New departmental chairmen enjoy a respite before dinner. They are, left to right, Bro. Thomas Schoen, Computer Science; Dr. Anthony Debons, Information Sciences; Dr. Samuel M. Bower, psychology; Mr. Howard E. Smith, Mechanical Engineering; and Dr. George E. Matlin, Economics.
Dr. Betty Jean Thomas of Music receives her citation honoring her for 25 Years of Service to the University of Dayton. Maurice Reichard, Music Department Chairman, and Father Roesch approve.
The creation of a new academic department, Information Sciences; naming of five new departmental chairmen; a special 25th Anniversary honor to Dr. Betty Jean Thomas of the Music Department; faculty promotions and other special recognition were part of the President's Faculty Recognition Dinner at the University of Dayton, April17. Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., University President, presided before 160 invited guests from the UD community. In announcing his new chairmen, Father Roesch revealed that the new Department of Information Sciences is an outgrowth of the psychology department. The new program under the direction of Dr. Anthony Debons, who had been the chairman of the Department of Psychology, will go into operation on an undergraduate level for the 1967-68 academic year. "Creation of Information Sciences department moves the University to a unique position in this interdisciplinary field," Dr. Debons says. "Stressing the human
aspects of the information explosion, the University aims to train scholars with broad interdisciplinary outlooks to assume significant roles in man's conquest of human utilization. Industry, government and education are in real need for individuals so trained." The other chairmen are Dr. Samuel M. Bower, Psychology; Dr. George E. Matlin, Economics ; Bro. Thomas A. Schoen, Computer Science; and Mr. Howard E. Smith, Mechanical Engineering. Father Roesch appointed Mr. Joseph Updyke, an honor graduate of UD in 1947, Assistant to the Dean of the School of Business Administration. Mr. Updyke, who is currently working on his MBA, takes over the new duties August 15. All appointments become effective on that day. Dr. Thomas started as a part-time instructor in Music in 1942 and received her bachelor's degree in music from UD in 1944. She is the first woman faculty member to achieve the rank of full professor, attained in
The head table included, left to right, Bro. Arnie Klug, going into semi-retirement as Postmaster; Bro. Robert A. Thomson, treasurer of Cincinnati Province, and Mr. and Mrs. George Sheer. He is Vice President and general manager of McCall Corporation in Dayton.
Father Roesch talks with Rev. John L. McKenzie, Visiting Professor of Theology at Notre Dame; and Rev. Charles Lees, University Provost. Father McKenzie talked before the Universit y's Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Freedom, covering "The Relationship between the Magisterium and the Nature of a Catholic University."
1964. Dr. Thomas, who was born in Ludlow Falls, is given much credit for the constant growth of UD's music department. I Father Roesch also revealed that Dr. Thomas Campanelle, Education; Dr. James M. Ferrigno, Chairman, Department of Languages; Patrick Gilvary, Communication Arts; Richard Hazen, Electrical Engineering Technology; Robert I. Mitchell, Industrial Engineering; Mr. Raymond Puckett, Industrial Engineering Technology; Dr. Philip Sha, History ; Howard Smith and J. Ralph Thorne, Mechanical Engineering, and John Vigle, Assistant Director of Libraries were placed on faculty tenure. One must have been on UD's faculty for at least three years, had seven years teaching experience in higher education, be at least an associate professor and be over 37 years of age to receive tenure. Retiring from the路 faculty are Mrs. Alberta G. Prather, Associate Professor of Mathematics, and Dr. James G. Steed, Associate Professor of Chemistry. Of retirement age but continuing on special contract are Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, civil engineering; Mr. L. Duke Golden, mechanical engineering technofogy; Dr. C. Richard Horwedel, engineering; Dr. Edward A. Huth, sociology; Mr. William H. Loughran, chemical engineering technology, and Dr. Edmund B. O'Leary, business administration.
Mrs. Alberta G. Prather retired from t eaching in the mathematics department after more than 20 years.
Bro. Bill Bellmer, S.M., beamed when it was announced that he is taking a year's sabbatical from teaching mathematics.
A WINTER OF EVENTS The winter brought many interesting people to the University of Dayton campus. Space limits a full report on the many events but some were outstanding. Barry Goldwater's February 1 visit was a highlight of the year. He drew a big press conference and more than '5,000 to the UD Fieldhouse for a talk which was rather mild for the dynamic Goldwater. He was affable and impressed all who spent time with him. Bramwell Fletcher made a January visit to the campus. The noted British actor did a one-man dramatization of George Bernard Shaw's life and excited a full house in the Bro. Lawrence Boll Theater, new name for the Little Theater on campus. Later the University of Michigan Professional Theater presented "An Evening's Frost", a dramatization of poet Robert Frost's life . Japanese embroidery exhibit by Michael Nelson and the Capezio Theatrical costumes display were the two unusual showings in the Art Gallery and Torch Lounge. A two-week January visit of 10 students from Mexico also delighted UD students and their friends from South of the Border down Mexico way.
Barry Goldwater comes on campus.
The huge crowd enjoyed the rather docile -for him interesting talk by Mr. Goldwater.
Rev. Raymond Roesch, University President, meets Mr. Goldwater for lunch.
Bro. Bill Bellmer of Mathematics, back to camera at right, discusses point with Mr. Goldwater at reception.
The Capezio Theatrical costume exhibit was a hit in the Art Gallery. Five of the 13 are shown here. Left to right, Julie Andrews, Camelot, 1960; Gertrude Lawrence, King and I, 1951; Chorus costume, My Fair Lady, 1956; Tamara Geva, On Your Toes, 1936; Joan McCracken, Oklahoma, 1943.
Rev. George Barrett, Vice President, welcomes our friends from South of the Border.
I Above- Bramwell Fletcher makes-up for his Bernard Shaw role. Right- The impish Shaw comes across to the delight of the audience.
This beautiful Japanese embroidery delighted many who came to see.
Her Six UD Grads REPRINTED FROM MAGGIE FITZGIBBONS DAYTON DAILY NEWS, MARCH 17, 1967 Mrs. Ivo Stelzer has some unique qualifications for that old "I've got a Secret" game. For the past 22 years, she h as had at least one child at th e University of Dayton . In April, h er sixth and last child, Mark, graduated, thus making h er ineligible for active membership in the University of Dayton Mothers club. So the UD Mothers' Apron day, an a nnual ritual that comes up Mar. 26, will be a kind of swan song for her. But she has attained a life m embership status so sh e can keep in tou ch . Besides, she has 17 grandchildren coming along. "I presum e all of them will go to UD, too." Mrs. Stelzer, who w as born Adele Schnabel, did not a ttend UD. "I went to Steele and that w as it," sh e said. But her husband did. "He went to high school th ere wh en it was St. Mary's. So did his two brothers.
As she explained, "I've been a member of UD Mothers for about 15 or 20 years. "Originally a few of us just got together over covered dish dinners and made aprons. They're prizes for our annual card party. "Some years we've had them from all over the world. One year a sealskin apron came from Alaska." Money goes to help needy students. " Someone's mother gets sick and we pay fare home. Or maybe a student has an overcoat stolen downtown. W e replace it." Mrs. Stelzer, a dark h aired, motherly woman, could rattle off family sta tistics faster than I could listen . "My girls came first," she b egan. Three year s apart. Bonnie, now Mrs. William Dirkes of Buffalo, who graduated in Arts in 1949. She has three children. Next came Judy, who took business at UD. She married Richard O'Brien, a UD gr aduate, now an engineer with Danis company. They h ave five children. Paula, now Mrs. James L. Tunney, took education at UD and taught in Vandalia b efore h er ma rriage. She h as two children. The three Stelzer boys came four years apart. This en abled one to enter just as another was gradu ating. Don graduated in en gineering in '59 and went on to Northwestern. He lives in Detroit with his wife and four children. John, father of two, took civil engineering a t UD. (He also works for Danis.) This h as b een a big year for Mark, the youngest, who lives at Fourman Ct. with his wife and two-week-old girl. He r eceived a degree in electrical engineering in April. He will go on to a masters at Ohio University. Mrs. Stelzer's chidren, she says, h elped work their way through UD. "The last four worked on th e 'Proj ect,' you know, that's wh at they used to call the Research Institute." Mrs. Stelzer, whose husband, a grocer, died eight years ago, moved into an apartment on Woodman Dr. after h er last child left home. Mark was born the year h er oldest entered college. "I would do it all over again,'' she said.
VISITING - the Chapters with Alumni Secretary Mary Shay This visiting column has been written in several installments ... The first- on Easter Sunday evening ... after the week-end which most U.D. alumni, students, faculty, our good City Fathers- and even UCLA's followers will never forget . .. Would you believe at 10:15 p .m. I tried to do my duty . . . Get to the Chapel and say thanks . . . Further would you believe the harder I tried to say thanks ... with each Ave the louder and clearer rang "U.D. our hearts ring true- for you our hope and inspiration" . . . Sorry about that Lord, but that's the way it was. In the name of our alumni, a letter was sent to Coach Donald J. Donoher - his staff, and his team congratulating him on his successful year. As Denny Minano, president of the Senior Class said: - "We were the happiest losers in the world." Now to review some chapter activities . .. We have a further report on the Akron Chapter's meeting at the Town and Country Motel last January. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Beis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gebhart, Dr. and Mrs. James Hogan, Mr. Norman Justice, Mr. and Mrs. John Niekamp, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rohner, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheller, Mr. Edward Zahorsky, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. C. John Angerer, Mr. David Hunt, Mr. John Ruddy, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeno, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ziehler, Mrs. Jacob Baker, Mr.
Flavian Becker, Adam Westerkamp, Joan Neumann Finan, Mrs. Earl Scheidler, seated Gene Hoying and Tom Zins, Dr. Earl Scheidler Mrs. Stanley Smith, and Tom Scheidler welcoming guest~ at the Fourth Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance, April 15, Hyde Park Country Club, Cincinnati.
on Saturday, March 4, at 路 DePaul Academy, Chicago. As you know we lost the game to DePaul- but when alumni return for a party after losing a game- that is a successful party . .. Among those who attended the dinner and the game were- Mr. and Mrs. James Kindler, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll M. Scholle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. O'Connor [we will forgive Rozella for cheering for DePaul ... ), Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Finotti, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiavo, Mr and Mrs. Wm. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Ladner, Father Edwin Moosbrugger, S.J., Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Periolat, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sawkiw and son, Mr. and Mrs. William Laub, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Braband and son, Mr.- and Mrs. Anton DeKom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sharpenter and their party of 14. Last but by no means least the chapter had a guest from the West Coast ... Matt Marzluft ... in town on a convention. If my memory serves me correctly, this is the first time Shorty Sharpenter '28, and Matt Marzluft '28 had seen each other since their days at U.D . . . : Thanks to an alumni meeting .. . The Cincinnati Chapter presented its Fourth Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner Dance, April 15 at the Hyde Park Country Club. Committee members responsible for the very successful event were- Dr. and Mrs. Earl Scheidler, General Chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fiedler, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finan, Mr.
Florence Thiem, Mary Lou Westerkamp and Patti Westerkamp relaxing after dinner. and Mrs. John Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lane, and Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis . .. A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. John Niekamp, and Mr. and Mrs. George Beis, cochairmen. Another event of this nature is being planned for next January .. . W e hope all those who attended this year will be back and those who could not make it this year will be with us in 1968 ... John Ladner was responsible for a successful pre-game cocktail party, dinner and post-game social hour or hours
Mrs. William Palmer (Roseann Houser) one of the guests.
Is Father Victor J. Nieporte, S.J., Vice President of Xavier University, getting the "scoop" from Edwin Becker on how to run a successful scholarshipdinner dance? It appears that they are enjoying a secret.
and Mrs. Eugene Hoying, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Longo, Jr., Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Scheidler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stachler, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Yocis. The patron list included Mr. Daniel F. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Flavian T. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin F. Beumer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Conger, Dr. and Mrs. John Finke, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Hoying, Dr. and Mrs. Harry T. McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McHale, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murray, Father Victor J. Nieporte, S.J., Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ortner, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Pohl, Mr. and Mrs. David N. Riegel, Dr. and Mrs. Earl Scheidler, Mr. Albert G. Sicking, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stachler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Theim, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Adam F. Westerkamp, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A . Zins ... Representing the University of Dayton was the Very Rev. Andrew L. Seebold, S.M., former president, and your Alumni Secretary. Congratulations to the committee, the patrons, and all those attending in helping the Cincinnati Chapter with its annual Scholarship Fund project. The annual meeting of the chapter was held May 17 at the Hudepohl Tap Room ... Professor Lawrence U. Ulrich, Professor of Philosophy was speaker. His topic was "Int ellectual Freedom on a Catholic Campus" . . . Special Guest present was Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M., Vicepresident, Development and Public Relations. The following members of the Cincinnati Chapter were candidates for the Board of Directors: Charles Wm. Beck, Kenneth R. Bockenstette, Robert A. Conger, Anthony L. Elsass, Gerard A. Faust, Jr., Eugene J. Hoying, William B. Ries, Joseph C. Thiem, Sr., and Edward H. W ehner. At press time, neither the results of the election nor a report on the meeting were available. Early in May, a group of alumni met in Washington, D.C. to formulate plans for activities of the chapter. Included on this committee were- Mrs. Albert Zamberlan (Maurine Reichard), Col. AI Bagot, Col. Paul M. Spahr, Col. John E. Murphy, Col. Edward S. Maj, Dale and Ann (Griffin) Babione, Mrs. Joseph Lambert (Lois Koerner), Edmund C. Okadigbo, John Condon and John V. Walsh. More news on this will be forthcoming this summer. As you know your alumni secretary's thoughts in the spring turn to the Annual Support Program, among other things . . . I would like to thank all those who have been so generous with their time and effort in helping to make the 14th Annual Support Program a success. Through the efforts of those listed among the chapters in the article "A SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS" by Edward Zwiesler, general chairman, 14th Annual Support Program, we are able to do our work ... Thanks bushels .. .
Luke Leonard and Joe Connaughton at the Cincinnati Scholarship Dinner Dance.
Co-chairmen Mr. and Mrs. George Beis, and Mr. and Mrs. John Niekamp at the Akron Chapter's Meeting, Town and Country Motel.
Mrs. Jacob Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ziehler (Marg Baker) and Mrs. John Sheller were there also.
The Chuck Crowleys and the Ralph Rohners making big plans for the Akron Chapter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sommer and Dr. and Mrs. John Hogan getting to know each other better in Akron.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lane and Mr. and Mrs. C. John Angerer - someone must have told a good story about U.D. or cou ld it have been Don Lane's winning season? Those double and triple overtimes begin to show after a while . . .
(Cont. Page 6)
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE AREAS NOT LISTED? . . . I could surely use much more help in the following Ohio cities: Brookville, Celina, Clayton, Englewood, Fairborn, Germantown, Minster, Trotwood. Not to mention Baltimore, Md., Buffalo, N.Y., the New York City and Long Island areas, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pa., South Bend and Fort Wayne, Ind. How about it? Do I hear any volunteers in these areas? The Montgomery County Chapter in an attempt to involve alumni more directly in activities of the University sponsored a program on campus, May 9 to review the philosophical and theological debate which took place during the school year. Father Thomas Stanley, S.M., Father George Barrett, S.M., Vice-president, U.D., and the Very Reverend Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., President, U.D., were the main speakers for the evening. Their topics respectively were: The Nature and Purpose of a University, both Secular and Catholic; Faith vs. Reason in a Catholic University, and The "Revolution" in Catholic Universities. The Chapter plans to expand the program to involve as many alumni as possible in future on-campus activities. Your Montgomery County officers and board members for the past year were- Donald A. Oldiges, president; Charles M. Graham, vice-president; E. Dale Nash, treasurer; Mrs. Joanne (Stueve) Daley, secretary; and Donald E. Ruhl, past president. Board members were Joseph Accrocco, Jack A DeVelbiss, Dan U. Dunson, Robert L. Fisher, John L. Geiger, Fred W. Grimm, Joseph E. and Marilou (Koepnick) Janowski, Mary Sue Miller, Lloyd G. Phillips, Gene Schill and Thomas A. White III . . . Congratulations to Charles Graham on his election as president of the chapter for the coming year. You might be interested in the following action taken at the spring meeting of the national board of directors. Beginning with the 14th Annual Support Program, reimbursement for chapter participation has been changed as follows: The chapters will be reimbursed one dollar for each contributing member and five dollars for each Sponsor secured on the Annual Support Program . . . In accordance with previous conditions a minimum of ten contributors is necessary for reimbursement. Donald E. Ruhl and John C. Kussman w ere appointed to fill vacancies existing on the board.
DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN OR WOMAN? An alumnus very prominent in his chosen field of endeavor or distinguished by reason of exceptional public service, having graduated at least twenty-five years ago ... and very much alive today ... Candidates are in order for this Distinguished Alumnus to be recognized at Homecoming, Oct. 21, 1967. Let us hear from you ...
Last but by no means least - let me welcome the members of the class of 1967 ... all 902 of them .. . If I can be of any further assistance to any of you, please don't hesitate to call upon me .. . Now- have a nice summerdon't scream at the children too much - and God willing, I'll be with you again in the FALL . . . God Bless and Keep you till w e meet again .. . Sincerely,
BRO. WILLIAM BECK, Pioneer Many wonderful, dedicated men have served and are serving the Society of Mary and the University of Dayton. Bro. William Beck, S.M., was such a man. His name didn't register with the younger generation earlier this year when he died suddenly in semi-retirement at the East Campus (Mt. St. John's). The "oldtimers" would remember him surely. They would know of his founding of the Biology Department, his early efforts in placing the first science courses, or his h elp in establishing the pre-medical program. All of these efforts have caused the University to grow. It was his pioneering zeal in biology, science and pre-med which laid the groundwork for these well-established and ever-growing programs. They mean much to the academic life of the school in modern times. All these things h e did while serving at the University from 1912 to 1924 and from 1926 to 1940. He was attached to the University for a longer period but was "out on loan" to other teaching institutions or to the Institutem Divi Thomae in Cincinnati. H e made his mark in the world of biology while serving with the Institutem, a research program originally under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. It was at the Institutem's " outdoor laboratories", the Everglades of Florida, that Bro. Beck researched cancer and sought treatments for dysentery and m alaria from the flora and fauna of this Sunshine State. Work on the latter two diseases came during World War II and some of his findings were later used commercially. In his work with plant physiology Bro. Beck dealt in the study of osmosis and also developed such commercial products as Dogoff and Mosquito-off. Perhaps, one of his pupils, Bro. Russell Joly, S.M., now in Biology, best describes Bro. Beck when h e says: "Brother was always wrappe d up in things. He took a great interest in anything h e did. He was always fully prepared and was inventive. I often saw him devising equipment to fit his experiments. "He was highly considered in his field and many times his advise was asked on m any subjects. His value to UD w as of a national and international character, particularly in research," Bro. Joly concluded. You could hear the respect in his voice and see the sadness in his eyes as he lost a dear friend.
Academia The Honors Convocation each year caps the academic program for many students at the University of Dayton. The Convocation, this year on March 8, honored three professors through the annual Alumni "Professor of the Year" awards; 38 students for special academic honors, and 37 seniors who were enrolled in Alpha Sigma Tau, Honor Society of the University of Dayton. Professor of the Year for the 1966-67 school year was Dr. Eulalia Baltazar, whose scholarly pursuits including a book, "Teilhard and the Supernatural", gave him first place nod from a committee of contemporaries, Dr. Rocco Donatelli, Assistant Chairman, History Department; Dr. George Noland, Chairman, Biology Department and Professor Erving Beauregard, History Department and secretary of the Faculty Forum and A.A.U.P. on campus. First prize was $500. Second place went to Dr. Thomas Campanelle of Education, whose education lectures and counselling carry him to many parts of the country. Dr. Joseph Cooney of Biology was third place recipient. Campanelle received $300 and Cooney, $2QO. Guest speaker for the convocation, which serves as an academic hall of fame at the University, was Rev. Michael Stock, O.P., a Dominican psychologist from St. Stephen's
Dr. Eulalia Baltazar of Philosophy is given the Alumni " Professor of the Year" Award by Rev. George Barrett, University Vice President at Honors Convocation. College, Dover, Massachusetts. His topic was "Dimensions of Personality". The Academic Award Winners and April Honor Graduates are:
SUMMA CUM LAUDE Paul J. Campbell, Dayton, Ohio. 3 .958 in Mathematics. Sister Timothy Woebkenberg, Dayton, Ohio. 3.947 in Philosophy. Ronald J. Konopka, Cleveland, Ohio. 3.910 in Chemistry. Nancy M. Huber, Dayton, Ohio. 3.907 in English.
MAGNA CUM LAUDE Thomas J. Deluca, Glenolden, Pennsylvania . 3.860 in Accounting. Mary T. Johnson, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 3.840 in Computer Science. Marilyn F. Karnatz, Indianapolis, Indiana. 3.800 in History. Karen A. Schoenberger, Cincinnati, Ohio. 3.788 in Home Economics. Darlene E. Chivers, Fairview, Pennsylvania. 3.777 in Chemistry. Charles J. DeBrosse, Dayton, Ohio. 3.775 in Chemical Engineering. Sharon A. Hunt, Northfield, Ohio. 3 .764 in Biology. Camilla Conway, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 3.731 in Chemistry. Sister Anita Elchert, C.PP.S., Dayton, Ohio. 3.727 in Secondary Education. Charlotte R. Eudy, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 3.717 in Mathematics. William A. Tobias, Dayton, Ohio. 3 .716 in Mathematics. Ronald G. Pausig, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 3.706 in Electrical Engineering. Barbara A. Turriff, Western Springs, Illinois. 3.703 in English. Dr. Thomas Campanelle of the School of Education was the second prize winner in the "Professor of the Year" judging.
Sister Mary Johnissa Reger, S.A.C., Huntington, Ohio. 3.689 in Secondary Education. Mary C. Reppa, Dearborn, Michigan. 3.676 in English . Philip E. Doepker, Ottawa, Ohio. 3 .673 in English. Barbara S. Schaefer, Richmond, Indiana. 3 .662 in French. Mrs. Helen F. Stelzer, Dayton, Ohio. 3.643 in Elementary Education. Martin B. Mick, Jr., Hamilton, Ohio. 3.638 in Chemical Engi neering. Nancy L. Raterman, Dayton , Ohio. 3 .631 in Elementary Education . Sister Joyce Ann Langhals, C.PP.S., Dayton, Ohio. 3 .629 in Secondary Education. James F. Murray, Dayton, Ohio. 3.618 in Electrical Engineering. Michael A. Novak, S.M., Dayton, Ohio. 3 .612 in Philosophy. Frank T. Eggemeier, Covington , Kentucky. 3 .606 in Psychology. Mary A. Trojanowski, Clevela nd, Ohio. 3.606 in Elementary Education. Ca rol C. Kelly, Lakewood, Ohio. 3.577 in Chemistry. Joseph P. McDavitt, Indianapolis, Indiana. 3.570 In Economics. Frederick J. Shiple, Ill, Toledo, Ohio. 3 .559 in Premedical. Judity A. Sparaco, Dayton, Ohio. 3.541 in Secondary Education . Leslie Ann Stengel, Fullerton, Pennsylvania. 3.531 in Computer Science. Victor E. Edmonds, S.M., Dayton, Ohio. 3.528 in Secondary Ed ucation .
Dr. Joseph Cooney of Biology took third place honors as professor of year.
Paul Campbell, tops in the April graduation class with 3.976, receives his honor key. Later the Dayton youth took two other awards.
Ron Konopka of Cleveland takes his Finishing number two in the 1967 honor key from Bro. John Lucier. class was Sister Timothy WoebkenHe finished third in the class with berg of Dayton with a 3 .947. 3 .910. SOCIOLOGY: The Margaret Mary Edmond Huth Memorial Jeremiah J. Mazza, Bronxville, New York. Award for Excellence in the senior class in Anthropology 3.507 in Economics. James A. Buschur, St. Henry, Ohio. by Dr. Edward Huth presented to - Nancy Marble, Lima, 3 .504 in Electrical Engineering. Ohio. SOCIOLOGY: Dr. Edward A. Huth Silver Anniversary Award THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES for Excellence in Social Studies donated by Joseph Zusman and Class of 1964 presented t o - Sister Dominic ARTS AND SCIENCES: The Bro. Leonard A. Mann Award to Roberts, S.N .D., Dayton, Oh io. the outstanding senior in the College donated by Joseph THEOLOGICAL STUDIES: Award for Excellence, the William Zusman presented t o - Paul J. Campbell, Dayton , Ohio. Joseph Chaminade Award , presented in memory of Mr. CHEMISTRY: The Bro. George J. Geisler, S.M., Award for and Mrs. George W. Dickson presented t o - Kathleen G. Excellence in Chemistry donated by Joseph Poelking, Sr. Grom, Cagahoga Falls, Ohio . presented t o - Camilla I. Conway, Pittsburgh , Penn .
Nancy Huber of Dayton receives her honor key. She graduated fourth in the class with 3.907.
COMMUNICATION ARTS: The Si Burick Award for outstand路 ing achievement by the University of Dayton presented t o - Theodore Patterson , Mansfield, Ohio. ENGLISH: The Bro. Tom Price, S.M. , Award of Excellence in English for seniors by the University of Dayton Mothers Club presented t o - Nancy M. Huber, Dayton, Ohio. HISTORY: the Phi Alpha Theta Scholarship Key for excellence in the study of history in the senior class presented t o - Gerald F. Kaminski, Willowick, Ohio. HISTORY: Award of Excellence for juniors, the Dr. Samuel E. Flook Award presented t o - Marilyn F. Karnatz, Indianapolis, Indiana. HOME ECONOMICS: Award of Excellence presented by the University of Dayton Chapter of the American Home Economics Association presented t o - Karen Schoenberger, Cincinnati, Ohio. MATHEMATICS: Award of Excellence for seniors presented by the Mathematics Club Alumni presented t o - Paul J. Campbell, Dayton, Ohio. MATHEMATICS: Award of Excellence for juniors presented by the Mathematics Club Alumni presented t o - C. Eugene Steuerle, Louisville, Kentucky. MATHEMATICS: The Ohio Zeta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon Award of Excellence in Mathematics in the sophomore class presented t o - Edward Neuschler, Farmingdale, New York. MUSIC: Music Educators National Conference local chapter award of excellence to junior or senior presented to Judith A. Fussner, Dayton, Ohio. PHILOSOPHY: First Award of Excellence for seniors presented by the Rev. Charles Polichek presented to Sister Timothy Woebkenberg, S.N.D., Dayton, Ohio. PHILOSOPHY: Second Award of Excellence for seniors presented by the Rev. Charles Polichek presented t o Michael Novak, S.M ., Dayton, Ohio. POLITICAL SCIENCE: Award of Excellence, the Bro. Albert H. Rose Award for seniors by Joseph Zusman presented t o - Gerald E. Reid, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. PSYCHOLOGY: Award of Excellence presented by the Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M . presented t o - Frank T. Eggemeier, Covington, Kentucky. SOCIOLOGY: The Dr. Edward Huth Award for Excellence in the Senior Class donated by Joseph Zusman, '65, presented t o - Mary C. Brown, Louisville, Kentucky.
Bro. Michael Novak, S.M., takes the Second Award for Excellence for Seniors in Philosophy. It is the Rev. Charles Polichek Award.
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTING: Award of Excellence for seniors presented by Warren A. Kappeler, '41 , and Jerome E. Westendorf, '43, presented to - Thomas J. Deluca, Genolden, Penn. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION : the Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship Key awarded by the Delta Nu chapter to the male senior with the highest cumulative point average presented t o - Thomas J. Deluca, Glenolden, Pennsylvania. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Award of Excellence fo r seniors presented by Charles Huston Brown in memory of Bro. William Haebe presented to - William P. Schindler, Celina , Ohio. ECONOMICS: Award of Excellence for seniors presented in honor of Dr. E. B. O'Leary by the Winters National Bank and Trust Company presented t o - Jeremiah J. Mazza, Bronxville, New York.
THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION: Award of Excellence, the George A. Pflaum Award presented t o Joan Burdinski, Dayton, Ohio. FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION : Award of Excellence, the Fr. Renneker Award , presented by the Montgomery Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association, for excellence in teacher education presented t o - Larry P. Fronheiser, Johnstown, Penn. SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION : Award of Excellence presented by the University of Dayton Mothers Club presented t o - Sandra C. Clark, Cleveland, Ohio.
THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Award of Excellence for seniors presented in memory of Mrs. Albert Emanuel by Victor Emanuel, ' 15, presented t o - Charles J. DeBrosse, Dayton, Ohio. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Award of Excellence for seniors presented by Harry F. Finke, '02, presented t o - John B. Kelly, Whitestone, New York. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Award of Excellence for seniors presented by Anthony Horvath and Elmer Steger, presented t o - Gerald E. Lucas, Dayton, Ohio.
Camilla I. Conway of Pittsburgh takes the Bro. George Geisler, S.M .~ Award for Excellence in Chemistry.
(Continued on Page??) Mary C. Brown of Louisville is awarded the Dr. Edward Huth Award for Excellence in Sociology in the Senior Class.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Award of Excellence presented in memory of Bro. Ulrich Rappel and Mr. W. Frank Armstrong by Thomas R. Armstrong presented t o - Jerome M. Staeuble, Dayton, Ohio. ENGINEERING: the Monsanto Company Scholarship Award presented t o - Martin Turk, Euclid, Ohio. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: The AilE Scholarship Award for seniors presented t o - James D. Gerdeman, Kalida, Ohio. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: The AilE Scholarship Award for juniors presented to Raymond E. Wojcak, Cranford, New Jersey. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Award of Excellence for sen路 iors presented in memory of Bernard F. Hollenkamp, '39, by Mrs. Louise A. and Mrs. Lucille Hollenkamp, presented
t o - Diamantis D. Preonas, Dayton , Ohio . MECHANICAL ENGINEERING : Award of Excellence f or juniors presented by Martin C. Kuntz, '12 , presented t o - Pall L. Wurzelbacher, Cincinnati , Ohio . MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: The Class of 1902 Award in memory of Warner H. Kiefaber, '05, donated by M. J. Gibbons, presented t o - Philip E. Doepker, Ottawa , Ohio.
THE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE ACHIEVEMENT: The Technician Society Award of Excellence to the graduating full-time student with the h.ighest cumulative point average, pre路 sented to Ralph E. Barhorst, Sidney, Ohio .
It all started in front of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Union .
LARGEST U.D. CLASS The April, 1967, graduating class was the largest in the history of the University of Dayton. There were 9021 men and women who received their diplomas on Sunday, April 23. The class had to be broken into two groups. The College of Arts & Sciences candidates were graduated at the morning exercises while The Schools of Business Administration, Education, Engineering, and Technical Institute people were awarded diplomas in the afternoon. Three prominent Ohioans received honorary degrees. They were Mr. Charles Washington, retired executive director of the Dayton Urban League; Mr. George Sheer, Vice President and General Manager of McCall Corporation in Dayton; and Dr. John D. Millett, Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents. The first two received Doctor of Humanities degrees while Dr. Millett was awarded a Doctor of Education degree. Top graduate was Paul Campbell with an academic average of 3.976 as a mathematics major. He received only one Bin his four years and graduated at 19 which might be the youngest in Dayton's history as a university. Campbell is leaving UD as a Woodrow Wilson and Danforth Foundation Fellow. He will continue his studies at Cornell University.
The procession passes St. Mary's Hall for the fieldhouse.
Robert J. Schmidt
Victor W. Boltin, Greenville, Ohio
FROM DAYTON: Joyce Helen Kziezopol ski Janis Eileen Neustadt Janice Marie Page Barbara Elaine Whiteman
OUT OF TOWN : Kathleen Ann Engel , Roosevelt, New York Carol Sue Hengesbach, Hastings, Michigan Arlene Ann Hertvik, Cleveland, Ohio Jane Ellen Podboy, S. Euclid, Ohio Deanne C. Schaefer, Fort Wayne, fndiana Kathryn Rae Van Leeuwen, Erie, Kansas
OUT OF TOWN: Raymond Joseph Seiler, Springfield, 0.
The principals have arrived at the Fieldhouse and stand for the national anthem .
FROM DAYTON : Nelson 0. Hommel OUT OF TOWN: Ralph Edward Barhorst, Sidney, Ohio Lawrence Allen Cadman, Red Bank, N.J. Leo C. Daiuto, Cinnaminson, N.J. Frank James Kovach, Macedonia, Ohio
Daniel E. Maxwell, Clayton, Ohio John M. McGee, Hamburg, New York Stephen J. Pjontek, Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Edward Russell, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Duane A. Starbuck, Xenia, Ohio Gilbert J. Zalewski, Steubenville , Ohio Nikolai Tonoff Zavadsky, Puerto Rico
They listened to Father Roesch speak of the "recent year at UD."
FROM DAYTON: James Russell Baber Robert A. Melia Richard Alan Murphy Dale T. Voehringer Charles William White
OUT OF TOWN: Joseph S. Barranco, Allison Park, Pa. William Paul Eibner, Cleveland, Ohio James U. Kiser, Fremont, Ohio Robert H. Thomas, Winsted, Connecticut
FROM DAYTON: Norman J. Boesch William Joseph Drerup Roger A. Throckmorton, Jr. Norman R. Weiland OUT OF TOWN: Bash Sattar Bidiwala, Bombay, India
Anthony Joseph Bozza, White Plains, N.Y. James C. Bricker, Celina, Ohio Robert Frederick DeiVento, Easton, Conn. Richard Arlen Finley, Union, Ohio Robert Frole, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Anthony L. Fullenkamp, Fort Recovery, Ohio Donald William Gilmour, Willowick, Ohio
Michael William Lepore, Jr., Newburgh, N.Y. Robert Kipling Morris, Massena, New York Donald James Takacs, Chagrin Falls, Ohio Gary James White, River Forrest, Illinois Frederick A. Willits Ill, Murray Hill, N.J. Charles Raymond Zepp, Ridgewood, N.J.
FROM DAYTON : Miriam C. Andrews John Francis Blake Thomas Edward Bookwalter John Francis Brogan, S.M. Robert Drexel Cupples Gail Ann Delaplane Florence Dane Delcontivo Charles Thaddeus Devlin Phillip Michael Eifert Sylvia Diane Flemming Michael John Gabria, Jr. David Vincent Gehle Roger Stephen Glass Lewis Edward Goodman John Banfill Griffith Harold Milton Hapner Sister Mary Ignatius Harmon, S.N.D. Ronald E. Hochuli, S.M. John Christopher Holden Nancy Mary Huber David J. Jehn Sister Kathleen Marie Kessler, S.N.D. Frank Ernest Kline Thomas J. Lauricella
Edmund Gene Loikoc Rose Mary McBride Mary Elizabeth McCrabb Patrick Parker McKenna Robert Michael Mershon Robert Lester Moore Michael A. Novak, S.M. Suzanne Wagner Payne Dalma Catherine Polony Michael Louis Probst Lawrence Dale Rinehart Mary Catherine Ross Donald L. Saurine Susan Irene Schulhoff James Donald Schwoebel George A. Taylor, Jr. Rosemary G. Thunder William Allen Watson Thomas E. Xavier Will Sister Timothy Woebkenberg, S.N.D. OUT OF TOWN: Jean Ellen Albert, Lancaster, Ohio John R. Allerding, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Thomas A. Andrus, Waldwick, New Jersey
Mary Catherine Antoun, Erie, Pennsylvania Dwight William Barnett, Bellbrook, Ohio Robert L. Battenberg, Akron, Ohio James Justin Bayer, Jr., Perrysburg, Ohio Christine Marie Beckert, Canton, Ohio Mary Louise Berti, Louisville, Kentucky James Joseph Broderick, Valley Stream, N.Y. Mary Cassandra Brown, Louisville, Kentucky Barbara Jean Burgin, Elmhurst, Illinois Richard Jess Butler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ralph D. Camarda, Rochester, New York Richard Anthony Carella, No. Massapequa, N.Y. Paul Aflred Chouinard, East Barnet, Vermont James Anthony Ciocia, Cleveland, Ohio Louis J. Colangelo, Jr., Bridgeport, Conn. Thomas Henry Colicchio, Elizabeth, N.J. Kathleen R. Collins, Toledo, Ohio Frank Kenneth Conliffe, Louisville, Ky. John Robert Consedine , Olean, New York Raymond L. Crock, C.PP.S., Rensselaer, Ind. Rosemary Crow, Middletown, Ohio Joseph Thomas DeGennaro, New York, N.Y. Joyce Ann DeRosa, Greensburg, Pa.
Robert Joseph DiBella, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Claudia Arleen Dispennett, Franklin, Ky. Vincent C. DiTrani, Emerson, New Jersey Florence Ann Dorsam, Bayside, New York Carlos R. Dos Santos, Yonkers, New York James Theodore Duerr, Louisville, Kentucky Frank Thomas Eggemeier, Covington, Ky. Edward William Evans, Bordentown, N.J. Carol Ann Federico, Valley Stream, N.Y. Robert A. Fening, Jr., Hamilton, Ohio Kathleen Joyce Fischer, Erie, Pennsylvania Eloise Antoinette Fister, Louisville, Ky. John Stephen Fontaine, Pawcatuck, Conn. Harry G. France, Merritt Island, Florida Neil F. Freund, McHenry, Illinois Jeanette Katherine Gadomski, Elizabeth, N.J. James Francis Gareau, Cleveland, Ohio Charles John Gembinski, S.M., Baltimore, Maryland John Howard Gibson, Fair Haven, New Jersey Joseph A. Glorioso, Olmsted Falls, Ohio James E. Graw, Fairview Park, Ohio Ray Frank Gricar, South Euclid, Ohio Arlene Roseann Haitz, Ripley, Ohio Judith B. Harrington, Monticello, Illinois Gregg R. Hauser, Northvale, New Jersey Richard A. Hawkey, Cincinnati, Ohio Matthew John Hayes, Chicago, Illinois Ann Veronica Hogenkamp, Minster, Ohio Barbara K. Hopp, Downers Grove, Illinois Charlotte June Horvath, Trenton, New Jersey William E. Horvath, Cleveland, Ohio Joyce Elizabeth Hoyng, Coldwater, Ohio James W. Huck, St. Louis, Missouri Judith Anne Hylen, Rocky River, Ohio Marshall Joseph Johns, Jr., N. Canton, Ohio Richard Joseph, Niagara Falls, New York Kathleen Anne Kahles, Cincinnati, Ohio Gerald Francis Kaminski, Willowick, Ohio Janice Marie Karg, Akron, Ohio Marilyn Frances Karnatz, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawrence Paul Keller, Rochester, New York Janice Adair Kennedy, Homewood, Illinois Margaret Ellen Kennedy, White Plains, N.Y. Patricia Ann Kennedy, Oak Lawn, Illinois Rosemary Patricia Kennedy, Chicago, Illinois Henry John Kutney, Garfield, New Jersey Mary Kathleen Leiser, Beech Grove, Indiana William Francis Lennon, Mentor, Ohio Rita Jeannette Lerch, Massillon, Ohio Richard Elliott Lewis, Jr., Rochester, N.Y. Karen J. Lindgren, Elmhurst, Illinois Katherine T. Littau, Chicago, Illinois Monica Catharine Mahan, Spring Valley, Ill. Michael Robert Mang, Massillon, Ohio Nancy Louise Marble, Lima, Ohio Richard Anthony Mares, Fraser, Michigan John David Matejcik, Lorain, Ohio
Between the two ceremonies Father Roesch entertained the three honorary degree recipients at lunch in the Kennedy Union. They are, left to right, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Millett, Father Roesch , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. George Sheer.
Kevin Thomas McCarthy, Manhasset, N.Y. Joseph Patrick McDavitt, Indianapolis, Ind. Rita Ann McGowan, Westfield, New Jersey Matthew J. McGuire, East Lansing, Mich. Lynne Marie McKenna, Birmingham, Mich. Donna Marie Mclaughlin, Alexandria, Va. Timothy Edward McMonagle, South Euclid, 0. Dennis Robert Minano, East Detroit, Mich. Marianne Myers, Streator, Illinois Kathleen Mary Nally, Glen Cove, New York Richard J. Nevius, Springfield, Ohio Charles C. Newton, East Meadow, New York Sam Alan Nicolosi, Marion, Ohio Thomas Arthur Olsen, LaGrange Park, Ill. , Daryl Alexis Pasek, Cleveland, Ohio Michael John Pasquarett, Warren, Pa. Sharon M. Pasternak, Warren, Michigan Timothy J. Petry, N. Canton, Ohio Mary Alice Prendergast, Fairview Park, Ohio Roger P. Pryor, Lake RonKonKoma, New York Maryann Ransom, Toledo, Ohio Barry Martin Reed, West Carrollton, Ohio Joseph Leo Reid, Niagara Falls, New York Mary Janeen Rengers, Chickasaw, Ohio Mary Carole Reppa, Dearborn, Michigan Mary Catherine Riethman, Maria Stein, Ohio Ronald H. Rondini, Fairfield, Connecticut Sharon Marie Sanislo, Chicago, Illinois Francisco Santiago-Vela, Bayamon, Puerto Rico Frank Edward Scala, Brentwood, New York Barbara Sue Schaefer, Richmond, Indiana John D. Schafer, Defiance, Ohio
John Albert Scherer, Jr., Media, Pa. John D. Schrader, Massillon, Ohio Jeanette Marie Seigle, Rocky River, Ohio Linda Anne Seiwell, Scarsdale, New York Paul Richard Sherman, Winston-Salem, N.C. Ronald Mark Silvestro, Painesvil le, Ohio Judith A. Skeldon, Akron, Ohio Mark A. Skovron, Parma, Ohio Patrick Thomas Smith, Celina, Oh io Susan K. Smith, Delphos, Ohio Lewis A. Sorrese, Valley Stream, New York Susan Linda Spalding, Detroit, Michigan Jeannette Ann Steuerle, Loui sville, Kentucky Judith Gail Strinich, West Mifflin, Pa. Gloria Jean Sweeney, Painesville, 0. Thomas John Sweeney, Brooklyn, New York Barbara Ann Turriff, Western Springs, Ill. Charles William Ullrich, Jr., Indianapolis, Ind. Kathleen Usher, Cincinnati, Ohio Donald L. Ute ndorf, Ottawa, Ohio Jacquelyn J. Vacha, Parma, Ohio Carol Jean Valley, Springfield, Ohio Jennifer Theresa Verkamp, Cincinnati, Ohio Robert Curtis Vetrick, Cleveland, Ohio Edmund J. Volpe, Yonkers, New York William J. Wigmore, Staten Island, N.Y. Charles W. Wise, Bellevue, Ohio Janet Wileen Wood, Cincinnati, Ohio Eileen Therese Yuzzolin, New Providence, N.J. Linda Florence Zalokar, Euclid, Ohio. Jeanne Marian Zurewich, Staten Island, N.Y. BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS
FROM DAYTON: Joanne E. Bieler OUT OF TOWN: William S. Aaron Ill, Altoona, Pennsylvania Francis R. Decarreau, Winooski, Vermont Emil Rudolph Kornfeind, Euclid, Ohio Dennis A. Walters, Grosse Pointe, Michigan BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
This was the luncheon scene in the staff dining room.
FROM DAYTON: Robert Irving Barker Wolfgang Eckart Brenner William Francis Brickman Bruce Alan Brumfiel Paul J. Campbell
Stephen Charles Crain Richard Neal Danzeisen Richard E. Donovan, Jr. Albert Drukteinis Louann E. Feldmann John Edward Heindl Daniel Raymond Joseph Hill John Jerome Hochwalt Gary Edward Hoertt William James Hopkins Ronald Scott Huey Michael Earl Madden Robert Harold Mashioff Stanley A. Mertzman Louis John Orban Richard Walter Portune James Edward Reboulet Charles Edward Reinhardt Robert Dale Staker William H. Tobias Francis Anthony Vacchiano Carolyn Rita Wieland
Ralph Michael Maruscak, Pittsburgh , Pa. Virgil John Mathias Ill, Tiffin, Ohio John Richard Meehan, Brooklyn, New York Clyde Edward Miller, Parma, Ohio Paul Stephen Mitch , Cleveland, Ohio George Robert Molaski , Stow, Ohio William T. Mooney, Kettering, Ohio Stephen Vincent Mueller, Belleville, Illinois Bernard J. Olup, Jr. , Pittsburgh , Pa . Rosemary Catherine Oteri, New York, N.Y. Julianne J. Pandosh, Hatboro, Pennsylvania John Joseph Peterangelo, Fairborn , Ohio Victor Edward Premen, Westlake, Ohio Fred Joseph Prince , Cleveland, Ohio Albert Joseph Reiter, Jr. , Lima, Ohio William Grant Ricksecker, Parma Heights, 0. Mark R. Rowland, Springfield, Ohio Richard Karl Schmitt, Merrick, New York James A. Schoen, Ft. Recovery, Ohio
OUT OF TOWN: Donald Joseph Bealko, Euclid, Ohio John P. Beare, Celina, Ohio John Michael Bearlepp, Bernardsville, N.J. Thaddeus Emil Blizniak, Buffalo, New York Charles Joseph Borns, Honolulu, Hawaii Richard A. Brown, Springfield, Ohio Oscar A. Cartaya, Ponce, Puerto Rico Anthony John Castellano, Rockville Centre, N.Y. Cataldo Roland Centrone, Canton, Ohio Dorothy L. Chladek, Joliet, Illinois Darlene E. Chivers, Fairview, Pennsylvania Alfred Lawrence Christy, Burgettstown, Pa. Cami Conway, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Robert Walter Cordell , Brooklyn, New York Martin Bernard Cox, Cincinnati, Ohio Terence A. Criswell , Pittsburgh, Pa. John Edwin Dale, St. Louis, Missouri Joan Suzanna Dydak, Carteret, New Jersey Susan Rose Engel, Toledo, Ohio Elena Estasen, Levittown, Pennsylvania Charlotte Rose Eudy, Johnstown, Pa. James Anthony Felix, Oil City, Pa. Mary Anne Finegan, Elyria, Ohio Philip Joseph FitzSimons, Euclid, Ohio William John Frew, Jr., Staten Island, N.Y. John Paul Froning, St. Louis, Missouri Thomas W. Fruscello, Gates Mills, Ohio Bernard Joseph Galiley, Pearl River, N.Y. Steven J. Gallo, Trenton, New Jersey Edward James Gardner, Howard, Ohio Pamela Ann Garvin, Glenview, Illinois Lawrence W. Gatto, Blue Ash, Ohio Howard Robert Getz, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mark A. Goldshmidt, Bellbrook, Ohio Margaret Anne Gotto, Michigan City, Ind. James Gerald Hauck, Medway, Ohio James John Hlebik, Brooklyn, Ohio Lawrence Wayne Hoffman, Massillon, Ohio Sharon Ann Hunt, Northfield, Ohio Michael Francis Hynes, Springfield, Ohio Mary Therese Johnson, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. John Anthony Kalina, Cleveland, Ohio Robert George Kalinsky, Cleveland, Ohio Janice Elaine Karoglan, Canton, Ohio Carol Christine Kelly, Lakewood, Ohio Terry L. Koeller, Union, Ohio Ronald Jerome Konopka, Cleveland, Ohio John Michael Kovesdi, Jr., Oregon, Ohio Robert Paul Kozar, Euclid, Ohio Paul L. Kubis, Medina, Ohio Michael Joseph Kubek, Ambridge, Pa. Andrew Paul Kuhta, Jr., Garfield, New Jersey Roger Douglas Leslie, Georgetown, Ohio Frank Michael Lobacz, East Islip, New York Jan Robert Lojek, Fort Wayne , Indiana Dominic J. Maga, Jr., Parma Heights, Ohio
FROM DAYTON: Patricia Reedy Guidetti Polly Kay Michael
Doreen Regina Selegan, Detroit, Michigan Frederick Joseph Shiple Ill , Toledo, Ohio Mary K. Solon, Toledo, Ohio Vincent Francis Speziale , Jr., West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Roger W. Steinlage, St. Henry, Ohio Leslie Ann Stengel , Fullerton, Pa. Michael Albert Thiel , S. Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Vera M. Thompson, Joliet, Illinois Dennis Steve Tomko, Fairview Park, Ohio Robert P. Villing, Cincinnati , Ohio Louis Joseph Vitangeli , Canton, Ohio Dennis David Wackerly, Massillon, Ohio Richard Leo Wetzel , Massillon, Ohio Mark Allan Winstel, Wheeling, West Virginia Inez Margaret Young, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mary E. Zahn, Bedford, Massachusetts Henry Michael Zembruski, Garden City, N.Y. David H. Ziegler, Malverne, New York
OUT OF TOWN: Mary Royce Altobellis, Louisville, Kentucky Susan Eileen Baumann, Columbus, Ohio Judith Ann Dattilo, Hamilton, Ohio Alice Carroll Flannery, Washington, D.C. Susan K. Grayson , Wooster, Ohio Mary Joanne Henahan, Fairview Park, Ohio Mary Elizabeth Hoss, Fairborn, Ohio
Kathryn A. Kel sey, Huntington, West Virginia Carol Ann Loykovich, Mansfield, Ohio Ruth Anne McKeown, Wheaton, Illinois Cathleen Keating Mercier, Richmond, Ind. Kathryn Mary Mondzelewski , Garfield Heights, Ohio Marsha M. Pike, Euclid, Ohio Sue Ann Quashnock, San Antonio, Texas Dorothy Clare Ruckel , Yonkers, New York Kathleen M. Schirf, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Karen Ruth Schoenberger, Cincinnati, Ohio Karen Elizabeth Schultz, Rochester, Mich.
FROM DAYTON: Barbara Ann Kinzig Carolyn Sue Kinzig Sharon Christine Volk Carolyn Lee Wanwick OUT OF TOWN : Patricia Lynne Bogumill, Springfield, Ill.
Geraldine M. Feigel, Pittsburgh, Pa . Jean Ann Gels, St. Henry, Ohio Joan Louise Heinlein, Erie, Pennsylvania Carolyn Ann Kamp, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky Margaret Alyce Kelly, Cincinnati, Ohio Elizabeth Ann Klinger, Lincolnwood, Illinois Ann C. Schwieterman, St. Henry, Ohio Margaret Ann Zilinsky, Pittsburgh, Pa.
FROM DAYTON: Gerald Robert Bart Nicholas E. Besch Thomas Armstrong Campbell Paul Stanley Chmiel Ralph M. Clark William Barnett Clark James M. Cumming Ill
Mr. Washington is "fitted" by Brother Elmer Lackner, Vice President for Public Relations, while Mr. Sheer looks for instructions. Dr. Millett participated in the afternoon exercise.
John M. DeAnthony R. Craig Egbert Manfred K. Ernst Edward Frederick Fahrendorf Daniel James Finucan Timothy Lee Gross Paul F. Hahn Ronald Steven Hecht
Robert Dallad Hobbs Barry Wayne Jackson Robert Glendinning Jones Joseph A. Logan Jeffry D. Monaghan F. Ronald Pauley Leroy Joseph Phillips Terrance Edwin Roth Robert Wallace Sebert Frank Beaven Smith Ralph Robert Steffano, Jr. Thomas J. Weckesser Herbert Leroy Wells, Jr. Ernest Benjamin William s Donald P. Zimmer
Peter Thomas Dee, Jr., Yonkers, New York Thomas Joseph Deluca, Glenolden, Pa. Anthony John DeMay, Baldwin, New York Phillip Patrick Dolcetti, Dariem, Conn. Dominic Glenn D'Onofrio, Hyattsville, Mo. John Myles Doyle, Cleveland Heights, Oh io Thomas Louis Draur, Dearborn, Michigan Joseph Stewart Durbin, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Thomas John Dwyer, London, Ohio Robert Joseph Egan, Jr., Stratford, Conn. Joseph J. Esposito, Kenvil, New Jersey Charles J. Fatome, Larchmont, New York Robert Lawrence Felton, Cincinnati , Ohio Thomas Vincent Ferrero, Massillon, Ohio Richard Leo Ferris, Columbus, Ohio Louis G. Fischer, Minster, Ohio Gerard Edward Fisher, Rochester, New York Samuel Richard Fusco, Elmwood Park, Ill. James L. Getola, Elmira, New York Patricia Ruth Giomore, Cleveland, Ohio Kenneth Joseph Gottoff, Lakeville , New York Edward Paul Gottschalk, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa. John Clemens Graser, Wickliffe, Ohio Thomas C. Griesez, Canton, Ohio John Howard Groskopf, Toledo, Ohio Thomas D. Gross, Cincinnati, Ohio Timothy G. Hanna, Rochester, New York Edward Hudson Henry, Pittsburgh, Pa. Donald J. Hertyik, Cleveland, Ohio Dyne Robert Hoenie, Lima, Ohio Arthur F. Hutchinson, Rockaway Park, N.Y. Arthur J. Intemann, Farmingdale, New York James Stanley Jarzynka, Carleton, Michigan Stephen Allen Jones, Monmouth Beach , N.J. Wendell Beony Joseph, India John James Kane, Champaign, Illinois Herbert Frank Katzman, Indianapolis, Ind. John William Kawa, Toledo, Ohio Edward John Kazikaitis, Philadelphia, Pa. John Michael Keaney, Louisville, Kentucky Timothy Leo Kearney, Strongville, Ohio Robert John Dominic Keegan , Fairlawn, N.J. David L. Keel, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
OUT OF TOWN: Ronald Charles Andriani, Wyckoff, N.J. Joseph Carl Acley, Skokie, Illinois Thomas Edward Baratka, Pittsburgh, Pa. Percy Luis Barton, Lima, Peru Robert Edward Beacom, Ashtabula, Ohio Judith Ann Bednorz, Springfield, Ohio Richard D. Bello, Royal Oak, Michigan Roger Anthony Berardinis, Euclid, Ohio Charles Joseph Berning, Sidney, Ohio Barry F. Bevacqua, Phillipsburg, New Jersey Joseph Thomas John Bishop, Chicago, Ill. Frederick Clement Bittlinger, Jr., Covington, Kentucky R. Jeffrey Bixler, Rocky River, Ohio Robert Thomas Bohne, Niles, Ohio Anrew S. Borinski , Lincoln Park, New Jersey Thomas Charles Boyert, Parma, Ohio James Edmund Bradley, Jr., Syossei, L.l., N.Y. Thomas Patrick Bruce, Doyer, New Jersey John Jay Buttermore, II, Massillon, Ohio Paul Joseph Callahan, Brightwaters, N.Y. Peter L. Cannizzaro, Westbury, New York Richard Francis Capozzi, Bridgeport, Conn. Rosemarie Alfreda Casper, Pittsburgh , Pa. Emidio John Castelli , Weirton, West Virginia Chester J. Cecotti, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Martin James Coates, Niles, Ohio Louis W. Connell, Bedford , Pennsylvania John F. Conroy, Shrewsbury, New Jersey Patrick Mark Corrigan, Brooklyn, New York Ernest Edmond Courtney, Troy, Ohio W. James Coward, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Donald George Cressy, Mishawaka, Indiana George Thomas Csepegi , Cleveland, Ohio John Reed Cummings, Bay Village, Ohio Robert Anthony d'Amico, Hoboken , N.J.
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION FROM DAYTON: Nancy Lea Raterman Sister Mary Andrew Schmidt, S.N.D. Mary Ellen Allgyer Jacqueline Kay Schmitz Walter Peter Banko M. Jean Scott Sister Joanne Belloli, C.PP.S. George Sterling Sewell , Jr. Mary Katherine Berson Judith Ann Sparaco Sondra Lee Smith Blackaby Mary Anne Walters Smedley Sister Carolyn Marie Borchers, C.PP.S. Carolyn Frances Spencer Judith Ann Brethauer Joan Marjorie Spraley Opal Knight Brown Donna L. Steinbach Joan Bernadette Burdzinski Helen Frances Stelzer Florence L. Calkins Sue Ellen Stephan Nancy Campbell Crusey Linda Carol Swigeart Susan Trindl Cunningham Elizabeth Ann Tudor Margaret Mary Doocey Diana L. West Ralph Theodore Dorsten Sister Melanie Willingham, S.N.D. Frances Carol Eden Jane Marie Willis Victor Edmonds, S.M. Linda Ann Wilson Sister Anita Elchert, C.PP.S. Carol Ann Winhusen Barbara Ann Fair Sister Nancy Wolf, C.PP.S. Joseph Francis Fitzgibbon Ill Marlene Anne Zeitz William Keyes Foreman Sister Mary Joseph Zuniga, S.M.I. Harriet Kardaras Gounaris Kathryn Elizabeth Guthman OUT OF TOWN : Katherine Eleanor Hansman Lelia Earleen Hatton Jane Kathryn Aken, New Philadelphia, Ohio Virginia McGrath Horn Sharon Kay Alexander, Osgood, Ohio Judith K. Huber Frances Agnes Arhutich, Port Clinton, Ohio Patricia J. Jayson Donald Frederick Arnett, Wapakoneta, Ohio Carole F. LaCombe Robert James Baroni, Stratford, Connecticut Sister Joyce Ann Langhals, C.PP.S. Carol S. Barron, Cleveland, Ohio Sue Ellen Maharg Lois Ann Bilstein, Chicago, Illinois Helen Eleanor Martin Patricia E. Bodary, Birmingham, Michigan Page N. McCrum Kathleen Louise Boeke, Chillicothe, Ohio Michael J. McFadden Armand D. Bonforte, Pompton Lakes, N.J. Sister Janet Miller, C.PP.S. Joan A. Brand, Yorkshire, Ohio Nelson L. Noggle Patricia Carol Brown, Xenia, Ohio Patricia J. Rasor Nancy Rose Byrne, Chicago, Illinois
Paul Campbell, top graduate at 19 years of age, has his diploma.
Arthur Lee Kennedy, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri Stanley Leo Kiger, Lancaster, Ohio Hugh W. Koellhoffer, Chatham , New Jersey Ronald James Konkoly, Cleveland, Ohio Gary Wayne LaChey, Sidney, Ohio Daniel John Lenckos, Chicago, Illinois Vernon R. Lowe II, Indianapolis, Indiana William Henry Luken Ill, Cincinnati, Ohio Ronald Edward Marien, Indianapolis, Ind. William Howard Matthews, Massillon, Ohio Jeremiah J. Mazza, Bronxville, New York Eugene Charles McCiead, Tiffin, Ohio Joseph Raymond McFadden , Drexel Hill, Pa. James Patrie McGinley, Brookfield, Wis. John T. Miller, Manhusset, New York Martin Edward Miller, Shelbyville, Indiana Harold Hansen Morrow, Glendale, Missouri Thomas Charles Murphy, Columbus, Ohio Edward E. Murray, Piqua, Ohio Janis Elizabeth Nissen, Port Clinton, Ohio Brian Patrick O'Connor, New York, N.Y. Richard Dennis O'Meara Greeley, Pa. Paul Anthony Prendergast, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida William R. Remke , Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky Stanley Michael Rybak, Elmira, New York Fred Musa Saah , Jr., Washington, D.C. Marsha L. Schafer, West Manchester, Ohio George Talbott Sisco, Jr., Louisville, Ky. Thomas John Sliemers, Lima, Ohio Thomas Arthur Smith, Staten Island, N.Y. Michael Dennis Spehar, Cleveland, Ohio Thomas Stephen Stander, Cincinnati, Ohio Carol M. Stasa, Owosso, Michigan Richard L. Stelzer, Coldwater, Ohio John J. Stevens, Scarsdale, New York Donald James Sugaski, Elyria, Ohio Gregory Michael Tasto, Indianapolis, Ind. Richard L. Tellman, Speedway, Indiana David George Urbany, Waynesburg, Pa. Philip Joseph Visco, Ridgewood, New Jersey James D. Weber, Cincinnati, Ohio James Michael Zidar, Maple Heights, Ohio
Janet Marie Carney, Media, Pennsylvania Valerie Anne Cichowski, E. Greenwich, R.I. Mary Jo Ciz路Madia, Cleveland Heights, Ohio Adrienne Dina Clair, Bay Shore, New York Catherine Marie Cleary, Drexel Hill, Pa. Martha Coke, Hardinsburg, Kentucky Anne B. Cronmiller, Rochester, New York Mary Louise Dana, Richmond Hill, New York Dennis Michael Dansby, Monroe, Michigan David John Davidson, Euclid, Ohio William John Dever, Lyndhurst, Ohio Mary Ellen Deyling, Independence, Ohio Charles Roland Dodsworth, Columbus, Ohio Donna Jean Doll, Massillon, Ohio Judith Ann Elder, Delaware, Ohio Denise Pivarnik Emmrich, Maxwell AFB, Ala. Regina Mae Fana, Cleveland, Ohio Thomas Paul Farley, Penns Grove, N.J. Lois Ann Federbush, Centerville, Ohio Martha Anne Fields, Euclid, Ohio Mary Jo Fischer, Piqua, Ohio Jane Marie Flinn, Evanston, Illinois Raymond James Flis, Bound Brook, N.J. Theresa Marie Franko, Cleveland, Ohio Larry P. Fronheiser, Johnstown, Pa. Mary Ann Galdabini, Indianapolis, Indiana Lawrence Edward Gawell, North Royalton, 0. Janice K. Gebele, Coldwater, Ohio Maryann Gelhaus, Rockville Centre, N.Y. Mary Helen Goring, Cleveland, Ohio Donna Carroll Greene, Louisville, Kentucky Shila Elizabeth Grove, Dover, New Jersey Judy Kay Hanschmann, Media, Pennsylvania Pamela Jean Harrison, Cleveland, Ohio Lois Ann Hartrich, Indianapolis, Indiana Carol Ann Heideman, Cincinnati, Ohio Margaret A. Hellon, Avon Lake, Ohio Marshall John Hess, Springfield, Mass. Sharon Marie Hessler, Hamilton, Ohio Kathleen Mary Hurley, Hackettstown, N.J. David F. lnderrieden, Port Jefferson, Ohio Karen Lee Jans, Kankakee, Illinois Kathryn Mary Jirka, Fairview Park, Ohio Elaine Marie Johnson, Frankfort, Kentucky G. Douglas Jones, New Lebanon, Ohio Michael Steven Kedzierski, Toledo, Ohio Marilyn Ann Kelley, Columbus, Ohio Sara Jane Kelly, Middletown, Ohio Kathleen L. Kennedy, Brooklyn, New York Carol C. Klein, Brookfield, Wisconsin Barbara Ann Koehl, Euclid, Ohio Mary Alice Lechler, Cincinnati, Ohio Elaine Marie Madak, Canton, Ohio Mary Margaret Madden, Lyndhurst, Ohio Donna Rae Mastrangelo, Gates Mills, Ohio Florence Marie McCahill, Huntington, N.Y. Maureen McGrail, Birmingham, Michigan Michael George McKeever, St. Petersburg, Florida Rose Elizabeth Meissner, Cleveland, Ohio John Allyn Melloh, S.M., Hollywood, Florida Kathleen Mikos, Highand Park, Illinois Laurie Anne Miller, "Munhall, Pennsylvania James Michael Mogan, Cincinnati, Ohio Joseph Henry Mogan, Cincinnati, Ohio Briggs Allen Moore, Washington Court House, Ohio Joanne M. Mullally, Livonia, Michigan Sheila Marie Murphy, Cleveland, Ohio Terry Alan Papesh, Palmer, Massachusetts Sandra Sue Pascale, Port Washington, N.Y. Karen Margaret Petrak, Tarentum, Pa. Barbara Antoinette Petrie, Cleveland, Ohio Patricia Mary Pilat, Chicago, Illinois Michael Thomas Pisani, New Rochelle, N.Y. David V. Pohlman, Sandusky, Ohio Elizabeth Sue Pope, Lima, Ohio Margaret Mary Regan, W. Orange, N.J. Sister M. Johnissa Reger, S.A.C., Huntington, West Virginia Kathleen A. Reilly, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mr. Washington receives his honorary degree.
Linda Kay Reke, Eldorado, Ohio Teresa Ann Rhoads, Circleville Ohio Pamela Joan Richardson, Andover, Mass. Marilyn Ann Rigg, Waynesville, Ohio Elizabeth L. Rose, St. Henry, Ohio Sister Nancy Rosencrants, C.PP.S., Alameda, California Barbara Ann Rygielski, Cleveland, Ohio Constance Marie Sargis, Chicago, Illinois Joseph N. Schepis, Broadview Heights, Ohio Sister Rose Mariam Schoettelkotte, C.PP.S., Vandalia, Ohio Mary Ellen Schultz, Riverside, Illinois Frances Susan Seiger, Murrysville, Pa. Marion F. Selva, Newark, New Jersey Kathlene Sheridan, Euclid, Ohio Margaret Ann Smith, Staten Island, N.Y. Patricia Joan Smith, Zanesville, Ohio Susan Lynne Smith, Marrietta, Georgia Kevin Paul Spencer, Cleveland, Ohio
Sara Lou Su llivan, Middletown, Ohio Gregory Michael Takacs, Anaheim, California Sue Ann Worland Torelli, Drexel Hill, Pa. Mary Ann J. Trojanowska, Cleveland, Ohio Helen Marie Tunney, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gerald William Vanderyt, Sag Harbor, N.Y. James N. Verhoff, Leipsic, Ohio Mary Patricia Waldron, West Orange, N.J. Judith Mary Wannemacher, Celina, Ohio Bonita Mary Weber, Brookville, Ohio Patricia F. Weigelt, Xenia, Ohio Judith Mary Weilert, Manhasset, New York Sarah Jane Weitz, Danville, Indiana Dennis William Werkmeister, Massapequa, N.Y. Judith L. Werzynski, East Detroit, Michigan Jean Marie Westbrooke, Joliet, Illinois Lynn Ann Wilder, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Maureen Ruth Wilson, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
FROM DAYTON: Joan Frances Funham Christine MargaretfHarlan
Robert James Bush, Euclid, Ohio Pamela Mary Pilat, Chicago, Illinois Margaret Ann Soller, Shelbyville, Indiana
FROM DAYTON: Dorothy Jean Mi ller
Muriel Jane Doyle, Manhasset, New York Linda Marie Schilling, Gallitzin, Pa.
FROM DAYTON: Donald James Donnett Elizabeth Ann Koenig Ellis Dave Lewis Probasco Sister Barbara Lee Rauch, C.PP.S.
Diana Kay Lenon Smerillo Jane Hovis Willoughby OUT OF TOWN: Kathleen Lignelli, Boyerstown, Pennsylvania
OUT OF TOWN: Sandra Catherine Clark, Cleveland, Ohio
Suzanne Mary Duell, Beech Grove, Indiana
FROM DAYTON: Charles J. DeBrosse William Martin Trey Stephen Carter Walter
OUT OF TOWN: Joseph Anthony Carapucci, Philadelphia, Pa. Stanley Marion Kumar, Cleveland, Ohio Martin B. Mick, Jr., Hamilton, Ohio
Joseph David Price, Newark, New Jersey Samuel Joseph Schultz, Williamsport, Pa. Raymond James Sero, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ronald J. Steflick, East Paterson, N.J. George Thomas Weyrauch, Miamisburg, Ohio BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING
FROM DAYTON: George Edward Reinke George Bernard Shaw OUT OF TOWN: William James Held, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mr. Sheer is honored.
OUT OF TOWN : Francis Jerome Audley, Whitestone , N.Y. Robert Edward Bernhardt, Cambria Heights, N.Y. James Arthur Buschur, St. Henry, Ohio Luciano Crusi, Astoria, L.l., New York Michael Jerome Doslak, Lorain, Ohio Gary Michael Fey, Syracuse, New York Paul Edwin Gale, Cedarville, Ohio Joseph Christopher Columbus Hoehl, Denver, Colorado
FROM DAYTON: William Michael Bechtold Neal Frederick Gardner James A. Goffee Gerald Earl Lucas James F. Murray Robert L. Robke Jerome M. Staeuble Mark A. Stelzer Hugh James Sullivan
Paul Richard Hoffman, Fullerton, California Robert P. Jennewine, Xenia, Ohio Dale E. Kukla, Cleveland, Ohio Jack Walter Majewski, Cleveland, Oh io Paul J. Monaghan, Jr., Westbury, New York Ronald J. Ponist, Duquesne, Pennsylvania Ronald Gerald Pausig, Avondal e, Arizona Francis Garrett Welsh , Metuchen, N.J . David P. Wittman, Brooklyn, New York
OUT OF TOWN: Luis Cerritelli V. V., Lima, Peru
Stephen F. Koziar, Jr., Webster, Mass.
FROM DAYTON: Gerald Martin Boyd William At'no Buschur, Jr. James L. Huelsman Jack C. Irving Diamantis Drakos Preonas
OUT OF TOWN: Edgardo Antonio Angei-Montalvo, Bethesda, Md. Leo Arthur Burkardt, Miamisburg, Ohio John Riedl Burke, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Carlo Benedetto Caputo, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Philip Edward Doepker, Ottawa, Ohio Herbert John Hamberg, Coldwater, Ohio Gerald L. McCann, Berea, Ohio John Robert Patterson, Farmersville, Ohio Roland Herbert Robin son, Chillum, Maryland Richard Carl Schaffner, Indianapolis, Indiana
FROM DAYTON: Denis G. Brown James J. Corwin Lawrence L. Lienesch James R. Missig Joseph William Smith OUT OF TOWN: Louis F. Agocs, Jr., Lyons, Illinois John R. Andra, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
Leonard R. Arnold, Philadelphia, Pa. John Allen Barnshaw Ill , Atlantic City, N.J. John Henry Coobick, Bridgeton, New Jersey Guy Woodhull Endicott, Beach Haven, N.J. Grant E. Friday, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert Philip Heller, Cincinnati, Ohio Peter Hlatky, Morea, Pennsylvania Alan F. Hromi, Maple Heights, Ohio Joseph Charles Hueil, Cincinnati, Ohio Charles Edward Kapper, Elwood, Indiana
Gerald Albert Morris, Wilmington, Delaware David Allan Pronesky, Chicago, Illinois Stephen Patrick Sekerak, Independence, 0. Edward R. S. Tull IV, Springfield, Pa. James Francis Varcho, Mt. Olive, Illinois Dennis B. Virag, Carteret, New Jersey Richard Frederic Wallen, Bridgeton, N. J. Robert Lee Wenzel, Wilbur Grove, Pa. Carville Herbert Williams, Media, Pa. Gerald Alan Young, Media, Pa.
FROM DAYTON: Patricia Lauer Crosby Nicholas A. Hussong Timothy Joseph Nealon Howard Peter Stevens Eleanor A. Wilson
OUT OF TOWN: William J. Furdell, Erie, Pennsylvania Richard John Grande, Philadelphia, Pa. Richard Paul Grau, Hyattsville, Maryland Robert B. Jones, C.PP.S., Celina, Ohio Betty Ann Perkins, Centerville, Ohio
Kathleen Mary Rossworn, Port Washington, New York Alphonse P. Spilly, C.PP.S. , Celina, Ohio Tamayo Ueno, Tokyo, Japan
FROM DAYTON: David E. Fitzpatrick Robert F. Ivory Raymond W. Ostensen James C. Rawers
OUT OF TOWN: Mansukh Jerambhai Doshi , Bombay, India Boniface lhemeotuonye Eke, Nigeria, Africa Albert Lawrence Frisillo, Rome, New York Donald Joseph Kavalunas, S. Euclid, Ohio
Josephine J. N. Liu, Ewaiwan Free China David Peter Madacsi, Youngstown, Oh io Richard J. Roedersheimer, Covington, Ky. Gerard Ober Wunderly, S.M., Pittsburgh, Pa.
FROM DAYTON: Allen Oscar Anderson Charles N. Bakan Richard Jon Cate Donald Wayne Christiansen James Robert Coyne William H. Dearth David Wendell Droesch Ronald Lloyd Gardner Thomas David Haden John Robert Haug Joseph Francis McGlinn James Thomas Moening Philip Edward Perry William Martin Powers, Jr. John W. Strevell
George Edward Supensky, Ill Grover B. Wickenden James A. Willke Theodore A. Wilson OUT OF TOWN: Robert Edward Bellock, River Forest, Illinois Kenneth T. Ehrhart, Englewood, Ohio James Richard Lanz, Elizabethtown, Ky. Alan James McClellan, Farmersvil路le, Ohio John Edward Miller, Jr., River Forest, Illinois Mohanbhai Nagarji Patel, Choma Zambia, Central Africa Alfred R. Schaub, Lebanon, Ohio Robert Eugene Sprinkel , Miamisburg, Ohio
FROM DAYTON: Ned J. Sifferlen
OUT OF TOWN: Sister M. Robertann Lathrop, O.S.F., Ch icago Heights, Illinois MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING
Dr. Millett receives his hood in the afternoon exercise.
FROM DAYTON : Donald G. Hjelle Ronald Kermit Newman
OUT OF TOWN: David H. Harry, Flushing, Michigan Donald Allen Keating, Englewood, Ohio William Rodney Wishard, Centerville, Ohio
Do you know these people or what year the pictures were taken. Your Alumnus staff has come in possession of many " old " pictures from the Chaminade Hall attic and they have no identifification . Write Joe Mclaughlin, General Publicity, University of Dayton, Dayton , Ohio 45409, if you can help us.
OT Right-The Corps of 2,700 University of Dayton ROTC Cadets stretches over the intramural field below Stuart Hall on April 19 as the Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M. conducts the annual President's Review. Below-These 16 Cadets were given awards for marksmanship, outstanding platoon member and leader, bandsman, flight cadet, and as superior cadets. Special awards were Reserve Officer Association, Association of the US Army, Society of American Military Engineers, Armed Forces Communication/ Electronics, and American Ordnance Association.
Righ t - Father Roesch with Col. Uel French, Chairman, Military Science Department, pass colors in review of troops.
MARIANIST AWARD TO SOUTH AMERICA Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., University President, left, and Dr. Mario Saquel, Professor of Languages, discuss their trip to Chile to present th e 1967 Marianist Award to Ehilean President, Dr. Eduardo Frei-Montalva. Following the presentation Father Roesch and Dr. Saquel visited other South American countries and universities.
This is picture of Marianist Award, handca rved in book f orm and given t o Chilean President, Dr. Eduardo Frei Montalva, in May.
[Report on this trip will come later.)
For Whom the Cast Played- Capacity crowd filled the Brother Boll Theatre to enjoy the antics of Bosses Night. Harry Baujan congratulates Joe "Boss of the Year" Mclaughlin and wife, Pep.
HI BOSS! by Pat Macready Usually the editor of the Alumnus utilizes this space to give a capsule summary of Bosses Night and make th e announcement of the Boss of the Year. This year, however, the editor of the Alumnus is the Boss of the yearso it is my privilege to tell you why. April 26 marked the third annual Bosses Night-a unique evening's spectacular which featured the wining and dining of University bosses and wives by their secretaries, and an unbelievable variety show which poked fun at personalities and policies. A spoof on campus censorship, a preview fashion show of what secretaries of the future will be wearing (would you believe IBM card dresses???) and some good old fashioned vaudeville-type ham added to the hilarity of the night. The climax of the evening's festivities was the announcement by Maggie Fitzgibbons, Women's Editor of the Dayton Daily News and judge of the Boss of the Year Award, that Joe McLaughlin, Director of General Publicity, was the 1967 choice. Nominated by his secretary and two assistants, Mr. McLaughlin has been employed by the University of Dayton for 10 years. And what more could
What the well-dressed (??) secretary will be wearing - (or is it what will be wearing the secretary?).
Secretaries welcome Bosses and guests to third annual Bosses Night.
Sandy-History-King and Dr. Richard-Philosophy arbitrator-Baker discuss the Fizz Ed controversy.
Pat (Gilvary) and George (Biersack) were "highlarius."
be said than: "Yes, America, there really is a good bossthe kind who's slogan is "What can I do for you?"-and does it. The kind who remembers birthdays and Christmas and Valentine's day and even Easter. The kind who works with his employees-not above them. The kind who can answer a phone, type a letter, listen to job worries and still have time to listen to ours. "If you're a student or the University President-or a faculty member-or a cafeteria worker-you know him, and nine times out of ten on a first name basis. Once you've met him, you can be sure that he will remember you the next time, and do it with a smile. Yes, there is a good boss and we would just like to say thank you because he is ours." Another big first was announced at this year's Bosses' Night-an or ganization of University secretaries and staff members in the University of Dayton Secre-Staff. Officers for the initial year are : Dee McAnespie, President (she's your class notes editor); Mary Ludwig, Vice President; Claudia Hirschberg, Corresponding Secretary; Katharine Angst, Recording Secretary; and Marie Brzozowski, Treasurer.
ARE YOU STILL A PART? By Gary G. Shepherd, Assistant to the Director of Development
Since 1850 over 20,000 people have graduated from the University of Dayton. Each came to U.D. with many of the same fears and hopes which you and I had during our first year. But fear soon subsided, confidence developed and we were suddenly a part. Then, sooner than expected, each of us said goodby to the University and the many friendships that had developed. But in a real sense, an alumnus never leaves his University. Those who attended U.D. when it was mostly farm land are here today just as vitally as the 2,000 freshmen will be this fall. For a University is built of more than bricks and mortar- its bulwark is people, people who give it a purpose. Too often the tradition of the past is overshadowed by the dust of new construction and the rush of new faces onto the campus. The purpose of the University, of course, is to provide an opportunity of education to present and future generations. At the same time, however, the University of Dayton must continually strive to meet its obligation to alumni. Today's expanding information requires that each of us refresh ourselves in our field of study or business. Realizing this, a program of continuing education is being developed for alumni. Business graduates, for example, will b e invited to return to U.D. for a one day seminar on the latest developments in their field. Similar programs will also be offered to alumni in other fields. Each will have an oppor-
tunity to acquire new information while presenting his personal views. Often after graduation a student quickly learns that there is a big difference between classroom theory and reality. We hope to alleviate this problem by inviting alumni to campus to meet and talk with undergraduate and graduate students. In this way , the alumni will be serving the students and the University by the information they can provide and the questions they can answer. They will also have an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and see the latest University progress. To help you verify your attendance at U.D., when asked to do so, and to assist you when returning to campus, each alumnus will soon receive a life membership card in the U.D. Al.umni Association. The card is a token of the University's appreciation for your continuing interest in and support of U.D . The University of Dayton has a rich heritage. Many fine people have studied here , graduated, and made worthwhile contributions to society. With your interest and assistance we hope to establish more programs which will b enefit you and bring to light your many accomplishments.
"A Special Word of Thanks" from ED ZWIESLER, '45, 14th ANNUAL SUPPORT CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN
I wish to extend my personal thanks as well as those of the University to the following people for their generous gift of time and effort in the 14th.Annual Support Program. To date we are ahead of last year's gifts for the same period of the campaign. Yet, until December there is no way of knowing if we will meet our goal. Each year many of the same people generously support the University. For this we are deeply grateful. At the same time, we are sorry to say, some have never given their financial assistance- if you are in this category we hope that you will soon do your part to assist your University in the development program. Please send your check in today . Again, our special thanks to all the solicitors (We apologize for any omission of names). Each of you did a fine job.
DAYTON SOLICITORS Joseph F. Accrocco Barbara Albers Gerald J . Allen Joseph A. Bakan Rod Bakos 路 Pierre F. Barker Michael Barry Harry Baujan Richard Beach Mrs. Marilyn Bennington Francis R. Berus Michael Best Dr. A. V. Black Jerry Bohman Allen L. Breig Gerald 0 . Cassidy Mrs. Raymond Chato Carl E. Cline James E. Cross Lois Crutcher Mrs. Abram Deutsch David W. Droesch T. W. Elliott, Jr. Louis W. Feldmann, Jr. Robert L. Fisher Bob Forsthoff Thomas J. Frericks John Geiger Frederick W. Grimm Bernard A. Harawa
Richard J . Harnett I rene Hastings John Richard Herron John L. Hickey Richard P. Hickey George S. Hohm Dr. Thomas Honingford C. Richard Horwedel Robert J. Huels David F. Israel Rebecca M . Jenkins Robert K. Jones Louis B. Katz, M.D. Paul Katz, Ph . D. Jack E. Kester J . Daniel Kilcoyne George Kinzeler Larry Knorr Harry Koerner David C. Kraft Anthony W. Kramer Eugene F. Kreusch Peter Kuntz Eleanor Kurtz Jack Luther Jack McCarthy John Maloney Francis P. Marsico Ralph Maruscak Jerry Mattingly
Joseph S. Mazzotta, D.D.S. William M. Mereness June Rebecca Moss Marion M . Munger Gerald P. Murphy Hal Nielsen Bernard Ostendorf Mary B . Paschal Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Paul James E. Paxson Robert C. Payne Robert M. Payne, Jr. Edward Michael Powers Henry A. Rauch Kevin M . Reardon Mrs. and Mrs. William E. Reynolds Gerald J. Rigot, Jr. Clarence W. Rihm Charles W. Ritter Mrs . Betty Roberts Donald E. Ruhl Richard L. Rupp John L. Russell Joseph A. Ryan Arthur T . Scarpelli Mrs. Marjorie D. Schemmel C. A. Schiffman Frank L. Schmidt Michael S. Schoch John W. Schooley
Gary G. Shepherd William P. Sherman Emmett M. Sherry Louis Silverii George E. S'ine Paul J . Stamas Don Staudter Sharon Steck George Strassberg Dennis L. Sunderhaus Louis T. Suttman AI T . Suttmann Dr. William R. Thomas Frank M. Toohey Madonna A. Wach Daniel J . Weber Mary Weimerskirk Terrence E. Whalen Joseph White William Wick Richard E. Wilson Mrs. Thomas Wittman Anatol Wojtowicz Robert L. Wolff Dr. Harold Wright Le_land H . Zimmerlin George A. Zimmerman Joseph Zusman
14th Annual Support Program
Anthony M. Ziehler, chairman ; Mrs. Bu ena Beis , Dr. John Hogan, John R. Sheller, John Niekamp, Chuck Crowl ey, Charles Gebhart, C. Glen Wolf, Julian F:asano , Da vid S. Hunt, John J. Sommer. Jr., Robert E. Pfister and Margaret Baker Ziehler.
Jacob L. Kreidler, chairman. SIDNEY
Wm. Fred Wagner, chairman; Frank H . Marshall , Robert B. Brooks. SPRINGFIELD
F. Parker McGee , chairman; Vincent D. Daly, Jr.
Richard T. Barcafar, chairman; John L. Durr, Thomas Brodbeck, Robert E. Kavanaugh, David Burke.
James W. Anderson and Thomas D. Ebner, co-chairmen; Larry Volzer, Jack Lamberjack, Harry E. Parr, Norman Reinhard. CHILLICOTHE
William E. Ree ves , chairman ; John P. Reeves , Mrs . Mary Brockmeyer Scott. CINCINNATI
Albert G. Sicking, chairma n; Charles W. Beck, Edwin S. Becker, James C. Dapper, Anthony L. Elsass, Mary Henn e Heckel , Nicholas F. Koenig, Louis R. Lunne , Roy Madison , William Ries, Fred H. Tuke , Edward H . and Madonna [Michaels) Wehner, Charle s E. Zimmer, Rob ert Conger, Pat Muldoon, Eugene and Liz DeCurtins Hoying, Jacko Hussong, Ken Bockenstette , Tod Egan , Dick and Joan Neumann Finan, Dr. Earl and Gladys [Smith) Scheidler, Joe Thiem. CLEVELAND
David E. Burke , chairman; Andrew Knisl ey, Ray Leopold, Gary Krause , Michael Kilbane , John J. Cochran, Robert Filbin, George Uher, Pat Dowling, George Bates, Tom Wolfe and Dan FitzSimons, Kar en Strunc, Vince Hvizda, Ginny Stanton, Lt. Stewart Seman, Mario P. Pisano , Thomas Kelbley, Robert Aufuldish, Jerome L. Steigerwald, Tom Wolf.
Francis D. Dwyer. TIFFIN AI L. Diringer, chairman; W. A. Carrigan, M.D. TOLEDO
James P. Hart and Paul O'Rourke, co-chairmen; Don Pinciotti, Rich a rd Rudnicki, Adolph S. Tylinski, Donald Grieve , George Zilba, Bob Dunn and Richard Thome. TROY
Vincen t Pax , chairman; William May and Charles Menc;:sik, David Dunson , Nicholas Braun. VANDALIA
Joseph Brothers, chairman; Ed Sto ermer, Bill and Cathy Riley, Melvin Wendeln , Robert Booher. WAYNESVILLE
Thomas Hatton, chairman; H. F. [Skip) Hager. YOUNGSTOWN
Henry L. Ferrazza, chairman; Diane M. Herrlich, Mrs . Alvira F. Schultheis , John J. Varley, G. Patrick Walsh. WARREN
Joseph Maruna and AI Pax, co-chairmen; James Broeker, Harold Knapke , Juletta Huelskamp , Thomas J. Rose , Dennis Brackman , Jeannette Wagner, Sigmund J. Guziak, Jack Schenking. COLUMBUS
John Zuccarro , Jr., chairman; Robert Mane , John Sargent , R. Joseph Wehner, Tom Oruffel , Ron Eifert, C. J. Kenny , Ronald Klaus , Bob Lukens, Tom Harrigan , Don Seifert. GREENVILLE
Mrs. William Ecklar (Connie Huffman), chairman. HAMILTON
Daniel B. Fischer, chairman; William Rindl er , Fred Brandel. MANSFIELD
AI C. Krous e , chairman ; John Leibfritz, Mrs. James (Dorothy) Corley.
Paul A. Taylor, chairman . CHICAGO, ILL
Jos eph Hollenkamp and Dennis A. O 'Neal , co-chairmen; Dave Partlow, P. J. Nowak, Pat [Payne) Merges, Jan Kopis , Jim and Rosie Biley, Jim Kindler, Wm. H . Smith, D. J. Spillane, Charles Schiavo , Tony DeKom, Richard McGrath and Ange lo S. Farruggia. DETROIT, MICH.
T. J. (Dick) Hollenkamp and John P. Donovan, co-chairmen; Jo e Stermer, Irene and Michael [Kramer) Dinnin, Edward L. Mahle, Bill O'Brien, Mark and Donna (Devoe) Kelly, Bill and Pat (Cashman) Locke, Harold W. Reising, Don Stelzer, Bill Huth, Harold Fearn, Jim Mueller, Tom Hoeffel, Joseph Simon, Tom Bramlage , Kay (Day) Bosch.
Francis J. Klaus, chairman; Walter C. Kraft, Lester E. Wall, M.D.
Maurine (Reichard) Zamberlan , chairman; AI Bagot, Col., Paul M. Spahr, Col. , Dale and Ann (Griffin) Babione , Edmund C. Okadigbo, Lois (Koerner) Lambert, John E. Murphy, Col., Edward S. Maj , Col. John Condon.
John L. Mahle, chairman ; Bob Fremgen, John W. O'Neil , Francis Schmitz, Wayne Sheidler, John Stueve, Mrs. Carolyn P. Amlin. MIDDLETOWN
James J. Shafor, chairman . NEWARK
James R. Wade , chairman. PIQUA
H. H. Monroe, chairman; Mrs . Mary Bennett, Charles H . Roesch, Phillip Strauss, Rob ert Buroker, Donald Kerr, Dan Leary, Jr., and William R. Cromer.
John V. Walsh. At press time personnel is incompl ete for the following cities: Indianapolis, Louisville, and St. Louis .
ED ZWIESLER, '45 14th Support Campaign Chairman
Dr. Eulalia Baltazar of Philosophy, Professor of Year at UD, righ~. in deep conversation with Mrs. Philip Sha while her husband 1s mterested 1n another subject at President's Recognition Dinner.
Dr. Eulalia Baltazar, author of "Teilhard and the Supernatural" and a cen ter of discussion at the University of Dayton this past year, never dreamed as an agriculture student in the Philippines 25 years ago that his name would be on the lips of many people throughout the world in 1967. Or that h e would be Professor of the Year at the University of Dayton in the same year. But time, scholarship, a liberal approach to philosophy and Vatican II have touched this man, an associate professor of philosophy at UD, earlier than most. A professor who enjoys freedom of thought in the scholarly atmosphere at the University of Dayton, Dr. Baltazar, one of the best liked teachers on campus, is typical of the scholar Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch , S.M., University President, seeks for his growing faculty. It is Dr. Baltazar's constant search for new ideas and truth which enhances his value to an educationa l institution. The 42-year-old professor from Manila, The Philippines, has progressed from agriculture student in his homeland to noted philosopher in the United States. In between he has experiencd 13 years as a Jesuit seminarian, four years as a philosophy major ot Georgetown University, and five years as a University professor and author. What brings a man from the study of agriculture to a strong position among today's philosophers? "I was an agriculture student," begins Baltazar, "because the Japanese during World War II would only permit that type of education in the Philippines. They needed rice, milk, beef, poultry, eggs and other foods for their army. Trained men were a 'must ' in this field. " I never really had my heart in it. My father was a professor at the University of Philippines and this fact gave me the desire to stay in education. When the war ended I decided to enter a Jesuit seminary in the Philippines. "I had served the 6 A.M. mass while a student," Baltazar continued, "and I was impressed by a Spanish Dominican priest for whom I served each morning. "I was also impressed by the reputation the Jesuits have as educators. I wanted more than agriculture to fulfill my ideals so I entered the seminary." For 13 years, young Baltaza r fulfilled his dreams in the novitiate, through the Classics training program,
philosophy and a period of regency in which seminarians taught in high schools . This part of his training over he was sent to Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland , where he was to complete his studies for the priesthood. " It was here that I met two men, Father Gustave Weigel and Father John Courtney Murray, who were a great influence on me . I value this part of my life very much because of these two priests, " Baltazar says. "It was here , too , that I felt that I was restricted in my thinking. I began to feel that I could help humanity better if I were a la yman in my area of stu dy. With this attitude, although I wasn't entirely unhappy in the seminary, I felt that I should continue my education as a layman. "As a lay philosopher, I thought, I would feel more free to express myself. This was a better way for me to serve my Church," Baltazar observes. And does he have that freedom now that he is a University professor? "Yes," says Baltazar. "Long b efore the recent philosophy discussion we were permitted to prepare our class room material with a free hand. "We are now given a free hand to implem ent the wonderful decrees of Vatican II on education. Perhaps , we are the first to do this among Catholic universities. "More important," Baltazar continue s, "Fath er Roesch approves of this dialogue . It offers an exchange of ideas and even clashes of opinion. We could be the forerunner of even more openmindedness. " Our University is alive. The controversy proves it. It shows we are aware of the issues confronting Catholi c education. We are a fast growing school in all areas. We are getting some of the b est teachers. Parents shoulrl be happy to send their children into our school. "We h ave weathered the current storm which shows we possess the necessary scholarly climate for a young man or woman to get a well-rounded Catholic education," he concluded. And what do the students think of this man? "He makes the class alive," says one. "He takes over a class. He keeps it interesting," says another. "He permits much dialogue between students and h imself. He keeps us thinking constantly," says a third . What more proof of the m an 's value!
the diocese and is happy to apply his engineering experience. The Schneider's are living in Wheeling, W. Va.
class notes
Fred G. Rost is Chairman of the Board at the Drury Printing Company in Dayton. The company is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year- on November 19.
1928 Brother Othmar A. Miller, S.M., celebrated his fiftieth anniversary as a religious on April 2 at Cathedral Latin School in Cleveland. Brother Miller, whose teaching assignments include Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Hawaii, has been a typing instructor at Cathedral Latin for twentyone years. Rt. Rev. Msgr. James E. Sherman was honored recently by his Immaculate Conception parish in Dayton for spiritual leadership in the parish and the community. Parishioners noted his nearly eleven years of service in the parish as well as the 35th anniversary of his ordination . A "secret" campaign resulted in a round-trip airplane ticket to Europe, a set of luggage and cash. Msgr. Sherman's focal point will be Rome.
dee • mcanesp1e
1920 John F. Gitzinger has retired from the Atlas Linen Supply Company in Dayton.
1923 Ades C. Cholley has his own business- Ades Cholley and Associates . Mr. Cholley and his wife , Mary, married since May of 1938, have three children-James , Melinda and Maureen-and are living in Newbury, Ohio.
1925 Edward A. Schneider has retired from Union Carbide International and returned to the United States after six years in England. Mr. Schneider is serving as a consultant to Bishop Hodges regarding building projects throughout
Frank H. Marshall and his wife, Clara, spent a two-week vacation in Hawaii in November and "spent two evenings with the Hawaiian boys that I played football with in '28, '29, and '30." Mr. Marshall is Vice President of The Citizens Baughman National Bank of Sidney, 0., and Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Loramie Banking Company of Ft. Loramie, 0 . And "I have served on the Board of Directors of those banks for many years and have practiced law in Sidney since my graduation from the law school in 1932." Edward G. Breen has been named Interim Administrator of Stillwater Sanatorium in Dayton. Si Burick, sports editor of the Dayton Daily News, was named Ohio's outstanding sports writer for the fifth consecutive year. The selection is made each year by Ohio members of the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association.
Si and Ted Si Burick, '30, was honored in January when the University of Dayton established the Si Burick Award to be given to a student for outstanding academic and co-curricular achievement in mass media arts. Establishment of the award was announced at the special Si Burick Dinner January 30. The Dayton Agonis Club honored Si for 40 years in the newspaper business and more than 1,000 friends came from all over the country and the Dayton area. First award winner was Ted Patterson, December '66, who now has an assistantship in Communication Arts at Miami Uni-
versity in Oxford. The presentation was made at the Honors Convocation in the UD Fieldhouse March 8. Patterson is shown receiving the plaque from Rev. George Barrett, Vice President of UD.
Victor H. Warner's son, Richard, has been ordained a priest in the Congregation of the Holy Cross, St. George's College, Santiago, Chile.
1931 Howard A. Valiquette's sons, the Reverends Hilaire and Lee Valiquette, are teaching at Bishop Luers High School in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Both are Franciscans. A doctoral scholarship in the study of Catholic school system administration has been established by the University of Notre Dame in honor of the late Monsignor Frederick G. Hochwalt. The scholarship should prove of significant assistance to the American hierarchy in its efforts to develop the future leaders of American Catholic education. Bishops have been invited to nominate priests or laymen for the Hochwalt Memorial Scholarship either directly or indirectly through their school superintendent's office.
1932 Herbert 0. Schear, chairman of the board of Liberal Markets, has assumed the added post of Treasurer for the twenty-eight stores in the chain. Richard C. Miller, Sr., M.D., spoke to a seminar on Family Relations before the Ohio Academy of General Practice at Atwood Lake Lodge, Dellroy, 0., in April. His subject was Premarital Counseling and he also was a member of a panel consisting of a clergyman and a gynecologist who answered questions from the many physicians and wives attending the workshop. It was the first of its kind ever held in Ohio.
1933 Lionel S. Galstaun, Ph.D., is Manager of Process Engineering for Bechtel Associates in New York City. He and his wife, Maro, were married in 1950. Our apologies to C. Grattan Clavin! It was reported in the Winter ALUMNUS that Mr. Clavin is with Lockheed Missile & Space Company and residing in San Jose, Calif. It isn't true- never was true. Mr. Clavin is with the Pacific Division of the U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command and lives in Hawaii. Rodney M. Love has rejoined the Dayton law firm of Smith & Schnacke as a partner.
1934 Jerome B. Schmitz had added responsibilities for hourly and s,alary payroll at Delco Products Division of GMC. Mr. Schmitz is Director of Budgets and Faculty Accounting.
1936 Peter P. Zierolf has been n amed Montgomery County's trustee on the Stillwater Sanatorium Board. Pete is President of Midwestern Builders, Inc.
1937 Maurice J. Leen, president of the Dayton Bar Association, has been elected to the Ohio State Bar Executive Board. He will represent District II which includes Darke, Montgomery, Miami, Preble and Shelby counties. Rev. Bernard L. Horst, S.M., Ph.D., has been promoted to 'Assistant Professor of English at the University of Dayton.
1938 Colonel John E. Unverferth has retired from the U.S. Army and has become city manager of Galveston, Texas (population 70,000}. The Galveston City Council selected Colonel Unverferth from fifty-two applicants. A veteran of twenty-nine years in the Army, he previously was director of the Inter-American Geodetic Survey at the Canal Zone and had the mammo th task of mapping Latin America. The Colonel and his wife, Rita, have five children. Paul J. Heckman was elected President of the Flyers Club, Inc., in April.
1939 George B. Flagel is Assistant Secretary of the Liberal Markets in Dayton. Victor A. Naegele, S.M., has been appointed Chairman of the Sociology Department at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas. He also holds the rank of Assistant Professor.
1940 Torrence A. Makley, M.D., left on February 20 for Ludhiana, India, to give a protracted course in Ophthalmology at the Christian Medical School there, at the invitation of the renowned Doctor Victor Rambo. Doctor Makley is professor of Opthalmology and Chairman of that department at The Ohio State University Medical School. He stopped on the way to visit his sister, Anne Makley Holzberger, in Hong Kong. Joseph A. Silbereis is now corporate quality control manager for Huffman Manufacturing in Dayton. Mr. Silbereis started as a product engineer in 1945 and has been chief engineer since 1960. Brother Vincent E. Steele, S.M., is religious superior of the Brothers at Chaminade College in Honolulu.
1942 Fifth child, first daughter, Anne Elizabeth, to Barbara and Congressman Charles W. Whalen, Jr., April 13. Paul J. Boeke is manager of the Sealright Laboratory. The Boeke's are living in Kansas City, Mo. Emma Louise Odum is a new special professional member of Delta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, international professional music fraternity for women. She was initiated at UD since this year marks the first anniversary of the installation of the sorority at UD.
WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG, CHARLEY? A letter from Charles J. Reiling, '31 is almost an entire classnote s ection all its own. "Our year 1931 hardly ever has any news because most of us never send in any. It has only taken me thirty-six years to write. Five years ago my family and I moved to Sarasota, Florida, directly on the Gulf of Mexico. Only lament is that I did not do it ten years before that. \Ve had an established business down here in Palmetto and I merely became the manager instead of using the phone from Dayton. We are in the nut business supplying superma rkets in eighteen states through one of seven corporations. My brothers, Walter A. Reiling, M.D., '30, and John A. Reiling, D.D.S., '37, are officers of the various companies. Down here I am the President."
Mr. Reiling continues, "Our Ohio company is under Gerald J. Allen '60 and our Charlotte, N.C., plant is managed by Gerald P. York '52. Recently we established a new corporation in Jackson, Miss., under William G. Routzong '63 where he is general manager. Both Allen and York are presidents of their companies. We had our start at 919 North Main in Dayton which is now the Reiling Company (all other companies are known as Trophy Companies). Family-wise Mrs. Reiling and I have three daughters, Josie, in the Philippines with her husband ; Susan Reiling Homan '65 who is living in Pittsburgh; and Christine, who is attending college in Georgia. How about this after thirty-six years!"
the Third National Bank & Trust Company, was elected to the board of the bank recently. Rev. Norbert C. Burns, S.M., has been promoted to Associate Professor of Theology at UD.
Left to right - Courtad, Pangallo, Rush. Captain Anthony P. Rush, M.D., '40-USN-was the Senior Medical Officer in charge of Rota's (Spain) Station Hospital for three years prior to his transfer to Cherry Point, N.C., where he is the Wing Medical Officer for the Second Marine Air Wing. Doctor Rush's tour in Rota was one of the most interesting assignments of his more than twenty years in naval service . During this time he was responsible for providing medical care to a community population of over 10,000 American personnel and his initiative resulted in the Hospital's being expanded several times to meet the ever growing demands for medical care . Lt. Charles L. Courtad, D.D.S., '59-USNR-has been an assistant dental officer at the Rota Station Hospital. Doctor Courtad is completing a twoyear tour and will be returning to private practice in Cleveland, Ohio, in July. He hopes to use his newly acquired Spanish training to aid in the dental progress of Spanish America. Doctor Courtad, this past year, participated in the SpainFrance regional tennis tournament in Chateauroux, France, and then the USAF European Championships in Garmish, Bavaria. Shown with Captain Rush and Lieutenant Courtad is Ervin J. Pangallo, Director of the USO in Rota. Mr. Pangallo is establishing and operating the largest USO facility in the European area.
Eugene Linsker has been named Director of Engineering and Development for Rockwell Manufacturing Company in Dayton .
1944 Father Cyril G. Middendorf, S.M., celebrated the 25th anniversary of his first profession of religious vows in April. Betty Behringer Perkins received a Master of Arts degree at UD's April graduation. Betty and her husband, Robert J. Perkins, have seven children-Kathy, Lynn, Doug, Greg, Jeff, Matthew and Barbara. Richard L. Roesch, S.M. has been named President of the Hawaii Association of School Librarians . The head of the St. Louis High School Library, Brother Roesch also served two years as treasurer and one year as vice president and program chairman. He was also co-chairman of the recent Joint Conference of the HASL and the Hawaii Audio-Visual Association.
1945 Joseph F. Connelly, vice president and trust officer of
Father William J. Cole, S.M., celebrated the silver jubilee of his first profession of religious vows in April. James R. Flynn has been appointed assistant vice president in Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's group insurance division. Mr. Flynn has been with Metropolitan since 1947 and is chairman of the Monsignor Liller Blood Bank, is a member of the Nassau County Grand Jurors Association, the Holy Name Society, and the James R. Flynn Chaminade High School Father's Group. He enjoys collecting coins and stamps and Indian artifact- and boating. He and his wife, Anne, have five children-James, Jr. (attending UD), Anne Maureen , Christopher, Mary Beth and David- and live in Merrick, N.Y.
1948 Edward L. Marrinan is now an Assistant Professor of Business Management at UD. Ruth Kemper Christiansen and her husband, Elmer, are living in Torrance, Calif., and celebrated their seventeenth wedding annive-rsary last October 15. The Christiansen's have three children-Gene , Stephanie and Connie. J. Dennis Griffin, Ph.D., has been named assistant director of plastics research and development at the Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Mich. In his new position Doctor Griffin is responsible for plastics development and service as a plastics department function and for the administration of the plastics research laboraJ. Dennis Griffin, Ph.D. tory. Doctor Griffin, in this broadened capacity, became a member of the Research Advisory Board and the Plastics Department Board. Marion K. Tucker has been named Supervisor of Air Conditioning Compressor Engineering at Frigidaire Division of GMC. Marion started as an enginee r tester in 1948 and was named supervisor of Refrigerator Compressor Engineering in 1963.
1949 Thomas A. Smith was elected President of the Advisory Board of Catholic Charities of Dayton in February. Lt. Cmdr. James V. Clampet, U.S. Navy Retired, is audiovisual coordinator and teacher of seventh and eighth grade mathematics at Coupeville (Wash.) Unified School. He and his wife, Barbara, celebrated their twenty-second wedding anniversary on January 17, with their two children-Tina and Dawn .
1950 Bob Dawson was a recent campus visitor. Bob is with Sears in Hollywood, Calif. He and his wife , Mary, have three children- Robert, Jr., Deborah and Judy. Patrick S. Gilvary has been promoted to Associate Professor at the University of Dayton. Raymond H. Gaier has been promoted from Captain to Major and is now in Vietnam with the Ninth Infantry Division . Ray's wife, Elizabeth, and children are living in Dayton.
a member of the UD Philosophy Department from 1946 thru 1948, died on March 4 after a brief illness. Father McCormack was on the faculty of Providence College, Providence, R.I., at the time of his death.
Eugene M. Mitchell, vice president of Sales for the Dayton Steel Foundry Company, has been elected to the board of directors. He joined the company twenty-one years ago and has been in charge of sales since 1958. Peter H. Kuntz was reelected Vice President and Executive Vice President respectively of the Ohio Lumber & Building Product Dealers Association in February. Pete is married to Marjorie Caporal Kuntz '49. William J. Brann, with Owens - Corning Fiberglas Corporation since 1952, has been elected to the firm's Sales Builders Club for outstanding achievements in 1966. Membership in the honorary club is recogni.. tion for outstanding sales performance and selection is limited to less than fifteen per cent of the eliWilliam J. Brann gible men throughout the country. Bill and his wife, Carolyn, reside in Bridgeville, Pa. Mary Jo Huth, Ph.D., was elected S ecr etary of the Advisory Board of Catholic Charities of Dayton in February. Nick G. Crnkovich has been named Assistant Controller of Dayco Corporation. Nick joined Dayco in 1951 and is married to Marjorie Wittmanru Crnkovich. Elmer J. Hohm has joined the US A I D program and he and his wife, Marguerite Stang Hohm '56 will be living in Addis Abba, Ethiopia, for four years. Gerald T. Federspiel and his wife, Marjorie, have moved from Warren, Ohio, to Allison _Park, Pa., where Gerry is n ew Marketing Manager in the Electric Division of H. K. Porter Company. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kuntz (Eileen McGarvey '48) have a son, Dennis, coming to UD this fall. Dennis was awarded a $500 scholarship by the Employees Council of St. Elizabeth 's Hospital in Dayton. Eileen is an instructor in the School of Nursing there. The Kuntz's have six other children.
Commander Maurice G. White, USN, is the new commander of the USS Fechteler. The ceremony of the Change of Command took place on April 7 in Subic Bay in the Republic of the Philippines. Commander White enlisted in the USN on November 10, 1942, and previously to this new post had been assigned to the Armed Forces Staff College jn Norfolk, Va. He is married to the former Margaret Ann Rasor and has one daughter, Cheryl Ann. Ozzie Koller was elected Secretary of the Flyers Club, Inc., in April. Anthony A. Cirillo, M.D., is living in North Valley Stream, New York, with his w ife, Gertrude, and three children. Kenneth H. Brill is teacher and head basketball coach at Twin Valley North High School in Lewisburg, Ohio. Ken and wife, Sue, have four chlidren- Becky, twins Bob and Bonnie, and Beth. While Lt. Col. William J. Herlihy is serving in France and Belgium, wife Amelia Niedecken Herlihy and children are living in Linthicum Heights, Maryland. Thomas H. Weisman is Chairman of the Ohio Section of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry for 1966-1967. Tom and his wife, Clara Rohr Weisman, have five children-Vicki, Paul, Larry, Billy and Andy. Fifth child, third daughter, Nancy Carol, to Jane and Charles U. Westerfield, February 13. John A. Walter has been promoted to Trust Officer for the Third National Bank and Trust Company in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Phillips (Marianne Roll) are living in Kirkwood, Mo., with their five sons and one daughter. Marianne is substitute teaching in the Kirkwood elementary schools and Tom is in the furniture business with his brother. And I didn't print that last remark from you, Twitch. Lloyd N. Monnin is an associate director of the Peace Corps Training Program at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Richard 0. Norton visited the campus in April. Dick is Assistant Vice President of the First Na tional Bank & Trust Company of Lima, Ohio. John P. Granato, former housing inspector for the City of Dayton, has become supervisor of the loan and grant programs and has taken charge over activities of the home improvement advisors. John's wife is Mary Agnes Bucher Granato '50. Bernard J. Otten has resigned as football coach and teacher at Bellbrook High School. Bernie is moving to Mad River Junior High School as an instructor in special education.
MOST VALUABLE ATHLETE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON (Voted at End of Each School Year) There was a time, 1927 through 1948, when the student body voted for the Most Valuable Athlete at the University of Dayton. Many fine men received the honor. We are listing these athletes by years and hope it will bring back fond memories for you. We would like to do more of this but time often limits us. However, we hope to dig into the old archives and bring back more memories. If you have any ideas please write to Dee McAnespie or Joe McLaughlin, General Publicity, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45409. 1927- Augie Cabrinha 1928- John Debesis 1929- Charles Dehler 1930- Pat Gleason 1931 - Ed Flannagan 1932- Leo Zierolf 1933- John Bauer 1934- None
1935- Stan Corbett 1936- Vince McDonough 1937- John Smythe 1938 - Joe Zotkiewicz 1939- Paul Wagner 1940- Jack Padley 1941- Gene Westendorf
1942- Bernard Keiter 1943- Jerry Westendorf 1944-45- No selections because
of war. 1946- Jack Castignola 1947- Don Pionciotti 1948- Edmund Toscani Discontinued after 1948. -
1952 Son to Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Schweller (Mary Eliza¡ beth Jauch '54), January 27. Charles W. Bucher is an associate highway engineer for the State of Ca!Hornia Division of Highways. He and wife, Mary Elizabeth, have three children-Charles, Jr., Anthony, and Katherine-and are living in Berkeley, Calif. Charles received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California in 1960. Allen B. Caldwell is a carpenter in Lake Worth, Florida. Allen and his wife, Patricia, have five children-ages 10, 9, 8, and 2. Thomas R. Bertsch is manager of interior ' styling and body development for the Chrysler Corporation in Highland Park, Mich . .Tom and wife, Mary, celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary on February 9. James J• McCoy has been appointed to a sales post with The General Air Supply Company of Dayton. R. John Coy was named Marketing Manager for WacLine, Inc., in Dayton in February. For the past three years John had been with Inland Homes, Inc., of Piqua. Daughter to Shirley and Louis J. Cannarozzi, March 3. Ernest H. Wiedemann qualified for membership in the President's Club, based on sale of $1 million in ordinary life insurance in a year. Ernie is with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company in Dayton. Eugenia Wilson Turner is a technical editor with the U.S. Government in Dayton. WDiiam F. Curley has been named manager of the Dayton agency of Equitable Life Insurance Company. Bill started his insurance career in 1954 with Continental Assurance and served with Life of North America, Connecticut, Mutual, Federal Life and most recently as superintendent of general agencies for Monumental Life in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gilvary Oulie Pflaum '52) announce the adoption of their first son, third child, Joseph Lawrence, in April.
in Detroit. Jack and his wife, Karen, have six childrenSarah, John, Kate, Danny, Carolyn and Barbara. Edward P. Veda has been elected President of the Dayton Advertising Club. Ed is married to Joan Flaute Veda '54. Encrete Construction Company, Inc., has changed hands, and has a new name . . . Wimsatt-Horvath Construction. If the names sound familiar, they should. New president of the company is Thomas K. Wimsatt; new vice president is Roy T. Horvath. Both Tom and Roy had been with Encrete since 1955. No changes in the firm's activities, which include heavy construction, concrete paving, commercial and industrial building and construction of sewage and water treatment plans , are planned. The firm is now building the new headquarters for the International Business Machines Corporation in Dayton. Major Walter C. Barnes, M.D., has returned to the United States and is now stationed at the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine as flight surgeon in San Antonio, Texas. 1954 John L. Nolting is President of Dayton Data Processing. Jack's company introduced a n.e w medical billing and accounting system for area physicians and dentists in February. Jack's wife is Martha McShane Nolting '54 . Fourth child, first daughter, Elizabeth Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Bedwell (Cosmina Pagura '55), January 28. Elmer P. Jira is with Globe Industries in Dayton. He and wife, Mary Ann, have three children-a daughter and two sons. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Gegel (Sonja Okeson), March 12. Thomas P. Brooks is teaching at Overbrook Regional High School in Clementon, N.J. Tom and his wife, Margaret, have two children- Diana and Kristine. Fourth child, first daughter, Julie Elizabeth, to Mr. and
James L. Cenname is a management consultant with BoozAllen & Hamilton, Inc., in Cleveland. Jim and his wife, Regina, celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on October 27, and have four children. Daughter to Rosemary and Robert D. Dineen, February 6. James J. Sheridan was named Man of the Year by the Corcoran (Calif.) Chamber of Commerce. He was lauded for his assistance as Chamber parade chairman and fine sphool spirit and student behavior under his excellent leadership as principal of Corcoran High School. Major Richard L. Elliott received a master of science degree from the University of Miami (Fla.) in January. Albert A. Brocone is a sculptor-designer for General Motors Corporation in Warren, Mich., and has been with GMC for 111/2 years now. Bert received his masters degree from Wayne State in 1963 and has continued "my sculpture and have had pieces in various local shows." He and his wife, Ruth, have three children-Eric, 12; Leigh Ann, 10; and Burt, 7. Brother Paul R. Koller, S.M., has returned to his missionary work as a higb school teacher and pilot in Africa after a three-month refresher aviation course at UD. He is starting his second three-year hitch there, and teaches at Mangu High School 40 miles from Nairobi, Kenya, and acquaints students with aviation. Ernest L. Koerner, Ph.D., is senior research specialist with the Kerr-McGee Corporation in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. His wife is Barbara Payne Koerner. Vaughn K. Taylor has resigned as basketball coach at Stivers High School in Dayton. Vaughn, a guidance counselor, has his masters degree and plans to work toward obtaining a doctorate. "Ox" played on the 1951 and 1952 basketball teams-the first ones to go to the NIT tournament. John P. Donovan is with General Motors Allison Division
The Finke Engineering Company in Dayton celebrated its fiftieth anniversary last February 17. The Company was founded by Harry F. Finke, Sr., '02, in 1917 after a brief affiliation with Geiger & Finke since 1914. After Mr. Finke's death in 1963 his wife became president of the company. Two sons, Harry F. Finke, Jr., '45, Vice President, and Robert J. Finke '54, Secretary-Treasurer, are "looking forward to a good year-one of our projects-, a 400-foot span on Heathcliff Avenue, will be our first bridge in twenty years."
Mrs. James J. Scharf (Joan Kremer '56) , November 11. Julie's little brothers are John, Stephen and Thomas. Jim has been promoted to Group Leader in charge of the urethane flexible foam lab for the Union Carbide Technical Center in South Charleston, W. Va. Sixth child, third daughter, Patricia Clare, to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Byrne (Jacqueline Tangeman), January 27. Doris Ann Drees has been promoted to Associate Professor of Physical Education at UD; Bro. Thomas A. Schoen, S.M., to Associate Professor of Computer Science ; and Roger H. Keith to Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering. Winfield A. O'Neill has been promoted to Tax Manager for Top Value Stamps. O'Neill joined the company in 1959 and had been Tax Accountant prior to this promotion. He is married to Elizabeth Stoltzman O'Neill '57 and the couple has five children. The fifth, a son, was born on March 2. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Eisenlohr (Claire Stevens '58), April 15.
Jack E. Steiner
Jack E. Steiner, formerly manager of the Akron (0.) sales district for the Mobay Chemical Company, has been named Director of Field Sales. Mr. Steiner joined Mobay in 1955 as a research chemical engineer and was promoted to senior mechanical engineer in 1958. He became manager of the Los Angeles sales district in 1964 and was transferred to the
Akron post in 1965. Eighth child, second daughter, to Barbara and Chris Harris, March 29. Donald R. Geiger, S.M., Ph.D., has been promoted to Associate Professor of biology at UD. John L. Duell is an engineer with the Frigidaire Division, GMC. John and his wife, Barbara, have four childrenDavid, Diane, Katherine and Christopher. Paul J. Clemmer is a chemistry teacher for Haverford Township (Pa.) Senior High School. John F. Horan recently left the National Cash Register Company after nine years to start his own business. John trains cash register operators for the supermarket industry in this area as well as offering a ccounting machine, key punch and general secretarial training. The Horan's have four children-Kelley, Colleen, John, and Casey. Rev. Thomas J. Niemira, S.M., left his teaching a:nd assistant chaplain's position at Chaminade High School, Dayton, in February for a position at St. Patrick's College in Nigeria, Africa. Major James A. Ball is an advisor to the Vietnamese Port Officers and is with the 125th Headquarters Terminal Command A. Jim, and his wife, Francis, have two sons and a daughter. Third child, second daughl'er, Katheryn Annette, to Roxanne and Carl N. Hemmelgarn, February 22. Wilbert H. K. Chang is section manager of advanced microwave engineering at Dalmo Victor Company in Belmont, Calif. He and his wife, Fay, have two childrenMarie and Jeanette. Don R. McFarland, with his father, Charles B., celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their company, Darol, in Dayton recently. Today the company buys eight to 10 tons of extrusions at one time to produce aluminum doors and windows. One of its biggest jobs included 4,000 window screens and 300 doors for WPAFB officer quarters in 1934. Don is married to Mary Ruth Hofferbert McFarland '52 and has three children-Diana, James and Betty Jean. Major Frank F. Ledford, M.D., has returned to the United States after being chief of surgery of the 36th Evacuation Hospital at Vung Tau, Vietnam, for the past year. " Compared with other wars the main difference in treating the wounded is the rapid air evacuation," said Major Ledford. "Those people who fly the rescue missions into the firing areas are brave and courageous. Our hospital had 400 beds and th ere was no shortage of nurses or surgeons."
1956 Robert A. Kleckner has been appointed President of the City of Kettering's Holiday at Home Festival for 1967, held each year during the Labor Day w eekend. Bob previously had served as vice president of the executive committee in charge of the Tour of Kettering bike race. Son to Mr. and Mrs. James J. Zofkie (Janette Gerding), February 4. John F. Stapleton is a self-employed investment and estate consultant in the Finance Factors Building in Honolulu. Fourth child, fourth daughter, Jennifer Karen, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert J. Uhl, Jr. (Mary Louise Kniess 56) , February 16. Third child, second son, Thomas Moore, to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thesing (Joan Moore '55), February 25. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Dixon (Sara Pfarrer), March 13. Son to Irene and Ivan A. Jankowski, March 13. Son to Marcia and Thomas E. Polley, March 14. Annie Clark Marshall married James McCutchen, April 15. Annie is Chief Dietitian a t the Dayton Children's Psychiatric Hospital in Dayton.
1957 Eugene M. Guglielmo has b een promoted to Major in the U.S. Army. William H. Chamberlain is a pilot with TWA. Bill and his wife, Margaret, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on February 27 and are living in Centerport, N.Y. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Kronauge, Jr. (Margaret Powers '57), January 31. John J. Zuccaro, Jr., has been named District Sales Manager for the Great American Insurance Company in Columbus, 0. John has had ten years of experience with major stock and mutual insurance firms in Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin. He and wife, Sarah, have a son and two daughters. John A. Wannemacher is an attorney in Troy, Ohio. Andrew P. Backs was named vice chairman of the National Health Agencies/ Federal Services Joint Crusade campaign at the Defense Electronics Supply Center in Dayton. The campaign is conducted annually to promote better health on the homefront and aid the underprivileged o v erseas through such programs as CARE. Andrew P. Backs Andrew is an employee relations and personnel staffing specialist and joined DESC in May of 1962. Joseph E. Treon, D.O., is practicing in Cortland, Ohio. Joe recently qualified for his multi-engine pilot's license. He and wife, Mary Ellen, have four daughters-Beth, Amy, Meg and Joe. Daughter to Carol and William A. Almashy, February 14. James D. Downing received a masters of science degree in research-chemistry from St. Louis University in February . Lt. Cmdr. Richard J. Meinhold has been stationed on the aircraft carrier Ticonderoga in Vietnam since November. Dick pilots the A4 Skyhawk jet attack bomber and has had more than fifty missions. First child, Kimberly Anne, to Patricia and Carl R. Monnin, February 1. The Monnin's are living in Montclair, N.J., Carl is w ith Arthur Andersen's in New York City . Son to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Cullers (Katherine Lefler), March 22. Gordon E. Tuttle is Vice President of Ryan Homes, Inc., in Cincinnati, 0 . Daughter to Patricia and Edmund M. Cichanowicz, April 2. Vincent J. Nanni, M.D., has a new address in Glendora, Calif. He w rites, "I have completed my residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hollywood Presbyterian and am now in practice. Since our last correspondence Celeste and I have had an addition to the family. Little Christopher Anthony was born on June 17, 1965, to join Linda and Vincent, Jr." Ernest B. Williams, an associate business degree grad, received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at UD's April graduation.
Ronald K. Newman was awarded a Master of Engineering degree at UD 's April graduation. Ron is with the UD Research Institute. Stanley J. Back is now an Associate Professor of mathem a tics at UD. Zubie W. Metcalf, Jr., has been Assistant Professor of Biology at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University in Tallahassee, Florida, since September of 1964. Presently, he is the Director of the National Science Foundation Institute in Biology at the University. Professor Metcalf completed graduZubie W. Metcalf, Jr. ate studies in zoology at Miami University in 1959 through a National Science Foundation Fellowship while teaching at Wilbur Wright High School and U.D.
1958 Thomas J. Fazio, M.D., has his own office in Springfield, 0 . Tom and wife . Judy, have three children. Richard S. Cellar is Vice President of Cellar Associates, Inc., in Fairfield, Conn . Dick and his wife, Alice, have three children, Richard 6; Ruth, 5; and Robert 2. Son to Mr. and Mrs. George Sherer, Jr. (Ethel Stevens '49), February 5. Bernard J. Burke is teaching and coaching at Harriton High School in Rosemont, Pa. Bernie and his wife , Anne , have four children and are living in Wayne, Pa. Samuel Torres has been appointed Commissioner of Human Rights in Yonkers, N.Y. Sam is Assistant Personnel Director at Misericordia Hospital and he and his wife, Gloria, have two children-Sam, Jr., and John. Daughter to Julie and Frederick W. Heydinger, February 17. C. David Clarke is a design engineer for Girdler Corporation in Louisville, Ky. Dave and his wife, Marlene , have three children-Sherry, Ken and Amy. Second child, second daughter, Antoinette Alexia, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex P. Pragalos (Carmela Vacchiano), January 20. Col. Robert D. Van Auken, USAF retired, is an instructor in business at the University of Oklahoma and studying for his masters degree. The Colonel and his wife, Ruth, celebrated their twenty-seventh wedding anniversary on November 24. Richard C. Lumpkin is senior electronic engineer with Burroughs Corporation in Plymouth, Mich. Don Lane, former co-captain of the UD basketball team, is in 路his first year of coaching at Cuyahoga Falls High, took his Black Tigers to the Class AA Regional H.S. basketball tourney. The Tigers defeated Cleveland East Shaw but then were defeated by Canton Lincoln , and finished with a 19-6 record. Rev. Donald J. Wallace, S.M., was ordained to the priesthood, March 17, at the Marianist Seminary in Fribourg, Switzerland. Father Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wallace of Baldwin, N.Y., returned to the United States and celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving in his home parish in July. James E. Parrish received a masters degree in chemical engineering at Ohio State University in March. And a new daughter to Linda and Jim arrived on April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Oelerich (Anita Midlam) are living in Mequon, Wisconsin , after Frank's transfer to Milwaukee to sell glass for Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Thomas D. Ebner is Chief Accountant at Timken Mercy Hospital in Canton, 0 .
John R. Cavalli married Barbara Broschowitz, January 21 , 1966. John is a consultant programmer analyst for Commercial Programming LTD in New York City. William M. Powers, Jr., was award ed an MBA degree at UD 's April graduation. Bill is Manager of Marketing for General Technologies, Inc. Robert W. (Rusty) Saunders has been appointed Representative, Special Sales Department, of the MacGregor Company. Rusty will have sales responsibility for special national and premium accounts and will be located at the firm's headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio . Elizabeth Ann Duell received her master of Robert W. (Rusty) Saunders science degree from Western Reserve University in June and will be studying for her doctorate at the University of Washington in September. Father Gregor B. Dues, CPPS, offered a Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of his 路parents' golden wedding anniversary in late April. Father Dues has seven sisters and four brothers. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Milan J. Stanoikovich (Lois Kay Miller), April 20. 1959 Ralph H. Brueneman is a partner in Handy Tool Rental in Cincinnati . He and wife, Nancy, have a daughter, Cheryl Ann. John J. Boettinger is a civil engineer with the State of New York Highway Division. John and his wife, Harmanna, were married in March of 1964. Alfred E. Clinger is employed by the Federal Government. AI and wife, Theresa, have two daughters-Annette and Alfreda-and are living in Burgoon, Ohio. J. Michael Allen, after serving in the prosecuting attorney's office in Dayton, is now an attorney with David H. Bailie. Thomas C. Agnew has a new job with General Supply Company in Dayton. Kenneth K. Cordonnier is with Leland Airborne Products in Vandalia, Ohio . Ken, his wife, and children-Kim, Doug, Dave, and Danny-reside in Newport, Ohio. Fourth child, Patrice Angela, to Patricia and Paul A. Taylor, in January. The other three children are named Paul, Perry, and Paige . John G. Murtaugh married Lois June Bailey, September 16. John is on leave of absence from the UD faculty to work on his Ph.D. at Ohio State University. Stanley J. Bruner is owner of a package-liquor business and he and his wife, Joan, are living in Broomfield, Colo. Ronald B. McGlothin has be en named Department Manager, Final Inspection, for the Dayton Tire & Rubber Company, which he joined in 1961. Richard E. Bogenrife has been promoted to Major in the U.S. Army. Dick is assigned to Aeronautical Systems Division at WPAFB and is liaison officer in the TIP! System Program office. Larry R. Gutmann has been awarded the silver wings of an American Airlines officer after completing training Larry served in the U.S. Navy for nine years from 1957 through 1966. Larry and his wife, Carol, have a daughter Kimberly. Jerome E. Waters has been a technical sales representative for the Harshaw Chemical Company in Cleveland for five y ears now. Jerry and his wife, Carol, celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary on February 2. David E. Burke is with the Cleveland Electric and Illuminating Company in Cleveland. Dave's wife is Theresa Cer路 rito Burke '59.
Michael R. Dinnin, Jr., is an attorney with Harness, Dickey & Pierce in Detroit. Mike and his wife, Irene Kramer Dinnin '60, have three children-Margaret, Rosemary and Robert. Lt. Nunzio J. Rossi, after graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas, is assigned to Brooks AFB, Texas, for training as a physiological training officer. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James M. McCrate [Mary Dapore), April 9. Ray Lamb has been Lt. Nunzio J. Rossi named Head Basketball Coach at Belmont High School in Dayton. Ray had served as assistant coach for the past three years at Belmont.
Richard A. Dix, center, has been promoted to Major during ceremonies at Camp Zama, Japan . Presenting the insignia is Maj . Gen. Lloyd E. Fellenz (right) and Col. Kenneth D. Orr, commander of the Army Medical Command in Japan. Dick is operations officer of Headquarters, 627th Hospital Center, and has been in the U.S . Army since 1959. His wife, Lois, is with him in Japan. Charles J. Bensman, Executive Head of the Marion Local School System, has been awarded a doctoral fellowship in school administration at Ball State University.
1960 Captain Harry J. Chaffin is commanding officer of Company H. Harry and his wife, Marti, are living in Edgewood, Md., with their three children- twins Mari Lee and Melinda Dee, and son, Michael. Hector G. Martinez-Viera, M.D., is in the United States Army. He and his wife, Georgia, have a daughter, Mary Elisa. ' Receiving a Masters degree in Romance Languages at Western Reserve University in February was Peter A. S. Pontolillo, S.M. James R. Etgen is an electronic engineer in data processing with th e Federal Aviation Administration in Falls Church, Va. Jim and his wife, Marie, were married in September of 1955. First child, daughter, to Marie and Cliff E. Harestad, March 29. Ronald R. Burns is an electrical engineer with Western State in Hamilton, 0. Ron and his wife have a new son, Tommy. John J. Maning, M.D., Capt., is a U.S. Army physician at Letterman General Hospital in California. John T. Sugerick, Jr., is with Containers, Inc. , in Los Angeles, Calif. Capt. William C. Wallace has returned from Saigon and is stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md.
Capt. Schneble and Capt. Donohue Capt. William J. Schneble, M.D., has been awarded the Combat Medical Badge for duty with the First Cavalry Division in An Khe, Vietnam. Bill is a physician at Kimbrough Army Hospital, Fort Meade, Md. Jan D. Chromick is a chemist with Westreco, Inc., a division of The Nestle Company. Jan and his wife, Judi, are living in Marysville, Ohio. Clare M. Callahan is teaching music at Bernard's High School, Bernardsville , N.J. William A. Harrell has been appointed Assistant Manager of the Winters National Bank credit department. Bill formerly had been manager of the Winters Breitenstrater Square office. John S. McGary is lead engineer in aerospace circuit design with Radiation, Inc., Melbourne, Fla. John and wife, Judith, were married in June of 1960. Capt. James A. Fenlon has returned from Vietnam and is at Ft. Benning, Ga. Jim received a masters degree from the University of Texas in 1965. Capt. Edward D. Sabol, M.D., is a surgical resident at DeWitt Army Hospital at Fort Belvoir, Va. Ed and his wife, Marilyn, have three daughters - Kimberly, Suzanne and Deborah. Laurence F. Kedzie is new Dayton territorial sales manager in Frigidaire Division, GMC , sales zone . He joined the corporation in 1960 as a merchandising specialist in the Dayton sales zone and is a member of the Goal-Maker Club. James J. Carleo, M.D., is practising at the Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune , N.J. Jim and his wife, Jean, have two children-James and Lisa. George A. Cleland is a structural designer with Oboler and Clarke on Arthur Godfrey Road in Miami Beach, Fla. Son to Maureen and Richard M. Hunt, February 25. Mary Lloyd Koster is a free-lance fashion artist and living in Rocky River, Ohio. John A. MacLardie has been promoted to Manager of Industrial Relations at the Dayton Tire & Rubber Company, which he joined in 1960.
1961 Sister M. Pascaline Colling, SFP, is Administrator and Superior of St. Margaret Hospital in Kansas City. Sister won the E. B. O'Leary Award of Excellence in Economics at UD her senior year and was graduated with honors . Sister holds membership in the American Association of Hospital Accountants, is a nominee of the American College of Hospital Administrators and is a diocesan representative for the Kansas Conference of Catholic Hospitals. Edgar R. Bradley is a design engineer with Harris-Seybold Company in Dayton. Mr. Bradley and his wife, Mary, celebrated their twenty-third wedding anniversary on November 9. John F. Carrigan is a copywriter for Rockwell, Quinn & Wall, Inc., advertising in New York City. First child, Jenifer Elizabeth , to Peggy and Grant E. Deger, M.D., January 17.
Third child, first daughter, Kathleen Anne, to Carol and Lawrence L. Gutman, February 8. Larry is an engineer in the Avionics Lab at WPAFB after 51/2 years in New Jersey with the Bell Telephone Labs. Mervin R. Butts is a project engineer with Frigidaire Division, GMC. He and wife, Barbara, live in West Milton, Ohio. Capt. Michael E. McCamley is a stock control officer in Korea. This tour of duty will last until October. W. Edward McGinnis has returned from the West Coast to Dayton and is working at Philips Industries, Inc. Layne Lahrman was married to Charles Carroll, May 15, 1965, and the couple has a daughter, Charlotte Frances. Layne's husband is a tax trial attorney with Internal Revenue in Washington, D.C. Martha Payne Chaudon and her husband, Jean-Claude, have a daughter, Alexandra, and are livng in Lima, Peru. Richard L. Graham has been promoted to region construction supervisor in Standard Oil Company of Ohio's Cleveland region. Dick started with the company as a service station attendant in 1948 and returned in 1953 after Army service. Son to Mr. and Mrs. James E. Westrich (Mary Margaret Diller), February 27. Captain Thomas K. Krapf received an award for achievement and service in the U.S. Army recently. Tom "distinguished himself by exceptional meritorius service as Logistic Staff Officer and then as Assistant Chief, Logistical Data Evaluation Branch. Capt. Krapf has an unusual intelligence and ability Captain Thomas K. Krapf to quickly reveal the essential elements of a problem. Further, his superior ability to analyze and solve has been effective daily with seemingly effortless reliability. He has regularly demonstrated mature judgment normally associated with an officer of eight to ten years' more age and experience. He has demonstrated superior ability as a leader. He knows what to say and when to say it in order to achieve the maximum in cooperation and productive results." The citation goes on and on - congratulations! Tom and his wife, Joan, are now stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia. First child, daughter, to Mary and Bernard A. Hegman, March 1. Frederic E. Chalfant is an engineering technician with Fram Corporation in East Providence, Rhode Island. Fred and his wife, Betty, have three children- Stephen, Mark and Brenda. Richard J. Brandewie is a project engineer with B. F. Goodrich Company in Troy, Ohio. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W . Schommer (Elaine Wildenhaus), March 25. Son to Ann and William J. Beer, March 30. William G. Hewitt married Patricia E. Middleton, April 15. William A. Buscher, Jr., a TI grad, received a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at UD's April graduation. His wife is Carole Didot Buscher '66. Bill is employed by Texaco, Inc., in their Beacon Research Lab. Another TI grad, James R. Missig, received a Bachelor of Technology degree at UD's April graduation. Charles N. Bakan received an MBA degree at UD's April graduation. Third child, second dau ghter, Andrea Lynn, t o Doctor and Mrs. George W. Koehl (Patricia Smith), April 7. Beginning July 1, George will begin his first year of residency in Pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma Medical Center in Oklahoma City.
Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William B. Luehrs (Diane Amann), April 18. Terrence M. Kramer has been named Manager, Personnel Relations, in Xerox Corporation's process manufacturing department in Rochester, N.Y. Terry joined Xerox in 1966 as personnel administrator in corporate facilities planning and management. He and his wife, Carol Neumann Kramer '62, have three daughters, Annette, Terrence M. Kramer Christine, and Amy.
1962 William M. Belanich is a salesman for A. Bruce Crock, Inc., and living in Erie, Pa. Nate R. Bruno is teaching physical education and health in the Belmar (N.J.) School System. He and his wife, Rose, are living in Interlaken. Robert P. Boehmer and wife, Diane, had a son on January 29. Bob is with UD's Research Institute. George J. Mousaian is an Account Executive with WHIO radio and TV in Dayton. George had been w ith WLW-D for four years. First child, Michael Raymond, t o Capt. and Mrs. Gerald R. Westbrock (Darlene DiPasquale '64), January 16. Gerry will be stationed at Fort Knox, Ky ., until September-then it will be back to Dayton and his law practice. Paul H. Bremke is a guidance counselor at Fort Loramie (0.) High School. Paul and his wife, Shirley, r eside in New Bremen, Ohio. Richard J. Skarke is now a Captain in the USAF with an APO New York address. Robert J. Antonick has been named Art Director for Oppenheim-Herminghausen-Clarke, Inc., in Dayton. Sister Mary Amalia Monnin, CPPS, has returned t o South America to work among the impoverished people of Chile. Sister taught for many years in classroom and music in Cincinnati and Dayton. In January, 1957, she joined the first group of Sisters going to Santiago t o open the foreign mission apostolate for the CPPS'ers. J. Michael Brown is an electronics technician w ith DelcoRemy Division of GMC in Indianapolis, Ind. Mike married Mary Elizabeth Hurley three years ago last September 7. Kenneth L. Bergsman, M.D., is a Captain in the U.S. Army with an APO San Francisco address. Captain Clinton A. Hodder has been assigned t o the Tuy Hoa Sub Area Command in Tuy Hoa, Vietnam, since January. Captain Hodder, headquarters company commander, is assigned to Headquarters Company of the command's 26th General Support Group. His wife, Judith, and children are living in New Carlisle, 0. Daughter to Rita and Robert S. Kinderman, February 18. Charles W. Beck is Production Manager at Proctor & Gamble in St. Bernard, 0. He and his wife, Norma, have two children-Charles Gregory and Timothy Tames. Robert W. Filbin is program manager for the Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland, Inc. First child, Elizabeth Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacques J. Fiehrer (Sally Dumford), in April. Alphonse P. Spilly, CPPS, received a Masters of Arts degree at UD's April graduation. Daughter to Nancy and John K. Huentelman, M.D., April12. Martin A. Briede is Art Direct or at Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati. He w as married to Elizabeth Gr aham last May 14. Raymond D. Bland is a staff a ssistant in materials research w ith Sandia Corporation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ray and his wife, Ruth, have two children-'Paula and Curt.
Paul J. Palcic is a senior project engineer with the Management Engineering Branch of the 2750th Wing at WPAFB. Alfred E. Naseman, CPPS, received two major orders from Bishop James W. Malone in ceremonies in Brunnerdale Seminary. He was conferred the subdiaconate and the diaconate in the first such ordination to be held at Brunnerdale. He was ordained to the priesthood in May. Edward A. Frigeri is a sales representative with DAP, Inc., in Dayton. Thomas S. Clifford is teaching physics at Grosse Pointe (Mich.) High School. Daughter to Betty and Chester F. Bauch, February 26. Capt. Rene J. Affourtit has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal First Oak Leaf Cluster for meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Rene entered the Army in January, 1962. Dennis D. Clemens is an instructor of mathematics at Trinity College in Washington, D.C. Dennis received his masters degree from Catholic University of America, and was married to Yvette Miller on June 11, 1966. Ronald E. Yoakum is President of Dura-Crete, Inc., in Dayton. Sister Michael Julie Depweg has returned to Brazil where she is engaged in working with the teenagers of the northeastern town, Rosario, of 8,000. She also helps out in the town school. Sister has permission to distribute Holy Communion to the nuns since priests are not always on hand to say Mass and administer the sacraments. Larry T. Shadowens is the new head basketball coach at Stivers High School in Dayton. Larry had been Vaughn Taylor's (1953) assistant coach at the school for the past three seasons, and is taking on his first head coaching job. Good luck, Larry! to you and your wife, Elizabeth Humphreys Shadowens '62.
in March after a six-month tour of duty in Guam with the 91st Bomb Wing Task Force . While John was in Guam, his wife, Carol Doolan Horner, taught at St. Raphael's in Springfield, 0. Daughter, Elaine Marie, was born April 10. Charles E. Glomski has been discharged from the U.S. Army and is back at International Harvester Company, Hinsdale, Ill. , as a chemist in engineering research. Eugene F. Bear is a salesman for Mead Containers and was recently transferred to Evansville, Ind. He and wife, Carol, had their second daughter, Michelle Marie, December 18. David E. Beck is a sales correspondent with Armco Steel Corporation in Middletown. Dave and wife, Sandra, celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary on December 29. Timothy L. Coghill is an assistant plant manager at Precision Metal Smiths, Inc., in Euclid. Tim and his wife, Geraldine, are living in Mentor. Thomas H. Brzozowski is a fourth-year medical student at Stanford University School of Medicine. Richard C. Henke married Patricia Condon, November 12. Dick is in internal auditing with Diamond-Alkali's main office in Cleveland. Vincent R. Canino is an instructor at the Milwaukee (Wise.) School of Engineering. He and wife, Anne, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on February 9, and have two daughters-Christine and Laura. Richard J. Chastonay is a chemist with the Food and Drug Administration in Washington. Dick and his wife, Patricia, have a daughter, Joanne. James H. Boeckman is an English teacher at Thornridge High School, Dolton, Ill.
1963 Lt. John M. Meagher is in the Comptroller Division of the Seventh Army Troops in Germany. David E. Boyle is a design engineer with Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Mich. He and wife, Georgenne, were married in July of 1964. Capt. H. Michael Case assumed command of Headquarters and Company A of the 101st Airborne Division's 326th Medical Battalion at Ft. Campbell, Ky., in Jan. "Mickie" and his wife, Jane Ellen, are living on Werner Park Drive there . Capt. Roger F. Toth returned from Vietnam in February and is now stationed at Fort Dix, N.J.-"only about oneand-a-half hours from home." Thomas J. O'Brien, Jr., and his wife, Carol, had their first child, a son, February 18. Tom is in Vietnam. Leonard A. Raab is a research technician for Dravo Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Gerard Callahan has joined the Agency for International Development as a Program Officer in Vietnam. Gerry will be working on the problem of how best to plan, budget and allocate AID resources to help the Vietnamese and will be working in the Agency's largest overseas mission. AID administers United States foreign assistance programs to enable developing nations to become economically self-sustaining. James 0. Armacost married Sunnye Lea Lanham, February 18. Jim just finished his junior year at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. First child, Sean Michael, to Nancy and Daniel J. Spillane, Jr., February 15. Fourth child, Kathy Lynn, to Christine and Capt. Ronald J. Finkbeiner, November 2. Lt. Thomas P. Connelie (U.S . Navy) is stationed in Manila, Philippine Islands, where he is project co-ordinator under the Officer-in-Charge-of-Construction for the Islands . Tom and his wife, Judy, had their second child, first son, Thomas Matthew, last October. Lt. John C. Homer returned to Glasgow AFB, Montana,
UD's Gosiger Health Center will be dedicated in June.
Edward J. Barkocy is staff assistant technican for Sandia Corporation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ed and wife, Joyce, have one son, Timothy. Second child, first son, Thomas Edward, to Sandra and Edward W. Stefanko, February 2. Ed is with the UD Research Institute. Kenneth A. Kuzon is employment manager at Dana Corporation-Chelsea Plant-in Michigan. Ken married Carol Ann Serafano, January 13. Dorothy Elizabeth Schramm is married to E. G. Minzer, Jr. , and the couple is living in Bedford Heights, Ohio . Joseph P. Gallina is an accountant with Shell Oil Company in New York City. Charles A. Danisch, home from service in Alaska, is a statistical analyst for Fairchild Hiller Cm;poration, Republic Aviation Division, in Farmingdale, New York. Robert B. Jones, CPPS, received a Master of Arts degree at UD's April graduation. Ruth Mary Snelling was married to a pilot in the German Luftwaffe-Oskar K. Klenk-September 5. The couple will be moving from Arizona to Germany in September. Donald E. Haemmerle married Linda Imperial, April 15. Don is Assistant to the Superintendent at Standard Register Company. L. Eugene Vassy, M.D., after receiving his degree from
Ohio State in June, is an intern at the Ohio State Medical School. Gene and his wife, Patricia, have two children, Jennifer and Jeff. Jerome M. Kirby, USN, is aboard the USS Randolph as special weapons officer. Jerry and his wife, Moya, have a daughter, Jennifer Jean. Robert L. Fiely married Peggy Ann House, April 8. Bob is a chemist at the Monsanto Research Laboratories in Miamisburg, 0. First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Hapner (Susan Shipley '65), March 27. "Skip", a TI grad, received a Bachelor of Arts degree at April's graduation ceremonies. Frank J. Cedeno has returned from Vietnam and says, "I believe we could have gathered enough Alumni for a chapter over there. Most of my time was spent with the First Infantry Division where I collected my first (and only) Bronze Star Medal. Upon my return I joined the Army I Air Force Exchange Service as a civilian in the personnel division. Wife, Pat, and the two children are doing fine and already planning for "Homecoming." Frank J. Reda, territory representative at Xerox Corporation's New York account branch, was graduated recently from the company's National Sales Development Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Frank joined Xerox in June of 1966. Robert J. Smith has been named Quality Assurance Consultant for the Eastern Division headquarters of Standard Register Company. Mr. Smith formerly was supervisor of quality control. He joined S-R in 1947 as a member of the stereotype department. Buford Chester has been named Controller of the Allegan (Mich.) Universal Joint Division of RockwellStandard Corporation. Mr. Chester previiously had been senior budget analyst in the corporate budget department in RockBuford Chester well's executive offices in Pittsburgh. He and his wife, Barbara, have three children. Three TI grads-Francis J. Audley, Richard C. Schaffner and George B. Shaw-received Bachelor of . Engineering degrees at UD's April graduation. Frank's degree was in electrical engineering; Dick's mechanical engineering and George's civil engineering. Another TI grad, John R. Andra, received a Bachelor of Technology degree at UD's April graduation. At UD's April graduation Ned J. Sifferlen received a Master of Education degree. Kenneth A. White is Operations Supervisor for Eastern Greyhound Lines in Cleveland, 0 .
1964 Richard E. Hughes is Marketing Manager of General Precision Link Group (Systems Division) in Riverdale, Md. Dick and his wife, Barbara, have seven children-Stephanie, 61/2; Mary Beth, 5; Heather and Holly (twins), 3; Suzanne, 11/2; Richard, Jr., and Regina (twins) , 4 months. Kathleen Walsh Stokes and her husband, Larry, celebrated their second wedding anniversary last November 26. Kathleen is a graduate student at Northern Illinois University. photo reconnaissance and air mobility for the nation's ground forces. Four TI grads were awarded four-year degrees at UD's April graduation. Philip E. Doepker received his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering; Robert A. D'Amico received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ralph M.
Maruscak and Anthony J. Castellano, Jr., received Bachelor of Science degrees. And TI'er Grant E. Friday, Jr., received a Bachelor of Te chnology degree from UD in April. Ronald L. Gardner was awarded an MBA degree-Howard P. Stevens and Nicholas A. Hussong, Master of Art degrees-- and Gerald 0. Wunderly, S.M., a master of science degree-at UD's April graduation. Daughter to Sharon and Michael Scrimenti, April 10. Lt. Hugh J. Connolly has been awarded USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Williams AFB, Arizona. Following specialized aircrew training at Davis - Monthan AFB, Ariz., Hugh will be assigned to George AFB, Calif., where he'll be an F-4C Phantom II pilot in the Tactical Air Command which provides battlefield Lt. Hugh J. Connolly firepower, precision jet Lt. Thomas M. Cooney, USA, has completed the Adjutant General Officer basic course at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. During the nine-week course, Tom was trained in the basic functions and principles of the Army's administrative field. Marvin A. Brooke is on military leave of absence from the National Cash Register Company until March of 1969. Marvin is a technician in the quality engineering department. First child, F. Christopher, to Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Hartman (Patricia Buening) last May 29. The Hartman's are living in Cincinnati, Ohio. Raymond E. Harlan is an instructor at the University of Portland (Oregon). John F. Phillips, Jr., married Cathy Ann McBride, February 4. Carol Jean Castellano married Thomas M. Kiermaier and the couple is living in Cleveland, Ohio. First child, daughter, to Lucille and Robert E. Ireton, February 6. Thomas E. Bonham is a graduate assistant in physics at Ohio University working towards his Ph.D. Tom married Norma Noecker, November 19. Lt. Henry I. Cates, USMC, returned from a year of duty in Vietnam in March and is now stationed at Norfolk, Virginia. Henry and wife, Patricia, have a son-Brian Christopher, born last August 8. Walter E. Schoudel is an industrial engineer with the Technical Services Division of REA Express, Inc. , in New York City. Anthony C. Canterna is a third-year medical student at the University of Bologna in Italy. Frank P. Ramacciato received an MBA degree from the University of Detroit in April. Lawrence E. Brown is a sales representative in the office products division of IBM in St. Paul, Minn. He and wife, Melva, have two sons-Stefan and Byron. Virginia Stanton is teaching in Cincinnati, 0. John D. Moon has returned from Vietnam and is working at the Dayton Rubber Company in Dayton. John and his wife, Gretchen, have one daughter-Laura Anne. Elaine Frances Schumacher married Donald G. Casperson, March 18. Both Elaine and her new husband are teaching school in the Dayton School System. Thomas H. Liles married Nancy Claudette Sampson, '63 , September 4, 1965. Nancy is teaching third grade at Clifton Elementary School in Cincinnati while Tom is a senior in the University of Cincinnati School of Law. Norman P. Hoening is Administrative Assistant and Coordinator at Top Value Enterprises in Dayton.
Helen Ann Clary is an enrichment teacher at Trevitt Elementary School in Columbus, 0. Chuck Izor, assistant basketball coach for the Flyers this past season, has accepted a position as Sales Service and Marketing Co-Ordinator at WLW-D in Dayton. Michael A. Tight has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF and is assigned to Tyndall AFB, Florida, for training as a weapons controller. Son to Suellyn and Gary K. Shupe, February 27. John M. Forte owns an apartment hous e in Miami Beach, Fla., at 1100 West Michael A. Tight Avenue . William A. Adler, after receiving his masters from Bowling Green, is studying for his Ph.D. in Sociology at Western Reserve University. Michael F. Jilek married Jane Kerr McCollam, January 21. Ronald A. DiNizo is a salesman with Trophy, Inc., in Dayton. Kathryn Ann Lyle married John Joseph McCarthy, March 17. The couple is living in Champaign, Ill. Mark A. Rutkosky married Flavia Williams, last October 8; Mark is a social worker with the Department of Public Welfare in Baltimore, Md. Paul L. Horstman married Penelope Poeppelmeier '66, April 1. Lt. F. Patrick Burns has completed a nine-month quartermaster officer course. Pat was trained in the use of petroleum products, supply by air-drop, food service in combat, clothing supply and other duties. Lawrence D. Schafrath is Area Sales Manager for Refrigeration Equipment Company in Columbus, Ohio. Lawrence P. Boesch is working on a masters degree in
engineering physics at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. 1965 Francis J. Brown is an analyst with the Sun Pipe Line Company in Philadelphia, Pa. Joan Marie Grimes married James Patrick Gallagher, December 31. Lt. James E. Goldschmidt is stationed at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. Second child, second daughter, Cathleen Maureen, to Lt. and Mrs. Joseph C. Murray (Sandra Metzdorf), February 12. James F. P. Laughlin returned from service with the Peace Corps in Columbia, S.A., and plans to enter law school in September. Mary Elizabeth Cleary is a physical education teacher at St. Joseph's in Piscataway Township, N.J. Linda E. Young is teaching at Roth High School in Dayton. First child, Jean Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Saelens (Greta Fiessinger), September 20. Mike is national accounts order service supervisor with the Garey Corporation in Chicago, Ill. Barry Mendelson is studying at the Des Moines College of Osteopathy. Anthony M. Pascale is Supervisor of Final Quality Control at the Corning Glass Works in Bradford, Pa. Frederick A. Fensel, Jr., married Mary Jo Esterline, April 8. Fred is studying for his MBA at UD. Barbara Ann Koehl, a secretarial studies grad, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education at UD's April graduation. TI grads-Denis G. Brown, J. Charles Hueil, Joseph W. Smith, Charles E. Kapper and John H. Lehman-all received Bachelor of Technology degrees at UD's April graduation. Harry A. Meredith is in programming services at NCR. He and his wife, Michaeleen , had their first child, Lisa Marie, on March 27. David W. Droesch, James R. Lanz and James A. Willke
FOUR NEW LIEUTENANTS FROM THE CLASS OF 1965 Lt. James J. Fischer, upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas, is assigned to L. G. Hanscom Field, Mass. Jim is in the Air Force Systems Command which manages all phases of acquisition of new aerospace systems.
Vincent J. Gallo has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF and is assigned to Vance AFB, Oklahoma, for pilot training. Lt. Lawrence R. Klur, USAF, has been assigned to
Chanute AFB, Ill., for training and duty as an administrative officer. Larry will be in the Air Training Command which conducts hundreds of specialized courses to provide technically trained personnel for the nation's aerospace force. Lawrence J. Seigel has been commissioned an Army second lieutenant upon graduation from the Engineer Officer Candidate School at Ft. Belvoir, Va. Larry received twenty-three weeks of instruction in preparation as an engineer platoon leader.
received MBA degrees at UD's April graduation-Timothy J. Nealon, a Master of Arts degree-Donald J. Kavalunas, a Master of Science degree. Roland R. Wagner received a masters degree in history from the University of Wisconsin in January and is residing in Lebanon, Ohio. Gene Master Kiernan is teaching in the Twin Valley (0.) School District. L. Sidney Clark is in the material analysis department of Allis-Chalmers in West Allis, Wise. Donald J. Gardill is a partner in the Yellow Cab of Johnstown, Pa. Lt. Joseph F. Doll is stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as an administrative officer with the Division of Surgery, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Joe is a member of the Association of Military Surgeons, -the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Tri Beta National Honorary Biological Fraternity. First child, James, to Lt. and Mrs. James L. Wilmeth [Anne Dowd), December 27. First child, daughter, to Sheila and William H. Buehrle, March 20. John F. Michitsch is completing work for his Ph.D. degree in German at Western Reserve University. His wife, Sherry Hamilton Michitsch, is teaching sixth grade in the Fairview Park school system. John C. Van Keuren received a masters of science degree from Ohio State University in March. John was married to Kathie Gibb, April 1, and is a teaching assistant at The Ohio State University. Lt. Robert P . Fingerhut is Public Information Officer for the Army Training Center at Fort Bliss, Texas. Rose Angela Milner is claims representative for the Social Security Administration in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lorraine Carolyn Sutton married Benjamin John Cestone, April 8. James M. Trey married Darlene D. Nellis, April 8. Jim has been discharged from the U.S. Army after a two-year hitch and is back with International Business Machines in Dayton. James H. Alt married Karin Cheryl Callea, April 29. Karin is attending UD and Jim is a research engineer with the UD Research Institute. Daughter to Sharon and Charles L. Ott, March 28. Vincent A. Ferrugia married Ellen Jane Cervay, UD senior, April 22. Vince is an accounting instructor at Miami-Jacobs College in Dayton. Lt. Peter J. Cassidy is with the U.S. Army at Qui Non, Vietnam. Ensign Mary Rose Nastasi is Public Affairs Officer at the Naval Air Station at Point Mugu, California. Lt. Thomas A. Baehl is stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. Lt. John G. Boucher is a platoon leader in the U.S. Army stationed at Forst Eustis, Va. Susan "Sandy" Brettholle is teaching fourth, fifth, and sixth graders at Lee School in Pittsburgh, Pa. David J. Marcozzi, after a tour of duty with the Air National Guard of New Jersey, has returned to his job with Thomas M. O'Neill & Company CPA's. Dave married Annette Marie Hughes, July 30, 1966, and the couple is living in Maple Shade, N.J. Ronald A. Chiancone is a research associate with Rand Development Corporation in Cleveland. Susan Venhoff married Paul H. Ray and the couple is living in Bloomington, Ind. Richard G. Evanko married Patricia Lee Dille, February 18. Donald R. Burke is with Mead Manufacturing Services in Dayton. Don and wife, Eloise, have two sons-Donald and Matthew. Gary G. Shepherd has been elected second vice president of the Keep Christ in Christmas Committee of Dayton. Roberta Clare Blake married Derek Peter Nesbitt, November 26. Roberta is teaching in Malaysia.
Virginia Lee Butner married Robert Allen Haemmerle, last July 30. Virginia is teaching in the Springfield (0.) schools. Lt. John F. Byno is stationed at Indiantown Gap, Annville, Pa. John and his wife, Dorothy, had their first child last October. Lt. C. Laurence Camp is with the USN Mobile Construction Battalion One in Vietnam. Lt. and Mrs. Gary S. Olin (Patricia Drehs) have just returned from Japan-"loved it!"-and are enjoying Las Vegas sun and night life until August when Gary goes to Vietnam. 1966 Lt. J. William Wahler has been graduated from the Jungle Warfare School at Ft. Sherman, Panama Canal Zone. Bill is now in Vietnam. Stephen A. Van Heeke has been graduated from a VISTA Training Program at the University of Maryland and will spend one year working with the Adams Morgan Community Council in Washington, D.C. VISTA sends workers to projects that request aid in poverty pockets within the U.S. and its territories. Stephen A. Van Heeke Lt. Donald L. Valcheff has completed a combat platoon leader course at the Army Infantry School; Ft. Benning, Ga. Don received advanced instruction in leadership, tactics of small infantry units, map and aerial photograph reading and Army administrative procedures. Thomas J. Mahon, Jr., married Ruth Sloan Hale, April 8. Melvin K. Roseman has assumed the position of Manufacturing Consultant for the Motor Truck Division of International Harvester Company in Chicago, Ill. Lt. William G. Flynn has completed a nine-week signal officer course at Ft. Gordon, Ga. Bill received instruction in the duties of a signal officer and was trained in communications, use and maintenance of signal equipment and administration. Michael F. O'Conner is an on-job cost engineer with E. E. Black LTD, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Monica Ann Brown is teaching third grade at St. Catherine's School in Trumbull, Conn. Brian M. O'Connor has left UD's Research Institute and is now stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texas, in the U.S. Army. Fred E. Peters is with the Advanced Reactor Division of Westinghouse Electric Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pa. Elizabeth Anne Koda is an artist and fashion promoter with Glamour Magazine, Conde-Nast Publications, New York City. First child, daughter, to Carol and Harold J. Schimmoller, March 29. Rosemary Ann Krantz married Richard John Tondra, last August 27. The Tondra's are living in East Lansing, Mich. John W. Warrell is in the USAF and stationed at Sheppard AFB, Texas. Son to Gail and George G. Bluhm, February 22. Madonna L. Reichert married Gerald Michael Spaeth, February 18, and the couple is living in the Philippines. Kenneth R. Schulte is an industrial engineer with the Carlton Machine Tool Company in Cincinnati. James L. Mitchell is teaching business courses at Holy Name High School in Henderson, Ky. George R. Dieterle is a sales engineer with Duriron Company, Inc., in New York City. Joseph A. Cogliano married Barbara Ann Meyer, March 4. The couple is living in Fort Worth, Texas, where Joe is working at General Dynamics.
Fred J. Richards has a new advertising sales position with LIFE Magazine in the Boston area. George R. Schoen left for Mexico in March to begin a three-year volunteer assignment with the Conference on Inter-American Student Projects (ClASP) . George's responsibility is concerned with the entire Mexican program where he is assisting with orientation programs and checking with Latin American contacts about project assignments. George expressed the hope that his assignment will give him a mastery of spoken Spanish and a deep appreciation of Mexican culture. Eventually, he hopes to work in Inter-American relations either as a layman in the service of the Church or as a government employee. Darla Ann Byrne married Lt. Donald P. Wharton , March 11. The couple is living in Browns Mills, N.J. George P. Kooluris is an auditor in the Comptroller's office at UD. PhilipP. Chalupa is teaching U.S . history and is assistant football coach at Immaculata High School, Sommerville , N.J. J. Ronald Windsor married Mary Lynn Oehrtman, March 18.
First child, Jeffrey Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil H. Zwelling (Barbara Ann Dworkin), last October 26. Robert C. Besanceney married Mary Louise Schrantz, April 1. Ensign Mary Louise Clark is Information and Education Officer at the Naval Air Station at Point Mugu, California. Joseph R. Catillo is in the purchasing department of Radio Corporation of America in Rockaway, N.J. Thomas J. Kling married Katherine Kobzowicz last August 27 and is employed by the UD Res earch Institute at WPAFB. William J. Basel is a physical education teacher in the Floral Park (N.Y.) Public Schools. Robert G. Bischof is a graduate student in chemistry at St. Louis University. James F. Bearns is stationed at Fort Ord, Calif., as a member of Company D, First Training Battalion. Jeffrey F. Meyer is a student at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Gleezetta Louise Ahrens married Tobey Michael Cornsweet, February 17. John J. Gordon is with Allis-Chalmers in Harvey, Ill. John and his wife, Kathleen, are living in Riverdale, Ill. Jerome F. Haney is with Federal-Mogul Corporation in Southfield, Mich. Jerry and wife, Linda, are living in Ferndale, Mich. Joyce T. Meleski is a social caseworker with Catholic Charities in New York City.
Janet Sue Carrigan married Clifford J. Fredricks, last August 20. Robert C. Yarnell, Jr., is attending University of Cincinnati Graduate School. Dennis J. Hoertt and his wife, Barbara, are back in Dayton and Dennis is working at NCR. Thomas A. DuBreucq is an accounting trainee with the Wheeling (W.Va.) Steel Corporation. Jessica Ann Prendergast is a social worker with the Division of Child Welfare in Cleveland . Thomas J. Niehaus has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF and is assigned to Hill AFB, Utah, for training in the Air Force Logistics Command which provides equipment and services to insure all U.S . missiles and aircraft are constantly ready. Tom was married to Susan Snoddy, Feb. 11 . Lt. Richard K. Powell has completed a nine-week signal officer course at the Army Southeastern Signal School, Ft. Gordon, Ga. Dick received instructions in the duties of a signal officer and was trained in communications, use and maintenance of signal equipment and administration. Mike Ciccolella, with the New York Giants professional football team in the fall and winter, has joined the Dayton agency of the Prudential Insurance Company. Go, Gints! TI Grads-Louis F. Agocs, Jr., Alan F. Hromi, David A. Pronesky, Stephen P. Sekerak, James F. Varcho, and Dennis B. Virag-all received Bachelor of Technology degrees at UD's April graduation. Carole Ann Grilliot is completing her dietetic internship at Eastman Kodak Company and in June will be stationed at Andrews AFB in Bethesda, Md., where "I will work in the Air Force hospital as a dietitian." Reinhold W. Kubach, who received his Master of Engineering degree last December here, has been promoted to Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at UD . Janet Fisher Ritzie and her husband, Allen L., are living in Marina, Calif. Janet is a secretary with the City of Salinas Public Works Department. R. Bruce Hoefling married Sara Lou Sullivan '67, April 29. Lt. Norbert C. Duell is stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington, with the U.S. Army. Thomas P. Mott married Jo Ann Gerritzen, April 29. William L. Baltzell married Marilyn Frost, May 13. Bill and Marilyn are both employed by the UD Research Institute. 路 Brian P. Buckley is a supervisor in the Junior Book Division at McGraw-Hill, Inc., in Hightstown, N.J. Lt. Thomas H. Braun is serving in Korea. Lt. Thomas E. Gorczyca is stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga., with the Third Ranger Company.
Bro. Elmer Lackner, Vice President for Alumni Affairs, and Mr. Charles Washington enjoy a hearty laugh at the April graduation. Subject of the hilarity was Mr. Washington's grandson, Brian Charles Nabors from Salt Lake City. Mr. Washington was given an honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree from the University of Dayton in April.
TWO OF U.D. TOP GRADUATES Paul J. Campbell, after winning the UD Math Club award in his sophomore, junior and senior years, was graduated first in his class with a perfect grade average in his math major and an overall average of 3.976. Paul walked off with an honor key, was named the top student in the College of Arts and Sciences, and was named one of ten young people to be an ambassador to Dayton's Sister City, Augsburg, Germany, in May. He has been named a winner in the annual Woodrow Wilson Fellowship competition. He will go to Cornell University. Also he was named to the 1967 class of Danforth Graduate fellows. And he's only nineteen years old. GRADUATE SCHOOL DECISIONS UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Mary Catherine Ross, Clyde E. Miller, Julianne J. Pandosh, James A. Schoen, John J. Buttermore, Peter L. Cannizzaro, Wendell B. Joseph, Mary Ellen Allgyer, Diamantis D. Preonas, Armand D. Bonforte, Dennis M. Dansby, Raymond J. Flis OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY College of Law Neil F. Freund, John F. Blake UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI School of Law
TEMFPrLeEdeUricNkiVJ.ESRhSiipTiey School of Dentistry John M. Bearlepp THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Medical School Bruce A. Brumfiel, Ronald S. Huey, Paul S. Mitch, Louis J. Vitangeli OSU GRADUATE SCHOOL R. Jeffrey Bixler, James A. Buschur, Gary M.
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PEN~:~:; I~.~~~v~f.~~~ E.
A Madden, Inez M. Young NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Medical School Phillip J. FitzSimons. Phil was recipient of one of the UD Alumni Scholarships during the 1966-1967 school year. STANFORD UNIVERSITY Medical School Sharon Ann Hunt
~~I~7~ri~: OF
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Dominic J. Maga, John M. Kovesdi KANSAS CITY COLLEGE
LOUISVILLE F. Kenneth Conliffe - Ken was named analternate to thirty-three winners of the NCAA
;;:~~~ls~it::~~h::::·~~anu"y Matthew J. Hayes
~ ~~~~T~~~~~ o• NORTH DAKOTA
I NEW::.~~::~~~i!siTY
L::: 36
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY William J. Wigmore XAVIER UNIVERSITY Janet Eileen Wood (MBA) ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY Medical School John P. Beare, Oscar A. Cartaya, Michael F. Hynes, Roger D. Leslie, Stephen V. Mueller,
School of Law Ray F. Gricer, Lawrence E. Gawell UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND School of Law Steven A. Charles UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT School of Law Louis J. Colangelo, Jr.
Ronald J. Konopka, a summa cum laude April graduate, with a 3.910 in Chemistry has also won a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. The Fellowship means one academic year of graduate education with tuition and fees paid by the Foundation, a living stipend of $2,000 and allowances for dependent children. In addition, the foundation awards a supplementary grant to the graduate school where each fellow chooses to enroll.
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College of Law Thomas J. DeLuca College of Engineering Stanley M. Kumor
OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY School of Law Richard L. Ferris
BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Marshall J. Hess (assistantship)
PURDUE UNIVERSITY Neal F. Gardner, Janet L. Miller
1967 Joseph A. Carapucci is with Boeing Company's Vertol Division in Eddystone , Pa. Luciano Crusi, captain of UD's 1965 soccer team, married Suzanne Bronson, January 7. He is with the Dayton Power and Light Company. Michael J. Doslak is employed at the Lorain Products Corporation in Lorain, 0. James L. Huelsman is with the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company in Barberton, 0 . Dale E. Kukla married Jacquelyn Ingham, April 29. Dale is in the electronics Division of Avco Corporation and atte nding U. of Cincinnati grad school. Jack W. Majewski is in the Avionics lab at .WPAFB . George E. Reinke and his wife, Nancy, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on May 30. George is with the Mead Corporation in Chillicothe, Ohio. Robert L. Robke and his wife, Joyce , will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on June 11. Samuel J. Schultz married Evelyn Soehner, April 22. Sam is with Boeing. Ronald J. Steflick and William M. Trey are working for E. I. DuPont de Nemours. Guy T. Woodrum and his wife, Jenny, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on August 12. Guy plans to join the U.S . Army. James R. Baber is with Delco Moraine Div., GMC. Jim and his wife, Lena, celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on August 4 with their children, Scott and PeJer. Bashir S. Bidiwala, a TI grad, is continuing his studies at UD. Anthony J. Bozza is with Western Electric Company in New York as a packaging engineer. He makes trips to Japan, England, and Germany. Tony and his wife, Nancy, were married on August 20, 1966. Richard A. Finley is with Delco. He and his wife, Carol, have one son, James. Lawrence L. Lienesch was married to Sandra Jean Smith on April 23, 1966. Dale T. Voehringer is with Frigidaire Div., GMC. He and his wife, Marian, have two children-Gary and Donald. Jean Ann Gels is a medical technologist at Good Samaritan Hospital, as are Sharon C. Volk and Margaret Ann Zilinsky.
Martin B. Mick, Jr. Joseph D. Price
UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Michael S. Kedzierski
D. T. WATSON School of Psychiatries Larry P. Fronheiser
Mark A. Goldschmidt is with UD's Research Institute at Wright-Patterson AFB . Lawrence W. Hoffman is with Republic Steel Corporation. William J. Hopkins is employed at Wright-Patterson AFB. Stephen Edward Grice and his wife, Patricia, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on June 25 . Steve plans to attend dentistry school. Gerald R. Bart and his wife , Lana, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on August 20. Jane Kathryn Aken will be teaching in the New Philadelphia (0.) City School System. Donald F. Arnett plans to teach in the Wapakoneta (0 .) School District. Don and his wife, Darlene, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on July 16. Joan B. Burdzinski will be teaching in the San Diego (Calif.) City Schools. Nancy Campbell Crusey's husband , Jack L., has been named administrator of budget control and plant accounting for Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC . The Crusey's have three children-Jack, Carol and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Cunningham (Susan Trindl '67) will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on August 6. Sue will be teaching in the Dayton School System and plans to attend UD graduate school. Margaret Huwer Doocey and Nancy R. Raterman will be at St. Helen's School in Dayton come September. Kathryn E. Guthman is planning to teach at Fairmont West High School in Kettering, 0 . Sara Jane Kelly will be teaching at Central Elementary School in Middletown, Ohio . Carol Oberlander LaCombe and her husband, E. James '64, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on May 1. Farewell to our Irish jigger, Sheila Murphy. Sheila was captain of the Flyerettes for 1966-1967. Helen Brown Stelzer will be teaching at Our Lady of Mercy School in Dayton. George M. Takacs should be a member of the U.S. Army at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., when you read this. James N. Verhoff has joined the Peace Corps. Lt. Brian J. O'Conner, USMC, married Mary Lynne Page, April 22. The couple is living in Virginia. John R. Burke is with Alcoa in Pittsburgh, Pa. Carlo B. Caputo plans to work with the New York City Police Department and attend Poly Institute of Brooklyn.
Norman R. Weiland is a tool designer with J. E. Novotny Company in Dayton. He and his wife , Marlene , have one daughter, Cynthia. Barry W. Jackson is with Dik ]axon Products Company and attending UD grad school. John W. Kawa is in the U.S. Army at Ft. Lee, Virginia; Timothy L. Kearney is at Ft. Benning, Ga. Arthur L. Kennedy married Patricia Jeanne Hurst, August 路 6 , 1966, and is with the U.S . Civil Service . Ronald J. Konkoly is with Traeger, Rose & Associates in Cleveland, 0. Joseph A. Logan married Amelia Ann Bennett, last November 26. Brian J. O'Conner says it's the U.S. Marines for him for three years. Leroy J. Phillips married Terri Ann Buchholz, January 21 . William R. Remke is with the Remke's Markets, Inc ., in Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Terrance E. Roth married Elaine Marie Burger last January and is employed at Mumma & Mescher CPA's in Dayton. Robert J. Schmidt is with Frigidaire Division of GMC. He and his wife, Doris, have two children-David and John. Michael D. Spehar is with Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith in New York City. James J. Steele and his wife, Rita Mae, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on August 6. Donald J. Sugaski married Sharon Marie Smith, last November 12. Richard L. Tellmann is with the Allison Division of GMC and attending Indiana Extension Graduate School. John J. Kane married Barbara Ann Jacobs, April 22. John has accepted a position with General Foods and the couple is residing in Kankakee, Ill.
Miriam Hall, School of Business Administration building, and temporary home of McCaii-UD processing center. Sandra C. Clark will be with the Cleveland Public School System this fall. Sandy, a speech major, won the Doctor D. G. Reilly Award of Excellence in Oratory while at UD and was aw1uded the Father George Barrett Scholarship for the 1966-1967 school year. Ralph M. Clark is with Weinreich & Plotnick CPA's in Dayton and will attend UD grad school. Ralph and his wife , Ruth, celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary on February 27 - with their children - John, Nancy and Linda. Richard F. Wallen is with American LaFrance in Elmira, N.Y. He and his wife, Susan, were married on August 20 , 1966 .
Roger A. Berardinis is working for Arthur Andersen & Company. Nicholas E. Besch and his wife , Bunny, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on July 2. Nick is with the B & W Distributing Company in Dayton. Robert T. Bohne is with U.S . Steel Company in McDonald, 0 . Victor W. Boltin is working at NCR. So are Ronald S. Hecht, Dyne R. Hoenie, and James A. Goffee. Jim and his
wife, Velma, have five children - James , Robert, Kary, Michael and Mark. Richard F. Capozzi married Rose Marie Wilson, November 26. Rosemarie A. Casper is an executive trainee with the Rike-Kumler Company in Dayton. Emidio J. Castelli is with the Weir-Cove Moving and Storage Company in Weirton, W . Va. Paul S. Chmiel plans a USAF career starting out at Lackland AFB , Texas. Ditto for Arthur J. Intemann, James M. Zidar, and Vincent F. Speziale. William B. Clark is an accountant with the Mead Corporation, and is attending UD grad school. Patrick M. Corrigan and his wife, Judy, celebrated their first wedding anniversary last January 2. Ernest E. Courtney is with the Dayton Aviation Radio Aud-Equipment Corporation in Troy, Ohio . W. James Coward is with the UD Research Institute and attending UD grad school. Jim is the man responsible for our mailing lists and Alumni records being put into the computers. Good luck, Jim- computers don't make mistakes, do they? Manfred K. Ernst is with Haskins & Sells CPA's in Dayton. John C. Graser is with Ernest & Ernst in Cleveland, 0 . Paul F. Hahn is with Dayton Precision Corporation. Michael R. Mang is working for Station WHIO-TV and plans to attend UD grad school in the fall. Sam A. Nicolosi is employed at DESC in Dayton. Michael L. Probst is with the Dayton-Montgomery County Library. Barry M. Reed, Most Valuable Player on the 1966 UD Golf Team, is with Monsanto Research Corporation in Miamisburg. His wife is Amy Wettberg Reed '66. Mark A. Stelzer and his wife, Judy, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on July 23. Judith Gail Strinich is with United Airlines. Jeanne Marian Zurewich is with the Katharine Gibbs School, as is Joan M. Brechka. Nancy Mary Huber was one of forty selected nationally to attend NDEA Institute for those preparing to teach French last year at the University of Missouri. Nancy, this year, won the Brother Tom Price Award of Excellence in English. Lawrence D. Rinehart and his wife, Marguerite, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on July 2. Robert I. Barker is employed at Monsanto Research Corporation in Miamisburg, 0., as are Charlotte Eudy, Louann Feldmann, Terry L. Koeller, John R. Patterson. Charles J. Borns plans for a career in the United States Army ... just like his Dad, Lt. Col. Charles R. Borns '40. Wolfgang E. Brenner is with the Shell Chemical Company in Princeton , N.J. He and his wife, Carol, celebrate their third wedding anniversary on June 29. Richard A. Brown has joined the Ohio Bell Telephone Company in Cleveland, 0 . Rosemary Andreotta married George Edmund Crow, last August 27. Rosemary is a caseworker with the Butler County Children's Home in Hamilton, 0 . John B. Griffith married Karen Mastbaum, March 18. Francis A. Ragone, Jr., married Shelley Ann Stachler, December 16. Frank is a mechanical engineering technician with Surface Combustion Division in Toledo, 0. Mary Julia Leen married David Allan Young, April 8. John R. Allerding, after spending the summer with the Dayton Juvenile Court, will be attending The Ohio State University school of social work. James J. Broderick, Jr., is with NBC in New York City. Edward W. Evans is working at the Montgomery County Juvenile Court. Patricia Lauer Crosby (MA) and her husband, Lawrence R., have two children-Paul and Laura. Anthony A. Florence (MA) married Marilyn Jones, last August 6.
Richard J. Grande (MA) plans to join the faculty of the University of Wisconsin in September. Richard P. Grau (MA) is teaching in the Jefferson Township School System. He and his wife, Cynthia, have a daughter, Jennifer Ann, born last August 10. Kathleen M. Rossworn (MA] is with Head Start in New York City. Tamayo Ueno (MA) is on the staff of the International House of Japan in Tokyo. Raymond W. Ostensen (MS) is with the Monsanto Research Lab in Miamisburg, 0. Lt. Col. Allen 0. Anderson, assistant professor of military science at UD, received an MBA degree at UD's April graduation. Welcome to the Alumni Association, Colonel Anderson. Donald W . Christiansen (MBA) is with Chrysler Airtemp in Dayton. James R. Coyne (MBA] is an accountant at Frigidaire Div., GMC. William H. Dearth (MBA) is a sales representative for Quaker State Metals Company. Kenneth T. Ehrhart (MBA) is an accountant with Leland Airborne Products in Vandalia, 0. Thomas D. Haden (MBA) is with the Rike-Kumler Company in Dayton. John R. Haug [MBA) is manager of data processing for Newsweek Magazine in Dayton. Alan J. McClellan (MBA) is in the production planning and control department at Delco. Joseph F. McGlinn (MBA) is President of Monarch Die & Engineering Company in Dayton. Philip E. Perry (MBA] is commercial manager with the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. He and his wife, Judith, have a daughter, Beth. John W. Strevell (MBA) is supervisor of rates with the Dayton Power and Light Company. He and his wife, Jane, have seven children-Pamela, Mike, Laurel, Timothy, Andrew, Eileen and Steve. George E. Supensky III (MBA) is an accountant at Duriron Company, Inc. Donald G. Hjelle (M. Engr.) is a research engineer with NCR. Opal Knight Brown will be teach jng at Wayne Township Local Schools; Donna Jean Doll in the Massillon (0.) City Schools; Judith Ann Elder and Patricia Joan Smith in the Columbus Public Schools; Terry A. Papesh at Monson Elementary School; Elizabeth Sue Pope at St. Rose School in Lima, Ohio; and Diana L. West in the Cincinnati Public School System. Anne B. Cronmiller and Mary Louise Dana will be teaching in the New York School Systems. Sue Ellen Stephan is working for the UD Research Institute for the summer. Jerome M. Staeuble is with the IBM System Electronics Center and plans to attend graduate school at the University of Syrac)lse. Thomas J. Weckesser married Peggy Rankin, April 29. Tom is with NCR.
Stanley A. Mertzman, Jr., married Mary Alice Cherpeski '66, April 29. R. Craig Egbert married Joyce Mae Mendenhall, April 29. Philip E. Doepker married Bonita Mary Weber '67, April 29. The couple is living in Columbus, 0., where Phil has a fellowship at Ohio State University. Donald J. Hertvik married Caryl Jean Rounds , April 29. Frank M. Lobacz is att ending State University of New York at Buffalo . P. Michael Eifert and Michael L. Probst, both employed by the Dayton-Montgomery County Public Library while attending UD , have received $3,000 each to attend graduate school in library science through the Library Services and Construction Act. Only fifteen students were selected from the entire state of Ohio. Mike Probst is attending Rutgers and Mike Eifert is attending Western Michigan University. Lelia Earleen Hatton married Alan D. Schearer, May 6. Susan L. Smith is teaching in the Dayton School System; Barbara A. Petrie, in the Cleveland (0.) area; and Karen L. Jans at Thomas A . Edison School in Kankakee, Ill. Mary Ann Trojanowska is teaching in the Berea (0.) School District; Martha Anne Fields in the Euclid (0.) Public Schools. David V. Pohlman married Dolores M. Erney, May 6. Dave is a teacher in the Sandusky (0.) Public Schools. Mary Ann Galdabini is teaching in the Indianapolis (Ind.] Public School System. Robert P. Heller is in the United States Navy. Mrs. Margaret Huwer Doocey had a proud rooting section when she received her degree at UD's April graduation. Her five daughters, Dorothy, Mary Ann, Patricia, Diana, and Joan Sue, all attended the ceremonies. Widowed seven years ago, Mrs. Doocey spent two years as a fulltime student at UD, then attended three years of night and summer sessions to earn her degree . "I never could have done it without Mother," Mrs. Doocey said. "She took care of the babies and helped in the evenings when I had to study." Mother is Mrs. Mary Huwer who resides with the Doocey's. Mrs. Doocey has been teaching at St. Helen's School for three years. Karen Margaret Petrak married Lt. Richard J. Wenzel, May 13. Karen is teaching .in the Indianapolis (Ind.] Public Schools. David F. Inderrieden is assistant basketball coach at Chaminade High School in Dayton. Dave replaced William B. Cassidy '66 who was called into military service. Robert D. Cupples married Mary Elizabeth McCrabb, May 20. Bob is in service. George A. Taylor, Jr., married Elaine Marie White '66, May 13. Stephen F. Koziar, Jr., married Patricia Rose Froehly, May 20. Steve is working at Dayton Power and Light Company and Pat at NCR. Ralph E. Barhorst is a technician with the UD Research Institute.
SPECIAL TRIBUTE The night was a particularly special one for the University of Dayton campus-one of those once-every-sooften nights which reflect a unity in purpose and feeling. The Little Theater sparkled with the silk, the black tiesand more than that, with the joy of friends gathering together to give honor. The theater itself seemed to graciously acknowledge the fact that it was to be named. Out of the silence came music-and words-and dance . . . to redefine the facilities of a versatile stage. No introduction was necessary-the curtain opened, the testimonial began with the music of Mendelssohn performed by the Piano-String Quartet Chamber Music Ensemble bringing audience and artists into the moving tempo. Readings of three Shakespearean sonnets- the Dayton Civic Ballet's graceful portrayal of "Le Choix du Roi"-and readings of two of Francis Thompson's poems-set the tone for the climax which was yet to come. As the dedication biography was read, members of the audience experienced their own individual identifications with a man who unquestionably deserved the recognition offered him. For the audience was there, not only to formally dedicate a showplace to a man - but to acknowledge the dedication of that man to humanity. As the man stepped into the spotlight to witness a heartfelt standing ovation - his only discomfiture was the dark theater which prevented him from recognizing friends . The house lights were brought up and the stage no longer separated entities. And then there was conversation from this expert conversationalist - and more Shakespeare from one of "Bill's" more ardent fans - and an uproarious German Beer Song - these were parts of the exposition of the Brother Boll Attends April Graduation. reality of Brother Boll.
BRO. JOSEPH MERVAR SAYS ... "We're renovating the inside of St. Mary's Hall, putting in many new and modern offices, wallto-wall carpeting, paneling and a central air conditioning路 and heating unit among other things. "While doing this we decided to take care of the outside of the structure. We will remove all the ivy so we can point, repair, and seal the outside. But have no fear, the ivy will be growing again." As Business Manager, Bro. Mervar, also revealed that the roads will be blacktopped, all window frames on the old buildings will be repainted and the critical parking problem will be looked into. "We will have three buildings under construe-
Brother Boll enjoys his roses. Brother Lawrence Boll, 83, a native Daytonian, University of Dayton alumnus, Marianist for 66 years, professor, scholar, outdoorsman, musician, dramatist, philosopher, friend-received, again with a standing ovation, the key to the Little Theater which from that day forward would bear his name. His response was a humble and human thank you-an acknowledgement of friends- and an unnecessary hope that he would never shame the honor. The reception brought more friends to shake the hand that taught them, guided them, liked them. For the honor was given to a man w ho was not afraid to go out of the classroom in order to give time and share thoughts with old and young alike. A man who strove to spread his knowledge in order to instill in this generation "hopewith a smile." The Little Theater of the John F. Kennedy Union is now named. W e only hope that the spirit of the man will never be forgotten as generations come to work, play, create, participate, perform and convene in the Brother Lawrence Boll Theater.
tion in the next couple of years and this will further complicate the parking with workmen adding to the campus population."
(Bill Clark is a young man who is considered one of the best sports reporters in the country. A graduate of Syracuse University, Clark, who now covers the University of Dayton athletics for the Dayton Daily News, served as a sports reporter for the Syracuse Herald Journal when his alma mater was the national football champion. He later covered the Atlantic Coast Conference athletics for the Winston Salem Journal. These are his observations of UD athletics after two years on the beat, and as told to Joe Mclaughlin, Alumnus editor.
A Historic moment in UD basketball history: Dan Obrovac outjumps the great Lew Alcindor as Dayton faces UCLA in the NCAA championship. UCLA finally won.
Thinking Back On
"Grea test Year" Bill Clark sat in the faculty dining room of the Kennedy Union, a cigarette twitching nervously in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. " The cigarette," he said, "upsets my ulcer and the milk calms it down. A vicious circle, you know." But the cigarette and milk were quickly out of his mind as he glowed at the mention of the recent year in sports at the University of Dayton. "It's almost impossible to put the turn of UD athletics into words," he started. "Maybe the word stability fits, or maybe the word confidence fits the situation better. "Yes, confidence is the better descriptive word. The football gained confidence and it has gone right through the spring sports. Because of this the program seems to know where it's going. You'd have to first thank Tom Frericks for this. He's done so many things which have turned this program in the right direction. "You know what I like about his leadership," Clark continued. "He shows an equal interest in all the sports. He builds confidence all along the line and this creates stability. Yes, I guess that's where the word stability fits in." FOOTBALL Then Clark paused to regroup his thoughts about Coach John McVay and "as fine a young coaching staff as you can find. I hope you can keep them. "When I first attended a UD practice in 1965 I was shocked at the size of the players. It looked more like a ~igh _ school squad. I didn't know much about UD's competitiOn m these days but I knew McVay couldn't win with that size. "When I look at the numbers and physical size on this present squad in spring practice, I feel confident they can continue, in some measure, what the 1966 team accomplished." (Editor's note: You might remember the football team was 8-2 last fall, losing a tough battle to Bowling Green and losing a runaway to Miami. It was the only game the Flyers were out of all season.) But back to Clark. "The coaching staff instilled a feeling of confidence somehow in that club last fall. This confidence, under any conditions, came out on the field. It gave th~r:n courage. It helped their execution. It also helped their ab1hty to come back and they seemed confident that a big play would turn the game their way. It did against Louisville and Buffalo.
Bob Madden looks for daylight in Richmond contest.
"You know," he continued, " if the 1965 team recovered a fumble on the opponent's five yard line you'd wonder if they'd wind up on the 10 or 20 yard line. This wasn't the case in 1966. If they recovered a fumble in the opponent's territory you just knew they were going to score. See! The confidence even came into the stands. " I think it will be tough for John to repeat an 8-2 record. Opponents will now be looking for UD. It won't be hard for other coaches to get a squad up for the Flyers any more. This alone will make it tough. "But if the defense can do as well as they did last fall it will be a big help to the Flyers. I always felt that the defense triggered that fine season in 1966. They learned to make the big play and the offense got its impetus from them. "If John can replace Shortal and Jones at the linebacking spots and Print at an end, he will have another good defense. "Biebuyck doesn't have the normal quarterback graces but he can put that ball into the air and Madden, Taylor and Mayo can catch it. They broke up defenses doing that." Clark went on . (Cont. next page)
Billy Mayo spurts for touchdown run against Richmond
"I watched Mike Wilson running in scrimmage the other day. He certainly has learned to play fullback since last fall. If he does that well next season they could have a 1-2 power punch with Wilson and Taylor. Of course, there's Madden, too. "I think UD's football program is now in a position to compete favorably against Mid-American teams. They are not an outstanding or dominant football team but I know Dayton fans enjoy the luxury of feeling confidence going into a ball game. "It is possible that the university has reached its stated goal in football. It certainly seems that way.'' He had one more thought, perhaps provoked by the writer's observation that in 1965 Xavier, a school of similar program and problems, had an 8-2 record but barely made .500 with similar personnel in 1966. A football takes funny bounces. Then Clark, prompted by the writer's questions, turned to soccer. The soccer team, led by Pat Obiaya and Charles Ezendu, two Marianist students from Nigeria , Africa, posted a 7-1-1, the best in the sport's 11-year history at UD. Obiaya also set one-game, seasonal and career scoring records. "I didn't see much of the soccer team," said Clark, "but
RESULTS THEY Richmond 0 Cincinnati 7 Bowling Green 13 Louisvi lle 17 Buffalo 3 North. Michigan 0 Ohio Univ. 12 2 9 Xavier 6 Miami (0.) 38 20 Toledo 16 RECORD: 8-2 TO's Net Avg. Rush . Loss Yards
PASSING Biebuyck, Jerry, QB Faucette, Dick, QB PASS RECEIVING Mayo, Billy, HB Taylor, Mel , HB Kress, Bernie, HB Buchert, Dennis, E Madden, Bob, HB Con liffe, Ken, E Siewe, Jim, FB Wilson, Mike, FB TOTALS
44 39 34
472 219 179 147 38 51 0 1783
2 2
1 84 13 219
110 4
13 12 4 6 5 3 1 1
633 433 185 177 145 37 -33 -13 1564
4 .2 3.6 4.3 4.3 2.7 3.1 0.0 0 .0 3.4
Net lntcp. Yards 5 679 7 0 YDS.
337 91 20
99 88 42 6 3 686
0 6 1 0 1
0 3
Jerry Biebuyck puts ball in air.
Mike Wilson Powerful Fullback
Mel Taylor Battering Halfback
Ti TO's
6 0 TD'S 4 1
0 0 1 0 0
0 6
PAT'S PAT'S SCORING TO's Att. Made Safety FGA FGM Pts. Taylor, Mei, HB 7 0 0 0 0 0 42 Thomas, Bob, HB *7 17 13 0 0 11 34 Mayo, Billy, HB 5 0 0 0 0 0 30 Biebuyck, Jerry, QB 1 0 0 0 18 3 0 Coates, Marty, FB 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 Madden, Bob, HB 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 Lowe, Bob, HB 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 Team 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 TOTALS 18 18 13 1 11 7 144 *New season and career record and includes new .record of 3 in one game against Richmond . **Includes single game record of 29 carries against Ohio University .
(Cont. Page 43)
23 23 0 20 13 10 20
Gain 677
**151 119 43 41 53 12 39 2 460
that same confidence was on the field with them. They tell me Obiaya and Ezendu were definite All-Americans. With that same team back next fall they seem to be in the same position as the football team. It will be hard to match that record though." BASKETBALL Basketball, as usual, drew the greatest amount of national attention at UD. Coach Don Donoher, in his third season at UD, guided his team to a 25-6 record, giving him a three-year 70-19 mark. "I can't help but think," began Clark, "that UD prospered from great coaching this fall. They did what they inwardly
Total Plays 641 574 101 First Downs 134 70 By Rushing 6i By Passing 21 56 By Pen a lty 10 17 1783 Grose Yds. - Rush 1425 Net Yds. - Rush 1115 1564 686 Net Yds.- Pass 1097 114; 45 Passes Attd. / Comp. 206 ; 89 2250 Total Offense 2214 Avg. Game Offense 221.4 225.0 RUSHING Madden, Bob, HB Taylor, Mel , HB Mayo, Bill, HB Kress. Bernie, HB Coates, Marty, FB Wilson , Mike, FB Biebuyck, Jerry, QB Preisser, Gary, QB TOTALS
Bernie Kress heads into line in Flyers' 9-2 victory over Xavier for Governor's Cup.
326 53 32 16 5 991 765 282 73 ; 23 1047 209.4
Total Plays First Downs By Rushing By Passing By Penalty Gross Yds. - Rush Net Yds. - Rush Net Yds . - Pass Passes Att. / Comp. Total Offense Avg. Game Offense
RUSHING Carries Handley, Willie, HB 109 Powers, Pete, FB 53 Rudzinski , Jim, FB 29 Cully, Phil, QB 18 Ciano, Gus, HB 13 Mclaughl in, Terry, FB 2 Serrapede, Kevin, HB 2 Lichtenberg, Tim , QB 18 Eckenrode, Gary, QB 5 Cooper, Gary, HB 1 Team 3 TOTALS 253 PASSING Cully, Phil, QB Lichtenberg, Tim, QB Eckenrode, Gary, QB PASS RECEIVING Si debottom, Dennis, E Tant, Bill, E Serrapede, Kevin, HB Handley, Willie, HB Tyler, Joe, E Powers, Pete, FB Ciano, Gus, HB Rudzinski , Jim, FB TOTALS
309 65 44 13 8 929 681 464 58 ; 27 1145 229.0
8 22 7 7 14
RESULTS Miami Xavier Cincinnati Kent State Toledo
23 0 21 20 27
Net Yards
568 180 72 72 45 3 3 48 0 0 0 991
25 10 4 30 5 0 1 88 25 0 38 226
543 170 68 42 40 3 2 -40 -25 0 -38 765
5.0 3.2 2.3 2.3 3.1 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0
Net Yards
44 27 2
17 6 0
0 4 0
178 104 0
TO's Rush.
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 TO's
2 0 0
6 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 23
85 82 41 32 31 5 6 0 282
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
1966-67 Varsity Basketball Statistics Name and Position May, Don, F Hooper, Bob, G Waterman, Rudy, G Torain, Glinder, F Klaus, Gene, G Sadlier, Dan, F Obrovac, Dan, C Wannemacher, Jim, F Sharpenter, Ned, C Fox, Rich. F Heckman, Tom, G Papp, Dennis, G Samanich, John, F lnderrieden, Dave, G Rohm, John, C
G 31 31 29 29 31 29 29 20 15 11 19 7 6 7 1
31 *982 2091 • . 470 562 31 855 2063 .414 462
REBOUNDS May Obrovac Torain Sadlier Hooper Waterman Klaus Sharpenter Wannemacher
NO. 519* 185 174 152 122 89 65 50 31
FGM 258 140 132 119 107 95 68 19 20 9 9 3 3 0 0
FGA 543 286 291 285 214 180 147 51 40 16 21 7 8 2 0
PCT. FTM FTA .475 173 213 .490 82 102 .454 60 93 .418 61 84 .500 72 93 .528 37 60 .463 42 84 18 .373 12 .500 9 23 .563 6 10 .429 6 10 .429 1 2 .375 0 1 .000 1 4 .000 0 0
AVG. 16.7 6.4 6.0 5.2 3.9 3.1 2.1 3.3 1.6
RECORD: 25-6 95 Baldwin Wall ace 80 St. Louis 80 Miami (0.) 104 Eastern Kentucky 111 Tampa 81 Louisville 86 East Carolina 100 Loyola (Ill.) 95 Marquette 74 New Mexico State 100 Harvard 75 Xavier 49 Cincinnati 94 Detroit 50 Louisville 81 DePaul 83 Canisius 71 Miami (0.) 74 Niagara 70 Xavier 81 Memphis State 101 Northern Illinois 101 Loyola 80 Miami (Fla.) 98 Chattanooga 79 DePaul NCAA 69 West. Kentucky (O.T.) 53 Tennessee 71 Virginia Tech (O.T.) 76 North Carolina 65 UCLA (Title Game) 2526 TOTALS • New Records
797 711
PCT. .812 .804 .645 .726 .774 .617 .500 .667 .391 .600 .600 .500 .000 .250 .000
PTS. 689 362 324 299 286 227 178 50 49 24 24 7 6 1 0
AVG. 22.2 11.7 11.2 10.3 9.2 7.8 6.1 2.5 3.3 2.2 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.0
.705 2526* 81.5 .650 2172 70.1
REBOUNDS Fox Samanich lnderrieden Heckman Papp TEAM
NO. 12 7 4 3 129
AVG. 1.1 1.2 0.6 0 .2 0.3 4.2
1544 1257
49.8 40.5
(H-5,882) (A-7,120) (A-2,144) (H-5,882) (H-5,882) (A-14,602) (H-5,882) (A-6,059) (H-5,882) (H-5,882) (H-5,882) (A-4,802) (H-5,882) (A-3,736) (H-5,882) (H-5,882) (H-5,882) (H-5,882) (A-3,200) (H-5,882) (A-11,001) (H-5,882) (A-1,500) (A-2,283) (H-5,882) (A-4,362)
81 78 71 82 64 96 66 90 76 48 78 72 62 75 66 65 59 55 80 66 56 60 71 79 66 84
(A-11,500) (A-7,386) (A-7.419) (A-18,889) (A-18,892)*
67 52 66 62 79
Dan Sadlier, left, and Don May, right, battle Louisville's Wesley Unseld for basketball last January. (Cont. from Page 42) hoped they could do and did it without resolving their major problem at center. "Donoher not only guided them in the fundamentals and strategy of the game but he gave them that will to win. I think this had a great deal to do with their progress to the NCAA final. They couldn't overcome the center problem but used their pattern basketball to win sometimes and a scramble offense to win others. "Don May is a basketball player who can't be replaced. He's that rare combination of All-American talent and AllAmerican boy. He can do lots of things and do almost nothing badly. Inch for inch, I feel he's the greatest rebounder in college basketball -maybe the greatest of all time. "Hooper was the number one scrambler. He set the pace for this team. Sadlier's defense had a good effect on the team and he eased some of the burden on May. Klaus gave the team a good pickup in key situations including the regular-season game against Xavier, and the tournament games against Tennessee and North Carolina. They were truly the Scourge of the South in that tournament." (Editor's note: The Flyers licked Western Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia Tech, and North Carolina in the NCAA. Southern writers seriously dubbed them " The Scourge of the South.") (Cont. Page 45)
This sign at rally shows how Dayton fans felt about the Flyers who made the NCAA finals.
Captain Gene Klaus brings the second place NCAA trophy to the fieldhouse rally. The Flyers pause at head table as the fans welcomed them in proper style.
The Flyers received a royal welcome home and Dayton Mayor Dave Hall gave them keys to the city.
Dan Sadlier, left, says "No. 1" while Bobby Joe Hooper, right, says " In 1968." Occasion was Chamber of Commerce Dinner for team.
1966-67 University of Dayton Basketball Squad which went to the NCAA Tournament Finals. First row, left to right: John Rohm, Rich Fox, Rudy Waterman, John Samanich, James Wannemacher, Captain Gene Klaus, Dennis Papp, Dave lnderrieden, Bobby Joe Hooper, Don May and Glinder Torain . Second row, Coach Don Donoher, Assistant Coach Chuck Grigsby, Assistant Coach Chuck lzor, Dan Sadlier, Dan Obrovac, Ned Sharpenter, Tom Heckman, manager Joe Emmerich, Manager Dave Borchers, Athletic Director Tom Frericks.
Don May, All-America 1966-67
As mentioned in the regular story on athletics at UD, spring sports had only reached the midway point when the Alumnus had to be prepared for May publication. They will be covered in the July UD Report. The August Alumnus will cover the 1967 prospects in football and soccer.
1966-67 Freshman Basketball Statistics Name and Position Janky, George, C Francis, Jerry, F Gottschall, Ji m, G Blevins, Mike, F Gottschall, Jerry, G Leffel, Mike, G Turnwald, Stev e, G Bernard, Don, C Heeney, Tom, F
21 21 21 21 21 19 21 13
14 21 21
TOTALS OPPONENTS REBOUNDS Janky Blevins Francis Gottschall, Jerry Gottschall, Jim Turnwald Leffel
1966 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SOCCER TEAM First row, left to right: Coach Shaw Emmons, Joe Alfano, Lenny America, Mike Sinclair, Jack Hess, Denny Sulick, Richard Carson, Elie Saleeby, Richard Nosse, John Moon, Coach Bernie Harawa. Second row, left to right: Mike Thompson, Charles Ezendu , Rich Dyjack, Roger Fuchs, Bill Klesse, Festus Muundjua, Bill Cheney, Patrick Obiaya. Top row, left to right: Doug Morgan, Pete Meier, Robert Pierce, David Loftus, John Black, Carlos Fort, Alfredo-Rizo Patron.
Bobby Joe Hooper scrambler
329 177 174 133 107 105 40
15.7 8.4 8.3 6.3 5.1 5.0 2.1
RECORD : 20-1 NCR Mi ami E. Kentucky Kentucky Ohio U. Louisville Millers Mkt. Bowman's Xavier C incinnati Kentucky Louisville
102 66 77 69 95 83 129 117 95 70 97 84
159 290 156 333 130 253 97 238 104 215 60 114 42 102 16 37 7 27 771 1609 597 1570
.548 54 94 .468 37 61 .514 58 74 .408 72 127 .484 51 70 .526 19 25 .412 17 31 .432 4 14 .259 1 5 .475 313 501 .380 270 433 REBOUNDS Bernard Heeney Team TOTALS OPPONENTS
73 59
80 108
92 58 74 63 71 74 46 85 56
66 86 70 85 11 2 87 1855
.574 .607 .784 .567 .729 .760 .548 .286 .200 .625 .624
372 349 318 266 259 139 101 36 15 1855 1464
39 13 104 1219 943
3.0 0.9 5.0 58.0 44.9
Jerry's YMCA Hall's Mkt. Miami Cincinnati Eastern Ky. Xavier Eaton M erchants Jacob's Movers Detroit Totals
17.7 16.6 15.1 12.7 12.3 7.3 4.8 2.8 1.1 88.3 69.7
94 65 58 80 63 76 74 64 1464
1966-67 FLYERETTES Kneeling, left to right: Alice Lechler, Donna Barnett, Helen Tunney, Mary Beth Wertz, Cheryl Lantz, Mary Ann Baker, Jet Steurle, Sheila Murphy, Connie Moore, Patty Furness, Ginny Vicario, Mary Ellen Deylang, Sue Veihdeffer, Pat Hayes, Pam Moore. Standing, left to right: Carole Kraus, Mary Jane Watkins, Kathy Klopf, Pat Weber, Pat Wilcox, Janet Scherger, Barb McKenna, Pam Pilat, Pat Pilat, Marge Lange, Dale Koepnick, Dinee Grubenhoff, Camille Balawejder, Jane Mullins. (Cont. from Page 43) "Waterman and Torain," Clark continued, " defy the script. They either kill you, or cure you . I think overall they cured the team more than they killed it. When things looked at their worst, they came on and took over. I like to refer to them as the "free lance corps." When UD's patterns broke down, the "free lance corps" took over. I think Obrovac was learning during the season . He helped defensively several times. "I think, too, the key word in UD athletics now will be organization . You can see it all through the program . The coaches showed tremendous ability to adjust. McVay adapted to situations. Donoher played to his talent and used situations to his advantage. "One can think no longer of UD as a patsy in Ohio collegiate circles. Teams now have to point for UD. This'll make it even harder for Dayton to win but, I feel, it is a commendable and healthy situation ." Clark had finished his observations. He hadn't covered the 6-6 ice hockey team wh ich made the Midwest Hockey Collegiate Conference playoffs for the second straight year.
UD's all-star soccer player and record-holder, Pat Obiaya, from Marianist school in Asaba , Nigeria. He holds such scoring marks as one game (7 against Notre Dame), seasonal and career, 25, all in his first season on Flyer soccer team.
He didn 't cover the spring sports because baseball, golf and tennis were only at the halfway mark in April when this story went to press. All three were around .500, a good mark. Clark did observe that " the UD athletic department adjusted to the trimester system and carried on spring sports in the best manner possible. They didn't give up and say 'let's quit spring sports.' They decided the best possible solution was to play a crash schedule in April and hope for the best. "You've got to admire that attitude," he concluded.
1966 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON FOOTBALL TEAM Left to Right: First Row: Mike McKeever, Tom Stangle, Bob Kocher, Bob Print, Bob Shortal, Jim Blubaugh , Doug Jones, Tom Gorius, Marty Coates, Ken Conliffe. Se.cond Row: Mel Taylor, Bob Lowe, Dennis Buchert, Barry Profato, Bill Mayo, Denn is Balbach, Dick Faucette, Pete Richardson, Jim Schmalz, Dan Kramarczyk, Theron Sumpter. Thir9.' Row: Jim Place, George Kohl, Felix Carmello, Bob Thomas, Tom Ledinsky, Mike McCall , Joe Dahm , Jim Petrigala, Bob Madden, Jerry Biebuyck, Gary Preisser, Gale Wiesenhahn . Fourth Row: Jim Siewe, Don Ragon, Mike McGinnis, Mike Nelson, Greg Bringard, Mike Wilson , Tom Kavanaugh, Bernie Kress, Dennis Schaffer, Greg Pasco, Bill Manley, Alan Shatten. Fifth Row: Dan Andrick, Dennis Graf, Tom Goodwin, Ray Bachus, John Flynn, Kieran Kelly, George Ferlic, Glen Watterson, Bill Thompson, Harold Olds, Tony Wittbrodt, Chuck Muzi, Dick VanJara, Joe DePalma .
Varsity D officers and board of directors. are: seated, left to right, Jack R. Brown, treasurer; Lou Silverii, vice president; Pat Maloney, president; and Joe Accrocco, secretary. Back row are Gene Westendorf, Bernard (Beano) Keiter, Jim Raiff, Jim Currin, John Horan, Jerry Raiff, Arlen Bockhorn, Joe Quinn, and Don (Butch) Zimmerman. A LETTER FROM PAT . . . . . .
Some events for you:
BOX 401,
Annual Varsity "D" Stag Picnic Inland Recreation Center Needmore Road Friday, May 26, 2 P.M. 'til ?? Plenty Food and Refreshments Jim Currin, Chairman $3.00 Per Person
Golf Stag River Bend Golf Club Thursday, June 29 Phone for Reserved Tee Time Dinner at the Landmark Rathskeller Butch Zimmerman, Chairman $12.00 Per Person $7.00 Dinner Only
Homecoming Cocktail Party Saturday, October 21 Flyer's Hangar After Game Lou Silverii, Mike Haley Co-Chairmen C.O.D. Bar
Dear Varsity "D" Members: Perhaps, I should include prospective members . All you letter winners are eligible for our organization. This is the first of our general newsletters which will appear in the Alumnus. We certainly appreciate this privilege and are very grateful to Mr. Joe McLaughlin and his staff. To briefly summarize the history and purpose of our organization for those who are not familiar with its origin, the Varsity "D" Club was incorporated in August of 1949 and had a short uneventful existence. Then, in May, 1963, under the guidance and initiative of John Chaney, the club was reorganized and a board of directors selected. We are now in our fifth consecutive year with the expectation of it being our most successful. Our paid membership is at its highest and our social calendar the most interesting it has ever been. Our purpose and desire is to create a growing and continuing spirit of friendship between former athletes and to promote and perpetuate the athletic program of the University. Therefore , if you earned a letter "D" at the University, regardless of whether it was a major or minor sport, you are eligible for membership. If you do not have your 1967 membership card, send your check for $2.00 to the Varsity "D" Club, University of Dayton, Box 242, Dayton, Ohio, 45409 and become an active member. Sincerely,
And there is the Champagne Dinner Dance on Friday, December 8, in the Kennedy Union. More on this later. Try to make these parties. We have "mucho" fun.
1966-67 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON MARCHING COEDS Left to Right: First Row: Sandy Slagel, Kathy Weigert, Karen McGilvery, Karen Finn, Marie Pagnozzi, Joy Neuer, Terry Henderson, Judy Altman, Kathy Busch, Vicki Fraser (Captain). Second Row: Cheri Ambrose, Becky Radel, Jeanne Mackey, Mary Lou Dana, Pat Serfin, Mary Lou Brinck, Mary Alice Ross, Dona Walter. Third Row: Martha Robinson, Diane Keller, Pam Kling, Sandy Pertekel, Sherri Mathes, Barbara Weber, Barbara Bailey. Absent: Pat Skalka.
Henry N. Kuntz, Sr., '31-father of Henry N. Kuntz,. Jr.~ '65-January 27. Mr. Kuntz was President of the Mramr Cigar and Tobacco Company in Dayton. Harry B. Harn '25-President of the U.S. Brush Company, Omaha, Nebraska-May 23. Edward J. Walter '05-February 6. Joseph G. Jeckering '05-February 15. Henry R. Schneider, Jr., '39- October, 1966. Donald Y. M. Lau '51-February 13. John E. Monnig, M.D. '08-February 25. Practiced medicine in Akron, Ohio, for fifty-two years. Joseph E. Mayl '06-retired, was Vice President of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio-:-Mar~h B. Mr. Mayl received gold medals for excelle~ce m La~m Studies, Philosophical Studies, and Grammatical Studres while a student at SMI. Brother of Eugene A. Mayl '20 an.d the late Rev. Robert Mayl, S.M. '06, and the late J. Elhs Mayl '08. Michael J. Gibbons, Sr., '02-Honorary Chairman of the Board of the M. J. Gibbons Supply Company, who served as president of the UD Lay Board of Trustees and received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from UD in 1933. In 1960 Mr. Gibbons was named knight commander of the Order of St. Gregory, a title conferred by the Pope upon Catholics who are distinguished for personal character and reputation and for notable accomplishments. Mr. Gibbons was a founder of Corpus Christi parish in Dayton and was instrumental in the building of Good Samaritan Hospital. Father of Michael J. Gibbons, Jr., '48 and Samuel J. Gibbons '48-March 17. Captain William H. Hosea '65 MBA-C-47 Aircraft Commander of plane named "Dragon Ship" which was downed by Communist ground gunners twenty miles east of DaNang, Vietnam, the week of March 27. Captain Hosea. was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. Lawrence C. Bucher '11-former Dayton banker and later executive of Cincinnati financial institutions - April 4. Brother of Leo A. Bucher '26. Herbert Y. Hart '28-September 24, 1966. Mr. Hart was Sophomore Class President in 1925-1926 and President of the Monogram Club in 1927-1928. Edward W. Hoyne '03-one of Dayton's oldest funeral directors-April 13. Raymond G. Helmig '23-former owner-manager of The Evans Cartage Company in Dayton-April 20. Father of Gerald R. Helmig '49. Mrs. Emilie Coberly, mother of Anita Coberly Shultz '51-January 28. Mrs. Lu Vada Ackerman, mother of Howard T. Ackerman '59-January '29. Carl E. Hohl, father of Richard F. Hohl '64--January 29. AI J. Berberich, father of Ullainee H. Berberich '54 and Sister M. Rose Carmel Berberich, SFP '59-February 2. Edward W. Hoyne, Jr., son of the recently deceased Edward W. Hoyne, Sr., '03-February 2. Benjamin D. Fondiler, father of Samuel I. Fondiler '43 and Lester C. Fondiler '50-February 5. Ambrose I. Schumacher, brother of the late Rev. Alphonse L. Schumacher '13-January 20. , Charles Carney, father of Patrick G. Carney 63-December 25. Bernard A . Decker, father of Colonel Nelson I. Decker '30-February 17. , , Arthur A. Spoerlein, father of Charles R. Spoerlem 51February 14. Mrs . Helen M. Henz, mother of Edward C. Henz '43February 15.
Mrs. Norma 0. Heuker, sister of Sister Dolores Marie Wuebker, SFP, '59 and mother of UD student Robert H. Heuker-February 18. Miss Alma L. Deis, aunt and guardian of Mary Louise Westbrock Lubinski '61, Barbara Anne Westbrock '66, and Thomas R. Westbrock '54-February 21. Jerome Z. ~pstein, Sr., father of Jerome Epstein, Jr., '49February 21. . Robert C. Solimano, brother of Harry B. Sohmano '07February 26. Mrs. Adele E. Potts, mother of Franklin E. Potts '27February 27. . . Alexander M. Georgiev, father of Madehne Georg1ev Rawson '43-February 27. Kurt C. Butz, father of Raymond C. Butz '56-March 1. Mrs. Carmen Quizano de Anduze, mother of Richard A. Anduze '45-February 19. Mrs. Brenda K. Carlson, mother of Jo Anne Carlson '56March 6. Bernard J. Cramer, Sr., father of Bernard J. Cramer, Jr.-March 5. Howard C. Bear and Charlene Bear, father and sister of Eugene F. Bear '63-in house fire-March 5. John L. Homan, father of Jack L. Homan, '43 and William V. Homan '48-March 3. Mrs. Josephine Kozlowski, mother of Walter J. Kozlowski '55-March 4. Ann Marie Currin, 41/2-month-old daughter of Judy and James A. Currin '53-March 2. Anthony H. Massing, father of Jeanette Massing Flohre '62 and Leonard J. Massing '58-March 7. Mrs. Marian R. Walther, mother of Paul R. Walther '63March 6. Joseph Berg, father of Ronald J. Berg '52-in February. Harry Mendelson, father of Barry Mendelson '65. Ernest Selig, husband of Lucy Freudenthal Selig '43March 7. Barton L. Darling, Sr., father of Jerome P. Darling '64March 10. Mrs. Rose V. Seidl, wife of the late Lawrence J. Seidl '14-March 20. Louis A. Supensky, brother of Colonel John A. Supensky '24--March 20. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Condron, mother of Henry J. Condron, Jr., '50-March 20. Mrs. Ida Michitsch, mother of John F. Michitsch '65 in February. Edwin F. Doerfler, father of Thomas E. Doerfler, Ph.D., '59, March 23. Mrs. Victoria Zaenglein, mother of Ralph J. Zaenglein '33-March 1. Joseph A. Pappalardo, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry at UD and husband of Agnes Arata Pappalardo '63-March 29. Mrs. Ruth E. Ayres , mother of James G. Ayres '37March 30. Walter M. Shiverdecker, husband of Miriam Schneck Shiverdecker '43-March 31. Doctor Hans F. Plaut, husband of Erika Salzburg Plaut '53-April 6. Charles L. Mott, father of Charles F. Mott, Ph.D., '61 and Thomas P. Mott '66-April 5. Lawrence 0. Kremer, father of Joan Kremer Scharf '56March 25. Newton L. Vlerebome, father of Martha T. Vlerebome, '38-April 8. Robert E. Cooper, Sr., father of James D. Cooper, D.D.S., '51, Michael H. Cooper '52 and Robert E. Cooper, Jr., '50April14. Mrs. Mary V. Fecke, mother of Joseph W. Fecke, Jr., '56 - April17. William H. Moosbrugger, brother of Louis E. Moosbrugger '00-April 18. Mrs. Matilda Heitkamp, mother of Sister Marie Heitkamp, SFP '61-April 19.
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President . . .. ........ Jerome E. Westendorf, '43 Vice President ..... . .. .... . James J. Gilvary, '51 Treasurer . ................. Barth J. Snyder, '34 Secretary ........ . .. . ... .. .. . Mary M. Shay, '44
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Jack R. Brown, '26, Dayton Robert L. Conger, '57, Cincinnati L. William Crotty, '52, Dayton Richard H. Finan, '54, Cincinnati James E. Uttermohlen, '51, Dayton Herbert E. Whalen, Jr., '59, Dayton Edwin
J. Zwiesler, '45, Dayton
John C. Kussman, '43 Donald E. Ruhl, '47 U.D. President, Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., '36 Past President, Alumni, Paul J. Heckman, '38 Bro. Austin
J. Holian, '31
Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, '27
NOW AVAILABLE! ALUMNUS STAFF Editor .... .. ....... .. JOSEPH J. McLAUGHLIN Assistant to Editor DOLORES McANESPIE, '51 Regular Contributors
Alumni . ...... . . ... . Mary M. Shay, '44 Development ..... ... Gary Shepherd, '65
That March ALUMNUS cover, a four-color aerial view of the UD campus, received much comment from alumni, friends, benefactors, etc. It was taken last October by Roland J. Strong of UD's Graphic Arts Department from the WH/0-Radio Air Scout during its afternoon traffic report over Dayton. The helicopter made six swings over UD for our photographer. This service was graciously donated by Lou Emm, WHIO program director. The picture, incidentally, is available for framing and can be purchased from the U.D. Bookstore for 25c. Enclose five cents additional if picture is to be mailed.