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UD All-Americans Page 4
visiting the chapters
with alumni secretary mary shay There are so many things happening at the same time in this alumni office which I'm sure is no different than other alumni office - that I don't know where to start. First let's find out what some of the chapters are doing. In January Brother Lackner and I had the pleasant experience of meeting with our Cleveland Chapter. As a result - a set of rules and regulations were placed into operation for the group, a board of directors was formed, an election is taking place in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter. The following alumni are candidates for the board of trustees: Jack Byrne '25, Pat Byrne '54, Pat Cooney '61, Jim Ducato '56, Larry Fitzgerald '50, Dan FitzSimons '3 3, Dick Heil '58, Jacquie Hopkins '62, Mickey Kilbane '62, Ray Leopold '48, Bill Mayer '25, Carmen Rozzo '53, Ginny Stanton '64, Jim Synk '56, Bill Thornton '61, Vern Weber '54 and Ron Willkomm '55. The annual business meeting of the chapter will take place May 20 at which time officers will be installed. The Cincinnati Chapter has announced plans for its Third Annual Scholarship Dance- its finest yet- at the Hyde Park Country Club, April 16. Gene Hoying, vice-president is chairman of the affair and promises the greatest net income for the scholarship fund of that chapter . .. Working with Gene on the Patron's Committee are: Dr. and Mrs. John Finke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staebler, Mr. and Mrs. George A. (Tony) Bardo (Rita Kinsella) , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malloy (Pat Kinsella), Mr. and Mrs. Edward Longo, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Faust. The Invitations Committee is comprised of Mr. and Mrs. Tod Egan, Mr. and Mrs. James Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. John Wannemacher. Reservations are being accepted by Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Yocis (Betty Meyers) and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollenkamp (Nancy Boring). Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hoying (Liz DeCurtins) and Miss A. Burke Longo are doing the decorating . . . Publicity is being poured out by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finan (Joan Newmann) and Mr. and Mrs. Jocko Hussong. Alumni are being contacted in the greater Cincinnati area by Dan Fischer and Dan Hobbs, Hamilton- and Rita Kinsella Bardo in the northern Kentucky vicinity. To give you a brief review of the chapter's activities ... The Fall meeting was held in the new Tap Room of the Burger Brewery which company was an extremely gracious host. Ray Dieringer was kept busy behind the mahogany. Coach John McVay and his staff were
guests. The fall football excusion taught the Board of Directors never - but never schedule such an event on beggar's night. Some alumni attended the game - and saw a winner - the Ohio U game. December took the chapter to the Hudepohl Brewery . . . This company has certainly been most generous to our alumni in the use of their facilities over the past years. According to Dick Finan, editor, Cincinnati Chapter's Newsletter "the free facilities provided go a long way to the success of our organization" . .. A record attendance heard Don Donoher give his impressions of the basketball Flyers ... Of course coaches are "sneaky" - they never say too much - but leave much up to your imagination . . . and I have a good one!!! .. . In March- the 13th Annual Support Program was chairmaned by Pat Muldoon and AI Sicking. Another something new -the dinner was held in the Kennedy Union for the Hamilton, Middletown and Cincinnati workers . . . The Cincinnati officers and board members are striving to provide an active Alumni Association. If you have any ideas or thoughts any of the following would be pleased to hear them : Tom Armstrong, President; Gene Hoying, Vice-President; Molly Conger, Secretary; AI Sicking, Treasurer and board members Ed Meisner, Luke Leonard, Joe Thiem, Sr., Joe Thiem, Jr. , Dick Finan, Bob Conger, Pat Muldoon, Jocko Hussong and Dr. Earl Scheidler. Members of the Pittsburgh Chapter -under the direction of AI Heller, are planning a picnic .. . Details will be announced later . . . AI is working with Roger Romito, George Villani, John Harris, Maggie Corbett, Sue Brettholle, Bob Anderson, Bob and Shirley Balcerek - along with members of the Keystone Club here on campus. In the spring - and it is spring - as you know - your Alumni Secretary's activities turn to the 13th Annual Support Program ... As you are interested in the who's who of U .D . fund-raising . . . Dayton solicitors include: Joe Accrocco, Barb Albers, Gerald Allen, Marty Armbruster, Joe Bakan, Pierre Barker, Jr., Bill Barlow, Jr., Harry Baujan, Dick Beach, Marilyn Thomas Benni"ngton, Charlie Bernard, Frank Berus, A. V. Black, M.D., Mike Bobal, Bedford D. Boston, Ed Braunlin, Jr., AI Breig, Mary Jane Burns, Kenneth H. Burr, Joseph Patrick Callahan, Lou Cannarozzi, Ray Clemens, Carl E. Cline, Jim Cross, Prince Davis, Jr., Velma Coffman D avis, Elmer H . Deitering, Joan Olch Deutsch, Dan Dunson, Norm Eckstein, Helen Eisenhauer, Lou Feldman, Hank Ferrazza, Bob Fiely, Bob Fisher, Bob Forsthoff, Thelma Moore Foster, Tom Frericks, John Geiger, Fred Gerspacher, Mike Gibbons, Jr., Fred Grimm, Dick Harnett, John D. Harris, Bert Heckel, Paul Heckman, Jack Herron, Chris Harris, John Hickey, Dick Hickey, Elmer Hohm, GeorgeS. Hohm, Thomas Honingford, D.O., Bob Huels, Dave Israel, Ed Janning, Rebecca Jenkins, Paul Katz, Greg K aras, Jack Kester, Dan Kilcoyne, Ron Klaus, G. William Klatt, Vincent C. Koepnick, David C. Kraft, Ph.D., Tony Kramer, Gene Kreusch, Pete Kuntz, Eleanor Kurtz, Mrs. G. Wm. Lawless, Dick Loeber, Bob Luthman, Jerry McAvoy, Jack McCarthy, Mrs. Nicoline MacGregor, John D . Maloney, Frank Marsico, Jerry Mattingly, Frank Maus, Joseph S. Mazzotta, D.D.S., Don Meineke, Willie R . Mills, Sr., Henry T. Mohlman, Marion M. Munger, Gerald P. Murphy, Dale Nash, Eleanor Paul Newcome, Thomas C. Nyhan, Thomas A. Olsen, Bernard A. Ostendorf, Leo E. Palmer, M.D., Vincent J. Paul, Jim E. Paxson, Robert C. Payne, David R. Perron, Mike Powers, Madeline G. Rawson, Walter P. Reese, Bill and Marcella Reynolds, Jerry
Rigot, Jr., Clarence W. Rihm, Bill Riley, Richard L. Rupp, Sr., John L. Russell, Art Scarpelli, Marjorie Daniels Schemmel, Charles A. Schiffman, Robert A. Schmid, Mike Schoch, Gary G. Shepherd, Emmett M. Sherry, Lou Silverii, George E. Sine, Harold S. Spires, Jon S. Spirk, Don Staudter, Sharon R. Steck, Eugene W. Stenger, Mrs. Frances Stoughton, George Strassberg, Mrs. June A. Sullivan, Louis L. Suttman, Frank M. Toohey, Joe Umina, Madonna Wach, Richard P. Wagner, Mary Weimerskirk, William H. Weis, Charles W. Whalen, Jr., Joseph E. White, Wilhelm P. Wicke, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wittman (Carolyn Steueve) , Richard L. Whitmer, M.D., Robert L. Wolff, Harold E. Wright, George A. Zimmerman. and Joseph Zusman. The Chapters have the following hard working alumni helping to make personal contacts in their respective areas: AKRON -Anthony Ziehler and John Niekamp, cochairmen, along with Buena Beis, Frank Case, Jr., Chuck Crowley, Charlie Gebhart, Norman (Socks) Justice, Don and Joyce (Hagans) Lane, Bob Pfister, John Sommer and John Angerer. CANTON- Jim Anderson and Tom Ebner, co-chairmen; Norm Reinhard, Jack Lamberjack, Richard Szink, Jr., and Larry Volzer. YOUNGSTOWN- Joe McHugh, Sr., Dennis Andrich, John Varley, along with Paul Taylor from Warren and Joe Treon, M.D., Cortland, 0. BELLBROOK- F. Parker McGee, chairman; John R. Adams, Paul F . Bucher, Ray Hieber, Jim Gessells and Lawrence Johnson. ENGLEWOOD- Mark J. Smith. MIAMISBURG- Jack Mahle, Jr., chairman; Carolyn P. Amlin, Bob Fremgen, Richard 0 . Hecker, D.D.S., Harold Kittle, John O'Neil, Francis Schmitz, and Wayne Scheidler. WAYNESVILLE- Tressler Hardin, chairman assisted by Tom Hatton. VANDALIA- Joseph A. Brothers, chairman, and Walter E. Cassidy and Ed Stoermer. FAIRBORN -Mr. and Mrs. Ed Daley (John Stueve) and Mrs. Eula Ball. PIQUA- Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Nielsen (Anita Marting), H. K . Monroe, Connie McKale, Bob Buroker and Dan Leary, Jr. SPRINGFIELD- Richard T. Barcafar, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. David Bourke (Mary Sullivan), Tom Brodbeck, John L. Durr, and Bob Kavanaugh. TROY- Vincent Pax, chairman; William F. May, Charles Mencsik and Lawrence Kenny, Jr. GERMANTOWNRichard E. Egan. TIFFIN- Albert L. Diringer, chairman ; William A. Carrigan, M.D., and Mike McClellan. CHILLICOTHE - William E. Reeves and John P. Reeves. SANDUSKY- Jacob L. Kreidler and Charles M. Barker. GREENVILLE- Herman J. Marchal. SIDNEY- William Fred Wagner. CINCINNATI- J. Pat Muldoon and AI Sicking, co-chairmen; workers include: Paul Piening, Bob Conger, Ben Turner, Gene Hoying, Roger Towle, Leo Buse, Ed Meisner, Adam Westerkamp, George Marklay, Fred Tuke, Jocko Hussong, Tod Egan, Tom Beckert, John Karch, Dick Lauch, Dick Finan, Luke Leonard, Tom Armstrong, Joseph Thiem, Jr., Charles Beck, Don Scheidler, Ken Bockenstette, Ray Dieringer, Bill Ries, Jack Weber, Dick Roesch, Henry Brands, Arnold Barnhorn, Jack Meagher, Dick Marshall, Don Cosgrove, Bill Higdon, Bill Conger, Jack Broomhall and Jim Dapper. HAMILTON -Daniel J. Fischer, chairman; Fred Brandel, Dan Hobbs, John P. Geyer, Bill Rindler, Claude Chaney and Sally Dumford Fiehrer. MIDDLETOWN - Jim Shafor chairman ; Bob Fay, Jr., Rita Haker, James E. Kraft, Don Lehmann, Dick Knox, John D. Rossi, JohnS. Rossi, Frances Rudokas, Helen Fiessinger and Vincent Kipus. MINSTER - Thomas Raterman and Linus Osterloh. NEW BREMEN- Jeannette Wagner. FORT LORAMIE- Mr.
and Mrs. John L. Dillehay. COLDWATER- Mr. and Mrs. AI Pax, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maruna, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Broeker, Mr. and Mrs. John Shenking, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wenning. FORT RECOVERY- Robert Fiely, Mrs. Juletta Huelskamp, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapke. ST. HENRY- Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Huelsman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rose. CELINA- Merrill Ridgway. NEWARK- Jim Wade and Mrs. Nettie P. Buser. MARION- Frank Klaus, Walter C. Kraft and Lester E. Wall, Jr. , M.D. COLUMBUS- Bob Luken and Don Seifert, co-chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kenny, Paul C. Long, Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. J ames Lorenz, Ray Posner, R. Joseph Wehner, Mary E. Wyen, Ron Eifert, Dave Gage. Tom Druffel , Wilson Denney, Don Connor, Joe Alspaugh. Jack O'Reilly. DETROIT- T . J. (Dick) Hollenkamp and Joseph E. Stermer, co-chairmen ; Kay Day Bosch, Jack Donovan, Bill Locke, Tom Hoeffel, Joseph E. Simon, Don Stelzer, Jim Crowley and Jim Winter. TOLEDO- Jim Hart and Paul O'Rourke, co-chairmen; Ray Davis, Bob Dunn, Richard Grafton, Don Greive, Don Leese, Maj. H arold Mouch, Bob Recker, Dorothy Wozar Savage, Chuck Shinaver, Richard Thome, George Zilba. CLEVELAND- Vincent Hvizda, chairman; John J. Cochran, Ray Cosma, Virginia Stanton, Vern Weber, Larraine Purcell, Ed Crow, David E. Burke, Kenneth K. Kaiser, Mario Pisano, Tom Camera, Gary Krause, Tom Kelbley, Bill Thornton, George Uher, George and Bobby Bates, Karen Strunc, Robert E. Aufuldish, Mickey Kilbane, Dick Kindel, Gloria Mejak, Ray Leopold, Martha Loges, Carole Castellano, Pat Cooney, Jr., Jackie Hopkins and Larry Fitzgerald . . . Ladies and gentlemen - this is as far as we have come on the 13th annual support program at press time . .. An additional list of U.D.'s Who's Who in Fund-Raising will appear in the next issue ... WITH ALUMNI SUPPORT SUCH AS THIS - HOW CAN WE LOSE? Believe it or not - I have had letters and inquiries regarding Homecoming . . . In the event that you missed the date - publication of the time of Homecoming Please be sure to mark October 15, 1966 on your calendar now .. . Some of the people already making plans to come are Rt. Rev. Msgr. Carl J. Ryan and Father John Oberlander- class of 1916. A note from John Chalmers, M.D. -Honolulu -Class of 1941 -tells me he is already making plans to be with his classmates . .. And the class of 1956 with Tod EganBill Thesing- Joan Newmann Finan- Carol Wortman Koman- Jim Synk- Tony Pappa and Jocko Hussong -are starting to work on the 1956 group. A couple of notes on the Communion Breakfast which didn't make the printed notice. The Columbus Chapter had as its speaker - Dave Young - The Philadelphia group met at St. James High School in Chester, Pa. under the guiding hand of Bill Reynolds . . . Father Charles Rossman, S.M., hosted the group . . . and the CantonMassillon area - met at Brunnerdale . . . Thanks to all for a job well done . .. Now as usual - I'm off and running . . . as the students - my friends here at school say -"Go-MaryGo" .. . With my best wishes to you and yours-God Bless and keep you 'til we meet again .. Sincerely,
Joe's Jottings
by Joe Mclaughlin Director, Sports Information When the average University of Dayton basketball fan thinks of Henry Finkel they naturally speak of his scoring records. He virtually re-wrote the UD basketball record book. In all he placed 11 marks in the Flyers' scoring files and he, more than anyone else, carried the UD basketball program over a three-year period. While members of the Athletic Department are grateful for this phase of Henry's tenure at the University of Dayton they are more gratified by Henry Finkel the gentleman. There have been many gentlemen who have played athletics for the Red and Blue but Henry Finkel was a special case. He started playing basketball as a sophomore when he was a couple years older than the average student. His education, following high school, had suffered for a year because of the long illness and subsequent death of his father. He wasn't going back to school. He was going to support his mother. This isn't what his mother wanted, however, and the intervention of a friend prompted Finkel to seek out Tom Blackburn at UD. Before Finkel could be accepted his eligibility had to be cleared through the NCAA. Once all this had been settled he sat out the usual year of residence. This has happened to many an individual in college athletics and no mention had ever been made of it. However, Finkel, after one month into his sophomore year, had a temporary cloud thrown over his college career when the team went to New York for the ECAC Holiday Festival. His former college coach had questioned his eligibility, completely ignoring the NCAA's favorable ruling in the matter. The New York press picked it up with gusto and Finkel learned the first facts of life for a celebrity. He bit his tongue and let the m atter pass over. Many a time, right through his final game this past winter, he had to endure the same thing because intemperate people, without the facts, brought his case to the fore. He
brushed these off outwardly, at least, and went about the more important things in life. Now he will have his education. He will be able to try professional basketball and get some of that money he has turned down the past two years from the Los Angeles Lakers and the Philadelphia 76ers. But most of all, he leaves with the respect of all who have known him. No man could ask for a greater gift. This, then, was Henry Finkel The Man. What of Henry Finkel the athlete? The 6-1I Union City, New Jersey, giant leaves the UD basketball scene with II records in his back-pocket. They are : Career:
Most Points - 1968. Previous Record: 1848, Don Meineke, 1949-52. Highest Point Average- 23 .7. Previous Record: 19.3, Meineke. Most Field Goals- 772. Previous Record: 677, Meineke. Highest Field Goal Percentage - .618. Previous Record: .469, AI Sicking, 1954-57. Season:
Most Points- 733 , 1964-65. Previous Record: 696, Meineke, 1951-52. Highest Point Average- 25.3, 1964-65. Previous Record : 23.2, Finkel, 1963-64. Highest Field Goal Percentage - .651, 1964-65. Previous Record: .576, Finkel, 1963-64. Most Field Goals- 293 , 1964-65. Previous Record: 251 , Meineke, I951-52. Most Consecutive Field Goals Made- 15, 9 vs Loyola of California, 6 vs St. 1oseph's ( Pa.) , 1965-66. Previous Record: I2, Henry Burlong, 1963-64. Game:
Most Free Throws Made - 16 vs Maryland, 1965-66. Previous Record: 15 vs Arizona, Meineke, 1950-51. Most Consecutive Free Throws Made 15 vs Canisius,
1965-66. Previous Record : 12, John Horan vs Xavier (0.), 1954-55. The 1965-66 basketball team had a successful season. Besides Finkel's record-setting, four sophomores had a great deal to do with the 23-6 record which carried Coach Don Danaher's second coaching year into the NCAA Mideast Regional again. The Flyers won the first match against Miami of Ohio at Kent State but fell victim to Kentucky and Western Kentucky in their trip to Iowa City, Iowa. The Flyers had the Wildcats on the ropes in that first game but a one-minute spurt by the great shooting Kentuckians brought them from a five-point deficit to a four-point lead. The Red and Blue couldn't catch up. The consolation tilt against Western the next night was probably the Flyers' poorest effort of the campaign. Earlier the Flyers had missed the Sugar Bowl Tournament title by two points, 77-75, when Maryland got a big lead of 17 points and the Flyers couldn't quite make up the entire deficit. The loss to Cincinnati was another disappointment but the Flyers had a great win over St. Joseph's of Philadalphia in the Palestra. This was quite an achievement and will long be remembered in the UD Athletic Department. As looks forward to next year he can
reflect back on 45 victories and 13 losses for a winning percentage of 77. He also has the problem of replacing Finkel but Don May made the Sporting News All-American and was considered one of the best sophomores in the country. Donoher also started three other sophomores, 6-6 Glinder Torain, Bob Hooper and Rudy Waterman in the Mideast Regionals. Normal improvement by these men, junior Gene Klaus and some help from any of four freshmen, 6-10 Dan Obrovac, 6-6 Dan Sadlier, 6-7 Ned Sharpenter and Tom Heckman, would be a good start for the 1966-67 campaign. While the basketballers were having their successes, Coach Walt DeAnna's first-year ice hockey team was winning the southern division of the Midwest Collegiate Hockey Conference with a 6-1 record. The skaters' overall mark was 7-4 and they went to the finals of the conference playoffs. Like everyone else they lost to undefeated Toledo. The team was made up principally of freshmen and sophomores as DeAnna decided to build for the future now that the sport had been recognized after eight seasons as a club sport. Larry Capello, who was voted the most valuable player by his teammates, was the team's highest scorer with 18 goals but he ran second to Tim Blackmer in points. Blackmer had 31 points by virtue of 15 goals and 16 assists. Capello had nine assists to go with his 18 goals for 27 points. Bruce Kent, another freshman who was the conference's tightest goalie, came up with 483 saves. His conference average was 2.714 goals per game. Capello is from Arlington, Mass., Blackmer from Detroit and Kent from Potsdam, New York. The club was honored for the first time this winter at the annual basketball banquet. At that banquet Finkel won the basketball MVP for the third straight year, Dennis Hrcka took the ninth John L. Macbeth Scholar-Athlete award and Bob Hooper grabbed the 17th Alex Schoen Free Throw Trophy. And so to spring.
class notes
1909 Marie and HERBERT WHALEN celebrated their golden Wedding Anniversary. 1915 VINCENT F. BARLOW, President of Ludlow Battery & Ignition, since 1960, has retired after 50 years of service with the company and its predecessor. 1920 W. A. YACKLEY and J. T. Davidson have formed the Scientific Application, Inc. in Dayton, Ohio. 1923 MICHAEL H. HANNEGAN retired after 40 years with ' Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. CLARENCE F. PAULUS has been named Principal Consulting Engineer of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. 1927 JOE SCHRIML was named manager of the McCall Corporation in the Pattern Division. ROBERT W. SHERMAN was named a vice president of the firm which publishes The Journ'itl Herald and The Daily and Sunday News. 1928 EDWARD C. POWERS, retired Box-21 chief, was named "Man of the Year" and honored by the Kettering Kiwanis. BROTHER ALOYSIUS M. SODEN is in the Far East in regard to Catholicism in Japan. FATHER LOUIS WIESNER, S.M., celebrated his silver jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood. JOHN P. HOCHADEL is retiring from Mullins Manufacturing Corp. of Salem, Ohio after 37 years of service. 1929 GEORGE E. FREITAS _of Hawaii has firms ranging from running a laundry, a hotel, to building bridges and selling real estate, has contributed greatly to the economic development of Hawaii. ARTHOR J. SCHLITT is now purchasing agent for Sheldon's Mfg. Corp. in Bensenville. 1930 DR. G. J. RAU is a representative of Obstetrics named to the executive committee of St. Elizabeth Hospital. 1931 JOSEPH C. JIRA was honored by the St. Charles Parish Men's Club at a dinner dance for his 23 years coaching, Cleveland, Ohio. MONSIGNOR FREDERICK G. HOCHWALT has resigned as director of the Department of Education of the National Catholic Welfare Conference for reasons of health. JOE STERMER recently was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Michigan and is now associated with the firm of Lacy, Lawson, Kirkby & Balton. 1932 DR. V. A. AUFDERHEIDE is the president-elect at St. Elizabeth Hospital. 1934 CHARLES BRINKMAN has been elected President of the National Tool, Die and Precision Machining Association.
1935 GEORGE WALTHER, JR. has been nominated for election to the Board of Winters National Bank & Trust Co. LOUIS P. WILKS was discussion leader of American Management Association Seminar in New York. 1936 CARROLL M. SCHOLLE became President of the Federation of Societies for Paint Technology. 1937 ALBERT H. ROSE steps down from chairman of U.D.'s political science department to devote his efforts to fulltime teaching and research projects. Col. HERBERT E. GREUTER was decorated with the U. S. Air Force Commendation Medal at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. ROBERT W. LIPP, SR. was appointed Vice President of Sales & Research for the Moran Division of the Carboline Company. 1938 DANIEL J. HOBBS was elected Vice-President in charge of industrial and employee relations, Mosler Safe Company, Hamilton, Ohio. HERBERT E. WHALEN, JR. received the National Quality Award granted by the National Association of Life Underwriters. HERBERT E. WHALEN, JR. was presented the winner of the George S. Lott trophy at the meeting of Dayton Association of General Agents and Managers at Troy Country Club. MARTHA WELHENER McKENNY is attending the University of Dayton for her M.A. in Education. 1939 THOMAS E. MAHER has been named sales manager for the Dayton operation of Manpower, Inc. GEORGE W. MYRICK was assigned to Director Engineering Specifications & Standards with the U. S. Element MBT j JEA. 1940 LANDIS S. GEPHART was the chairman of the annual national Symposium on Reliability. Marine Col. JACK PADLEY has returned from Bangkok, Thialand and will be located at Camp Pendleton, California. 1941 C. M. McFARLAND is a liaison scientist for the General Electric Research Lab. in New York. JACK BAKER is scouting for the Baltimore Orioles. 1942 GEORGE M. RUBY is head of the Math Department at Oxford School. ROBERT L. BUTLER is in his second term as President of the Dayton Air Conditioning and Heating Association. ROBERT M. SELL was appointed at Blanchford Grinding Service, Inc. as sales engineer. JOHN J. SOMERS has been named recipient of the Dayton Power Squadron's Annual "Boating Achievements" trophy. FRED S. LANGE has been named sales manager of the automotive refinishes in the coatings and resins division of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company in Detroit. DR. EDITH OlTMAN was appointed part-time director of all county maternal and child case services. 1943 WILLIAM H. DORSEY, JR. was promoted to full Professor of Law at the Loyola University of Los Angeles. 1944 MARTHA DUFFY is teaching Algebra I and Geometry at Julienne High School. 1945 EDWIN J. ZWIESLER, Dayton representative of the National Life Insurance Company of Vermont, has earned
membership in the firm's lOth President's Clubs for outstanding client service and sales. MARGARET CARROLL was named to the Board of Medical Technologist Schools in the American Society of Medical Technologists. 1947 MADONNA WACH is the new President of the National Laywomen's Retreat Movement of Sacred Heart Parish, Dayton, Ohio. BERTRAND HECKEL is the new Director of Development at Rike's in Dayton. 1948 R. L. FORTUNE was appointed Vice President of Standard Register's eastern division. DR. NORBERT L. KSATER has been elected chief of staff at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Dayton. ROGER L. BLISS of Illinois is President of Official Risk Agency, Inc. ANNE CREEL MATSON has been named director of public relations for Goodwill Industries of Dayton. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. EARL R. CLARK. 1949 Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN L. McGARRY (MYRA BOLAND '48). EDWIN J. SEEBOLECK married Margaret Mary Wente. THOMAS A. SMITH received the National Quality Award granted by the National Association of Life Underwriters. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD H . LEHMAN. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. ED MORRISEY. 1950 Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Crnkovich (MARJORIE WITTMAN). ROBERT L. SCHAEFER was promoted to superintendent of plant operations at Delco Products. Born: A son, seventh child, to Mary and JEROME J. McGARRY. Born: A daughter to Marcia and DR. DAN M. ROMER. JOSEPH J. MOYLAN is chairman of the Department of Psychology. Born: A daughter, Elizabeth Mary, to Mr. and Mrs. GERARD RYAN. GEORGE R. TALLMAN, President of Tallman Associates Architects-Engineers and Real Estate is Democratic Candidate for Hamilton County Commission. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD J. O'BRIEN (JUDY STELZER '52). Born: A daughter to Millie and HENRY J. OSTERFELD, JR. BROTHER CARMINE ANNUNZIATA, S.M., is in Africa to start another school for the local Marianist Community. BETTY JEAN CALLENDER was awarded the Master of Arts degree in music and music education by the Teachers College, Columbia University. Major THOMAS E. DUFFY is a Professor of Military Science at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. CLEMENT F. SPRALEY, JR. received his Master Business Administration degree from Xavier University of Cincinnati. ARMAND FARREN received the National Quality Award granted by the National Association of Life Underwriters. JED MUTH was elected second vice president of the Dayton Builders Exchange. DANIEL T. MURPHY is now working for the Naval Weapons Evaluation & Facility at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. WALTER E. BAKER is now the Area Geologist handling the Oil Exploration work for Europe.
Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. BERNARD YONDER HAAR. DALE R. BABIONE has become Deputy Executive Director of Procurement and Production at DSA Headquarters. DR. JOSEPH BAUMGARTEN has been appointed as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
1951 JAMES A. STECHSCHULTE is teaching Science at Minster High School. Born: A son to Jamie and ROBERT J. BRUGGEMAN. Born : A son to Joanne and DR. NORMAN L. ROSE. RAYMOND E. RIEGER has been elected President of the Dayton Society of Association Executives. Born: A son to Helen and ROBERT P. SPRENG. PHILIP J. MAGIN, JR. was elected President of the Dayton Area Board of Realtors. MIKE HENNESSY was named executive secretary of the Bowling Proprietors' Association of greater Dayton. JOANNE C. COMBS has been awarded for the second time a Ford Foundation Fellowship for theater study. JOSEPH PEGG has been elected President of the Ohio Association of Municipal Court Clerks. TOM GATES is the President of the Kentucky Jaycees in Louisville, Kentucky. 1952 MARK J. SMITH is the Dayton Area director for the American Institute of Marketing Systems. DR. JAMES S. SASALA, D.V.M., President of the Cleveland Academy of Veterinary Medicine, opened a new office, Mentor Animal Hospital in Mentor, Ohio. FRANK P. MORSICO has been promoted to purchasing agent for Vic Cassano Pizza Kings. Born: A daughter to Mary and ROBERT V. NOONAN. LEE FALKE was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Prosecuting Attorney Association. JAMES B. DOUGLAS was named "Employee of the Year" by the Kettering Chamber of Commerce. JAMES L. HORVATH will head the public relations department of the Dayton-based National Management Association. CARL D. KING is assistant manager of contractor relations for the Mound Laboratory of Montanto Research Corporation. EDWARD F. JAUCH is the 1965-66 chairman of the Dayton section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. FATHER JAMES DUGAL was appointed spiritual director at St. Charles seminary, Carthagena. FATHER THOMAS DeBROSSE will reside at St. Joseph's College in Rennselaer, Indiana. WILLIAM T. CHRISTIAN is the facilities manager for Climate Conditioning Corp. Born : A son to Mr. and Mrs. TOM REICHARD. MICHAEL BARRY married Mary Louise Froehle. NAOMI CRESS GROTHJAN received her MA in Education at the University of Colorado. 1953 CLARENCE L. RINGLEMAN has received his Master of Education from Miami University. CALYIN WEAVER has been named industrial engineer of Kroger Company's East Third Street Store. Born : A second child, first son, to Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD C. MUELLER (JANET COGAN '56). THOMAS WIMSAIT is Vice Chairman of the Dayton Area Municipal and Utility Division of the Ohio Contractors Association. IRENE GILLELAND is on the nomination committee in the American Society of Medical Technologists. RICHARD J . MURRAY has been named associate ad-continued on page 10
"new" math
This is the first in a series for the Alumnus by members of the U.D. faculty
he new mathematics, which is gradually invading the elementary school classrooms, is sprinkled with terminology unfamiliar to most "old-timers." The terms are probably the cause of more parent confusion than the new mathematics computational processes. One such example of this terminology is the distinction made between the words number and numeral. Until a few years ago most teachers and students referred to all mathematical symbols as numbers. The only things which were called numerals were the Roman numerals. The term Roman numeral was not different because of any mathematical reason but simply because Roman markings have always been called numerals. The difference between number and numeral is usually introduced to children in the early grades. A student is told that a number is something "we think about or visualize" while a numeral is "what we write on the chalk board." Once a thing has been changed from a thought (number) to something we can see it is called a numeral. This difference is often illustrated for children by the teacher saying the word "four" and calling this word which has been spoken a number. In writing it on the chalk board as 4, 5 - 1, IV, or in any other form, we are illustrating the various numerals which may represent the number four. While many people are confused by this "new" concept of number and numeral others wonder why we should even bother to recognize any distinction between the two. After all, haven't we lived all these years calling numbers numerals and numerals numbers without any serious difficulties? Well, actually we haven't lived all these years without the distinction being recognized. In one of Plato's great dialogues he discusses the human mind and how it perceives. It is in the following dialogue from Plato's "Theaetetus" that the significant difference between number and numeral is discussed. "SOCRATES. He will say: You mean to argue that the man whom we only think of and do not see, cannot be confused with the horse which we do not see or touch, but only think of and do not perceive? That I believe to be my meaning, I shall reply. "THEAETETUS. Quite right. "SOCRATES. Well, then, he will say, according to that argument, the number eleven, which is only thought, can never be mistaken for twelve, which is only thought: How would you answer him? "THEATETUS. I should say that a mistake may very likely arise between the eleven or twelve which are seen or handled, but that no similar mistake can arise between the eleven and twelve which are in the mind. "SOCRATES. Well, but do you think that no one ever put before his own mind five and seven - I do not mean five or seven men or horses, but five or seven in the abstract, which, as we say, are recorded on the waxen block, and in which false opinion is held to be impossible; - did no man ever ask himself how many these numbers make when added together, and answer that they are eleven, while another thinks that they are twelve, or would all agree in thinking and saying that they are twelve? "THEAETETUS. Certainly not; many would think that they are eleven, and in the higher numbers the chance of error is greater still; for I assume you to be speaking of numbers in general.
"SOCRATES. Exactly; and I want you to consider whether this does not imply that the twelve in the waxen block are supposed to be eleven? "THEAETETUS. Yes, that seems to be the case. "SOCRATES. Then do we not come back to the old ditficulty? For he who makes such a mistake does think one thing which he knows to be another thing which he knows: but this, as we said, was impossible, and afforded an irresistible proof of the existence of false opinion, because otherwise the same person would inevitably know and not know the same thing at the same time. "THEAETETUS. Most true." 1 The dialogue brings out the idea which is most significant in the number-numeral differentiation. A number is in the abstract and is clear in the mind of the person who is thinking about the number. The numeral, however, may not be the equivalent of the abstract number. This is best illustrated mathematically in terms of various number bases. The numeral 10 may mean ten things in base 10 but only two things in base 2. The numeral 10 written on a chalk board would give the same visual picture to two different people but to think abstractly about the ten one person may "see'' a 2 and another person may "see" a 10. depending on the base they have in mind. Perhaps Plato was stimulated in this line of thought by Socrates who was also concerned about the mental pictures individuals perceive when stimulated by a spoken word. Socrates was once asked what single thing he could recommend to solve all of the world's problems. His reply was that to solve the world's problems we must first have every person have the same definition for the same words. Anyone reading a daily newspaper will find any number of words which are used quite freely but the lack of a common definition leads to many problems. How do the members of the Ku Klux Klan define "freedom"? What is vour definition of "art"? How different is the concept of :'love" to a seventeen year old and a grandparent? The difficulties which arise because of a lack of common definitions and perceptions are probably not as bad as the problems which are created by people who refuse to recognize that others may have a different concept of a word or some other symbol. Teachers have an excellent opportunity to develop in students the understanding that all minds do not always receive the same message from a seemingly similar experience. Two children seeing the word (numeral) "pin" will not necessarily have the same abstraction (number) in their minds. A child whose mother sews may visualize a safety pin or a straight pin while a child whose father bowls may visualize a ten pin. There are many excellent opportunities for teachers to grasp the number (abstract) -numeral (visual) concept and explore this area with their students. It would be most unfortunate if teachers gave no more thought to these words than to say a number "is in your mind'' and a numeral "is written on the board." There is a far greater significance to this "new mathematics" concept than most people realize. Teachers should explore the many possibilities of this "new" idea given to the world by Plato about 400 B.C. !David Appel and Eugene Freeman, The Wisdom and Ideas of Plato (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1962), pp. 90-91. 9
-continued from page 7
ministrator of Good Samaritan Hospital in Zanesville. THOMAS K. WIMSATT was elected first vice president of the Dayton Builders Exchange. ROBERT G . BECKER is the new superintendent of Mad River School. Born: A son to JOANNE OSTERDAY and Harry K. Oxrider, Jr. Born: A son to Helen and NEIL A. SOMMERS. REV. DANIEL LEEUW is the assistant pastor at St. John the Baptist Parish in New Haven, Indiana. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JIM CURRIN. Born : A son to Marilyn and RICHARD 0 . HECKER. RUSS JOHNSON received a presidential citation signed by Lyndon B. Johnson for an outstanding contribution to greater economy and improvement in Government operations. JOE YOUNG is the Secondary Curriculum Coordinator of the Mad River Township Board of Education. WILLIAM J. BIGELOW is now selling yachts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. WILLIAM J. SAELZER is a sales representative for the Walter Kidde Company working out of the Los Angeles branch. VIRGINIA A. McMILLIN is teaching nursing at the College of San Mote, California.
1954 FRANCES and JOHN C. ANDERSON (FRANCES SHAY '52) had their eighth child, Jacqueline Frances. This makes four girls and four boys. C. JOHN ANGERER, JR. was presented the Distinguished Service Award by the Barberton, Ohio Jaycees. Born : A daughter to Patricia and JAMES METZGER. BETTY NAUGHTON is teaching Shorthand I, Typing I and clerical practices at Julienne High School. WILLIAM H . DAVIDSON has been promoted to Associate in the Chicago Office of Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. JOHN M. FIALLA is working on his Master's at Wayne State, Detroit, Michigan. Born : A son to JOAN (NEWMAN) and RICHARD FINAN. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD BOLTON. THERESA KING is a medical surgical nursing III instructor at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. ERNEST R. KAMMERER is a programmer for Santa Clara County. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT E. COURTNEY and also, he is the manager of manufacturing of the Burgess Battery Company in Freeport, Illinois. DOUGLAS L. MARCUM is now Vice President of Medical Economics Consultant, Inc. in Dayton, Ohio. JACK RICE is about to conclude his first motion picture, "Claws For The Eagle" for A .W.C. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. DON GREIVE. Born: A son to Dr. and Mrs. LEONARD H. BECK. 1955 Born: A son to Toni and DR. JAMES COSTAS. Born: A son to Lorraine and BRUCE V. HERATH. BROTHER NORBERT BROCKMAN was promoted chairman of the U. D . political science department. BOB DALEY has taken a position with the Congressional Quarterly in Bethesda, Maryland . CHRIS HARRIS expanded his Eastown store to include a complete home garden center. CHARLES SCHMILZEN is Field Service Representative for the Bendix Corp. at the Naval Weapons Station. FATHER JOSEPH J. KUNTZ is returning to Europe to enter the University of Louvain in Belgium. STANLEY A. MERSOL received honorable mention in the Cleary Award Competition ~ PAUL J. CLEMMER is attending the Air Defense Officer Career Course at Fort Myer, Virginia. 10
DAVID McHENRY is now with the Boeing Company, Military Airplane Division in Seattle, Washington. Major FRANK LEDFORD is assistant chief Orthopedic Surgery at Womach Army Hospital in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. DR. R. L. WESTERHEIDE was awarded a Department of Health, Education & Welfare traineeship as a Fellow in Surgery at M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston, Texas. MARY VAUGHAN is teaching 8th grade science at Titus Jr. High School in Wayne Township School System. Born: A daughter to MARY ELIZABETH THESING and husband. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN R. SHELLER. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT W. ALBERS, M.D. CHARLES ERNST is currently working as an auditor with the Defense Contract Audit Agency in Cincinnati, Ohio. 1956 LOUIS DeBROSSE was named director of the Maumee Youth Camp. JOSEPH P. CALLAHAN of Oakwood has been appointed regional director for Western Reserve Life Assurance Company of Ohio for the Dayton, Middletown , Hamilton and Cincinnati area. MANUEL REYES MARTINEZ is Industrial Engineering Manager at Proctor & Gamble of Mexico. JOHN J. MULLIGAN received his Master of Business Administration degree from Xavier University of Cincinnati . FATHER FRED F ALCE was assigned to the vocation office of Brunnerdale Seminary, Canton, Ohio. DELORES DeMORE married Andrew J. Cari. MIL TON ANTONICK has been promoted to Product Design Supervisor, Chrysler Styling. PAUL LITKOWSIK is sales manager of COSMO Plastics Company in Cleveland. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JOSEPH A. OTHS, also, he was appointed Chairman of the Ohio State Bar Association, Young Lawyers' Section. GENE G. PUMMELL is now assistant director of music in the Fayette County Schools of Ohio and director of vocal music at Miami Trace High School of that county. MARY F. EDRICH is going to graduate school at Kent State University in the department of Education. W. A. ZINS recently joined the Magnavox Company as a Senior Staff Engineer. Born: A son to CONNIE (MASTEN) and BOB ASHMAN ('59). 1957 RICHARD BLINCOE is working with the National Water Life Company in Kalamazoo. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES J. MERCK. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN ZUCCARO. LEO LAMAR NEFF married Mary Anne Bryson. WILLIAM P. BARLOW, JR. was named manager of the Middletown branch of the M. J. Gibbons Supply Co. ROBERT C. TAYLOR has been promoted as a programs analyst for the Defense Supply Agency in Alexandria, Virginia. FATHER WILLIAM G . HOYING has been appointed an instructor at Brunnerdale, the society's minor seminary at Canton, Ohio. Barbara Jean Morin married CLYDE EDWARD SUMPTER. JACK E. STEINER is a sales engineer at Mobay Chemical Company. SHIRLEY P AHL was elected assistant recording secretary to the group's advisory council of the American Society of Medical Technologists. DENNIS P. BARRY has been named full-time aquatic director of the Dayton Boys' Club.
JIM PALMER is sales manager for the William J. Burns International Detective Agency in San Francisco, California. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS BRUNSWICK. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. DANIEL B. FISCHER. Born: A girl to Dr and Mrs. JOSEPH E. TREON. JACK A. STICKEL is teaching 6th grade at Demmitt in Vandalia. ROBERT G. CLODFELTER was co-chairman of the "National Space Maintenance and Extra-Vehicular Activities.'' WARREN VROOMAN is assistant director of Planning, Kalamazoo City Planning Department, Kalamazoo, Mich. JOHN P. RITZ is working at Sheffield Corp. as a process engineer. RONALD W. COLLINS is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Eastern Michigan University. 1958
KEN WELDON is selling real estate for Montauk Beach Company at the tip of Long Island. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. TOM STAUDENHEIMER. DR. HARVEY C. KILEY is an intern at Grandview Hospital and also Greene County Deputy Coroner and County Jail Physician. RONALD F. OBERGEFELL is Assistant Chief Engineer with the Trabon Engineering Corporation in Cleveland, Ohio. Born : A son to RICHARD and PATRICIA MEYERS WILLKOMM. JOHN RENAUX was transferred to Cleveland, Ohio as Sales Engineer with American Machine and Foundry Company. Sue and JOHN RENAUX also, adopted a 6week old baby boy. JAMES E. PARRISH was promoted to Supervisor, Sealants and Adhesives Laboratory 路in Engineering Lab at Inland Manufacturing in Dayton. Also, Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES E. PARRISH. PETER J. HUBER completed course II towards the M.A.I. designation of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. DANIEL J. O'BRIEN is with the Montgomery County Prosecutor's Office in the capacity of Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. KENNETH J. HEMMELGARN. JOHN FRANCIS WALTER is working for Social Security as a field representative in Charlottesville, Va. DR. THOMAS VERSIC received the U.S. Expeditionary Medal for service in the Republic of South Vietnam. CHARLES WERLING is now teaching at Lyons Township High School in LaGrange, Ill. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT O'BRYAN. SAM TORRES is the Assistant Personnel Director with the Misericordia Hospital in Bronx, New York. Born : A fourth child to Mr. and Mrs. STEVE BOSWAY. BILL RICCO has been appointed Coach and Athletic Director at the new Walsh Jesuit High School, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. JOHN J VONDRELL is a senior resident in Anesthesiology at Wilford Hall Hospital, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES F. WESTERKAMP. JAMES F . WESTERKAMP was also promoted to Captain in Military Police Corps. Born: A son to ANITA MIDLAM and FRANK OELERICH. DONALD E. FINE married Edith Miriam Hope. Born: Fourth child, second daughter to Patricia and DANIEL J. O'BRIEN, JR. Born: A daughter to Helen and ROBERT L. ALIG .
Born: a son, first child, Christopher, to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN F. NIEKAMP. Born: A daughter, Sheri Lynne, to Joan and DONALD C. EIFERT. JOSEPH FRANCIS WADE has been elected a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. BOB TAMASKA placed third in the Newsfilm Clip contest sponsored by the National Press Photographers Association. PATRICK NALLEY was named Jaycee of the month for December by the Dayton Jaycee's. Born : A son to Janet and THOMAS C. DeBANTO. DR. RICHARD P. BURKHARDT was assigned to the medical staff at Otis Air Force Base, Mass. Born : A son to Mr. and Mrs. JEROME RAIFF. Born: A daughter to Pat and TOM MICK. Capt. EDWARD J. McCALLUM III attended the senior U. S. Air Force professional school. Mr. ROBERT HAGEL is a construction engineer for the Anheuser Busch Company in St. Louis. HARRY FRONISTA, M.D. , opened an office for the General Practice of Medicine and Obstetrics. ARLEN BOCKHORN was named district manager for the Texo Corp. of Cincinnati. NICK UNGARD has taken post as Account Executive at WHIO radio and TV. DR. KENNETH H . OBERHEU has been named Chief Resident Physician at Miami Valley Hospital. DR. DUKE H. BAKER has been appointed Chief Resident in internal medicine at Robert Long Hospital, Indiana University. 1959
RICHARD E. PAULICK has been made comptroller at N.C.R. JAMES V. STANTON received the Cleveland Junior Chamber of Commerce 28th Annual distinguished service award at the Jaycees' Bosses' Banquet. Born: A son to Mary and JEROME E. RAIFF. NICHOLAS L. UVA received his Master of Business from Miami University. Born: A daughter to Sarah and LEO B. GRENTZ, JR. Born: A son to Joan and JOHN R. VALLO, JR. MARY ANN WEHNER is a staff dietitian at Drake Caniel Memorial Hospital. FATHER JOSEPH. T. HINDERS has been named assistant Pastor at Holy Rosary Parish at St. Mary's, Ohio. Born: A son to Mary and DAVID J. DURBIN. PAUL A. TAYLOR has been promoted to the position of Chief Work Standards Engineer at Packard Electric Division. PAUL W. SHAFER is with Martin Aero-Space Corp. ANDY CASSELS placed second in the second annual Newsfilm Clip contest sponsored by the National Press Photographers Association. FATHER JOSEPH HANISH is being transferred to St. Anthony's Church, Detroit. SISTER TERESA MARIE PUNCH, S.N.D., received Her Master of Education degree from Xavier University of Cincinnati. JEANNE PFLAUM GNUSE is teaching Nutrition at Massachusetts General Hospital School of Nursing. Capt. GENE L. HERMAN is a Company Commander in the 809th Engineer Battalion in Thailand with the U.S. Army. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. VINCE PAX. GARY KRAUSE is a representative for "Investors Diversified Services" in Lorain. Ohio. FRANCIS T. JOYLE is with Mohasco's Sales Management Program in New Jersey. LAWRENCE A. ENS married Anna Leontine Butler, and he is now a research assistant at Western Reserve University studying for a Ph.D. in Chemistry. WILLIAM E. KRUEGER has been promoted to News II
Manager of the Pittsburgh District of F. W. Dodge Company in Pittsburgh. TERRY REAGAN is an accountant for Thomas A. Tubbs in Lorain, Ohio. Capt. LEO SHANLEY is now in Vicenza, Italy. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. BOB SWEENEY. BOB ASHMAN is a Unit Sales Manager for Proctor & Gamble Toilet Goods Division in Buffalo, New York. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Shopen , (MARY ANN WEBER) . JAMES WOLF is starting his seventh year as music teacher at Chaminade in Dayton, Ohio. ROBERT M. HAMILTON is attending Ohio State University to obtain a Master in Business degree. Born: A son to NORMAN and MARCIA MEYER. JERRY HOPFENGARDNER is now District Guidance Supervisor, Ohio State Dept. of Ed. in Westerville, Ohio. WILLIAM RIES is now teaching Science and Physical Education to grades 4, 5, 6 in Central Fairmount Elementary in Cincinnati. JAMES F. GREGER is now Chief Engineer of WVUDFM, 99.9 me in Dayton, Ohio. 1960
CAPT. CHARLES F. BRUBACK is supply officer in the U. S. Army in San Francisco. PAUL TIPPS, Realtors, has become the Dayton Area's first accredited management organization. ALOYSIUS H. BRADY, JR. is in Research at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. THOMAS N. TRAGER received his Master of Arts from Ohio State University. JOSEPH T. SWARTZBAUGH married Janet Rose Jones. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. McCobe (SUSAN WILDENHAUS) Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RONALD E . MEYER (ROSEMARIE MacMILLAN '59). Born: A daughter to Patricia and PHILIP T. PALCIC. LOUIS C. SORTMAN married Bonnie Knize. GERALDINE DICKSON is teaching biology at Julienne. DR. JOHN DOWLING, JR. will do research and teach engineering. students at the University of New Hampshire. DR. WILLIAM F. REILLY, JR. started a three year fellowship in Internal Medicine at Mays Clinic. JOHN J. MANNING is a medical advisor to the Vietnamese Second Infantry Division. FATHER CHARLES MULLEN will reside at St. Joseph's rectory. WILLIAM R. BURGER received his Master of Business Administration degree from Xavier University Cin' cinnati, Ohio. MALLORY T. HARLING was graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Kentucky. JOHN W. McCLOSKEY graduated with a Ph.D. in Phvsi~s from Mir hi!!an State University. RODNEY P. WURST is employed with North American in Columbus as Senior Research Engineer, Missiles Guidance and Controls. ALBERT VERCHOT is a Control Engineer with General Electric Company, Small Aircraft Engine Department, West Lynn, Mass. HAROLD E . BERGDAHL is working for the Boeing Company, Commercial Airplane Division in Seattle. TOM HANRAHAN is a press officer for Scandinavian Airlines System in New York City. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Franchina (FRANCES LONGO). ROY P. STONE is Vice President of Impala Electronics in Plainview, New York. C. E. POEBLER is now teaching at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Springs, Maryland. SHARON ROMER is currently taking some advanced
courses at Marquette University. BOB KING has purchased part interest in the Americana Music Center of Dayton, Ohio. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Kibler (RUTH A. KIBLER). TIM HENNESSEY is a Development Engineer with Robbins & Myers, Inc. in Springfield, Ohio. Born : A daughter to JEAN MERGLER and Tom Kavaraugh. Born: A son to SARAH JANE MEDLEY and JERRY KUNTZ. Born : A daughter to JOANN (FISCHER) and Mr. Giehrl. Born: A daughter to LINDA (BENJAMIN) and ROBERT J. BAUER. Born : A son to Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT J . STANKARD. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. RUSSELL F . TROY. GERARD LONSWAY is now Music Director for Ottawa Hill's Schools in Toledo, Ohio. DAVID E. CURTIS has been transferred to Toledo, Ohio as plant personnel director for Continental Baking Company - Wonder Bread and Hostess Cakes. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RON ROMIE. EARL STADDON enrolled in Chicago College of Osteopathy. 1961
CAPT. KENNETH F. GUDORF of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is now a student of the University of Michigan. LT. EDWIN J. HARTKE of New York is in the Air Force as a helicopter pilot. RICHARD R. MAIESE is an industrial designer of the American Optical Company. HOWARD G . CRIMMEL, JR. is an expediter for Automatic Switch Company of Florham Park, New Jersey. STEPHEN A. MIZSAK works in the research dept. at U. S. Steel in Monroeville, Penn. BENARD ANTHONY HEGMAN married Mary Margaret Sanchez. RONALD PAUL DUDAS married Betty Jane Woodward. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. JOSEPH V. GACCETTA (CAROLYN OLSZEWSKI '62). HARRIET MARIA AMMANN received a Master of Science degree from Highlands University in Las Vegas, New Mexico. DAVID H. DICKAS married Marian Carlton. Born : A daughter to Dr. and Mrs. WALTER A. REILING, JR. (SUZANNE GEYER '60). JEROME L. STEIGERWALD is working on his Master Degree in History at John Carroll University. HAROLD MANNING has been named sales engineer with Scott Equipment Company. H. W. GILLAUGH retired as head of the Third National Bank. DR. JOHN J. FORTMAN has been named assistant professor of Chemistry at the Dayton campus of Miami and Ohio State Universities. Born: A daughter to Nancy and DR. JOSEPH. S. MAZZOTTA. Born : A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS E . MILLER (BLANCHE ASBURY '62). First Lt. CHARLES L. MICKLEY is stationed for duty at Sheyma Air Force Station, Alaska. REV. BERNARD J. SRODE, REV. KENNETH J. SCHROEDER, REV. MILAN E. MULAC, REV. PATRICK E. PATTERSON, REV. ROGER D . SNYDER were ordained Precious Blood priests. DR. JAMES T. SMITH is on the intern staff at Miami Valley Hospital. CHARLES R. WIESMAN has been named assistant director of Public Relations for United Fund, Inc. of Montgomery and Greene counties. NED P. BECKER married Susan Overstreet. -continued on page I 4
hall of fame
Swan and Katcavage Inducted
When Bob (Ducky) Swan stepped off the plane at Dayton's Cox Municipal Airport he couldn't believe the reception he was receiving. It really wasn't a big greeting when you consider the throngs which greet celebrities every day in airports over the world but it warmed his heart. The former Flyer halfback, 1926-28 vintage, had come all the way from his job on Wake Island some 7,000 miles to be inducted into the University of Dayton Athletic H all of Fame. This was Friday, February 11 , and the induction of he and Jim Katcavage, football end from the middle 1950s, was due at halftime of the next night's basketball game between UD and Memphis State University. Ducky and Jim were the 17th and 18th men to be selected to the Hall of Fame but never had a newcomer had to travel so far for this special honor. It was obvious that members from the Montgomery County Chapter, UD National Alumni Association, sponsors of the Hall; the Athletic Department, the Varsity D Club and the Monogram Club should attend this big Homecoming for Ducky Swan. The press was there and the television cameras were grinding as he stepped off the big plane. His old coach, Harry Baujan, was the first to greet him. Then came Bro. Bill Hellmer, S.M., an old friend representing the University's administration. In order came the men from the other clubs. Ducky was elated. Before he left Dayton five days later he was even more elated. The Athletic Department treated him to dinner the first night. He was taken on a tour of the campus and he was interviewed and televised several times before the long vacation was over. Many of his old friends and UD teammates called him, came out to see him and had him over for parties. For a "young" man who hadn't been back for 38 years Ducky Swan was getting to review the scenes of his many athletic and social conquests.
He was still flabbergasted when he left the scene on the following Tuesday. He was mightily impressed, he said, with the fine Hall of Fame dinner which was held in the John F. Kennedy Memorial Union just prior to his induction. Then 5,880 people gave the "old footballer" a standing ovation when he was inducted into the Hall of F ame. They had read of his long journey to accept this honor from the Alumni Association and they were grateful and proud. This was their way of saying: "Thanks for coming, Ducky." Other Hall of Fame inductees haven't had as much attention on induction weekend but then none ever came that far for the honor. The others either live in the Dayton area or have been able to make it back to the city and school on more than one occasion since their graduation. Both Ducky and Jim Katcavage, '56, the other selectee, deserved to join the athletic elite at the University of Dayton. From the moment they each stepped into a varsity football uniform they had cinched their stardom. They were starters from their opening sophomore game and remained as such through three years of football. Ducky was a versatile back who served as the tail back in Baujan's old Notre Dame offense. Ducky could run. He could pass. He was a pass receiver and he punted. He won some ball games for the Flyers and made many a long run for touchdowns or to set up scores. As Baujan said when Ducky was in Dayton: "He was as versatile a back as a coach could want. He had a great desire for the game." Katcavage had his moments on offense but most people remember The Kat for his defensive prowess. He was a principal asset when the Flyers upset undefeated Miami of Ohio in 1954. He also played great football in a 14-7 loss to Tennessee. The Kat's play always brought attention and he was named to all-star selections after each of his three years on the varsity. He is one of a very few UD gridders who was selected to play in the East-West Shrine game in San Francisco and the all-star game in Chicago in August. He was a star in both contests and has been a great professional football player for more than 10 seasons with the New York Giants. Preceding these two men in the Hall of Fame since 1962 have been Harry Solimano, '07; AI Mahrt, '12; Lou Mahrt, '26; Sam Hipa, '28; Stan Corbett, '35; Jack Padley, '40; Bernard Keiter, '42; Bill Knisley, '47; Don Meineke, '52; and Charles Noll, '53; all inducted in 1962. Herb Eisele, '26 and Leland Norris, '52 made it in 1963 and William Blake, '26 and John Horan, '55 in 1964. Dick Snelling, '27 and Tony Furst, '40 were selected last year.
Bob (Ducky) Swan, right, arrived in Dayton from the Pacific's Wake Island. Greeters are, left to right, Joe Mclaughlin, Director, Sports Information; Harry Baujan and Bro. Bill Bellmer, S.M.
Bob (Ducky) Swan and Bob Katcavage, who represented his brother, Jim Katcavage, during the ceremonies for induction to the University of Dayton Athletic Hall of Fame.
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STEPHEN J. MARINAK is now manager of systems and procedures at Chrysler Airtemp, Dayton, Ohio. GERALD E. COMER is the Vice President of Warmee, Inc. Born: A daughter to BRENDA E. (BART) and HENRY F. HAGER. VEROME A. GEARY was named Commercial Supervisor for the Northeast Companies of the General Telephone System at Johnstown, New York. Capt. GORDON G. LAH was assigned as custodian of the Special Services Fund of Area Command at Munich, Germany. JOHN J. FORTMAN is an assistant professor of chemistry at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. R. T. MOCNY is in Honolulu for a two year assignment for the U. S. General Accounting Office. Capt. KENNETH F. GUDORF will be attending the University of Michigan to the Graduate School of Business Administration. CHARLES CONNOLLY, JR. is attending Ohio State University to work on his Ph.D. in Radio-TV. He is also working for WBNS-TV as a director. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. EDGAR A. DOYLE, JR. FREDERICK TAZOS is an assistant S-3 in the lOth Special Forces Group, living in Bad Torlz, Germany. LEONARD P. THRUN is training in New York City to become a stockbroker with the firm of Shields & Company. Capt. ALBERT L. WATZEK is the club custodian of the Officers' and Civilians' open mess in Mainz, Germany. Born: A daughter to MARY (SCHERER) and ROBERT R. CORPSTEIN. JUDY MANKER married Lawrence L. Wolf. CHARLENE MAE HALL received a Master of Music degree from Miami University of Oxford, Ohio. RONALD DUDAS is now working for the Dayton Power & Light Company. JERRY D. SEMAN was appointed Teacher-Counselor in the area of Special Education and is finishing up his graduate work in Counseling at U.D. EDWARD J. BEREDA has been promoted to Dayton Branch Service Manager for Honeywell, Inc. JAMES E. BENNER is a design draftsman for HelmigLienesch and Associates of Dayton, Ohio. TOM KELLER is working for the Civilian Personnel Office at Naha Air Base, Okinawa. Born : A daughter to JUDITH (SCHOENBERGER) and Cedil S. Sherk. ARLO D. HARRIS is an assistant professor of inorganic chemistry at the California State College. Capt. MICHAEL E . McCAMLEY is serving as storage officer in the U. S. Army General Depot, Giessen, Germany. DONALD J. TRENTMAN has accepted a position with Ernst & Ernst public accounting firm of Dayton. Born: A daughter to JUDITH (POHL) and Bill Vogel. F. B. LEIBOLD, JR. is a product engineer at Corning Glass Works, Corning, New York. 1962 RONALD E. KITCHEN married Margaret M. Bartkoske. Born : A daughter to Madelyn and JAMES L. HEMMERT. CLINTON A. HODDER is presently a First Lt. in the U. S. Army stationed in Kassel, Germany. G. F. HALLORAN, JR. is a Chemical Engineer in the production Research Department at Wyandotte Chemicals Corp. in Wyandotte, Michigan. Born: A daughter to JANICE (HERRMAN) and Jack Keilman. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN E. DECKER. THOMAS AUSTIN married Ragnhild G . Johnsen. JOHN F. NAGLE is teaching at Belmont High School in Dayton, Ohio.
ROBERT A. LaMENDDA is teaching at the Dayton Public Schools, Special Education. MARY JANE McALLISTER SCHNOOR received her M. Ed. in Guidance from Wittenberg University and is now teaching Senior English at Cocoa High School in Cocoa, Florida. Born: A son to JUDY (BAKER) and JOHN E. KAUFLIN. Born: A daughter to Marilyn and WENDEL MAEGLEY. JAMES WEGLEWSKI is a claims adjustor for Allstate Insurance Company. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD J. SKARKE. HENRY MICHAEL KITTREDGE married Carolyn McGee. JOHN F. LAMBERJACK married Judith McDonough. JOHN WILLIAM MEYER married Jean Gieseling. Mr. and Mrs. HELMUT MACHOWSKY are parents of their first child, a son. 1963 MICHAEL J. MONAGHAN, Dayton Career Agent for American United Life Insurance is attending a training school conducted by the company in Indiana. Born: A son to Jane and DANIEL P. WOODRING. BROTHER ROBERT EISENHOWER, S.M., is now teaching at Cardinal Gibbons High School in Baltimore. SALLY M. ZIMMERMAN has been commissioned a Second Lt. in the Women's Air Force upon graduation from officer training school at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. First Lt. KENNETH R. SOMERHALTER graduated from training course for the U. S. Air Force Air Armament Offices at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. Second Lt. PAUL R . SHARP has been graduated from the training course for the U. S. Air Force Communications Offices at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. EDWARD MARTIN KREEGER receives his Master of Business Administration from Western Reserve University. Lt. PATRICK GOERIG is serving as a helicopter pilot with the 155th Aviation Company, "Flying Stagecoaches" in Vietnam. Lt. PETER V. CERAR, JR. is stationed with the 285th Transportation Company in Vietnam. Warrant Officer DANIEL STIERS is serving in Vietnam flying helicopters for the U. S. Army. THOMAS A. DEAN is a casualty adjuster with Allstate Insurance in Dayton. DONALD U. QUIGLEY is a Head Resident at Eastern Michigan University and is attending the University of Mkhigan to work on his doctorate. Born: A daughter to MARY (GERHART) and DONALD ROTH. Born: A son to BARBARA tASELAGE) and MICHAEL BARNOSKI. VIRGINIA HESS is now associated with Art House of Cincinnati as an artist and teacher. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD D . SNELLING. JUDITH CLARE HAMANT married Arturo Ortiz Daste. WILLIAM E. POWERS is attending Cleveland Marshall School of Law. JOE TROVATO is a first Lt. stationed in Germany as a Pershing Missile Executive Officer. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. DENNIS DURBIN. HELEN PlESSINGER is teaching at Middletown High School and is going to Graduate School at Xavier in Guidance and Counseling. Born: A daughter to Bobbie and NORM ECKSTEIN. LINDA KAY OTTO was married to Carl G. Reeves. Born: A son to Phyllis and JAMES A. HALL. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT C. ZINCK, JR.
JOHN A. KOONTS is teaching at Allen East Schools in Lima, Ohio. EDWIN R. GOEDDE is serving with the Marines in Vietnam. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES MYERS. PRISCILLA CONKLIN is a service clerk for the Dayton branch of International Harvester Company. RONALD J. FINKBEINER will be in Germany three years in the special ammunition support command in the U.S. Army. DOROTHY LOUISE HAND was awarded the Queen Isabella Foundation Scholarship to the National Catholic School of Social Service at the Catholic University of America. JILL EDELMAN is now teaching at the Phoenix Elementary School in Arizona. EUGENE F. BEAR is a First Lt. in the U . S. Army stationed in Vietnam. DENNIS L. SUNDERHAUS was elected President of the Notre Dame Student Law Association for the year 1965-66. DAVID R. DENEKE was promoted to First Lt. fro:n Second Lt. in the U. S. Air Force. JIM LALLY was married to Karen Doyle of Cleveland. PAUL T. LEY married Sandra Deger. GERALD SHAUGHNESSY is a N.I.H. Fellow working toward his Ph.D. at Florida State University at Tallahassee, Florida. Born: A son to MARY JUDITH NOSIL and FRANK WENTZ. RICHARD REILING is attending his third year at Harvard Medical School. MARY CARROLL DANE is working on her M.A. Degree in Social Work at Ohio State University. A. J. LEIBOLD is the computer programmer for the State, Harrisburg, Penn. CHARLES DURBIN married Mary Jo Manbeck. CAPT. ALLEN JOSEPH PERRY of the U. S. Air Force is now stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany, until April 1968. LT. RONALD F. MASSEY is a First Lt. in the U. S. Army. VICTOR L. IRWIN is a sales representative for A. Bruce Crock, Inc. DAVID LEE SANDERS married Linda Sue Heston. Born: A daughter to Dorothy and ROBERT E. D'EPIRO. JAMES M. HAZEL is affiliated with Humble Oil Company in Mississippi. Born: A daughter to Soula and MIKE P . ANGELOPOULOS. PATRICK M. GOERIG is a helicopter pilot in the U. S. Army over in Vietnam. PAUL JOSEPH TANGEMAN married Peggy Ann McDonald. JACKIE NEAL WILSON married Sally Lee Summers. ARLENE CECILIA GOUBEAUX is teaching at Cathedral Chapel Schools. JOHN J. HIRT is a sales representative trainee at NCR. Born: A daughter to Marie and JOHN B. NORDENBROCK. MARITA JANE HINDERS married Eugene Benard Pitstick and she is instructor to senior nurses at Parkview Memorial Hospital. Born: A daughter to Sharon and BERNARD J. WERLING. JOHN RICHARD MARTIN, JR. married JOYCE ANN CORWIN ('64). VICTOR IRWIN is working for Tab Products in Youngstown. LT. RONALD F. MASSEY married Rosalie H. Sammer. WILLIAM H . McCARTY, JR. is working at Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Company in Sales-Graphic Arts Division.
DENNIS A. O'NEAL is employed by the American National Bank as a financer. GERAD R. WESTBROCK passed his Ohio Bar Examination. MAX MOHR DIERKS married Janet Reid Weber. Born : First child, a son, to Doris and NICOLA MARINELLI. Born: A son, Michael to Mr. and Mrs. J. BRUCE ALESSIE (JANE SULLIVAN '64). MRS. CAROL H . WOODWARD is teaching at West Carrollton. FRANK J. BRADY is an electrical engineer with the N.A.S.A. Born: A son to Mae and FREDERICK MIERS. WILLIAM BELANICK is working for Tab Products in Cleveland. CAPT. DAVID C. KIGER is a Company Commander in the U. S. Army. Born: A son to Judith and PAUL J. PALCIC. MAURICE F. (BUFF) BOUFFIOUX of T,rotwood is promoted to Director of Materials at Vindale Corporation. HECTOR T. DITLAMO married Theresa Blatz. Born : A son to Beverly and EDWARD A. FRIGERI. WILLIAM P. MURRAY is an attorney with Murray & Murray. JOE LEATHY is the head coach of basketball at Farmersville High School. KRISTEN SCHORR graduated from Miami Valley Hospital. ROBERT JACABSON was promoted to First Lt. in the U. S. Air Force in Maine. First Lt. PAUL R. STOLZ is a member of the outstanding Missile Combat Crew of the Month in his Strategic Air Command unit at McConnell Air Force Base in Kans. ROBERT L. McCOY married Judith A. Giles. Born: A son to MARY ANNEX (MONTGOMERY) and Thomas Korn. CAROLYN M. SCHMATZER is teaching physical education at Saint Raphael's School. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. LOU DROESCH. Born : A son to Mr. and Mrs. ALOYS B. LOCHTEFELD. RALPH J. O'DONNELL married Gail Kerchner. EDWARD ALBERS married Bonnie Spradlin. GERALD WILLIAM HARTKE is now attending ammunition school at U. S. Army Ordnance Guided Missile School, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. GREGORY L. WAGNER is enrolled in the U niversity to San Francisco on their MBA program. PAUL GOMEZ is attending Fairleigh Dickinson Graduate School to obtain an MBA in finance and he is also working for the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Whippany, New Jersey as a Financial Analyst. GORDON W. USTICKE is a teacher in the Kingston, New York School System. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle (MARTHA WATCHLER). 1964
RICHARD L. OPALEK is with the Eaton Manufacturing in Cleveland, going through a Management training program. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. ALEX KOLER. A. J. HUSHINKS has been appointed supervisor of Physical Education in the Elementary Schools for Meriden, Connecticut. Born: A son to JUDITH VAN KIRK and Martin Cousins. DONALD W. WRIGHT is a reporter for the KetteringOakwood Times. DENNIS URBAN is now the laboratory supervisor of Otis Hospital in Celina. GARY B. GRICE is assistant chief mechanical engineer at Dyna Corp. in Dayton.
JOHN W. SACHER is still attending Ohio Northern University College of Law. ELIZABETH WELLING married John Walter Ferris. R. J. BENKO is now working as a programmer for the Peter Kuntz Company of Dayton. M. RICHARD LaROCCA is employed by the State of Ohio as a Tax Commissioner Agent. ANNE BELANGER has been promoted to research assistant in the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory of Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Ens. JOHN J. BOURNE is serving aboard the aircraft Carrier "U.S.S. America" which is now on duty in the Mediterranean area. BARBARA WENG is teaching her second year at Northridge High School. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES COOMES. JR. A. JOHN RUSH, JR. married Marlene Overbeck. RUTH WINTERHALTER is teaching at Anderson Senior High in the Hamilton County School District. CHARLES KRUMHOL TZ is working in a chemistry laboratory at N.C.R. in Dayton, Ohio. THOMAS MINOGUE is a Peace Corps Volunteer working in Chile. JAMES BAUHOF is now in his second year of Law School at Ohio Northern Law School. DAVID BANK of Alexandria, Virginia was recently appointed as Executive Secretary of the Young Democrats of America. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Banks are parents of their first son. GRACE MARY EFFLER married Charles R. Keising. VINCENT J. BEDNORZ, JR. is Production Foreman of the Ford Motor Company in Ypsilanti , Michigan. CAROL ANNE KESSLER is in the Peace Corps located in the Philippines. LEE A. McMILLAN is an engineer for Magnavox at Ft. Wayne, Indiana. JAMES T. JACOBS is a product and market analyst for General Mills. LT. DONALD J. TULLY, JR. is a personnel psychologist in the U. S. Army Rescue. BRUCE T. MORGAN is working in the purchasing department of International Harvester Company. DONALD WILLIAM WRIGHT married Geraldine Jones. MARILYN ANN BAUER is teaching Homemaking in East St. Louis. LT. MICHAEL H . TREON married Ruth Coon en ( '65). ELAINE KELSEY WIEDEMANN is working with the Gulf Power Company as a Home Service Advisor. FREDERICK G. LEVORA, JR. married Jeanette M. Nawrocki. GARY P. EILER received his Master of Science from Ohio State University. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Boeke (BETTY JEAN SCHRIML '64). Born: A daughter to Judith and M. RICHARD LAROCCA. Second Lt. THOMAS P. BROWN graduated from Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado, from the training course for U . S. Air Force nuclear weapons offices. PERRY A. REED, JR. was commissioned a Second Lt. in the U. S. Air Force upon graduation from officer training school at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. DENNIS B. KELLER, RONALD L. HEMMELGAN, LAWRENCE E. ElTING made their final promise of fidelity to the Society of the Precious Blood at St. Charles seminary at Carthagena. RAY E. CREECH, a social worker, has been named to the staff of Catholic Charities of Dayton. TOM COSTELLO signed to play on the New York Giants of the National Football League. LEE PLEIMAN is attending Graduate School at Wash-
ington State University, Pullman, Washington. ROBERTS. BAUMGARTNER was awarded the Master of Political Science degree from Syracuse University. JAMES J. PAHALA received his M.B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh. LAWRENCE D. SCHAFRA111 is a sales engineer for Refrigeration Equipment Company in Dayton, Ohio. TOM WALSH is now working as a sales representative for the Emery Air Freight Company in Dayton, Ohio. RONALD H. CASH is assistant supervisor of employment with the McCall Corp. in Dayton, Ohio. BERNARD H. TETRAK is working for Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company in Creighton, Pa. as a production engineer. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. JOHN W. LEIBOLD. FRED G. LEVORA, JR. is teaching at Midlothian Junior High, Vocal Music. SARA PRECILIO is teaching fourth grade in Schiller Park, Illinois. Judith Ann Ramsey married CHARLES LYNN MILLER. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Neylon Ill (DIANE REINHARDT '64). JAMES M. McDONOUGH married Valerie Marie Urso. Born: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Haberstro (SUE ANN WILLIS '64). Lorraine Rayniak married RAYMOND JOSEPH WIEBELHAUS. FREDERICK CHRISTOPHER FALBO married MARIEL FITZHARRIS ('65). DONALD J. FERGUSON is in Management Training at Prudential Insurance Company in Newark, New Jersey. KATHERINE LYLE is teaching Spanish and French at St. Frances de Sales High School in Chicago. Born: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. HARLAN B. JUDD (CAROL MAHAN '63) . LT. A. W. WERCHOWSKI is stationed in the Dominican Republic as a combat engineer in the U. S. Army. RAYMOND JOSEPH WIEBELHAUS married Loraine Rayniak. HAROLD LOVIS KUHN has been named a Peace Corps Volunteer. JOHN J. BOURNE is with the U . S. Navy as an Ensign . Second Lt. THOMAS P. BROWN has been graduated at Lowry Air Force Base in Colorado. MARY LOUISE MARCHAL is teaching American History at Julienne High School. Born: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Nowak (PATRICIA J. MORITZ). TOM SACHS was named district manager for the Salt Lake City Area for the Dayton Tire and Rubber Company. JIM CHALCY has been assigned with Oceanographic Air Survey Unit, Patuxent River, Maryland . KENNETH R. SCHARDING is a Staff Project Engineer in the Advanced Engineering Department of Standard Steel.
1965 JAMES EDWARD KRAFT is working for Armco Steel Corporation in Middletown, Ohio. DAVID LEE DOHNER is working for the JoyceCridland Company. ALFRED FRANCIS PUGLIA is working with All Talent Enterprises. ALBERT CHARLES KREMPA, JR. married BARBARA ANN SHEARER. GARY WAYNE ZIMMERMAN is teaching at Vaca Valley Union School District. STEWARD OWEN SEMAN is working with the U . S. General Accounting Office in Chicago. MICHAEL DOUGLAS WALTER married Mary Jean Brinkman. MICHAEL CHARLES MILLER is attending the University of Dayton Graduate School. DONALD JOSEPH TRENTMAN is working in the of-
fice of Ernst & Ernst CPA's of Dayton, Ohio. GIONCHINO ANGELO FIORE is with the Hartford of Connecticut Insurance Company. THOMAS LEO HENIGHAN will be attending Business Administration at the University of Dayton. EDWARD STEPHEN VITUNIC is working for the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation. JULIAN BERT FASANO is working with the Pittsburgh Plate Glass in the Chemical Division, and will be attending Akron University part time. ROBERT WALTER BLESI is working for the Collins Radio Company. GERALD VINCENT MACHOWSKY is working for Technology, Inc. DENNIS JOHN MIHM is working in the Peace Corps. DAVID VICTOR LEWIS will be attending Graduate School at the University of Arizona DIANA EMMA HOYING is teaching at the Immaculate Conception School in Celina, Ohio. MARGARET MARY HALPIN is teaching at Northmont School System in Montgomery County. DIANE KATHERINE GRIMES is teaching at Miami East High School. GEORGE JOSEPH GOUDREAU is working at G. J. Goudreau. MADELYN ANN GOODMAN is teaching at Belle High School in Belle, Missouri. GERALD JAMES ALFED is attending the University of Dayton Graduate School. HENRY NICHOLAS KUNTZ, JR. is working for the Miami Cigar & Tobacco Company. ELIZABETH HARTZ of Lebanon, Ohio is teaching at Fenwick High School in Middletown, Ohio. ALLEN E. SEBENIK is in the U. S. Army as a Lt. FAUSTINO M. ALVAREZ is a student of Medicine at the University of Salamanca in Spain. JOSEPH E. DORSTEN is a salesman for A. Bruce Crock, Inc. of Cincinnati. ANTHONY A. ARKO is a second Lt. in the U.S. Army. ROBERT J. JASON is in cost accounting at N.C.R. in Dayton. PAMELA ANNE WENSKUS is in the Peace Corps of Diourbei-Senegal, West Africa. DAVIS S. BAYARD is teaching at the University of Cincinnati. DONA RUTH SCHWOEHEL is in the Peace Corps. Susan Jane Reiling married GEORGE FRANCIS HOMAN. MICHAEL R. PATRICK married JANE CAROLYN KLEAKNER ('64). MARIO E. DEANNE married Patricia Ann Roland. JOSEPH LYNNE BARTOK married Pamela Lee Lowry. GERARD C. TERRANOVA married Adrienne Accarino. DONALD L. BONK is working for Babcock-Wilcox as a Chern. Tee. Dittany Catherine Anderson married DENNIS EUGENE FRANTZ. WILLIAM J. MACK, JR. married Margaret Grace McCullen. CHARLES D. FACCIPONTE married Laura Ann Schapler. Joan Arlene Griffith married RAYMOND C. JOHNSON. DAVIS J. HIBLER is a Graduate Assistant at the University of Notre Dame. MELODY ANN MILLISER married Charles Maier and is now teaching the third grade at Marietta School. Born: a son to Kathleen and GEORGE JA. MATT, JR. DIANE CARROLL, RUTH HEWARD, GAYLE TISDALE, and MARIJAYNE MERRIMAN graduated from St. Elizabeth Hospital. JEANNE BENE, CYNTHIA CALABRIA, ANN MANGAS, JEROME MELZER, PHYLLIS P ACIFCO, and
SUSAN VENHOFF graduated from Miami Valley Hospital. JOSEPH C. MURRAY is a Second Lt. in the U. S. Army. JEROME ROBERT SCHEPER married Beverly Ann Achlater. EDWARD M. PIELA married Mary Anne Kurtz. LT. EDWIN S. ROSS married Pamela Lee Snyder. PATRICK J. RIORDAN is a Second Lt. in the U. S. Air Force in Maine. CHERYL WABER is in Malawi, East Africa, teaching secondary school. RAYMOND X. NOLAND has joined the Cincinnati district sales office of Formica Corporation in Cincinnati. Mrs. JUNE R. MOSS was named 1965 recipient of a $500 Mead Johnson and Company scholarship for her dietary internship. ERIC P. McCARTY is general manager of organization services and public relations at the Dayton-based National Management. LINDA J. OLDING is presently teaching at St. Henry Elementary School in St. Henry, Ohio. KATHLEEN COURTNEY is now working for Stouffer Foods Corp. in Cleveland, Ohio as a Dietician. ROBERT J. DEGER, JR. is now working on a Master's degree in Latin American Studies at New Mexico State University. KEN BONDER is attending the University of Cincinnati, College of Law. DAVE HIBLER is attending Notre Dame on scholarship pursuing graduate studies in English. DENNIS COLLINS is attending Notre Dame Law School. MICHAEL E. GAGEL is working on a Master's in Business at Ohio State University. JAMES C. ARTINO is teaching Spanish and English in the South Euclid-Lyndhurst School system. ROGER VERNIER is attending graduate school of business at U. D. while working as a management trainee for J. C. Penny Company. ROLAND R. WAGNER is attending the University of Wisconsin on scholarship for a Master of Arts degree. MAJOR PAUL J. RIZZO is an executive officer of the 3rd Battalion, 19th Infantry in Munich. J. H. LINDSAY is joining the Kimber ley-Clark Corp. of Wisconsin as a computer programmer. HERSCHEL ANSERVITZ is a mechanical engineer for Rockwell Standard Corp. in Ashtabula, Ohio. LINDA BATES and CAROL ANN DULL worked for General Electric as hostesses at the World's Fair this past year. LARRY KLUR is a student at Duquesne University Law School. PAUL A. VANMARTER is attending Ohio State University school of social work for M.S.W. degree. JAMES E. THOMPSON is teaching Probl~ms of Democracy at Chaminade High School in Dayton, Ohio. DONALD HAGEN is attending graduate school in physics at Purdue University. JIM ELLIOTT is attending Purdue University to work for a Masters Degree in mechanical engineering and he also received a research assistantship. MARGARET McGUIRE is a senior analyst evaluation and research department of the Registrar's Office at Michigan State University. WILLIAM JOSEPH ROOS is attending the University of Dayton Graduate School. HASMLIKH N. TAILOR is working for Price Brothers in Dayton, Ohio. ROBERT THOMAS KREBS is working for B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company in Avon Lake, Ohio. JAMES EDWARD DODSON is working with Firestone Tire & Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio.
FRANK JOSEPH SCERBO is working with the Simmons Mattress Company. LINDA GAIL SCHNEIDER HARLAN is teaching at Holz Elementary, Kanawha County Board of Education in Charleston, West Virginia. EUGENE EARL DOMIS is in the U.S. Army Ordinance Corps. BAHUBHAI D. PATEL is working at Union Carbide, Linde Division in Tonawanda, New York. ROBERT ANTHONY DRERUP, JR. is in the U. S. Air Force, WPAFB in Dayton, Ohio. JAMES ALAN SCHMID is working at Aurora Pump. Aurora, Illinois. WILLIAM E. PYNE, is attending the University of Dayton Graduate School. WILLIAM HALL McGILL, JR. is working at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. JOSEPH EDWARD MALOY is attending Case Technology Institute. JOHN WILLIAM DECKER is attending Ohio State University Graduate School. GILBERT EDMUND LENTOL will be attending Graduate School at the University of Dayton. DAVID GENE BRUNO is working at the International Harvester in Springfield, Ohio. JAMES LEROY MOTTER is working for Kircher, Helton, & Collett, in Dayton, Ohio. EDWARD PAUL BORCHERS is working with the Borchers Auto Company in Dayton, Ohio. ROBERT J. BEUTEL is attending the George Washington University Graduate School. VICTOR MARTIN ROONEY will be attending Wright State Graduate School. GERALD EUGENE AMOS will be employed with the University of Dayton. JEROME EDWARD MELZER is working for the Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. JOHN RAYMOND WYSONG is working at Monsanto Research Company of Miamisburg, Ohio. FREDERICK ANTON FENSEL, JR. is attending the University of Dayton Graduate School. GERALD BERNARD DEVERMAN is teaching at Milton Union Exempt Village School. PATRICIA RAE JACOBS is teaching at Corpus Christi School. NANCY L. FONTAINE is teaching at Gardendale School. PATRICK FRANCIS TOYE married KATHIE JOY NEILL. ALICE CAROLYN PLUNKETT is teaching at Beavercreek Schools in Xenia, Ohio. JAMES HENRY ALT is attending the University of Dayton Graduate School and working in the Electrical Engineering Research department. WILLIAM JOSEPH GARTLAND is attending the Columbia University for his MBA. DIANNE LOUISE NEVIUS is teaching at St. Albert the Great at Dayton, Ohio. CAROLYN ANN BALTES is teaching at Versailles Exempted Village Schools. THOMAS ALAN BROWN is attending Graduate School at the University of Dayton. BERNARD A. HARAWA is attending Graduate School at the University of Dayton. ARTHUS CHARLES FISHER is working with Ernst & Ernst, CPA's in the Talbott Tower in Dayton, Ohio. JOHN CHARLES DINE will be employed by the University of Dayton. TIMOTHY JOHN DAVIS is working at the National Cash Register Company in Dayton. VINCENT ANTHONY CAFARO is in the U.S. Army. PEGGY W. BEAVIN is working at the Miami Valley Hospital in the Department of Nursing Education.
ROBERT PETER NOVAK is attending Graduate School at Notre Dame. PATRICIA DAIL PREWITT is teaching at Milton Union Exempted Village School. MICHAEL F . MORAN is working at the National Cash Register Company in Dayton, Ohio. MARCIA L. WILKINS accepted a position in the Public Relations Department of Lazarus Department Store in Columbus. ENRIQUE ROMAGUERA is attending a college in Athens, Ohio working for a Masters in Arts degree in French. Born: A son to BARBARA (UNGER) and H. Kenneth Stein. JENNIFER OLT participated in a chemistry exchange program with Germany during the past summer. PATTI DREHS is presently employed by Trans World Airlines, as a hostess. ROBERT H. EARP, JR. is employed with Standard Oil of Indiana as a sales representative in the Evansville, Indiana territory. ROBERT T. MOHR is presently working towards his M.S. in Social Work at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WALTER V. POVEMBSKI was married to Barbara Miller. MARY ADELE KNUTH is working for Westinghouse Electric Corp. in California. MARLENE SINKEWICH is teaching English at Empire Junior High School in Cleveland. RALPH JOHN MALOZZI of New York married Anna Mae Melchiorre. He is an electrical engineer at the General Electric Company. DAVID GOECKE is working at NCR as an Equipment Engineer. BOB PERSONALE is working at NCR in Research. HAROLD DEE is working for Burroughs Corporation in Brooklyn, New York. ALBERT C. KREMPA, JR. is working at S K F Industries as the Assistant of the Industrial Engineer. JULIAN FASANO is working for Pittsburgh Plate Glass. JOE DORSTEN is working for Tab Products in Cincinnati. LT. MICHAEL De BONNY married Martha Ann Montavon. DAVID J. TORZEWSKI married Susan Kay Thompson. JEAN ANN EDWARDS married John Patrick Sexton and she is now teaching the first grade at Moreland Elementary School. JOSEPH MICHAEL FARRELL married Virginia Rose Garnik. ANTHONY JAMES lEMMA married Sandra Sue Fisher. DANIEL J. HOYNES married Judith Ann Slinger. JOSEPH VINCENT D'ORSO is in the U . S. Army in Hawaii. LARRY JAMES SAFREED married Ruth Ann Stang. TERRENCE JAMES THOMAS married Rose Marie Vrankar and he is teaching at St. Joseph High School. Mary Ann Siewe married ARTHUR JOSEPH DUDZINSKI. Brenda Carol Young married HAROLD J. MARTIN. THOMAS C. TITUS was named to Piqua Catholic High School coaching staff. HENRY FRANK MAAS married Donna Lynn McManama. JOHN VINCENT LaCARTE married MARY ANN McALLISTER. Born: A son to Jacquelin and GERALD V. MACHOWSKY. MARY ANN SCHICK is attending Graduate School at the University of Cincinnati.
in memoriam
FATHER JOHN J. RAUSCHER '08 A Society of Mary member since 1904 and former pastor of Emmanuel and Immaculate Conception churches in Dayton. Survived by one sister and brother and two nephews, Rev. Martin '53 and Rev. Edwin '52. January 5. W. FLOYD FOSTER '09 Fatally burned in his home in Hollywood, California. October 11. FATHER EDWIN R. RICHTER ' 17 Pastor of St. Matthew's church, Norwood, Ohio, and former pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows, Cincinnati and Immaculate Conception church, Botkins, Ohio. Survived by brother, August Richter '27. January 10. ANTHONY G . HORVATH '22 Former chief engineer for several Dayton industries including Master Electric and Leland Electric Company. Survived by his wife Loraine, daughter Julie '55, and sons Roy '53, Allan '56 and Lawrence '63. January 1966. BROTHER THOMAS A. DENMAN '23 A member of the Society of Mary since 1918. Served as a teacher in several marianist schools and as supervisor of maintenance at U.D. February 15. ERNEST H. MUELLER '25 President of the Coover Railroad Track Brace Company. Survived by wife, Katherine. February 25. GEORGE W. MARIE '25 Retired after 19 years as chief engineer of aeronautical motors at Lamb Electric Company. October 22, 1964. WALTER J. MESCHER '27 Survived by his wife, Teresa and one son. December, 1965. JOSEPH H. JANNING '28 Retired from WPAFB as price analyst. Survived by his wife, Shirley, daughter Mrs. Mary Ackerman '59, and sons Joseph '56 and Dr. John '55. December, 1965. ROGER F . HUSSONG '30 Survived by wife, Katherine, a daughter, and a son. December, 1965. GEORGE E. LANG '31 Vice President and general manager of Premier Rubber Company. Survived by wife, Rosalie, one son, and four daughters. December, 1965. THOMAS A. MEDLEY '31 One of the master distillers in the industry connected with the Owensboro Distilling Company and the Medley Distilling Company. Survived by wife, Alma. February, 1965. FLOYD P. LEICHTLE '35 Tool designer for Rohr Aircraft Company and Inland Manufacturing Company. Survived by wife Dorothy, one daughter and one son. December, 1965. EDWARD L. SCHMIEDING '35 Co-founder of Industrial Chemical Products Company died in Tucson, Arizona. Survived by wife, Betty, a son and daughter. February 7. JUSTIN J. HABERER, M.D. '37 Died in Oakland, California where he practiced for the past five years. Formerly held a residency at Miami Valley hospital in Dayton. Survived by his wife, Connie, a son and daughter. January 4. RALPH L. (PESKY) WERNER '38 Former U.D. football player. Commanded the USS Shangri-La and was the first pilot to land a jet plane on a supercarrier. Survived by wife, Ida, and five daughters. December, 1965. EARL E. GEBHART '39 Safety director for Frigidaire and civic leader. Survived by wife, Betty and a son. February 16. VIRGINIA STOECKLEIN '39 A teacher in the Dayton school system since 1952. Survived by a sister, Lois '62 and Mrs. F . J. Schmitt '42. Daughter of the late Edward V. '05. March 22. CLARKE V. KIRBY '41 Manager of dealer relations at Frigidaire and formerly a sports writer for the D ayton newspapers and a former Lt. Commander in the U.S. Navy. Survived by wife Kate, a daughter and two sons and a brother, George W. '22. February 7. BROTHER BERNARD F. ROSE '42 A member of the Society of Mary for 26 years and a teacher at St. Louis high school in Honolulu. Survived by a brother Dr. Norman '51 and two sisters. December, 1965. HAROLD H. HORMANN Survived by wife, Maureen and four children. November, 1965. EDWARD H. GRAUL '51 Survived by wife, Shirley, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Graul, Sr. '20, one son, five daughters, a brother, Thomas
'51 and a sister, Mrs. Jeanne Stewart '56. March 13. JOHN C. RICHARD '52 An assistant professor at Michigan Tech. University and former controller for Copeland Refrigeration Corp. Survived by wife, Mary Elizabeth and a daughter. February, 1966. ARNOLDA BECKER '53 A leader in Cincinnati religious and civic activities for more than 40 years. Received an honorary doctor of humanities degree in 1953 from U.D. Survived by husband, Edwin G. ' 14, a daughter and two sons, Edwin '43 and Flavian '51. February 3. RICHARD 0. BAKER '53 A Dayton policeman, Baker was killed when his motorcycle crashed into a semi-trailer. Survived by wife, Peggy and five children. November 1965. ARNOLDO A. VALERIN '54 Employed in Dayton by the U.S. government. Survived by wife, Ruby, a son and a daughter. February 21. ROBERT CALIBOSO '60 An Army aviator was killed in Vietnam when his helicopter was shot down and exploded. Survived by wife Susan Mary Guess Caliboso '60 and three children. Mar. 5. STEPHEN LEE KAUFMAN '62 An employee of Miami Valley hospital in Dayton. Survived by wife, Rita. February 12. ANITA AMATO '63 Employed by the U.D. Research Institute for the past five years. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bias Amato. two sisters, (;aria and Roberta '64. January 27. MALCOLM BATHERSON '67 A student at U.D., Batherson was killed in an amomobi le accident in Iowa. March 13. OTHER RECENT DEATHS Margaret Mary Huth, wife of DR. EDWARD A. HUTH and mother of DR. MARY JO HUTH '50 . . . Sidney Busleson Butt, son of ELEANOR GREMES BUTT '43 ... Frank L. Plassenthal, father of FATHER VINCENT '36 ... Josephine M. Manny, mother of CONNIE NEFF '44 and LT. COL. RICHARD L. SKAPIK '41 ... John Tehan. father of MRS. ALAN BIEGEL '64 . .. Joseph H. Kelly, father of JOHN T. '65 ... M. Josephine Able, mother of DR. D. HERBERT '22 ... Bertha A. Kaeppel, mother of MRS. JEAN PARTER '52 ... Edward L. Gremme, Sr., father of EDWARD L. '48 ... Albert Giambrone, father of CARMELLA '64 and ALBERT, brother of HARRY '5 1 .. . Phillip W. McLaughlin, father of PHILLIP '56 .. . Edward Kelley, father of EDNA ALICE NABE '56 .. . Ei leen Ball, sister of CHARLES ZWEESLER '4 1 ... Lee L. Ware, father of MURRAY W. '50 .. . Emil Jo Hohm, father of ELMER J. '50 and GEORGES. '49 ... Hilda M. Everman, mother of LAVERN '59 . . . Fr. Michael T . Frost, brother of ROBERT E. '61 . .. Homer L. Warriner, brother of CARLTON T. '49 ... Arnold Cron. father of CARL '60 and MARY '66 .. . Joseph Rose, brother of BRO. LOUIS '23 and BRO. ALBERT '37 . . . Mary M. Bach, mother of NORMAN E. '59 and ROBERT E. '60 ... Elizabeth Hoefling, mother of RAYMOND '35 . .. Virginia Walter wife of ROBERT L. '41 and mother of STEPHEN ... Harry E. Wharton, father of ROBERT '36, RICHARD '33, and DR. JOHN '49 ... Dr. William Miller, father of CAROLYN '64 .. . Hazel Butz, mother of THOMAS '44 . . . Felix P. Kawsky, father of ARNOLD L. '51 . .. Eva Catherine Fischer, mother of CARL H. '50 .. . Louise C. Collins, mother of C. HOMER '34 . . . Otto R. Keiter, father of MARION '36 . .. Florence Hochwalt, mother of DR. JEROME P. '37 ... Vanity Elizabeth Walker, wife of JAME E. '60 . .. Peter Schreiber, father of PAUL W. '50 . . . Daniel Patrick Retter, infant son of JOHN A. '59 ... Richard Shroyer, brother of ROBERT '40 ... Frank C. Hennessy, father of PAUL R. '51 .. . George F. Kavanaugh, brother of ROBERT E. '42 ... Joseph A. Schriml, father of JOSEPH H. '27 and AL L. '37 . . . Fr. Urban Hoying, C.P.P.S., brother of FR. LEO '26 . . Robert Yoakum, father of RONALD E. '62 . . . Robert L. Robbeloth, father of RAYMOND '57 and brother of CLETUS '33 . .. George E. Thomas, father of DR. GEORGE '43 . . . W. Leroy Miller, father of NANCY McELDOWNEY '60, MARY ANN HAUSFIELD '64 and THOMAS '6 1 .. . Harold Sullivan, father of CHARLENE DiNINO '6 1 .. . Edward L. Fricke, father of DR. EDWARD '58 and JAMES .. . Alvina C. Borgelt, mother of ELMER H. '32 .. . David Wening, youthful son of JAMES '44 ... Mamie 0. Dolle, mother of DOROTHY McDOWELL '48 . . . James F. Duchak, teenage son of DR. JOHN '3 1, brother of DR. JOHN '60 and BARBARA HILGEMAN '55.
EDITOR: EUGENE W. SCHILL '61, ' 65 Contributing Editors: Joseph J. McLaughlin, sports
The University of Dayton ALUMNUS, established in 1929, is published quarterly for the University of Dayton Alumni Association by the Public Relations Department, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio. Entered as second class matter April 15, 1950, at the post office at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscriptions: two dollars a year.
President of the Alumni Association: Paul J. Heckman '38. President of the University: Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M. Vice President for Public Relations and Development and Director of Alumni Affairs: Brother Elmer C. Lackner, S.M. Alumni Secretary: Mary Shay '44