Daytonian 1966

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DAYTONIAN 1966 • Vol. 43

UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON DAYTON, OHIO Allen Hill, editor Katie Dyke, assistant editor Steve Walter, associate editor




I. Academics


2. Organizations 3. Activities 4. Sports 5. Underclass 6. Seniors




Campus: buildings; some old, one brand new . Sidewalks; roads; cgrass · and--especially in spring-mud .



A factory populated by trees and statues.




Enter people. Put them in the classrooms, the lecture halls, the labs.




Let them populate the sidewalks, the hallways. Let them gather, all kinds, in the classes, at the parties. Let them walk across the grass, and work late at night in the Council offices, and play pool in the Union.




A university is a factory for turning out trained professionals: engineers, English majors, economists, sociologists, chemists, mathematicians, accountants, phys ed coaches. Everyone is a professional: no one starves. Hopefully no empty mind accompanies the full belly. Hopefully the professional training has been made meaningful . Hopefully this high-powered vocational guidance has not chopped the man down to fit the job. Hopefully it has not fostered an attitude of adjustment to society as it is. Hopefully we leave here not trained but educated; not knowing all the answers, but knowing at least what questions are worth the asking. A university must train professionals, for the sake of the present. For the sake of the fu ture, it must do more. And so must we.









Mount St. John


Time was when we were 44, and the world was totally alive. Everything that was big enough or warm, that moved or made a noise was a person , a separate, living thing, an entity apart. A clock . A refrigerator; electric mixer, vacuum cleaner, radio . Puppy. Even grownups. Each with a name, each with its own awareness . Earlier-there was an earlier time, but we don't remember that-there was only texture, temperature, color, taste, noise, scent; and we were fascinated by the shape of our own hands, the taste of cardboard . But we don't remember that. We forgot, when we were 4, in the excitement of asking questions of a world so entirely, so immediately alive. And the next year we were 5, and started school. Formal education : wherein we were expected to answer questions.



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And that's the way we spent the next twelve years: answering questions. Reading books, magazines, encyclopedia articles, newspapers so we could rattle off the responses. -For tomorrow read chctptel' thirteen. There will be a quiz Friday. -Book report. ItlSt tell me what the author said. -Mark + for true, 0 for -Choose whiche've1' answer you believe to be corfect, a, b, c, 01' d. -Grade right minus wrong. -Outside readi12/<. Y 011 may choose three of the five listed. By the time we get here, we've got lots of answers, and they give us another forty-odd books with still more. We spend so much time with the answers, we could forget all about the questions.



And it is the questions, after all, that are important. What use are all these facts if we can't do anything with them? And what can we do with them if we don't even know which data we have, if there is no order to this collection? Eventually we come to making an ordering, for we must, and then we begin to ask questions. Especially, we question the value of all the facts we've been embalming in notebooks. All the data we've gathered, all the expert opinions and critical reviews, are someone else's; all the scientific observations are someone else's; and how do we know the reported results are really so? We have to try ourselves. So we come back to the senses: textures, color, sound. We do the titration; we measure the power curve of a thirty-horse motor, the growth rate of a crystal; and we know these things are so.


And slowly we come to some organization of the data, to some appreciation for the relationships different fields of knowledge bear to one another, to some awareness of the relevance of the contents of our personal mental filing cabinets to the way we act, the things we do. For we each see with our own eyes, we each perceIve our own :worlds; and the value of our observations increases with their relevance to those of other people. And we communicate. The teacher is doing more than reciting; personal relationships mean more than having a Coke together or being in the same classroom . The Cjuestions mean more: the same questions, but now there's time for our own answers.




With the young, honor is more important than tactic s or etJen than prudence. Leaders of youth mllSt be knightlya grisly identity, but thet'e it is. -Paul Goodman In a community and a time devoted primarily to !he achievement of academic maturity, the intellectual integrity of its permanent popttlation, the faculty and administration, is imperative. For if stt/dents enter the university young, they leave old enough at least to vote. They are expected to make an active place in a larget' community. They need the best help they can get while they Me het'e.


Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M. President


My dear Graduates of 1966, Although this may seem a very inappropriate thing to say, especially as we stand today among the many magnificent new structures which adorn our U.D. campus, we must admit that some day these stones and bricks will crumble, the carefully chosen wood will rot, and even the way of life which characterizes this college campus will disappear-yes, a few years from now as you page through these pictures of your yearbook, your children, if not you yourselves, will admit the things depicted herein are pretty antiquated-yet, the convictions and principles which you learned here, particularly in your core courses of theology and philosophy, will never grow old or disappear. This is as it should be, for such is our purpose in fulfilling our obligation to you as our students. Oh yes, the methods and skills and. even scientific laws you learn now may be supplanted in later years, but the philosophy of life you formulated here, the principles you accepted as your rule of life, will always be true. As such they will guide your life, each and every day of it, and will guarantee for you that goal which is the lodestone of your effort. These college days are a very important influence in your life, you have every right to cherish their memory, but more important is their impact on your career as you live out your life in the motto of your university: For God and Country. May the patroness of your alma mater through her maternal solicitude ever guide and inspire your days ahead. Sincerely,

Very Reverend Raymond A. Roesch, S.M. President


Rev. George Barrett, S.M. Vice President


Rev. Charles Collins, S.M. Assistant to the President

Bro. Thomas Schick, S.M. Dean of Students

Rev . Charles Lees, S.M. Provost


Mrs. John Hussong Acting Dean of Women

Mr. Thomas Salm Associate Dean of Men


Bro. Stephen I. Sheehy, S.M. Dean of Men

Board of Trustees

Very Rev. James Darby, S.M.

Rev . John A. Elbert, S.M.

Bro. John J. Jansen, S.M .

Rev . George J . Renneker, S.M.

Very Rev . Raymond A. Roesch, S.M.

Bro. Robert Thomson , S.M.

Board of Lay Trustees Lou is Wozar, President David L. Rike, Vice President Eugene A. Mayl , Secretary I. H. Jones, Treasurer Stanley C. Allyn C. M. Barnes Loren M. Berry E. Bartlett Brooks James M. Cox, Jr. Samuel L. Finn Huber W . Gillaugh Dr. Carroll A. HochwBlt Louis R. Jacobs Eugene W . Kettering William Kuntz Herman F. Lehman H. Talbott Mead Robert S. Oelman !louis F. Polk Walter A. Reiling , M.D. George E. Sheer M. A. Spayd James M. Stuart, Sr. Elwood E. Zimmer Very Rev. James Darby, S.M. Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M. Bro. Joseph J. Mervar, S.M. Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M.


Academic Council

Seated: Very Rev. John Elbert, Bro. Raymond Nartker, Rev . Matthew Kohmescher, Rev . Charles Lees, Sr. Mary Audrey, Bernard Bedard, John B. Steinbruegge, William Hoben; standing: Bro. Norbert Brockman, Bro. Donald Geiger, Bro. Joseph Panzer, Dr. Maurice Graney, Bro. Leonard Mann.


Administrative Council

Seated: Bro. Joseph Mervar, Bro. Thomas Schick, Rev . Charles Collins, Rev. Paul Wagner, Rev. Charles Lees, Rev. Thomas A. Stanley, Rev. Norbert Burns; standing: Rev. George B. Barrett, Very Rev . Raymond Roesch, Bro. Elmer C. Lackner.

Student Welfare Council

Seated: Dr. Charles Scheidle~, Thomas Frericks, Rev. Chades CoWns, Mrs. Payne, Mother Mary Ann, S.M., Rev. Andrew Seebold, Rev. Cyril Middendorf, Bro. Stephen Sheehy; standing: Ellie Kurtz, Bro. Thomas Schick.


Research Council

Mr. John Westerheide, Bro. Austin Holian, Dr. Maurice Graney; Bro. Leonard Mann, Mr. Adrian Morgan, Dr. Ellis Joseph.

Finance and Services Council

Bro. T. A. Brennan, Bro. William Busch, Bro. James H. Kline, Gerald W. Vonderbrink, Bro. Stephen Sheehy, Bro. Joseph Mervar.


Athletic Board

Seated: Bro. Stephen Sheehy, Bro. Louis Rose, Tom Frericks, Rev. Charles Collins, Bro. Ell mer Lackner; standing : E. Westendorf, Dr. George Rau, Orville Comer, Joseph Pappall ardo, Rocco Donatelli, R. C. Horwedel; Jim Paxon, Michael Bobal, Robert Donovan, Pete Boy,le, Tony Kramer.

Public Relations and Development Council

Seated: Gerald W. Vonderbrink, Bro. Elmer Lackner, Rev. Charles Collins, Rev. George Barrett; standing : Elwood Zimmer, Theodore Woloson .


Arts and Sciences

Rev. Ralph J . Gorg, Ph.D. Assistant Dean

Brother Leonard A. Mann, Ph.D. Dean



George Noland, Ph.D. Chairman

P. K. Bajpai, Ph.D.

Bro. W. A. Beck, M.S.

J. J. Cooney, Ph.D.

Peter Faso, M.S.

Bro. D. Geiger, Ph.D.

Bro. R. Joly, M.S.

Joseph Laufersweiler, Ph.D.

James MacMahon, Ph .'D.

James Ramsey, M.S.

Gertrude Shay. M.S.

George Willis, M.S.T.


Bro. John lucier, Ph.D. Chairman

Bro. Cletus Chudd, Ph.D.

S. l. Eveslage, Ph.D.

Bro. George Geisler Lie. Sc.

David Karl, Ph.D.

Carl Michaelis, Ph.D.

Daniel O'Brien, Ph.D.

J. A. Pappalardo, Ph.D.

James Steed, Ph.D.

Marguerite Vance, M.A.

Bro. J. H. Walsh, Ph.D.

Bro. Vincent Wottle, Ph.D.

Communication Arts

George Biersack, M.A. Chairman

Kathleen Clark, B.A.

Mary Devine, B.A.

Patrick GHvary, M.A.

Jean A. Johenning, M.A.

Thomas McGlade, M.A.

Raymond Mullins, M.A.

Robert C. Youngman, M.A.


Computer Science Nine times seven, thought Shuman with deep satisfaction, is sixty·three, and I don't need a computer to tell me so. The computer is in my own head. And it was amazing the feeling of power that gave him. -Isaac Asimov

Bro. Tlhomas Schoen, M.A. Chairman

English "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is' to be n1aster-thaL's all." -Lewis Carroll


Bernard Bedard, M.A. Chairman

Bro. Hugh Bihl, M.A.

Bro. Lawrence Bohl, Ph.D.

Alex Cameron, A.B.

Bud Cochran, M.A.

Rev. James Donnelly, A.B.

James Fisher, A.B.

Therese Geis, M.A.

Neil Kenny, M.A.

Bro. George Kohles, M.A.

Patricia Labadie, M.A.

Rev. Charles Lees. Ph.D.

Anthony Macklin, A.B.

Rev. Adrian McCarthy, Ph.D.

Michael Means, Ph.D.

Lorraine Murphy, M.A.

Robert O'Donnell. M.A.

Joseph Patrouch. M.A.

Joseph R. Pici, M.A.

Bro. T. Price. M.A.

Harry Rougier. M.A.

Eleanor Stockum. M.A.

Bro. Norbert Sturm. Ph.D.

Frances Tiernan. M.A.

Fine Arts Ornament is confabulation in the interstices of structure. -Kenneth Rexroth

Edward R. Burroughs. M.F.A.


George Springer. Sc.M. Chairman

A. L. Horvath. Ph.D.


Wilfred Steiner. Ph.D. Chairman

Alfred Bannon. M.A.

Erving Beauregard. M.A.

Rafael Conada, M.A.

Rocco Donatelli. M.A.

Bro. Leroy Eid. Ph.D.

Joakim Issacs, M.S.

Edwin King. M.A.

John Kutolowski. M.A.


Raymond Maras, Ph.D.

Frank Mathias, M.A.

Bro. George Ruppel, Ph.D.

Philip Sha, Ph.D.

Eliza beth Payne, M.S. Chairman

Martha Bernhard, M.A. .

Lois Ittleson, M.A.

Pauline Metzger, M.A.

Miriam Elizabeth Smallwood, M.S.

James Ferrigno, Ph.D. Chairman

Rev. James Bartholomew, M.A.

Alfred Beigal, M.A.

Maria Castello, M.A.

Lillian Darby, Ph.D.

Albert Descoteaux, M.A.

Home Economics There was a frozen man And he walked a frozen mile, And he found a frozen pack of peas In a very frozen style. And when the pack was open The birds began to rave "The dear old land of the deep old freeze. Is the good old home of the brave." -Walt Kelly

Language Somehow, in a bistro, or French eatery, Everybody suddenly discovers they talk like Sasha Guitry, But they really can't, Aud if I were the bartender I should poke them in the oeil with the plume de rna tante. -Ogden Nash

Vito Benivegna, M.A.


Donald T. Dietz, M.A.

Carlos E. Galeono, M.A.

Valmai Mac Lamore, M.A.

Bro. George McKenzie, Ph.D.

Pierre J. P. Morere, M.A.

Bro. John Perz, Ph.D.

Rev. Gabriel Rus, M.A.

Walter Sory, LLM.

Bro. Gerald Sullivan, Ph.D.

Rev. Joseph Zeinz, M.A.

Mathematics This principle is. so perfectly general that no particular application of it is possible. -G. Polya

Kenneth Schraut, Ph.D. Chairman

Stanley Bacik, M.S.

John Baker, M.S.

Bro. William Bellmer, M.A.

Bro. Lawrence Cada, M.A.

Martinus Esser, Ph.D.

John McCloskey, Ph.D.

Bro. Harold Mushenheim, Ph.D.

Richard Peterson, M.S.

Alberta Prather, M.A.

Bernard Rice, M.S.

Bro. Joseph Stander, Ph.D.

Joseph Wagner, M.S.



Bro. Francis Schneider, M.A.

lawrence Tagg. M. Music

Betty Jean Thomas, Ph.D.

Maurice Reichard, M.A. Chairman

Charles Ritter, M.A.

Burton R. Weaver, M. Music

Very/ Zech, M. Music

Ann Franklin, M.S. Chairman

Mary Horrigan, M.A.

Richard Baker, Ph.D. Chairman

Eulalia Baltazar, Ph.D.

Thomas Casa/etto, M.A.

Gonzalo Cartagenova, M.A.


Philosophy "Contrariwise," continued Twecdledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." -Lewis Carroll

Hugo Barbie, M.A.


Rev. Charles Bloemer, M.A.

John M. Chrisman, M.A.

Joseph Dieska, Ph.D.

Rev. A. Edelenyi, Ph.D.

Rev. John .Elbert, Ph.D.

Edward Harkenrider, Ph.D.


I Daniel J. Hoy, M.A

Joseph Kunkel, M.A.

Rev. P. P. Mur·ray, Ph.D.

Paul I. Seman, M.A.

Gerald Wening, M.A.

Physics Using the well· known Stefan· Boltzmann fourth· power law for radia· tion, (HIE) 4= 50 where H is the absolute temperature of heaven and E is the absolute temperature of the earth-300°K. This gives H as 798° absolute. -H. Allen Smith

Joseph Kepes, Ph.D. Chairman

Charles Cothern, Ph.D.

Raymond Hieber, M.S.

Francis Kendziorski, Ph.D.

Beckham Martin, Ph.D.

War".er Rambauske, Ph.D.

Bro. Thomas Schick, M.S.

James Schneider, M.S.

John D. Snide, Ph.D.

Perry Yaney, M.A.


Political Science Politics has got so ex· pensive that it takes lots of money to even get heat with. -Will Rogers

Bro. Albert Rose, M.A.

Bro. Norbert Brockman, Ph.D.

Bro. Richard Liebler, M.A.

Jozef Patyk, LL.M.

Anthony Debons, Ph.D. Chairman

Darwin Hunt, Ph.D.

Robert Noland, MA

Joseph Rosa, M.A.

Charles Scheidler, Ph.D ..

Lester Shine, Ph.D.

Mary Jo Huth, Ph.D. Chairman

Enya Flores, M.A.

Edward Huth, Ph.D.

Bro. John Klein, M.S.

Rev. Andrew Seebold, Ph.D.

James Weir, M.A.

Psychology Fortunately analysis is not the only way to reo solve inner conflicts. Life itself still remains a very effective therapist. -Karen Horney, M.D.

Antos Rancurello, Ph.D.

Sociology Meddling with another man's folly is always thankless work. -Rudyard Kipling


Theology "Tut, tut, child," said the Duchess. "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it." -Lewis Carroll

Rev. Matthew Kohmescher, S.T.D., Chairman

Rev. Charles Brady, S.T.L.

Joseph B. Brown, M.A.

Rev. Norbert Burns, S.T.D.

Ralph Cardillo, M.A.

Rev. William Cole, S.T.D.

Rev. Edwin Leimkuler, M.A.

Randolph Lumpp, M.A.

Thomas Martin, M.A.

Jeffrey Meyer, B.A.

Rev. Cyril Middendorf, M.A.

Ric!;ard G. Otto, M.A.

Rev. Paul Wagner, M.A.

Rev. Edwin Weber, M.A.

Rev. John P. Harrington

Rev. John J . Kelley, Ph.D.

Bro. Donald Wigal, M.A.



William Hoben, M.B.A., C.P.A. Dean


Marion Eley, B.S.

Joseph Updyke, B.S. Chairman

Willard Clark, M.B.A.

Andrew Fioroti, M.A.

Robert Kriegbaum, M.A.

Edward Rodgers, B.B.A.

Charles Wha ren, M.B.A. Chairman

R. N. Berger, M.A.

Rev. Paul Louis, M.A.

Economics Political institutions are a superstructure resting on an economic foundation. -N. Lenin


William F. May, M.B.A.

Francis McGovern, Ph.D.

Edmund P. O'Leary, Ph.D.

Donald Schade, M.A.

Business Management

Morris .Kreider, M.A. Chairman

Barth Snyder, M.A. Chairman

Joseph Bosshart, M.A.

James A. Buckenmeyer

Lester Fuszara, B.A.

Edward Marrinan, M.A.

Esther Walden, Ph.D.


Harry Murphy, M.A. Chairman

Orville Comer, M.S.

Max Densmore, Ph.D.

Theodore Van Istandal, M.Ed. M.A.

Secretarial Studies

Velma Miller, M.Ed . Chairman

Mary Civille, M.Ed.

Sandra Houghtling

Janice Miller, B.S.



Bro. Joseph Panzer, Ph.D. Dean

Bro. Thomas Powers, M.A. Associate Dean-

Joseph White, M.Ed. Assistant Dean

Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts. -Henry Brooks Adams

Thomas Campanelie, Ph.D.

Orman R. Edgington. Ph.D.


Bro. John Emling, Ed.D.

Sr. M. Laurietta K'iosterman, C.P.P.S. Daniel Leary, Ph.D.

Simon Chavez, D.Ed., EI. Ed. Chairman

Sister M. Mercia, Ph.D.

John O'Donnell, Ph.D•.

Sr. M. Felicitas, Riley, C.P.P.S.

John P. Toth, Ph.D.

Sr. Patricia Marie Waters, S.N.D.

Physical Education

Marlene Bieber, M.Ed.

Judith Bowman. M.Ed.

Henry Ferrazza, M.A.

Judith Kutt, M.A.

Doris Drees, M.A.

James LaVanche, M.S.

John P. Schleppi, M.A.

Carol Siciliano, M.Ed.

Patricia Tanner. B.A.


Engineering Your materialist thinks that if he had just used a different tool or spent more time on the blueprint, everything would have been all right; but your philosopher knows there's something intractable about the material world and nothing will ever tum out quite right. It's the essence of tragedy. -Homer C. Nearing, Jr.

Chemical Engineering Maurice R. Graney, Ph.D. Dean

Michael Bobal, Ph.D. Chairman

Jerry Bauer. M.S.

Roger 'Keith, B.S.C.E.

Max Willis, Ph.D.

Seymour Ryckman, M.S. Chairman

Joseph Chamberlain, M.C.E.

Bro. Bernard Schad, M.S.

Bro. Robert Thomson, Ph.D.

Civil Engineering

George Driscoll, B.S.C.E.


Elmer Payne, M.S.

Electrical Engineering

Bro. Louis Rose, M.S. Chairman

Reinhold Kubach, B.E.E.

Donald E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Adrian Morgan, M.S.

Bernard Schmidt, Ph.D.

James B. Tsui, Ph.D.

Ind'u strial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Robert Mitchell, M.S. Chairman

Merle Schmid, Ph.D.

Richard Horwedel, Ph.D. Chairman

Thaddeus Csalcy, A.M.I.M.E.

Francis Henniger, M.S.

Herschel Knight, M.S.

Harold Nielson, B.S.

Alden Ray, Ph.D.

Ralph Thorne, M.S.

Bro. Andrew Weber, M.S.

Jesse Wilder, M.S.


Military Science

Lt. Col. Allen Anderson

Maj. William C. Bowdan

Col. Uel W. French Chairman

Capt. Eugene Cromartie

Maj. Elmer Gainok

Capt. Arthur Geiger

Capt. Edward Hackney

Christopher Olson NCO

Capt. Lawrence Ondecker

In the morning we enter the barracks at the east gate. In the evening we are sentries at Ho Yang bridge. The setting sun shines on our immense banners. The horses neigh, a wind rustles the grass. Tens of thousands of tents are spread on the sand. Soldiers beckon to one another, whispering. Bright is the moon shining in the sky, Hard is discipline, silen t is the night.

-Tu Fu

Capt. Robert H. Myers Jr.


Capt. James Maguire

Joseph Averdick, B.S.

Alfred Fehlmann, M.A.

Duke l. Golden, B.S.M.E.

Douglas Hanneman, B.E.E.

Richard Hazen, M.S.

Technical Institute

James l. McGraw, M.B.A. Chairman

Albert Staub, M.A. Assistant Chairman

Frederick J . Kretzler, A.T.

William H. Loughran, M.A.

Bro. Emil Morgana. B.S.M.E.

Philip Patrick, A.B.

Albert Peterson, B.S.

Raymond Puckett, M.B.A.

Yudh V. Rajput

Jerry Strange, B.S.

Robert Wolff, B.S.



Y ot/l'e a number on an IBM cardj a keyptmcher in some back fOom in the basement of Marycrest slaps five keys and the release button and you're through the punch, stacked, assembled, done. 52413. That's )'ou. For foul' years you'll register by that, get grades by that, be billed by that. A datum: 52413. One of 9000. File it. NumbefS can be filed. But not people. People file themselves, and more perversely than otherwise: they refuse to stay sot·ted. Young Republicans become Young Demsj Knicks join the PlayefSj there are Tau Bates on Council and engineers in the choir. That's why there are so many organizations here: there are 120 pigeonholes big enough for people.


Student Council

Below: Ann Rice, recording secretary; Bobbi Hop p, vice president; Bro. Thomas Schick, moderator; Tom O'Bryan, Laurie Miller, Bob Becherer, Bob Battenberg. Above: Mike Danneker, Tom Gracon, Chris Jablonski, Jackie Fante, Phil Fitzsimons, Bill Mooney; Chuck Hirt, Dennis Collins, Robert Bush, Marty Flahive, Robert Graves, Jerry Mazza, Mike Costello.


Class Officers

Seniors: Mike Costello, Frank Talz, Ann R'ice, Frank Deniston. Juniors: Helen Tunney, Marty Flahive, George Molaski, Don Cressy. Sophomores: Lenny Fesi, Carol Quinn, Denny Collins. Freshmen : Betty White, Bob Nardizzi, Jim Vick, Bob Bray; Tom McGrail, Dale Koepnik, Keith Farmmintino.


Union Board

Seated: Bro. Don Geiger, Tom O'Bryan, Frank Deniston, Kevin Clifford, Ellie Kurtz, Fr. George B. Barrett, Clyde Wisch, Ted Woloson, Frank Danowski, Ann Franklin; standing; Dr. Wilfred Steiner, Joseph McHale, Jim Dodson, Lucia Gattone, Col. Wi1bur Showalter,

Margaret Baker, Pam Roderick, Elwood Zimmer, Edwin King, Ed Janning.


Joint Area Council

Ron Ivkanec, Frank Deniston, Eugene E. Norris, Tony DeRose; Richard P. Bello, C. Patrick O'Connor, Charles Kappar, Bob Felton, Bill Sweeney.

Cincy Club

Mike Sutphin, Nancy Rugh, Maurice Williams, Ceil Carlton, Bob Felton, Ruth Doyle, Mick Thiel, Sue Westerkamp, Tom Ferrero, Tom Westerkamp; Butch Remke, Anne Honnert, Roseann Mattscheck, Karla McGill, Kathy Daly, Tom Gross, Mike Moser, David Even, Tom Stander, Steve North; Tom Stanton, Tom BoHes, Marc Weding, Mike Schoner, Joe Emmrich, Barry Driscoll, Tom Mengelkamp, Joe Farone.


Cleveland Club

Above : Jackie Vacha, Anthony Chernic, Ron Ivkanec, Rich Mares, Jan Nissen; Mike Peters, Bill Yaumell, Diane Budan, Linda Murach, Larry Courtney, Ray Koeth; Larry Mihevic, Greg Valko, Jim Trentel, Tom Perarek, Daryl Pasek. Below: Karen Urbanic, Richard Nosse, Andy Lasko, Larry Spilar, John Coudon, Donna O'Brien, Janice Urbanic; Donald Takais, Bob Varro, Mike Matuska, Mike Horvath, John Maiorano, Kevin Nolan, Dan Dula, Paul Coffey, Ed Miller, Paul Pajersky.

Dayton Club

Above: Bill Howard, Debbie Minham, Barb Mondl, Joe Luthman, Jack Vincent, Ce Ce Di Matteo, Tom Whitesel, Tony Di Matteo, Tom Winstel, Ron Miller; Linda Reder, Jo DeChatelet, Mary Jo Martin, Kathie Loeber, Kathi Saettel, Mary Niksa, Judy Loewer, Patti Orf; Nancy Corey, Marilyn Norton, James Flynn, Steve Massey, Sharon Wilson, Sharie Grohmann, Ann Kronenberger, Margaret West; Martha Robinson, Judy Nerny, Carol Jacobs, Janet Iding, Judy Kramer, Shirley Kern, Elaine Ruschou, Sonny Bell, John Limbert, Bill Kuntz, Mike Lofino, Larry Bruni. Center: Howard Moore, vice president; Loriel Pavlik, secretary; Mike Petkus, president; Dan Pfahl, treasurer; Joe Luthman, social committee; Pam Abrey, cultural chairman; Ron W indsor, social committee; Jim Schwoebel, special events committee; Suzy Quashnock, publicity committee; Bob Graves, religious activity committee .

Barb Hyle, Mary Ann Leibold, Cynthia Luckoski, Philip Grassia, Thomas Delaney, John McLaughlin, Judy Reboulet; Sharon Plunkett, Bruce Zyrkowski, Janet Burkardt, Joe Di Grazia II, Betsy Furlong, Marilyn Graves, Sherry McKinney, Betty Eckert; Gail Schneble, Barbara Beard, Jo Ann Cascardo, Dave Elwell, Donna Koysolinski, Nancy Jorgensen, Diane Hulman, Kathy Fortman, Nick Besch; Larry Wright, Madeline D'Amico, Janice Page, Pat Fares, Pat Gibbs, John Thibeault, John Geesen, George Relich, Tom Kozlowski, Dave Pritshard, Fred Russell, Kathy Engel, Tom Carlisle; Bill McSherry, Richard Meyers, Tom Flynn, George Seifried.


Hoosier Club

Above: Herb Katzman, Mary Jean Berlier, Ruthie Elliott, Charles Kapper; Nan Elliott, Eva Lahee, Kathy Moran, Bob Fondiller, Pat McDavitt, Ron Marien; Susan Elliott, Mike Price, Richard Schaffner, Mimi Anthony, Paul Gittere.


Below: Jerry Schwegman, Mary Plummer, Sue Keil, Tom Proctor; Mary Jeanne Quinlavan, Carol Aberle, Nancy Rethlake, Steve Pfleger, Tom Kigar, Mary Ann Galdabini, Chnis Herold, Vicki Hoffman.


Vicki Frazer, Richard P. Bello, Lynn A. Jones, Dewey W. K. Tom; Joseph T. Vaccariello, Maureen Clifford, Diane Dietz, Carol Dietz, Carol Haizman, Dana Okeefe, Janet Cummings, Kathy Kietschmann, Pat Liebau; John Pandosh, Charles Cannon, Tom Hychalk, Ralph Shimovetz, David V. Lewis.

Illini Club

Phi I Lanph ier, treasurer; Ka t hi Valintis, secretary; Frank Deniston, president; Ginny Lorenz, historian; Jerry Krueger, vic e president; Steve M u e I I e r, sergeant-at-arms.

Gary White, Rich Aubel, Mike Lord, Dianne Fowler; Denny Dunn, Mar~e Sanford, Wayne Robke, Nick Mader, Steve Pfleger; Don Christensen, Johh Vickers, Tommie Tucker, Tony Navilio, Tom Quinn, John Haley, Bill McGinnis; Richard Crum, John Schrader, Jo Schlotter, Jim O'Neil, Charlotte Palley, Doy Wendel, Steve Charles.


Illini Club

Rick Schlanser, Lois Bil'stein, Jerry Streit, Ken Wampoch; Tom Pettinger, Bob Dewsberry, Hank Covelli, Jim Schneider, Wayne Robke; Mike Gebhardt, Sharie Grohmann, Cindy Gels, Tom Burke, Judy Weilert, Judy Harrington, Paulette Olson; Judy Hosey, Gary Frieders, Mimi Thompson, Sheila Callahan, Dee Chladek, Pam Moore, AI Kluge; Jim Kucera , Bill Mclaughlin, Peg Fahey, Terry Elliott, Denny Rocky, Richard Kosmerl, Kathleen McKanna, Ed Kabot.

Janet Sheetz, Kathy Neidert, Mary Weir, Katie Sullivan; Jack Majewski, Dave Coene, Jim Goethals, Mary Kay Steinhauer, Art Leyland; Carol Tragesser, Carol Cosgrove, Elaine Wustmann, Jim Wade, "Oss" Peters, Tim Stacy, John Heiberger; Bill Herrmann, Kathy Brennan, Jim Murphy, James F. Steele, Tom Endre, Kris Colthrust.

Mary Smyth, Michele Williams, Marianne Fidmarsh, Marianne Toomey; Sharon Bukovac, Clancy D'Esposito, Tim Kresh, Michael Geron, Pat Hoffman; Pat Hrbaty, Carolyn Hanzal, Dottie Fugiel, Mary K. Gaul, Cathy Wegner, Sharon Zey, Eileen Marron; Gretchen Weimar, Nancy Woods, Mary Flynn, Scott Essman, Jeanne Wysocki, Bob Lucchetti, Kathy Burns; Thomas Malewicki, Wm. McDonald, Jo Anne McGoogan , Peggy Ball.


International Club Julie Stall'kamp, Clara Hull, Judy Kehl, Carol Kehl, Linda Covan, Mary Gurdlach, Sally Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook, Jane Friel, Pat Reeves, Mohd Bashir Bidiwal'a, Youssef T. Boufaisal, Agustin Camarero, Francis Sze-Kit Chan, Paul Yah-Shuing Chang, Abdu,1 M. Farouki, Bernard Harawa, Pius K. Han, Sygd A. Hasan, Inaki Irizar, Wendell Joseph, Satyender Kalra, Ewald Kanguatjivi, Gholamhosein Khavari, Patrick Wai-Fai Lam, John B. Malouf, John J. Maqsud, Rameshchandra, Bijan Modaressi, Jorge Morales, Festus Muundjua, Samuel Ngwenya, John Nlebgwa, Homayoun Nomani, Kantilal A. Parekh, Ani l kumar P. Patel, Balubhai D. Patel, kacharabhai D. Patel, Arnette Saleeby, Elie Saleeby, Indra Sandhu, Pankaj K. Shroff, Helen Simon, Juan A. Simon, Attam Jit Singh, Roger Steele, Hasmukh Tai'lor, Ramakant Vichare, Raja Wahab, Peter Wan

V. T. D. Balaraman, Pradip Bhagat, Narenda Doshi, Boniface Eke, Shiv K. Gupta, Bhogilal Modi, Albert Parsakian, Mohanbhai Patel, Suryakant Shah, Simon Yang, Luis A. Diaz, Fabio Garcia, Hugo Poza, Edwin Rios, Dr. Edward Harkenrider. Edward R. Smith, Suzanne Dowling, Patricia Renau llt, Joe Clark, Bopper Drechsler, Jerry Giancaterin, Duc de Coffie; Kenneth Wann, Lawrence Spieth, Artie Weber, Maureen McDougal, Fred Willits, John Meier; Jack Putzek, Ted Marconi, Bob Acker, Doug Boland, Joe Hordeyczuk, Dan Macinnis; Joseph Volpe, Don Giantelli, Ron Biggs.

Knick Club Tony DeRosa, Larry Ducate, Jim Kline, Tom D. Mortino, Richard Moyu, Bill Keane, Bi,!l Harrison; Marilyn Hroncich, Robert Hroncich, Jeanne Kindt, Kathy Williams, Bob Covino, Janice Kissil1ger, Eugene Raus; Mary Joan Nickol, Bob Calzetta, Linda Olewack, Johanna Forma, Dale Sergy, Joanne Gantner, Stiphen Huelsman; Joseph DeGennoro, Pat Marris, Frank Jacobs, Bob Hutter, Gail Mangan, Paul Coffey, Don Giantelli; Pat ric k Strange, Maria Oria, Michael Zienkiewicz, Vladimir Kowaliwskyj, Bob Foley.


Latin American Club

Frank Santiago, Andy Gonzalez, Charlene Trauth, Edgardo Angel; Joanne Ulis, Margaret Denman, Jorge Morales, Juan Vara, Ramon Rodriguez, Faye Freemen, Marion Nugent, Fonsy Torres, Raul Cartoya, Nick Zavadsky, Mary Lynn Dryden, Mazie Coyne, Nicanor Diaz, Oscar Cartaya, Rafael Cintron, Mary McKenny, Kathy Brannigan, Gregoris Igartua, Pat Bellew, Ann Hurley, Ignaka Irizar, Jan Karoglan, Rafael Deschapelles, Luis Diaz, Roberto Gonzalez, Hector Armstrong, Stan Kiger.

Vets Club

Pat O'Connor, Bob Martin, Bill Myers, Tom Poe; ThomQs M. Hiegel, James P. Foreman, James C. David; Gil J. Zalewski, Howard M. Glover, Bob Martin.


Alpha Epsilon Delta

Dr. Carl Michaelis, James Mick, Barbara Kinzig, Stephen Hempelman, Rosario Noto, [)r. E. R. Baltazar; Daniel Beston, Carolyn Kinzig, Frederick Shiple, Bruce Brumfril, Michael Hynesj Phil FitzSimons, Frank Lobacz, Maureen McCarren, Ann Schwieterman, Peg Zilincky, Steve Mueller, Stephen Miller, Louis Vitangeli, David Pardieck, Roger Leslie.

Alpha Kappa Psi

Richard Welty, Pat McGarry, Pete Bonitatibus, Gary Thibo, John Plavan; Jerry Mazza, Thomas Boyert, Tim Kearney, Tom Ferrero, Tom Mahon, Bill Johnson, Bill Hagan, John Norton, Bob Zerbe; Jim Coward, Bill Grimmer, Chuck Krepp, Dick O'Meara, Gary Lachey, Bill Matthews, John Schradder, Barry Bevacqua; Bill Remke, Michael Wilson, Jerry Fisher, Pau'l Conolly, Bob Heath.


American Chemical Society

Marianne Boguski, Joseph Cogliano, Janice Karoglon, Patrick Walsh, Bro. John Lucier, Dr. Carl Michaelis; Richard Broerman, Roland Loy, Louis Todaro, Daryl Roberts, Gary Marconi, Richard Bodner; Paul Zint, Virgil Mathias, Ron Konopka, James Reboulet, Bob Cordell, Cami Conway; Gail DeFord, Mario Bigotti, Dennis Werkmeister, Armand Bonforte, Mathew Betkouski, Darlene Chivers; Michaele Dotske, Ronald Huffman, Margaret West, Nancy Krajenke, John Slawenski, Andrea Sharpe; D. J. Karl, D. H. O'Brien, Gregory Doerflein, Judy Kittelman, Kathy Williams; Bob Villing, Tony Rampino, Don Bealko, Lou Guardino; Edward Gardner, Carol Kelly.

Joint Council of Engineers

Lorie Kaczorowski, Jim Dodson, Henry Hermetz; Dan Morrill, Bob Weger, Bob Thomas, Dom Buccello, AI Amendola, Otto Hausch; Tom Baseheart, Tom Gracon, Bob Becherer, Tom Trey, Charles Cannon, Michael McKale, John Dowalo.



Top: Professor George Driscoll, Ben Theall, D. W. Duffey, Don Lemoi, John Dowalo, J. David Stitt, Greg Kiener; James Donley, Jim Welzbacher, Tom Tyler, Pat Dudek, Randy Meyer, Richard Roznik, Frank Gebhart. Below: Herb Schimeneck, John Brugger, John Kadas, Bob Covino, Steve Rotter, Mike Kelhaney, Bob Calzetta; Robert Bernhardt, Richard Bernhardt, Chuck Balmer, David Ignatowski, Mary Jo Perkinson, Cathie Welms, Pete Deschner, Dave Enoch, Bill Baumann.


AICHE ASCE Right: Joseph Carapucci, Stanley Kumor, Patrick Carroll, Martin Turk, Dennis Gamiere, Ralph Kuhl; Pam Padwater, Bill Orlowski, Charles DeBrosse, Bob Shultz, Alan Csontos, Eric Ruppert; Fred Peters, Randy Meyer, Donald Laughlin, Bill Trey, Jim Tyler, Ron Steflick; Tom McDonnell, Raymond Sero, Steven Froning; Ed Swinderman, Thomas Waddick, Richard Roznik, Frank Trogus, Kenneth Mary.

Below: Robert Easton, Thomas Mayer, John Bartolino, Stephen Koziar, Kevin Moonan, Jim Dodson, Donn Serafini; Robert Briscoe, Ken Schulte, David Clark, Tom Tischer, John Crick, John Sienko, John Compo, Frank Forlano, James Gerdeman, Bernard Young .


ASME Edward Vitunic, Dennis Kriesen, George Dieterle, Charles Cannon, Otto Hausen, Prof. Harold Nielsen; Pete Young, Vincent Wagner, Peter Sylvester, Robert Fichter, Richard Crum; Bill Buscher Jr., Philip Doeker, Tom Rivan, A I be r t Schnell, Paul Svoboda; Dennis Bushnell, Thomas Endres, Monty Preonas, Roland Robinson, Bill Lancaster, Hubert Magee, Edgardo Angel; Leo Burkhardt, John Jones, Robert Merdes, W i I I i a m Pyne, John Burke, Fred Constantini, J. Richard Montanari; William McSherry, B. D. Patel, Dennis Siefring, Fred Beason.

Carl Melcher, William McGill, Raymond Deutsch, Jam e s Sliemers, Raymond Jones, S. L. Gubas; Mike B roo k e r, Nicholas Wilkens, Juan Vara, Charles Scrabis, John Wysong; Harold Schimmoller, James Casella, Robert Smith, Dean Lampman, Robert Bosch; Gerald McCann, John Mahne, Jack Irving, John Pesar, Ralph Shimovetz, Thomas Hychalk; John Brinkman, Neil Gambow, Wayne Helmer, Richard Schaffner, William Berner, Larry Seigel, Joseph Staron; Gerald Machowsky, Hasmukh T a i lor, John Patterson, Carlo Caputo, Joseph Vaccariello, Timothy Kowallek.


Delta Sigma Pi

John Quatman, Mike Farnett, Thomas Mott, John Tronzano, Jerry Russelo, George P. Kooluris, Arthur F. Hutchinson; John Cummings, Jack Doyle, Sam Fusco, Bob Jason, Joseph McKinney, James Vogel, Bill Fitzgerald, Fred Saah, Dominic D'Onofrio, Ronald C. Andriani; James Berg, Ken Gerritzen, William Luken, William Buehrle, John Kawa, Jim McGinley, Ron Marcy.

Beta Beta Beta

Douglas Taylor; James Blust, John Patt; Cay Wieland; Dr. V. Laufersweiler, Linda Zalokar, Dr. J. MacMahon; James Spotila, Steven J. Gallo, Sharon Hunt, Joan laconetti, Katherine Miller, Fran Share; Judith Shardo, Michael Thommes, Kenneth Jack, Ken Lammers, Alex Apanius, Denny Tomko, Clyde Miller.


Flying Club

Pat Cleary, Pat Hogan, Michael Heins, Thomas Kundtz, Wendell Wenger, Tom Yahner, William DeMeo, Bob KeilYi David Prouesky, Kathy Scott, Paul Monaghan.

Foreign Affairs

Jozef Patyk, Nancy Stipher, Charles Swoope, Harry DoochYi Bro. Norman O'Connor, Bro. Walter Wong, Chuck Rickseeker, Steve Brockman, Paul Malone.


Above: Kelley Flanagan, Fran Eden, Ginny Green, Kevin Reardon; Sue Sarmir, Jan Embrey, Emily Bruns, Jane Backscheider, Peggy Byrd, Ellen Collins; Maureen Concannon, Barb Fletcher, Margie Pleiman, Pat Kain, Jean Westbrooke; John Flynn, Joyce Cornyn, Marcia Kandrac.



Below: Dean Andrea, Bill Kunzler, Donald Bassolini, Pam Harrison, Mary Cleary; Bob Scully, Larry P. Fronheiser, BiH Lude, Bill Basel, Dianne Gudorf; Kevin Spencer, Pat Jayson, Carl Mayer, Neal Neto.


Bill Leahy, Mark Lamberton, Bob Weger, John Decker, Jim Alt; Edward Pope, Thomas Fischer, William James, Robert Drerup, Michael Bonk; Michael Hartke, Ed Cusati, Richard Powell, Edward Bender, Bro. Louis Rose; Dennis De Brosse, Paul Lay, Robert Persona Ie, Gerald Lucas, Jerome Staeuble; Joseph Riess, David Goecke, Dennis Hoerft, Neal Gardner, Mark Stelzer; Augie Franzone, John Poland, Thomas Collins, Michael Kuczka, Paul Buddendech; David Wittman, Andres Gonzalez, Alfonso Torreo, Ramon Rodriguez; Michael George, IEugene Krasicki, Herb Myers, Frank Lo Piccolo, William Mess, Joe Sminchak, George Slack.

Michael Doslak, Gregory Barker, Joseph Fromm, Thomas Page, Bro. Bob Thiel, Hugo Poza, Donald Barsalou; Ray Burns, Donald Doud, John Sargent, Thomas Gracon, Bob Freedman, Horace Martin, Victor Rooney; Eugene Norris, Paul Jewett, Hank Fallek, James Kittel, Joseph Bou Faissal, Abdul Farouki; Roger Gifford, William Bechtold, Joe Hoehl, Pete Deschner, James Buschur, Hugh Sullivan; Dale Kukla, Paul Monaghan, Bill Fuller, Carl Bauer, Ken Prush, Bob Runowski; Frank Deniston, Richard Keil, Jack Majewski, Paul Gale, Ron Ponist, Roberto Gonzalez; John Kronenberger, David Sitt, Frank Noser, Kennith Dougherty, Larry Linder, Robert Bernhardt, John Dowalo, Donald Lemui, Joseph Knox.


Home Ec Club


Psi Chi

Upper left: Sheila O'Shea, Kathy Mondzelewski, Kay Kelley, Joanne Buck. Martha Bernhard; Susan M. Elliott, Bobbie Lakusta, Cathy Wegner, Carol Crosby, Mary Jo Henahan, Marlene Hurwitz; Paulette Olson, Jane Johnson, Karen. Schoenberger, Clara Hull, Karen Schultz; Katie Fitzsimmons, Pol I y Michael. Lower right: Irene Kane, Beth

Welch, Sandra Price, Jan Thomas, Cherie Loykovich; Jane Boettinger, Nancy Rugh, Karen Driedame, Bobbie Heideman, Janice M. Salac, Genie Green, Muriel Doyle; Patty Furness, Carol Mattingly, Eileen Varhol, Donna Mayer, Cindy Pantano, Camille Balawejder, Camilla Baker, Carol Zins; Kathy Schirf, Patty Gambs, Ellen Dickenson,

Eileen Mahoney, Ruth Anne McKeown, Dorothy Ruchel, Sandra Jacobs. Above: G era I d Krueger, Marg Baker, Dick Reynolds, Bill Sirl; Pat Ryan, Pat Bowen, Marilyn Harthe, Ann Wagner, Mariellen Nasiatka, Jessica Prendergast, Bill Hertel, Loriel Pavlik, Diane Stu hlmueller; Joseph Kehoe, John Durgin, Bon n i e Lizzadro,

Karen Sikorski, Pam Hecht, Joseph Gornik, Jim O'Neil, Marie Antonelli. Below: Rose Ann Rieskamp, Rita Koeller, Pat Kammes, Marilyn Preuss, Ruth Doyle, Betty Ann Heyne; Jim Gitzinger, Bob Martin, Gary A. McLean, Maureen P. Hoffman, Robert Gras, Joe Guzy, Donna O'Brien, Barb Burgin, Gary Wagner.


Sociology Club

Cindy MacFadden, Charlotte Horvath, Mary Lou Berti, Joyce Meleski, Monica Mahan, Mary Ann Galdabini, Gail Delaplane, Sharon Sanislo, Peggy Reiser; John Allersing, Mike Wolf, Nat Ballato, Jack Fontaine, Ken Tomalski, Edward Evans, Jessica Prendergast, Dan Smerillo, Frank Talz.

Pick and Hammer

Above: Tim Weltin, Steve Yurkovich, Elene Estasen, Douglas Hattersley, Stuart A. MacKenzie, Fred J. Wells; Anthony Castellano, Mary Anne Finegan, Richard Smith, Pam Garvin, Terry Gross, Mark Rowland, Mark Winstel; Ed Valeska, Robert Ganser, John Popovich, Steven Sylvester, Jan K. Pesta, Bill Brickman, Bernard Olup, Stan Hertzman, Larry Galto.

Phi Alpha Epsilon Dodee Dukes, John Allerding, Ann Rice, Peggy Roby, AI Aufman, Donna O'Brien, Sue Spalding, Kathy Roberts; Jessica Prendergast, Jacquelyn Vacha, Jean Gilles, Peggy Reiser, Jeanne Hunzeker, Rich Joseph, Dan Smeril10, Patricia Donnelly, Nancy Marble, Mary Alice Prendergast, Ann Hogenkamp; Kathy Fischer, Verne Walters, Kathy Schreiber.


Secretarial Club

I:lizabeth Ross, Cynthia DeVoe, Sandra Pummill, Deanna Schaefer, Mary Jo Fante, Pat Fares; Kathy Buck, Dolores Koesel, Kathy Miller: Carol Tragesser, Kay Conroy, Rosie Clidinst, Mary Plummer, Marie Traister, Rosemary Carner, Kathie Hastier, Mary Jo Maher; Shirley Kern, Diane Prestel, Carol Hengesbach, Joyce Ksiezopolski, Diane Dayton, Yvonne Matts, Molly Barton, Barb Trissel, Kathy Val) Leeuwen.


Mitzi Schatzman, Mary Helm Goring, Mary Madden, Pete Jablonski, Dale Hiss; Monica Brown, Ricky Hofmann, Joan Paulsen, Fran Seigel, Kathy James, Sue Pope, Phil Schwegler, Dan Schilley; Judy Miller, Rose Marie Monnin, Bernice Charles, Bernard Tuttle, Theodore Mazza, James Maciock, Frank M. Moore.

Phi Alpha Epsilon 85

Math Club Mu Epsilon Delta

Bob Lewand, Judy Zinck, Sue Engel, Hank Zembruski, Ed Pekarek; Meg Young , Bill To b i a s, Bob Kasprzak, Dan Dula; Linda K u z m i c, George Lang, John Nienberg, Joseph Pacileo; Tom O'Bryan, Joe Keim, Nancy Koch , Sam Slowinski; Paul J. Campbell, Ron Forthofer, John M . Gerwels, Joseph E. Quinn .

Lily Abs, Ophelia Guerrero, E I a i n e Lockmandy, Gerri Gas per; Martha Swanton, Joyce McConnaughey, Betty Zelinskas, Nan c y Wa It e r, Maxine Wantz, Peggy Beavin; Mary E. Horrigan, . Sis t e r Maria Benedicta, S.F.P.



Kenneth Annibale, Richard Bray, Tom Arndt, Skip DeSmyter, Joseph Frule, John Kline; Bob Felton, Don Kronour, Nick DiBari, Jere Brown, Dick Stelzer.

T. G. Van (stendol, Gerald Kruzel, James Sims, George Csepegi, Phil Buehrer, Jan Nissen, Sheila Siedel, Joseph Mehlick, Thomas Stander; Kenneth Genitzen, Tom Draur, Ed Bohne, Jim McGinley, Louis Connell, Robert Egan, Robert Roth, Tim Gross, Jerold Sego; Paul Callahan, Hugh Koelhoffer, Gabe Carifi, Joe Sommers.




Sigma Tau Sigma

Above: Richard Eckhoff, Russell D. Lynch, John E. Rowan, John C. Dine, Pat Richter, Tom Eggemeier, Bob Lewand, Philip Grassia; Jerry Streit, Jerry Jannazo, Joe Hoehl, Tom Fay, Neil Gambow, George Core, Bob Santos, Ken Lammers, Bob Brennan, Don Isenhath; John P. Thibeault, Bill Harrison, Joe Emmrich, Tom Kigar, Jim Schneider, David Stitt, Bill Feldmann, Frank Deniston, Tom Andrus, Joe Lester, Robert Acker.


Below : Daniel Dula, Tom Schmitt, Pam Hecht, Rita Koeller, John Plavan, Nancy Huber, Joanne Ulis; Peggy Wilson, Rosalie Rawlins, Sharon Devalon, Sharon Ann Jaeger, Kathy Carlson, Donna O'Brien, Mary Beth Brubaker, Joanne H. Rotte, Kay Keill y; John Kane, Barbara Levy, Jeff Stilger, Michael Kryda, George Angello, Pat McDavitt, Bob Kasprzak, Joseph Glorioso, Jay Hierholzer; Bruce Brumfiel, Michael Hynes, Richard Creamer, Richard Jablinski, Roger Steinlage, Thomas M. McGruvy, Meg Young .

Tau Alpha Pi

Above: Tom Bowser, Robert Brohas, Thomas Dues, Frank Ragone, Roger Hall, Denis Ebach, Robert Reinoehl; Duke Golden, Bob Sachs, Ken Meyer, Bob Besanceney, Bob Heller, Dick VanDorpe, Blair Zagata, William McKullough, Robert Morr is, Raymond Puckett; R. Balcer, H. Maas, D. Krintzline, N. Wieland, C. Ferguson, G. Sine, D. Hill, T. Richter.

Techni Club Anthony Narg, Robert Thomas, Dom Buccello; Ed Hafferly, David Speer, Charlie Russell; Clair Jeremy, Bill Gallagher, Andrew Mizia; Jim Faehl, Ron Delaet, Jim Kiser; Dave Wright, Steve Piontek, Tim Tyler; Mark Frank, Ed Booth, Dave Englebrecht; Joe Farone, Todd Schumann, Joe Drilling; Alfred Fehlmarr, Bob MacCary, AI Amendola; John Kimak, Bernard McClung, Thomas Harkins, Joseph Repasi, Henery Johantsen.

Pi Mu Epsilon Edward Pekarek, George Lang, Joseph Qui n n; J 0 h n Gerwels, Tom Trey, Tom O'Bryan, Paul Campbell, Judy Zinck, Bob Lewand.


Young Democrats

Lynn Mattingly, Mike Dwyer, Jim Ciocia; Chris While, Bill Hertel, Joyce Ksiezopolski, Marie Halloran, Ann Sargus, Diane DeConinck, Helen Conklin, Carolyn La Fratta, Donald Morreale; Robert Grimshaw, Mark Moore, Pat Ambers, George Nassif, Joe Gorman, Mary Bray, Joe Lester, Jud Smith .

Young Republicans

Larry Keller, Judy Weilert, 1 erry Willacker, Kathie Pfefferle; John Pau ' ~ DeMatteo, Edward C. Land, Ronald Mann, Mary Kalafor, Joseph Keim, Rich Nosse; Larry P. Fronheiser, Michael G. Stevens, Timothy Santel.

Joe Emmrich, Frank Zeccola, Carol Mattingly, Joe Zaite, James P. Foreman; Karen Kunick, Lucretia Whitacre, Stanley B. Duzy, Dennis B. J. Romich; Edward Brown, Bernie Murray, Lauren Jelis, Otis Manchester, Barb Burgin; Ellen Davis, Rick Louvanzano, Paul Malone.


Pistol Club

Above: Harold C. Ensl'ey, Robert Bernh ardt, Jim Wade, Ronald R. Faucher, Capt. Robert H. Myers; Dave Pflum, Rick Engebrigtsen, Jim Kiser. Below: Bob Vogel, Jim Pazsint, Don Isenhath; Jim Stevens, Herbert Leopold, Jim Hemm, Dick Kaucher, Ed Aufmi;ln.

Rifle Team




1: Katie Dyke, assistant editor; 2: Steve Walter, associate editor; 3: Chris Herold, Lois Bilstein, Carol Barron, Maryanne Drongowski; 4: Vernon Lowe, business manager. Opposite page, 1: Sheila Murphy, Mary Jo Bihl, Dick Gerhart; 2: Vicki Hoffman, Agnes Murray, Monica Brown; 3: Dee Schaefer, Kathy Sheridan, M. A. Galdabini, Monica Mahem; 4: Vic Norton; 5: Bob Steuber.




Daytoni an I






Flyer News Right: Nick Sharkey, editorj Marg Baker, associate editor. Below: Elizabeth Bode, John Tronzano, business manager; Jake Freyvogel, advertising manager. Below right: Vinny Ditrani, sports editor. Bottom: John Caravella, James Colburn.



Dick Gerhart, Pat Cleary, photographers.

Norm Naughton, photographer.

Beverly Blauvelt, Cay Wieland, Marie Antonelli; Dee Schaefer, Agatha Taormina, Ann Burgunder, Suzanne Dowling, Fran Jedlicka.



Kathy Jirka, Flo Dorsam, Bill Aaron, Fran Varella, IRon Gabria, Joe Di Blasio, Bill Halbert, Ginny Trainer, Marcus Aurelius Hawkins, John Keller, Thom Lauricella, Pam Hecht, Jim Stevens, Joe Russo, Maryann Finnegan, Marney Hague, Mary Carolyn Ross, Joan Hillenmyer, Ann Sheridan, Lucy Reuther, Brian Noonan, Mary Jo Hanahan, Frank De Carreau, Dennie Tomko, John Miller, Joan laconette, Margie Fisher.


University Choir

Sue Marquis, Judy Fussner, Ed Ruetschle, Julie Owen.

Sheryl Gray, Mary Schlanser, Janice Cool, Sharon Solt, Lind a Mares, Joann Jazwinski, Hanka Makiewicz, Carol Giglia, Ed Ruetschle, Dave Probasco, Joe Mercuri, J ean Pyles, Helen Hopkins, Mary McKenny, Kathy Lignelli, Sue Collins, Karen Kelley, Mila Solar, Michaelle S t e m, Dave Daley, Frank Zubek, Charles Carter, Phil Rein, Judy Thomas, Diane Stuhmueller, Judy Fussner, Beatriz Leal, Mylah Thompson, Betty Koenig, LaDonna Knight, Opal Brown, Betty M i h eli c, Leslie Greene, Carolyn LaFratta, Pat Kain, Vladimir Kowaliwskyi, Dar rei I Meeks, Norm Berger, AI White, Tom Knapko, Ed Nueschler, Kathy Van Mourik, C i n d y McCoy, Cecilia James, Madelyn Stem, Pat Cleary, Connie Stevens, Barbara Gray, Karen Patrak, Jane Hergo, Sue Stefak, Mary Jean Mattson, Gene Raus, Dave Stacko, Caesar Castro, Jim Fischer, Diana Lenon, Julie Owen, Rita Schirtzinger.

Charles Swoope, Kevin Wood, Dave Probasco, Gene Raus.

Men's Glee Club 97

Marching Band

c. W. Ritter, Camilla Baker, Kaye Butler, Ginny DiGregory, Loretta Flury, Jerry Conner, Debbie Neale, Vickie Spearman, Ann Wolfhorst, Maureen McCarren, Maurice R. Reichard; Sandra Slagel, Marie K. Pagnozzi, Karen Finn, Pat Serlin, Mary Lou Dana, Joyce DeAnthony, Kathy Smith, Mary Alice Ross, Marilyn Hess, Kathryn Busch', Judy Zinck; Marianne Resh, Kathy Wiegert, Karen McGilvery, Phyllis Boston, Patrkia Skalka, Barbara Bailey, Barbara Weber, Judy Hanschmann, Sandy Jacobs, Sherri Mathis, Michelle Meyer, Kathy Ryan; Leonard Rawson, Joanne Staunton, William Bridge, Nylah Thompson, Jean Py'I'e s, Gregory Ray, Cathy Strauss, Kenneth Bixby, Susan Getz, Donald Donnett, Patrick Hurley, Tom Grahm, Joe DiGirazia, Steven Miller, Judy Fussner; Robert Sternowski, David Goode, Joe Quashnock, David Hemmert, Tom Scheidt, Richard Stem, Alan Mefferd, James Baker, Gary Smerillo, William Slonaker, Richard Moran, James Melvin, Larry Burns, Elizabeth Koenig, Donald Ellis; Donald Hubbard, John Risch, Joseph Hentrich, Frank Zubek, David Rathz, Steven Pavicich, Mike Koach, Stephen Baum, Nancy Navar, Joe Mercuri, Charles Carter, Gail Bertani, Eiaine Madak, Larry Deters, Barton Wilson; Philip Costantino, Don Ott, Mark Spilder, Kenneth Thompson, Joseph Githens, John Dowalo, James Schmidt, William Holland, Frank Dolenee, Gary Snyder, Roger Caverder, Joe Madak.



Marching Coeds

Marching Coeds: Maureen McCarren, Camilla Baker; Kathryn Busch, Marilyn Hess, Karen Finn, Pat Serfin, Mary Lou Dana, Sandra Slagel, Marie Pagnozzi, Joyce DeAnthony, Kathie Smith, Mary Alice Ross, Judy Zinck; Marianne Resh, Kathy Wiegert, Karen McGilvery, Phyllis Beston, Patricia Skala, Judy Hanschmann, Barbara Wever, Sandy Jacobs, Sherri Mathis, Barbara Bailey, Michelle Meyer, Kathy Ryan .

Majorettes: Kaye Butler, Jerry Conner, Loretta Flury, Ann Wolfhurst; Debbie Neale, Gin n y DiGregory; Vickie Spearman.



Alice Lechler, Mary Beth Wertz, Janet Doyle, Judy Skeldon, Nancy Smith, Chris Brown, Connie Moore, Karin Langlotz, Kathy Kloph, Jeannette Steuer Ie, Pat Weber, Susan Cross, Sue Acker man, Judy Moore, Pam Pilat, Pat Pilat, Dale Koepenick, Marjorie Lange, Carol Saettel, Camille Balawejder. Margie Smith, Carole Kraus, Patty Furness, Carole Lewis, Ginny Vicario, Helen Tunney, Pam Moore; Jo Ann Chakiris, cocaptain; Sheila Murphy, captain.

Toni Prosker



Jan Vergo

Terry McDermott

Gina Izzi

Left: Roger Bernardinis, Denise Pivarnik, Toni Prosker, Jan Vergo, Gini Izzi, Terry McDermott.


Scabbard and Blade

Above: Paul Ziehler, Michael Fredericks, Thomas Gorczyca, Thomas Braun; Jon House, Joh n Mahoney, Bob Regovich, W. Bowder, Stewart Seman, Brian Buckley, Tony Seday; Terry LaChety, James Connell, Roland Robinson, John Lemming, Michael McKale, Carl Mayer, Tim Kunes, Steve Yurkovich, Augie Franzoni; John Burke, Matthew Krizman, James Steele, Dan McConn, Gary Zimmerman; Leroy Phillips, Larry Hoffman, Bob Sebert, Mike Mastrangelo, Bob Cupples, Ken Griffiths, Harold Morrow, Agustin Duenas; Larry Gatto, Greg Takacs, James Bayer.


Opposite: Koepnick, Hoenic, Morrow, Baratka, Keel, Steele, Duell, Hernaiz, Weber, Costanzo, Crary, Dantona, Brenes; Paul Zint, Robert Santos, Chuck Merk, Robert Gaughan, Fred Garges, Jay Stevens, Chuck Smith, John Lutz, John Steeb, Steve Brockman; Doug Massengill, Ken Seal, Gary Swindon, John Stavisa, Bob Cella, Jim Macaliaris, Albert Andzik, Chester Cecotti, Bernard Andzik, Tom Stalzer, Ken Molnar; Robert Parisien, AI Opaczewski, Bob Kiss, John Calkins, Dan Ebbing, Jim Brown, Rudy Payton, Lon Rawson, Steve AUer, Bill Lang, Orville Kitchen, Tom George, Steve Mazowiesky, John Moon; Dave Jordan, Dave Burns, John Adams, Varn Frank, Ed Ryan, .Nick Spaulding, Bill Kunzler, Michael Starita, William Duffy, Warwick Best, Ed Leonard, Mike Keenan, Ron Caffo; Alan Wasco, Bill Keefe, Bruce Kabat, Jay Kernan, David Johnson, Donald Weber, Tom Swarthout, Gerald Volpe, Peter Valane, Chuck Lieser, David Linn.

Counter-Insurgency Pershing Rifles

Thomas Gorczca, Jon House, Brian P. Buckley, Capt. D. C. Cottington, Roland H. Robinson, Robert Beiner; Carl Rosenberger, Robert Aucher, James Alercia, Robert Fondiller, David L. Dawson, Robert Hauser; John S. Alberici, Kenneth E. Bruns, Jim Steele, Tom Stalzer, Peter Zierolf; Bruce Zyrkowski, Bill Harrison, Richard Horn, Rich Joseph, Gregory Takacs.



Now's the time for drinking! -Horace It's not as if there iJ nothing to do; you're two book reports behind and you owe a bibliography and outline for the term paper due in a month, and 15 hours are officially supposed to be enough to keep YOIl busy anyway. But books are only paper and glue, and after so much time with them you need the sight of people, the sound of real voices, the press of a cfOwd. And a beer wOltld go pretty good, too.


By the time you're a senior you hardly notice it-certainly don't pay much attention to it: but the new freshmen can't ign ore Orientation Week: it's aimed at them. The welcome committee shuttles between campus, bus and train stations, and the airport, ferrying half the 2000 strangers into the whirlpool of first week activities in which the other thousand have already occupied themselves. Helmeted with beanies, they swarm the campus, each asking the same question another frosh asked five minutes ago-and five years ago:

Where's the Bookstore? Which one? What's the Arcade? That's the only bllilding here that is a hall, and iS1l't called one. Who's got a 1Ised logic book cheap? How's this glly for class?

The beanies mark them out as fair game for the sophomore goon squad: Wherever beanies are singing, rolling peanuts, or swaying in a conga line, sombreros are overseeing the activities.




Over a dozen planned events kept the class of 1969 in perpetual motion their first seven days at UD-tennis court dance, senior class dance, jazz festival , address by Fr. Roesch, Union roof terrace Mass, fashion show, barbecue, hootenanny, square dance, Joint Area Clubs dance, Newcomers concert, Freshman Welcome dance, sophomore dance, UR picnic and concert. Sandwiched between, they bought books and attended first classes. By the end of the week, they weren't strangers any more.



Speakeasy Special climaxed Orientation. The era of bathtub booze, knee· length beads, and It was recreated for the Welcome dance. Five flappers and their bell-bottom-trousered shieks handled the rites and ceremonies, which were highlighted by a honky tonk welcome skit and the presentation of King Tom DeVoe and Queen Barb Kinney. Court members were Tom Focke and Carol Bucklew, Tim Lane and Nancy Bielawski, and Tom Kieger and Ellie Hartwig.


FreshDlan WelcoDle


The billboard said Glenn Yarbrough and Ian and Sylvia, and the Newcomers were there, too; but not Glenn. Last anyone had heard of him, he was sailing somewhere between Hawaii and California. The Newcomers took the first half of the concert, Ian and Sylvia sang for more than an hour, and the crowd went home pleased after all.


Ian and Sylvia NewcoDlers




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Over and above introducing the candidates to the electorate, the '65 Premiere cast a mildly jaundiced eye at the foibles, follies, and standard practice!> of campus life. Particularly pointed was the needle aimed at the food service.


CalDpus Parades


Queen's Rally

It was a surprise, after a fashion: after three years of backing a candidate, the engineers finally achieved some success: both the queen and attendant counted the Engineers' Joint Council among their sponsors_ Protests were immediately raised that the engineers had voted as a block-a comment made often enough before, but never 119


Floatbuilding substantiated in the final count. Campus politicians began plotting how to alternately harness or squash this new bloc. But there was a queen; that was the important thing, and floatbuilding. As always, people hung around longer than they'd intended, stuffing napkins and talking.





Then came the game. To this point the football team had put on impressive displays of defensive skill, but the scoring had been conspicuously absent. That was the story of the first half. The Quantico quarterback was marvelously erratic, and the Flyers couldn't mount a sustained drive. The half time score was 3-0, Marines. The second stanza was marked by a Flyer fumble within the enemy 10 yard line and a fourth-and-goal that didn't go. That was high water for the Dayton offense; the Marines forced a touchdown on a weary defense; and even a pretty queen couldn't quite make up for the final score.

The Flyers 011 the m,lrch.



., •• .....,

Queen: Elain e Boland Attendant: Peggy Hill

It was a nice Homecoming-they're always nice. The rally was excitin g, the parade was not rained out, fJoatbuilding was an all-night affair, the dan ce swung,-where there was room. But It's not the same unless you win the game.


Rhinoceros The LJD Players' season began with Eugene lonesco's Rhinoceros, a satire attacking modern conformity . Set in a small French village, the play provided a challenge for the back-stage crew and required numerous one minute dress changes . The lead roles were played by Bill Aaron and Joanne Rotte . Patrick Gilvary directed the play.


Military Ball

The military invaded the Presidential Ballroom on November 12 for the seventh annual Military Ball, sponsored by the campus cadet brigade. The doors were manned by full-dress cadets; instead of drum and bugle battle sounds, the Jimmy May orchestra provided dancing music. Judy Huber took command of the troops when she was elected honorary cadet colonel of the brigade. Other nominees were Nancy Stipher, Chris Ryan, Peggy Reiser, Sheila Murphy, Sharon Hunt, Kay Kelly, and Judy Elder.




Lettermen The Lettermen, Capitol recording trio, drew a full house for their concert in the Fieldhouse on November 19. After a standing ovat,i on, the Lettermen gave an hour long encore. This was the second UD visit for Jim Pike, Tony Butula, and Bob Engemann, who comprise the trio.



Paris Weekend

Parisian Holiday Weekend-an escape from the reality of study. The savor of France drifted through the Union as students ate and danced in Paris at midnight. Beatniks, searching for the Left Bank Cafe, found the Blackfriars Guild presenting "Gigi." A fashion show, displaying a collection from the House of Cornell, and a discussion of the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre added a cultural tone. Still, the weekend's favorite activity was noted by one garcon to be what it usually is, in his comment about one particularly faithful customer: "II aime ~ lever Ie coude."



Student-Faculty Variety Show Faculty, staff and students worked together to present the UD Family Variety Show on November 12 and 13. The program, sponsored by the Hospitality Committee, consisted of 22 numbers ranging from "On Top of Spaghetti" to "Little Nell" to "Camelot." Playing to full' houses, the program featured the nursery school children, the Marycrest Sisters, the Mother's Club, Ralph Cardillo, Carol Heinz and dozens more.





The solemnity of a living manger scene, The jolliness of Santa Claus, The glitter of tinsel and lights, The music of carols and chimes, The flickering of hundreds of candles, The laughing of Frosty the Snowman, The beauty of painted windows and trimmed trees. No bah hum bug hereOn,l y the quiet of Christmas And the shouts of children .



Glenn Yarbrough

Glenn Yarbrough and his group finally made it. They gave a benefit performance in the field house; proceeds went to the Father Barrett Scholarship fund. Home is the sailor, home from the sea . ...


Stan Getz Four Seasons


Junior Prom

Jimmy May's orchestra and Huncies's Imperials filled Wampler's Barn with music for the 1966 Junior Prom, January 28. Top regal honors went to Judy Elder, queen of the "Cafe d' Amour." ladies-in-waiting Tina Gougarty, Chris Ryan, and Connie Sargis reigned with Judy.


Red and Blue Varieties

Hidden talent had its annual exposure in the 11 th annual presentation of the Red and Blue Varieties . Special emphasis in this year's production was placed on vocalists, instrumental specials, and dance lines.



The Night Must Fall The humor of a melodrama was not lost to the viewers of Emlyn Williams' Night Must Fall . The play, second of the season, was directed by Raymond J. Mullins. Tom Lauricella played the lead role of Dan, a young self-centered psychopathic assassin who carried a mysterious wicker basket. Sharing the lead with Tom were Linda Fabish, a wealthy invalid widow, and Pam Hecht, her neice.


It snowed for Chinese New Year, but the six inches of white stuff failed to smother the excitement of Oriental Weekend . Highlight of the ceremonies was the rickshaw race. The mechanical engineers won, but couldn't set a course record because they had trouble cornering on the ice. Coming in from the cold, New Year's celebrators were greeted by dancers, geishas, and other comforts of the inscrutable East.


Oriental Weekend



Mardi Gras

Kapow! The weekend before Lent was splashing. Phi Beta Alpha won the bed race, but Delta Tau Nu's Batrack was the flossiest. WHIO-TV's Andy Cassell was cited for bravery: he showed up to film this year's event after being run down by a wayward bed last year. Sunday was devoted to gambling in Monte Carlo. As one unlucky individual said, "I started out with $3600 and lost it all-it's a bad habit and very depressing when you lose."

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Margie Blake UD'sbest dressed coed

Pat Brinkman

Barbara Thompson

Michele Venet

Ten Best-Dressed Coeds Dinee Grubenhoff

Sharon Hoefling

Mary Kay Shane

Jenny Verkamp

Lynn Wilder

Jeanne Wilson



Beach Boys' Concert


Cecilia Carlton

Irene Kane

Ann Rice

Sandy Eitmant 156

Senior Farewell Joe Graves

Thomas Arndt

Mike Costello

Frank Denniston


Turnabout Long John Silver flew in from Treasure Island to introduce the Turnabout candidates to the castaways at the Lost Lagoon . Bill Cassidy was chief castaway; Kevin Noonan and Jim Michaels were only lost. Jim Heckert's all-girl band played the music.





Fantasticks "The Fantasticks," was presented in an offBroadway production in 1960. The members of this musical comedy cast were: Alex Davis, Mary Ross, Gene Raus, Norm Berger, David Stacho, William Watson, Flow Dorson, Bill Aaron and John Miller. This play within a play, about love, marriage and love after marriage played to an overflow audience each performance.


Cameo Concerts Informal "little gems" of musicales, in the Kennedy Thea ter, were offered as an embellishment of the Arts Series. Among those invited were The Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers, Max Rabinovitsj, The Oxford String Quartet, The Ohio State Brass Choir, Louise McClelland, and Very] Zech and Charles Ritter.


Art Series BASIL RATHBONE, one of the most distinguished performers of the stage and screen, offered a unique presentation of the works of Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Conan Doyle, and others.

STEPHEN SPENDOR, a poet and writer of the autobiography, World Within World, gave a critical lecture, "What is Modern in Modern Art," and discussed authors such as Shaw, Wells, Sinclair, Faulkner, and Elliot.

THE DAYTON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA conducted by Dr. Paul Katz, returned for its fifth annual appearance on the Arts Series it has helped to build.

THE DAYTON CIVIC BALLET returned, bringing to the campus a local troupe which has gained wide recognition and admiration for its artistic interpretation of the dance. ARTHUR SCHLESINGER, JR., spoke on "The World We Want-And How to Get It."

THE ROMEROS created a new audience for the glories of the classic guitar. THE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAND AND CHOIR offered their seventh annual tribute to the president of the University.



You spend (you're supposed to spend) four yeafs hitting the books: gulping the data, ingesting the opinions, swallowing commentaries whole. You're expected to be able to rearrange it and spew it all back, quoting the expert opinion where necessary. You're a rational being, leaming the painful diffe1'ence between being-able to think, and not. But reason fides precariously on instinct, animal reactions: there are times when you would rather fun, shove, smash. Reason rides here, too: man is the only animal that plays games.


Mike Ciccolella, Dick Soares, Bill Spear, Roosevelt Mell, Gary Hussion, Joe Rodolph, Bob Legan, Frank Chew, Larry Dressell, Bill Lude, Don Gilmour, Frank Lawhorni Mel Taylor, Jim Horlacher, Ken Conliffe, Pete Richardson, Gary Preisser, Theron Sumpter, Jim Blubaugh, Bob Print, Dennis Buchert, Marty Coates, Billy Mayo, Dennis Bolbach, Jim Schmalz, Bob Lowei Tom Prinz, Jerry Biebuyck, Bob Madden, Bob Kocher, Bob Shortal, Dan Kramarcyk, Tom Stangle, Jim Petrigala, Larry Warner, Doug Jones, Tom Gorius, Scott Clark, Gale Wiesenhahn, Frank Talzi Bob Thomas, Mickey Trinite, Tom Ledinsky, Felix Carmello, Mike McCall, Chuck Lucidore, Bill Manley, Barry Profato, Joe Dahm, David Day, Jim Jennings, Ken Juracek, Jim Owens.

Football Coaching Staff Ed Young, George Perles, Head Coach, John McVay, Jerry Hanlon, Joe Eaglowski, Tom Moore.



Varsity Football It was a remarkably frustrating season, for the fans, for the team, and especially for new coach john McVay and his staff. McVay came to UD from Michigan State, which last year was 2-8, to take the head spot at a school which had compiled a 3-7 record the year before. With 21 returning lettermen and the sophomores from a frosh team which had seen 4-1, McVay hoped to at least break even in his first year.


The Flyers journeyed to Cincinnati for the season's first game. The Bearcats, preseason favorite in the Missouri Valley Conference, managed only 7 points in the first half, primarily because of a staunch Dayton defense that featured a last-minute goal line stand. UD twice moved deep into Bearcat turf in the second half, but fumbled. Two other fumbles, in Flyer territory, set up scores that boosted UC te a 28-0 tally. Dayton controlled the first 30 minutes of the Kent State game to win the half, 6-0; but UD's offensive mistakes and poor field position helped the Flashes to the two second-stanza touchdowns and a 14-6 revenge of last year's loss. A bright spot of the afternoon was the defensive play of Gary Hussion, who intercepted 3 passes, tying a UD record.




The Flyers came home to face Bowling Green, and only Tom Prinz's punting kept the Falcons from climbing into the Dayton helmets. BG took the match, 9-0. The Louisville Cardinals whipped the Flyers, 34-0, and Dayton began hanging a lot of hope on the Homecoming game. The Quantico Marines were 0-3 when they visited Baujan Field. Marine quarterback Mike Cotton threw the ball everywhere except where people were (especial'ly receivers), but the Flyers played their usual quota of fumbles and first-andgoals that got nowhere, and the Gyrenes left 1-3 on a 10-0 effort. The single friendly score of the season, that first half touchdown against Kent State, looked awful lonelyon the statistics sheets Joe McLaughlin was mailing out. But Buffalo and Dayton traded goal line stands, and the game ended in a scoreless tie. Ohio University had an even worse record than UD: 0-6 to 0-5-1. But they'd averaged over two touchdowns a game, and Bill Hess, Bobcat coach, was determined to take this one home. It even looked as if he might when the first Flyer drive stalled three feet from paydirt. But the Daytonians scored the next two times they had the ball and hung on for a 13-7 victory. There was much jubilation and noise in the locker room; it was the first time in weeks that reporters hadn't found McVay with head in hands after the game.


Dayton Opponent


0 6




Kent State



Bowling Green




0 0 13


Quantico Marines




Ohio University










Victory is inebriating. The Flyers visited Xavier expecting an upset; for 58 minutes (excepting a field goal) they had it. But UD quarterback .J oe Rudolph suffered a shoulder separation and Xavier tallied a final-minute 7-pointer to win. Miami showed Dayton a strong running attack intermixed w ith some long bomb passing in beating Dayton 28-0 on rain-soaked Baujan Field, and Toledo parlayed a strong defense into a 21-7 whupping of UD to close the season. Mike Ciccolella won the Flyer of the Year award and the Lt. Stanley Kurdziel trophy as the outstanding lineman. Bob Shortal received the White-Allen Most Valuable Player award, and Tom Gorius and Gary Hussion were co-winners of the John L. MacBeth Scholar-Athlete award. It was a remarkably frustrating season, for the fans, the coaches, and the team. The Flyers' curious and strangely marvelous inab ility to score was only partially offset by the grim defense the team was forced to play; however determined the defense, YOl1 must score points to win. Michigan State went 10-0, but lost to UCLA in the Rose Bowl . Wait till next year, McVay said. He meant Dayton .


Mike McGinnis, Bill Brown, Ray Bachus, Dan Milligan, Rick Bailey, Bill Watterson, lee Gaffney, Tom Clark, Mike Nelson, Don Ragon, Bill Thompson; Bill Weber, Alan Shatteen, Rick Carbone, Jim Muth, William Prinz, Greg Bringard, Dan Andrick, Harold Olds, Chuck Muzi, Tony Wittbrodt, Bernie Kress, Gary Childress; Frank Montana, Tony lauricella, Tom Kavanaugh, Dennis Schaffer, Jim Siewe, Joe Scaries, Joe Suchyta, Joe DePalma, Rick VanJura, Mike Walker, Jody McGuire, Jack Sandman, Tom Goodwin, Dennis Graf, Dave Muhlenkamp, Dennis Corrado, Bob Donnelly, George Kohl, George Ferlic, Chester Napierkowski, Mike Petroff, Dave Dapra, Mike Wilson, Greg Pasco, Jim Place.


Frosh Football In what was supposed to have been a lean recruiting year, this year's Frosh compiled an excellent 4-1 record. Playing four of their five games in the rain, the Fledglings managed wins over Miami, 21-0, Xavier, 7-6, Cincinnati, 14-7, and Kent State, 28-6. The only loss came in the last game of the season, to a strong Toledo team, 15-0.



Intramural Football Thirty-six teams in six different leagues competed for this year's

1M championship. At the season's end only two teams, the 6th Floor Sophs and the Keystone Krushers, were undefeated. Playoffs between the six league champions found the 6th Floor Sophs meeting the Sicilian Bandits in the championship game. The game was scoreless for the first three quarters, but two Bandit passes in the fourth quarter accounted for two touchdowns and enabled the Bandits to capture the 1M crown with a 15-6 triumph.


Despite a longer and rougher schedule, coach John Schleppi, along with thirteen returning lettermen and some promising newcomers, set out to better 'last year's record of 4-4. After two weeks of practice, Dayton opened its season at Cedarville. Dayton could not manage a score; but neither could Cedarville, and the f ,i rst game ended in a 0-0 tie . The Flyers next pl ayed Ohio University. The Bobcats easily handled Dayton, 6-1. Festus Muundjau scored the only Dayton goal, a third-period direct kick from twentyfive yards . Dayton bounced back to win the following week over Bowling Green , 4-1, as Festus Muundjua scored two goals and Dave Loftus and George Schoen added one each. The next game saw Muundjau marking three goals but getting no support from his teammates. Ohio State tallied early and defeated the Flyers 6-3. George Schoen, Eli Saleeby, and Luciano Cruisi all netted goall s as UD evened the season record with a 3-2 defeat of Wilmington. Notre Dame and Miami both beat the booters, 2-1 and 4-2. Following the Miami loss, the Flyers played their best short passing game ef the year and beat Toledo 2-1. The Flyer kickers needed both of the remaining games for their first winning season since 1958, but could only manage a split. They bowed to the University of Chicago 3-2, but overwhelmed Wilberforce 7-3 in the final game of the season .





Ice Hockey Dayton Opponent



Bowling Green






Miami (0.)



Air Force



Ohio State



Ohio State









Case Tech.






Ohio U.






Intramural Basketball


Women's Basketball


Jim Wannemacher, Dennis Hrcka, Gene Klaus, Jack Warrell, Co-captain Bill Cassidy, Co-captain Henry Finkel, Dennis Papp, Dave Inderrieden, Tom Brooks, John Samanich; Head Coach Don Donoher, Assistant Coach Charles Grigsby, Rudy Waterman, Rich Fox, Glinder Torain, Don May, Bobby Hooper, Manager Dennis Matulewicz, Athletic Director Tom Frericks.


Bigtime Basketball

People who watch basketball games have come to expect a certain type of game from the University of Dayton team : there's one big man-very big ; at least 6-10 or so-and four little guys. The way the game is played , the big man stands under the basket and the little guys throw the ball to him. Half the passes he doesn't drop he converts into field goals, and the other guys score whenever three or more of the enemy are attempting to smother the big guy right there on the open court before 6000 witnesses . Because he is so much the object of the opposition's defensive efforts, the big man is ca Ued the center. He is easily recognizable-even· among other near-7-footers-because of his bruises.


The tender ministrations of the opposition are usually directed at the short ribs, the throat, the nose, the belly, and other spots scientifically selected for their susceptibility to stray elbows. No one prays for the appearance of a UD flashy guard more than the center. A flashy guard is defined as a short guy who scores readily from more than 20 feet out. If someone has to watch the flashy guard the center gets a chance to breathe. It used to be that you could count on this sort of game. If you had a center like Hank Finkel, you didn't have to worry too much about the dropped passes. He didn't drop that many, and he was a 60 per cent floor shooter, besides. He could move as if his feet weren't nailed to the floor. He even dribbled the ball. He was the principal reason Dayton was 22-7 last year. You could count on this sort of game. In a shifting and unstable world, things you can count on are rare . You can't count on it any more. UD doesn't play that way this year. The reason is a sophomore named Donny May, and he works as well as a flashy guard. Finkel doesn't stand in the low post, swarmed by the defense. He stands three or four feet farther away, swarmed by the defense, and' May runs in behind the crowd and throws tne ball into the basket.


Sometimes he gets tired of running, and just throws the ball into the basket. Period. He didn't do it so much the first six games. Finkel had to carry the club, and he did, with help from a fine brace of guards, Bobby Hooper and Gene Klaus. Glinder Torain and Bill Cassidy, co-captain with Finkel, alternated at the other forward. Bill had the experience the team neededwith Torain, the Flyers started three sophomores-but he was plagued by miserable shooting. At any rate, UD took Villa Madonna 90-59, slipped past Eastern Kentucky 72-69, beat Miami 63-48, Middle Tennessee 90-63 and Louisville (a surprisingly easy game) 76-59, almost fell to Canisius, 72-69.


Then May caught on . When everybody is picking on the center, a smart forward can enjoy the game without too much trouble-especially if he's 6-4, 200 pounds, and quick . The next pair of outings May scored 31 and 27 points and the Flyers squelched Loyola of the South 88-57 and previously unbeaten Auburn 85-71 in the first round of the Sugar Bowl tournament. The following night was bad. No Flyer seemed to play defense and Maryland took the first half by 14 points. Donoher must have said something, 'cause the Flyers won the second half-but only by 12. So Dayton was runner-up in the tournament. Hank Finkel scored 44 points against Maryland and cinched the tourney MVP cup. Then, against Xavier in the Fieldhouse, he turned feeder and self-portable 7-foot screen, and May produced 45 poin ts as the Flyers embarrassed the Muskies, 105-79. The usual excitement haloing the DePaul-away game (Trip to Chicago! Big City ! Whee!) was overshadowed by the last eight minutes of the game. Up 58-51 with 12 minutes to go, DePaul coach Ray Meyer ordered a stall. It worked . After 4 minutes of that nonsense, Donoher countered with Bill Cassidy and a zone press . For the last 8 minutes Cassidy played St. Dismas-on-skates, Hooper and Klaus played pressure the ball , Finkel played roving screen, and May played shoot-'em-up. Final score: 81-70. Reason enough to develop a happy hangover. Cincinnati has beaten Dayton in b-ball for 8 years. They might even have been able to do it again this year all by themselves (they shot 59 per cent), but they didn't have to . 87-79, bad guys. The Flyers mobilized their frustrations against Seattle and Pennsylvania's St. Francis, 81-65 and 98-66. But Louisville had frustrations of their own, and Dayton suffered , 94-77. The defense was terrible .


The offense was swell. For the first t,ime in his Flyer career, Finkel wasn't top scorer: May was a point-per-game ahead i but the front line (including Torain and Cassidy) was averaging 19 points apiece, and the guards 10. Still, the defense was terrible. There is something about playing defense that eludes coaches and players alike, a spirit, an elan that isn't easily come by. It helps if you enjoy the contact in what the rulebook calls a noncontact sport. It helps if you prefer spiking a basketball into someone's face to putting the thing through the hoop. If you file your elbows to sharp points, study karate, and tape razor blades on your leg pads, you have it. If you're 6-8 and a hatchet murderer, some coach is looking for you. Without all that physical equipment, you need pride and hustle. That's Cassidy. He came off the bench against Western Kentucky and did wen enough to help Dayton win by 20. 191

To this point, though, there was no bench but the CassidyTorain combo. Jim Wannemacher, a starting forward the year before, was hobbled by back trouble and couldn't play. Denny Papp, who'd figured to start during the season, injured his knee in practice and never walked on the court. Once Cassidy and Torain were committed, there was no one for Danoher to look to, except the promise that was Rudy Waterman . Playing St. Joseph in the Palestra is an experience enjoyed most by those who are endowed with a broad streak of masochism. It's like a two hour session with a screaming psychiatrist in a steam bath. Therapeutic. Somehow the Flyers kept pace with the Hawks-Hooper and Klaus controlled the tempo through most of the game-, even won the first half by 5, and opened the spread another 4 right at the start of the second. But Cassidy fouled out with 15 minutes to go and Don May with 8, and the Palestrans went up 70-66. Torain and Waterman took over in front, the Flyers switched to zone defense, and the score evened with three minutes left. Then the game started. When it ended, 6 time outs later, the Flyers had all the marbles.


The Daytonians coasted past Murray State. They must have still been thinking about St. Joe's, though, 'cause Xavier caught 'em in an embarrassing position: 7 points down in the last five minutes. It took another flurry of time outs for the Flyers to catch up. Then they idled past Memphis State. All this idleness told: the third-ranked loyola Ramblers trimmed the Flyers 77-72 in the Fieldhouse. Dayton woke up enough to set back Miami-again by 15. But against Houston in Madison Square Garden they set back basketball by about twenty years, in Donoher's opinion, yet still managed to win. Waterman started this game in place of an ailing Hooper, and his 1'6 points were the only pleasant aspect of an otherwise sloppy display. He did well against DePaul (another squeaker), and brilliantly versus Detroit. But the Detroit game was dominated by Hank Finkel: he scored 32 points, snaffled 13 rebounds, set another career scoring record, led the team for the third year in scoring, rebounds, shooting percentage. Making his farewell address to Flyer followers, he claimed playing basketball at UD had been his pleasure. Maybe so. But that's only half. There's something to be said for the type of game you expect from the University of Dayton team.


NCAA The Flyers went off to the wars with a 22-4 record and the first team they had to meet was Miami, the MAC champ. The Redskins had fallen to UD twice in the season, and Dick Shrider's champs said the third time was to be the charm. They nearly did it. Little Phil Snow kept bombing from long range, Pierson shut off Don May, and only Rudy Waterman's 10 first-half points and Hank Finkel's game-high 25-with 17 reboundspulled the Flyers over the top: 58-51. Iowa City was not so pleasant. After playing Kentucky even for 30 minutes, the Flyers suddenly found themselves unable to handle Baron Rupp's 1-3-1 trap. The Wildcats ran off 9 straight points and ended 7 up. Western Kentucky had a reason to play Saturday night-they lost to Michigan by 1 point, and Dayton had beaten the Hilltoppers by 20 during the season. Western whipped the Flyers. It was a disappointing end to a fine season.


Dayton 90 72 63

90 76 70

88 85 75 105 81 79 81


Opponent Villa Madonna .......• 59 Eastern Kentucky ...... 69 Miami, O ............. 48 Middle Tennessee ....•. 63 Louisville ............ 59 Canisius .............. 67 Loyola-South ......... 57 -Sugar BowlAuburn .............. 71 Maryland ............ 77 Xavier .............. 79 DePaul .............. 70 Cincinnati ............ 87 Seattle .............. 65 St. Francis-Pa .......... 66 Record: Regular Season: 22-4

Dayton 77 77

85 79 99 76

90 72 75 71 76 109

58 79 68

Opponent Louisville ............ 94 Western Kentucky ..... 57 Loyola-L.A. .......... 57 St. Joseph-Pa ......... 76 Murray State .......... 86 Xavier, O. ............ 73 Memphis State ........ 77 Loyola-Chicago ....... 77 Miami, O ............. 60 Houston ............. 69 DePaul .............. 73 Detroit .............. 80 -NCAAMiami, O ............. 51 Kentucky ............ 86 Western Kentucky ..... , 82 NCAA: 1-2 195


Freshman Basketball The freshman team started slowly, perhaps because 6-10 Dan Obrovac, the expected center, missed the first half of the year while waiting for a knee operation to heal properly. Ned Sharpenter took the pivot position in the interim, and guard Tom Heckmans and forwards Dan Sadlier and Jim Neal played very well, but the team was on l1y 4-4-1. Two of the losses were to the fabulous Louisville scoring machine. Obrovac's return worked a rise in freshman f~rtunes, but high-scoring Jim Neal's departure for the Air Force hampered coach Chuck Grigsby's Fledglings.

The baby Flyers closed shakily, too, losing their last two games and winding up 11-9-1.


Underclass You'1°e a freshman-one of over a million and a quarter out of high school, off to a fOIl1' year picnic cum sheepskin, after which ),011 conquer the world. -(Then-behind ),ollr back-the count1')' goes to war, and Y0lt sweat to stay in school.) You're a sophomore. You know who's A-B, which teachers are honest, what places to hang out in . You're a junior. You can afford to hang 011t in those places. You begin to think about grad school ('cause they're still shooting in all those foreign countries you can't even pronounce), to worry abollt ),our grades. Next year will be the last; next year will be the time to go.


Maryanne Tidmarsh, Gloria Bienko, Diana Schmitz, Kathy Carlson, Celeste Buysse, Kathy Shea, Joanne Bray, Peggy Ball, Nancy Boehm; Diane Gonzalez, Kathy Murphy, Janis Foote, Martha Schulten, Eileen Rindler, Kathy Ptak, Sue Stefek, Marianne Toomey, Carrie Horvath. Larry Maslanka, Art Hollis, Bill Henderson, Bill Howard, Dennis Kennedy; Gordon Henley, Ron Carella, Dick Garville, Denny Conti, Steve Hintersehr, Nick Sertell, Doug Henson; Mark Dapier, Dan Heaton, Bob Amberg, Ed Harhager, Dave Coene, Tom Capaldi; Bob Leugers, Walt Ciecko, Mike Bonnell, Tom Davin, Jim Finewood, Pat McGann, Dick Ostberg, Tony Kownacki.

Left: Sandy Purl, Mary Gaul, Marcia Datko, Nancy Rugh, Carol Jean Giglia; Carole Kraus, Kathleen Brannigan, Louise Waindle, Jane Prusha, Linda McKinney, Barbara Teresi, Ruth Siefker, Teri Roppolo, Jean Berg; Diane Schumacker, Susan Getz, Sheryl Gray, Susan Kennon, Joan Gase, Margaret Betz, Marie Romans, Sue Spalding, Kathy Ferron, Gail Bertani .


Top: Paul Dancik, Billl Bolan, Doug Taylor, George Kohl; Bob Brennan, Bruce Kalat, Bill Bertke, John Condit, Steve Dougherty; David Bruns, Jim Conway, Wal'ly Sawkiw, John Wetzel, Steve Dennision, Brian Siegel, Dan Fullenkamp, John Kehoe, Amedeo DeCarolis, Tom Hornbach, Dayne Hanna, Jerry Rieman; Don lemoi, Mike Dolan, Tom Hoersten, Jim Becker, Tim Quinn; Joe Crerand, John Cararella, Mike Gleason, Paul Tursi; Dave Ihlendorf, Dennis Beit, AI Prendergast, Tom Cook, Wal,t Quinn, Bopper Drechsler. Bottom: Dolly Highfield, Ann Brady, Cindy Haering, Sharon Sanislo, Kathy Egan, Kathy Meiresonne, Terry Roland; Chris White, Virginia Boguski, Joyce Morrison, Kathy Galvin, Cindy Essig, Candy Scherban, Karen Connors; Barb Heintschel, Joan DeCapite, Betty Ferrell, Jane [)rauer, Ann Bierkel, Kathy Prosek, Mary louise Novak, Kathy Hoefer, Merrily Rankin.


Donna Matthews, Mary Jean Mattson, Chris Sheets, Carolyn Hanzal , Mary Jo DeSantis, Donna Korpolinski, Mary Flynn; Ginger Lee, Mary Weir, Ginny Lorenz, Jane Podboy, Sue Veihdeffer, Patty Weber, Jary Jo Bintz, Mary Jane Christie, Katie Sullivan; Mary Smyth, Sharie Grohmann, Betty Ruttle, Linda McKee, Martie Warner, Maryanne Drongowski, Jane Turbin, Elaine Jacob, Linda Mulholland, Sharon Wilson, Pat Chap la, Sandy Clark, Marilyn Winslow, Colette Perry.

Bill Scharf, Joe Catillo, Michael Madigan, Pete Singler, Tom Matejka; Jim Place, Jack Albanese, Denny Serio, John Borchers, Bob Forney, Larry Cadman; James Jarzynka, Mike Gardner, Jim Kucera, Fran Meyers, Mike Beyer, Bob Nero, Ken Baier.


Left: Kathy Clark, Pat Hrbaty, Nancy Rice, Bev Dynda, Ann Wagner, Sue Benjamin, Beth Schaffield, Monica Col lins, Paulette Olson, Cathy Wegner, Bill KJinge.

Below: Denny Johnston, Charles Robinson, Jim Rowley, Vincent O'Brien, Benny Mierzejewski; Barry Yoger, Dave Wyckoff, Bob Bauer, Tom Isgro, George Core, Denny Reiter, Mike LaBarbera, Frank Moore; John Kieran, Ken Johnston, Bob Wright, Ron Kell, Dick McMahon, Bob Van Bergen, Buzz Meyer, Bill Maver; Jack Kanally, Joe Szoke, Paul Yacovone, Tom McCann, Mark Nocito, Don Bassolion, Joe Estwanik, Jim Fening; Tom McBride, George Baty.


Right: M ike Sweeney, Tim K i I lee n, Lou Hickey.


Left: Pat Bowen, Barb Gray, Clancy D'Esposito, Ginny DiGregory, Pat Hayes, Rita Ippolito; Terry Duffey, Sharon Bukovac, Mary Bray, Kathy Wiegert, Donna Bergeron, Rosemary Carner, Mary Jo Fante, Regina Burke; Mary Delaney, Maureen Farley, Karen Dreidame, Kris Colthurst, Laraine Jewers, Cathy Clifford, B r end s Halcomb, Sue Sarmir, Madeline Girardi, Sue Ackerman.

Left : Joe Hordeyczuk, Mike Anderson, John Palmer, Larry Ducate, Ken Seal; Alan Shatteen, Doug Massengill, Wayne Robke, Tony Santagate, Nick Mader, Tom DiMartino, Rich Mayer; Ron Cope, Larry Courtney, Steve Pfleger, J 0 h n O'Doherty, Paul Florian, Don Macinnis, Bob Scott, Pete Miller; Bob Kirsch, Jim Kline, Dick Demming, Stuart Mauch, Alan Melnyk, Ken Thompson, Tom Drabik.

Left: Carolyn La Fratta, Kathy Leugers, Joy Alexander, Marjie Blake, Tassie Koenig; Julie Sine, Da,le Koepenick, Cindy May, Jean Holzfeind, Elaine Jelly, Barb Pier, Norma Lang, Betty Mihelic; Kathy Hannan, Chris Rohn, Diane Proffitt, Mary Ann Rank, Joyce Quitter, Barb McNamee, Meg Levy, Cynthia McCoy, Mary Hyman, Helen Hopkins, Nancy Rogers; Kathy Kramer, Mary Kay Ogren, Jeanne Kindt, Michelle O'Reilly, Maureen Hoffman, Mary K. Hlebik, Janice Hocevar, Jane Bunt, Helen O'Leary, Lucretia Whitacre. Top: Terry McSweeney, Jim Graw, Denny McSweeney . Middl'e : Bob Van Bergen, Ginny Pojman. Bottom : Maureen Kane, Carol Loughran, Kathy Crow, Peggie Roettker, Maureen McNamara, Mary Sue Selleck; 'E ileen Varhol, Mary Sowden, Joan Swartwood, Suzanne Dowling, Carol Urban, Marge Noel, Barbara DeSantis, Carol Mattingly, Mary Jo Perkinson; Mary Rolwing, Linda Smith, Mary Whitman, Sue Yacobellis, Jan Weber, Marti Lichman, Donna Mayer, Sue Spalding, Carol Stasa, Elizabeth Neary, Yolanda Pol it, Eva Lahee.


Wayne Jansen, Rich Simenc, Mike Sifferlin, Paul Oliver, Jeff Blum; Joe Szimhart, Tom Tyler, Art Vollmer, Paul Zint, Chris Kerns, Mike Graham; Dave Levendusky, Rick Schlanser, Tom Kigar, C. Schneider, Bob Sopko, Chuck Camp, Gerald Volpe, Fred Meyer; Andy Kuhta, Sam Muhlenkamp, Gerard Haessly, Joe Barquinero, Jim Van Zandt, Pete Valane, Dave Hock, Ed Varekojis; Johl) Whitzel, Tom Swarthout, Phil Smith, Ned Sharpenter.

Chuck Coston, Bill Wodrick, Duace Ball, Will Bischof; Valdimir Kowaliwskyj, Kent Karper, Ed Leonard, David Lofus; Joe Spadaford, Chip Leyland, Steve Seeberger, John Judge.

Right: Ken Annibale, Jerry Sego, Kathy Sheridan, Joe McKinney. Opposite Page: John Vetter, Dennis S tel z n e r, Matt Schwieterman, Clair Jeremy, Rodger Whaley; Jay Schwarz, Regis Rubis, George Sabieraj, Tom Skivington, Vi nee Strockis, Bill Klem, Mike Toll, Dave Jordan, Joe Miller, Bob Sternowski, Larry Bruni, Mike Healy, Charles Lucas, Ray Van Colt, Bob Wenning, Dick Dwyer, Rob e r t Valimont; Chris Kimker, Dale Siefferlen, Joe Drilling, Mike Van Autreve, Joe Snchyta, Gary Smith, Bill Gorczynski, Bob Kiss.


Top: Dave Griesbaum, Ken Gentile, Dan Belik, Pete Ferralli, Bob Foley, Joe Ferrante; Bernie Kress, Rick Engebrigtsen, Jerry Kriegel, Tom Dwyer, Ken Debelak, Mike Ginley, Mike Baughman, Dave Yates; Gene Grilliot, Rob DeSantis, Ed Kondrat, Sam Slowinski, Keith Fammartino, Dave Gerdiman, Mario Bigotti, Ken Frost; John Malone, Mike Dun ne, Vincent Shankey, Tom Seifert, Carmen DiDonato, Leo Wisniewski, Jim Dee, Don Ragon, AI White. Middle: Nancy Jorgensen, Patty Renault, Ruth Miller, Pat Carbon, Ann Burgunder, Monica Mocadlo; Carol Jacobs, Dee Heilman, Janet Iding, Janet Sh eetz, Kathleen McKanna, Anne Honnert, Maureen Lynch, Beth Haeger; Maureen Kiley, Betsy Furlong, Linda Kuzmic, Mary Ann Block, Joan laconetti, Lois Rodville, Linda Litzinger, Mary Beth Kass, Eleanor Hook, Cheryle Hern.


Right top: Dan Obrovac, Bob Calzetta, Frank Cerchiaro, Kieran Kelly, Tom Fleischmann, Steve Baum; Joe Ferguson, Lee Gaffney, Jerry Mayer, Tim Lyons, Joe Gottbrath, Snuffy Smith, George Federici; Donald Schmitt, Jeff Linck, George Francis, Roger Nagy, Thomas Heckman, John ScanJon, Greg Gasson, Bob Bensel, Tom Ruane, John Needham, Bill Schrader; Gregory Lach, Rodger Bayer, Bill LeWalk, Rich Simenc, J. P. Bermel, Dave Gagner, Ralph DePalma, Jerry Giancaterino Right bottom: Steve Hoh, Art Murphy, Bill Chiappetta, Chris Kumellas; Joseph Catera, Tom Bray, Tom Markowski; Robert Czaplicki, Bob Powers, Edward Booth, Thomas King, Richard Chambers; John Adams, Ned Baumgardner, Jim Weir, AI Amendola, John Blajda.

Top: Joan McElroy, Regina Romano, Marilyn Hanley, Stella Swartz; Chris Schoo, Diane Rodevich, Joanne Gantner, Pat Carroll, Linda Zalokar; Kathy Van Leeuwen, Nancy Nickum, Maria Oria; Janice Kissinger, Ginny Hudak, Lynn Mead, Julie Ray, Patty Mayor, Jayne Kampschmidt, Mickey McBride, Kathy Bre'nnan, JoAnne McGoogan, Ginny Pojman; Barbara Kinney, Carolyn Cosgrove, Marsha Minton, Joan Nickol, Barbara McKenna, Ellen Jenkins, Linda Mares. Right: Betty Mertz chats with Connie Sargis and Cindy McFadden.


Left: Tom Malewicki, Dan Milligan, Joe Gentile, John Moon; Bud Meadows, John McArdle, Dan McManus; Don Scanlon, Dave Murphy, Bill McDonald, Doug Turner; Richard Moran, James Macioch, Bernie Murray, Jim McGlynn.

Top left: George Lewandowski, Bill Quinn. Top right: Bobbie Heidman, Sherry Bixler, Jackie Fante, Beverly Bua, Nancy Bielowski, Mary Kay Coughlin, Marcia Wendt; Karen Connors, Susan Collins, Marge Hackenberg, Fran Diefenbacher, Elaine Wustmann, Pat Spiege ll, Dee Schaefer, Pamela Grabowski, Margaret McGrath, Cindy Gels, Lois Goritz; Bernie LeMay, Mary Louise McDonald, Marie Pagnozzi, Kathy Barrett, Mary Jean BerHer, Kathy Engel, Kathy O'Neill, Marilyn Kelly, Linda Trevisol, Kathy Mayer, Anne Niggles, Agatha Taormina, Di'anne Fowler, Pat Flannagan; Eileen Mahoney, Marianne Dahlberg, Judy Niteche, Priscilla Young, Diane Rehl. Middle: Bob Spooner, Bill McGovern, Tom Seymour, Jim Sicnolf; Dennis Webb, Chuck Slover, Tom Santillo, Phil Warth; Tom Stanton, Richard Schmidt, Dan Schmidt, Carl Perri; Ted Mazza, Tom Malewich, Daniel Milligan.


Jim Brown, Bart Carrique, Tom Durkee, Bob Anderson; John Burke, Richard Bernas, Ted Boesel, Bill Amos; Ken Novak, John Leugers, Pete Matrale, Lou Boccketti; John Coletta, Dennis Carver, Ed Maenle, Ben Lariccia.

Paul Vanderbeck, Eloise Hartwig


Middle: Gigi Bosch, Ann Coughlin, Gretchen Schottdorf, Connie Michel, Chris Jakubowski, Bien Collins; Janet Van Balen, Jane Johnson, Dorothy Lambert, Sharon Ochs, Jo Ann Adamson, Maureen Concannon; Carole Reppa, Claudia Reiter, Mary Kay Dambrun, Marie Halloran, Mary Jo Bobish, Mary Jo Maher, Patricia Cleary, Patty Gambs Bottom: Jack Wojciehowski, Frank Yeranko, Judie Jehn, Nancy Federbush.


Jim Neal, Mark Wiedman, Harold Mechling, Bill Hamilton, Bill Kief, John Ludwig; Bill McCarthy, Tom Knapko, Frank Krajovic, Bart Mahoney, Mike Geron; Bill Kunzler, Russ Lynch, George Leher, Don Keener, Denny Kocsuta, Tim Kresl, Bill Gilius, Steve Piontek; Hugh Sullivan, John Kindle, Jim McBriarty, Ed Meal, James Steele, R. V. Mausser; Jim Goethals, Don Krakauskas, Bob Bauerle, Bob Vilyus, Mike Killmeyer, Andy Mizia; Larry Krall, Dave Linn, Ray McMahon, Tom George, Teek Galla.gher, Mike Darroch .

Dave Cairoli, John Severson, Jim Peters, Greg DeFoe, John West; Paul Varian, Carl Schultz, Joe Scaries, Jim Woods, John Flaherty, Greg Valko, Matt Hayes, Greg Pasco; Michael Zienkiewicz, Tom Pettinger, AI Opaczewski, Bill Parr, Bill Roth, Russell Moore, Bernie Orient, John Risch; Pat Fullenkamp, Jack Zink, Bill Orlowskf, Tom Pekarek; Bob Vogel, Dennis Romich, Tom Peterson, Sten Duzy, Dave Witte, Ph il Montagno, Ralphie Roberts, Joey Di Cesare; Bob Donnelly, Dick Lynch, Dan Doherty.


Ed Ryan, Dick Harris, Tom Rogers, Ted Puckett; Bob Parisien, Jack Morissey, John Thibeault, Dennis Dupree; Greg Raphel, Skip Tokay, Tom Quinn, Tom Price.

Frank Trogus, Mike Buans, Bruce Wadas, Gregory Brush, Donald Venhoff; Dave Ebenger, Larry Sowa, Glenn Ballard, Tom 'Kinsella, Richard Wair, Sid Eaton; Gary Albers, Mike Connor, Rich Wemstrom, Ed Calmus, Larry Mihevic, Frank Adams, Jim Trentel, Bob Byerly, John Marks, Jerry Sego; John Lehecka, Bill Neihengen, Rick Bebnhardt, Frank Ball, Joe Andre, Joe Adamo, Jack Musterman, Chuck Thomas; Doug Lammers, Jim Annesser, Tom Endre, Denny Schaffer, Denny Graf, Bill Gallagher, John Friedrick, Dan Taylor.

Frank Burkiewicz, Bruce Bossard, Bernard Bursker, Neil Bitzenhofer, Jan Pesta, Mike McGinnis; Jim Breen, Barry Krohn, David Rodriguez, Frank Zitello, Dave Rathz, Pat Hurley, Jim Plescia, Tom Murphy; Frank Dolence, Bob Graff, Tom Wood, Bob Dillhoff, Win Edge, Pete White, Harry Warnkey; Dennis Cafiero, Roger Buening, George Ferlic, Fred Schruff, Frank Zeccola, Larry Blasko, Jerry DiMariellio, Jim Matre, John Weiss, Dick Weisgerber; Tony Zeleznek, Buz Donnelly, Bil:1 Watterson, Thom Bernett.


Left: Larry Knapke Below: John Weiler, Mike Roach, Dave Muhlenkamp, Bruce Schmitt, Jim Kundrod; Dave Farina, Tom Westerheide, M i ke Smith, Frank Thomas, Richard Thomas, Fred Russell, Dave Pritclard, Bob Von Hoene, Joe Wornstaff; Bill Pfister, Rick Panicco, Terry Winkler, Jim Welzbacher, Ray Zywalewski, Rob Armstrong, Gary Olding; Stuart Greenfield, Tom Teves, Ray Riley, Ken McCarthy, John Ungashick, Bob Yappola .

Below : Nancy Rethlake, Dianne Bolger, Elaine Kistner; Ellen Dickinson, Debbie Neale, Judy Kittleman, Kathy Williams, Karen Quinn, Linda Prasil, Annie Baumann; Carol Roffey, Mary Neary, Connie Prunch, Mary Pat Nolan, Sue Keil, Diane Jans, Sue Szykowny, Nancy Kocisko.


Opposite page: Dave Speer, Joe Semiraro, Marino Moscioni, Ray Schaefer, Tim Thornton, John Mullin; Joe McLaughlin, Dick Wemstrom, Wally Sawkiw, John Pflug, Bill Stanley, Jim Siebold, Ted McFadden, Marc Wesling; Bill Montgomery, Tom Masiokas; Maurice Williams, Bob Anglin, Bob Bray, Ted Miklasz, Wally Stefkovich, Jim Scanlon, Jim Hostacky; Tom Santner, Terry Murphy, Bill Sotak, George Pisching, Mike Sutphin; Bob Sedivy, Bob Mulhern, Steve Corcoran, Jim Schmidt, Gerry Heatherington, Joe McKelvey, Bill Mattei.

Brian Ellis and Betty Hoelle

Below: Mike Mathew, John Meehan, Dave Johnson, Richard Smith, Mike Higgins; Joe Keim, Chuck Lieser, AI Mescher, Rich Nosse, Rich Shupe; Bob Morrows, Mike Moore, Ted Marconi, Tony Wittbrodt, Tom Goodwin, Phil Cooper; Don Ragalie, Bill Herrmann, Ken Mary, Don Wagner, Mike Krietemeyer, Tom Murray, John Wills.

Kathy Carley, Judy Col/ins, Angie Col/ins, Gail Rust, Joanie Dybas, Marie Vonder Embse, Jan Ernbrey; Connie Norgaard, Jane Sodders, Kay Fenderbosch, Kathy Winter, Jo Ann Lisy, Ricky Ann Hofmann, Betty White, Janice Gura; Emily Bruns, Patricia McVicker, Dianne DeConinck, Pam Eitmant, Anne Grecicius, Charis Griebstein, Marianne Boguski.


Middle: Pat Kammes, Pat Skalka, Peg Zilinsky, Marilyn Hess; Barb Kurrack, Eileen Grant, Kathryn Busch, Pat Paridan, Sandy Bertoni, Camille Bolowejder, Rosemarie DeMarco; Sharon Hessler, Dana O'Keefe, Sally Murray, Barbara Weber, Nancy Navar, Kathy Neidert, Mary Gay Wirta, Pat Dempsey, Margie Smith. Bottom : Jim Murphy, Butch Lewis, Dave Hemmet, Mike Mansfield, Dan Doherty, Bob Wishere, Ed Giel; MaKimilian Jerozal, Ron Kovach, Carl Rosenberger, Kenny Rynarzewski, Larry Hayes, Larry Kozlowski ; Russell Davis, Richard Gilbert, Mike Lofino, John Mahne, David Bridge, Greg Kotheimer, Herb Leopold, Les Wenning; Bob Donnelly, Jim Mount, Terry Turney, Bill Lang, Terry Lord, Bob McNamara, Bob Kupec, Dwight Kada r, Nick Gurgiolo, Ron Manse, Bill Kuskowski; Joe Labriola, Larry Hughes, Ken Skrocki .


Seniors Remember the old gang? The twenty of you? Only sixteen finished high school; only eight entered college. Only four of you will graduate, this month, or ever. Remember the world you were going to conquer, four years ago? You recall the 700 slaughtered last Christmas, and you're scared to climb in the car. What kind of idiots do they allow on the road now? You think of the several kilotons per person of push-button hell stored in the missile silos: what kind of idiots go on making more? It won't be enough to conquer the world. You'd settle for saving enough of it to pass on to the kids. Okay, then: now's the time.



James Adams

William H. Allen, S.M.

Alexander Apanius

Sr. M. M. Backus, C .P.P.S.

Gerald J. Alred

Suzanne Arlein

Rita M. Anderson

Rosemary Anthony

Albert J . Aufmen

Joanne E. Bakaitus

Camilla Baker

Margaret Baker

Clementine Barco

Betsy Barnes

David R. Bart

Robert Ba ker


Daniel L. Beston

James R. Barton

Carolyn Jean Beach

Mary Jo Bihl

Robert Bischof

Martha Buehler


Dennis Beach, S.M.

James Blust

James Beach

Richard Lee Bodner

Rosemary E. Broderick

Richard H. Broerman

James L. Brown

Nancy E. Buehrle

Roland Bunda, S.M.

Gail L. Burchett

Peggy Beavin

Dottie Bednarz

Georgianna -Bernhard

Jane Boettinger

Marianne Bogus~i

Robert Bolz, SM

Barbara Bostick

Carol Bruewer

Thomas Bucher, SM

Brian P. Buckley

Allen Bueckley

Ann Burgess

F. Patrick Burns

Rober! Beulel

Donald Calloway, SM

Philip Caravella


Cecilia J. Carleton


Donna Carpenter

Janet Carrigan

Patricia Carroll

James Connell

Michael Conway

David T. Coyle

Michael Danneker

Gaetano D'Antona

Cler DeChatelet

Margaret DeChatelet

LoreHa DiHerich

Lucille Donlin

Patricia Donnelly

Tim Donovan, SM

Linda J. Case

Philip Chalupa

Gerald Chinchar, SM

Joseph A. Cogl iano

John Conlon

Richard J . Crary

Walter A. Cusick

Allen Czech

Thomas D'Agostino

John Dempsey, SM

Philip Dickey IV

Carol Deitz

Donald DiGennaro

Harry A. Doody

Richa rd Dorrler

Sheila Doud

Renee DiPiero


Janet Doyle

William F. Duffy

Dodee Dukes

James Dunscomb, SM

Ted Dwora.kowski

Susan R. Engel

Don Eppink, SM

Donald Falconio

Mary K. Falke

Mary Jeanne Farley

Susan E. Fischer

Mary E. Fihgerald

'L oretta Flury

Judy Fuller

Alice M. Gallant

Robert Ganser

Nick Frischherh


Ruth Anne Elliott

George Emery

Angel Fernandez, S.M.

Robert Finch

William Fischer, S.M.

Jean E. Foley

Paul Forgach, S.M.

Rona Id Forthofer

Carol Fredricks

Geraldine Gasper

Carol Gasson

Denis J. Gasson

Lucia Galtone

John Emery

Donna Freese


Care'l R. Geer


Kathleen Gerity

John W. Gerwels

Jean Gilles

James C. Gitzinger

Dennis Grayson

Genie Green

Judy Gretchko

Mike Greuther

Pamela Hecht

Judy M. Handorf

Thomas Hannigan

Geraldine Harrington

Douglas Hattersley

Paul Herda

William Hertel

Mary Jeanne Hodas

R. Bruce Hoefling

Vicki Hoffman

Robert B. Gould

Michael Grady

Gwenn Graham

Joseph Graves

Carol Grilliot

Ophelia Guerrero

Barbara Halpin

R. David Halstead

Leonard Hamm, S.M.

Dorothy Heiburger

Gerald F. Hein , S.M.

David Heinly

Stephen Hempelman

Joseph Henderson

Thomas Hollo

James Homan

Linda Hoop

Patricia Hornkohl


Jonathan House

Alice Kasarskis


Anthony Hunter, S.M.

Jeanne Hunzeker

Ann Hurley

Nancy Interlicchia

Kathryn Jack

Sandra Jacobs

Isabel Kauffman

Kathryn Kehoe

Gary Keithley

Katherine Kelly

Timothy Kleimeyer

Thomas Kling

Sr. M. B. Klosterman, S.F.P.

Paula Knapka

Dorothy Hovorka

Gary Hussion

Richard Imber

Sharon Jaeger

Francis Jones, S.M.

Thomas Kerner

Mark Kochanowski

Joseph Indelicato, S.M.

Sandra Kain

Irene Kane

William Kilinskas

Robert Killian

Richard Kiniry

Elizabeth Koda

Rita Koeller

Zoltan Kiss, S.M.


John Lemming

Gary Marconi


Jane Kratovil

Gerald P. Krueger

Gregory Krulin

Dolores Lemmons

lRobert E. Lewand

Michael Linkhart

Linda Lorenz

Nicholas Lospinoso

Susan Marquis

Robert Lacy Martin

Robert Mashioff

William Kuhns, S.M .

Jean Lamy

Karen Langlafz

Louis Lisella

Elaine Lochmondy

Ronald Longpre

Ronald Loy

Gerald P. Lynch

Casimir Majcher

Ronald MaHei

Dennis Matulewicz

Robert Legan

John Makuh

Carol Meisinger


William Mooney

James Mick

Barbara Midgley

Judy Moore

Agnes Murray

David Nether, S.M.


Mary Lou Miller

David Mushenheim, S.M.

John J. McKenna

Gary McLean

Martha Neiberding

Beverly Nieman

Peter Miller

William Myers

Joseph McNeely, S. M.

John Nienberg

lila Mitchell

Stephen Miller

Arthur Millonig

Maureen McCarren

Dorian McCleary

Peter McDougal, S.M.

Ellen McGarvey

Thomas McNiece

Nancy Nadorff

Evelynne Najder

Patty Nedwicki

Sandra Nobis

Paula Nolan

Rosaria Nolo

Peter Oatis

Donna O'Brien


Thomas O'Bryan

John Plessinger


Edwin O'Gara

Daniel O 'Keefe

James O'Neil

Ted Patterson

Carol Pecenka

Edward Pekarek

John Popovich

Fait,h Pountney

Jessie .. Prendergast

Joseph Prusaczyk

Rosalie Rawlins

Paula Kay Reder

Madonna Reichert

Gerald Reid

Brian O'Connor

James O 'Shaughnessy, S.M.

David Pardiech

John Patt

James Perhach

Mary Perry

John Peyton

David pfriem, S.M.

Joseph Quashnock

Bernard Queenan

David' Quigley, S.M.

Joseph Quinn

Suzan Reiling

Denise Renneker

James Raterman

Ann Rice


Raymond Richter

Charles Ricksecker

Rose Ann Rieskamp

Joseph Rigot, S.M.

Daryl E. Roberts

Joanne Rotte

Stephen Routt, S.M.

Joan Rubeck

Walter Rucinski

Marianne Russell

Sue Schiml

George Schoen

Jane Schoenharl

Karen Sikorski

Juan Simon

Nick Sharkey


John Sikora

Bill Sirl

Eileen T. Robertson

Margaret Roby

Robert Ross, S.M.

Jacquelyn Sanders

Salvadore Sangi

Carol Ann Shultz

Anita Schroeder

Carol Sloman

Carl Schumacher

Frank Smith, S.M.

Donald Schwarber, S.M.

Micheal Smit,h

Steve Scovic

Gerald Severino

Terry Smith

Thelma Sobieski


Edward Sokol, S.M.


John Sowko

John Spellman, S.M.

James Spotila

Nancy Steiner

Michaelle Stem

Robert Steuber

Bill Sweeney

Charles Swoope

Frank Talz

Joseph Thomas, S.M.

George Troy

Janet Tucek

John Turnblacer

Patricia Tuttle

Gregory Sokol

John Sta bnick

David Stado

Martha C . Staley

Hugh Stanley

Nancy Stipher

Terrance Stretch, S.M.

Nancy Stupak

Martha Swanton

Kevin Thomas, S.M .

Michael' Thommes

Emily Thornton

Louis Todaro

Joanne Ulis

Janet Van Bolen

Gene Velk

Dewey Tom


Steve Verga mini

Elaine Wolff

Robert Ve'rtes

Albert Vibonese

John Walker

Linda K. Weidel

Mary E. Welch

Fred Wells

Michael Wong, S.M.

Michael Wurm

Steven Yurkovich

Paul Ziehler


Peter Ziliotto

Judith Zinck

Vivian Walker

Mary Warner

Mary Jo Warth

Ted Wessell

Patricia Wetzel

Theodora A. Weist

George Zehnle, S.M.

Henry Zembruski

Carol Zins

Anthony Zirpoli

John Wise




Thomas Arndt

John Bensman

John Alberts

Anthony Angelo

Kenneth Annibale

Patricia Baginskis

Thomas Basti

Robert s. Beiner

Michael Bell

James Berg

Joseph Bermingham

James Bieger

Peter Bonitatibus

Thomas Braun

Carol Bray

Richard Bray


John Brooks

Mike Cologiovanni


Jim C. Brown

Clifford Browne

William Buehrle

Rosemarie Caspar

William Cassidy

Paul Conolly

Kay Conroy

Thomas Dent

Nicholas DiBari

J . Michael Drury

Donald Dunnington

Richard Butler

Michael Callahan

Gabriel Carifi

Joseph Catillo

John Chuhinko

Barry Clark

Daryl DeSmyter

Cynthia DeVoe

Leeda Ed

Consta nee Eifert

Rose Marie Clidinst

Donald Ellis


Thomas Gallagher

Dianna Eshman

Michael Farnett

Patrick Fleming

Michael Fredericks

Michael Gardner

James Geiselhart

Lynn Gerschuh

George Gilliam

William Grimmer

William Hagan

William Halbert

Patrick Hogan

David Huttinger

Carolyn Jacob

David Hogan


John Freyvogel

Joseph Frole

E. Patrick Gallagher

David Goetz

Paul Gohring

Thomas Gorius

Joseph Gornik

Thomas Hancock

Robert Heath

James Heighton

Edward Hennessey

Ric ha rd Ja cob

Robert Jason

Lynn Johnson

Robert Joh nson

William Keck


Donald Kellen

Thomas Mahon


John Kline

Dolores Koesel

Robert Koverman

Albert Krempa

Timothy Kunes

Terry LaChey

Marilou Ladner

John Maiko

Thomas Marinic

Donald Marsee

Raymond Kinkead

Roy Koesel

Frank Kolo

George Kooluris

Charles Krepp

Richard Kroeger

Dona Id Kronour

Gerald Kruzel

Harold Lee

Gilbert Lentol

Randy Lentz

Thomas Love

George Martin

Sr. M. Antonita Mettert


Kathy Miller

Ronald Miller

Paul Anthony Prendergast

Elie Saleeby


Vince Mixie

Thomas Mott

Edward McCloskey

Norman IN aughton

John Norton

Thomas Petkewitz

Edward Priore

Ric ha rd Ra bke

Nicholas Ronan

Thomas Sammon

James Savage

David Schenkel

Patrick McGarry

Joseph McKinney

John McPhilimy

Denis McSweeney

Paul Peyrebrune

John Pflug

John Plavan

Mary Janice Plummer

Eliza beth Ross

Joseph Rudolph

James Rush

Jerry Russelo

Thomas Schierloh

Tony Seday

John Sabolcik

Stewart Seman


Robert Sharp

Sharon Tucci


Joseph Sommers

Albert Sopata, S.M.

Philip Thomas

Thomas Tight

John Unkefer

Thomas Vincent

James Vogel

Richard Welty

Michael Wilson

William Wilson

Richard Soares

Robed Sparks

Charles Sullivan

Gary Thibo

Carol T ragesser

Anna Marie Tra ister

Donald Trentman

John Wabler

Sharon Wagner

Ronald Windsor

Ray Woleben

John Tronlano

William Youmell





Maureen Arth

Janet Boll

Barbara Alexander

Dittany Anderson

Judy Anderson

Lorraine Backe

Kathryn Baker

Carolyn Baltes

Thelma Bergman

Louise Blubaugh

Elaine Boland

Barbara Brogan

Monica Brown

Ba rba ra Budzik

Bernard Barbadora

Judy Buechele


Kathleen Dibling


Robert Butler

Virginia Butner

Darla Byrne

Anna May Coyne

Carol Cremin

Mary E. Cron

Martha Crosby

Mary Anne Doren~ott

Katherine M. Dyke

Sandra Eitmant

Ronald Emmrich

Janet Fisher

Mary E. FitzHarris

Kathleen Flanagan

Sr. Helen Fulton, C.P.P.S.

Frank Cala, S.M.

Mary Ellen Cary

Mary Cherpeski

Diane DeBord

William DeMeo

Ma rilyn Derwenskus

Beverly English

Sr. Mary Joel Fahey, C.PP.S.

Paula Falkowski

Sr. Thomas Miriam Garascia, C .P.P.S.

Mary Anne Germek

Linda Gerzina

Sharon Corcoran

Paula Faroh

Phyllis Fischer

KoleHe Godfrey


Theresa Gyorky


Gertrude Gombert

Mary Greiner

James Gress

Sr. Joelyn Marie Griesgraber

Diane Habinck

Mary Ha'ipin

Jean Ann Hammond

Bernard Harawa

Catherine Hodel!

Gloria Hoelle

Mary Hoffmann

Diane Hoying

Sharon Imhof

Sue Ann Isreal

Joyce Issenmann

Gina IIZi

Diane Grimes

Beatrice Gross

Anthony Gulli

Robert Hartley

Deberah Haywood

Jane Hench

Diane Herrlich

Sr. Myra Hoying, C.P.P.S

Kay Huelsman

Janice Huff

Jeanne Marie Hug

Patricia Jacobs

James Jennings

Chris Jablonski

Jean Jackey

Sr. J. Juneau


Dolores Kaczorowski


Kathleen Ka pie

Sr. M. Ronaldine Karcher

Susan Kelly

Gene Kiernan

Andrea Kusinski

Linda Lange

Sr. M. Carla Langhals

James Letostak, S.M.

Carol Lewis

William Lude

Diane Lusk

Janet Marchal

Anne Marron

Sr. Juanita M. Martinez

Shirley Maus

Sr. Rose Catherine Kinross

LaDon,na Knight

Sheila Kramer

Matthew Krizman

William LaPrise

Shirley Laule

Frank Lawhorn

Marvin Lee

Juergen Machowsky

Paul Madak

Janice Maezer

Susan Mandina

Alma May

Carl Mayer

Mary Melvald

James Manley


Carole Meyer

Donna M. O'Brien


Jerilyn Meyer

Donna Middendorf

Gary Miller

Cathleen Murphy

Peggy McCarty

Daniel McCrystal

Mary D. Oebels

Elizabeth O'Meara

Margaret O'Neil

Sr. Jane E. Osner

Sr. M. Rose Dominic Osterloh

Annette Penhallegan

Sr. Charles Ann Monnin

Cecelia Moriarty

Susan Millane

Neal Neto

Dianne Nevius

Walter Nicastro

Patricia Nolan

Paul Ortenzio

Sheila O'Shea

Marjorie Pleiman

Alice Plunkett

Jacqueline Poeppelmeier

Karon Powers


Sharon Powers

Patricia Prewitt

Karen Prouty

Mary Ann Puetz

Eileen Puthoff

Robed Regovich

Ma,ry L Reineck

Peggy Reiser

Carol Riepenhoff

Kathleen Roach

Joseph Schepis

Mary Beth Schlanser

Barbara Schmitz

Alexia Shanley

Ann Sheridan

Robed Sherman

Constance Serpagli


Irene Ramski

Judith Raurers

Kevin Reardon

Monica Rogus

Dorothy Rose

Janet Sawiak

Mitzi Scha+zma n

Mary E. Schoenlein

Beverly Schuster

Terri Schweitzer

Kathy Scully

Mary Claire Short

Carol Sidner

Carol Jean Simon

Clarence Sech

Phyllis Smeltzer


Gary Smerillo

Barbara Westbrock


Nancy Stander

Ann M. Stetsko

Michael Storck

Margaret Tasto

Marjorie Tepe

Judith Thomas

John Vascek

Doris Wagoner

Margaret Walker

Marilyn Walker

Mary Weston

lawrence Wilberding

Jerry Wood

Pamela Wood

Sharon Solt

Mary Striby

Robert Suter

Sr. M. Georgemma Sutermaster

Barbara Swan

Karin Thompson

Ronald Tonca r

Kathleen Tozar

Sr. Sudette Ulrich

Stephanie Walters

Jean Marie Wassi

Ann Weckesser

Janet Weiss

Mary Jane Zammikiel

Susan Zurcher

Barbara Zwelling

Robin Weiss







. . . . . . . ·4ItW



Gerald Amos

Michael Brooker

John Badolino

Thomas Basehead

Carl Bauer

Richard Bello

David Bender

Edward Bender

William Berner

John Borinski

Joseph Boufaisal

James Bruggeman

Raymon cl1 Bruns

Dennis Bushnell

Robed Becherer

Agustin Camarero


Luciano Crusi

Charles Cannon

Vito Cappello

Carlo Caputo

James Casella

Frank Deniston

Raymond Deutsch

George Dieterle

Walter Diewald

Ted Fischer

Thomas Fisher

Frank Forlano

Michael George

Joseph Gl iebe

John Gordon

Gerald Gadowski


James Cashnelli

Douglas Christian

John Compo

James Dodson

Kenneth Dougherty

Thomas Endres

Henry Fallek

Joseph Frank

Robert Freedman

Joseph Fromm

William Fuller

Thomas Gracon

James Hanagan

Michael Hartke

Otto Hamch

Wayne Helmer


Thomas Hychalk

Miran Ivkanec

William Jar:nes

Daniel Janselewitz

Paul Jewitt

Edward Kaminsky

Karl Keckan

Richard Keil

John Kelleher

Walter Kennedy

Robert Kramer

Eugene Krasicki

Dennis Kriesen

John Leib

David Lewis

James Luebker

Clarence Lee


John Jones

Lynn Jones

Raymond Jones

Harold Kittel

Donald Koehler

Stephen Koziar

J. Mark Lamberton

Dean Lampman

Joseph Laskowski

Paul Lay

Gerald Machowsky

Hubert Magee

Joseph Malay

Thomas Mayer

William Leahy


Carl Melcher

Robert Persona Ie


James Michael

J . Richard Montanari

Kevin Moonan

William McGill

Michael McKale

Thomas Niehaus

James Pesar

Fred Peters

Richard Poeppelmeier

Kenneth Prush

Joseph Riess

Thomas Rivan

David Moriarity

Daniel Morrill

Eugene Norris

Paul Orr

Rona Id Pon ist

Hugo Poza

Victor Rooney

Robert Runowski

Thomas McDonnell

Pamela Padwater

Thomas Page

John Sargent


Harold Schimmoller


Albert Schnell

Charles Scrabis

Donn Serafini

Vance Skowronski

George Slack

James Sliemers

Frank Tantillo

Robert Thies

Thomas Trey

Joseph TyburclY

Vincent Wagner

Robert Weger

Nick Wilkens

James Wirkner

James Schmid

James Severs

Jim Shilt

Robert Shultz

Dennis Siefring

Walter Smith

Robert Stang

Ronald Steflick

Peter Sylvester

James Tyler

Paul Ulrich

Joseph Vaccariello

Tom Woodrum

John Wysong

Paul Zugger

Juan Vara

Thomas Waddick



Denis Ebach

Joseph Farone

Roger Hall

Henry Hermeh

F. John Keslo

Paul Messina

Donald Mullen

Robert Neumann

James Norm ile

Alan Hrami

Charles Kapper

Francis Ragone

Louis Remke


Senior Directory ADAMS, JAMES D. Dayton, Ohio Phi Alpha Theta ALBERTS, JOHN Philadelphia, Pa. ALEXANDER, BARBARA Dayton, Ohio ALLEN, WILLIAM H., SM Dayton, Ohio ALRED, GERALD J. Dayton, Ohio Tennis Team NSPE Writer's Club AMOS, GERALD E. Dayton Ohio ASCE ANDERSON, DITTANY Scarsdale, New York Young Democrats Players Daytonian SEA Knick Club Educational Honor Society ANDERSON, JUDY Toledo, Ohio Cleveland Club Marycrest Hall Council ANDERSON, RITA Columbus, Ohio Buckeye Club Sociology Club Mi~ed Chorus ANGELO, ANTHONY J. Hartsdale, New York Intramurals Knick Club Scabbard & Blade UH Dorm Council Homecoming Dance Chairman ANNIBALE, KENNETH J. New Hyde Park, New York Intramural Softball Rifle Club UAO Marketing Club ANTHONY, ROSEMARY Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier, Club Psi Chi APANIUS. ALEXANDER Cleveland, ' Ohio Tri Beta ARLEIN, SUZANNE Beavercreek, Ohio Cleveland Club Choir Fresh. Orientation Daytonian Sociology Club ARNDT, THOMAS Park Ridge, Ill. Illini Club Marketing Club, vice president


Homecoming Committee '65 Intramurals

Intramurals Davton Club

ARTH, MAUREEN Lakewood, Ohio Cleveland Club, vice president Homecoming Committee Players SEA

BARTOLINO, JOHN B. Trenton, New Jersey NSPE, vice president Industrial Engineers Club Joint Council of Engineers

AUFMAN, ALBERT, J. Pittsburgh, Pa. Phi Alpha Epsilon, president Sociology Club Dorm Council BACKE, LORRAINE Rosedale, New York SEA Education Committee BACKUS, SR. M. MARGARET c.P.P.S. Dayton, Ohio BAGINSKIS, PATRICIA C. Chicago, Ill. Illini Club Secretarial Club BAKAITIS JOANNE E. Washington, Pa. Players Student Tutor Society BAKER, CAMILLA Dayton, Ohio Marching Coeds, captain Home Economics Club BAKER, KATHRYN J. Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club Freshman Advisor BAKER, MARGARET Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Flyer News, associate editor Psi Chi UAO Sigma Tau Sigma


BARTON, JAMES R. Pontiac, Mich. SAM Pershing Rifles BASEl--IEART, THOMAS MICHAEL Dayton, Ohio ASCE, president, treasurer Tau Beta Pi, vice president Intramurals BASTI, THOMAS A. Erlanger, Ky. Flyer News BAUER, CARL Chicago, Ill. IEEE NSPE BEACH, CAROLYN JEAN Dayton, Ohio Phi Alpha Epsilon BEACH, DENNIS, SM Dayton, Ohio BEACH, JAMES Bellefontaine, Ohio Frosh Orientation Committee Homecoming Committee Intramurals BEAVIN, PEGGY Dayton, Ohio Nu Epsilon Delta, secretary

BAKER, ROBERT G. Dayton, Ohio SEA Phi Alpha Theta

BECHERER, ROBERT J. Belleville, Ill. Student Council, treasurer Joint Council of Engineers ASCE Fresh. & Soph. Class, treasurer Student Council, representative SAC, chairman

BALTES, CAROLYN A. Versailles, Ohio Debate Club SEA

BEDNARZ, DOTTIE LaGrange, Ill. Senior Advisor Psi Chi

BARBADORA, BERNARD M. Alpha, New Jersey Freshman Football SEA

BEINER, ROBERT S. Dayton, Ohio

BARCO, CLEMENTINE Holmes, Pa. Keystone Club Sociology Club Phi Alpha Epsilon BARNES, BETSY Akron, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta Cleveland Club BART, DAVID R. Dayton, Ohio

BELL, MICHAEL W. Indianapolis, Ind. Marketing Club, secretary Hoosier Club BELLO, RICHARD D. Waipaha, Hawaii Hui O'Hawaii ASME Intramurals BENDER, DAVID E. Springfield, Ohio ASCE,treasurer

BENDER, EDWARD W. Rochester, New York NSPE IEEE Knick Club BENSMAN, JOHN C. Sidney, Ohio BERG, JAMES H. Lombard, Ill. Bluegrass Club Illini Club Delta Sigma Pi Flyer News BERGMAN, THELMA M. Yorkshire, Ohio SEA SAM BERMINGHAM, JOSEPH T. Elmira, New York Alpha Kappa Psi SAM BERNER, WILLIAM E. Dayton, Ohio ASME BERNHARD, GEORGIANA Roseville, Mich. Sociology Club BESTON, DANIEL L. Fair Lawn, New Jersey Alpha Epsilon Delta Philosophy Club lntramurals BIEGER, JAMES H. Hamburg, New York Freshman Football Varsity Rifle Team BIHL, MARY JO West Union, Ohio CSMC Home Economics Club Day toni an BISCHOF, ROBERT S1. Louis, Missouri ACS BLUBAUGH, LOUISE M. North Canton, Ohio Psi Chi People to People BLUST, JAMES Tiffin, Ohio UAO Tri Beta Players BODNER, RICHARD LEE Sandusky, Ohio ACS Intramurals BOETTINGER, JANE Watertown, New York Home Economics Club Knick Club BOGUSKI, MARIANNE Cleveland, Ohio Marycrest Floor Advisor Sodality ACS, vice president and treasurer Cleveland Club

BOLAND, ELAINE MARIE Dayton, Ohio Pershing Rifle Honorary Major Homecoming Queen '65 Universi~y Palty BOLL, JANET Dayton, Ohio SEA Young Republicans BOLZ, ROBERT C., SM Huntington, New York BONITATIBUS, PETER N. Steubenville, Ohio Alpha Kappa Psi, president Keystone Club Floor Advisor Accounting Club BORINSKI, JOHN A. Lincoln Park, New Jersey ASCE NSPE BOSTICK, BARBARA Dayton, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta BOUF AISSAL, JOSEPH Beirut, Lebanon International Club BRAUN, THOMAS H. Dayton, Ohio Scabbard & Blade Dayton Club Student Council Marketing Club BRAY, CAROL Morton, Pa. Keystone Club UAO Freshman Homecoming Attendant Accounting Club BRAY, RICHARD W. Saginaw, Mich. Marketing Club, treasurer "Intramurals Freshman Welcome Committee Young Democrats BRODERICK, ROSEMARY ELIZABETH Riverwood, Ill. IIlini Club Homecoming Committee People to People International Club BROEfuvIAN, RICHARD HENRY McCartyville, Ohio ACS BROGAN, BARBARA L. Detroit, Mich. Phi Alpha Theta SEA Young Democrats Players Education Honor Society Intramurals DaytQnian Wolverine Club BROOKER, MICHAEL F. S1. Louis, Missouri ASME BROOKS, JOHN S. Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland, Club Intramurals BROWN, JAMES L. Clinton, New York French Club, president BROWN, JIM C. Dayton, Ohio Marketing Club BROWN, MONICA Trumbull, Conn. SEA UAO Daytonian BROWNE, CLIFFORD E. Manchester, Missouri Varsity Baseball BRUEWER, CAROL Connersville, Ind. Alpha Epsilon Delta Hoosier Club Cheerleader Sodality BRUGGEMAN, JAMES J. Fremont, Ohio Veterans Club BRUNS, RAYMOND J. Kettering, Ohio IEEE NSPE Dayton Club Hawaiian Club BUCHER, THOMAS, SM Dayton, Ohio BUCKLEY, BRIAN PATRICK Middletown, New Jersey Scabbard & Blade Counterinsurgency Platoon BUDZIK, BARBARA L. Hazel Crest, Ill. Ulini Club International Club BUECHELE, JUDY Dayton, Ohio BUECHLY, ALLEN Dayton, OI1io BUEHLER, MARTHA Dayton, Ohio BUEHRLE, NANCY ELAINE Dayton, Ohio Freshman Class, secretary Dayton Club Illini Club Homecoming Committee Sigma Alpha Iota Spring Week Committee BUEHRLE, WILLIAM H., III Dayton, Ohio

SAM Delta Sigma Pi BUNDA, ROLAND, SM Dayton, Ohio BUR<;HETT, GAIL LOUISE Dayton, Ohio BURGESS, CLAIRE Dayton, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta Marching Coeds 281

BURNS, F. PATRICK Springfield, Ohio BUSHNELL, DENNIS L. Paris, Ky. Bluegrass Club Servers Club ASME NSPE BUTLER, RICHARD A. Wayne, New Jersey Varsity Hockey Knick Club BUTLER, ROBERT Dayton, Ohio BUTNER, VIRGINIA Springfield, Ohio SEA UAO BYRNE, DARLA Wapakoneta, Ohio Ciney Club SEA UAO CALA, FRANK J., SM Cleveland, Ohio CALLAHAN, MICHAEL A. Beacon, New York Delta Sigma Pi

"Is that dog more attractive than me and my apple?" CARPENTER, DONNA Davenport, Iowa SEA French Club

CALLOWAY, DONALD 1., SM Dayton, Ohio

CARRIGAN, JANET Cincinnati, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta Cincy Club

CAMARERO, AGUSTIN Madrid, Spain International Club

CARROL, PATRICIA E. Stamford, Conn. Marycrest Dorm Council, president

CANNON, CHARLES M. Philippi, W. Va. ASME, "ice president J oint Council of Engineers CAPPELLO, VITO JOSEPH Queens Village, New York ASCE NSPE CAPUTO, CARLO B. Brooklyn, New York Varsity Football Counterinsurgency Platoon Scabbard & Blade Rifle Club, president Pershing Rifles Knick Club ASME CARAVELLA, PHILIP Cleveland, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta Counterinsurgency Platoon Cleveland Club UAO CARIFI, GABRIEL Short Hills, New Jersey Knick Club Accounting Club Marketing Club Intramurals AMA CARLTON, CECILIA JOYCE Cincinnati, Ohio Cincy Club Psi Chi Homecoming Committee Sociology Club



CARY, MARY ELLEN Fairport, New York SEA Sodality Young Democrats Knick Club Daytonian Education Honor Society CASARSKIS, ALICE Pittsburgh, Pa. Alpha Epsilon Delta Keystone Club CASE, LINDA J. Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier Club Art Club CASELLA, JAMES R. Kenvil, New Jersey Knick Club ASME CASHNELLI, JAMES R. Wood.Ridge, New Jersey Knick Club ASCE Servers Club

CATILLO, JOSEPH Dover, New Jersey Intramurals Homecoming Committee Veterans Club Floor Advisor Cleveland Club CHALUPA, PHILIP Whitehouse, New Jersey Football Knick Club Intramurals Homecoming Committee CHERPESKI, MARY Dayton, Ohio

SEA CHINCHAR, GERALD, SM Cleveland, Ohio CHRISTIAN, DOUGLAS LEE Troy, Ohio ASCE CHUHINKO, JOHN F. Far Hills, New Jersey CLARK, BARRY M. Dayton, Ohio Pershing Rifles Rifle Team CLIDINST, ROSE MARIE Indianapolis, Ind. Secretarial Club Hoosier Club COGLIANO, JOSEPH A. Westfield, New York Intramurals ACS, president Knick Club

CASPER, ROSEMARIE ALFREDA Pittsburgh, Pa. Marketing Club Keystone Club

COLAGIOV ANNI, MICHAEL Syracuse, New York Golf Team Bowling Team Marketing Club

CASSIDY, WILLIAM Louisville, Ky. Varsity Basketball Monogram Club

COMPO, JOHN R. Defiance, Ohio IEEE Intramurals

NSPE Knick Club SAM CONLON, JOHN J. Brooklyn, New York Freshman Class, vice·president Sophomore Class, vice·president University Party CONNELL, JAMES MICHAEL Dayton, Ohio Scabbard & Blade Dayton Club Student Progressive Party CONOLLY, PAUL E. Rochester, New York Alpha Kappa Psi Knick Club Intramurals CONROY, KAY Springfield, Ohio Secretarial Club CONWAY, MICHAEL Milwaukee, Wis. IIlini Club UAO CORCORAN, SHARON Lima, Ohio French Club SEA UAO Floor Advisor COYLE, DAVID THOMAS Zanesville, Ohio Oeveland Club SEA COYNE, ANNA MAY Dayton, Ohio CRARY, RICHARD J. Levittown, New York Pershing Rifles Knick Club Intramurals CREMIN, CAROL Chicago, III. Illini Club UAO CRON, MARY E. Cassella, Ohio SEA CROSBY, MARTHA JEANNE Fort Wayne, Ind. SEA Hoosier Club Sodality UAO CRUS I, LUCIANO Astoria, New York Soccer Team Knick Club CUSICK, WALTER A. Pittsburgh, Pa. Homecoming Parade, chairman Homecoming Queen, manager Keystone Club Intramurals CZECH, ALLEN R. Hopelawn, New Jersey Homecoming Committee

University Party Knick Club D'AGOSTINO, THOMAS Eastchester, New York DANNEKER, MICHAEL Paducah, Ky. Student Council Junior Class, president SAC D'ANTONA, GAETANO G. White Plains, New York Homecoming Committee Intramurals Knick Club DeBORD, DIANE Dayton, Ohio DeCHA TELET, CLER Dayton, Ohio Flyer News Psi Chi People to People DeCHATELET, MARGARET Dayton, Ohio UAO Sodality Vertical Communications DeMEO, WILLIAiVl ROYAL Huntington, New York Flying Club PEMM SEA DEMPSEY, JOHN, SM Cleveland, Ohio DENISTON, FRANK A. Chicago, III. Senior Class, treasurer lllini Club, president, vice president Floor Advisor, Founders Hall Servers Club IEEE Intramurals Homecoming Queen, manager UAO University Party DENT, THOMAS PAUL Salem, Missouri Skiing Club Intramurals DERWENSKUS, MARILYN Detroit, Mich. People to People Psi Chi UAO DeSMYTER, DARYL A. Grosse Point, Mich. Hockey Team Wolverine Club Marketing Club DEUTSCH, RAYMOND 1. Fullerton, Pa. ASME NSPE Intramurals Acolyte DeVOE, CYNTHIA Dayton, Ohio Secretarial Club, president

DiBARI, NICHOLAS M. Kings Park, New York Freshman Basketball Varsity Baseball Knick Club Marketing Club Intramurals DIBLING, KATHLEEN Fostonia, Ohio Education Committee DICKEY, PHILIP SACLTER IV San Diego, Cal. Flyer News DIETERLE, GEORGE R. Owensboro, Ky. ASME Blue Grass Club Homecoming Committee DIETZ, CAROL Dayton, Ohio Hawaiian Club Flyer News DIEWALD, WALTER J. Hamilton, Ohio ASME Intramurals DiGENNARO, DONALD J. West Chester, Pa. Young Democrats Homecoming Committee Keystone Club DiPIERO, RENEE Youngstown, Ohio Players DITTRICH, LORETTA Lakewood, Ohio Home Economics Club DODSON, JAMES E. Port Washington, New York IE president, treasurer UAO J oint Council of Engineers DONLIN, LUCILLE Hazelton, Pa. Dialogue Home Economics Club DONNLEY, PATRICIA A. Framingham, Mass. New England Club Hoosier Club UAO Phi Alpha Epsilon Daytonian DONOVAN, TIM, SM Fort Wright, Ky. DOODY, HARRY A. Arlington, Va. Foreign Affairs Military Ball Committee DORENKOTT, MARY ANNE Clevdand, Ohio French Club Cleveland Club UAO SEA DORRLER, RICHARD Bay Shore, New York Soccer Team Geology Club Servers Club


DOUD, SHEILA CinCinnati, Ohio Cincy Club Phi Alpha Epsilon DOUGHERTY, KENNETH Bronx, New York NSPE IEEE DOYLE, JANET Silver Springs, Md. Flyerettes DRURY, J. MICHAEL Ledgewood, New Jersey Delta Sigma Pi Knick Club Floor Advisor Homecoming Committee DUFFY, WILLIAM F. Woodlyn, Pa. Pershing Rifles, treasurer Keystone Club DUKES, DODEE Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Players Mixed Chorus SoCiology Club Phi Alpha Epsilon DUNNINGTON, DONALD W. Dayton, Ohio DUNSCOMB, JAMES, SM Centerport, New York DWORAKOWSKI. THEODORE ROBERT Kenmore, New Y ~rk Intramurals DYKE, KATHERINE M. Wauwatosa, Wis. IIIini Club CCU, secretary UAO Latin American Club Daytonian, assistant editor Junior Prom Committee EBACH, DENIS N. Avon Lake, Ohio IEEE Tau Alpha Pi ECK, LEEDA Dayton, Ohio Secretarial Club Dayton Club EIFERT, CONSTANCE JEAN Dayton, Ohio Secretarial Club Dayton Club EITMANT, SANDRA J. Jackson, Mich. Wolverine Club UAO Flyer News Student Progressive Party ELLIOTT, RUTH ANNE Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier Club Sociology Club, treasurer ELLIS, DONALD E. Dayton, Ohio . Marching Band, vice president,


president Concert Band, business manager EMERY, GEORGE Caledonia, Ohio University Hall, head resident EMERY, JOHN F. Dayton, Ohio Exponent, art editor Student Council EMMRICH, RONALD C. East Meadow, New York V arsi ty Baseball PEMM Intramurals ENDRES, THOMAS E. Richmond Heights, Ohio Cleveland Club Cheerleader ASME ENGEL, SUSAN R. Toledo, Ohio Freshman Class, secretary Flyer News Young Republicans, secretary Math Club Women's Varsity Tennis Team Knick Club Cleveland Club Cincy Club UAO Hui·O-Hawaii Club ENGLISH, BEVERLY Pittsburgh, Pa. Dialogue

FAROH, PAULA J. Lorain, Ohio Cleveland, Club FARONE, JOSEPH D. Loveland, Ohio Cincy Club F ARNETT, MICHAEL C. Syracuse, New York Delta Sigma Pi SAM FERNANDEZ, ANGEL LUIS, SM Santurce, Puerto Rico FINCH, ROBERT Dayton, Ohio FISCHER, PHYLLIS J. Fairborn, Ohio WRA PEMM SEA FISCHER, THEODORE W. Russe:Is Point, Ohio IEEE FISCHER, WILLIAM, SM Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania FISHER, JANET Hamilton, Ohio SEA French Club Homecoming Parade Committee Day toni an Cincy Club FISHER, SUSAN ELIZABETH Salem, Ohio

EPPINK, DON, SM Cleveland, Ohio ACS ESHMAN, DIANNA S. Dayton, Ohio Secretarial Club FAHEY, SR. MARY JOEL, C.PP.S Cincinnati, Ohio FALCONIO, DONALD W. Pittsburgh, Pa. Vertical Communications Keystone Club FALKE, MARY KATHLEEN Dayton, Ohio UAO Home Economics Club FALKOWSKI, PAULA Dayton, Ohio Field Hockey Basketball WRA PRMM F ALLEK, HENRY G. White Plains, New York IEEE NSPE Blue Grass Club FARLEY, MARY JEANNE Hazelton, Pa. Keystone Club Home Economics Club Junior Prom Committee Homecoming Committee

"It is my turn to cheer, you big, mean, old bobcat!"

FISHER, THOMAS E. Dayton, Ohio Tau Beta Pi

Cincy Club Foreign Affairs Organization Floor Advisor

FITZGERALD, MARY EILEEN Dayton, Ohio Art Club Sociology Club International Club

FROLE, JOSEPH A. Pittsburgh, Pa. Marketing Club Keystone Club Intramurals

FITZHARRIS, MARY E. Westfield, New Jersey Cheerleader Student Council Homecoming Attendant 10 best dressed

FROMM, JOSEPH T. Pittsburgh, Pa. IEEE Keystone Club Servers Club

FLANAGAN, KATHLEEN Dayton, Ohio WRS, vice president and publicity chairman PEMM FLEMING, PATRICK R. Dayton, Ohio SAM FLURY, LORETTA Mishawaka, Ind. AED Marching Band Concert Band FOLEY, JEAN K. Home Economics Club French Club FORGACH, PAUL V., SM Cleveland, Ohio FORLANO, FRANK D. White Plains, New York IEEE FORTHOFER,RONALD Kettering, Ohio Math Club Intramurals FRANK, JOSEPH D. Pittsburgh, Pa. ASCE Keystone Club Intramurals FREDERICKS, MICHAEL F. Rochester, New York Scabbard & Blade Counterinsurgency Platoon SAM, Sodality UAO FREDRICKS, CAROL Cincinnati, Ohio Psi Chi Cincy Club

FULLER, JUDY Xenia, Ohio FULLER, WILLIAM Dayton, Ohio IEEE Tau Alpha Pi, vice president FULTON, SISTER HELEN Dayton, Ohio GADAWSKI, GERALD SAMUEL Niagara Falls, New York ASCE,NSPE Intramurals GALLAGHER,E.PATRICK Merrick, New York Tri·Beta Homecoming Committee Queens Committee Junior Prom Committee Intramurals Marketing Club Knick Club Flying Club UAO Ski Club GALLAGHER, THOMAS Dearborn, Mich. Marketing Club Intramurals Young D~mocrats Floor Advisor GALLANT, ALICE MARIE Albion, Pa. GANSER, ROBERT W. Miamisburg, Ohio GARASCIA, SR. THOMAS MARIAM c.P.P.S. Cincinnati, Ohio GARDNER, MICHAEL P. Troy, Ohio CSMC, president Mariology, vice president UAO

FREEDMAN, ROBERT J. Cleveland, Ohio IEEE Cleveland Club

GASPER, GERALDINE Ravenna, Ohio Nu Epsilon Delta

FREESE, DONNA Wapakneta, Ohio

GASSON, CAROL Versailles, Ohio

FREYVOGEL, JOHN Pittsburgh, Pa. Intramurals Flyer News Keystone Club

GASSON, DENIS J. Versailles, Ohio GATTONE, LUCIA Chicago, Illinois UAO Flyer News CWO


Vertical Communications Sodality GEER, CAROL R. Grand Rapids, Mich. Home Economics Club SEA GEISELHART, JAMES Pittsburgh, Pa. Delta Sigma Pi SAM Marketing Club GEORGE, MICHAEL Cambridge, Ohio GERITY, KATHLEEN Bay Village, Ohio Bluegrass Club Young Republicans Homecoming Publicity UAO GERMEK, MARY ANNE Painesville, Ohio Cleveland Club Russian Club University Club University Singers Chapel Choir Intramurals SEA GERSCHUTZ, LYNN Ottawa, Ohio Secretary Club GERWELS, JOHN M. Goshen, Ind. Intramurals Hoosier Club Math Club Pi Mu Epsilon GERZINA, LINDA Pittsburgh, Pa. SEA GILLES, JEAN Park Ridge, Illinois Freshman Orientation Committee Young Democrats Sociology Club Phi Alpha Epsilon Junior Prom Committee UAO ' Senior Class Publicity Chairman GILLIAM, GEORGE E. New Hyde Park, New York GITZINGER, JAMES C. Dayton, Ohio SAM Dayton Club Psi Chi GLIEBE, JOSEPH D. Willowick, Ohio ASME Scabbard & Blade GODFREY, KOLETTE Sharon, Pa. SEA Knick Club CWO GOETZ, DAVID R. Pittsburgh, Pa. Homecoming Committee Junior Prom Committee


Intramurals Keystone Club SAM GOHRING, PAUL Cleveland, Ohio Marketing Club SAM Cleveland Club Intramurals GOMBERT, GERTRUDE Dayton, Ohio Phi Alpha Theta, treasurer International Club GORDON, JOHN J., III Park Ridge, Illinois Illini Club NSPE ASME UD Engineer, assistant editor GORIUS, THOMAS B. Newark, Ohio Football GORNIK, JOSEPH J. East Lake, Ohio Marketing Club Psi Chi Sodality UAO GOULD, ROBERT B. Portsmouth, New Hampshire Young Democrats GRACON, THOMAS J. McKeesport, Pa. Servers Club Debate Team Student Council Student Tutor Society UD Engineer GRADY, MICHAEL Elmira, New York Intramurals Knick Club GRAHAM, GWENN Garfield Heights, Ohio Psi Chi Cleveland Club GRAVES, JOSEPH L., JR. Dayton, Ohio Top Twenty Students Dayton Club, president People to People Freshman Orientation, chairman Alpha Epsilon Delta Flyer News Public Relations Committee International Committee Academic Committee Junior Prom Committee Social Regulation Committee Student Progressive Party UAO Student Government Seminar GRA YSON, DENNIS Mansfield, Ohio Flyer News UAO GREEN, GENIE Du Bois, Pa. Debate Team Legion of Mary


Home Economics Club SEA GREINER, MARY Arlington, Va. UAO French Club SEA GRESS, JAMES Dayton, Ohio SEA GRETCHKO , JUDITH A. Cleveland, Ohio Sociology Club Psi Chi Phi Alpha Epsilon Cleveland Club Intramurals Knick Club GREUTHER, MICHAEL R. St. Louis, Missouri ACS NSPE GRIESGRABER, SR. JOELYN MARIE c.P.P.S. Escondido, Calif. GRILLIOT, CAROLE Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club UAO Home Economics Club GRIMES, DIANE Troy, Ohio SEA GRIMMER, WILLIAM P. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Alpha Kappa Psi GROSS, BEATRICE S. Dayton, Ohio GUERRERO, OPHELIA Cleveland Heights, Ohio Nu Epsilon Delta GULLI, ANTHONY V. Brooklyn, New York Knick Club Pershing Rifles Varsity Baseball GYORKY, THERESA Cleveland, Ohio SEA Cleveland Club HABINEK, DIANE Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club French Club SEA Daytonian Education Honor Society HAGAN, WILLIAM V., JR. Sioux City, Iowa SAM Alpha Kappa Psi HALBERT, WILLIAM B., JR. Troy, New York Tau Alpha Pi UD Players Chapel Choir SAM IEEE UAO

Sleep easy tonight: Bill Mooney Sc. rep. will sleep tonight. HALL, ROGER L. Dayton, Ohio Tau Apha Pi, public relations IEEE HALPIN, BARBARA Dayton, Ohio AED HALPIN, MARY Chicago, Ill. IlIini Club Flyerettes HALSTEAD, R. DAVID Dayton, Ohio AED HAMM, LEONARD, SM Pittsburgh, Pa. HAMMOND, JEAN ANN Huntington, Ind. SEA Hoosier Club HANAGAN, JAMES Sidney, Ohio Varsity Rifle Team NSPE ASCE HANCOCK, THOMAS W. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Intramurals SAM HANDORF, JUDY M. Cincinnati, Ohio Homecoming Parade Committee Psi Chi Cincy Club Daytonian WRA HANNIGAN, THOMAS Chicago, Ill. Student Council SEC Homecoming Committee Illini Club HARAWA, BERNARD A. Rumpi, Milir, East Africa International Club, president SEA


HERDA, PAUL E. Zanesville, Ohio Glee Club, secretary Physics Club, treasurer Vets Club


HERMETZ, HENRY M. Carlisle, Ohio Marching Band IEEE, vice chairman J oint Council of Engineers

HARTLEY, ROBERT E. Covington, Ohio PElVIM, vice president Varsity Football HATTERSLEY, DOUGLAS JOHN Springfield, New Jersey Geology Club, treasurer HAUSCH, 0110 M. Keokuk, Iowa ASME, president Servers Club Intramurals HA YWOOD, DEBERAH Dayton, Ohio HEATH, ROBERT 1,., JR. Vestal, New York Baseball. Alpha Kappa Psi HECHT, PAMELA Dayton, Ohio Players Psi Chi Sigma Tau Sigma, president UAO Intramurals Homecoming Premiere HEIBERGER, DOROTHY Chicago, Ill. Illini Club HEIGHTON, JAMES J. Ironton, Ohio HEIN, GERALD F., SM Ludlow, Ky. HEINLY, DENNIS]" SM Dayton, Ohio HELMER, WAYNE Fairborn, Ohio ASME HEMELMAN, STEPHEN R. Dayton, Ohio Flyer News Dayton Club, UAO Student Progressive Party Academic Committee Alpha Epsilon Delta Senior Class Float Chairman Junior Prom Committee Art Series HENCH, JANE ANN Defiance, Ohio CCU UAO Players Kennedy Khorale


HENDERSON, JOSEPH R. New Cumberland, Pa. Keystone Club HENNESSEY, EDWARD M. Troy, Ohio

HERRLI CH, DIANE Youngstown, Ohio Players SEA

HOUSE, JONATHAN Dayton, Ohio Scabbard & Blade Counterinsurgency Platoon HOVORKA, DOROTHY M. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Hoosier Club Crestian Choir Daytonian HOYING, DIANA Celina, Ohio SEA

HERTEL, WILLIAM K. Euclid, Ohio Intramurals Cleveland Club Psi Chi Young Democrats

HOYING, SR . MYRA, c.P.P.S. Dayton, Ohio

HODAS, MARY JEAN Detroit, Mich. Wolverine Club Choir Dorm Council Alpha Epsilon Delta HODELL, CATHERINE Dayton, Ohio SEA

HUELSMAN, KAY Dayton, Ohio

HROMI, ALAN F . Maple Heights, Ohio Cleveland Club

HUFF, JANICE Y. Dayton, Ohio SEA Secretary Club


HUG, JEANNE MARIE Canton, Ohio SEA Sodality HUNTER, ANTHONY, SM Euclid , Ohio


HUNZEKER, JEANNE Cincinnati, Ohio Cincy Club Sociology Club

HOFFMAN, VICKI Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier Club, secretary Phi Alpha Epsilon Sociology Club Daytonian, club editor

HURLEY, ANN JOACHIM Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier Club Student Council, corresponding sec. CWO Sodality Foreign Affairs Latin American Club ClASP UAO

HOFFMAN, MARY WALKER Louisville, Ky. Flyerettes Bluegrass Club, secretary Homecoming Publicity HOGAN, DAVID E. Fairfield Ohio Cincy Club HOGAN, PATRICK Hamilton, Ohio Cincy Club Flying Club, president HOLLO, THOMAS J., SM Dayton, Ohio HOMAN, JAMES R. Dayton, Ohio Intramurals Dayton Club HORNKOHL, PATRICIA Dayton, Ohio UAO Exponent Editor Debate Team Writers Club Sigma Tau Sigma College Bowl Who's Who

HUSSlON, GARY Dunkirk, New York Varsity Football Monogram Club HU11INGER, DAVID E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Varsity Baseball Marching Band Intramurals Keystone Club HYCHALK, THOMAS A. Morrisville, Pa. ASME Hui-O-Hawaii IMBER, RICHARD J. Ridley Park, Pa. Alpha Epsilon Delta Intramural's IMHOF, SHARON Toledo, Ohio SEA Homecoming Committee Cleveland Club


Hoosier Club, president Players ACS Liberty Party


IEEE Rifle Club

INTERLICCHIA, NANCY Rochester, New York Knick Club UAO

JASON, ROBERT J. Parma, Ohio Football Delta Sigma Pi SAM Flyer News

KARCHER, SR. M. RONALDINE, C.P.P.S. Colwnbus Grove, Ohio

JENNINGS, JAMES A. Monroe, Mich. Varsity Football PEMM

KECK, WILLIAM F. Newark, Ohio

ISREAL, SUSAN Kettering, Ohio Sea ISSENMANN, JOYCE MARIE Dayton, Ohio Sophomore Class Secretary UAO Variety Shows Premiere IVKANEC, MIRAN A. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club, president AICHE IZZI, GINA Marion, Ohio Cheerleader Sodality SEA Hall Council, representative JABLONSKI, CHRIS Wilmette, Ill. UAO Junior Class secretary Student Council, representative Illini Club SEA JACK, KATHRYN M. Middletown, Ohio Home Economics Club Buckeye Club Marketing Club JACKEY, JEAN Louisville, Ky. Bluegrass Club WRA SEA PEMM JACOB, CAROLYN Cincinnati, Ohio Cincy Club Accounting Club JACOB, RICHARD C. Dayton, Ohio JACOBS, PATRICIA Dayton, Ohio SEA

JEWETT, PAUL A. Dayton, Ohio JOHNSON, LYNN McKeesport, Pa. Keystone Club Marketing Club JOHNSON, ROBERT J. Brooklyn, New York Ice Hockey Team Servers Club JONES, FRANCIS, SM Dayton, Ohio JONES, JOHN W. Dayton, Ohio JONES, LYNN A. Dayton, Ohio ASME Hui-O-Hawaii, vice president Marching Band NSPE JONES, RAYMOND E. Hamilton, Ohio Intramurals Servers Club NSPE ASME JUNEAU, SR. JEAN Dayton, Ohio KACZOROWSKI, DOLORES South Bend, Ind. SEA Hoosier Club UAO Flyer News Student Council KAIN, SANDRA Dayton, Ohio Home EconQmics Club

JACOBS, SANDRA Dayton, Ohio Marching Coeds Home Economics Club

KAMINSKY, EDWARD J. McKeesport, Pa. UD Engineer, editor NSPE ASME NEA

JAEGER, SHARON ANN Anchorage, Alaska Writers Club Exponent UAO Sodality International Club

KANE, IRENE M. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club Home Economics Club Turnabout Campaign Junior Prom Committee UAO

J AMES, WILLIAM R. Dayton, Ohio Band IEEE

KAPLE, KATHLEEN New Wahington, Ohio SEA

JANSELEWITZ, DANIEL R. Phillipburg, New Jersey




KECKAN, KARL A. Brunswick, Ohio KEHOE, KATHERYN L. Dayton, Ohio French Club Choir KEIL, RICHARD P. Portsmouth, Ohio IEEE Intramurals KEITHLEY, GARY R. Dayton, Ohio Intramurals KELLEHER, JOHN J. Marion, Ohio ASCE KELLEN, DONALD JAMES Ozone Park, New York Veterans Club Knick Club Freshman Orientation Committee KELLY, KATHERINE ANN Middletown, Ohio Home Economics Club, secretary SEA Junior Prom Committee Honorary Lt. Colonel UAO Cincy Club KELLY, SUSAN M. Toledo, Ohio Cleveland Club Freshman Welcome KENNEDY, WALTER B. JR. Cleveland Heights, Ohio ASCE Intramurals KERNER, THOMAS E. Bethlehem, Pa. Debate Team Pi Kappa Delta KESLO, F. JOI-IN Franklin, New Jersey Intramurals Techni Club KIERNAN, GENE E. Lewisburg, Ohio Players KILINSKAS, WILLIAM A. Cleveland, Ohio AlP CQncert Band Marching Band SEA KILLIAN, ROBERT J. Linden, New Jersey Homecoming Committee

Philosophy Club Knick Club Keystone Club KINIRY, RICHARD L. Drexel Hill, Pa. Young Democrats Student Progressive Party UAO Philosophy Club Sodality KINROSS, SR. M. ROSE CATHERINE, c.P.P.S. Cincinnati, Ohio KINKEAD, RAYMOND F. Pittsburgh, Pa. KISS, ZOLT AN, SM Cleveland, Ohio KITTEL, HAROLD J~ Miamisburg, Ohio Pistol Team IEEE KLEIMEYER, TIMOTHY P. Dayton, Ohio Math Club Rifle Club

Secretarial Club Cleveland Club KOESEL, ROY Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club SAM KOLO, FRANK J. Cleveland, Ohio ASA Cleveland Club Varsity Baseball KOOLURIS, GEORGE P. Springfield, New Jersey Flyer News Delta Sigma Pi Intramurals Bowling League Accounting Club KOVERMAN, ROBERT Anna, Ohio Accounting Club KOZIAR, STEPHEN F., JR. Webster, Mass. Hockey Team NSPE IE

KLINE, JOHN E. Peabody, Mass. UAO Marketing Club SAM


KLING, THOMAS Canton, Ohio

KRAMER, SHEILA Middleton, Ohio


KRASICKI, EUGENE Pittsburgh, Pa. NSPE IEEE Keystone Club

KNAPKA, PAULA Dayton, Ohio ACS KNIGHT, La DONNA Dayton, Ohio Choir MENC, secretary KOCHANOWSKI, MARK South Bend, Ind. Philosophy Club, vice president Student Progressive Party, secretary Knick Club Hoosier Club UAO Sodality Community Affairs Dialogues KODA, ELIZABETH Stamford, Conn. Homecoming Committee KOEHLER, DONALD F. Xenia, Ohio Sodality Dayton, Club Christmas Chorus KOELLER, RITA LOUISE Dayton, Ohio UAO Sigma Tau Sigma, secretary Psi Chi Sodality KOESEL, DOLORES M. Cleveland, Ohio

KRATOVIL, JANE MAUREEN Pittsburgh, Pa. Cheerleader Home Economics Club Keystone Club Junior Prom Queen KREMPA, ALBERT C. JR. Drexel Hill, Pa. SAM, president Intramurals Servers Club KREPP, CHARLES WILLIAM Pittsburgh, Pa. Alpha Kappa Psi SAM Keystone Club KRIESEN, DENNIS G. Cleveland, Ohio ASME NSPE Intramurals KRIZMAN, MATTHEW A. Cleveland, Ohio Phi Alpha Theta Scabbard & Blade Counterinsurgency Platoon SEA KROEGER, RICHARD ANTHONY Lima, Ohio Cleveland Club IntramuraIs

KRONOUR, DONALD L. New Lebanon, Ohio Marketing Club KRUEGER, GERALD P. Des Plaines, Ill. IIIini Club, vice president Psi Chi, treasurer KRULIN, GREGORY S. Elmsford, New York Tri Beta Pershing Rif'Ies Rifle Club Knick Club Dialogue KRUZEL, GERALD Chicago, Ill. Marketing Club Bowling League KUHNS, WILLIAM, SM Dayton, Ohio KUNES, TIMOTHY J. Parma Heights, Ohio Scabhard & Blade SAM Rifle Club KUSINSKI, ANDREA Cleveland, Ohio SEA Cleveland Club LaCHEY, TERRY L. Sidney, Ohio Alpha Kappa Psi Scabbard & Blade SAM Intramurals Servers Club Floor Advisor LADNER, MARILOU Evanston, III. IIlini Club Flyerettes Accounting Club LAMBERTON, J. MARK Titusville, Pa. Intramurals IEEE LAMPMAN, DEAM A. Cleveland, Ohio ASME LAMY, J. Dayton, Ohio LANGE, LINDA KAY Sandusky, Ohio Cleveland Club SEA UAO Sociology Club Lt. Colonel, Military Ball LANGHALS, SR, MARY CARLA, c.P.P.S Columbus Grove, Ohio LANGLOTZ, KAREN Parma, Ohio Flyerettes Cleveland Club LaPRISE, WILLIAM A., JR. Dayton, Ohio Pershing Rifles


LASKOWSKI, JOSEPH G. Buffalo, New York ASCE LAULE, SHIRLEY Columbia Station, Ohio SEA Sodality Choral Club LAWHORN, FRANK Cincinnati, Ohio Varsity Football Monogram Club LAY, PAUL 1. Ridley Park, Pa. IEEE Intramurals LEAHY, WILLIAM EDWARD Pittsburgh, Pa. IEEE NSPE Keystone Club Athletic Committee Intramurals LEE, CLARENCE Honolulu, Hawaii IEEE LEE, HAROLD Greenwich, Conn. Hui-O-Hawaii LEE, MARVIN HOY SUNG Honolulu, Hawaii International Club SEA LEGAN, ROBERT F. Cleveland, Ohio Varsity Football LEIB, JOHN KENNETH, JR. Harrisburg, Pa. IEEE LEMMING, JOHN F. Dayton, Ohio Scabbard & Blade Counter Insurgency AlP LEMMONS, DOLORES Springfield, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta Cincy Club Marycrest Hall Council LENTOL, GILBERT EDMUND Brooklyn, New York LENTZ, RANDY 1. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Daytonian Intramurals LETOSAK, JAMES, SM Parma, Ohio LEWAND, ROBERT EDWARD New Hyde Park, New York Knick Club Servers Club, vice president Math Club, president Pi Mu Epsilon, president Philosophy Club LEWIS, CAROL Erie, Pa. UAO


Art Series Flyerettes Keystone Club Art Club Premiere LEWIS, DAVID V. Steelton, Pa. ASME Hui·O-Hawaii UAO

SEA Bowling League Intramurals MADAK, PAUL 1. Canton, Ohio Concert Band Marching Band Variety Show

LINKHART, MICHAEL Xenia, Ohio French Club Glee Club

MAEZER, JANICE Cincinnati, Ohio SEA Cincy Club Flyer News Sodality

LISELLA, LOUIS A. Mt. Vernon, New York Flyer News


WVUD-FM Intramurals Knick Club UH Echoes UH Representative Council LOCHMANDY, ELAINE Elkhart, Ind. N u Epsilon Delta LONGPRE, RONALD Holyoke, Mass. Young Democrats LORENZ, LINDA Cleveland, Ohio Bluegrass Club Tri-Beta Young Democrats Homecoming Committee LOSPINOSO, NICHOLAS A. Elizabeth, New Jersey Knick Club LOVE, THOMAS J. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club LOY, ROLAND K. Parma, Ohio Cleveland Club Intramurals ACS LUDE, WILLIAM E. Martins Ferry, Ohio Varsity Football Monogram Club PEMM LUEBKER, JAMES W. Chicago, Ill. ASME IIlini Club LUSK, DIANE Louisville, Ky. CSMC Bluegrass Club LYNCH, GERARD PATRICK Brooklyn, New York Intramurals Knick Club French Club MACHOWSKY, GERALD Dayton, Ohio ASME MACHOWSKY, JUERGEN Kettering, Ohio

MAHON, THOMAS J. Englewood, New Jersey Alpha Kappa Psi Pershing Rifles SAM Knick Club Young Republicans Marketing Club MAJCHER, CASIMIR J. Parma, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta Intramurals MAKUH, JOHN Pittsburgh, Pa. MALKO, JOHN Garwood, New Jersey Golf Team Marketing Club MALOY, JOSEPH E. Bay Village, Ohio Cleveland Club NSPE ASME Marching Band Servers Club Intramurals MAN DINA, SUSAN Beechhurst, New York Knick Club SEA MANLEY, JAMES C. Independence, Ohio SEA MARCHAL, JANET E. Russia, Ohio SEA MARCONI, GARY G. Columbus, Ohio ACS MARINIC, THOMAS J. Cleveland, Ohio Accounting Club Cleveland Club MARQUIS, SUSAN G. Cleveland, Ohio Concert Band Marching Coeds Choir Flyer News MENC Sigma Alpha Iota

MARSEE, DONALD J. Dayton, Ohio MARTIN, GEORGE E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club Marketing Club MARTIN, LACY BOB Dayton, Ohio Psi Chi SAM Veterans Club MARTINEZ, SR, JUANITA MARIE, c.P.P.S. Phoenix, Ariz. MASHIOFF, ROBERT H. Dayton, Ohio Tennis Club MATTEI, RONALD East Detroit, Mich. Flyer News Wolverine Club University Party MATULEWICZ, DENNIS M. Hamtrack, Mich. Freshman Basketball, manager Varsity Basketball, manager Wolverine Club Monogram Club Phi Alpha Theta Intramurals MAUS, SHIRLEY Hamilton, Ohio SEA MAY, ALMA Versailles, Ohio MAYER, CARL H. Chatham, New Jersey Scabbard & Blade SEA Knick Club MA YER, THOMAS L. Dayton, Ohio IEEE MEISINGER, CAROL Dayton, Ohio MELCHER, CARL J. Portsmouth, Ohio Junior Prom Queen Committee Intramurals ASME MELVALD, MARY Cleveland, Ohio Day toni an Cleveland Club MESSINA, PAUL Dayton, Ohio METTERT, SR. M. ANTONITA New Castle, Ind. MEYER, CAROLE ANN Cincinnati, Ohio Cincy Club MEYER, JERILYN Cincinnati, Ohio SEA UAO MICHAEL, JAMES A. Endicott, New York

IEEE Homecoming Committee Knick Club University Party, co·chairman

Student Council lIomecoming Parade, chairman Homecoming Campaign, chairman Wooster & MMUN delegate

MICK, JAMES M. Hamilton, Ohio UAO AED, treasurer

MOORE, JUDY Homewood, Ill. Flyerettes IIIini Club AED MORIARTY, CECILIA Canton, Ohio SEA MORIARTY, DAVID G. Cleveland Heights, Ohio Intramurals UAO MORRILL, DANIEL D. Columbus, Ohio ASCE, secretary MOTT, THOMAS P. Urbana, Ohio CSMC, vice president Delta Sigma Pi, secretary, president MULLANE, SUSAN Lima, Ohio SEA UAO Keystone Club MULLEN, DONALD L. Dayton, Ohio MURPHY, CATHLEEN M. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club MURRAY, AGNES M. Staten Island, New York Knick Club UAO Day toni an MUSHENHEIM, DAVID, SM Pittsburgh, Pa. MYERS, WILLIAM S. Dayton, Ohio Veterans Club Psi Chi Dayton Club McCARTY, PEGGY Chicago,Ill. Illini Club SEA McCHRYSTAL, DANIEL Cleveland, Ohio Intramurals McCLEARY, DORIAN F. Springfield, Ohio International Club French Club McCLOSKEY, EDWARD Elmira, New York Intramurals Knick Club McDARREN,MAUREEN Dayton, Ohio Marching Coeds Alpha Epsilon Delta McDONNELL, THOMAS E. Dayton, Ohio AIChE McDOUGAL, PETER J., SM Garden City, New York

MIDDENDORF, DONNA SUZANNE South Fort Mitchell, Ky. Sodality Cincy Club People to People MIDGLEY, BARBARA Pittsburgh, Pa. Phi Alpha Theta Sociology Club MILLER, GARY M. Landeck, Ohio Servers Club SEA MILLER, KATHY 1. Fort Wayne, Ind. Secretarial Club Hoosier Club MILLER, MARY LOU Champaign, Ill. Illini Club Sociology Club MILLER, PETER J. Cleveland, Ohio Intramurals MILLER, RONALD DENNIS Detroit, Mich. Rifle Club MILLER, STEPHEN F. Parsons, Kansas Student Progressive Party Alpha Epsilon Delta MILLONIG, ARTHUR F. Dayton, Ohio . Freshman Welcome Committee MITCHELL, LILA Dayton, Ohio UAO Glee Club Writers Club Sodality MIXIE, VINCE McKees Rocks, Pa. MONNIN, SR. CHARLES ANN Erlanger, Ky. ASME Bluegrass Club MOON AN, KEVIN M. Baldwin, New York J oint Council of Engineers IEEE, vice president NSPE SAM Knick Club Homecoming Committee MOONEY, WILLIAM T. Kettering, Ohio Dayton Club SAC Freshman Welcome, chairman Off·campus Housing Committee UAO


McGARRY, PATRICK J. Park Ridge, Ill. IlIini Club Alpha Kappa Psi McGARVEY, ELLEN Indianapolis, Ind. UAO Young Democrats University Party Foreign Affairs Club McGILL, WILLIAM H. JR. Nashville, TeJUl. NSPE, treasurer ASME, secretary Bluegrass Club Student Progressive Party Engineers Week Committee McKALE, MICHAEL J. Dayton, Ohio J oint Council of Engineers, chairman NSPE, president IEEE Scabbard & Blade Dayton Club McKENNA, lOHN J. Chicago, Ill. Illini Club McKINNEY, JOSEPH E. Munhall, Pa. Delta Sigma Pi Keystone Club Intramurals McLEAN, GARY A. Willowick, Ohio Sodality ClASP Intramurals Counter Insurgency McNEELY, JOSEPH,SM Huntington, New York McNIECE, THOMAS Elizabeth, New Jersey Intramurals Sociology Club McPHILIMY, JOHN D. Dayton, Ohio UAO McSWEENEY, DENIS J. Painesville, Ohio Marketing Club Veterans Club Homecoming Committee NADORFF, NANCY Toledo, Ohio People to People Cleveland Club Flyer News Homecoming Committee NAJDER, EVELYNNE Berwyn, m. Illini Club NAUGHTON, NORMAN L. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club SAM Homecoming Committee Flyer News NEDWICKI, PATrY Dearborn, Mich.


Sodality Flyer News Flyerettes Phi Alpha Epsilon NETHER, DAVID, SM Dayton, Ohio NETO, NEAL J. Yonkers, New York PEMM UAO NEUMANN, ROBERT E. Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club UAO NEVIUS, DIANNE Springfield, Ohio NICASTRO, WALTER Flushing, New York Players Glee Club

Band NOLAN, PATRICIA S. Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club NOLAN, PAULA L. Dayton, Ohio Art Club

Homecoming Premier, director Knick Club Exponent, editor

Sodality SAM Counter Insurgency Platoon

NIEBERDING, MARTHA J. Cincinnati, Ohio Cincy Club

NOTO, ROSARIO J. Trenton, New Jersey Alpha Epsilon Delta

NIEMAN , BEVERLY Cincinnati, Ohio

OATIS, PETER Melrose, Mass. Hockey Team

NIENBERG, JOHN M. Glandorf, Ohio Freshman Basketball Baseball Pi Mu Epsilon Servers Club Math Club NIEHAUS, THOMAS J. Park Hills, Ky. Bluegrass Club Knick Club IEEC NSPE NOBIS, SANDRA Canton, Ohio Cleveland Club

NORMILE, JAMES M. Chicago, Ill. IEEE Intramurals IIIini Club NORRIS, EUGENE E. Louisville, Ky. Bluegrass Club IEEE NSPE NORTON, JOHN F. Rochester, New York Alpha Kappa Psi

O'BRIEN, DONNA Rocky River, Ohio Sodality International Club Phi Alpha Epsilon UAO Cleveland Club Psi Chi O'BRIEN, MARY L. Fremont, Ohio SEA O'BRYAN, THOMAS E. Dayton, Ohio Student Council, vice president, president Freshman Orientation, chairman

Sophomore Class, president Math Club Pi Mu Epsilon Top Twenty Students O'CONNOR, BRIAN M. Queens Village, New York ACS NSPE AIChE Intramurals Pershing Rifles Scabbard & Blade PEMM OEBELS, MARY D. Dayton, Ohio Home Economics Club O'GARA, EDWIN A. JR. Long Island, New York Knick Club O'KEEFE, DANIEL Springfield, Ohio O'MEARA, ELIZABETH Urbana, Ohio SEA, Central Ohio Club Flyerettes O'NEIL, JAMES Chicago, Ill. IIIini Club Psi Chi O'NEIL, MARGARET A. Milwaukee, Wis. IIIini Club ORR, PAUL J. Pittsburgh, Pa. ASCE Keystone Club Intramurals ORTENZIO, PAUL J. Fords, New Jersey Knick Club O'SHAUGHNESSY, JOHN, SM Oakland, Cal. O'SHEA, SHEILA M. Morton Grove, Ill. SEA Home Economics Club UAO OSNER, SR. JANE EILEEN C.PP.S. Mason, Ohio OSTERLOH, SR. M. ROSE DOMINIC C.PP.S. Dayton, Ohio PADWATER, PAMELA Buffalo, New York AIChE UD Engineer, business manager PAGE, THOMAS R. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Bluegrass Club IEEE PARDIECH, DAVID Richmond, Ind. AEA Pre-Medic, editor PATT, JOHN A. JR. Shrewsbury, New Jersey Knick Club Tri Beta, treasurer, president

PATTERSON, TED Mansfield, Ohio Flyer News WVUD-FM Intramurals PECENKA, CAROL Lakewood, Ohio Alpha Epsilon Delta UAO PEKAREK, EDWARD G., JR. Willoughby, Ohio Math Club Pi Mu Epsilon PENHALLEGON, ANNETTE Leawood, Kansas Marching Band Concert Band CCD People to People UAO International Club PERHACH, JAMES 1., JR. Munhall, Pa. Varsity Football Servers Club Keystone Club PERRY, MARY V. Niles, III. People to People Homecoming Committee International Club lIIini Club PERSON ALE, ROBERT E. Rochester, New York Freshman Welcome King Scabbard & Blade AlEE Intramurals Knick Club NSPE PESAR, JAMES Rochester, New York ASME PETERS, FRED E. Buffalo, New York AIChE Rifle Club Knick Club NSPE PETKEWITZ, THOMAS G. Dayton, Ohio Alpha Kappa Psi Rifle Club Intramurals PEYREBRUNE, PAUL H. River Forest, Ill. IIIini Club SAM Junior Prom Queen Committee University Hall Representative Intramurals PEYTON, JOHN F., JR. Oakland, New Jersey Pershing Rifles, secretary PFLUG, JOHN R., JR. Bayville, New York Floor Advisor PERIEM, DAVID SM Euclid, Ohio

PLA VAN, JOHN C. Pittsburgh, Pa. Alpha Kappa Psi, treasurer Keystone Club PLEIMAN, MARJORIE Anna, Ohio SEA PEMM CCU PLESSINGER, JOHN Dayton, Ohio Art Club PLUMMER, MARY JANICE Indianapolis, Ind. UAO Secretarial Club PLUNKETT, ALICE C. Dayton, Ohio POEPPELMEIER. RICHARD 1. Dayton, Ohio . ASMEPE Dayton Club PONIST, RONALD Duquesne, Pa. IEEE NSPE Engineer POPOVICH, JOHN GARY Wallingford, Conn. Pick & Hammer Club lntramurals POUNTNEY, FAITH Rye, New York POWERS, KARON LOUISE Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club UAO SEA WRA POWERS, SHARON JANE Dayton, Ohio UAO SEA WRA POZA, HUGO B. San Juan, Puerto Rico Sodality International Club Latin American Club PRENDERGAST, JESSICA Cleveland, Ohio Phi Alpha Psi Chi Sociology Club Cleveland Club PRENDERGAST, PAUL ANTHONY Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. PREWITT, PATRICIA D. Dayton, Ohio PRIORE, EDWARD T. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club Accounting Club PROUTY, KAREN Dayton, Ohio PRUSACZYK, JOSEPH E. Cleveland, Ohio ACS


PRUSH, KENNETH H. Detroit, Mich. NSPE IEEE Wolverine Club PUETZ, MARY ANN Wapakoneta, Ohio SEA Dia~ogue

Buckeye Club Dayton Club UAO PUTHOFF, EILEEN Ft. Laramie, Ohio Dayton Club QUASHNOCK, JOSEPH M. Dayton, Ohio Marching Band Concert Band QUEENAN, BERNARD G. Leominister, Mass. SRA Junior Class, vice president QUIGLEY, DAVID T. SM Cleveland, Ohio QUINN, JOSEPH Cleveland, Ohio International Club Philosophy Club, president Pi Mu Epsilon Math Club UAO RABKE, RICHARD Middlesex, New Jersey Intramurals Knick Club New England Club SAlVI, treasurer RAGONE, FRANCIS Valley Stream, New York Tau Alpha Phi RAMSKI, IRENE Pittsburgh, Pa. UAO SEA Day toni an R.ATERMAN, JAMES H. Kettering, Ohio Phi Alpha Theta SEA RAWERS, JUDITH M. Dayton, Ohio SEA Dayton Club RAWLINS, ROSALIE V. Columbus, Ohio Players French Club Buckeye Club Homecoming Publicity Sodality REARDON, KEVIN M. Denville, New Jersey UAO Homecoming Float, chairman Homecoming Queen, manager REDER, PAUU. KAY Dayton, Ohio Players


Freshman Orientation, chairman UAO Student Council Special Political Committee, secretary REGOVICH, ROBERT R. Cleveland, Ohio Floor Advisor Scabbard & Blade Rifle Club Cleveland Club REICHERT, MADONNA L. Dayton, Ohio UAO Chapel Choir REID, GERALD Pittsburgh, Pa. UH Head Resident Scabbard & Blade REILING, SUZAN Sarasota, Fla. REINECK, MARY L. Dayton, Ohio REISER, MARGARET Amhurst, Ohio Players Sociology Club Phi Alpha Epsilon REMKE, LOUIS H., JR. South Fort Mitchell, Ky. Cincy Club RENNEKER, DENISE DEVEREUX Dearborn Heights, Mich., RICE, ANN Cincinnati, Ohio Marching Coeds Cincy Club, secretary University Party, secretary Floor Advisor Publicity Chairman Junior Class J r. Prom Program Chairman Phi Alpha Epsilon, treasurer UAO Senior Class, secretary Student Council, recording secretary CWO, Campus Communications RICHTER, RAYMOND P. Covington, Ky. Intramurals Servers Club Floor Advisor Sodality R'ICKSECKER, CHARLES G. Parma, Ohio UAO Dialogue International Club Foreign Affairs Club SPP French Club Young Democrats RIEPENHOFF, CAROL JEAN Dayton, Ohio French Club RIESKAMP, ROSE ANN Cincinnati, Ohio Psi Chi Cincy Club RIESS, JOSEPH A. Dayton, Ohio IEEE

RIGOT, JOSEPH SM Cleveland, Ohio RIV AN, THOMAS WARREN Villa Park, III ASME ROACH, KATHLEEN M. Dayton, Ohio ROBERTS, DARYL Bowie, Maryland ACS Intramurals ROBERTSON, EILEEN T. Madison, New ' Jersey Young Democrats Sodality UAO Vertical Communications ROBY, MARGARET Louisville, Ky. Bluegrass Club Phi Alpha Epsilon ROGUS, MONICA Locust Valley, New York SEA RONAN, NICHOLAS K. Cleveland, Ohio ROONEY. VICTOR Dayton, Ohio ROSE, DOROTHY St. Henry, Ohio French Club Sea ROSS, ELIZABETH ANN Springfield, Ohio Secretarial Club, secretary ROSS, ROBERT A., SM Cleveland, Ohio ROTTE, JOANNE H. Cincinnati, Ohio Players Cincy Club Student Council Social Committee ROUTT, STEPHEN, SM Alameda, Cal. RUBECK, JOAN M. Brookfield, Ill. Art Club RUCINSKI, WALTER G. Yonkers, New York Glee Club Scabbard & Blade RUDOLPH, JOSEPH L. Euclid, Ohio Varsity Football, co-captain Monogram Club Scabbard & Blade RUNOWSKI, ROBERT F. Chicago, Ill. lJD Engineer IEEE MSPE RUSH, JAMES A. Parma, Ohio Cleveland Club Counterinsurgency Platoon Monogram Club Baseball


Intramurals Marketing Club RUSSELL, MARIANNA Dayton, Ohio French Club RUSSELO, JERRY Franklin, Ohio SAM Delta Sigma Pi SABOLCIK, JOHN RICHARD Donora, Pa. Players Keystone Club Chapel Club SALEEBY, ELIE Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa SAMMON, THOMAS E. Gates Mills, Ohio Marketing Club Cleveland Club Homecoming Committee SANDERS, JACQUELYN Dayton, Ohio Home Economics Club SANGI, SALVATORE A. Bayonne, New Jersey Knick Club Intramurals SARGENT, JOHN C. Garden City, New York Sodality Religion in Life Series Christian Careers Unlimited IEEE SAVAGE, JAMES F. Pittsburgh, Pa. Marketing Club SAWIAK, JANET C. Bristol, Conn. SCHATZMAN, MITZI Hales Corners, Wis. Band Players Flo~r Advisor SEA SCHEETZ, CAROL ANN Youngstown, Ohio Players Home Economics Club SCHENKEL, DAVID P. Fort Wayne, Ind. SAM, president SCHEPIS, JOSEPH N. Cleveland, Ohio Intramurals

SCHIERLOH, THOMAS E. Dayton, Ohio Band SCHIML, SUE 1. West Alexandria, Ohio Writer's Club University Choir Gospel Discussion Group SCHIMMOLLER, HAROLD J. Fort Jennings, Ohio ASME SCHLANSER, MARY BETH Downers Grove, Ill. MENC Illini Club SCHMID, JAMES A. Dayton, Ohio ASME SCHMITZ, BARBARA A. Dayton Ohio Home Economics Club SEA SCHNELL, ALBERT C. Bellevue, Ky. ASME American Institute of Physics Teachers Cincy Club SCHOEN, GEORGE R. Massapiqua, New York Sodality CLASP Soccer SCHOENHARL, JANE EILEEN Cincinnati, Ohio CCV Kennedy Khorale Cincy Club SCHOENLEIN, MARY ELLEN Fort Recovery, Ohio SEA Debate Team Pi Kappa Delta SCHROEDER, ANITA Chicago, Ill. Illini Club Young Democrats SCHUMACHER, CARL J. Bay Village, Ohio Intramurals Knights of Columbus Promotion Committee SCHUSTER, BEVERLY Cincinnati, Ohio Sodality Home Economics Club

SCHWEITZER, TERRI Defiance, Ohio Russian Club Cleveland Club WRA Sodality SCOVIC, STEPHEN Cincinnati, Ohio Varsity Baseball Head 'Resident Freshman Basketball SCRABIS; CHARLES M. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club ASME SCULL Y, KATHY Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club SEA SECH, CLARENCE J. Cleveland, Ohio SEA Cleveland Club Intramurals SEDAY, TONY Cleveland, Ohio Servers Club Scabbard & Blade Cleveland Club Counterinsurgency Platoon SEMAN. STEWART O. Cedar Lake, Ind. Scabbard & Blade SERAFINI, DONN M. West Burlington, Iowa SAM NSPE IE Club Knick Club Keystone Club Intramurals SERPAGLI, CONSTANCE M. White Plains, New York Knick Club Young Republicans SEA PEMM WRA SEVERINO, GERALD JOHN Ashtabula, Ohio Tri Beta Young Democrats Cleveland Club SEVERS, JAMES H. Dayton, Ohio SHANLEY, ALEXIA New York, New York SEA SHARKEY, NICK Dayton, Ohio Flyer News, edItor J ti:nior Class, treasurer Junior Prom, chairman Sophomore Class Executive Committee Freshman Orientation Committee Intramurals SHARP, ROBERT Greenville, Ohio


NSPE Flying Club SHERIDAN, ANN Chicago, Ill. Dorm Council IIIini Club Players SHERMAN, ROBERT Amityville, New York Intramurals SHILT, JIM Brookville, Ohio SHORT, MARY CLAIRE Circleville, Ohio Cleveland Club Marching Coeds Daytonian UAO SEA CSMC SHULTZ, ROBERT D. Dayton, Ohio AICE Joint Council of Engineers Tau Beta Pi SJDNER, CAROL E. Sandusky, Ohio Cleveland Club SEA Freshman Welcome Queen SIEFRING, DENNIS V. New Weston, Ohio ACS AICE ASME SIKORA, JOHN J. Cleveland, Ohio Math Club Debate Team SIKORSKI, KAREN A. Brooklyn, New York UAO Psi Chi Freshman Orientation Committee University Party Sophomore Class Publici.ty Chairman Junior Class Pep CommIttee People-to-People SIMON, CAROL JEAN Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club Intramurals Freshman Queen Attendant Homecoming Queen Candidate SSA SIMON, JUAN A. Dayton, Ohio SIRL, WILLIAM R. Euclid, Ohio Cleveland Club Psi Chi Intramurals SKOWRONSKI, VANCE D. Niagara Falls, New York IEEE SLACK, GEORGE L. Zanesville, Ohio SLIEMERS, JAMES C. Lima, Ohio Servers Club


Intramurals NSPE ASME

SAM SPELLMAN, JOHN M., SM Woodhaven, New York

SLOMAN, CAROL JEAN Baltimore, Maryland Players UAO SEA ESPA Homecoming Premieres Knick Club Christmas Show Committee

SPOTILA, JAMES R. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club UH Echoes Flyer News, assistant news editor Tri Beta, president

SMELTZER, PHYLLIS ANN Dayton, Ohio SEA Band Concert Band SMERILLO, GARY M. Cleveland, Ohio Marching Band Concert Band Choir MENC SMITH, FRANK, SM Cleveland, Ohio SMITH, TERESA L. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club Phi Alpha Epsilon SMITH, WALTER Kettering, Ohio IEEE NSPE SOARES, RICHARD M. Bridgeport, Conn. Varsity Football Monogram Club SOBIESKI. THEMLA J. Dayton, Ohio Sodality Flyer News UAO Phi Alpha Epsilon SOKOL, EDWARD, SM Brooklyn, New York SOKOL, GREGORY F. Chicago, III. IIIini Club Young Democrats SOLT, SHARON Columbus, Ohio University Choir UAO SEA ALIA SOMMERS, JOSEPH D. Dayton, Ohio Homecoming Committee Marketing Club SOPATA,ALBERT,SM Cleveland, Ohio SOWKO, JOHN J. Pittsburgh, Pa. UAO Intramurals Intramurals Keystone Club ASC SPARKS, ROBERT J. Dayton, Ohio

STABNICK, JOHN P. Detroit, Mich. Intramurals Wolverine Club Keystone Club ST ACKO, DAVID G. Lorain, Ohio Cleveland Club UAO Choir, president Glee Club Players Intramurals Premiere Red & Blue Varieties STALEY, MARTHA CATHERINE Sedalia, Missouri Exponent STANDER, NANCY Cincinnati, Ohio Sodality Front Line Floor Advisor CCU STANG, ROBERT J. Fort Laramie, Ohio IEEE STANLEY, HUGH, JR. Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club STEFLICK, RONALD J. East Patterson, New Jersey AICE NSPE Knick Club Intramurals Rifle Club STEINER, NANCY L. Cleveland, Ohio International Club Latin American Club STEM MICHAELLE Dayton, Ohio Home Economics Club University Choir STESTKO, ANN MARIE Fairview Park, Ohio Daytonian SEA UAO Le Cercle Francais Cleveland Club Intramurals Education Honor Society STEUBER, ROBERT G. Brooklyn, New York Flyer News, Exponent Day toni an, art editor Intramurals Spring Week Committee Players

STIPHER, NANCY JO Indianapolis, Ind. Sodality Foreign Affairs Daytonian Hoosier Club ClASP


STORCK, MICHAEL J. Dayton, Ohio PEMM, secretary Cheerleader

TEPE, MARJORIE R. Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club SEA


THIBO, GARY Shelbyville, Ind. Alpha Kappa Psi, vice president Floor Advisor Hoosier Club Accounting Club Dorm Council THIES, ROBERT J. Richmond Hills, New York Intramurals Knick Club NSPE IEEE THOMAS, JOSEPH F., SM Syosset, New York THOMAS, JUDITH LOUISE Dayton, Ohio University Choir UAO THOMAS, PHILIP C., JR. Scotch Plains, New York Knick Club SAM, secretary THOMAS, KEVIN, SM Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii THOMMES, MICHAEL M. Chicago, Ill. Illini Club Tri Beta THOMPSON, KARIN L. Mansfield, Ohio Sociology Club NEA THORNTON, EMILY Columbus, Ohio Buckeye Club Art Club TIGHT, THOMAS N. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Homecoming Committee Intramurals TODARO, LOUIS Cleveland, Ohio ACS TOM, DEWEY WAI KEONG Hui-O-Hawaii, president TONCAR, RONALD Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Intramurals SEA TOZAR, KATHLEEN R. Philadelphia, Pa. SEA Sodality Keystone Club TRAGESSER, CAROL LaGrange, Ill.

STRIBY, MARY Jeffersonville, Ind. Hoosier Club SEA STUPAK, NANCY Pittsburgh, Pa. Home Economics Club Keystone Club Players UAO SULLIVAN, CHARLES Dayton, Ohio Accounting Club Marketing Club Flyer News Dayton Club Varsity Baseball Freshman Orientation committee UAO SUTER, ROBERT L. Dayton, Ohio SUTER MASTER , SR., MARY GEORGEMMA, C.P P.S. Dayton, Ohio SWAN, BARBARA L. Cincinnati, Ohio SEA UAO Dorm Council Cincy Club Student Progressive Party SWANTON, MARTHA M. Springfield, Ohio Nu Epsilon Delta, vice president SWEENEY, WILLIAM F. Pittsburgh, Pa. Keystone Club, president Sodality Intramurals French Club SWOOPE, CHARLES Englewood, New Jersey Knick Club Servers Club University Party Foreign Affairs Glee Club SYLVESTER, PETER A. Cleveland, Ohio ASME Cleveland Club T ALZ, FRANK A. Westchester, Ill. Football Senior Class, vice president Sociology Club, president

T ASTO, MARGARET Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier Club Daytonian

Illini Club Secretarial Club Chapel Choir Glee Club TRAISTER, ANNA MARIE Brookville, Pa. UAO Keystone Club TRENTMAN, DONALD Dayton, Ohio

IRE TREY, THOMAS J. Dayton, Ohio AICE Tau Beta Pi Joint Council of Engineers Pi Mu Epsilon Intramurals, ACS TRONZANO, JOHN Glendale, New York Delta Sigma Pi, vice president Flyer News, business manager TROY, GEORGE, SM Dayton, Ohio TUCCI, SHARON L. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Secretarial Club Flyerettes TUCEK, JANET Euclid, Ohio Cleveland Club Home Economics Club TURNBLACER, JOHN T. Butler, Pa. Keystone Club UAO Intramurals TUTTLE, PATRICIA Staten Island, New York Flyer News Sodality Knick Club UAO Floor Advisor TYBURClY, JOSEPH Garfield, New Jersey Intramurals ASCE TYLER, JAMES S. Indianapolis, Ind. Tau Beta Pi Hoosier Club, AICE ULIS, JOANNE F. Cleveland, Ohio Latin American Club Cleveland Club ULRICH, SR. SUDETTE Dayton, Ohio ULRICH, PAUL C. Dayton, Ohio Sodality, ASME UNKEFER, JOHN W. Evanston, Ill. Illini Club Delta Sigma Pi, treasurer Accounting Club Business Appreciation Committee


V ACCARIELLO, JOSEPH T. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland Club Hui·O·Hawaii NSPE ASME V AN BALEN, JANET L. Columbus, Ohio Physics Club, vice president International Club CCU VARA, JUAN M. Havana, Cuba Latin American Club International Club UAO ASME V ASCEK, JOHN S. Newark, Ohio Varsity Football SEA Intramurals Buckeye Club Student Council Monogram Club VELK, GENE M. Youngstown, Ohio Cleveland Club lntramurals VERGAMINI, STEPHEN J. Dayton, Ohio UAO Freshman Orientation Committee History Honor Society VERTES, ROBERT Taylor, Mich. Hockey Team Psi Chi Philosophy Club VIBONESE, ALBERT Cleveland, Ohio VINCENT, THOMAS C. Norwalk, Conn. Intramurals Pershing Rifles New England Club American Marketing Association SAM VOGEL, JAMES M. Milltown, New Jersey Delta Sigma Pi Knick Club Intramurals W ABLER, JOHN WILLIAM Dayton, Ohio Sodality Pershing Rifles Scabbard & Blade Dayton Club WADDICK, THOMAS J. Indianapolis, Ind. Hoosier Club AICE WAGNER, SHARON ANN Louisville, Ky. Bluegrass Club WAGNER, VINCENT J. Hamilton, Ohio Dayton Club


Intramurals ASME W AGNER, DORIS KAY Dayton, Ohio WALKER, JOHN T. Dayton, Ohio Phi Alpha Theta WALKER, MARGARET Dayton, Ohio SEA WALKER, MARILYN S. Dayton, Ohio WALKER, VIVIAN Dayton, Ohio WALTER, STEPHNIE Columbus, Ohio Buckeye Club, secretary Sodality UAO


WARNER, MARY M. Fresno, Cal. WARTH, MARY J. Madison, New Jersey Flyer News Exponent Daytonian W ASSI, JEAN MARIE Beacon, New York SEA Players Mariology Club Knick Club Education Honor Society WECKESSER, ANN Dayton,Ohio SEA WEGER, ROBERT M. Delphos, Ohio Tau Beta Pi, president IEEE, vice president WEIDEL, LINDA K. Dayton, Ohio WEISS, JANET L. Cleveland, Ohio Flyer News Vertical Communications French Club Philosophy Club SEA Phi Alpha Theta, secretary Top Twenty Students Who's Who Floor Advisor WEISS, ROBIN Middletown. Ohio Sociology Club Cincy Club SEA WELCH, MARY ELIZABETH Col~mbus, Ohio CWO Young Republicans Home Economics Club NEA WELLS, FRED Franklin, Ohio Math Club Pick & Hammer Club

WELTY, RICHARD D., JR. Vestal, New York Alpha Kappa Psi Homecoming Committee Knick Club WESSEL, THEODORE J. Indianapolis, Ind. Debate Team Public Speakers Bureau Foreign Affairs Organization WESTBROCK,BARBARA Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club, SEA WESTON, MARY CLAIRE Wayne, Mich. WRA, president PEMM Wolverine Club WETZEL, PATRICIA A. Homewood, III. Marching Coeds Chapel Choir Young Democrats IIIini Club University Choir WIEST, THEODORA A. Aurora, Ill. WILBER DING, LAWRENCE J., JR. Madison, Ind. SEA WILKINS, NICHOLAS J. Minster, Ohio ASME WILSON, MICHAEL E. Delphos, Ohio Alpha Kappa Psi Accounting Club Pistol Te~m WILSON, WILLIAM D. Kettering, Ohio WINDSOR, RONALD Dayton, Ohio Young Republicans Dayton Club WIRKNER, JAMES E. Elyria, Ohio Servers Club ASCE NSPE WISE, JOHN Dayton, Ohio Flying Club WOLEBEN, ROY Detroit, Mich. WOLF, ELAINE SNEDDEN Philadelphia, Pa. Keystone Club Home Economics Club Sodality WONG, MICHAEL, SM Honolulu, Hawaii WOOD, JERRY TAYLOR Fairborn, Ohio Players WOOD, PAMELA JEAN Grand Blanc, Mich. Cleveland Club

WOODRUM, TOM Frankfort, Ky. Bluegrass Club Servers Club AICE NSPE WURM, MICHAEL B. Tiffin, Ohio Floor Advisor Intramurals WYSONG, JOHN R. Dayton, Ohio ASME YOUMELL, WILLIAM P. Cleveland, Ohio Techni Club Cleveland Club, president Homecoming Campaign YURKOVICH, STEVEN Bentleyville, Pa. Geology Club, president Scabbard & Blade ZAMMIKIEL, MARY JANE Fairview Park, Ohio Cleveland Club, SEA ZEHNLE, GEORGE, S M Jamaica, New York ZEMBRUSKI, HENRY M., JR. Garden City, New York UH Echoes Intramurals Math Club ZINCK, JUDITH Xenia, Ohio Marching Coeds Pi Mu Epsilon Math Club ZIEHLER, PAUL M. Dayton, Ohio Dayton Club Rifle Club Scabbard &Blade SPP ZILIOTTO, PETER G. Timmins, Ontario, Canada Floor Advisor Head Resident ZINS, CAROL Cincinnati, Ohio Cincy Club Home Economics Club ZIRPOLI, ANTHONY 1. Whitesone, New York Intramurals Knick Club UAO ZUGGER, PAUL D. Buffalo, New York Concert Band Marching Band Premiere Players ZURCHER, SUSAN Dayton, Ohio WRA PEMM SEA ZWELLING, BARBARA Dayton, Ohio










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It is unusual that I should have the last word, here, after spending the year listening to some champion talkers. But, because of these speechmakers, who with me learned the values of the time to debate, the time to cheer, the time to listen and the time to act together, this publication was made possible. I must admit when the talkers broke from debate, they proved to be very good workers-a combination rather rare these days. I'm thankful for all their help; especially, I should mention Steve Wal,t er (who did most of the pictures except the senior portraits, which are the work of patient Bill Clark and Rike's portrait studio), My-Name-Is Katie Dyke, Vicki Hoffman and Agnes Murray (who never learned the rule about volunteering), Kathy Sheridan and Mary Anne Galdabihi (neither of whom throws a snowball with any accuracy), Mike Steuerwal,t (who deserves a real pat on the back), and your old friend and neighbor Lonesome Lowe. They're a crew. To Miss Devine, the Daytonian moderator, the entire staff gives a big cheer for all her assistance. This book will make a nice paperweight or trivet to remember them by. Allen Hill Editor


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