great, Nov. 3. Alice Kelley , '56, married Robert Knabe, Sept. 8. Shirley Hamby, '56, married Howard Helke, Third Street Baptist Church, ~ov. 17.

BIRTHS (See announcement, page 2) Second child, second son, Frederick, to Mr. and Mrs. William Krumholtz, '50, in June. First child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Krystofik, '56, August 1. Second child, first daughter, Sheryl Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lagedrost, '53, July 26. Son to Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald, '52, in May. First child, daughter, Edith Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Ned Ostendorf (Catherine Louise DeVol, '55), July 21. Second child, second daughter, Cynthia, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Parr, '51, Farmington, Michigan, July 13. Son to Mr. and Mrs. John Petry, '50 (Kathleen Minch, '49), in July. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Porter, '51 (Jean Kaeppeler, '52), in July. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rataiczak, '54, in June. Third child, second son, James Edward, to Mr. and Mrs. William Regan, '51 (Mary Hall, '50), May 22. Second child, first son, Peter John, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rehs, '53, June 1. Fourth child, fourth son, Kevin, to Dr. and Mrs. Paul Reichert, '47 (Peg August, '47), May 25. Second child, son, Steven Michael, to Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ross (Mary Van

Dyke Brown, '49), Collingwood, N.J., July 18. Son, Thomas Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Ryan, '50, Garden City, N.Y., June 5. First child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schaefer, Jr., June 30. Second child, first son, John Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Talbot, Jr., '53 (Charmaine Hilgeford, '52), July 27. Son, Guillermo Jose, to Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo J. Trevino, '53, Mexico City, Nov. 27. Fourth child, first son, Thomas William, to Mr. and Mrs. William Van Leeuwen (Isabel Klopf, '48), in June. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Westbeld, '51, in July. Second child, first daughter, Elizabeth Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen (Jayne Nyhan, '50), July 3. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wiggenhorn, '56, in June. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilkens, '50, in July. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wimsatt, '53, in May. Second child, Jeffrey Albert, to Mr. and Mrs. Alber t Van Atta, '51, Aug. 3. First child, Steve, to Lt. and Mrs. Roy Fischer, '55, Aug. 22. Son to Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Millonig, '40, in August. Son to Mr. and Mrs. William Rish, '50, in August. Daughter, Karen Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hieber, '51, in August. First child, Eugene, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noonan, '52, Aug. 24. Son to Dr. and Mrs. E . E. Archdeacon, '48, in August. Son to Mr. and Mrs. George Harr, '53, in August. First child, Christine to Lt. and Mrs. Ronald Willkomm, '55, Sept. 3. First child, Sarah Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Donovan, Jr., '53, Sept. 2. First child, Colleen Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Horan, '55, Sept. 8. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William Fremont, '53, in September. First child, C. James, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. C. James DeHart, '55, Sept. 15. Son, Carl David, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamm, '50, in August. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coy, '54, in September. First child, Diane Rose, to Mr. and Mrs. John M. Faiella, Jr., '54, Sept. 18. Seventh and eighth children, twins, Therese and Jerry, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Varley, '40, (Constance Hochwalt, '41), Sept. 22. Third son, James, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. James Whalen, '47, Oct. 2. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Krafka, '54, in October. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tolle, '48, in November.

Alumni Win Offices In November Election Four University of Dayton alumni were successful in their bids for public office in Dayton and Montgomery County in November. Bernard L. Keiter, '42, was re-elected sheriff, drawing more votes in the county than any other candidate, even including President Eisenhower. Charles W. Whalen, Jr., '42 was reelected state representative. He received the highest number of votes among the 10 candidates for that office. Matt Heck, '30, was re-elected county prosecutor. Edward Breen, '30, was elected a member of the county commission. Second child, second son, Kevin J oseph, to Dr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Logan, '51, Oct. 3. Second child, first son, Joseph Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Siggins, '53, Oct. 6. Second child, first daughter, Betsy Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minnerup, '50, Oct. 6. Sixth child, third daughter, Barbara Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Perkins, '44, Aug. 4. First child, Kevin Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nolan (Marilyn Catron, '53), Aug. 13, in New York. First child, Mark Gregory, to Dr. and Mrs. Con J . Fecher, '50, Aug. 14. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fahrig, '43, in August. Son, Joseph Leo, Jr., to Lt. and Mrs. Joseph L. Durant, '54, Aug. 8. First child, Lynne Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. James N. Lauber, '53, Sept. 13. Fourth child, fourth daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kohler, Jr., '49, Aug. 14, in San Diego, California. Daughter, Susan Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cullen, '56, July 20. Second child, second boy, Brian Duggan, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, '51, May 21, in Wallingford, Conn. Fourth child, Elizabeth Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. William G. Rindler, '52, Aug. 4, in Hamilton, 0. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Brien, '52, Sept. 24, in Loudonville, 0. Son, Michael Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Athmer, '56, July 7. Son, Herbert Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. George Doonan, '39, July 25, in Illinois. Third child, second son, Timothy James, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Foley, '50. Second son, John Edward, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, '50, Mar. 20. Third child, first son, William, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. William Hendrickson, '49, May 25.

First child, Sarah-Brooke Harris, to Mr. and Mrs. William Dorsey, Jr., Feb28, in Washington, D.C. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spitzig, '49, in October. Son to Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan, '51, in October. Second child, first son, William Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee, '52, Oct. 11. Second child, first daughter, Jean Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kolb, '53, Sept. 28. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luken, '47, in October. Second child, first daughter, Anne Patricia, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Witt, '54, (Thelma Romer, '53), Oct. 4. Second child, first son, Jerome Matthew, to Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Kelble, '51, Oct. 20. Second child, to Mr. and Mrs. William Poeppelman, '54, in October. Fourth child, second son, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Maloney, '42, Oct. 24. First child, Michael Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Grimme, '52, May 12. First child, Jane Ellen, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Beach, '52, June 14. First child, Theresa Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Dwyer, '54, April 29. Third child, second daughter, Cynthia Helen, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woeste (Edith Arnold, '49), July 23. Daughter, Susan Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Lou Buchner, '51, Oct. 6. Second child, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McClune, '54, in January. Second child, Susan Ellen, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Safford (Virginia Johnston, '47), Aug. 27. Daughter, Sharon Kathleen, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Broering (Evelyn Gerdes, '49), Aug. 9. First child, Carla Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. William Clinard, '52, June 19. Daughter, Catherine Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curley, '52, June 29. First child, James Francis, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schengber (Virginia Paullin, '53), July 20. Second child, first daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melvin, '54, Aug. 13. Second son, Michael Ray, to Mr. and Mrs. G. P. York, '52, June 23. Son, Richard Bruce, to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wolf, '50, April 29. Son, David Eugene, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weaver (Marilyn Liston, '52), March 14. Third child, second daughter, Susan Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Spyridon, '50, March 22. Fifth child, third son, James Andrew, to Capt. and Mrs. Bob Pfeiffer, '45, Aug. 14. Third child, first daughter, Nancy Therese, to Mr. and Mrs. Norb Kelly, '51, ( Geri Marzolf, '52), April 25. Two children, Deborah Ann, (Aug. 16, 1954) and Cynthia Sue (Sept. 22, 1955)

to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Recker, '50. Sixth child, Janice Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hollenkamp , '41, May 29. Second child, first son, Daniel Michael, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Zamorski, '52, (Joanne Mary Hoelderle, '52), Apr. 17. Second child, Anita Terj!se, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lechner, '51, (Pat Olcott, '49) , July 4. oSon to Mr. and Mrs. J. Maurette Vaughan (Mary Morefield Vaughan, '55), Jan. 13. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Marcum, '54, in November. Son to Mr. and Mrs. William Schneble, '39, (Marijane Spitler, '39), in November. First child, Terrence Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. James W. Naughton (Betty Ann Umina, '54), Oct. 11.

The following opportunities are available to alumni. For more information, write John S. Steinbruegge, Associate Director, Division of Specialized Educational Services, University of Dayton. Engineers (all classifications) Chemists Physi.cists Mathematicians Accountants Scientists Editorial (technical and non-technical) Management Trainees Advertising, Promotion, Public Relations Industrial Engineering Trainees Foreign Service Officers Designers Detailers Cost Accountants Laboratory Helpers Production Control, Standards, Plant Layout, Estimating Office Personnel Insurance Claims Adjuster Graduate Training ProgramAuto Manufacturers Variety Store-Management Training Program Sales Management Research and Development Editorial AssistantCatholic Newspaper Following sales opportunities are available: Pharmaceuticals Steel-Strapping Color TV Plumbing and Heating Fixtures Department Store Insurance Glass Pulp and Paper Business Machines Appliances and Electrical Equipment Meat Products Air Conditioning and Refrigeration


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