r---------------------------------------- -- -----------
Established 1929
No. 4
December 1959
Vol. XXV
The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton Officers and Directors R. William Patterson '29 ______________________________________________________________________ President Arthur Scarpelli '34 --------------------------------------------------------------------Vice President Mary M . Shay '44------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary Warren Kappeler '41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------Treasurer Members of the board: Lloyd Rensel '43 , Paul Wagner '39, Peter Kuntz '50, Charles Whalen Jr. '42, Marilyn Catron Nolan '53, AI Suttman '48, William A . Fitzpatrick '39, Arthur Millonig '40, Don Sharkey '40-'44. Ex-officio members: Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, SM, University president; Brother Austin J. Holian, SM, assistant business manager; Brother Elmer C. Lackner, SM, alumni director.
Alumni Representatives University Athletic Board James Finke '48, Paul Heckman '38, Jack Zimmerman '50, Joseph Poelking '32, Art Bok '50, George J. Rau '30, J. Ellis Mayl '08 , R. William Patterson '29.
Advisory Board (Representing out-of-Dayton alumni) Buena Greer Beis '43 Akron Tom Hildebrand '51 Hamilton Don Cosgrove '51 Cincinnati Jim Cosimati '53 Columbus Frank H. Marshall '31 Sidney Robert F. Seiter '44 Xenia William Higdon '57 Springfield Richard Rudnicki '47 Toledo Linus B. Boeke '28 Chillicothe
Joseph Quatman '38 Lima Ed Crow '32 Cleveland Jack Eiting '53 Minster Albert L. Diringer '48 Tiffin Charles Kenny '50 Mansfield Tom Ryan '29 Coldwater James Scheuerman '49 St. Marys Art Wallace '32 Detroit, Mich. Charles Schiavo '43 Philadelphia, Pa.
R. C. Jim Brown '34 Jackson Heights, N.Y. Edward T. Bishop '40 Louisville, Ky. James Crowley '56 Pittsburgh, Pa. Francis Gabel '30 Washington, D.C. Matthew Marzluft '28 Oakland, Calif. R . W. Saunders '58 Bronxville, N .Y. William Bruening '57 St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Hollenkamp '41 Chicago, Ill.
The University of Dayton ALUMNUS is published quarterly for the Alumni Association of the University of Dayton by the Public Relations Department, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio. Entered as second class matter April 1 5, 1950, at the post office at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Price: two dollars per year. EDITOR: RICHARD F. BEACH, '52 SPORTS EDITOR: JOSEPH J . McLAUGHLIN (for wills and bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Univer.ity of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio.")
SEVERAL University of Dayton personnel are involved in the upcoming Critics' Forum series of the Dayton chapter, International Federation of Catholic Alumnae. Patricia Donisi '53 , director of the UD reading center, is chairman of the series . Dr. Richard Baker, professor of philosophy, will review Bruckberger's The Image of America on the Feb. 19 program. He will be introduced by Brother Thomas J. Powers, SM, director of the evening school. UD's alumni association is affiliated with the IFCA.
SIXTH ANNUAL FUND IS 133 째/o SUCCESS The University of Dayton's sixt" annual alumni fund , which ended officially this month, was 133 per cent successful, according to figures released by William A. Fitzpatrick, fund general chairman. Fitzp a trick's figures indicate that $53,205.00 was contributed during the sixth fund (December, 1958, to December, 1959). Goal for the campaign was $40,000. Here is a breakdown of the contributions compared to the results of the fifth annual fund of 1957-58: 1958-59 1957-58 Estimated Total of Living Alumni 9,248 8,507 Number of Alumni 6,220 6,100 Solicited Number of Contributors 2,515 353 Effectiveness of Solicitation 40.4% 5.4 % Total Amount Contributed (to Dec. 1) $53,205 $8,316 Average Gift $21.16 $23.16 The figures do not include payment of alumni gifts to the 1956 building fund. It should be noted also that the solicitation in 1957-58 was conducted entirely by mail only since so many alumni were still paying on building fund pledges.
NEXT ISSUE: THE COED In recognition of the effect the coed has had on the University of Dayton , the next (March) issue of The ALUMNUS will be devoted entirely to the coed, who during the current academic year is celebrating her silver anniversary on the campus.
DEVELOPMENTS on the scientific scene have characterized University of Dayton story during the past several weeks.
Wohlleben Hall of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. UD President Father Raymond Roesch gets briefed on the new NCR 304 by NCR Chairman S. C. Allyn, NCR President Robert S. Oelman.
The new telesc o pe, with Physics Chairman Brother Tom Schick at the controls.
Docs Wohlleben, Wilson.
AN OK, A COMPUTER, AN OBSERVATORY The Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD) announced it had given its accreditation to the University's department of chemical engineering. This department had been founded almost 50 years ago by the Venerable Brother William J. "Doc" Wohlleben, but inadequate facilities and floor space, necessary for the all-important accreditation, had been lacking until the chemistry building, named for Doc, went up. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers answered the University's request for an inspection of the new facility, and before you could describe a unit operations laboratory to a layman, the OK was here. ChemEngineering is now headed by Dr. Robert Wilson, the second chairman in the department's history. One of the latest and most advanced computer systems now available was purchased by the University from the Natiop.al Cash Register Company. The million-dollarplus system, known as the "NCR 304", will be self-
supporting and will be utilized both in the educational and research programs of the University. The first 304 to be purchased by an educational institution, it will be delivered by October and be installed in the basement of the new Sherman Hall of Science. The campus was still buzzing about the computer when from Wright-Patterson Air Force base came a highpowered telescope. Operated on a Navy gun mount and housed in a specially-constructed building near the east end of the campus, the new observatory will be used for teaching astronomy and astronautics, astronomical research, observation of satellites as part of a Smithsonian institute program, and for cooperating in various Air Force projects. Sponsored by the Aeronautical Research laboratory at WPAFB, it was designed by UD's Dr. Werner R. E. Rambauske. All three developments indicate the University's progress is by no means slowing. 3
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tfaree named directors; two on
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With the Chapters
NEW MOTION PICTURE DRAWS OH's AND AH's FROM ALUMNI ALUMNI Association officials have been on the road during the past few months, visiting chapters scattered from San Francisco to New York City ... Top attraction during the visits, by Alumni Director Brother Elmer Lackner and Alumni Secretary Mary Shay, has been the showing of the new University of Dayton motion picture, recently completed . .. If your chapter hasn't yet had the opportunity to view this film (we think it's a masterpiece, and so will you) watch for an announcement of a showing in your area ... The 27-minute, full color and sound production has been drawing Oh's and Ah's from all who've seen it . . . The photos on these pages were taken following meetings of alumni in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Akron, and St. Louis. Cleveland chapter will have its annual
Christmas Ball on Saturday night, Dec. 26, Fiftieth State" in the recent homecoming at the Sheraton-Cleveland . . . President parade . . . The float is shown along with Tom Hoban at 3398 Rosedale Drive, other homecoming pictures in this issue Cleveland Heights, has all the details .. . ... The chapter is sponsoring an excursion Akron and Toledo again this year will to the Flyers-Cincinnati Bearcats basketfigure in the cooperative alumni drives of ball game, in Cincy, Jan. 2 ... Reservaseveral private colleges in the state . . . tions ($5, including bus fare and ticket to This "venture in cooperation," in which game) may be made with Board Member UD took part last year (the first year at- Roger Keith at the UD Research Institute tempt), was most successful . . . The dates: ... That UD-DePaul basketball game in Feb. 1-8 in Akron; Feb. 15-22 in Toledo the fieldhouse Feb. 17 may be highlighted ... More information on this program is with a half-time show by some of the UD forthcoming . . . all stars of the past few years ... Board A number of new alumni have accepted Member Mickey Donoher, himself one of appointments to the alumni association ad- . the stars, is arranging for an appearance of visory board . . . You'll find them listed on team members from the early 50s . . . page 2 of this issue of The Alumnus .•. Tickets for that game, and for the Dec. 22 Montgomery County chapter presented game with St. Mary's of San Antonio, are its annual best-homecoming-float trophy available to alumni ... Contact the ticket to the Hawaiian Club for its entry "The office ...
OFFICES In one of the heaviest votes in the history of the alumni association, five memben were elected to offices on the national alumni board and University's board of athletic control. A total of 864 ballots were cast. William A. Fitzpatrick '39, Dr. Arthur Millonig '40, and Don Sharkey '34 were named to the board, and Drs. George Rau '30 and Art Bok '50 were named to represent the alumni on the athletic board. Dr. Rau was re-elected. All will serve for three years. MILLONIG
Thom Beach completes a test in WADC's Aerospace Medical Laboratory cold chamber where the temperature was 65 degrees below and outside temperature was 95. Thom is being brought back by Ken Wilson.
Mobility of arms and hands in a pressure suit is tested by Jim McBarron in an experiment in the Aerospace Medical Laboratory. Thom Beach and Ken Wilson get him ready.
Circulation efficiency in an Air Force pressure suit is tested on a tilt table. Ken Wilson, left, watches guinea pig Jim McBarron while Thom Beach and the AF's Capt. Marvin Zinn take readings.
UD's SPACE-MINDED STUDENTS IT IS LATE AT NIGHT. A man sits alone in the pressbox in the UD stadium. Some time before, he had been with several thousand fans, watching a football game. Now the game is ended. All have left. The stadium is dark. And quiet. He is alone. A disgruntled fan? No, he's one of an elite group of students who since 1954 have been working with scientists at the Wright Air Development Center laboratories, undergoing tests and assisting in studies in conjunction with the Air Force's research programs. These students, veritable guinea pigs for the space age, have spent an estimated 50,000 hours in the last five years taking part in studies in the area of human engineering under WADC's psychologists and scientists. When man is hurtling through space a few years hence, it could very well be that he will be calling on the experience of these students to make his flight safe and successful. Among the work these volunteers have engaged in are studies on the effect of g-forces on perception and performance (in this study, students are secured in the cockpit of a human centrifuge and whirled about at varying speeds); on the effects of tranquilizing drugs at simulated high altitudes; evaluations of design and performance features of experimental pressure suits under high-altitude conditions and extreme temperatures; effects of mental anxiety on performance; effects of temperature extremes on performance of complex mental tasks. Most of the work has been done in the WADC labs, but recently, many experiments, such as the "arena isolation" study in the empty stadium, have been conducted on the campus under the direction of the Research Institute's Psychology Project. These isolation studies seek to find how emotional behavior and performance are affected by this "aloneness" - such as might be encountered by a man in space. The accompanying photos show a few of the students and their important work.
Jim McBarron is prepared for a simulated flight to 100,000 feet in the Wright Air Development Center high altitude chamber. Getting him ready are Thorn Beach and Ken Wilson.
Harry Kennedy, looking like a man from space in an experimental pressure suit, undergoes a test in which radioactive iodine is traced through his bloodstream.
Class Notes '97 Two Cincinnatians from the Class of '97 send their greetings. Karl Gerlach continues in the real estate business in which he's been active for a number of years. Joe Heidkamp, retired for the past several years, has become a regular correspondent with the University. It's good to hear from the "old boys."
'14 Father John Dillon, pastor of the Church of the Assumption in Cincinnati, has been teaching religion at Our Lady of Cincinnati college since it was founded in 1935. He's been at Assumption since 1946.
'17 George Loesch is with the government's Detroit ordnance district, buying missile trailers. He now has 18 grandchildren.
'22 Dr. Herbert Abel, professor of classical languages at Loyola, Chicago, has been named to the board of undergraduate studies and the athletic board there. He's also this year's president of the Illinois Classical Conference, a group of some 500 Latin and Greek teachers.
'23 F. H. Pfarrer, in Evansville, Ind., is chief quality control engineer with Whirlpool Corporation. Carl Theuring and his wife have been invalids for years, and would appreciate hearing from old friends. Their address: 1221 Charleston Av., Huntington, W. Va. BIRTHS: Son to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Michel, in September.
'24 Col. John Supensky, after 21 years with the Army, has retired. He's now in Glendale, suburb of Phoenix, Ariz., busy setting up a home. At the time of his retirement, he was commanding officer of the Tooele, Utah, Ordnance Depot. He and Mary have twin sons, Tom and Dave, 21, and two daughters: Debbie, 8, and Mary Ethel, 4.
'26 Father Albert Schreck has returned from a trip to Europe and the Holy Land, including Rome and Lourdes. "An audience with the Pope was memorable, Lourdes unforgettable, the Holy Land truly inspiring.."
'27 Harold Thomas, still in Tucson, Ariz., commutes every day to nearby Fort Huachuca. "We like the climate here, and probably won't ever move back to 'sinus gulch'," he writes.
'28 Dr. Richard Schneble is completing his first year as medical director of student health at UD. Dr. Marcelino Garza writes from Saltillo, Mex., that he's been practicing dentistry for the past 27 years, following graduation from Northwestern in 1932. He has four girls and two boys.
Bill Noon is studying at William and Mary College, working toward his master's in history. He's also coaching eighth and ninth grade football at Christ Church School, Va. Paul Spahr has retired after more than 31 years in the service.
"We are all fine and very happy to announce that our oldest-Joan, 18-has entered the Mercy Order at North Plainfield, N. Y. The nuns of this particular order teach only in the Trenton and Camden dioceses so we will not be too far from her."
Manley Farm is in the engineering department at Apex Machine and Tool Company in Dayton. Lt. Col. Maurice Costello, now in San Bernardino, Calif., is deputy director for supply and services and director of the management engineering division at Norton Air Force Base. Dr. T. M. Hayes, in Springfield, writes his son Patrick is 17 and his daughter Eileen is now 16. Francis Gabel, in Arlington, Va., is general chairman of the $350,000 campaign for a new church in his parish.
Louis Wilks is vice president and director of research and development for the Velsicol Corporation in Chicago. From Buckeye Lake, Elmer Zang writes he is still deputy supply officer of the ordnance section, Columbus General Depot, and continues as secretary of the Buckeye Lake Eagles. He's former secretary of the chamber of commerce there.
'31 Howard Valiquette's second son made his solemn profession in the Order of Friars Minor at Duns Scotus College, Detroit. He took the name Friar Hilaire. Another son, Friar Lee, is now studying at St. Leonard's Seminary, Centerville. He writes that he has been elected secretary-treasurer of the Ohio Building Inspectors Association (he's Montgomery County building inspector) and his wife Janet was recently appointed chairman of the education committee of the Dayton Deanery Council of Catholic Women. Bernard Burdzinski, now retired from the Air Force as a Major after almost 30 years, is continuing his education, working toward a doctor of education degree. He's been at Xavier and hopes to complete his work at Indiana. "I have three children-Joan, Walter, and John-who in all likelihood will be attending UD someday."
'32 Ed Green is now vice president and a director of the Specialty Paper Company in Dayton. He tells us Bill Rotterman of Phoenix and Fred Smyth of Los Angeles were recent Dayton visitors. Joe Poelking has been elected vice president of the nationwide Bowling Proprietors Association of America.
'33 Louis Otto married Agnes M. Vogel in Spokane, Wash., Aug. 16, 1958, according to word we've just received.
'34 Tom Wenthe's son Fred is a junior in electrical engineering at UD. Bob Schantz, with Sherwin-Williams in Cleveland, has been doing research, development, formulation, production and sales of various products as a member of the industrial maintenance sales division. Dr. Ralph Deger was elected chief of staff at Grandview hospital in Dayton. "Hello from all the Held family on the east coast," writes Clayton from Red Bank, N. J.
'36 Ed Meisner was recently appointed a division vice president of the Philip Carey Manufacturing Company in Cincinnati. With Carey since 1955, he had been with Crosley in Cincinnati as chief industrial engineer, works manager, and general manager. Prior to joining Crosley, he had been with NCR in Dayton. In his new position, he coordinates research, engineering, and quality control activities for all the company's divisions, while continuing to be responsible for all operations of the Plymouth Meeting, Pa., plant where he had previously served as general manager.
'38 Robert Saurine's oldest son John is now a member of the Society of Mary and is teaching at North Catholic high school in Pittsburgh. Dr. Ben Harten reminds us he's been practicing dentistry in Dayton for about 17 years, now specializing in mouth rehabilitation and oral reconstruction. He has his degree from Ohio State and is president of the Alpha Omega dental alumni chapter.
'39 Don Kersting has been reassigned to Headquarters USAREUR in Heidelberg after 15 months as commanding officer of an armored cavalry battalion patrolling some 90 miles of the German-Czech border. "The battalion is the best in the Seventh Army," he boasts. Bill Flanagan, still at Wright-Patterson, is president of the Dayton chapter of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers. Don Malloy writes he's still at Mitchell Air Force base as personnel services officer and living in Huntington Station, Long Island. Paul Wagner sends along an announcement: "Have been operating my own electric motor sales and service business since May 1 under the name Industrial Electric Motors, Inc., Dayton. We're specializing in repair and rewinding of integral horsepower electric motors for industrial concerns." Rev. Roy A. Goss is president of the Pennsylvania Association of County Home Superintendents and is pastoring three small churches in addition to serving as superintendent of the Valley View-Blair County Hospital and Home.
Dr. Jim Krumhansl is teaching at Cornell University.
'40 John Reeves continues with the Veterans Administration hospital in Chillicothe. "Latest addition is Mary Jane, born May 7. John Jr. is now 3\h years old." Dr. Tod Makley was promoted to professor of ophthalmology at Ohio State last July. Dick Egger, director of planning of the Defense Sales Division of Burroughs in Detroit, says that his two older boys-Rick, 16, and Mike, 14--are being indoctrinated by the Jesuits at University of Detroit high school. Chris, 11, and the seven-year-old twins Mary and Anne, round out the Egger family. Dr. Anthony Rush is living in Falls Church, Va. He's with the Bureau of Medicine Safety. Four children-Anthony, Pamela, Timothy and Michael.
'41 Jeep Baker is scouting for the Baltimore Orioles. Paul Humpert visited the campus at registration time in September. "This was my first visit since 1947 and I was amazed at the changes." Woody Dcyden, in Atlanta, Ga., has been named a partner in the firm of Touche, Niven, Bailey and Smart. Dr. Max Wool has been named consulting psychiatrist at Wellesley College, Mass. He's an assistant in psychiatry at Harvard's medical school, assistant professor of psychiatry at the Tufts school of medicine, an associate in psychiatry at Beth Israel hospital, and a physician in the department of psychiatry at the New England Medical Center. He has his degree from the University of Cincinnati.
"Out of this world" is the way Hugh Hoffman describes a trip around the world he recently took. H. J. Miller is in the general audit department of the Grand Union Company in East Paterson, N. J., and is active in the Institute of Internal Auditors. Married 14 years, two children, boys 10 and 9.
'44 John Hickey has joined Standard Register in Dayton as a market research analyst. Stanley Sagan is still with Wright Air Development Division as a supervisor of plans an~ operat!ons. Last year he visited Europe, seemg Pans, Brussels, Stockholm, and several cities in Germany on his way to Vienna. Ed Agnew is sales engineer for the Mellecraft Company (cleaning supplies and industrial chemicals) in Toledo. BIRTHS FROM THE EARLY FORTIES: Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fletcher '40, Aug. 25 . .. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sherman '41, Nov. 7 . .. Third child, Ruth Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. George Moon '41, Oct. 20 ... Son to Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Siewe '41, Aug. 31 . .. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kroger '41, Aug. 27 ... Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Westendorf '43 (Pauline Zink '44), Sept. 9 . . . Eighth child, fourth daughter, Teresa Catharine, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jehu '43 (Betty James '43), Sept. 27 . .. Fifth child, first son, Robert J . Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zimmermann '43, Oct. 22.
'45 John Fambacher, wholesale toy distributor in Dayton, is looking forward to a busy season. To him and the Mrs. on Oct. 12 was born their first son, second child, Thomas John.
Bob Heidkamp has started his 14th year at Wayne high school, Dayton. Now retired from basketball coaching (his record: 482 won, 202 lost), he's business principal (assistant superintendent) with the task of housing 350 new pupils who are residents of the Huber Heights community. Dr. William Knapp has been appointed a group leader for Monsanto's research pilot plant in St. Louis. He joined Monsanto in 1949 after winning his master's and doctorate, both in chemical engineering, from Ohio State.
Marguerite Turner has been awarded her master's in English language and literature by University of Chicago. John Wrynn writes he's still a detective at city hall with Mayor Wagner in New York. "An interesting job in spite of the hours." Letitia Rose Johnson has moved into a new house in Woodbury, N . J. Paul Kappes, special agent with Prudential in Columbus, writes that he's amazed at the curriculum available for the modern college student. ''The day seems gone when a broad knowledge of the arts is acceptable enough to get you a good job. It scares me." Marjorie Daniels Schemmel is a school nurse with the Dayton Board of Education. . Jacque Mintchell has been appointed actmg postmaster of Jackson Center, added duties to his insurance agency. Vernon Stinebaugh is on leave of absence from Manchester College, Ind., where he is associate professor of music, and is at the Northwestern Graduate School completing his program for a doctorate in music education. BIRTHS: Fifth child, third son, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kappes, Jul. 2.
'43 From AI Bagot in Fort Leavenworth: "I am attending the '59-'60 course of the Command and General Staff College. Just as tough as UD but I don't have Doc Moltz or Brother Lackner to help me after lights out." The family: one wife, one girl, three boys. Pat O'Connell and Nick Savino have opened a new business in Dayton-Construction Tools and Supply Company, 1301 E. Second Street. Nick now has five children: Don, Ann, Donna Marie, Nick II, and Maureen. Pat has four children: Kathy, Mary Patricia, Carol Ann, and P. J. II. "So you can see," writes Pat, "that in a few years there may be again a Nick Savino and a P. J . O'Connell walking the halls of St. Marys." Bob Zimmermann, owner and operator of Zimmermann Paint and Glass Company in LaPorte, Ind., recently established a new business - Zimmermann Auto Glass Company. He is vice president of the combined CYO's of LaPorte and was interlocutor of the Lions' Minstrel Show there in October. The family is now living in an old historical home built in 1854. Bill Dorsey is legal counsel for the systems development laboratories of Hughes Aircraft in Culver City, Calif. He's now a member of the bars of Virginia, Missouri, District of Columbia, Ohio and California.
'47 Vemice Mowcy is teaching first grade at Horace Mann school in Dayton, and Isabel Stephenson is teaching kindergarten in the new Nevin Coppock school in Tipp City. Alice Hendershot is teaching in Sacramento, Calif. Don Pinciotti has been elected to the Lucas County (Toledo) charter commission and has been promoted to administrative assistant to the vice president of the UAW-AFL-CIO. Jack Castignola wrote in midseason his football team in Monroe, Mich., was rated No. 1 in Class B in the state. At that time, with four straight wins and no losses, his boys had scored 188 points to 12. BIRTH: Sixth child, second son, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald (Jane Sullivan), Oct. 16.
'48 Clarence Percy is principal of the John Bidwell School, one of the largest elementary schools in Sacramento, Calif. Married, he has "three fine daughters." Margaret Dierken is a timekeeper and bookkeeper for Turnburke, Brock and Raines, CPA firm in Clearwater, Fla. Dr. George Brown has teamed up with Dr. John Wharton '49, in general practice and obstetrics on the Free Pike in Dayton. Dr. Ed Freeh has joined UD's research staff as associate director. Marianna Monty Weigel writes from Hollywood, Fla., that more and more UD alumni seem to be migrating to Florida. "We also have a large Ohio State group here. Paul is on the board of governors and we are both active in it. State's Dean Postle was the speaker at our last meeting and in his speech he mentioned UD and Father Renneker. Small world!" BIRTHS: third child, first daughter, Marilyn Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keighley (Marjorie Crutcher), Sept. 29 . . . Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James W. Woeste, Sept. 5 . . . Son to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fischer, Sept. 9.
'49 Mike Zeno is a sales representative with Red Star Transit Company in Akron and is living in Barberton. Dr. John Wharton is in general practice and obstetrics with Dr. George Brown '48, on Free Pike, Dayton. Dan Lochtefeld writes from San Diego that he's still working as a guidance consultant in the city schools there. He now has four children, all boys, ages 8, 7, 4, and 2. John Anthony is assistant auditor at the Metropolitan Bank of Lima. Now has four daughters. Joelle Schmidt DeBard sends this information: "In June, we adopted a four-month-old French Canadian baby girl. Her nameMarie Francoise. Dr. DeBard and our two boys, Mark and Michael, think she's pretty special. And so do 1." Ed King is now in his seventh academic year as a member of UD's history department. Jiro Shimoda brings us up to date: "Right after graduation I came to Detroit. Became a CPA in the spring of 1955, the first of my race in Michigan. I might vainly add. I've been employed as controller of Garrick Photo Supply, Inc., for the past five yeacs. Got married in 1952 and have a boy, 6, and two girls, 4 and 2." Dr. Robert Raub, with two girls and a baby boy, is serving as president of the Wabash County Medical Society, Wabash, Ind. Jeannette McKay Musser is teaching kindergarten in Lorain while her husband is studying at Baldwin-Wallace for a BS in education. They have a four-and-a-half year old daughter, Stephanie. C. Ray Miller has left Burroughs Corporation and is now an assistant manager with Prudential Insurance Company. "I have a son, Robert John, who should graduate from UD with the class of 1980." Marilyn Jackson has moved to Muncie, Ind., where her husband Joe is teaching at Ball State Teachers College. Four children: Jolynn 8, Kent 6, Melodie Ann 4, and Scott 2. Jacqueline Dehn has moved to Birmingham, Ala., where she's assistant to the director of marketing services with Vulcan Materials Company. "I have a nice position," she writes. "Public relations, advertising, editing of the company publication, etc." J~e Hosea Slider, married to an Air Force major, is now in Los Angeles. Says she's traveled a great deal over the country and
THIS IS A UD FAMILY The face above with the biggest, proudest smile belongs to Prof. Maurice R. Reichard, grand master of University of Dayton music. Gathered about him is one of the " UD-est" fam ilies you'll find anywhere. All the Reichard child ren e ither graduated or at least attended UD. They all are married or engaged to other UD alumni or students. They met their prospective w ives or husbands through the famed UD Band and Marching Coeds organization which Maurie has directed in one capacity or another since back in 1929. Here they are, beginning in the top row, in the usual order: Daughter Maurine '58 (engaged to Robert Breisch, UD band member); Son Jerry, evening student, holding his son
Alaska. They h ave four children, a girl and three boys. Lee Lacey is now in Oakmont, Pa. Chuck Crowley has moved from Opa Locka, Fla., to Akron, where he's in sales work. BIRTHS: Fourth child, Maureen Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connaughton, Jul. 5 . . . D aughter to Mr. and Mrs. George R . Oberer, Sept. 13 .. . Third child, second son, D avid, to D r. and Mrs. Richard Ross (Mary Van Dyke Brown), Oct. 20.
'50 Bill Bombeck is assistant principal at Dayton's still-new Roth school. He had been at Roosevelt. Bob Ames tells us that last January he was promoted to national accounts division sales manager for C. V. Hill and Company in Trenton, N.J., manufacturers of commercial refrigerated display equipment for the supermarket industry. From Pittsburgh, Bill M cKinley writes he's now a salesman for the Fort Howard Paper Mill and now has four boys and a girl. John Worman has moved his accounting
Stephen; Prof. Maurie ; Mrs. Reichard, Cecilia ; Son Tom ' 52 ; and Son-in-law Tom Cron ' 48. In the second row, it's Steven Cron ; Ma ry Reicha rd ; Barbara Cron; Patricia Jirsa (Mrs. Jerry) Reichard, a former student, holding David Reichard ; Evelyn Reichard (Mrs. Tom) Cron, student from 1946 to 1948, holding son Joseph; Mary Young (Mrs. Tom) Reichard, student for two-and-a-half years, holding daughter Julie; Kenneth Cron, and Michael Cron. Down front, four more grandchildren : Ronald Cron, Laura Reichard, Joseph Reichard, William Reicha rd. The Tom Crons are living in Carson City, Mich., where he is an optometrist. Tom Reichard and his fam ily are in Miamisburg where Tom is with Monsanto. Jerry and his family live in Dayton. He's with Systems Development Corporation. Maurine, living at home, is with Ohio Bell . Quite a UD family, eh?
firm to 18 North Fourth Street in Tipp City. Ann Haight is in Iowa City where Howard is studying for a doctorate in chemistry. They have a son, Mark Allen, born in July of 1958. Dr. Ralph Kovach is in Cleveland where he is practicing orthopaedic surgery. In October, he wrote he and the Mrs. were expecting their third child. They have two boys. F red Pfeiffe r is director of the citizenship education department at Seaford JuniorSenior high school, Seaford, L. 1., N.Y. Rabbi Sandy Shapero is now senior rabbi at the Park Avenue Temple in Bridgeport, Conn. "Any chums from U D are always welcome at 1075 Wood Avenue in Bridgeport." N ick Wilbur is supply-commodity management officer at Air Materiel Command and father of "two fine little girls" : Jean Marie, 4, and Mary Ann, 6. He's new president of the Wayne Township Civic Association. After eight yea rs with the D ayton and Montgomery County Public Library, Charlene Green Smith has resigned to become a housewife and mother. Her first child was born in December. M anville Rose is completing eight years
with the Austi n Company, contractors and builders in Huntsburg, 0 . Bill Sherer spends his time as a teacher at Fairview elementa ry school in Dayton, state business manager of the Oh io Association of Health and Physical Education, and owner of Camp Bachatabon in Northern Wisconsin. From T om Graham comes word he and LaVern have five children: Tim, Kevin, Mary, Brian and D anny. Dr. Joe Gurnick completed h is pediatric residency at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and is practicing in Dayton. His fourth child was born last June. Rod K reitzer, with two daughters, is in Grand Rapids, Mich., with the Baker Furnitu re Company. Dick Mee is in Colorado Springs, Colo. Ray Kohl is in Philadelphia as production control manager of Strick Trailers, a division of Freuheuf. Ray Janasek has left the coaching fie ld and is working as a salesman for Heat Treating Services Company in Mayfield Heights, 0 . Oldest boy D ave started to school this year. F rom M ansfield, AI Krouse writes he is
with Empire-Reeves Steel Corporation as assistant to the vice president. He has one girl, two boys. Grover Schinbeckler is now with the Lake County Department of Public Welfare in Hammond, Ind. In October, he took a trip to Europe. John Sheaffer is living in Tiffin where he's controller of the Tiffin Art Metal Company. John Flanagan is with NCR sales. He has four children. MARRIAGE: Charles Klee to Martha Higgins, Oct. 31. BIRTHS: Second child, first son, Kevin Kirk, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald . . . Sixth child, third son, James Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. Manville Rose, Jul. 20 .. . Son, Jeffrey Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ames, Aug. 23 . . . Fifth and sixth children, twin girls, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morrissey, Oct. 19 ... Second child, first son, Thomas Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sheetz, Sept. 15 ... Third son, Tom Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bucher (Mary Ann Kessen '48), Nov. 4 ... Third child, first daughter, Karen Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Krumholtz, Aug. 15 . . . Daughter, Maribeth, to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Perrik, Aug. 13 .. . Second child, second son, Joseph Bernard, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vonder· Haar, Aug. 7 . . . Third child, second daughter, Sharon Leigh, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gossett, Sept. 25 ... Second child, first daughter, Maureen, to Mr. and Mrs. Fran Quinn ••• Second and third children, twin girls, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abele, Oct. 27 ... Son, Thomas Marion, to Capt. and Mrs. Ed Maj, Sept. 8 ... Son to Dr. and Mrs. Martin G. LeBoeuf, Sept. 4 . . . Son to Dr. and Mrs. Russell Fiel (Joanne Koehler '52), in August.
'51 Grete Edwards, in California, is taking a course in Spanish at a college near her home. Earl Kronenberger has won his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Ontario. He's now back in Dayton at the new adult receiving hospital at the State Hospital and is teaching psychology on a part-time basis at UD. Bill Regan, who has been with Airtemp in Atlanta since 1958, is returning to Dayton to become manager of distribution of packaged heating and cooling. He's been with Chrysler since 1953. Jim Dapper is one of two Crosley engineers to be selected as Fellows in the University of Cincinnati's graduate cooperative research program. With Crosley since 1951, he will conduct research on the effects of index of re frac tion on radar beams. He has four children. At last word from Bob Lindon, he still had eight months to do in the Army. He plans to complete his residency in orthopaedic surgery as soon thereafter as possible. Jim Kennedy is completing his third year with Parke, Davis and Company. Tom Lechner is a senior development engineer at Buckeye Tools Corporation in Dayton. Anthony Smith is project engineer for a new compressor station being built near Lafayette, La., by Texas Gas Transmission Corporation of Owensboro, Ky. He was married last February. Walter Wojciechowski is with Sohio Petroleum Company as a subsurface exploration geologist. He's in New Orleans. G. H. Porter is a business analyst n the analysis division, programs and analysis .Jffice, Wright-Patterson Air Force base. Ralph Moore is in his second year as prin· cipal of New Albany high school, Franklin County, 0. Margaret M. Novatny writes she's "still being housewife and mother to two youngsters, a boy 4~ . and a little girl 13 months."
Jim Farrell is still with American Airlines. Francis Schmalz writes he's still with the Oneida County department of public welfare as a caseworker. In Littleton, Colo., Tom Brandt was recently appointed chief of logistics requirements for Martin Activation Companywork related to Titan missile bases. Four children: Kenny, Barbara, Dale, Terri. From Dave Smith in Hackensack, N . J .: "Working for American Telephone and Telegraph. Just had our second son, Paul. That makes two children. Expect to complete my graduate work in business management at Farleigh Dickinson University in January, 1960." And Bill Murphy writes: "Have been married nine years, have two children, boy and girl. We have been living in Wauwatosa, suburb of Milwaukee, for 6Y2 years. Have been with Reynolds Aluminum during that time as a salesman." Jim Gibbons is living in Richardson, a suburb of Dallas, Tex. In January, he was transferred to the former largest state in the union from Detroit to open the first Texas office of Union Carbide Plastics Company. In Dayton, Tom Zinck, is selling for Aeroplast, a surgical supply firm. John Walsh is now chief of the industrial contracts division for the Air Force office of Scientific Research in Washington. His work deals primarily with universities for basic research studies. Norb Christensen, former district manager for Kelvinator division of American Motors, is now with Ball, Burge and Kraus, investment bankers, in Dayton. Bill O'Brien is teaching in the Detroit School of Commerce after winning his MS in education from University of Detroit. Dr. Harold Kelso was elected to the Centerville village council (along with another alumnus, Bob Tamaska '58). Olive Bonnoront was awarded her master of science in nursing by Western Reserve in September. BIRTHS: First child, Lynn Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Millard, Jun. 9 ... Third child, second son, Jeffrey, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, Jul. 3 .. . Fifth child, third daughter, Barbara Ellen, to Dr. and Mrs. James Leary, Sept. 20 .. . First child, Paul Dale, to Dr. and Mrs. Dale Hufziger (Lynne Showalter), Sept. 24 . .. First child, Kathleen Angela, to Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, Oct. 2 ... Fifth child, fifth daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hennessy, Sept. 2 . . . Fourth child, third daughter, Anna Marie Arnolda, to Mr. and Mrs. Flavian Becker, Jul. 25 ... Son to Dr. and Mrs. Paul Unverferth, Sept. 6 ... Fifth child, four daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graul, Aug. 25 ... Third daughter, Karen Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ahlquist, Aug. 22 . . . Third child, second son, Schuhmann, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Schuhmann A. Montgomery, Jul. 7 ... Happy, Clara?
'52 Bill Huth attended the recent academic convocation of the Cooper Union as a delegate of the University of Dayton. He attended a lecture by Dr. Gould, president of Carleton College, and the evening dinner and address by the Honorable Lester Pearson. "It was a very stimulating experience to return to the academic atmosphere once more," writes Bill, who's in New York with the law firm of Kelley, Drye, Newhall and Maginnes. Two principals of schools: Robert Daniszewski, at Jane Addams in Dayton, and Joseph Bath, at McKinley in Xenia. Joe writes he has two sons-Eric, 6, and Rodney, 4. Dr. George Oshiro sends along an announcement that he's opened a dental office on North King Street in Honolulu.
A note from Carl Wheelersburg is of interest. During the summer, he adopted a boy (they've named him Daniel Joseph) who was born in 1958 in Ireland. Their other son was also adopted. Writes Carl: "If you know of any Catholic couple that is childless and wishes to adopt, have them contact Sister In Charge, St. Patrick's Guild, Dublin, Ireland. The nuns there may be able to help in the adoption of an Irish baby." Ted Wyrostek is manager of the main floor at the downtown Beerman store in Dayton. Three children: Deborah, 6; Kathy, 3Y2; Ted II, 1~. Rosemary Schmidt Kanter finished her pediatric residency at Cincinnati Children's hospital last June and took a position with the Babies Milk Fund Association which has clinics for poor children. She was also recently appointed an assistant in pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. John Coy is attending Indiana University's graduate school of business. He hopes to get his degree in August. Dan O'Brien has been appointed head football coach of Miami Trace high school which will be built in two years just west of Washington Court House where Dan is now living. Bill Loe, living in Springfield, is assistant chief of the GAM-83 weapon system project office at Wright-Patterson. The GAM-83 , he tells us, is a tactical air-to-surface guided missile. He must be doing a good job-earlier this year he was given an "outstanding performance" rating and a "sustained superior performance" award. Congratulations, Bill. He has three boys: Tony, Gary, and Greg. Bill Enouen has been named assistant to the comptroller of The Mead Corporation where he will work on corporate assignments in the financial field . He had been with the Dayton office of Touche, Niven, Bailey and Smart for seven years before joining Mead last summer. He won his CPA in 1955. Bill Conley has been with the Lorain Journal for the past two years as a reporterphotographer. He and Helen now have two children-Kevin Thomas, 5, and Susan Catherine, 2. Bertie Harris writes that Lorenzo '51 , has opened his second market, this one on Danner Avenue in Dayton. Both are known as Ren's. They have three children: Bruce, 5; Lowell, 3, and Loretta, I. Dan and Joanne Hoelderle Zamorsld are in Plainfield, N . J., where Dan is a salesman with the California Oil Company. Two girls and a boy in the family . Dee Carcelli McCartney is now in Washington on the staff of Senator John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky. She has two girls: Cecilia, 3, and Grace, 1. Bob Lehner writes he's still teaching at Glenbrook elementary school in Euclid and completed a term as exalted ruler of the Euclid Elks lodge last April. In January they had a boy whom they named Mitchel. "I'm teaching school on the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona," writes Clete Moorman. "I received my master's in education from Miami last summer and am also teaching extension courses from Arizona State College." He tells us the wife and two daughters are doing fine. Dr. Lee Like is still in Lima where he's training as a resident in general surgery at St. Rita's hospital. Next month he becomes chief resident. He and Sue spent seven weeks in Europe last summer. From Lois Miller comes word she is in Millersburg, Pa., where her husband owns and manages a dairy. They have three girls. Alice Duffy Craig is in Bethesda, Md., while her husband is in the Aleutian Islands for a year with the Air Force.
Elmer Luthman, SJ., has completed his three years of philosophy studies and also has been awarded a master of science degree in electrical engineering. Currently he's studying at Stanford toward a doctorate in electrical and is residing at the University of Santa Clara. Texas Oil has transferred Bill Hilbert from Cincinnati to Dayton where he's establishing new service stations. George Biersack was elected secretary of the Ohio Council of Educational Television. BIRTHS: Second child, second daughter, Elizabeth Susan, to Dr. and Mrs. Lee Like, Aug. 25 ... Second child, Teresa Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Brien, Sept. 1 . . . Third child, Carolyn Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald York, Jun. 28 .. . Third child, first son, Michael Gerard, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith, Aug. 3 . . . Fourth child, third son, Stephen Smith, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Grimme, Oct. 7 . . . Daughter to Dr. and Mrs. John L. Pruzzo, Sept. 4 ... Son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniszewski, Aug. 31 ... Third child, second daughter, Diane Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee, Jul. 17 . . . Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kehl, in August.
'53 Father Dan Leeuw is teaching at St. Joseph's high school, South Bend, Ind ., and is a part-time assistant at St. Matthew parish there. He's also deanery director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. New president of the Dayton chapter, Ohio Society of Medical Technologists is Irene Gilleland who's associated with the chemistry department in the lab at Miami Valley hospital. Don Stewart is in his fifth year in the Dayton school system. He's teaching at Whittier and at the Art Institute as well. He has
one daughter, Cindy, 4. Big Don DeChant is district sales manager of New England for the Dow Chemical Company's textile fibers department. Dr. Pete Press is in Alaska, a flight surgeon with the Air Force hospital at Elmendorf AFB, near Anchorage. Joe Carter is teaching at Wapakoneta senior high school and is managing the Wigwam Recreation Center there. In his spare time, he's working toward a master's in business education at Bowling Green. Three children: Larry Joe, 6; Terry Joe, 4, and Garry Joe, 2. Karl Ritz is aviation maintenance officer for the Third U. S. Army Missile Command. Jack Donovan is in Detroit as personnal officer with AC Spark Plugs. Jim Murray has moved to Asbury Park, N . J. , and is representing Gilfillan, Inc., of Los Angeles at Fort Monmouth. Frank Jurena is general foreman of the wire drawing department of Kaiser Aluminum Chemical Corporation. Cora Solberg is medical supervisor at the East Orange (N. J.) VA hospital. Ernie Koerner is with Monsanto in St. Louis. Dr. Joe Cionni is at the Wright-Patterson Air Force hospital. Three children: Tony, Mary Jane, and Robert. Marion Stansell is an instructor in the Air Force Medical Service school at Gunter AFB, Ala., where he's not only teaching clinical lab technology but also is writing Air Force manuals in several different medical areas. He hopes to start working toward his PhD in biochemistry soon. Tom Wimsatt, at Encrete, Inc., in Dayton, sends along word that a number of UD grads are now associated with that engineering and construction firm: Jim Walsh '53, Roy Horvath '53, Jack Kroger '54, and Gerald Miller '57. .
In Lima, Rosemary Gerding is pediatric clinical instructor at St. Rita hospital school of nursing. Alma Culp Elworth writes that Charlie has completed all formal class work on his PhD and is now writing his thesis. June, 1960, is his target date. Meanwhile, he's in research with University of Rochester. Chick Walters sends an interesting note : following graduation from Purdue in February (master's in civil engineering with a sanitary engineering option), he joined the U. S. Public Health Service and is now at that organization's Arctic Health Research Center in Anchorage for three years doing research involving sewage disposal under arctic conditions. His note in October mentioned that he has two boys, Chipp and Richard, and they were expecting a girl that week. Fran Polson is in Dacoma, Okla., where her husband is minister at the Evangelical United Brethren church. They now have two boys and two girls. Wilbur Spatz is now in overseas sales promotion and education in the accounting and adding machine division at NCR. Frank Razzano, at the Dayton Boys Club, gathered together many of the UD greats of the past to perform at a special basketball clinic recently. Don Reichert is teaching at Ohio State and working on his dissertation. With Koehler Aircraft Products, Bill Baker is a technical data administrator. His wife continues in the nursing field . Jack Byrne, in Cleveland, has been with the John D. Byrne Insurance Agency since 1955. Two boys and a girl in his family . Jim Kendall is with Goodyear Aircraft in Canton. Two members of the class were awarded master of arts degrees by Ohio State last August: Bob Vandevander and Bob Seifert.
For several years a pastor in Brinktown, Mo. Aug. 28.
Sister of Father Charles Bloemer, SM, '30. In August.
Retired meat department manager for Kroger stores in Dayton. Drowned while on vacation in Sarasota, Fla., Oct. 9 .
Well-known Dayton attorney for more than 25 years, he was co-author (with Herbert Abel '22) of the UD Victory March. Died in Dayton Oct. 21.
Mother of Charles '33. In Dayton, Oct. 29 .
A sheet metal worker in Dayton. Nov.
Vicar general of the archdiocese of Cincinnati and pastor of St. Lawrence Church in Cincinnati. A priest for 43 years, he was during his lifetime a most loyal and generous alumnus. He died at age 68 on Oct.
Member of UD faculty from 1918 to 1928. In Dayton, Oct. 17. WALTER K. BLAIRE '12
Co-owner of Blaire Brothers Pharmacy in Shawnee, 0. Died at Mount St. Mary's hospital, Nelsonville, Aug. 26. RALPH A. GERLACH '14
Mother of Elise Biechler Gabriel '41. In Harbor Springs, Mich., Sept. 18.
Teacher in Cleveland public schools. Nov. 5.
Insurance agent in Troy, 0. Aug. 15. Dayton attorney. Nov. 13.
Father of George '49. Dayton, Oct. 14. Mother of Norman '50. Oct. 7. EMMA WARNING
Mother of Donald '52. In August.
Insurance agent in Dayton. In November.
Dayton dentist. Aug. 26. MARY C. HUNT ELLIOTT '49
Sister of Georgianna Troin '52. Nov. 7. Husband of Marjorie '58. Oct. 2. HELEN S. HOOK
Mother of James '51. Nov. 19.
A field examiner for the Industrial Commission of Ohio. Mansfield, Aug. 4 .
The University was recently informed of Mrs. Elliott's death in February of 1958. She was a teacher in Cincinnati.
Long-time friend and former trustee of the University. In Dayton, Oct. 24.
Professor of physics at Rose Polytechnic Institute since 1944, he was a former dean of science at St. Bonaventure and Siena colleges. In Newtonville, N .Y., Nov. 11.
Father of John '32, Jim '35, Bob '37, BiD '41, and Joe '45. In Dayton, Sept. 15.
For 16 years an instructor in accounting in the UD evening school. Sept. 3.
Mother of Elmer '23H. In Dayton, Nov. 12.
Stockman in UD's chemical laboratories for 20 years. Oct. 11.
John Foushee is in Louisville as a computer operator with General Electric. John Gates is credit manager at Sears' new suburban store in Louisville. MARRIAGES: Ed Lowry to Annonda Savage, Aug. 15 ... Walter Cassidy to Phyllis Ingle, Aug. 15. BIRTHS: Fourth child, third son, Robert John, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Reichert, in May ... Third child, second son, Jose ph Raymond, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spatz, Oct. 21 . . . Daughter, Meryl Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Camin, Oct. 25 ... Fourth child, second son, William George, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eberts, Aug. 1 ... Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bellmyer, Oct. 7 . . . Third child, first son, Thomas Vincent, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lowry, Jul. 30 .. . Son, William Quinn, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Little, Jul. 23 ... Second child, first daughter, Katharine Mary, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tieman, Jul. 27.
'54 Dick Weider is still at Bethel high school, living in Brandt, 0 ., where he teaches American history and physical education and is head basketball and baseball coach. Two sons: Craig, 6, and Brian, 2. Alvira Schultheis is teaching second grade at St. Christine school, Youngstown. Bill Fishbaugh has been externing at St. Anthony hospital in Columbus and plans to resume his junior year at Ohio State med school this month. Bob and Joanne Faulkner Walsh are in Eaton where Bob is director of vocal music at the high school. He has his master's in education from Miami. Walter Strubczewski, art director at Kircher, Helton and Collett, Dayton advertising agency, is new president of Art Center '路 Dayton. Bill Poeppelman, with Standard Register in Dayton, informs us that Bob Smith is with Standard in Dearborn, Mich., as a division supervisor. From Caspar, Wyo., Maryellen Weed writes she's teaching the sixth grade. She's been "out West" for three years. 1st Lt. Frank Melvin is in Korea as chief of the maintenance division at the Eighth Army signal depot. He's also in charge of the MARS radio station. "Have four children now: Edward, born in 1955 at Fort Meade; Margaret, born in 1956 on Formosa; Steven, born in 1958 at Fort Monmouth, and Michael, born in 1959 at Wright-Patterson." His wife is now completing her work at UD. Larry Sorohan is completing work for his master's degree at Ohio U. Dick Flood is back in Columbus, studying at Ohio State "after a short course at the Army Medical Service school, Fort Sam Houston." Dr. Don Bruhn is at Queens Hospital, Jamaica, N .Y., a resident in obstetrics and gynecology . Gordon Chenez is with Bendix as a patent agent. He has two daughters-Carol, 4, and Cathy, J. Now in Huntsville, Ala., Dave Shollenberger is a test and development engineer with Chrysler's missile division. Ken Lachey is teaching physical education and driver training and is coaching varsity baseball and junior varsity and junior high basketball. Jim Jacobs writes that in August his 67th patent was issued. He's manager of research and future products engineering at Frigidaire and is sec ret ary of the Riverdale Kiwanis Club and vice-president-elect for 1960. Ed Bolton has joined Armour Pharmaceutical in sales after three years with General Motors Acceptance Corporation. Dick Finan (Joan Neumann '56) is prac-
tieing law with Boelter and Smith in the Carew Tower, Cincinnati. At Wright-Patterson Air Force base, Ormond Meacham is contract negotiator in the communica tions and reconnaissance division, aeronautical systems center. Julia Tieman received her MEd from Miami in August, with a guidance major, and is guidance counselor at Madison high school, Trotwood, where she has been for six years. D. J. Schimmoller has joined the sales staff of IBM. He has two daughters, Julia and Elizabeth. Steve Kraffmiller is in Milford, Conn. He's now married and has a daughter, MaryLyn. Two degrees from Ohio State: PhD to Leonard Beck, and master of arts to Doris Drees. Both were awarded in August. Ray and Cosmina Pagura ('55) Bedwell are in Milwaukee where Ray is on the faculty of Marquette's school of speech and Cosmina is teaching fifth grade at Richards School in nearby Whitefish Bay. They were married in August, in Columbus. John Mock is still in New York, working as assistant editor of Materials in Design Engineering magazine. Barbara Wall has moved to Pompano Beach, Fla., where she's with Arvida Corporation. Any other grads in her neighborhood? Denis Foley is a field engineer on the construction of a new subway in downtown New York. MARRIAGES: Gene Hecker to Miriam Hershey, Oct. 3 . . . Denis Foley to Paula Lynch, Jul. 18 .. . Winfield O'Neill to Elizabeth Stolzman '57, Oct. 17 ... Bill Fishbaugh to Marguerite Marinik, Sept. 5. BIRTHS: First child, Christopher Edward, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bolton, Sept. 26 . . . Daughter, Jayne Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lachey, Jan. 25 ... Second child, first daughter, Patricia Ann, to Shirley Ackermann Heinold, May 31 . . . First child, Herman Joseph II, to Mr. and Mrs. James Raiff, Oct. 13 .. . Fourth child, first son, Gerald Francis Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Connell, Aug. 17 . . . Second child, first daughter, Nancy Joan, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finan (Joan Neumann '56), Aug. 28 ... Son to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donnelly, Sept. 29 ... Second child, first daughter, Kitty, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mueller (Carolyn Haley '57), Jun. 25 ... Son to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nolting (Martha McShane), Oct. 7 ... Daughter, Janice Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Englehart, Oct. 9.
'55 Willard Clark won his MD from University of Cincinnati in June and is interning at Miami Valley hospital. Becky Strominger is teaching physical education at Oakwood high school. Bob Sulzer received his Indiana license as a registered professional engineer in July. He's in Fort Wayne. Mary Vaughan is director of professional personnel at Miami Valley hospital. In Norwood, Bill Thomas is in the midst of theological studies at Mount St. Mary's of the West. He's also working toward an MA in Thomistic philosophy. R. W. Leist is a buyer at Gentile Air Force Station. Bill Potter is on the industrial relations staff of the R. L. Polk Company in Detroit. Also in Detroit is Jane Burger who's attending Wayne State working toward her master's in nursing. Her husband, George '50, is the physical director at the Northwestern YMCA there. Their son, Doug, is three years old. Ruth Wyen Beckman is in Columbus where her husband is with Ohio Fuel Gas Company. Now in Los Angeles, Genevieve Tolentino is medical-surgical nursing instructor at the
County General Hospital school of nursing. She received her MS in nursing education last summer from St. John's University, Jamaica. C. H. Buehler is in Corpus Christi, Tex., as a lieutenant in the Navy supply corps. Rita Kinsella Bardo is in Fort Thomas, Ky. She and Tony (who finished at the well-known Xavier University, Cincinnati) have two children, Tony and Julie. Jack Sallee is in Italy as a 1st lieutenant with the military police. He will make a career of the Army. Berteli Shattock received her master of arts degree from Ohio State in August. Her field is Spanish literature. Jerry Kiener has been with Ohio Bell in Cleveland since 1955. He's living in Warrensville Heights and has two daughters, Cynthia Ann, 4, and Kimberly Marie, 2. From Victorville, Calif., Bob O'Brien writes that he is now married and teaching in the public schools, eighth and ninth grades. His wife, Marie, is teaching third grade. Ron Fre~ and. AI Langen are sharing an apartment m Chicago where both are credit managers for Sears. Te~ence Maste~on is now out of the Army and IS a marketmg management trainee in Standard Oil's Dayton division. . Ed Flynn is teaching at Farrell (Pa.) senior h1gh school after getting his MS in education at Westminster College. MARRIAGES: Bill Schimanski to Marilyn Stross, Oct. 10 . .. Jerry Strange to Hylda Mosier, Aug. 22 . . . George McCune to Patricia Polk, Nov. 28. BIRTHS: Second child, second daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beckman (Ruth Wyen), Sept. 16 . .. Second child, second daughter, Debora Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sulzer, Jul. 23 ... Second child, daughter, to Dr. and Mrs. Willard Clark, Sept. 22 ... Third child, second daughter, Julie Marie, to Capt. and Mrs. Eugene Moth, Oct. 27 ... Fourth child, third son, Kevin Eugene, to Mr. and Mrs. David McHenry, Jul. 4 . .. Second child, first son, Thomas Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nyhan, Sept. 18 .. . Son, John Edward, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scharf (Joan Kremer '56), Sept. 29 ... Second child, first daughter, Kathy, to Dr. and Mrs. John Janning (Joan Voelker '56), Feb. 27 .. . Son to Myrtle Yates Cox, Jan. 31.
'56 Bob Kleckner received his master of arts degree in accounting from Ohio State in August. Tom Hughes is a salesman with Hubbell Metals, Inc., of Indianapolis. He and Concetta have two boys, Tony and Tommy. Dorothy Agnew McTrusty is head research dietitian of the metabolic unit of University of Chicago clinics. Alice Cirillo Capowski is teaching at St. Anselm's College, Manchester, N.H. Gwendolyn Rice is teaching third grade in Centerville. Gene Pummell, for the past four years, has been teaching music at Jefferson school, Bowersville, while living in Xenia. He is working toward his master's in education at Miami. Virgil Skidmore writes he now has two sons-William, born in 1956, and Charles, born last August. Bob Fiely is coaching and teaching health and physical education at Fort Recovery high school. Two daughters, Jeanne Marie, 3, and Virginia Joanne, 2. Fred Potoczak is in the second year of teaching and coaching football at East Peterson Memorial high school, New Jersey. In Euclid, Jerry Kmett is equipment supervisor with the CABY Transportation Company. Paul Litkowski is assistant head of technical placement at NCR.
- -, Ann Donahue writes that since graduation she's been working at the Summit County receiving hospital in Cuyahoga Falls, a psychiatric center, where she is now acting director of nursing education. Dr. Don Barnes, with an MD from Northwestern, is interning at Evanston (Ill.) hospital. Bob Montgomery recently completed GM's post-grad school of modern merchandising and management. Grayce McVeigh Sills is director of nursing education at Dayton State Hospital. Bob Rosensweet is assistant manager of Beerman's Northtown store in Dayton. Frank Voltaggio writes from Brussels, Belgium: "Am living with my family here and expect to be here three to four years. Am still in the Air Force, working in the European office of the Air Research and Development Command. The job is most interesting-scientific liaison with the top scientists in Europe and the Near East in the field of electronics. My job takes me to most of the 16 countries that are collaborating with us in this international research venture. We just played host to a large group of Daytonians from Wright Air Development Center who spent four weeks in Europe . . . Family now includes wife and four children." In Cleveland, Dolores DeMore is an instructor and clinical supervisor in the student practical nurses program at Huron Road hospital. 1st Lt. Paul Clemmer is at Fort Bliss, Tex. Bobby Turnbow is in his fourth year of teaching in the Boston area while completing requirements for his MA in education. He's been at Boston University for the past three summers and expects to get his degree in June. At Wright-Patterson, Fred Gerspacher is a contract negotiator at the AMC aeronautical systems center. Ray Butz is with Servatool, Inc., in Kettering. Carol Rae Dixon Miglin writes she now has two children: Kristine Marie, born in 1957, and Theresa Lynn, born in 1958. Her husband, Fred, recently was graduated from Seton Hall with a BS in education. Louis DeBrosse and family (three children: Bobby, Donna, and Tommy) are living in Gettysburg, 0 ., where Lou is principal of the upper six grades in the high school and is teaching English and Latin. He's also president of the P.T.A., athletic director and play director. He hopes to complete work on his master's degree at Ohio State soon. MARRIAGFS: John Kunsemiller to Candy Thompson, Oct. 31 ... Dr. Don Barnes to Eileen Sorensen, Jun. 25 ... John Schaefer t<' Rita High '59, Aug. 29 ... Bill Sander to Beverly McVity, Sept. 12 ... John Mulligan to Mary Paulus, Oct. 3 ... Lt. Larry Cozart to Charlene Cox, Oct. 24. BIRTHS: Twin daughters, Sharon and Karen, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor (Mary Ann Mantel), Jun. 11 ... Daughter, Kathleen Marie, to Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Sills (Grayce McVeigh), Sept. 7 ... Second child, second daughter, Antoninette Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kmett, May 28 . . . Son, Stephen Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cremerius (Mary Ann Borger), Aug. 24 ... Son, Timothy Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gregory, Jun. 18 ... Second child, second son, James Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vitton (Mary Lee Sherman), Jun. 25 . . . Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karpiak, Aug. 24 ... Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Greal Milthaler, in August . .. First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolff, Aug. 31 ... Second child, Tracy Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hambert (Cindy Price '50), Aug. 16 . . . Son, John Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Beck, Sept. 10 . .. First child, Donna Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sollenberger, May 31 ... Son, Michael Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Muldowney (Fifi Busemeyer), Sept. 23 ... Second child, Gregory, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ducato, Sept. 20 ... Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George Petrosky, Oct. 22 . . . Son to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Horwath (Mary Jauch '55), in October ... Second child, first son, William Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Beach, in October ... Son to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hauer, in November .. . Second child, first daughter, Kathryn Sue, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oths, Oct. 22 ... Son, Kevin Paul, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dacey, May 28.
'57 Ernest Schnippel is in his third year of evening classes at Indiana University School of Law in Indianapolis. During the day, he is assistant librarian at the Indiana Supreme Court Law Library. In August, Philip Holthenrich received his master of science in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California. He is living in Inglewood, Calif. Dave Cramblit is working for the Chrysler Missile division at the Army ballistic missile agency in Huntsville, Ala., primarily in the systems test and development areas. He and his wife are expecting their second child. Residing in Ludlow Falls, Clem Eckstein is teaching junior high English and freshman and sophomore Latin in Pleasant Hill. He was recently married to Eileen Schmidt of Coldwater. Alice Smith Gould is currently working at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev., in sales and public relations. She has gone into television work, modeling and commercials, also is helping her composer-conductor husband, Chuck Gould, with paper detail for his TV spectacular. Jerry Bush is teaching and coaching at Benedictine high school in Cleveland. Fuller Brush salesman James Dirkes, living in Inglewood, Calif., ran into Ed Berger who is working on his doctorate in zoology at UCLA. Since leaving UD, Richard Hurley has been working on his master's degree at Kent State. He is teaching senior English at Berea high school and has been married two years now. Louis Brunswick is teaching at Coldwater high school. Now has four childern: three girls and one boy. After serving a two year hitch with the Army, Andrew Knisley is back in Kettering, working with the Ohio Bell Telephone Co. Chester Russ is working for Touche, Niven, Bailey and Smart, certified public accountants in Dayton. Denny Barry is teaching at Beavercreek high school. After a fifteen month tour in Japan with the Marine Corps, 1st Lt. Fred Gillotti is now stationed at Quantico, Va. AI Jung is with American Steel Foundries in Cincinnati as a methods analyst. He was recently married to Margie Griffith. Jack Stickel is teaching sixth grade in Vandalia. Last year his class took a two-day trip to Canada and now they are planning another. Earl Vastbinder is in medical school at Ohio State. Larry Gutmann received his wings as naval aviator and is attached to a patrol bomber squadron in Brunswick, Me. He and Carol Weber of Dayton were married in June. Tom Weigel, just out of the service, is job hunting for an advertising position. He was in the counter intelligence corps while in the service, stationed in Germany. Saw Italy, Athens, French Riviera, Spain, Tangier, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels (World's Fair), etc. Now he's back in Cleveland .
At the UC College of Medicine, John Makley, Terry Grogan, Harold Johnstone, Mike Scanlon and Clyde Burgess are in their third year. All are married except Mike Scanlon and John Markley. Robert Stackman is a graduate assistant at the University of Florida while studying for his PhD in chemistry. Bill Barlow is still working for the M. J. Gibbons Supply Company in Dayton. Since graduation, Robert Bruns has been teaching at Marion high school in Mercer County and is also head basketball coach, with a 16-5 record last season. He has two children, Mike and Teresa. Margaret Powers Kronauge teaches psychiatric nursing to student nurses at Dayton State. She has two children, Paul and Patricia. Joan Leff Hamilton is living in Germany with her husband who is with the Air Force and will be overseas for three years. With the 3rd Marine Air Wing is Santa Ana, Calif., Dick Nuss is flying helicopters. He graduated from flight school in August. Charlie Graham is the Dayton area representative for the Puritan Chemical Company of Atlanta, Ga. Anne Britton is teaching third grade at Clark Air Base in Pampanga, Philippines. With the Federal Aviation Agency of Fort Worth, Tex., Ronald Bruns has just returned from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. His home is in Cincinnati, but he travels every three to eight months as a resident engineer. He is presently in Miami, Fla. T. D. Gandhi received his MS in mechanical engineering from the University of Missouri last January and is now a senior designer with A. Epstein and Sons, Inc., in Chicago. Joseph Treon and Earl Scheidler are completing their junior year at the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. . ~ob .and ~oyce Freking '58 Wendling are hvmg m Qumcy, Mass., where Bob is with the Coast Guard. MARRIAGFS: Alice Smith to Charles Gould, Oct. 10 ... Andrew Rawicz to Mary Patricia Heinzen, Oct. 24 . . . Mary Ann Krampe to William Thompson, Aug. 22. BIRTHS: Daughter, Martha Elizabeth to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Geary (Fran Gavagan '58), Aug. 14 ... Daughter, Sara Jane, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Walters (Mildred Tomanocy), Jun. 25 .. . First child, Dianne Elaine, to Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Hosler, Aug. 1 . . . First child, Mark Dennis, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bush (Mary Jane Kutter), Mar. 31 . . . Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Wurst, Sept. 20 . . . Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H~rold Johnstone, in May ... First child, Ann Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wurst, Sept. 20 . . . First child, Gregory Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose, Jul. 20 . . . Second child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maruna (Trudy Lowler '55), Oct. 18 . . . Daughter, Karen Sue, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blincoe, Jul. 20 . . . First child, Patrick Francis, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hennessy, Oct. 17 ... Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William Barlow, in October . .. First child, Edward, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hasselman, Aug. 16 . . . Son to Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Kindle, in August.
'58 Barbara Rabke is a student counselor for the Patricia Stevens Finishing School after working at the University of Kentucky on a master's degree in English. She writes she'll be married next month to James Callahan of Flint, Mich. Bill Fortener is selling insurance for Penn Mutual in Dayton. Bob Tamaska has been elected to the village council at Centerville.
J. M. Jacobsen is in Dallas where he's studying toward his master's in geology and teaching at Southern Methodist. Lois Severin is living in Trotwood. She has a daughter, Amy Beth. Bill Fanning is a salesman with the Univac division of Remington Rand in New York. In Cleveland, Joe Paisa is a commercial artist for the Merrick Company. Dick Heil owns the Rowland Beverage store at Euclid and Superior streets in Dayton. Connie McKale is in her second year with Kettering schools department of music, fulltime at Southern Hills and half-time at Rolling Fields. She's also become active in the Girl Scouts and was on the staff at the National Roundup at Colorado Springs last summer. Tom Klein is working on his master's and teaching marketing part-time at the University of Detroit. Nancy Miller is in Dayton with IBM. Don Eifert is in his second year in New Bremen. He has one son, Christopher. Henry Long has been elected president of his sophomore medical class at Meharry in Nashville.,He has a son, Henry A. III. Pete Brenner is in his second year at Northwestern's med school. Sara Gover is teaching fifth grade at Holy Angels school in Dayton. Jim Davidson is in Lima with Westinghouse. Father Paul Cullinan is an assistant chaplain at the Catholic University of America. He's working for a master's degree there. Jack Kosman is in Lorain as office manager of the Lorain Glass Company. Ohio State awarded a master of science to Roger Ruddock in August, and John Schauer received his master's in mechanical engineering from Case. Wayne Woodward is with the Wyoming Highway Department as a bridge designer. He has one son. Bob Caporal is a sophomore medical student at Ohio State. Nick Ungard is an assistant office manager at Rike's in Dayton. He has a daughter, 1. Sonny Wathen is out of the Army and recently made a sales promotion trip through Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota for the furniture company he's with in Owensboro, Ky. In Miamisburg, Jim Powers is with Monsanto's mound laboratory. Jack Renaux is a sales representative with American Machine and Foundry, in southern Ohio. 1st. Lt. Steve Bosway writes he's been in the Army almost two years now and likes it. They have two boys-Steve, 2, and Mike, 1. He's in a basic training company at present. In Des Moines, Tom Honingford is at the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. Juana, also of the class of '58, is there, too, as is their year-old daughter Eva Marie. Dick Luehrs writes from Marquette that he's one of four med students who were invited to join the "Franklin Forum," one of the university's oldest organizations, a literary society founded in the early 1900's. From Florida, Don Barnhart writes he's with the Martin Company in Orlando, working on the Army's Pershing ballistic missile. Two children. Carmela Vacchiano is in her second year of teaching at Roosevelt high school in Dayton. Don Sylvain is completing work on his master's at the Fordham graduate school. Rusty Saunders writes from New York: "Just about completed my training program at Chase Manhattan Bank to be an administrative assistant in the pension trust department. I've been appointed to the executive
committee of district 2 for the National Football Foundation and Hall of fame ." Dave Liberto is with Whitehall Laboratories, a division of American Home Products, as their bacteriologist. Bill Riley is personnel manager with Goodwill Industries in Dayton. From Denison University comes word that Timothy Smith, now a graduate student at Ohio State, has been appointed part-time instructor in sculpture. Virgil Will has joined the Society of the Precious Blood and is in the seminary at St. Jose ph's College, Indiana. MARRIAGES: Dave Liberto to Jean Bertino, Aug. 8 . . . John Renaux to Sue Ann Walker, May 30 .. . Dan Dunson to Marianne King '59, Sept. 26 . . . Bill Fanning to Maureen Manning, Nov. 28 ... Bob Simons to Carol Ann Ankrom, Oct. 3 ... Joe Paisa to Carol Unocic, Jun. 20 ... Theresa Magdziarczyk to John Cotter, Aug. 29 ... Tom Ferdelman to Marilyn Ann Gross, Aug. 22 .. . Janet Houldsworth to Louis Kreuger, Aug. 8. BIRTHS: Daughter, Mary Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caporal, Oct. 6 ... First child, Scott Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kosman, Sept. 21 ... Son, Mark Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. Chet Damuth (Jean Lounsberry), Sept. 2 .. . First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Payne, Sept. 8 ... First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson, Jul. 13 ... Third child, third daughter, Dawn, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tamaska, Oct. 8 . .. Daughter, Jean Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gallis, Aug. 19 . . . First child, David Travis, to Lt. and Mrs. Jack Ditzel, Oct. 15 . . . First child, Mary Therese, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alig, Jul. 14 .. . First child, Paul Anthony, to Lt. and Mrs. Pete Huber (Joan Wallace), Aug. 15 ... Son to Mr. and Mrs. Don Perkins, Aug. 12 ... First child, Becky, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Millard, Oct. 15, 1958.
Cleveland; Sharon Meyer, ninth and tenth grade English at Trotwood Madison high school, Trotwood ; Joanne Taylor Caffrey, health and physical education at Tawas Area junior and senior high schools, East Tawas, Mich. Dick Holgate is a systems analyst with the federal systems division of IBM and is living in Louisville. Glen Gordon is at Creighton; Bernard Breen is at University of Illinois; Jim Curnyn is at New York University; and Bill Keenan is a cadet at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. Also, Andrew Niekamp is at Ohio State Law School; Jim Lichon is at the University of Chicago. Ron Goldstein has entered the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion for studies leading to ordination as a rabbi. Lt. Frank Doyle is at Quantico; Lt. Dick Dix has arrived in Berlin where he's a medical platoon leader; Lt. Tom Hessler is in Hawaii with the magnificent 25th Division-he's in the signal corps; Kevin Moriarity is at Fort Dix; Lt. Gene Herman expects to embark for Germany after the first of the year; Lt. Bill Caiaccio is at Ford Ord, Calif. Jay Smith is with Bell Telephone labs in Columbus and going to Ohio State under the lab's educational plan. Gary Krause is with Ford in Lorain as an industrial engineer. Ralph Brueneman passed the Ohio State Board of registration exam for professional engineers-in-training last July. Rosie Cosgrove and Lori Riley are sharing an apartment in Cincinnati. Ralph Berry is a trusteeship clerk for Dayton municipal court. Ed Britt is an engineer with Sperry Gyroscope at Great Neck, L.I. Charles Huber is with the West Carrollton (0.) Parchment Company. Jeanne Pflaum is serving an internship '59 in diatetics at Good Samaritan hospital in Paul McEnroe spent the summer working Cincinnati. with Boeing in Seattle, is now back at Purdue Jack Kurz has joined the United States to continue studies toward an MSEE on a Gypsum Company at its Genoa, 0 ., quarry fellowship. as a production assistant. Don Hawker is at Kent State as a graduate Don Staudter is a foreman in quality conassistant and freshman football end coach. trol with Inland in Dayton. In Dayton, Nancy Hazlett is with Thai's MARRIAGES: Jerry Poelking to Lynn doing fashion work, advertising and display. She's also attending night classes at UD with Russell , Aug. 29 ... Bill Ries to Mary Ellen an education degree in mind. It was Thai's Mohr, May 30 ... Ed McDonald to Nancy who allowed the University to borrow the Macklin, late summer . . . Don Roman to more than $50,000 in furs to keep the homeMary Louise Beverly, Aug. 29 . . . Ellen coming queen and her court warm during Fitzgerald to Ed McCallum, Aug. 29 . . . Dave Kohnen to Helen Edwards, Aug. 8 .. . the recent parade. Jerry Hopfengardner is in Miamisburg Dan Hazlett to Norma Sornsel, Aug. 8 .. . where he's teaching American history, ecoDick Holgate to Margaret Ann Hayes, Aug. nomics, and sociology at the high school while 22 ... Joanne Taylor to James Caffrey, Aug. 8 ... Alan Winkeljohn to Mary Anne Schaaf, working for his master's at Miami. Sam Jones has returned to Dayton as an Sept. 26 ... Bob Brennan to Darlene Jacobelectronics technician with Dayton Electronic son, Aug. 22 : .. Larry O'Neal to Ruth Kettler, Sept. 9 ... Don Connor to Ann TschirProducts Company. From Cincinnati comes word that Bill Ries hart, Oct. 3 . . . Sheryl Williams to Patricia is teaching physical education at Washburn Bowen, Oct. 10. BIRTHS: First child, Kevin Walter, to Mr. elementary school in Cincinnati. Also among the many teachers in the class is Lou Ferrero, and Mrs. Ralph Berry, Apr. 14 . . . First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Krause, Sept. who has the 5th and 6th grades in the Cath19 ... Son, Thomas Alfred, to Lt. and Mrs. olic sc hool in Canal Fulton, 0 . Some of the other teachers: Cathy O'Neill, English, at St. Gene Herman, Oct. 12 . . . First child, Cynthia, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Niekamp, Michael's Central high school, Chicago; Ralph Andrews, physical education at the May 13 ... First child, Mary Ann, to Mr. and base school, Mad River Township; Donna Mrs. Bernard Breen, Aug. 18 ... First child, DeVoe, art at Rose Miller and Orchard Park Debra Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gordon, Sept. 10 .. . Son to Mr. and Mrs. ele mentary schools, Kettering; Marjorie Ever路 Jerome Raiff, Sept. 21 ... First child, Jeanett, English at Holy Family high school, nette Cecile, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rigot, Columbus; Angela Bianco, second grade at St. Anthony elementary in Dayton; Ron SpagSept. 21 ... Son, Jeffrey Victor, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Atherton, Sept. 9 . . . Daughter to noli, gene ral math, general science and busiMr. and Mrs. Bob Pennington, in September ness English to the high school, and physical ... First child, Patricia Lynne, to Mr. and education to grades 4-12, and basketball Mrs. Don Staudter (Patricia Swetz '57) . . . coach at St. Mary's school, Assumption, 0 .; Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laub, Oct. 9. Pat Meyers, second grade at Garfield Heights,
ALUMNI AWARD INAUGURATED TO HONOR FACULTY AN ANNUAL "Alumni Award" has been inaugurated to be given to the faculty member who makes the greatest contribution to the academic life and prestige of the University during the year. A cash prize of $500, it will be financed from the recent sixth annual alumni fund drive, purpose of which, alumni will recall, was " the maintenance of a great faculty." All members of the faculty-religious and Jay, teachers and administrators-are eligible for the award. Each year's winner will be selected by a special committee appointed by the president of the University. Specific contributions mer-
iting the attention of the committee will be: publication of books, monographs, or articles in learned journals; addresses, lectures, or speeches delivered within or outside the University; significant research projects; election to office in learned societies; participation in conventions, conferences, or workshop programs as a speaker, consultant, or discussion leader. The award may be given for a single outstanding academic accomplishment or a combination of notable achievements. It will be presented for the first time this spring at the faculty meeting during which academic promotions are announced.