THE ALUM I ASSOCIATIO OF THE U IVERSITY OF DAYTON OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Arthur T . Scarpelli '34 .......... ... ... ........ .... ........ .. ...... ... .... ... .................. President Fra nk ]. Doorley '43 ............. .......... ................ .. ... ..... ... .... .. .......... Vice President M ary M . Shay '44 .......... .... ... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .. ........... .. .... .. ........ ... ... .. Secretary J hn C. Bramlage '52 ......................... ... .. ..................... ....... .. ............ Trea urer MEMBER OF THE BOARD Barth ]. Sn •der '3 1; Charles W . Wh a l n Jr. '42, Jack R . Brown '26, William A. Fitzpatrick '39, Arthur Millonig '40, Oliver G . Saettel '36, Mark Smith '52, Paul Wagner '39, George Zimmerman '48 .
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Vcr)' R v. R aymo nd A. Roesch, S.M ., University president; Brother Austin ] . Holian, .M ., as istant business manager ; Brother Elmer C. Lackner, S.M ., assistant to the prcsi d nt and alumni director ; R . William Patterson ' 29, past presid ent of the association.
ALUMNI REPRESENTA TIVES UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC BOARD J ack Zimmerman '50, John Chancy '53, Art Bok '50, George J . Rau '3 0, J ames Finke '48, harlrs Grigsby '52, ]. Ellis May! '08, Arthur T. Scarpelli '34.
AL M I ADVISORY BOARD Buena Greer Beis '43, Akron ; Thomas Hildebrand '51, Hamilton ; Don Cosg rove '51, Cincinnati ; Donald Seifert '52, Columbu ; Robert F. Seiter '44, X enia ; Dick Barca far '5 1, pringfield · J im Hart '54, Toledo ; Linus Boeke '28, Chillicothe ; J oseph Quatman '38, Lima ; Ed Crow '32, Cleveland ; Jack Eiting '53, Min ster ; Albert T . Diringer '48, Tiffin ; harl es Kenny '50 ; Mansfield ; Tom R yan ' 29, Coldwater ; Jam es Scheuerman '49, Celina ; Constance Ecklar 56, Greenville ; james Wa de '51, ewark; ]. C. Kreid ler '52, andusky ; Richard Dorsey '57, M arion; David Eynon '49, Portsmouth ; Thomas Westerkamp '58, Steubenvi ll e; Nicholas Braun '49, Troy; Don K err '51, Piqua ; Don Helmk amp '54, Delphos; Manu el arlikov '43, Middletown ; J ames D . Whalen '4 7, D ay ton ; Harold Hormann '50, Sidn y; T. ] . Hollenkamp '37, D troit ; harl es Schiavo '43, Phila d elphia ; J ames A. Crowley '56, Pittsburgh; Jim Brown '34 and R . W . Saunders ' 58, New York City ; John M chary '52, Long Island, N. Y.; Fra nk L. Schmidt '50, Louisville ; Rita Kinsella Bardo '55, Fort Thomas, Ky.; Francis Gabel '30, Washington, D .C .; Willi am Brueni ng '57, t. Louis ; Joseph G. Hollenkamp '4 1, Chicago; Mary J o Huth '50, South Bend ; Donald Custenborder '49, Richmond, Ind .; Milton McGuire '47, Fort Wayne; James M. Murphy '50, Indi ana polis · M atth w M arzluft ' 28, San Franci co ; William M eyer ' 37 and Philip Grimes '35, Los Angelc ; Paul McClellan ' 27, Houston, T ex.; and Lloyd Rensel '43, Florida.
the cover ...
The niversity of D ayton ALUMNUS, establish ed in 1929, is published quarterly for th e Alumni Asso iation of the University of Dayton by th e Public R elations D epartmen t, U niv rsity of Dayton, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio. Enter d as second class matter April 15, 1950, at the po t office at Dayton, Ohio, und r the Act of March 3, 1879. ubscription price: two dollars per year.
WHAT Though it meant only a 2-8 season, students swarmed the playing field in wild delight when the Flyers upset Wichita 23-12 in the final game. There's more on football and basketball in this issue.
HERE must be time. wh n niversity of Dayton alumni wonder: "W here is the U. D . football program heading?" This thought must be upp rmo t in the minds of tho e alumni who do not live in th Dayton area. They hav little chance to ce the Flyer in a tion and the new report many times arc the fin al ore. Thei r on! other knowl cdg of the program i the easons' record and they can't b encouraging. Aft r all , the program has developed only one winning . ca o n, 6-3-1 in 1957 , since a Flyer te a m finished 7-2 in 1951 and lost by a Ion· touchdown to Houston in the 1952 ew Year's Day Salad Bowl in Pho nix, rizona. In the interim, ten Flyer team , guided b Joe Gavin , Hughie Devore, Bud K err and tan Zajd I have won thirty-fiv games and lo t ixty-t' o from the 1952 season through the I I campaign . This record averages out to thre and one-half victories a s ' ason-
hardly a fact to cr at interes t m a program. · What is being done to improve the picture? Only two groups· of men, the University authorities and the football coaching staff can an wer that question because they ontrol the program's de tiny. Brother Elmer La kner, a sistant to the president, uppli d the Administration's current thoughts on the matter to Jim Taylor port writer for the Dayton Journal H raid in ovember. Brother Lackn r told Taylor: "The program will continu ind finitely. And Stan Zajdel's co ntract, which runs through I 962, will be honored . "Whether tan i h r or not after that time, football will b " he said. "There is no pres ure ort Zajdel either from within or out ide the University at the present time." Then Brother Lackner explained the niversity's feeling on the past and present in recruiting. "The whole thing devolves on the re-
cruiting that is done," he explain d . " Our r ruiting is still suffering from the typ done in the past where coach s have been willing to take chanc on boy whose academic ability has b en que tionabl . They were hoping for a miracle that those boys would survive. And many couldn't . We need to s e th at th mortality rate is not so great as it has be n in the past." Broth r Lackner mdicated that th sixty-fiv football scholarships arc enough for the U. D . program . He felt that during the past two season tan has b en working with people r cruit d 1rom oth r regimes. " ext year" he went on, "it will b " his team almost completely and by th end of that year Stan and the administration will sit down and review the situati n." Brother Lackner had words of praise for Zajd I. "1 am hopeful that our program will pick up. We see signs that it is. tan is rc ruiting a higher- type boy and p rhap we won't lose a many a we have. ' Our fr hman team seemed better organized- they weren't beating th m up in practi e with the varsity and it' reflected in the better organization of the freshman club. "Finall y we saw in this last squad a determination to try to do something about this thing- a real spirit that we hope will do some good." nd what about the coache ? Zajdel a nd hi tafT are not a group who do a great deal of talking publicly about the situation. Mo t of their time i pent in productiv work. But there are good s1gns. ' lt is interesting to note that Stan could hav a many as twenty-six lettermen avai labl next fall. This would be the gr atest number of veteran: to return in a lmo t ten years. At I a t ten of thcs v teran will be "niors and could fit into the first two unit . Twelv junior a lt rnatcd on the first two units thi pa t fall. This represent ex p ri n e and depth far beyond other year . To top the program, the 1961 f rc hman gr up was 3-1 , beating Miami 34-6; Xavi r 27-12, and Cin innati 21-6, while having a bad first half at Ohio Univ ·rsity to lose 20-7. The Flyers p rmitted a ll twenty points· in th first half to a Bobcat fro h group which wa its best in four years. At lea t eight memb rs of thi squad, which worked on a two-unit sy tern succes full y, mu. t b giv n top con ideration as soph more . It is obvious then that Zajdel i well along in his "per onnel buildup" program. This is important to future . u res . - ]o e M cLaughlin.
COULD THIS BE THE YEAR? By JOE M cLAUGHLIN ACH basketball season Uni~ei:足 sity of Dayton fans hope th1s IS "The Year." "The Year," meaning the season that the Flyers cop the much elusive National Invita tion Tournament championship. When the Flyer varsity wa winning twenty and losing only nine and the freshmen were winning thirty-six, dropping four and tying one last winter, the f ai thf ul envisioned 1961-62 as "Th e Year." The departure of the great Roger Brown under unfortunate circumstances dimmed their hopes somewhat. However the progress of the current team in pre-season practice buoyed their spirits once again. The presence of such fin e veteran seniors as high-scoring Garry Roggenburk and little Tom Hatton and the advancement of four starters from last year's frosh group to the varsity was a good personnel start. However, the unexpected performance of 6-10 junior center, Bill Wcsterkamp, and classmates H al Schoen Dan Mueller, and Paul Winterhalter in practice was a heartening feature of these sessions. Only Westerkamp opened the season as a sta rter but the others have played well enough to serve a much needed dep th. Improvement of this junior corps enabled Coach Tom Blackburn to go into his fifteenth season with much hope for the immediate future. December games- four at home and two away- were to be a start but the real tes t was to come in New York, December 26, 28, and 30 when th_e Flyers play in the annual ECAC Hobday Festival. Playing Madison Square Gard en against some of the country's best opposition was expec ted to give a true line on the Flyers for the 1961-62 campaign. Blackburn was hoping for consistency. D espite the fine 21-7 and 20-9 marks of the previous two seasons, his R ed and Blue crews were up and down much to his chagrin. His I 959-60 gang opened strong and placed third in the strong Dixie lassie at R aleigh, N . C., dropped one to Cincinnati, won eight in a row, dropped three, completed the seas.on strong fashion but fell by the ways1de m the second game of the NIT.
Last year, the Flyers again opened strong but went into a win-on , loseone act from late December through mo t of January before hitting an eight-game win kein and then falling apart in th e IT. Of cour e, an injury to scoring star a nd Captain Bill Cramscy had much to do with the final fall in the tourney. The steady play of Co-captains Garry R oggenburk the team' s leading scorer for two seaso ns, and Tom H a tton, and
the ruggedness and determina tion of the new sophomores was expected to furnish the con i tency. R oggenburk ha tallied 918 points a nd tak en 747 rebound in his two years with the Fl ye r varsity and this average should make him the eighth man in U. D. history to finish hi s ca reer with more than 1,000 points. If he maintains hi average in rebounding he, too, will have over 1,000 retrieves. This will make him one of the Flyer's all-time
grea ts. t 6-0 T om H a tton is an amazing yo ung ma n. H e has been the team's third I ading sco rer in two campaigns a nd has b en high on the rebounding lists. His sneaky way of getting under th ba ket a nd stealing rebound has been a delight to U. D. fans . His brother Gordon is on ly a sophomore but he is ex pected to be an even better playe r because he is bigge r a nd stronge r a t 6-2. R on Anello, the sta r of many la te-season games las t winter, will be working with Roggenburk at forward and 6-10 junior ce nter Bill Westcrkamp wa a revelation in the pre-sea on sessions. H e battled much-publicized sophomore 6-10 Bill Chmielewsk i for the pivot spot successfull y. ta n Gree nberg, who dropped out of basketball last year to serve as student council president, is the "swing" man. H e is pl aying both g uard and forwa rd a the occasion permits. This leaves ophomores Jim Pow rs, Chuck Izor, a nd Don Smith to round out a we ll -bala nced squad. Any of th three could figure prominently before the a mpaign is over.
Soccer Has 4-5 Record The three seniors on the '61-'62 squad: Greenberg, Roggenburk, Tom Hatton.
Mr. Blackburn has a few words to say.
The ta l nt of two foreign-born students, AI Yeung of Hong K ong a nd Ed Hida lgo of Chile; the steady improvement of several America n-born men, a nd the tenaci ty of goalie T oni cali a from ta ten Island, . Y., wer highlight of a n improved University of Dayton occcr team thi fa ll. The improved 4-5 record of the Flyers was a cr ditto part-time coach J ohn Wie lcr and the aforementioned men. Wi . lcr brought his team from two prcviou records of 1-8 and 1-5-2 to a ncarwinning campaign this fall. Injuries cut into the team's effectiveness midway in the sc hedule or it might have bee n a winning cason .. a li a, in particular, wa a revelation this fall. From ju t an ordinary goaltender, he went to a ensa tional one on severa l occa ions. His 162 saves in the nine games i a school reco rd as are the thirty-on saves in the 2-1 losing cau. at Earlham a llege in Ri chmond, Ind .
' It was a no ther big d ay for a lu m ni. b a utiful queen a nd ourt, a colorful pa ra d e, a rea l twi t 路r of a d a nce- a ll added up to a mos t success fu l home oming. Th e football ga me we lo t, but the res t of the d ay m ad up for it . H ere's a p icto ri a l tour o f some of the d ay's ac tivi tics.
American Chemical Society's student chapter won t he parade float competition with their interpretation of " Pluto." Cleveland Club was second wi t h "The Absent-Minded Professor'' and the Kn ickerbockers were third with "The Whale" from " Pinocch io." Theme of the sixty-unit parade from downtown to the campus was "Walt Disney Goes to College."
What's the old saw about one picture being worth a thou sand words? We were wearing black. Xavier (in wh ite) 14, Flyers 0. Soccer team also lost the ir game.
a chapter ends-
JOAN and BILL THESING were dance chairmen for the second straight year.
The dance in the fieldhouse (while students congregated at both Wampler's) was again the highlight of the day. Much dancing and reunioning contributed to its success. About 500 couples took part.
C H A PT ER in th colo rful history of the niver. ity of Dayton is clo ing wi th the a nnouncement by the o ict of M a ry th a t soon there a re to b no mor buri als in the U . D. cemetery. In the ncar future, new burial grounds at the mothcrhou se of th e Socie ty's Cincinna ti province, M ount t. John, will be used as th fin al r ting place for the Bro thers a nd pri ts. The . D . cemc t ry wa e ta blished back in the ca rl · day of the M a ria ni t in this country when th e cam pus served as the cent r for the oci ty. When the headqua rters in 19 15 moved to M o unt St. .John th e c m t ry remained a t U . D ., a nd through th e years, a total of 307 religious ha v b • •n buried in the quiet plo t whi ch until rc nt years was in a remote part of th e U niver ity. But with ex pa nsion of th e campus a nd increased building a tivity, the ceme tery has become fe nc d in on all sides. The once remote plot of g round is now almost in the geographic cen ter of the campus. The simple monuments which mark the loca tio n of th earthl y remains of the 307 in the c metery tell many a story of the growth of the Society and of the Univ rsity. The first Marianist to die in Ameri a, Brother Louis Curiec, m tery. H e died in is buried in the 1854 j ust four years a fte r the arrival of the Societ in thi country. For a time he was buried a t t. J o ph's Cemetery in Cincinna ti but in 1885, hi remains nivcrsity. were brought to th First recorded burial was in 1860. Andrew C as t, of whom there is no record tod ay, wa pos ibly a student or even an employee of th e Brothers. First religious to b int rred was Brother Joseph Rading r, in 1861. ames prominent in the early history of the University may be found wherever one looks in th cern tery. Brother M ~x imin Zehl r, pr idcnt of the school from 1860 to 1876 is buried there, a are other later president including F a ther George M eye r ( 1879- 1887 ), Father Charle Eichn r ( 1896-1902 ), and Fath er Bernard O 'R eilly ( 19081918 and 1923-19:12) .
First Marianist to die in America was Brother Louis Curiec.
The University's second president, Brother Ma1<imin Zehler, is one of four presidents buried in the cemetery.
" . . . all the religious who die in it (The Society of Mary) will go to heauen ... "- St. John Baptist Vianney , in 1855.
The three Kreipl brothers are buried near one another.
On of the youngest to b buri d a t . D . wa fourteen-year-old J a me H arv v, a student a t the school who was killed in 18 70 by a falling tr e while wat hi ng the Brothers clea r som timber from the campus. Th oldc t wa F a ther L a ndelin Beck, nine ty- four a t the time of his death . M a ry Louisa Stuart, the four-monthold d aughter of John Stuart, from whom the University property wa p urcha ed in 1850, is m morializ d in the cemetery though her remain a r in Ca lvary Ceme tery. She wa buri d in 1848 in t. H enry's Cern t ry, nea r !lai n treet, and when tha t emetery was d isco ntinued a nd moved to alvarv, the monument wa brought to th campu s. Its presence was a wi h of Mr. Stu a rt before he left Ameri ca to r turn to hi s na tive France. Buried clo e toge ther a rc a fa ther a nd so n, bo th of whom died as M a ri a nist . Brother ha rles H . Wo lfcl died in 1897 , a nd Brother C ha ri Woel fel .J r ., died in 19 14 . evcral o th r a rc bu ri d near one or two of th ir blood bro ther . These memb r of the a m fa mily include Bro th r Willia m a nd Robe rt Holzmer ; Brother loy iu , Alb ' rt, a nd Francis Kreipl ; Brothers .Jose ph and Charles Mu nch ; Brothers
Albert a nd Willi am Weh r! ; Broth ers M ichael, J ohn a nd .Jo eph Ba nzer; Bro thers J a m s a nd .Joseph Yack ; Father Bern ard a nd Brother Francis O'Reil ly; a nd Bro th rs G o rge and Willia m L ey. Four of tho e buri d in the cemetery were memb rs of the Arm ed Forces during their lifetime a nd th traditional American flag ma rk s th ir g raves on M emorial D ay. Th ese includ e Fathers .John Ott (World W a r I ) a nd Thomas Bodie ( World W ar II ) a nd Brothers Theodore Ru h ( .ivil War ) a nd Pa ul O'Brien (World W a r I ). AMES o n the head tones ring ma ny a bell to old-timers and young a lumni a lik e. Th e younger set wi ll r member such as Brothers William Wehrle and J oseph Kuntz, Fa ther Fra n is Frif'del, Brother J erome Pa rr Fa ther T homas Bodie and C ha rles Preisinger Bro thers Alphonse Miller a nd R alph Mill r, Brother Albert Wehrle Fa ther Berna rd O ' R eilly Brother Willia m D apper Fa ther Florian Enders Bro ther L ouis Saletel, and Brother Ed ward Knu st. The old-timers would recall many a pi asant memo ry on corning aero s a h ad tone with on e
of th se na mes: Franci Molz, M a tthias H aas dam Hofma nn, Lawrence D ruefn er Herman Bra nd I, U lrich Ra ppel, Aloysius ogt, Willia m H ae be, Edwa rd Gorma n a nd oth r . It is somewha t fitting tha t buri a ls a rc to be discontinued at th Unive rsity. Once a quiet, out-of-the-way retr a t, the c m · tcry has had its peace di rupted . The tr -lin ed roadway in front of th cemetery once seldom used, is now one of th bu icst on the campus a hundr d of tud ent d rive by on the way to the new Ea twood parking lot. o n tr u tion rcw with bulldozers a nd all types of heavy eq uipment pass back a nd f rth pushing th e construction of the n w worn n's residence hall, and prepa ring for building the new men's dormitory. The U . D . cemetery, a silent r ' mindcr of the d edi cation of 300 men who spent their lives in the service of th o iety of M a ry and its educatio nal work, is giving way to the progres of the present. Th ca m pu a t which the lived a nd work d has cha nged . And tha t change ca n b no more graphica ll d montra ted th a n by the contras t pre ented a t th ight of the humbl c m tery ituat d in th shadow of th modern n w worn n' s dormitory .
M ean while, at another cem etery zn the shadow of another U. D. building, another story unfolded. Dayton Daily N ews Education Editor Marlene Berencsi wrote about it:
A yo ung ma n who died thou ands of mil l'. a way from home will be rememb ·red ea h year when the U ni vers ity of D ay ton pay tribute to a D aytoni a n who m a kes others like him wei orn e. .J oon Eun C hyung, buri ed a t W oo ~ la nd cemetery in the shadow of U. D . s Sh rma n H a ll , was a 24-year-old outh K orean. H e ha d com e to . D. to tud y chemica l cnl?;i neering. n Jul y 12, ( 196 1), the j un ior tudent, who ha d undergone surgery at t. El izab , th ho pi ta ! in M ay. died of caner a t the niversity H ealth Ce nter. A D a il y cws edito ri a l ca lled for so rnc memori a l to the yo ung m an . Yes terday, at a n Intern a tional T ea welcoming U. D.'s 68 foreig n students, Dr. Edwa rd H a rk enrider, foreig n tu dent advi er, a nnoun ced th a t u h a memoria l had been es tablished . testi mo ni a l certifi cate will be a warded each year to the person in the D ayton communi ty who doc. the mo t to ma ke th e fo reign students f I a t h me. As Dr. Hark enrider m ade th an nouncement, ac ross Stewart t. a noth er South K o rea n student laid a wr a th on Ch yung's grave as those a t th e tea wa t heel , th en bowed their heads for a sil ·nt praye r.
Dr. Harkenrider at Chyung's grave.
Fli\lt 1 below mdlcate:
1) number ol poaslble contributors in eacb cla1s 2) actUO&l number of contributors 3) total amount given by each class
1892 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924
4 5 13
00.00 1,025.00 145.00 585.00 45.00 280.00 210.00 45.00 215.00 I, 769.25 125.00 1,237.00 12.00 400.00 165.00 355.00 190.00 209.50 170.00 1,187.00 523.00 748.00
19 22 18 8 17 22 17 23 27 26 27 35 28 40 25 44 44
4 4 5 3
6 3 7 5 6 4 13 5 18 15 19
1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 li32 1933 1934 1935 1938 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948
59 67 70 88 95 100 80 94 84 110 130 84 51 83 120 115
157 liS 135 97 68 70 109 173
8 24 18 31 22 35 29 34 18 47 48 29 21 33 35 29 50 46 56 30 25 19 48 88
s 1,945.00
1949 358 999.00 1950 574 450 3,581.14 1951 1,511.00 1952 358 1,058.00 1953 365 2,042. 00 1954 340 1,537.00 1955 350 993.00 1958 382 520.00 1957 481 1,567.00 1,590.00 1958 529 780.00 640.00 1959 847 1,262.00 1,041.00 1980 625 912.50 808.50 1961 650 1,127.00 1,615.00 1962 733.00 358.50 1983 246.00 782.00 Tolal 9,016 1,383.50
118 240 174 141 121 115 123 137 132 • 76 154 • 85 146 •102 114 •144 45 • 83 25 4
1,368.00 3,662.50 2,459.50 1,924.00 1,529.90 I, 729.50 1,619.00 1,907.00 2,311.00 1,064.00
1,578.32 1,190.00 1,461.00 1,428.00 1,270.50 2,016.00 245.00 955.78 238.00 56.00
• 24
$ 69,021.99
•Senior Endowment Totals for 1980-1981 (8th Annual) 36.3 per cent Jllrtlctpauon S21.06 average (l:irt per contributor
Numb r of
Alumni Parents
Contributors 3,277 193
$ 69,021.99 6,887.20
Other Benefactors
Cash Gifts Eqwpment
57 30
s 218,876.11
•Laraeat slngfe gUt In IIlla total lo$86,111 . 34from the Obio Foundation of Independent Collegeo (OFIC).
The University of Dayton Sponsor Program waa established a year ago Jn conJunction with the eighth annual Support Program. Alumni and other friende of lhe University were invited to enroll aa Sponaon by pledging to give 1100 or more annuaUy as long as they are able to do eo.
Urban G. Focke Dr. Edward J. Freeh Dwight R. Freldllne Mr. & Mrs. Victor Gaccetta RJcbard T. Barcafar Mr. IL Mrs. George M. Gerbard Dr. Jack E. Barth Mr. & Mra. Richard F. Glennon Dr. George E. Bau)an Dr. Loula J. Goetz Mr. r. Mrs. Roy W. Begley Clarence E. Greiwe MaJon C. Benner Rev. Francis J. Hel~r ErwUl c. Besch Mr. II. Mra. Charles Belldoerler Mr. 6. Mrs. George C. Bler!Jack , Dr. r. Mra. Paul F. me key Dr. Albert V. Black Raymond G. Hieber Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bok Cha.rles J. Kimes Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Borchers WilHam J, Hoben, Jr. Mr. It Mrs. John J, Brennan Justin A. Hochwalt Mr. C. Huston Brown Mr. J. Fred Howe Mr. l Mrs. William T. Butt Mr. r. Mro. Henry J. Boylng Mr. r. Mrs. John D. Byrne Thomas J. Hug Brooks T. Carson, Jr. Mr. a.. Mra. George Humm Ca.raon-8aeks, Incorporated Dr.&. Mrs. Takajlro Inoue Mr. Richard M. Carson Dr. r. Mro. John T. Janning Mr. Reuben R4 saeks Mr. IL Mrs. Clement G. Jauch Mr. '- Mrs. Frank Colucci Mr. r. Mrs. T. Ryan Jenkins James A. Connelly Mr. I. Mro. Fnnk B. Ka.rl Mr. r. Mrs. Edward Crow Mr. 6 Mra. Gabriel Karsic.k Frank J. Doorley Mr. 6 Mra. Siochl Kawaz.oe lllr. Wilson J. Droubard Mr. I. Mro. Eclwln J. Keck Dr. r. Mrs. Jobn lluebak, Sr. Dr. Alma B. K.oUy Mr. Francts R.. Duell Warner H. Klelaber Charles P. Eisenhauer Mr.l. Mro. NorbertJ. Knoetman Or. Con J. Fecher, Jr. Frank J. Koehl Mr. r. Mrs. Harold Ferguson Dr. Norbert Kosater Jorul R. Ferree, Sr. Mr.I.Mro.Edwar4Draebel Mr. & Mrs. James H. Eugene F. Kreua.::.h Samuel L. Finn Ardell P. Krtch M.r. & Mrs. Elmer J. Focke Mr. • Mra. Peter H. Kuntz •One-star Sponsors•
Anonymous Mr. &r. Mrs. James G. Ayrea
One-star (•) Sponsors gtve 1100-1500 eacb year; two-star(••) Sponson gtve 1500-Sl,OOO; three--star (•••) Sponsors, $1,000 or more. Every Sponeor has received a apeclal plaque Indicative of his membership In this supporUng group.
Richard P. Kuntz William J. Kuntz Mr. &a Mrs. John C. Kussman Mr. r. Mro. Joseph L. Lair Mr. r. Mro. Richard C. Lauterbur Edward J. Llfneaeh Theodore F. Llenescb Dantal H. Loch! feld William J. Lullaswllz Thomaa E. Maher Mr. r. Mro. Frank Malr.ulinskl Mr.r. Mrs. Herman J. Marchal Dr. Geor&e W. Markus Mr. r. Mra. William E. Mayer Dr. Arthur P. McDonald Miaa Anna J. McGrath Dr. r. Mrs. Howard E. McKnight Dr. Arthur F. Mlllonlg Mr.&& Mrs. RaymondMontgomery,Jr. Rl. Rev. Msgr. William Newton Rev. Clarence A. Nugenl RobertS. Oelman R. J. Oelerleld Compony Mr."- Mr1. Arthur Otto, Jr. The Arline r. Thoma a Patton Found. Mr. r. lllro.CiarenceF.Paulua Price BrOillero Foundallon Dr. Jobn L. Pruuo Paul B. Purpuo The R.U.H.J. Company, Inc.. Dr. George J. Rau Dr. Edpr J. Ragan Cbarleo J. Rsllinc VIctor G. Rellinc Dr. Walter A. RA!Ulnc Robert C. Renner
Mr. r. Mrs. Lloyd Rens•l Rev. Thomas E. Reynolds David L. R.lke Miriam Rooenlhl.l Or. r. Mro. Waller B. Rugh Mr. r. Mra. John W. Salmon Mr. Jo eph J, Samu Mr. r. Mro. Edward G. Sander Mr. Arthur T. Scarpelli Mr. "- Mra. Jerome Schmitt Dr. RJehard C. Schnfble Mr. r. Mrs. Alex H. Schoen Dr. Kent K. Scholl Mr. r. Mrs. William M. Schroeder Dr. r. Mro. Jamea A. Sehuler Mr.6 Mra.Jamea L. Schwering Mr. r. Mrs. Joseph C. Shouvlln Mr. Merle P. Smith Mr. Robert E. Smith Mr. r. Mrs. Barth J, Snyder George F. Slraaaberg Mr.I.,Mrs. L. W. Strallner Miss Franceo Stoughton Dr."- Mra. C. F. StuhJmuelJer Mr. r. Mrs. Dovld SUIIt..n Mr. r. Mro. Leo M. SWeeney Mr. r. Mrs. William P. Thaler Mr. r. lllra. RlchardK.W. Tom Mr. IL Mro. Robert M. Tormey Dr. Thomaa W. Tucker Mr. r. Mro. J, P. Vanderhorst Mr. r. Mro. Robert J, Wqner Mr. r. lllra. Roland Wqner Mr. Hugh E. Wall, Jr. Mr. Albert Walsh Mr. 6 Mra. Joaeph M. Weber
Mr. John R. Westerbelde Mr. Herbert E. Whalen
Miss Kathleen Whetro Mr. Russell H. Willoughby Dr. I. Mrs. Ralph J. Wirshlnc The A. P. Ziegler Compllny Mr. Ramon D. Ziegler Mr. Andrew E. ZoUel Mr. r. Mrs. Joseph Zobrtal ••Two-sta.r Sponsors • • John W. Craig Mr. &a M:rs. G. J. Goudreau Jobn L. Macbeth Compony Mr. IL Mrs. Joseph E. Mayl Mr. Edward L. Murphy Mr. IL Mrs. Rober\ M. Payne Theodore A. Sharpenter George Walther Mr. r. Mrs. Stephen Zych
•••Three-star Sponaora••• Mr. IL Mrs. Edwin G. Bec:k r Mr. r. Mrs. Clarence H. Goalger Mr. r. Mrs. Jobn C. Goalger Mr. Andrew s. lcldlnca Mr. Gerald J, Lynch Mr. AI B. Mahrt Mr."- Mrs. George A. Pflaum,Sr. Mr. Freeman A. Pretzlncer Mr. William E. Stoecklein Mr. r. Mrs. Loulo Zeiger
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ALUMNI Abbot, Donald E. Abel, D. Herbert Accrocco, Josepb F. Ackerman, Howard T. Ackerman, Mary K. Afendoules, Michael
50 22 47 59 59 58 59 51 58 49 49 25 59 57 59 (60) 56
Baumgarten, Joseph R.
Baxter, Charles W. Baxter, Doris M. Bayman, Wanda S. Beach, Richard F.
Beatty, C1<rl R. Beaudoin, Jr., Leonard J. Beaver, Margaret B. Becher, Ju.lia A. Bechtolt, HOWlU'd G. Beck, Bertha M. Beck, David E. Beck, Leonard B. Beck, Thomas F. 53 Becker, Arnolda Becker, Donald R. 14, 39 Becker, Edwin G. 54 Hon. Becker, Flavtan T. 55 Becker, J. Thomas 55 Becker, Ned P. {62) Beckert, Thomas A. 50 Beckmeyer, John F. 48 Beecroft, William C. 40 Beel, Lois K. 52 Beerck, Dorothy D. 60 Beery, Jack 54 Begley, James~ 50 Begley, Patricia S. 30 Begley, Roy W. 59 Behm, Harold N. 51 Behrer, Otto P. 53 Behringer, John W. 59 Beigel, Martin E. 61 Belrise, Ja..m.e s F. 49 Bets, Buena G. 45 Belavlc, Andrew M. 45 Bell, Rufus R. 56 Bell, Thomas A61 Belleman, Marabelle J. (50) Benbow, Charles W. (58) Benner, Mason C. 47 Benner, William G. (36) Bennett, James A. (59) Berg, Ronald J. 51 Berg, Theodore G. 51 Bergen, Gerald F. 35 Berk, Edward F. 58 Berner, Robert M. 59 Berry, Robert L. 38 Bertrams, Carl H. 52 Bertrand, John A. (63) Bertrand, Richard E. 41 Bertsch, Thomas R. 28 Berus, Francis R. {31~ 42 Berus, Martha S. {43), 56 Besanceney, Lester C. 56 Besch, Erwin c. 36 Bevis, Stanley G. 59 Beyer, Lois W. 35 Biedenbender, Mary S. 50 Beldenbender, WUliam H. 51 Bier, Thomas E. 35 Biersack, George C. 56 Bilbrey, Bernice B. 37 Binns, Kenneth E. Birkmeyer, William J. (51) Birtle, James P. Babione, Ann G. 50 Bishop, David C. Babione, Dale R. 56 Bishop, Jerome P. Bach, Edna B. 21 Bittner, Clarence J . Bach, Joseph C. 44 Blllck, Albert V. Bachus, Dorothy R. 48 Blaes, Richard P. Bachus, WUllam J. 57 Blake, James Backs, Andrew P. 19 Salek, WUUam A. Bacon, Charles V. 43 Blincoe, Richard A. Bagot, Allred w. 54 Baird, Ralph M. Blust, John E. 50 Bock, John E. Baird, Richard R. 57 Bockenstette, Kenneth R. Bakan, Joseph A. 41 Bockhorn, Arlen D. Baker, Jack R. 39 Bockhorn, Harold Baker. Jacob C. 37 Boehman, Louis 1. Baker, Leonard U. (43) Baker, Mary V. Boeke, Linus B. 08 Boeke, Ray H. BaU, EmU C. 55 Boerscbinger, Marvin J. Ball, Eula L. 58 Balogh, Joseph J. Bohan, John T. 60 Bohanek, Robert W. Balsom, Michael J. 53 Bohman, Jerome B. Bange, Donald A. 52 Banister, Joseph N. Bohse, Jerome R. 38 Banker, Edward Bobse, Ruth G. 51 Barcafar, RichardT. Bok, Arthur B. 55 Bok, JeanS. Bardo, Rita K. 55 Barker, Charles M. Boland, Augustine {63) Bukocy, Edward J, Bolton, Edward J . 48 Barlow, Jeannette A. Bolton, Louis F . 48 Barlow, Josephine K. Bombeck, Erma F. 57 Barlow, Jr., William P. Bombeck, Willi~<m L. 51 Bonbright, Jr., Harry W. Barnhorn, Arnold 56 Barrett, Robert J. Bonifas, George P. 49 Bonnoront, Ollve A. Barth, Jack E. 34 Booher, Robert L. Barth, Wllllam F. 52 Boos, Donald J . .Bartlett, Lorraine D. 61 Bates, George A. Borchers, Bernard J, 60 Ba.uer, Jr., Jerome L. Borchers, Dlvtd W. (62) Bauer, Robert J , Bordewtsch, James F. 57 Boren, John W. Baughan, Kathryn F. 52 Borgelt, Elmer Baujan, George E. Borgert, Theodore E. 58 Bauman, Ronald L.
Agnew, Thomas C. Ahlquist, Frederick A. Albers. Barbara A. Albright, Wesley B. Alder, James E. Alexander, John B. Alig, Bernard M. Allen, Ann Marie Allen, Frank c. Allen, Gerald J. Aller, Ronald F. Allyn, S.C. Alves, Jr., Manuel J . AI ves, Nancy F. Amend, Howard M. Andary, Edward M. Anderle, Frances E. Anderson, Charlotte J. Anderson, Frances S. Anderson, James W. Anderson, John C. Anderson, Lloyd E. Andras, Joseph W. Andres, Robert J. Andrews, Charles R. Andrews, Marjorie J. Andrews, Ralph E. Andrich, Dennis R. Anduze, Annette S. AndU2.e, Richard A. Angst, Katherine E. Ankney, William T. Antes, Ronald E. A.nticoli, Gloria M. Antonick, Milton J. Aponyt, Theodore J. Apple, James D. Applegate, Don S. Arbogast, John R. Archdeacon, Robert F. Armbruster, Martin Armentrout, Everett C. Armstrong, John A. ArmstrQng, Thomas R. Arnett, Gertrude C. Arnold, Jr., Rudolph J. Arnoldi, Robert P. Arnovltz, Herman D. Arnovilz, SOlomon Ashenfelter, Robert L. Ashman, Constance M. Ashman. Sr., Robert J, Ashman, Jr., Robert J. Ashman, William G. Atkin, Willla.m A. Auer, John A. Aultman, Daniel Aulen, Charles H. Ayres, James G.
50 52 47 53 52 50 60 58 57 60 59 (63) 54 56
Hon. 50
Bon. 51 54 (61) 49 59 51 49 54 (62) 60 52 51 60 17 59 35 50 43 50 61 60 46 38 32 55 60 52 50 53 (59) 47 (59) 50 60 54 52 57 55 {34) 28 54 56 55 54 60 52 53 57 59 56 60 59 60 35 51 (28) 26 57 59 59 57 58 58 60 28 28 (28) 29 {61) 53 59 60 50 50 61 54 50 49 50 58 59 51 58 60 33 46 49 30 (32) 52
Bornhorst, Melvin V. Boeshart, Joseph E.
Boster, Maurice J. Bostick, Wayne A. Botzum, Albert C. Bourdet, AndreJ. Bourke, J. Da vld
Bourke, John D. Bourke, Mary S. Bowell, Richard A. Bowers, Mary S. Bowling, Virgil V. Bowman, Charles P. Bowman, Norma S. Bowser, Harry Bowser, Tom J. *Boyer, Keith R. Boyle, Joan 0. Boyle, Peter J. Boyle, Robert J . Brackman, Dennis F. Bradmiller, Fred A. Bradmtller, Lionel F. Bramlage, John C. Brandel, F rederlck C. Brandenberg, w. Paul Brandewte, Richard J, Brands, Henry J. Braun, Constance Y. Braun, James R. Braun, Paul J. Braun, V. J. Braunstein, Blanche S. Breen, Edward Breen, Harry D. Breen, John P. Breig, Allen L. Brelg, Charles R. Bremen, Harry A. Brennan, George W. Brennan, John J. Brennan, Will.iam A. Brenner, Clyde R. Brenner, Howard J. Brenner, L. Peter Brenner, Margaret F. Brewer, F. Thrall Brewer, Raymond T. Brigham, Martha S. Brining, Lucille G. Brinkman, Ray H. Britton, Anne W. Brockman, Catherine G. Brockman, Richard J. Brodbeck, Thomas Broehl, John H. Broeker, James C. Broering, Evelyn G. Brooks, Harry T. Broomhall, Sam P. Brothers, JoseJ:it A. Brough, Henry R. BrousU, James F. Brown, C. Huston Brown, Jack E. Brown, Jack R. Brown, James W. Brown, Jerome U. Brown, Joseph T . Brown, Marcella T. Brown, Michael L. Brown, R. C. "Jim" Brown, Ronald R. Brubach, Charles F . Brueneman, Ralph H. Bruening, William P. Bruggeman, Robert J . Brun, Frederick C. BrWl, Philip C. Bruns, Elmer C. Bruns, Robert A. Buchard, George M. Buchard, M. Cecile Buchard, Patricia A. Bucher, Elwood S. Bucher, Francis X. Bucher, James l. Bucher, Lawrence C. Bucher, Leo A. Bucher, Mary K. Bucher, Richard K.· Bucher, Thomas A. Buckley, Paul J. Buddendeck, Gerald A. Buechele, Robert H. Buehler, Cyril H. Buehler, Robert J. Buehrle, William H. Bueker, Sheila J. Buer, Geraldine Buerhaus, Alexander Buggy, Dolores G. Bulk.o, Michael s. Bunnell, Halter J. Burdg, Ralph P. Burdzfnski, Bernard F. Burger, William R.
50 28 53 (62) (31) 60 49 51 50 (57) 50 59 50 55 50 (59) 50 52
52 58 56 07
25 52 33 31 (61) 53 55 55 60 32 57 (30) 23 53 56 51 37 06 42 18 49 36 58 48 35 53 49 54 51 57 50 51 54 (62) 81 49 47 {10) {58) {81) (50) 20 (50) (26) (52) 30 45 50 61 34 (58) 50 59 57 52 58 31 55 57 29 59 81 52 41 5~
11 26 48 38 50 (30) (58) 57 55 50 39 50 51 55 54 57 57 {34) 31 60
Burke, Berna.rd J. Burke, David E. Burke, John B. Burke, Mary S. Burke, Nancy M.. Burke, Theresa C. Burkey, Paul F. Burkhardt, Alvin G. Burkhardt, Daniel F. Burkhardt, Richard P. Burnek:a, Charles R. Burneka, Joseph W. Burns, Jamea R. Burns, Mary D. Burns, Ronald R. Buroker, Lloyd R. Burrer, Frank J. Burtner, Robert K. Busch, Edward B. Busch, Gerald E. Buscher, WUllam A. Busclglio, Michael D. Busdon, Victor P. Buse, Leo H. Bush, Gerald T . Bush, John F. Bush, Mary K. Bushong, Dale J. Busse, Robert J, Bussinger, George A. Butkus, JohnS. Butler, Donald B. Butler, Jerome V. Butler, Robert L. Butt, Eleanor G. Butz, Thomas H. 8uyer, John J. Byrd, Lucie N. ByrneJ Jacqueline T . Byrne, John D. Byrne, Jobn M. Bynle, Patrick J. Byrne, William Byoak., Frank J. Cahill, Paul V. Cahill, R. Thomas Cabo, William J. Cain, Alice C. Caldwell, Frank: J. Calhoun, James H. Caliboso, Robert M. Callboso, susan G. Calla.han, Adeto.ide D. Callahan, Dona.ld T. Callahan, Gerald P. Callahan, John R. ean..ban, Joseph P. Callender, Betty J. Campanelli, Anthony T. Campbell, Benjamin H. Campbell, Howard M. Campbell, Howard R. Campbell, Martha H. Campo, Anthony J. Campoli, Ruth B. Ca.nnarozzi, Louis J, Caras, Louis s. Carlini, Elto Chas. Carlson, Jo Anne Carlson, Roy F. Carmichael, Dolores H. Carmody, Patrick L. Carpenter, Clara dell M. Carpenter, Robert M. Carr, Florence Carr, Harriet M. Carr, Howard Carr, Mary C. Carr, Robert J . Carrigan, WUltam A. Carroll. Charles R. Carroll, Margaret R. Caraon, Brooks T. Carson, Charles J. Carson, Richard M. Carter, Virginia M. Cashdollar, John E. Cashman, Vincent J . Casper,Robert P . Cassady, Harold P. Cassells, Andrew M. Cassells, Dian H. Casserly, Richard P . Cassidy, James R. Cassidy, John D. Cassidy, Walter E. Castleman, Charles R. Castonguay, John R. Cecellc, John J. Cermal<, Joseph R. Chalfin, Bury J. Chalfant, Miriam L. Chaney, John P. Chan&', Wallace Y.F. Chasens, Gertrude S. Chaaens, Samuel S.
58 59 57 50 (58) 59 26 15 59 60 51 58 49 (45) 60 58 50 50 (50) 52 (63) 32 60 48 57 {60) 57 59 52 {58) 58 47 49 42 43 44 28 58 54 25 53 54 (55) {61) 56 60 55 56 52 57 60 60 58 (62) 58 51 56
so 61 50 54 30 56 58 59 52 50 57 56 60 60 (59) 60 (62) 39 38 39 59 35 {43) 56 45 43 50 34 44 52 50 (60) 59 59 58 58 32 58 53 (58) 60 59 {61) 60 41 53 48 56 48
Chato, Barbara N. Chavldn, Judith B. Chenoweth, Okla L. Cherry, John A. Chmiel, Joseph S. Chmiel, stanley A. Chontos, Donald J. Choy, Christy C.K. Christensen, Norbert M. Christensen, William G. Christian, Richard E. Christy, Orbin E. Chromlck, Jan D. Ciani, Anthony M. Cisco, James w. Clllrk, Earl R. Clark, Ernest H. Clllrk, William F. Clarke, C. DaVid Clarke, William L. Cleary, John W. Clemens, Clarence Clemens, Edward G. Clemens, Ray G. Clemens, Richard P. Clemens, Richard P. Clemmer, Paul J. Cline, Carl E. Clinger, Alfred E. Clune, Julianna B. Cluxton, Charles N. Cobler, Robert L. Cochran, James J. Cochran1 Marl anna R. Cochran, Robert T. Cogan, Jeannette S. Cogan, John T. Cogan, Marilyn K. Coghut, Timothy L. Cohen, George S. Coleman, Ruth E. Coleman, WUUam Collins, C. Homer Collins, Lawrence Collins, Leo Collins, William P. Colquhoun, Martha R. Colvin, Joseph H. Combs, Jerry A. Comella, John S. Condon, John E. Conger, Molly P. Conger, Robert A. Conger, William A. Connell, Frances C. Connelly, James A. Connelly, John M. Connelly, John R. Connelly, Joseph F. Connelly, Robert J . Conner, Margaret K. Conners, Jean B. Connolly, Charles P . Conqor, Donald A. Connors, Edward J. Connors, Marjorie W. Connors, Norman F. Conrard, Harold E. Conway, Charles M. Coon, Harley Jos. Cooper, Robert E. Coppus, Jennie C. Corbet, Lois s. Corcoran, Sharon A. Corley, Dorothy C. Cosgrove, Don J. Costmati, James V. Cotter, John J. Cotter, Theresa M. Cotterman, Mary K. Cotterman, Robert L. Coughlin, John J. Coughlin, Thomas Courtad, Charles L. Cox, Myrtle Y. Coy, Richud G. Coy, Roscoe John Coyle, James E. Cra!ton, Robert L. Craig, John W. Craig, RJchard L. Cramer, Fred A. Crauder, G. Allee Creekmore, Stanley L. Crisler, Wellington G. Crnkovich, Marjorie W. Crnkovich, Nick G. Cron, A. J . Cron, Carl J. Cronin, Nancy M. Crosby, Bernerd L. Cross, James E. Crouse, Esta A. Crouse, Richard J. Crow, Edward Crow, William F. Crowell, Eva R.
59 59 45 51 36 47 57 61 (51) 54 (61) (58) 60 53 55 48 52 52 58 59 51 51 53 (32) (28) 57 58 50 59 60 57 (60) (56) 48 50 60 59 55 (83) 53 41 81 (34) (34) 24 53 59 32 56 61 51 60 57 61 57 35 57 32 {45) 37 52 54 61 59 35 44 48 26 {09) {59) 50 44 43 58 48 51 53 60 58 46 38 58 93 59 55 54 52 58 (58) 29 58 (34) 49 58 60 50 50 (12) {63) (59) (58) 57 55 60 32 56 55
Crowell, Willard L. Crowley, Charles Cruea, VIrginia D. Crum, Au::der James Crum, Eloise M. Crum, Richard J. Crutcher, Lola M. Cruz, Felix A.D. Csizma, Emery J. Cull, Richard Cunningham, Corinne K. Curnyn, James A. Custenborder, Donald J, Cutcher, Shirley S. Cutcher, William D. Czajkowski, Robert A. .Dahn, Richard W.
Daley, Joanne S. Daley, Robert E. Daley, William E. Dalton, Samuel L. Dana, Albert T. Aetna Matching Gift Daniel, Charles J. Danielewtcz, Richard 1. Danlszewski, Robert J. J)Qpper, James C. Darling, Donald E. Darnell, Lucy S. Dartt, Donald J. Ford Matching Gl!t !lase, Ralph L. daSilva, Edmundo T. Davis, Donald Davis, Joseph E. Davis, Martha W. Davis, Shirley K. Dawtcke, Mary V. Dawicke, Stanley N. Dawson, Robert B. Deaver, Ferne H. Debard, Joella S. DeBrosse, Ira J. DeCamp, Paul W. Decker, Nelson I. DeUet, Joseph P. Deger, Robert A. Deger, Robert J. Deger, Shirley w. Deger, Thomas Deger, Thomas E. Deis, William E. Deltering, Elmer H. Deiterlng, Roger J. DeKom, Anton K. Delp, John J. Demann, Clemens B. DeMore, Dolores M. Dempsey, Thomas J. Denney, Wilson E. Dennis, Prudence W. Denny, James A. Denny, William P. Deppner, John C. •Derby, Clarence J. DeRoziere, Robert C. Desch, Joseph R. Devaney, James T. DeVelbiss, Jack A. DiBacco, Rosario G. Dick, Rev. Joseph H. Dicken, Cornelius R. Dickey, Anna H. Dickson, Geraldine F. Dickson, Rev. Jobn G. Diederich, Catherine L. Diemunsch, WUllam E. Dierken, Margaret Dietrich, Herbert J. Dietz, Charles H. DiGiorgio, Josephine Dilgard, Victor W. DiU, John E. Dillehay, James A. Dtr1nger, Albert L. DiSo.nto, Anthony J. Ditzel, Jack L. Dodane, Gordon L. Dodd, Ada B. Doerner, Thomas E. Doheny, Jean W. Dolebanty, James S. Doll, WUllam B. Dolle, Roland E. Dominic, Robert J. Donahue, Ann P. Donahue, Mary C. Donahue, Rosemary Donahue, Willlam G. Donley, Robert F. Donnelly, James W. Donneily, John L. Donober, Donald J. Donovan, John P. Donovan, Robert E. Doody, Elizabeth R.
51 49 60 61 59 57 55 58 52 36 55 59 49 53 52 (63) 49 57 55 60 59 41 (62) 50 52 51 52 49 54 60 56 (51) 60 56 51 57 57 50 52 49 26 57 30 56 24 34 57 33 57 35 58 58 50 50 19 56 31 58 41 {59) (60) 58 {24) 51 57 30 54 61 (16) 50 55 60 38 58 26 48 60 50 57 48 (43) . 58 48 {57) 58 58 46 59 42 58 31 57 55 58 48 40 49 32 54 50 54 53 32 42
Doody, Richard D.
Doolos, James W.
Doorley, Frank J. Dorian, Charles P. Dorsey, Richard V. Dorsten, Joan K. Doud:ican, Charles T. Dougherty, Emerson L. Douglass, James B. Dover, J. Winton Dowdell, George A. Dowling, Patrick J. Dowling, Thomas G. Downey, Fenton Tbos. Downing, James D. Drake, Otis Drees, Dorls A. Drees, Ruth A. • Dreety, 'Meyer Drerup, John J. Dresel, Charles L. Driscoll, Stephen J . Droesch, Edward A. Drouhard, Wilson J. Drury, William R. Dry, Judd F. Dryden, Elwood R. Dryden, Lois K. Ducato, James W. Ouchak., Sr., John M. Duchak, Jr., John M. Ducbak, Kathleen K. Duclcro, Raymond E. Duell, Francis R. Duffy, John T. Dully, Joseph P. Dugger, Roaalte H. Dunn, Robert T. Duoson, Daniel U. Dunson, David A. Dunson, Marianne K. Durbin, David J. Dusseau, Lowell D. Dutro, Richard F. Dutton, John L. Doweling, Donald A. Dwyer, Francis D. Dwyer, Kevin Dybvig, R. Stanley Earley, Robert Eberly, Charles A. Ebert, Anthony Ebner, Thomas D. Ec.kslein, Clement 0. Edly, Joseph A. Edmondson, Lawrence H. Edrich, Mary F. Edwards, Elaine R. Edwards, Grete D. Egan, Thomas V. Egger, Richard J. El!ert, Donald C. Ellert, Eugene U. EUert, Melvin C. El!ert, Ronald W. El!ert, S&.lly B. Eilers, Joseph J. Eisenhauer, Charles P. Eisenhauer, Richard J. Elting, Jaek R. Elting, James A.. Elardo, Frank P. Elardo, Jr., Frank P. El~rt, John R. Elet, John S. El.ldng, Robert P. Elliott, .Tames H. Elliott, Theodore W. Emerick, Rev. Stepben J. Emmert, Helen I. Emalf, Lester C. Enders, Henry H. Engel, Mary H. Engle, Paul M. Engler, Nicholas A. Englert, Norman M. Enoch, Robert A. Enouen, Joan B. Enouen, William A. Entz, William L. Epstein, Jerome Ernst, John F. Espy, Bruce J, Estabrook, Jr., Hubert A. Ethridge, NIUietta S. Everett, Julia C. Everett, Marjorie E . Evers, Anthony J. Evers, Robert C. Ewing, Thomas G. Eynon, Harold J. Fahrer, Armand Falke, Lee C. Falke, Margaret G. Fa.lkenbach, Charles H.
55 51 43 50 57 58 32 (58) 52 51 50 57 (81) 50 57 5~
54 55 34 (5~)
35 55 34 34 58 50 41 41 5e 31 60 60 51 38 (82) 30 42 50 58 60 58 5~
(60) 50 56 57 54 (30) 47 50 {13) 49 58 57 58 60 56 60 51 4~
40 58 28 61 56 60 40 24 53 53 {58) 22 {48) 58 (35) 50 49 52 49
eo 30 39 59 43 47 41 60 52 52 55 49 50 54 45 54 44 5$
53 81 51 53 50 (52) 55 28
Falkenba.cb, George J. Farkas, Edward C. Fa.rnbacber, John M. Farrell, Bruce C. Farrell, J. Brian FurelJ, Patricia S. Faust, Jr., Gerard A. Fa·net, Rev. J. Arnold Favret, Louis E. Fecher, Con J. Fecher, Mark P. Fecke, Joseph W. Feeley, Charles R. Fehrman, Gary A. Felghan, Joseph E. Feldman, lrvln G. Feldmann, Louis W. Feldmann, Richard J, Felictangeli, Arthur L. Fella, Sondra A.. Felsburg, Ronald B. Fenton, James T. Fenton, Jane S. Ferdetma.n, Barbara W. Ferdelman, Donald C. Ferguson, Mary B. Ferna.ndez-Ma.ldonado, Hernan Ferneding, Ann M. Ferneding, Jane B. F~rrara, Manuel G. Ferrazza, Henry L. Ferree, Sr., John R. Ferree, Jr., John R. Ferris, Mary H. Ferris, WUUam E. Ferron, William Fickes, Richard T. Fiedler, Raymond J. Field, Lots W. Fiely, Edward A. Finan, JoanN. Finan, Richard H. Fln!roclc, C. Douglas Fink, Audrey M. Fink, George M. Fink, Marjorie S. Finke, Harry F. Finke, Jr., Harry F. Finke, Herbert W. Finke, James H. Flnke, Thomas L. 57 Flnn, Samuel L. First, Robert J. Fiacher, Daniel B. Fischer, David W. Fischer, Donald J. Fischer, JoAnn C. Fischer, Michael J. Fischer, Philip W. Fischer, Robert F . FlBcher, Roy F. Fischer, Therese M. Fisc.her, WUllam J. Fisher, Jerome C. Fisher, Robe·r t L. Fisher, William J. Fisher, WUllam R. F1tz, Cyril J. Fttz, Raymond L. Fitzgerald, Lawrence J. Fitzgerald, Mary C. Fitzgibbons, Robert I. Fitzharrts, John W. Fttzha.rrls, Leo J, Fitzharris, Mary B. Fitzha.rria, Miriam L. Fitzpatrick, WUllam A. FitzSimons, Danlel J. Flllde, William J. Flagel, George B. Flanagan, William F. Flanary, Geneva J. ' Flautt, Martin C. Fleck, PI>Uip Fleck, Walter J. Fleig, Louis P. Fleischman, Harlow J. Fleischman, Nancy B. Fleming, Paul B. Fleming, Robert E. Fletcher, Joseph.. Fletcher, Mary C. Pletcher, Richard W. Fletcher, William J . Flood, Richard K. Flotron, Francis E. Focke, Arthur B. Focke, Elmer J. Pocke, Urban C. Foland, Ellsworth T. Foley, Donald w. Foley, Eugene D. Folkerth, Margaret H. FoUick, J. Elwood Foose, Jack L. Ford, David L.
48 58 45 57 56 54 58 (23) 16 50 42 56 57 59 56 (58) 55 60 59 60 57 43 {45) 59 56 (58) 60 {42) {42) 57 49 32 60 54 52 {41) 59 57 49 50 56 54 58 49 58 58 02 45 38 48 50
Hon. 60 57 60 (59) 60 48 (58) 52 55 58 51 60 55 58 58 53 39 50 38 34 47 40 42 44 39 (33) 58 39 39 56 (61) 08 08 24 51 50 60 10 37 49 40 49 54 35 (33) 09 09 43 50 53 52 34 34 54
Ford, Patricia R. Ford, Robert F. Fortman, John J. Fosler, Thomas D. Fox, James M. Fox, Richard E. Fraley, Almar S. Francis, Charles J . Francis, Donald P. Francis, Gerald P. Frank, Constance A. Frank.enleld, Lee A. Fran.kensteen, Richard T. Franks, Robert C. Frantz, Robert B. Fraozer, Eleanor E. Freaut, Frederick E. Free, Ronald M. Freeb, Edward J. Freeman, Charles F. Freidline, Dwight R. Fremgen, Robert D. French, Joseph C. French, Marjorie L. Frericks, Donald J . Frericks, Thomas J. Freytag, Edward C. Fricke, James E. Fricke, Theresa A. Fritz, David W. FroendhoH, Rev. Paul T. Froug, Jake Froug, John Frounfelker, Frank E. Fuller, Nancy H. Fulton, Robert E. Fulton, Thomas A. Fultz, Jack R. FulwUer1 James D. Fulwiler, Margaret C. Fulwiler, RJcha.rd E.
52 61 61 50 {26) 53 50 61 56 58 48 58 32 60 {61) 52 50 55 48 05 29 51 39 58 56 53 53 53 54 (62) (42) 32 29 51 52 50 {61) 59 {61) 54 50
Gaier, Raymond H. 50 Galring, Walter A. 54 Gaiser, Paul W. 60 Gulng, Charles F. 34 Galen, George T. 60 Galvin, Robert G. 57 Gandhi, Thakorlal D. 57 Ga11tner, Clayton H. 52 Gar land, Alex 29 Garner, August B. 56 Garrett, Arthur F. 60 Garrity, John P. 24 Gascoigne, Thomas M. 58 Gaskill, William A. {61) Gates, John A. 53 Gavin, George F. {35), 52 Gay, William C. 46 Gebhart, Charles J. 53 Gebhart, Earl E. 39 Gedra, Sue A. {62) Gehle, Donald L. (62) Gehle, Richard J. 59 Gebrich, Linda E. (60) Geiger, John L. 54 Geiger, Laverne A. 53 Geile, James H. 50 Gets, John B. 33 Gels, Joseph H. 56 Geissler, George 0. 60 Genung, Paul K. 38 George, Fred 39 George, Lowell C. 27 George, Robert F. 52 Geppert, Cut F. 22 Gerhard, William L. 36 Gerlach, Patricia A. 60 Gerspacber, Frederick A. 56 Gessells, James J. 56 Gessells, Ma.ry X. 54 Getter, Margaret B. 52 Gettler, Robert E. 54 Geyer, John P. 58 Gibbons, Charles E. 51 Gibbons, Michael J. 02 Gibson, Donna D. 56 Gigliotti, Angelo 51 GUbert, Lawrence J. (59) Gilfoil, Richard A. 60 Gilioll, Thomas J. 22 Gill, James J. 49 •Gillespie, WUllam E. 49 Gutlgan, Robert M. 61 Gillotti, Frederick P. 57 Gilmore, Clyde E. 50 Gilvary, James J. 51 Gilvary, Julie P. 52 Gln!ey, Patrick T. 58 Ginter, Chester T. {59) Girard, Robert A. 50 Giraudl, Franco L. 59 Gitztnger, Charles H. 33 Gitzinger, Harry F. 29 Gitzinger, J obn F. 20 Gitzinger, Raymond M. 34 Glaser, Leo B. 34
Glaser, Mary Ann Glaser, Ronald M.
Glasa, Frances M. Glaze, Rosella H. Glea.son, J. Philip
Gleim, Irvin Glennon, Richard F. Glode, John B. Glynn, Joseph E. Goeckeler, Rev. Carl F. Goenner, Ronald D. Goetz, Louis J . Goldman, Leonard Goldstein, Ronald M. Golonka, Kenneth A. Gooch, Elmer Goode, D. Brian Goode, Kenneth A. Goodman, Pear1 J. Goodpa.ster, Robert ~. Goodwin, Margaret W. Goodwin, Mary W. Gordon, David R. Gordon, Gilbert H. Gorham, Frederick A. Gorman, Joseph M. Gorry, George A. Gosiger, Clarence H. Goslger, John C. Gott, Majer H.
Gottschalk, G. Richard Gough, A. Rita Gough, Mary C. Gover, Sara T. Gradel, John F. Graiton, Richard J. Graha.m, Charles M. Graham, Clyde B. Graham, Donald E. Graham, Kenneth E. Graham, Thomas J. Granato, Albert J. Granato, John P. Graul, Sr., Edward H. c;;ray, Ernest D. Gray, Harold J. Gray, Martha M. Gray, Robert E. Greany, Edwin L. Greaser, WilHam J. Greenwell, William Greer, Edward A. Greger, James F. Greger, William J. Gregg, Donald J. Gergory, John G. Greive, Donald J . Greiwe, Clarence E. Grennan, Charles W. Gridley, Mary D. Grilling, Ann B. Grigsby, Charles L. Grilliot, Harold J. Grimm, Frederick W. Grlmme, Edward L. Grtsez, Marlon V. Grismer, Jr., John H. Graeber, Norbert E. Grogan, Robert F. Grogean, Thomas N. Groh, A. Peter Grolemund, Robert H. Gross, Charles E. Gross, Harry P. Groszewsk:l, Daniel J . Grotbouse, Hubert T. Grubbs, Jr., Paul W. Gruenzel, Ronald R. Guajardo-Garza, Gustavo Gude, Rev. George W. Gunckel, Jeannyne D. Guensche, William J. Gunzelman, John C. Gurnick, Joseph. R. Gurokovich, Karl G. Gutbrod, Jeaoe W. Gutbrod, William J, Guy, Joseph F. Gysbers, Rose E. Haacke, Jack E. Haacke, Mary L. Haas, Ra.ymond J. Haas, Richard L. Hacker, John J . Hackett, James Hackett, Patricia M. Hacluna.n, Richard H. Hagel, Robert J. Hager, Sue A. Hagerma-n, Samuel E. Haines, Michael M. Hale, Opal o. Haley, Margaret A. Haley, Michael R. Hall, Isabel B.
{46) 53 40 51 51 34 50 56 59 (14) 53 53 55 59 61 50 {61) 59 57 52 56 46 50 50 59 55 33 02 48 38 35 47 41 58 (60) 50 57 53 52 (58) 50 56 51 20 57 (10) 56 (14) 56 51 44 32 (61) (47) 59 40 54 13 57 50 58 52 60 49 48 29 50 55 81 60 {61) 51 35 29 51 (60) 55 60 58 28 52 47 (10) 50 56 48 50 61 56
49 55 58 34 39 57 58 51 56 60 54 53 49 58 42 35
Kurflss, Neal T. 50 Hall, Jr., James E. 41 Hall, Richard A. 52 Hallerma.n, WUllam E. 36 Halligan, Dan V. (48 UNC.) Ramberg, Cincy P. 56 Ramberg, Ralph P. 55 Hamer, Lee E. 57 Hn milton, Joan L. 59 HamHton, Robert M. 61 Hammer, Gilbert K. 58 Hammond, Hatue N. 61 Hample, Joseph M. 58 Hampton, Mary H. so Hamrick, Ruth F. (07) •Hanbuch, Edward 40, 46 Hanbuch, Ellen E. 50 Hannah, George A. 48 Hanousek, Rle:ha.rd G. (63) Hapner, Harold M. 56 Harbaugh, Charles F. 53 Harbaugh, Nevaline W. 49 Hardin, Tressler S. 60, CU!Iord E. 80 Harger, Dale E. 38 Harlan, Ben M. 44 Harper, Kenl L. 14 Harprtng, Joseph J. 52 Harrigan, Thomas F. 39 Harrington, Mary H. 55 Harris, Chris R. 59 Harris, John D. 53 Harris, Ramon R. 59 Harris, Robert E. 60 Harrod, Robert L. 47 Hart, Alberl T. 80 flarl, David G. 54 Hart., James P. 58 Hart, John P. 53 Harter, John J. 53 Harter, Pauline R. 20 Hartnett, James J. 58 Hastings, lrene B. 50 Hauck, Nelson A. 59 Hauer, Donald R. 56 Hauer, Gerald M. 48 Haury, Gerard L. 59 Hawker, Donald R. 60 Hawkins, Mary J. (63) Hawn, Paul D. (60) Hay, LeeR. 43, 46 HayesJ Kathryn M. 53 Hazen, Richard R. 59 Hazlett, Nancy E. 57 Heck, Donald E. 30 Reck, Mathias R. 47 Heckel, Bertrand B. 50 Heckel, Mary H. (56) Becker, Eugene L. 53 Hecker, Richard 0. 30 Heckman, Adolph A. 38 Heckman, Paul J. 41 Heel, Donald G. 41 Heel, Edythe R. 54 Hegedus, Marjorie C. 80 Hegemann, Kenneth L. 61 Hegman, Bernard A. 18 Heider, Rev. Francis J, 42 Hetdkamp, Robert H. 58 Heil, Richard J, 59 Heln, Carol R. 57 Relnen, Ronald H. 51 Heinz, Irma C. 58 Helke, Robert C. 33 Helldoerfer, Charles S. 61 Reller, Donald J. 53 Helmers, Lawrence F. 49 Helmig, Gerald R. 54 Helmkamp, Donald G. 52 Helmllnger, Louis R. (60) Hemmelgarn, Kenneth J. Henneberger, Carol B. 80 30 Hennessey, Patrick M. 51 Hennessy, Paul R. 43 Henz, Edward C. 45 Henz, Mary F. 59 Hepp, Jr., Roy W. 27 Hcrkenhotr, John F. 51 Herlihy, AmeJia N. 51 Herlihy, William J. 59 Herman, Gene L. 59 Herrman, r:nvid J. 60 Herrman, PbJUp J. 61 Herrmann, John W. 53 Herzog, John A. 59 Hessler, Thomas J. 50 Hester, Paul J. 61 Hewttt, William G. 58 Heydinger, Frederick W. 60 Hibbeln, Frederic P. 34 Hibbert, Lawrence 50 Hibbert, Paul J. 49 B.tckey, Bernard A~ RJckey, Donald J. 49 Hickey, Frank G. 50 44 Hickey, John L. Hickey, Ann W. 50 Hickey, PauJ F. 48
51 41 49 50 56 51 22 59 58 57 42 42 49 52 (51) 58 50 56 49 26 43 57 58 43 54 38 50 50 22 48 17 50 59 52 35 47 e8 58 60 58 58 (63) (62) 59 59 Hogan, William C. 61 Rogenk.amp, Jon M. 61 Hogenkamp, Nancy D. 49 Hohler, Donald W. 50 Hohm, Elmer J. 49 Hohm, Georges. 56 Hohm_, MargueriteS. 52 Hoke, Ronald C. 59 Holgate, Richard F. 35 Hollander, George W. 36 l:loUencamp, Rev. Charles (48) Hollencamp, Charlotte K. 31 Hollencamp, Eugene A. 80 Holleneamp, Joan M. 41 Hollenkamp, Joseph G. 37 Hollenkamp, Theodore J. 54 Holmes, Harold E. 53 Holsapple, Donald E. 56 Holsinger, Edith P.
Hickey, Richard P. Hickey, Rosemary T. Wckey, Therese K. *Hlcks, George R. Biebel, Joseph C. Hieber, Mary E. Hleber, Raymond G. Hieber, Thomas E. Hieber, William R. Rlgdon, WilHam A. Hlgh, Donald A. High, Susan M. RJghet., Marga ret D. HUbert, Wtlliam F. Hildebrand, Thomas Rlllnskl, Robert J. Hill, Joseph P. Hilliard, Martha B. HUlon, Edward G. Himes, Charles J. •Hinton, WiWam G. Hirsch, Andrew C. Ho, Arthur V. Hoban, John T. Hoban, Marllyn R. Hobbs, Daniel J. Hoben, William J . Hochwalt, George E. Hochwalt, Juslin A. Hochwalt, Lucy B. Hochwalt, Norman C. Hochwall, Thomas C. Roeffel, James D. Hoener, Giles L. Hoefllng, Raymond C. Hoelle, Donald E. Hoey, Char lea V. l{offman, Irene C. Hoffman, Richard F. Ho!fma.o, Roger V. HoUman, Paul F. Hofrichter, WUUam Horsteuer, Charles J . Hogan, Ja.mes J,
(11) HoUers, Frank 43 Homan, Jack L. 57 Homan, John F. 48 Homan, William V. 36 Hommel, Robert W. 59 lionious, Harold B. 51 Hook, James H. 58 Rook, Philipps Jos. 59 Hook, Thomos K. Hopfengardnc.r, Jerrold D. 59 Horan, John F. 55 58 Borio, Paul S. 50 Hormann, Harold H. (61) Horn, James H. 61 Horn, Norman G. (38) Horn, Roy R. 60 Horner, William D. 51 Horrigan, Anne K. 60 Horrigan, Jane K. (29) Horrigan, Joseph M. Horrigan, Mary E. 35 (62) Horstman, Susan A.. 22 Horvath, Anthony G. 52 Horvath, James L. Horvath, Julle C. 55 50 Hose, .Richard L. 23 Hos!eld, Linus v. Hosler, E. Ramon 51 Houk, Jr., Wtlbur J. 61 35 House, Ralph E. 52 Hovey, WUHam J. 55 Howard, Charles W. 58 Howe, James Howe, J. Fred 34 Howe, Richard F. 41 Howley, Marguerite A. 52 Hoying, Elizabeth 0. 57 Hoying, Eugene J. 52 Hoying, Henry J. 48 (61) Huber, Charles L. Huber, David C. 56 Huden, James D. 54 Huden, Me-lvin 33 Huels, RObert J. 48
Huelsman, Robert A. Bull, Florida M. Hull man, Eugene J. Hug, Eugene E. Hug, Thomas J.
B.u ghes, Clyde Hughes, Frank J. Hughes, Lawrence P. Hughes, Pauline M. Huts, Frank G. Humm, George W. Humm, Jane W. Humpert, Joseph H. Hunkeler, Robert 8W1l, EUeanor Y. Bury, Ell:z.abelh Hussey, Frances P. Hussey, M. Joan Hussey, WUiiam J, Hussong, Fredcnck E. Hussong, John F. Hussong, Mary F. Hussong, Roger F. Ruler, John A. Huth, James A. Ruth, Mary Jo Huth, William E. Hutzel, Joseph B. Hutzel man, Jr., Harry V.
55 50 50 27 50 52 48 26 59 (57) 40 42 (35) (42) 56 51 49 47 51 54 56 57 30 {05) 54 50 52 59 57
49 Ianni, CecUta C. 51 Iannuzzi, Mary H. 53 lannuzz.l, William P. 57 Ron. Iddings, Andrew S. 45 lgel, George J. 57 Jgel, Jean B. 58 Igel, William P . 51 Imber, Carroll D. (57) lnderrieden, Thomas L. (55) Inman, Paul R. 59 Inoue, Michael S. 59 Bon. Inoue, Takajlro 53 Jreland, Frank T. 80 Ishmael, Margaret P. 43 IsraeL, Kenneth D. 51 lvie, George W. 59 Jzzo, Pasquale J.
Jablinski, Eugene A. Jackson, Billy A. Jackson, Emmell J, Jacobs, Elmer F. Jacobs, Berman J. Jacobs, James W. Jacobs~ Joseph A. Jacobsen, John M. Jacobson, Herbert M. James, Shella C. Janasek. Raymond J. Janney, Ja mea A. Janning, Jr._, Eugene A. JaMing, Joan V. Janning, John T . Janning, Robert J. Janning, Thomas B. Jarrell, Howa.rd R. Jarvis, Jr., Frank C. Jauch, Clenlent G. Jauch, Dorothy F. Jauch, Edward F. Jeckering, Joseph G. Jehn, Betty J. Jebn, Lawrence A. Jenersky, Jack Jenkins, D. NU.llam Jenkins, James G. Jenkins, Rebecca M. J enldns, T. Ryan Jeroutek, Stephen F. Jindra, Davtd J. Jira, Elmer P. Joefreda, Matthew E. Johnson, Joe E. Johnson, Julia G. Johnson, Mau.rtee L. Johnson, Roland H. Johnson, Vlrgtnia S. Johnston, J. Farrell Johnston, Kathryn H. Johnston, Raymond A. Jones, Charles B. Jones, Dennis C. Jones, John L. Jones, Milford F. Jones, Roberl D. Jose(c.zyk, Henry M. Joyce, Franklin J. Judd, Donna P. Jwlg, Albert G. Jurena, Frank C. Justice, Norman H. Jutte_, Herbert F. Kaczkowski, Elizabeth F. Kahle, Donald A. Kahn, Raymond M., John J.
51 59 41 38 35 54 43 58 34 80 50 52 60 56 55 53 55 55 (58) 08 55 52 05 43 43 48 80 59 54 28 61 56
54 52 57 57 53 27 54 20 57 57 49 50 47 (56) (35) 60
59 60 51 53 50 56 (62) 51 40 22
Kaln, Thomas B. Kaiser, Eleanore E. Kalinowski, Donald 0. Kampr, Henry A. Kapp, Phl!Up M. Kappeler, Robert J. Kappes, Paul J. Kapuscinski, Louis C. Karas, EmU Karcher, Charles M. Karplak, Michael E. Karrenbauer, Harold F. Karrenbauer, Thomas G. Kalz, Louis B. Kauffman, Mary I. Kauflin1 Thomas N. Kaufman, Jr., Robert A. Kavanaugh, Robert E. Kawazoe, Soich.l Keane, Francis P. Keane, Robe.rt E. Keck, Edwin J . Keck, Seward F. Keck, Victor W. Keb.l, William R. Kehn, G. Ray KeU, Jantes J . Keith, Roger H. Kelbe, Erdine K. Kelble, Jerome M. Kelbley, Thomas W, Kelch, Richard E. Kelter, Charles L. Keller, Helena Q. Kelley, Donald J. Kelley, John J . Kelly, AJma a. Kelly, Donna D. Kelly, John E. Kelly, John T . Kelly , Joseph W. Kelly, Mark A. Kelly, Norman P. Kelly, Paul M. Kelly, Richard F. Kelly, Robert E. Kelso, Harold G. •Kemper, Frank H. Kendall, James J. Kennady, James E. Kennedy, Harry L. Kennedy, Jr., Harry L. Kennedy, Thomas C. Kenney, Edna E. Kenney, James E. Kenney, Thomas B. Kenning, Charles A. Kenny, Charles J. Kenny, Mary 0. Kercher~ WilHam C. Kerezsi, Michael A. Kern, Robert D. Kernan, Jr ., John E. Kernan, Joseph E. Kerr, Orpha D. Kessler, C. William Kester, Jack E. Keyes, John C. Kibler, Gerald 1. Kibler, Ruth R. K.ldd, Samuel B. Kie!aber_, Warner H. Klelpinsk1, PhHllp E. Kiener, Jerome F. Kiernan, WiJJiam M. Kilbane, Francls J.P. Kilbane, Jr., James P. Kilcoyne, J. Russell Kilcoyne, Raphael F. Klley, Harvey C. Killeen, Robert Kimbrough, Ray E. Kincheloe, Jesse M. Kindle, Jerold F. Kindler, James P. Kindler, Patricia S. King, Barbara L. King, Carl 0. King, David 0. King, Edwin R. King, Peter C. Klng, Riehard J. lOng, Robert L. Kltl$:, Jr., Victor C. Kinker, Clarence R. Klnn, Richard P. Kinsey, Richard L. Kinzeler, C. William .Klnzeler, George Kinzlg, Robert E. Kirbaba.s, Perry Klrchmer, Thomas F. Kirsch, Bernard J. lOrsch, Kevin B. JGrshe, Henry A. Klrves, James F. Klspersky, J. Paul
57 47 60 50 56 (61) (46) 60 59 36 56 58 61 34 47 59 (61) 42 30 59 32 30 57 51 52 49 52 54 41 51 51 57 48 51 37 34 39 59 51 50 24 80 23 52 43 49 51 06 59 51 (16) 58 59 58 58
&I 05 50 50 51 55 60
80 60 41 51 52 48 (58) 60 55 05 57 55 61 51 52 (19) 60 58 (32) (57) 57 57 58 58 60 52 57 49 58 80 80 (61) (59) 45 (80) 51 42 27 57 (43) 50 51 55 55
Kissell., William F. Kittel, Harold L. Kittredge, Thomas Klaus, Francis J. Klaus, Ronald C. JO.eckner, Robert A. Klee, Sr., Charles W. Klee, John W. Kleimeier, Joseph N. 10ein1 James E. Kleln, Thomas A. Kleiner, Dolores G. Kleinknecht, Mary S. Klenk_, William J. to enke, Thomas R. Klosterman, John V. Klosterman, Ronald R. Kmett, Jerome D. Knapp, C. Ronald Knigbl, Marie s. Knisley, Jr., Andrew W. Knoer, Dorothy D. Knostman, Norbert J . Knutson, Kathryn Dale Kobe, Francis X. Koch, Dorotha D. Kocon, Cecilia C. Koehl, Frank J. Ford Matching GUts Koehl, George W. Koehler, Diane S. Koehler, Richard Koehler, Richard M. Koeller, Joyce A. Koenig, Dorutld J. Koerner, Eldon A. Koerner, Gall H. Koerner, Harold E. Koester, Raymond J. Koesters, Ronald L. Kohl, Charles E. Kohlrieser, Francis L. Kohnen, Anthony H. Kokenge, Bernard R. Koman, Ca_rol W. Konczal, Jr., Michael J. Konczal, Raymond E. Kondaff, George V. Koogler, Robert F. Kopp, Martin E. Korte, Patricia P. Kosater, Norbert Kosman, John A. Kotz, Warren C. Ko\·erman, John R. Kover man, William F. Kowalski, NaUer c. Kozlowski, Waller J. Krach, Edward J. Krafka, Rudolph Krait, David C. Kraft, Ma.rUyn T. Kraft, Walter C. Kra 1, Robert Kramer, Arnold H. Kramer, Arthur G. Kramer, Jr., George A. Kramer, LeoN. Krampe, James E. Krantz, Waller J. Kraus, Ronald G. Krause, G. Cary Krebs, Frederick G. Krebs, Leo F . Kreidler, Jacob L. KreUzer, John C. Kremer, John D. Kremer, Robert E. Kress, Ronald L. Kretzler, Carl D. Kreuger, Janet H. .Kreusch, Eugene F. Kreutzjans, George H. Krich, Ardell P. Kroger, Claude 0. Kroger, Paul R. Krohn, Edith G. Kronenberger, Earl J. Kronke, Charles H. Krouse, Albert C. Krueger, Alrna M. Krueger, William E. Krumholtz, Wllliam R. Kruskamp, Leo T. Kuebel, rnniel J. Kuenle, Andrew J . Kuhn, Albert J. Kuntz, Andrew J. Kuntz, Edward J. Kunlz., Eileen M. Kuntz, Gerard B. Kwttz, Marjorie C. Kuntz, Peter H. Kuntz, Richard P. Kuntz, sarah M. Kuntz, WilHam C. Kuntz, William J.
52 56 (56) 53 61 56 50 41 (61) 60 58 61 49 57 57 50 49 56 60 56 57 42 (26) 53 31 56 58 31 61 58 32 (58) (62) 51 30 51 58 54 60 22 29 50 61 56 (62) 52 48 57 51 53 48 58 57 54 36 80 55 50 54 59 51 28 50 47 08 53 04 58 23 57 59 51 59 52 56 50 54 57 52 58 34 60 50 41 42 42 51 58 50 44 59 50 50 32 38 30 21 (21) 48 60 49 50 (26) (61) (50) 14
Kurtz., Eleanor A. Kussman, John C.
Kutscher, Mary R. Kutscher, Theodore E.
Labbe, James E. Lacey, Norman L. Lackey, PhylHs J. LaFayette, Mary L. Lafayette, Rolland W. Lagnese, John E. Lat, Richard S.W. Lair, Joseph L. Lake, Lynn J. Lamoureux, Charles A. Lander, Jr., Herbert R. Landgren, Suzanne P. Landis, James M. Landsledel, James A. Lane, Donald J., Joyce H. Lanese, Wllbur J. Lang, Carl L. Lang, George E. Lang, Robert F. Lan~n, Mary C. Lange, Donald R . Lange, Frederick L. Lange, NUl lam H. Langen, Allan T. I..araia, Jr., Martin P. Larson, Charles M. Laub, William C. Lauber, James N. Lauch, Richard P. Lauterbur, Richard C. Lavelle, Stanton F. Lawson. Jr., Douglas Layman, Constance L. Laylon, Gary R. Leahy, Robert C. Leary, Jr., Daniel L. Leary, James F. Leary, Lynn W. Leary, Norman J. LeBoeuf, Martin G. LeBoeuf, VIola M. Lechner, Patricia 0. Lechner, Thomas P. Ledford, Frank F. Lee, Benjamin A. Lee, Paul M. Lee, PbJUp J.W. Leen, Maurice J. Leese, Barbara L. Leese, Donald A. Leese~ Lawrence E. Lehman, Richard R. Lehmann, Joseph A. Lelbfrltz, John C. Leibold, Joseph L. Leigh, Joseph M. Leist, Richard w. Leiter, Jack 0. Leitz, Paul D. Lemming, James J. Lennon, Jerome F. Lenz, William J. Leopard, Barbara A. Leopard, Donald 0. Leschansky, Edward J, Lessis, Irene S. Levitt, M.artin E. Levy, Davids. Levy, Elliot L. Lewls, Donald R. Lewis, Jr., Frank Lewis, WUllam H.
Leyda, WllUam N. Uberto, David S. Liddy, Hobert J. Lieberman, Jean K. Liebler, Lee J. Llenesch, Carl B. Uenesch, Edward J. Lienesch, Eltzabeth H. Lieneseh, James H. Wenesch, Paul E. Lienesc.h, Theodore F. Ltenesch, Theodore R. Llke, Lee w. Limbert, Frank J. Lindner, Gisela t. Lindon, Robert G. LloUno, Peter J. Lipcha.k, Janel G. Lipp, Robert w. LUkowski, Eugene C. LUkowski, Paul E. W\Ue, .P aul J. Littleton, Lenore B. Lltz"tnger, Rlchard T. Llzardl, CaUterine E. Lloyd, Mary E. Lochle!eld, Daniel H. t.ochtefeld, Jerome J,
52 47 43 56 57 (60) (41)
58 52 53 59 (56) 27 60 26 80 50 57 (58) 58 58 59 (24) 31 32 50 51 57 50 55 57 57 59 53 60 55 60 49 80 58 59 50 51 55 (29) 50 58 49 51 55 35 52 48 (37) 60 53 55 49 22 47 (28) 60 55 50 61 53 55 (63) 55 56 51 (43) 80 57 59 (61) 52 59 59 58 31, 35 52 60 20 22 60 59 32 21 49 52 60 58 51 60 55 37 (23) 56 34 56 55 46 60 49 (59)
Locke, J. William Locke, Patricia C. Lockhart, Jr. , James J. Loe, William P. Loeb, Robert W. LOeb, Rosemary C. Loeber, Louis Loesch, Patricia D. Loftus, Philip A. Loges, G. Kramer Lomax, EcUth C. Lombard, John A. Long, Dorotha S. Long, Jr., Henry A. Long, Michael E. Long, Paul C. Longfellow, John R. Longo, Alice B. Longo, Sr., Edward C. Longo, Jr., Edward c. Lonsway, Gerard E. Lopez, Rosemary E. Lorenz, James E. Lorenz, Joan S. Lorenz, Terrence J . Losh, Armin P. Loukos, Donald F. Lowry, George W. Lowry, Patrick A. Lubbers, Bartlett C. Luby, Patrick J. Lucas, Julia E. Lucas, Mary Lucius, Earl L. Ludwig, Audrey M. Luehrs, John W. Lukacs~ Junette B. Lukaswitz, William J. Lumpkin, Richard C. Lupo, Edmund J. Luther, John M. Luthman, Rlchard E. Lutbman, Robert R. Lutlrel, Mary B. Lutz, John R. Lulzweil, Walter F. Lyle, Carole J, Lynch, Gerald J. Lynch, Terrence P. Lyons, Bobble G.
51 51 61 52 50 48 32 48 58 41 51 (40) 44 58 61 51 35 59 33 57 60 (39) 54 51 50 51 (58) 53 59 47 52 48 40 58 50 61 80 24 58 59 54 50 50 (48) 50 50 61 (27) 48 (62)
57 38 58 56 McLaughlin, Phillip J , 59 McLln, Ronald W. 50 McMahon, Robert L. 55 Mc Millan, Mary B. 57 McNabb, Lucy A. 61 McNeill, Edward J. (57) McNelly, Byron L. 49 MacCanon, Eldon c. 60 MacGregor, Nicoline M. (58) MJ.chowsky, Gerald V. 58 Mack, James M. 48 Mackey, Catherlne R. 55 Mackey, Paul 1. (57) Ma.cNealy, Rnbert G. 49 MacPherson, David H. 42 Madden, George & 58 Mader, Donald L. 50 Madigan, James P. 56 Madigan, Thomas E. (51) Magln, Pblllp J. 56 MagUari, Richard C. 39 Maher, Thomas E. 80 Mahle, Bernard V. 56 Mahle, Edward L. 52 Mahle, John L. 34 Mahl melster, J. Edward 57 Mahlmeisler, Thomas G. (80) Mahone, James A. 57 Mahone, Leona. B. 12 Mahrt, Alphonse H. 50 Maier, Robert H. 57 Makley, John T. 27 Makley, Louts W. 40 Makley, Tod A. OS Malinski, John J. 35 Malloy, Edward Q. 54 Malloy, Vincent C. 34 Malone, Edward F. (33) Malone, WilHam T. 44 Ma..loney, Anna S. 54 Maloney, E. P'd.trick 31 Maloney, John D. 57 Manctnj, Michael D. 49 Mann, Robert E. (61) Manning, Harold C. 39 Manning, Thomas P. 53 Manny, Edward P. (45, 47) Mantey, Robert F. 35 Marchal, Herman J. 49 Mardis, Verde1.a F.
McKiernan, Joan C. Me Knight, Howard E. McLaughlin, !rven L.
51 McAnespie, Dolores A. (23) McAnesp1e, Louis J. 55 Mar lnak, Rita F. McAuliffe, Robert J. 57 Mar1nak, Stephen J. McAvoy, Jerome B. 57 Marlscalco, Barto J , McAvoy, Margaret B. 60 Mark, James J. Me Barron, James W. 41 ~iarkus, GeorgP W. McBride, Charles J. 29 Markus, Helen E. McBride, Edgar J. 17 Markus, Margaret A. McBride, Edward J. 50 Marous, Albert R. McBride, Gerald A. 57 Marous, J. Joseph. McBride, Richard J. 32, 34 Marrinan, Edward L. Me Bride, RDberl L. 52 McCafiery, James R. M..'\rshall.~ Evalyn E. (62) Marshall, Frank H. Me Cally, Paul L. 20 McCarthy, Daniel J. Marshall, Richard E. Marsico, Evelyn G. 28 McC-arthy, Dra.niel R. 57 McCarthy, Robert A. Marsico, Francis P. 48 McCarthy, Thomas H. Martin, Charles E. 50 Martin, Herman J. McCarty, Vera S. 28 Martin, Lucille P. McClearl Robert D. 61 McClellan, Michael F. Marlin, Philip H. 50 McCloskey, Wllbur C. Martin, Raymond J. 31 MeCormitk, Fred E. Marzluft, Louls M. 49 M.arzluft, Matthew J. McCormick, William A. 59 McCrate, Mary D. Mason, Jeanne B. 31 McDonald, Arthur P. Mason, Richard 59 McDonald, Edward G. Masterson, Terence A. 50 McDonald, James R. Mathes, Joseph F. 59 MeDonalcl, Mildred B. Matsoa, Aone C. 59 McDonald, Nancy M. Matson, Richard D. 54 McDonald, Nell R. Matt, Jose{tl P. 52 McDonald, William G. Mattingly, Joseph G. 59 McEldowney, Ralph H. MaUlngly, Marie S. 80 McEnroe, Ann R. Mattingly, Thurman Jos. 59 McEnroe, Paul B. Mauch, James R. (62) McEwen, Ruth J. Maupin, John G. 18 McFarland, Msgr. J.D. May, Wi.Jliam F. 49 McGarry, John L. Mayer, Richard E. 48 McGarry I Myra a. Mayer, Richard T. McGary, Johns. 60 Mayer, Robert c. 50 McGlllln, James G. Mayer, William E. 61 McGinnis, w. Edward Mayerson, Manue1 0. McGinty, James R. 58 Mayl, Eugene A. 59 •Mayl, J. Ellls McGlolhln, Ronald B. 53 McGovern, Frederick J. Mayl, Joseph E. 50 McGrath, Anna J. Mayt, wuuam c. 52 McGrath, Richard J. Mehrfort, Liesel E. 60 McGraw, Jr., James A. Meineke, Donald E. ~4 McGraw, James E. Meislerheim, James A. 51 McCree, Thomas J. Mellas, Sam P. 48 McGuire, Ballne T. Meloni, Robert A. 61 McGuire, Richard J. Melvin, Francls B. 55 McHenry, David w. Melvin, Gisela M. (50) McHugh, John P. Moucs!k, Josepb L. (60) Mcintyre, James P. Mendell, Eileen F. 58 Mengos, C. Peter McKale, Constance A.
61 61 49 51 44 46 40 (60) 59 48 55 31 57 52 52 35 48 51 54 (59) 29 28 52 49 55 24 (48) 59 (80) 61 59 (~I)
56 35 51 51 51 54 25 38 20 08 06 51 48 52 (63) 51 (63) 54 60 (61) 39 61
(61) 80 49 58 Messtna, Al!red 43 Messler, Betty J . 24 Metzger, Rev. Ambrose 23 Meyer, Howard J. 54 Meyer, Irene M. 53 Meyer, James M. 51 Meyer, Nancy N. Meyer, Raymond V. 39 50 Meyer, RoUert L. (37) Meyer, William H. (61) Meyers, Charles L. Meyers, Palrlcla M. 59 58 Meyers, Willia rn M. 28 Meyring, Arthur N. 41 MJchacl, Frances C. 55 Michael, Russell J. 36 Michaelson, Michael P . 26 Michel, Jerome F. 59 ?-'lick, Thomas C. 61 Mickley, Charles L. Middendorf, Gerald P. 80 49 Middleton, Thomas M. 28 Miehls, Hubert 35 Mlkolajewskl, Frank N. Mikolajewski, Richard J. 38 20 Miles, John D. Millard, Rlchard z. 58 56 M1ller, Betty A. Miller, Jr., Charles R. 59 52 Miller, Cletus J. Miller, Frederick J. 55 49 Miller, Frederick R. 80 Miller, Gerald H. 61 Miller, Gerald H. 57 Miller, Gerald M. Mjller, H. John 51 (53) Miller, Hugh R. Mlller, James L. 50 Miller~ James M. 59 Miller, LeRoy E. 49 Miller, Lois K. 58 Miller, Mary S. 60 (63) Miller, Michael B. (80) Miller, Nancy L. •Miller, Oscar C. 92 Miller, ?atricia F. 55 M111er, Paul E. 57 (59) Miller, Raymond J, Mlllet, Carlos R. 60 40 MHlonig, Arthur F. 49 Millonlg, Magdalena E. Mills, Gordon W. 50 Milord, Robert 0. 49 Minardi, John E. 55 Minch, Robert J. 50 Mi1melli, Marlon A. 80 Minnerup, Robert J. 23 Minnich, James I. 56 Misrach, Stanley a. 49 (63) Missig, James R. (63) Missig, Marvin J. Mitak1des, Andrew E. 49 MitcheU, Charles 29 Mitchell, Eugene M. 50 Mitchell, Jean R. 46 Mllchell, Joyce A. 80 Mitchell, Myron M. (57) Mizsak, Stephen A. 61 Mocny, Richard T. 61 Mohlman, Henry T. 60 Moler, JoAnn a. 50 Monahan, William C. 56 Moncada, Robert W. 58 Monlngton, George D. 51 Monntg, Thomas E. 56 Monnin, Edwtn J. (60) Monnin, Howard J. 51 Monnin, Joseph 1. (60) Monroe, Homer K. 47 Montgomery, Herbert A. 58 Montgomery, Jeanne F. 58 Montgomery, Raymoud E. 50 Moody, Jack R. 49 Mooney, Mildred 48 Moore, Darrell R. 51 Moore, Horace c. 50 Moore, John E. 55 Moore, Richard E. 57 Moore, RuUt Y. 48 Moore, Willis 52 Moosbrugger, Louis 00 Moosbrugger, Paul H. 49 Moots, Harold J. 50 Moran, James W. 58 Morasco, Bernardlne A. 52 Morl, Joseph H. 47 Moriarty, Thomas K. 59 Morln, Barbara J. 57 Moritz, Marlin F. 41 Moritz, Thomas W. 59 Morningstar, Murel G. 56 Morris, Thomas J, 58 Morrisey, Edward J. 49 Morse, Betty R. 44 Mereness, W. MJcbael
Mergler, Mark 0 .
Merkle, Joseph F.
Morse, Billy K. Mo.rt, Charles B. Mosey, Martha C. Mosrow, Jacob Molt, Charles F . Mouch, Harold J. Moylan, Joseph J. Mroz, Rev . Grattan Mueller, Carolyn H. Mueller1 James C. Mueller, James W. Mueller, Rita N. Mulcahy, Lawrence R. Mulcahy, Thomas J. Muldoon, Anna M. Mullen, Leroy C. Mullin, Brian J. Mullins, Raymond J. Mullman, Raymond P. Mumma, Richard L. Munger, Marion M. Munger, Raymond J. Murphy, Joan E. Murray, Thomas J. Muth, Howard W. Muth, Jerome E. Mulh, Jerome J. Muth, Paul G. Muth, Thomas L. Muzi, Titus J. Muzio, Charles G. Myers, Edmund E. Myers, Harry J. Myers, Roland W.
53 51 56 36 61 46 50 47 57 54 50 53 41 59 52 41 59 58 56, 59 55 59 50 59, 61 24 32 50 (28) 35 55 52 57 51 49 39
Nanci, James R. Narlker, John R. Narlker, Leo J. Nash, Charles J. Nash, Donald J. Nash, E. nlle Nash, John F. Naugle, Charles A. Nealon, Carol 0. Nealon, Dtniel A. Nee!, WUllam M. Nelf, Constance S. Neir, Leo L. Neff, Nona H. Neher, Joseph R. Neidert, Donald F. Neu, L. Donald Naumann, Fred T. Neumann, Suzanne M. Nevares, Jose R. Nevius, Eugene Newman, Richard D. Newman, Ronald K. Newsock, John Newton, Msgr. WlUiam L. Niekamp, John F . Nieman, Francis G. Nies, Robert A. Nie tert, Floyd F. Nighan, William L. Noble, Leona B. Noe, Barbara A. Nolan, Marilyn C. Nolan, William J. Nolan, William L. Nolting, John L. Nolling, Martha M. Norckauer, Fred A. Northrop, Paul G. Norton, Richard 0. Nourol, Richard D. Nugent, R.ev. Clarence A. Nunn, Theodore J. Nutt) Donald A. Nyhan, Thomas C.
(63) 59 25 59 (36) 59 57 57 59 57 50 44 57 55 43 57 34 94 61 (59) 35 59 57 39 24 58 57 51 20 61 80 59 53 49 36 54 54 12 50 51 53 16 56 (59) 55
Obee, Duncan F. Oberfield, Barbara V. Obergefell, Rona1d F . Obergefell, Suzanne M. Oberst, Cletus E. 0' Brien, Judy S. O'Brien, Patricia J. O'Brien, 'P aul D. O'Brien, Richard J. O'Brien, Robert G. O'Brien, Robert J. O'Brien, W. Daniel O'Brien, William E. 0' Bryan, Peter C. Obszarny, Thomas J. o•campo, Gl:ldys W. O'Connell, Carol P. O'Connell, Daniel J. O'Connell, Gerald F. O'Connen, Palrlck J. O'Connor, Teresa A. O'Connor, William P. 0' Diam, Benjamin F. O'Donnen, Paul V. Oclma.n, RobertS. O'Grndy, John J. 0' H.ara, Gerald T.
41 54 59 58 52 (52) 48 50 50 55 49 52 51 57 59 49 57 51
(45) 41 38 56 60 59 18 60
O'Hare, Maurice J. Ohmer, Allee E. Ohmer, Ruth M. O'Leary, Angela B. Olenllc, Joseph B. Olsen, Tbomaa A~ Olsen, WllU.a.m c. Oil, ClU!ord I. Omietanaki, George M. OmJetanskl, JoseP, P. Ondercln, John S. O'Neill, Catherine F. O'Neill, Elizabeth S. O'Nslll, WUIIam S. O'Neill, Winfield A. Oppenheim, Robert B. O'Reilly, John J. O' Rourke, Paul M. Ostendorf, Bernard A. Ostendorf, Catherine D. Ostendorf, Edward B. Osteodorf, Joseph A. Ostendorf, Philip J. Oeterfeld, Henry J . Oswald, Muriel R. Oswetler, Paul J, Otero, Raymond B. Otho, Jooeph A. O'Toole, Edward J . Otto, Howard R. Otto, Loulo A. Overly, Howard E. Overwein, Betty M. Overweln, Joseph H.
(95) 40 (40) 59 38 58 44 51 51 60 51 59 57 52 54
50 57 43 57, 81 55 57 (60) 49 50 41 52 60 55 40 51 33 53 43 43
Pacini, Emo 36 54 Page, Thoma a F. Palazzolo, Anthony J. 60 Palclc, Pb!Up T . 60 42 Palmer, Leo E . Palmerl, Daniel F . so Palmert, Julia R. 52 57 Pank, H. Robert Papanutan!ou, Aepasia Z. so Paquelet, Cha.rlea F. 28 so Parenti, Fra.n.k: V. Park, Jooeph D. 29 Parker, Jamea R. 55 58 Parrish, Jamea E. Partlow, Da.vid F . 59 Partlow, Nellie L. 60 48 P".L8chal, Mary B. 60 Paaoanit!, Michael G. 48 Patrae, HarrietT. Patterson, Benjamin M. 30 28 Pa.t:lereon, R. Wllllam 54 Ron. Patton, Thomas F . 53 Paul, Dale A. 58 Paul, Dean E . Paul, Joanne s . 56 54 Paul, VIncent J . Paulaon, Ardell C. 55 Paulu., Clarence F. 23 (81) Pauly, Bernard L. Pawley, Earlene E. 55 Pax, Charles E. 58 Pa:x.aon, James E. 58 47 Payne, Burdell B. 51 Payne, Jeanette S. 30 Payne, Mary a. 34 Payne, Robert C. 22 Payne, Sr., Robert M. 58 Payne, Jr., Robert M. 58 Peck, Arthur R. 47 Peerless, Pea; K. Peg, James A. 50 Pennlnat-on, Robert E . 59 44 Perklna, Betty B. Perldna, Robert J. 44 57 Perreira, GUbert F . Per rot Ia, Cbrlotophn J. 51 Perry, Louie .B. (43, 59) Peterman, Cbarlea E. 23 Peters, DanJel J . 58 Petera, David L. sa 53 Petera, Leroy W. Peters, Margaret E. 59 Petkus, Joseph R. so Petrie, John A. 58 Petrie, Unda L. 60 (58) Pelroaky, George D. 49 Pet.achell, Henry A. 50 Petty, James B. (28) PfeUfer, Allred Pfelffer, David L. 52 PfeUfer, John J. 53 Pfister, GltM W. 43 Pflater, Robert. F. 38 (25) PflalliD, Sr., George A. 58 Pflaum, Jel.llM C. Pbelpo, illlrl>Uo. A. 58 51 PbUJJpo, Marianne R. 51 PhllUpo, Tbomao E. Phlppo, Aaron c. 53 57 Piatt, C. Ronald Plekulowokl, Walter v. 28 27 Pier, Fred A.
PIDc!ott!, Donald J. Plng, Laura P. Pinkerman, Barbara J , P!nn, Frank J . Pinto, Lllrry Plrrung, Paul F. Ptsano, Marlo P. Pitzer, KeMeth L. Plage, Marun E. Ptaee, Mary H. Plathe, Anna B. Plumer, Edward F. Plumer, Francia J. Plumer, Paul J . PoeWns, James E. Poelk!nc, Jooeph Poeppel-., William A. Poeppel meier, Elmer J . Poeppelmeler, Leo G. Poeppelmeier, Vloc.enl E. Pobl, Kenneth P . Pobl, Shirley A. Poblabel, Thomu J . Pokorny, Bessie L. Poliquin, Allred L. Pope, Henry Popik, Jooeph F . Porter, Donald J. Porter, Guy H. Porter, James w. Porter, Jean K. Porter, Robert P. Porter, W!llJam J. Poet, John L. Potoc&ak, J . Frederick Potlo, Jobn K. Powell, Jerry E. Powers, E. M.lcha.el, James W. Powera, Mary A. Powera, WUllam M. Pozelnlk, Anthony A. Pragaloa, carmela V. Pretzi.nger, Robert 8 . Previlh, Jo1eph M. Prewitt, Henry D. Price, John A. Priest, Kenneth A. Prlncehouae, Frances P . Princehouse, Joseph B. Pritchard, Howard T. Pruzzo, John L. Pumphrey, Judltb A. Purpue, Paul B. Puterta"ib, Robert L. Quatman, Jooeph B. Quay, William Quedeweu, Beverly J. Quigley, Clarence Raab, Leonard A. Rader, Fra.ncu J . Rail!, helen M. Ralff, Jerome E. Ra.Uf, Lawrence C. Ralna, Cha.rlea Rail, Paul M. Rail, Richard M. Rlndall, Arlie J. Randall, Maude S. Rapp, Rlta M. Ratalc&ak, Franc:IJI R. Ratalc&ak, John R. Rathoack, Richard J . Ra.thwea, Elmer A. Ratterman, VlrgtnJ.a B. Rau, GeorJe J. Rauch, Henry A. Rauh, Robert A. Rauano, Frank A. Reagan, Edpr J. Reap.n. Terrence P. Rec.her, Walter E. Rec.hUen, Henry C. Rec:ker, Robert B. Recker, Robert C. Recouper, MaryS. Redder, Howard J. Redd!nc, Herbert J. Reed, Donald P. Reed, Mae J. Reed, Tommy B. Reel, Jamea 0 . Reeves, Jobn P. Reeves, Robert P. Regan, Owen W. Repn, Paul c . Rebaco, Ted A. Reich, Marilyn T . R~lch, Natbanlel K. Relcbard, Maurice R. Relchlrd, Thoma• E . Reicher, Wilma A. Reidy, Edward T. Reidy, Lowoll T. Rei1er, Arthur C.
47 57 58 58 (56) 58 58 49 60 57 59
so (57) 55 55 (32) 54 14 (20)
41 61 57 51 48 23 61 51 51 51 53 52 51 56 60 56 60 57 50 58 58 58 35 58 58 58 55 55 59 61 51 51 52 (62) (29) (81) 38 24 59 08 (63) 40 57 59 61 43 80 56 51 60 50 54 58 60 (27) 60
30 34 49 53 t2 59 50 42 (54) 53 52
so (41) 80 48 53 57 40 (44) 37 52 60 57 52 35 52 59
so 59
31 Reil!nc, Char leo J . 36 Reil!nc, Robert C. 60 Reil!nc, Suzanne G. 34 Reil!nc, VIctor G. 30 Reiling, Sr., Waller A. 61 RellinJ, Jr., Waller A. 26 Reilly, Leo (50) Reilly, Thomas D. Relily, Wllilam F . 60 42 Reindl, Harold 48 Reindl, Lloyd J. 48 Reinhard, Mary E. 28 Reia, Joseph F. 22 Reising, Leater E. 58 Remke, Nancy J . 51 Remnant, Allee I. 50 Reoa.c:s, Steve J . 58 Renaux, John G. 27 Renner, Robert C. 60 Renner, Robert G. (43) Reneel, Uoyd 58 Retter, John A. 60 Reynolds, Allred R. 47 Reynolds, Dorothy B. 51 Reynolde, Edward E. 58 Reynolds, Mary A. 60 Renolde, Ronald L. 19 Reynolds, Rev~ Thomas E. 29 Reynolds, William J . 50 Rhodes, Louie H. 59 Rlaz~t, Ann F. 57 Rta.zzl, Car men J . 58 Ricco, Ba&il W. 49 Ricbarde, William L. so Rlch..on, Robe rl E. 60 Rlchter, Ectward C . (58), Dennis J . 58 Rickey, Kenneth L. 50 Ridgway, Cbarlea W. 51 Ridgway, Glen E. 57 Rieger, Gerald J . 58 Riel, Will lam B. 57 Rlgo, Donald w. 59 Rigot, Gerald J. 57 Hon. Rllce, llllvid L. 58 Riley, Catherine B. 50 Riley, James A. 52 Riley, John E. 48 Riley, Madeleine U. 59 Riley, William J. 53 Rinaldi, Shirley J . 56 Rlndler, Carl W. 52 Rlndler, WUllam G. 35 Rion, Paw w. 46 Rlaacher, Gerard H. 59 Ritter, Char lea J . 57 Ritz, John P. 57 Robbeloth, Raymund J . 53 Roberta, Shearl J, 36 Robertaon, Sloan D. 44 Robinson, James H. 60 Roblnoon, Paul L. so Rob!naon, Pbllip E . 61 Roby, Jobn E. 54 Roccanova., Peter F. 59 Roder, Helen 0. 60 Roderer, Rosalte M. 36 Roesch, Rev. Raymond A. 58 Roettele, Donald L. 60 Rogerson, Edward A. 80 Rogua, Joseph F. (45) Rohner, Ralph 32 Rohner, Robert 0 . 53 Rohr, Thomaa E. 36 Robr, Urban E. 50 Roll, Jack w. 50 Roll, RJchlrd J . (58) Roman, Donald F. 57 Romer, Dln.lel C. 50 Romer, Daniel M. Romer, Harry J . 50 60 Romer, James F. 81 Romea, Donald J . 51 Roof, Rudy F. (81) Rooney, Victor M. 51 Rose, Norman L. Rosenbeck, Margaret P . 53 56 Rosensweet, Robert M. Roae.ntha1, Miriam 60 Ron. 60 Roeblr.owakl, Donald G. 59 Roamarln, John G. 55 Rosa, Herbert M.. 59 ROiaeUt, Patricia E . so ROlla, Samuel C. 54 Roth, Georae J . 60 Roth, Sharon K. 28 Rothenberc, Allred w. (15) Rotterman, Louie J . 48 Rotterman, Tbomaa R. 54 Rousb, Jack B. ~4 Rowe, George D. 60 Rozzo, Felix J. 58 Rudduck, Roger C . 47 Rudnlcld, Rlcbard J . 39 Rudzienald, Alex A. 52 Rueger, WUlla.m J. 28 Ruetb, William J .
Roll, Johanna K. RuU, Lawrence A. R"ib, Betty C. R"ib, Walter B. Ruhl, Dooald 1!. Runkel, Augustine J . Rupert, William J. Rupp, Richard L. Ruppert, Cbarles L. Ruppert, Shirley A. Rush, Anthony P. Rush, Charles R. Russ, Chester W. Russell, John L. Russell, Maurice ~ Russell, Raymond Ruaselo, WLlliam B. Rulb, John P. Ruther, Robert D. Ryan, Mogr. Carl J . Ryan, Lawrence A. Ryan, Walter J . Rybeck, Erllca S. Ryder, Anna Marte Saal, Wllllam J . Silbo, Willlam J . Sachs, J. Howard Saeks, Reuben R. Saettel, Oliver 0. Sagglo, John A. Sal<al, Lois R. Sakal, Robert S. Sakala.s, Dora W. Sa.kala.s, George V. Salm, John w. Salm, L. Joseph Salmon, John W. Samu, Joseph J. Sander, Edward G. Sa.nder, Edward G. Sande, Mary L. San Fnncloco Chapter Sarmir, Robert M. Baoak, Barbara A. Sauer, H. Virginia Sauer, John C. sauerman, William D. Saunders, Robert W. Saurine, Robert J. Savino, Joseph D. Sayour, P.lul T. Sayre, Richard L. Scalzitti, Car mine J. ScarpellJ, Arthur T . Scbad, Martha E. Schaefer, Eugene L. Schaefer, John L. Schaefer, Mariam W. Scbaeler, Mary L. Scbaeler, ruta H. Scbaeler, Robert L. SChaefer, Wllllam J . Scbardt, Elwood E. Scharf, Cyril c . Scbauerte, John F. Scheiber, Richard W. Scheidler, Donald J . *Scheidler, Neal L. Scheidler, Ray T. Schell, Jose}it F . Schemmel, MarJorie D. Scbenking, Jobn H. Scherer, Mary E. Scherzinger, Mark N. Scheuermann, Ricbard C. Schiavo, Charles Schleman, Rlcbard D. Sc:hlll, Eugene W. Schlmansld, William H. Schlml, Bernard L. Scblmmoiler, Donald J . Schlagbaum, George A. Schlattman, Ruasell H. Schlegel, Donald L. Scblei, Edward J . Schllpp, Carl E. Schlotterer, Joseph H. Schmall, Florence L . Scbmall, Robert A. Schmalz, Francie H. Schmelzer, Char lea D. Schmid, Jobn R. Scbmidt, Cilllord J . Schmidt, Frank L. Schmidt, Leland c . Schmidt, Robert J . Schmieetnc, Jeanette E. Schmitz, Allred w. Schmitz, Francis H. Schmitz 1 Jerome B. Schmitz, John c . Schneble, Clemen.e Sc.bneble, Martin Schneble, Rlcbard C . Schneble, WUUam J . Schneider, Char lea J. Schneider, Nicholas M.
35 58 45 43 47 53 46 58 43 4~
40 (34) 57 25 31
(41) (13) 55 49 15 58 32 52 30 60 59 31 34 36 57
58 57 58 31
sa (34) (42) 22 60 41 60 58 54 54
58 (38) 51 80 24 52 34 (42) 05 56 59 51 59 50
43 24 (60) 08 48 55 59 50 46 59 60 60 60 (43) 50 81 55 53 54
so u 56 43 54 58 56 55 51 (57) 61 (63) 50 47
43 58 28 ~2
34 58 31
12 28 60 58 30
Schnetzer, War!an B. 54 54 Schnetzer, Robert F. Schnurr, Fraocls M. 41 Schoch, Dennie F . 50 Schoch, Michael s . 51 Schoen, Alex H.. (44, 51) Scholey, John T . 48 Scboll, Kent K. 50 Scholle, Carroll M. 38 (48) Schooley, John W. Schopler, Francis A. 36 Schorr, Paul G. 58 (38) Schreck, Rev. Albert L. Scbrelber, Paul W. 50 49 Schroader, Marguerite T. Scbrod!, Jaek s. Schroeder, Clalr E. 49 41 Schroeder, Jeanne M~ Schroeder, WUUa.m M. 39 Schroer, Robert J . 58 Schroerluke, Eugene J . · 60 (SI) Scbube, U.lchael B. Schubert, Francia J. 53 Schuetz, Joseph R. 60 Schulenberg, Fred W. 37 Schuler, James A. 4~ 42 Schuler, John E. 52 SChuler, Walte.r R. (26) SChulke, Charles W. Schulkere, Joseph R . 42 (45 ME) Schultz, Donald G. 59 Schulz, Cbarles H. 60 Scbulze, Cyril H. SChumacher, Rev. Alpbonae 13 57 Schumac.ber, Howard H., Ja.mea C. 33 Sc:hurer, John T . 60 Schwartz, Irving L. 42 Scbwutz, Mary L. 60,61 Schwartz, Noel F. 58 59 Schwartz, Robert B. Sc.hweller, Adele U. 43 Schwaller, Donald G. ~2 54 SchweUe.r, Mary J . Schweller, Robert J . 48 Schwendeman, James L. 37 38 Schwering, James L. 58 Scott, Charles L. 29 Scott, Joseph C. 54 Scott, Kate M. 55 Scott, Mary B. 52 Scott, Russell W. 48 Seabold. Russell E. 49 Seeboeck, Edwin J . 53 Seidel, John w. SeldenaUc:ker, L. 11 52 Selfert, Doaald N. 53 Seller, Francis J . Seiler, Janet S. 55 57 Seipel, Kathleen N. Seller, Jeannette H. 44 57 Seiter, P . David 51 Seller, Robert F . Seltz, Laverne 47 43 SeU, Marlon R. 43 Selle, Lucy F . 42 Sell, Robert M. Sewell, Albert R . 54 Shafer, Paul w. 58 Shalfer, John R. 48 Shampton, Victor M. so Shane, Richard J. 58 45 Shank, Elizabeth C. (13) Shank, R. llllv!d (62) Shank, Robert E. Shanley, Leo B. 58 Shapero, Rev. Sanford M. 50 Share, George E. 48 Sharkey, Don 34 Sharpenter, Theodore A. 28 SbarUe, Charles M. 52 55 Sbaltock, Bertell S. Shay, Bernard J . 48 Shay, Eugene M. 55 Shay, Mary M. 44 Shea, Sr., John J . 32 Shea., Jr., John J. 57 Shea, Joaepb L. 58 SheaUer, John R. 50 (38) Sheeran, Donald E. Sheetz, Thomas s. 50 Sheidler, Janet P. 49 Sheldler, Wayne C. 47 Shell, Richard G. 51 55 Sheller, John R. 5~ Shelton, Earl E. so Shelton, Norene L. Sherer, Ethel S. 49 (58) Sherer, George Sherer, Paul 32 Sberer, WUliam C. 50 Sherry, Emmett Ill. 31 Sh.orry, Robert E. 60 (30) Shields, Vincent M. Shilllto, Barry J. 48 Shlmanek, Rev. Jooepb 41 (50) Shimek, Albert J. 58 Sblnaver, Cba.rles S.
.., lrfiriam S. Shoemaker, Doria: M.. Shoup, Edward R. Shou•IJ.n, Joeeph C. Shouviln, Rapbael J. Sbowel, Leo Shroyer, Renate A. Shroyer, Robert J . S!cldng, Albert G. S!denstlck, Mirlam D. Sldera, Nelson E. S!ebenlbaler, llllvid H. S!oradold, Leooo.rd M. SIJmWJd, William H. SUbereis, Henry Silberman, Eugene S. Silcott, Tho-. Ill.. Sillo, Fred L. SU.-ert.t, Louia W. Simon, Jooeph E . Simona, Robert~ SJ mooton, WUllam L. Slmpoon, Carole Ill.. SkldmoTO, Vtrcll R. Slater, Ja.epb. F. Slater, Marie S. Sloaator, Wllllam G. Smalley, Huel Smalley, Rulb M. Smedebuob, Cornelius F. Smilg, Leona F. Smitb, AM u. Smitb, AnDa B. Smitb, Bertram J. Smith, Clyde F. Smitb, Dale J. Smith, Damon B. Smith, Denny R. Smith, Earl A. Smitb, Eimer D. Smitb, Mogr. Francia s. Smith, Harry J. Smttb, Howard 1!. Smith, H"ih Ill.. Smith, In A. Smith, James H. Smitb, James S. Smith, James V. Smitb, Jay v. Smith, Jerome A. Smitb, John H. Smitb, Joyce E. Smitb, Kennetb P. Smltb, Lawrence V. Smitb, Uoyd A. Smitb, Mark A. Smltb, Mart J. Smith, Merle P. Smith, U.lcbael T. Smitb, Pbyllia S. Smith, Robert A. Smith, Robert E. Smitb, Robert J. Smith, Roberta A. Smith, Stephen H. Smitb, Timothy J. Smith, Walter E. Smllh, Warren G. Smitb, William E. Smol1ns1d, George F. Smyth, George F . Smythe, John ~Snelllnc, Rlcbard R. StUder, W1lllam H. Snow, B. James Snyder. Bartb J . Snyder, JulieT. Sollenberger, Helen B. Sollenberger, James R. SaUer, DaVid U. Soller, John P. Somera, John J. Sommer, John G. Som.mera, David ~ SOmmers, F. Dlc:kl.naon SOmmers, Lynn 1. Sommers, Marjorie C. Sommers, Neil A. Somael, Clarence P . Spabr, Frederick L. Spakowski, Paul ~. Spangenberger, Victoria L. Spatz, Betty K. Spatz, Lola J. Spatz, Wilbur J. Spauld!ng, John J. Spearln, Mary A. Speck, Howard L. Spinola, Stanley R. Spire~ , Harold S. Splrk, John 5. Spiuer; Clem H. Spoerl, James A. Spootler, Donald E . Spraley, Clement F. Sprenll, Robert P . Sprlnc, Paul!ne A.
43 55 33
18 17 86 54 54 57 57 (62) 35 ~9
50 25 55 (62) 55 54 42
58 (17) 51 (58) 58 58 50 53 60 33 42 53 41 30 50 58 55
sa 07 (62) 14 54 51 41 47
so 60 59 59 80 (81) 55 52 58 54 55 52 25 53 60 54
38 57 (61) 54 58 51 (80)
57 53 (32) 37 (61) 61 51 31 (43) 58 58 60 57 42
51 58 41 (81) 40 53 (32) 50 54 (60) (60) (60) 53 58 54 27 34 30 57 38 57 53 60 51 51
Sprtncer, Mupret S. Sprlnltel, EUiene R. Spjlr!don, S. K. Stafford, Carmen V. Stallard, Ja mea R. Sta.!Eer, Eucene A. Paul J. Slankard, Robert J. stanton, John S. Staton, Harvey J . Staub, Barbara A. Staudter, Donald V. Staudter, Patricia S. Stauller, VIolet R . Sleberl, Jeaae E. Steele, Charles W. Steele, Rlta P. Steel-n, Tho-. E . Stefuto, Jerome s. Stecer, Elmer F. Steinbrunner, Richard ~ St.einbruege, Jobn B. Steiner, Jack E . Ste!nmet&, Edward A. Stelzer, CyrU Stelzer, Donald L. •Stemley, Joseph S. Stenger, Euaene W. Stermer, Joaepb E. Stevenaon, Jac.k L. Stewart, Donald E. Stewart, Harry D. Stewart, Rlc:hard L. SUch, Beverly T . SUch, Henry A. Stilwell, Frank B. Stinaon, ~!lbur Stockl, Barbara J. Stoecklein, Clarence J . Stoecklein, Jack H. Stoecklein, Robert J. Stoecklein, Wllllam E. stoermer, EdwardS. StoiJ, Donald J. Stolly, John A. Stoltz, Vlrpnla A. stoughton, Francea Stover, Florence w. Stovtc:ek, Frank G. Strady, William E. Straasberg1 George F. Straaaer, Robert A. stralhearn, William H. strattner, Lawrence W. •strugarek, Richard L. (In memory of) Strehle, Frederick B. Strobhar, Marprel R. St.romi111er, Rebecca M. Strosnider, James l. Stroup, Edward J. Struclt, Katherine E. Struck, Wllllam L. Stueve, John J , stueve, Patricia W. Stuhlmueller, ClUford F . Stukenborg, James L. Stutz, Ralph M. Sublor, Edward J. Sucher, Louie A. Sulllvan, Dorothy D. Sullivan, Joaeph M. Sulilnn, June M. SUllo, SUmner, William R. Suaco, Milton L. SU.or, Thomaa G. Sultman, Lou.t. L. Suttmann, AI T . Sutt-.n, Patricia J. Suttmiller, Cilllord J . Svelllncer, Jack J. Swank, Robert 1!. Swartt.el, Robert L. Sylvain, Donald B. Synnott, Marlin C. Szelong, Jerome J. Szwa.rc, Raymond T .
60 42 50 50 57 42 51 61 37 (35) 59 59 57 58 49 50 47 (63) 60 23 58 48 (57) 61 26 59 20 30 31 51 53 81 54 45 47 47 37 59 08
Talbot, Chlrmalne H. Talbot, William J . Tonaeman, Clarence A. Tonaeman, Donald C .
52 53 12 !62) 6JJ 59
~~JameaE .
Ta , ohn P. Tarlano, Nancy S. Ta.rtq:Uone, James P. Tale, Vtrpnla B. Taylor, C. Ed Taylor , Charles R. Taylor, CbarlH W. Taylor, Jamea R.. Taylor, Jean B. Taylor, Mary M. Taylor, Paul A. Taylor, Vaughn K. Teach, Ellis A. Temme!, Andrew L.
so 39 04 48 49 (50) 60 30 53 50 56 27 40 48
11 43 50 42 55 (35) 60 39 35
so 51 18 60 28 58 (06)
so 50 80 60 53 51 (63) 51 48 48 38 (37) 42 44 58 15 54 61
so 52 27 59 (58) 32 59 58 59 53 60 57
Terhune, Jonea L. Termini, Marlo M. Tetz!;all, LoreUa J . Thacker, Loulo A. 1balhel mer, John R. Theotnc, Joan M. 'Thes1ng1 Sr., Paul F. Thesing, Jr., Paul F. Theotnc, William J . ThUI, Charles Thomas, Adam C. Thomas, Helen L. Thomas, John W. Tbomu, Ric:ba.rd F. Thoma.&, Tho mae J. Thome, RJcbard J. Thome, Robert £. Thome, William L.. Tbompeon, Dorothy Z. Thompoon, Mary K. Thom~on, Robert E . Thunn, Ruth W. Tierney, Jooeph B. T1Kher, Albert Tiacher, Robert L. Todd, All1 0 . Toerner, John W. Tom, RJch.ard K..W. Tomamocy, Joseph A. TomlJ.n, Gale L. Toohey, Frank M. Tope, Celeste M. Tormey, Helen S. Tormey, Robert M. ToecanJ, Edmond R. TouchmiD, Racer• L. Tou.rkow, Jacques G. Traen, Leo P. Trapp, Byron E. Trentman, James J. Trick, Timothy N. Trlmbach, Kenneth L. Trlpodl, Jooeph A. Trtsael, Paul E. Trlvioon, Jooeph N. Trnln, GeorJ!anna Y. Troln, Henrt J. Trottman, Clara L. TrujUlo, Bernardo Trumble, John H. Trumble, Terry M. Truxel, Robert W. Tscherne, Adolph Tau, Rl~el Tucker, Tboma..e w. Tuite, Josephine Tuke, Fred B. Tunney, Paula S. Tupman, Louloe S. Turnbow, B. ClUford Turner 1 Bonnie C. Turner, Donald L. Turner, Marcuerite J . Tuttle, Gordon E . Tye, ROle R. Tyllnokl, AdoU S.
55 54 56 53 57 46 57 (41) 53
Uher, George A. Uhlenhake, Waller J . Ullery, Marion K. Ulllman, Joaepb J . Ullrich, Jobn K. Umlna, Joseph F. Uncer, Jooeph M. Unterburj:er, Jaek s. Unverferth, Jobn E. Updyke, Jooeph F . Uaaa, M.1c.hael J , Utb, Carl T . Uttermohle.n, Jamea E . Ultermohlen, Mary H. Utz, Ja..mee A. Uva, Nlchotaa L.
51 59 (61) 58 60 (56) 27 50 38 47 35 50 51 49 59 59
Valentine, Daniel L. Valerln, Arnoldo A. Valiquette, J!oward A. *VaUquette, Robert E. Valley, Frank E . Van Alta, Ricbard J . Van Auken, Robert D. Vanc:e, George T . Vo.ndegrl!t, Joy v. VanderHorst, Jerome P . Vanden.nder, Robert H. vancroo, Stanley Vangrove, Helene R. VanLeeuwen, Robert H. Yarp, Rlcbard S. Varga, VIrginia M. Varley, Joseph J . Varley, Mogr. Marlin M. Veda, Edward P. Veda, Joan F. Veda, Mary K. Veigel, Irene D. Velten, Edmund M.
57 54 31 24 50 60 58 51 49 51 53 37 51 (62) 81 51 40 06 53 54 58 40 43
55 52 32 43 46 55 22 57 56 38 57 47 30 53 38 50 48 54 48 57 55 58 52 (29) 58 53 51 39 58 (80) 60 51 (49)
50 49 55 31 42
60 51 81 47
58 (58) 53 (53) 52 61 46 60 59 58 38 58 35 34
Venable, Belly H. Venditti, Louio F . Verchot, Albert I. Vergaminl, Paul L. Versic, Thomas C. Vida, Georce J . Villars, Julius G. Vincent, John P. Vincke, Ba.rbara K. Vtncke, Hltarlue F . Vlncke, John J. Vogel, Eugene C. Vogel, Robert J. Vogt, Jooeph B. Vogt, Thomaa E. Volk, Norbert J . Voo All, Robert E. VonderEmbae, Norman F . VonderEmbae, Thomu J . VonderHaar, Robert F. Vondrell, John J . Von Kaenel, Jooeph •onMobr, Jerome A. Voss, LArry R. Vrooman, Wlilrren D. Wack, Madonna A. Wade, James R . Wade, Joseph F. Wadlow, Geraldine B. Wagner, Andrew Wagner, Herbert S. Wagner, J . Richard Wagner, John E . Wagner, John R. Wagner, Joseph G. Wagner, Paul A. Wagner, Paul M. Wagner, Robert J . Wagner, Roland A. Wagner, Suzanne ~ Wagner, William F . Wa.lnacott, Jerry 0 . Wald, Carl B. Walker, James E. Walker, Jane C. Walkup, Thona 1 J. Wall, H"ih E. Wall, James R. Wall, Julia A. Wallace, Arthur R. Wallace, Bernard E. Waleh, Albert Walsb, Frank B. Waleb, G. Patrick Walsh, James E. Walsh, James E . Walsh, James J. Walsh, Joyce R. Walob, Rlcbard P. Waleb, Shirley G. Walsh, WUllam B. Walob, William X. Walter, Leo F. Walter, Pb!ilp G. Walter, Robert C. Walters, Mildred T. Walters, samuel E. Walther, George N. Wamsley, Cecil D. Wamsley, Cha.rlea E. Wanda, Charles P . Wannemacher, Gf'rald J . Wa.nn.e ma.cher, Jamea P . Wannemacher, John A. Ward, Ellubetb F . Ware, Mark F. Warner, Daniel T . Warner, Larry L. Warner, Roger M. Warner, Victor H. Warren, Joaeph P . Warriner, Carlton T . Waters, Jerome E. Wathen, E. Cbapeze Watren, Paul J . Watson, Robert M. Wayt, llllvid w. Weaver, Don J. Weaver, Gene R. Weaver, Lenora N. Weaver, Marilyn L. Weber, Beverly N. Weber, Charles L. Weber, John N. Weber, Mary A. Weber, Norman W. Weber, Richard 0 . Weber, Ruth L. Weber, Vernon E. Weddington, Georce M. Weed, lll.aryell~n C. Weger, James A. Weger, Joan W. Wehinger, Robert F. Wehner, Harold E. Wehnts-r, Richard E .
(52) 57 60 55 58 49 56 48 57 58 (53) 27 (28) 21 52 57 60 50 60 57 58 34 53 52 57 47 51 58 48 69 59 59 58 53 23 38 58 50 26 49 50 (58) 50 60 54 43 34 37 49 (60) 36 22 51 60 53 51 60 51 57 54 55 48 )85) (60) 34 57 81 35 53 58 59 (57) 54 57 54 48 42 58 38 30 48 48 59 58 59 58 50 51 56 58 52 (55) 58 58 (81) 52 38 57 54 48 54 53 58 57 51 50
Weigel, Thomaa H. Weilbacher, Quintin A. Weimerskirk, Mary C. We!nochenk, Gerald N. WelB, James C. Weloman, Clara R. Weloman, Thorras H. Weiss, George R. Welage, Carl H. Welch, Frank R . Weldon, John C . Welks, Donald N. Weller, WUllam J . Wells, John M. Welob, Richard A. Weleb, Richard E. Wendelu, Dooald E. Wendling, Joyce F. Wendling, Robert L. Wening, Genevieve M. Wentnc, Robert J . Wentbe1 Thomas E.
Wentllng, William E. Weprln, Cbarleo w. Werling, Charles J , Wert, Robert E. Weser, Louis A. Wessalosky, John A. Wessell, Ronald J. Westbrock, Bernard J . Westbrook, Cbarles C. Westbrock, Mary L. Westendorf, Clarence H. Westendorf, Eugene Westendorf, Jerome E. Westendorf, Pa.ullne z. Westendorf, Robert J . Westendorf, Walter J . Weaterfleld, Charles U. Weaterheide, Donald E. Westerheide, John R. Westerbeide, John T . Westerheide, Robert L. Westertamp, Adam F ., James F. Westerkamp, Tbonas A. Wetherill, Don C. Wettrich, Mary J. Whalen, Jr ., Charles W. Whalen, Jr., Herbert E. Whalen, James D. Wbalen, Jean L. Wharton, Richard Wheeler, Donald E. Wheelock, Ladeen v. Wherry, John N. Wbetro, R.. Kathleen Wblaman, Ruth E . While, Dorothy A. White, Joseph C. Wbitebalr, Elton D. Whyte, Mary L. Wick, Wllbel m P. Wickham, Robert ~ Wiedeman, Thomaa E. Wiedemann, Ernest 8 . Wtedemer, Donald F. Wiesman, John E. Wlggenhorn, Richard G. Wlggenhorn, Roman H. W!ggenborn, W. Jane Wilcox, Jobn A. Wiles, Lawrence A. Wllbelm, Anne W. Wilhelm, Robert W. Wilke, Charles R. Wlllcens, Paul L. Wilkenson, Marlln H. Willce, Louis P. Wlll, Rev . Carl G. Will, Elmer J . WttJ, John F . Will, Julia S. Will, Leo C. Willhelm, Hamilton K. WllUams, Ernest B. Williams, Frank W. WUUams, Jerome M. Williams, Joseph E . Willlams, Mary R. Williams, Robert J . Williams, Robert L . WUllams, Thomas H. WillIamson, Mary H. Willls, Carol W. WUilcomm, Richard E. WUilcomm, Ronald C. Willoughby, Russell H. Wilson, Eugene B. Wilson, James L. Wtncer, Charles E. Winglewich, Vtrcll P. Wtnk, James B. Wink, Jane B . Winkeljobann, Albert J . Winter, James F . Winters, kslle J .
57 42 48 54 (50) 51 51 58 60 44 56 55 61 61 45 56
58 57 60 44 34 (61) 47
58 58 26 27 (58) 57 34 81 37 41 43 44 52 17 51 58 47
44 56 31 58 58 (55) 57 42 (38) 47 48 33
(59) 50 56 43 57 60 51 53 49 49 50 59 52 59 58 56 43 59 (40) 52 57 56 40 50 (22) 35 (43) 37 29 56 (30) 30 (59) 24 58 51 55 58 57 34 49 (55) 58 55 53 61 48 (83) 59 59 58 50 41 55
Wirohln&, Raipb J. Wirtz, John J. Wtae, Joseph F. Wise, Roser P. Withrow, Richard L. Witt, Richard J. WIU, Thelma R. Witte, Rot~er B. Wittmann, Carolyn S. Wittmann, Raymond G. Wittmann, Thomas J. Woeste, Edith A. Woeste, Ja.mes W.
Woeste, Walter J. WoU, Frances M.. WoU, George L. WoU, James R.
Wol!, Nelaon D. Woll, Phlllp L.
18 38 58 35
22 54 53 55 60 (56) (59) 49 48 42 60 38 59 53 5V
56 53 41 50 42 31 59 60 43 59 55 49 49 (62) 58 57 55 52
WoU, Thomas H.
Wolle, Clllford E. Wollr, Grace D. Wollf, Hubert L. wour, Robert A. Wollf, WUltam H. Wonderly, Ann WoodruU, WJIIJam L. Woolley, Norman L. Worth, Doris J. Worthington, Fred D. Wright, Harold E. Wright, Robert L. Wuebben, Thomas P. Wunsch, Alphonse F. Wurat, John C. Wym r, Jack D.
Wyrost k, Thaddeus S.
Yackley, Wtlbu.r A. Yahner, Peter D. Yemec, Edmund J.
York, Gerald P. York, Haymond E. Yos1Ck, Dennie A.
Young, Mildred W. Youngberg, Mary G. Yox, Richard S.
Zaengleln, Mary W.
Zaengleln, Wllllam C. Zahn, George A. Zahn, Virginia F. Zajovlts, Richard J. Zamberlan, Maurtne R. ZampatU, John Zapatony, Jos pb M. Zara, Eugene A.
20 (61) 55 52 55 60 53 35 57
Zarbock, Judith J. Zech, Very! L.
Zecbar, Helen C. •ze1ger, LouJs Zengel, Anita K.
Ziegler, Ramon D. Ziegler, Roberl W. Ziehler, Elmer W. Zlmlich, Donald c. Zimmer, Charles E. Zimmer, Elwood Zimmerle, Thomas A. Zimmerman, Carol B. Zimmerman, Donald E. Zimmerman, George A. Zimmerman, Jack E. Zimmerman, Robert J. Zinck, Jacqueline P. Zinck, Robert C.
(48) 52 39 40 58 58 55 50 59
57 48 50 (30) 57 41 59 23 59 52 30 (62) (56) 58 48 50 42
Zinck, Thomas N. Zlnk, Elizabeth B. Ztnk, Mary 0. Zink, Otto A. ZJns, Thomas A.
Zlns, William A. Zittel, Andrew E. Zmurk, John W. Zotkle, James J.
Zo£kle, Janette G. Zolg, Robert J. Zolg, Walter Zorc, Lois L. Zuccaro, John J. Zummo, Anthony G. Zwiesler, Charles J.
Zwlesler, Edwin J.
51 50 44 39 58 56 26 57 56 58 33 28 (60) 57 50 41 45
51 34
PARENTS Ac:crucco, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ahrna, Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Alberth, Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Allison, Mrs. J. H. Amato, Mr.&. Mrs. B. A.
Donovan, Mr. & Mra. N. N. Donovan, Sr., Mr. R. E. Dunson, Mra. H. A. Durkin, Mr. &. Mra. E. F.
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Anonymous Anthony, Mr. & Mrs. A. B.
Elbert, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Englerl, Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Ens, Mr. C. Mrs. L. A. Erhart, Mr. & Mra. L. w. Esellus, Dr. & Mrs. E. R. Elrick, Mr. l Mrs. Clemens
Aulmulh, Mr.&. Mrs. R. B.
Batey, Jr. Mr. J. w. Baumgartner, Mr. L Mrs. Steven Beckman, Mr. &. Mrs. R. H. Beeman, Mr. Lyle Behringer, Mr. & Mrs. L. C. Berry, Mr. • Mrs. S. R.. Bobn, Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Boll, Mr. &t Mrs. Victor Boston, Mr. 6 Mrs. J. F. Boyer, Mr. &r. Mrs. E. J. Brennan, Mr. 6 Mrs. P. H. Brenner, Mr. &. Mrs. C. 0. Brescia, Mr. Cr. Mrs. Michael Brown, Mr. It Mrs. P. E. Brazda, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burton, Mr. & Mrs . E. E.
CaJacob, Dr.&. Mrs. G. F. Campanelli, Mr.& Mrs. Michael Caslelll, Mr. 6. Mrs. Romano Caslelllni, 1\lr. & 1\lrs. J. H. Cbudd , Dr. & Mrs. s. s. Clapp, Mra. M. E. Corbett, Mr. & Mrs. John Caoltlco, Mr. &r Mrs. E. J.
Hvizd:l, Mr. L Mrs. J. J Imp, Sr., Mr.& Mrs. Stephen Jacques, Mrs. H . C. Jal!e, Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Jenkins, Mr. & Mrs. J, E. Jonske, Mr, & Mrs. E. F.. Julia01 Mr. & Mrs. C. L..
Faso, Mr. t. Mra. P. J , Ferguson, Mr. &r. Mra. Harold Fl lek, Mr. & Mr•· Edward F1lo, Mr. 6 Mrs. Steve Fronek, Mr. t Mrs. S. A. Gabel, Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Gaccetta, Mr. &r. Mrs. Victor Galen, Mr. && Mra. G. F. Garascla, Sr., Mr.& Mrs. George Gerhard, Mr. AI. Mrs. G. M. Geyer, Mr. &. Mrs. B. H. Glass, Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Glomski, Mr. &. Mrs. E. J. Goudreau, Mr. &. Mrs. G. J. Graham, Mr.&. Mrs. N. E. Graney, Or. IL Mrs. M. R. Grlllmeicr, Mrs. Stella
Grillot, Mr. L Mrs. J. B.
K:lrl, Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Karslck, Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Kiesler, Sr., Mr. II Mra. W. C. Klevitt, Mr. It Mra. J, E. Kmg, Mr.& Mrs. V.C. Kinzig, Mr. & Mra. R. C. Kirsch, Mr. 6 Mrs. Albert Klingensmith, Mrs. L. C. Koeller, Mr. &r. Mra. H. A. Knebel, Mr. It Mra. Edward Kramer, Mr. & Mrs. L.. F. LaRocca, Mr. & Mrs. S. J. LateU, Mr.&. Mrs. A. A. Leff, Mr.&.: Mrs. J. J, Leibold, Mr. & Mrs. F. B. Leingang, Mr. & Mra. Sylvester Leiser, Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Lewis, Mr. & Mra. C. F. Leitelt, Mr. &r. Mrs. Charles Lockhart, Mr. r. Mrs. J. J.
Gruss, Mr. 6 Alvin
David, Mr. & Mrs. T. S. OeGhett, Mr. & Mrs. V. J. Oepa.n, Mr. 6 Mrs. Francis Derlvan, Dr. 6 Mrs. R. T. Deter a, Mr. 6 Mrs. Paul Olenat, Mr. w. E. Dinwldd:le, Mr. F. R.
Hager, Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Ha.rmeUQJ, Mr. L. G. Harrte, Mr. 0 Mrs. S. F. Hauer, Mr. II Mrs. Michael Henkel, Mr. 6 Mra. G. 0. Herbert, Mr. at Mre. Charles Seas, Mr. (a M.ra. L.. J. Hlckenbolham, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hoel!el, Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Howell, Mr. l Mrs. John
Anonymous Boyer, Ketth, Fund Brown, Ol.le Burnett, Jay Cheper, Pomp Colucci, Frank Dayton Etched Products Corp. Dtck.soo, Rev. Jobn G. Dteea, Bernadine Drl~teoll, Mr. I& Mrs. G. F. Federal-Mogul-Bower Be rtnga, Inc. Flyers Club
Gllbert, Pat, Fund General Motora CorporaUon Goodrich, B. F., Fund, Lnc. Gull Oil Corporation Hamilton, Betty Ruth, Dr. Edwa.rd lnlernational · ructural lroa Workera Jonea, Lew11, Scholarahlp Fund Keliaon Vending Company Kent, G. Ervtn Kovacic, John F. Kuntz, Sr., Mrs. Martin C.
Macbeth, Mrs. J. L. Mack, Mr. & Mra. L.A. Mahle, Mr. I& Mrs. C. F. Ma.iese, Mr. & Mr . D. R. Makullnski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mattingly, Dr. & Mrs. M. G. McArdle, Mr. & Mro. J, P. McCann, Mr. & Mrs. John McGinnis, Mr. & Mrs. N.J. Meyer, Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Meyer, Mr."- Mrs. R. J.
Mlller, Mr. & Mrs. A.S. Miller, Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Mlodztk, Mr. & Mrs. E. N. Moon, Mr. & Mrs. G. D. Moore, Mr. &. Mrs. E. 0. Naccarato, Mr.& Mrs. Frnnk Nace1 Mrs. W. L. Neltner, Mrs. Mary Nlelsoo, Mr. C. Mrs. Harold Otero, Mr. 6 Mrs. C. 1. Otto, Jr., Mr. It Mrs. A. G. Pagoria, Mr. & Mrs. Phtltp Palcic, Mr. & Mrs. Phillp Palmer, Mr. lr. Mrs. Cbarle Perez., Mr. ~ Mrs. JOlieph Pernusch1 Mr. &r. Mrs. Steph n Petrie, Mr. &. Mrs. John Prelzlnger, Mr.&. Mrs. Freeman Price, Mr. & Mrs. WUilam
Rawers, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Reidy, Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Reynolds, Mr . & Mrs. w. T. Rezy, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rllchie, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Rudkin, Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Russell, Mr. & Mrs. I. R Scalia, Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Sc.berer, Mrs. K. W. Schmitt, Mr. Ia Mrs. Jerome Schubert, Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Schwerer, Mr. II: Mrs. Edwln Seltz, Mr. & Mrs. J. o. Shaw, Mr.&: Mrs. W. £. Stmeone, Mr. 1:. Mrs. L.A. Smith, Mr. &.. Mrs. Joseph Snyder, Mr. & Mrs. P. G. Spahn, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Spiwak, Mr. & Mrs. John
Squires, Mr. &. Mrs. Wayne, Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. H. B. stout, Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Stn1ngc, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sullivan, Mr. && Mrs. Dlvld Susel, Mr.&. Mrs. Frank Sulton, Or. & Mrs. Frank Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. L. M. Tawney, Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Taylerl, Mr.&. Mrs. F. J. TeterJs, Mr. &. Mrs. Albert 11lalcr, Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Thlrtfay, Mr. &t Mrs. T. M. Toomey, Dr. I< Mrs. R. S. TorelU, Sr., Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Trage er, Mr. 6: Mrs. Henry Trottman, Mr. &. Mrs. Benjamin Vance, Mr. ll Mrs. N. R. Verslc, Mr.&&. Mrs. Charles Von Alt, Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Wabler, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wagner, Mr. & Mrs. K. A. Waller, Mr.&. Mrs. C. J. Walther, Mrs. P. E. Weber, Mr.&. Mrs. J. M. Weglewski, Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Westerhetde, Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Whipp, Mr. ll Mrs. F. R. White, Mr. & Mrs. 1. 0. Wledemer, Mr. & Mrs. F. J . Wtnnenberg, Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Wtltenbrool<, Dr. & Mrs. J. M. Worman, Mr. " Mrs. Lavern Yolles, Mr.&. Mrs. Jack Yost, Mr. & Mrs. C. H.
Zobrist, Mr. It Mrs. Joseph Zycb, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
BENEFACTORS Lorenz, Mr. &r. Mrs. Karl Mancini, Edward A. McGraw-Hill Publl hing Co., Inc. Miller, Clyde C. Montgomery County Chapter U. 0. Alumni Asaocla.Uon National MerllScholarahlp Corp. O'Donnel, A. F. O'Donnel, Mr. Ia Mrs. Ray Obio Foundalion of Independent Colleaes (OFJC)
Oslerfeld, Jr., Mr. H. J. Peaslee, Mr. Joseph E. Pereny, Louis &. Evelyn Phi Beta Psi Sorority Price Brothers Foundallon R. H. H. J. Company, Inc . Radio Corporation of Am rica Reese, Beverly Rentals
Richmond, Samuel I. Kumler Foundation Roesch, Very Rev. Raymond A.
Rukgaber I Estate or Anna A. Sano, Pal Strugarek, Mr. I< Mrs. Leo Strugarek1 Leo Student Development Day Texaco Company, Inc. Tlmlten Roller Bearing Co. Trtftahouser, Otto Wehner, Mrs. Bertha Whltt>L, Mrs. Helen W. Wtgtnglon, Jr., Marion F. Ziegler, A. P., Company
GIFTS OF MATERIALS A. C. Spark Plug Company Atomic Energy Commission Grant Besch, Ervin & Bender, Josepb Blozts, D.D.S., George I. Caraon·Saek.s, Incorporated Coleman, Col.
Oontst, Patricia
Easl Daylon Tool & Die Company Elder & John ton Company Feldmann, Richard J. Finke, Jamea Fiyera Club
Frigidaire Corporation Gibbons, M.J ., Supply Company Bieber, R. G. Bochwalt, Dr. Carroll Master Electric Company, John R.
Alumni, parents, and other benefactors designated a total of $4,319.50 for spectal use by the school• and colleeea of the University. Aa a result, the roLiowlne program• have been undertaken (with the amount• allocated In parentheeea): Arts and Sciences (11 ,393.88): SUpport or departmental lectures. Business Admlniatratton (t964.33): "Books or Slgnlltcance" program. Education ($809.33): Purchase of equlpmenllor production and pro-
National Casb Register Company Ohio Bell Telepbone Compllny Oliver, Frank Patterson, Mrs. R. D. Pickett & Eckel, Incorporated Reid, R. Mel
R1ke- Kumler Company ROTC Rubenstein, Joseph stlndard Resister Company Thompson, Sr., M.r. WUUam A. U. D. Mother's Club
jection of alldea depleting acUvtUes or the
EnrJneerlng t$858.34): Support of studenU.' aeholariy publications and of speakers' program ror colloquium. TechnlcallnsUtute ($493.34): Production ormovleonnature and slgntflcance of collegiate technlcal lnatructlon.
GENERAL CHAIRMAN for the ninth annual Support Program, to be comb ined th is year with th e 1962 Building Fund campaign, is DR. CARROLL HOC HWAL T '20. Chairman of the Montgomery Coun ty portion of the program will be JAMES PAXSO N '56, with GEO RGE ZIMM ERMAN '48 se rving as cochairman .
Thr int\'mivr part of the 1962 Building Fund Campaign
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING W~en th~ campaign coll ec tions for th e three-yea r p riod ma ke tt posstble, the second build ing will be erected. Th is wi ll b ' a classroom bui lding for business administration stud ents primarily. Th School of Business Administra ti o n, with a registration of 939 tud nts, i peren nia ll y o ne o f th e larg st di isions of the niv ·r ity. dequate classroom facilitie at . D . remain a problem even with day and night u e of a ll those now avai lable. ' A new building for bw.iness admini lration will · add clas room pace whic h can also be u cd for other cia scs at difT~t-cnt hour. And , it wi ll fre . pace in the building~ wherr bu. mess . tuden t~ a rc now sca tter d. Such space is grave ly ne ded fo r bulg mg cl in arts, education, engineering, th tec hnica l institute, a nd for the new graduat' school. The bui ld ing w ill a lso hold la bora tori es for bu sin r . s machines a nd techni cal eq uipme nt. I t will, in additi o n, provide adeq ua te offi ce space fo r facu lt y m ·mbers. Th e nerd h as long been present for this building, too. Certainly. with two additiona l do rmito ries being built on campu , the neces ity for a Center and anothn Ia. sroom building become vivid I apparen t. And. th population bulge is Ia ted to . trike coll ege in 1965.
FROM WHERE WILL THE .MONEY COM E? Where wi ll the $3 mi lli on come from to bu ild th e two n w buildings ? I n the 1956 Bu il ding Fund ca m paign for $2Y2 mi ll ion , the money was forth c01n ing from gifts by a lumni , pa re nts of stud ents, fac ult , students, and from D ay to n ar<"a
bu. in csse~, Foundations, and other fricnds of the
"ill open the last of April and cont inue into M ay of next H'a r. The goal i>. 3 million to build two new buildings.
It is xpectcd that the $3 million will com e from the same sou rces.
The fir. t to be built will be a new niv r ity C enter to replace th e pn·-,n1t Stud e nt L1 nion Building which i tota ll y ina dt·qu ::t tt· :1s well as a n eyeso re on thr ca mpus. A World Wa r 11 ;. urp lus army structurl' , the pn•,r nt Student Un ion was to have bt-cn a " tempora ry" bui lding but, like ma ny suc h frame buildings e rec ted on coli •gc campu es, nece ·sity has kept it in usc until the present. The propo. ed new L'niwr itv Center will be m orr than a , tudcnt Union building; it will provide a uditori ums a nd nwcting- room of ,·ariou_ capacitie' and a litt le theater in addition to th<· u,uaJ facilities found in nio ns. Th ese r om~" ill prm·idc mo re adequate space fo r the Divi ion of pt•ci rdized Educational e n ·ices to fulfill the ad ult community dt·tnand, for more a nd more on tinuing educa tion . , urh room . , will a lso provick fo r grea te r d evelo pme nt of c ulture a t th e University, which is logica ll y the cu ltura l C<'lltn for the c mmunity. Mu sic , dra m a, ba ll et, lectu res, a rt rx hibits, a nd motion pictures nf cla ss ica l va ri e ty wi ll be pos. ibl ' ofTcring. in the new building with stud ents pl aying a large part in the presentation . Of cour,c, the niversity Center will a lso ha ve dining faci liti c.., for student, facultv. alumni. parents, a nd other group who will attl'nd lun cheon and dinnrr meeting the re. All the facilities usual to a tudcnt nion will bc·available, for this will be the living room of the nivcrsity- a home away from home fo r the . tudcnts- and a me ting pl ace for the a lumni a nd the general public . It has bee n ba dly need d for man y year .
Thi ,·ca r the ninth an nu a l uppor·t Program will be combined with the 1962 Building Fund cam pa ign . A lumni, parents, a nd be nefa c tors wil l be as ked to increase th l'ir regul a r a nnua l giving to includ e th e Bui lding F u nd. A single p ledge card will be use d which wi ll l'nable pledg ing for a th rcl'-yea r period with th irty-five per cr n t going to th e a nnua l upp rt Progra m in 1962. 1963. and 1964-, whil e sixty-five per cen t will g to the 1962 Building Fund . Even a ltho ugh over $100,000 h<l.! been rai. cd in the eighth ann ua l Sup port Program, the goal for th ~e campaigns du ri ng the next three vcar~ will remain at $75.000. This is because of the ad ditional money being ought for the Building Fund . Those a lumni wh o contribute to th e combined three-vear drive in 1962 will no t be so li cited aga in in the 196 ~ a nd l96-+ a nnu a l Supp01·t Campai ,g-n, but oth ers wi ll be asked to co ntribute as usua l. T he same wi ll be true of parents a nd ben efac tors.
HEARTY RESPONSE Prelim ina rv con tacts indicate that the propo. ed combined drive is meeting with a hrartv response. There is no que'>tion about the need for the new building. in the developm nt of the niver. ity. Furthe nno r . th ere i.., no question that a lumni . as well as a ll the const ituenc ' of the U ni,·ersity. will ra ll y to the ca u. e with their loya l wpport.- M/\ 0 1 C. BE TER. Direc to r of D eve lopment.
Father Dickson Named Superior of New Province With Mary Shay, Alumni Secretary ONTGOMERY COUNTY chapter has been very busy. Its next activity will be the popular annual bus excu rsion to Cincinna ti to watch the Flyers and Bearcats tangle in a basketball game a t Cincinna ti Gardens which is always a thriller. The game is J a n. 16 a nd the bus will leave from the Fieldhouse a t 6 p .m . on that date. Ti ckets for the trip - including both the bus ride a nd admi sion to the game-will be $4.25 each, a nd reservations may be made by contac ting J ack Brown in the Athletic Ticket Office at the Fi eldhouse. Anoth er activity of th e MONTGOMERY COUNTY chapter which warrants your a ttention is the F a mil y Communion Breakfast to be held on the cam pus March 11. In past years, the a ttendance at this fin e event was not as it should have been. To make it more inviting this year, th e chapter is emph asizing the family aspect. Why not plan now to ta ke part and bring the whole famil y with yo u ? The M ass will be celebra ted in the Chapel of the Immacula te Conception on the campus a t 9: 30 a .m ., a nd breakfas t will follow in the cafeteria. Children will be served at half price. (Bring your own highchair! ) Once again, the University will join with a number of other priva te coll eges in the sta te in its alumni giving program. Thi joint venture with the Independent College Alumni Associates has been most successful in previous year . Beginning in Februa ry, this drive will be held in eight citi es. W a tch for specia l a nnouncements, but in the meantime, here路s the
THOMAS COUGHLIN h as bee n honored with a United Appea l Distingu ished Serv ice Award in Cleveland for his outstanding contributions to community health a nd welfare. Mr. Coughlin hea ded th e advisory boa rd of St. Alexis Hosp ital for twenty- five years, was a found er of Catholic Charities an d Blue Cross in Cleveland, an d h as been a ctive for a number of years in th e Community Chest a nd United App eal.
HE a lumni office has been an extremely busy place during the past few months- a successful homecorning, elec ti on of new boa rd members, prepa ration for the assoc ia tion annual meeting, a nd getting all set for the drives in eip;ht cities by the Independent College Alumni Associates beginning in February have all kept yours truly hopping. El sewhere in this issue is a pictorial report on the homecoming festivities. It was again a most enjoyable day and all you who were here for it went back home full of the old college spirit, I'm sure. The only thing wrong with the day was that Xavier took the football game -and the Governor's Cu p--away from us. In th e e lec tions , you re turn ed CHARLES WHALEN '42 to the board of directors and you na med BARTH S TYDER ' 31 and JACK BROWN '26 to membership on the board . JACK ZIMMERMAN '50 was re-elected to the Athleti c Boa rd and JOH CHANEY '5 3 was also named to that board. Since DON SHARKEY '34 i now working in South Bend , Ind., he felt he should not continue as a member of the boa rd, a nd thus, following constitutional provisions, the board named OLIVER SAETTEL ' 36 to complete Don's unexpired term . Before proceeding any further with our little chat, let me take a entence or two to send along a salute to the CLEVELAND chapter, one of our most ac tive. W e're using a photograph of the beautiful skyline of that city at the top of our page this issue. K eep up the good work, Cleveland! The chapter in PUERTO RICO has reorp;a nized and we're ha ppy to announce th e new officers of that group: ROBERTO INCLAN '56, pre idcnt ; BILL HILL, '40, vice president; ABDO HAWAYEK '59, sec retary -treasure r ; and FATHER VINCENT PLASENTHAL, chaplain. On our visit to the island last summer, we found a great enthusiasm a mong the alumni there, and th e newly-organized chapter promises to set a fine record for alumni activities.
GEORGE LOESCH, with th e Army's D etroit Ordnance Distri ct, writes that h e and Georgia now h ave twenty grandchildren.
ADAM WESTERKAMP writes that h e beca me a gra ndfa th er twice rece ntly. Lt . an d Mrs. LEONARD BEAUDOIN '60 and Mr. an d Mrs. JERRY WESTERKAMP '58 were th e proud parents. FATHER RICHARD CONNELLY, pastor of St. Coleman Church, Washington C . H ., Ohio, also serves as state ch a pl ain of th e Knights of Columbus and the 40-and-8 o f th e Am erican Legi on. In addition, he is past gran d na tion al chaplain of the Elks (fo ur term s) an d served ten terms as Ohio Elks chapla in . H e is past sta te chaplain of th e C atholi c Wa r V eterans, a nd is in his fi ft eenth yea r as part-time chaplain of th e C leveland Browns. H e twice was Ohio d epartment ch aplain of the America n L egion a nd is past na tiona l chairma n of Trainin g School Chapl a ins. For seven yea rs, h e was chaplai n a t th e Boys Industria l School, Lan cas ter, Ohio. GEO R GE LANG, factory superintend ent a t the Premi er Rubber M a nufa ct urin g C ompa ny in D ayton, was recently n a m ed to th e board of directors of th e company. ROBERT KELLHOFER, resi ding in Santa Moni ca, Ca li f., is m a nage r of th e Los Angeles offi ce of th e D efens e Systems Division o f G enera l El ectric. H e rece ntly becam e a grandfath er.
U IVERSITY of D ayton chaplai n Father John G. Dickson and former U. D . associate professor of edu cation, Brother John J. Jansen have been elevated to top leadership positions in the Society of M a ry as a result of a division of the Cincinnati province an nounced Ia t month. Father Dickson, a member of U . D 's classes of 193 7 a nd 194 7 who has been a member of the faculty since 1956 a nd chaplain since 1957, is superior of th e new east coast pr_ovince of the Society. Brother J a nse n, of U. D .'s class of 1936, who s rved on the faculty from 1955 until taking over as principal of D ayton' s C ham in ade high school last Septembe r, becomes inspector of schools for th ' C incinna ti pro"i nce, replacing Brother J ohn T. D arby who moves east to serve in the same position under Fa ther D ickson in the new province. F ather .James Da rby, former vice president of th e University, continues as superior of th e C in cinnati province.
JOHN CROWLEY visited th e ca mpus from Pittsburgh .
1924 JOE STEMLEY is still in Dayton as a sales r eprese ntative for Cantrell and Guy Chrysler age ncy. A year or so ago, h e and his wife won a trip to Bermuda as on e of th e top hundred salesmen in th e country. C . R . HORWEDEL writes that he has a new gra nd son . Th e proud fa ther is his son Bob who a ttended U. D . in th e fifti es. MONSIGNOR CLETUS MILLER, p astor of Annunciation Pa rish, Cin cinnati, was recently nam ed dean of th e Cathedral d eanery, em bracing thirty-four parish es in th " ce ntral section of Hamilton county.
1926 CARL BOHNERT reminds us his daughter, Carolyn, is a fr eshman at U.D.
1927 HAROLD THOMAS recently visit ed th e campus from Tucson, Ariz. H a rold commutes dai ly 170 miles, round-trip , to th e Army Elec tronic Proving Ground a t Fort Huachuca wh ere he is chi ef of th e guidance control radar branch .
1928 BILL NUNN is still teachin g a nd coaching (soccer a nd track) a t C hrist church Sc hool for Boys in Virginia. H e's teac hin g history a nd gove rnment. RAY TYLER is supervisor of lan ds fo r th e P acific Gas an d Electri c Company in Fres no, C alif. J AC K SEMMELMAN has bee n award ed a doctor of philosophy degree by Ohio State Un iversi ty.
Akron, F eb. 5-1 3 ; Canton, F eb. 6-14 ; Youngstown, Feb. 7-15; Toledo, F eb. 20-Ma rch 6; Columbus, Feb. 22-Ma rch 8 ; Cincinna ti, March 12-27 ; Dayton , March 13-18 ; a nd Cleveland, M a rch 29-Apr. 12 . TILL next time .
FRANCIS GABEL visited the campus in November an d renewed old memori es with U. D . Ban dm aster M a urie R eichard. H e was Mauri e's first drum major, wa y back wh en . Mr. Gabel's son Mi chael is a li eutenant at Fort Cam pbell, K y. , and son David is a cad et at th e Military Academy, W est Point. JOHN THOMAS is a technica l editor a nd writer a t Wright-Pa tterson Air Force base.
~c h e dul e:
T. K . SPALDING h as rece ived an awa rd for thirty years of service with th e gas dep a rtm ent of Owens- L ibby-Owens wh ere h e is assis tant to th e genera l manager .
1932 DR. RICHARD KOEHLER ta kes ove r soon as chi ef of staff for College Hill Hospita l, D ayton. ED G REER has bee n nam ed vi ce pres id en t of ma rketin g for Specialty Pape rs Compan y in D ay ton. H e had form erly bee n vice pres id ent for sales. MARRIED: JUDGE ROBERT M cBRIDE to Noree n O ' L ea ry, in O ctober.
1933 COL. D ANIEL ADAMS rece ntl y completed schoo lin g a t the Command and G eneral Staff Co llege, Fort L eavenworth, K a n.
1934 Two n ew granddaughters, born a week apart, brings to three th e gran dchi ldren JOE F AUST now boasts abou t. RAY HARRIS, recen tly promoted to Colonel in th e judge Advocate G en eral co rps branch of the Army r ese rves, is a civilian member of the board of contract appeals of
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PAUL FLEISCHAUER is now with the Montgomery County Prosecutor's office as an assistant in th e civil division.
1935 JOHN MAUPIN is assistant professor of speech at Xavier University. DR. G. R. GOTTSCHALK is now serving as director of !he Center for ~ppli e d Resea rch in Education, Inc., m Washmgton. Among those serving on his board of advisors is another alumnus, MONSIGNOR FREDERICK G. HOCHWALT '3 1, of the National Catholic Educational Association. ELMER ZANG is a路ssistant chief of the National C emet ery Division, with headquarters in Columbus, responsible for federal and confederate cemeteries in ten states. CECIL STOOKEY has been promoted for assistant vice president of Newport National Bank, Newport, Ky.
1936 JIM JONES, residing in Pacific Palisades, Calif., came to the campus in September to
Judge Shields Is Honored
enroll his daughter Vicky at U.D. URBAN ROHR is now professor of military science at Creighton University.
1937 DICK HOLLENKAMP, with th e Budd Company in Detroit, is manager of governm ent sales. ]. C. O'BRIEN brings us up to date on his three children. Daughter Mary Jo graduates this year from the University of Florida ; daug hter Patricia Ann graduates from Good Samaritan School of Nursing, Dayton, this yra r ; and son John is now a freshman at U .D.
1938 PAUL HECKMAN continues as district sales manager for Reliance Electric and Engineering in Dayton. DR. BEN HARLAN, Dayton dentist, recently lectured to students at Israel's Hebrew University denta l school while there to attend the school's first graduation exercises. WILBUR DUNSKY is back in Dayton after four years in Oakland, Calif., with Standard Register Company. He now heads SR's nationwide sales training operation. He's bee n with SR for sixteen years, and recently celebrated his sixteenth wedding anniversary. The Dunskys have nine children- five boys, four girls. GEORGE CAJACOB and his wife visited the campus while touring the States.路 His home is in Japan.
JUDGE VINCENT M. SHIELDS '30, Montgomery County's domestic relations judge, has been given the Dayton Presidents Club's Citizen Legion of Honor award in recognition of "unselfish devotion and service to the community over the years." The Presidents Club is composed of the heads of some forty Dayton service clubs. For a number of years, Judge Shields has served with the Community Welfare Council, the Mental Health Association, Psychiatric Clinic, United Cerebral Palsy Association, local and state units of the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Dayton Boys Club scholarship committee, and Goodwill Industries. He has been president of the Presidents Club, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, and Gaelic Cumann; and is a past commander of an American Legion Post. In 1938 he was recognized as one of the outstanding Jaycee presidents in the nation, and two years ago was given a Community Service Award by the East Dayton Community Council.
MARY HELLDOERFER HARRINGTON, who's been living in Sea ttle for a year, writes "we are completely convinced there is no more beautiful area in all the country." ELWOOD ZIMMER, executive vice president of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, was recently elected secretary-treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce executives of Ohio. BIFF NIEI-IA US informs us that there's a new addition to th e family : eighth child, third son, born in February. JOHN HACKER is now living in Ironton, Ohio. MARRIED: JIM OLCOTT to Joan Remaklus, in September.
1940 JOE THOMAS, football coach at Chaminade, Min eola, N. Y., has again develop ed the Catholic Champions of ew York City. COL. FRANK MURPHY is a member of th e first reserve division ordered to active duty. His 398th Infantry of the IOOth Division is now at Fort Polk, La. HELEN HAYS has retired after more than forty years of teaching, most of them in Dayton schools. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN REEVES, their third child, second son, Michael Alan, in May.
1941 DON HEET (EDITH REILING) is general merchandiser for Lawson Brothers Department Store in Toledo. He and Edith have three boys. JACK BAKER lets us know he's still scouting for the Baltimore Orioles.
1942 EMMA LOUISE ODUM, first violinist with th e Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra and
a music teacher at D ayton 's Van Cleve school has received her master of education degre: from Miami University. BOR : to Prof. an d Mrs. CHARLES WHALEN, their second child, second son, D an iel D ennis, in November.
1943 MAJ. HERBERT HA YE? rec~ ntly received the Army CommendatiOn R1bbon for meritorious service with the 4th Infantry Division, Fort L ewis, Wash . LT.-COL . ROBERT SCHMIDT visited th e campus on his way from Sea ttle to his new post in Germany. WALTER ZACH is now principal of Cutter Junior High School,. Cincin':lati: For some tim e, he had been assistant pnnCipal at R. A. T a ft senior high school th ere. FATHER MICHAEL DORSEY, S.M., is now principal of Central Catholic high school , San Antonio, T ex. JOHN MARSCHALL is manager of Woodman Bowling Lan es in K ettering. LT.-COL. AL BAGOT is about to leave Chicago as commanding officer of th e Sixth Missile Battalion and report to the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. PAUL SCHAUER has been appointed manufacturing superintendent of Monsanto Chemical Company's inorganic chemicals division at St. Charles, Mo. He had been a technical superintendent at th e same plant. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES FAHRIG, a son, in Septembe r ; to Mr. and Mrs. JACK MILLER, a daughter, their third child, Ilen e Beth, in May.
1944 JOHN GRAF, in Mansfi eld, Ohio, is treasurer and controller of th e Mansfield Brass a nd Aluminum Corp. He has three daughters and a son. H e is district chairman of th e Boy Scou ts ; a board member of th e NonF errous Founder's Society and a member of its national cost committee; and is vice president of th e National Association of Accountants. BORN : to Dr. a nd Mrs. G. W . MARKUS, their sixth child, second daughte r, in F ebruary.
1945 JOHN FARNBACHER continues as president of Farnbacher and Company, Inc. a Dayton wholesale toy distributing firm. ANNE PENNELL HANNA informs us that last summer h er husband Frank and she, along with three other couples, opened a summer day camp, Camp Tokumto, off)'! ring sports and crafts as wel as an educational program. MARRIED: HAZEL SCHWAB to John W. Van Eaton, in April. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna (ANNE PENNELL), their fifth child, fifth daughter, Amy Frances, in July. ADOPTED: Two-year-old Steven David, by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earhart (JEAN WRIGHT ) , last summer.
1946 PATRICIA McDONOUGH EIKMEIER represented U .D. at the academic dedication of St. John's Abbey and University Church, Collegeville, Minn., in October. Mrs. Eikmei er is public relations chairman of the Cold Spring deanery, National Council of Catholic Women. Last year, during th e celebration at U.D. of the twenty-fifth anniversary of coeducation, Mrs. Eikmei er took part in
the May Day for Mary ceremonies as the first May Queen. Regarding that visit to the campus, she writes: " I shall never forget my awe at seeing how my alma mater had grown completely out of its boundaries to become a most beautiful edifice of learning ... " BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. PAUL KAPPES, their sixth child, fourth son, J erome Joseph, in April; to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh DePree (FRANCES KIEFER), their fifth child, third son, in July.
1947 ALICE HENDERSHOT will rece ive her master of arts degree in guidance and counseling from Sacramento State College next month. DON BUTLER is president of Creative Service Associates, Inc., in Dayton, a marketing agency. JOHN RAUSCHER has finish ed his requirements for a master of science in chemica l engineering at Washington University, St. Loui s, while on academic leave from th e Monsanto Chemical Company. He's now back at work in Monsanto's inorganic chemical division engineering department and is teaching in Washington U.'s night school. DON RUHL is in his ninth year with Harris-S ey bold Company in Dayton where he is staff assistant to the vice president and chief industrial engin eer. He's also vice pres ident for programs of the local chapter of th e Socie ty for th e Advancement of Managem en t. He and Anna Harris have three children.
1948 LEO BUSE was a campus visitor. He and Mrs. Buse have four children. MARIANNA MONTY WEIGEL is teaching religion to Catholic girls attending Hollywood, Fla ., public high schools through th e Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. ED MARRIN AN, th ei r third son, fourth child, last November; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loeb (ROSEMARY COULTER ), th eir sixth and seventh children, fourth and fifth boys, last November; to Mr. and Mrs. ALTON BACKS. their fifth child, Barbara Louise, in May.
1949 BOB MAINS was recently elected president of the Public Accountants Society of Ohio. LEE McDANIEL, for th e past nine years basketball and baseball coach at Shawnee high school, Camden, Ohio, is now principa l of th e school. MAJOR ROBERT D. FUNKE has completed a graduate course at Babson Institute, M ass ., for a master's deg ree in industrial management and business administration. H e's at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency, R edstone Arse nal, Ala. BORN: to Dr. and Mrs. PAUL WEIGEL (MARIANNA MONTY '48), th eir first d aughter, fifth child, in June; to Mr. and Mrs. PAUL MOOSBRUGGER, a da ughter, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. William Dirk es ( BONITA STELZER), a daughter, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS CARACCI, their fifth child, fourth son, Louis Peter, in Sep tember ; to Dr. and Mrs. JOSEPH WACK, their second son, fourth child, Joseph Pierre, in July.
1950 TONY SMITH has been named manager of pipeline construction of Texas Gas Transmission Corp ., Owensboro, Ky., and now has
charge of all pipeline construction from the Gulf of Mexico to L ebanop, Ohio. DON MENKER, in Miami, is with the Dade County Public Safety department in th e crime laboratory, developing uses for radioisotopes in scientific crime detection. H e and Mrs. Menker have three children. WALT BAKER tells us he's still in Durango, Colo., as an exploration geologist for the Atlantic Refining Company. TOM HUNGLING is in Bloomington, Minn., as a sales represe ntative for the Dale Tile Company, specializing in acoustical installations. GROVER SCHINBECKLER writes that he's still with the Lak e County department of public welfare in Hammond, Ind., spending weekends at hom e in Fort Wayne. MAJ. LOU CARAS has just completed a course in modern Greek at th e Army Language School. PHIL WALKER is living in Lancaster, Calif., and is administration officer with th e NASA flight research center in Edwards, Calif. Wife Phyllis is music coordinator for the Lancaster Elem entary School. GEORGE ELLIS is teaching music in a Louisiana high school. FRANCIS McKENNA is a sales representative for Western and Southern Life Insurance Company in Sandusky. He has six children. BEN VONDERHAAR is teaching eighth grade in South L ebanon, Ohio, school. He has three children. DR. GEORGE HANNAH is practicing d entistry in Columbus. H e and Betty have four children. JOE BUCHER is pres ident of a small electronics firm, Electro-Line, Inc., in Dayton. He also has four children. JOHN SCHAEFFER is controller with Sta ndard Electrical Produ cts in Dayton. ED BOLAND is teaching and head of the business departm ent at LaSalle Institute, Troy, N. Y., where h e also is football coach . He and Nell have two daughters and a son . BOB BROWNE is with the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company in Dayton and is studying law in Cincinnati. RABBI SANDY SHAPERO is now secretary of the New England region of the Centra l Conference of American Rabbis and is living in Fairfield, Conn. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES WEIS, th eir fourth son, fifth child, Clifford Robert II, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. ELMER HOHM (MARGUERITE STANG '56), a daughter, in O ctober; to Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM KRUMHOL TZ, a son, in October ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. ED ANDARY, a daughter, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. TOM FINKE, a daughter, in September; to Mr. and Mrs. JIM DESCH (G ENEVIEVE CARUSO ), a son, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. BILL SLONAKER, a daughter, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. JIM McGIFFIN, a daughter, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. DICK GRAFTON, th eir second daughter, Norma Jane, in January ; to Mr. and Mrs. CARL UTH, a son, John Edward, in September; to Dr. and Mrs. SANDY SHAPERO, their fourth child, third son, Adam Hillel; to Mr. and Mrs. CARL SACHS, th eir third daughter, Amy; to Mr. and Mrs. WALT BAKER, th eir second daughter, third child, Mary Ann, in Ma y; to Dr. and Mrs. CARL BERTRAMS, a son, in November.
1951 CHRIS PERROTT A, with his master's degree in busin ess education from New York University, is teaching at the 7,000-student Erasmus Hall high school, Brooklyn. D. ]. GROSZEWSKI is in communica-
tions work with General Dynamics/ Pomona in California on the Mauler Weapon Systems project. BOB KEPLER is in Washington on the p ersonnel staff of NASA. RALPH MOORE is executive head of Marion Local Schools, Maria Stein, Ohio. DAN FERRAZZA reminds us that his twin daughters Julie Ann and Mary Jo, are about eight mo'nths old now, and doing fin e. Hr 's still with th e Cleveland CYO . JACK CONDON is technical assistant ~o th e chief, staff quality control office, A1r Force Logistics Command, Wright-Patterson. CLIFF OL T and ED DALEY are with Ankh Laboratori es in Fairborn, Ohio. In addition to his duties as professor of history at St. Mary's University, San Antonio, HUBERT MILLER is now also serving as graduate advisor. Now in Atlanta, Ga., JOHN CALLAHAN is operating a distributorship, handling tube fittings, pip e fittings, instrumentation valves,
Jack Jones Among NewBreed of Columnists
.JACK JONES '47, staff writer for the Dayton Daily News since 1948, is one of a new breed of newspapermen springing up in today's world of rockets, satellites, and proposed trips to the moonthe space columnist. Jones, who was on the science and aviation beat at the News as the space age developed, writes a weekly column on the latest in space, and during the week, keeps News readers up to date on all phases of the rapidly changing picture. A thorough reporter who writes with authority, Jones calls on a varied background and frequent fact-finding trips to major space installations around the country for his column. Air Force service in World War II and the Korean conflict (he's a licensed pilot) contribute much to his ability to sense a story and tell it properly to his readers. Space isn't his only forte, either. In 1955, while on special assignments for the News, he won the coveted award of the American Political Science Association for his series on the growth and resultant governmental problems of the Dayton metropolitan area.
and other item s in South Carolina and G eo rgia.
, LLOYD MONNIN, with the M ad RiverGree n Loca l board of education, Yellow Springs, Ohio, is supervising principal of four buildings . BOB ARNZEN is in his twelfth year coach in g at D elph os . H e has four children. AL YOUNG is with Prud en tial In surance Company a nd is li ving in K ettering. H e has four children. FRANK HU ST MYER has bee n appointed direc tor of the testing bure a u and assistant professor of psychology at H amp ton In stitu te, Va.
LUCILLE PITMAN MARTIN is an elem entary school teacher at Emerson School, Oakland, Calif. . . Whil e FRAN QUINN is w1th th e M a nn es in Okin awa Mrs. Quinn ( FRAN DERSHEM '50 )' is livin g with th eir three children in Vista, Calif. FATHER RI CHA RD WOYTYCH is now at a Precious Blood Fathers mission in Chile. PARKER McGEE writes that he was marri ed in Jun e. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs . LLOYD MONNIN, th eir second daughter, fifth child, last J anuary; to Mr. and Mrs. HUBERT MIL-
IN MEMORIAM R USSELL GRAVES '06 Former deputy auditor in the Montgom ery Coun ty tax division, and associated several yea rs with th e Terminal Ice and Col.d Storage Company prior to his retirement s1x yea rs ago . In D ay ton , Aug. 3 1. EDWARD ]. HANBUCH ' 07 An accountant with th e Sucher Packing Company in Dayton. Father of ELLEN '40' 46. In Da yton, Oct. 11. RAYMOND]. WESTBROCK ' 18-' 23 Presi dent of the W es tbrock Funeral Home in Dayton . Brother of WILLIAM '22-'28, CHARLES ' 34 and th e late NORBERT '20' 24 ; fa th er of' WILLIAM '61. In Dayton, Aug. 29.
ROBERT E. VALIQUETTE ' 28 H ea d of th e ge neral books d epartment at Winters National Bank and Trust Company where he ha d worked for thirty-six years . Brother of HOWARD ' 31. In Dayton, Aug. 17' SAM HIPPA '28 Outsta ndin g U.D. athlete in the la te 1920s and associated with the Honolulu Board of W a ter Suppl y at the time of his death from a heart attack Oct. I 7. LOUIS ZEIGER '30 President of th e Zeiger Construction Company, Dayton, and a director and former treasurer of the Montgom ery County Builders Association. In D ayton, Nov. 7. HARRY]. O ' BRIEN ' 36 Fatally injured in an auto accident. In Dayton , Nov. 10. DR. WILLIAM G. HINTON '43 An assistant professor of music at The Ohio State University. In Columbus, Nov. 11. GEORGE R. HICKS '50 An employee of Wright-Patterson Force Base. In D ayton, Sept. 9 .
RAY COMBS Father of JOANNE '51. Oct . 22 . MRS . JOHN M. STANCH Wife of JOHN ' 52. Aug. 5. ARTHUR KINNINGER Father of CHARLOTTE HOLLENCAMP '48. Sept. 25. MRS. ELIZABETH FALKE Mother of PATRICIA MILLER '55 and LEE '52. Oct. 16.
CLARENCE SCHROERLUKE Brother of EUGENE ' 60. Oct. 10. MRS . DELILAH WIKLE Moth er of ELIZABETH DENNIS '4 1. Feb. 18 . HAROLD FIEL Y Brother of ROBERT ' 56 and LINUS ' 57 . Nov. 5. MATHIAS KLEINHENZ Father of SISTER ODELIA, SND , '46. Nov. 2. ROBERT RAMSEY Father of PATRICIA MEIER '53. Aug. 23. LEO M. GREANY Father of EDWIN ' 56. Oct. 20.
JOSEPH S. STEMLEY ' 20 In Dayton, Oct. 30.
LER a so n Paul Joseph, in March; to Mr. and Mrs. BiLL GREASER, their first child, K a th ryn Margare t, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. BOB MONTAGUE, th eir th ird child ; ;econd daughter, Elizabeth Ann, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs . ALBERT VANATTA, their third son, Steven Matth ew, in September; to Mr. a nd Mrs. ED GRAUL, th eir sixth child , fifth d augh ter, Joy Ann, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. ROY BEGLEY ( PATRICIA SHERMAN '52), a daughter, in September ; to Capt. an d Mrs. BILL HERLIHY ( AMY NIEDECKEN ) , a son, Pa tn ck, in August.
MRS. SOPHIE PALSA Moth er of JOSEPH '58 . July 27. RAY KRAUSE Father of GARY '59. July 2. MRS . MATILDA SCHNEBLE Mother of DR. RICHARD ' 28, DR. CLEMENS ' 31, and ROBERT '3 8. Sept. 24. MRS. MINOLA OSTERDA Y Mother of JOANNE OX RIDER '55. Nov. 10. MRS. BERTHA FISCHER Moth er of MICHAEL '48 and MARLENE CUNNINGHAM '53. Aug. 25. MRS . LORETTA CLARK Moth er of DR. PATRICK '46. Oct. 31. MRS. MARY BUCHARD Mother of GEORGE '29. Oct. 12. ALBERT MOUCH Father of HAROLD '46. Sept. 28. CHARLES M eA VOY Father of ROSALIE VUKELICH '52 . Oct. 10. MRS. CATHERINE GILFOIL Moth er of THOMAS ' 22. Sept. 29. MRS . MARGARET KIRK Moth er of DR. THOMAS '23 -'27. Sept. 30 . MRS. MARY MARKUS Moth er of MARGARET ANN '40-'42, DR . GEORGE ' 44, and HELEN ELISABETH '46. Oct. 13. BURGOYNE L . GRIFFING Father of ANN '58. Oct. 26. TEMPlE SUSAN-SOROHAN Five-week-old daughter of LARRY '54.
BILL BRANN is in Pittsburgh with Owens-Corning Fiberglas. He has a son and a daughter. JIM KIEL , with five chi ldren, is with International Business Ma chin es in River Forest, Ill., as loca l manager. H e' s enrolled in th e University of Chicago execu tive program leading to a master's in busin ess administration. CHARLES BRANT is in his second year in the practice of general law in Columbus with the firm of Wright, Harlor, Morris, Arnold, a nd Glander, and is lecturing on crimin a l law at Ohio State. MARLO TERMINI is basketball coach an d physical educa tion instru ctor with G lenville High School, Cleveland, and serves as recreation supervisor of the city. He has two boys. DON LOEFFLER, with Ba rn ey Convalescent Hospital in Dayton, is pres id ent of th e Miami Valley Speech and Hearing Association a nd is on th e board of directors of th e D ayton Community Theater. H e' ll be directing PLAIN AND FANCY next May for that group. DEE CARCELLI McCARTNEY is attending law school a t the Washing ton College of Law, American University, while in Washington on th e staff of K entucky Senator Cooper. ELMER LUTHMAN is studying th eology in preparation for hi s ordination as a J esui t priest. Last Jun e, h e received a m as ter's degree in engin ee ring from Stanford University. TOM REICHARD is in Kirkwood, Mo., with six children, and working as a research physicist at Monsanto's n ew research cen ter at Creve Coeur. KAREN TANAKA NISHIO is on leave of a bsence as assistant professor of nursing at Fresno State College, Calif. At last word, she was expecting th e arrival of th ei r first child. HAZEL ASLAKSON, after receiving h er master's d egree in education at Miami University, is now t eaching at the Georgetown University School of Nursing. She's working also toward her doctorate at George Washington. BOB WESTENDORF is new vice pres id en t of the Bankers Secu rity Life Insura nce Society, Washington, D . C . DICK M cGRATH was recently elected district manager of th e Anthracite-L ehigh Vall ey section of th e American Society of M echanical Engineers. DR. HENRY YIM sends greetings from Hawaii wh ere he's bee n practicing pediatri cs for abo ut six months now . CLETE OBERST h as been recalled to active duty, reporting to Fort Bragg. FELIX ANDREWS is now vice presi d en t for engineering with Radory Construction Corp., W est H em pstea d, N . Y . BORN : to Mr. and Mrs. BILL ZAENG LEIN ( MARY BETH WOOD '48), a son, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. PETE BOYLE
(MARGARET OLDIGES), a son, in August ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. Bob Schwieterman ( BEVERLY WHISLER ), a daughter, in August ; to Mr. and Mrs . BILL ENOUEN (JOAN BA TSCHE), th eir third child, first daughter, in October; to Mr. and Mrs. BILL HALLERMAN, their fifth child, third da ughter, Karen Sue, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. FELIX ANDREWS, th eir third chi ld , first daughter, J eanm arie Anne, in September; to Mr. an d Mrs. RUSS SCOTT, their fifth child, Mary Pat, in August.
1953 EDNA KING is in h er fifteenth year teaching the second grade in Mad River Township schools near Dayton . Although she's a young sixty-one years of age, she's been auditing Spa nish and psychology courses in her spare tim e. BOB WION brings us up to date: in 195 3, he began coaching at Covington, Ohio, high school winning three champio nships in five yea rs ;' th en he moved to Barnesvi ll e, Ohio, where his tea m posted in two yea rs th e best record in th e school's history; th ence to Martins Ferry high school where h e now has twen ty- two win s in a row. Last summer he was honored by being named an assistant on th e South All-Star squad. FRANK JURENA is now superintendent of the wire drawing department at the N ewark , Ohio, pl a nt of the Kaiser Aluminum and Ch emical Corp. JOHN GATES is credit manager with Sears in And erson, Ind. FATHER DAN LEEUW will rece ive hi s mas ter's degree from Notre Dame in Jun e and in the me a ntim e is director of four centers for Catholic m enta lly retard ed children in th e South Bend dea nery of th e Fort Way ne-S o uth Bend diocese. DR. ]. D . CIONNI is specializing in p ediatr ics at Children's Hospita l, C in cinnati. DR . AL GAMIN is in his last yea r of pedi atric res id ency a t th e Illinois R esearch a nd Edu ca tion a l Hospita ls, Chicago. TOM FOX is in Tampa, Fla. , as assistant execu tive direc tor of th e city's urban renewal agency. He has four ch ildren. DON DE CHANT is sa les man age r for Co lor- T ec h, In c., in H a verhill, Mass. VIRGINIA McMILLIN is evening supervisor at th e V eterans Hospital in Fresno, Ca lif. , a nd is livin g in C lovis. CHARLIE KOONTZ is in D enver as a project represe nta tive with th e Martin Compa ny. ED MURRAY is buyer of pictures and luggage in Stewart's d epartment store, Baltimore. HELEN YURA is a grad stud ent a t Catholic Un iversity in th e mental hea lth-ph ychia tric nursing program. Hopes to complete her work in F ebruary. CAPT. GENE MUTH is op erating a dental clinic in Germany for the Air Force. RUSS JOHNSON is chief of th e contract services branch at th e D ay ton Air Force D epot. F. ]. SCHUBERT received his Certified Publi c Accountant desig nation in Da yton in September. CAPT. DON LEESE has had his tour of duty extend ed. H e' ll be in Gem1an y until Jun e, according to lat est word. JOHN VUKELICH is coa c hing at St. Anthony high school, Lon g Beach, Cal if. REID HOBBS, in Sa n Di ego, ha s been promoted to tra ining supervisor with Gen eral Dynamics. MARRIED: PATRICIA WALLINGFORD to Curtis Elbin ger, in Septem ber . BORN : to Mr. a nd Mrs. TOM WIM-
SA TT, a daughter, in November; to Mr. and Mrs. BOB JANNIN G, a son, in November; to Mr. and Mrs. BOB HOFFMANN, their fifth chi ld , third daughter, Nancy Th eresa, in Aug ust ; to Dr. a nd Mrs. FRANK BUSTILLO, a son, in Aug ust ; to Mr. and Mrs. DICK FOX a daughter, in September; to Mr. and Mrs: JACK DONOVAN, their third child, second daughter, Catherine Mary, in Jul y; to Mr. and Mrs. CA RMEN ROZZO , th eir third chi ld , second daughter, Coletta M a ri e, in April ; to Mr. and Mrs . Milton M eier ( PAT RAMSEY ) , th eir second son, third ch ild, Bradley Robert, in July; to Capt. a nd Mrs. GENE MUTH, th eir fourth child , second son, Mark Eugene, in Jun e; to Mr. a nd Mrs. ED MURRAY, their six th child, third d a ughter, Elizabeth, in September ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. CHARLIE KOONTZ, th eir third child, second daughter, in May.
19 54 BROTHER CAR ROLL WENTKER was awarded his m aster of science degree by Ohio State. in August. TOM BECKER is tea ching in En gland. H e's ass istant master at Kings ton Upon Hull, in Yorkshire. La st summer, he studied a t th e University of Vienn a . BOB SMITH is now in Chicago on a sp ecial sa les assignment with Sta ndard R egister . RAY BEDWELL h as bee n appointed to th e execu tive faculty of th e School of Speech a t M arquette and is also coordinator of television a nd ra di o for th e University. BOB SCHMID is in hi s second ye ar as band director a t M ea dowd a le high school, D ayto n. As manager of research and future products engin eerin g a t GM's Frigidaire divi sion in D ayton, JIM JACOBS recentl y received hi s seven ty-fifth pa ten t in th e fi eld of appliances . Ji m writes th a t he's presi dent of th e Riverd ale Kiwani s C lub for 196 2. MILT MEIER is in St. Loui s as a sa lesman for th e C. W. Spa nn Compan y. In San Fra n cisco , JIM McGRAW is an agen t for N ew York Life Insurance. BOB RECKER is now in Lima, Ohio, with Midl a nd Mutual In surance, supervising eight counties. MARRIED: DON SYLVAIN to Elfri eda Fae h, in October ; JOHN SAUER to Patricia Borgerdin g, in Sept ember. BORN : to Mr. a nd Mrs. DAVE EVANS, th eir third daughter, Amy Virginia, in O ctober ; to Mr. and Mrs. BILL POHLMAN , th ei r first child , Kimberl y K aye, in August ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. JOHN ZIEHLER ( GRACE HARRIS ) , th eir fourth child, third da ughter, Caro lyn Su e, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. JACK ROUSH , a son, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. RUDOLPH KRAFKA, th eir fifth child, fourth so n, K ent Mi chael, in October; to Mr. and Mrs. KEN LACHEY , th eir second ch ild , second daughter, K a rin Sue, in Ma y; to Mr. a nd M rs. BOB LOW DEN, a d a ughter, in September ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. BOB W ALSH (JOANNE FAULKNER ) , th ei r second child, second son, Pau l Gregory, in Jul y; to Mr. a nd Mrs. ED BOLTON, th e ir seco nd chi ld , first da ughter, K a thl ee n Suza nn e, in Jul y; to Mr. and Mrs. ELMER JIRA , th eir second child , first son, in August; to Mr. a nd Mrs. VINCE MALLOY , a daughter, K a thle en Ann , in M arch ; to Mr. and Mrs. DON DARTT, th eir fourth child , third so n, Michael All en, in J anuary ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. DICK DURBIN, th eir sixth child , third son, R a lph Scott, in August ; to Mr. an d Mrs. PAT BYRNE (JACKIE TANGEMAN ) , a son, Mi cha el, in July; to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H einold (SHIRLEY ACKERMANN ) , th eir third child , second d a ughter, M ary L ynn, in jul y.
1955 ANITA SCHMIDT is now an instructor in nursing and health in th e department of matern a l and chi ld nursing, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and H ea lth. W es tern R eserve has awarded RALPH DELANEY his master of arts <.I egree. DR. WILLARD CLARK is in th e gen eral pra ctice of medi cine in Eaton, Ohio. H e and Antoin ette have three children. ED FLYNN is teaching English at night at Youngstown University whil e working towa rd his doctora te a t th e Universi ty of Pittsburgh. DR. C HARLES NAHN is with the Air Force a t Patrick AFB, adjacent to Cape Canavera l. VINCE WERL is in his second yea r of th eology a t Mount St. M ary's Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md . In Da yton , ELMER BRUNS is office manage r for Kastle Electric Company, th e firm he was with as a stock boy a nd truck dnver while working his way through U.D. H e a nd Lucy have three sons. MYRTLE YATES COX writes that her husband is assistant professor of busin ess admini stra tion a t Boston Un iversity. TOM NYHAN is direc tor of sa les for th e K ei lson V ending Company. H e a nd N a din e h ave three children and are li ving in K etterin g. In M ary land , PAUL C LEMMER is teaching at Calvert County high sc hool and work ing on hi s m aster's d egree at the Am erican University in Wa shington. PAT RUSSELL KELLY has re tired from teachin g an d is now mother of J ohn J ames K elly, born in Jul y. JUDE BLAU is with th e Sch erin g Corp. a nd ex pects to enroll at th e University of Ca lifornia in Santa Barbara in th e spring to work for hi s master's in bio logy. In Anaheim, Calif., BOB O ' BRIEN IS teachin g a t D a le Junior high schoo l, journa li sm, photography, a nd English. C. H. BUEHLER is supp ly a nd fis ca l office r with the Naval W ea pon s Evaluation facility in Albuqu erque, N . M. DR. DICK DOBBINS has completed work a t th e School of Aviation M edi cin<' in T exas an d is now a t J a mes Conna ll y AFB , Wa co, T exas. Living in Ska nea teles, N. Y ., BOB BOWLING is branch ma nage r of the region a l office in Syracuse of th e Am erica n Arbi tra ti on Association. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. JA C K WYMER , a daughter, in Octobc路 r ; to Mr. a nd Mrs . JOHN D UELL, a so n, in Augu st ; to Mr. and Mrs. BOB BOWLING, a daught er, J ennifer C laire, in July; to Mr. a nd Mrs . JAMES SCHARF (JOAN KREMER '56), th eir second son, Steph en Francis, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cox ( MYRTLE YATES ), th eir second ch ild, secon d son, D avid, in M ay; to JOAN BRENNAN TALBOT, her third child, first son, G erald Anth ony, in August ; to Dr. and Mrs. CHA RLES NAHN , a daughter, Juli e Catherine, in September; to Mr. a nd Mrs. BOB SCHMALL ( FLORENCE L UBY '56), th eir fir~t child , a daughter, in November; to Dr. a nd Mrs. ROBERT ALBERS, th ei r seco nd child, first daug ht er, Karen M a rit> . in April.
1956 PAUL LITKOWSKI has l ~ ft NCR an d is now D ay ton sa les engineer for Transi1ron El ectronic. NORBERT GRONE is now in Brook lyn as Broth er M ariu s, O.S.F., a nd teac hing bio logy an d ea rth science at St. Francis Fri ary
there. In Pu erto Ri co, ROBERT INCLAN is vice pres id ent of Bird Travel S ervice, with offices at the San Juan Internation a l Airport. MARGARET WINEMILLER GOODWIN is an in stru ctor at Los Angeles County General Hospita l. JOE CALLAHAN is sales manager and a partn er in a heavy construction company in Cincinnati. DON OLDIGES is tes ting director a t Colone l White high school, Dayton . FRED BROWN has begun work on his doctorate at W estern R ese rve University. ED GREANY is in Boston as resid ent sa lesman for Wh ee ling Steel Corporation . A WILDA ROCHET FLARES is a di etiti a n at Bethesda Hospital, Md. HAROLD KITTEL tells us his son James is a fr eshm a n at U .D. in electri cal engin ee ring. LARRY PINTO is in th e grocery busin ess and is a ttendin g John Carroll University. In California , DICK RALL is on leave from Hugh es Aircra ft to work toward his doctorate in engineering at UCLA. H e h as three sons . TOM HUGHES, also with thre e sons, is with the F. H . Langsenkamp Compan y in Indi anapoli s. DR. RALPH BRASHEAR is practicing in a small town nea r R a leigh, N. C . H e has two ch ildren. DR. DON BARNES, now a captain in the Air Force M edica l Corps, pl ans to practice in northwest U. S. or Alaska wh en h e's out of th e service next D ecember. A. ]. KRYSTOFIK, living in Clinton , I owa, is sa les engineer with Gen eral Electric's ra nge and laundry controls division in Morrison, Ill. H e has three children . JIM SYNK is working with his father in th e tool a nd di e business. With Bee rman Stores, In c., in D ayton, DON BURGER is a buyer. PAUL MUELLER is a process engin eer with G eneral Electric in L ex ington, K y. JOE FECKE , with four chi ldren, is a project eng ineer at Wright Air D evelopment Divi sion, Wright-Patterson AFB. BROTHER JAMES COSGROVE and LOUIS DEBROSSE have won th eir master's deg rees from Ohio State . From Hawai i, JOHN STAPLETON writes that he's now assistant to th e vice president for foreign op erations of C. Brewer and Company, in Honolulu. In Cincinnati, CONNIE MASTEN ASHMAN is a research technician with Procter and Gamble. RON ALLER is with All er and Mudd, Inc., Dayton, doing interior design work . H e has three children. C HARLES AUTEN is in Dayton , in th e sales departm ent of th e Ange ll Manufacturing Company. He h as two children. BOB BARNWELL is in Bell ef-on tain e, Ohio, with th e Knowlton Construction Company, th e firm which will build U.D.'s new men's dorm . H e' s a construction superinten den t, a nd has four children. DEAN BENASUTTI, with two chi ldren, is a li aison engin eer with Frigidaire. JIM BIRTLE is a systems analyst with R emington Rand Univac in Pittsb urgh. H e h"~ a son, Andrew. DENNIS BRACKMAN, who has two children, is tea ching English a t St. H enry, Ohio, consolida ted local school. In Eau Callie , Fla., CARL BRINKMANN is a senior field test enginee r with Chrysler's missil e division . H e has two children . RAY BUTZ is an assist ant supervisor with 'E'. F. MacDdnald in Dayton . PAUL CHRISTENSON is co-manager of th e Kroger store in Franklin.
DR. PAT CLARK ( MARY ELLEN GEORGE ) is a m edical officer in the Navy. SALLY BROWN C ROWE is teaching at Dayton's Rooseve lt high school. She has two children. In Wichita, K ans., FATHER LAWRENCE CYR is t eaching a t Sacred H ea rt College . PAUL DACEY is retail sales manager for Campbell Gen eral Tire an d Rubber Company in Pittsburgh. MARY GONZALEZ DE ANGUEIRA is in Santurce, P.R., a s a teach er and a housewife. FATHER RICHARD DE CAVITT is assis tan t chaplain a t Littl e Company of M ary Hospital, Evergree n Park, Ill. In Cl eveland Heig hts, DOLORES DE MORE is a clinica l instructor and supervisor. ANDY and SARA PFARRER DIXON are teaching at Marion high school, Maria Stein, Ohio. Th ey have three ch ildren. BROTHER JOSEPH DUFFY is guida nce dire ctor a t Most Hol y Trinity hi gh school, Brooklyn. JIM FOREMAN, who has four children, is a management engineer with th e Air Force a t Wright-Patterson . BROTHER RAY FUECHSLIN is teaching a t North Catholic high school in Pittsburgh. SISTER MARY MATILDA GALVIN is principal of St. Dorothy elementary school, Chicago. In D ayton, JIM GESSELLS is with NCR in sales DICK HARNETT is a contract specialist at Wri ght-Pa tterson. VIVIAN HEIDENREICH is in W oodsid e, N. Y ., as an administrative assistant with th e Am erican El ectri c Power Service Corporation . In N ew Hav en, Conn ., JOE HIEBEL is assistant administra tor of the H ospita l of St. Raphael. JOHN HONEKAMP is an irradiations engineer with General Electric's Knolls Atomic Power L aboratory in Schenectary, NY. CARLE HUFFMAN is a production enginee r with Armco Dra in age Corp. in Middletown. In Cambridge, Mass., CORDELL HULL is a student at H :uva rd Law School. At St. Elizabeth 's Hospital, SISTER LOUISE MARIE HURLA is operating room supervisor. BOB JACOBY is livin g in Clevela nd and teaching and coaching in Berea. FLORENCE MAYER JOLLY is working for the gove rnment in Laurel, Md. In Fort Belvoir, Va., CAPT. GUNARS KILPE is at th e Army Engineer School. L ast Jun e he received his master's d egree in civi l engin ee rin g fr om the University of Illinois. JERRY KMETT is in Euclid, Ohio, as equipment supervisor for th e C.A.B.Y. Transportation Company. H e now has three children .
BROTHER JIM M cGUIRE is doing graduate work at th e Inst itute of Marianist Studies in Glencoe, Mo. LT. JERRY MERTENS is in German y as a fire direction officer with a missile batta lion. H e h as four children. BOB MONE is a law clerk in the U .S. district court, Cl eveland. TOM MONNIG is a design engineer and associate with Heapy and Associates in D ayton . From Allentown, Pa., SISTER M. ROSALINE MARASITZ writes that sh e's now night supo:; rvisor of Sacred H eart Hospital. JACK MULDOWNEY is selling for L yons M etal Products in Cincinnati. JOHN MULLIGAN is an industrial en-
gineer m West Carrollton with Kimb erlyC lark . FATHER ROBERT NOVOTNY is assistant pastor a t St. John th e Baptist Church, Campbell, Ohio. TED NUNN is doing grad work at W estern Michiga n University. BEN O ' DIAM is teaching in Beavercreek Elementary school, Dayton. In Toledo, MARY OSTERDA Y is a caseworker with th e Lucas County W elfare D epa rtment. MRS. ALMA PARRISH is schoo l psyc hologist for th e Dayton Board of Education. WAYNE PFLUGMACHER is doing industrial engin eering work for P. R . M allory Electronics in Indianapoli s. Now with three children, BILL PORTER is in Hyd e Park, Mass., as a li a ison engin eer to MIT for Hugh es Aircraft. GENE PUMMELL writes that h e's instrum ental a nd choral director for Grceneview Schools in J amestown, Ohio. ED RENNEKER is in Cincinnati, an accountant with L ybrand, Ross Brothers, a nd Montgom ery . H e and J anet have four children.
LLOYD ROOT is now out of th e service a nd chief of th e microwave lab a t the R edstone Arsena l, Alabama . TOM ROSE is livin g in Fort R ecovery and working out of Sidney as a civil e ngine er for th e State hi ghway d epartm ent. An accountant, JOHN SCHAEFER is with Arnold, H awk, and Cuthbertson in Da yton . DON SCHLEGEL is with th e City of D ayton bureau of stru ctures as an engin eer. H e has three children. CHA RLES SCHNEIDER is con tinuing his studies a t Mount St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, for the diocese of Wh ee lin g, W . Va. BOB SCHUHMANN is treas urer of Schuhmann 's Click Clinic in Loui sv ille. GRA YCE SILLS is an in structor in psychiatric nursing for the State of Ohio division of m en tal hygiene. JOE THIEM is with Cincinnati Lith ographing Company. MADONNA MICHAELS WEHNER is doing some substitute teaching at the Gre enhills cooperative nursery school in Cincinnati. Living in Los Angeles, JOHN WELDON is an in ertial na vigation sys tem proj ect engin ee r for Litton Systems, In c. BROTHER JIM WOLAN is teac hing biology at Chaminade high school, Hollywoo d, Fla. MARRIED: PAUL CAHILL to Norm a R an d olph, in September ; JOHN STAPLETON to Frederica Lincoln, in July; PAUL MUELLER to Violet Schultz, in September ; BOB MONTGOMERY to Joan Kun z, in Jun e; MAURICE AUFDERHEIDE to Judith Ann Little, in October ; BOB RYAN to Ann H anson, in Jun e. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. JOE DEFFET, a son, in September; to Mr. and Mrs. Fred H efflinger (JO ANNE EMMONS ), th eir first child, Diana J ean, in August ; to Mr. and Mrs. DICK WIGGENHORN , a son, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. GENE HECKER, a daughter, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. BILL STRADY, a son, in October; to Mr. a nd Mrs. JOE CALLAHAN, a da ughter, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. R afael Angueira (MA RY GONZALEZ ) , a son, last November ; to Mr. and Mrs. BOB FIEL Y, a son, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. ]ERR Y WERNER, a daughter, M artina Marie, in Jun e; to Mr. and Mrs. ED GREANY, a son, Michael R aymond, in O ctober ; to Mr. and Mrs. DON FERDELMAN ( BARBARA WESSENDORF '59), a daughter, in November.
1957 BOB PANK writes from Cleveland th at h e's in hi s fifth year with the Shell Oil Comp;jny handling th e west side of Cl evela nd. H e has a daughter a nd a son. BOB a nd SUE FINKE SCHILLER are in Elizabeth, N.J., with NCR. In Camden, Ohio, CARL MONNIN is chi ef industrial engin ee r for the Universal M a nufacturing Go rp. ANNE ALLEN is working a t J ewish Hospital in Cincinnati. JA C K BALDWIN is ph ys ed teacher a t ]. E. Prass elemen ta ry school in K etterin g. H e now h as three sons. DAN FIS C HER is teaching En glish a t George W ashin gton junior hi gh school in H amil ton an d working toward his Jaw d egree at C hase Coll ege in Cincinnati. JA C K HOMAN has been reca lled to th e serv ice ; he's at Camp Polk , L a. SHIRLEY POHL is now a medical technologist a t Dayton 's Miami Valley hospital. DAVE KING visited th e cam pus from M aumee, Ohio, where he's with Ohio Bell. But where's Uncle Pete? RAY HOSLER is in Pittsburgh, an engin eer with W estinghou se Atomic Power depa rtm ent. H e has his doctorate in chemical eng in eering from the University of Illinois. H e a lso h as two chi ldren. With W ya ndotte Chem ica ls Corp. in D etroit, RON COLLINS has completed all th e requirements for hi s Ph.D. in inorga ni c chemistry at I nd iana University. H e' ll get th e degree nex t month. JIM TURVENE is teachi ng biology and science a t Da yton Chaminade and assisting in footba ll and base ball coaching. DAVE C RAMBLITT writes he's stil with C h rysler Missil e division in Huntsvill e, Ala ., working in th e future launch systems study office of NASA. H e has three children. In V a ncouver, B. C., VIC KRISTOPAITIS is playi ng pro footba ll with th e B.C. Lion s. H e a lso has interest in th e Custom Glass Com pany th ere. DAN ROMER is in M emphis with th e First National Bank and is working toward his master's d egre e a t M emphis State. JIM DIRKES is in M ary land at th e Army chemi ca l ce nter and attendin g night classes a t th e U nivcrsity of Maryland law school. RUSS BOUCHEZ is a development engineer for th e sa les developm en t division of th e Aluminum Co rp . of America in Cleveland . BOB BRUNS is in Milwaukee completing medical studies a t Marqu ette. MATT LANDIS is teaching in West Carro.llton a nd spen d s hi s summ ers taking jeep tnps through th e U .S . PHIL HOL THENRICHS is with GE 's missile a nd space vehicle department in Philadelphi a and doing post-grad work at th e University of Pennsylvania. PAUL BASEL is now a senior accounta nt on th e a udit staff of Pri ce- W a terhouse. . In Buffalo, N.Y., JIM PHLIPOT is a proJect engin ee r in th e aeronau ti ca l division of Ara-Firewel C ompany. BOB and MARY JANE HOBLIT MATHEWS a rc in San Rafae l, Calif. , wh ere h e IS p ersonn el director of Maria Genera l Hospita l. Th ey have two chi ldre n. HELMUT YOLK, along with severa l oth er U. D . alumni, is with Minn ea polis Hon eywellAero as a senior developm ent engin ee r in inerti a l guidanc e systems. RAY FIELDER is with Vickers, In c., as a sa les engi n ee r. DAVE WILLIAMS is livin g in South Pas adena, Calif., a nd is a deve lopment engin eer w1th th e jet propu lsion lab. H e has his mas-
ter's in elec tri cal enginee ring from Ohio State. DICK NUSS, now out of the service, plans to enter Ohio State n ext month for grad work. H e's in Springfield, Ohio. JOHN LOUCKS h as bee n n amed Chicago di strict m a nage r in sales and service for L ed ex, In c. MARRIED: DR. DON BOLLHEIMER to Jill Ann Fredrick, in September ; FRED GILLOTTI to Carol Ann Gi lles, in O ctober; JIM LIESENHOFF to Lorrain e Horton, in 路 O ctober ; RUSS BOUCHEZ to Mary Lynn )ones, in M ay; DAN ROMER to Joan Ropp , m November ; BOB CAROLINA to Kathl ee n Coldiron, in Jun e. BORN : to Dr. an d Mrs. DON TURNER th eir second child, a d aughter, in September: to Mr. and Mrs. V ernon Kunz (CA ROLE C ROSLEY ), a son, in August; to Mr. a nd Mrs. JERRY M cA VOY ( MARGIE BUTLER ), a son, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES GRAHAM, th eir third child, first son, C harl es William, in August; to Mr. a nd Mrs. JERRY LEIBOLD, a da ughter, in O ctober ; to Mr. and Mrs. JOE JOHNSON their first child, a son, in April; to Mr. and Mrs. HENRY STURM th eir third child K evin P a ul , in Jun e; to ' Mr. a nd Mrs. J OE MARU~A (TR UDY LAWLER '55) , th eir th1rd chdd, second son, Grego ry J a m es, in April ; to DIANE CROSS WINTER h er second child, L a ura J ane, in August ; t~ Mr. a nd Mrs. Willi am Buhrma n (C AROL KREUSCH ), th eir second child second son Gregory Edward, in August ; to 'Mr. a n Mrs: RON COLLINS, th eir first chi ld Sha ron Lynn, in Ju ne; to Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES NAUGLE, a d a ug hter, in November ; to Mr. and Mrs. HOWARD SCHUMACHER a daughter, in November ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. J erry R ea rdon ( RITA HOENE ) , a daughter, R1ta Ann .
1958 RUSTY SAUNDERS 1s m Bronxville N . ' BILL FORTENER is office manager of the A. F. L eis Company in Centerville . NICK UNGARD is assistant office manager at Rik e's . BOB STEELE is with W estern El ectri c in Columbus in th e busin ess m ethods departm ent. THERESE FISCHER is teachin g second grade at Rolling Fi elds Schools in K ettering. In St. H enry, Ohio, JOE SCHLOTTERER is teaching L a tin a nd English. ADOLPH MONTGOMERY has been reca ll ed to active duty and is stationed a t Fort Polk , La . JACK BLAINE is doing lega l work with th e Wi sconsin State M edica l Society after rece iving his law degree from the University of Wi sconsin . FRANK and ANITA MIDLAM OELERIC~ a rc in J acksonvi ll e, Fla., where Frank 1s sclhng for Owens-Illinois Glass. CHARLES FRITSCH h as received his doctora te in m echan ica l engin eerin g from Purdue (in h eat transfer) and is now with Bell T elephone in Whippany, N .J., in th e electro-m ech a nical development department. BARBARA ROBKE CALLAHAN is undergo ing training to becom e a ca techist for th e diocese of L a nsing, Mi ch. LU C IE NEWTON BYRD is a supply commodity management officer a t Norton AFB Calif. ' JACK SP~ULDING is a highway engineer mt ern w1th th e Connec ti cut State hi ghwa y d epartment. TOM STAUDENHEIMER is with America n-Sta ndard in Loui svi ll e doing cost accounting work.
Y., with MacGregor sporting goods.
Mrs. Tegenkamp Returns From HOPE'S Voyage
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON a lumna has returned from what she considers one of the most rewarding ex periences of her lifetime. MRS. IRENE TEGENKAMP '58 spent a lmost a year aboard the S. S. Hope, the American hospital ship which went to Southeast Asia on a mission of taking modern medical knowledge to the emerging nations in that part of the world . As a medical technologist, she was one of about seventy members of a medica l crew which staffed the 230-bed ship, an old wartime hospital ship especia lly converted for the trip. She was the only Ohioan on the permanent staff during the entire time of the maiden voyage . " It was the most wonderful year I've ever spen t," says Mrs. Tegenkamp, who prior to volunteering for the trip, was a technologist for Dr. William Abramson, pathologist of St. Eliza beth's Hospita l. The voyage of the Hope was fin a nced by contributions from individu als and businesses around the country through the People-to-People H ealth Found ation. South Vietnam a nd the Indonesian countries including Java and Bali were the principal working areas for the Hope. After the project in Southeast Asia was completed , just a few months ago, Mrs . T egenkamp left the ship and returned to the United States through the Asia-Europe route, visiting hospitals and medical centers in a number of countries. " It is impossible to compare medical practice and faciliti es in other countries \Vith those in the United States," says Mrs. T egenkamp. " It was a real challenge to us of the Hope to work with these peoples and do wh a t we cou ld to bring to a higher level their medical knowledge. "
In Owensboro, K y., JIM KRAMPE is with GE in th e receiving tube d epartment as a design engineer. SARA GOVER is working toward her master's degree at Michigan State. BOB SAKALIS is selling for State Mutu a l Life Assurance in Cincinnati. FRANK PINN is a claim adjuster for th e United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company in Chicago and also is teaching in th e Chicago Park District. RAY HARR is with the Ohio Power Company, training in New York, and attending Brooklyn Poly to earn his master's in electrical engi nee ring. BOB O'BR Y AN is with GE's x-ray division in Milwaukee. LT. DICK DIX is in Berli n as a hospita l treasurer . H e and Lois now have two children. JOE SLATER is manager of the sporting goo ds d epa rtm ent at Sears in D ayton. JOE PALSA is a staff d esigner with Kuban Studios in Cleveland, and is d oing free lance art work. SHARON M cG INN is teachin g in Dowagiac, Mi ch . The Army is teaching JOHN CAVALLI the Chinese-Mandarin lang uage a t its Language School in Mont erey, Calif. DAN DUNSON is ne w treasurer of th e D ay ton Jaycees. MARRIED : BILL FISHER to June M ari e Belvo, in September ; JOHN SPAULDING to Elizabe th Eng land, in November ; CARMELA V ACCHIANO to Alex Pragalos, in Jun e; LOIS ZORC to Ja ck M en tel, in D ecembe r ; .JIM POWERS to Mary Therese Oswei ler, in May. BORN: to Mr. and Mrs. DICK ZAJOVITS, a son, in August; to Mr. and Mrs . BASIL RICCO, a dau ghter, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. MIKE AFENDOULES, th eir fourth d a ughter, Katherine, in O c tober; to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN CASSIDY, a dau ghter, in September; to Mr. and Mrs. JERRY WAIN SCOTT, a daughter, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs . .JOHN SCHMITZ, a son, in October; to Mr. and Mrs. BOB O'BRYAN, th ei r fourth child, third son, in September; to Mr. and Mrs . .JIM KRAMPE, a son, James Jr., in .January; to Mr. and Mrs. FRANK OELERICH (ANITA MIDLAM ) , th eir second child, first daughter, Susan M a ry, in September; to Mr. and Mrs. ADOLPH MONTGOMERY, a son, in July ; to Mr. and Mrs. JOE SCHLOTTERER, th eir fifth child, a daughter, in June.
1959 JACK TARLANO has received his MS d egree from Ohio State. DAVE BURKE is in his second year of law a t Western R eserve. THERESE CERRIT A, now Mrs. Dave Burke, is teaching French at Solon high school, South Euclid, Ohio. Th ey were married in July. 1ST LT. RAY MULLMAN is with th e Army in German y. Also in German y is 1ST LT. BOB SHOWALTER, who's com manding officer of a signal group headquarters company. BOB AUFULDISH is a research chemist with Lubrizol in Cleveland. In Miamisburg, Ohio, JERRY HOPFENGARDNER is boys' guidance counselor at Miamisburg high school. L ast August he won his master's degree at Miami. DICK WILLKOMM is partner and vice presi dent and member of th e board of Willkomm and Sons plumbing and heating. TOM MICK is in his junior year at University of Cincinnati med school. KEN PRIEST is vice president in charge of sales for a Cleveland manufacturing com-
pany. H e has a d aughter, Tracey Lynn. ANGI BIANCO O ' LEARY is teaching fourth grade at Dayto n's St. Anthony school. CHARLES BENSMAN is h ead guidance counselor and assistant basketball coach at Minster, Ohio, high school. JOHN WEBER is general manager of Truck Cab Manufacturing Company in Cincinnati and is working on his master's at Xavier. BUCKY HARRIS is with Standard R egister in Dayton. LT. JIM LICHON is at Fort Sill, Ok la. JACK McCALL is an Air Force li eutenant at Langley AFB, V a. RAY MOREFIELD is in the advertising department of Mirro Aluminum in Manitowoc, Wise. He has two daughters. BOB GAUBY is in the creative departmen t of the E. F. MacDonald Company in D ayton. In Hyattsville, Md., ION DEATON is an electronic engin ee r with ACF Electronics in Riverdale. DON ZIMLICH is in the missile engineering d epartm en t with Bendix in South Bend, Ind. VIRGIL BOWLING is district man ager for Field Enterprises Educational d epartment. In Oklahoma, JOE MORAN is a geophysicist with Texaco. JERRY DALY is teaching third grad e in Allegh eny County schools, P a. She has don e post-grad work in education at Duquesne. LOWELL REIDY is out of th e service and in th e branch accounting department of NCR in Dayton. LOUIS FERRERO is teaching in Canal Fulton, Ohio, and is living in Massillon. In St. Petersburg, Fla., DICK GEHLE is with Minn eapolis Hon eywell as a compon en ts engineer. JOHN WHITTENBERGER is with Avco electronics and ordnance division in Richmond, Ind. NANCY HAZLETT con tinues teaching third grade at Madison Township schools, Trotwood, Ohio. PAUL McENROE is with IBM and attending Sta nford University. Mrs. McEnroe, A N RA WERS '60, is teaching at Samuel Ayer high school, Milpitas, Calif. BILL RIES, still teaching in Cincinnati's Washburn elementary school, is halfway through his mast er's at Xavier in elemen tary school administration. Back in Dayton, JOANNE TAYLOR CAFFREY is teachi ng hea lth and physical education a t Colonel White high school. Fron1 Cleveland, CHUCK WANDA writes that he's now chairman of the a rt departmen t at St. Josep h's high schoo l an d is doing g ra d work at Western R eserve. PETE JACOBS is with Avco in Evendale, Ohio, as a senio r process engineer. DICK ALIG has won his master's degree in electrical engineering from Northwestern and is now with Doug las Aircraft in El Segun do, Calif. PAT MEYERS has won her master of arts degree from Western R eserve. MARY JO O ' CALLAGHAN SMALL has won her MA from th e State University of Iowa. In Lakewood, Ohio, BILL MALLOY is foreman in the labor d epartment of R epublic Steel. JACK TARLANO, with his MS in physics from Ohio State, is with North American Aviation in Columbus and Mrs. Tarlano. NANCY SPIRES, is an associate organic in~ dexer Lor Chemical Abstracts Service there. MARTY MILLER, of U.D.'s Research Institute, has bee n recalled to active duty. 1ST LT. FRED GORMAN is in Germany; BILL GASKILL is .vith the Navy
aboard th e U.S.S. Vulcan as a machinery repairman third class ; 1ST LT. FRANK DOYLE is a t Cherry Point, N. C.; TOM CARDILE has been promoted to 1st Li eutenant; I ST LT. JOHN CECELIC is at Fort Lee, Va. MARRIED: DENNIS KELLY to Rosa lie Roderer, in July; JOE DECKER to Ruth Ann Gerber, in August ; BOB HARRIS to Mary Elaine Watts, in August ; BOB HEIDENREICH ro M adonna Sue F a irchild, in September; JOHN LANE to M a ry Louise Horwitt, in September; CHUCK TAYLOR to JEAN BELLIN, in July; MARGARET MORITZ to D ennis Galehouse; LOUIS FERRERO to Barbara W ellman, in August; HELEN O'DONNELL to Jim Rod er, in October . BORN: to Lt. and Mrs. JOHN CECELIC, th eir third son, J ames Edward, in September; to Mr. a nd Mrs. ED CANDLER, a d a ughter, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. DALE BUSHONG, their first child, a son, in O ctob er ; to Mr. and Mrs. JIM HOEFFEL, th eir first child, Kimberly Sue, in Septemb er; to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN BLUST, a da ughter, in Sep tember ; to Mr. and Mrs. DAN HAZLETT, a son, in August; to Mr. a nd Mrs. TOM WIEDEMAN, a daughter, in September; to Mr. and Mrs. John H arrigan ( MARY BETH HOENE ), th eir first chi ld, Teresa M arie , in August; ro Mr. a nd Mrs. Mike Colacur::io (MARY LA VANIER ), th eir first chi ld, Lisa Marie, in August; to Mr. and Mrs. BILL SAGE (MARY MARLMEISTER '58 ), a daughter, in November ; to Mr. and Mrs. BILL RIES, th eir second child, first son, Thomas Joseph, in Jun e; to Mr. and Mrs. HARRY GRIESELHUBER (CAROL HARTKE ), their first child , a son, in April ; to Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES HUBER, a son, Steven Michael, in February ; to MARY DAPORE McCRA TE, her second son, Scott Lawre nce, in May ; to Mr. and Mrs. DON ZIMLICH, a daughter, Cathleen Ann, in June; to Mr. and Mrs. DON STELZER, a son, Gregory Lee, in July; to Mr. an d Mrs. BOB GAUBY (KATHLEEN GIRARD '54), their fourth daughter, Amy Coleen, in July; to Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O ' Leary (ANG I BIANCO ), th eir first child, K evin Charles, in M ay; to Mr. a nd Mrs . BOB AUFULDISH (DOLORES COMBERT ' 58 ) , a son, Robert III, in April ; to Lt. and Mrs. BOB SHOWALTER, a daughter, Anna Lynn, in May ; to Lt. a nd Mrs. GENE HERMAN, th eir third son, David Scot t, in M ay; to Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Kuenning (TRUDY SCHWIETERMAN ), a son, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. DON STAUDTER ( PAT SWETZ '57), a daughter, in September.
1960 PAUL COULTER is doing a grea t job as a gra duate student a t the University of Kansas. From there comes word th at "Paul is abso lutely outstanding in every way . . . took an d passed all th e qua lifyi ng exams th e first semester h e was here-a very rare feat. At spring honors banquet, he was given th e award for th e outstanding teaching assistant of th e year . .. we hope we may have th e pleasure of bringing other gra dua tes from your department to Kansas throughout the coming years . . ." LT. GERALD MILLER is operations officer with th e directorate of services at the Army tra nsportation school in Fort Eustis,. Va. TWINKLE LONGO is teachi ng at K emp School, Dayton. JOSEPHINE BIVIN is teaching the sixth grade at McGuffey School, Dayton. Back in the Army, writes GERARD
KUNTZ from Owensboro, K y. H e's in a reserve unit which Uncle Sam beckoned to recently. JOHN BERTRAND is in training with A. 0. Smith Corp. in Tipp City, Ohio. D AVE CURTIS is plant personhel director for Continental Bak ing Company in Dayton. PAT HUNT, in Laura, Ohio, is doing substitute teaching in Milton-Union high school. Sh e has a son, J effrey Allen. STEVE PALENCHAR is coaching footba ll at Gilmour Academy. BOB SHERRY is in Evansville, Ind., selling for Johnson an d Johnson. JO ANN FISCHER is t eaching at Rolling Fields School, K ettering. SUE HORSTMAN, a secre tary a t NCR, spent th e summer in Europe. In Middletown, ELAINE EDWARDS is a medical technologist and cytologist at Middl etown Hospital. DICK BURKHARDT has won a $700 scho larshi p as a sophomore at the University of Cincinnati college of medicin e. BOB KNIPP is with the Army in German y; 2ND LT. GEORGE ZILBA is in France; LT. LEN BEAUDOIN is with the Marin es in Santa Ana, Calif.; I ST LT. PHIL HERRMAN (RUTH DEMPSEY '58) is in Germany; a nd LT. PAUL O 'DONNELL is at Fort Hood, Tex. In Dayton, JOE WESTBROCK is an apprentice fun era l director at th e Wcstbrock Funera l Home. In Sidney, DAVE DUNSON is with th e Dunson Supply Company. JACK KREUTZKAMP is an electronics engin eer with the Cincinnati division of Bendix. JIM ROMER is in his second yea r at Marquette Med School. DICK LA PERA is in his second year at New York L aw School. JOHN HATTER is working toward his master's in sociology at the University of Colora do . Also at Marqu ette M ed School, seco nd year, is JOHN MANNING. HELEN EMMERT is an administrative dietitian for D ayton's Good Samaritan Hospital. TONY DORIA writes that he's now teaching in a new school on Long Island and his brother is a tten ding U.D. BOB an d SUE GUESS CALIBOSO are in Monterey, Calif., wh ere Bob is fl ying for th e Army an d Sue is teaching in Pacific Grove. JIM McBARRON is an aero-space technologist with th e NASA space task group at La ngley fi eld, Va. JOHN WOLTER, who'll receive his master's degree from Fordham next month, is teaching American history and geography in New Rochelle, N. Y. In Chicago, DENNIS YOSICK is in th e architC'C t service department of the U . S. Gypsum Company an d is enroll ed in a ma nagrmC' nt co urse at D e Pau l. JUDD DRY, in Ro chC's ter, N. Y., is credit manager for a building supply company. PAUL GOVE RNOR is also in Roch es ter, in sa les with R. T. French Compan y. Ba he lor STAN LAVELLE is a systems engi neer doing computer programming work for the Cleveland El ectri c Illumin ating Company. MARRIED : JUDD DRY to J ane Fackelman, in SeptC'mber; JIM ROMER to Dantelle Hain es, in Jul y; J AC K KRE TZKAMP to Judy Kuch cnbac k, in Aug ust ; LT. BILL HEALY to Dorothy D evoe, in September; GERALD INE GEVAT to Thom as Konicki, in August; ART RABY to Anna M acNama ra, in September ; JOE WESTBROCK to Trudy Ann R opp, in September ; ANN EVANS to John Wolf, in August ; BOB CALIBOSO to SUE GUESS, in August ; JERRY
BAUER to Charlotte Carmody, in August; BILL MacBETH to H elen D aley, in September; JOE OSTENDORF to Carolyn Ba llard, in September ; GERARD LONSWAY to Sue Huss, in August ; JOHN BERTRAND to Virginia Edgar, in Aug ust. BORN : ro Mr. and Mrs. CARL WELAGE, a d aughter, J en nifer, in April ; to MARK and DONNA DEVOE KELLY , their first child, Colleen M arie, in May; to Mr. and Mrs. DAVE DUNSON a son, John David, in July; to PHIL and RUTH DEMPSEY HERRMAN, a son, Michael Scott, in Jun e; to Mr. an d Mrs. BERNARD MAHLE, a daughter, in September ; to Mr. a nd Mrs. JIM TRAEGESER (JUDITH SCHREIN), th eir first child, J ames Michael, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. LAWRENCE CURK, their first child, Craig Lawrence, in August ; to Mr. and Mrs. BERNARD W ANNEMACHER, their fourth ch ild, third son, Michael Bernard, in August ; to Mr. an d Mrs. BOB SARMIR, th eir first chi ld, Diane Marie, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. JIM McGRAW, a daughter, in September ; to Mr. and Mrs. GERARD KUNTZ, a daughter, Karen Anne, in July.
1961 Teaching: JUDY POHL, at Dayton's new Carroll hig h school, and also serving as girls' athletic director ; CLARA TROTTMAN, at Id a A. W eller School, Centerville ; BRENDA BART, home economics a t West Carrollton high school ; J UDY MAYER, freshman ma th at Wilbur Wright high school, Dayton ; NANCY JO CAITO, a t Euclid Park School, Cleveland; JUDY MANKER, Coldwater, .Ohio, high school ; LEAH ENGLEKA, fifth grad e at Centerville Elementary school; MIKE SOBOTA, Wi llson Junior High school, Cleveland; MARC I A BOWERS MEYER, fifth grade at Corpus Christi, Dayton. In graduate schools ; BOB GILLIGAN, psychology and teaching assistant at U niversity of Connecticut ; CHARLIE CONNOLLY, graduate assistant in radio and telev ision at Ohio U . ; THERESE GElS, University of Delaware; JOHN J AUCH, Massachusetts Institute of T echnology; J OHN WELLS, Pan American Petrol eum Foundation fellow in geophysics at University of California; STEVE MA R INAK, industrial engin eeri ng at University of Pennsylvania ; BILL WELLER, psychi a try at Universi ty of Illinois med school. GEORGE INOUYE is in Tokyo working for an American-Japanese trading firm. MEL EIFERT is with T echnology, Inc. GERTRUDE DUNN is a hom e visitor for retarded children in Montgom ery County. JOHN CASHIN is a research biologist at Wright-Patterson. . DON TRENTMAN is with Dayton El ectron ic Products Company. DICK HUNT is a property damage exam in er for Allstate Insurance in Da yton . In D ayton , JERRY MATTINGLY is represe nting H a loid-X erox Corp. BILL HEWITT represents Internation a l Powder M e tallurgy Company in southern Ohio. PETE PETERSON is with M etropolitan Life in Indi anapo lis. JA CK THEIN is in D ay ton with Fidelity Mutual Life. BILL THORNTON is a staff associat e with M cDaniels a nd Associates in Middl etown . A sa nitarian on th e staff of th e Montgomery County H ea lth department , GALE FELLA recently won a $4,000 grant from th e U. S. Pu blic H ea lth Servi ce to stu d y at the University of Michigan. PAUL LEITZ is se lling- acco unting a nd
data processing equipment for NCR in Dayton . JOE ALSPAUGH is in Columbus with th e Dayton Safety Supply Company. In th e se rvi ce: SKIP HAGER, Korea; JACK PHILLIPS, Germany; TED ROGERS, recently com pl eted transporta tion officer course at Fort Eustis, Va.; MIKE SEPELA , Fort Bliss, Tex. ; PAUL FLEMING , technica l instructor in electronics countercounter measures branch, K eesler AFB, Miss.; BOB STANKARD, Signal Corps, Fort M eyer, Va.; ANGELO DIGIACOMO, Fort Benning, Ga. ; DICK MOCNY, Italy,' a finance officer; KEN AKEN, completed artillery and missile school, Fort Sill ; FRED TRZOS , pl atoon leader, Fort Lewis, Wash .; JOHN CARRIGAN, completed AG school at Fort Benjamin H arrison, Ind. ; AL WATZEK, JOE BOYERSMITH, and ERNEST MON IN, cmp leted infantry school at Fort Benning. MARRIED: MIKE SO BOT A to Ann Marie Mulholland, in September; FILOMEN A V ACCHIANO to Paul Lange, in October; LT. TOM KRAPF to Joan Jackson, in October ; BILL HERRMANN to Stephanie Korte, in November; JACK THEIN to J udith Tobe, in October; JIM McKALE to Patricia Obringer ; LT. LLOYD MONNIN to M ary Lyn ne Davies, in September ; KEN GUDORF to Evelyn Sommer, in August ; MIKE MOORE to Ann McGill, in October ; TOM KARRENBAUER to Patricia Sullivan, in October ; PETE PETE R SON ro JUDI ANN GOELZ, in November ; TOM McALLISTER to H elen Dugan, in October ; TIM KACZKOWSKI to BETTY FLEISCHMANN ' 62, in October; BILL THORNTON to Noree n Scott, in September ; JOHN CASHIN ~o Saundra Ahrens, in August ; ANTHONY SAT ARIANO to Patricia K essler, in August; YVONNE MONNIN to Thomas H a rt, in July; JUDY SCHOENBERGER to Cecil Sh rk, in August ; J OHN SMITH to Kay Williams, in August ; ELOISE WEDDLE to George Pitstick, in September; MIKE TURGON to Barbara Wolff, in August; NORM HOR N to Carol Ehemann, in October; MIKE BURKE to Luana L ochtefelt, in October. BORN : to Mr. and Mrs. DON TRENTMAN, their second chi ld, first son, David Joseph, in October ; to Mr. and Mrs. KEN GOLONKA, a son, Kenneth Anthony, Jr., in July ; to Mr. and Mrs. JACK P HILLIPS (LYNN STANG '60), their first child, Christoph er Jay, in September; ro Mr. and Mrs. SIGMUND BRZEZICKI (MARY SUTTON '60), a son, in November.
Fight TB
Use Christmas Seals
BACK COVER ... The back cover of this issue of Th e ALUMNUS is the work of TOM MILLER '61 , an artist with Tuvell, H a hn and Costello studios in Dayton. It is the design which won a poster contest sponsored by the Dayton K eep Christ in Christmas committee.