Daytonian 1958

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The 1958 Daytonian will reflect and preserve a record of campus life and important activities taking place for you, the students, who are the University of Dayton .


The Daytonian Staff William Clarke

Editor James Kindler Business Manager Mary Jo O'Callaghan

Faculty Editor Patricia Siemers Senior Editor Thomas Zins Sports Editor Nancy Remke

Social Editor

CONTENTS Who we are

• • •

Administration Seniors Majors

What we do •




Yet such teach others who themselves excel, And censure freely who have written well. POPE













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WE, The students of the University of Dayton, ask His Excellency, the Archbishop of Cincinnati, to bless our endeavors of the future. May we always be faithful under his rule and may God continue to give him the prudence and courage to fulfill the duties of his sacred office.




Since taking office, Rev. Andrew L. Seebold has worked diligently to further the aims and attain ideals of the University. Under his guidance we are seeing progressive expansion. He is a man of great character and an inspiration to students, faculty, and alumni. We will long remember our days with Fr. Seebold and the University.


The Administrative and Operational Staffs


Academic Council Left to nght: Bro. Leonard Mann, Rev. Paul Wagner, Prof. Donald Metz, Prof. Kathleen Whetro, Dr. Maurice Graney, Bro. Joseph Panzer, Rev. Edmund Rhodes, Dr. Hilary Beth, Rev. Charles L. Collins, Bro. Joseph Keimig, Rev. George Barrett, Bro. Joseph J. Mervar. Absent from picture: Bro. Louis Faerber.







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MR . STANLEY C. ALLYN, Director of National Cash Register Co.

MR . EDWIN G. BECKER, Attorney, Becker, Loeb, and Becker.

MR. JAMES M. COX, JR., President· and Director of Evening News Publishing Co.

MR. HARRY F. FINKE, President of Finke Engineering Co.

torney, Estabrook, Finn and McKee.

President of Third National Bank and Trust Co.

MR . CLARENCE H. GOSIGER, President of C. H. Gosiger Machinery Co.

DR. CARROLL A. HOCHWALT, Vice President of Monsanto Che";ical Co.

MR. WILLIAM KUNTZ, President of Peter Kuntz Lumber Co.

President ister Co.

MR . GEORGE E. WALTHER, MR. DWIGHT YOUNG EdiSR ., President of Dayton tor and Publisher of D~yton Steel Foundry. Journal Herald .


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MR. MERLE, P. SMITH, Secretary; General Manager of Joyce Cridland 20 ·Co .

ROBERTS, Retired General Ma,ager of Frigidaire Division, General Motors .

REV. JAMES A . DARBY Vice President of the University

BRO. JOSEPH J. PANZER Dean of the University


REV. CHARLES L. COLLI NS Dean of Students

MRS. MASON BENNER Assistant Dean of Women



REV. PAUL J. WAGNER Director of Admissions


BRO. JOSEPH F. KEIMIG Director of Evening Classes


BRO. ELMER LACKNER Director of Public Relations

MR . RICHARD BEACH Director of Academic Information

MR. MASON BENNER Director of Development


MR. JOSEPH MclAUGHLIN Director of Sports Information

MISS MARY SHAY Alumni Secretary

MR. JOHN B. STEINBRUEGGE Director of the Division of Specialized Educational Services

MR. LLOYD A . RENSEL Director of the Guidance Center

MR. JOHN R. WESTERHEIDE Director of the Research Center

MR. CYRIL G. PECKHAM MR. ROBERT R. LUTHMAN Director of Special Director of Data Projects Division Processing Division


Business Offices

BRO. FRANCIS J. PERKO Business Manager





Assistant Comptroller

BRO. AUSTIN J. HOLIAN Supervisor of Construction

BRO. JAMES H. KLINE Purchasing Agent

BRO . EDWARD PROCHASKA Director of Buildings and Grounds

MR . PAUL C. MICHEL Assistant to Business Manager

MR. JAMES E. GALLICO Director of Student Promotion

MARY TUITE Assistant to Director of Admissions

MR. ROBERT E. DONOVAN Assistant to the Director of Evening Classes and Representative at Wright Patterson Air Force Base

MR . JOSEPH McHUGH Director of Veteran Affairs

Research Center row, left to right: Richard G. Coy, Dr. Kenneth Schraut, Gordon Mills, Jack Kester, Jerome Burger, Robert Luthman . Second row : George Roth, Donald Schlegel, John Moreau, Cart Feldmanis, Guy Williams, James Mulvaney. Third row : Paul Vergamini, Edward Schlei, Charles Hutch ins, Jack Janning, Herbert Mildrum, Edward Pope. Fourth row: Richard McBride, Ronald Newman, James Holverstott, Philip Graf, James Naughton, Charles Andrews. Fifth row : Frederick Pestian, John Wurst.


Research Center First row, left to right: Joseph Bass-

hart, Richard Grewe, Orville Comer, Bruce Truett, Robert Porter, Jack Nolting . Second row : Francis McGovern, Maurice Krug, Nickolas Engler, Cyril Peckham.

Guidance Center First row, left to right: Margaret Hayes,

Lois Koerner, Eileen Myers, Roberta McMahon. Second row: Charles Scheidler, Edward Rieck, Jack Riley, Robert Bowsman.

MISS SARAH KEYES Director of Clerical Personnel

MRS. MAE UNGER Supervisor of Student Union

BRO. PAUL OMLOR Superintendent of Arcade Lunch

MISS MARTHA O'BRIEN Secretary to Director of Admissions

MR. ROBERT MONTGOMERY Superintendent of Cafeteria

MISS KAY DORSTEN Secretary to Director Special ized Educational Services

BRO. GEORGE MUKITS Manager of Bookstore


All service is the same with GodWith God, whose puppets, best or worst, Are we: there is no last or first. ROBERT BROWNING


Secretary to the President MRS. MARY ANN KRAPF

Secretary to Dean of Engineering MISS KATHERINE KUNTZ

Secretary to Dean of Science MRS. IRENE CRIGGALL

Secretary to Director of Evening and Summer Classes MRS. ELIZABETH ACHOR


... ~

Secretary to Dean of University MRS. ELIZABETH McNALLY

Secretary to the Dean of Arts MRS. BETTY CLARK

Secretary to Dean of Business MISS RUBY FAIN

Secretary to Dean of Education MRS. AGNES THIEMAN

Secretary to Director of Technical Institute MRS. LOIS KARAS

Secretary to Dean of Students MISS KATHERINE ANGST

Secretary to the Director of Public Relations MRS. JEAN LITTLE

Secretary to Director of Sports Information MISS DEE McANESPIE


Secretary to Dean of Engineering MISS BARBARA BURDEN

Secretary to Assistant Dean of Education MRS. BARBARA FUCHS

Secretary to Director of Development MRS. KATHERINE McCALL

REGISTRAR'S OFFICE-Left to right: Evelyn Pruilt, Daisy Moore, Gladys Clement, Kathleen McMahon .

TREASURER'S OFFICE-Left to right: Nancy Colvin, Mary ludwig, Barbara Reboulet.

LIBRARY ASSISTANTS-Left to right: Charles Hailey, Mrs . Rachel Martell, June lionelti, Jeanne Walsh, Mrs. Joan King . Absent: William Acher, Terry Dempsey, Adelaide DiFino, Jeanne Lyons, Barbara Wessendorf.

BOOKSTORE STAFF-Left to right: Dodie Zwiesler, Angie Bianco, Anita Reasor, Digger Coyle.

ARCADE LUNCH-Left to right: Rosella Toth, Mary Kern, Olivia Sheetes, Audrey Freund, Felix Rozzo, Margaret Goode, Gertrude Rafferty, Gertrude Niekamp.

STUDENT UNION-Left to right: lynn Stang, Charles Borgia, Lois Miller.

MRS. MARIE ALEXANDER Founders Hall Lunch

MRS. ALMA OMLOR Student Union Lunch


The Libraries of the University

• • •






Assistant Librarian

Assistant Librarian

Assistant Librarian





Librarian of Marian Library

Director of Marian Library

I love vast libraries; yet there is doubt If one be better with them or without,Unless he use them wisely, and, indeed, Knows the high art of what and how to read. SAXE


Senior Class Officers




Vice President








• BIR, THOMAS ALOYSIUS-Marion , Ind. Psychology Club, Intramural Sports . BOYLE, ROBERT JOSEPH-Cleveland, Ohio . BUROKER, JR ., LLOYD ROBERT-Piqua , Ohio. Marching Band, Varsit y Rifle Team .

• CARLO, RALPH DIMAS-Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico . Basketball and Softball Intramurals, President of Latin and American Club, Psychology Club . COSGROVE, KATHLEEN L.-Dayton, Ohio . CWO, Legion of Mary, Psychology Club. CRUZ, FELIX A. D.-Chalan Pago, Guam . Mariology Club .

• DEBANTO, THOMAS CHARLES-Day ton , Ohio. Scabbard and Blade , Rifle Team, Vice Pre sident Student Council (DAI) . DEWINE, SUE ANN-Dayton, Ohio. Mariology, CSMC , Current Affairs, Orientation Committee . DITZEL, JACK LEE-Dayton , Oh io . Cheerleader Captain, Stude nt Council, Representati ve, Monogram Club, NFCCS, Pershing Rifles, Orientation Committee, Exponent, Flyers Hangar, Intramurals .

• DOLEHANTY, JAMES STEPHEN-Richmond, Ind. Psychology Club, Hoosier Club, Flyer Hangar, Collegiate Bowling. ELBERT, JOHN R.-Dayton, Ohio. ERNEY, EDNA NANNETTE-Cleveland, Ohio . Cl e veland Club .

• GOMBERT, DOLORES M. L.-Dayton, Ohio . Phi Alpha Theta, Psychology Club , UD Players, Flyer, Latin and Amer ican Club. GUERIN , RICHARD THOMAS-Mal verne, N. Y. Yearbook. HAWAYEK, ABDO- Santurce, Puerto Rico . Latin and American Club, Concert Band .

• HEED, JAMES J .-Garden City, N . Y. Kn ick Club . HERMANN, DIAN MARIE-Greensburg, Fl yer, Press Club, Hoosier Club .

Ind .

HIGGINS, JOHN G. - Lorain, Ohio. Senior Class President, Cleveland Club President, Studen t Council , Flyers Hangar, Homecoming Comm ittee, Pep Commission.


• KENNEDY, HARRY Dayton Flyer .


Oh io.

KOEHLER , RICHARD NESBITT- Dayton , Oh io . Current Affairs Treasurer . KRONKE, CHARLES HENRY-Long Island, N . Y. Vets Club, Knick Club .

• LANE, JULIE KENT- Louisville , Ky. Bluegrass Club, Decorat ion Committee Prom and Sen ior Fare w ell.



LEHMAN, EUGENE L.-Dayton, Oh io. Pe rshing Rifles, Psy chology Club Treasurer . LUPO, EDMUND JOSEPH-Cleveland, Ohio . Cleveland Club, Homecoming Parade, Flyer Hangar, SAM .

• LYMAN, KENNETH ROBERT-Westlake , Ohio . Cleveland Club, Intramurals, Philosophy Club. MARGOTTA, FRANK A.- Stamford , Conn . Scabbard and Blade, New England Club, Speakers' Bureau, Current Affairs . McCARTHY, RICHARD KEARNEY - Dayton, Ohio .

• MESZAROS, RICKIE- Dayton, Ohio. Flyer and Exponent, Daytonian, Press Club, Orientation Committee. MILLER, HOWARD LESTER-Dayton, Ohio. MILLARD, RICHARD Z.-Dayton, O hio.

• MOORE, JAMES-Dayton, Ohio . NORTHCOTE, JAMES S.-Rochester, N . Y. Vets Club, Football. O ' BRIEN, DANIEL JOSEPH-Long Is land , N. Y. Class Officer, Intra murals, Flyers Hangar, Knick Club, Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Alpha Theta, Freshman Orientation, Philosophy Club, Political Science Speakers' Bureau .

• PALSA, JOSEPH R.-Cleveland, Ohio . Cleveland Club, Fly ers Hangar, Art Club President. PAYNE, ROBERT MICHAEL- Dayton, Oh io . Ann ual Staff ( Associate Editor, 1956) , Varsity Golf, Junior Prom Commi ttee , Senior Farew ell Committee. PAX, VINCENT PAUL-Dayton , Oh io. Art Club, Players .


R.-Dayton, Ohio.

POORE, TED R.-Columbus, Ohio. Vets Club, Current Affairs Club, Bowling Team. QUINN, THOMAS JOSEPH-Woodside, N. Y. Kr]ick Club, Rifle Club, Intramurals, Bowling.

• REICHARD, MARY MAURINE-Dayton, Ohio . Mix ed Choir, Girls' Chorus, Marching Co·Eds, Concert Band, Variety Show, University Playe rs. REMKE, NANCY JO-Ft. Thomas, Ky . Flyers Hangar, Secretary of the Bluegrass Club, Orientation Committee, Cincy Club, Daytonian, Chairman of Junior Prom and Senior Farewell Decorations, Sociology Club, Intramurals. RENAUX, JOHN G. R.-Maumee, Ohio. Flyer Hangar, Cleveland Club, Intramurals, Sociology Club, Junior Prom Decorations .

• RHODES, CHARLES WALLACE-Springfield, Ohio. Pres ident of Student Council, Dayton Art Institute. RODERER, LAWRENCE CHARLES-Dayton, Ohio. Class Officer, Freshman Orientation, NFCCS, Intramurals, Philosophy Club, Dayton Club, Political Science Speakers' Bureau. SCHRADER, ROSEMARIE-Kette ring , Ohio . Dayton Club, Orientation Committee , Flyer Hangar.

• SHOEMAKER, J . DIANE-Dayton, Ohio . Dayton Flyer, Editor-in-Chief, Exponent, Press Club President, Current Affairs Club, Orientation Committee. SIEMERS, PATRICIA LEE-Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati Club, Daytonian Senior Editor, President of Flye rettes, Orientation Committee, CWO Publicity Chairman , Intramurals, Decorations for Junior Prom and Sen ior Farewell . SLATER, JOSEPH FRANCIS-Dayton, Ohio. Varsity Football.


ELIZABETH-Dayton , Ohio .

• SYLVAIN, DONALD BRYCE- Hartford, Conn . Vets Club, CSMC . TAYLOR , CHARLES ROWLEY-Pittsburgh , Pa . Presid e nt of Spee ch Club, Vice Preside nt of Keystone Club, Intra murals, Homecoming Maste r of Ceremonie s. TORRES, SAMUEL PETER-New York, N. Y. Intramurals, Knick Club, Homecoming Dance Chairman, Se nior Farewell Chairman, Sociology Club, Orie ntation Committee.


• TOTH, THOMAS E,-Middletown, Ohio. Psychology Club, Philosophy Club. TRIPODI, JOSEPH H,- Toledo, Ohio. Vets Club, Sociology Club, TRUXEl, ROBERT WILlIAMFlyer, Alpha Theta, Current Affairs, Speakers' Bureau, Philosophy Club, Press Club,

• ULLIMAN, JOSEPH JAMES-Springfield, Springfield Club,


UPDYKE, DON WALTER-Franklin, Ohio, President of Psychology Club, VANDE VHDE, JAMES RICHARD-Lakewood, Ohio, Cleveland Club President, Flyer Hangar, Intramurals, Frisbee,

• WANNEMACHER, CARL EUGENE-Payne, Ohio. Philosophy Club, Marching and Concert Band, UD Players, Mariology Club, CSMC, NFCCS, Glee Club. WELDON, KENNETH RICHARD-Hicksville, Knick Club.

N, Y.

WESTERKAMP, JAMES FRANCIS-Cincinnati, Ohio, Vice President of Cincinnati Club, Baseball, Dayton Flyer, Sociology Club .

• ZINS, THOMAS A.-Cincinnati, Ohio. Tennis, Flyer, Exponent, Daytonian, President of Cincinnati Club, Monogram Club, Intramurals, Senior Class Vice President, Philosophy Club.

"Arts and sciences are not cast in a mould, but are formed and perfected by deg rees .. _" -MONTAIGNE



• ARANETA, MARIA EUGENIA-Quezon pines . Latin and American Club .



BALOGH, JOSEPH JOHN-Dayton, Ohio. Frosh Football, Daytonian, Flyer Hangar, Dayton Club, Co·Chairman Senior Class Publicity . BAUMAN, RONALD LEE-Dayton , Ohio. SAM .

• BEAM, JOSEPH ENOS- Central Islip, N. Y. Kn ick Club , Current Affa irs Organization. BEATTY, ROGER E.-Dayton, Ohio . BENTlEY,


ROBERT - Kettering,


• BERRY, JOHN ROBERT-Cincinnati, Oh io . Vice President Retailing Club, Editor of Paper, Cincinnati Club.


BLAINE, JACK H.-Brookville, Ohio. BLATZ, VERNON ARTHUR-Dayton, Ohio . SAM, Current Affairs Organization .

• BONBRIGHT, HARRY WARD- Dayton, Ohio . BOOHER, ROBERT L.-Dayton, Ohio . BRAY, CATHERINE MARGARET-Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mariology Club, Retailing Club, Springfield Club .

• BURGMEIER, NORMAN MICHAEL- Dayton, Oh io. BUSSE , ROBERT F.-Ludlow Accounting Club.

Falls, Ohio .

BYRD , LUCIE G. -Wilberforce , Ohio. SAM, Delta Sigma Theta .

• CASSERLY, RICHARD PATRICK-Cleveland, Ohio . Cleveland Club, Freshman Football , Intramural Sports . CELLAR, RICHARD S. - Fa irf ield, Conn. Connecticut Club, Knick Club, Monogram Club, Alpha Kappa Psi, Intramural., Flyer. Hang ar. CLARKE, WILLIAM L.-Dayton, Ohio .·Chief Daytonian, Retailing Club, Alpha Kappa Psi , Junior Prom Committee, Dayton Club, Press Club, Intramurals, Flyers Hangar, Frisbee Consultant.

• COLGAN , TIMOTHY EDWARD-Canfield, Ohio . President of Flyers Hangar, Speech Club, Vice Presi· dent Alpha Kappa Psi, Cleveland Club, Assistant Business Manager of Daytonian, Intramurals, Frisbee. COLLASO, PETER T.-Dayton, Ohio. Vets Club, Knick Club. COYLE, JAMES EDWARD-Toledo, Ohio. President Flyers Hangar, Intramurals, Cleveland Club, Homecoming Parade Transportation Chairman, Frisbee .

• CRAIG, RICHARD LEE-Dayton, Ohio. DAVIDSON, KEITH T.-Dayton, Ohio . OSPE, Director of Flyerelles. DAVIS, LAWRENCE VERNON-Dayton, Ohio .

• DENNY, WILLIAM P.-Dayton, Ohio. DENNEY, WILSON ELI-Dayton, Ohio. DEITERING, ELMER HENRY-Dayton, Ohio. Vets Club, Debating Club .

• DILLON, SHERMAN-Dayton, Ohio. DITMYER, JOHN KENNETH-Middletown, Ohio. DIXOUS, DONALD JOHN-Union, Intramurals, Math Club.

N. J.

• DUNSON, DAN U.-Sidney, Ohio. Treasurer of Senior Class, Alpha Kappa Club, Accounting Club, Flyers Hangar, Choir .

Psi, Glee University

EBNER, THOMAS DAVID-Canton, Ohio. Accounting Club, Canton Club. EDL Y, JOSEPH ALEX-Newark, Ohio . Vets Club, Accounting .

• ELLIOTT, CHARLES RONNALL-Medway, Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade. FABlE, ISABEL MARCOS-Manila, Latin·American Club.



FAIRCHILD, JAMES EDGAR-Dayton, Ohio. Accounting Club.

• FANNING, WILLIAM JAMES- Scarsdale, Baseball, Knick Club, Fl y ers Hangar. FINE, DONALD E.- Dayton, Statistics, Intramurals . FINFROCK,


N. Y.


DOUGLAS-Dayton ,


• FISHER, WILLIAM ROBERT-Dayton, Ohio. Tenn is, Assistant Director of the Flyereltes. FORTENER , WILLIAM J .-Dayton, Ohio. Vets Club. FRANKENFELD , LEE ARNOLD-Miamisburg, Ohio .

• GASCOIGNE, THOMAS MARCHAND-Lorain , Ohio. Alpha Kappa Psi, Student Council Activities Committee, Vice P,esident Cleveland Club, Frisbee. GAYER,


RUSSELL- Dayton,


GIBSON , WATSON R.- Dayton, Ohio.

• GINLEY, PATRICK THOMAS-Parma, Ohio. Class Treasurer, Homecoming Committee, Chairman , Vets Club, Cleveland.



FRANKLIN-Dayton, Ohio .

• HART, JOHN PATRICK- Wellsville, N. Y. SAM, Flyer Hangar, Knick Club, Intramural Softball and Basketball and Volleyball . HElL, RICHARD JOSEPH-Cleveland, Ohio. Treasurer of Cleveland Club, Vice President Treasurer of Fly er Hanger, Frisbee . HEYDINGER,



Ohio .

• HOGENKAMP, DA LE MAURICE-Dayton, Ohio . Accounting Club. HOWE, JAMES-Dayton, March ing Band .


HUBER, DAVID CHARLES-Dayton, Ohio. Vars ity Football , In tramurals, Monogram Club, Baseball , Dayto n Club.


• HUBER, PETER JAMES-Marion, Oh io . Flyer Hangar, Cleveland Club, Genera l Cha irman for Junior Prom . KARRENBAUER, HAROLD FRANK-Canton, Oh io. Canton Club, Rifle Club, Scabbard and Blade . KENNEY, JAMES E.-Dayton, Ohio .

• KINDLER , JAMES PAUL- Fairv iew Park, Ohio. President of SAM, Business Manager for the tonian, Cleve land Club.


KLEEHAMMER, S. JOHN-Rochester, N. Y. Vets Club, Knick Club, Intramurals. KEMMERER , ROBERT GORDON-Dayton,


• KLEIN , THOMAS ARNOLD-Toledo, Ohio . Flyers Hangar, Alpha Kappa Psi, University Men's Glee Club . KNOX, RICHARD




KOSMAN , JOHN A.-Lorain, Oh io. Cleveland Club, Flyer Hangar, Baseball, CSMC.

• LOVAS, STEPHEN-Dayton, Ohio . MACCI, DAVID KENT- Dayton, Ohio. Scabbard and Blade, Pershing Rifle, Rifle Club. MACK, JAMES MARTIN- Dayton, SAM, Alpha Kappa Psi.

Ohio .

• MADER, DONALD Bowling Team.

LEE-Dayton, Ohio.

McCARTHY, JACK PAUL-Dayton, Oh io . Varsity Basketball , Monogram Club. McHUGH, JOSEPH EDWARD-Ambridge, Pa . Vets Club, Treasurer, Homemaking Coordinator, President Alpha Kappa Ps i, Delegate to National Convention .





MEYER, NORMAN E.-Dayton, Ohio. Activities Committee, Vets Club, Bowling, Hangar, Accounting Club , Dayton Club .


MONTGOMERY, HERBERT ADOLPH - Louisville Ky . Bluegrass Club, Accounting Club, SAM . '


• MONTGOMERY, SUZANNE CATHERINE-Louisville, Ky SAM Secretary, Bluegrass Treasurer, Retailing Club. MORRIS, THOMAs JOSEPH-Chicago, III . Illini Club Officer, Intramurals. MULCAHY, THOMAS JOSEPH-Massillon, Ohio.

• NALLEY, PATRICK FRANCIS-Louisville, Ky . SAM, Vets Club, Bluegrass Club . NIEKAMP, JOHN F.-Dayton, Ohio Retailing Club, Dayton Club, SAM . OAKES, WINSTON H.-Dayton, Ohio .

• O'BRYAN, JAMES DONALD-Owensboro, Ky . Vice President Bluegrass Club, Glee Club, SAM. OELERICH , FRANK JOSEPH-Winnetka, III . Illini Club, Frosh Football, Glee Club, Choir, Intramurals, Frisbee. OLSEN, JAMES ALFRED-Valley Stream, N. Y. SAM Treasurer, Bowling, Knick Club .

• OLSEN, THOMAS A .-Cleveland, Ohio. Cheerleader, Flyer Hangar, Cleveland Club, Retailing Club. O'REILLY, PATRICK FRANCIS-Columbus, Ohio. SAM, Intramurals. PAUL, DEAN ELDON-Dayton, Ohio. Accounting Club .

• PETRAS, JAMES FRANCIS-Cleveland, Ohio. Glee Club, Chorus, Accounting Club, Cleveland Club. PFEI FFER, RUSSELL JOSEPH-Dayton, Ohio. Alpha Kappa Psi, Vets Club . PHELAN, VINCENT MORSE-Dayton, Ohio .

• PINN, FRANK JOHN-Chicago, III. Varsity Football, Illini Club, Monogram Club . PODSZUWEIT, HANS G.-Dayton, Ohio . Vets Club Secretary. POWERS, JAMES WILLIAM-Dayton, Ohio. Pershing Rifles, Accounting Club, Dayton Club .

• RANKIN, JOHN D.-Lima, Ohio . Alpha Kappa Psi. RAWLINS, ALBERT RAY- Miamisburg, Ohio . Accounting Club, SAM. ROTTERMAN, ROBERT V.-Dayton, Ohio . Alpha Kappa Psi , Cleveland Club, Accounting Club .

• SAUNDERS, ROBERT W .-Bron xville, N. Y. Student Council President, Chairman of Homecoming, Alpha Kappa Psi, Vice President Knick Club . SCHMITZ, JOHN

C.-Day ton , Ohio.


• SHANE, RICHARD JAMES- Dayton , Oh io . Dayton Club, Flyer Hangar. SHINAVER, CHARLES SPENCER-Toledo, Ohio. Alpha Kappa Psi, Flyers Hangar, Cleveland Club, Intramurals. SIEWIOREK, JEANNELOU - Lorain, Ohio. Retailing Club, Business Club.

• SMITH , THOMAS M.-Dayton, Accounting Club, Vets Club.


STAUDENHEIMER, mOMAS SYLVESTER-Kenton, Ohio Accounting Club, Men's Glee Club, Mixed Choir Flyers Hangar . STEELE, ROBERT EDWARD-New Paris, Hoosie r Club, Bowling , UD Rifle Club .

• SUBLER , EDWARD JOHN-Versailles, Rifle Team.


Ohio .

SULLIVAN, WILLIAM J.-Cinc innati, Oh io. Vets Club, Retailing Club , Cincinnati Club . TAKI , HIROJI-Lan ikai , Hawa ii. Hui O ' Hawa ii, Intramurals .


JAMES FRANCIS-Dayton, Oh io.



P .- Miamisburg,

TREMBLAY, JOAN D.-Lora in, Oh io .


• UNGARD, NICHOLAS JOHNSON-Dayton, Ohio . Vets Club . VAN AUKEN, ROBERT D.-Casstown, Ohio . WADE, JOSEPH F.-Charleston, W. Va . Alpha Kappa Psi, Accounting Club, Bluegrass Club, Chapel Server, Rifle Club, Secretary of Scoute r's Service Club .

• WAGNER, JOHN EDWARD-Royal Oak, Mich . SAC, Baseball, Accounting Club, Wolverine Club, Flyers Hangar, Monogram Club. WALBORN, STUART RAYMOND-Dayton, Oh io . Concert Band, Accounting Club . WALKER, J 1M ROBERT-Dayton, Ohio . Accounting Club, Intramural Basketball.

• WALTER, JOHN FRANCIS- Florence, Ky . Current Affairs Organization, SAM. WATHEN, E. CHAPEZE-Owensboro, Ky. Alpha Kappa Psi, Bluegrass Club President, Homecoming Publicity Chairman. WATSON, ROBERT MORRIS- Dayton, Ohio. Personnel Association, Air Force Reserve .

• WILL, VIRGIL L.-Chickasaw, Ohio. Accounting Club, SAM, Men 's Glee Club. WILLKOMM, RICHARD EDWARD- South Euclid, Ohio. Retailing Club, Cleveland Club. ZAJOVITS, RICHARD

J.- Dayton , Ohio.

"5eest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men ." -OLD TESTAMENT Proverbs, Chapter 22, 29.







• ALBERS, BARBARA ANN - Fort Loramie, Oh io . flA . ALLTOP, JUDITH A.- Dayton, Oh io. ACEI , SEA . BARRY , DENNY P.-Dayton, Ohio .

• BEAVER , MARGARET E.- Fairborn, Ohio . BOCKHORN , ARLEN D.-Campbell Hill , III. Varsity Basketball, Monogram Club . BOCKHORN, HAROLD-Dayton, Ohio. Vars ity Basketball, Monogram Club .

• BOONE, IRENE F.-Dayton, Ohio . BRA HON , JAMES R.-Dayton, Oh io . Intramural Basketball. BRUNS, ROBERT ANTHONY-St . Henry, Oh io . Account ing Club, Basketball and Softball Intramurals .

• BRUNSCHWYlER, JUDITH WHARTON-Princeton, W . Va . UD Players, Mariology, Blue Grass Club, Concert Band, Chorus, Education Student Council Secretary . BRUNSWICK, LOUIS RAYMOND-St . Henry, Ohio . BUECKER, SISTER M. IGNIS, M.S.C. - Reading , Pa .

• BUSCH, JANE MARY-Fort Thomas, Ky. Bluegrass Club, Flyers Hangar, Education Council.


CALLAHAN , GERALD P.- Chicago, III. Varsity Football, Monogram Club, Intramurals. CLINARD, ROY R.- D"yton, Ohio .

• COUGHLIN, JOHN J .-Cleveland, Ohio. Flyers Hangar, Vice President, Cleveland Club, Vets Club . CORCORAN, SHARON ANN-Elmwood Park, III. SEA, lilini Club. CREEKMORE, STANLEY l.- Dayton, Oh io . SEA, Vets Club .

• CROW, SYLVIA EVELYN-Dayton, Ohio . SEA. CUNNINGHAM, DONNA JEAN-Brookville, Ohio. SEA, ACEI. CURTIN, THOMAS JOSEPH-Cheshire, Mass. Varsity Football, Monogram Club, New England Club .

• CURTIS, RICHARD VERNON-Dayton, Ohio. DAVISON , JAMES ALLEN-Farmersville, Intramural Athlet ics , Intramural Official. · DECKER, JOSEPH

Ohio .

HERBERT -Dayton, Ohio .

• DEMPSEY, RUTH KATHLEEN-Cincinnati, Ohio . Home Economics Club Secretary, Education Student Council President, Flyereffes, CSMC, Cincinnati Club, Daytonian . DIETRICH , ELLEN M.-Laura, Oh io. SEA. DIFINO, ADELAIDE S.-Garfield Hts., Ohio. Flyeretles Captain, Chorus, Cleveland Club, Dayton Flyer .


• DILLEHAY, JAMES ALOYSIUS-Fort Loramie, Ohio. SEA. DILLER, MARY MARGARET- Coldwater, Ohio. DITMER, WILLA MAE-Phillipsburg, Ohio.

• DUGAN, JOH~ FREDERICK-Dayton, Ohio. Varsity Football, Monogram Club , New England Club. EBERWEIN, DONNA SCHUMETH-Greenville, Ohio. SEA, ACEI. EGAN, RICHARD E.-Germantown, Ohio .

• EIFERT, DONALD CHARLES-Sf. Henry, Ohio. Band President, Choir, Men's Glee Club, Educat ion Student Council Vice President . EVERHART, NANCY LEE-Dayton, Dayton Club . .

Ohio .

FAUST, GERARD A .-Dayton, Ohio. Varsity Football, Monogram Club, Education Student Council.

• FAUST, MARILEE-Dayton, Ohio. Freshman Secretary, Junior Prom Queen, Student Activities Secretary, Homecoming Court , 1957 . FERRERO, LOUIS J .-Massillon, Ohio. Varsity Baseball, Monogram Club, Canton Club, In· t"murals . FINOTTl, RONALD G.-Dunkirk, N. Y. Varsity Football, Monogram Club Vice President, Intramurals.

• FISCHER, THERESE MARIE-Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mariology, SEA, Springfield Club. Fivers Hangar, Accounting Club FREKING, JOYCE K.-Springfield, Ohio. Flyerettes, Turnabout Tag Campaign Manager. GOODMAN , PEARL ANN-Dayton, Ohio .

• GOVER, SARA-Mattoon, III . Concert Band, Marching Coeds, Mariology Club, Home Economics Club Secretary, IIlini Secretary, Choir, CWO Board. GRIFFING, ANN B.-Dayton, Ohio. UD Chorus, SEA, ACE!. GROSS, PHYLLIS J.-Dayton, Ohio. ACE!.

• HALEY, MARGARET A.-Union, Ohio. FTA.



HIEBER, WILLIAM R.-Dayton, Ohio .

• HILINSKI, ROBERT JOSEPH-Dayton, Ohio. Varsity Football, Intramural Volleyball. HOULDSWORTH, JANET KUHN-Sidney, Ohio. Flyerettes, Flyers Hangar, Senior Farewell Court. JOHNSON, JULIA IRENE-Dayton, Ohio.


• KEMP, SIGNE ANN-Dayton, Ohio. KURTZ, GLORIA ANN-Dayton, Ohio. LANE, DONALD J.-Bronx, New York . Varsity Basketball, Monogram Club, New York Club, Intramurals.



• LEHRER, SANDRA-Dayton, Ohio. Education Honor Society. LESKO, JOHN CHARLES-Kettering, FTA, Vets Club.


LOFTUS, PHILIP ANTHONY-Willowick, Ohio. Cleveland Club, SEA.

• MARTIN, GERALDINE M.-Dayton, Ohio. SEA, ACE I. McDERMOTT, MARILYN LEE-Dayton, Ohio. FTA, Chorus. McGINN, SHARON MARIE-Cheboygan, Mich. WAA, Physical Education Majors Club, IAA, Hockey Team, Volleyball Team, Basketball Team .

• McGINTY, JAMES R.-Cleveland, Ohio. Intramurals, FTA, Cleveland Club, Vets Club. McKALE, CONSTANCE ANN-Piqua, Ohio. Marching and Coeds (Captain), Concert Band, Mixed Chorus, Girls' Glee Club, Education Student Council, CWO Publicity Rep., WAA, SEA, MENC, CSMC, and Girl Scout Service Club. McNABB, JACK R.-Miamisburg, Ohio .

• MIDLAM, ANITA LOIS-Dayton, Ohio. Sophomore Class Secretary, FTA Hockey, CWO Board, Intramurals, WAA, Flyers Hangar. MILLER, SISTER Ohio .




MILLER, LOIS KAY-Dayton, Ohio. Student Council Secretary, Student Activities Secretary, Education Student Council, Intramurals .

• MILLER, KENNETH NIVEN-Dayton, Ohio . Springfield Club, Basketball and Softball Intramurals, Freshman Bcsketball. MULLINS, RAYMOND UD Players.

J.-Dayton, Ohio .



• NOLDER, GREGORY S.-Holyoke, Ma ss. SEA, NEA, Flyers Hangar, New England Club, Intramural Basketball , Current Event s Club . OELGOETZ, MARILYN ANN- Kettering, UD Players, NEA . PAUL, JOSEPH E.-Massillon, Ohio . Freshman Football, Varsity Baseball, Monogram Club.

Ohio .



• PHELPS, BARBARA ANN-Dayton, Ohio. Mixed Chorus, Girls' Chorus . PLUMMER, GAYLON W.-Xenia, Ohio . PORTER, WALTER JOSEPH-New Brunswick, N. J . Varsity Football, Monogra m Club Secretary, FTA, In· tram urals.

• REICHLING, LOIS ROSE-Cincinnati, Ohio. FlA, SEA, NEA, Mariology Club, Education Student Council Secretary, Cincinnati Club, Flyerette Secretary, CWO Board Senior Rep., Senior Class Secretary, Student Activities Committee . RICCO, BASILIO WILLIAM- Cleveland, IAA, Education Student Council. RICE,



Ohio. Ohio.

• RITTER, CHARLES WILLIAM-Piqua, Ohio . Band, Choir, Glee Club . ROSSI , JOHN Baseball.

DOMINICK-Middletown , Ohio .

RUFF, LAWRENCE H.-Dayton, Ohio. Exponent, Flyer, Press Club, Current Affairs Club.

• SAFERSTEIN , SHEILA JAFFE-Dayton, Education Honor SOciety.

Ohio .

SAKAL, ROBERT STEVE- Dayton, Ohio. Varsity Football, Monogram Club. SAKALAS, GEORGE VINCENT-Dayton, Ohio . Marching Band, Chorus, Glee Club, Variety Show, Concert Band .

• SASAK, BARBARA A .-Garfield Hts., Ohio. Flyerettes, WAA, Physical Education Majors Education Student Council , SEA. SCHLOTTERER, JOSEPH SEA.


HUGO-Willard, Ohio .

SCHMIESING, JEANETTE E.-Minster, Ohio . SEA, FTA, Secretarial Club, Flyers Hangar, Decorating Committees.


• scon,

CHARLES UD Players .






SEVERIN, LOIS-Dayton, Ohio .

• SHIELDS, DONALD CARL-Dayton, Ohio. SMITH, JUDY A.-Dayton, Ohio. SOLLENBERGER, DAVID R.-Dayton, Phi Alpha Theta, President.


• STANSEL, JANET LEE - Alpha, Ohio. FT A, Choir, Dayton Flyer. STAUFFER, VIOLET R.-Doyton, Ohio. STAUP, KERIN MARY-Tipp City, Ohio. Daytonian, Flyereffe Vice President, SEA, Homecoming Court, 1957_

• STRAUKAMP, HELEN JANE-Dayton, Ohio. Flyereffe Treasurer, Education Student Council, SEA. TAMASKA, ROBERT E.-Bellbrook , Ohio. UD Players. THUNN,



Ohio .

• VACCHIANO, CARMELA l.-Dayton, Ohio. American Chemical Society, Marching Coeds, OEA.


VINCKE, LARRY F.-Offoville, Ohio. Vets Club. WAMSLEY, CHARLES EDMUND-Portsmouth, Ohio.

• WEBB, JACQUELYN FAYE-Dayton, Ohio. WEBER, JAMES RICHARD-Dayton, Ohio. Intramurals. WERLING, CHARLES JOSEPH-Dayton, Ohio. Choir, SSMC, SEA.


• WHITAKER, RICHARD DARYL-Daylon, Ohio. WORTH, DORIS JEAN-Daylon, Ohio. ZINK, JAMES THEODORE-Daylon, Ohio. Inlramurals.

• CONNELLY, BRO. JOHN M.-Mt. 51 . John. lARARIA, BRO. MARTIN P.-MI. 51. John. McANEMA, BRO. PETER-MI. 51. John .

"The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in the felicity of lighting on a good education." -PLUTARCH




Chemical Engineers

• ALlG, ROBERT L.-Dayton, Ohio. AICE, American Chemical Society . BALSTER, LESTER ALFRED-SI. Henry, Ohio. Treasurer of AICE, American Chemical SOciety . CLARKE, CHARLES DAVID-Louisville, Ky. American Chemical Society, AICE, OSPE, Club.


j • HOOK, PHILLIP J.-Dayton, Ohio. LAYTON, GARY R.-Dayton, Ohio. AICE Chairman, American Chemical SOciety. NARTKER, THOMAS ANDREW-Dayton, Ohio. American Chemical Society President, Speech Club, AICE, Rifle Club, Varsity Basketball, Intramurals, Table Tennis Club .

• PARRISH, JAMES EDWARD-Troy, Ohio. American Chemical Society, AICE, Glee Club, Intra· murals. PIRRUNG, PAUL FREDERICK-Tiffin, Ohio . Intramural Bowling, AICE, OSPE. POWERS, WILLIAM MARTIN-Dayton, Ohio .

• TISCHER, RICHARD E.-Dayton, Ohio. AICE, American Chemical Society, Engineering Honor Society. WESTERHEIDE, DONALD EUGENE-New Bremen, Ohio. Math Club President, AICE Activities Commillee, American Chemical Society, Chairman of State ACS Convention.


Civil Engineers

• BUCKEY, DONALD RICHARD-Dayton, Ohio. ASCE Student Chapter, OSPE. CREEDEN, ROBERT TIM-Dayton, Ohio. ASCE. HAGEL, ROBERT JOSEPH - Evansville, ASCE President, OSPE .


• HERNANDEZ, JOSE ANGEL-Puerto Rico. Soccer Team, Latin-American Club, ASCE. IGEL, WILLIAM PETER-Columbus, Ohio. ASCE . MARTZ, WILLIAM CARROLL-Miamisburg, Ohio.

• PRETZINGER, ROBERT B.-Dayton , Ohio. ASCE . SCHROER, ROBERT J.-Dayton, Ohio . ASCE. SPAULDING, JOHN JUSTIN-Waterbury, Vermont . Marching and Concert Band, Scabbard and Blade, OSPE, ASCE .

• WEISS, GEORGE RUSSELL-Columbus, Scabbard and Blade, ASCE.




Electrical Engineers


I • CORDONNIER, DAVID JOSEPH-Dayton, Ohio. GALlIS, ROBERT l.-Hellertown, Pa. Vets Club, Bowling League, AlEE. HAAS, RAYMOND J.-Louisville, Ohio .

• HEIMAN, RICHARD W.- Dayton, Ohio . OSPE. HESSLER, THOMAS JOHN-Mount Prospect, III. Scabbard and Blade, Captain of Pershing Rifles, Rifle Club, Institute of Radio Engineers, Collegiate Bowling, OSPE. HOFFMAN, ROGER VINCENT-Dayton, Ohio .

• HOVEY, RICHARD K.-Dayton, Ohio. JARDINE, ROBERT ALLWARD-Dayton, Ohio. IRE, AlEE, President and Secretary of OSPE, Glee Club, Chairman of Engineers' Homecoming '56. KRAMPE, JAMES EARL-Owensboro, Ky. Bluegrass Club, AlEE, IRE, OSPE, Intramural Basketball.


• LUCIUS, EARL L.- Dayton, Oh io. LUMPKIN, RICHARD CHARLES- Dayton, Ohio. AlEE, IRE, OSPE, Vets Cl u b , Eng ineers' Pu blicity Manager for '56 Homecoming, Dayton Club, University Choir . RICKEY, KENNETH LEE-Dayton, Ohio .



C. - Dayton, Ohio .

SCHWARTZ, NOEL FRANCIS-Dayton, Ohio . Vice Chairman AlEE Student Branch . SIMONS, ROBERT ANTHONY- Rome , N. Y. AlEE, IRE.

• TOMANOCY, JOSEPH ANDREW-Cleveland, Ohio Chairman AlEE and IRE, Treasurer of Scabbard and Blade , OSPE, Intramural Basketball and Baseball, Glee Club, Cleveland Club. VASICEK, EDWARD FRANCIS- W. Sagville, N. Y. IRE, Knick Club, Bowling, Engineers' Homecoming Committee. WAGER , ARTHUR JEROME. IRE .

• WEBER , C. LAWRENCE-Dayton , Ohio. IRE, Band, Dayton Club, Math Club. WISE, JOSEPH FRANCIS-Atwater, · Ohio. OSPE, AlEE .

Electrical Engineers

Industrial Engineers

• BEEL, ROBERT L.-Dayfon, Ohio. IE Club. BRINKMAN, WILLIAM T.-Tiffin, Ohio. Presidenf of IE Club, OSPE, Cleveland Club, SAM, Flyers Hanger. GORHAM, FRED A.-Evansfon, III.

• GOODE, KENNETH ARTHUR-Dayfon, Ohio. Flyer Hangar, IE Club, Orienfafion Commiflee, framurals.


GUAJARDO, ALEJANDRO E.-Monferrey, Mexico. OSPE, Lafin-American Club, IE Club. HAND, GERARD WALTER-Mineola, N. Y. Knick Club, IE Club, Inframurals.


PAUL FRANCIS-Alexandria, Va .

HUFFMAN, DAVID A.-Sandusky, Ohio. IE Club, SAM. KISSANE, MICHAEL A.-Piffsburgh, Pa . IE Club Treusurer, Engineers' Homecoming Campaign .

• PENNO, WILLIAM THEODORE-Dayfon, Ohio. IE Club, OSPE. PISANO, MARIO P.-Dayfon, Ohio. IE Club, Cleveland Club, Flyer Hangar. WESTERKAMP, THOMAS A .-Dayfon, Ohio. IE Club .


Mechanical Engineers

• AMMANN, HANS HUGO - Dayton , Ohio . CRAMBLIT, DAVID CLARK - Dayton, Ohio . Math Club, Rifle Club, ASME Pres ident. FERDELMAN, THOMAS J.-Dayton, Ohio.

• FLADE, WILLIAM JOHN-Cleveland, Ohio . ASME, Cleveland Club . FONZI , ALFRED J.-Fairborn, Ohio. FOSNAUGH,


Ohio .

• FRANCIS, GERALD PETER - North Wales, Pa . ASME Chairman, OSPE, Engineering Honor Society, Keystone Club . FRITSCH, CHARLES ANTHONY-Maysville, Ky. Engineering Honor Society , Men's Glee Club, ASME. GEYER , JOHN PAUL- Hamilton, Ohio. Bowling .

• GREHOFSKY, RAYMOND PAUL-Pittsburgh, Pa . ASME, Keystone Club, Bowling. GUAJARDO, GUSTAVO-Monterrey N . L., Mexico. Latin-American Club . HORIO, PAUL SEIJI-Yokohoma, Hui 0 Hawaii, ASME, Intra murals .

• McCROSKEY, WILLIAM DARWIN - Trotwood, Ohio . McGOVERN, LAURENCE SHANNON-Conneaut, Ohio. ASME, Cleveland Club, Intramurals . McKENNY, LARRY DANIEL-Troy, Intramurals, Booster Club , ASME.



Japan .






• NOVAK, JOSEPH MATTHEW-Pillsburgh, Pa . Football , ASME. OBERJOHN, WILLIAM J.-Lakeside Park, Ky. Engineering Honor Society, ASME, Current Affairs Organization. PAX, CHARLES E.-Dayton, Ohio. ASME, Engineering Honor Society.




• SCHAUER, JOHN J.-Fairborn, Ohio. Engineering Honor Society, Scabbard ASME.



SCHENKING, JOHN HENRY-Coldwater, Ohio. Intramurals, ASME. SCHORR, PAUL GEORGE-Pillsburgh, Pa. ASME, Keystone Club, Engineering Honor Society .

Mechanical Engineers




• AUFULDISH, ROBERT E.-Dayton, Ohio. Intramurals, ACS, Daytonian Staff, Server, Chemistry Society . BAKER, DUKE HOWARD-Dayton, Ohio . Sigma Delta Pi . BRENNER, L. PETER-Dayton, Oh io . Sigma Delta Pi .

• BUCKLES, NEWMAN RICHARD-Troy, Chemistry Club, Flyers Hangar . BURNETT, JAMES EUGENE-Vine Bluegrass Club, Sigma Delta Pi.

Ohio .


Ky .

CAMPCO, ANTHONY JOHN-Mineola, N. Y. Knick Club .

• CAPORAL, ROBERT EDWARD-Dayton, Ohio . Sigma Delta Pi . CAVANAUGH, CATHERINE MARY-Deshler, Oh io. Nu Epsilon Delta. COURTAD, CHARLES-Cleveland , Ohio. Cleveland Club, Flyers Hangar, Intramurals, Pick and Hammer Club, Sigma Delta Pi.


• CRAIG, MICHAEL WILLIAM-Xenia, Ohio . Sigma Delta Pi, Student Council, Intramurals. DIEDERICH, CATHERINE LOUISE-Dayton, Ohio . DEVOL, ARTHUR Geology Club .

STEPHEN-Dayton, Ohio .

• DIAZ, JUANA EMILIA-Dayton, Ohio. DUELL, ELIZABETH ANN-Dayton, Sigma Delta Pi Secretary.


DUGAN, KATHLEEN JOAN-Covington, Ky . Nu Epsilon Delta President.

• ESELlUS, ERIK PHILLIP-Dayton , Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi. FARKAS, EDWARD C.-Dayton , Ohio . Sigma Delta Pi, Intramural Basketball. FAZIO, THOMAS JOSEPH-Springfield, Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi, Springfield Club.


• FINK, GEORGE MICHAEL- Babylon, N. Y. Tennis, Geology Club, Knick Club . FITZGERALD, ELLEN C.-Dayton, Ohio . Home Economics Club. FOLTZ, JEANNE MARIE-Louisville, Ky. Sigma Delta Pi, Bluegrass Club, Intramurals .


HARRY-Dayton, Ohio.


• HACKETT, PATSY MARIE-Springfield, Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi, Springfield Club, Activities Council, Yearbook Staff, Orientation Committee, Intramurals. HALTEMAN, DAVID LANE-Tipp City, Ohio. Geology Club . HAMPTON, MARY R.-Dayton , Ohio. Home Economics Club.

• HECK, GEORGE RICHARD-Dayton, Ohio. ROTC. HEED, EDWARD JOSEPH - Garden City, N. Knick Club, Vets Club.


HO, ARTHUR VENANTIUS-Honolulu, Hawaii. Glee Club, Hawaiian Club , Intramurals, Chemistry Club .

• HOLLANDER, KURT WERNER-Wright Pallerson A.F.B., Ohio. Program Chairman Physics Club, Institute of Radio Engineers. HONINGFORD, Sigma Delta Pi.



HUGHES, PAULINE M.-Dayton, Ohio. Nu Epsilon Delta.

• JACOBSON, JOHN MARTIN-Lakewood, Ohio. Glee Club, Marching Band, Geology Club, Cleveland Club, Debate Club. JAMAN, IRENE AliCE-Bethlehem, Pa. Nu Epsilon Delta . JENKINS, HEATHER l.-Dayton, Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi.


• KAPPEN, JOAN CAROLE-Dayton, Oh io. Home Economics Club . KEAR , KATHLEEN ELIZABETH-Sandusky, Ohio . Sigma Delta Pi, Flyers Hangar. KERBS, PATRICIA ANN-Dayton, Ohio .

• KILEY, HARVEY C.-Dayton, Ohio . Vets Club . KOCON, CECILIA CHESLAW-Lansford, Pa . Nu Epsilon Delta. LEAHEY, JEROME MARTIN-Union City, Ind. Sigma Delta Pi .

• LIBERTO, DAVID S.-Hammonton, N. J. Student Council, Knick Club, Flyers Hangar. LONG, HENRY ANDREW-Dayton, Ohio . LOUNSBERRY, JEAN ANNE-Dayton, Ohio. CSMC, Mariology Club, Geology Club, Press Club, Dayton Club, Current Affairs Club, Marching Coeds, Coed Editor for Flyer.

• LUEHRS, RICHARD JOHN-Dayton, Ohio . Sigma Delta Pi. MAGDZIARCZYK, THERESA AMARYLLIS-LaPorte, Ind. Math Club, Hoosier Club . MANN, JAMES IRVIN-Sidney, Ohio. Intramurals .

• McFARLAND, MONALEE NADINE-Dayton, Ohio. Home Economics Club. MOYES, MARTIN KRAFT- Dayton, Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi, Vets Cl ub. O 'ROURKE, THOMAS ANTHONY-Pittsburgh, Pa. Geology Club, Keystone Club, Flyers Hangar.

• O'SICKEY, ROBERT L. - Cleveland, Oh io. Sigma Delta Pi, Flyers Hangar, Intramurals. PARKER, FEARL M .-Dayton, Ohio. Geology Club . PARKER, JAMES EMORY-Dayton , Oh io.


• PORTER , MARI ' ANNE E.-Brookville, Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi . RANSICK, SISTER M . LILLIAN-Dayton, Ohio. RICHMOND, LOUISE M.-Dayton, Ohio .

• SANDERMAN, JOAN ANN-Dayton, Ohio. Home Economics Club, Flyers Hangar. SAYLOR, OLiTA M.-Dayton, Ohio. President Nu Epsilon Delta. SCHARF, JOHN ROBERT-Bronxville, N. Y. Treasurer Sigma Delta Pi, Intramurals.


• SHEA, JOSEPH LAWRENCE- Sea Cliff, N. Y. American Chemistry Society. SLAGLE, CHARLES ALAN-Dayton, Ohio. Sigma Delta Pi, Dayton Club. SNELLING, MARIE CECELIA-Springfield, Ohio. Junior Class Secretary, Springfield Club Secretary, Field Hockey, WAA, Chemistry Society.




TEGENKAMP, IRENE ELLEN-Dayton, Ohio. TIMMERDING, RITA LOUISE-Covington, Ky . Nu Epsilon Delta .

• VEDA, MARl HELENE-Dayton, Ohio. Home Economics Club, Flyers Hangar. VERSIC, THOMAS CHARLES-Dayton, Sigma Delta Pi .


VONDRELL, JOHN JOSEPH-St. Henry, Ohio. Men's Glee Club, Sigma Delta Pi.



• WilliS, ROBERT ALAN-Dayton, Ohio. Bowling Team, Intramurals. WOLFF, ROBERT LOUIS-Dayton, Ohio. Pick and Hommer Club, Tech-Ni Club, Scouters Service Club, CSMC.

Graduating Class of 1958

a man)

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ST. MARK CHAP. 8, 36-37.



MAJORS s.c.£· B.A.



_____________ J


The Division of Arts has as a function to provide the fundamentals of a liberal education. In its curriculum, the Division aims to furnish special preparation for various professions such as education, art, music, law, journalism, social service, personnel administration, foreign service, as well as the more comprehensive forms of business and industrial activity. It also seeks to prepare students for study on the graduate level.

REV. EDMUND L. RHODES Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences


WILFRED J. STEINER Associate Professor Chairman of the Department of History

REV. RAYMOND A. ROESCH Associate Professor Chairman of the Department of Psychology

RICHARD R. BAKER Associate Professor of Philosophy

Chairman guages

BRO. JOHN R. PERZ Professor of the Department



REV. JOHN G. DICKSON Assistant Professor Chairman of the Department of Religion

CLARENCE H. BAXTER, JR. Instructor in English

MAURICE R. REICHARD Professor Chairman of the Department of Music

EDWARD A. HUTH Professor Chairman of the Department of Sociology

ERVING E. BEAUREGARD Associate Professor of History

GEORGE C. BIERSACK Assistant Professor of Speech


REV. CHARLES C. BLOEMER Assistant Professor of Philosophy


BRO. LAWRENCE L. BOLL Professor of English

REV. JOSEPH S. BRUDER Associate Professor of Philosophy.

REV. WILLIAM J. COLE Assistant Professor of Religion

LESTER I. CONNER Assistant Professor of English

ROCCO M. DONATELLI Assistant Professor of History

JAMES B. FISHER Assistant Professor of English

REV . fRANCIS J. FRIEDEL Professor Emeritus of Sociology

MARGARET GALLI CO Assistant Professor of Phichology

EDWARD W . HARKENRIDER of PhiAssistant Professor losophy

REV . JOHN P. HARRINGTON Assistant Professor of Religion

PATRICK S. GILVARY Instructor in Speech

EDWARD BURROUGHS Assistant Professor of Art Dean, School of the Dayton Art Institute

REV . JAMES E. DONNELLY A SS istant Professor of English

JAMES L. GEYER Instructor in Speech

REV . PHILIP C. HOELLE Assistant Professor of Religion

REV. CHARLES J. HOFSTETTER Assistant Professor of Religion

EDWIN R. KING Assistant Professor of History

BRO. GEORGE F. KOHLES Associate Professor of English

REV. CLEMENT J. LAMBERT Ins tructor in Philosophy

M. HOPE LANDRUM Instructor in English

REV. EDWIN M. LEIMKUHLER Professor of Religion

JOHN I. McGRATH Associate Professor of Speech

REV. LAWRENCE W. MONHEIM Associate Professor of Religion

HELEN S. PETERSON Assistant Professor of English

BRO. THOMAS J. PRICE Professor of English

ROBERT l. NOLAND Assistant Professor of chology


ANTOS C. RANCURELLO PsyAssociate Professor of chology

PHILIP A. LAKE I nstructor in English Speech


BRO. RICHARD A. LIEBLER Associate Professor of Political Science and History

ROBERT B. O'DONNELL Assistant Professor of History and Associate Professor of English

KLARA REYST Associate Professor of and German



BRO. FRANK RUHLMAN Librarian Emeritus

BRO. GEORGE J. RUPPEL Assistant Professor of History

WALTER SORY Assistant Professor of Modern Languages

BRO. GERARD J. E. SULLIVAN Assistant Professor of Classical Languages

BETTY JEAN THOMAS Associate Professor of Music


JOSEPH V. VERSAGE Assistant Professor of Sociology

REV. MATTHEW H. KOHMESCHER Instructor of Religion

CHARLES H. SCHEIDLER Assistant Professor of Psychology

JAMES A . SUMMERS of Assistant Professor losophy


BRO. WILLIAM O. WEHRLE Professor of English

REV. RAYMOND E. McMAHON Assistant Professor of Religion

BRO. FRANCIS W. SCHNEIDER Instructor in Music

LAWRENCE E. TAGG Assistant Professor of Music

VERYL L. ZECH Associate Professor of Music

BRO. LOUIS WEBER Instructor in Fine Arts

" The Silver Spade is used for the fifth time "

"Great Pretenders pretend for Christmas crowd" "Stuffin' time again"


• •

First row, left to right: Jerry Daly, Jeanne lyons, Mary Jo O'Caliaghan, Mary lavanier, Barbara Staub. Second row: leo Krebs, Tom Cardile, Chuck Nash, Harold Bergdahl , Charles Hewitt . Third row: Dave Burke, Tom Kaufl in, John Bock, Ralph Dase .

First row, left to right: Jo Anne De Haven, Karin Goeke, Sally Bringman, Joan Hollencamp, Claremarie Garvey, Frank Coletti , James Cooney, John Medley . Third row: David Dunson, Dick Downey, Jim Fullerton.


Ruth Galles . Second row: Arthur


First row, left to right: Carolyn Stueve, Barbara Leff, Anita Marting, Mary Lou Schwartz, Molly Payne. Second row: Ginger Stoltz, Donna Judd, Carol Williams, Andrea Seiver, Mary Scherer. Third row: Richard La Pera, Paul O'Donnell, Pete Peterson, George Ruestow, Jack Schramm, Frank Riddle. Fourth row:

Tom Spinelle, Paul W. Kopp, B. E. Trapp.

First row, left to right : Barbara Balsom, Pat Flanagan, Betty Angi, Lynn Deters, Virginia Edgar, Margaret Eshmon. Second row: Bill Conger, Michael Barlow, Juliana Kline, Dawn Ebner, Bill Fitzgerald, Roy Davis, Thomas Beck. Third row: William G. Deegan, Rodger Coleman, Lee Buddendeck, Bob Frost, Robert Antonick, Jim Bohma"n, Richard Brown, Jon Carrigan. Fourth row: John Fisher, Jo Bruce Alessie, James L. Denney, Ray Beach, John Driscoll, Anthony Eslass, John Davenport. Fifth row: Gerald Comer, Dick Flanagan, A. James Deneke, Dan Connor, George String, Jerry Bier, Buford Chester.


First row, left to right: Mike Moore, Shirley Ann Caldwell, Therese E. Geis, Judy Jacobs, Marilyn Morris, Gordon G. Lah. Second row: Kenneth Gudorf, Raymond E. La Fronse, James F. McCarthy, Tim Maloney, Kelley Malcolm, David Kiger. Third row: Tom Keller, Jay Berman , Joseph Di Benedetto, John La Bruyere, Walter Keyes, Ted Kauflin .

First row, left to right: Janet Shiverdecker, Aspasia Phillips, Martha Payne, Jeanne Seech, Patricia O'Brien. Second row : Kenneth Pickell, Carl Riley, Roger J . Odenweller, Dennis Price, John Nagle. Third row: Phil Palumbo, Dav id Oakes.


Firsr row, lelr ro righr: Lois Wartinger, Rosemary Vallo, Janet Bechtol, Judy Lang. Second row; Pat Stippich, Sue Neumann, Filomena Vacchiano . Third row ; Patrick Zier, David Tumbusch , Dirk May Snelling, Orian Wogaman, Tom Tumbusch.

"Look, I golta go home . .. it's 4 a.m."

"Move over, Flyerelles, make room for Norbie Young's crew"


The Division of Business Administration prepares students for activity in business, community leadership, and service . Because intelligent business and community leadership require a well-rounded character and mind-development, this Division feels that its students must not only be well-versed in commerce and its related fields, but also in those of philosophy and social sciences. It is believed that broad training in the various fields within the Division will equip the student with a more diversified tra 'i ning than if too narrow specialization is followed . Also, by a wise guidance in his choice of elective courses outs ide this Division, the student's general knowledge is widened and in this same manner his interests are fostered and developed.

DR. HILARY BETH Acting Associate Dean of Business Administration


EDMUND B. O'LEARY Professor of Economics and Business Organization Head of Department of Econom ics

BARTH J. SNYDER Professor of Business Organization and Economics Head of Department of Business Organization

MARY C. CIVILLE Associate Professor of Secretarial Studies

ORVILLE COMER Associate Professor of Business Organization

ROBERT E. KRIEGBAUM Associate Professor of Secretarial Studies

FRANCIS G. McGOVE,RN Associate Professor of Eco-

VELMA MAE MILLER Associate Professor of Secretarial Studies, Head of Department

HARRY C. MURPHY Associate Professor of Business Organ izat ion

JOSEPH F. UPDYKE Associate Professor of Accounting

CHARLES W. WHALEN, JR. Assistant Professor of Business . Organization



JOHN F. WILL Associate Professor of Business Organization.

JANET H. WILSON Assistant Professor of Accounting.

BRO. GEORGE W. NAGEL Former Associate Dean of Business Administration

Due to his health , Bro. George was forced to step down from his office of Dean, a position which he held for many years. Through his door passed hundreds of men and women into the business world . In his years as Dean, he fostered more students than any other Dean in the University . It was Bro. George who built the Division well-rounded educational system it is today. more than facts and figures, it teaches the of education which has been given to all his

of Business Administration into the A system which gives the student student to think. This is the kind students.

We all know and love Bro. George, his door is always open for whatever problems we may bring him . He was tough on us but we now appreciate him more for that fact. Thanks, Bro. George, and may God bless you always .


" 'Hub' is off for 6 points at Homecoming"

"Briars unite-threate" strike!"

"Coeds demonstrate Bonnie Pruden exercises"


First row, left to right: Anthony L. Alonzo, Janet Chastain, Mary E. Dapore, Arnold M. Fingerhood. Second row: Charles Bishop, Charles Brubach, Robert Caliboso. Third row: Richard I. Danielewicz, Bob Ashman, Joe Cuddy, Joe W. Bailey.






First row, left to right: William Krueger, Nancy Hazlett, Bill Caiaccio, Mary Bryan Medley, Pinshen Kuan. Second row: Lowell E. Mills, Tom Moritz, John Kroll, Jim Poweski, Terry Reagan, Robert H. Jones. Third row: Jim Gates, Rich Szink, Jack Laffey, Bill Hepp, David Herrman, Kevin Moriarity, Earl Bowlin.


First row, left to right: Carol Wetzel, Thomas Obzamy, Gerald Pedro tty, Larry Ryan, Bob Scott, George Schumann.

First row, left to right: Ray Geiger, Leonard Diaspro, David E. DeWine, Richard Mooney, Linda Ehrhart. Second row: John F. Malloy, George Cooper, John W. Clark, Jim Dresher. Third row : Vincent S. Gohozy, John Bamrick, Andre J. Bourdet, William Thiele, Richard King .


First row, left to right: Clifford Harestad, Harold H. Grilliot, Nancy Miller, Sue Maloney. Second row: Hugh McCaffery, Robert L. Gaier, Anthony Pallazzolo, Charles J. Mencsik. Third row: Lawrence F. Kedzie, Dennis E. Mundhenk, John Frederick Imber.

First row, left to right: Marilyn Ryan, Pat Payne, Lois Zorc, Barbara Wenzler, V. Spangenberger. Second row: Betty Kay Spatz, Lois Jean Spatz, Larry Thompson, Robert J. Lillie, Jr., Mary M. Sakala, Gale Tempest. Third row: Daniel Topp, Jerry Woolery, W. Joseph Westbrock, Robert Sherry, Dick Van Arta, Dan Sexton. Fourth row: Joe Zirbs, Joseph H. Zobrist, George Tiedemann, William F. Ward.


First row, left to right : T. • J. Eichelberger, Beverly Carey, Sandy Carlile, Diane De Wine,

Paulita Boesch, Mimi Boehemer, Diane Dawson, Angelo R. DiGiacomo . Second row: Marty Dee, John F. Coyne, Fred Bentz, Earl J . Bergeron, Richard Dingolo, Frank Begg, Ross DiBacco. Third row : Allen Cahill, Doug Finn, Robert Cella, Robert E. Frain, Robert Fox, David C. Berry, Edward Doran. Fourth row: Robert Ackerman, Chuck Fazio, Ron Burgher, James R. Burns, William B. Dicks. Fifth row : Paul B. Ficalora, Patrick Bergerson, Robert Howard Chapman, Patrick Culleton, R. J . Affourtit.

First row, left to right : Anthony Mazza, Margie Moritz, Sarah Jane Medley, Bonnie Hartley, Sharon Huntzberger, Richard Madden . Second row : Robert G. Gessler, Ben lacampo, Ray Mechenbier, William T. Harwood, Ed McCluskey, J. C. Gawet, Kenneth C. Howard, Dennis McCourt. Third row: Thomas G . Harbison' III, Joy Murray, James Hinds, Malt Gembala, Richard J. Gearhart, Michael Leahy, Eugene A. La Face. Fourth row: Thomas Karab, Charles Minnich Ronald Keptner, Ed Mull, Jerome Harrish, Eddie J . Mlodzik . Fifth row: Bill Hewitt, John W. Maloney, Jim Moran, Clement Kemer.



. '. First row, left to right: linda McGraw, Iro Lazou, John Murphy, Bobbie Kaser, J ud y Manker, Judy Goelz, Charlene Herz. Second row: John Lue he rs, Ken Juchem, Gregory L. Moore, Peter J. Ledwedge, Mike Long, Bill McCarty, Patrick J. Marlin. Third row: Robert Jaco bson, Tim Miche l. Rober t Herlihy, Thomas loebner, Kenneth George, William F. Heidenre ich, Jim Kelle he r. Fourth row : No rman Hoening, John McCarthy, Howard Lutz, John Moorh ead , Victor M. Morales, Mike McC lellan. Fifth row : Richard McGuire, Robe rt Hagan, Patrick J. Murphy, Dale Hill, Jo hn Magnus, Thome s Gulick.

First row, left to right: Jose A. Rosado, J. W. Phengar, Marlene Nicolas, Richard A. Roof. Seco nd row: Luis P. Nevares, Charles A. Petrillo, David Pummill . Payne. Third row : Howard Reams, Peter Oliver, Ransom Piltz, John O'Connor .



First row, left to right: Dianne Smolinski, Sharon Scanlan, Mary Ann Weber, Lynn Sommers, Roberta Smith, Marilyn Wyen. Second row: Arthur Wohlfrom, Michael J. Sabota, Philip Teta, Richard Catalano, Anthony Satariano, Bill Thornton, John Welsh. Third row : Percy Vera, Robert P. Stack, Bill Belanich, Don Stewart, Vincent Vanacore, Chuck Sweeney, Jos<,ph F. Sweeney. Fourth row: Sam Subler, Henry Schilling, John Winneberg, Robert Val us, Donald Weimert, Don Taylor.

"Knobby makes outstanding recovery to the astonishment of the crowd"

"You should complain! You have Oscar"


The Division of Education is primarily concerned with the professiona I prepa ration of futu re teachers. It is recognized that teaching is an art, that it requires painstaking professiona I prepa ration aga i nst the backdrop of desirable personality qualities. In this respect, the Division seeks quality rather than quantity in its students. The four-year program of teacher education is designed to provide the future teacher with opportunities for: (1) personal, social, and ethical development; (2) a broad general education; (3) comprehensive subject specialization; and (4) professional competence.


~ ~



















BRO. LOUIS J. FAERBER Associate Dean of Education



REV. GEORGE BARRETT Assistant Dean of Education

I I THOMAS BLACKBURN Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Educat ion

HENRY l. FERRAZZA Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Education, Act ing Chairman of the Department of Physical Education

DORIS A. DREES Instructor in Phys ical Education

B路RO. JOHN J. JANSEN Assistant Professor of Education

IROBERT C. FORT Ass istant Professor in Education

PAUL C. KEYES Assistant Professor of Education

SR. MARY FELICITAS Instructor in Education

JAMES LA VANCHE Instructor in Physical Education


DAN I EL l. LEARY Professor of Education Director of Student Teaching

MARY T. LEONARD Assistant Professor of Physical Education

SIMON J. CHAVEZ Associate Professor of Education

SR. MARY PELAGIA Associate Professor in Education

JOSEPH E. WHITE Instructor in Education



ALMA E. RUHMSCHUSSEL Coordinator of Student Field Experiences

First row, left to right: Mary Foley, Pat Evans, Nancy Eyman, Donna Devoe, Marcella Dawicke. Second row: Jean Bellin, Sue Barr, Nancy L. Caldwell, Ruth Grathwohl, Majorie Everett, Dianna Dunn, Cecile Buchard. Third row: Dick Bradfield, Mike Allen, Donald R. Hawker.

First row, left to right: Joyce McMahan, Mary Homan, Joeann Hass, Marianne Vincent Manetta.


Second row:

Ruth Jaxtheimer,


O'Donnell, Barbara



First row, left to right: Marie Skunza, Barbara Van Zyl, Peggy E. Taylor, Barbara Wessendorf. Secor;d row : Mary Ann Reynolds, Joan Well mann, Gayle Buekner . Third row : Virgil Winglewich, William Ries, Jim Scofield.

First row, left to right: Judith A. Alltop, Ann Evans, Martha Becker, Mary Diller, Pat Flanigan, Sandra Fellers. Second row : Nancy Dague, Helen Clary, Louise Ebert, Sheila Bueker, Sondra Fella, Ellen Dietrich, Donna Cunningham. Third row: Tony Doria, Chuck Craycraft, Joe Diorio .


First row, left to right: Irene Kramer, June Isreal, Anita King, Carole Limes, Gerry Gevat, Jane Gagel, Jill Lukacs, Susan Guess. Second row: Mary Kronauge, Annette Grillot, Margie Griffiths, Patty Gulach, Jackie Hawkins, Peggy Keating, Sharon Kelly. Third row: Frances Meyer, Nicoline MacGregor, Connie Layman, Sonia Lee, Suzanne Dister, Grace Lerch. Fourth row: Jerry Lonsway, Joe Leigh, Mary Sue Miller, Geraldine Martin, Mary Margaret Meranda, Michael Kaiser. Fifth row: Ron Reyno'lds, Ron Meyer, James L. Hemmert, Bob King, George Marklay, Tony Latelll, Don Monett.

First row, left to right: Andrea Na9Y, Sue Ann Romie, Rosalie Roderer, Loretta Riepenhoff. Second row: Carol Nomina, Felix J. Rozzo, Edward A. Rogerson, Jerry Rigol, Ceil Nolan.


First row, left to right: Barbara Folke, Mary Sell, Carol Tullis, Marilyn Senne!. Second row: Judy Schrein, Sue Wildenhaus, Bert Wray, Tony Sperandeo.


First row, left to right: Carol Dool a n, Nancy Jo Caito, Dianne Amann, Sue A. Dale, Sue Eisenloh r, Lois Bryant. Second row: Marcia Bowers, Martha Sue Fread, Patricia Egan, Sylvia Carito, Harriet Ammann, Barbara Feltner. Third row: Dora C. Fugate, Beverly Bereda, Jo Ann Fischer, Mary Lou Bensman, Connie Burkhardt, Connie Flanigan. Fourth row! D. C. Brandenstein, Irmhild Buller, Jane Brennan, Mary Kay Burkhardt; Pally Buchard, Sharon Domini, Carmel Catanzaro, Carolyn Euering, Fifth row: Dave Falzeruno, Louis Flint, John S. Cassady, H. Lawrence Dennis, R. A. Fitzpatrick, Pat Dolehanty, Ronald P. Dudas, Danny Burns.

First row, left /0 right: Ethel M. Martin, Joan Homan, Janice Hemmelgarn, Joann High, Pat Hagerty, Myrna Gretsinger, Mary McGarvey, Carole Maloney. Second row: Sue Geyer, Kathleen Harris, Dolores Gibson, Pat Geoghegan, Carole Lyle, Elnora A. Motley, Connie Hoying, Barbara Louise McMunn. Third row: Judy Mayer, Pat Keneavy, Barbara Hamant, June Lionetti, Carol McCormick, Yvonne R. Monnin, Beverly Grieshop, Carol Keck. Fourth row: Francis A. Green, Earl Klosterman, Joe McSteen, Vincent F. Lombardo, Anthony LaMarcia, Ernie Monnin, Tom Hickey. Fifth row: Jerald Kent Huntsberger, Bill E. Johnston, George

S. Luce, Lawrence O'Donnell, Harley Loman, Jr., Harold Harrigan, Roger Hayders, Gary Hahn, Joe Leahey.

First row, left to right: Mary Ann Renner, Carol Potter, Ruth Ann Rueth, Judy Pohl. Second row: Mary Probst. Third row: Eugene Miller, Richard Robinson, Joseph Kusk, Brendan O'Leary.

Mary Jean Osterday, Carol Neumann, Carolyn



First row, left to right: Patsy Thaxton, Judith Trimmer, Sally Yenger, Suzanne Sennet, Maureen Sullivan, Barbara Talmage. Second row: Ruby Jean Shelby, Myrna Wetzel, Sandi Sulton, Gail Sanders, Mary Jo Withrow, Diane Swisshelm, Elaine Wildenhaus. Third row: Jane Stein, Mary Zwiesler, Sandy Wolf, Carol Ann Voelke, Cora Weldon, Peggy Synk. Fourth row: John J. Wirth, James F. Whitwell, Frank Tobin, Charles Wills, Anthony J. Scalia. Fourth row: Ray Thomas, Frank Wolfinger, William Vogel, James Thomas, John Smykowski, Gene A. Smith.


"We listen intently as Bro. Panzer gives us our Christmas present"

If You Can't Find Yourself ... You Weren't There - - - - -


The Engineering curricula in each of the fields of Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering are drawn up for a fouryear minimum period. No effort is spared to acquaint the student thoroughly with fundamental principles and to give him a clear insight into the analysis of engineering problems. While emphasis is laid on fundamental theory, continued attention is paid to the solution of practical problems for the purpose of illustrating scientific principles and pointing out their industrial application . To help the young Engineer achieve his purpose in life, the University offers, in addition to the prescribed Engineering subjects, a wide selection of courses in the Arts and Sciences and Business Administration.

MAURICE R. GRANEY Dean of the College of Engineering


RAYMOND J. STITH Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Acting Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering

BRO. LOUIS H. ROSE Pro,fessor of Electrical Engineering Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering

ROBERT E. WILSON Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering

LLOYD P. BRENBERGER Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Acting Chairman of the Department of Industrial Engineering

HAROLD NIELSEN Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering


H. LAMAR ALDRICH Assistant Professor of Engi· neering Drawing

PERRY A. BORDEN Associate Professor of Electri· cal Engineering

JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN, JR. Professor of Civil Engineering

THADDEUS CZAKI Associate Professor of chanical Engineering


OSKAR HAUENSTEIN Associate Professor of Engi· neering Drawing

BRO . AUSTIN J. HOLIAN Associa te Professor of Electri· cal Eng ineering

JAMES P. HSU Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

JOHN R. MacFARLANE Instructor in Industrial Engi· neering

ADRIAN J. MORGAN Ass istant Professor of Electrical Engineering

HAROLD R. NULL Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

BERNHARD M . SCHMIDT Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

HOWARD E. SMITH Instructor in Mechanical Engineering

, j WALTER E. SPURGEON Instructor in Mechanical Engineering


JESSE H. WILDER Associate Professor of Mechani· cal Engineering

HAROLD E. WRIGHT Assistant Professor of Mechani. cal Engineering

JAMES N. YAKURA Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

First row, left to right : Robert oj. Andres, Jay Smith , Kanwar Aggarwal , James M. Fultz, George Bonifas. Second row: Ben Alig, James A. Curnyn. Don Bouquot, John Delaney, David Kraft. Third row : Paul Fleming, Orestes Ginkovich II, w.. Churchill, Jr., Stanton lavelle, Ra,lph Brueneman. John Joseph


First row, left to right: Ronald Obergefell, Arturo Cordova, Gene l. Herman, M. A. Minnelli. Second row: Timothy W. Hennessey, Micheal S. Inoue, John W Miller, Paul M. Rail. Third row : Terry M. Trumble, George l. Mans, George H. Kreutzjans.


First row, left to right: William A. Rowley, John Cogan, James Trageser. Second row : John Wirebaugh, Don Zimlich . Third row : Herna'n Maldonado, David L. Peters, David U. Soller.

First row, left to right : Bernard W. Braun, Daniel Becerra, Ronald Anbes, Herbert Dietrich, Norman Dreier, Jorge L. Blanco, Jerry Bauer, Wayne Bostick. Second row : Fenton T. Downey, Arnold Arts, Bill Astorino, Bill Bentler, Joseph Fortner, James J. Carleton, James F. Brousil, Clarence Billner. Third row: William L. Thiele , Jr ., Richard D. Bigham, Edward J. Bereda, James Bollensen, Dan Ebbert, Tom Bier, Wm . Ii. Bierman, Jr. Fourth row: Lee A. Aldrich, Frederick J. Connell, Dick Crouse, John J. Boerger, Larry Edmondson, Melvin Bornhorst, Kenneth J. Aken, Robert Foil .


Firs t row, left to right: Brian Goode, George A. Kibler, Jim Hartlage, lee lie b ler, Fran leibold, Paul Malloy, Gary Green, George Holub. Second row: John Houk, Joseph Krupar, Norm Horn, Richard lennon, Richard Macke, Fred Mito, John Bartus. Third row : Alonso Gasque, Christe Mengos, Tom Grogean, James lockhart, Dave Hart , Jerry Miller, Jerry Kindell.

First row, le ft to right: G. Albert Bates, Charles Raymand, Pedro T. Gizman, Carl Barhorst, Paul lange, Pa ul Daleiden, Joe Princehouse. Second row: Robert J. O'Brien, Richard P. Hoffman, Robert l. Richard, Philip Paicio, Tom McAllister, Ro be rt J. O'Herron, J ack Kr ue tzkamp, Jorge Anibarro. Third row: Peter liotino, F. Papscun, Bill Brennan, Henry Josefczyk, Ted Rehage , Dick Ni cho las, Tom Hee d, Jerry Middendo rf.


First row, left to right : Bill Winger, Joseph Traczyk, Dale Shadburn, William Snider, George W . Schumacher. Second row: John Schurer, Anibal Howard Wolfe, Vincent Riccia, David Roesinger. Third row: Rodney P. Wurst, Allen Zappone, M. McKenna, Paul A. Schneider, Don Winegan.


First row, left to right: Robert J . Bauer, Mark F. Daley, James Frey, Richard Lewicki, Bill Donahue, Frank J. Bellafiore, Jam Foran. Second row : Donald Bowerman, Ed Ferris, Joel Paul Hand, Ed Anzalone, Charles P. Connolly, Ronald Fang , Edgar Araish, Victor J. Calvo. Third row: Ned P. Becker, Ron Beisel, Ronald P. Bertaisi, Gerald L. Briley, Edward A. Clark, Greg lammers, Robert Evers, Robert R. Corpste in. Fourth row: Donald Fosselman, Arthur R. Brunswick, Vincent Daniello, Robert Begley, Bernard Boyert, William Cramsey, James J. Bruggeman, Edward C. Ely, Jr. , Wil liam J. Beer.


George Inouye, David Lammers, Jim Kastle, Bernard R. KoKenge, Henry A. Hensel, William Groch, William L. Koch, Edward J . Leyes . Second row: Robert V. Kohls, Bob Leitzinger, David A. Miller, Paul Favelle, Daniel J. Maglicic, Dav id G. Horobin, C. Gonzalez, MIChael ~a~ur. Third row ; Dennis Gerdeman, Gerald W. Hartke, W illiam E. Hammer, Jr. , Dennis Gullette, W illiam S. Linville, Jr ., James Humphry, W. Edward McSmnlS . Fourth row; John Jauch, Donald H. Knapke, Ray A. Gottschall , R. Howard Herolzer, Robert Lucas, Harry A. Lotis, James Hamm, Stanley Greenberg.

Fir st row, left to right: Carl F. Schrader, Seiya Sakurai, H. W. Tullemers, Dick Seaman, Timm Kukla, John Waitzman, Dan Weigandt, Jerry Wysong, Joseph C. Santo. Second row : James Spikes, F. Xavier Zequeria, Roger F. Toth, Silvano Pantzanni, Vin Di Pentima, Cliff Williams, Henry C. Sommer, Jerome B. Besanceney, M. D. Schweitzer . Third row : Norman Sawdey, Richard Gaither, Tom Coppola, Ed McAuliffe, Ron Armstrong, Dennis J . Seitz, Edward Sherwein, Jim Park . Fourth row : H. L. Loveless, Stephen Soller, A. Andrew Smolder, J . Richard Schorr, William L. Schummer, Paul Troin, James V. Testa, Gil Weber . Fifth row : Hans Peter Schmid, George J . Skuns, Bernard We rling, Timothy Trick, Lawrence E. Smith, Edward A. Steinmetz, George D. Smalley, Bill Ose it. Sixth ro w: Leon Vorst, Jon Von Wihl , Edmund W. Boyle, Thomas Stulman , Thom'a s R. Stanton , Roger E. Smith, Eugene P. Steinmetz. Seventh row: Charles Brown, John Costello, Edward Kolasinsk i, Gil Za lewsk i, Charles Sweeney.



The Division of Science, in attempting to carry out the objectives of the University to provide a complete Christian education for its students, tries to make the student skillful in the specialized work of the scientist and in his thinking habits, which are objective, impartial, and concise. Such thinking is based, for the most part, on the alert observations of the behavior of nature, and involves processes which are often, but not necessarily, mathematical. The student is made to realize that this kind of thinking cafl lead to new knowledge and that knowledge in itself is a good thing, apart from the practical applications. The end achieved, however, is eminently worthy of the great efforts; it shows the student the magnificence of Creation and the infinite Goodness of the Creator, and thus serves to assist in the attainment of one's Great End-the knowledge of God and consequently His love.

BRO. LEONARD A. MANN Associate Dean of Science


ROBERT C. WIECHMAN Assistant to the Associate Dean of Science Associate Professor of Biology, in charge of Pre-Medical Students.

BRO. PAUL MACHOWICZ Assistant Professor of Biology Acting Chairman of the Depart. ment of Biology

BRO . CLETUS C. CHUDD Associate Professor of Chemistry Chairman of the Department of Chemistry

EITHEL ROSE Professor of Home Econom ics Chairman of the Department Home Econom ics


GEORGE H. SPRINGER Professor of Geology Acting Chairman of the Department of Geology

KENNETH C. SCHRAUT Professor of Mathematics Chairman of the Department Mathematics



CONSTANCE ECKLAR Instructor in Mathematics

SYLVESTER EVESLAGE Associate Professor of Chemistry

BRO. MICHAEL B. GRANDY Professor of Physics

KATHRYN H. GRAY Assistant Professor of Geology

DOROTHY A. HASKIN Assistant Professor of Chemistry

GERTRUDE D. HECKMAN Associate Professor of Biology

RAYMOND G. HIEBER Assistant Professor of Physics

MARY B. HUTCHESON Assistant Professor of Nursing Education

LAWRENCE A. JEHN Associate Professor of Mathe-

BRO. RUSSEL A. JOLY Associate Professor of Biology

MORRIS J. KREIDER Associate Professor of Mathe-

BRO. WILLIAM J. BELLMER Professor of Mathematics

JOSEPH E. BOSSHART Assistant Professor of Mathe-_ matics

PETER J. FASO Associate Professor of Biology




RICHARD P. IRELAND Instructor in Physics

BRO. JOSEPH A. KUNTZ Assistant Professor of Biology

BRO. JOHN J. LUCIER Associate Professor of Chemis-

CARL I. MICHAELIS Associate Professor of Chemis-



JULIE A. PALMERT Instructor in Home Economics

JOSEPH A. PAPPALARDO Assistant Professor of Chemis-


WERNER R. E. RAMBAUSKE Associate Professor of Physics

ANN SMITH VAN AKEN Instructor in Home Economics

BRO. VINCENT J. RATHBUN Assistant Professor of Physics

MARGUERITE VANCE Instructor in Chemistry

Assistant matics

JERRY l. NEFF Professor of Mathe-

GEORGE B. NOLAND Associate Professor of Biology

ELIZABETH PAYNE Assistant Professor of Home Economics

ALBERTA G. PRATHER Associate Professor of Mathematics

BRO. ROBERT J. SCHUElLEfN Assistant Professor of Biology

ELIZABETH SMALLWOOD Assistant Professor of Home Economics

BRO. ROMAN WICINSKI Instructor in Chemistry

BRO. WILLIAM J. WOHLLEBEN Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


First row, left to right: Sue Ann Gedra, Elaine McDowell, Susan Hochwall, Carol Hartke, Burke Longo, Nancy Macklin, Johanna Kalavsky . Second row: Joseph A. Moran, Richard C. Miller, John Messenger, Tom Cunningham, Ed McDona ld, Joe Higgins . Third row : James Murray, Elliot Levy, Lawrence M. Jackowski, Daniel DeBord, Omer Berger. Fourth row : Dan Hazlett, Thomas Mick, Ronald W . Mclin , Howard D. Klosterman , Charles Kuntz, Jerry Goldschmidt.

First row, left to right : Nancy Spires, Anita Reasor, Myrna Smith, Jeanne Pflaum . Second row : Nunzio Ross i, Fred J. Trzos, Bill Sabo, Leonard M. Sieradski, Cha rles J. Ritter. Third row : Jerry Waters, James Walsh, Leo Shanley , Paul A. Taylor .


First row, left to right: Geri Gabel, Mary Lou Fecke, Sr. Mary Ethel , C.PP .S. Second row: Gerry Dickson, Jan Gervasi, Elaine R. Edwards, Ruth Fries . Third row: Richard Burkhardt, Bill Bosch, David C. Bishop, John M. Duchak . Fourth row: Bob Barnes, J. Fisher, Roland C. Duell , Jr.

First row, left to right: Sondra Kennard, Sueanne Ellis, Sheila James, Linda L. Lyons. Second row : Raymond B. Oterr, Ralph Omlor, Richard Nonelle, John McClos key. Third roW : John Manning, John Hunt, Donald Kalinowski, Henry Mohlman .


First row, left to right: Dom Bello, Donald E. Ehrlich, Majorie Donich, AI Asherman, James Anthony. Second row: Bar~ey Dancs~k, J. Capella, George R. Brown, Edward Cogswell, Dennis Andrich . Third row: Stephan L. Chapman, Lawrence E. Francis, Thomas Brun, Lew Diehl, R. Kilcoyne. Fourth row: Rollin Furnas, Michael J. Broadstone, William E. Brockman, Owen Borman , N. Marinelli.

First row , left to right: Charlene Hall , Susan Flanagan, Sandra Hardy, row: W illiam H. Gates, Grant E. Deger, Richard Gross, Tom Berger, James E. Harrison , Richard G. Felter, Ed Luce, Jon Hogencamp, John Bernard Hegman . John Herrman . Fifth row : Kenneth Pohl, William A.


Doris Gitzinger, Katherine Koverman, Joanne Kalt, Sylvia Liebel, Gerry Walker . Second Ray Kenney, George Koehl, Joseph Liszeski. Third row : Joseph Koridek, John D. Lane, Michel, Fourth row: Wayne L. King, Sam J . Gentile, H. A. Magnant, Frederick R. Faust, Fronek, Ronald Hough, Brian Hood, W ill iam Mapel.

First row, left to right: Barbara Sanderman, Ruth Penney, Mary Lou West brock, Clara Trollman, Sharon O'Malley, Janet Woods, Pat Smith. Second row: Ronald L. Riege, Edward Williams, Cindy Panella, Gail Stickel, SuzAnne Siegel, Richard S. Varga, Carl Shaefer. Third row: Dick Schukonske, Walter Reiling, Jim Rice, William J. Weller, Jim Smith, Jim Seitz, Luis A. Torres. Fourth row : Ronald Hodge, James A. Schulker, Paul Rogers, Clement Wickes, Jim White, John M. Wells.

"Well, Pete, we told you that someday you would be mistaken for Santa"

" I don't care if you do teach music, you can' t make us sing!"


The Technical Institute is a twoyear coll'e ge program of technical training for individuals preparing for positions in production, operations, and supervision. Also included is training for such supporting engineering positions as laboratory assistant, experimental technician, and draftsman. All curricula as developed by the University are practical in nature and are designed to meet the needs of individuals and industry. Each course is carefully organized, using suggestions of persons actually working in the industrial situation.

DONALD C. METZ Director of Technical Institute


JOSEPH E. AVERDICK Assistant Professor in Technical Institute

ALFRED B. FEHLMANN, JR. Instructor in Technical Institute

L. DUKE GOLDEN Assistant Professor in Technical Institute

DOUGLAS A . HANNEMAN Instructor in Technical Institute

RICHARD R. HAZEN Instructor in Technical Institute

A. WARD KNISLEY Instructor in Technical Institute

WILLIAM H. LOUGHRAN Assistant Professor in Technical Institute

JAMES L. McGRAW I'nstructor in Technical Institute

BRO. EMIL MORGANA Assistant Professor in Technical Institute


First row, left to right: Heliodoro B. Blanco, Norman Davis, Jr., Daniel Finke, Eugene J. Doll . Second row : Robert G. Aleckna, Carl P. Bredl, David D. Smith, Richard Dorgan. Third row: James Dollo, Jerry Byerly, Mike Arber, Bill Buday.

First row, left to right: Pascal J . Minser, Anthony J . Chrowl, John M. Karaleviaz, James Greger. Second row : Tom Kramer, Don Gehle, Robert Janeski , A. P. Groh , Jack Dresher. Third row: Jerry Parker, Phil Herbert, Dean Jones, William Bruns.


First row, left to right: Richard Graham, Benedict Hren, Richard Callogy. Third row: John D. Rusyniak, Eugene Mereness, Charles Feilback, Frederick J . Homan .

Halfinger. Second row: J. Nick Kleimeier, Larry Henry, Page Gray, Godic, Michael Keaticg. Fourth row: Richard J. Giesige, William

First row, left to right: Shryl Williams, John H. Smith, Leon Zebroski, Victor M. Rodney, Don A. Schweller, Donald J . Trentman, Carvel Steinke. Second row : Daniel Smilanick, Tom Tully, James J. Trame, William Wentling, Ray Tanguy, Larry Wurst. Third row : lawrence Sullman, Frank B. Shulls, Pete Yahner, Warren Webster, Eugene Schall, Robert Sanders, Dennis Seavey . Fourth row : Wayne Swihart, AI Swiatek, Ben Staub, Richard Zeigler, David Shotwell, Stephan Tirpak .




Professor of Military Science and Tactics Colonel Gerot is ending his second year as P.M.S .&T. at the University. During his tenure we have seen many improvements in the Military Department. There has been a more friendly attitude in student and teacher relations. This has been especially helpful to the Advanced course members who are looking forward to their commission.




Military training and courtesy have been stressed in an understanding manner. The system on the whole has been more helpful and fair to the student. The entire cadet regiment takes this opportunity to salute the staff of the Military department on a job well done.

















The function of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to give the student a basic knowledge of military tactics and procedure. The first two years of the program are mandatory for all male students at the University . During these years, the student is given an insight into Military History, organization of the Army, map reading, and weapons. The Advanced Course in the second two years is optional on the part of the student. However, if the student goes into Advanced, it will lead to a commission in the Army Reserve or if his grades are above average it may lead to a com'mission in the Regular Army. During these two years the student is given a thorough knowledge of tactics, organization of the Arms and Services, Military teaching, I'e adership, logistics, operations, and personnel and administration . Attendance at summer camp is required usually at the end of the Junior year.







• ALLEN, GERALD JOHN-Dayton. Ohio. Technical Institute. Bowling Team. BARLOW, KATHLEEN REGINA-Dayton, Ohio. Education Cadet . Dayton Club, Mariology Clu b. BARNHART, DONALD E.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• BECKETT, LAWRENCE EDWARD-Dayton, Ohio. Techn ical Institute. BIR, JEROME A .- Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute . Pershing Rifles, Dayton Club, Intramurals. BOECKMAN, GERALD WILLIAM-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. Rifle Club.

• BREUNIG, BARBARA LEE-Dayton, Ohio. Education Cadet. SEA, Debate Team. BRZEZICKI, SIGMUND WITOLD-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute . BUTTS, MERVIN R.-West Milton, Technical Institute .

Ohio .

• BUZGO, ALEXANDER WILLIAM-Trenton, New Jersey. Technical Institute . Knickerbocker Club, Techni-Club . CADIZ, MANUEL JOHN-Honolulu, Hawaii . Technical Institute . Veterans Club, Hui-O-Hawaii, Varsity Tennis. CLARK, CLARA-Dayton, Ohio . Education Cadet .

• CLARK, JAMES HARRISON-Brookville, Ohio . Technical Institute. U.D. Band. COX, GLENN R.-Oregonia, Ohio. Technical Institute. DAGUE, NANCY LU-Trotwood, Ohio. Education Cadet. Marching Co-Eds, Choir .

• DALEY, WILLIAM T.-Youngstown, Ohio. Technical Institute.

• DAVIDSON , JAMES EDWARD-Dayto n, Ohio. Technical Inst itute . DECHRISTOPHER , PAUL J .-Peeksk ill, N. Y. Technical Institu te . Knickerbocker Club . EBERT, LOUISE BERNADETTE-Dayton , Ohio Educat ion Cade t . SEA, Choir, Marching Co-Eds .

• EGTS, RICHARD GARALD-Fairborn, Ohio. Technical Instit ute. EHRHART, LINDA LOU-Fairborn, Secretarial Studies. Business Secretarial Club.

Ohio .

ETGEN, JAMES ROBERT-Dayton, Oh io. Technical Institute .

• ETTER, DAVID ROSS- Big Clifty, Kentucky. Technical Institute. FElLA, GALE ANTHONY-Dayton, Technical Institute .

Ohio .

FETTERS, SANDRA JEAN-Arcanum, Ohio . Education Cadet .

• FLANIGAN, PATRICIA ANN-Springfield, Ohio. Education Cadet. Student Council Representative, SEA, Flyers Hangar, Springfield Club. FOWLER, ANNE M.-Lakewood, Ohio. Education Cadet. Cleveland Club, Flyers Hangar, SEA, AIChE . FRANCIS, THOMAS M.-North Wales, Pa . Technical Institute. Keystone Club .

• GLANTON, JAMES W.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute . GRADEL, JOHN FRANCIS-Toledo, Ohio . Technical Institute . Rifle Team . GREEN, RICHARD CHARLES- Medway, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• GREWE, RICHARD Techn ical Institute . Tech-N i President.


VIRGEl- Kettering, Ohio .

• GROTHOUSE, HUBERT THOMAS-De lphos, Ohio. Technical Institute. GUERRIERO, EDWARD JOSEPH-Ashtabula, Ohio. Technical Institute. HAY, LEE ROY-Kettering, Ohio . Technical Institute .

• HEMMELGARN, KENNETH J.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. HERBERT, RALPH C.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. HETZER, JOHN JOSEPH-Dayton, Techn ical Institute. Cleveland Club .


• HIGHFILL, FRANCES M .- Dayton, Oh io. Education Cadet. NEA. HOBLIT, PATRICIA ANN-Dayton, Ohio. Education Cadet . INGLES, ROBERT L.-Casstown, Ohio. Technical Institute.

• ISREAL, JUNE L.-Dayton, Ohio. Education ·Cadet. SEA. JOHNSON, JACK R.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute . JONES, SAMUEL J.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• KADELA, JEROME JOHN . Technical Institute. Knick Club, Intramurals. KING, ANITA ROSE-Xenia, Ohio . Education Cadet . Mariology Club, Legion of Mary, SEA, ACEI, Hui-OHawaii, Girl Scout Volunteer . KINSEY, RICHARD LEE-Dayton, Ohio . Techn ical Institute .

• KIPUS, VINCENT-Middletown, Ohio. Technical Institute.


• KNIPP, ROBERT JOHN-Dayton , Ohio. Technical Institute . KREUSCH, RICHARD ROB~RT-Dayton , Ohio. Technical Institute . KUCK, LLOYD L.-Vandalia, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• LABBE, EDWARD JAMES-Akron, Ohio . Technical Institute . Cleveland Club. LERCH, GRACE ROBERTA-Xenia, Ohio. Education Cadet. SEA, Flyers Hangar, SEA Secretary. LEWIS, DONNA MAE-Dayton, Ohio. Education Cadet. SEA, ACE!.

• LIMES, CAROLE RAE-Xenia, Ohio. Education Cadet. SEA, ACEI, Hui-O-Hawaii, Mariology Club, Girl Scout Volunteer. LOPER, ROGER EDMUND-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. MAHONE, JAMES ARTHUR-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• MALONEY, SUZANNE- Dayton, Ohio. Secretarial. Flyerettes, Dayton Club, Flyers Hangar, Beta Epsilon Sigma. MciNTYRE, JAMES PATRICK- Cleveland, Ohio. Technical Institute. Cleveland Club, Flyers Hangar, Intramural Basketball, Engineering Club. MERANDA, MARY MARGARET- Dayton, Ohio. Education Cadet. Dayton Flyer, Dayton Club, Flyers Hangar, SEA .

• MEYER, ROBERT E.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. Vets Club, Flyers Hangar. MILLER, HAROLD EARL-Fairborn, Ohio. Technical Institute. MILLER, LAWRENCE WAYNE-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• MILLER, NANCY LEE-Dayton, Ohio. Secretarial Studies. Dayton Club, Flyers Hangar.


• MONNIN, EDWIN J .- Russ ia, Ohio . Techn ical Institute . MONNIN , JOSEPH I.-Versailles, Ohio. Techn ical Inst itute. MONTGOMERY , DONALD CHARLES- Kettering , Technical Institute .

Oh io .

• NAGY, ANDREA LEE- Dayton, 0hio. Education Ca det . SEA, Marching Co-Eds, Legion of Mary, Mar iology Clu b . NEWMAN , KENNETH BERNARD - Day ton , Ohio . Technical Institute. NIELSEN, ANDREW LEHMANN- Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. Vets Club .

• O ' BRYAN, ROBERT E. - Dayton , Oh io . Te chnical Inst itute . OELGOETZ, JAMES ROBERT- Ke ttering, Ohio. Technical Institute. PAYNE, PATRICIA ANN- Dayton , Ohio . Secretar ial Studies . Beta Ups ilon Sigma , Dayton Club, Orientat ion.

• PIEKENBROCK, WILLIAM D.-Dayton, Ohio . Technical In st itute . Band Manager . RASTRIGIN, WLADIMIR-West Lafayette, Ind. Technical Institute . RIEPENHOff , LORETTA MARY- Dayton, Oh io . Education Cadet. SEA .

• ROMIE, SUE ANN - Dayton, Ohio . Education Cadet . SEA, Marchin g Cd-Eds, Choir . RYAN, MARLYN MARY-Dayton, Oh io . Secretar ial Studies . Dayton Club, Secretarial Club. SAMPSON, BEN f .-D ayton , Ohio . Technical Inst itute. flyers Hangar, Dayton Clu b .

• SANDER, THOMAS CHARLES-Dayton , Ohio . Technical Ins t itute.


• SCHAUERTE, JOHNNY FREDERICK-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. SELL, MARY LORENE-Trotwood, Ohio . Edu cation Cadet. SEA, Assoc iation for Ch ildhood Educat ion . SHERIDAN , CHARLES J.-Wilton, Conn . Techn ical Inst itute. Knickerbocker Clu b .

• SHERMAN, THOMAS HENRY-Dayton, Techn ical Inst itute .

Oh io .

SHIMEK, ALBERT JOHN-Spring Valley, Ohio . Technical Institute. SLOMSKY, JOHN LEE- Canton, Ohio . Technical Institute. TI Club, Canton Club, Cleveland Club .

• SORTMAN, LOUIS CHARLES-Dayton, Oh io . Techn ical Institute . U.D. Players, Pershing Rifles, Rifle Club. SPANGENBERGER, VICKY A.-Dayton , Ohio. Secretarial Studies . Secretarial Club, Marching Co·Eds. SPATZ, BETTY KAY-Dayton, Ohio. Secretarial Studies. Glee Club, Secretar ial Club .

• SPATZ, LOIS JEAN-Dayton, Ohio . Secretarial Studies. Secretarial Club. TANGEMAN , JAMES E.-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute. TANGEMAN, RICHARD B.-Dayton , Ohio. Technical Inst it ute .

• TOMLIN, GALE LEE-Dayton, Onio. Technical Institute. TOOPS, RONALD EUGENE-Dayton, Ohio. Techn ical Institute. TRAVELUTE, VERLIN DEAN-Dayton, Ohio Technical Institute .

• TRIMBACH, PAUL Technical Institute.

EDWARD-Miam isburg,


• TSCHABRUN, RICHARD GEORGE-Xenia, Ohio. Techn ical Institute . TULLIS, CAROL A .-Dayton, Ohio . Education Cadet. SEA, Dayton Club. VOLlER, LAWRENCE JOHN-Canton , Ohio . Technical Institute . Canton Club, Techni Club .

• WALLACE, JOAN ARLENE-Dayton, Ohio. Education Cadet. Dayton Club, SEA, Flyers Hangar . WALLACE, WILLIAM CLARKE- Medway, Ohio . Technical Institute. Flyers Hangar, Springfield Club. WANNEMACHER, BERNARD HERMAN-Dayton, Ohio. Technical Institute . Band, Flyers Hangar.

• WEBSTER, WARREN EDWARD-Dayton, Ohio . Technical Institute. WEIGLE, DEANNE M.-Delphos, Ohio. Education Cadet . Freshman Welcome Queen, Freshman Class Secretary, Flyers Hangar, SEA. WETlEL, CAROL LOU-Dayton, Ohio. Secretarial Studies. Dayton Club, Secretarial Club, Flyers Hangar, WAA.

• WILSON, JOEL ALLAN-West Carro/lton, Ohio. Technical Institute . WOLKE, BARIlARA JOYCE-Reading, Ohio. Education Cadet. SEA. WYNNE, HAROLD DOUGLAS-Canton, Ohio. Technical Institute .

• lORC, LOIS L.- Dayton, Ohio. Secretarial Studies. Flyers Hangar, U.D. Players, Cleveland Club Secretary, Homecom ing Attendant, Secretarial Club President.


Class Officers ...

JUNIOR CLASS Left to right : Wilbur Lanese (TreasurerL Cathy O'Neill (Secretary), Kevin Moriarty (Vice President), John Messenger (President) .

SOPHOMORE CLASS Left to right: Bill Brennan (President), Tony Asher (Vice President), Norb Young (Treasurer), Marilyn Heil (Secretary).

FRESHMAN CLASS Left to right : John Luehrs (Vice President), Sal Pantezzi (President L Margie Moritz (Secretary), Gene LaFace (Treasurer).


It was a day like any other daYi it wasn't special to all people. It was, however, a day which some 600 seniors will remember all the rest of their lives. It was their Graduation Day. Four years of life at U.D. had come to a close. No longer will the most important problems be Saturday classes, Doc Baker's tests, Bro. Paul's prices, drill, mid-terms, finals ... It has been a good four years. It seemed so long whil'e it was happening, but in

retrospect it doesn't seem possible that it is finished . Our university is now a part of us, such an integral part that we can never divorce it from our life. Can we ever forget the good times, the adventure, the friends. Some of us will never meet again. But there will always be the bond which unites every son and daughter of U.D. The future lies ahead . . . what wi:11 it bring? It will be interesting to see. Good luck!








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Student Council

• • •



The function of a student council lies in the administration and coordination of student activities. Within this aggregation of duly elected individuals stands the framework in which a democratic student body exists. We, of the University, take great pride in the achievements of our Student Council.





Vice President



Rusty Saunders, as president of the Student Council, has shown abilities that have guided the Council in a most effective manner. He and other members of the Council have initiated many and varied programs so as to raise the esteem of the University throughout collegiate ranks.

First row, left to right : Tom Gascoigne, Marilee Faust , Pat Mulligan, Connie Flanigan, Pat Flar.igan, John Messenger. Second row: John H iggins, Sal Pantezzi, Mike Craig, Bill Brennan, Rusty Saunders, Nick Uva, Joe Salm, Bill O'Connor, Gary Green, and Dave liberto.

Student Activities Committee Left to right: Richard J. King (Budget Chairman), Susan

Hochwalt (NFCCS Representative), H. William Healy (Programming Chairman), Raymond P. Mullman (Chair路 man, Lo is K. Miller (Secretary), Edward J . Harvey (Executive Vice Chairman ), Nancy Hazlel1 (Planning Chairman) .

Central Women's Organization Left to right : Mrs . June Benner, Barb Leff, Sandra Sul1on, Suzan Hochwa lt, Connie McKale, Lo is Reichl ing, Miss Kathleen Whetro .

Education Student Council From left to right: Wm. Ries (Vice President). Ruth Dempsey (President), Judith Brunschwyler (Secretary) . Second row : Richard Schuerman, Connie McKale, Lois Reichling, Agnes Pappalardo, Jane Busch. Third row: Rosalie Cosgrove, Pal1y Gerlach, Brother Louis Faerber, S.M. (Moderator). Lois Miller, Trudy Schwieterman, Jerry Rigol.


Religious Activities Committee Left to right: Mich~el Inonue (Legion 01 Mary 1) , Cathy

O'Neill (N.F.C.C.S.), Therese Fisher (Mariology), Marianne King. (Treasurer), David F. Partlow (President), Jeanne Pllaum (Secretary), Anthony J. Palumbo, Jr. (Vice President), Carl Wannemacher (C.S.M.C.), Grant Deger (Sodality), Donna Judd (Legion 01 Mary II).

National Federation of Catholic College Students Left to right : Cathy O'Neill, Larry Roderer, Sue Hochwalt.

Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, St. Vincent De Paul Left to right: James Bulge, Mike Barlow, Grant Deger, Xavier Zequeira, James McCarthy, Dan Connor. Absent:

Jerry Bauer.

Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, St. Joan of Arc Left to right: Suzanne Neumann , Judy Jacobs, Jeanne

Pllaum, Jeanne O'Callaghan.







Orientation Committee First row, left to right : Nancy Hazlett, Larry Roderer, Ricky Meszaros. Second row : Dick King, Joe Lienesch,

Dan O'Brien.

Homecoming Committee Left to right : Jerry Bishop, Ed Lupo, Pat Ginley , John

Coughlin, Sonny Wathen, Tom O'Rourke .

Pep Committee Left to right : J im

Vande Velde, Bear Peterson, Paul

Taylor, Norb Young .


U.D. Marching Band and Coeds


Director of the Band

MISS RUTH BERNER, Majorette Miss Campus Queen, 1957

MR. LAWRENCE TAGG Assistant Director



First row, left to right: Patty Siemers, Barb Shipp, Johanna Kalavsky, Lynn Deters, Molly Payne, Sheila Bueker, Barb Hamant, Duffy DiFino, Nancy Hazlett, Mary Dapore,

Pam Wetherill, Lois Reichling, Gerry Gevat, Sally McCarthy, Angi Bianco. Second row: Carole Lyle, Janet Bechtol, Barbara Sasak, Pat Buchard, Joanne Kalt, Cecile Buchard, Kerin Staup, Helen Straukamp, Irene Kramer, Bertha Beck, Joan Murphy, Carolyn Stueve, Dawn Ebner, Sue Guess, Ruth Dempsey, Donna DeVoe, Pat Hagerty, Carol Maloney.


SENIOR FLYERETTES-Left to right: Ruth Dempsey, Bobbie Sasak, Kerin Staup, Duffy DiFino. Helen Straukamp, Pally Siemers. Lois Reichling. Sue Mahoney.

OFFICERS-Left to right: Helen Straukamp (Treasurer). Lois Reichling (Secretary), Patty Siemers (President), Kerin Staup (Publicity Chairman). and Carolyn Stueve (Wardrobe Mistress).

BEHIND THE SCENES-Left to right: Chuck Wanda (Manager). Belly Kirchmer (ChoreoQrapher). and Jim Trageser.



Left to right: Jack Froning, Fran Paul, Tony Palazzola, Joe Mazzota, Sharon Strange, Jack Ditzel.


Chee rleader's view of games.

U.D. Players Directed by Mr. Patrick Gilvary the Players presented th ree outstanding works this season . They initiated the series with "See How They Run/' a whimsical British comedy by Philip King, which caused a near-riot at the Art Institute, and left the audience in shambles . Shakespeare's popular tragedy, "Othello/' was presented from March fifth to ninth . The Bard was, indeed, well represented. In a very excellent production, and being the first Shakespearean drama by the Players, it will undoubtedly set a precedent. The third and final endeavor came about in the form of the Burt Lane musical /lFinian's Rainbow./I The Irish folklore which abounds in this melodic comedy sets an excellent backdrop for the last play of the season . Under the able direction of Mr. Gilvary the players have matured to a sophisticated theatrical organization whose presence is far from unnoticed about the campus.

MR. PATRICK GILVARY, Director, vociferates


The Flyer

News and Features Editor GENE SCHILL

Late burning lights from the windows of Liberty Hall indicate a deadline to be met. Passersby will see the staff of The University's news arm diligently preparing the bi-weekly issue of The Dayton Flyer. For these, then, credit and a job well done.


Sports Editor, ANDY CASSELLS

STAFF First row, left to right: Carolyn Meszaros, Mary Margaret Meranda, Jackie Kuhn , Janet Shiverdecker. Second row : Tim Kaczkowski, Jim Howard, Bill Ries, Tom Dowling, Dan Wright.

Left: Business Manager PAUL WALDENMEYER


Mocerator, Rev . JAMES DONNELLY, S.M .


may day




First row, left to right: Jo Ann Fischer, Therese Fischer, Jeanne Lyons (Secretary), Sara Gover, Catherine Bray. Second row: Anthony Palazzolo, Bill Riley (President), John D. Harris, Marianne King. Third row: Robert Kitchen, Bob Frost, Dan Dunson (Treasurer), David Partlow (Vice President).

Left to right: Katherine McCall, Dick Scheuermann (Treasurer), Anita King (President), Rev. Philip Hoelle (Spiritual Director), Carole Limes. Donna Judd (Vice President), Andrea Nagy.


Seated, left to right: David Partlow, Jack McGinty, William Saba, Marianne King (Secretary), Katherine McCall (President) . Standing: Michael Inoue, Robert Kitchen, Ed Hoch, Patricia Flanagan, father Philip Hoelle (Spiritual Director), Marion Williams, Thomas Mick (Treasurer), francis Wobber, Karen Staup (Vice President), Lois Reichling, and Theresa Magdziarczyk.

First row, left to rig ht: Dr. Edward Harkenrider (Moderator), Claire Stevens, Tom Zins, Umbenhauer, Bill Truxel, Denis Kelly (Assistant Coordinator), Daniel O'Brien.


Carl Wannemacher

(Coordinator). Second row:

Larry Roderer, William


First row, left to right: Barbara Staub (Secretary), Mary Lavanier, Mary Scherer, Jeanne Lyons, Ruth Galles, Jo Anne DeHaven. Second row: Robert Buroker, Donna Judd, Andrea Seiver, Tom Cardile, Tom Toth, James S. Dolehanty. Third row: Rev. Raymond Roesch (Moderator). Gene Lehman (Treasurer), Don W. Updyke (President). Don McKechnie, Dick Steinbrunner.

First row, left to right: Lois Jean Spatz, Betty Kay Spatz, linda Ehrhart, Lois Zorc (President), Roberta Smith, Roberta Kaser. Second row: Marlyn Ryan, Pat Payne, Vicky Spongenberger, Nancy Miller, Sharon Scanlan, Marlene Nicolas, Judy Manker . Third row : Margie Maritz (Vice President). Joan Murphy, Lynn Sommers, Mary Ann Weber, Charlene Herz, Judy Goelz.


First row, left to right: John Wagner, Nicholas L. Uva (President), Keith Boyer (Treasurer), Paul Shafor (Secretary), Lowell T. Reidy, Joseph F. Wade, Lowell E. Mills. Second row: James E. Coyle (Master of Rituals), Chuck Shinaver, Tom Klein, James E. Klein, Raymond Mullman, David Partlow. Third row: Bill Caiaccio, Larry Ryan, John Kroll, Tom Moritz, E. Chapeze Wathen, Dan Dunson. Fourth row: Joseph E. McHugh, Bill Clarke, Rusty Saunders, Richard S. Cellar, Martin Yopp, Tom Muth .

First row, left to right: Dave Huffman, Dan Topp, Lucie G. Byrd, Suzanne Montgomery (Secretary), Peter M. Jacob (Vice President). Second row: David Herrman, Jim Gates, Charles L. Meckley, Hugh Becker, James Kindler (President), Richard F. Holgate. Third row: John Hart, James A. Olsen (Treasurer), John Walter, Tom Moritz, Pat O'Reil,ly, John Niekamp.


First row , left to right: Catherine Bray (Secretary), Suzanne Montgomery, Mary Eleanor Dapore, Mary Bryan Medley, Nancy Hazlett, Susan Hochwalt. Second row: Paul Varvel, John Berry, John Niekamp, Lowell E. Mills, Don O'Bryan (President), Richard E. Willkomm. Third row : David Herrman, Dave Sommers, Bill Basehart, Bill Clarke , Robert Romanowski, Bob Heidenreich.

First row, left to right: John Wagner (President), Jim Petras (Treasurer), Tom Staudenheimer (Vice President), Virgil Will (Secretary). Second row: E. Sander, Lowell T. Reidy, Charles Brubach, Joseph Wade, Adie Montgomery. Third row: Jim Powers, Dick Kessler, Dan Dunson. Fourth row: Thomas M. Smith, James E. Kramer, William C. Hogan, Donald E. Smith, Joseph Updyke (Moderator). Fifth row: Thomas Gulick, Birdie Beck, Dale Hogencamp.


First row, feft to right: Dr. H. R. Null (Faculty), Lester Balster, William M. Powers, Jr., Gary Layton (Chairman) , Dr . R. E. Wilson (Faculty. Second row : Jack Fultz, Paul Flem ing, Robert Alig, Donald E. Westerheide , James M. Fultz. Third row : Arnold Arts, Thomas A . Nartker, James Parrish, Richard Tischer.

First row, left to right: Prof . Raymond J. Stith (Faculty Advisor), David Kraft (Treasurer), Gene L. Herman (Secretary), N. Pepe (President), Geo. H. Kreutzvans, George R. Weiss. Second row: R. W. Flunder, Don Bouquot, Jame s Broeker, John Boettinger, William P. Igel (Executive Committee), John J . Spaulding. Third row : James Lockhart, Clarence Bittner, Bernard Drerup, James CLlrnyn, Donald F. Fullam, William C. Martz. Fourth row: Donald R. Buckey, Tim Creeden, Ronald Strachan, Ralph 158 McEldowney, Robert E. West, Jose A. Hernandez.

First row, left to right: Larry McKenny, James Moran, George Menendez, Kanwar Aggarwal, Bob Leahy, Robert Schwartz (Vice Chairman), Paul Horio. Second row: Charles A. Fritsch, John Hatter, Tim Hennessey, (Treasurer). David Durbin, Ronald Obergefell, Donald Gregg, James Anderson, Arthur J. Raby. Third row: Joseph Novak, Gustavo Guajardo, William J. 'Oberjohn, John P. Geyer, James A. Bennett, Ray Grehofsky (Officer Chairman). Michael J. Sepela. Fourth row: Gerald Francis, Terrence J. Burke, William McCroskey, Paul Wagner, James Culliton, John Rataiczak (Secretary). W. Flade, John Schauer.

A.I.E.E. -


First row, left to right: George Bonifas, Roger V. Hoffman, Richard Heiman, John D. Wuerstl, Ire Saxton, James B. Wink, R. J. Gehle. Second row: Robert Showalter, Thomas Hessler, Jim Hoeffel, Richard K. Hovey, Larry Weber, Robert A. Botos, Robert Jardine. Third row: Joseph Tomanocy, William S. Arnold, John S. Whiltenberger, Earl L. Lucius, Noel F. Schwartz, Roger Rudduck, Ion V. Deaton. Fourth row: Arthur Wager, Raymond Haas, Joseph Wise, George Boone, Ralph Brueneman, La Vein H. Everman, Ed Vasicek, Kenneth L. Rickey, Homer Halsey .


First ro w: Wm . Powers, Julianna Clune, Charl ine Hall, Carol Blasch, Nancy Spires, Cl a ra Trottman, Joe Shea . Second row : Dr. Carl Michaelis (Faculty Advisor), Lester Balste r, James Stunkenborg, Gary Layton , Robt. Alig, Donald Westerheide. Third row: Ray Atherton, Arnold Arts, James Parrish, Paul Fleming, Richard Tischer, James Fultz . Fourth row: Harry Lotis, R. Howard Herolzer, Jack Fultz, Arthur Ho, Thomas Nartker (President). Absent: Jack Behringer (Secretary) and Len Sieradski (Treas路 urer) .

Fir st row, left to right: J. D. Harris, Dave Huffman, Paul Hoffman, Wm. Penno . Second row : Richard Wagner, Arthur Raby, Kenneth Goode, Gerard Hand (Secretary) . Third row : Roger Toth, John Delany, Ale jandro Guajardo .


First row, left to right : Robt. Schwartz, Jay Smith , Donald E. Westerheide, Dr . R. E. Wilson (Moderator), James Utz, Bill Oberjohn, Chas . A. Fr itsche, Paul McEnroe, Richard Tischer, Gerald Francis, David Peters, James Hogan, Paul Schorr, Joseph Marous .

First row , left to right : Charles Ritter (Secretary), Edward J . Heed, Thomas E. Kelly, Paul M. Rail , E. Sander. Second row: Joseph E. McHugh, Robert E. Pennington, Steve J . Marinak, Bill Hepp (President) . Third row : Robert O'Brien, Gerald P. Murphy, Charlie Connolly, George Maus.


First row, left to right : Tom Cunningham, Thomas Fazio, Pete Brenner (President). Mart in K. Moyes, Marcel J . Dane ault, Betty Duell. Second row: Thomas Beach, Bill Sabo, Ed McDonald, Duke H. Baker, William Schneble, Ronald W. Mclin, John Messenger. Third row: John Dirckx, Charles Kuntz, Dale J . Smith, Thomas C. Versic, James Romer, Daniel DeBord, Tom Mick. Fourth row : Rovert C. Weichman (Moderator). Orner Berger, Richard luehrs, Michael Craig, John Scharf, Dan Stetschulte (Vice President) .

First row, left to right : Mary B. Hutcheson (Faculty Advisor). Sr. Mary Damian, Olita Saylor ( President ). Juana E. Diaz Honingford, Sr. Dolores Marie . Second row: Cec ilia Kocon, Irene Jaman (Treasurer). Jane Wiggenhorn, Barbara Turner (Secretary) , Helen W. O'Mara, Sr. M. Mildred . Third row : Carolyn Sche re r, Pat lane, Patricia Kerbs, Marolyn Bell. Ma rjorie Donich, David Schrager.


First row, Irom felt to right: Bill Fowkes (Procter)' Tom Kennedy (Treasurer), David Sollenberger, Francis Kean, Sue DeWine (Secretary) . Second row: Wilma Reicher, Marcella Dawicke, Dolores Gombert, Wm. Truxel, Margaret Peters. Third row: Wilfred Steiner Ph.D., Mary Jo O'Callaghan, Barbarba Denegre, Mr . Irving Beauregard (Moderator).

First row, felt to right: Judith Trimmer, Beverly Willaims, Carol Doolan, Suzanne Sennet, Nancy Caito, Dodee Gibson, Maureen Sullivan, Carolyn Olszewski Kathleen Harris . Second row: Sylvia Carito, Janice Hemmelgarn, Carol Potter, Carol Voekl, Mary Kay Burkhardt, Sue Dale, Carol Maloney, Mary Ellen Roamer, Beverly Bereda, Carol McCormick. Third row: Yvonne Monnin, Nicoline MacGregor, Marcia Bowers, Cora Weldon, Mary Margaret Meranda, Carol Tullis, Carol Keck, Darla Ray, Myrna Gretsinger, Jane Stien. Fourth row: Mary Jo Ann Rawers, Edw . Rogerson (Treasurer), Dick Dixon (Vice President), Nancy Eyman. Filth row: Ann Griffing, Martha Becker, Carmel Cantazaro, Judy Pohl, Carolyn Euering, Pat Hagaredy, Margie Griffith, Annet Grillot, Mary Ann Renner, Jo Neal, Lois Bryant, Ann Evans, Barbarba Wessendorf. Sixth row : Ruth Ann Rueth, Sue Eisenlohr, Sally Yenger, Barbarba McMunn, Chas . Welling, Wm. Ries, Francis Meyer, Margie Everett, Judy Schrein, Connie Hoying, Mary Lou Bensman, Joeann Haas, Sharon Domini .


First row, left to right: Dr. Kenneth Schraut (Moderator), T. Doerfler, Jay Smith (Vice President), Donald E. Westerheide (President), John McCloskey (Treasurer), John Lagnese . Second row: Theresa Magdziarczyk, Donald Wiedemer, Donald Gregg, Bob Leahy, James Hogan, Jerry Goldschmidt. Third row: Henry Mohlman, Charles F. Molt, John Dowling, James tienesch, James Utz.

First row, left to right: Dr . Werner Rambauske (Moderator), Joseph Swartzbaugh (Treasurer), Jerome Bohse (President), Kurt W . Hollander Harriet Ammann . Second row : Bro. Frank Damm, Charles Pax, John Dowling, Ronald Hodge, Jim Lienesch, John Tarlano.


(Program Chairman),

First row, left to right: Col. E. Chapeze Wathen (President), Nancy Remke, Julie Lane, Joseph Wade, Mary Bryan Medley. Second row: Don O'Bryan (Vice President), Willaim Whelan, Joseph Ma!fingly, John Medley, David Smith, Adie Montgomery. Third row: Jack Kurz, Bill Schummer, Edw. A. Clark , Bill Basehart, David Clarke, Martin Yopp.

First row, left to right: Nancy Remke, Ruth Dempsey, Burke Longo, Pat Siemers. Second row: Bill Conger, Tom lins (President), Daniel Finke, Paul Molloy, Margie Griffith, Carol Hartke. Third row: John Berry, William Vee, Normand Horn, James Westerkamp (Vice President), Owen Borman, James Lullington.


Cleveland Club

First row, left to right: Ed Lupo (Treasurer), James R. Vande Velde (President), Lois Zorc

(Secretary), Richard Heil (Vice President). Second row: Paul ,aylor, Marcia Bowers, Margie Moritz, Peggy Keating, Lynn Stang, Joan Murphy, Suzanne Dister, George Bates. Third row: lihomas .L Mulcahy, Chuck Nash, Tim Colgan, Wilbur Lanese, Ken Juchem, Vince Gobozy, Gary Green. Fourth row: Chuck Shinaver, Tom Moritz, Jim Mcintyre, Richard Casserly, Robert Frain, Pete Yahner, George Cooper. Fifth row: John Haller, Dan O'Connor, Jim Culliton, Fred Wamba, Irving Wong, Ben Petrox, John F. Malloy, Dick Nickolas. Sixth row: Jim Coyle, Rich Szink, Bill Malloy, J. F. Dulles, Tony Asher, Ken Akin, Robert Foil. Seventh row: Harry Karrenbauer, Pete Huber, M. Magoo, F. Fosdick, J. C. Higgie, George String, B. Ruth, L. Ranger, Joseph Krupar.

First row, left to right: Sondra Fella, Belle Ann Socks Haley, Carolyn Stueve, Joanie "Boom Boom" Hollencamp, Nancy "Bones" Hazlett, Marlyn Ryan absent. Second row: Roberta Smith, Nancy Spires, Sick Sue Neumann, Janet Shiverdecker, Angi Bianco, Betty Kay Spatz. Third row: Mary Kronauge, J. J. B. Leff, L. L. Lion, Lynn Sommers, Barbara Sanderman, Linda Ehrhart. Fourth row: Ionosphere Kramer, Pat Payne, Pat Niekamp, Joe Balogh, Bob Heidenreich, Jerry Woolery, Bob Renner. Fifth row:

166 Joseph

Lienesch (Treasurer), Dick King (President), James Lienesch, Bill Burger, Thomas Wittmann, Bill Schneble, James Romer, Jim Dickerson.

Left to right: Bernie Braun, Lori Riley (Secretary), Jack McGinty, Stephen Soller. Second row: David Soller, Jack Schneider, Louis Boehman, Tazio Nauvelari (President).

First row, left to right : Sandy Carile, Jinny Bachner (Historian), Helen Clary, Cathy O ' Neill, Sharon Domini, Sara Gover (Secretary. Second row: Gordon Lah, Ed. Doran, AI Ashman, John Maloney, Fred Trzos (Vice President), Paul O ' Donnell, Richard Madden. Third row : Tom Spinelle, Andre Bourdet, Richard Mocny, Marty Dee, John McCall, Fred Gorham (President). Fourth row: Richard Wagner, Jim Bollensen, Stephen Jeroulit, John Zulaski, Matthew Gembola .


First row, left to right: Les Conner (Moderator), Ray Mullman (Vice President), Richard Luzzi (President), H. William Healy (Secretary), Sam Torres (Treasurer) . Second row: Paul Ficalora, Bill Deegan, Tony Doria, Jerry Kadela, Vincent Lombardo, Fred Militana, Bill Ward, Don Strillmaller. Third row : Vincent DiPentima, Denny Lynch, Vincent Daniello, George Holub, John Carrigan, Richard Nonelle, Vince Riccio, Paul J . Braun, Joseph DiBenedello. Fourth row: Dick Lapera, Tony LaMarca, Roger Toth, Thomas Cosgrove, Richard Callagy, Jim Pistana, Jack LaBruyere, Don Stewart, Tom Tully. Fifth row: Dambrose Twackman, Arnold Arts, Bob Stankard, Ed Heed, Ernest Tornbell, Bill Brennan, Joseph Davis, George Marklay, Brian Hood, Joseph Sweeney. Sixth row : Kevin Moriarty, Jerry Bishop, Francis T. Doyle, Chuck Courtad, Daniel O'Brien, Don Stollenmaier, Paul Rogowski, Jack Schramm, Frank Papscun.

First row, left to right: Herbert Dietrich, Lee Liebler, F. B. Leibold, Jean Bellin (Secretary), Jerry Daly (Publicity) . Second row: Herbert Lander, Bill Thiele (Vice Presi路 dent), leo Shanley (President), Dan Ebbert, George Halloran, Bill Bierman . Third row: AI Adkins, Joseph Kernan, John'T. Schurer, Tom Kimmell, Bob Ashman (Treasurer), Arnold Arts.


First row, left to right : Bill Riley (President), Catherine Bray, Carol Doolan , Carolyn Euering, Thomas Fazio. Second row : Robert Kithchen, Charles Kelly, Joseph Ulliman, Bill Wallace, Wm. Krueger.

Left to right : Wm. Caiaccio (member), C. Nash (Executive Committee), Gus Wunderly (Our Founder), John Messenger (Executive Commi ttee), Tom O ' Tool (member), Pasquale J. Izzo (Moderator) . Second row: Thomas Moritz (Janitor), Whitford Ryan (Historian) , Dave Burke (holding picture), Frank A . Huber (member), Jotm Kroll (Sergeant-at-Arms) .


First row, left to right: Charles Raymond, Lowell T. Reidy, Paul Varvel, Jose Nevares, Earl Klosterman , Ray Mullman, Gerard Lonsway, David Rump, Charles Wahlrab, Gordon Simmons. Second row: Lawrence Tagg (Director), David Falzerano, Raymond McGowan, Thomas Staudenheimer, Dan Ebbert, Joseph Liszeski, Thomas Vonder Embse, James Park, James Mabarak. Third row : James DuBrul , Victor Morales, Ernest Monn in, Joseph Tomanocy, Edward Szeman, George Ruestow, James Scofield. Fourth row: Carl Wannemacher, Thomas Klein, George Luce, James Klein, David Dunson, Robert Barnes, Edward Boyle, Thomas Duddy.

Left to right; Edwin A. Ortiz, Victor Morales, George C. Menendez (Treasurer). B. E. Trapp (President), Pedro Guzman (Vice President) . Second row: Enrique Angulo, Heliodoro, Anibal Urteaga, Carlos Benairdes, Jose Pascula, Hector G. Martinez. Third row; Ali Tovar, Luis M. Claure, Alejandro Guajardo, Daniel Becerra, David Samudio. Fourth row; Jorge Bianco, Xavier Zequeira, Jose Hernandez, Pedro Fullana, Antonio M. Rivera.

Left to right ; Albert Pang, Richard Kawamura, Paul Horio (Secretary). Robt. Caliboso (Secretary) . Second row ; Ronald Fong, Ramsone Piltz, Art Ho (Vice President). lawrence S. P. Ng (President) .


First row, lelt to right: T. S. Eliot (Moderator), J. C. Coogie (President), R. Hell (Vice President), R. Ash (Treasurer) . Second row: Lynn Sommers, Julie Cline, Nancy Hazlett, Sue Neumann, Jeanne Seech, Judy Goetz, Jeanne Pflaum, Kitty Flanigan, Lois Zorc, Kanwar Aggarwal. Third row: John Niekamp, Bill Ward, Jack Ditzel, W. Earp, A. Zorro, Meet McGraw, G. Autry, Alfred E. Neumann, Charlie Furshlugginer. Fourth row: Francis T. Doyle, Sam Torres, Joe Balogh, Matt Dillon, S. Foot, D. Holiday, Bart Maverick, Bret Maverick, Bat Masterson. Fifth row: l. Ranger, Pete Rabbit, Bear Peterson, Gerry Hand, Archibald McGuffey, J. Strapp, J. C. Goosie, Bob Heidenreich, R. Hudson, Sr. Sixth row: Tom Moritz, John Kroll, Charlie Nash, R. Hudson, T. Mix, Dick Nickolas. Herbert Lander.

Left to right: Les Conner (Moderator), Jose Ponce, Frank Pinn, Gary Krause, Gerry Faust, Dave Huber, Don Zimmerman. Second row: Tom Zins, Don Lane, Bob Sakal, Bob Hilinski, Dick Bogenrife, Tom Curtin, Arlen Bockhorn . Third row: Jack McCarthy, Dan Steckschulte, Lou Ferrero, iack Ditzel, Harold Bockhorn, Joe Slater. Fourth row: Cliff Harestad, Steve Palenchar, Chuck Malloy, Bill Ward, Emil Karas, John Lane, Donald Edick, Bill Korutz, Jerry Raiff. Fifth row: Tony Latell, Joe Tache.


First row, left to right : Lori Riley (Secretary), Paul Waldenmeyer (Treasurer), Diane Shoemaker (President), Gene Schill (Vice President), Mary Margret Meranda, l. E. Piazza. Second row: Carol Doolan, Dian Hermann, Andy Cassells, Tim Kaczkowski, Ted Jarsen, Carolyn Meszaros, Tom Dowling.

First row, left to right: Mary McGarvey, Sue Hager, Gerry Gevat, Marlene Shroyer, Sharon Strange, Pam Wetherill. Second row : Pat Smith, Joan Homan, Emilie Oppenheim, Linda Green, Judy Pohl, Pat Hagerty. Third row: Doris Drees (Advisor), Beverly Greishop, Diane Swisshelm, Sandy Wolf, Mary Jo Withrow, Angi Bianco, Mary

T. Lenord (Women's Physical Education Department).


Scabbard and Blade

First row, left to right: Joseph Tomanocy, John Schauer, ll. Colonel Hall (Faculty Advisor), George R. Weiss, Nicholas J. Pepe. Second row: John Spaulding, Charles Brubach, Tom Cardile, John E. Book, Charles Nash, Don Riddle. Third row: Harry Karrenbauer, C. Ronald Knapp, Charles Hewitt, Thomas Hessler, lowell T. Reidy. Fourth row: Fredric Pavelka, John Bach, Frank J. Wobber, Raymond Hass, David Macei.

First row, left to right: Norbert Dahm, Thomas Hessler, Joaquin Santos, Donald Riddle, David DeWine. Second row: Paul Ficalora, Rene Affourtit, B. Brady, E. Anzalone, Joseph F. Sweeney. Third row: Norman Hoening, Thomas Krapf, Harry lotis, Ernest Tornabelli, Jim Dresher. Fourth row: larry Smith, Kenneth A. Golonka, Robert Folt, Robert little.


First row, left to right : Jerry Kadela, Dwain Wagoner, Pascal Minser, John O'Hara, larry Henery, John Karalwicz, Harlod Wynne . Second row: Vic King, Thomas Niswonger, Richard Callagy, Wm. Gaskill, Thos. Sherman, Bill Buday, len Tripoli, David Smith. Third row: R. Puchefl (Moderator). J. T. Parker, Warren Webster, Sheryl Williams, Dan Snyder, James Mahone, Harold Miller. Fourth row: Bill Bruns, Ray Tanguy, Bob Sanders, Jerry Byerly, Jerry Cinflio, John Davis, Pete Yahner, Chas. Foushee. Fifth row: Paul Trimbauch, Carl Bredl, Richard Giesige , Daniel Finke, David Ryan, Wladimir Rastrigin, Ronald Troops, Edward Guerriero.

First row; Ingred Emmit, Monalee McFarland, Sandra Kinnard, Johana Kalavsky, Sara Gover, Barbarba Sanderman. Second row : Martha Becker, Beverly Bridge, Agnes Pappalardo, Mary Hampton, Burke longo, Sharon Domini, Daila Ray . Third row; Ruth Dempsey (Secretary). Suzan Hochwalt, Jeanne Pflaum, Joan Sanderman, Carol Hartke, Joan Kappen (President). Diane Poe.


Canton Club First row, left to right: Thomas Muleahy, Harry Karrenbauer, Tom Moritz, Chuck Nash, Jack Halter. Second row: Dick Nicholas, Jim Anderson, Thomas Ebner, Charles Brubach. Third row : Ruffus Smith, \. Sm ith, Rich Szcink, Gerald PedrOl1y, Tom Karrenbauer.

Wolverine Club First row, left to right : Wil liam Heidenreich, Leonard Sieradaski, Bob Heidenreich. Second row : John Wagner, Raymond La France .

C.S.M.C. Left



right : Donald Sylvain, Lois

Henry Mohlman.



Carolyn Barcinus,

Speakers Bureau First row, left to

right : William Truxcl, William Johnson , Chuck Nash, larry Roderer, Daniel O '.Br ien, Gerald Murphy .

• Debate Club Left to right : Elmer H. Deitering , Harvey C. Kiley, Paul McEnroe (Co-Captain), Ray Guzmun (Co-Captain), Clarence H. Baxter, Jr . (Director of Debate), Frederic Blackwell , Richard Madden .

Gather good fellows while in our prime, What pleasure is yours shall also be mine.




has gone up 2 points this semester."

to be so I

"Studying is lege man ."

Home Ec 402 : " Home Decorat ions"

dorm, life "Tomorrow night I'm gonna study!"

" likewise !"

"Don't laugh, I get jumper' s pay."

311 F1RWOOD-Left to right: Messenger.


Izzo, Pete


Len Sieradski,


243 ILLI NOIS-Left to right: Chuck Nash, Bill Caiaccio, John Kroll, Whitey Ryan, Tom Moritz, Dave Burke.

252 FINDLAY-Lying: Tim Colgan. Left to right : Jim Coyle , Frank Oelerich, Tom O'Rourke, Tom Gascoigne.

right: Gerro Gler"ln ,

'Neill Katie CathY O ,

Houlds 路


23' th Eileer"le Kuhlmar"l. war,

familiar 12121/2 WYOMIN G - Left to right: Kenny Lyman , SOMY Wathen, Tom Zin" George Farkas . 1229 ALBERTA-Left to right: Rusty Saunders, Knobby Vande Velde, George Bates, Paul Taylor.

225 VOLKENAND - Lefr to right: Dave liberto, John Sharf, Mike Craig, Dan Stetschulte.




Who says we're afraid of the "birdie"? We don't care to dance, thank you.

The Freshman Welcome was held on October 1 1 at Lakeside Ballroom. Music for the evening was provided by Don Fredricks and h is orchestra.

Smile, darn ya, smile!

Demonstration of lesson #1 himself. They're three couples of swells.

by the lover


Honorary Colonel JUDI FRECKMAN


Freshman Attendants SALLY McCARTHY

and Regimental Commander CADET COlONEl THOMAS HESSLER

I go fo r a man in a uniform!

The first military ball, sponsored by the Pershing Rifles, took place on November 22 at Lakeside Ballroom. Scabbard and Blade staged the second dance on April 25.

Two A.W .O .l. 's and the ir dates .


Bernie grows his own flowers-i t's cneaper.




CANDIDATES FOR HOMECOMING QUEEN-Left to right: Adelaide DiFino, Kerin Staup, Kathy O ' Neil, Marilee Faust.

Wampler's Ball-Arena was the scene of the 1957 Homecoming Dance on November 9. Students, faculty, and alumni danced to the music of Ralph Flanigan.

Foursome favor Flanigan flavor.

Athletes score-thb time with the ladies.


Cathy and her fan club.

Admirers cheer, for Sally is near .

Beauties on the beasts.

Alien autos prompt military escort.

EVENING-Six o'clock

Eight o'clock --

Busy Builders On the Friday night of Homecoming week-end, hundreds of students helped in constructing floats at Gentile Air Force Base. Long hours of work resulted in one of the most colorful parades in the school 's history.

Ten o'clock


DAWN-Two o 'clock

Four o'clock

The Parade

Winner of the Grand Prize-"Ugly Duckling"-Bluegrass Club.

Prize Winning Floats

Second Prize Winner-"Alice in Wonderland-Knickerbocker Club .

Right: Third Prize Chemical Society.



of Floats


Above: Cincy Club-"Golden Goose." Right top : Dayton Club-"Wizard of Oz." Right: Illini Club-"Cinderella."

Art Club-"The Red Shoe."

The Queen's Float.

Keystone Club-"Hansel and Gretel."

O.S.P.E.-"Sleeping Beauty."


Candidale for Queen "On SIage." Spacemen survey silualion. Nolhing like Ihis on Mars.

Half Time

Regal welcome for royally.

Queen Calhy is crowned by Falher Seebold.


CANDIDATES FOR FRESHMAN ATTENDANT-Left to Morris, Chris Cole, Janet Bechtol, Sally McCarthy .



We were lucky-. We got a table .

Freshman Attendant Fran Morris and Escort Norb Young .

Do you see what I see .

Hey, Miss Buchard! It's supposed to be one to a customer .




Take it easy, Dan, Johnny's harmless .

A couple and a half, (Lois is the half).

Willie, get off my toe!

ATTENDANTS-Bollom, lefl 10 righl: Sue Hochwalt, Nancy Hazlett, Donna DeVoe, Gerri Glenn, Ann Fitzgerald.



Hope I remember how to pronounce his name. )

Who says it isn' t a man's world?

Gee, I'm finally go ing to Turnabout!

Jim Hecker's All-Girl Orchestra added a novel touch to the '58 Turnabout Tag. The dance was held on April 11 at Wampler's BallArena .

Anything ya'il can do-we can do better!

left: You aren 't dreaming, Julie. This is Turnabout.

Right: It's my night, Jeanne . You could at least be on time.








CANDIDATES FOR KING-Left to right: Dave Clarke, Dan Stecheschulte, Joe Yopp, Dick Shane.

May 17 was occasioned by the Senior Farewell at Wampler's Ball-Arena. Decorations and favors carried out the theme"Somewhere Over the Rainbow."

You won't miss U.D. that much will you, Dave?


It's a grand night for partying!

When I dance, I love to dance with Willy!

At least give me credit for trying .


Oops-where'd you go?

Isn't he sweet?

Up in the air, Junior Birdman!


This is a switch-there's room to dance!

We could have danced all night.

I'm here . .. what more do you want?

Ohhh, who told you that?

Must have been some joke .

The stag line forms at the left .

looks like a swing in' affair .

We feel pretty, oh so pretty!


I, Augusl Wunderly, cheal!

Don'l iump!

We've been al U.D. four years and slill don'l have a Ihree-bullon suil.

How does Ihe noise come oul?


lIro. lIusch nev

er had




So what? I like them!

Chicago boy makes good at UD.

a new suit-if doesn't


Flyers before Loyola massacre.


Athletic Department

The critical area of any efficient operation is the point of control . This principle is typically illustrated in the functioning of our athletic department. The ultimate authority for all major decisions at the University, of course, is the President. Next in the line of athletic authority is the Rev. Charles L. Collins, S.M., Chairman of the Athletic Board. The actual functioning of the athletic department, however, is in the capable hands of the people pictured on this page. Harry Baujan, a member of the U.D. athletic department since 1922, has been director of athletics for the past 11 years. Jack Loffing has the problems of juggling the ever-scarce tickets. Eddie Kwest attends to the pains and sprains that too frequently afflict all athletes. They are not the entire somplement of behind-the-scenes workers, many of whom are pictured earlier in this book.

EDD I E KWEST, Trainer

JACK LOFFING, Ticket Manager

Football Fifty Years in Football

Our Golden Jubilee Squad

First row : R. Hilinski, J. Slater, G. Krause, F. Dugan, D. Zimmerman, R. Sakal, C. Chaney, F. Pinn, D. Huber, Coach Bud Kerr. Second row : J . Northcote, W. Porter, R. Fino"i, T. Curtin, E. Karas, J. lane, D. Edick, W. Korutz, G. Faust, Assistant Coach Don Panciera .

Third row : A. latell, J. Tache, C. Harestad, J. Molitoriss, S. Palenchar, V. Palyan , C. Malloy,

F. Bongivengo, J. • Ass istant Coach Jim laVanche. Fourth row: P. Connor, A. Adkins, P. Schomer, M. Smolik, G. Rogot, M. Palmerie, J . Dillon, R. Caliboso.



CO-CAPTAIN FRED DUGAN U.Do's first All-American football player

Dayton ____ ____________________ 13 Dayton ________________________ 12 Dayton_______________________ 6 Dayton ________________________ 14 Dayton ________________________ 19 Dayton _____________ _____ ____ 24 Dayto n __________________ _____ .40 Dayton ________________________ 40 Dayton ________________________ 13 Dayton ________________________ 20

Cincinnati __________________________________ 13 Richmond (Va . ) __ _____________________ 7 Holy Cross ________ ______________________ ______ 32 Boston College ____________________________41 Lou is v ill e __ __________________________________ 33 Xavier _________________________________ _______ ~ 13 Wich it a _______________________ ___________ . ____ 13 North Dakota State _____ _________________ 6 Miam i ________________________________________ 7 Detroit __________________________________________ 10


The Strategists:

Coach Bud Kerr joined us on the Hilltop in 1956. In his second year as head coach and the 50th anniversary of football at U.D., Bud brought home our first winning football team since 1952 : Adding to these laurels, he brought his charges home with five straight wins, leaving a challenge for his 1958 squad to meet. Assisting Kerr in the backfield is Don Panciera. Jim Lavanche handles the forward wall while Stan Zajdel trains the frosh and the ends.


2500 unpaid assistant coaches

Assistant Coaches Jim LaVanche, Stan Zajdel, and Don Panciera .

our hopes were up Claude Chaney stretches for the ball lost in the crowd .

One Bearcat too many for Chaney.

The Flyers visited Cincinnati for their season's opener with a squad small in quantity but large in heart. Down by a 13-0 count with 10 minutes remaining, they fought back to a deadlock on the merits of a Faust-Dugan combination. Each scored a TO. The following week they opened a one-game home stand with a comeback 12-7 win over Richmond. Faust to Dugan was once again the winning combination.

Our co路captains team up for a big gain.

Below left: "Nine behind; two to go."

Dave Huber couldn't quite get this one.

three dark weeks ... Bongo's in trouble.

Hoping to keep their undefeated slate unsoiled, the Flyers took on the Holy Cross Crusaders at Worcester, Mass. The outcome, the first Iloss for the 1957 Flyers, was a 32-6 defeat. Before returning to Dayton the flu bug hit the team. The following week was spent in limited practice. The Flyers went to Boston that next Saturday to meet Boston College. The Eagles made it a rough afternoon for our fellows, handing them their second straight loss-41 markers to 14 for us.

Vince Palyan can't quite get to this one.

The Louisville Cardinals also dealt us a staggering blow, making it the third straight weekend of such treatment for the Flyers. Louisville beat us by a 33-19 score.

Too many whites and not enough blues.

All that trouble just for six points.

Frank Pinn needs shorter shoestrings.

.. . then five straight wins There 's not mu ch room , but Butch made it- throu g h the snow too!

The second home game on the hilltop found the Xavier Musketeers visiting our campus. They went back home sporting a 24-13 defeat as the Flyers pulled off an upset to take the Governor's Cup. Wichita was next on the list of challengers. The Flyers met them in their Kansas backyard and ran away with a comfortable 40-13 win. Special homecoming guests around the hilltop were visitors from North Dakota State University. The Flyers were showing their very best for the returning alums. The final score that sunny afternoon was 40-6, although the Bisons were quite stubborn for the first half.

It' s go ing to be a tight squeeze .

One of the scarce TD's against Miam i.

Right , It was fun , but it's all over now .

Six points for Hu ber aga inst North Dakota State .

The perennial troublemakers from neighboring Oxford gave us our next home battle . The game was typically hard-fought, as they all are in this series . The 13-7 final score found Dayton in command, however. U.D. from Detroit gave the U.D. Flyers their last opposition of the season. The Flyers took their fifth win in stride by a 20-10 count.


• • •

These fourteen seniors completed their college careers on the gridiron with a flourish. Seven of them were in the normal starting lineup of the finest Flyer football team that most of us can remember.





Whether they be headed for pro football, coaching, teaching, or business, we wish them our best blessings and thank them for their role i,n the successes of this year.

Gerry Krause receives Memorial for outstanding sportsmanship, character, and scholastic achievement,

Co-Captain Fred Dugan, U.D.'s first recognized All-American football player, receives his MVP award for his outstanding work at left end.









Freshmen From the ranks of these fledglings Coach Kerr must draw the replacements for his departing seniors. Who will make it and who won't is still to be decided, but next fall several of these fellows will be asked to fill some very big shoes.

We won't score this time, but we will on the next play.

First row: E. McFeaters, T. Lyon, T. Kramer, C. Crawley, J. Thayer, J. Laneve, P. Culliton, A. DiNino. Second row: F. Begg, J . Davenport, B. Staggs, B. Young, C. Sweeney, R. Gessler, M. Pickell, D. Has路 linger. Third row: P. Martin, R. Pezzuolo, E. Buzzelli, J. McCarthy, M. McLaughlin, B. O'Leary. D. Obade, R. Mechenbier . Fourth row: R. Dingolo, M. Farm, A. Andrews, R. Apao, N. Bruno, J. Kuchenbrod, J. O'Connor, D. Connor. Fifth row: Frosh Coach Stan Zajdel, Assistant Coach Adam Klys, B. Hren, J. Boyersmith, R. Piltz, R. Godic, Trainer Ralph Stahl, Manager Gene Miller.

The end of a long gain against the lillie Muskies .


First row : Coach Tom Blackburn, Paul Shafer, Arlen Bockhorn, Dick Bogenrife, Frank Case, Don Lane, Harold Bockhorn, Terry Bockhorn . Second row: Manager Bill Brennan, Jack McCarthy, Mike Allen, Tom Nartker, Ray Atherton- Joe Kennelly, Hank Josefczyk .

Co-Ca ptains and AA honorable mentions DON LANE ARLEN BOCKHORN

1957-58 REGULAR SEASON RECORD 62 58 59 69 58 64 66

Morris Harvey ____ ______ 43 Ba ld State _ ____ ____ 41 Miami (0 . ) ________ __ ___ _63 St. Mary's _________ __ _ __ 50 Ohio University _____ ___ _41 Fordham ________ __ __ _______ ~ 35 Utah State ____ _ 47 HOLIDAY FESTIVAL

59 55 81 69 72

47 75


Manhatten ________ ____ ___ ___ 51 California _____ _______ ____ 60 Seattle _______ ___ _____ _____ 75 DePaul ___ ________ __ ___ __ ___ 60 Detroit ____ _________ ___ _ 59 Canisius ________ ___ __ 43 Oklahoma City __________ __60

59 57 74 75 64 68 62 64 58 103 59 66

St. Peter's _______ 54 Louisville ____________ 49 Xavier __________ 59 Eastern Kentucky ___ A8 Miami (0.) _____ 62 Duquesne _______________ 66 DePaul _____.. ___ 53 Xavier __ _ ~ 58 Louisville _________ 52 Loyola (N. Orleans) 69 Toledo ___ 48 Cincinnati ______ 70


1416 Won 23; Lost 3

Masters of the Game

"THE BLACKBURN ERA" Seven times in the last ten years the University of Dayton cagers have been invited to the National Invitational Tournament. In those ten seasons the Flyers compiled 240 wins against only 86 losses . They are perennially ranked in the top twenty college teams in the country, usually in the first ten. No wonder, then, that these same ten years have come to be known as some type of "era" here on the hilltop. And whose era could it be but Tom Blackburn's, the guiding hand behind U.D. basketball fortunes during this period? We respect Tom Blackburn for his court successes . But more than that, we can always be proud of Tom as a gentleman on and off the court. While less composed individuals are often seen at a basketball game rising in protest to official calls, Tom can always be seen quietly analyzing some new bit of strategy . He never looks for an alibi , but rather for high quality play.

Freshman Coach HERB DINTAMAN


Handling the young Flyer hoopsters is Coach Herb Dintaman . Mr. Dintaman first came to the hilltop as an assistant football coach under Hughe Devore. When Devore I'eft Tom Blackburn drafted "Herbie" as his right-hand man. He has been handling the frosh cagers since then, and also spends much time in scouting future opponents .


Promising ...

Frank Case on the way up.

It looked as though it might be a rather long season for the Flyer hardwood fans as Dayton opened the '57-'58 season against Morris Harvey. Nor was pessimism predominant as the Christmas tournament season came around.

Let's not fight!!

Mac sneaks in for two.

Case (right) and Allen (left) work in close .

路 . . Surprising

Mac tries to stop the hook as Bucky positions.

A number of reluctant heads perked to attention as the Flyers finished third in the Holiday Festival in New York . After edging past Manhattan 59-54 in the opening round, we went on to lose a thriller to California in overtime. Then we took the third place position by stopping Elgin Baylor and his Seattle squad, 81-75.

How to get through a zone defense.

look out! Here comes Bockhorn.

Where'd that ball go?

Kennelly cashes in on the fast break.


Case eyes the cords.

Perhaps the finest basketball game ever played in this area took place in Cincinnati Gardens before a state-record crowd of 15,011 as the Flyers met the sensational Bearcats. From 17 points behind with less than nine minutes left, the Flyers came back to tie the score as 37 seconds remained to be played . The final product was a 70-66 setback, but a most creditable performance. Terry throws two in down at the Gardens in Cincy.

Now we're looking forward to the NIT as the number one seeded team.

It's not so hard from here ...

Bog ie and Joe are going to make sure .

. .. is it, Mac?

The Seniors ...

Dayton has had many exciting final home games . But this season's finale outdid them all. It lacked nothing . The seniors made this a memorable evening. Each of them broke into the scoring column as the Flyergt hit the century mark for the first time this season. The victim of this onslaught was NCAA-bound Loyola of New Orleans. The story in numbers: 103-69. To these six graduating hoopsters we extend our gratitude for their contribution to U.D . and to us, the students. We also wish them the best luck in future endeavors .

Left: Jack McCarthy.

Our three starting seniors in action .

Bottom , left to right : Harold Bockhorn, Co-Captains Don lane and Arlen Bockhorn, Dick Bogenrife, and Tom Nartker.

Frosh Basketball

Head Coach Tom Blackburn will be needing at least six freshmen around next year to replace his graduates. When that call for help gets down to Coach Dintaman, he has several talented responses he can make. In fact it may well be a difficult choice to make . We could probably use them all.

First row : Phil Dubensky, Stan Greenberg, Bill Cramsey, Bob Jon~s, Ray Zawaaz .... Second row : Manager Tony Scalia, Tom Boykin, Bob Chapman, Don Heller, Pat Allen .

Top left : Stan Greenberg twists for two. Center left : He ck of a place to shake hands. Bottom left : Ray Zawadzki tr ies from outside .



Coach Pat Smith's 1957 soccer team opened the season with a one-goal loss to powerful Denison, then swept the remainder of a seven-game schedule. Individual 'honors went to Ali Tovar, who was named on the all-American collegiate soccer team .

First row : Sal Silva no, Jose Ponce, Dan Bece rra, Mich i Anabil, Franco Giraudi, Fred Ponce, Arturo Cordova .

Second row : Manager Herman Fernandez, Ali Tovar, AI Gasqui, Carlos Mendizabal, Alberto Diaz, Bernie Drerup, Hans Kupper, Coach Pat Smith .

1957 SOCCER SCORES Dayton __________________ ___ 3 Dayton ________________ _____ 3 Dayton ______________ __ 6 Dayton ____ _________________ 5 Dayto r. _______________________ 2 Day to n ___________ _____________ 2 Dayton __ __ ___ _.___ ____ ___ _____ 7

ALI TOVAR, AII路American ce nte r路half


Denison ____________ ______ ____ 4 Ohio State ________________ _____1 Ind iana State _______ __________.4 Kenyon _____________ __ __ ________ 2 Ohio Wesleyan _______ _______ 1 Ohio University .___ ___________ 1 Edelwe i ss ________________________ 2


Lettermen Bob Payne and Bill MacBeth team with Jim Poweski for a quick threesome .

Coach Tom Blackburn will make no predictions for his 1958 golf team. With only two lettermen, Bob Payne and Bill MacBeth, on the squad this year, only time will tell. The burden will be on the new recruits.

A guiding principle: keep your head down.

I'd rather be on top of the hill than al the bottom.

With a blinding flash .. .


Tennis Three lettermen return to help Coach Hank Ferazza hurdle a rugged 14-match schedule that includes Big Ten, Southeastern, Missouri Valley, Mid-American, and Ohio Conference opposition. Joining lettermen Cadiz, Ponce, and Zins wil li be sophomore standouts Ed Trapp and Fred Ponce (Joe's cousin) and junior Mike Dinnin.

Kneeling: Tom Zins and Joe Ponce . Standing : Mike Dinnin, Manuel Cadiz, Fred Ponce. Absent: Ed Trapp.

April April April April Apri1 April May

1958 TENNIS SCHEDULE May 3-at Earlham Inv . Matches 9-Wisconsin May 7-Bellarmine 1 l-at Kentucky 16-at Xavier May lO-Eariham 22-0hio Wesleyan May 12-at Ohio Wesleyan 24-Cincinnati May 14-at Ohio State May 16-Xavier 25- at Bowling Green l-Miami (0. ) May 20-at Toledo


Mike Dinnin scoops low

Above: Good shot, Joe?

Anyone for doubles?


Intramural Basketball ALPHA KAPPA YOPP


First row : Coach Dick Bogenrife, Ward, Wray, "Big '0'" O'Brien .

Second row : Saunders, Markley, Young , O' Neill.

Intramural basketball soared to new heights in the 1957-58 season, as the U.D. champions, the Alpha Kappa Yopp team, challenged the Xavier champs to a "Battle of the Champs." In a contest with a long last second, the Muskies squeaked by with a 60-58 victory in a come-from-behind win .

How'd that ball get up there, Kevin?

"Gosh, but that '!'lain court is awfully long!!!"

Rusty does a little pushing in the "Battle of the Champs."


. bee gentlemen . "[rue FTIS

Ad'mired by crowd.

Amazing how agile.

There is much controversy over how, when, and where the sport of Frisbee originated. Word has it that it was instituted on one of the Ivy League campuses. This, however, cannot be proven . Let us attempt to draw a sketch of the orig in and the rules of the sport . On one of the Eastern campuses some enterprising young men used to sit on the lawn and discuss some of the more essential facets of college life . It was a habit of theirs to eat lunch and engage in some athletic endeavor after they had finished. There is a Frisbee Pie" to . located in one of the Eastern states. It so happened that one day the true originator of the game bought a Frisbee pie for lunch. After eating the pie, he tossed the pie plate to one of his buddies . From there it went whirl ing among them. Fr isbee had been born! The young men enjoyed their new found game so much that they played nothing else for weeks, always with their Frisbee pie pan of course. The new sport spread like wild-fire around the campus and soon the pie sales of Frisbee were zooming. With the advent of the new sport, a name had to be chosen for it . Naturally, it was unanimously agreed that it should be called Frisbee . As the game spread from one campus to another, interpretations and rules had to be added . So by the time it reached UD, it was truly an amazing sport. The game is played on a court measuring 20x29 yards with a line dividing one half from the other . It resembles a tennis court without the net. The now worn-out pie plate has been replaced with an official Frisbee. It measures about 12 inches in diameter and is made from plastic with a curved lip running around the edge. It can be purchased in a variety of colors: red, yellow, blue, etc. Some of the rules taken from the official copy of N.C.A.A.-Frisbee Regulations are : Regulation 127-45: The number of players may range from two to five on a side. 212-90: The game is always begun by the referee who sees that the opposing teams toast to each other's success.

Article 12: The official toasting cup and beverage is not regulated as such. 1247-14a: The game is begun when the team who has won the toss throws the Frisbee to the opposing court. It must be caught with one hand (right or left) and returned from the spot where .it was caught. Article 4b: No interference from the opposing team or help from teammates is permitted. 469-28 : Points are assessed against' a team when the opponents throw the Frisbee in bounds and it is not caught or it is caught and dropped. Article 6 : The team which reaches a total of 10 points first is the loser. 9 : A point is called a Fris. 14 : A set consists of three wickets and the winner of the best of three wickets is the winner of the match. The rules governing the equipment and behavior of players and spectators goes into great detail. A few of the passages I will deduct for you, The official equipment for players as prescribed by the Equipment Committee is bermudas, shirt and tie, crew neck sweater, sport coat, Ivy League cap, sneakers and Frisbee socks . Spectators' clothing is optional, however it is preferred that they dress as much like the players as possible. Absolute silence must be maintained by the players and spectators during the game. It is considered most improper to applaud, scream, and make other boisterous remarks . There are some exclamations of appreciation which are permitted. When a team makes an ordinary Fris, the players and spec路 tators may ra ise their eyebrow and applaud with two fingers. When an exceptional Fr is is made, the proper show of glee is a wide-eyed, openmouthed exclamation . A few jumps are also permitted. We, the graduates of UD, would like to take this opportunity to thank the Founding Fathers of Frisbee for giving us such a wonderful, entertaining, healthful sport.


The Daytonian

Social Editor

Above: Business Manager



Left: Sports Editor TOM ZINS




BUSINESS STAFF-First row, left to right: Joe Balogh, Ron Obergefell, Sandy Carlile. Second row: Bob Heidenreich, Jim Gales, Herbert Montgomery.

Photographic Editor BERNIE BRAUN

Right: Photographer JOE KRUPAR

SOCIAL STAFF-Patsy Hackett, Julie Lane.

ART STAFF-Left to right: Joe Paisa, Ed Zimmerman, Jim Fullerton, Art Editor.





SEN lOR STAFF-Barbara Leff, Lois Reichling.


Editor-in-Chief 7958 Daytonian


I would like to thank all the people who made this book possible. Father Harrington for his assurance, my whole staff for their splendid cooperation, the Administration, the Publicity Department, the entire student body, for without them we would have nothing.

It has been wonderful and eventfu l' being Editor. At times we never thought we would make it. But there was always that extra incentive which kept us going. We have tried to give you a yearbook of which you will be proud, an exciting, living book which captures the life at the University. This is for you to judge. Our job is finished. It is now your book to keep and to preserve the school year of 1957-58.


'1 957-58 i;n Review -


The Hilltop is a ten-minute drive southeast from the heart of the city. Ifs acres comprise an entity within a city-it has a post office, bank, cafeteria, sports arenas, libraries, sleeping rooms, offices, and shops. Its population dreams, hopes, fears and laughs. Other schools may be greater in size, beller staffed, and beller equipped. They may have stellar teams, and bigger trophies, but there is still something exceptional about UD: it's vibrant and living because it is composed of students, dynamic and colorful. Actually a collegiate year doesn't end or begin. It is merely retarded from June until September. This autumnal phenomena is a result of convention. We, then, must follow convention and arbitrarily start with the first Freshman officially welcomed by the Orientation commillee. He was James Whitwelll , who made his debut on campus by climbing in through the back window of the Student Council office in Liberty hall. One wonders if Jim went to the Freshman Welcome. Certainly many of his Co-Freshmen allended the ball created especially for them. The queen at the dance, the first of the year, was Pally Buchard, with Sal Pantezzi as her king. All of the fledglings were introduced to the red and blue of UD even before they began classes. The preface was a beanie from the Sophomore class. It was this red and blue perched .on their heads that helped admit Freshmen to the

first football game . That Cincinnati game was parole day for the Freshmen, for then they lost the ignominy of being just Freshmen glaringly marked by the beanie. They wouldn't have hated it so much, perhaps, if they had discerned those upperclassmen who dusted the mothballs out of their beanies and wore them before registration. The Cincinnati game was a prelude to the one-hour that came months later in November. Homecoming was cold this year. Cathy O'Neill and her court wore fur coats in the Parade. Preceding the trip down Main Street hours, nay days, of blood, sweat, and tears were spent in Gentile's warehouses. Academically there was a first too. The Flyer explained it thus: Number 001658379 threw the tail' of the tied sheet out of the second floor window of Founders hall. Then, gelling a good grip on the end inside, he held it while 2375709432 climbed down. What the Flyer was saying was that the University had started to use the IBM system. Each student's name was replaced by a ~umber . The next school-wide dance was the Christmas Ball, reassigned to late November and called the Fall Finale . It has not been since the days of Methuselah that the Pershing Rifles lost money on their dance. They did this year. With the first snow of the winter a new building, affectionately dubbed Wohlleben hall in honor of Brother (Doc) Wohlleben, opened for use. The chemistry, chemical engineering, and geology students welcomed the edifice. Jerry Bauer, chem engineering student, had complained earlier that by mid-semester 1957 he had mixed three standard solutions in the old lab. The plaster kept falling into them. While Jerry busily mixed standard solutions the sports car craze gained a firm foothold in collegiate <life. Paul Taylor and Jim VandeVelde, however, disdained sports cars. It was reported they had the latest style convertible. It had a hole in the top for ceiling ventilation, and missing floor boards, for floor ventilation. The gas pedal was in the glove compartment and the radio was in the trunk.

Pat Flanigan climbed up the roof to get in through the second-story back window, twice. Once Norb Young acted as the step ladder. For 50c (oh, those prices) the Rising Bell Wake-Up service offered its services to the student body. (Naturally for those problematic 8 o'clo, er 12 o'clock classes.) At least one student, Sue Seigel, took advantage of the opportunity. And, with all due respect, a g'lance at the student roster showed an interesting name: Gene Autry Smith.


There was an electrical engineer who couldn't spell electrical, name withheld for obvious reasons, but it is available. The Players presented their first play, See How They Run, when Gunte r Walk walked through a door, and took it with him. The Student Council, one of the best we have had for a long time, took an extensive step in progress. Of the many S.c. committees, there is the one that made the step, the Big Four Intercollegiate Spirit committee, originally suggested by Miami university. Its purpose was to curtail the destructive nature of the rivalries between UD, Miami, Xavier, and the University of Cincinnati. Much to the woe of UD delegate Joe Salm, the meetings were held on the Sunday After Homecom ing , the Sunday after the Junior Prom, and the Sunday after Turnabout . With winter carne Christmas vacation, and the Holiday Festival. Then exams. But the outstanding day of the semester was none of these. On the night of November 17 the UD ÂŁland played "On Parade. " Maury Reichard directed a show the day after his mother died. Second semester commenced with a few hundred less students, and many more much wiser. The Junior Prom wedged itself between second semester registration and lent, and the weather not permitting, half of Woody Herman's Third Herd fought and lost the battle of the Snowflake at a point east of Dayton . The snowflakes came, and stayed. Meanwhile, the Players rehearsed for Othello, and the Band practiced for the Band Concert, the cultural achievements of the year. Both were pronounced a success . Second semester has always seemed so much shorter than first semester. Per-

haps this is because there is little activity for almost two months during lent. Perhaps it is because the cOurses are a trifle more interesting. Perhaps it is because the great excitement of starting over, Homecoming, and Christmas is finished, and the really next thing of social interest is the freedom of summer . But, the descent from the peak is not without incident. Mid-semester of second semester was rekindled by the spark of the National Invitational Tourney. Accompanying the five who couldn't-do-well-this-yearbecause-they-didn't-have-the-height, and the hundreds of enthusiastic fans, was the perennial mile-long-telegram wishing the Flyers good luck, signed by hundreds more,

On the return trip from New York, that most fascinating city in the world, plans flew thick and fast in preparation for Turnabout. The, king was chosen from a scintillating field of candidates: Rusty Saunders, Mike Craig, and Joe Mazzota . The girls even arranged things so they would have a choice in h eights . Then back to the grind for a while, until the Military Ball . She-who-reigns. twice, Honorary Colonel Judi Freckman, presided over this as she had done for the Fall Finale.

The warm, summery days of May promised a beautiful Senior Farewell, which was held at Wamplers Barn, with Patty Siemers as Queen and Bill Clarke as King . Honors day and commencement graduated a few UD students , to make room for a few more entrants in September. Some of the Seniors, of course, did not graduate, for they left in August or January. That is why we said at the beginning that a collegiate year doesn't begin or end. People corne and go all year long . Some of the population of UD is enthralled by the prospect of this summer. Possibly a portion is not. The month of May made a second promise to the latter, saying that it is great to be alive . This yearbook just proved it. We could not possibly include all of those dreams, hopes, fears , and laughs in

one yearbook. We know that they could never be recorded in total. Most of them are deeply imbedded in the individual students, and not for anyone to see much less record. Most of the rest of them have been lost, fleeting with the moment. The minute percentage left is reasonably recorded here to give a brief glimpse of the University of Dayton during 1957-58. And, the things that we have here can be summed up very simply. I did that summing up once in a feature story about the Cheerleaders for the Dayton Flyer a long time ago. It was later reprinted in that year's Daytonian. Please forgive the repetition, but I can think of nothing that expresses it better. The lead sentence in the story read: "Gimme a D!"-and the crowd yelled 'D'!"




Everything Photographic



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