reverts to their school days again.
This year our Student Government has planned the usual full schedule and has labeled the product. Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow. What they want to do, particularly in the parade, is recreate some of the flavor of the UD of Yesterday, show what it is like Today, and project into the Tomorrow. It should be interesting. They've taken on a hard task but, like you young 'uns when you were in school, the seemingly impossible is always accomplished.
the chapters with Alumni Secretary MARY SHAY
The summer is not even half over as I write this but when you read these lines it'll be around the first of September. That is the time of the year when we start thinking of Homecoming. That's the fun time of the school year. Everyone sets aside their problems and
It is too early to go into any more detail. Each year the alumni list for Homecoming increases. You'll be getting reservation blanks, etc., from us so please fill them out early. We're always looking to make the registration, the alumni mass, the dinner, the football game reservations, and the dance the BIGGEST EVER. Let's join the parade to Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow.
* * * * *
Members of the 1928 Prep Class scooped Homecoming and held their 40th Class Reunion on Saturday, June 22. The "ARKERS" scheduled a 4:00p.m. Mass in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. Rev. Louis Wiesner, S.M., Cleveland and Rev. Thomas Clayton, C.PP.S., Carthegena, con-celebrated the Mass, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. Clarence Leibold, Coldwater, attending. Following the Mass- the "ARKERS" did their traditional march- and paid their respects to the "ARK" - -known to younger alumni - as the "old" R.O.T.C. Building - later the Registration Center and the Theology Building. A cocktail party and dinner followed in the Kennedy Union. A special vote of thanks to Mr. Walter Piekutowski for all his efforts in organizing this reunion which was enjoyed immensely by all those in attendance.
The "ARKERS" (Total of 102 Graduates) Name Au f d erheide, Vinc ent A., (Dr.) Boehmer, George H. Burdg, Ralph P.
Rev. Louis Wiesner, S.M., celebrant for 40th reunion mass of the 1928ers, center. To his left is Rev. Thomas A. Clayton, C.PP.S., co路celebrant. Seated is Rt. Rev. Msgr. Clarence Leibold.
The '28ers head for "The Ark."
Address 5916 Yarmouth Dr.- Dayton 519 Apache Ave. - Carpentersville, Ill. 60110 Box 269 RR#1 (Union Rd.) Clayton, Ohio 45315
They pose for a group shot. All young, handsome and debonair looking, eh!
C layton, Thomas A., C.P.P.S. (Rev.) Connelly, John R. Doudican. Charles T . Eifert, Eugene U. Emerick, Stephen J. (Prof.) Ford, Charles C., (Rev.) Froehle, John B. Glaser, Lawrence J . Grove. Raymond A. Hippie, Nevin H . Horobin , George C. Hunter, Norbert B., Sr. Kirk, Vinton C. Koehler. Richard S., (Dr.) Korte, Thomas H. Lei bold, Clarence F. (Rt. Rev.) Lienesch, Paul E. Loges, Edwa rd G. McBride, Robert L. (Judge) McCarthy, Daniel R. McNally, James J. Merz, Robert L. Miller, Richard C. Sr., (Dr.) Muth, Howard W. Pfander, Charles J. Piekutowski, Walter V. Reboulet, Robert F. Redman, Richard F., (Rev.) Remark/us, Paul J.
Ryder, Richard Sch iemann. Robe rt W. Schulze, M a rtin P. Sch umacher, James C., (Dr.) Samsel, Clarence P., (Dr.) Sta ley, Howard V. Thiem, Joseph C. Weckesser, Ch a rles F., Jr. Wiesner, Louis, S.M ., (Rev.)
St. Charles Seminary Cartha路 gena Station, Celina, Ohio 110 Grandon Rd.- Dayton 361 East Drive - Dayton 329 Delaware Ave.- Dayton 115 Woodlawn Ave.- Dayton St. John's Church- Tipp City Ohio 54371 626 W. Rahn Rd. - Kettering 3801 Strathmoor Dr.- Dayton 2446 Cata l pa Dr. - Dayton 4 06 Herr- Englewood, Ohio 45322 4240 Wa llington Dr. - Dayton 309 Deeds Ave. - Dayton 4601 Carlysle Ci rc l e - Dayton 153 Squirrel Rd. - Dayton 1015 Chelsea Ave.- Dayton Holy Trinity Church, 116 E. Main St.- Coldwater, Ohio 2 5 W. Peach Orchard- Dayton 936 Val ley St.- Dayton 506 Kenilworth Ave. - D ayt o n 563 Greenlawn Ave. - Dayton 6700 Rush leig h Rd.- Engle路 wood, Ohio 45322 5532 Joycea nn Dr. - Dayton 242 Pamela - Dayton 12 1 E. Sc h antz Ave. - Dayton 5 132 Lauderdal e Dr. - Da yton 4196 Needmore Rd.- Dayton 68 Carson Ave.- Dayton Our Lady of Mercy, 545 Odlin Dayton 20 2 E. Wayn e St. - Celina , Ohio 45822 2 723 Rugby Rd. - Dayton Cha rl evoix, Michiga n 232 Rockwood Ave. - Dayton 2333 Shelte rwood Dr.-Dayton 4330 Wa les D r. - Dayton 601 Winding W ay - Dayton 950 Olive Ave. - Cincinn ati, Ohio 45205 605 E. Dorothy Lane - Dayton St. Joseph Marianist Facu lty, 360 E. !85th St.- Clevela nd
DECEASED Name Lawrenc e C. Erb ...... ........... ...... . Henry J . We stbroc k ........ ............ .. Joseph P. An ge re r .. ... .. .. ... ... .. Elwood G. Koo r s .. Frank E. Willhelm .... ... . Vincent W. Klosterm a n Patrick H . Cain ...... ... ... ..... .... .. ...... ... .
Date of Death . ........... .. ................ 1928 . ......... .. November 5, 1929 .. ...... .. February 12, 1935 . ...... February 5, 1936 . ..... . December 18, 1947 ........ .. .. .. . M arch 3 , 1952 . ... Decembe路r 30, 1952
.............. .... April 11. 1956 Elwood S. Lins .. ...... . ..... .... .April 22, 1956 Harry J . Schellhaas .. .July 3, 1956 Charl es F. Pauly .. ....................... . ...... January 15, 1957 Reverend Barry J . Dwyer . .. . ..... ...... .. ...October 5, 1958 Joseph H . Kin zig . .. ............... . . ......... ..... ... ....... ... 1958 Joseph DeVil/a .. .. . ... .... Ma rch 30, 1959 Leo N. Spatz . ............ December 15, 1960 John G. Cotter .... .... .. ... October 6, 1963 John T. Krick George W. Pfeiffenberger .. .December 15. 1964 . ..October 27, 1964 Aubrey Strosneider (Teacher) .. .... ...... .... .... .. . ... ... ...August 24, 1966 Charles F. Paquelet .. .. ............ Decembe r 15, 1967 Norbert J . Krimm .
List of Classmates for whom neither a current address nor status is known. Any information regarding these members will be appreciated for our class record and future use. Report to Walter Piekutowski. Sanford W. Bittner Carl E. Depenbrock James J. Drew Leonard J. Engle Howard C. Isley
James J. Mulhall Matthew S. Murray Ned R. Niemic Robert L. Staley
Aftermath of the 1942 Class Reunion was evidenced in Syracuse, New York . . . It seems that Joe McShane took some pennants back with him ... placed them in many restaurants in the city which h e frequents. Bob Butler visited with him - and w as amazed at the following Joe has developed for the Flyers in that area ... Friends of Joe's drape d the pennants in black prior to N.I.T .. .. P.S. The drape was quickly removed following our N.I.T. Victory.
HOMECOMING PROGRAM Saturday, Oct. 19, 1968 9:00A.M. MEMORIAL MASS Immaculate Conception Chapel
9:30A.M. REGISTRATION Kennedy Union- Main Lobby
4:00P.M. CLASS REUNIONS- Kennedy Un ion 40t h 路 30th 路 25th. lOth路 5th Year Cl asses BAND ALUMNI REUNION- Kennedy Union VARSITY D REUNION- Flyers' Hangar
COFFEE HOUR Kennedy Union- Foyer- 2nd floo r DEPARTMENTAL REUNIONS Kennedy Union
11:00 A.M. PARADE arrives on ca mpus YESTERDAY- TODAY and TOMORROWParade Theme
6:30P.M. HOMECOMING DINNER- Kennedy Union Presentation of Distinguished Alumnus Award 9:30P.M. HOMECOMING DANCE- Fieldhouse & Union
SATURDAY-October 19, 1968
AFTERNOON-meeting fo r alumni and planned
MORNING Business Meeting and planned activities for the wives.
activities for the wives.
AFTERNOON- Homecomin g Game EVENING- Cockta il pa rty and dinner.
EVENING- Homecoming Dance.
Co-Chairmen-Charlie Grismer and Don Riddle
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President .. . . . .. . . . Jerome E. Westendorf, '43 Vice President .. . .. .... . . James J. Gilvary, '51
Treasurer . .. . . .. . . .... ... Barth J. Snyder, '34 Secretary . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... Mary M. Shay, '44
BOARD OF DIRECT ORS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Robert L. Conger, '57, Cincinnati L. W illiam Crotty, '52, Dayton Rich ard H. Finan, '54, Cincinnati Dr. Mary Jo Huth, Ph.D., '50, Dayto n Dona ld E. Ruhl, '47, Dayton James E. Uttermohlen, '51 , Dayton
John R. W esterheide, '47, Dayton Herbert E. Whalen, Jr., '59, Dayton Edwin J. Zwiesler , '45, Dayton Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., '36 Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, '27 Past President, Alumni, Paul J. H eckm an, '38
i r
Dayton - Independent Businessman- Bachelor of Science in Me chanical Engineering-Partner Consolidated Equipment Co., DaytonAffiliated with Consolidated Equipment since 1955 -Member, American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Refrigeration Engi neers, Ohio Society of Professional Engineers, Producers Council and the Dayton Engineers Club- Past Board Member and President, Montgomery County Chapter, U.D . Alumni Association - Married - Seven children. DAVID L. FORD, '54
Dayton- Hospital AdministratorBac h e l or of Science- Masters, Hospital Administration, St. Louis University, 1956 - First Lay Administrator, Good Samaritan Hospita l , Dayton- Administrator, Cameron Hospital, Angola, Indiana and Bryan, Ohio, 1956-1958 - Assistant Superintendent, Muscatatek State School, Butlerville, Indiana, 1958-1960 - Assistant Superintendent, Dayton State Hospital, 19601966 - Planning Associate, Hospital Planning Council of the Greater Miami Valley, 1967 - Administra tor, Good Samaritan Hospital Member of the American College of Hospital Administrators, American Hospital Association, Ohio Hospital Association, Catholic Hospital Association and Board of Education, Holy Angels School - Married Four children. MRS. DONALD G. VARGA, '51 (Virginia MacMillan)
Dayton - Montessori educator Bachelor of Science in Education - Certified Montessori educator by the Association of Montessori Internationale and the American Montessori Society, 1961 - Member of the American Montessori School Visitation Committee and Midwest Teachers Training Program - President, American Montessori Teachers Section - Previously engaged in group work and recreation - Opened first Montessori - the Gloria Dei School for pre -schoo l and elementary
school children, Dayton, 1962 Past board member and Secretary, Montgomery County Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association - Married Two children. RICHARD H. FINAN, '54
Cincinnati- Attorney-At - LawBachelor of Science in Business Administration- LLB, University of Cincinnati, 1959 - Member of firm and partner, Boelter and Finan, 1959-1966 - Established his own law office, Sharonville, 0. 1966 Vice -Mayor and Councilman, Village of Evendale, 0. - Past President, Downtown Knights of Columbus Luncheon Club-Past President and board member, Cincinnati Chapter, University of Dayton Alumni Association - Married- Four children - Seeking re-election to th e National Alumni Board. OSWALD E. KOLLER, '51
Dayton - Certified Public Accountant - Bachelor of Science in Business Administration- Certified Public Accountant, 1960 - Affiliated with Cassel, Groneweg, Rohlfing and Clark. 1953-1963 - Self employed, 1963 - 1966 - Partner, Blakeney and Koller, Certified Public Accountants, 1966-1968- Member of the National Association of Accountants, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants - Secretary, Flyers Club - Married - Three children. DONALD E. RUHL, '47
Dayton - Engineer - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Registered Professional Engineer, 1952 - Previously associated with Harris-Intertype - Chief Equipment Engineer, Standard Register Company , Dayton - Board of Directors, Montgomery County Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association 1962-1964 President, Montgomery County Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association 1964-66 - Received the Montgomery County Chapter Service Award, 1966 - Married - Three children - Daughter at U.D.
CANDIDATES FOR THE ATHLETIC BOARD OF CONTROL JAMES G. AYRES, '37 Toledo- Beverage DistributorBachelor of Arts- Master, Ohio Northern University , 1960 Teacher and Coach, St. Rose and St. John's High School, Lima, 0., 19371940 - Assistant Treasurer, Ohio Service Holding Corporation, Canton, 0., 1940-1942. Colonel, Infantry, Army of the United States, 1942-1947-President, Seaway Beverage Co., Maumee Valley Distributing Co., Great Lakes Distributors, Toledo, 0., Hi-0 River Distributors, Steubenville, D.-Director, Progress National Bank, Toledo, 0., Greater Ohio Corporation and United American Inns., Columbus, 0. - Vicepresident, Wholesale Beer Association of Ohio - Member Varsity D - Married - Three children Daughter at U.D.
Hudepohl Brewing Company- Past Board Member, Cincinnati Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association - Married - Four children - Son at U.D.
LOUIS G. POHL, '44 Cincinnati- Realtor- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - President, Wood Realty Company, Real Estate Brokerage - Pohl Realty Company, Real Estate Holding Company, L.G.P. Company, Real Estate Holding Company - Director, Pohl and Company, Inc., Stock and Bond Brokerage - Director,
Dayton - Sales Representative Bachelor of Science in Education - Master, Ohio State University, 1946 - Backfield Coach, University of Dayton, 1946-1954 - Sales Representative, Peninsular Steel, 1954 to date. Past President, Dayton Agonis Club -Past President, Varsity D - Married - Two children Son at U.D.
Dayton- Chartered Life Underwriter-Bachelor of Science in Business-President, Dayton Chartered Life Underwriters Chapter- Member, National and Dayton Association of Life Underwriters - Board Member, South Dayton American Business Club - Manager, Dayton Cannarozzi Agency, Pacific Mutual Life - Active in Dayton "Y" Athletic Club -Member, Varsity D Currently seeking re-election to the Board of Athletic Control - Married - Seven children. JOSEPH D. QUINN, '42
FROM DAYTON: Linda Marie Loges OUT OF TOWN: Julia E. Belliard, Maca, Dominican Republic
Grace A. Janka, Cloverdale, Ohio Shirley Ann Mucherkeide, Greensburg, Indiana Patricia Anne Schmidt, N. Olmsted, Ohio Deborah Lea Van Dongen, Rochester, New York
FROM DAYTON: Henry Albert Reigelsperger BACHELOR OF ARTS
FROM DAYTON: James Francis Fitz, S.M. Robert Michael Funke William Francis Habjan, S.M. Robert R. Hancock Ralph Henry Holtvoigt, Jr.
William Edward Jost, Jr. Dolores Marie Krewedl James Charles Martin, S.M. Daniel Minogue Peter Joseph O'Grady, S.M. James Linn Schaefer
Robert H. Stricker John Philip Webb OUT OF TOWN: Robert Joseph Agostinelli, East Haven, Conn. Dean Jeffrey Andrea, Yonkers, New York Lynn Elizabeth Bedford, So. Euclid, Ohio Janis Ann Bello, Cincinnati, Ohio John Francis Blank, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Patricia Ann Bowen, Chicago, Illinois Stephen R. Brown, Painesville, Ohio Michael Barrie Campbell , Aurora, Illinois Maureen R. Cavanaugh, Streetsboro, Ohio John R. Condon, Fairview Park, Ohio James J. Crawford, Saugus, Massachusetts Barbara Jean DeSantis, Erie, Pennsylvania Don DiDonato, S.M., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania John V. Durgin, Baldwin, New York Jane Elizabeth Eaton, Niles, Ohio James F. Ensign, Rocky River, Ohio Robert Louis Fondiller, Madison, Indiana Joanne Marie Gantner, Rye, New York Sister Charles Marie Gitzinger, S.F.P., Cincinnati, 0. Richard Marcy Green, Oakland, California John F. Habjan, S.M., Cincinnati, Ohio Margaret Louise Hill, Fairfax, Virginia Willi am Thomas Kilkelly, Queens Village, N.Y. Lorraine Terese Kozon, Garden City, New York Thomas Clifford KFobot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ronald David Land, Bellfountaine, Ohio David Bernard Levendusky, Dubois, Pa. George S. Lewandowski, Calumet City, Illinois Gregory Charles Liddy, Fairlawn, New Jersey Joseph Richard Locker, Jr., Canton, Ohio
Jeffrey Peter Lynch, Brooklyn, New York Michael James Maginn, Claremont, California Dalma Marie Mansueti, Portsmouth, Ohio Michael Charles Matuska, Parma, Ohio Kathleen -McAllister, Columbus, Ohio Thomas Owen McBride, Euclid, Ohio David E. Melcher, Portsmouth, Ohio Michael Ellis Murman, Lakewood, Ohio Susan Terese Mylen, So. Euclid, Ohio Jeffrey J. Nolan, Arlington Heights, Illinois Margaret Ann O'Connor, Lincolnwood, Illinois Patrick Andrew O'Donnell, Brookyln, New York Theodore Francis Ostrowski, S.M., St. Louis, Mo. Sharon Ann Otto, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Joseph John Peranteau, Springfield, Pennsylvania George Herbert Pritchard, Jr., Columbus, Ohio Gerald Leon Quigley, Columbus, Ohio Carol Patricia Quinn, Mclean, Virginia Joseph Robert Scavuzzo, Quincy, Massachusetts Jeffrey Andrew Schmitt, Brookfield, Wisconsin J. Rhett Segall, S.M., Chester, Pennsylvania Linda Theresa Seifermann, Chicago, Illinois Mary Elizabeth Smyth, Franklin Park, Illinois Robert E. Stoltze, St. Louis, Missouri Rita Jean Surniak, Monroeville, Pennsylvania Mary Eustace Verhol, Alexandria, Virginia Sharon Lee Wilson, Wilmington, Ohio Philip Nicholas Witte, Indianapolis, Indiana Linda Elizabeth Worth, Centerville, Ohio BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS
OUT OF TOWN: Thomas Joseph Herron, North Olmsted, Ohio Velma Miller Shearer, Union, Ohio Anne Elizabeth Traynor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
FROM DAYTON: William L. Arnold Stephen Richard Delong Richard David Joyce Charles W. Kellermann, S.M. OUT OF TOWN: Robert John Cella, Merrick, New York Dennis M. Conti, Akron, Ohio Anthony Augustine DiNovo, Columbus, Ohio John Thomas Dorsey, Dallastown, Pennsylvania John David Engel, Toledo, Ohio Charles Okechukwu Ezendu, Onitsha, Biafra, Nigeria Tim James Gray, Amherst, Ohio Stephen J. Haverl, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania John F. Henderson, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania Richard Chester Kuziora, Bloomingdale, New Jersey Jane Winifred Lusienski, Omaha, Nebraska Mary Veronica Quinn, Rocky River, Ohio Steven G. Ripperger, Cincinnati, Ohio James Emery Rothermel, Canton, Ohio Kenneth Michael Ryan, New Lebanon, Ohio Luis Francisco Satta, Miami, Florida Ruth Ann Siefker, Columbus Grove, Ohio Glinder Latning Torain, Muncie, Indiana John J. Turnblacer, Butler, Pennsylvania
Full View of the 1968 summer graduates at the 118th Commencement in UD Fieldhouse
FROM DAYTON: James Gerard Bonanno Barry Lee Branch James lewis Bulcher John P. Carroll louis Bernard Folino Jayne Ann Helmig Warren Anthony Kappeler, Jr. Anthony John Kaskocsak John J. McKeon Gary Daniel Miller Ronald L. Overman, S.M. John Thomas Patterson, Jr. John Michael Reilly John Paul Rose
Seven of 12 Honor graduates at graduate dinner, left to right, James Crawford, James Fitz, S.M., Sharon Wilson , Patricia Bowen, Maureen DeBord, Dennis Conti, Martin Turk.
Ronald Frank Scheper Merlyn D. Shiverdecker Ferris Duane Terbay OUT OF TOWN: Walter lee Bennett, Zanesville, Ohio Robert Broderick Besinger, Marion, Ohio David Frederick Borchers, Ft. loramie, Ohio Lawrence Thomas Cappello, Arlington, Mass. Felix Andrew Carmello, Youngstown, Ohio James Robert Carney, Media, Pennsylvania Martin Bruce Csercsevits, Sparta, Wisconsin Mary Jo DeSantis, Erie, Pennsylvania Patricia Helen Dudek, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Brodrick Dunphy, Schenectady, New York Gregory Philip Gasson, Versailles, Ohio John Anthony Gauche, Cincinnati, Ohio Robert N. Gersicoff, Rochester, New York Andy S. Gyulveszi, Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada Kevin Patrick Harte, Brooklyn, New York Robert Maurice Hickey, Brooklyn, New York Julius Albert Hoeft, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Satyender Kumar, Panipat, India Thomas Leonard Kundtz, Mentor, Ohio John Joseph lent, Ridgewood, New Jersey
HONOR GRADUATES Magna Cum Laude M a rti n A . Turk, 1530 E. 256 Stre et, Euclid, Ohio , bac helor of c hemical engineering, 3.810. Patric ia A. Bowen, 7924 Constance, Chi 路 cago, Illinois, bachelor of a rts in psychology, 3.792 . Denn is M . Conti , 177 Corunna Avenue, Ak ron, Ohio, bach elor of science in computer science, 3 .792. James F. Fitz , S.M ., UD East Campus (Marianist College), bachelo r of arts in philosophy, 3.786. Stephen R. Delong, 5011 Free Pike, Day路 ton , bachelor of science i n pre-m edica l, 3.763 . Cum Laude J anis A. Bello , 7001 Moo refield Drive, Cinc innati, bachelor of a rts i n French , 3 .676. J an e W. Lus ienski, 48 12 W irt Street, Omaha, N ebraska, b achelor o f sc ienc e in computer sci ence, 路3 .666. Rich a rd D. Joyce, 5336 Glen don Lane, Da yton , b ach elo r of science in com puter science, 3 .621. James J. C rawford , 25 Mt. Vernon Street, Saugus , M assachusetts , bachelor of arts in soc iology, 3.593. Sharon L. Wilson, 1790 Hillc rest, Wilmington, Ohio, b achelor o f a rts in psyc hology, 3.583 . M aureen T . DeBord , 1672 Sue Avenue, Mi a mis burg, O h io , b ach elor of sci ence in ed uc ation, m ajoring in elementa ry educ ation, 3 .5 58. David B . Levend usky, 304 W. Sh erman Aven ue, DuBois , Pennsylvan ia , b achelo r of arts in en glish ; 3 .557.
Francis Thomas Toth, Buffalo, New York Ranvir K. Trehan, Dehra Dun, U.P., India Robert B. Wehrman, Centerville, Ohio Dwight John Zeman, Springfield, Ohio MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
FROM DAYTON: Richard H. Campbell William Preston Johnson, Jr. OUT OF TOWN: Wilbur Duane Bridenbaugh, Jr., Franklin, Ohio Antonio Reyes DelaCruz, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan Douglas M. Yeager Centerville, Ohio MASTER OF SCIENCE
FROM DAYTON: Joseph William Bozzelli Danny Lee Duberstein James W. Leffingwell OUT OF TOWN: Robert Leonard Belichick, Struthers, Ohio John George Chernega, Yonkers, New York William Claus Dierksheide, Toledo, Ohio Mathias George Schneider, Jr., Indianapolis, Ind. William Kenneth Smith, Rochester, New York MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION
FROM DAYTON: Sister Eileen Therese Breslin, S.C. Robert Richard Cannarozzi Denise P. Emmrich Ronald C. Emmrich Reo Arleen Eske Berneda LeMay Filbrun Mary Louise Hiatt Ted Oliver Kilmer Joseph M. Leigh Gordon A. Meyer Judy Ann Ray Carol Marie Shaw Thomas E. Wood
OUT OF TOWN: Sister Marcella Anibas, F.S.P.A., La Crosse, Wisconsin Sister Helene Bales, C.S.C., Lancaster, Pennsylvania Sister M. Carmella Bassetti, S.S.J., McKeesport, Pa. Sister M. Joanella Bennawit, S.C.S., Norfolk, Virginia Mary Andrianos Biddle, Englewood, Ohio Kenneth J. Brand, Cincinnati, Ohio Sister Sueanne Caton, F.C.S.P., Seattle, Washington Thomas Cimbura, Minneapolis, Minnesota Corinne Clements, Madison, Indiana Donald A. Dudek, Sidney, Ohio Sister M. Rhea James Fetterman, O.P., Detroit, Mich. Sister Mary Alacoque Fitzsimons, S.S.J., St. Augustine, Florida Sister Dwyn Griffin, H.M., Canton, Ohio Mary Jo Grim, Sidney, Ohio Angela Carney Ianni, Springfield, Ohio Sister Mary Donald James, C.S.J., LaGrange Park, Ill. Ralph A. Jerulle, Ferndale, Michigan Michael Hal Johnston, Union, Ohio John Stuart Juergensen, Westville, Indiana Sister M. Annette Juna, M.S.C., Reading, Pennsylvania David L. Kramer, Dayton, Kentucky Patricia Victoria Manos, Bellbrook, Ohio Sister M. Bernarda Maranto, C.S.C., Lancaster, Pa. Jeanne Marie Meiring, Ft. Recovery, Ohio Nelson L. Noggle, West Carrollton, Ohio So Bin Park, Seoul, Korea Elizabeth Marsh Payne, Fairborn, Ohio Sister M. Madelene Reiners, C.PP.S., O'Fallon, Mo. William Robert Schrack, Youngstown, Ohio Lowell Eugene Shepler, Osceola, Indiana Robert W. Westerbeck, Sidney, Ohio
FROM DAYTON: George J. Berner John C. Wurst OUT OF TOWN: Thomas Earl Miller, Chillicothe, Ohio Bachelors: 311 Associates: 8 Masters: 153
Jim Petrigala, B.S. In Education
George Parkinson from Los Angeles
Val Habjan, Judith Henlock, Masters of Arts
It was a pleasant graduation dinner for these nuns. Left to right, Sr. Gretchen Van Thiel, C.PP.S., Sr. Anne Schulz, C.PP.S., Sr. Carolyn Hoying, C.PP.S., Sr. Mary Anne Srode, C.PP.S., Sr. Priscilla Cuervo, C.PP.S., Sr. M. Madelene Reiners, C.PP.S., Sr. Rhea James Fetterman, O.P., and Sr. Eileen Therese Breslin, S.C.
Martin Turk, Top Graduate
cAntonio Reyes dela Cruz from Saipan, Marianas
William Fry . CPA from Dayton
Three of the five distinguished mi litary graduates pose with Major Aaron Crocker, who later received a
Master of Arts degree. Left to right are Albert Andzik, M ajor Crocker, Robert MacCary and Peter Maggiacomo.
RABBI RUSLANDER HONORED Rabbi Selwyn Ruslander, spiritual leader of Dayton's Temple Israel for 21 years and longtime friend of the University of Dayton, was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Humanities degree at the University's summer diploma exercises August 3 in the UD Fieldhouse. Rabbi Ruslander was cited for his continuous service to the Dayton community, devotion to servicemen through military chaplaincy, and his leadership on many councils and committees which benefited Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Negro and the poor. His volunteer work extended to local, national and international organizations and has taken him to many parts of the world. Among his accomplishments was the establishment of the Judaic Studies program at UD.
Gail, left, Bro. Elmer Lackner, Vice President for Public Relations; Judy, Mrs. Ruslander, The Rabbi, Father Roesch, Mrs. Rudolph Benson, Mrs. Ruslander's mother; and Rev. George Barrett, Vice President, are a happy group at luncheon .
Friends join Rabbi Ruslander. Left to right, Rev. John Harrington, Samuel Finn, Mrs. Finn and Rev. Edwin Weber. Both priests, UD professors, have studied in Israel.
Father Roesch leads Mrs. Ruslander and daughter, Judy, to the special luncheon for her husband.
Rabbi Selwyn Ruslander receives the hood signifying his honorary doctor of humanities degree from graduation marshalls. Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., beams approval at left. The Rabbi poses with family. Front row, daughter Judy, grandchildren Geoffrey, Douglas and Claudia Levin. Back row, son路in-law Rich ard Levin , Mrs. Ruslander, Rabbi Ruslander, and daughter Gail (Mrs. Levin). Another daughter, Mrs. Tressa Miller was out of town .
As lunch bega n Rabbi Ruslander, left, was surrounded by family and friends.
Rabbi Ruslander, left, shows interest in the graduation ceremony sitting next to Dean Maurice Graney of the School of Engineering.
Robert Hickey, B.S. in Business Administration
James Siwo-Okundi , Master of Business Administr.Jtion
Neil F. Looney, Jr. , Louisville, Kentucky Carmela Joseph LoParo, Cleveland, Ohio Carl H. Luerman, Richmond, Indiana Richard William Lutts, Norwalk, Ohio George F. McCans, Havertown, Pennsylvania Maureen Mary McGuire, Franklin Square , Long Island, New York William Harold Mcintyre, Sidney, New York Michael Edward Meisner, Cincinnati , Ohio Robert B. Meyer, Jr., Springfield, Ohio John Leo O'Grady, Indianapolis, Indiana Henry John Ol szowy, Cleveland, Ohio Paul Francis O'Malley, Cleveland, Ohio Paula M. Owen, Detroit, Michigan Raymond Henderson Owen , Detroit, Michigan Gary E. Prevo, Rome, New York William Raveis, Jr., Fairfield, Connecticut James Riehle , Milford, Ohio Michael Raymond Kevin Rourke, Worcester, Mass. Robert Luke Ryan, McKeesport, Pennsylvania Carl Stephen Schneider, Ind ia napolis, Ind ia na Luciano Victor Sclafani, Jr., Stamford, Connecticut James A. Smith, New Carlisle, Ohio Nicholas Francis Stabile, Jr. , Munhall , Pennsylvania John P. Stavish , Jr. , Emsworth, Pennsylvania William R. Stocker, Lancaster, Ohio Joseph Charles Stupakewicz, Jr., Salem , Mass. Michael Terrence Sweeney, South Bend, Indiana Thomas G. Tornatore, Clearfield, Pennsyl vania Joseph William Voska, Parma, Ohio Michael James Ward, Jr. , Cleveland, Ohio Raymond Ellsworth Wasarhaley, Glen Cove, Long Island, New York BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION
FROM DAYTON : Mary Alice Becker Suzanne Louise Beecroft Sister Martha Ann Bertke , C.PP.S. Judith Mary Besanceny Charlene Patricia Carroll Sister Christine Davis, C.PP.S. Sister Barbara Day, C.PP.S. Sister Joan DeChristopher, C.PP.S. Marguerite Ann Delcontivo Helen Patricia Dues Virginia Marie Eckert Joan K. English Patricia Ann Ghee Patricia Ann Gummer Beverly Sue Hartley Gerald Thomas Kandies Sister Kathleen Kochery, C.PP.S. Dori s R. Kunk Jacqueline Sue Mainous Arlene Ruth Martin Dorothy Eddy McCandless Michael F. O'Donnell Sharon Melanie Plunkett Kathleen Ann Quinlan There sa Jane Raponi Kathleen Mary Riley Sister Mary Agnes Schoen , C.PP.S. Sister Anne Schulz, C.PP.S. Karla Jane Scott
Robert Walling, Sr., Bac helor of Mech a nic al Engineering
George McCans , B.S. in Business Administration
Sister Mary Ann Srode, C.PP.S. Madelyn Marie Stem Anne G. Stevenson Constance Susan Voge l Deanna Loui se Ward Shirley D. Weller Sister Elizabeth Jane Westgerde s, C.PP.S. Mary Ann Wietzel Sister Nina Wolford, C.PP.S. Sister Joyce Ann Zimmerman , C.PP.S. OUT OF TOWN : Robert James Archer, Marietta, Ohio Sister Christina Bartsch, S.N.D., Reading, Ohio Richard J. Boesch, Reading, Pennsylvania Sister Roseann Bornhorst, C.PP.S., Hartland, Wi se. Patricia Anne Brannigan, Rocky River, Ohio Mary Kay Bruss, Toledo, Ohio Carolyn Ann Carper, West Milton, Ohio Barbara Sue Chamberlain, Sandusky, Ohio Andrew J. Courter, Xenia, Ohio Sister Priscilla Cuervo, C.PP.S., San Bernardino, California Joyce Ann Daum, Cincinnati , Ohio Maureen Therese DeBord, Miamisburg, Ohio Karen J. DeVito, Roche ster, New York Edward Francis Duffy, S.M., Brooklyn , New York Margaret Wil so n Gasson , Norwood, Ohio Sister Mary Lea Glaser, C.PP.S., St. Joseph, Mo. David Wayne Gordon, Rockford, Ohio Shirley A. Goubeaux, Tipp City, Ohio Mildred Ann Grenci k, Whiting, Indiana William V. Harris Ill , Northfield, New Jersey Susan Mary Heintel, West Richfield, Ohio Mary Jo Herkenhoff, Minster, Ohio Maria Christina Herold, Connersville, Indiana Martha M. Hess, Celina, Ohio Donald P. Hoffman, Columbus Grove, Ohio Sister Carolyn Hoying, C.PP.S., Falls Church, Va. Marjorie J. Israel, Lebanon, Oh io Sister Patricia Knapke, C.PP.S., Wapakoneta , Ohio Genita Loui se Lengerich , Chickasa, Ohio Herbert Joseph Lock, Wellington, Ohio Richard John Markows ki, Parma , Ohio Sister M. Michele McQueeney, O.S.F., Syracuse, N.Y. Thomas R. Mengelkamp, Cincinnati, Ohio Sarah Meredith , McKeesport, Pennsylvania Sue Anne Michael , Brookville, Ohio Virginia Frances Monte , Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Kathleen Loui se Moran, Richmond, Indiana John Alfred Muller, Paterson, New Jersey James Alfred Nee, New Hyde Park, New York Sister Ro se mary Nisonger, C.PP.S., El Cajon, Calif. James C. Petriga la, Medina, Ohio Barbara Jane Pier, Owosso, Michigan Mary Janice Plummer, Westmont, Illinois Gary Joseph Pre isse r, Orlando, Florida Ellen Loui se Raterman, Anna , Ohio Lila Mary Ri chter, Lodi, California Eileen D. Rindler, Maria Stein , Ohio Sister Lorraine B. Rohrich, C.PP.S. , Linton, N.D. Jerome C. Servaites, S.M., Covington, Kentucky Gail M. Shirley, Belmont, North Carolina An ita M. Splendore, Perry, Iowa Mary Angela Steigerwald, Cincinnati, Ohio Cha rles William Struh ar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania George Bernard Tuttle, Warren, Ohio
Charles Ezendu, Bachelor of Scie nce
Robert Cannarozzi, M aste r of Science i n Education
Charles Frederick Umstead, Coldwater, Ohio Sister Mary Gretchen Van Thiel , C.PP.S., Sedalia, Mo. Sara Beane Vanatta, Greenville, Ohio Si ster Benita Volk, C.PP.S., Linton, North Dakota Barbara Ann Week s, Valley Stream, New York Grace Julie Weitzel, Cincinnati, Ohio Sister Mary Elizabeth Wendeln, C.PP.S., Minster, 0. Wendy Elizabeth Wiedemer, Rochester, New York Ann Lee Wulfhorst, Delphos, Ohio Frank Joseph Yeranko, Ft. Wayne, Indiana BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ART EDUCATION
FROM DAYTON : Rita Maria Wellmeier OUT OF TOWN : Joh n R. Henry, E. Cleveland, Ohio BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS
FROM DAYTON : James Eugene Kolhoff OUT OF TOWN : James L. Cull , Portland, Indiana Anilkumar P. Patel, Surat (Guirat), India Richard Dennis Porco, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Wayne D. Ramsey, Englewood, Ohio Martin Alan Turk, Euclid, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Irene) Burnham , Master of Arts
Betty Schear, Master of Business Administrat ion
Glinder Torain , Bachelor of Science
FROM DAYTON: Jose Alfredo Boves OUT OF TOWN: Joseph W. Cortese, E. Cleveland, Ohio John T. Manclark, East McKeesport, Pa. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
FROM DAYTON : Robert l. Huff OUT OF TOWN: Norman Rudolf Berger, Euclid, Ohio Edward B. Hidalgo, Santiago , Chile Rameshchandra Manchand Modi, N. Gujarat, India George A Parkinson, Granada Hills, California Joseph Loui s Tain, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Howard B. Walther, Jr. , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania BACHELOR OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING
OUT OF TOWN : Robert Mulcahy, Riverhead, Long Island, New York BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
FROM DAYTON: Albert Louis Andzik, Jr. Charles Philip Bellanca Ronald Carmen D'Amico Roger A. Throckmorton , Jr. Oded Yoeli OUT OF TOWN: Emidio Cimini , Dublin, Pennsylvania Robert John Iannozzi, Conshohocken, Pa.
Edward Hidalgo, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Linda Loges, Associate in Business Administration
Charles R. Lovett, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Robert Franci s MacCary, Floral Park, New York Peter Joseph Maggiacomo, East Meadow, New York Daniel E. Maxwell, Clayton, Ohio Sandra McKay, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Anthony W. Pappano, Richmond, Indiana Wayne A. Rubey, Vandalia, Ohio Douglas Andrew Wilson, Wilmington, Delaware MASTER OF ARTS
FROM DAYTON : Gerald James Alred Aaron Crocker Mary J. Devine Bruce Elwood Hildebrand Philip Hogan Kelly Mary Carol McWhirt Nancy Lynn Reichelt Gerald Edward Reid, Jr. James David Spears Robert Stephen Tures Elaine T. Tenenbaum OUT OF TOWN: John Joseph Abraham, Methuen, Massachusetts Richard Rocco Bello, Plainville, Connecticut Ronald Ray Bergeron, W.F., Gresham , Oregon Leonard Joseph Brinkmoeller, C.PP.S., Celina, 0. Irene Brokas Burnham, Collingswood, New Jersey Peter Francis Burham, Collingswood, New Jersey Virginia Ann Davis, Centerville, Ohio Ronald l. DiSanto, S. Euclid, Ohio Michael Alfred Ferrigno, San Francisco, Cal ifornia Dale Emerson Floyd, Vandalia, Ohio Loraine M. Getz, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Valentine Victor Habjan, Springfield, Ohio Judith Henlock, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvannia Ronald Edward Hochuli, S.M., Honolulu, Hawaii Gerald Kirk Forseth Hoppe , Backus, Minnesota Peter Francis Jablonski, Milltown, New Jersey Paul Mitchell Joseph , New York, New York Sister Dolores Keller, S.S.J ., Detroit, Michigan Robert Jerome Kenney, C.PP.S., Celina, Ohio Sister Mary Michael Lappetito, R.S.M., Rochester, New York Ronald Edward Longpre, Holyoke, Massachusetts Kenny E. Lynch , C.P., Chicago, Illinois Mary l. Marchal , Greenville, Ohio Thomas Augustine Matthews, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. Alma May, Versailles, Ohio Sister Francine McGriffin, S.P., Indianapolis, Indiana Michael John Pasquarett, Warren, Pennsylvania John Albert Petuskey, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Anne Francis Preston, Centerville, Ohio Sister Agne s Vincent Rueshoff, S.C., Convent, N.J. Sister Joan Rutterer, S.C., Mt. St. Joseph, Ohio Richard James Schenk, Cincinnati , Ohio Galen Dwight Setzkorn, Vandalia, Ohio Kathleen Helen Whalley, Fort Collins, Colorado MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. (Denise) Emmrich , Master of Science in Education
FROM DAYTON : Hugh Edward Becker John Bernard Blanford
William Habjan , S.M. Bachelor of Arts
John Condon, Bachelor of Arts
Raymond C. Butz Wallace Conrad Buzzard Paul Michael Cunningham William Stiver Fry Taylor Herbert Henry Jonathan Weldon House William Repko Johnston John E. Kernan, Jr. Raul Maristany Richard E. Mort Robert E. Personale Jerry William Pitstick Donald J. Porter Barry l. Roberts Robert V. Ratterman, Jr. Betty Z. Schear Edwin Kershaw Simpson Ill Samuel James Swisher, Sr. Douglas K. Teegarden Gary Lynn Thibo Charles Edward Vanarsdall Charles Darden Whitaker Joseph R. Wilkins OUT OF TOWN: James l. Brown, New Hartford, New York Thomas Patrick Bruce , Dover, New Jersey David C. Cottington, Temple Hills, Maryland Earl Baten Hamilton, Columbia, South Carolina Robert Bennett Jones, Bellbrook, Ohio Louis Edward Keyes, Madison Heights, Michigan
Mr and Mrs. Raymond (Paula) Owen, 路 Bachelor of Science Business Administration Da vid P. Krantz, Massillon, Ohio Leslie Joseph Lawrence, Enon, Ohio Tommy Lon g, Portland, Oregon Franklin Wayne Longenecker, Richmond, Indiana G. Edward Martin, Kickapoo, Illinois John D. McDonald, Centerville, Ohio John William Melchner, Fairborn, Ohio Lawrence Michael O'Keeffe Ill, Springfield, Ohio Ri chard l. Scheu , Miamisburg, Ohio James Edwin Seaman, Cedarville, Ohio Terrance l. Sigman, Spring Valley, Ohio James Andrews Siwo-Okundi , Kenya, East Africa Charles David Steller, Germantown, Ohio
Al Mahrt, '12, an executive who wore many hats for the Mead Corporation over 39 years, has retired in all ways but one. He has not lost his enthusiasm for the world around him. A visit to his very lovely hillside home in Chillicothe, Ohio, leaves one with the impression that Al Mahrt, despite 75 years of life, could still wear those hats in a vibrant manner. When you sit on his comfortable sun porch, as Bro. Elmer Lackner, photographer Ed Morris, and the writer did in late June, you are face-to-face with an energetic human being who takes you to the early 1900's when he was a good student and top athlete at St. Mary's Institute [now U.D.J, down through the years as he climbed the administrative ladder with Mead, and to the present where he lives the quiet life on Cedar Lane.
Right- AI Mahrt.
Above -
The home on Cedar Lane, Chillicothe.
Center -
The sun porch overlooks a beautifully manicured back lawn.
Top - A view of th e Southern hills from Mr. Mahrt's porch .
Despite a keen, retentive mind for the past, it is the present which seems to interest him most. He talks of the business world today. He discusses the stock market with enthusiasm. He wants to know about the things which his alma mater and many other universities face today. He speaks of the student unrest in the colleges and universities and the social revolution around the country. He doesn't expound on his theories. He asks questions. He is a great listener, filling in a comment here and there. He shows a great understanding of the issues of the day. He takes a vital interest in their progress. But he speaks softly and lovingly of the old days. 'Tve lived a rich and blessed life," he says. "God has been good to me. I look back fondly on many friends ." Probably because of his visitors, he spoke principally of his life on the St. Mary's Institute campus and his connection with the school since that time. "In my memory, Bro. (Ferdinand) Leimkuhler, Bro. (Adam) Hoffman, Bro. (Bernard) Shad and Bro. (William) Wohlleben were the key faculty members at the school in my day," he says. "They w ere wonderful to me. I remember running errands to the library for some of them and I recall that Bro. Wohlleben started the chemistry program around our time. "When I go back to the school and look toward the NCR I envision all open field. That area is so changed today. "And," he recalls laughingly, "there were no women allowed around the campus in those days." In answer to a question he said: "We lived at 760 S. Main Street and used to walk to school every day." He developed his early sports talents playing on the lots around Franklin and Ludlow streets and Emmanuel Church. He has the facility to remember names. His relations include some of the city's famous families. His mother was a Schantz; his wife, Marcie, is a Niehaus. The year h e married Marcie she was named the prettiest girl in Dayton by the photographers club. This was in 1921. He played ball with Hugh and Norb Sacksteder, Al Schumacher, Ralph Baker and George (Babe) Zimmerman among others. Father O'Maley and Harry Solimano were two of his coaches at St. Mary's. Both Mahrt and Solimano are charter members of the University of Dayton Athletic Hall of Fame. He was the quarterback in football and one of the first passers in the history of
the game. He played with and against the great Jim Thorpe in professional ball. He was a guard in basketball and a catcher in baseball. He was on undefeated St. Mary's football and basketball teams. One of the basketball teams defeated the old Buffalo Germans for the "World championship." He didn't mention it but he once caught Jesse Haines, later a fine major league pitcher. "We used to play football after college with the old Dayton Triangles at Triangle Park where the baseball field is now located," Mahrt reminisces. "I played baseball at old Sucher Field on the West Side. One of those teams was the Lily Brews." In later years, a fan once remarked that "Al Mahrt and Sammy Baugh (former Washington Redskin great) were the best passers I ever saw." His friends will tell you he had a fine sense of responsibility, a great fervor and capacity for detail. Apparently these attributes stood him in good stead as he climbed the administrative ladder in the business world. As mentioned earlier he wore many hats at the Mead Corpo ration from 1928 until 1967. He was an accountant by trade and it was his capacity for detail and financial wizardry which helped the Mead Corporation become the giant it is today. As Mead grew, Mahrt would assume positions of treasurer, or president, or a director of a new subsidiary. He w as always a key planner in the absorption of divisions. When AI joined the Mead group its sales were around $1 million. In 1966, they had grown to $620 million. Upon his retirement on March 28, 1967, Mr. H. E. Whitaker, Board Chairman of Mead, said in part: "We will remember Al Mahrt as a superb athlete and one of the builders in Mead history . .. No man ever possessed more drive, honesty and integrity than Al and he became the very symbol of Mead's 'brown paper mills,' one of which now bears his name ... " Al had come a long way since the early 1920's when the Dayton Daily News editorialized : "He is quiet and gentle ... clean in his habits of life and in his thinking. He is considerate of other people's rights at all times ... " The Mahrt Mill in Mahrt, Alabama, among other things is a tribute to this U.D. grad.
The writer makes a point with Mr. Mahrt, center, and Bro. Elmer Lackner, right.
ROAD TO SUCCESS ... Lorenzo Harris, '51, is a man with a head for business and his know-how has led him to success. He is the owner of a thriving food market in Dayton and is planning to expand his operation by opening another store this month. Harris, who is a 1951 graduate of the School of Business Administration, opened his first store 14 years ago. He had seven years of supermarket experience behind him, but was unable to get the modest loan he needed to establish his business. Then he got his first break. The Negro couple who owned the building in which he hoped to open his market, sold the building to him without a down payment and advanced him a $2,000 loan to work with. Added to this was $600 he had raised on the sale of his car, and with this money he stocked the store and opened fm business early in 1954. He has come a long way since this "shoestring" beginning. His store, known as Ren's Market, was moved from its original location to its present site at 1233 Danner Avenue on Dayton's West Side in 1959. His brother now owns a store in the building Harris bought for his first venture in the grocery business. Since moving to his present location, Harris has enlarged the area of the store twice. Last fall, a $50,000 fire gutted the store and in the process of preparing for reopening, Harris made more improvements in the store facilities. Now the modern market is back in full operation and its owner is busily preparing his second store for opening. His success in business has grown financially from the $30,000 he grossed his first year to the $500,000 gross the store brought in last year. Harris has been active in the Urban League and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He is also interested in the Greater West Dayton Business Association, Inc., an organization that seeks to improve present businesses and encourage new business in the West Dayton area.
"AN AVALANCHE!" Robert Bruggeman, '51, and his wife, Jamie, were the top story in the Dayton Journal Herald on July 16 after Jamie had given birth to triplets - three little girls born the day before. As Bob put 'it: "Did you ever hear of an avalanche?" The girls, who doubled the family since there are two boys and another girl, were named Roberta Marie (five pounds), Jennifer Eileen (five pounds, five ounces), and th e littlest, Mary Geralyn (four pounds, eight ounces). It worked out well since daughter, Cathy Ann, obviously tired of two brothers, had already put in an order for "a sister." Of course, Daddy Bob always does things
in a big way so she's got three sisters. Bob didn't even cringe when he was reminded that it only means more diapers and eventually h e'll have to pay for three weddings. As he told the Journal Herald: "Life is going to be an adventure at our house." Bob, w ho is a French teacher at Fairview High School in Dayton, had been indirectly honored when one of his students, Pam Needham, placed first in the nation in a four-year French competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. Pam told the news media : "I owe everything to my French teacher. He's the only French teacher I'vP. had."
NO BARRIER ... Earning a doctorate in chemical engineering is no small chore, but Arthur R. Peck, '59, attained this goal despite total blindness. At commencement exercises on June 13, he was awarded his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn where he received his M.S. in 1962. This year also marked another first for Dr. Peck in accepting the gift of a seeing eye dog. He has been living in Brooklyn since his U.D. graduation and had been able to get around his neighborhood until the last several months. Five muggings led him to acquire the seeing eye dog, a female Collie-Shepherd guide dog, Yash. Dr. Peck, whose blindness has developed over a period of 20 years, was in the Merchant Marine during World War II. The 40-year-old veteran lost his sight gradually as a result of two fires on merchant ships during the war. While studying at U.D., he could only see under very strong light and with extra-thick glasses. The new Ph.D. accomplished his classroom and lab work at P.I.B. in seminars and special conferences . He also used his apartment as a classroom and received help from volunteer students and tape recordings. Much of his research work was brought to him by students who also typed his 120-page thesis, "An Analytical Approach to the Startup and Shutdown of Processes."
Dr . .Peck, with guide dog Yash, turns in his doctoral thesis to Professor Irving Miller at the Polytechnic's Computer Center.
In speaking of the future, Dr. Peck displays the determination and optimism he has shown during his collegiate studies. "I know my opportunities might be limited," he says, "but being blind isn't that much of a nuisance ."
FOOTBALL Schedule Home Games
Sept. 14 -Kent State, 8 P.M. Sept. 21 -St. Joseph's (Ind.), 8 P.M. Oct. 5 - Louisville, 8 P.M. Oct. 19 -Southern Illinois, 1:30 P.M. (Homecoming)
Nov. 16
-Toledo, 1:30 P.M. Away Games
Sept. 28 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9
-Bowling Green, 1:30 P.M. -Ohio University, 1:30 P.M. -Xavier, 1:30 P.M. -Miami (0), 1:30 P.M.
Here They Come!
Per Game
Season Ticket
Reserved Seats
Box Seats
Contact Athletic Ticket Office- UD Fieldhouse Dayton, Ohio 45409
Telephone 222路9866
The lifeline of the University of Dayton football success over the last two seasons has been a strong halfback offense. Take your pick -- a speedy little scatback or a bruising power runner - Coach John McVay has had both and he never hesitated using them. The fleetfooted Billy Mayo would run around and away from you and Mel Taylor, Bob Madden and Bernie Kress would run over you. You never knew which it would be but you knew it was coming. The only problem opponents had was trying to stop them. In 1966 the opponents weren't having much success at all and the Flyers racked up an 8-2 season losing only to Bowling Green and Miami of Ohio. Last season the Flyers strengthened their schedule and still finished 6-3-1 with Bowling Green, Louisville and Toledo handing out the defeats. There isn't any reason to feel that McVay will change his tactics this year especially since he has two fine runners returning at the halfback outposts along with the rest of his backfield from last year. Bob Madden and Bernie Kress, both native Buckeyes, will be carrying the majority of the burden from their halfback spots and they have proven in the past that they are extremely capable of getting the job done. Madden has been a starter for the Flyers during the past two seasons and has racked up enough yardage to have a real honest shot at the U.D. all-time groundgaining record. To date, he has pounded enemy lines for 968 yards and needs 603 more for the record. That total 603 would be under his sophomore output of 633 yards, but would still add some joy to the coaches lives. Kress started slow as a sophomore, not b ecause the ability w asn't there but because there were more experienced personnel ahead of him. He did indicate during his spot appearances that he would be hard to contain the following year and how right that was. Last season, as a junior, Bernie ran through opponents for 512 yards and a 4.6 yard average . He showed the strength of a fullback, but the moves of a fine open field runner. He led the team in touchdowns with seven and seemed to get stronger as the year wore on. With Madden at 5'10", 185 lbs. and Kress at 6', 195 lbs. the Flyers have the rugged, experienced halfback corps to ma ke McVay's run-oriented offense move and move well. As mentioned before the remainder of the backfield will return and it's the job of backfield coach Tom Moore to fit all the pieces together. The fact that all the starters are experienced veterans makes that job a bit more enjoyable for Moore. Jerry Biebuyck will lead that offense for the third consecutive year from his quarterback spot. He has fought off "all comers" and h as proved to be an excellent field general and a fine clutch passer, both long and short. Over that two year period Biebuyck h as completed 99 passes for 1490 yards and 10 touchdowns. His effectiven ess in throwing the "Bomb" has kept opponents playing a loose secondary which h as allowed the running game to click. His chief receiver from last year (speedy Billy Mayo) is gone, but Jerry will have a fine selection of receivers to throw to anytime the occasion arises.
Along with Kress and Madden he'll have as targets: ends Bill Tant (8 receptions for 117 yards in 1967) , Dennis Sidebottom (8 for 90 yards] and fullback Mike Wilson. Wilson has been used primarily as a blocking back and his size, 6'2", 230 lbs. makes him an excellent pathfinder. He is a vicious blocker who generally is credited with two blocks on play after play. His size also makes him a devastating short yardage runner. He has exceptional agility for a big man which allows him to go either inside or outside. The offensive line has lettermen Jim Stangle (tackle], Tom Kavanaugh (center), and ends Tant and Sidebottom. The defensive line has lettermen Jim Place and Jim Rudzinski at ends, Lou Galiardi and George Kohl at tackles, and Denny Graf and Joe Tyler as linebackers. George Ferlic will take over for the graduated Barry Profato at middle guard. The only veteran defensive back returning is Don Ragon 6'2", 200 lbs., but Ragon is a great one. He has the size, speed and desire to fit his role and the intelligence to make him one of the most respected secondary men in the midwest. Ragon will be joined in the defensive backfield by AI Shatteen, Mike Nelson and Tony Wittbrodt. The top sophomores include quarterback John Haynes, guards Mark Ellison and Rich Weigand, defensive end Dan Quinn, halfback Terry Miller and defensive back Albert Brown. McVay has made no promises of things to come. John McVay and his staff have given the faithful two big winning years in a row and they know that if it can be done again they will do it. Chances are they're right and the Red & Blue should finish "in the black" again in 1968.
BLENDING TALENTS Heather Jenkins Morgan, '58 handles three full-time jobs. She is the wife of Sam Morgan, sales representative for a Dayton printing firm , mother of a lively ten month old son Russell William, and to her many patients in the Dayton area, she is Dr. Morgan. All three roles bundled into one small package typify the life of this U.D . grad. Having a doctor in the family was nothing new for the Jenkins family. Heather's grandfather was a country doctor, her father was a Ph.D. research chemist and director of research at Monsanto Chemical Co., and both of her brothers are doctors - one an osteopath and the other a chemist. Heather was a biology major who after graduation went on to Ohio State University Medical School. Then she served as attending physician in the emergency ward at Miami Valley Hospital. It was during this time that Sam Morgan convinced her that a woman doctor needn't be a confirmed "bachelorette," so the two were married. Little Russell made the family a threesome last year and shortly after, Heather started a medical practice of her own. A general practice is just what Dr. Morgan wants. She enjoys having patients of all ages , children through grandfathers. Her patients seem to be considerate of the fact that she does have a family, so when they call her at home, she knows it must be important. Even though home is only several blocks from her office, Heather misses her son while she's caring for patients. She's looking forward to the day when a bigger office will allow her to have a baby sitter with Russell right in a room at the office. Then she can keep an eye on him first-hand. Equally at home wearing a brightly colored coat as she administers to her patients or in the Morgan house caring for her family, Heather performs her job- all of her jobs- well.
Dr. Morgan
APOLOGIES We finally did it. One of our graduation pictures in the June ALUMNUS was incorrectly identified so we'd like to set the record straight. Above left is a picture of Barbara Polito, of Rochester, New York, who graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in political science. Gungor Tokcan of Ankara , Turkey, who was identified in the cutlines under Barbara's picture, posed for us in the Physics Department where she is working for the
summer. She was awarded a Master of Science degree in Physics at the April graduation and returned to Turkey this summer.
championship teams at St. John's, he helped get the team off the ground. Then during the winter m onths he coached both the grammar school boys and th e Home boys in basketball. When his two teams clashed on the hardwood, the twin-team coach learned how to doubletalk. He had to console the losers and praise the winners. A sports committee was formed a t St. Camillus. There are now 250 boys entered and some fifty parents working behind the scenes. The 'stadium' complete with umpires, coaches and managers had fourteen teams ready for play on opening day. This spy can report to Brother Frank's superior that he is resting. When he is pitching to a batter he is only limbering up his arm. That cane h e carries is just for pointing and moving a fielder into position. When he accompanies a few dozen kids on the piano h e is just relaxing. When h e's in the midst of a bunch of happy boys he's not working- he's telling wonderful boy stories. For the record he's retired - but actually he still is busy bringing happiness and love to youngsters. But what else could anyone expect from Brother Frank? He is and always has been a giver. And best of all- the guy is contagious. God bless him and a million thanks to him and for him."
class notes by
dee • mcanesp1e
1938 1920 Doctor Carroll A. Hochwalt, St. Louis business and civic leader and former vice president for research of Monsanto Chemical Corporation, has been reelected to the Board of Trustees of The Catholic University of America. Since April, 1966, Doctor Hochwalt has headed the Survey and Objectives Committee of the CUA Board.
1922 D. Herbert Abel, Ph. D., has retired as professor at Loyola University of Chicago and is living in Miami, Florida, and teaching at Barry College.
1926 Jack R. Brown, Finance Director of Athletics since 1960, has retired from that post but is staying with the department on a part-time basis with the title of Ticket Manager. Jack, former UD gridiron star, has spearheaded all Flyer football ticket campaigns since '60 and has watched the number of season tickets grow to an all-time high of 4694 in 1967. It is generally agreed that Jack's dedication to the program has made that growth possible. He is also serving in an advisory capacity and is concerned primarily with the public relations asp ects of the ticket office.
1929 Brother William D. Busch, S.M., has retired from his position as UD treasurer, a spot he has held for eighteen years but is remaining as a consultant to the new treasurer. Brother has been a member of the S.M.'s for forty-two years. He was succeeded by Joseph M. Garcia '52.
BROTHER FRANK J. SPRINGMANN, S.M. Bro. Frank J. Springmann, S.M., was fea tured in Jack Butler's column, World of Sports, in May. Here are some quotes from it : "Brother has been a Marianist for some forty years and many of those years have been spent serving the boys of St. John's Home in Ro ckaway Park, N.Y. He has been teacher, principal of the school, athletic coach and dire ctor of the Home at one time or other. Brother recently accepted the suggestion h e retire but he isn't the rocking-chair type. So he asked if he might help boys. He looked around and found that a group of boys at St. Camillus, the local parish, wanted to play baseball. An able coach, having developed several
Thomas R. Armstrong is the new president of The Becker Electric Company of Cincinnati. Mr. Armstrong had been executive vice president of Becker for the past ten years. He joined the firm sixteen years ago as an engineer and estimator after nine years with the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
1941 The parents of Margaret Mess Baker celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in the UD Chapel on June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Mess, Sr., were married on June 12, 1918, in Indianapolis. Their grandchildren include Margaret Baker Ziehler '66, Richard A. Baker '64 and Daniel G. Baker '68. Their father was the late Jacob C. Baker '39. Gwendolyn Hollencamp Quinn was elected President of the UD Mothers' Club in June. Gwen is the wife of Joseph D. Quinn '42. The Quinn's son, Daniel, is a sophomore at UD and a member of the football varsity.
Friends Meet
Fred Aicher, '30, and Vincent Trunk, '26, relived 35 years in one r ecent week in July. The "old" friends from St. John's in Brooklyn saw one another for the first time since 1942 and the ALUMNUS can take credit for the Dayton visit of Mr. Trunk. The classnotes of the November issue mentioned that Fred was confined to his home and . would like to hear from old friends. Vinnie, who is a widower since 1963 and retired from the Newark, New Jersey, school system, read the article and contacted Fred. Through the mail they planned a summe r visit. Vinnie was h ere during the first week of July and the two men, who taught to gether from 1932 to 1942, went back over "35 years," according to Fred. Both men ar e Brooklyn boys and first met when they were teaching at St. John's. Fred and Sylvia, and Vinnie and Vera were good friends during those years. The two men were separated when Fred joined the NLRB in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1942. Vinnie was on campus to see old fri ends, Rev. Andrew Seebold, Bro. Bill Hellmer, and Bro. Thomas Poitras, among others. Both . Fred and Vinnie agree that this is one of the happiest weeks they've spent in many years.
1943 Paul M. O'Rourke, representative of the Fingerhuth Agency of The Ohio National Life Insurance Company in Cincinnati, was the r ecipient of a special commendation from the company president as a result of his outstanding performance during the company's recently completed annual president's month campaign of sales and service to policyholders . 1944 James A. Klopf and his wife, Phyllis , have moved to Palatine, Ill. Mr. Klopf is with Angell Manufacturing Company in Chicago . Brother Stanley G. Mathews, S.M., formerly principal of Chaminade High School in Dayton, is executive assistant to Father George Barrett, S.M. '32, director of Bergamo Center for Christian Renewal. Brother has been librarian at UD's Marian Library, principal of St. Joseph High School in Cleveland, and editor of the Marianist Magazine. He has published two anthologies : "The Promised Woman" and "Queen of the Universe."
1945 C. James Rowe, Jr., has retired from the U.S. Marines and is a salesman for Jim Flynn Sporting Goods in Dayton.
1946 Willis T. Browder received an MBA degree in management from Xavier University in June .
1947 Donald B. Butler, president of Butler Associates, Inc. , has introduced a packaged training program in basic sales techniques entitled "The Habit of Selling." The packages are designed for both business and industry. "We have been doing research for the last six years to develop these training programs. We can now furnish sound-slide synchronizer that uses a tape cartridge which contains the voice and automatically projects the slides. Low cost, but effective training programs are now possible." Paul E. Reichert, D.D.S., is the new treasurer of the Alter High School Athletic Association.
1948 James H. Finke, president of Pharm-0-Spot in Dayton , was honored recently in Florida for continued service to the board of Toiletry Merchandisers Association.
1949 Clement Grilliot, English and sociology teacher at Gettysburg High School, was awarded a fellowship to attend the Institute of American Studies at Ohio Northern University. The Institute, under the sponsorship of the Coe Foundation, ran for five weeks during the summer and was designed for teachers of social studies and English to stimulate new interest and present up-to-date material in American history, economics and literature. Edward G. Gmeiner has become a vice president at B. G. Danis Company, Inc. , in Dayton. Mr. Gmeiner, who was corporation assistant secretary and memb er of the management committee and purchasing director, retained his duties on the management staff and as director of purchasing. He joined the company in 1949. Carlton T. Warriner has been promoted to assistant vice president in the corporate trust department of Winters Bank. Mr. Warriner has been with Winters since 1949 and is responsible for corporate trust, pension and profit sharing plan administration.
1950 Joseph M. Sullivan received a masters degree in physical education from Xavier University on June 5. William B. Kenney is with the National Labor Relations Board in Memphis , Tenn. He and his wife , Dolores, have nine children-Norman, Terrence, Mary, Alice , Margaret, John , Anne, Joseph and Kathryn .
Fourth child , third son, Christopher Charles, to Doctor and Mrs . John E. Finke, February 28. Little Christopher was born on his late grandfather's (Harry F. Finke, Sr. '02) birthday. Eugene J. Huffman, D.D.S., is the new president of the Dayton Dental Society. He is also past president of the Am erican Society of Dentistry for Children. Elbert R. Darr has been elected chairman of the Parish Council at Holy Family Church in Dayton. He has been a member of the parish for sixteen years. Son to Nancy and Wilbur C. McCloskey, May 17. Fred H. Tuke, who operated Tuke Realty for the past twelve years in Cincinnati, has joined the sales department of Robert A. Cline Residential Inc., Northeastern Division . Mr. Tuke is specializing in home sales and in subdivision development. Richard J. O'Brien has been elevated to vice president and took over the new post of director of contract procurement at B. G. Danis Company, Inc. Mrs. O'Brien is Judy Stelzer '52. James L. McGarry has been named director of public relations for St. Elizabeth Hospital in Dayton. He has had more than eighteen years of experience in PR work, publication editing and industrial advertising. Charles F. Schrimpf, D.O., a staff member of Grandview Hospital , was a faculty member at a post-graduate course in ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology at the Kansas City [Mo.) College of Osteopathy and Surgery during the summer. Werner James Losh, composer whose Coronach was performed last February by the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, was given a grant from the National Endowments of the Arts. The grant was dependent on the work's being publicly performed and the purpose is to reimburse the composer for cost of copying instrumental parts for orchesral use. Martin G. LeBoeuf, D.D.S., received a masters degree from Ohio State in June . Fifth child, first daughter, Susan Marie, to Mary and Edward A. Fiely, July 16.
1951 Son to Joanne and Norman L. Rose, M.D., July 12. John J. Larish is district sales manager for professional photo products with General Aniline and Film Corporation. John, his wife Rose, and three children are living in Danville, Calif. Seventh child, fourth son, Eric Raymond, to Peggy and Flavian T. Becker, last August 21. James J. Gilvary was elected chairman of the new Advisory Committee on Equal Housing Opportunity by the Kettering City Council in June. When asked what the committee hopes to accomplish, Jim answered: "Our committee will strive to carry out the functions as set forth in the council's resolutions. These include determining the nature and extent of educational programs now planned or operating in Kettering, ascertaining what part the committee can play in a coordinating, reporting and liaison role, conducting or encouraging educational programs, studying the nature and extent of discrimination in housing sale or rental practice, cooperating with groups appointed by other area municipalities engaged in similar activities and participating in areawide programs and evaluating progress and making periodic reports that include recommendations ." C. Robert Andrews was named to a vacancy on the Kettering Planning Commission by the City Council in June. Mr. Andrews, with the UD Research Institute, will hold the post for five years. Son to Harriet and F. Parker McGee, June 12. Grete Dotzauer Edwards and her husband, Ray , are living in Northridge, Calif. They have three children - Robert, Bruce and Nancy. Bernard J. Otten was one of a group of secondary school teachers from throughout the country who participated in
a seven-week reading institute at Bowling Green State U. this summer.
1952 Joseph M. Garcia has been named treasurer of U.D. Joe received his CPA from the State of Ohio in 1959 and had been employed by the firm of Mumma and Mescher in Dayton. Since 1965, he has also served as a part·time instructor in the department of accounting. He succeeds Brother William D. Busch '29 who retired in May. Robert J. Westendorf has been elected Vice President of Administration for the Guild Life Insurance Company of America in Miami, Fla. Mr. Westendorf joined the Company as Director of Administration in January. He was formerly vice president, secretary and director of Bankers Financial Life Company and served that company and Bankers Security Life Insurance Society for thirteen years. The Westendorf's live in Hollywood, Fla. Ernest H. Wiedemann has qualified again for member· ship in the 1967-68 Million Dollar Round Table and also for the President's Club which requires personal volume production of a minimum of a million dollars. Ernie is with the Dayton agency of the Massachusetts Mutual Life In· surance Company. James L. Horvath has been named director of community relations for Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton. Jimm was editor of Manage Magazine and had also been on the public relations staff of the Mead Corporation. At Xavier's graduation ceremonies in June, Ken William Amlin received a masters degree in physical education.
1953 Katherine Nicely Baker was presented a plaque in May as "Woman of the Year" which highlighted National Hospital Week at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Dayton. Mrs. Baker has been on the nursing school faculty seven years and is an instructor in nutrition. Her interest in young nurses is reflected by the fact that she is student advisor of the senior class and has been vice president of the alumnae association. Her hobby is collecting antiques. Fourth child, Jennifer Lynn, to Dolores and Thomas A. Olberding, July 2. Robert G. Becker has be en hired as assistant superinten· dent of the Troy (0.) Schools District. He has held the position of superintendent of the Mad River Township Schools for the past three years but resigned in May. Mr. Becker stated that he is "looking to a real challenge" in his new post. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A . Kotlarek (Carole Ann Niebauer '56), May 22. Son to Carol and Jerome B. Bohman, June 13. Robert J. Hoffmann received a master of education degree from the University of Miami in June.
1954 Patricia and James A. Metzger announce the adoption of their third daughter, fourth child, six-year·old Charlotte. Daughter to Rosalie and James H. Common, June 28. Donald J. Donoher witnessed ordination ceremonies for his third brother to become a priest in May. Father Tom Donoher joins Fathers Edward and Paul who are both Basilian priests and high school teachers in Detroit. Father Tom had a highly successful Navy career as Paris attache, \Vhit e House aide und er Presidents Eisenhower and Kenned y and supply officer on the USS Hampton. He is now serving as chaplain in the U.S. Navy. Ernest R. Kammerer has a new assignment in Canada for Computer Sciences Corporation. A new contract with the Canadian Agriculture Department to provide a computer mail·in service for the Canadian farmer resulted in his moving to Canada to work on the project. "It will do much of the accounting for the farmer and will provide an immence data bank for researchers." Daughter to Suzanne and Richard E. Weidner, July 1.
Sr. M. Joanilla McClain, S.F.P., '54, Supervisor of Obstetrics at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Covington, Kentucky, had a surprise in April. She turned the surprise into a gift for the University's Kettering Challenge Gift program. Sister Joanilla attended a party and h er name was drawn for the $10 door prize. " ... I was quite pleased ," she writes to Father Roesch, "as I am seldom lucky . .. I asked Sr. Marie Bernard if I could please make a small sacrifice and send the $10 to you-to use in trying to meet the Kettering Challenge to the alumni ... know this is only a drop in the bucket but it is something." Father Roesch was quite pleased with Sister's generosity and her thoughts for her alma mater.
1955 Charles W. Howard has been named superintendent of utilities and construction at Frigidaire Division, GMC. He joined the division in 1956. Sister M. 'fherese Martin Hessler, S.F.P., has been appointed assistant administrator at St. Francis Hospital in Cincinnati. She was director of nursing service at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Dayton. Charles H. Ernst is with the Defense Contract Audit Agency of the U.S. Government at the Allison Division, GMC. He and his wife, Lois have three children-John, Lauren and Mike. James E. Hecker received a masters degree in education administration from Xavier University in June.
Army Doctor Frank F. Ledford was promoted to lieutenant colonel during ceremonies at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, in May. Presenting the insignia are his wife, Marilyn, and Colonel Donald Carle, commander of Munson Army Hospital at Ft. Leavenworth. Frank is chief of orthopedic surgery at the hospital. Alan P. Berens, Ph.D., is vice president of the newly formed Beta Industries, Inc., in Dayton. The corporation has been established to conduct scientific research and provide business management services. Alan previously had been associated with Technology Inc . as head of the analysis section. His wife is Lydia Powers Berens '57.
1956 Gene R. Weaver is a sales representative for Addison Wesley Publishers of Chicago. Gene and his wife, Judith, are living in Dayton and have three children-Michelle, Tracie and Lori. William Milim is with the H. H. Cleveland Agency in Rock Island, Ill. Bill and his wife, Sylvia, hav e three children- Ann, Michael and Patricia. · Daughter to Frances and Jack R. Muldowney, May 22.
Joseph C. Hiebel is assistant administrator of All Souls Hospital in Morristown , N.J. He e arned his masters in hospital administration from St. Louis U. in 1958. Jim Katcavage signed a contract for his thirteenth year of professional football with the New York Giants in Jun e. Brother Gerald W. O'Neil, S.M., has been named principal of Chaminade High School in Dayton. Brother, a native of Detroit, Mich., was on the faculty of Chaminade from 1956 to 1957 and again from 1965 to 1968. He has serve d as principal of Chaminade Preparatory in Canoga Park, Calif. , and held teaching and administrat-ive assignm ents at Chaminade HS in Mineola, North Catholic High in Pittsburgh, and St. Louis HS in Honolulu. Sixth child, son, to Barbara and Thomas E. Monnig, May 30. Andrew D. Dixon, senior high school counselor with Trotwood-Madison Schools, attended a vocational guidance seminar at the University of Cincinnati in July. Andy was one of twenty-th re e couns elors who worked with guidance and vocational education specialists to improve their effectiveness in assisting students. Father George W. Blasick, CPPS, has been appointed chaplain at St. Elizabeth. Hospital in Dayton. Father has served Holy Ang els Parish in Dayton and churches in Columbus and Detroit. He comes to Dayton from his Detroit post, assista nt at St. Anthony's parish . Virgil L. Gelormino married Sandra Marie Smith '66, July 20. He is teaching at Colonel White High School in Dayton.
1957 Sixth child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Riazzi (Ann Fitzgerald '59), May 3. Charles D. Schmelzer is a test engine er with Lockheed Missile and Space Company and living in San Jose, Calif. Major Linus H. Fiely was named an early graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College in May at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. The early graduation allows him to report to his next duty station prior to regular graduation exercises . He is assigned to th e Army Aviation School, Ft. Rucker, Ala., for further training before reporting to Vietnam on his second tour of duty there. He holds the Distinguishe d Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal and fourteen awards of the Air Medal, one of which is for heroism. Son to Patricia and John W. Zmurk, Jr., May 4. John 0. Beigel, O.D., has his office in Sidney, 0. He and his wife , Janis , have four sons-Jeff, Jerry, John and Joe. John H. Howell, Jr., earned his MBA in managementJohn M. Connelly, a masters degree in history-from Xavier University in June. Eighth child, fourth son, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Berus (Martha Sheetz '55), July 8. MR. IDDINGS HONORED Andrew S. Iddings, '57 Han., was honored in May for his sixty-five ye ars as a practicing attorney by the Ohio State Bar Association at the group's eightyeighth annual meeting in Toledo. Doctor Iddings can look back to a career which also includes fame as a world traveler, explorer, photographer, writer and historian. His accomplishments in the legal profession are many. He developed two special fields bond law and corporate law. Elected by acclamation to the presidency of the Ohio State Bar in 1942, Dr. Iddings helped set a precedent in state law cirCles . The Iddings family was the only one to have two brothers, Andrew and the late Dan, hold the highest office in the Ohio Bar's history.
1958 Daughter to Doctor and Mrs. Harry Fronista (Sylvia Acosta), April 24. Joan Dorothy Stevens received an MBA degre e from Kent State University in June.
Thomas C. Versic, M.D., after completing his residency in ophthalmology, served for two months aboard the hospital ship Hope anchored in Ceylon. Robert M. Payne, Jr., partner in the Daniel C. Brower insurance agency, is the new president of the Dayton Association of Independent Insurance Agents . William M. Powers, Jr., has been named Vice President of Marketing for General Technologies, Inc., of Reston, Va. Richard J. Shane has been named marketing coordinator for the bicycle accessory department of the Huffman Manufacturing Company. Formerly employed by the R. L. Shane Company, he will be responsible for establishing a bicycle a cce ssory program. He and his wife , Judith, had a son on Jun e 23. James E. Coyle is with Mitchum, Jones & Templeton in San Francisco . He and his wife , Maureen, have two children-James and Anne Maureen. Charles H. Kronke II was transferred by Sky-Chef from Oklahoma City to Tucson, Arizona , in Februrary. "We bought a house and moved on May 1. We are all well and enjoying the sunny Southwest."
1959 Richard C. Miller, Jr., M.D., has been named medical director of Delco Products Division, GMC, in Dayton. Paul B. Pieschel, S.M., was ordained to the priesthood on June 1, in Covington, Ky. H e is one of two Marianists to complete theological training at St. Louis University's School of Divinity. This house of studies for Marianist seminarians attending the divinity school was established last September. Prior to that, Father had studied for the priesthood for three years at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He was assigned to Marianist College on the UD East Campus this past summer as a chaplain to studentbrothers. , Son to Ann and Robert W. Ziegler, June 21. Major Robert M. Hamilton has been awarded the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross with two oak leaf clusters and the Air Medal with ten oak leaf clusters for heroism during 100 flights over Vietnam. He flew an F-105 jet from Karat Royal Thai AB in Thailand. The medals were presented at WPAFB where he is a project manager in the Aerospace Systems Division. He and his wife, Phyllis, have Hamilton six children. Donald C. Schaaf, S.M. and John T. Cogan received MBA degr ees in management from Xavier in June. Edmund J. Lupo is with State Farm Insurance in Cleveland. Ed and his wife, Gloria, have one son-David. David L. Peters writes, "Just a note to let you know that thin gs have been buzzing here in New York. My wife . Eilee n, gave birth last December 13 to our fourth girl , Janet Marie. And I have changed employers. About a year ago I joined my old supervisor in his newly formed corporation. Opticolor. I am a Research and Development engineer specializing in advanc e projects. " Major James D. O'Bryan is stationed in Okinawa as Aide to th e General. He and his wife, Nancy, have four daughters- Juli e Ann, Donna , Annette and Karen. The family is with him on this tour of duty. Jim received the Bronze Star for valor in Vietnam. Daughter to Joyce and John H. Dirckx, M.D., April 19. Robert B. Schwartz has resigned from the faculty and the Research Institute at UD and has joined the Fruehauf Corporation in Detroit, Mich . Diana Rae Dunn hopes to finish her Ph.D. work at Penn State University in June of 1969. She is on a U.S . Office of Education Bureau of Research Traineeship. Emil Karas, ex-San Diego linebacker, is ticket promotion director for the Chargers and during the past summer was
(Continued on page 23)
Vern Weber
John Wirtz
Cleveland has always been a fine student recruiting area for the University of Dayton since before the turn of the century. Many a youngster came down from that Lake Erie city and in time became an "old boy," ancient term for a graduate. As time passed and the University discovered women, the young ladies came to U.D. to change the complexion of the campus. Many a Cleveland lass was a part of the migration. Athletes hopped a train and gained glory at U.D., particularly under Harry Baujan. Many of Harry's teams ventured north to play football and basketball. Some U.D. athletes returned to the northern Ohio city to take on coaching responsibilities. It is this latter group which keeps the University of Dayton's name in the forefront of athletics in Cleveland. No less than 13 men are currently returning honor and glory to their alma mater through coaching. It isn't necessarily the wins and losses which count, it is the devotion these men show to youth which brings honor to the University.
Some of these men like John Wirtz, '38; Bill Gutbrod, '50; Vern Weber, '54; Don Lane, '58; Steve Palenchar, '60; and Dave Sterlekar, '64 had outstanding athletic careers at the University. Others played little or no athletics on the southwestern Ohio campus. Yet they are turning in excellent coaching credentials. These include Ed Yemec, '55; Joe Paul, '58; Bill Riccio, '58; Marlo Termini, 52; John Storey, '63; Tom Crowe, '51; and Jack Busher, '64.
Wirtz apparently is the dean of UD 's coaching alumni in the area. He began his coaching career in Columbus but it was temporarily stopped by service in the U.S. Air Force in World War II. He resumed at Columbus St. Mary's in 1946 and then moved to St. Ignatius in 1948. During his St. Mary's tenure he won 29, lost eight and tied three football games . His basketball teams won 58 and lost 27. His coaching success at St. Ignatius has included many titles. He shows 122 victories, 35 losses, five ties, 10 league and three city championships in football. His
Bill Gutbrod
Don Lane
Steve Palenchar
basketball teams have achieved 264 wins and lost 82. During this time he has corralled eight league, one city, six sectional, two district and two regional titles . His baseball teams have won 49 and lost 19 and taken two city crowns. In all his coaching career shows 151-43-8 in football, and 322-109 in basketball. He has been a coach with the Northern All-Stars in Canton two years, named Cuyahoga County Coach of the Year in football in 1963 and in basketball in 1959. He was West Senate Football Coach of the Year in 1960, 1962, and 1963, and in basketball in 1963, 1964 and 1967. He was married in Liverpool, England, in 1946 to Joan Smith. The couple has three daughters.
Writing last October in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Chuck Webster revealed that Bill Gutbrod's St. Joseph's football teams of the last 10 years have the best winning percentage in the northeast section of Ohio. The Vikings have a 74-18-5 record for an 80 winning percentage. There are 116 teams in the area. Bill's overall record at St. Joseph's is 108-38-8 with the Crown Conference title coming in 1967. Honors to the 1949 UD football captain have included Coach of the Year in Greater Cleveland for 1966, Head Coach of the North All-Stars in Canton in 1967, Head Coach of County All-Stars in 1959, a member of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Football Coaches Association and 1966-67 President of the Greater Cleveland Football Coaches Association. Married to the former Jean Warman, a 1948 U.D . grad, the couple has seven children. *
*. *
Good fortune as a coach has been a way of life for Vern Weber since 1960. Following his 1954 graduation,
Dave Sterlekar
Mario Termini
Tom Crowe
Vern spent time in the service in Korea where he coached and then a year at Chaminade in 1957. The Eagles were city champs. His 3-11-2 record in 1958 and 1959 was not an auspicious start at Gilmour Academy, but once his system was installed, Vern and his Academy men took off on a winning binge which has produced 60 victories, 11 loses and two ties since 1960. His '60 club was co-champion of the North Central Conference and the 1964 team titlist of the Lake Shore League. The school is now independent. The 1963 and 1964 clubs were both undefeated with 9-0 records. A 12-letter winner at Solon High School, Vern was a top fullback and linebacker at U.D . under the late Joe Gavin, 1951-53. He is married to the former Beverly Jo Nieman, a 1955 U.D. graduate. They have five youngsters.
Don Lane was a co-captain of the 1957-58 NIT finalist which represented a peak period in Tom Blackburn's 17-year tenure as U.D. basketball coach. Since his graduation coaching has been his love. His first stint was a one-year introduction at Mansfield St. Peter's High. He moved from there to Lima Central Catholic and had a creditable 59-43 five-year record which included sectional titles in two seasons. He moved to Cuyahoga Falls in 1964 and spent two years as an assistant coach. The last two seasons he has been the head man and has engineered an overall 39-8 record. He was the district winner and regional runner-up in the 1966-67 campaign.
Joe Paul
Ed Yemec
Steve Palenchar has just moved from a seven-year stint as assistant to Vern Weber at Gilmour to the line coaching job at Valley Forge High School in Parma. One of the finest blocking guards and linebackers in U.D . history, Steve spent one year, 1960-61, at his alma .mater, Benedictine, when the team was 8-3. The seven seasons at Gilmour produced a 54-9-2 record and the two aforementioned unbeaten elevens. Steve is the only bachelor in the group. His only loves, we think, are coaching, teaching and traveling around the countrynot necessarily in that order.
Dave Sterlekar was one of those so-called "too little" guys for major college football . Yet he was as fine a guard and linebacker as a coach could want at U.D . Since 1964 graduation he has served as assistant football and head wrestling coach at Padua High in Parma and as assistant in both sports at Euclid. He spent the past year at Euclid. His three-year wrestling record at Padua was 18-15, taking first and second in the Padua Invitational Wrestling Tournament and organizing the Greater Cleveland Wrestling Clinic. Dave is married to the former Marlene Oberstar. They have three children.
Marlo Termini, since his 1952 graduation, has divided his time between coaching, teaching and recreational work in Cleveland and California. He has had two stints in the Far West state. He has coached football, basketball, baseball, been an athletic director, an intramural director, teacher and member of the Catholic School Board in Cleveland.
His latest honors have been 1966-67 Coach of the Year in Summit County and 1967-68 Coach of the Year in Northeast Ohio. Two others shared the latter honor.
His basketball head coaching record in seven seasons has produced a 71-56 record at Holy Name, Benedictine and Walsh Jesuit, where he is currently coaching. He won the West Senate championship at Holy Name in 1956 and was the sectional champion twice with the same school.
Don is married to Joyce Hagans, also a '58 graduate. They have five young ones.
Marlo is married to the former Rose Mary Scaglione and they have two children.
Tom Crowe never played athletics at U.D. but he has always been a winner as a coach. He has just come off a 19-2 basketball season at Eastlake North High and his nine-year mark at the school is 125-58. He shared the Greater Cleveland Conference title in 1962 and 1963. He also has coached at Dellroy High and Massillon Washington High. Mrs . Crowe is the former Evelyn Van Voorhis and there are eight youngsters in the Crowe household. *
Joe Paul spent most of his athletic career at U.D. on the baseball diamond. He lettered three years. This, however, hasn't curtailed his coaching talents. He's been successful at the football and basketball reins in three schools . While at Piqua Catholic as backfield coach the team was 7-2. He also handled the freshman team which was 7-1. His combined basketball coaching chores as jayvee and junior high tutor brought a 53-3 mark. During his five-year coaching tenure, both as assistant and head coach, at Ursuline High the football team had a 35-10-1 record, basketball showed a 32-22 mark and tennis was 43-7. His four years as head football coach at St. Edward's High has produced 23 victories, 16 defeats and one tie. He served one year as head basketball coach and had a 23-2, best in the school's history. He had a city basketball and three tennis championships at Ursuline. His 1967 football team at St. Edward's tied for the Crown Conference title. Joe coached U.D. 's All-American basketballer, Don May, when'he was a grammar school football and basketball player at Holy Angels in Dayton. Joe was married this June to Sandra Kremblas of Akron.
Eo Yemec has been an assistant at Warrensville Heights High School for three years . Prior to his Warrensville tenure, Ed's coaching included a five-year stiht at Benedictine High, directing the freshmen and jayvees. His three-year mark with the frosh was 15 victories, two losses and one tie. As the jayvee director his teams posted a combined record of 15 triumphs and only one loss . Ed is married to the former Dolores Strainer. There are four little Yemecs in the fold. *
Bill Riccio
Jack Busher
John Storey
shows an 18-6 record. His team was 8-0 in 1966. He is married to the former Carolyn D'Elia, who graduated from U.D .'s teacher cadet program in 1956. They have two children. *
John Storey has been handling the jayvee football team at St. Joseph 's since 1965. His record is 19-1-2. He also is the head wrestling coach and individually has had two state finalists, three sectional champs, six sectional place winners, one district titlist and three district place winners. His team record is 14-16. John , who played no sports at U.D., is married to the former Linda Louise Laux. They have two children.
Bill Riccio, whose U.D. career was cut short by a knee injury, has been in the coaching game since 1958. His football record at Delphos St. John's from 1958 to 1961 was 21 wins , 16 losses. As assistant coach at St. Ignatius for three seasons , he saw the teams win 29 and lose but one. The teams won West Senate and City titles in those years.
Jack Busher is quite a busy young man at Padua Franciscan High in Parma. He is the head wrestling, freshman football and freshman track coach. His first year as head wrestling coach last winter produced a 9-1 record, winning the Cro~n Conference title .
Bill has been athletic director and head football coach at Walsh Jesuit High in Cuyahoga Falls since 1965 and
He is married to the former Charlotte Kerestes. They are the proud parents of two children.
director of the San Diego YMCA's "Run for Your Life" jogging program. Richard C. Turner has joined the residential sales staff of the Heritage Company Realtors in Dayton. Previously, he had been sales manager and vice president of Normandy Farms Development company and held a similar post with R. H. Bowers Company. 1960 Second child, second daughter, to Marie and Cliff E. Harestad, May 14. John A. Van Wagenen is with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington, D.C. John and his wife, Linda, have two daughters-Lynn Marie and Carol Ann. First child, Mary Kathleen, to Mr. and Mrs. John D. O'Donnell, Jr. (Mary Suzanne Miller), May 18. Peter J. Hart received his juris doctor degree from St. John's University this year. He is with the Equitable Life Assurance Society in New York City. He was married to Mary Lou Cinque on January 27. William H. Macbeth is out of service and working as a lawyer for the Miller, Compton, Smith and Long law firm in Dayton. He and his wife, Helen, have a daughter-Barbara Ann. , Susan Guess Galiboso married Don R. Warnock, May 13. Paul J. Braun has been "promoted to District Manager for Buick Motor Division . Live in Jamestown, N.Y. In charge of sales and promotion for the southern part of New York State and the northern part of Pennsylvania." Russell F. Troy is with the Celanese Corporation in Bay City, Texas. At Xavier's June graduation Kevin T. O'Neill and Sister Margaret Fanella, SND, received masters degrees in education; Sister Ann Judd, S.C., a masters in psychology. Richard E. Lawrie received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Ohio State in June. Son to R. George and Phyllis Tschabrun, July 5. William P. Denny has established his own business known as Vista Business Forms, Inc., since moving to Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1964. Mrs. Denny writes, "The business is doing so well it exceeds all our dreams already and we both feel Bill's good education at UD played a big part in getting started. Our oldest son, Bill, Jr., attends Hackett High which is staffed by Brothers who were educated at UD. We spend many pleasant hours catching up on all the happenings in Dayton when we get together with them. Our other children are Patty, Susan, Mike and Johnny." William J. Mullen has b een promoted to Ne~ York Region NonFoods Buyer for The Grand Union Company of East Paterson, N.J. Bill joined Grand Union in 1967 after serving in a variety of management positions for The Kroger Company. He served with the U.S. Army as a helicopter pilot and his decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal Mullen and Vietnamese Cross. Bill and his wife, Carolyn, have two children and are living in Wallington, N.J. Richard L. Dixon is working at WPAFB. He and his wife, Jane, have three children-Jill, Todd and Ttisha. Robert J. Barnes, M.D., writes, " It has been eight years since my graduation ... during the first four years I attended medical school and got married to Eileen Krakora, a nurse; during the last four years the Air Force has had my time as an intern, a flight surgeon, and now a resident in pediatrics. We have two lovely children, a four-year old boy and a three-yeer old girl." Bob's two brothers are also UD Alumni-Major Walter C. Barnes, M.D. '53 and Donald R. Barnes, M.D. '56. "We had a first there in that we were the first family ever to have three flight surgeons ." Robert E. O'Bryan started his tenth year with GE X-Ray
in Milwaukee in February. He is a design technologist in the Medical Engineering Lab. Bob and his wife, Charlotte, have five children- Robert, Jr., Patrick, Beverly, Dennis and Marilyn. Louis I. Boehman, Ph.D., received an engineering research grant to initiate a nonlinear stability analysis of the laminar supersonic boundary layer from the National Science Foundation. Lou is with the UD Research Institute. First child, Patricia Milagros, to Graciela and Hernan F. Maldonado-Tello, April 12 . 1961 Terence E. Riesl<e has joined Bendix Avionics in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Terry and his wife, Alice, have three children-Michael, Robin and Terri-and are living in Pompano Beach.
Captain David C. Kiger is shown rece1vmg the Army Commendation Medal during ceremonies at Ft. Dix, N.J., in March. Presenting the award is Major General Kenneth W. Collins, commanding general of the fort. Dave received the award for meritorious service while serving as aide-decamp to General Collins from December, 1966, to this March. He also holds the Bronze Star Medal and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Captain Joseph C. Boyersmith has completed an infantry officers basic course at the Army Infantry School at Ft. Benning, Georgia. John K. Wagner has left the UD faculty and is assistant treasurer with the National Rubber Company in Akron. Charles T. Craycraft has been named head football coach at Wayne High School. Chuck has been at Wayne for seven years-the first two as a junior high coach. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Eifert (Sally Bringman '60), May 16. Raymond E. Kenny, VDM, was released from the Army as Captain after a tour of duty in Vietnam, and is with the Somerset Veterinary Infirmary in Somerville, N.J. Ned P. Becker has been appointed full-time city engineer in Moraine, 0. His appointment "is very important from our standpoint and one that has been too long delayed," said Moraine City Manager, Wilbur S. Cotton. Ned's duties include planning and directing all physical improvements in the city, planning a comprehensive capital improvements prqgram and directing work of the city's superintendent of streets. Ned and his wife, Susan, have a son-Vincent. Edward Dugas, who received his Juris Doctor degree from Van Norman University in 1966, is in active practice of general and patent law in Placentia, Calif. He and his wife, Barbara, have six children. Third child, second daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Muzechuk (Clara Trottman), May 29. W. Edward McGinnis married Charlene Marie Rook, June 15.
H. Ronald Fogle and George F. Marklay received masters degrees in education at Xavier's June graduation .
Thomas 0. Karrenbauer [center) has been promoted to Army Major during ceremonies at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, in May. Presenting the insignia are his wife, Patricia, and Colonel Richard E. Eddleman. Tom entered the Army in April , 1961, and was last stationed at the Fitzsimons General Hospital in Denver, Colo. Capt. James A. Schwab, M.D., is with the 193rd medical detachment of the 51st Assault Helicopter Company in Vietnam .
1962 Carole and Anthony L. Elsass announce the adoption of their first child, Melissa Diane, in April. Raymond J. Ledinsky earned his masters degree from Northwestern University in June. Ray is with the New Trier Township High School in Winnetka, Ill. He and his wife, Nancy, have a son-Raymond Hans. Paul L. McCally married Patricia Carol Coppock, April 6. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. LaMendola (Theresa Reiling '64), April 22. Thomas J. Cobey has been named football line coach and sophomore basketball coach at Fairmont High School in Kettering, 0 . Tom received his masters degree from Xavier University in July. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Roesch (Mary Ellen O'Connor '63) and their children have moved back to Dayton. Dick received his MBA degree from Xavier in June and is with Honeywell Electronic Data Processing. Captain Paul B. Ficalora was awarded the Vietnamese Armed Forc~s Honor Medal First Class at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md ., in May. Paul received the award for his service as an advisor with the Materials Service of the USA Military Assistance Command in Viet路 nam, advising a Vietnamese military unit. He also holds the Bronze Star Medal. Thomas G. Bodie is <;~n associate with the Powe r and Mosner law firm in Towson, Md. Tom was married to Joan DeMoss on FebFicalora ruary 17. William L. Cindric received his D.D.S. from Ohio State in June and is practicing in Dayton . Brendan P. O'Leary was the winner of the 1968 American Medical Association Award. His wife, Angie Bianco O'Leary '59 , wrote, "This means he will represent E. R. Squibb & Sons at the AMA Convention to be held in San Francisco in Jun e. We are thrilled about this as only six men of over 800 men across the country were selected for the honor and Brendan has been with Squibb only three years ."
Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Hoying (Mary Ellen Beatty), June 14. Thomas G. Dowling has been given the newly created position of Business Manager of Athletics at UD . Tom is in charge of all athletic department financial matters . He started working in the athletic department in '57 while still a student and then became an assistant in the sports information office. In 1961 he moved into the Ticket Office as assistant to the Finance Director. Ellen and Daniel J. Maglicic announce the adoption of their first child, Joseph Edmond, on May 23. "Joseph was just seven days old when we got him." Dan is a senior experimental engineer with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in East Hartford, Conn. Gerald R. Westbrock has been installed as president of the Washington Square Optimist Club of Centerville, 0. Leonard W. Streisel received a masters in social work at Ohio State in June. Daughter to Anna and Raphael P. Yost, July 9. Charles W. Beck has been transferred by Proctor & Gamble from Cincinnati to St. Louis, Mo. "The move represents a great opportunity for me at the St. Louis manufac路 turing facility . However, I'd hoped to spend more time on the Cincinnati Board of Directors this year. We've moved into a 2'/2-year-old home and Norma and the kids really like it." Captain John W. Maloney has returned from Vietnam with a Bronze Star. John is stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. He and his wife, Patricia, have three children-Maureen, Sean and Matthew. Captain John F. Maressa, D.D.S., is on duty at Bien Hoa AB, Vietnam. John is a member of the Pacific Air Forces and his unit has won selection as the best tactical fighter wing in the USAF. His unit was selected by the sponsoring American Fighter Pilots Association for its enviable combat record. Second child, first son, James Bernard, to Judith and John F. Lamberjack, June 20. The Lamberjack's were fea路 tured on the front page of the Canton [0 .) Repository the day they brought their baby home from the hospital. They were welcomed with a parade planned and staged by the neighborhood children who had missed Judy while she was hospitalized. Frederick C. Lane is with Western Telephone Company. He and his wife, Carolyn, have two children-Jennifer and Jeffrey-and are living in Hales Corners, Wise. Yvonne Bowman Becker received a masters degree in education administration from Xavier in June.
1963 Carmen Ann Bauer is teaching in Lima, 0., at Shawnee School. David R. Deneke married Deanna Daureen Day, June 17, 1967. Dave is with Burroughs Corporation in Queensland, Australia. Richard J. Connors is manager of the Castro Convertibles Furniture Company in Rochester, N.Y. Dick and the Mrs., Rachel Martone Connors '64, have three children. Jo Ann Mraz married Norman J. Barry, Jr., January 27. She is teaching at Winslow School in Everett, Mass. Theresa Pauline Faeta married Patrick M. Mulligan, May 4. Theresa is a research chemist with Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati. Dennis A. Schaab, CPPS, was ordained to the priesthood on June 1. The ceremony was held in Assumption Chapel at St. Charles Seminary. John A. Koonts, a counselor at Fairmont East High School in Kettering, was awarded a fellowship for graduate study in the General Electric Guidance Fellowship program at the University of Louisville . John was enrolled in courses this past summer. John M. McKay was graduated from the Grace Brethren Seminary at Winona Lake , Ind., recently and is now serving as pastor of the Grace Brethren Church in Bowling Green .
His wife, Bonnie, also received a bachelor of divinity degree with the same class. James E. Schrader, released from service as a Captain, is with the Ohio Power Company in Canton, 0 . Lawrence A. Ens, Jr., received his Ph.D. from Western Res e rve University this year and is with Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Mich . Larry and his wife, Anna, have a son, Matthew Lawrence , born August 16, 1967. Thomas S. Geis is assistant professor at the University of So . Florida at Tampa. Donald F. Beard is working for Interstate Material Supply in Avon Lake, 0 . Don and his wife, Joycelyn, have three children-Denise, Kirk and Cherie. Doctor Donald E. Overly has been named Curriculum and In· struction Director for the Washington Township Schools in the Day· ton area. He received his doctorate in educational administration from Indiana University in June . He and his wife, Dorothy, have two sons -Jeffrey and Michael. Arlene C. Goubeaux married Lt. Michael B. Dougherty, May 4. James P. Lally has been appointed as a mortgage loan representative for Ostendorf-Marris Company. Jim previously was associated with PaOverly cific Mutual Life Insurance Co . and with Pacific Mutual Life. He and his wife, Karen , have two sons, and are living in Mayfield Heights , 0. Robert F. Littlehale, Jr., received the Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Cincinnati on June 13. Keith 0. Tyler, after working for NCR for ten years, joined IBM in 1966 and is working at Cape Kennedy. He and his wife have three children. Captain John C. Horner is on duty with the 4258th Strategic Wing at U-Tapao Airfield , Thailand. John, Lally a Strategic Air Command production control officer, supports B-52 Stratofortress bombers which daily attack Viet Cong targets and KC-135 Stratatankers which provide refueling to fighter , bomber and reconnaissance aircraft conducting the air war over Vietnam. He was assigned to Glasgow AFB, Montana, before this assignment. Mary Rose Davin is teaching with the Glendale Public Schools and living in Milwaukee. She received a masters degree from Cardinal Stritch in .May. First child, Deborah Lynn, to Patricia and Richard C. Henke, last September 5. Dick is with the Diamond Shamrock Corporation in Cleveland. Cal J. Kebhart is a member of the Res erve Unit from Cleveland which was recently called to active duty. The Unit reported to Ft. George G. Meade, Md. , in May. Cal h ad been the office manager of the Penton Press Division of the Penton Publishing Company. His wife , Carole Fenske Kebhart '63, and son, Christopher, are living in North Olmsted, 0. Donald J. Kolb married Drucilla Ann King, May 4. George E. Hiney was graduated from the Kansas City College of Os.t eopathy and Surgery on May 22. Doctor Hiney is interning in Kansas City. His wife, Bettv Hackenbracht Hiney, is with the Kansas City Board of Education. Nelson J. Martin, Jr., married Gwen Marie Benjamin, May 18. The Martin's are living in Yardley, Pa., where Nelson is with the United Sierra Division of Cypress Mines Corporation. Vincent N. DePascale writes , "I have moved again cour-
tesy of Uncle Sam in the form of the U.S . Army. [new address is in Killeen, Texas) I received my doctorate [J.D.) from Ohio Northern; taught law at Bliss Business College in Columbus; was an assistant prosecuting attorney for th e City of Columbus ; entered active duty with promotion to Captain in th e Judge Advocate General's Corps; attended and completed the JAG School in Charlottesville, Va.; was admitted to practice before the US Court of Military Appeals; was assigned to Fort Hood , Texas, where I am on orders as Trial Counsel." Donald A . Quigley is a systems engineer with IBM in Dayton. Thomas H. Brzozowski received his M.D. degree from Stanford University in June . During his time at Stanford he carried out part-time research in the Department of Pharmacology and has co-authored a number of scientific publications in the field of cellular growth mechanisms. ·He was a member of the Stanford Stud ent Health Organiza· tion and the Student American Medical Association. Recently he was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society. In July Tom b egan a straight Brzozowski medical internship at the H. C. Moffitt- U. of California Medical Center in San Francisco . Following his internship , he plans to take a residency in the field of Internal medicine and hopes to eventually de· velop a career in academic medicine . He has a special interest in infectious diseases and medical ecology. Mary Frances Druffel married Dennis M. Hanaghan, J.D ., July 20. Jackie N. Wilson and Anthony A. Groeber received MBA's in management from Xavier in June. It's Doctor Richard H. Westmeyer now. He received his D.D.S. from Ohio State in June and is living in Toledo . Marycarroll Dane Graham is living in Bangkok, Thailand . She writes, "My husband is a teacher of slow learners at the International School of Bangkok. For a two-year period we will be living here. We are traveling for a month in the Far East before arriving in September." Captain H. Michael Case writes that he is involved in the U.S. Army - Baylor University masters degree program in a two·phase manner. The first phase is a ten-month didactic course of study at the Medical Field Service School, Ft. Sam Houston , Texas. Phase two is administrative residency for one year at one of the USA's hospitals . I have been assigned to the William Beaumont General Hospital in El Paso . Upon completion of my residency period and approval of my thesis, I will be awarded a Masters in August HJ69. I'm proud to add that I was placed on the Dean's List for academic excellence for both semesters- graduating with a 3.73 average . I have just about decided on an Army career. I'm setting my goals for a Ph.D. in Public Health in the near future. Jane and I have two children- Christopher Michael and Christine Michelle . We have spent some time visiting with Jay and Anne [Dowd) Wilmeth '64, who are stationed at Fort Sill in Lawton, Okla." Third child, second son, Richard Edward, to Dolora and Robert C. Michel, July 12. Bob is assistant comptroller at UD. Terry J. Thompson received his masters in e ducation from Miami University in July. He is a guidance counselor with the Dayton City Schools. Son, Mark Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Eckstein [Roberta Ann Orf '66), July 12. Judy Dapore Gayheart has moved to Oxford, Ohio, with her husband Jack. He is going to complete his doctoral work at Miami University. Judy, in her letter informing us of address change, says: "I like Oxford very much - it's a
very friendly town! But- "l'll never stop cheering for Dayton! " To which we say "Amen! " 1964 David L. Drake has b ee n serving with the Peace Corps in Guatemala since October of '67. Carmella Maria Giambrone married Steven W. Fullarton, Jun e 1. Carmella is a biologist with Bionetics Corporation in Rockville, Md. Ernest C. Flamm, Jr., married Helen Marie Kinney, June 8. Robert A. Stanley, Jr., married Lis! Peterson, June 1. Charles G. Popelka received his M.D. from the University of Cincinnati in June. He and his wife, Virginia Stanton Popelka, are living in Akron where Charles is interning at Akron General Hospital. CPPS'ers Joseph H. Uecker, Lawrence E. Eiting, Dennis B. Keller, and Michael E. Volkmer were ordained to the priesthood on June 1 by Bishop Edward A. McCarthy. The cere路 many was held in Assumption Chapel of St. Charles Seminary. Marilyn Jean Heilig married John Byron Dawson, June 15. First child , son, to Mr. and Mrs. PaulL. Horstman (Penny Poeppelmeier '66). June 3. Arthur C. Burns received his M.D . from the University of Cincinnati in June. He is interning at Navy Hospital in Pensacola, Fla. , as a member of the Navy Medical Corps . Dennis C. Breidenbach received his masters degree in June from the University of Illinois and is with Catholic Charities in Dayton. His wife , Carol Dietz Breidenbach '66, is attending UD on an assistantship. The couple has one child-Jennifer Ellen. Mary Martha Stueve married Frank Taylor Rabe, June 15. Mary is a secretary in the Dean of Business Administration office at UD.
Thomas M. Cooney (center] was promoted to Army captain during ceremonies in Germany in May. Tom, data processing officer with the 513th Military Intelligence Group, Office of Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, had been stationed at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. , be fore going overseas in April of 1967. Louis Fronista, assistant editor of Dayton Power and Light Company's "Forward" maga zine, has been elected president of the Miami Valley Association of Industrial Editors. Robert E. O'Connell is studying for the priesthood at Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington, L.l. , N.Y. Ordination date: May 1970. Lt. James F. O'Rourke is a pilot with the U.S. Navy st_a路 tioned in Vietnam. Jim le ft for Vietnam on May 1 and will be there for seven months. James E. Szmania recently transferred from the New York sales office of B. F. Goodrich Industrial Products Company. Jim and his wife , Roberta Barnes Szmania, ar e
living in Warrensville Heights, 0., with their children Mike , Scott and Susan, who was born on April 26 . Timothy S. Hogan is with the Summit Boys School in Cincinnati. He earned his masters degree in education from Xavier University this year. Tim and his wife, Jeann e, have a daughter, Jennifer. Second child, second daughter, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold F. Leahy (Peggy Ellen Shaw '68) , April 23 . Daughter to Sharon and Frank J. Mattia, April 21. Captain James J. Puhala received the Purple Heart in May for wounds received in action while serving in Vietnam with the 227th Aviation Battalion's Company D. Jim is now a property book officer with Company B of the 82nd Aviation Battalion at Fort Bragg, N.C. He also holds the Air Medal and the Bronz e Star Medal. John A. Roush, Jr., received two honors while graduating from the University of Detroit School of Dentistry in May. John was given the International College of Dentistry award for "outstanding achi evement at dental school" and the Psi Omega fraternal achievement award . He, his wife, Barba riann e, and daughter, Julie Amanda, are living in Athens, Georgia , where John has entered private practice. Nancy Ann Fitzgerald was married to Paul N. Arendt in September of 1966. The Arendt's hav e two children- Erika and Paul , Jr. Melvyn L. Stockton is teaching at his old high school alma mater - Roosevelt - in Dayton. He is also fencing coach and. has guided the Teds to three straight city cham路 pionships . Mel is a white man in a black man's school. "Roosevelt has always been a good school - both academically and in athletics. It was a good school when I was a student and when I came back as a teacher I found it was still doing a good job. I like being part of it." At the University of Cincinnati's commencement on June 13 Colombe "Nickie" Nicholas received her Juris Doctor degree and Henry N. Maimon and Charles G. Popelka doctor of medicine degrees . Henry is interning at Cincinnati General Hospital. Lena R. Vanderpool is studying for her masters degree at Eastern Kentucky University. Charlotte Ann Isaac married Robert William Rehmert, December 27. The Rehmert's are living in West Carroll路 ton, 0. William V. Kaskow, Jr., received a master of arts degree from Montclair State College in June . Son to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Boeke (Betty Jean Schriml), June 29. John A. Parnell married Gloria Jean Koester '67, July 13. Gloria teaches at St. Charles School; Jack is on the football coaching staff and business manager of Alter High School. From Xavier U. in June, Timothy S. Hogan, Theodore E. Foldy and Terrence M. Byrne received masters degrees in e ducation; Robert E. Ireton and James M. McDonough earned MBA's and James W. Biehl a masters in English. Three new doctors in the Alumni file - Edward W. Sachs, Jr. and Den~is M. Briddell received their Doctor of Medicine degrees from Ohio Sta te in June , while James L. Overman earned his D.D.S. Ed is interning at Mount Carmel Hospital in Columbus. First child, Stacey Ann , to Captain and Mrs. George A. Liebler, M.D. (Judith Dickinson), April 4. Captain Philip V. Schuman is attending an adjutant gene rals career course at Ft. Harrison , Ind. He just r eturned from Vietnam in May . Son to Judith and Walter J. Thoma, Jr., July 15 . R. Michael Morris is with th e National Institute of Ritual and Drama. 1965 Eugene E. Domis r e turned from Vi e tnam in April after completing tour in service. On May 18 Gene was married to H elen Ann Demora and th e couple is li ving in Cincinnati where he is with the Ford Motor Company .
John E. Morcos received h is M.D. from Ohio S tate Uni· versity in Jun e. John and his w ife , Nancy Huber Morcos '67, are living in Day ton w hile he intern s a t Miami Valley Hospita l. Carolyn Mary Fader married Lt. Pa ul J. Gravelle (USN) in July. T he Gravelle 's a re living in Yokosuka, Japan . Firs t child , s on, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Kochanowski (Sharon Marie Hessler '67), Jun e 6. E. John Wist receive d the juris d octor d egree from Ohio Northern University in June. H e had the high est class ave rage and received an acad emic schol ar ship. John is a m emb er of Phi Alph a Delta law fraternity , Phi Kappa P hi national h on or so ciety a nd p ar ticipated in the na tion al m oot court comp etition. He w ill serve as law clerk for the Honorable Girard E. Kalbfleis ch , ch ief U.S. district judge fo r th e Nor th ern District of Ohio. John and his w ife, W a nd a, are livin g in Clevela n d. Lt. Dennis G. Collins r eceived the juris do ctor d egree fr om the University of Notre Da m e this year and is n ow s er ving with the U.S. Army. Theresa Mary Hageman m a rried John William Kemp er, July 13. Theresa is t eaching in Sidney, 0 . William G. Harris married Kathleen L. Kennedy '67, July 13. Th ey both teach in Kettering, 0 . Gladys June Watrob is " still working on a d egree fro m th e College of Pharm acy at the University of Cincinnati." Gladys is also w orking a t Revco. First child, Fra n cis Mich ael, to Mr . and Mrs. Frank G. Korhumel (Barbara Weithaus) , F ebrua ry 15. Anthony M. Sibilia is working for W estern Ele ctric Co., Inc., in Ke arny, N.J. He earned h is MBA from Seton H all U. this y ear. Robert W. Ganser is a n exploration geolo gist with P an American Petroleum Company in Midland, T exas. H e receive d his masters in geology from the University of Oklah om a in Jun e. James P. Maulucci is ou t o f servi ce and a n accoun tant at Touch e, Ross, Bailey & Sma rt in Dayton. Mrs. Maulucci is the fo rm e r Susan Grace Denges '66. William C. Miller receive d his Do ctor of O steop a thy d egree from th e Ch icago College of Osteopath y and Sur· gery and is in ternin g at Grandview H ospita l. Theodore C. Ning, Jr., h a s add e d M.D. to th e b ack of h is n am e and is internin g at Chicago W esley Mem oria l H os· p ita!. First child, Erin Marie, to Lt. a nd Mrs. Jam es P. Galla gher (John Marie Grimes) , May 11. Jim, who attende d UD, is s tationed at Cam Rah n Bay, Vietn am , until May, 1969. Cathleen Ann Wisely m arrie d Jam e s J. Gray, Ph.D., July 13. Cathl een w rite s , "Jim is a clin ica l psycholo gis t a nd will b e setting up a b ehavioral th erapy dep artm ent a t the community Men tal H ealth Center at Hah n am an n Medical Sch ool and Hospital in Phila d elphia." Cathy is a social wo rker there. Linda Lou Toth r eceive d her m as ter s d egree in communications fro.m th e Univer sity of H aw aii in Ju ne and is now a m emb er of th e fa culty of Slip p er y Ro ck Sta te Col· lege in P a. G. Brad Driesen m arrie d Kathleen Marie Sims, July 13. Kathleen is teaching in th e Day ton S ch ool Sys tem a nd Brad is teaching at Stivers High Sch ool. At Ohio State in June, John A . Cervay, Jr. and Thomas C. Kaw alec received juris do ctor degrees . Dau gh ter to Ma rily n a nd Edward C. Wolff, Jr., July 8. Carol Ann Voelkl m arrie d Rich ard Norton , las t December 30. Sh e is teach ing in W ay ne T ownsh ip a n d liv in g in Dayton. Louis G. J. Giosia, Jr., m arried Linda Lee Ciambro '67, Ju ly 27. T he cou ple is living in White P lains , N.Y., wh ere Lou is with No rden Aircra ft. Reta Rae Wagner is tea ch ing w ith the Miam isburg (0. ) Board of Education .
James M. Prybylski h as b een appointe d ass is ta nt comp troll er of Marine Midland Grace T rust Comp an y of New York. Jim b egan a t MMG in 1965 as a m anagem ent trainee. Since December , 1966, he h as b een assigned to a dm inis trative du ties in the co n trol an d accounting d epa rtmen t. H e a nd his w ife, Kay Feldhake Prybylski, a nd their on e child live in Rockville Cen ter , Lon g Isla nd. Ralph W. Stelzer re ceived his m aste rs d egree fro m th e Unive rsity of New Mex ico in 1967 and is w ith Prybylski the Mario n (0.) Local S chool Dis· trict - Ma rion High Sch ool. H e a nd his w ife , Nicki, have a d aughter, Karen Lynn. Donald J. Scarcello married Sus an Kay Cover t, June 15. Don receive d a masters d egree in educati on (ph y sical e duca tion) from Xavie r in Ju ne. Linda E. Young, Spa nish and creative writing teach er a t Roth H igh Sch ool, w a s a ss istan t director of W ests ide Community P layers, Dayton's fi rs t ven tu r e in to black thea te r, durin g the pas t summ er . T he p r oj ect was organ ized ar oun d a grant of $26,000 in su mme r p ro gram fund s fr om the fe deral O ffi ce o f Econ om ics Oppo rtunity to Ascen sion , Inc., West Side civic gr ou p . Juan de Roux-Borrero is w ith Phillips P etroleu m Company in Colombia, S.A. H e and his w ife , Aida, h ave a daugh ter - three-year-old Monica. Sandra S. Reeder com ple ted h er work for a mas ter s of a rt in religious e ducation a t McCo rmick The ological Seminary in Ch ica go in June. Sandra is working as a Dire ctor of Religious Edu cation a La du e Chapel in S t. Louis, Mo. Virgil R. Schroeder m a rrie d Kathryn Maude Jack '66, Ju ne 15. Virgil is with Inland Man ufacturing Division, GMC, and s tudy ing for a m asters at th e U. o f Cincinna ti. Kathryn is te aching in th e Way ne Township Board of Educa tion system. James A. Willke is a dministra tive m a nage r of Xerox in Colu mbus, 0 . Ann Marie Mangas is a me dical techni cian at St. Francis Hospital in Ho nolulu and is wo rking on h er m aste rs in mi crobiology at th e University of H awaii. Timothy J. Davis is with NCR. Daniel J. Hoynes is w ith Ohio Lith o Processing in Ak ron , 0. H e and h is wife, Judith , have one son - Sean Daniel. S eco nd ch ild , s econd d augh te r , to Mr. a nd Mrs. W a lte r Sa nders (Nancy Marie Reiter), Januar y 30. The Sanders' h ave moved to Atlan ta, Georgia, w h e re Bud is a p ilot w ith Eas tern Airlines fl ying the Boe ing 727. Rene Cleomedes Renjel marrie d Sofia P a tron Uribu r u, Nove mber 4. Richard K. Hackett is w ith Lybra nd, Ro ss Brothers & Montgomer y CPA's in New York City. Captain Stuart A. MacKenzie h a s a new assignmen t in Vie tn am as o f July, 1968. H e a nd h is w ife, Barb a ra, h ave a da ugh te r - Ann e Marie. Firs t child, Ren ee Suza nn e to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Bergeron (Ann Wiedemer '66) , May 7. Daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Subler (Diane Burgoon '64), Apr il 9. Donald W. Fleischauer is wi th Liber ty Mu tal fnsu ra nce Comp a ny in Lynbroo k, N.Y. Da ugh ter to Linda an d Charles A. Bronzi, April 22. S econd ch ild, second d augh ter, to Sheila a nd William H. Buehrle Ill, Ap ril 15. Son to Sh aron a nd Charles L. Ott, Jr., April 24. Norman P. Smith, after r eceiving h is LLB from the Unive rsity o f No tre Dam e this ye ar, is w ith Garmha usen, Ke r· rigan & Elsass in Sidne y, 0 . H e and h is w ife, Jean Nienberg Smith '66, have two chil dren - T racy a nd Todd.
Peter J. Kaufmann married Cynthia Frances MacFadden '66 on December 30, 1967. Pete is teaching at Alter High School in Kettering, 0 . Cynthia at Russell School in Dayton . Thomas H. Bushman is a counselor at Elder High School in Cincinnati. Charles "Buddy" Facciponte is a senior accountant with the Shell Oil Company in Los Angeles. John A. Cervay, Jr., received his J.D. degree from Ohio State on June 7. First child, Diana Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. David E. Naas (Mary Carolyn Krumm) , April 10. Michael C. Miller married Constance Virginia Cummings. May 25 . Mike is a programmer at WPAFB. Thomas A. Baehl has joined the Springfield (0 .) works of International Harvester Company as a manufacturing management trainee. Upon completion of the program, Tom will be eligible for promotion to a management position. Joel A. Riley married Maria Del Rocio Carballo , June 15. Joel writes, "On September 15, my wife and I will be moving to Ecuador. After two years as a Peace Corps volun路 teer in Venezuela, and one on the staff in Washington, I will now be going as Associate Peace Corps Director to Ecuador. I enjoyed my recent visit to UD for spring graduation. Dave Gillis '64 and I drove up and spent the weekend with the old gang. It really seemed like a completely different world after being away for three years. The campus beautiful-and the kids as friendly and hospitable as ever." Frederick F. Frecker married Teresa Maureen Dugan '67, June 22.
Lt. Roger A. Vernier is shown being promoted to first lieutenant in June. In the picture are his wife, Tina Gongarty Vernier '66, and LTC Raymond Robert, transportation officer of the Berlin Brigade. Roger is senior train commander of the Berlin duty train. The train is the only American train that travels behind the Iron Curtain -110 miles. Supported by a crew of six , he is responsible for the safe movement of passengers and cargo through the Soviet Zone . "I have the rare opportunity to deal with Russian officers every trip through the zone. I feel this is a valuable experience considering the importance and significance of international relationships between the U.S. and Russia. Saw the NIT finals all the way over here in Berlin . The Flyerettes are smart; however, the Flyers were even greater." Gary G. Shepherd, assistant to the director of development at UD, has been e lected chairman of the Keep Christ in Christmas committee. He served as second vice chair man in 1967. Mary Jo Bihl married Edward J. Stubenrauch, Jr .. June 15. Dina Marie Donnellan married Charles Thomas O 'Hara, June 22. Three '65'ers received Juris Doctor degrees from the
University of Cincinnati on June 13. They are Norman J. Abraham, Harold F. Poe and Paul M. Hunter. Second child, first son , Vincent Gerard, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Periolat (Barbara Anne Hyde), April 26. "Jerry left Standard Register and is now a general agent for Continental American Life Insurance Company in LaGrange, Ill. We are building a home in Wheaton, Ill., and hope to be living in it by September." Hugh 0. Dermody III was discharged from the U.S. Army in May. H e received the Army Commendation Medal for outstanding service as a broadcast specialist, Radio-TV Branch, Fort Bragg, N.C. Hugh and his wife, Kathleen Courtney Dermody, have a son, Michael Brendan, born January 10, 1967. Hugh is working as a broadcast journalist in the news department of WLWC-TV in Columbus, 0.
1966 First child, son, to Terry and Thomas B. Gorius, May 30. Frederick J. Wells married Barbara Ann Thompson, June 15. Fred is a doctoral student at Brown University; Barb is in grad school at Smith College. Rita Louise Koeller married Benjamin A. Daniel, June 29. Lt. Joseph D. Sommers was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service in Vietnam in ceremonies held at Fort Meade, Md. Joe is the supply officer of Headquarters Company, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Meade. Stephanie Marie Viviano married David Lohri, May 18. Stephanie is with Fraser Mortgage Company in Cleveland. First child, Timothy Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Peacock (Regina Izzi) , last October 5. "I was teaching but am now working full time at being a wife and mother since Tim's return from Vietnam." Mary Jeanne Farley married Michael Warren Miles , April 20. The Miles' are living in Fullerton, Calif. John P. Sciantarelli (MBA) married Cathryn Marie Paule '67, June 8. The co uple is living in Ashland, 0. , where John is teaching at Ashland College. Lt. Timothy J. Kunes is stationed in Korea until May of 1969. Lt. Barry M. Clark married UD senior, Nympha su'san Smith, June 8. The Clark's are living in Laurel, Md., w_llile Barry is stationed at Ft. Meade. Steven P. Yurkovich received his masters degree in science from Brown University in June. Delores Ann Schroeder was chosen to participate in the 1968 French Institute at Kansas State Teachers College. She was one of forty-four chosen 路from 365 applicants to attend the institute conducted under the National Defense Education Act. The seven-week institute created an "island of France" in Kansas and subjected the participants to "total 1 immersion" in French. John S. Vascek received a masters in education degree from Miami University in April. Robert P. Vertes received a masters degree in arts from the New School for Social Research in June . Lt. James E. Brown is a member of the U.S . Army stationed at Fort Lee , Va. Marilyn Jane Mercurio was married to Kenneth J. Brand on June 24, 1967. Marilyn has been teaching in the Readin g [0.) City Schools where her husband is a principal. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Seubert (Reginal Trick), May 16. Carroll Ann Tunker married Stanley Januska, Jr., December 23 , 1967. The Januska's are living in Philadelphia. Vincent A. Binkoski, Jr., was promoted to Army Captain in May near Kaiserslautern, Germany. Vince is commande r of the U.S. Army Garrison , Palatinate District, Headquarters Company. Katherine Ann Kelly married Jos eph M. Ivcevich, May 11. Katherine is teaching with the Cincinnati Board of Education and has earned her masters degree from Xavier. Philip E. Salm is a member of the U.S . Navy since July and has a wedding date coming up in November.
Jacquelyn Ann Sanders is with Trans World Airlines at JFK International Airport. Harry J. Roedersheimer's play, "Sanctified Mind," was the final production of The Mummers Guild's 1967-68 season. An experimental play, which is really a play-withina-play, involved the production itself and a cast, and the play which they are directing, with its casts. It also won the Speech and Theater- English Department Award at the University of Cincinnati for the b est original play of the year. J. Michael Drury is with Interspace Corporation in Parsippany, N.J. Harold E. Schmiesing married Mary Catherine Riethman '67, June 8. Harold is teaching at Kennedy Junior High School in Kettering ; Mary Catherine is a case worker with the Montgomery County Child Welfare Board. Michael A. Wolf, formerly a section supervisor in the Springfield Works purchasing department of International Harvester, has been transferred to the Purchasing department in the Company's general offices in Chicago. Nelson S. N. Chung is teaching at St. Anthony High School in Wailuku, Hawaii. First child, Christopher Brent, to Susan and Lt. Thomas J. Niehaus, April 3. The Niehaus' are living in Bountiful, Utah. Grace Jean Hanna was married to George A. Arnold, last August 18. Jeanne Marie Hug married John Eric Marshall, August 26, 1967. The Marshall's are living in Canton, 0. David T. Coyle married Carol Ann Gasson, May 18. The Coyle's will be living in Detroit while Dave finishes law school at the other UD. Joseph D. Sommers married Angela Milner '65, April 27. Carol Jean Homan married Gary Hemmerich, May 25. The Hemme rich's are living in Ansonia, 0. Martha Crosby Offerle and her husband, Michael, are residing in Berlin, Germany, where Mike is a military policeman in the U.S. Army. The Offerle's will be in Ger路 many until September, 1969.
DISTINGUISHED CAREER Louis F. Polk '66 Hon., president of Louis Polk, Inc., in Dayton, was elected to Honorary Membership in the American Society for Testing and Materials. This membership, one of the Society's highest honors, was received "in recognition of his distinguished career and service to man through his eminent contributions to science, industry and public service, particularly in the field of metrology and standardization, both nationally and internationally." Doctor Polk is an authority on international metrology and in the interest of related research has officially visited the National Bureau of Standards of most of the路 leading industrial nations of the world. He is a consultant in this field as well as industrial and financial areas. H e has b een active in the development of standards and in 1960 was appointed the public delegate by the U.S. to th e 11th International Conference on Weights and Measures, Paris, France, at which thirty-two nations adopted an isotopic wave length of light to replace the meter bar which had served as the world's standard of length for over seventy years, as well as adopting a new world's standard of time. Doctor Polk was chairman of the U.S. Delegation on Standards and Norms to the Soviet Union in April, 1967, and was a U.S. delegate to the International Organiza tion for Standards meeting in Moscow in June, 1967.
Lt. Ronald M. Mattei married Diane Lee Noble, May 17. Ron is stationed in Germany. Airman William G. Sommer married Barbara Suzanne Midgley, April 15. "We will live in Germany for three years while Bill is with the USAF." Lt. Norbert C. Duell married Kathleen Ann King, May 25. First child, Rebecca Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Mountz, Jr. [Elaine Marie Roush '65), December 13. Joseph L. Graves, Jr., a second-year student in The Catholic University of America Law School, has been elected copy editor of the Law Revi ew, published quarterly. He is working on Volume XVIII of the Review. Thomas J. Waddick earned his masters degree from the University of Notre Dame this year. Tom and his wife, Joan, are living in Mishawaka, Ind. Robert L. Heath, Jr., married Kathleen Marie Usher '67, April 27. Bob is with Dayton Tire and Rubber Company; Kathleen, the Dayton State Hospital. Both are working on their masters degrees at UD. Eric B. Ruppert is a doctoral student at the U. of Notre Dame. He received his masters .from ND in May. He and his wife, Linda, have a son, Michael Anthony, born April 25. Frank A. Deniston is with Stromberg Datagraphics Inc. in San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Deniston is the former Paulette Olson '68. Lt. Thomas N. Tight married Barbara Joy Walker, June 22. The couple is living in Germany. Henry G. Fallek married Marcia Kay Lehman, June 22. Henry is an engineer with Magnavox Research Labs in Torrance, Calif. He received his masters from Brooklyn Poly Tech in 1967. Michael F. O'Connor is attending the University of California's Hastings College of Law in San Francisco. Stephen W. Armstrong is a cost accountant with Booth Fisheries in Chicago. Mrs. Armstrong [Jeanne Hochstrasser '68) is working for the Callaghan Publishing Company. James M. Vogel is with Arthur Andersen & Company CPA's in New York City. Jim and his wife, Margaret, have a son- James Michael, Jr. Sgt. Thomas F. McNiece is stationed in Vietnam. Son to Patricia and Terry D. Kauflin, Tune 15. James J. Steineman married Emma Lou Johnson, June 15. Jim earned his masters from the University of Washington and is an instructor in French and German at Wright State U. Lt. Lawrence J. Wilberding, Jr., wrote in June, " I have completed my tour of duty in Korea. After a thirty-day leave will be reporting to Fort Carson, Colo." Eileen T. Robertson, since January, has been a personnel interviewer for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in New York City. John T. Moessner married Susan Jane Locke, July 6. Daughter to Judith and Lester R. Bartimay, Jr., June 27. SP/ 4 William F. Keck is stationed in Vietnam until March of 1969. Bill and his wife, Sue Ann, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on June 18. Arthur J. Suchocki married Roberta Louise Marzich '67, July 6. Art is a doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin and Roberta is teaching at McFarland High School in McFarland, Wise. David C. Pfriem is teaching at Memorial Junior High with the Lyndhurst Board of Education in South Euclid, 0. John M. Gerwels is with the Nuclear Division of Union Carbide in Oak Ridge, Tenn. He earned his masters at Purdue this year. Joseph D. Sommers has been released from service and is in training with Minnesota Mining in Cincinnati. H is wife is Angela Milner Sommers '65 . Susan C. Mullane h as been teaching first grade at Bath Township Local School in Allen County, 0., and at Lindbergh School in Columbus. But "next year I will be employed by the Department of Defense and will be teaching first grade in their overseas schools for dependents of
American servicemen. I will be based at Naha Air Force Base on Okinawa and will be teaching at Tyler ,Primary School. My summers have been spent doing work as a bank teller." William A. Kuhns' book , "In Pursuit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer," was selected as a finalist in the 1968 National Catholic Book Awards competition. Donald R. Powell writes, "In August I will receive my M.A. in speech and theater from Miami University. In September I will be an instructor in speech and director of forensics at Urbana College in Urbana, 0 ." Robin Marie Weiss married Frank N. Dupps, July 27. A note from Kenneth J. Annibale . . . "I was released from the Army as 1st Lt. on 3 July. Don't have the name of my employer as yet but plan a career in marketing management and hope to begin work on an MBA at New York U. in January." Stephen R. Hempelman married Christine Jablonski, June 22. The couple is living in Cicero, Ill., while Steve is at路 tending Stritch School of Medicine at the University of Loyola. G. William Ruth married Nancy Carol Rahe March 9. Nancy writes, "I am working for the Clark County Board of Education. Both my husband and I will teach at Indian Springs School here in Nevada (Las Vegas). He will teach high school and I elementary." Sandra Rose Price married Jerry Lee Bowers, July 20. Both Sandra and her husband are teaching at Wayne High School. Patrick W. Hogan and Elie E. T. Saleeby received MBA degrees from Xavier U. in June. And at Ohio State on June 7 Thelma Sobieski Sens received a masters degree in social work ; Mary Virginia Perry a masters degree in arts and Loretta Dittrich Spotila a master of science degree. Lt. John P. Emington, Jr., is stationed in Vietnam. Janet Louise Thomas is teaching Spanish with the Baltimore (Md.) County Public Schools . Patrick J. McGarry married Judith Kaye Huber '67, July 27. Pat was released from service in September. Joan Marie Rubeck is working for L. M. Berry Company in Dayton. Captain Michael F. Fredericks writes, "I am over in Vietnam and assigned with the 11th Armored Cav. Regt. Upon my return from Germany I became engaged to Jean Gilles '66. We plan to get married as soon as I return from my tour here." Raymond E. Jones married Karen Ann Head, August 3. Ray is with the UD Research Institute. Darlene DiPasquale Westbrock is one of two gals who opened a charm school in Centerville, 0., called Academy of Charm. Darlene, wife of Gerald R. Westbrock '62, was Miss Ohio in 1961-62 and has been associated with the Norma Sharkey modeling agency for eight years. First class was held in August and stressed poise, diet, wardrobe, hair dressing, exercise and etiquette. James L. Dutt (MBA) has been promoted to director of manage路 ment services and assistant director of marketing in charge of new products for the Meadow Gold Dairy Division of Beatrice Foods Company. Mr. Dutt will be responsible for expanding Meadow Gold's dairy management services nationally and for the marketing of new dairy and路 dairy-type products through the division 's 300 plants and branches across the country. He is a veteran of twenty-one years with Beatrice Foods . His daughter, Joan Dutt Fricke, was graduated from Dutt UD this year.
1967 Judith B. Harrington is teaching at St. Charles School in Kettering. Sister Adeline Beining, CPPS, was one of thirteen dietetic interns who received certificates from the Indiana University Medical Center in June signifying the completion of their year's work. Sister is now qualified to be a dietician in hospitals, schools or other institutions. Helen Jane Meiring married Cyril George LeFevre, UD senior, June 29. Nancy Rose Byrne married Terrence A. Dennee, June 29. John H. Samanich married Kathryn Ann Vanek, July 13. John is in the computer section at NCR. Nikolai T. Zavadsky married Diane Lee Prince, July 13. He is employed at NCR. Kathleen Kahles Catanese and her husband, Carmen A. celebrated their first wedding anniversary on July 1. Charles E. Kapper is working at Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC, in Dayton . Elaine Marie Gast married Gerald Anthony Broering, July 6. The couple is living in St. Henry, 0. Lt. Charles J. Borns married Judith Ann Elder, June 15. The couple will be living at Fort Hood, Texas, until December. Elizabeth Alice Mertz married James E. Hansen, July 4. Stephen C. Walter married Lois Ann Bilstein, June 29. Lawrence A. Cadman married Catherine Dorn, June 15. Lt. John C. Graser is with the 603rd Air Commando Squadron at England AFB, Louisiana. Thomas E. Wood married Pamela Lynn Everhart, Aug路 ust 17. Susan K. Grayson is working for Ohio Edison Company in Springfield, 0. Eric M. May is with the Department of the Navy at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Haryash P. Gugnani is employed by Procon Inc., subsidiary of Universal Oil Products, in Chicago. M. Jack Hess is health and physical education instructor and soccer coach at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, 0. Jack was goalie for four years and co-captain of the 1965 and 1966 soccer teams. Lt. Roland H. Robinson completed an engineer officer course at the Army Engineer School at Ft. Belvoir in May. Jack W. Majewski married Jean Ann Orkwis '68, June 8. Jack is working in the Avionics Lab at WPAFB . James C. David married Patricia Rae Jacobs '65, June 15. Jim works for Duriron and Pat teaches at Corpus Christi School in Dayton. Jean Marie Westbrock is teaching at Providence High School in New Lenox, Ill. Daniel Bilek married Mary Agnes Macha, May 25. Dan is working for Dayton Fabricated Steel Company and living in Fairborn. Emil J. Labbe, CPPS, was ordained to the priesthood on June 1 by Bishop Edward A. McCarthy. The ceremony was h eld in Assumption Chapel at St. Charles Seminary. John A. Hertvik, Jr., married Virginia Dixon, June 15. John is teaching in the Vandalia-Butler School System. Gerald W. Vanderyt married Christine Sue White '68, June 15. Gerry is teaching at Meadowdale High School in Dayton and Christine will be teaching in the Dayton School System also. Pvt. James S. Jarzynka completed advanced training as a combat engineer at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo ., in May. Kathleen Ann Gugino is working for The Hartford Insurance Group in Washington, D.C. Gerald A. Young married Peggy Ann Carroll, June 15. H e was graduated from the Naval Air Training Command in June and is a naval flight officer at Corpus Christi, Texas . Robert M. Acker is with Avis Rent-A-Car System, Inc., in Garden City, N.Y. Theresa Elizabeth Bradley mari-ied James Wayne Brytus , June 29. Theresa is teaching in tbe Dayton School System.
Coleen Marie Lumpkin is with the Darke County Welfare Department in Greenville, 0 . Michael Q. Doyle "since fast August" has "been engaged in biomechanic research for the Ford Motor Company. Our operation is located in Ford's n ew Automotive Safety Research Center in Dearborn, Mich. I am also enrolled in graduate school at Wayne State U. on a part·time basis." James J. Bayer, Jr., is serving with the First Bde. of the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam as interrogator. Lt. James J. Steele will be stationed in Vietnam until May, 1969. His wife, Rita,. is living in Dayton. Roseanne J. Marek is studying for her Ph.D. in education at Kent State University. She is teaching in the Brecksville (0.) City Schools. Vicky Anne Mumma married Warren G. Schmitt, June 8. Vicky is a social worker at the Dayton State Hospital. Thomas E. Tischer married Marilyn Jeannette White, June 8. Tom is with the Dayton Tire and Rubber Company and Marilyn teaches at St. Albert's School in Kettering. Mary Lynn Jackson married Robert Paul Gaughan, who attended UD, January 27. The Gaughan's will be living in the Canal Zone until January of 1969. Airman Ronald D. Kissel married Linda Ann Pabst, June 1. Ron is stationed at Norton AFB, Calif., after completing basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He is a procurement specialist with a unit of the Military Airlift Command. Jean Ann Gels married David Henry Thobe, May 18. Lt. Timothy L. Kearney married Patricia Ruth Gilmore, December 23. Tim is adjutant of a mechanized infantry battalion at Fort Carson, Colo. The couple will be moving to Indianapolis in October where Tim Kissel will attend the Army Finance School at Fort Benj Harrison. Philip R. Kleckner married Mary Joanne Henahan, May 25. John A. Kalina, Jr., married Kathryn T. Kretschmann '68, May 25. John is with the Data Corporation in Dayton. First child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fruscello (Mary Catharine Antoun), April 24. Lt. Brian R. Gardner completed an ordnance officer basic course in April at the Army Ordnance School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Daughter to Nancy and Philip S. Piro, April 23. He is a member of the faculty at Sinclair College in Dayton. Cathleen A. Doyle is working in the development office at UD. Joyce H. Ksiezopolski is with the Federal Government in Washing· ton, D.C., and living in Falls Church, Va. Lt. Thomas A. Payne married Gardner Linda Kathleen Zwiesler, June 1. Tom is stationed at Camp Pickett, Va. Donald L. Saurine married Mary Rose Zierolf, June 15. Don is with the Ohio Youth Commission. Donald J. Bealko is working on his MBA degree at Indiana University. Michael D. Dantona married Eloise Fister, January 27. Mike is with the Duro Instrument Corporation in Oceanside, N.Y. Pfc. Ronald J. Poh, drafted into the Army right after graduation, is stationed at Fort Rucker, Ala. Nancy Huber Morcos, wife of John E. Morcos '65, was one of the principal dancers in the annual performance of
the Capital City Ballet Foundation in May in Columbus, 0. She appeared with Duard Farquhar and the combined Jorg Fasting·Capital City Ballet companies. Nancy is working on her masters degree in English at Ohio State. Louis J. Colangelo, Jr., married Judy Charlotte DiCamillo, June 29. Lawrence E. Augustyn has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Larry has been assigned to Chanute AFB, Ill., for training as a missile launch officer. Lt. James M. Zidar married Sandra Jean Kist, April 27. On May 4, Herbert F. Katzman married Linda Ann Lauder '68. Linda will be attending graduate school in social work at Indiana University. Herbert is a manuacturing systems analyst for P. R. Mal· Augustyn lory Company in Indianapolis. Lt. James J. Pazsint has completed a 16-week helicopter pilot course in the Army Primary Helicopter School at Ft. Wolters, Texas, and is now undergoing advanced flight tra·ining at the Army Aviation School at Ft. Rucker, Ala. Thomas A. Singer married Dianne Lee Davis, February 24. Tom is with the Stockton, West and Burkhart, Inc., Advertising Agency in Cincinnati. Stephen C. Dougherty married Janet Susan Hillenmeyer '68, May 18. Stephen is a member of the UD faculty in communication arts. Robert T. Ferrigan married Margaret Ann Swearengen. April 27, and left for service on May 8. Bruce D. Soule married Geraldine J. Laurich, May 18. Bruce is with Haskins & Sells in Dayton; Gerry is a super· visor with Addressograph-Multigraph. Ann V. Hogenkamp is with the Montgomery County Child W elfare Board and living in Dayton. Robert G. Weghorst has been named manager of Top Value Stamp's Kettering redemption center. He had previously been manager of a local retail store. Ralph C. Verdi, CPPS, has written a musical composition, Mass of the Resurrection, which was presented at the open· ing of the 1968 convention of the National Catholic Music Educators Association in Houston, Texas, in April. His composition is intended to demonstrate the use of musical elements taken directly from American culture in the liturgy. His work shows particularly the influence of jazz and blues-type melodies. The Mass employs muted trumpets characteristic of the jazz idiom. Roger J. Vopal married Mary Patricia Waldron, June 22. Both are teaching- Roger with the West Orange (NJ) Board of Education - and Mary with the Livingston Board of Education. Airman Louis W. Clark has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas, and is now assigned as a communi· cations specialist with a unit of the Tactical Air Command at Bergstrom AFB, Tex. Roger P. Pryor is attending officers training school at Lackland AFB, Texas. Lt. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Hoffman (Sue Stephan) are stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Marilyn Ann Rigg married Raymond Thomas Hartman. Jr., June 22. The couple is living in Dayton. Gus C. Landrow, Jr., married Judi Carol LaPie rre, in March. Gus is physical education director of Dannemora (NY) State Hospital. Robert J. Kocher married Cheryl Ann Hoop, June 22. Bob is fi eld representative in Dayton for the Logan Company. John S. Sukola III married Sharon Lynn Ronk , June 22. James A. Schoen married Mary Ann Leibold '68, June 22. Barry W. Jackson married Natalie Draskovich, June 8.
Benjamin G. Sachs (MBA) has joined The Dow Chemical Company in the Special Assignments Program at Midland, Mich. He and his wife, Sara, have two children --;- Dan and Yaron. Lt. Thomas A. Andrus completed the mechanical maintenance officer course in May at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. During the eight-week course Tom was trained to supervise personnel engaged in the repair of conventional Army Material. SP/5 Stanley M. Rybak is with the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. Sharon Jane Murphy married Brian Francis Conklin, June 29. Michael B. Manning married Margaret Ann Phillips, June 22. Lt. Arthur W. Rowe, Jr., is serving with the US Army in Germany. Lt. Martin E. Miller completed a transportation officer basic course in June at the Army Transportation School at Ft. Eustis, Va. First child, Julie Marie, to Marie and Lt. Michael E. Redden, May 20. Mike left for Vietnam in June. Ensign Thomas S. Stander married Nancy Sue Lucas, August 31. 1968 Robert F. Witkowski married Verne Elizabeth Walters '67, July 20. That same day Edwin J. Drerup married Helen Marie Stenglein. On May 18 Daniel N. Murphy married Sharon Ann Culliton. Emily V. Schroeder married Stanley Louis Karhoff, July 17. Kenneth E. Baier married Kathleen Jane Grieshop, July 27. John C. Reindl is attending graduate school at Ohio State University. James M. Brady is attending Carnegie-Mellon University. Gerald F. Simpson is attending the University of Illinois. Frederick M. Jurick is with General Electric. David R. Seitz is with Delco Products Division, GMC. Lowell D. Bok is working for B. F. Goodrich Company in Troy, 0., and attending UD grad school. Angelo E. Settembrini married Virginia Leah Chmiel, May 11. Daniel G. Hobbs has been named housing field representative with the Dayton Human Relations Council. Dan had worked part time on research projects for the RHC housing program for the past year. He eventually will have the responsibility of working with open housing committees in white residential areas to secure fair housing opportunities for minorities. He also will investigate complaints of discrimination in housing. Norbert J. Green, Jr., _is an engineering technician at Chrysler AirHobbs temp in Dayton. He and his wife, Donna, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on May 6. Dennis P. Collins married Patricia Ann Fares '67, May 11. Alan F. Zink married Marie Louise Knoble, May 4. Alan is with Whirlpool Corporation in Clyde, 0. John W. Brankamp married Linda Jean Riley, May 18. John is with Rike's in Dayton. Frances Ann Arnold has received a federal grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of St&te, for a teaching assistantship at Tommaso di Savoia Techn"ical Institute in Trieste, Italy. Frances spent
the last two summers studying abroad in Italy, Switzerland, France and England. M. Abigail Harrison was one of thirty-five finalists competing for top prizes in a national creative writing contest in May. She submitted a portfolio of three short stories and several poems which all were written within the last year. Thomas R. Hession married Jacqualyn Mary Coletta, June 29. Tom is a law student at Duquesne University. Captain Betty J. Bowins was among key AF Reserve officers attending the 39th Annual Aerospace Medical Association meeting in Miami, Fla., in April. She participated in the special symposium held annually to provide a closer understanding between reserve and active duty medical service personnel. Patricia Ann ~oncskevitz married Lawrence M. Finnerup, May 18. Pat is teaching in the Chicago Heights (Ill.] School System. John J. Robke, Jr., married Mary Louise Wolnitzek, June 1. John is a management trainee with Rockcastle Motor Sales in Covington, Ky. Don J. May signed a three-year contract with the New York Knicks in May. "I think any basketball player who has pride in himself wants to play in the NBA. They told me I would be a swing man. I'm going to work all summer on my ball handling and outside shooting so I can handle the guard position." Don was honored as the outstanding UD senior athlete by the Dayton Agonis Club in May. Ghanshyam A. Patel is with Philco and living in Dayton. Constance J. Eifert is working for the Mead Corporation in Dayton. Margaret Ann McGrath married Reed Winton Heinz, June 1. The Heinz' are living in Metuchen, N.J. Donald L. Hart married Kathleen Ann Gerlach, June 8. Don is with NCR. William M. Slonaker married C. Joan Chavez, June 15. Jarret J. Lobb married Barbara Ellen Levy, May 18. He is with Wm. S. Fry & Company CPA's in Dayton. Mary Ann Kunz married George Stephen Terlinden, June 8. The couple is living in Cincinnati. Laura Catherine Herrmann is working on her masters at State University of New York and is with the Department of Urban Redevelopment in Albany. Daughter to Janet and Donald J. Marxen, June 4. Lois Ann Goritz married David Paul Depp, June 22. Lois is teaching in the Allegheny County Board of Education at McKeesport, Pa. Pamela Ann Pfeffer is working for Ohio Edison Company in Elyria, 0 . Elizabeth Ann Gunn is teaching with the Rochester, N.Y. City School District. Charles J. Crawford married Margaret Lavin, June 15. Dale M. Mandrona married Carol Anne Weise, May 18. Dale is with Prudential Insurance Company of America and living in Iselin, N.J. Alan R. Boerger married Janet A. Bornhorst, June 15. Alan i:.; a grad student at Kent State University. Joseph Gaskey, Jr., married Patricia Hamrock on May 4. Joe is with the West Penn Power Company in Greensburg, Pa. Patricia Ann Barbour is teaching with the Chicago Board of Education. Daughter to Colleen and James A. Welz (MBA) , June 11. Alexander N. Davis married Christine Louise Brown, June 23. AI is teaching at Corpus Christi School in Dayton; Christine is working at the United Theological Seminary. Robert L. DiGuardi is working for Delco-Moraine Division of GMC. John E. Sienko, Jr., married Carol Lynn Jones, June 22. John is with IBM in Endicott, N.Y.
Paul H. Rethl!lke married Barbara Ann Brinck, July 6. Diana L. Grubenhoff is assistant employment manager at St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago. Sharon Ann Devalon married Stanley M. Fairchild, Jr., July 6. David G. Pflum married OSU grad, Mary Eileen Laird, June 15. Thomas A. Westerkamp married Jane Lee Ellis, July 4.
Tom is teaching at Springmyer School in Cincinnati. Ralph E. DeRose is teaching at St. Anthony Elementary School in Parma, 0 . Cesar W. Gonzalez is a systems analyst with the Cox Coronary Institute in Dayton. He and his wife , Juanita, have three children- Theresa, William and Annette. Patrick E. Talty is with Jones and Laughlin Steel in Cleveland.
Rev. Donald W. Ritzier, CPPS '51- heart attack July 19. Joseph R. Bernard, Lt. Col. (ret.) '41-July 27. Father of UD student, Donald. Joseph F. Ferneding '07-July 25. Bettie Jeanne Harding Stringham '52-swimming pool accident-July 17. Walter V. Lancaster, Jr., '53- July 20. Richard R. Kennedy '31- notified in July- date of death not available. Donald J. Gill '23- date not known. August J. Kauflin '19- employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for forty-seven years-April 16. Brother of Anthony C. Kauflin '10. Andrew J. Witt, Jr. '22-May 9. Albert R. Evans '32- English teacher at Dayton's Patterson Cooperative High School from 1949 until his retirement in 1967 and father of David R. Evans '54 and Ann Evans Wolf '60-May 9. Paul J. Roos '50-died unexpectedly recently-notified in May. F. William Tangeman '52- April 8. Bernard J. Borchers, S.M. '61-killed in plane crash, May 22. Son of Bernard J. Borchers, Jr., '33. Wilda Billett Osweiler '53-May 18. Daughter of Ohmer D. Billett '23. Richard C. Schneble, M.D. '28-May 23. Father of Joyce Schneble McKale '65 and brother of Clem J. Schneble, D.D.S. '31. Reverend Bernard A. Neubauer, S.M. '35-chairman of the philosophy department at Chaminade College in Honolulu-May 18. Anthony L. Saletel, S.M. '15- brother of the late Louis A. Saletel, S.M. '24-May 26. Rev. Joseph A. Tetzlaff, S.M. '05- ninth President of UD from 1918-1923- June 14. Raymond E. Durocher, M.D. '31- notified in June-date of death not known. William J. Irwin '07- died "two years ago"-notified in June. Arnold Klug, S.M. '12- beloved postmaster at UD-June 9. Tom E. Devine '33-former sports editor of the Miami (Fla.) News and a veteran of thirty-four years in the newspaper business and publicity director of the Detroit Race Course since 1964- June 8. William E. Henrich '10-died "last February." Frederick A. Cotterman '34-attorney-brother of Robert L. Cotterman '38-June 20. Mary Ann Evans '64-April 16. Donald R. Buckey '58-June 30. Rev. Eugene F. Dunn '18-notified in July-no date of death. Mrs. Roma Chromick, mother of Jan D. Chromick '60April 13. Elmer L. Quatman, father of Gerald L. Quatman, Ph.D.April 15. Mrs. Matilda C. Fahrig, mother of Donald L. Fahrig, S.M. '50- April 16.
Marion S. Zwolski, father of Mitchell S. Zwolski '56May 8. Mrs. Ethel R. Vlerebome, mother of Martha T. Vlerebome '38- May 20. Mrs. Margaret C. Saurine, mother of Robert J. Saurine '38 and Charles E. Saurine '41- May 21. Mrs. Freda Hussong, Assistant Dean of Women at UD and mother of Frederick E. Hussong '54, John F. Hussong '56 and Nicholas A. Hussong '64-May 27. Mrs. Hussong's brother is Anthony E. Sprauer '39. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kitchen '63 (Phyllis Jean Romie '66), May 30. Dr. Zinon B. Papanastassiou, husband of Aspasia Zonars Papanastassiou '50-June 4. Charles J. Lause, Sr., father of Charles J. Lause, Jr. '43June 6. Lt. Karl-Oscar Klenk, husband of Ruth Snelling Klenk '63, killed in airplane crash during German Air Force maneouvers-June 12. Carl C. Hecker, father of Eugene L. Hecker '58-June 13. James A. Byrd, husband of Lucie Newton Byrd '58-January 19. Mrs. Kathleen Thalheimer, mother of John R. Thalheimer '48-June 10. Donald J. Geiger, father of Sister Linda Geiger, S.N.D. June 23. Arthur W. Burns, father of Arthur C. Burns, M.D. '64June 21 . John J. Murphy, father of Colonel John E. Murphy '43, Robert E. Murphy '44 and Raymond P. Murphy, M.D. '45June 3. Harry Costas, father of James Costas, D.D.S. '55 and Constantine Costas '55-June 7. Leo A. Stemley, father of Eugene I. Stemley '64-June 30. Mrs. Cecile M. Swift, wife of the late Paul F. Swift, Sr. '18 and mother of Paul F. Swift, Jr. '48 and Sister Helen Cecilia Swift, S.N.D. '43-July 2. Anthony F. Vacchiano, brother of Carmela Vacchiano Pragalos '58 and Filomena Vacchiano Lange '61-July 6. Mrs. Anna E. McDermott, mother of Sister Anna McDermott, S.N.D. '68-July 9. Mrs. Linda Dues Hart, wife of Ronald L. Hart '68 and siste r of John N. Dues '68- killed in automobile a ccident while on honeymoon-July 10. Mrs. Dorothy E. Wolf, mother of John R. Wolf '50-July 11. Infant twin sons-Mark and Matthew Wheeler-of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wheeler '65 (Carolyn Bolton), July 15. Rial T. Parrish, father of Marquerite M. Parrish '38July 17. John Hegedus, fath er of Marjorie Hegedus Dome '54July 18. Mrs. Jeanette F. Hall, Sr., w idow of James E. Hall, Sr. '15 and mother of James E. Hall, Jr. '50 and Mary Hall Regan '50-July 18.
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PAID At Dayton, Ohio I
Volume XXXV, No. 3
The University of Dayton ALUMNUS, established in 1929, is published quarterly, February, May, August, November, for the University of Dayton Alumni Association by the Public Relations Department, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45409.