We've multiplied our facilities- in a breathtaking expansion of the physical plant. We've increased our numbers- and become the nation's sixth largest Catholic university. We've expanded our offerings- adding many new curricula and degree programs. We've pushed to higher educational levels- moving into rapidly expanding graduate programs. We've raised academic standards- for admissions, good standing, and promotion requirements. And we did it all within an extremely short period of time. Moreover, we are still moving fast in all these directions. The accompanying and consequent ferment has set off little and big explosions in every area of operation. One of the big ones has become national news. Unfortunately it has also become garbled news. Perhaps it's time for a capsule overview and an interpretation.
First the Facts ... OCTOBER 15, 1966
The "heresy affair" began with a letter sent to the Archbishop, Karl J. Alter
of Cincinnati by Mr. Dennis Bonnette, a second year faculty member in the department of philosophy. In it he charged that teachings contrary to the magisterium of the Church were being publicly advocated at the University of Dayton with the knowledge and encouragement of the administration. The charge, though serious, was vague and general, and Bonnette was asked to put in writing specific charges which could be investigated. OCTOBER 28, 1966 In a lengthy second letter, Bonnette named four members of the faculty (Eulalia Baltazar, John Chrisman, Randolph Lumpp, and Lawrence Ulrich), accused them of propounding certain heretical views in public utterances on campus, some of which were specified, intimated that they enjoyed special administrative favor, and listed names of people he believed would corroborate his accusation. Archbishop Alter then directed the University President, Father Roesch, to conduct an investigation into two of the charges which he identified as being doctrinal and said the academic charges should be solely the concern of the University. Although he did not recommend that a canon lawyer be consulted, he advised that any one so chosen should be familiar with the academic scene but not connected with the University or the Archdiocese. The University did consult a canonist on the point of whether or not there were grounds for a canonical investigation into the charges. The four accused faculty members were invited to give in writing their reactions to the accusations and their positions on the points at issue. They all did so. The investigation was conducted by the President personally in concert with several of his top level assistants. It involved many interviews, consultation with the canon lawyer, who reviewed all the available materials, and serious discussions of the situation with the Administration Council. The University administration voiced no reaction, official or otherwise, to the charges made, so that the investigation could be approached as objectively as possible. The necessarily long silence began to create campus uneasiness; it seemed to be a kind of admission that something was wrong. Continued on pages 18 and 19
The National Alumni Association Board meets in December.
VISITING - the Chapters with Alumni Secretary Mary Shay We have had so many inquiries, comments and requests on the publication of the report on the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, we have decided to make it available again ... Hope you find it interesting . . . The annual meeting of your Alumni Association was held Dec. 3, 1966 in Kennedy Union on campus. Officers, board members and chapter representatives attending included : Paul J. Heckman, president; Jerome E. Westendorf, vice-president; Joseph F. Connelly, treasurer; Jack R. Brown, Richard H. Finan, James J. Gilvary, Barth J. Snyder, Herbert E. Whalen, Jr., Edwin J. Zwiesler, Arthur T. Scarpelli, past president; Bro. Austin J. Holian, S.M., Dean for Graduate Studies and Research; Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M., vice-president, Development and Public Relations; Mary M. Shay, Alumni Secretary; Robert A. Conger, L. Wm. Crotty and James E. Uttermohlen, alumni board memberselect; Peter J. Boyle and Donald E. Zimmerman, athletic board members-elect. Chapter representatives present included: Donald A. Oldiges, Dayton; Thomas D. Ebner, Canton; Albert G. Sicking, Cincinnati; Donald N. Seifert, Columbus ; Francis J. Klaus, Marion; Linus B. Boeke, Chillicothei David E. Burke, Cleveland; Albert L. Diringer, Tiffin; Mrs. Joseph Maruna (Gertrude Lawler), Coldwater; Herman J. Marchal, Greenville; Harold G. Nielsen, Piqua; Wm. Fred Wagner, Sidney; T. J. Hollen-
Business matters settled the National Board members relax over a few cocktails and dinner.
kamp, Detroit; Thomas M. Hughes, Indianapolis. The Alumni Secretary presented her annual report indicating an overall membership in the Association as 13,866. The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association has approved the establishment of a Distinguished Alumnus Award to be conferred beginning with Homecoming, 1967. Candidates for the Award can be proposed in writing by the national alumni board, alumni, various committees of the University, the deans, -etc. Screening of candidates will be in the hands of a five man committee: three members appointed by the president of the alumni association, one member of the University staff, and the alumni secretary shall be the permanent member of the committee. Tenure on the committee of those appointed shall be for three years. The award can but need not necessarily be presented annually. Initially three such awards will be presented. Candidates for the Distinguished Alumnus Award must be very prominent persons in their chosen field of endeavor or by reason of exJe~ome Wes~endor:f, second from left.. listens as his predecessor, Paul Heckman, outgomg Alumm Pr.es1den~, spe~ks to Nat10~ a l Board. Bro. Elmer Lackner, S.M., Vice Presiceptional public service. Further d~nt for A_lumm Relations, IS at left, With Mary Shay, Alumni secretary, and Elwood Z1mmer, Director of Development, to the right.
Continued on page 3
January, 1967 President, Jerome E. Westendorf '43, Dayton, Ohio
Treasurer, Barth J. Snyder '34, Bellbrook, Ohio
Vice-President, James J. Gilvary '51, Dayton, Ohio
Secretary, Mary M. Shay '44, Dayton, Ohio
Jack R. Brown '26, Robert L. Conger '57, L. Wm. Crotty, '52, Richard H. Finan '54,
Dayton, Ohio Cincinnati, 0 . Dayton, Ohio Cincinnati, 0.
James E. Uttermohlen '51, Dayton, 0 . Herbert E. Whalen, Jr. '59, Dayton, 0. Edwin J. Zwiesler '45, Dayton, Ohio
President, U.D., Very Rev. Raymond A. Roes ch, S.M. '36, Dayton, Ohio Past President, Alumni Assn., Paul J. Heckman '38, Dayton, Ohio Bro. Austin J. Holian, '31 , Dayton, Ohio Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M. '27, Day ton, Ohio
MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ADVISORY BOARD FOR 1967-1968 INCLUDE: Buena Greer Beis '43- Akron, Ohio Thomas D. Ebner '58- Canton, Ohio Daniel B. Fischer '57- Hamilton, Ohio Albert G. Sicking '57-Cincinnati, Ohio Donald N. Seifert '52-Columbus, Ohio Francis J. Klaus '53- Marion, Ohio Richard T. Barcafar '51-Springfield, Ohio James P. Hart '54-Toledo, Ohio Paul M. O'Rourke '43- Toledo, Ohio Linus B. Boeke '28- Chillicothe, Ohio L. W. Like, M.D. '52- Lima, Ohio David E. Burke '59-Cleveland, Ohio Albert L. Diringer '48-Tiffin, Ohio AI C. Krouse '50-Mansfield, Ohio Joseph F. P. Maruna '57- Coldwater, Ohio James F. Scheuerman '49-Celina, Ohio Constance H. Eckler '56- Greenville, Ohio
James R. Wade '51-Newark, Ohio Jacob L. Kreidler '52- Sandusky, Ohio Vincent P. Pax '59- Troy, Ohio Homer K. Monroe '47-Piqua, Ohio Elmer J. Helmkamp '51- Delphos, Ohio James J. Shafor '55-Middletown, Ohio Donald A. Oldiges '56- Dayton, Ohio Wm. Fred Wagner '50-Sidney, Ohio T. J. Hollenkamp '37- Detroit, Michigan John P. Donovan '53- Birmingham, Mich. Raymond Kohl '50-Philadelphia, Pa. William J. Reynolds '29-Wayne, Pa. George W. Humm '40-0yster Bay Cove, NY Robert W. Saunders '58- Wantagh, New York Rita K. Bardo '55-Ft. Thomas, Ky. Francis S. Gabel, Col. '3D-Arlington, Va. William P. Bruening '57-St. louis, Mo.
The Detroit Chapt e r unde r the leade rship of T. J . (Dick) Ho llen kamp and Jack Do novan were responsibl e for the s uccessful pre-game meeting on J a n. 14 at Me ncotti'sPuritan Ave. More than 70 alumni, parents and guests attended. The University was represented by Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M., Vice-President, Development and Public Relations, Tom Frericks, Athletic Director and Harry Baujan, Consultant to the Athletic Department.
Joseph G. Hollenkamp '41-Eimhurst, Ill. Dennis A. O'Neal '62- Chicago, Ill. William J. Leider '54-Fort Wayne, Ind. H. James Fillenwarth '54-Indianapolis, Ind. Thomas M. Hughes '56-Indianapolis, Ind. Matthew J. Marzluft '28-EI Cerrito, Calif. leo Reilly '26-San Francisco, Calif. Joseph D. Kay '53- Buena Park, Calif. Sheila James '60-Buena Park, Calif. lloyd A. Rensel '43-0rmond Beach, Fla. Mrs. Paul Weigel '49- Hollywood, Fla. David L. Kelble, M.D. '52-Denver, Colo. Frederick A. Keys '59-N. Reading, Mass. Ross DiBacco '61- Niagara Falls, New York George C. Wiedemer '65- Rochester, N.Y. Kevin P. Clifford '65-Rochester, N.Y.
Continued from page 1
they must have been an alumnus of the University of Dayton as provided in the Constitution of the University of Dayton Alumni Association at least 25 years prior to receiving the award which cannot be granted posthumously. During the past year another chapter has been organized in Rochester, New York. Kevin P. Clifford '66 was elected president, George C. Wiedemer '65 vice-president, Jodi Tefft '64 secretary and Russell J. Borelle '63 secretary. Mr. Elwood E. Zimmer, Director of Development, reported a total of $170,786.38 pledged from 2,485 alumni on the 13th Annual Support Program. This figure includes a $50,000 gift to the Health Center from an alumnus. Among alumni, parents, benefactors and faculty the number of Sponsors has increased to 536. The average gift on the 13th Annual was $50.00. Reports were presented from 23 of the chapters. Brother Lackner reported on the Development Program of the Future. He expressed our appreciation for the tremendous record of contributions we have attained through our Annual Support Program and hoped it would continue to grow. It has been our privilege to have University of Dayton administration and faculty attend chapter meetings. Our student enrollment is over 10,000, one tenth of which are graduate students. The Clarence H. Gosiger Health Center is nearing completion and occupancy will take ,Butler, ''?-~路 .with Koji Ishida. place soon. Other proposed additions to the 56, on v1s1t m October, 1966. physical plant include the Engineering and Research Building, a new Library and a Fine Arts Building. Currently we are accommodating 2,600 students in dormitory facilities, and approximately 2.000 out-of-town students in off-campus housing. In addition to dormitories another need of the University is land and parking facilities. Brother Lackner extended his congratulations to the new officers and board members on the Alumni and Athletic Boards, and thanked those retiring members for their interest and encouragement. Following a review of the Constitution. the following officers and board members w ere installed: Jerome E. Westendorf. . . .... .. .. .. President James J. Gilvary . .... . . .. . . . . . Vice-President Barth J. Snyder ..... . . . . .. .. .. . ... Treasurer L. Wm. Crotty, Robert A. Conger, and James E. Uttermohlen, alumni board of directors; Peter J. Boyle and Donald E. Zimmerman, board of athletic control. Mr. Heckman presented a report from the Board of Athletic Control. Further h e stated that the Alumni Association w ould participate in the annual Christmas pageant, Dec. 8 on campus. The meeting w as turned over to the new president, Jerome E. W estendorf wh o mentioned the fact that the Montgomery County Chapter is hosting the Athletic Hall of Fame. A committee will be appointed on the Distinguished Alumnus Award. Mr. T. J. Hollenkamp expressed appreciation of the
chapter representatives to the Montgomery County Chapter for providing lodging and to the national association for the hospitality extended. Mr. Donald N. Seifert called the attention of the board to the Alumni chapters' participation in the preorientation programs for incoming freshmen and their parents in their home towns. He thought this an excellent idea, said it was well received in his area, and strongly suggests that this program be executed in the future. Not a little bit of this and that ... Plans are underway for the 25th reunion of the class of 1942 at Homecoming, October 21, 1967. The Honorable Charles W. Whalen, Jr., class president, Bob Butler, vice-president, Tanny Stoecklein Schmitt, secretary and Bob Kavanaugh, treasurer will be contacting members of the class during the coming months. Speaking of Bob Butler, last fall Bob and his wife Rene were in Tokyo. Thanks so much to Koji Ishida '56 for making their stay most enjoyable and memorable. The Akron chapter had a meeting Sunday, Jan. 29 at the Town and Country Motel, State Road, Cuyahoga Falls. Serving on the committee were Mr. and Mrs. John Niekamp '59, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ziehler '64 (Marg Baker '66) and Mr. and Mrs. George Beis (Buena Greer '43). Alumni down Miami Florida way officially welcomed the basketball team, members of the athletic department and the group on the excursion at the Airport on Sunday, February 19th. A meeting place for alumni and guests was designated after the game. Of course the DePaul game, Mar. 4 in Chicago would not be complete without the路 Chicago group arranging a meeting. John Ladner arranged a "package" deal for alumni and guests at DePaul Academy, N. Kenmore. Sorry, at press time - we have no report on these events ... More later. The Fourth Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance is scheduled in April for the Cincinnati Chapter . . . The Canton group has set its annual retreat in June at Loyola of the Lake Retreat House. The Cleveland Chapter is planning a picnic and a dinner-dance later on this year. The Coldwater contingent has been considering the establishment of a scholarship fund to assist a worthy student who is attending or shall attend the University of Dayton. Funds for such a scholarship would be derived from a benefit dance. At this time of the year the BIG project is our Annual Support Program. To all those who helped make the 13th Annual successful - thanks for your work ... !he average was $50.00 and the chapters were responsIble for 1,949 of the 2,521 gifts. This support is truly tremendous. I'll be around again soon to see if we can't up the ante and make the 14th bigger and better. If you h ave any suggestions for the improvement of our Alumni As - l sociation, your secretary would be most happy to receive them. New ideas are always welcome. With my best wishes to you and yours for a Holy and Happy Easter Season, I remain , Sincerely, '~
(5 3
A New Step for 422 December Graduates
DIPLOMAS IN DECEMBER The University of Dayton Fieldhouse was again the scene of Diploma Services in December. The school graduated 422 with bachelor's and master's degrees. Twenty seven men also were commissioned as officers in the Army of the United States. These six graduated with honors. They are, first row, left to right, Annette Framme, magna cum laude, political science, Dayton; Katherine Wilson, cum laude, sociology, Delphos; Sr. Mary Natalie Muhlenkamp, C.PP.S., magna cum laude, secondary education , Dayton; second row, Bro. Donald Gabbert, S.M., cum laude, secondary education, Seattle; Robert D. Halstead, cum laude, premedical, Dayton; and Bro. Edward Krall, S.M., magna cum laude, computer science, Euclid, 0.
Secretarial Studies Dianna S. Eshman
THE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE ASSOCIATE IN TECHNOLOGY Chemical James V. Cartmell Donald L Schilling, Jr. Richard E. Sosville Electronic Engineering Stephen P. Bramlage John K. Carlin Michael A. Chaney Robert 0 . Collins Doris A. Delaney William F. DeMange Russell E. Hagerty, Jr. Lawrence M. Heglin William G. Hullhorst Terrence J. Jackson John J . Maqsud Donald H. Meyer Norman R. Miller Jerome J . Moeggenberg James J . Molnar David L Muckerheide Edward J . Ostack Robert C. Reinoehl Thomas L Richter Paul A . Simmons Robert C. Storar P ~ter A. Stroble Thomas J. Van Danelzen
Industrial Engineering Domenic F. Buccello John J . DeMange Alan F. Hromi Dan W. Partain David G. Pflum Rafael C. Porras-Monge Dennis B . Virag Larry D. Wright Mechanical Engineering Aneglo P. Chiodo Philip C. Costantino Michael D. Dantona Edwi n J . Drerup William M . Eifert Pasko G. Evanoff Robert T . Ferrigan Joseph Gaskey, Jr. Michael E. Hall Donald J . Hill Carl V. Kuhlman Thomas G. Lauterbach Robert J . Powers David F. Sherger Dennis J. Schroeder Richard L Schwartzentruber David J . Sobie Francis W. Timko Lanny K. Wiggins Carl A. Wi lliams
BACHELOR OF ARTS Communication Arts Mary K . Connors El len C. Dittman John W. Keller Louis A. Lisella Theodore M. Patterson Carol L Sloman English Stephen W. Armstrong Marga ret M . Bishton Herman M . Buerschen Donna M . Carpenter Al an D. Hunter Harr-y J . Roedersheimer Teren c e P. Schrock History Paul A. Fischer Bruce W. Gronemann Jonathan W. House Michael J . Trinite A. Will i am Wiggenhorn Philosophy William A. Fischer Joseph A. Genovese, S. M . Robert J. L'amb, S. M. Political Science David R. Bart Donald J. Digennaro Harry A. Doody Annette M . Framme magna cum laude Nicholas F. Frischhertz Robert C. Gallo Carol J. Miller
John J . Norbut Gerald E. Reid, Jr. Frederick J. Saurber Theodore F. Senecal Chris R. Van Schaik James R. Weeks Walter Wong, S. M. Psychology Eileen E. Buey Ruth A. Doyle Michael A. Hockycko John T. Moessner James M. O'Neil Robert J. Pelc Joseph M. Perri Jeannine C. Schiml Gary N . Wagner John A . Wise Russian Mary L Sims Sociology Natale J . Ballato , Jr. Carolyn J . Beach Ruth A . Elliott John R. Loney Joyce T. Meleski Mary L Miller Kathleen K. Roberts Anita M. Schroeder Barbara A. Thompson Katherine L Wilson cum laude Speech Mary C. Ryan
The President's Reception on Saturday afternoon drew many to Father Roesch's reception line, and around the punch bowl.
Twenty-seven young men were commissioned as officers in the Army of the United States before Diploma Services.
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Carol A. August Linda N. Case
Joan M. Rubeck
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Biology James L. Brown D enis J . Gasson Sr. Sharon Joseph H auch, S.N . D. Genevieve M. Heiland George E. M c Gowan Katherine S. Mill er Peter H . Oatis Judith D. Sh atdo Joyce E. Smith Douglas H . Taylor Chemistry John J . Brennan Terry R. Davis
Mic hael R. Greute r Roland K. Loy Bri an M. O ' Connor Martin L. Zwiesler Computer Science Edward J . Krall, S. M . m agna c um laude Premedical J a mes F. Foley, Jr. Robert D. H alstead cum laude James K. Horlacher John P. Stabnic k Geology John G. Popovich
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Sr. M . Ann Cecile Albers, S.F.P. Bernadette R. Augustin Lucille E. Donlin
Judith A. Loewer J anet L. Thomas Elaine M. White
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Luc ila Andrew Christi n e T . Benson
Velma E. Brown Ev elyn M . Do no va n
Thomas A. DuBreucq Arthur J. Dudzinski Brendan J . Fraher, Jr. Donald L. Gri eshop
J ames J. Heighton M ari lou A . Ladner C. Patrick O'Connor Elie E. Saleeby Frederick W. Schrantz Robert P. Troxell, Jr. John U. Weckesser Economics Francis M . Bold John F. Chuhinko Patrick R. Fleming Stu a rt J . Greenfield Thomas A. M anning General Business Management Dani el L. Balogh Rich a rd W. Bray Thomas R. Bueltel Ba rry M . Clark Da vid R. Goetz T homas B . Gorius George C. Janicki Willi a m T . Kain Franklin W. Longenecker Brian E. McGuire Edward A. Miller, Jr. Th o m as L. Murphy Roger E. Nortillo Richard C. Rabke
Robert D. Seubert Industrial Management DickJ . Blum Frank J . Brinkman Jerome F. H aney Joseph J . Hiegel, Jr. William L. Klier John T. Mahoney Paul H . Peyrebrune Charl es L. Starnes John W. Warrell Ronald L. Wiford Robert E. Zerbe Thomas E. Zimmer Personnel Management Robert J. Johnson Marketing J ames H . Berg Joseph A. Frole James J . Geisel hart T erry D. Kauflin Michael F. O'Connor Peter J . Patt James A. Rush J a m es F. Savage William G. Sommer Stephen A. Van Heeke T homa s A. Well mei er
THE SCHOOl OF EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Elementary Education M a ry E. Bax Alve rd a L. Campbell L. JoAnn Chakiris Roberta A. Eckstein Jane Ann Elliott M a ry Tina Gougarty M a ry K. Griffis
Grace J. H anna Deberah R. Haywood Carol J . Homan Sharon M . Hunter Sr. M ary Vita Knippen, C. PP.S. Sheila A . Kra mer Evelyn M. Kreitl M a ry Unger Lamoureux
The head table at the Graduates' Dinner included left to right, Rev. George Barrett, Vice President; Rev. Charles J. Lees, Provost; Very Rev. Raymond Roesch, President; Jerome Westendorf, Alumni President; Mary Shay, Alumni Secretary; and Bro. Elmer Lackner, Vice President for Alumni Affairs.
Patricia A. Loges Cynthia J. MacFadden Nancy M. Martin Sr. Nancy McMullen, C. PP.S. Thelma L. Morgan Jeanne D. Myles Robert O'Dell, Jr. Sr. Rose Francis Pfander, SND deN Betty C. Phillips Penelope H. Poeppelmeier Mary Ann Rich Betty J. Roberts Cecilia A. Ryan Miriam Schaefer Barbara G. Shenk Nancy A. Smith Sandra M . Smith Burton W. Thompson Joan Staas Trimmer Janet L. Westendorf Janet E. Whelan Anne K. Wiedemer Shirley A. Williams Elaine M . Woods Physical Education William J. Basel William R. DeMeo Anthony V. Gulli Carole J. Hawker Kathy E. Koogler Jean C. Kovach Hen ree Wi Ison Lee Marilyn J. Lovett Thomas J. Lyon Kevin M . Reardon Michael J. Storck Mary Ann Werling Second<Jry Education William H . Allen, S.M. Dennis Beach, S.M. Robert C. Bolz, S.M. James ·M. Buckley, S.M . Sr. Mary Caroleen Buehler, C.PP.S. Frank Cala, S.M . R. Timothy Donovan, S.M .
Donald Eppink, S.M. Angel Fernandez, S.M . William G. Flynn Donald H. Gabbert, S.M. cum laude Thomas E. Gorczyca Georgia A. Hackenberg Joseph M . Hand James Heft, S.M. Dennis Heinly, S . M. Jane Ann Hench Anthony M . Hunter, Jr. Anne K. Jurczynski Beverly J. Kerns Sr. M . Joella Kidwell, O.S.B. Sr. Rose Catherine Kinross C.PP.S. Sondra A . Cia rk Kirby Larry Lee Knapke Judith Ann Koeck William Kathman, S.M. Sr. Mary Carla Langhals, C.PP.S. James Letostak, S.M . Thomas Long, S.M. Sr . Alfred Marie Molony, C.PP.S. Sr. Mary Natalie Muhlenkamp, C.PP .S. magna cum laude Mark E. Nawrocki Joseph Rigot, S.M. Noreen M . Roman Robert A. Ross, S.M. Edward A. Ruetschle G. William Ruth , S .M. Clarence J. Sech Joseph R. Segall, S. M. Thomas Shea , S.M. Francis Smith, S.M. Thomas F. Stadler Martha E. Susa Joseph F. Thomas, S.M . Carroll Tunker Lawrence J. Wilberding, Jr. George Zehnle, S.M. David E. Zubelik
Wava Arlene Miller Spring
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MUSIC EDUCATION William C. Holland Barbara J. Benner Newcomer
Mary E. Schlanser
Fred E. Peters, Ill
BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING James P. Cashnelli Joseph G. Laskowski
Chester Lewis Joseph S. Tyburczy, Jr.
BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Carl F. Bauer Joseph T. Boufaissal Jon 0 . Brommeland Paul J . Buddendeck Donald L. Doud Kenneth C. Dougherty Joseph T . Fromm Michael J. George Richard P. Keil Joseph D. Knox Eugene T. Krasicki John A. Kronenberger John K. Lei b,•J r .
Herbert L. Myers, Ill Francis G. Noser Ryan 0. Pierce Ric hard K. Powell Kenneth H. Prush Ramon E. Rodriguez Robert F. Runowski James H . Severs Walter A . Smith John H . Stebel, II Donald E. Swihart Donald L. Valcheff
BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Freddie L. Beason Michael F. Brooke r James R. Casella Thomas E. Endres John J . Gordon, Ill
Phillip L. Hale Thomas A. Hychalk John W. Jones Edward J. Kaminsky Robert H . Kramer
Carl J. Melcher Stephen A . Mikolaj John J . Reibold Charles M . Scrabis
Robert A. Strasser Peter A. Sylvester Juan M . Vara Al'l,n G. Wild
BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY Klaus K. G. Huber Dennis J . Sulick
John C. Dine David G. Eselius Ronald A. Fischer
GRADUATE DEGREES THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MASTER OF ARTS English Edward L. Greenwood (B.A., Bryan College '5 1) Michael C. McCormick (B.S., Univ. of Dayton '65) Sr. M. James Agnes McGinley, I.H.M. (B.A. , Marygrove College '53) Sr. Mary Angeline McGrath , R.S. M. (B.A., Coil. Misericordia '47) Jeffrey F. Meyer (B.A ., Duns Scotus '62) Arthur A. Molitierno (A.B., Villanova Univ. '64) Edwina C. Wippel (B.A., St. Mary of the Springs, ' 64) History Philip C. Fedewa (B.A., Notre Dame '63)
Philosophy Robert L. Blevins (B .A., Wittenberg Univ. '49) Psychology Hector G. Saravia (B.A., Univ. of Dayton '64) Theology Joseph L. Charron, C. PP.S . (B.A., Univ. of Dayton '63) John J . Franck, C.PP.S. (B.A., Univ. of Dayton '63) Rev . Ronald W. Hoennings, C.PP.S. (B.A., Univ . of Dayton '63) Ronald H . Moorman , C.PP.S. (B.A., Univ. of Dayton '62) John W. Tierney, C.PP.S. (B .A ., Univ. of Dayton '63) Virgil L. Will , C.PP.S. (B.S. , Univ. of Dayton ' 58) (B.A., Univ. of Dayton ' 63)
MASTER OF SCIENCE Biology John W. Batey, II I (B .S., U niv. of Dayton '64)
Chemistry Paul M . Maslona (B .A., Syracuse Univ. ' 63) Ernesto C. Tuazon (B.S., Univ. of Philippines '61)
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jerome M. Allaire (B.S. , Univ. of Dayton '62) Davi d L. Allen (B.S., Univ. of Cincinnati ' 63) Allen Andrews (B.S., Univ. of Michigan '40) James A . Cash (B. B.A., U . of Cincinnati '61) Robert E. Cooper, Jr. (B .S. E. E. , U. of Dayton '50) Harold E. Corwin, Jr. (B.M.E., G. M . lnst. '62) Donald C. Creswell Coleman Cummings (B.S. , Univ. of Dayton '57) Barry C. Heermann (A.D., Sinclair College '64) (B.S., Bowling Green State University '66) John L. Hickey (B.S., Univ. of Dayton '47) Donald J . Hoffmann (B.S., Ill. lnst . of Tech. '60) Ray N. Johnston (B.S., St. Joseph's Coli. '65) Vincent J. Kramer (B.S.M.E., U. of Cincinnati '4 1) Robert E. Lampkin (B.S ., Xavier Un i versity '54)
Ronald L. Meshew (B.S. I.E., G. M . Institute '55) Eugene P. Miller, II (B .S., Texas A & M Univ. '64) George H. Montgomery (B.S.C.E ., Ohio State '44) Andrew E. Pytosh (B .S.E.E., U. of Dayton '61) Melvin K. Ro seman (B.A., We stern Reserve '64) WarrenS. Rushton (B .S., Lowell Tech . lnst. '62) John P. Sciantarelli (B.S., Xavier University '65) John R. Shirey (B .S., U . of Dayton '62) Robert C. Stockert (B.S.I.E., G. M. lnst . '50) Richard D . Tobey (B.S ., U. of Dayton '56) Richard H . Topp (B.S .E.I., G. M . lnst.,'53) Percy 0. Vera (B.S., U. of Dayton '63) Gerald W. Yonder Brink (B.S., Xavier University '50) Harold S. Winkler (B.S., Ohio University '59)
THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Master High School Teacher Program Sr. M . Gertrude Chiba, F.M .I. (B.A., University of the Sacred Heart, Japan)
Thomas Tessmer, S.M. (B.A., St. Mary's Univ. '57) School Administration Joseph P. Omietanski (B.S ., U . of Dayton '60)
THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Reinhold W. Kubach (B.E.E., Staatliche lngenier Schule, Esslingen, Germany '47)
Anatol Wojtowicz (B.M.E ., G. M. l nst . '59)
John Schleppi: OUR MAN IN LONDON The American School in London, housed in Georgian homes in historic Regent's Park, has approximately 700 students in grades one through twelve . This private school follows a college preparatory course and the students are children of businessmen, engineers, teachers and the Diplomatic Corps. (Military children are served by a government school in North London). Their average length of stay at the school is two years, since this is usually the length of their parents' assignments. One can see by the large numbers and high percentage of transient students that there is a definite need fulfilled by this school in continuing the American system of education. The physical education department, of which I am Chairman, consists of six persons, two each at the lower, middle and upper schools. Our main task this year was to recognize and develop the program since the school's population doubled this past fall due to two oil companies increasing operations in Europe. The reorganization includes the newly-created middle school. The problem was compounded by the fact that the school has no physical education facilities of its own and rents an army drill hall, church hall and Regent's Park fi elds for clas ses. The staff decided to concentrate on group game activities appropriate for the various levels during the fall and individual activities during the winter. This resulted in rhythms and developmental motor movements at lower level; gymnastics, tumbling and team games at the middle school, and advanced gymnastics, team games and sports survey-a course covering the history of sport and spectator appreciation at the upper school. The program is nearing completion in the lower school and we hope to add swimming, tennis and beginning golf at the middle and upper schools as rental facilities become available nearby. Our interscholastic athletic program is limited to soccer and basketball on the upper school level. Our soccer team was 1-4-1 , quite commendable considering the experienced opposition. The basketball team at Christmas vacation was 4-0. The American School students do well considering most have never played in organized teams for any length qf time due to their constant moving. Thus the program serves to give the benefit of sport they would otherwise miss. JOHN SCHLEPP! Mr. Schleppi is an assistant instructor of health and physical education at the University of Dayton but on leave of absence to teach in the American School of London and work on his doctoral thesis.
Besides my activities at the school I have been fortunate enough to join the two professional organizations concerned with physical education in Great Britain. The national offices of both are only a five minute walk from the school. The Central Council of Physical Recreation administers the four national sports centers in England. These are used for sports courses for physical educators and the general public, as well as residence training for national teams in various sports and the national championships . I was fortunate enough to attend a "sports night" at the major sports center, Crystal Palace, in October and was very impressed by this well-planned, functional, yet beautiful facility, as well as the session of cricket that evening. The other organization is The Physical Education Association of Great Britain and Ireland, the association for teachers of physical education. The PEA has appointed me to its London Teachers' Committee which organizes clinics and seminars for physical educators (primarily high school) in the London area. So far our plans include a trampoline clinic at the Northwestern Polytechnic in London on four successive Wednesdays in February and March. Then this summer I am to attend a course in residence at the University of London entitled "Education in England." It is designed for educators from abroad and includes visits to schools and colleges, discussions of English education and visits to schools and lectures for visiting educators. From all of this-the A.S.L., the national organizations, and the University of London, I feel my experience has been very profitable and I am looking forward to sharing these experiences with my colleagues and students upon my return to the University of Dayton.
REPORTon the 13th Annual Alumni Support Program The following list of Alumni donors to the 13th Annual Support Program is given to recognize all those who contributed financial support to the University as part of our 13th Annual Support Program. While the Fund Year runs from December 1 - November 30, some payments arrive in advance of the first date while others reach us after the latter date. We have attempted to include all Alumni donors whose contributions to the 13th were received by January 20, 1967. Many thanks to all for the fine help given. The results in dollars are better than ever before but we believe there are many others who could and should add to the totals received. We regret and apologize for accidental omission of names and urge you to inform us of such at your earliest convenience.
ALL CLASSES TO 1917 *Jesse K. Bailey Emil C. Ball *Edwin G. Becker *Horace J. Boesch • Fred A, BradmUler William A. Brennan Lawrence C. Bucher #Charles M. Conway #Rev. John A, Elbert Philip Fleck Walter J. Fleck *Elmer J. Focke Michael J. Gibbons Harold J. Gray Robert E. Gray Joseph J, Harpring *Clement G , Jauch Anthony C. Kauflin Richard N. Kirk Arthur G. Kramer •w illiarn J. Kuntz *AI H. Mahrt *Joseph E. Mayl Louis E. Moosbrugger Rev. Francis M. Mueller Rev. Clarence A. Nugent #George B. Quatman
Louis J. McAnespie Howard J. Meyer *John P. Price Elmer F. Steger 1924 Joseph E. Averdick Matthew Boylan Robert A. Deger Louis P. Fleig John P. Garrity Charles E. Gitzinger Rev . James R. Haley c. Richard Horwedel *Urgan G. Koo Joseph C. Lawler Joseph F. Mathes Rev. Ambrose Metzger Richard L. Sayre Alphonse C. Stelzer
1925 #Joseph C. Adlard *John B. Alexander Thomas J , Bliley *Lionel F. Bradmiller *John D. Byrne #Harry B. Harn Eugene A. Ratterman *Joseph S. Koehler Msgr. Carl J. Ryan *Vincent C. Koepnick Martin Schneble Caroline W, Lutz #Rev. Alphonse L. Schumacher *Roy w. Madison William L. Seidensticker *William E. Mayer Msgr, Robert J, Sherry Vincent J. Moir Earl A. Smith Rev. Lawrence W. Monheim Msgr. Francis s. Smith Rev. Christopher P. Murray Ferdinand H. Stachler *Leo J. Nartker *William E . stoecklein Charles B. Quinlan *Lawrence W. Strattner John L. Russell Martin C. Synnett *Edward A. Schneider Albert J. Timmer Urban L. Unverferth 1926 Andrew A. Aman Leo J. Weaver William A. Blake • Charles W. Whalen *Herbert E. Whalen Jack R. Brown *Ralph J , Wirshing Leo A. Bucher Harold E . Conrard 1917-1920 Edward J. Fitzgerald James M, Fox Charles v. Bacon *Otto P. Behrer *Charles J. Himes *C. Huston Brown *Norbert J. Knostman Rev. Daniel C. Collins *Richard P. Kuntz Clemens B. Demarm Charles A. Lamoureux John F. Gitzinger *Leo Reilly Edward H. Graul Henry Silbereis James J. Hartnett Cyril A. Stelzer *Rev. Francis J. Heider *Roland A. Wagner *Carroll A. Hochwalt Louis A. Weser George C. Hochwalt Leo C. Will Farrell Johnston 1927 *Carl B. Lienesch *Lowell c. George Daniel J. McCarthy *John F. Herkenhoff *Eugene A. Mayl Benjamin Horn *Theodore H. Oppenheim Thomas J. Kavanaugh *Rev. Thomas E. Reynolds Robert E. Kinzig *Joseph C. Shouvlin *Gerald J. Lynch Charles W • Stonebarger Florence Nuttall *CIIUord F. Stuhlmueller Elmer A. Rathweg Walter J . Westendorf *Robert C. Renner 1921 William E. Reynolds Edward J. Kuntz Rev. William L. Scanlon *Theodore F. Lienesch Joseph H. Schriml H. Henry Stang Arthur J. Wager John A. Wessalosky Ec1mund J, Telscher Joseph B. Vogt 1928 1922 *Erwin C. Besch Linus B. Boeke D. Herbert Abel *Joseph E. Bosshart Roman A. Gerber Eugene U. Eifert *Raymond G. Hieber Rev. George W, Gude *Justin A. Hochwalt John J. Kain *William P. Haley *Edward J. Lienesch Gerald A. Herbison Walter C. Kraft *Robert M. Payne Robert D. McClear Lester E. Reisi~ Edward P . Machle *Edward G. Sander William J. westbrock *Matthew J. Marzluft *Arthur W. Meyring 1923 *Edward L. Murphy :fCharles F. Paquelet *Thomas D. Drake Stephen J . Emerick *Alfred J. Pfeiffer
Edward C. Powers Joseph F. Reis Anthony M. Reiter Alfred W. Rothenberg *Richard C. Schneble Rev. Albert L. Schreck *Theodore A. Sharpenter Paul M. Spahr Robert J. Vogel Joseph c . Walsh Paul Zimmer 1929 Louis E . Bender Rev. Joseph E. Bosch William L. Boyd *John W. Craig Howard E. Crush *Joseph R. Desch *John P. Finke Gergory G. Floridis *Dwight R. Freidline *George E. Freitas John Froug Harry J. Gitzinger *Marion V. Grisez Philip M. Gundlach *Francis J. Hollencamp Joseph M. Horrigan *George K. Houghtailing *Edgar J. McBride Louis M, Marzluft *Michael F. Moran Joseph D. Park R. William Patterson *Paul B. Purpus *William J. Reynolds 1930 John W. Boren Edward G. Breen Paul J. Buckley Howard R. Campbell *Vincent Castrop James T . Cline Lester C. Emoff Carl W. Gerhardt Mathias H. Heck Adolph A. Heckman Patrick M. Hennessey *George K. !washita Soichi Kawazoe William P. Keane John J . Ladner John A. McNamara Loretta W. Maloney Mildred W. Maloney *Frank H. Marshall Paul A. Moorman Benjamin M, Patterson *Mary Brennan Payne *George J. Rau *Walter P. Reese *Walter A. Reiling Anna Marie Ryder Nicholas M. Schneider Joseph W. Servaites *Urban A. Soller Harold S. Spires #Eugene W. Stenger John W. Thomas Hamer F. Walter Hamilton K. Willhelm 1931 *Robert C. Boesch #Bernard F. Burdzinski *John M. Duchak *Frank J. Koehl *John D. Maloney Jack H. Patricoff *Charles J. Reiling J. Howard Sachs Emmett M. Sherry *Barth J. Snyder Howard A. Valiquette *Adam F. Westerkamp *William H. WoUf 1932 #Mason C. Benner Joseph W. Bliley *Sponsors
Ten Best Areas for % of Participation Outside Ohio City Detroit Louisville Baltimore Chicago St. Louis South Bend Indianapolis San Francisco Pittsburgh Philadelphia Elmer H. Borgelt Michael D. Busciglio *Ray G. Clemens *Edward T. Crow •Robert E. Donovan *Dominic J. Farruggio Jake Froug Nevin H. Hipple *William A. Jordan Robert F. Lang Louis C. Loeber Robert L. McBride •Joseph T. Poelking Robert G. Rohner Walter J. Ryan Paul Sherer G leon R. Smith *P. Eugene Smith *Clarence P, Somsel Malcolm J. Tear *John T. Weingartner Eugene F. Zolg
No. Donors
57 26 10 54 29 4 17 20 22 10
39.58 39.39 28.57 27.69 27.10 25.00 23.94 22.47 18.33 17.85
Meyer H. Dreety *Wilson J . Drouhard Leo B. Glaser *Irvin V. Gleim Howard R. Houser *J. Fred Howe Herbert M. Jacobson Joseph P. Keegan *Eugene F. Kreusch Paul J. Little Joseph R. McFadden J. Edward Mahlmeister Edward F. Malone *George E. Marr Robert c. Payne *Reuben R. Saeks *Arthur T. Scarpelli Robert Schantz Jerome B. Schmitz Donald c. Sharkey Stanley R. Spinola Josephine Tuite *Hugh E. Wall Thomas E. Wenthe *Charles c. Westbrock Robert C. Zinck
1933 Daniel B. Adams Samuel H. Aides *Bernard J. Borchers 1935 Frederick C. Brandel Martin Armbruster *C. Grattan Clavin William G. Ashman *Nicholas A. Dean • Albert V. Black Anthony W. Engelhart Robert J . Carr *Harold B. Fearn *James A. Connelly Daniel J , Fitzsimons *Edward J, Connors John B. Geis William E. Deis Edward D. Hamant Henry K. Dexter *Charles S. Helldoerfer Charles L. Dresel Mark J. Hockenberger Roland c. Duell Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. F. Leibold John A. Fisher Edward C, Longo G. Richard Gottschalk Rodney M. Love Charles E . Gross William T. Malone Isabel Hosey Hall *Louis A. Otto Mary Elizabeth Horrigan *James C. Schumacher *Ralph E. House John J . Varley Joseph H. Humpert Richard Wharton Harry Hurwitz Ralph J. Zaenglein Robert D. Jones Eugene F. Zimmerman Kenneth E. Lambert Robert J. Zolg *Herman J. Marchal *Charles E. Martin 1934 *Todd C. Mumma William F. Barth Paul G. Muth Lester C. Besanceney Richard H. Neal Michael A. Bobal JohnS. Newbauer Charles H. Boesch Anthony A. Pozelnik William K. Bramlage *Maurice R. Reichard *R. C. Jim Brown *Johanna Koehler Ruff Ralph P. Burdg William L. Struck *Richard M. Carson Stephen E. Szabo C. Homer Collins Robert C. Thurman Robert J. Deger David J. Weinberg #Deceased
1936 *Robert J. Ashman Richard w. Cull Donald J. Davis *Francis R. Duell William L. Gerhard *Robert W. Hommel John J. Jansen William F. Koverman Edward C. Meisner Jacob Mosrow Donald J. Nash *Frank T. Quatman Robert C. Reiling Urban E. Rohr Oliver G. Saettel Carroll M. Scholle H. Clifford Taylor John N. Varro Richard 0. Weber *Peter P. Zierolf 1937 *James G. Ayres *Robert J. Connelly Raymond E. Cosma Joseph F. Fletcher Theodore J. Hollenkamp Donald J. Kelley *Maurice J. Leen *Robert W. Lipp *Howard E. McKnight Joseph F. Martin *John T . Moore *John A, Reilir~ Fred W. Schulenberg *James L. Schwendeman John W. Smythe Stanley K. Vangrov *James R. Wall *Clarence H. Westendorf Elmer J. Will 1938 *Thomas R. Armstrong E. Raymond Arn Charles W. Benbow Rev, Victor F. Broering Richard K. Bucher Bernard A. Carlen Harriet M. Carr Robert L. Cotterman *Angelo s . Farruggio *Herbert W. Finke Major H. Gott Edmund J. Gutzwiller Ben M. Harlan *Paul J. Heckman *Richard C. Hempelman Daniel J . Hobbs
*David F. Israel Andrew J. Kuenle Martha Welhener McKenny Richard J. Mikolajewski William P. O'Connor Robert F. Pfister Paul c. Psaki Joseph B. Quatman Robert J. Saurine Robert W. Scheu •Robert E. Smith Charles J. Thill Frederick R. Tourkow •Herbert E. Whalen A. Paul Ziegler 1939 Helen M . Bistrek Florence Carr Henry H. Enders •Raymond L. Fitz •William A. Fitzpatrick William F . Flanagan William J . Hiehle William P. Kelly •Donald A. Kersting •Thomas E. Maher Eugene R. May Eileen Fiel Mendell *Virginia Dohner Moore John Newsock Joseph B. Olenik Alex A. Rudzienski A. William Schneble Marijane Spitler Schneble •James L. Schweri~ Katherine Eleanor Struck •Richard K. w. Tom John W. Torpey Norman F. Trost Tyrus D. Winter *Elwood E. Zimmer otto A, Zink 1940 Charlotte Jean Anderson Edward P. Borchers John A. Brennan Lorraine Nowak Campbell Rosemary R. Donahue Richard J. Egger Leo J. Fitzharris Richard W. Fletcher J . Robert Forsthoff Frances McClellan Glass Thomas H. Glick M. Wise Glossinger Jobn G. Gregory Ellen Elizabeth Hanbuch •George W. Humm •Raymond M. Kahn •John A. Lombard Mary Lucas *Torrence A. Makley Robert A. Metzler • Arthur F. Millonig Melvin J. Mueller • Alice Editha Ohmer • Ruth M . Ohmer Frances Jane Rader John P. Reeves • Anthony P. Rush *Marvin B. Smith Robert A. Strasser John A. Wilcox Charles R. Wilke 1941 Estella May Baker Grace F . Bowman William R. Byrd •John F. Chalmers Ruth Evelyn Coleman • Albert T. Dana Elwood R. Dryden Lois Kramer Dryden •victor A. Eifler Norman M. Englert Perry L. Gerson Albert J. Hoegler Joseph G. Hollenkamp Robert M. Hoover Emmett J. Jackson Robert Q. Jones Erdine Kathryn Kelbe Michael A. Kerezsi Orpha Dadisman Kerr John W. Klee Norman L. Lacey •Howard J. Lansdowne •Martha Manny Lansdowne Mark F. Litteken G. Kramer Loges •charles M. McFarland Robert J. McKirnan William B. Moran •Martin F. Moritz Duncan F. Obee Teresa Ann O'Connor Reva SUssman Olch Muriel Roberta Oswald Valentine J. Pernush Vincent E . Poeppelmeier Martha K. Schauer Francis M, Schnurr Charlotte E . Seitner *William P. Sherman Joseph A. Silbereis
Jane Simons Silva Rose Rothberg Tye Robert L. Walter Eugene U. Westendorf •James F. Winter *Grace Doyan Wolff Betty Myers Yocis Clem Young •Ramon D. Ziegler Charles J. Zwiesler 1942 Martha Jane Apple Charles E , Bischof Mildred Wharmby Bolenbaugh *John J. Brennan •Robert L. Butler *Clarence Wun Yau Ching *Jean Whelan Doheny Rosalie Higgins Dugger •Mark P. Fecher •Paul R. Finke Mary Borchers Fitzharris Marion Margolis Frank Michael R. Haley Rev. James R. Hickey Donald A. High Susan Martin High C. Richard Hirt •Jane Watkins Humm Robert L. Hunkeler Robert E. Kavanaugh Bernard L. Keiter George G. Kinzeler •Rev. Matthew Kohmescher Eugene Linsker George A. Madden Emma Louise Odum Thomas G. Priske *Edgar J. Reagan Henry C. Rechtien •William E. Reeves Harold J. Reindl Martha Elizabeth Schad John E. Schuler •Joseph E. Simon Margaret Reiling Strobhar Leo P . Traen Betty Koors Walker Charlotte Marie Wentz •charles W. Whalen Walter J. Woeste Robert J. Zimmerman 1943 Alfred W, Bagot •Edwin s. Becker Buena Greer Beis Martha Ann Bucher William A. Carrigan •Brooks T. Carson •Frank J. Doorley William H. Dorsey Paul M. Engle James T. Fenton Manuel L. Garlikov Edward c. Henz Paul w. Herking John T. Hoban •Jack L. Homan Joseph A. Jacobs •John C. Kussman Irene Sopronyi Lessis • Anna Sharkey Maloney John E. Murphy *Betty Mayl Overwein •Joseph H. Overwein LouiS E. Perry Glenn W. pfister Alice Jenkins Planinshek Madeline Georgiev Rawson •Lloyd A. Rensel •walter B. Rugh *Elwood E . Schardt Paul J . Schauer Charles A. Schiavo Robert J. Schmidt Marion Rebecca Self Lucy Freudenthal Selig *Julie Timmer Snyder • Louis A. Thacker *Edmund M, Velten Thomas J. Walkup *Jerome E. Westendorf Roman H. Wiggenhorn Norman L. Woolley 1944 Edward P. Agnew Thomas H. Butz •virginia Mae Carter Marjorie Wehner Connors Jennie Campbell Coppus Miriam Loges Fitzharris Donald I. Hamrock John L. Hickey •carl Housekeeper Alma Marie Krueger Dorotha Stanforth Long William E . McHugh *George W. Markus Rev. Elmer R. Moore Betty Behringer Perkins Robert J. Perkins •Louis G. Pohl Robert P. Reeves • Alex H. Schoen Jeannette Hibbert Seiter
Robert F. Seiter Mary Martha Shay Rita Magoto Smith Robert L. Swartzel •Betty Jean Thomas *Robert J. W ening •Pauline Zink Westendorf •Richard J. Westendorf 1945 Fern Reever Berner Edward L . Buescher Mary Driscoll Burns Margaret Regina Carroll •Joseph F. Connelly Mary Joan Dodsworth John M. Farnbacher Jane Seitz Fenton Fern Channel Gusman Mary Finke Henz George J. !gel Robert F. Mantey Helen Moenter Miller Mark F . Moots Rev. John C. Rielly Ralph J. Rohner •Betty Carlton Hugh *James A. Schuler Donald G. Schultz Ray C. Standish Richard A. Welsh SUsana Dudlext White *Edwin J. Zwiesler 1946 •Joan Olch Deutsch Ada Bomford Dodd Mary Ann Glaser •Edythe A. Koehler Catherine Ens Lizardi Helen Higgins Martin Margaret Johnson Noss Gerard H. Risacher Marjorie Daniels Schemmel John R. Thalheimer 1947 •Joseph F. Accrocco Theodore J. Aponyi Robert M. Berner •Stanley A. Chmiel •Albert Q, C. Dung R. stauley Dybvig John W. Fitzharris William J. Greger Albert T. Hart *Bertrand B. Heckel Ruth Bees Herr Mary Joan Hussey Norma Sheinfine Hutzler Harold J. Knapke Arnold H. Kramer Fred J. Kroger *Eleanor Anne Kurtz •ortha Tschudy Lehman John c. Leibfritz Bartlett c. Lubbers Robert E. Luken Homer K. Monroe Joseph H. Mori William H. Powers John A. Rauscher *Donald E. Ruhl Laverne F. Seitz Wayne C. Sheidler Rita Perfili steele Frank B. Stilwell Helen Lechner Thomas Joseph F. Updyke Joan Roderer Vargo Madonna Ann Wack *John R. Westerheide James D. Whalen 1948 Alton J. Backs Jeannette Adele Barlow Josephine Kauffman Barlow Leo H. Buse Wallace Y F Chang Samuel S, Chaseos John P. Clancy •Earl R. Clark • Patrick A. Connaughton Norman F. CoMors Lewis F . Craver Thomas H. Cron Margaret Dierken Albert L. Diringer H. Joseph Eichel •James H. Finke Michael J. Fischer Michael J. Gibbons •John C. Gosiger •J. Dennis Griffin Patricia Ruth Griffin Edward L. Grimme Stanley C. Groene *William v. Homan •Henry J . Hoying •Robert J. Huels Robert E . Kass •Daniel E . Kauffman Robert A. Kemper Raymond E. Leopold Terrence P. Lynch Edward L. Marrinan Robert A. Miller
Mildred Mooney Patricia Jean O' Brien Mary Bell Paschsl Lloyd J . Reindl Mary Ellen Reinbard Madeleine Unger Riley Thomas R. Ratterman Robert J. Schwaller •Bernard J. Shay *James L. Sherman •John B. Steinbruegge AI T. SUttmann Patricia Justice SUttmann *Robert E. Thome Joseph E. Tolle Geraldine Bubolz Wadlow William X. Walsh Jean Leboeuf Whalen James L, Wilson Warren H . Wilson Very! L. Zech *George A. Zimmerman
Russell E. Seabold •Edwin J. Seeboeck George E. Share Janet Pierce Sheidler •charles F . Sherman Barry J. Shillito Thomas L. Shillito William J. Shine Montfort s. Steeley Edward S. stoermer Mary Hagan Uttermohlen George J. Vida Jeannette Evelyn Wagner Joseph P. Warren *George M. Weddington •Mary C. Weimerskirk •William H. Weis Bonnie Birt Welday • Wilhelm P , Wick Edith Arnold Woeste Robert W. Wolfe Harold E. Wright Charles E. Zimm er
1949 Robert J. Alder Ernest A. Avellar *Eugene L. Barnes Anthony J. Barther Thomas A. Beckert •Stanley J. Blackledge Elwood E , Booher James F. Bordewisch J. David Bourke Clyde R, Brenner Martha Scheffer Brigham James R. Burns Jerome V. Butler G. Alice Crauder Charles Crowley Dale L. Cummins Lucy Scott Darnell Thomas V. Egan Margaret Ens Eichel Jerome Epstein
1950 Thomas J. Amann Dale R. Babione Carl R. Beatty William M. Boardman • Arthur B. Bok •Jean Stewart Bok Mary SUllivan Bourke Edgar L . Braunlin Jack E. Brown Thomas A. Bucher Ruth Hamrick Buerschen Frank J. Burrer Robert J. Buschur Louis S. Caras Carl E. Cline •Charles F . Collins Robert E. Cooper William R. Cromer Anton K , Dekom
Charles J . Kenny Mary Osterfeld Kenny Leo Kessler Bernard J . Kirsch John V. Klosterman Edward J. Krach *Roderick G. Kreitzer Albert C. Krouse Leo T. Kruskamp •Peter H. Kuntz SUzanne Pohlmeyer Landgren Mary Constance Langan Edward B, Lange Daniel L, Leary MartinG. LeBoeuf Jack 0 , Leiter Raymond L. Lemm~ •Louis V. Lorencz Richard E. Lutbman • Robert R. Luthman John R. Lutz Walter F. Lutzwelt Gerald A. McBride Vera Seller McCarty Wilbur C. McClosky • Anna Jane McGrath Robert L, McMahon Adolph R. Maslar Joseph Medlsch Philip J . Meyer Robert L, Meyer Gordon W. Mills Robert E. Minnerup *Eugene M. Mitchell Joann Bell Moler Horace c. Moore Harold J . Moots James W. Mueller James J. Murphy Paul D. O'Brien Robert R. Oppenbeim *Henry J . Osterfeld *Robert L. Paulick James H. Petty
Ten Highest•classes In Amount Given All classes before 1917 $65,715.63 1917-1920 $ 8,938.00 HI50 $ 6,324.18 1957 $ 5;449.10* 1951 $ 3,782.50 $ 3,774.50* 1960 1942 $ 3,489.61 $ 3,481.00 1929 $ 3,369.11 1952 $ 3,448.50* 1963 *Includes Senior Endowment payments Henry L. Ferrazza Lois Wilhelmina Field Audrey M. Fink Carl E . Forbriger Eileen Mae Graham Richard Y. Greenwood Frederick W. Grimm Tressler s. Hardin Gerald R. Helmig Donald J. Hickey Margaret Davis Highet George s. Hohm • Frances Patricia Hussey Angela Carney Ianni Marion Jepson Robert E. Kelly Edwin R, King Ronald R. Kloster man •Marjorie Caporal Kuntz Douglas E. Lawson Donald F. Lehman Theodore R. Lienesch Randall J. McClelland Verdena Fox Mardis Barto J. Mariscalco Mervin H. Martin Joseph F. Merkle Frederick R. Miller Leroy E. Miller Magdalena Eleanor Millonig Jack H. Moody Paul H. Moosbrugger Edward J. Morrisey James J . Noll George R. Oberer Robert J. O'Brien Gladys Wuichet O'Campo Henry A. Petschelt *Elizabeth Merrick Price *Robert A, Raub William L, Richards Evelyn Ester Rowan
John J. Delp Carl G. Demmhus Thomas H. Dickman Charles P . Dorian Allen A. Ehlert Robert P. Elking Armand Fahrer •con J. Fecher Gerald T. Federspiel John E . Finke *Thomas L . Finke Lawrence J. Fitzgerald Donald W. Foley Louis G. Froning James H. Geile Johns. Gilles •vernon M. Glaser *Richard F. Glennon Robert R. Gollnitz Elmer Gooch Gilber t H. Gordon Thomas J . Graham Mary Bucher Granato •Joseph R. Gurnick Edwin Gusman Jobn E. Habig Rita Schramm Carl T , Hamm George A, Hannah •Charlotte Shearer Harris Mary Henne Heckel •william J. Hoben George E. Hochwalt Elmer J. Hohm Richard L. Hose •Eugene J. Huffman •Thomas J . Hug Jorge N. Hurtado •Mary Jo Huth Edward A. Janning Rita Tegeder Janning Norman H. Justice
E. Michael Powers Maurice R. Prather • Rita Mary Rapp • Frank A. Raso Howard J. Redder Edward T. Reidy Steve J. Rena.cs LOUis H. Rhodes James A. Riley Willtam G. Rindler Jack w. Roll Richard J. Roll •Dan M. Romer Samuel C. Rosta *Gerard T . Ryan Robert L. Schaefer Alvina Fischer Schipper George A, Schlagbaum *Kent K, Scholl Paul w. Schreiber •Philip K. Schumacher John M. Scianamblo Richard G. Segers Rev. Sanford M. Shapero Thomas s . Sheetz John F. Shroyer Willtam H. Sigmund Willtam G. Slonaker Clyde F. Smith Dale A. Smith Dennis J . Smith James H. Smith Richard J. Smith S. K. Spyridon Willtam L . Stevenaon Jack H. Stoecklein Frederick B. Strehle John J. Stueve James P. Tartaglione Richard J . Thome Fred H. Tuke Benjamin F. Turner
stepben J. Vargo Plato E. Varldin Thomas J. Vebr Norman F. VonderEmbse William F. Wagner Orville J. Weber Donald E. Wendeln Melvin F. Wendeln Joeepb E. Wblte Walter w. Wolery Jobn H. Worman Jack E. Zimmerman Elizabeth Hoblit Zlnk Demetrius C. Zonar a 1951 Charles R. Andrews Jobn R. Arbogast Anne Grl1fln Babione Norbert J. Baltzer *RichardT. Barcafar Jobn L. Barry • Flavian T. Becker •william C. Beecroft *Roy W. Begley Marilyn Thomas Bennl~n Barbara Yox Bernard Richard P. Blaes Olive Alvena Bonnoront Charles R. Brelg E. Lawrence Brooks Charles R. Burneka J obn A. Cherry Josepb Choquette Clarence Clemens John J. Cochran Don J. Cosgrove Robert F . Countryman Vincent D. Daly Nicholas J. DeMartino •John F. Doran *Raymond E. Duckro Daniel E. Ferrazza Robert D. Fremgen Frank E. Frounfelker •James J. Olivary Rosella Herr!~ Glaze Walter A. Glnd Dale C. Gouheaux John P. Granato William J. Greaser Richard H. Hackman
• Foster E. Harris Elmer J. Helmkamp Paul R. Hennessy
c. Hermetz Robert J. Hermiller Richard P. Hickey Raymond C. Hieber Robert E. Hilton Mable Hard!~ Hites Louis C. Huelsman Marilyn Beacham Huelsman Lynn Showalter Hufziger Julius M. Hunt Mary Slattery Jank Donald A. Kable Thomu W. Kelbley William c. Kercher Jobn B. Kittredge Donald M. Knowlan Oswald E. Koller Martin E. Kopp Junietta Brown Kreider Donald H. Lqe Haldron G. Latbam •James F. Leary Thomas R. Leist •Edward J. Lescbansky John C. Lieser Paul C. Lo~ David P. Lucid Dolores Ann MeAnespie F. Parker McGee Thomas J. McGree Philip J. Magin James J. Mark Mathew
Omer R. Marsden
Leon B. Mason William F. May *Richard E. Mayer Richard T. Mayer *Donald P. Mescher Nancy Niswonger Meyer Hubert J. Miller Pauline Spri~ Money Howard J. Monnin Schuhmann A. Montgomery Charles B. Mort Alvin G. Neff Richard 0. Norton Jobn S. Ondercln Howard R. Otto Harry E. Parr •David W. Price Arthur c. Reiger Rudy F. Roof Joseph D. Savino Mary Lienesch Schaefer Frederick C. Schiller Francis H. Schmalz Michael s. Schoch Clifford R. Scholes Harold E. Schweller Dorotby Emmit Shartle Richard G. Shell Carole Mildred Simpson •Howard E. Smltb
Walter E. Smltb *Jobn G. Sommer Patricia Wilson Stueve Milton L. SUSco Louis L. SUttman Walter T. Thome Celeste McMullen Tope Jamea J. Trentman George A. Uher Paul c. Unverfertb James E. Uttermohlen Albert D. VanAtta *Jerome P. VanderHorst Helene Rinsky v,...rov James E. Velten Robert N. Voelkl James R, Wade Frank B. Walsh Howard H. Wannemacher Don J. Weaver •Harold E. Wehner Clara Rohr Weisman Thomas H. Weisman Paul C. Wenn~ Maurice G. White *Gregory G. Y~ 1952 *Clarence E. Alexander Elmar R. Altwlcker Joseph N. Banister James A. Baumgarten Richard F. Beach •Patricia Sherman Begley Charlea W. Bernard *George c. Blersack Joan Oldlges Boyle Peter J. Boyle J obn C. Bramlage Charles E. Brant Theodore R. Bricker *Gerald E. Busch Kenneth A. Busch Robert J. Busse Louis J. Cannarozzl William E. Conley Ruby Catherine Cope • Allee Duffy Craig *L. William Crotty Ferne Hartin Deaver James B. Douglass Joan Batsche Enouen William A. Enouen Lee C. Falke Wllllam E. Ferris Robert F. Fischer Eleanor Ellzabetb Franzer Nancy Hohler Fuller David L. Gage Clayton H. Gantner •Julie Fflaum Gllvary Robert N. Goodpaster Donald E. Graham Charles L. Grigsby Naomi Crees Grothjan Wllllam E. Hallerman Thomas F. Harrigan Ronald c. Hoke
.~iiif~e} .BH!~~seholder Marguerite Ann Howley
•Edward F. Jauch Matthew E. J oefreda Rosemary Schmidt Kanter *James J. Keil •Jack E. Kester James P. Kilbane William F. Kissell William W. Klare Jacob L. Kreidler Mary Loulss Lafayette Paul M. Lee Frank Lewis Jean Kolstein Lieberman Leopold W. Like James R. McCaffery Richard J. McGratb Jobn L. Mable Robert E. Marshall •Evelyn Gorsuch Marsico •Francis P. Marsico Jeanne Billett Mason Donald E. Meineke Titus J . Muzl Leland V, Norris Gene P. Omlor William S. O'Neill Alfred C. Pax David L. Ffeiffer Thomas E. Reichard Eugene E. Rice John E. Riley William J. Rueger Erika Scbulbof Rybeck Redmond T. Sage James s. SaBala Mary Theodoras 8aul Francis H. Schmitz •w. Richard Schuler Donald G. Scbweller Russ ell W. Scott Donald N. Seifert Charles M. Shortie Patricia J elllson Sims Kennetb P. Smltb •Mark J. Smltb
Rev. Alan M. Spre~er Josepb B. Tierney Larry R. Vosa *Lester E. Wall Richard I. Weaver Norman W. Weber Robert L. Wise
•Daniel M. Zamorski •Joanne Hoelderle Zamorski John A. Zimmerman
1953 #Mrs. Arnalda Becker Gerald F. Bergen
Henry J. Brands J obn P. Breen Raymond T. Brewer •Joseph J . Browne John M. Byrne Walter E. Cassidy Antbony M. Ciani Joseph D. Clonni Virginia Belt Clemens George S, Cohen James V, Cosimati •Marilyn Hauer Crotty William J. Donohoue John P. Donovan Robert E. Eberts Richard J. Eisenhauer *Anthony J . Evers Harold J . Eynon John L. Foushee Richard E. Fox *Thomas J , Frericks John A. Gates Charles J. Gebhart Hal C. Gilmore Ronald D. Goermer Robert L. Goff Ralph R. Goss Leo c. Grosser *Michael M. Haines Richard R. Hazen Richard 0 . Hecker Lawrence F. Helmers John A. Herzog Donald E. Holsapple Roy T. Horvath Juletta Homan Huelskamp James E. Jones *Frank C. Jurena Francis J. Klaus •Barbara Payne Koerner •Ernest L, Koerner Anthony W. Kramer Lauritz s. Larsen James N. Lauber Donald A. Leese Virginia Analyn McMillin Edward P. Manny Alan J. Mettler James M. Meyer Gisela Blelitz Moellmann Richard L. Montgomery Billy K. Morse Joseph B. Nieman Leroy W. Peters Robert C. Recker ShearI J. Roberts Char les H. Roesch Thomas E. Robr Genevieve Pellow Schmid Francis J . Schubert Donald I. Scurlock • Francis J. SeUer Hazel Smalley George F. Smolinski Joseph J. Stockert Adolf S. Tylinskl Jerome A. Vonmobr Charles F . Walters James A, Weger Thelma Romer Witt Nelson D. Wolf Mildred Weidie Y~
1955 *Robert W. Albers Manuel Jobn Alves
~~fe!'~e~~~es Eula Lewis Ball Charles M. Barker Martha Sheetz Berus Mary Slater Bledenbender Carolyn Gutermuth Brown John E. Brune Elmer C. Bruns James W. Cisco John H. Clarke Paul J . Clemmer
James Costas Eva Riley Crowell Lois Marie Crutcher Robert E. Daley Anna Hamilton Dickey stepben J . Driscoll Richard R. Durbin •william L. Entz Margaret Greenwood Falke Louis W. Feldmann Roy F. Fischer Robert L. Fisher Thomas E. Gallagher Leonard Goldman Norbert E. Graeber Lee A. Hamer Robert K. Hankey Christopher R. Harris Carl N. Hemmelgarn Bruce v. Herath Marguerite stq Hohm Martba Jauch Horwatb Robert B. Huelskamp Cordell W. Hull •John T. Janni~ Thomas B. Janni~ •Dorothy Foley Jauch •Anne Flynn Johnson Patricia Russell Kelly Jerome F. Kiener *Henry A. Kirsbe AllanT. Lqen *Richard c. Lauterbur L. Walter Leary Frank F. Ledford Marilyn Coppess Lemml~ Jerome F. Lennon Robert J . McAuliffe Armand A. Martino Sally Payne Martino Patricia Falke Miller John E . Minardi Eugene R. Mutb Jack T. Nfcol Thomas C. Nyhan John w . O'Neil Catherine Devol Ostendorf Henry D. Prewitt Harry L. Ritz William H. Schimanskl Robert A. Schmall Mary Brockmeyer Scott Berteli Stelzer Shattock John R. Sheller Doris Marie Shoemaker •Damon B. Smith Sidney H. stansel Joan Brennan Talbot Mary Weckesser Thobe Rogers L, Toucbman •Paul L. Vergamlnl Thomas L. Volk William B. Walsh Beverly Nieman Weber Rev. Vincent A. Werl Leslie J . Winters Fred D. Wortblngton Jack D. Wymer EdmundJ. Yemec
1956 W. T. Pets Ankney Robert J. Barrett Philip T. Beach •John R. Beck *Dennis F. Brackman Allen L. Br elg Robert B. Brooks Joseph P. Callahan Jo Anne Carlson Charles R. Carroll Gerald D. Cassidy Gertrude S. Chasens \.Sens William F. Crow Sally Brown Crowe Philomena G. Dailey
Emily Covert Benham Ullainee H. Berberich Richard E. Bertrand William H. Bledenbender Thelma Louise Biggs Edward J . Bolton Lucille Gates Brlnl~ Thomas Brndbeck • Freda Morehart Browne Donald F. Bruhn Dolores Guydish Buggy Jacqueline T,...eman Byrne Patrick J. Byrne Ellzabetb S. Cannato Robert E. Coortney Donald J . Dartt John D. Delaney Jack A. Develblss Phyllis Leila Dixon James W. Donnelly •Donald J. Donober Doris Ann Drees Deborab Doskow Dreyer Francis D. Dwyer Bruce J . Espy
James E. Dever Ray J. Dlerl~er Gordon L, Dodane Ann Patricia Donabue Laverne Cosgrove Dunn Constance Huffman Ecklar E. Tod Egan Ronald W. Eifert Josepb W. Fecke Donald C. Ferdelman Robert J . Fiely Joan Neumann Finan James J. Foreman Charlotte Miller Fox Donald J. Frericks Joseph H. Gels Donna Dietz Gibson John B. Glode Karl G. Gurokovlch Douglas A. Hanneman Richard J. Harnett Edmund Q . Henriques Joseph C. Biebel • Allan L. Horvath Larry C. Horwath Elleanor Y~ Hunt Jobn F. Husso~ •Joan Voelker Janni~ David J. Jindra Michael E. Karplak •Harold L. Kittel Robert A. Kleckner Jerome D. Kmett Dorotha Davis Koch Carol Wortman Koman John H. Kunsemlller Joyce Martin McClendon Sara Ki• McNamara Edward L. Mable James I. Minnich Robert P. Mone Thomas E. Monnig Robert A. Montgomery Suzanne Mary Morrissey Martha Catherine Mosey Jack R. Muldowney Donald A. Oldlges Linus R. Osterlob J osepb A. Otbs Joanne Schweller Paul Earlene E. Pawley •James E. Paxson Daniel J. Peters Wayne F. Fflugmacher Gene G. Pummell Carl w. Rindler Thomas J . Rose •John P. Rutb William J. Sander Albert A. Scarpelli •John L. Schaefer Florence Luby Schmall Rev, Charles J. Schneider Roman U. Schoenherr •Janet Scharf Sailer Fred L. Sills Elizabeth M. Simontacchi Charles J . Simps on Anne Rauch Smolinski Philip strauss James A. Synk Mary Mantel Tayloe Joseph H. Thiem Joseph F. Umlna John C. Weldon Robert L. Westerheide J obn N. Wherr y Julia Schumacher Will Thomas H. Wolf George M. Woywod •william A. Zlns J ames J. Zofkle Janette Gerding Zofkie
1957 Joseph A. Bakan William P. Barlow
Ten Best Areas for % of Participation
•o. Jack Anderson
Mary Henige Ferris *H. James Filleuwartb Richard H. Finan Robert J. Finke Denis M. Foley Walter A. Gatrl~ Kathleen Girard Gauby John L. Geiger James J. Gessells Mary Knorr Gessells Donald J. Grelve Donald G. Helmkamp Marilyn Hartnett Hoban Robert M. Hochwalt Harold E. Holmes Artbur J. Huber Marilyn Griffin Huber Frederick E . Husso~ James A. Hutb •Rebecca Mary Jenkins VIrginia Shoecraft Jobnson Roger H. Keltb Genevieve Wilson Kenison Theresa Laverne King Martha Wissel Koepnlck James E. Lorenz Robert A. Lowden Wayne R. McClune Elizabeth Osweiler McNett E. Patrick Maloney *Philip H. Martin Francis B. Melvin Mary steele Morgan James C. Mueller J. Patrick Muldoon Gerald P. Murray Betty Umlna Naughton Barbara v. Oberfleld Thomas D. O'Connell Mary Ellen Weed Olson Winfield A. O'Neill Vincent J. Paul William A. Poeppelman Clarence W. Rtbm *George J. Rotb Jack B. Roush Mary Minlc Ryan Ronald W. Ryan Robert A. Schmid Marian Barrett Schnetzer Robert F. Schnetzer Joseph K. Schroeder Mary Jauch Schweller • Renate Altwicker Shroyer *Robert J. Shroyer *Louis W. Silverii Carl B. Smitb Lloyd A. Smltb Richard L. stewart William L. Thome Louise Smith Tupman Shirley Gebrl~ Walsh James P. Wannemacher Elizabeth F. Ward Vernon E. Weber Gerald N. Weinschenk Kennetb P . Wenstrup •Richard L. Whllmer Richard J. Witt Grace Harris Ziebler Leland H. Zimmerlin
in Ohio City Marion Canton Chillicothe Akron Toledo Newark Coldwater Mansfield Waynesville Hamilton #Deceased
No. Donors
15 25 7 31 38 9 32 6 7 24
78.94 67.56 58.33 55.35 55.07 52.94 52.45 50.00 50.00 46.15
Thirteenth Annual Support Program Chapter Participation December 3, 1966
No. Solicited
No. of Gifts
%of Givers
OHIO Akron Bellbrook Canton Celina Cincinnati Chillicothe Clayton Cleveland Coldwater Columbus Dayton Delphos Englewood Fairborn Germantown Greenville Hamilton Lima Mansfield Marion Miamisburg Middletown Minster Newark Piqua Sandusky Sidney Springfield Tiffin Tipp City Toledo Ttotwood Troy Vandalia Waynesville Xenia Youngstown Zanesville
20 4 3
55.35 39.58 67.56 5.12 32.84 58.33 18.18 29.42 52.45 35.80 28.20 39.39 13.33 29.06 19.04 17.39 46.15 21.62 50.00 78.94 38.46 17.74 18.60 52.94 29.78 37.50 45.00 35.48 35.29 22.50 55.07 19.29 28.88 24.59 50.00 17.09 20.00 21.42
163 66 201 65 56 120 107 89 16 127
10 5 4 54 57 3 17 21 26 21 8 10 22 29 20 4 17
28.57 8.19 14.28 27.69 39.58 11.53 23.94 12.88 39.39 10.44 12.30 17.85 18.33 27.10 22.47 25.00 13.38
56 48 37 39 344 12 11 486 61 243 4,676 33 75 86 21 23 52 37 12 . 19 52 62 43 17 47 16 20 93 17 40 69 57 45 61 14 117 20 14
31 19 25 2 113 7
2 143 32 87 1,319 13 10 25 4 4 24 8 6 15 20 11 8 9 14 6 9 33 6
9 38 11 13 15 7
NON-OHIO Baltimore Boston Buffalo Chicago Detroit Denver Indianapolis Los Angeles Louisville New York No.1 New York No. 2 Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis San Francisco South Bend Washington, D.C.
35 61 28 195 144 26 71
Kathryn Frances Baughan Ruth Wyen Beckman
Francis R. Berus Kenneth E. BiMB Kenneth R. Bockenstette Donald E. Bolton Charles R. Bostic William P. ·Bruening Robert A. Bruns Louis R. Brunswick Nelson G. Bube James I. Bucher .rohn B. Burke Gerald T. Bush Mary Kutter Bush James H. Calhoun Ello C. Carlini Donald J. Chontos Charles N. Cluxton Ronald W. Collins *Robert A. Conger John M. Connelly *James E. Cross Richard J. Crum Mary Vocke Dawicke Slanley W. Dawlcke Joseph R. Desch Clark E. Diehl Richard V. Dorsey Patrick J. Dowling James D. Downing Robert W. Dresher Donald A. Duweling Clement 0. Eckstein #Bruce C. Farrell Charles R. Feeley CarlJ. Feldmanls Ronald B. Felsburg Francis X. Fessler Raymond J. Fiedler Daniel B. Fischer Howard A. Float stanley C. Focht Robert G. Galvin James E. Gerstner Frederick P . Gillotti Pearl Jackson Goodman Charles M. Grsham Ronald R, Greive Charles w . Grennan Eugene M. Guglielmo Joan Left Hamilton Ronald H. Heinen William A. Higdon Andrew C. Hirsch •Philip D. Holthenrlchs *Elizabeth DeCurtins Hoying Mary Film Hus s ong Jean Bendele Jgel Thomas L. lnderrieden Joe E. Johnson Kathryn Hartzell Johnston Albert G. Jung Thomas B. Kain Seward F. Keck Richard E. Kelch Phillip E. Kielpinski J. Daniel Kilcoyne Jesse M. Kincheloe Jerold F. Kindle David D. King William J. Klenk Thomas R. Klenke Andrew W. Knisley Richard J. Knox *Gail Hallerman Koerner Robert F. Koogler Ronald L. Kress Peter C. Lanasa Charles M. Larson Edward C. Lougo Joan Schroer Lorenz Donald J . Luther *Jerome B. McAvoy *Margaret Butler McAvoy Rooert A. McCarthy *Thomas G. Mahlmeister Leona Brown Mahone Gertrude Lawler Maruna Joseph F. P . Maruna P aul E . Miller Richard E, Moore Donald W. Morefield Carolyn Haley Mueller Daniel A. Nealon Leo L. Neff Donald F. Neidert Ronald K. Newman Francis G. Nieman *Richa.i'd G. Nuss •Pet er c. O'Bryan Carol Patricia O'Connell Elizsheth stoltzman O'Neill John J. O'Reilly Edward B. Ostendorf c. Ronald Piatt Laura Page Ping Francis J. Plumer Shirley Ann Pohl J erry E. Powell Gerald L. Quatman Helen M. Raiff Carmen J . Riazzi Mary wettrich Rice Gerald J. Rieger Donald W. Rigo Daniel c. Romer
J osepb A. Ryan Charles A. Safieh John A. Saggio *Earl c. Scheidler *Ernest P . Schnlppel Howard H. Schumacher Patricia MacDonnell Scott John J . Shea Albert G. Sicking Miriam De Bord Sldenstlck Robert J. Smith John P. Soller JohnS. Spirk Patricia Swetz staudter Jerry D. strange Henry H. sturm VIrginia C. Tange man Paul F. Thesing *Joseph E. Treon Donald L. Turner Gordon E. Tuttle Helmut M. Volk Norbert J . Volk Robert F. Vonderhaar Warren D. Vrooman Mildred Tomanocy Walters Robert L. Wendling Robert A. Westerkamp Ruth Ely Whisman Diane Cross Winter Allen Richard Wlpf •John c. wurst Mary Elizabeth Wyen Richard S. Yox Judith Jonas Zarbock Anita Klenk Zengel 1958 Barbara Ann Albers
Robert L. Allg Dolores Gombert Aul.tuldish Lester A, Balster Neil R. Banke VIrgil B. Battenberg Ronald L. Bauman Robert L. Beel Arlen D. Bockhorn Harold Bockhorn Robert L. Booher Irene Haslet Boone
Adam J. Klys Cecilia Cheslaw Kocon •Harold E. Koerner James E. Krampe Kathleen K ear Larcomb
G. William Lawless Viola Martin Le Boeu1 David S. Liberto Philip A. Loftus Jack P. McCarthy James R. Mc:Gin!h *Joseph E. McHug Constance Ann McKale
Irven L. McLaughlin John E. McNamara Alfred Messina
Greal C. Milthaler Herbert A. Montgomery James w. Moran Heather Jenkins Morgan Thomas J . Morris *Raymond J . Mullins John F. Niekamp Winston H. Oakes
Suzanne Obergefell James E. Parrish Charles E. Pax Robert M. Payne William T. Penno George D. Petrosky Vincent M. Phelan Frank J. Pinn Paul F. Plrrung Mario P. Pisano Mary Allen Powers Robert B. Pretzlnger John R. Rataiczak Nancy J o Remk.e Catherine Bray Riley John 0 . Rossi
Roger C. Rudduck *Lawrence A. Ruff Lois Reichling Sakal Robert s . Sakal Robert W. Saunders Genevieve Collet SchiUman Joseph H. Schlotterer Paul G. Schorr Jack s . Schrodi Robert J. Schroer Joseph A. Brothers Richard J. Shane Newman R. Buckles J oseph L. Shea Nancy Marshall Burke Charles s. Shinaver L. Robert Buroker Virgil R. Skidmore Robert F. Busse Joseph F. Slater George A. Bussinger Marie Snelling Slater Lucie Newton Byrd Catherine Diederich Smith Anthony J. Campo Judith Todd Smith Robert E. Caporal Helen Becker Sollenberger Dian Hermann Cassells John J. Spaulding Richard P . Casser ly Lois Miller Stanoikovich Charles R. Castleman Janet White ~ansel c. David Clarke Violet Rice Stauffer Theresa Magdziarczyk Cotter Daniel J . Stechschulte James E. Coyle Edward J . SUbler Robert L. Crafton Donald B. Sylvain Michael W. Craig Richard E. Tischer •Felix A. D. Cruz Joseph A. Tomanocy James A. Davison Joseph A. Tripodi Ehner H. Deitering Robert W. Truxel Roger J . Deitering Joseph J. Ulllman Wilson E. Dermey Nancy Everhart Vance •Jack L. Ditzel J ohn J . vondrell James S. Delehanty Joseph F. Wade Judith B. Donakowski Jerry 0 . Wainscott William R. Drury Stuart R. Walborn Daniel U. Dunson Robert M. Watson Thomas D. Ebner George R. Weiss Joseph A. Edly Donald E. Westerheide Richard E . Egan James F. Westerkamp Donald C. Eifert John E. Wiesman James A. Elting Robert L. Wolff John R. Elbert Alphonse F. Wunsch Maurine R. Zamberlan Gerard A. Faust Thomas A. Z Ins Thomas J. Ferdelman George M. Fink 1959 William J . Flade Howard T. Ackerman Gerald P . Francis Mary Kronauge Ackerman Ellwood R. Gayer Bernard M. Alig John P . Geyer Frank C. Allen Therese Fischer Gill Robert E. Aufuldish Patrick T. Ginley Robert E. Barnes Sara Theresa Gover John F. Beckmeyer Gustavo Guajardo Garza John W. Behringer Raymond J . Haas Cecile Buchard Berger Robert J. Hagel Orner G. Berger David L. Halteman Edward F. Berk J ohn P . Hart Robert L. Berry Irene Brennan Hastings William J. Birkmeyer Robert C. Helke Jerome P. Bishop Ruth Dempsey Herrman Robert J . Hilinski John E. Blust Arthur V, Ho John E. Bock Charles V. Hoey J erome R. Bohse George P . Bonifas *Juana Diaz Honingford *Thomas W. Honingford Tom J. Bowser Edward W. Britt David C. Huber Ralph H. Brueneman David A. Huffman David E. Burke William P . Jgel William T. Caiaccio John M. Jacobsen Ruth Berner Campoli Frank C. Jarvis Harry L. Kennedy Andrew M. Cassells Edns Erney Kenney John J. Cecelic Barbara Newman Chato James E. Kenne y Alfred E. Clinger Harvey C. Kiley J ames P. Kindler J ohn T . Cogan Patricia Siemers Kindler Martha Rice Colquhoun Thomas A. Klein Clifford Schulte Colson
Donald A. Connor Courtney Dalton Marcella Ann Dawicke Ion V. Deaton Daniel D. DeBord James A. Denny Harry E. Dillon Michael R. Dinnin Richard A. Dix Thomas E. Doerner Francis T. Doyle Otis Drake Marianne King Dunson David J . Durbin Arthur L. Feliciangeli Barb Wessendorf Ferdelman Louis J. Ferrero Donald J. Fischer w anda Kash Flotron Ann Wonderly Freehafer Jack R. Fultz Robert C. Gauby Richard J . Gehle Fred D. Gerhards F. Anthony Giannetto Lawrence J . Gilbert Chester T. Ginter Ronald M. Goldstein Frederick A. Gorham Donald J. Gregg Leo B. Grentz Robert M. Hamilton J ohn M. Harrigan John D. Harris Gene L. Herman James A. Herman David J . Herrman Thomas J. Hessler Bertha Beck Hilbing James D. Hoeffel James J. Hogan
William c . Hogan Pauline Moore Hughes Joseph B. Hutzel Peter M. Jacob James G. Jenkins Franklin J. Joyce EmU Karas Thomas N. Kauflin Frederick A, Keyes David c. Kratt Gary R. Krause Gerald G. Krause Leo F. Krebs William E. Krueger John E. Lagnese Wilbur J. Lanese Luke J . Leonard William H. Lewis James H. Lienesch Ernest E. Littler Alice Burke Longo Mary Dapore McCrate Edward G. McDonald Mildred Brealdld McDonald Nancy Macklin McDonald Paul V. McEnroe Laurence S. McGovern Ronald w. McLin Joseph J . Marous Raymond J. Martin J . Gerald Mattingly Marie Skunza Mattingly George L. Maus Thomas C. Mick Charles R. Miller James M. Miller J ohn W. Miller Raymond J . Miller T. Kevin Moriarty Raymond P. Mullman Marion M. Munger
Gerald P. Murphy John R. Nartker Charles J. Nash • E. Dale Nash James W. Naughton Ronald F. Obergefell James D. O'Bryan Angela Bianco O'Leary Jack D. Onerem Harold R. Patterson Arthur R. Peck Robert E. Pennington David L. Peters John A, Petrie Anna Blanar Plathe Beverly Jean Quedeweit *Jerome E , Ra.iff Terrence P . Reagan Lowell T. Reidy Ethel Burgoon Reynolds Ann Fitzgerald Riazzi William B. Ries Gerald J . Rigot William J. Riley Charles J. Ritter Robert R. Rizer Helen O'Donnell Roder John G. Rosmarin Richard L. Rupp Lawrence A. Ryan Olive Snedeker Ryan William J. Saho L. Joseph Salm Mariam Wilma Schaefer • Rita High Schaefer *Ray T. Scheidler J ohn H. Schenking Donald J. Schneider Charles H. Schulz Robert B. Schwartz Leo B. Shanley
Leonard M. Sieradski Mary 0' Callaghan Small Jay V. Smith Donald V. Slaudter Donald L. Stelzer Richard M. Szink John P . Tarlano Nancy Spires Tarlano James A. Utz *Nicholas L. Uva Jerold H. Voisard Paul M. Wagner E. Chapeze Wathen Joan Wellmann Weger Philip D. Wetzel Thomas E. Wiedeman Donald F. Wiedemer Wanda Jane Wiggenhorn Robert J . Willia ms James B. Wink Thomas J . Wittmann Donald C. Zimlich 1960 *Gerald J. Allen James W. Anderson George A. Bates Leonard J. Beaudoin Howard G. Bechtolt Harold N. Behm Thomas A. Bell Thomas E. Bier Clarence J . Bittner Louis I. Boehman Donald J. Boos Andre J . Bour det #Keith R. Boyer Joan Dietz Briggs Jane Gagel Brockman Marcella Tobin Brown *Charles F. Brubach
No. of Amount
All Classes Before 1917
$ 2,352.50
302 .50
1 ,380.00
1 ,428.00
3,348.50 1,409.00
*Includes paid Senior Endowments *Sponsors
Richard P. Burkhardt Ronald R. Burns R. Thomas Cahill IRobert M. Caliboso Susan Guess Calibo&o Dolores Hart Carmichael Claradell Mary Carpenter Frank A. Case Robert P . Casper John R. Castonguay Mary Payne Co~er John J. Cotter Glenn R. Cox w ellington G. Crisler Richard J. Crouse Joseph E . Davis Herbert J. Dietrich Irene Kramer Dinnin Fenton T. Downey Judd F . Dry David A. Dunson Elaine Ruth Edwards SUeanne Hinders Ellis Robert A. Enoch John R. Ferree Robert J. First Arthur F. Garrett George 0. Geissler Joann Fischer Giehrl Maurice R. Graney Harold J. Grilliot Thomas N. Gragean Hubert T, Grothouse Ronald R. Gruenzel Helen Emmert Hall Clifford E. Harestead Robert L. Harrod David G. Hart Kenneth L. Hegemann Kenneth J. Hemmelgarn Thomas P. Herbert Philip J . Herr man David A. Hiser Richard F. Hoffman William D. HOrner Jane Kennedy Horrigan Sheila Collette J ames Eugene A. Janning D. William Jenkins Gerald E. Joseph Mark A. Kelly Robert D. Kern John E. Kernan Joseph E. Kernan Ruth Rueth Kibler Raphael F. Kilcoyne Robert L. King Vincent Kipus C. Ronald Knapp Robert J. Knipp Ronald L. Koesters George H. Kreutzjans John W. Kruetzkamp James E. Labbe Herbert R. Lander Richard P. Lauch stanton F . Lavelle J oseph M. Leigh Lee J. Liebler Elizabeth Haley Lienesch Frank J. Limbert Peter J. Liotino Ann Rawers McEnroe *John F. McGinty William H. Macbeth Nicoline Michek MacGregor J ohn A. MacLardie Bernard V. Mahle James A. Mahone Joseph P . Matt Pan! H. Mayer Clarence V. Mehlhoff Gisela MeStwerdt Melvin Lois Zorc Mentel William w. Met caU Robert B. Meyer Ronald E. Meyer Gerald P. Middendorf Gerald H. Miller Marion A. Minnelli Constance Layman Minton J oyce Ann Mitchell Richard T. Mocny Henry T. Mohlman Car1 F. Monnin Edwin J . Monnin Patricia Lane Monnin Donald C. Montgomery J oan Hollencamp Murphy •Martin E. Neal Eleanor Paul Newcome Paul V . O'Donnell Robert J. O'Herron J oseph A. Ostendorf Raymond B. Otero Anthony J . Palazzolo Michael G. Passaniti Julianna Clune Pax Lynn Stang Phillips John L. Post John K. Potts Michael E. Powers Harold w. Raab Arthur J . Raby Paul M. Rall Maude Slaton Randall Richard J . Rathsack Virgin.i a Bachner Ratterman
Ted A. Rehage William F. Reilly Ronald J . Reynolds Edward c. Richter Barry L, Roberts James F . Romer Donald G. Roshkowski •Sharon Kelly Roth J oan Burke Samperi Edward G. Sander Robert M. Sarmir Paul T. Sayour Mary S. Schirtzinger William J. Schneble Eugene J . Schroer luke Joseph R. Schuetz Cyril H. Schulze John T. Schurer Charles J . Sheridan Robert E. Sherr y Albert J. Shimek Conrad Skarha John L. Slomsky Ruth Meyer Smalley James s. Smith William H. Snider David U. Soller Eilen Majercik Steigerwald James L. Stukenborg Richard SUllo Byron E. Trapp John H. Trumble J ohn K. Ullrich Richard J . VanAtta Lawrence J. Volzer Robert E. Von Alt Thomas J, VonderEmbse Ger aldine Dickson Wagner G . Patrick Walsh Bernard H. Wannemacher Carl H. Welage Genevieve Marie Wening Lawrence J. Wilhelm Ronald L. Wilson Carolyn Stueve Willmann Frances Meyer Wolf John J. Wolter Rodney P. Wurst Dennis A. Yosick George C. Zilba 1961 P atrick W. Allen Dennis R. Andrich Ronald E. Antes Charles N. Bakan Michael F. Berry Ned P. Becker William C. Bentler Terr y L. Bockhorn Augustine Boland William E. Brockman James C. Broeker Michael L. Brown Frank J. Bysak Anthony T. Campanelli Joan Murphy Cavanaugh James T. Clark • Frank R. Coletti John s . Comella Gerald E. Comer William A. Conger Charles P . Connolly David W. CUlbertson Grant E. Deger Ross G. DiBacco Edgar A. Doyle Ronald P. Dudas Ronald E. Earhart Richard W. Flanagan Leo F . Flotron Robert F. Ford J ohn J. Fortman Charles J. Francis Robert B. Frantz Joseph P . Gawet Howard s. George *Kenneth A. Golonka James F. Greger Robert F. Grogan A. Peter G rob Lawrence L. Gutman Joseph F. Guy Joseph M. Hample John T. Hardin John W. Herrmann Robert W. Herrmann *William G. Hewitt Richard J . Hickenbotham Jon M. Hogenkamp Norman G. Horn Wilma SOphia Huelskamp John L. Jauch Suzanne Neumann Johnson Paul Katz Jean Drummond Kaufman Charles 0. Kelly Frances Morris Keyes William M. Kiernan Jerry L. Kindell George w. Koehl Bernard R. Kokenge J acqueline Kuhn Lawles s Paul D. Leitz Donald R. Lewis James J. Lockhart Michael E. Long Mary Westbrock Lubinski
Michael E. McCarnley Michael F. McClellan Richard J. McGuire James E. McKale Stephen J. Marinak George F. Marklay
Nancy Caito Mayer Josephs. Mazzotta Charles J. Mencsik
Joseph L, Mencsik Christe P. Me~os W. Michael Mereness Patricia Buchard Mick Charles L. Mickley
Gerald H. Miller John H. Miller Willie R. Mills Clara Trottman Muzechuk William L. Nighan
Lawrence F. O'Donnell Bernard A. Ostendorf Burdette N. Peterson Joseph W. Phenegar Jack R. Phillips
Eloise Weddle Pitstick Kenneth P. Pohl Henry Pope
Frances Paul Princehouse Joseph B. Princehouse Lawrence C. James L. Reichard Walter A. Reiling Sandra Sutton Reynolds Jane Stein Roberts John E. Roby
Donald J. Homes Abraham J. Rowe Charles A. Schiffman Eugene W. Schill
John R. Schmid John E. Schneider Mary Weber Schopen Roberta Smith Sedlock Dennis J. Seitz Michael J. Sepela Edward R. Sherwin George J. Skuns Gail Stickel Smith James Smith Robert J. Stankard Jerome L. Steigerwald Edward A. Steinmetz Charles K. Sweeney Raymond T. Szwarc Raymond E. Thibeault Leonard P. Thrun Timothy N. Trick Rafael Umana Richard S. Varga Leon A. Vorst Samuel Ellsworth Walters Timothy F. Weiss William J. Weller Frederick J. Wenthe Loleta Widman Wetherill George M. Williams Eugene B. Wilson Clareann Wulker Peter D. Yahner Charles L. Young Edward J, Zuscik.
1962 Laverne D. Adams •J. Bruce Alessie *Lillian Hamper Allen Edgar J . Araish Thomas J. Austin John A. Bamrick Maureen Murphy Hamrick Roberta Koenig Bates Chester F. Bauch Charles W. Beck William M. Belanich Mary Vilbrandt Bennett Roger H. Betz Gerald J. Blake R. Dcnald Blatz Thomas G. Bodie Robert P. Boehmer Joseph R. Boeke Donald C. Brandenstein Natale R. Bruno Joseph P. Brzozowski Jerome E. Burger John E . Butler James J. Carleton Robert M. Carpenter Robert J. Cicerani namon E. Colada David H. Coleman Cecil E. Combs Eileen Anne Crowley Martin J. Cunniffe Mark F. Daley Charles J . Daniel John B. Davis Raymond W. Davis
Velma Coffman Davis suzanne Mary Dawicke Florence Puterbaugh Diehl Richard
Hector T, C. Dittamo William G. Ditzel Thomas G. Dowling
Martha Watchler Doyle
John L. Durr
John R. Eckman Anthony L. Elsass Mary Brinker English John C. Ernst John M, Eyler A. James Felli Edward P. Ferris Sally Dumford Fiehrer Jacob R, Frantz James C. Frey Louis A. Garibaldi Donald L. Gehle
Dennis A, Gerdeman James H. Gerding Donald A. Gergely Harry E. Gilliat
John R. Glaser Anita Duncan Gordon stanley z. Greenberg Mary Burkhardt Gross Donald W. Gunston George F. Halloran William E. Hammer Jean Kipp Hanley Gerald W. Hartke
June Meyer Hemelgarn George E. Henkel Lawrence J. Henry Dale E. Hill
~~~~~c~.s~gj;~~;m Hoff Larry D. Holden Jacqueline Therese Hopkins Robert L. Hudson Vincent C. Hvizda Everett M. Hyre John T. Jahle
James E. Jiovanazzo Albert A. Kaiser James V. Kastle Michael J. Kilbane Carl J. Killian Durward L. King James E. King Millard V. King Raymond M. Knight
Joyce Ann Koeller Michael J. Konczal George H. Kramer Lawrence J . Kramer SUzanne Marie Kurtz John F. Lamberj ack David G. Lammers Frederick C. Lane William J. Langley
Joseph I. Lasusa Raymond J, Ledinsky Richard A. Lewicki Richard C. Lienesch Houston L. Loveless Bobbie G. Lyons Ann stark McCarthy William H. McCarty Judith Pumphrey McManus Robert T. McWalters Lambert A. Mack Wendel J. Maegley
Daniel J. Maglicic Joan Heenan Marklay James R. Martin Marvin L, Martin Mary Ramona Mattingly
Jose R. Roman Mary Margaret Rose Kenneth J. Rozak Seiya Sakurai Alan J. Salzgeber
Robert W. Santen ·Anthony J. Scalia J. Richard Schauerte Vincent F. Schimmoller Carroll J. Schmidt Mary Jane Schnoor Edward G. Schultz William L. Schummer Richard A. Seaman Dennis W, Seavey Edward R. Sherwin Nelson E. Siders Fred A. Sieverding Richard J. Skarke Elmer D. Smith Joseph I. Smith Kathryn Wegenast Smith John L. Snyder Stephen W. Soller Michael S, Someck Ronald W. Thomas Thomas M. Trivisonno Frederic C. Vonderau Frederick J. Wagner James F. Weglewski Ronald J. Wehner Daniel R. Weigandt Clarice Walker Wells Eileen Rose Wening Dean A. Willy James E. Wimmers Jean Jordan Womersley Thomas P. wuebben Raphae l P. Yost Janet Albright Young Robert L. Young Thomas A. Zimmerle
1963 Richard J. Agostinelli #Anita Lee Amato Carolyn Putney Amlin Ronald R. Anello Rudolph J. Arnold
D. Robert Askins Clifford W. Audretch
Thomas C. Bartz Carmen Ann Bauer Linda Benjamin Bauer Sister Mary Carmen Bauer Robert J. Bauer Russell J. Borelle Ralph G. Bruening
Martha Elliott Bucher
Ralph J. O'Donnell
James B. O'Hara Brendan P. 0' Leary Marilyn Stoecklein Pax Joseph L. Pizza Anne MacNamara Raby R. David Rankin Joseph H. Ratterman Loretta Hartung *Garry E. Roggenburk
Louis F, Hettinger Mary Wolf Hiatt
Stephen L. Chapman
Leslie E. Cole Louise Hand Comstock Charles A. Cozad Carl J. Cron E. Richard Csoltko
Michael J. Cunningham Nancy Jean Cushwa Robert A. Czajkowski Charles R, Dacey Joseph P. Dalbey
Charles A. Danisch Allan D. Davidson John L. Dillehay
Robert L. Diller Alice Vogel Dinicola Mary Frances Druffel Thomas H. Druffel
Joanne Elizabeth Earley J. Norman Eckstein John F. Edwards
Gerald E. Erbe Clement R. Etrick Theresa Pauline Faeta Robert L. Fiely Helen Claire Fiessi~er Ronald J. Finkbeiner Leo E. Finnen Ira B. Fiscus Morris A. Flaig Patrick A. Flanagan
William M. Flinn Donald C. Fosselman Richard J. Fox Kathryn Gudenkauf Francis SUe Ann Gedra Kathleen Musterman Graney Joan Ryan Grayson *Sponsors
Edwin M. Stocker William V. Susel Thomas G. susor Jacquelin Sampson Theall
Dolores Marie Thurn Dolores Lyons Tiel Arthur A. Torelli Roger F. Toth
Joseph R. Trovato L. John Unverferth Carol Ann Wagner John R. Wagner Richard P. Wagner Thomas E. Wagner Glee Lillian Webster Bernard J. Werling Kenneth A. White Shelby E. Wickam
Daniel P, Woodring
J. Christopher Hickey Ellis N. Hickman
Robert C. Zinck
John J. Hirt
1964 William G. Alberth Jane SUllivan Alessie James Baccus
Donald A, Homan Frank J. lngarra
Charles C. Jackson Joseph E. Janowski Marilou Koepnick Janowski Lawrence J. Johnson Theodore M. Jones Kenneth C. Keais Carol Burkhardt Keith Robert L. Keller William J. Kelly
Richard J. Kindel Robert M. Kitchen *G. William Klatt Michael J . Kline Helen Anna Kurz Kenneth A. Kuzon James P. Lally James C. Lang Peter J. Ledwedge
Patricia Ann Leese Mary June Lewis Martin J. Livingston Aloys B. Lochtefeld
Richard W. McBride Hugh F. McCaffery
Michael A. McTeague Kenneth M. Maragni Juanita Tipton Marrinan G. Edward Martin John R. Martin #Marcia Buening Martin Nelson J. Martin John M. Meagher Gloria Louise Mejak Edwina Cibulk:a Merrick Robert C. Michel Michael B. Miller
Ronald T. Deger
John E. O'Donnell
Allan H. Heller
James R. Missig David L. Mullendore Jane Sherrer Munson Waunita Kunz Nace Georgia Buchard Nelson Richard H. Neyer Ronald J. Niess John P. Nolte William J. O'Connor James M. O'Donnell Thomas K. O' Mahoney Richard A. Pagliari Thomas A. Parker Carol Irene Pavelka Kenneth A. Perko James A. Pitsinger Helen Eisenhauer Poelk:ing
Dennis H. Dicker
Richard J. Nist
Jerome C. Handorf Harold M. H~pner Jerome D. Hardt Patricia Ann Harris Thomas F. Hatton John M. Hawn Paul D. Hawn Robert W. Heckman
Frank A. Bulla
Frank C. Maus Paul F. Merrick Kenneth J. Mesolella Helen Gaylord Meyer Richard W. Meyer Charles L. Meyers David A. Miller Norman F. Mitchell Philip R. Morey Donald J. Moses Ronald F. Mulholland
Joseph R. Hagan Sharon Ruetschilling Hajek James A. Hall
Nettie Poage Buser Orey R. Buzzelli John L. Cain Sharon McPherson Camera Thomas J. Camera Ramano B. Castelli Judith Stonebarger Cerar Peter V. Cerar
Thurman J. Mattingly
Sandra Sherman Netzley S. Richard Niebrzydowski Melvin J. Nienberg
*Thomas J. Grilliot Pierre A. Grimes Anthony A. Graeber Richard C. Gross Joseph R. Grossi
Joseph T. Poelking
Gerald E. Prinzing Frank R. Reda Richard B. Reiling
Norman A. Reinhard Marcella Bates Reynolds *Bernard J. Rezy William G. Routzong William B. Russelo Mark I. Sammon David L. Sanders Madelyn Furry Schauer Thomas P. Scheidler William P. Schenkel Kathleen Liddy Schenking
Dorothy Elizabeth Schramm Jeanette R. Schwieterman C. Philip Shank R. David Shank David L . Shultz
Linda Arvin Skuns George C. Smith Martin E. Smith Robert J. Smith Ruth Mary Snell!~
John E. Snider James M. Snyder Kenneth J. Snyder Daniel J. Spillane
*Sharon Ruth steck William L. Steffen
• Ralph A. Balster
Evelyn Ann Bany Robert S. Baumgartner Vincent J. Bednarz Anne Clare Belanger Michael E. Bell
Gerald L. Boner John E. Borgert G leona E idemiller Bower William R. Brunner John E. Burke Mary Benedicta Campanelle Anthony V. Catanese •James P, Clancy ~va Muckle Conley Richard V. Demarco Michael T. Durkin
·g~r;ar:a t~~~in Faga
Winston B. Ferguson Margaret Ann Follick Ruth Boettinger Foster George J. Garascia Dale R. Gilles
David R. Graham Catherine Shea Heckman Grace Effler Heising Richard J. Hladysh
Walter L. Jeffrey Dennis L. Kirwin Nancy Meiring Knapke Richard w. Knapke
Panos Kokoropoulos Conrad J. Kopec Raymond G. Kozusko Barbara Bruey Kremer Daniel B. Lammers Martin P. Lokai Roger E. Loper Genie Vogel Maus Willard T. Mayer
Lavern J. Menker Rose Garrity Minch Larry P. Mulligan
Michael J. Murray Jeanne Dolores Myles Thomas M. Nally Nancy Ann Nerny David C. Pahl Walter J. Pazdalski
Bernard H. Petrak Gerald J. Petrak
Myr le J. Poeppelman Raymond H. Posner H. William Reising Earl D. Riley
Kenneth M. Rueth A. John -R ush William H. Sanford Lawrence J. Schmidt Nancy Weingart Schneider George R. Schubert James E. Schwarberg Richard D. Sheehan James T. Shrader Virginia Stanton Sara Precilio Thein Daniel J. Weber Thomas R. westbrook Orval E. Witt Richard J. won
Norma Wolpa Zappin Anthony M. Ziehler William E. Zielinski
John A. Zorc 1965 Regina Mary Albers Harry C. Baujan
Peggy Wood Beavin Nancy Ann Beisel Ronald J. Beumer
Kirk E. Birrell Kenneth M, Bonder Howard C. Browne
Susan Terry Calvert Michael R. Capaldi Margaret McGuire Catanese Donald M. Clarke
Thomas B. Cutlip Ronald C. Damico Joseph v. Dorso David W. Droesch Mary Diane Faulkner Nicholas L. Feagler Edward F . Fielek Kathleen Clark Finkel
Charles W. Gantner David E. Grayson Rosalind Ann Graeber Leonard J. Haas Susan Shipley Hapner Linda Schneider Harlan *John R. Herron Bonnie Shuman Hibler David J. Hibler
John F. Hinkle Sandra Lee Houghtling
Letitia Lojewski Hovan Patricia Rae Jacobs P. Kevin Jaffe Leo W. Knecht Albert C. Krempa Edward J. Kuzma Andrew J, Lukcso Barbara Rhue Lukcso John F. Michitsch
Sherry Hamilton Michitsch Charles Webster Miller June Robinson Moss David P. Mosser Joseph C. Murray Jennifer Ann Olt Claude A. Paumier David R. Perron William J. Peterson Elaine Rohlik Polishuk John B. Raymond William L. Rettig
Paul J. Rizzo Enrique Romaguera William A. Ryan Benjamin E. Sabato Greta Fiessinger Saelens Michael R, Saelens Gregory M. Salmini Lawrence E. Schindel Kristen Ann Schorr Robert W. Sears Gary Gene Shepherd Sally Marie Sheridan Ralph M. Shimovetz
*Wilbur E. Showalter Bonnie Ann Shuman Lester J, Steinlage Karen Sue strunc Lorraine Carolyn SUtton Daniel P. Tar lowski Rita Dolores Thesing Patrick F. Toye Donald J. Trentman SUsan Venhoff Roland R, Wagner John M. Walsh
Robert J. Warnement Karin Thompson Weber Anne Dowd \Vilmeth James L. Wilmeth Richard E. Wilson Sarah Jane Wyrick William J. Zeck *Joseph Zusman 1966 Kenneth J. Annibale *Robert J. Becherer Jon A. Bloyd
Anthony Castellano Francis s. K. Chan Henry J. Finkel Robert B. Gould
Patrick W. Hogan Patricia Lyn Hornkohl Dorothy Mary Hovorka William R. James Susan Margaret Kelly Phyllis Ramie Kitchen Donald F. Koehler
Roy J. Koesel Frank J . Kolo
Carl H. Mayer Jerome L. Muchmore •Marvin L. Ryherd Janet Claire Sawiak George E. Sine Frederick J. Wells Mary Pontius Werner 1967 Herbert L. Cline
The Candlelight procession reaches the manger and the tree behind the Kennedy Union as Christmas officially begins at U.D.
Christmas begins December 8 at the University with Candlelight Parade, Christmas Plays and mass. The school takes on a festive air through the New Year.
Students prepare for the Yuletide season with ingenious designs throughout the campus.
Professor Lawrence Tagg of U.D. Music Department directs his community-wide philharmonic orchestra and chorus in the annual Christmas Concert before 2,000.
Children enjoy the Christmas play in the Little Theater.
Then Santa Claus came with his elves.
And there was singing.
Above: Rev. Charles Collins, S.M. says mass in the beautiful Immaculate Conception Chapel, where the crib is a feature each Christmas season .
They were all ages.
Appropriately mass concluded that m emorable December 8 , 1966. Rev. Matthew Kohmescher, S.M. , celebrates for a tired but spiritually happy group.
Remember the old fish pond in the area behind the Albert Emanuel Library? Here is a picture of that bit of water (from which many fish , we understand, were pilfered) . The recent picture, taken from the Immaculate Conception Chapel, shows the same area with the gazebo partially hidden in the lower right hand corner.
ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTS AT UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON March 15- Cameo Concert : Hughes String Quartet from Ohio State University, Little Theater, 8:15 P.M. March 16 - Intellectual Frontiers Series : Dr. Leslie Dewart, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto, "Intellectual Freedom and Religious Commitment," Auditorium, Wohlleben Hall, 8 P.M. March 19- Continental Cuisine Club: Israeli Dinner, fine dishes and entertainment of Israel, Ballroom, 6 P.M. ($2.50 adults; $1.25 children). March 21- Easter Recess Begins. March 24- Good Friday. March 26 - Easter Sunday. Easter Egg Hunt on campus. April 3 - Art Gallery, Kennedy Union: Capezio Theatrical Costumes, original creations on display from Broadway shows, dating back to 1912. Also Mrs. Helen Stamas' Student Fashion Illustrations in Torch Lounge. 路 April 6 - UD Players Production: "The Lark," story of Joan of Arc, Little Theater, 8 :30 P.M., runs April 6, 7, 8, 9. ($1.75) April16- Classic Film Society: Bergman's "The Devil's Eye" (Sweden, 1960), Little Theater, 7:30 P.M. April 21 - UD hosts The Ohio Academy of Sciences for its annual one-day convention, about 1,000 expected. April23- Graduation Exercises, UD Fieldhouse, April 25, Tuesday - Term ends after last class. April 27-28, Thursday, Friday- Registration for 1st half 3rd term. May 1, Monday- Classes begin. May 4, Thursday - Feast of the Ascension (no classes).
FACTS FROM THE PAST What was the worst licking a UD football team ever absorbed? Bethany College of West Virginia handed the 1921 Flyers a 78-0 licking. Two years later when Harry Baujan was starting his career the Flyers downed Indiana Central, 161 -0. Here's a record in football. UD grid teams scored in 32 consecutive games from 1923 to 1927. It started against Wilmington, 34-0, in the n ext to last game of 1923 and Holy Cross ended it, 0-18, in the second tilt of the 1927 campaign. Again in the 1920s. Who remembers Mayes McLain, the great Haskell Indians fullback who played so well against the Flyers in the mid-20s? He is in Indian Service in Oklahoma. Haskell Institute, incidentally, is now a junior college.
FROM BOSTON ... A very special Valentine from Julie to Joe T ache this year . .. Julie gave birth to a 6 pound 3 ounce baby girl at 10 A.M. on February 14. This is the second girl, fifth child for the Taches who now live in Salem, Massachusetts. Rumor has it that Joe wants to name his new daughter "Valentine" ... no verification as yet. Joe graduated from UD in 1959, and served as Assistant Director of Admissions here until he left for a similar position at Boston College last July . .. The newest Tache was impatient, too- she arrived only fifteen minutes after Mom got to the hospital.
This program, now two years old this month at the University of Dayton, has gro wn in interest over the 24month period . Conducted as a part of the academic program with the Department of Theology, the current courses, The World of the Psalmist and Probl ems of the Psalms, are filled to capacity. Taught by Rabbi Herbert Brichto , the night class es have 45 students and another 25 a pplic ants had to b e turned down in Decemb er when the courses were offered for the second term of UD's tri -mester system. The first course is h eld at 7 P.M. and th e second, a seminar-type presentation, begins at 9 P.M. The complexion of the app lying student has changed over the two year period. Where nuns, brothers , priests and Jews made up the classes during the originally offered cours es, several students, who have a choice between this program and other theology courses within the department, have been choosing the Judaic Studies. This indicates an awareness of the value of these courses, according to Rev. John Kelley, S.M., one of two UD priests who first discussed a Jud aic study with Rabbi Selwyn Ruslander of Temple Israel in Dayton . Financed from the b eginning by a $5,000 yearly grant of the Harriet Sanders Trust Fund and the cost to the University for overhead, rent, etc., the program will benefit next year from the Joseph and Pearl Thai Trust Fund . The Fund has granted $30,000 to the University of Dayton for scholarship aid to. students engaged in the Ju daic Studies program. Granted a year ago, the first dividend of approximately $1,200 will be available to the University in June and students can receive aid for the September-December term of the 1967-68 school year. The program, which has taught approximate ly 200 students, also h as been a co-operative effort betwee n the University and the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. The latter school has supplied the professors for the pro-
gram. These men , Dr. Ezra Spicehandler, Dr. Alvin J. Reines, Dr. Ellis Rivkin, Dr. Samuel Greengus and Dr. Brichto, have expressed a satisfaction over the program. They have taught such courses as History of Israel, Biblical View of History, Judaic Literature, Selected Text from Jewish Literature, Archaeology and the Bible, Seminar : Modern Developments in Arch aeo logy; Martin Buber, His Life and Work; Judaism and Islam, Seminar: The Bible and the Koran ; and the two present cou rs es on th e Psalms . "We, Father Kelley, Father (William) Cole, and I, developed this Ecum eni cal idea over a cup of coffee in my hous e," says Rabbi Ruslander. "W e represent Ecumenism since we have been friends for years a nd h ave shared many thoughts which would work to the advantage of both our peoples. "You can't h ave dialogue without firsthand knowledge of each other's positions," Rabbi Ruslander continued. "What better way than teaching youth the religious thinkin g of all his neighbors." The program obviously h as a future at the Unive rsity. Rev. Matthew Kohmescher, S.M., Department of Theology, says he "is pleased with the response of our yo ung people to this educational opportunity. It seems to fit into their thinking easily." Mrs . Irene Criggall, Sup ervisor of Registration , feels that "the University may have to discuss the possibility of putting in more courses to take care of the students who want Judaic Studies. We had to turn down as many as we accepted this semester and we already have inquiry about fut ur e courses." Rabbi Ruslander adds a fina l word. "The University, to my knowledge, was the first to offer full extend ed course, or a progressive Judaic program set up for a three-year period . I feel we have acco mplished our initial purpose which is gratifying to the Jewish community."
FOOTBALL SCHEDULE HOME GAMES Sept. 16- Eastern Kentucky, 8 P.M . Sept. 30- Bowling Green, 8 P.M. Oct. 21- Temple, 1:30 P.M . (Homecoming)
Oct. 28- Ohio University, 1:30 P.M. Nov. 11- Miami (0), 1:30 P.M.
AWAY GAMES Sept. 23- Cincinnati, 8 P.M. Oct. 7 - Louisville, 8 P.M . Oct. 14- Southern Illinois Nov. 14- Xavier, 8 P.M. Nov. 18- Toledo, 8 P.M.
Reserved Seats Box Seats
Per Game
Season Ticket
$3 .00 $3.75
$15.00 $18.75
(Sets of 4, 8, 12)
Mr. Jack Brown or Mr. Tom Dowling Athletic Ticket Office- UD Fieldhouse Dayton, Ohio 45409 Telephone 222-9866
Continued from Inside Front Cover
Father Roesch called a special meeting of his Administrative Council and invited to it the Chairmen of the theological studies and philosophy departments, the Chairman of NOVEMBER 28, 1966
the Faculty Forum (a group of elected faculty members whose task is to represent to the administration faculty views on all areas of University operation], and a representative of the American Association of University Professors (a national professional organization which was then organizing a chapter on campus). Mr. Bonnette and the four accused men were also asked to come. The results of the investigation and the official statement to be released (pending the Archbishop's approval) were read and discussed. The question of the "witnesses" named by Bonnette was raised. It was indicated that the charges as set forth by Bonnette did not establish a case of heresy, but only that statements by these men appeared to him to be heretical. Witnesses might back his opinion, but they would not make heresy out of statements which were not heresy. The explanation seemed generally accepted. The prepared statement was amended somewhat, apparently to everyone's satisfaction. The Archbishop reviewed the work of investigation and accepted the statement of its findings. DECEMBER 3, 1966 The President released the statement declaring the four accused members of the faculty innocent of the specific charges of heresy made against them and announcing his intention of forming an ad hoc committee of the faculty to develop criteria for establishing healthy academic dialogue on campus. DECEMBER 6, 1966. Three faculty members, Bonnette, Casaletto, and Seman, appeared on a local afternoon radio program (Conversation Piece) and read a "statement of conscience" branding the investigation a "whitewash" and refusing to accept its findings. The statement included a new charge of professional incompetence against the exonerated four faculty members. DECEMBER 9, 1966. The Faculty Forum was called by its Chairman to meet in special, closed session and decide on a response to the President's invitation to name three of the seven members of the ad hoc committee he proposed to appoint. At this meeting two other motions were presented: a first one endorsing the administration's adjudication of the heresy charges, and a second one censuring the eight faculty members (Hugo Barbie, Dennis Bonnette, Thomas Casaletto, Joseph Dieska, Richard Dombro, S.M., Edward Harkenrider, Allen Rinderly, and Paul Seman), who signed the statement of conscience, for including in it an unsubstantiated charge of professional incompetence against their colleagues. This new charge was considered to constitute ccnduct unworthy of a faculty member and the eight were to be invited to either withdraw the charge or publically substantiate it. The Forum met twice more in closed session before finally deciding on three nominees for the committee and passing the two motions. DECEMBER 15, 1966
The eight censured faculty members accepted the Forum's invitation and
signed a statement withdrawing their charge of incompetence. DECEMBER 13, 1966 A few members of the local diocesan clergy wrote to Father Roesch (in a letter dated December 5, 1966) expressing dissatisfaction with the committee's findings and with the religious climate at the University generally. The same letter or a similar one seems to have been sent to the Archbishop of Cincinnati. At any rate, this concern of the local Catholic community was the reason the Archbishop gave for appointing a new "fact-finding" committee (composed of the Very Rev. Robert H. Tensing, Father Robert Hagedorn, Father Donald G. McCarthy, and Father W . Henry Kenney, S.J.) to probe the validity of the pastoral concern. The appointment of the committee was not publicly announced and its existence became generally known only after it had nearly completed its work. News of it made for greater confusion than ever and explanations of its task by its Chairman have done nothing to alleviate the ambiguous situation. JANUARY 24, 1967 The University's AAUP chapter rejected a motion claiming that the Forum's censure had violated academic free dom of faculty members it censured and instead passed one praising the administration's and Forum's efforts to preserve a proper University climate and declar-
ing the fact-finding committee an infringement of the University's academic freedom, an unnecessary interference with the accomplishment of its proper educational tasks. And that's where we stand.
Now, the Interpretation ... What does it all mean? What are the underlying issues at stake? What is at stake is the " catholicity" of the University of Dayton and to a great degree the "catholicity" of every Catholic university in America, for the fundamental point of this controversy is more than a local issue. The issue is whether or not our University or any Catholic university can be truly " catholic", that is, be truly open to all theologies and not just to an official one. To put it a different way. Our age of fantastically rapid change is a challenge to every institution of higher learning. Some will measure up to the exigencies of our historical moment and some will not. The secret and the price of survival is relevance to the new situation. The Catholic university needs to be relevant, that is, it must become involved in the vital sources of the new age. The problem is whether or not it can do this while maintaining intact the transcendance of the God-given elements in the Catholic tradition it represents. This dilemma is the key to the current controversy at U.D. Contrary to the impression created by some press reports, the infallibility of the Church's teaching, her divine guarantee of freedom from error, has never been in doubt by any of those involved in the current ruckus. Everyone admits that the Holy Spirit prevents the Church from ever saying what is wrong. The question is whether He has given her the charism of relevance, the assurance of saying the right thing at the right time. Some at U.D. seem to hold that the "official" Church has this additional grace. Others seem to hold (and they see this as the meaning of Pope John's call for aggiornamento) that secondary, human and fallible causes determine the ability to say the right thing at the
right time and place, and in a manner that the people of the time can understand and appreciate. In fact, they would say that this task forms the major part of the rationale for the existence of a Cath'1
olic university. A university, any university, is an agency of honest inquiry demands. It needs detachment -
and such inquiry has its own inner
from vested interests principally -
with reality, with the way things are -
and it also needs involvement
both the possibility of it and the fact of it. And it needs an
atmosphere which leaves sufficient room for dissent, which even encourages seriously entertaining alternative proposals. "The best test of authentic inquiry is the effort of translation into an alien idiom," a Catholic scholar recently stated. If everyone about us, all those with whom we mingle in the normal course of affairs, speak the same language, that effort will never be made. For many years the unbeliever, the irreligious has spoken an entirely different language. We cannot communicate the faith in the area he dominates - and he holds the leadership in the area of university concerns - as long as we insist on speaking only our language. And the situation is even growing worse, for the Catholic layman is by and large speaking a different language from the "official" clergy. It was inevitable that sooner or later Catholics, especially those in the universities, should begin the effort of translation. Many of these men met numerous "official" obstacles and paid the price of living in shadow because of this effort. Perhaps it was also inevitable that obstacles would be placed and that this price would be asked on the U.D. campus when serious efforts at translation began there. The heresy affair, then, has made one thing clear : the University of Dayton must be "catholic," it must be open to all possibilities for relevance, it must preserve on its campus an atmosphere where the efforts of translation are encouraged and cultivated. If it fails to do this, it is no university at all; if it succeeds, the present agony will have been well worth the cost.
1919 Father Edwin Moosbrugger, S.J., has been honored with the Marlboro Award, a national tennis award given for outstanding contributions to the sport through "World Tennis" Magazine. Father is pastor of St. Ignatius in Chicago (since 1940) and has inspired tennis interest in his young people for many years. His program is now well established but it still attracts attention when kids, who might have been "toughies," join the "Moose Pack" and are constantly on court. In Chicago tennis officials said that Father's reward came from the deep appreciation shown by the Moose Pack for the things they are taught.
class notes by
1922 Orner H. Burdick is a printer with the Herald Publishing Company of Batesville, Ind. H e and wife, Petronilla, celebrated their thirty-second w edding anniversary on November 29.
dee â&#x20AC;˘ mcanesp1e
1923 Thomas D. Drake retired as a Colonel in the U.S. Army in 1947 for disability received during World War II. Since then he has been a real estate broker in the San Diego (Calif.) area and is now re tiring from that, or better, "trying to r etire from its demands." Colonel Drake, due to his Army career, has n ever returned to the UD campus since his graduation but "appreciates the mailing contact I have had over these many years."
Leon J. Deger, D.D.S., married Mrs. Raymond Brock, Sr., November 23 .
Father Charles L. Collins, S.M., was elected to the University's Board of Trustees in January. Father is also Assista nt to the President and Chairman of the Athletic Board.
1916 Msgr. Carl J. Ryan w as honored by his fellow superint endents in the Cincinnati Archdioces an schools las t October. Msgr. Ryan has been a superintendent since 1932 and was presented a testimonial plaque at the 59th annual meeting of the National Catholic Educational Association. Archbishop Karl J. Alter made the presentation of the award which r ead, 'intelligence and humility, a respect for human values, and the living faith ar e so combined in him and in such proportions as to make him a leader a mong us. Through his example w e a re more Msgr. Ryan truly men, more sincerely priests, a nd more thoroughly educators. Th rough his life the lives of countless Archdiocese of Cincinna ti, in our association, and in the nation at large have become immeasureably richer."
1926 Rev. Paul J. Wagner, S.M., is p astor of Emmanual Church in Dayton and mission procurator for the Cincinnati Province of the Society of Mary. Father Wagner previously had been chaplain at UD.
1928 Very Rev. William J. Ferree, S.M., was named s econd pr esident of Chaminade College, Honolulu, Hawaii, r ecently. Father h ad been serving as vice president of the institution for a brief p eriod.
1929 Father John P. Finke, S.M., is Base Chaplain at Suffolk County AFB, New York. This is Father's terminal assignment ; h e is scheduled to r etir e from the USAF on July 31 and plans to r eturn to UD in a teaching cap acity .
1930 Walter P. Reese's d aughter, Susan, after a ttending UD for two years, is t aking h er junior year a t the Univer sity of Dublin in Ireland. Susan is "m ad about the University, mad about Dudlin and mad about the Irish." Si Burick w as honored at a testimonial dinner by the
Wha t a reunion was h ad by Father John L. Oberlander '16 during a recent trip t o
Hawaii! Father spent s everal days with Father Walter C. Tre dtin, S.M., UD president from 1932 to 1938. Father a lso visited with George K. Houghtailing '29, John F. Chalmers, M.D. '41, Brother Vincent E. Steele '42, Father Joseph E. Sherry, S.M., '27, Father William J. Ferree, S.M., '28, Father Robert R. Mackey '44, and Father Lawrence A. Mann, S.M., '36. Father looked u p Father Victor F. Broe ring '38, w ho is ch aplain at Schofie ld Barracks. Father also visited the gr ave of his godchild, Henry Lai Hipp '22, a t Diamond H ead Cem etery.
Dayton Agonis Club on January 30. Cartoonist Milton Caniff served as toastmaster and columnist Bob Considine was the principal speaker. General chairman for this event was Frank C. Maloney '49. Jessie Scott Hathcock was featured in the Dayton Daily News in late January as one of the Top T en Women in Dayton. Mrs. Hathcock retired from teaching after twentynine years at Dunba r High School but has remained very active and last year taught English at Sinclair College. This year she is secretary of the advisory board of the Volunteers of America. A world traveler, shocked at seeing starving children in India. she sold over $2,000 worth of Christmas cards for UNICEF. She is a member of the City Beautiful Commission, Foreign Visitors Committee, Planning Committee of the YWCA, Friendship International and chairman of UNICEF's trick-or-treat program.
1931 Juan de Villa has a new address in Acapulco, Mexico, and reports his family numbers four sons and one daughter who is a nun.
1932 Vincent A. Aufderheide, M.D., was named President of the Medical Staff of St. Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton, for 1967. He succeeded Norbert L. Kosater, M.D., '48.
office as a member of the 90th Congress of the United States by House Speaker John McCormack as sons, Chip and Danny, seated on the House floor, watched. Wife, Barbara, and two younger sons, Ted and Joe, watched from the gallery. Also present were Whalen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Whalen, Sr., '07.
1943 Muriel Beverly Musser married Wilfred A. Pulver, November 11. Mr. Pulver is President of Lockheed-Georgia Company and the couple is residing in Atlanta. The Jack L. Homan home was the 1966 winner of the Greater Dayton Jaycee Christmas Outdoor Lighting Contest for the second time! Jack's decorations have won zone awards three times also. Jack is President of Allied Supply Company. Rev. Urban Rupp, S.M., was named University of Dayton co-chaplain in January. Father Rupp has been pastor of Emmanual Church in Dayton for the past three-and-one-half years.
1944 John L. Hickey received a Mas ter of Business Administration degree from UD at December graduation ceremonies. Rev. Cyril G. Middendorf, S.M., has b een appointed official UD Chaplain.
Father Clarence F. Leibold has been elevated to the rank of domestic prelate, which carries with it the right to u se the title, Right Reverend Monsignor, by Pope Paul VI. Monsignor Leibold is pastor of Holy Trinity Church, Coldwater, 0., and dean of the St. Mary's deanery.
Doctor Mark F. Moots is still located in Canton, Ohio, with wife, Fay, and eight children- Michael, Linda, Mary, Barbara, Paul, Christine, Carol, and Mark, Jr. John M. Farnbacher served as judge in nationwide competition to determine trophy winners in the housewares manufacturing industry at the 18th national convention of Service Merchandisers of America, held in Chicago.
1935 Robert E. Brockman is Vice President-Treasurer of the E. W. Brockman Oompany, Inc., in Connersville, Ind. Mr. Brockman h as been married to Marjorie Lois Smith since 1939 and they have a son, Michael.
1936 Lawrence F. Boeckerman, Sr., married Mrs. Janet Schultz (widow of Robert A. Schultz '41), October 1. James J. Spatz, director of the National Association of Real Estate Board's department of services, Chicago, Ill., spoke twice in Dayton in December- once at the Annual Past President's Dinner and once at the Combined Membership and Exchange Luncheon.
1939 Elinor Robins Riedemann is Fashion Promotion Director for LaVonne's Apparel Shop, Greenwood, Ind. William A. Fitzpatrick, past vice chairman of the Montgomery County Planning Commission, h as been elected chairman. Rev. Max M. Houser has been assigned to the pastorate of th e First Evangelical United Brethren Church, Johnstown, Pa. Reverend Houser represented UD at the Lebanon Valley College Centennial Convocation r ecently.
EDWIN J. ZWIESLER '45 is serving as chairman of UD's Fourteenth Annual Support C ampa ign. The campaign, which opened February 16, will run thru November 30. Mr. Zwiesler is a member of the board of trustees for the Ohio Association of Insurance Agents. He and wife, Ann, have three sons and four daughters.
1941 Major Charles H. Jackson, USAF, is stationed at Andrews AFB, W ashington, D.C. Marjorie Coffman Sommers has been teaching six years - four at Belmont and two at Van Cleve School - 7th and 8th grad e English and social studies. Husba nd, F. Dickinson Sommers, is "teaching the only class in Dayton - 'high school dropouts' all a ges - 19 to 60 years."
1942 Lt. Col. Earl R. Gieseman has returned from duty in Paris, France, and is now stationed at WPAFB. Col. Gieseman and his wife, Norma, have one son. Charles W. Whalen, Jr., w as administered the oath of
1947 John R. Westerheide married Gertrude T. Wilson, December 26. John is Director of UD's Research Institute. Bo Powers corrects us about the whereabouts of his son, Tom. Corporal Tom Powers is stationed in Vietnam with the United States Marines.
1948 Alvin L. Bridges, M.D., is President, City Board of H ealth; Deputy Sheriff of Madison County (Ind.) as county physician; and Cha irman, Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology at St. John's Hospital. AI and his wife, Lois, h ave three children - Alvin, Jr., 14; Keith, 11; and Lori, 8.
1949 Harold E. Wright .received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Mechanics from Michigan State University in September. Har路 old is with the USAF Institute of Technology at WPAFB. Donald J. Hickey married Carolyn Duell '62, November 26. John W. Quinlisk's "inperson" report - he and Harold E. Wright wife, Pat, have five children and John is with Rockwell Manufacturing in Pittsburgh. James F. Bobb is Director of Passenger Sales Planning for Continental Airlines.
1950 Cornelius R. Dicken, a recent campus visitor, is affiliated with the Defense Communications Agency in Washington. Be r eturned to Dayton to h elp his parents, Mr. and Mrs . Arthur E. Dicken, celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Fourth daughter, Jenifer Ellen, to Evelyn and Pat Hill, September 26. Pat reports the UD-Akron'ers get together occasionally for a UD lemonade???? Daughter to Rosemary and Donald W. Foley, November 4. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Hohm [Marguerite Stang '55), November 6. Anton K. Dekom wrote the article, "M anaging Safety Through Objectives," which appeared in the Journal of the American Society of S a fety Engineers. In December Anton directed a seminar of the American Management Association in Los Angeles, and also gave a paper on project management at the Second Region Annual Convention of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers at Atlantic City. Bill Gutbrod was named Coach of the Year by the Greater Cleveland Footba ll Coa ches Association last Novemb er. Bill s tarted coaching the St. Jos eph High School frosh when the school broke into football in 1950 and has compiled a 15-year v a rsity r ecord of 101 victorie s, eight ties, and 36 de feats. Bill will be an a s sistant coach for the North in the annual Ohio High School All-Star football game next August in Canton, 0. Son to Charlotte and John F. Pernik, November 17. Robert E. Cooper received a Master of Business Administra tion degr ee from UD at December graduation ceremonie s. Major Harold D. Matheney is an a ssistant profes sor of military science at Lehi gh Unive rsity after p rev ious a s signment with the 18th Engineering Brigade in Vie tnam. James L. McGarry, with Fyr-Fyter since 1958, has joine d the copywriting staff of Weber, Geiger & Kalat advertising agency in Day ton. Lt. Col. Louis S. Caras h a s been awa rde d the Dep artm ent of Army Commenda tion Medal for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the p erformance of ser vices while serving a s Exe cutive Officer a nd later Commanding Officer of the Area Support Command in Chicago. Colonel Caras w a s commissione d a lieutenant in 1950 and has seen s ervice in Korea, Germany, and Okinawa. H e and wife, Ethyl, h ave two children- Elaine, 10, and Mark, 8.
1951 Daughter to Rita and Charles R. Burneka, Janua ry 15. James V. Bothe is p rocess es and product d evelopment su pervis or w ith the Cor ning Glass Works in Dan v ill e , Virginia. H e and wife , T ere sa , h ave five children - Ann e, Charles, Patrick, Matthew and Jam es. John E. Condon h as just re ceived his doctorate in engine ering administration from George Washington University. As John wrote to Doctor Kenneth Schraut, chairma n of UD's Mathem a tics Depa r tment, "Since ALL of my graduate
DAYTON'S BROTHERS FOUR Champagne corks popped last October as employees, suppliers, customers and friends honored four brothers who pulled themselves out of receivership to nationwide recognition. The brothers - Ted, At '41, Cliff '38, and. Bill '50 - Suttmiller celebrated the 20th anniversary of the cornerstone laying for their restaurant----'- Suttmiller's- which opened its doors on October 13, 1947, only to go into receivership in March, 1948. Today, after three. expansions, the restaurant has a seating capacity from 350 to 850 and employs 90. Bill ~nd Ted handle the food and drink operations as :w~II as the administration. Al and Cliff supervise the dining room and catering ~nd greeting people.
w ork has been a ccomplished on a par t-time basis, it goes without s::~ying there is a great personal satisfaction in this accomplishment." John is Director of the Reliability and Quality Assurance for NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Robert J. Lukey, Jr., and family have moved to South Plainfield, N.J., and Bob is Director of Civilian Personnel (over 3,000 employees) for the Defens e Contract Administra tion Service s Region in New York City. Joanne Combs is Assistant Managing Dire ctor of the Mummers Theater in Oklahoma City. As a member of the administrative staff, Joanne directed the first production of the Mummers Children's The ater, "Puss in Boots." She also is acting a s liaison with the board of education and schools in presenting programs for students and supervising special proj ect s as w ell as acting as ch airman of group and sub scription sales. Norman L. Rose, M.D., and his associates-Paul F. Thesing, M.D. '57 and Jame s A. Rode ghero, M.D.- open ed a n ew office m edical building in January on Wilmington Avenue in Dayton. Howard A. Fricke is Vice President of the Miami Valley Stock and Bond Club. James E. Uttermohlen is with Great-West Life A s surance Compa ny in Dayton. Jim is married to Mary Ellen Hagan Uttermohlen '49. Harold E. Schweller is 1967 President of the Southern Ohio Rubb er Group. Harold is with Inland Ma nufa cturing Div., GMC. Harold G. ~elso, M.D., is the new secretary of Kettering Memorial Hospital. Arnold L. Kawsky has been appointe d room air conditioner district m anager for the Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Akron and Toledo markets for the Airtemp Division o f Chrysler Cor poration. He will also cover Louisvill e, Kv., and Huntington , W . Va. Leroy Williams is local superintendent of Reily (0.) School. He and wife, Kathryn , are living in Hamilton. Floyd C. Begin- w elcome b ack to the States! After four years with th e USAF (in Korea and France), Floyd spent eleven years in France with the government essentially in comptroller and managemen t en gineering functions. H e is now w ith the Army Managem ent Engineering Training Agen cy. His wi fe, A n toinette , an d th r ee child ren , Laurence, 10, Pierre, 8, and H elene , 6 will re join him in July when F ren ch s cho ols close.
1952 Louis J. Cannarozzi was ele cte d Vice President of the Day ton Chapter of the Charter ed Life Underw riters last winter. The ch apter numbers fifty-five m embers.
Third child, third daughter, Christine Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. A. James Baillie (Mary Ellen Nagle], December 4. Don Meineke has been named Sales Manager for WLW-D where he had been an account executive for the past six years. Don and wife, Mary Jane, have three sons-Don, Gregory, and Jeffery: Pete Boyle has been appointed account executive with WHIO radio and TV. Pete had been with WING for the past eight years. His wife is Joan Oldiges Boyle '52.
1953 Daughter to Phyllis and Francis J. Schubert, Jr., October 20. Aaron Phipps is Supervisor of Office Counseling at the Dayton Youth Opportunity Center, an office of the Ohio State Employment Service. Son to Vera and Robert H. Pahl, O ctob er 26. An "in-person" report from Guillermo J. Trevino who visited the campus for the first time since his graduation. Guillermo and wife, Esther, have five children-Guillermo, Alejandro, Patricia, Esther, and Maria- and he is Vice President of the Seguros La Comercial, S.A., insurance agency in Mexico. Charles H. Roesch is with the Piqua (0.) plant of the Champion Paper Company. Daughter to Doctor and Mrs. Francis J. Seiler (Jane Scharf '56) , November 23. Francis J. Seiler (Janet Scharf '56), November 23. James H. Cunningham married Mary Frances Edrich '56, December 31. Donald H. Reichert received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Ohio State in December. Don is an associate professor at St. Joseph's College, Rensselar, Ind. He and wife, Dubie, have seven children- Joe, Mary, Bob, Tom, Nancy, Amy, and Jane. Nelson D. Wolf married Penny Jeanne Sorah, September 10. Nelson is working at WPAFB. Walter V. Lancaster is principal of Bath Senior High School a nd living in Russells Point, Ohio. Son to Helen and Neil A. Sommers, January 15. Michael J. Bonahoom is assistant principal of New Haven (Ind.] Senior High School. He and wife, Anna Marie, were married in June of 1953.
1954 Son to Mr. and Mrs. George J. Roth (Sharon Kelly '60) , October 26.
Edward J. Bolton is manager of the Todd Division of Burroughs Corporation's new sales branch in South Bend, Ind. Ed's duties include supervision, recruiting and training of sales personnel. He has been with Todd since 1963. Capt. Francis B. Melvin is stationed in Vietnam and wife, Gisela Mestwerdt Melvin '60, and their six children are living in Dayton. Son to Frances and Robert J. Finke, November 6. Mary Frances Hauer married Herbert F. Jilek, December 3. 路 Carl B. Smith is a teacher-researcher in the department of education at Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Feidner (Mary Thesing) were holiday visitors to the campus. Ed is Director of Drama at the University of Vermont at Burlington. John M. Faiella, another holiday visitor to UD, is working on his masters in social work a t Way ne State University. 0. Jack Anderson is general superintendent of machining operations for the Schriber Company, Dayton-based subsidiary of Harris-Intertype Corporation. Jack is responsible for the enlarged machining operations for the company which produces business forms, printing and production machinery. Catherine Mueller Bonomo and husb and, Philip J., have five children- John, James, Phillip, Jane, and Joseph- and are living in Silver Spring, Maryland. Son to Elizabeth and Gerald F. O'Connell, January 21.
1955 Eugene R. Muth has been promoted to Major in the USAF and is living in San Antonio, T exas, with wife, Mary Carol, and their six children. Edmund M. Mershad married Ann Barga '65, November 19. Ed received a m asters in education degree from Miami University in December. Fifth child, fifth son, Peter James, to Bev and Hank Kirshe, October 27. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mikesell (Constance 路 Hall), January 1. Daughter to Joyce and Robert A. Huelsman, January 2. James P. Kinney is in sales with Mutual Service Insuran ce. Jim and wife, Rita, are living in Pacific Grove, Calif.
1956 James J. McGuire is southern field service representative for the National Catholic Conference for Interraci al Justice in New Orleans. 路
MELVIN H. BROOKS '52 HAS INVENTED A BOX! A box which encourages bad singers to give up singing . . . stammerers to quit stammering . . . speakers to become better speakers. "Three years ago I decided to take a stand against stammering," says Mr. Brooks. He went to a speech correctionist who told him to go home, face the wall and talk. Hearing his own voice bounce off the wall and return, h e h eard himself as he sounded to others. He then talked into a cardboard box, then a more sturdily constructed box. Now made of hard clear plastic and of elaborate design, the box is drawing rave notices from speech and singing experts all over the country. Th e box, now patented, has a handle underneath and fits around the face. Your voice goes down a center channel, bounces off the reinforced backboards and travels up two side channels to the ears. A mirror on top shows your own expressions. The box is clear plastic so that teachers can a ls o see the mouth form words. Speech exper ts h ave told Brooks that not only is the echo a true reproduction of the speaker's voice, but it returns to the speaker half again as loud. Mr. Brooks is an engineer with the City of Milwaukee department of bridges anc;L-buildings.
Eighth child, daughter, to Sue and Joseph W. Fecke, Jr., November 10. Fifth child, a daughter, to Barbara and Thomas E. Monnig, November 10. Daughter to Norma and Gerald M. Hauer, November 6. Third child, first son, to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Wonka (Nancy Thirifay '60), October 26. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilhelm (Anne Wagner '57), November 17. Son, Neal Andrew, to Frances and Thomas E. Madigan, November 29. Son to Helen and Fred L. Sills, December 1. Richard D. Tobey has been named Sales Manager for Midwest Operations of Barry Controls Div. of Barry Wright Corporation in Dayton; he received an MBA degree from UD during December graduation ceremonies. Jim Katcavage when interviewed after the pro football season said, "I'd like to play a couple of more years, at least. I definitely know I'll be back next year." Kat wants to finish his pro career with the New York Giants. "After eleven years it would be funny trying to get accustomed to a new team." Jim lives in Philadelphia and is a commuter train customer all year long-working in ready-mixconcrete sales and public relations for U.S. Steel off season. Son to Jean and Douglas A. Hanneman, January 10. Douglas is an assistant professor at UD. Bro. Donald Boccardi, S.M., sends greetings from the northern regions around Kalamazoo, Mich., country. Brother is at the new Monsignor Hackett High School there.
1957 Paul F. Thesing, M.D., and his associates Norman L. Rose, M.D. '51 and James A. Rodeghero, M.D.- opened a n ew office medical building in January on Wilmington Avenue in Dayton. Second son, Michael Sean, to Patty and John M. Connelly, October 14. James H. Calhoun is Regional Supervisor for the Ohio Adult Parole Authority. Jim joined the field of corrections in 1959. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Deger (Shirley Wainscott '57), November 21. Daughter to Mary Ellen and Anthony L. Sorice, Novembe r 26. Son to Theresa and Jerome P. Leibold, December 12 . Coleman Cummings received a Master of Business Administration degree from UD during D ecember graduation ceremonies. Coleman is with Delco Products Division, GMC. Russell J. Bouchez is with the Ford Motor Company's Truck Division as product development engineer. He and wife, Mary Lynn, and two children- Laurie, 5, and Liza, 4live in Dearborn, Michigan.
1958 Son, Edward Joseph, to Judith and Edward F. Vasicek, October 18. James A. Davison is an elementary principal in the Brookville (0.) Local Schools. Jim and wife, Beverly, h ave four children- Mike, Mark, Susan and Sharon. Daughter to Suzanne and Alphonse F. Wunsch, November 2. Son to Maureen and Richard M. Koehler, November 19. Son to Mr. a nd Mrs. Ch es ter F. Damuth (Jean Lounsberry '58), November 19. Daughter, Jennifer, to Mary Lou and Charles H. Kronke, July 5. Charles is the manager of the Holiday Inn, Cortland, N.Y. Robert L. Alig is 1967 Treasurer of the Southern Ohio Rubb er Group. Bob is with Inland Manufacturing Div., GMC. Doctor Thomas C. Versic is a second-year resident in Ophthalmology at Ohio State University. Tom received his M.D. from Marquette. James A. Landsiedel won a two-week trip to Hawaii in an American Business Club contest for himself and wife, Edna.
Jack H. Blaine was promoted from associate counsel to Counsel of the American Life Convention (major life insurance trade association] in Chicago, Ill. Virgil L. Will, C.PP.S., received his third degree from UD in December-a master of arts degree. Virgil has three more years of study before ordination to the priesthood. Kenneth R. Lyman is Vice President, Commercial Motor Insurance, of Transportation Underwriters, Inc. Ken and wife, Mary Louise, celebrated their first wedding anniversar.v on January 29. H. F. Larry Vincke, a seven-year veteran of the Dayton police force , was promoted to sergeant in January. Larry is credited with helping remap the police Manual of Procedure during his tenure. His wife is Barbara Kaes Vincke '57.
DAVID L. RIKE '57 Hon. has b ecome chairman of the board of Rike's and con tinues as chief executive officer. Mr. Rike became president in 1947, succeeding his father, the late Frederick H. Rike. Commenting on his new position, Mr. Rike said, "We have not had a board chairman in our organization before because we have been inclined toward a very simple top management structure. The very great growth of our business has brought us to a stage that makes it desirable to have two people sharing top responsibiiities for the operation of the business." The new president of Rike's is Roy Eberhard who joined the company in 1940.
Thomas A. Bir is a stock broker with Bach e & Company, Inc., Madison, Wise. Tom and wife, Barbara, are living in Sun Prairie. First child, Amy Louise, to Sara and Lawrence C. Roderer, Jr., January 16. Jack P. McCarthy has been named National Sales Manager for WHIO-TV and radio. Jack previously h ad b een an account executive for eight years with WHIO. Frederick W. Heydinger is with Chrysler Corporation and plans to attend UD grad school.
1959 Son to Janet a nd Andrew J. Niekamp, January 4. Beverly Quedeweit is attending Miami University graduate school. Donald F. Brandewie is head of the science dep artment and teaching at Swanson Junior High School in Arlington, Virginia. He and wife, Carol, celebrated their tenth wedding a nniversary last September 6. George P. Bonifas is an engineer in m aterials and standards for the W estinghouse Electric Corporation in Lima, Ohio. George and wife, Dorothy, celebra ted their eighth wedding anniversary on Novemb er 27 and have four children- Ronald, Judy, Larry and John. Charles G. Grismer and Marion J. Eley were elected members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wittmann (Carolyn Stueve '60), January 19. Kenneth J. Smith married Jane Schryer, July 7. Ken is a member of the sociology faculty at th e University of Miami (Florida]. Charles H. Gunnoe is with National Cash Register Company. H e and wife, Mary Beth, celebrated their t enth w e dding anniversary on Christmas Day.
SPECIAL! HALL OF FAME! Co ngra tulations to our newest Hall of Fame inductees - Robert C. Payne '34 and Arlen D. Bockhorn '58. At the time of Bob Payne's graduati on, h e had won nin e varsity letters and captained all three major sports - football (end), basketball [guard), a nd b aseball [first base) at UD.
Third child, Maureen Ann, to Eileen and David Peters, December 20, 1965. Thomas W. Moritz is statione d in Vietnam with the 128th Assault H elicopter Company and has been promoted to Captain. David K. Macci has been promoted to Captain and is stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. Dave an d wife, lnge, h ave four children- Deborah , Karen, David , Jr., and Kristian. Daughter to Shirley and Edward G. Zwiesler, No vemb er 2. Tom Spahn and wife, Carol, are living in Livonia, Mich. , with their two children- Karen and Tommy. Tom is with Ford Motor Company. Capt. Richard Bogenrife was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Air Medal for outstanding service in Vietnam. Dick was a b attalio n advisor to the South Vietnamese Army and was awarded the Bronze Star for outstanding services in this capacity. He and wife, Joyce, are living in Dayton路 w hile Dick is stationed at WPAFB . Johanna C. Kalavsky became Mrs. Phelps on May 14. Joh anna is a dietitian at Akron [0 .) City Hospital. First child , Paul Jo seph, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Joseph Salm, November 4. Daughter to Eileen and George J. Berner, November 23 . David E. Rump is Junior High School Principal at Big Walnut Schools , Sunbury, Ohio. Dave and wife, Dora, celebrated th eir eighth wedding anniversary, December 27. Capt. John R. McCall is in the USAF stationed at Kadena AFB. Okinawa. Fifth child, fourth daughter, Mona Catherine, to Jo and Capt. Robert F. Sweeney, December 10. John P. Tarlano received a bachelor of laws de gree fro m Ohio State in Decemb er. He and his wife, Nancy Spires Tarlano, will remain in Columbus until July.
To finis h hi s footba ll career, Payne scored the final TD in the last game of the 1933 season agains t Denison. He was All-Ohio and his coach, Harry Baujan, had this to say, "Bob was a great blocker and a fine pass receiver. We didn't use ends to score a lot in those days. The game wasn't nearly as wide open as it is today. If it were, Bob would have been a leading scorer and probably an AllAmerican." Mr. Payne is Sales Manager at Jack Summers Tire Company in Miamisburg and his daughter, Patricia Payne Merges, was gradua ted from UD in 1958. Arlen "Bucky" Bockhorn, after a two-year hitch in th e Army b etween his freshman a nd varsity career, was a starter of a basketball team as a sophomore which co mpiled a 25-4 season, a second-place finish in the NIT, a nd a first-place win in the Kentucky Invitational Tournament. Bucky usually had the toughest opponent as his defensive assignmen t and a one-hand push shot on offense. As a senior Arlen was joined by his two brothers- Terry '60 and Harold '58 - making the only trio of brothers on a major college team at that time. Arlen was named the Flyers' Most Valuable Player his senior year, after which he starred for seven years with th"e NBA's Cincinnati Roy als before a bad knee forc ed his retirement. He is District Manager for Texo Corporation. The Hall of Fame induction ceremony was held between halves of the DaytonMiami basketball game on January 28. Past Hall of Famers present were : Harry Solimano '07, Lou Mahrt '26, Bernard Keiter '42 , Don Meineke '52, Junior Norris '52, Bill Blake '26, John Horan '55, Tony Furst '40, and Mrs. Richard D. Snelling, representing her late husband who was fro m the class of '27. A letter received from Colonel John J. Padley '40 expla in ed his absence from the festivities. "I deeply regret that Shirley and I cannot accept your kind invitation since I have be en overseas [Okinawa) s ince last July. I would certainly appreciate your giving the new inductees my most sincere congratulations."
Fourth child , second daughter, Shirley Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Ackerman (Mary Kronauge), January 4. Charles J. Ritter is an instructor in geology at UD since January. Chuck and wife, Suzanne, married in December of 1963 , have a daughter, Mary Margaret. 1960 Chuck Malloy is Manager of Midwest Tire Company in Dayton and played football with the Dayton Colts last fa ll. Anthony N. Doria is guidance counselor at Holy T rinity High, one of the new diocesan schools, in Hicksville, Long Island. Mrs. Doria is Carol Yordy '61. Theodore J. Szymanski is with American Education Publications in Middletown , Conn . Captain William P. Johnson, Jr., is Adjutant with th e 5th Special Forces in Vietnam. Dennis Mundhenk and his wife , Anita, h ad a s eco nd so n , Kent Eugene, June 29. Dennis is now a buyer for Research and Development at WPAFB . Capt. William J. Schneble, M.D., married Nancy Marie Sawicki, December 10. Capt. Leonard J. Beaudoin passed thru Okinawa last October and writes "had a grand reunion with Jim Westerkamp '58, who is also my brother-in-law. I am presently serving with the U.S. Marine Corps as assistant operations office r of the Force Logistic Support Unit No . 2, located in the Phu Bai!Hue area of Vietnam." Francis M. Naughton is contract specialist for the Department of the Army. He and wife, Viol a, are residing in Arlington, Va. Father Thomas E. Stang, C.PP.S., is teaching at Neuman High School, Santa Rosa, Calif. Third child, first son, Daniel, to Aurora and Daniel Becerra, September 21.
Daughter to Barbara and Robert E. Meyer, November 25 . Daughter to Norma and Doctor John W. McCloskey, November 21. John is an assistant professor of math at UD. Doctor Paul D. Coulter is Research Chemist for Union Carbide's Carbon Product Division in Cleveland. Paul and the Mrs. had their third child, Paula Dianne, last May 8. Paul Tipps, Dayton realtor, authored the lead article on advertising and public relations in the Journal of Property Management, contending modern advertising is twenty per cent show business. Paul recalls the time he had a silver spoon flown in from Tiffany's to break ground for the Financial South Office Park Building. The spoon cost $12.50 and it received $700 worth of publicity. Richard J. Feldmann is in the Research and Development department of Airborne Instruments, Melville, N.Y. Ann and Joseph M. Leigh announce the adoption of their second child, Michael, in December. Phillip E. Hoover has been discharged from the United States Army and is working at E. F. MacDonald Company. He, wife Elsie, and children-Susan and William-are living in Dayton. Paul F. Dierker received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University and is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Idaho. Son to Paula and Robert D. Kern, December 17. Roy F. Carlson, D.D.S., is practicing in Ravenna, Ohio, after tours of duty in Newport, R.I., Guantanamo Bay, and New London, Conn., with the U.S. Navy. Roy and wife, Jan, have five children. Joseph W . Kennelly and wife , Sue, had their third child, first daughter, Jenifer Lynn, November 13. The Kennelly's are living in Temperance, Mich . John W. Wurts, attorney in the Petricoff and Wurts partnership, is the new President of the Montgomery County Young Democrats. John and wife, Sue DeWine Wurts '58, have two sons. Receiving a Master of Education degree at UD's December graduation exercises was Joseph P. Omietanski. Capt. John C. Phillips is a helicopter pilot with the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Donald P. Reed has been a sixth grade teacher in the Wayne Township Schools for seven years. Don and wife , Dolores, have nine children-6 daughters and 3 sons. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin V. Bornhorst (Kathleen Fitz路 maurice '62), January 9. Louis I. Boehman received his Ph.D. from the Illinois Institute of Technology in January. Lou is with the UD Research Institute. Richard E. Nonelle has been a registered representative of Greene & Ladd Investment Brokers in Dayton since 1963. "I'm inherently bullish-if I weren't, J wouldn't be in this business." Dick and his wife, Mary, have two children-a daughter and a son. Robert W. Brock is an assistant professor of sculpture at State University College in Buffalo, N.Y. Bob and wife, Caroline, have a son-Kyle Vincent, three years old. Sixth child, third son, Timothy Joseph, to J o Anne and John E. Kernan, Jr., January 20. Harold S. Hahn is with DuPont in Parkersburg, West Virginia. He and wife, Susan, celebrated their first wedding anniversary last October. Sure would like to have your mailing address, Harold. Roger F. Broering is a project engineer with the OPW Division of Dover Corporation in Cincinnati. He and wife, Mary Ann, have twin sons, Timmy and Ricky.
1961 John L. Buehler is organist for the beautiful new Immaculate Conception church in Dayton. Eugene J. Doll is now a Captain in the U.S. Army stationed at Schofield Barracks, San Francisco. Gene and wife, Barbara, had their first child, Eugene J., April 24. Edwin J. Hartke has been promoted to Captain and has a new APO New York address.
First child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Steinmetz (Sandra Krizin '65), November 3. Daughter to Carol and Robert C. Evers, November 10. Second child, first son, William A. III, to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Conger, Jr. [Molly Payne '60), October 8. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryon Brucken [Judith Wag路 ner '61), November 23 . Ted L. Rogers is a biology instructor at Edison High School in Stockton, Calif. Ted was married to Helen Goodpaster, December 31. Michael J. Sobota is teaching ninth grade English at North Royalston [Ohio) High School. Mike and his wife , Ann Marie, have two children- Michele, 4, and Mark, 3. "I am presently an active member of the 37th Infantry Div. of the Ohio National Guard. My job title is Assistant Adjutant General and I was recently promoted to the rank of Captain ." Richard S. Scranton received a masters degree from Ohio State in December. Father Bernard J. Srode, CPPS, was appointed chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Council, Miamisburg, Ohio. Father is an assistant pastor at Holy Angels Church in Dayton. A. Edward Pytosh received a Master of Business Administration degree from UD during December graduation exercises. Joseph N. Kleimeier married Mary Sue Eversole, January 14. Joe is a chemist with Lowe Brothers Company. Elisha Abner is an engineer with the Gulf Oil Company in Franklin, 0. Capt. Charles L. Mickley is stationed at Dover AFB, Delaware, with the 31st Military Airlift Squadron. James J. Hartlage is teaching math and physics at Madonna High School in Weirton, W. Va. Jim and wife, Beverly, have two children- a boy and a girl. First child, William Joseph, to Judith Danko Bigge and her husband, July 20. Judy's husband is an executive pilot for Standard Oil of Ohio but we still don't know his name . The Bigge's are living in Cleveland. First child, Andrea Marie, to Barbara and Michael R. Renner, November 28. Robert C. Evers received his Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame in 1965 and is now a chemist at WPAFB. Joseph A. Capella received his masters degree from the University of Florida in 1964 and is a member of the faculty and research in the college of medicine there. He and wife, Delores, celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on December 30.
1962 Marvin L. Martin married Carol Lynn Irvin, December 31. Marvin is in computer sales support at NCR. John R. Shirey and Jerome M. Allaire received Master of Business Administration degrees and Father Ronald H. Moorman, CPPS, a master of arts degree at UD's December graduation. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. O'Leary [Angela Bianco '59), December 29. David L. Hopkins is a sports writer with the Fort Lauderdale [Fla.) Daily News ... two of his sisters, Helen and Kathleen, are attending UD. Son tp Barbara and Larry P. Traister, January 1. Raymond R. Trevelline is self employed and living in East Liverpool, Ohio. Garry Roggenburk signed his 1967 contract with the Boston Red Sox in January. Garry, a lefthanded pitcher acquired from the Minnesota Twins, was one of 13 players signed at that time. Richard L. Berkenstock is an industrial engineer with Huffman Manufacturing Company in Celina, 0 . He and wife, Polly, were married in August of 1965. Richard C. Lienesch, M.D., married Helen Marie Boris, January 28. The couple is living in Denver, Colorado, where Dick is interning at Denver General Hospital.
Paul F. Merrick is Program Director at Catholic Charities' new Group Home in Dayton. The home will serve boys not necessarily delinquent but who are having difficulties at home, are in institutions or under individual foster care. The twelve-room house will probably shelter eight youths within a year. Paul's wife is Edwina Cibulka Merrick '63. Joyce Mooney Grant and her husband, Edward, have moved from Dayton to Glen Falls, New York. Ed was named service manager of an NCR branch there. Peter J. Ledwedge is Regional Credit Manager with Nutone, Inc., of Cincinnati, 0. Son to Judith and Robert C. Boepple, January 18. Roger H. Betz is computer systems engineer with IBM in New York City. Roger and wife, Carol, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on November 14. Daughter, Karla Renee, to Doris a nd Earl A. Spivey, April 23. John F. Nagle is attending graduate school in the division of special education at Oregon College in Salem. Carolyn Marie Duell married Donald J. Hickey '49, November 26. Robert M. Berenda is purchasing agent for Crucible Steel Company of America in Pittsburgh, Pa. Doctor John K. Huentelman is interning at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton. John and wife, Nancy, were married in 1964. Sandra Kay Wolf is living in Hamilton, 0., and is with the Social Security office there. Capt. Daniel R. Weigandt is commanding officer of the Bravo Company 39th, APO San Francisco. First child, Christine Susan, to Theresa and Capt. Hector T. Dittamo, November 26. Hector is Commanding Officer for the 590th Supply and Service Company in Thailand. Jack Beery is a design engineer with Burroughs Corporation and he and his wife are residing in Farmington, Mich. Dennis A. O'Neal married Virginia Wurzer, July 16, and is Administrative Assistant at the American National Bank & Trust Compa ny in Chicago. He is a Chicago ch apter UD Alumni Association representative. Captain Francis P . Gniazdowski is commanding officer of the 517th Transportation Company at Ft. Bragg, N.C. Second child, second son, Mathew Jos eph, to Barbara and Joseph J. Piekotowski, November 22. The Piekotowskis reside in Hingham, Mass. · First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Pepitone (Brenda Kolentus '63), November 28. Second child, first daughter, Tracy Sharon, to Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Gutman (Frances Carr) , December 9. Lois Brinkman married Doctor Divaker B. Kenkare, September 3. The couple is living in Champaign, Ill. Sandra Sherman Netzley is a m edica l t echnolo gist at Dettmer General Hospital, Troy, 0. Capt. Ralph J. Bednar married Betty Jean Landers, November 12. Ralph is stationed at the U.S. Army Atlanta Depot as Finance Account Officer. Daughter to Karen and John F. Wagner, January 22. Denis P. Campbell received his M.D. de gr ee from Virginia Medical College in June and is now a Captain in the U.S. Army Medical Corps interning at Fitzsimons General Hospital in Denver, Colorado. 1963 H. Michael Case has been promoted to Captain and is stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. Donald A. Homan married Madonna Marie Moorman and is a project engineer at Monsa nto Research Corporation. William J. D'Agostino h as two sons and is a m echanical service associate in the corporate facilities planning and management department of Xer ox in Ro ch ester, N.Y. Patrick M. Goerig was promote d to Captain in the U.S. Army before being discharged in January. Capt. James A. Hall, just returned from a tour of duty in South Vietnam, is presently on duty a t the U.S. Army Intelligence Command and living in Baltimore, Md.
Son to Patricia and James P. Hickey, November 19. Lt. Joseph P. Dalbey completed the USAF counterinsurgency course at the Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala. Joe received instruction in various aspects of subversive action and guerrilla warfare. He is presently stationed at Robins AFB, Georgia. Edwin M. Stocker married Irene Elizabeth Wank '65, November 26. The couple is living in Columbus. 0. First child, John Paul, to Peggy and Paul J. Tangeman, November 19. Captain Charles M. Konieczny recently returned from a two-year tour of duty with the U.S. Army in Hanau, Germany. Now stationed with the Engineer Officer Candidate Regiment, Fort Belvoir, Va., he and wife, Susan, and children Julie and Jill are living in Alexandria, Va. Percy 0. Vera re ceived an MBA degree from UD last December. Mr. Vera is with the Ohio Aeronautical Systems Division at WPAFB and he and wfe, Rosalind, had a son, Jan. 18. Second child, second son, Timothy Edward, to Mary Lee and Bernard E. Breiding, October 30. Navy Lt. Anthony J. Saprano is assigned to the Staff of the Commander, Coastal Surveillance· Force, with h eadquarters in Saigon. The Force, whose operations are called "Market Time," is made up of ships, planes, and patrol craft operating with Coast Guard Cutters and Vietnamese Navy units to form a barrier along the South Vietnamese coastline. Their mission is to prevent enemy infiltration of personne l and supplies into South Vietnam by sea. Dave Boland is with Chicago Rawhide Manufacturing Company in the marketing division. Joseph L. Charron, CPPS, John J. Franck, CPPS, Ronald W. Hoenninger, CPPS, and John W. Tierney, CPPS, all received Masters of Arts degrees at UD's December graduation. Thomas E. Zimmer, a '63 TI grad, was awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Tom is in the U.S. Army Armor Division. Marjorie Miller Fawcett is working on her masters in nursing service administration at the Ohio State University. Capt. Patrick M. Goerig returned from a one-year stint in Vie tnam as h elicopter pilot in October. Now Pat is te aching others to be helicopter p ilots at Fort Wolters until he is discharged in August. Then it's back to school for an MBA degr ee. He and wife, Dorothy, are living in Mineral Wells, Texas. Joseph W. Breuer received a masters degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1965 and is now working on his doctorate at Ohio State. John J. Bodner and wife, Marilyn, celebrated their wedding anniversary on December 28. John is a research engineer with DuPont Company in the Christina Laboratory in Wilmington , Delaware. Capt. Roger F. Toth is stationed at Pleiku, Vietnam, where the weather is "real hot." Robert A. Meloni is a draftsman designer for Black & Decker Manufacturing Comp any. He and wife, Jeanne, married in September of 1962, are living in Baltimore, Md. David M. Carlton is in the U.S. Navy stationed in Vietnam. Dave will b e in Vietnam until January of 1968. Robert W. Heckman received his Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Purdue in January. Bob and wife, Kay Shea Heckman '64, are living in Detroit, Michigan, where Bob is with the Ford Motor Company at Dearborn. Charles E. Winger, Jr., a USAF veteran, is back in Dayton working at Globe Industries and attending UD night school. John J•. Cain is an engineer with Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc., in Sarasota, Flo rida . John h as a masters degree in electrical en gineering from Purdue. At UD he was awarded the Horvath-Steger Senior Electrical Engineering Award, in the year of his graduation. Joseph R. Trovato is an accountant with Xerox Corporation in Rochester, N.Y.
James C. Herbert is a doctoral candidate at University and a lecturer in history at Regis and Newton, Mass. Jim was married to Sandra Lynn last year. Richard P. Wagner married Geraldine Dickson ruary 4.
Brandeis living in Swanson '60, Feb-
1964 Val Habjan is assistant director of Wittenberg's Student Union in Springfield, 0. Val is in charge of the Union's activities program and serves as Union Board advisor. Lt. Perry A. Reed was awarded USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Laredo AFB, Texas, last September. Perry has been assigned to W estover AFB, Mass., for flying duty with
Val Habjan the Strategic Air Command. Lt. James R. Fenelon is a clinical psychologist at David Grant Hospital, Travis AFB, Calif. Leonard J. Ciletti married Lolita Mary Schorr, November 12. Robert H. Voge married Sharon Lee Guenther '65, November 26. Sharon is teaching at St. Charles School in Kettering while Bob is in service. Major George D. Schrader was decorated with the USAF Commendation Medal at Shaw AFB, S.C., for outstanding professional skill and initiative which aided in identifying and solving problems encountered in his duties as assistant staff judge advocate at WPAFB. Harold F. Leahy married Peggy Ellen Shaw '66, August 20. Harold is attending UD Grad School. Nancy Louise Close married William H. Kelly, Jr., June 11. Nancy is teaching in the Morton Grove (Ill.) Public School System. First child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Koporc, Jr., (Nancy Blair '65), November 4. Son to Susan and Benjamin J. Jakubowski, Jr., November 14. M. Richard LaRocca h as left the Ohio Department of Taxation to take a position with DARCO, Inc. Business Forms as an accountant. Dick is living in Oakland, Calif., and says, "I will miss Dayton - but there is nothing like sunny California when it's not raining." Frank J. Mattia m arried Sharon Elizabeth Young, November 26. Frank is attending UD grad school. Michael Scrimenti is the new president of the Dayton Litho Club . Mike is with Standard Register Company. Daniel W. Haley married Martha Ellen Susa '66, December 26. Lavern J. Menker married Kathleen Mary Drummer '66. December 26. Mary Ann Schroer m arrier Robert Arthur Sauer, December 23. Vera O'Grosky married Phillip Jay Copp, December 23. Lt. Joseph P. Pantano married Margaret Lee Metzdorf '66, December 17. Joe and Peggy are now living at Ft. Leonard W ood, Missouri. Kenneth R. Scharding h as been n am ed Manager of closed die products enginee rin g for th e Standard Steel Division of Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation of Burnham, Pa. Ken and wife, Barbara, have a d aughter, Donna Marie. John W. Batey received a Master of Science degree; Hector G. Saravia, a Master of Arts degree; Ronald A. Fischer, '64 TI grad, a Bachelor of T echnology degree ; and Jeanne D. Myles, '64 Bachelor of Arts grad, a Bachelor of Education degree, at UD's Decemb er graduation.
Richard J. Woll has been discharged from the Army and is attending the University of Kentucky graduate school. Martin J. Held was appointed an account executive with Dean Witter & Company, San Francisco, Calif., recently. Marty will service individual brokerage accounts, and is accredited by the New York Stock Exchange as well as other regulatory boards. Richard A. Baker married Marilyn Musterman '65 , December 26. Marilyn is teaching math in the Columbus (0) School System while Dick attends Ohio State Graduate School. After basic officers course at Ft. Sill, Okla., and a tour of duty in Korea, Rich Hladysh is a civilian again and living in Dayton. LeRoy B. White is an instructor of design at the Rhode Island School of Design. Judith Dickinson married Doctor George A. Liebler, January 6. Judy is teaching home economics at Baldwin High School in Pittsburgh, Pa. Michael A. Toner married Janet Carol Miller, August 6. Mike is communications representative for the Wisconsin Telephone Company and Janet is teaching in the Milwaukee Public School System. James R. Nanci is a sales engineer with Ralph A. Hiller Company in Monroeville, Pa. Jim and wife, Marcia, were married in August of 1964. Carroll S. Luckett, after five years in the field service department of Avco Corporation in Cincinnati, is located at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, on a three-year assignment as Assistant Program Manager of a 250-man Missile tracking and data collection program. "Our duties are to track by means of radars and plot the projected course of all missiles fired by White Sands Missile Range." Carroll and wife, Diane, and family are living in Alamogordo, N. Mex. Bonnie Huelsman Schoenlein and husband, Thomas, have moved to W arren, Michigan, where Tom is a sales engineer with Pontiac Motors, Delco Products. The couple h as one daughter, Elaine Patrice. Raymond J. Biltz, Jr., is an electronics technician with Esterline Angus. Ray and wife, Anita, are living in Indianapolis, Ind. Paul C. Lucke is a research mining analyst for Dean Witter & Company of New York City. Paul and wife, Helen, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on February 20. David J. Malone is in the U.S. Army with th e 520th Personnel Company at Ft. Lee, Va. Raynor Y. Shimoda is an electronics engineer with Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Livermore, Calif. First child, son, Howard Arthur, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Stevens (Sally Sullivan '65), January 17. Howard is a counselor in the UD Guidance Center. James 0 . Bozdech is a teaching assistant at St. Louis University and what classes he has ! Thirty student nurses in his sophomore literature class. Jim and wife, Sharon, are living on Edgehill Drive in St. Louis - "Give my best to the rest of the class of '64. If any of them should b e in St. Louis, I'm in the book." James J. Cleary, Jr., married Mary Joan Brinkmoeller '64, February 4. Jim is sales representative for Raybestos in Manhattan, N.Y. Mary is teaching at Lenna Conrow School in the Long Branch (N.J.) School System. Daniel J. Brysh is Pittsburgh Branch Representative for the RCA Whirlpool Corporation. Lt. Joseph S. Rose, Jr., married Marie Monica Flyzik, February 4. The couple is living in Columbu s, Georgia, while Joe is stationed at Ft. Benning.
1965 An apology to William J. Roos - last issue r eported that Bill and wife, Mary Anne, were proud parents of a bouncing boy - Bill isn't married so no bouncing boy! Know
this was embarrassing and we're sorry. Bill is attending UD grad school. (But sure would like to find out whose baby son, born on September 26 to somebody and Mary Anne, got posted on the wrong file card ... any ideas?) Robert W. Ganser is a graduate assistant in the geology department at the University of Oklahoma. John M. Haemmerle received a masters degree from Ohio State in December. John is an accountant with Pete Merrill & Mitchell, Columbus, 0. Carol Louise Lohman married Horst Ronald Zielke, January 7. The couple is living in East Lansing, Mich., where Horst is a candidate for his Ph.D. d egree, and Carol is attending the Michigan State University. Hugh 0. Dermody and Kathleen Marie Courtney were marrie d last February 5. The couple is living in Fayetteville, N.C. A note from Lt. Jay L. Wilmeth, husband of Anne Dowd Wilmeth, is well worth repeating. Stationed in Vietnam, Jay says, "You wouldn't believe this country- it is beautiful. At least here in the highlands where the terrain is very much like western Pennsylvania or the smoky region of Virginia. It is a real shame that the countryside has to be altered by bomb and artillery craters but that's my job. I have learne d many things in the short time I've been here. The tremendous effort that we are putting forth to keep this nation free. And for all the advanced corps cadets, all I can say is that here is an opportunity to see what the Army can do with all its training and know-how. A guy can really make a name for himself over here and return home satisfied that h e h as done his share for a real cause." John C. Dine, a '65 TI grad, received a Bachelor of Technology degree, and Michael C. McCormick received a Master of Arts degree at UD's December graduation. Edmund J. Wist married Wanda Lee Walters, December 26. They will reside in Ada, Ohio, where Ed is attending Ohio Northern University School of Law. Gerard R. Dempsey is Promotion Director of Management for Rouse Company (mail developers) a nd livin g in Dayton. James W. Patterson is a sales representative for Trans World Airlines in St. Louis, Mo. Margaret Mary Halpin m arried Robert S. Tures, August 20. Margaret is teaching seventh graders math and health a t John F. Kennedy Junior High School in Kettering, 0. Jim LaBeau is a salesman for International Business Machines in Dayton and was a member of the Dayton Colts football team last fall. Jennifer Olt Darlak is a chemist in the Phototheory Department, Eastman-Kodak Company in Rochester, N.Y. Lawrence E. O'Brien, after a summer as a geologist for Quebec Cartier Mining Compa ny, is working on his masters at the University of Michigan. Barbara Brinkman is a secretary for Blue-Cross, Blue Shield, Medicare Division, in Kansas City, Mo. Jack E. Lukins married Jo an Elizabeth Talmage, November 5. Jack is assistant product superintendent with Kimberly Clark's Moraine Mill in W est Carrollton, 0. Richard J. Knecht is a n instructor in speech at Mankato State College in Minnesota. Lt. Philip A. Indovina married Kathryn Kehoe '66, November 12, and the couple is living in Seoul, Korea, wh ere Philip is stationed. Robert J. Rezy married Judith Ann Rueth, Novemb er 26. Bob is an engineer at NCR and attending UD Grad School; Judy is a m ember of th e faculty at Stebbins High S chool. Ralph W. Stelzer is a teacher at the Puerto Rico Naval Base School. Donald L. Mullen is employed by th e UD Research Institute. Rose Marie Colopy married George Seboukian, August 18, 1965. The couple is residing in Oxford, Ohio. Andrew J. Lukcso married Barbara Rhue '65, July 2. Andy is in his second year of Law School at W estern Re-
serve. Barbara is third grade teacher at Cuyahoga Heights (0.) School. George M. Crynick is employment representative for Philco-Ford, Consumer Product Division, Connersville, Ind. Major Paul J. Rizzo is assigned as a Military Historian in the H eadquarters of the U.S. Army, Vie tnam. Enrique Romaguera is a teaching ass ista nt in French at the University of Arizona. Private First Class Thomas E. Dechant was named Honor Graduate upon completion of a twenty-five week Hawk Internal Guidance and Launcher Electronics Repair course at the Army Missile and Munitions School, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Daughter to Barbara and Gary L. Gauldin, November 18. First child, Andrew John, to Paula and Robert W. Blesi, November 17. Charlotte Kathleen Keyes married Frank Jahelka, November 19, and the couple is living in Albany, N.Y. Joseph A. Kleinhenz is District Sales Engineer with Cutler Hammer, Inc., in Cleveland, 0 . Mark M. Kochanowski is a counsellor for the UD Admissions Office "on the road." First child, son to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kolaczkowski (Bertha Dix), November 30. Robert B. Vigder has been appointed Operations Manager for Chemineer, Inc., of Dayton. Mr. Vigder is overseeing purchasing, order scheduling, production control, and engineering. First child, daughter, to Susan and Richard J. Melowic, December 1. Robert L. Knell married Judith Donell Gehner, August 13. Bob is studying to become a Methodist minister at the Methodist Theological School, Delaware, Ohio. First child, Jennifer Catherine, to Judie and Tony R. Lodovico, November 27. Michael A. Biscardi married Dawn Adele Miller '65, September 9. They are living in France where Mike is stationed in the U.S. Army urttil June. First child, Jennifer Elaine, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Haley (Nancy Anne Craighead), October 14. The Haley's are living in Hamilton, 0 . Lynn W. Elliott has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Lynn is assigned to Amarillo AFB, Texas, for training as a p ersonnel officer. Lt. Patrick J. Riordan is stationed in Vietnam with the 70th Medical Battalion. Wife, Ann Palmer Riordan '64, is liv ing in Cincinnati Lynn W. Elliott with their daughter, born last F ebruary 11, and doing some part-time teaching. Walter P. Metz marrie d Sharon Lee Norris, January 14. Robert L. Fatzinger will graduate from OCS at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., in April. Janice Barrett Brissette is a medical technologist at Veterans Hospital in Long Beach, Calif. Vincent J. Gallo is in the USAF stationed at Lackland Air Base, Texas. Roger A. Vernier married Tina Gougarty '66, January 21. David W. Droesch is with J. R. Remick & Associates in industrial and commercial real estate sales in Dayton. Third child, second son, to Joan and Gerald M. Whitton, January 9. Lt. Joseph V. D'Orso, r eturned from Vietnam, is now stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. With him are wife, Gini, and son, Christopher Joseph. George H. Bennett is an underwriter Inspector for Equit-
able Life Assurance Society of the United States in New York City. Frank E. Bray is a buyer in the plastics division of Sterling Rubb er Products Company in Dayton. Richard E. Wilson married Faith L. Pountney, January 28. Dick is a graduate stud ent at UD in the Department of Biology. Judith Ann Buechele is teaching at Ascension School in Dayton. Son, John Benjamin, to Susan and Benjamin J. Jakubowski, Jr., November 14. Jerge Gaona-Ramirez is Key Industrial Engineer with the B. F. Goodrich Compa ny in Bogota, Columbia, South America. Doris K. Wagoner is teaching in th e W ashington Township Schools in the Dayton area. Lt. James E. McWilliams is with the U.S. Marines' 11th Transport Battalion in Vietnam since December. Jim married former UD student, Carole Lea Ross , last May. Marvin J. Brunswick is a chemical engineer in the development of urethane foams with Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC. Michele Lee Caulfield married Eugene H. Schumacker, Jr., February 4. Michele is teaching second grade at Ruskin School in Dayton. Kathleen Buyansky is teaching home economics at Parma (0.) Senior High S chool. Gilbert E. Mannino is a teaching assistant in the department of histo ry at th e University of Arizona. Gary G. Shepherd has b een na med assistant to the director of developme nt here at UD. Gary will be con cerned primarily with the Dayton-area Alumni in the development program. Daughter to Mary Jo and Edwin H. Borgert, Jr., Ja nuary 24.
1966 Eileen Robertson is a case worker for the Morris County (N.J.) W elfare Board. Michael R. Greuter, son of Colonel Herbert E. Greuter '37, is working at W PAFB. Wava Ariene Miller married Ke nneth Spring, July 23. Stephen A. Mikolaj a nd John A. Kronenberger are working at Monsanto Research Corporation, Miamisburg, 0. John P. Collins is employed at Grumman Aircraft in Bethpage, N.Y. John and wife, Lizbeth, are living in Freeport. Janet Marie Fisher married Allen Louis Ritzie, June 11. Sheila M. O'Shea is reservation agent for United Airlines in Chicago and also is doing substitute teaching. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Poeppelmeier (Jacqueline Parker) , December 13. Walter A. Smith, Terry R. Davis, John K. Leib, and Donald L. Doud are with National Cash Register Company in Dayton . Mary Ann Puetz is attending the Dayton Art Institute. Dennis J. Sulick is a con sultant engineer with Calgon Inc., of Pittsburgh , Pa. W orking for Addressograph and Multigraph Corporation in Euclid, 0., are James J. Molnar and Thomas L. Richter. Doris Ann Delaney and Thomas J. Van Dan Elzen are with API in Chesterland, 0. Technical Institute December grads - Carl A. Williams, Francis W. Timko, Robert C. Reinoehl, Alan F. Hromi, Edwin J. Drerup, Angelo P. Chiodo, Domenic F. Buccello, and Stephen P. Bramlage - are back at UD working for their four-year degrees. Anita Marie Schroeder is with the Greene County Child W elfare group. Robert J. Powers and John K. Carlin ar e technicians with the UD Research Institute. Louis A. Lisella is with the Action Line column of the Dayton Journal Herald a nd a ttending UD grad school. Barbara Ann Thompson is w ith Barney's Children's Hospital in Dayton.
Martin L. Zwiesler is attending the University of Michigan graduate school and working at Parke-Davis & Company as a research assistant. Dianna Sue Eshman is working for Curtner, Selva, Parkin & Seller, Attorneys, in Dayton. With Uncle Sam: Lt. Michael P. Gardner - Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Brian E. McGuire plans a USAF care er - Lackland AFB, Texas. Lt. Donald L. Valcheff- Security Branch of the U.S . Army. Ryan 0. Pierce - Naval Aviation Officer Training, Pensacola, Florida. Paul E. Conolly - U.S. Army, Ft. Wolters, Texas. Lt. Joseph D. Sommers is a member of an advisory team in Vietnam. Joe arrived there December 17 and is assign ed to the Vietnam Regional Exchange with duty stationed at Pleiku. Lt. John P. Emington- Ft. Benning, Georgia. Lawrence J. Wilberding, Harry A. Doody and James H. Severs - U.S. Army. Lt. Joseph L. Rudolph- Port a nd Custom Officer, Saigon, Vietnam. John R. Compo is with Compo Corporation in Defiance, 0., and attending UD grad school. James P. Cashnelli is employed by the Barrett Division of Allied Chemical. Robert P. Troxell is an accountant with the Defense Electronic Supply Center. Bob and wife, Carmma, have four children from eight to seventeen years of age. Jon 0. Brommeland is an engineer with Globe Industries in Dayton. John U. Weckesser married Judith Ly nn Voit, June 25. John is w ith th e Defense Electronics Supply Center. Judith Gretchko is a personnel interviewer w ith Jordan Marsh in Boston . Paul D. Zugger and wife, Melva, h ave been n amed Peace Corps Volunteers after completion of training. The Zugger's are in Areq uipa, Peru, working in small rural communities for community and agricultural development. Chuck McElligott is a free-lance artist and p h otograph er an d p layed with the Dayton Colts football team last fall w here he gained honors as a member of the All-Midwest Professional Football League T eam. Joyce Issl'!nmann is a train ee with Trans World Airlines in Kansas City. After her training period, Joyce hopes to be an airline stewardess. She had been teaching at St. Albert th e Great School in Dayton for two years. Sandra Jacobs is employed by Harper Hospital, Detroit, in the dietetics department. Lucila Andrew i"s a nurs e at the Dayton State Hospital. Son to Linda and Michael E. Kuczka, Novemb er 16. Carolyn Jean Beach is with the City of Dayton Welfare department. Joseph Mezera, Jr., is computer systems analyst for International Harvester Company, Springfield, 0. Joe married Paula Jane Sarr, S eptember 18, 1965. Carl J. Bonidie, Jr., is an expeditor for Carl J. Bonidie, Inc. Carl m arried Eileen Patton, August 14, 1965, and the couple resides in Pittsburgh, Pa. Donald J. Kellen is in th e sales department of Shell Oil Company in New York City. First child, son, to Linda a nd Gary L. Balonier, Novemb er 19. Graduate School: Victoria J. Hoffman - Miami University. Herman M. Buerschen, Genevieve Jones Heiland, Roger E. Nortillo, Donald J. DiGennaro, Douglas H. Taylor, Thomas E. Endres, and Gerald E. Reid, Jr., graduate assistant in the political science department and in the Dean of Men's office - UD. Arthur J. Suchocki, graduate assistant in the English department - Kent State University.
David R. Bart and Nicholas A. Lospinoso- University of Cincinnati School of Law. John F. Emery- art and design, Manchester College, in England. Carl F. Bauer- Illinois Institute of Technology. Francis G. Noser- Ohio University. Joseph S. Tyburczy- Washington [Mo.) University. Philip E. Salm- Indiana University. Richard W. Bray-- University of Massachusetts. John R. Loney- Wayne State University. Bernard M. Barbadora - University of Dayton. Joseph A. Cogliano - University of Notre Dame. Thecla R. Koesters is with Hooven-Dayton Company. Arthur A. Molitierno is an instructor at Immaculate (Pa.) College. Stephen Van Heeke and Donna Marie Carpenter are with VISTA (Job Corps) Program. Donna is in Oklahoma. Donald L. Grieshop and John C. Bensman are with Haskins & Sells CPAs. Don is attending UD grad school. Bernadette R. Augustin is a dietetic intern at Indiana University Medical Center. Frederick W. Schrantz married Sherry Ann Weaver, December 17. Fred is with Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart CPA's and attending UD grad school. Peter Patt is with the Kanthal Corporation, Bethel, Conn. Phillip L. Hale has been employed by Cindaco, Inc. , for five years. Phil and wife , Ila, celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary on September 9. Donald E. Swihart is with Systems Research Lab in Dayton. Lucille E. Donlin is with the Dayton Tech Art Company. Velma Ector Brown is with the Veterans Administration Center, Brown Hospital, in Dayton. John C. Dine is with Avco Electronics, Evendale, Ohio. James A. Michael is employed at Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC, in the Product Planning Department. Sandra R. Price is working for the Ohio Edison Company. Elaine Marie White is with the Miami Valley Child Development Center. Frank J. Brinkman is working for the Industrial Equipment Company in Minster, 0. Thomas G. Lauterbach married Pamela Ann Miller, August 13. Denis J. Gasson married Joan Tumbush; Jean Carol Jackey married George Joseph Kovach; Joan Mary Staas married James Alan Trimmer; Richard Marot married Kathleen Sara (Dick is attending grad school at the University of Minnesota)- all on August 20. John J. Gordon married Kathleen McGarry and Alan G. Wild married Rose Anne Holesovsky on August 27. Susan Elizabeth Fisher is a medical technologist at Los Angeles County General Hospital. Teaching Assignments: Jane Kratovil- Home Economics at Vandalia-Butler High School. Kathryn Jack- seventh grade teacher in the Dayton School System. Barbara Swan- Foresthills School District and attending University of Cincinnati for a masters degree in elementary education and library license. Judith Ann Koeck and Edward A. Ruescshle- Wayne Township School. Penelope Poeppelmeier- St. Peter's Elementary School. Betty C. Phillips- Miamisburg Public Schools. Deberah R. Haywood- Jefferson Elementary School. Mary Kathryn Griffis- Beavercreek School System. Henree Wilson Lee- Troy County School System. Christine Talmadge Benson- Miami Valley Hospital School of Nursing. Mary Katherine Lamoureux- Incarnation School. Nancy Marie Martin- St. Raphael Grade School, Springfield, 0.
Cecilia Ann Ryan- St. Albert the Great School. Joan Staas Trimmer- Precious Blood School. Barbara Benner Newcomer-- Kettering (0.) City Schools. Janet Marie Hamant- second grade teacher, Huffman Elementary School. Jane Ann Hench- English teacher at West Carrollton High School. Janet Claire Sawiak- English and Spanish teacher, Bristol (Conn.) Eastern High School. Sheila Ann Kramer- First grade at Harry Russell Elementary School, West Carrollton, 0. Thelma M. Bergman- Emerson School, Sidney, Ohio. Mary Alice Cherpeski - Immaculate Conception School. Paul J. Ortenzio -Iselin Junior High School, Woodbridge, N.J. Jo Ann Chakiris married Edward W . Steinbrugge, September 3. Roland K. Loy married Sherry Ann , September 17, and is working for Republic Steel Corporation in Cleveland. Walter A. Cusick, Jr., married Shirley Pyecha, October 8, and is a Lt. in the TJ.S. Army stationed with the transportation school at Fort Eustis. Bernard F. Richardson, Jr., married Susan Katherine Janning, October 22. Bernard is an accountant with Arthur Andersen in Chicago. Joseph P. Medsker married Kim Joan Corpstein, November 5. Joe is working at Reynolds & Reynolds in Dayton. Gary M. Smerillo married UD student Diana Lenon, November 19. Ronald C. Emmrich married UD student Denise Pivarnik, November 23 . Ron is attending UD grad school. On November 26- Patricia Ann Donnelly married Vernon "Skip" Lowe. Pat is a case worker for Montgomery County Welfare and Skip is a senior at UD and editor of the DA YTONIAN. And Roy R. Woleben married Margaret Mary Thurn. In December Roy reported to Lakeland AFB for basic training. Robert J. Slouffman married Carol Sue Allen, December 3.
Klaus K. G. Huber married Lois Elaine Whipp, December 10.
Ronald E. Longpre married Cynthia Eve Nicholas, December 17. Ron is attending UD grad school and working at the Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Peter A. Sylvester married Jeanette Fioritto, December 26. Pete is working at Harris Seybold Company and attending UD grad school. AND R. Patrick Richter married Tinsley Ann Gantenberg; Pat is teaching English at Covington (Ky.) High School. Thomas R. Durkin married Susan Lee Herr, December 28. The couple is residing in Columbus, 0 ., where Tom is a graduate student at Ohio State . On December 31, Gary A. McLean married Betty Anne Heyne, and William F. DeMange married Martha Ann Nawroth. Happy New Year! Beverly Jean Kerns married Edward Robert Neubauer, January 7. NEWS ON MBA'ERS David L. Allen is with the Airtemp Division of Chrysler Corporation in Dayton. James A. Cash is with Hobart Manufacturing Company, Troy, 0. Harold E. Corwin, Jr., Richard H. Topp, and Ronald L. Meshew are working for the Delco Products Division, GMC. Don C. Creswell is Regional Manager in the Dayton area for Ampex Corporation of Redwood City, Calif. Melvin K. Roseman is employed by International Harvester Company; Warren S. Rushton by St. Regis Paper Company, Troy, 0.
Barbara L. Bostick is working in the laboratory of Upjohn Company in Kalamazoo, Mich. William E. Neary married Mary Ann Whitman '66, February 4. Bill is with Frigidaire Division, GMC. Carol Ann Gasson is office claims processor in the casualty department of Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in Dayton. Son to Shelby and Ronald F. Criss, January 20. Ron is an instructor in computer science at UD. Mary Jo Warth is one of ten graduate fellowship winners selected by The Washington Journalism Center for the semester which started February 1. The Journalism Fellows will spend sixteen weeks in Washington participating in a series of seminars and internships designed to provide indepth training in the reporting and editing of national and international news. Each receives $2,000. Irene Mary Ramski married Howard Joseph Varley, September 24. The couple is living temporarily in Atlanta, Georgia, and Irene is teaching at Mt. Carmel School in Douglasville. Hugo B. Poza married Mary Karen Connors, January 21. Hugo is attending graduate school at Purdue University. Thomas A. Basti is a staff accountant for Hathaway & Hathaway in Cincinnati, 0 ., after having b een discharged from the U . S ~ Army in November. John William Jones married Patricia Jenelle Dickman, January 7. John is an engineer with MacDonald Aircraft in St. Louis, Mo. Robert J. Blumenstock married Linda Mae Wright, May 14. Bob is a production planner for Mead Corporation of Dayton.
Clifford A. Blacke is self employed as a race car builder and driver. Lt. David C. Hendy married Martha W . Lamping, October 29. Dave is stationed at Ft. Gordon, Georgia. James R. Stanley is teaching at Bishop Timon High School in Buffalo, N.Y. Jim and wife, Elaine, celebrated their first wedding anniversary last November 25. Thomas J. Lyon is a claim representative for Aetna Life & Casualty Company in Pittsburgh, Pa. Tom and his wife, Rosemary, celebrated their first wedding anniversary, January 1. Juan M. Vara is with Monsanto Chemical Corporation in St. Louis, Mo. Lt. Joseph T. Bermingham is in the United States Army. Joe and wife, Karol, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on January 22. Thomas A. Hychalk is employed at Inland Manufacturing Div., GMC. John R. Loney married Julie Lynne Lukens, January 28. John J. Maqsud married Mary A. Zitiello, January 28. John is working at the National Cash Register Company. Jerome F. Haney married Linda Gail Stroud, February 4 The couple is living in Ferndale, Michigan. Georgiana M. Bernhard is Assistant Divisional Manager of the Sears Ro ebuck & Company in the Macomb Mall in Roseville, Mich. Jane Boettinger is a laboratory technician in the Department of Pharmacology Research of the Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, N.Y. Vito J. Cappello is in the United States Navy with a FPO San Francisco address.
HERMAN F. tEHMAN '64 Hon. Herman F. Lehman '64 Hon., recently received th_e sixteenth Annual Citizen Legion of Honor for his. continuing interest in and involvement with community developmental activities of the broadest possible scope. Mr: Lehman retired in November of 1965 as Vice President of General Motors and General Manager of its Frigidaire Division after
a career spanning some thirty-three years. He helped to organize the first local joint fund-raising effort the lndependent College Alumni Associates of Ohio, and served three terms as chairman of the Dayton area committee for the Ohio Foundation of Jndependent Colleges.
Sam P. Broomhall '10-November 23. Oliver B. Smith '09-November 23. Brother of Victor C. Smith '05 and Earl A. Smith '07. John J. "Jay" Kain '22-November 17. Father of Thomas B. Kain '57. Lorine Ann Miller '29-December 5. Was associated w ith the Wasserman, Demann, Miller & Struck Law Firm for fifty-one years, after receiving h er law degree from UD. Richard C. Sherer '28- December 5, 1965- Notified this December. Norbert P. Byrne '35-December 15. Lucy Ellen Seiver '55-sister of Andrea Seiver O'Neill '60 -December 24. Nicholas C. Karas '53-partner of the law firm of Zarka, Karas and Gounaris and president of the Karas Realty Company, brother of Gregory C. Karas '39-December 24. Walter W. Riedel '26-pa tent attorney for General Motors Corporation for forty-one years b efore retiring in 1952-December 24. Edward Moritz '05-Montgomery County civil engineer before retiring in 196;3-December 30. Joseph A. Macklin '33-father of Nancy Macklin McDonald '59 and Barbara Macklin Faga '64 a nd brother of Frank J. Macklin '29- January 8. Sister M. Gerarda Mader, CPPS, '39- January 9. William R. DuBois '29- brother of Robert F. DuBois '36April19. William A. Pflaum '08-January 15. Edward S. McDonnell 1895, featured in the winter issue of the ALUMNUS as our oldest living Alumnus-January 22. Mrs. Mary E. Ralph, mother of Patricia Ralph Wilker, '48-0ct6ber 28. Mrs. Mary L. Neltner, mother of Margaret E. Neltner '540ctober 29. Mrs. Florence W. Russell, wife of John L. Russell '25, and mother of Thomas E. Russell '54~Nove mb er 8. Hugh S. Turvene, father of James L. Turvene '57-November 5. Mrs. Helen R. Schoen, mother of Alex H. Schoen, Jr., '44, and wife of the late Alex H. Schoen, Sr., '04-November 14. Arnold J. Huelsman, father of Robert A. Huelsman '55November 20. Albert F. Monnig, father of Thomas E. Monnig '56 and brother of John E. Monnig, M.D., 'DB- November 18. Mrs. Gladys C. T allmadge, mother of Kay C. Tallmadge '55-November 21. Mrs. Carrie M. Niehaus, mother of Charles R. Niehaus '22- November 20. Charles A. Naugle, Sr., father of Charles A. Naugle, Jr., '57-November 22. Mrs. Mary B. Brucken, mother of Byron L. Brucken '39November 29. Mrs. Theresa Geng, moth er of Steve J. Geng '39- November 27. Mrs. Florence V. Reidy, mother of L. Thomas Reidy '59November 17. Infant son of Judi and Terry L. Bockhorn '50-November 27. Louis A. Silbereis, brother of Henry Silbereis '26-Decemb er 6. David F. Israe l, Sr., father of Betty Israel Wick '41, David F. Israel, Jr., '38, and Kenneth D. Israel '43- December 9. Mrs. Keturah M. Galbraith , mother of Harold H. Galbraith '52 a nd Robert L. Galbraith '50- December 4. Paul F. Bunger, father of Jack D. Bunger '53- December 4. Mrs. Mary G. H egedus, mother of Marjorie Hegedus Dome '54- D ecember 3.
Lieutenant Soden, standing extreme right, U.S. Navy Brother Aloysius M. Soden, S.M., '28 died of cancer on December 28. Brother Soden, who joined the Society of Mary in 1922, was a Navy veteran and served many years as a missionary in Japan. His teaching love was history and he was the official United States interpreter at the surrender of Japanese forces at the end of World War II in the Central Pacific in 1945.
Mrs. Catherine M. Hobbs, mother of Daniel J. Hobbs '38December 3. Miss Mary Alice Streiff, sister of Raymond J. Streiff, S.M. '40, and Joseph N. Streiff, S.M. '40-December 7. Karl Bucher, father of Richard K. Bucher '38 and brother of Roman J. Bucher '03-December 2. Edward T. Blommel, Sr., fath er of Robert G. Blommel '57 and Frederick P. Blommel '53-December 3. Elmer H. Meren ess, father of W. Michael Mereness '53November 29. Damon E. Smith, father of Damon B. Smith '55-December 13. Harry E. Knell, father of Robert L. Knell '55-0ctober 12. Marie Koehnen, sister of Edward L. Koehnen '25-December 19. Henry J. Condron, Sr., fath er of Henry J. Condron, Jr., '50- December 15. H elen A. Focke, wife of Urban G. Focke '09-December 22. John M. Waitzman, father of John B. Waitzman '51-December 22. Mrs. Helen M. Weber, mother of Richard 0. Weber '36December 25. Edward Fitzgerald, father of Ann Fitzgerald Wourms '46 - December 25. Lee S. Sch eid, father of Colonel Lee E. Scheid '28January 2. Christoph er R. Stackma n, father of Robert W. Stackman, Ph.D., '57-January 4. Benj a min F. Shearer, Jr., husband of Charlotte Hochwalt Shearer '47- January 7. Mrs. Florence M. Trusler, mother of Ralf B. Trusler, D.D.S., '52- January 6. Cha rles E. Trick, father of Robert C. Trick '53- January 5. Infan t daughter of Mary Ann and Paul R. Hennessy '51January 7. Mrs. Anna C. Wildenhaus, sister of recently deceased Sister M. Gerarda Mader, CPPS, '39- January 8. Mrs. Josephine C. Slackford, mother of Anne and Jane Ferneding, both '42- January 1. James A. McShane, father of Martha McShane Nolting '54- January 17. Clarence H. A chbach, fa ther of Myron H. Achbach, S.M. '58- January 16. Frank 0. Ertel, brother of the la te Msgr. Charles A. Ertel '05-January 11. Mrs. Gertrude L. Gilvary, mother of Patrick S. Gilvary '50 and James J. Gilvary '51-January 12. Nicholas P. Hogenkamp, father of Jon M. Hogenkamp, M.D. '61 and Dale M. Hogenkamp '58-January 20.
This was the orchard scene taken from St. Mary's Hall, around 1900. Standing in this location today, as shown on our front cover, are the Kennedy Union , Sherman Hall, Wohlleben Hall , Mechanical Engineering Buiding, ROTC Building, Founders Hall and Alumni Hall.
Vol. XXXIII, No. 5
The University of Dayton ALUMNUS, established in 1929, is published quarterly for the University of Dayton Alumni Association by the Public Relations Department, University of Dayton, 300 College .Park Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45409. Entered as second class matter April 15, 1950, at the post office at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. President of the Alumni Association: Jerome Westendorf '43 President of the University: Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M.
Vice President for Public Relations and Development, Director of Alumni Affairs: Brother Elmer C. Lackner, S.M. Alumni Secretary: Mary Shay '44