VISITING the chapters with Alumni Secretary MARY SHAY
The Annual Meeting of the University of Dayton Alumni Association took place Dec. 7 on the campus. Members of the National Board, Chapter Repres en tatives, Members-elect to both the Alumni and Board of Athletic Control attended. The Alumni Secretary presented h er annual report. The Treasurer's report and progress made on th e Ke ttering Challenge Gift Program were given. An interesting report prepared by Mr. James J. Gilvary, ational Vice-President on the dialogue between the National Alumni Board and representatives of the student body was read by Mr. Donald Ruhl. At the request of National and Local Boards student rep resentatives were invited to attend meetings . Some of the matters discussed were: articles appearing in the Flyer News regarding Bishop O 'Boyle and Birth Control; compulsory R.O .T.C .; news leaks from campus to local papers which are critical of the school and administration; student demonstrations such as those held last Fall over R. 0 . T . C., which embarrassed
Jhe Unversity and its a lumni ; choice of speakers at prog rams at the University; students' Bill of Rights; st ud ents' desire for freedom of press, dress a nd academic discipline; interdisciplinary courses; student desire to be committed to a cause to improve society, to ge t rid of poverty and racism, and methods used to achieve those goa ls; student concern that only a few of their numbers are doin g things; ri ght of dissent through proper channels; problems in vo lved in off-campus housing; student participation in decision making of th e admin istrati o n ; student fees; bad effect on community financial support of unfavorable publicity on campus. Discussion was quite spirited. o great solutions were forthcoming, nor were th ey particularly sought. However, a better understanding of the viewpoints of a ll concerned wn s ce rtainly nchievecl. Those elected to th e National Alumni Board of Athletic Control were adm inistered the oath of office by Je rom e E. Westendorf. alional President.
Mr. Richard Durbin '55, left, Mrs. Virginia MacMillan Varga '51, center and Mr. David L. Ford '54, right, were administered the oath of office on the National Alumni Board . Mr. Ford was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. James Uttermohlen '51. Mr. Donald E. Ruhl, '47, not shown, Mr. Durbin and Mrs. Varga were elected to three-year terms.
Mr. Joseph D. Quinn '42, left and Mr. Louis J . Cannarozzi '52, right, were elected to the University of Dayton's Board of Athletic Control. They were sworn into office at the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association in December, and will serve terms of three years. Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M., '27, Vice-President, Development and Public Relations, U.D., Jerome E. Westendorf '43, National President, Alumni Association and Mary Shay '44, Alumni Secretary participating during the Annual Meeting, U.D. Alumni Association .
The De troit Chapte r, th a nks to Di ck Hollenkamp a nd Mike Dinnin , Jr. , a rra n ge d a pre-game cockt a il parly, Saturday, Ja n . 11 - th e date o ur 1968-69 Flyers me t th e Detroit Titans . The gathering at Menjo's Restauran t, W. McNicholas Rd ., Detroit, was well attended. The following a lumni made up parties ranging in number from one to ten: Di ck Abdoo, Jack and Marian Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Blun kett, Maggie Coucard, Sue Brochert, Jud y McCarthy, Carol Stasa, Tom Clifford, Don Collins, Leo a nd Bea Co llins , Dav e Coyle, Maureen Deli s io, Skip DeSmyter, Mike a nd Ire ne Dinnin , Harold "Sco tt y" Fearn, Bob Hi gdo n, Tom and Do tti e H oe ff e l, Dick a nd Alice H ollenkamp , Mark a nd Donn a Kelly, Lou Keyes, La rry and Ka thy Kowa l, Bill a nd Pa t Locke, Dick
Members of the National Alumni Board and Chapter Representatives attendin g the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association are left to ri ght: L. Wm . Crotty ' 52 , Mrs . Con stance Ecklar '56 . Richmond . Ky., Donald L. Ruhl '47, Paul J. Heckman '38, David L. Ford '54, Virginia MacMillan Varga '51, Charles L. Graham '57, AI Diringer '48. Tiffin , 0 .,
* * Father " Cy" Middendorf was there . .. Also in the group were Mr. and Mrs. Tim Petry.
JoAnn and Carolyn Mullally and friends .
Welcoming alumni and their friends at the reception table at Menjo's prior to the Dayton-Detroit game were seated left to right: Mrs. Joseph (Jerry) Stermer, Mrs. T. J . (Alice) Hollen路 kamp, Mrs . Michael (Irene) Dinnin, and Michael Dinnin , Jr., standing, Dick Hollenkamp and Joe Stermer.
Leo and Bea Collins and Pat Locke.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roberts and Mrs . Mark (Donna) Kelly. Harold " Scotty" Fearn evidently was happy to see his former coach. Harry Baujan and Tom Frericks, U.D.'s Ath letic Director.
Judy McCarthy, Carol Stasa, Sue Brockert -recent grads.
William E. '42 and John P. Reeves '40, Chillicothe. 0., Wm . Fred Wagner '50 . Sidney, 0 ., James C. Broeker '61, Cold water, 0. , John R. Westerheide '47. Donald N. Seifert '52, Columbus. 0., Kenneth R. Bockenstette '57. Cincinnati. 0 ., Thomas Ebner '58 , Canton, 0 ., and John N. Niekamp '58, Akron, 0.
* * *
Lyden, Bill O'Brien, Maureen McGrail, Jim and Helen Mueller, JoAnn Mullally, Carolyn Mullally, Tim Petry, Don Riga. Steve Roberts, Pete Schomer, Bob and Ann Schulte, Joe and Jerry Stermer, Walter Thome, Jim Thompson, George Tuttle and Lester E. Wall, M.D.
NEW NAME Things are happenin g in th e lo ca l chap ter . . . At the last meeting of the Board of Directors, the name was changed from th e Montgomery County to the Greater Dayton Chapter and will include alumni in Greene, Miami, Preble and Montgomery counties. U.D. grads in these counties will be invited to participate in activities of the local group. Fred Crimm , vice-president. and Donald A. Oldiges, immediate past president, revised the ORCA IZATJO and OPERATION of the GREATER DAYTON Cl !APTER, U. D. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. In addition to c han ging the name and broadening the base of alumni participation, changes in c lude the nomination for Chapter President at th e February board meeting and his election by the Board at the March meeting . The newly elected President will appoint the VicePresident, Secretary and Treasurer from the current board. Further, to assist the officers and provide for continuity of direction, an additional fourteen members are appointed by the officers for one year. Tenure of Board Membership is limited to three consecu tive years except when service as an officer is involved. Proportionate representation of the various classes at all times will be insured. At least four board members shou ld be among the gradua tes of the last len years; at least four others shou ld be from among the graduates of the fifteen-year period prior to the last decade; the remaining appointments may be from any period at the discretion of the officers. The duties of the local Board arc: to meet with the officers of the Chapter from time to lime to prepare for the regular meetings of the Chapter; to assist in the planning of these regular meetings; to rtdvise in regard to Chapter activities; to accept chairmans hip of committees when called upon; to recommend candidates
to the National Association for honorary membership; to cooperate with the Nntionnl Board in the promotion of the Homecoming celebration . The main purpose of the Greater Dayton Chapter is to promote, encourage and maintain the interest of th e Greater Dayton Alumni in the University of Dayton, and in one another and to advance the spirit of fellowship and loyally among its members. At its January meeting, Chapter Awards were presented to three outstanding members of the Chapter in recognition of Chapter Services, Professional chievement and Civic Achievement. For the first lime, the Board also approved the conferring of a Special Service Award. James E. Cross '57, chaired this committee. The officers and board of directors of the Creal r Day ton Alumni Chapter include: Charles M. Graham '57, President; Fred W. Crimm '49 , Vice-President; E. Da le Nash '59, Treas urer; Mrs. John D. O 'Donnell , Jr. (Mary Sue Miller) '60, Secretary; Dona ld A. Oldiges '56, Imm ediate past president; 1rs. Robert Corpslein (Mary Scherer) '60, Robert Corpstein '61, William F. Curley '52, James E. Cross '57, Jack A. DeVelbiss '54, J. Norman Eckstein '63, Stanley Z. Greenberg '62, Joseph E. Janowski '63, Pierre A. Kleff, Jr. '68, Lloyd E. Lewis, Jr. '48, Lloyd C. Phillips '49, Gene Schill '61 and James E. Wilkerson '54 . Representatives from the Universi ty of Dayton include - Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M. '27, and Mary Shay '44.
CINCINNATI The Cincinnati Chapt er has another first ... Articles of Incorporation have been filed for the Alumni Foundation, Cincinnati Chapter, U. D. Alumni Association. The purpose of the corporation is to provide funds ei ther by grant. lo an or otherwise basically for scholarship for deserving student or students from the Cincinnati Chapter area for attendance at the University of Dayton; secondarily to receive and maintain a fund or funds of real or personal property or both to use and apply th e whole or any part of the income therefrom and the principal thereof exclusively for charitable, religious, scientific, lit erary or educationa l purposes. The initial trustees of the corporation include: Kenneth Bockenstette '57, Robert Conger '57, Richard H. Finan '54, Earl C. Scheidler, D.O. '57 and Albert G. Sicking '57. The Board of Trustees includes all members of the (CINC IN NATI - con tinu ed on page 6)
CHAPTER AWARDS- Greater Dayton Chapter, U. D. Alumni Association
Arthur 0. Fisher '48, Judge, Dayton Municipal Court is shown receiving the Greater Dayton Chapter Award for Civic Achievement from James E. Cross '57, local attorney and chairman of the Awards Committee.
THE 1968 AWARD FOR CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT Presented By THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Not only is he to be honored for his judicial efforts and contribution s, but also for his deep commitment to the resolution of the problems of the community in which he li ves. His tireless dedication to the elimination of discrimination and injustice, indeed all suffering, has earned respect and admiration and make us proud to include him among the Alumni of the University of Dayton. Since assuming his position as Judge of the Dayton Municipal Court in 19G2, he has dispensed justice with humanitarian vision. Throughout his life he has given of himself to community oriented service, spending tim e, energy and his enthusiasm generating assistance for those in need of help and guidance. His professional status in the community, enhanced by his many civic contributions deserves our recognition by presenting the 1968 Civic Achievement Award to
Charles M. Graham '57, President. Greater Dayton Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association is recognized for his significant contributions and continued interest in his Alma Mater.
THE 1968 AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CHAPTER SERVICE Presented By THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION It is with great pleasure and appreciation that the Association has selected the 1968 nominee for the Chapter Service Award. This young man h as partic ipated actively and effectively in the functions and affairs of the Alumni throughout the years since his graduation. Of course, his dedication to the University of Dayton, its purposes and traditions, is well known to all of us. Particularly within his two terms as President of this Chapter, his able leadership and enthusiasm have proven invaluable. During his tenure, the interests and efforts of the Chapter have been widely expanded, the Board reorganized with an emphasis toward greater involvement and the programs enhanced for the benefit and enrichment of all Alumni. The countless working h ours and significant contributions of this alumnus certainly have earned our gratitude and recognition. We very happily present the 1968 Award for Outstanding Chapter Service to
VISITING- 1969 Chi Sigma Alpha alumni a nd members- along with "THE PROFESSOR" toasted Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. McSweeney '66 during the reception following their marriage February 15th. Mrs. McSweeney is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Samsel '32. The bride and groom were serenaded with the following lyrics composed to the tune of "Bye, Bye Blackbird"
The " Old Professor" and Joanie join the "boys" from Chi Sigma Alpha Alumni Association at the Denie-Joanie wedding in February.
Pack up all your cares and woes Here we go, singing low Bye, bye Skosh. There's a girl waiting for you Promising that she'll always be true Hello, Joannie.
Prosecuting Attorney for Montgomery County, Ohio, Lee C. Falke '52 was honored by the Greater Dayton Chapter for Professional Achievement.
Herb Dintaman , a familiar name and face on campus to students and alumni since 1954 is shown accepting the Special Service Award for his selfless dedication in enrich路 ing the lives of those having the opportunity of p3rticipating with him in sports and fellowship.
THE 1968 AWARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT Presented By THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION We are extremely and especially proud of th e professional status of this young Alumnus. Durin g the few years since entering public life, his bold record stands as a monument to his personal effort, ta lent and perseverance. His outstanding example of success brings honor to himself, the University of Dayton and the Dayton community. As Prosecuting Attorney for Montgomery County, Ohio, he has fearlessly and faithfully guided his office toward law and order while steadfastly safeguarding the rights and the dignity of all individuals. His noteworthy achievements at the Bar and before the Bench, his dedication to justice and fair play, are well recognized by his peers in the profession as well as the society for which he works, witness his recent overwhe lming election to a second term. The members of the Alumni Board very proudly present the 1968 Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement to
SPECIAL SERVICE A WARD Presented By THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION While it has not been the practice of this Chapter to honor those, not Alumni of the University of Dayton, we feel it especially appropr iate to break the t radition at this time. This ge ntle man has been so long a fixture and a part of the campus at the University, and so deeply involved, that it is on ly fitting and proper that his efforts and contribu ti ons be recognized. Since his arrival in 1954, as Assistant Football Coach to Hugh Devore , throughout his many years as freshman basketball coach. to this present position as Director of Intramural Athletics, he has devoted hims elf to the overall at hl e ti c program a t the Un iversity, to the athletes, and most of a ll, to the student body. His se lfl ess dedication has enriched the lives of all who have had the oppor:unit y to participate with him in sports and fellowship. The members of the Alumni Board very h appi ly a nd appreciatively present this special award in recognition of service to
Some people think that Denny is a shortie But you can't prove that by Dana or Dawn. Don't leave your nurse very far 'Cause Head and Shoulders is in the car Denny, Bye - Bye. ]oanie - here 's some thin gs yo u ought to know Denny's never known for being slow When you leave and drive from here He'll head for Kramer's for a beer Joanie, watch out. We'll leave the problems up to you We know that you'll always be true McSweeney's Good Luck.
of merchandise will go into Chi Sig's Scholarship Fund at the University of Dayto n . Your support would be great ly appreciated Chi Sig's a lumni group is an example of what ca n be don e for the university while en joying the task with friends.
Chi Sig wives have formed an auxi liary ... Durin g the Charity Bazaar, May 24 and 25, at the Salem Mall , Dayton , they will have a booth. Proceeds on the sale 5
[continued from page 3) Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Chapter. The Board of Management shall cons ist of members of the Board of Trustees. Members qualifying for service on the Board of Trustees are: the two immediate past Presidents of the Cincinnati Chapter, if residing in the Cincinnati Metropolitan area; the President of the Chapter. Further, the Chapter President before the first meeting of the trustees shall appoint two trustees at large , both to serve for one five year term. As terms expire, trustees at large shall be appointed by a majority of the members of Board of Trustees. In the case of resignation or inability to serve, the Board shall choose a successor from the past presidents of the Association or from the general membership of the Association. Tenure for trustees at large is limited to three successive five year terms. Alumni currently serving the Cincinnati Chapter include: Kenneth Bockenstette '57, President; Anthony Elsass '62, Vice-President ; Richard H. Finan '54, Secretary ; Thomas P. Scheidler '63, Treasurer; Dr. Earl C. Scheidler '57, past President; Board Members: Robert Conger '57, Richard Dorsey '57, E. Tad Egan '56, Joseph B. Niemann '53, John Sacksteder '57, Joseph C. Thiem '28, Thomas Zins '58, and Bro. Lawrence Eveslage, S.M. '31. The Cincinnati Chapter announces its SIXTH ANNUAL UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SCHOLARSHIP FUND DINNER DANCE April12, 1969 7 P.M.- 1 A.M.
Hyde Park Country Club Cincinnati, Ohio Cocktails 7 - 8 P.M. Dinner 8 - 9 P.M. Dancing 9 - 1 A.M. Eddie Rains Orchestra
General Chairmen ... . Mr. and Mrs . Anthony L. Elsass President of Cincinnati Chapter, U.D. Alumni Association .. Mr. Kenneth Bockenstette Publicity . .............. Mr. and Mrs . Flavian Becker Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pohl Invitations ........ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westerkamp Reservations ....... ... Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Scheidler Decorations .. . . . ..... ... Mr. and Mrs . Richard Finan GENERAL COMMITTTEE FOR THE DANCE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong Miss Elaine M. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dorsey Mr. and Mrs . E. Tad Egan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gauche Mr. and Mrs . George Marklay Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Niemann Mr. and Mrs . John Sacksteder Dr. and Mrs. Earl Scheidler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Thiem Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zins Special Project Committee- Mr. Albert C. Sicking Dance ............................. $10.00 Dinner and Dance per couple . . . . . . . . 20.00 Sponsor ........ 路. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Patron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHA PTER A LUMNI ASSOCIATION'S SPONSORED A WARDS SERVICE James J. Gil vary '51 James D. Whalen '47 Jack C. Bramlage '52 Mary M. Shay '44 Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M. '27 1966 Donald E. Ruhl '47 1967 Donald A. Oldiges '56 B.S., '63 M.S. 1968 Charles Graham '57
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958
Lloyd Rensel '43 Jack Brown '26 Paul J. Heckman '38 Robert C. Renner '27 AI T . Suttman '41! Dolores A. McAnespie '51 1959 Arthur T. Scarpelli '34 1960 Frank J. Door ley '43
1961 1962 1963 1964 1965
CIVIC 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957
Merle P. Smith '25 Walter Reiling, M.D. '30 Bernard L. Keiter '42 William Bickford '23 Charles W. Whalen '42 1958 R. William Patterson '29 1959 George W. Humm '40 1960 Charles S . Helldoerfer '33
1961 Han. Robert L. McBride '32 1962 Clement G. Jauch '08 1963 Wm. A. Fitzpatrick '39 1964 Grace Dayan Wolff '41 S, '49 MA 1965 Thomas E. Maher, '39 B 1966 Hugh E. Wall , Jr. '34 1967 Donald L. Turner, D.O. '57 1968 Arthur 0 . Fisher, '48
PRO FESSIONA L 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958
Gerard Faust '30 Maurice Reichard '35 Donald Sharkey '34 Donald Meineke '52 George A . Pflaum '21 Mr. & Mrs . Robert Payne '22 and '30 1959 John R. Westerheide '47 1960 R. Kathleen Whetro '43 1961 Elwood E. Zimmer '39
1962 Norman C. Hochwalt, M .D. '17 1963 Albert V. Black, M .D. '35 S 1964 Marguerite A . Howle y '52 S 1965 Miriam Ros enthal '60 Han. 1966 G. J. (Pete) Rau , M.D. '30 1967 Donald J. Danaher '54 1968 Lee C. Falke '52
This has been a long report on alumni activities and I'm sure more could be reported. The University of Dayton Alumni Association certainly doesn't suffer from inactivity? You'd better believe-there is never a dull moment . . . Oh well- that's what makes the world and Alumni Association grow. I would like to express my gratitude to all helping to make this report possible for their continued interest in our Alma Mater. Until we meet again- permit me to wish you and yours a Joyous Easter. {
A' Alwoy,,
20,000th DIPLOMA OF GRADUATION "Celebrity of the Day" was Mrs. Wil 路 liam (Mary Joyce) Hovey of Dayton, whose Bachelor of Science in Educa 路 tion, elementary education, degree, was the 20,000th UD diploma of grad路 uation since 1885.
Charles Sherer of Dayton received first diploma
Mrs. William (Mary Joyce) Hovey, receiving a bachelor of science in education, elementary education degree at the December Diploma Exercise, was the 20,000lh person to accept a diploma of graduation from the University of Dayton since 1885. Charles Sherer, also of Dayton, paved the way for the young me n a nd women who have received diplomas from th e " littl e school on the hill," which has been variously known as St. Mary's In stitute, l. Mary's College and the University of Dayton. I le received the lone diploma in 1885. From the time Sherer received his diploma until the first graduate walked to the platform last Decemb er, 19,721 men and women had been listed as UD graduates. Mrs. Hovey, who is the mother of two teenage
boys, was the 279th person to be awarded a degree at the winter ceremonies. 1vlrs . Hovey, married In William llo vey of U!)'s Research Institute, had been ge llin g her education on a purl-time basis. She s tarted in th e University's former Cadet Program , received a cad t certification, anti did some leac hin g in Beaverc reek. Mrs . Hovey carried a 3.21 accumu lative average into graduation. Her sons are Peter, 16, and Tom, 14. Twenty one men anti women graduated in December with honors. Joseph Altieri of Philadelphia, with a bachelor of technology degree, was top graduate with a 3.896 out of a possible 4.0. Five hundreu anu forty one received diplomas in December which was the first diploma exercise in the Universi ty 's 119lh Commencement.
1968-1969 Basketball Results
Charles (Chuck] Noll, a member of the University of Dayton's 1952 Salad Bowl team and a charter inductee of the University's Athletic Hall of Fame, is one of the latest UD alumni honored in his chosen field. Chuck is now the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League and charged with the task of building a grid franchise which has been down for many years. oil received the position in late January and must build a professional grid squad which has won only 11 games and tied three in 42 contests over the past three seasons. In hiring Noll, Own er Dan Rooney said: " We were looking for someone who knows the pro game . . . we want someone to motivate our players." Noll , who played for Paul Brown at Cleveland and was assistant coach with the San Diego Chargers and Baltimore Colts, now is part of an organization which has had only eight winning season in 36 years. It has never won a title. oil once said: "Coaching enhances everything. You're a writer, teacher, salesman, administrator and recruiter. " He'll now h ave a chance to apply those principles in a very difficult assignment.
89 91 81 95 83 69 90 83 85 67 55 64 69 86 65 67 72 100 63 70 58 71
60 61 75 63
Baldwin Wallace Gannon Bowling Green Portland Miami (0) Louisville Providence Loyola (LA) Eastern Kentucky St. Louis Xavier Detroit Louisville DePaul Western Kentucky Miami (0) Xavier iagara Da vid son Loyola (Chicago) (OT) Rice Florida State Cincinnati Chattanooga Morehead DePau l
59 71 60 66 55 84 63 58 76 56 59 62 67 83 70 54 64 70 64 69 55 79 96 58 63 57
Colorado Stale
Record : 20 Wins, 7 Losses
Cla ss of December, 1968, ready for di plomas
Richard E. Kaucher Ralph E. Kuhl Charles William Minnis, Jr. Walter Pilan Stefkovich Ronald Norman Thaman Fred Jul ian Winhusen ASSOC IATE IN TECHNOLOGY, SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY
Andrew C. Andrianos James Louis Annesser Floyd Anthony Davis Larry Robert Ditme r Ralph Edward Eakle Peter Anthony Ferralli, Jr. David Louis Gerdeman Gregory Arthur Harris James Edward Hess John A. Keyser Lawrence Kozlowski Lawrence Joseph Krasicki Michael Carl Kremer Andrew Will iam Lasko Ill Thomas Henry Malewicki Mark Lou is Meister Roger DeForest Parker Michae l J. Serben
Jeffrey John Sopko Carl Anthony Vitalbo John J. Walters Jerry Ray Wetzel James Ru ssell Wright Robert W. Wright ASSOCIATE IN TECHNOLOGY, SPECIALIZING IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY
Barbara Jo Elizabeth Bach Jeanette Margaret Bell Ronald Joseph Bell Karen A. Waltz Bones Christine Ann Borchelt Michael John Bridgewater Sharon Ann Bukovac Gail M. Burke Thomas Burke
Ronald Lee DeLaet Robert F. Herbert, Jr. Charles Robert Herchelroath Dennis F. Kennedy Allen F. Mescher Dean David Schnurr Lawrence Robert Sp ieth ASSOCIATE IN TECHNOLOGY, SPECIALIZING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY
Charles William Daugherty John Michael Heiberger, Jr. Stephen James Hemmelgarn Robert Charles Herbst Robert J. McNamara Donald R. Mougey Williard Joseph Powers Paul Rymoff, Jr. John R. Schubert, Jr. Todd E. Schumann Robert John Seres Fred Charles Thomas Ill John F. Wysocki Harry Edward Zubik, Jr. BACHELOR OF ARTS Francis William Ahern John William Albers John Stephen Archer Adrian Madel ine Ayres
Joseph Altieri of Philadelphia receive s Bachelor of Technology degree as top graduate with 3.896 aca demic average.
Gene P. Carney Anthony Ralph Ciliberto Carmen Rosa Cortes Carolyn Fay Cosgrove Marcia Dahlinghaus Rocco Joseph DeCioccio, Jr. Zoila Beatriz Ferrando Cathy Yvonne Flood Mary Catherine T. Flynn Johanna Felecia Forma Barbara Elizabeth Ann Fritsch Janet Katherine Glaser Pamela Jean Grabowski Pamela June Grob Richard M. Grout Constance Bibiann Gryzlo Rose J. Guidera Ann Therese Harsacky Mary Louise Honnert Billie Jean Jordan Jayne A. Kampschmidt Thomas William Keyes David Paul Klasnick Dale Ann Koepenick Stephen John Krivian Michael LaBarbera Donna Marie LeBruyere Thoma s Bernard Lanahan IV Cheryl Ann Lieberman Arlene Lindsay Sr. Mary Michael Link, S.F.P. Michael J. Ludvik William Anthony Luisi Judith Frances Mahle John Clinton McDonough Lauren McFarland Lucretia L. Mershon Ronald Jerome Michnik Rebecca Jane Miller William P. Mullen, Jr. Edward Robert Murnan Mary Kathryn Neary Frances Ann O'Connor Emilia H. Olivo Robert A. Pielka Zdzislaw Harry Piotrowski Sandra M. Polaski William James Quinn, Jr. Merrilee H. Rankin Margaret Ann Rauch Joseph Leo Roche Ill Mary Sobieraj Rowan Frederick Denn is Rueth Rita Catherine Schirtzinger Leonard R. Schoettker Patricia L. Skalka John Alan Skerl Kathleen Ann Smith Cynthia Lea Stone Mary Ann Verhoff
Seventeen of the 21 Honor Graduates accommodate the photographer after graduation ceremonies. Front row, left to right, Joseph Altieri, Mary Kathryn Neary, Barbara L. Gray, Pamela J. Grabowski, Jane Ann Sodders, Sandra H. Slagel, Nancy Lee Blackwood, Sr. Loretta Dauwe, C.PP.S . Second row, Ralph E. Barhorst, Cheryl Ann e Lieberman, Crystal Ann Hoke, Mar路 garet Ann Gast, Ann Therese Harsacky, Mary Louise Anthony, Patricia Skalka, Monika M. Reitzu g, Lewis M. Milner, S.M.
Michael Edward Williams Michele Ann William s Sa nto C. Zimmaro BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Sandra Bouchard Abraham Robert M. Hroncich Rita Ann Kathleen Ippolito Marcine Jeanette Robohm Mary Elaine Toennesen Dennis John Valinski BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mary Louise Anthony John Allen Bellante Michael John Brown Walter Alan Dudley John D. Engel Richard Fox Barbara Lou ise Gray William James Harrison Wayne A. Jansen Bryan Paul Jensen Sherman Elliot Kahn Susan Jo Kennon Judith Rita Kittelman Thomas Joseph Ledinsky Robert James Lindsay Jo Ann Marie Lisy James Anthony Luggen, Jr. Paul Douglas Luyben Joseph Frederick Marino Lewis M. Milner, S.M. Monika M. Reitzug Carol Anne Roffey John Moore Rohm, Jr.
Mrs. Hovey, recipient of 20,000th diploma of graduation, poses with family. Left to right , Mr. and Mrs . George Huesman, her parents; Mr. William Hovey, Mrs . Hovey and sons, Peter and Tom.
Gail Marie Ru st George Michael Schaner David Joseph L. Tomasko John M. Wetzel Jean Fallon Wynne BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
Joseph Norman Abraham, Jr. Bernard Michael Andzik Clay T. Ashbrook Guy T. Barone W. Neil Bauer Gerald James Bergman Robert 0. Brenneman Robert Henry Carpenter George W. Chickering, Jr. Robert J. Christadore Richard Anthony Christy Jeffery Thomas Condy Charles D. Conover Ill Robert Nicholas D'Amico Nicholas Charles DeFusco Joseph John Deluca Eugene Joseph Demeter Thomas Allen DePaolo Anthony J. DiMatteo, Jr. Daniel Paul DiRenzo Robert Jose ph Dolan Patrick Kelly Downard Michael J. Early Terry John Elliot Timothy J. Enright John G. Farabaugh A. James Frattini Gerald W. Fridenmaker William Thomas Fruehauf Joseph Andrew Gormley David Lee Heatherman Arthur James Heiles John W. Himes, Jr. Robert Leo Hoersting Mary Christine Hoskin s Timothy George Howard Gerald Humphrey Jerry Lee James John Andrew Kacanda James Bernard Kerr Timothy P. Killeen Will iam Anthony Kirby Gerald Lee Koesters Jerome Edward Kroger James Kucera Martin C. Kuntz Ill William D. Kussman James Charles Lamb Sam Leon Lewis John Douglas Loughead Timothy B. Lyons
Cathy Flood, who finished second in 1968 Homecoming Queen voting, re ceives Bachelor of Arts, Communica tion Arts, degree.
Patricia Skalka, honor graduate, Flyer News editor, receives Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism .
John (Bucky) Albers, Bachelor of Arts, Communication Arts.
Joseph Robert Maloney Joseph A. McGarry, Jr. Michael R. McKendry Steven D. Milano James E. Moore Alfred James Morrison William G. Muntean, Jr. Brian Andrew Murphy Leroy Albert Nieport Thomas Martin O'Donnell Robert L. Opalek Paul Ernest Palmeri Alan James Papscun Wayne Leslie Robke Richard Joseph Russo David Dennis Ryan James Neil San Vito Lynda Marie Scalise Robert J. Schmoll Russell Louis Scott Mark Joseph Silo Kenneth W. Simpson Sandra Helen Slagel David Lee Smart Timothy J. Smith John Edward Stevens Domenico Giannino Stolfo Mary Frances Strobhar Ralph William Stromenger Thomas Anthony Stuntebeck William Moylan Thornton Ralph K. Wead William Joseph White David Joseph Witte Theodore J. Zebrowski, Jr.
Diane Marie Deschler Mary Susan Dittrich Mary Elizabeth Dunn Judy Theresa Ellerbrock Patricia Enright Rona ld Robert Faucher Sharon Catherine Fischer John Stokes Flynn Carolyn Madonna Frantz Marguerite Fuls Kathie Gallagher Margaret Ann Gast Joan Gebhart Carol Jean Gig Iia George H. Grampp Joseph Anthony Grimone Mary Ann Groff Michael A. Guarino, Jr. Rosanne J. Gunn Krys Hanover Donald R. Havas Thomas James Heigel Cheryl Arlene Hendrix Mary Joyce Hovey Suzanne Marie Howes Mary Eileen Hymans Donald Mcleod lsenhath Annamae Jacobson Joseph Katrencik, Jr. Marie Kelly Ruthann Marie Kleibecker Charles David Lucidore Patricia Ann Lyman John Jacob Marks Martha Schulten Martin Billy Ray Mayo Shirley N. McCarthy Ola Mavis McKinney Darrell James Meeks Ruth Jean Meyer Maureen Arth Miller Elizabeth Neary Nagy Nancy Marie Nickum Mary Diane Nugent
Patricia Ellen O'Connor Denni s Albert Parry Roberta M. Ray Linda Sue Reder Jan Marie Reiling Dennis Michae l Reiter Pete Richardson Virginia Ann Rogers George Edmond Rowan Richard Alan Rupert Daniel T. Ruschau Yvonne M. Ruschau Mary Virginia Ruther Anne Elizabeth Sargus Gerard Joseph Sasson Sr. Mary Charles Sauter, O.S.F. Joyce Ann Schroeder Sr. Mary Carmine Sing, C.PP.S. Nympha Susan Smith Jane Ann Sodders Robert William Stachler Victor Eugene Stevenart Julia Ann Strozdas Catherine Marie Swartzbaugh Joan Marie Szempruch Marlene Uhlenhake James Edward Venezia Billie Jane Watson Patricia Ann Weber Gale F. Wiesenhahn Robert Williams, S.M. Carole Anne Yoppolo
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Nancy Lee Blackwood Crystal Ann Hoke Mary Delaney Jansen Katherine Emma Loeber BACHELOR OF SCIENC E IN EDUCATION Emily Chenault Barnett Ralph A. Benson Rachel J. Billerman Barbara Ann Bininger Pera Bodas Margaret Ann Brock Virginia L. Brower June Ann Suring Daniel W. Callahan, S.M. Mary Dean Campbell Karen Harriet Cesarsky Judy Kay Cioffredi Loretta Jean Cocco Joan Frances Collins Kathleen Ann Connell Joyce Susan Cornyn Eileen May Coy Sr . Loretta Dauwe . C.PP.S. Anthony David DePinto Barbara L. Derr
Don Ruhlman Jr., Bachelor of Social Science, Pol ice Administrat ion.
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ART EDUCATION Barry L. Profato BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION Roberta Jean Heideman Nancy Ann Rugh Cynthia Joan Slonaker Loretta Mary Thien
Doug Geun Kim, Seoul, Korea, Mast er of Science in Electrica l Engineering
Mary Cam pa nelle, Master of Arts, English
Soccer player William Klesse, Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Joseph F. Githens Eugene Joseph Raus Nylah Kay Thompson BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE
Dennis John Gamiere William Robert Klesse, Jr. Richard Bernard Koontz Nicholas J. Mussro, Jr. Richard Roznik James Edward Staggs William Thomas Wall Stanley Edward Zwick BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING
Richard R. Dirlam Norbert Anthony Hoffman S. James Ryckman, Jr. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
Billy Mayo, Education
Bachelor of Science in
Howard Loui s Applebaum Charles Joseph Arduini Richard A. Cimaglia Stephen J. Daner Thomas Clifford Davi s Robert Albert Frey William Gerard Graham Donald E. Kilgallon John Matthew Lucas John Charles McPhillips Jose Alfredo Rizo Patron Barua Raymond Edward Wojciak BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
Anthony Wayne Abraham James Leroy Baker David Allen Bates Craig Robert Browne William John Brownsberger William James Clark Alfred T. Costantini John Robert Downes Frank Patrick Gebhart Raymond Charles Hess Michael Joseph Hughes Marinus Joseph Keller Bruce Walter Konte Donald G. Morris Bruch Peter Munley Michael A. Read William Leslie Simonton, Jr. John Walter
Pete Richardson, Bachelor of Science in Education
John Gregory Chicken Anlhony R. England G. Lynn Fillman John S. Franko Daniel K. Frederick Everett Eldon Harshman Alvin Ronald Keebler Deni s Anthony Koesters Jame s Nolen Krause Donald Eugene Krintzline David Nelson Lea se Michael Leskiw Kenneth Lawrence Mack Michael B. Manning Raymond V. Montagna Ri chard P. Moran William George Palsulich Bohdan Pytlowany Gary Rachfalski Richard James Scl1malenberger Barry L. Shupp Kareld A. Solomon . Jr. Richard G. Tschabrun Richard F. Van Dorpe Glenn Charles Weis s Frederick Albert Willits Ill MASTER OF ARTS
David Lee Dawson William Joseph Dodd Harry Charles Drain Sabas Esser Robert Lee Faulkner Hugh Richard Harkins Richard Martin Horn Philip L. Johnson Robert J. Kirsch Herbert Don McClain, Jr. Donald Joseph Mench Jorge Enrique Morales Atencio Gerald Joseph Nolan Brent Walter Reed William G. Stephen, Jr. Robert William Verona Raymond Anthony Zidjunas
Jo se ph Anthony Altieri Ralph Edward Barhorst James Bennett Harvey C. Black, Jr. Norman J. Boesch Ralph A. Braun Lawrence Allen Cadman
Richard J. Andolsen, C.PP.S. Joseph Leo Baton, C.PP.S. Robert Leo Butler Mary B. Campanelle Patri ck Thoma s Fitzgera ld, C.PP.S. Bernard Fry Ronald Gene Helms Frank Ernest Kline James Francis Maresca, C.PP.S. Jame s Kenneth McCollum Lawrence Charles Roderer Thomas W. Rueth Terrence John Seymour Thomas J. Sherlock, C.PP.S. Thomas A. Welk, C.PP.S. Arthur William Wiggenhorn , Jr.
Gale Wiesenhahn, Bachelor of Science in Education
Barry Profato, Bachelor of Science, Art Education
James Sena, first Master of Science, Information Science, graduate
Manfred Ern st, Master of Business Administration
John C. Wolf, C.PP.S. Lawrence J. Wyen, C.PP.S. John James Zvijak, C.PP.S. MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Richard E. Baldwin Daniel Lee Balogh Phillip L. Blue Frank Edward Bray Ill Kenneth H. Burr Roche J. Charanghat James R. Cooney Ronald Thomas Deger Robert Lawrence Diller Manfred K. Ernst Edward J. Feltz Frederick A. Fensel , Jr. David Allen Fitz Hans Georg Ma rtin Funke Richard Joseph Giba Robert Thomas Golitz Thomas Bernard Gorius Robert Lewis Heath, Jr. Samuel H. Heitzman, Jr. Robert Jerome Johnson Peter John Kaufmann George C. Key Robert Eugene Koogler Donald Lee Kronour Walter Charles Layton Samuel C. Lehmann Clement B. Lokai, Jr. Marc E. McCallister
V. Balanchandran, Madras, India, Master of Science in Engineering
Kyu Bong Park Robert L. Paulick Ernest E. Pohl, Jr. Donald E. Riegel Fred James Sackleh Kenneth Earl St. John Martin Sporn James Joseph Stewart James Morris Woolley
Rag hbir K. Bh ardwaj, Panjab, India, Mast er of Sci ence in En gi neeri ng
MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION John Donald Burke Roy James Gricar Harlan B. Judd Frederick Arthur Marcotte MASTER OF SCIENCE Robert Leonard Belichick Dominic Anthony Ca taldo John R. Clopper!, Jr. Paul W. Dueweke William G. DeMott Frederick Edmund H. Schwartzel, Jr. James Anthony Sena Milton E. Wood MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Eugene R. Cromartie Richard Vernon Curtis Robert Harold Frum June Miller Griffith Sr. Mary Grace !bold, D.S.U. Sr. Joseph Clair Jones, C.D.P.
Sr. Catherine Roberta McCullough , S.C. Larry G. Perkins Felipa Alcoreza Rosca Sr. M. Natalie Ruetten, F.S.P.A. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Robert P. Jennewine Dong Geun Kim Eugene T. Krasick i John Ahelous Moraites MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Carmela Ammassari V. Balachandran Robert S. Bertke Raghbir Kumar Bhardwaj Frank Campanile Kyle Edward Hutson Richard Lee Marker Kurt Christian Rolle Thomas K. Will s
joseph A. Altieri, Phildelphia, bachelor of technology, 3.896; Monika M. Reitzug, Fort Wayne, Incl., bachelor of science, biology , 3.869; Cheryl A. Lieberman , Dayton, bachelor of arls, socia l work, 3.863; Marga re t A. Cast, St. Henry, 0., bachelor of science in education, elementary, ed uca tion , 3.836; Mary K. Nea ry, Park Ridge, Ill., bachelor of <lrl s, e ngli s h , 3.831; Barbara L. Cray, Cleveland H eight s, 0 ., bachelor of sc ie nce, ch e mi s try, 3.733; Nancy L. Blackwood, Centerville, 0 ., bachelor of science in home economics. 3.718; Patricia Skalka. Chicago, Ill., bachelor of <lrts , journalism, 3.718.
Sandra M. Po lask i, Erie, Pa., bachelor of a路r ts, engl ish, 3,685; Mary L. Anthony, ew Bremen , 0. , bache lo r of science, bi ology, 3.678; John Skerl, S.M. , Dayton , bachelor of a rts, sociology, 3.672; Ralph Barhorst, Sidney, 0. , bachelor of technology, 3.636; Leona rd Schoettker, S.M. , Fort Mitche ll , Ky., bache lor of arts, his tory, 3.629; Crystal A. H oke, Dayton, bac h elor o f science in h om e economics, 3.570; Lewis M iln er, S.M., Dayton, bachelor of science, biology, 3.569; Pamela Grabowski Herrlein, Garfield H eights, 0 ., bachelor of a rts , eng lish , 3.541; Sandra II. Sla ge l, Dayton, bachelor of science in business administration, accounting, 3.516; Ann T. Harsac ky, Day ton, bachelor of arts, engli s h , 3.507; Jan e A. Sodders, Arcanum, 0. , bachelor of science in education, elementary education, 3.636; Sharon Fischer, Dayton, bachelor of science in education , elementary education, 3.604; Sr. Loretta Da uwe, C.PP.S., Cincinnati, bachelor of sc ie nce in educa ti on , seco n dary ed u ca ti on, 3.603.
Fo r Herbert M. Eikenbary '26, being mis ta k en for th e famo u s fig u re o f Wi nston Chu rc hi ll is n o thin g u nusua l. Not on ly does h e b ear a s tr iki ng p h ys ical similar it y, but h is florid Victorian speech is an ech o, with an American accent, of the former British prime minister. It may have something to do with Eikenbary's reputation as a tough man to beat in the courtroom. A prominent Dayton attorney, Eikenbary has made 142 West Second Street famous, where his roccoco Flemish office building has astonished and charmed clients for 21 years. A sign on the office door showing two mo neys and th e words "Our Partners" introduces visitors to the wea lt h of souvenirs and ar tifacts that line the s tately lawyer's she lves. E ike n ba r y h as co llec ted these num ero u s fig u r in es a n d carved ob jec ts from th e 62 co u ntries to which he has t raveled, such as the Congo, Russia, T h ailand, Afghanistan and Kenya. In addition to th e verbal battlefield of the courtroom, Eikenbary entered th e world of the college teacher last year when he taught Criminal Law at UD in the Police Science Department. The jocose barrister is also a m ember of the Historical Society of Dayton w h ich, as Eikenbary describes it, "tills the vineyards of th e past." Togeth er with his many t raveling experiences h e certain ly ca n be t erm ed a h istory expert a nd e s pecially
Word t ra vel er (6 2 co untries) Eiken bary surrounded by m em · orabil ia of pe regrina ti o ns.
likes to recount the past history of Dayton, the era of the canal boats , and when West Second Street was the heart-land of the city's wealth and affluence. Herbert Eikenbary will soon have more material to put in his history book. The First Nationa l Bank has asked its tenants to vacate the Lawyers bui lding, bu ilt in 1912, whic h wi ll th en be razed in order for co n s t ructio n to begin on a new office tower o f m o re th a n 20 stories. But the second Mr. Ch urc h ill does not in tend to let his rare quarters become a part of the past so soon. He hopes to reproduce his present office a t his new location at 2718 Wayne Avenue. "It will be a type of Disneyland, " he commented. - Jeannine Doty
WARNING a.nd ot BEWAR£ llus Ov.• 1 ~ ow. 5000 veu <>ld ud w1s obla !ed." l~u fro• lk ta~d l·!l~~··odr olk I >Ot of
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The Eikenbary Owl, discovered by Marco Polo in Chi na and brou ght to the New Worl d by Christopher Columbus.
In a f ilm of Win sto n Churchill . Herb could fill the role with little need for ma ke·up.
STUDENTS AND A HELPING HAND lJ ni versi ty development. a I least the f unci-raising portion of it, normally is not n function of th e student body. ll owever, some 75 Universi ty o f Da yton s tu dents vo lunt ee red recently to mnke fund-raisin g th eir business. Through th e leaders hip of Chris Kerns , Stud ent Government President; AI Shattccn, Vice Presid en t for Public Rclntions. Student Government. nnd Joe Cnruso, who hnndles public relations for Student Con gress, students spent their ni ghts recently on the Ket te rin g Chnllenge , the three-year fund-rnising plan which is directed toward the Universitv"s alumn i. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kettering, in january, 路1968, offered th e Uni\'e rsi ty a gift of $1,000,000 il" the school's alumni would mat ch this amo unt over n three-yenr period. 13y mid-February UD had ren li ze d $820, 000 in cas h or pledges. Aware th at so me $180,000 was s till needed to reach th e Ke tterin g goa l, Ke rn s and Shatteen offered s tud ent help for a proposed tele th on directed toward th ose "old grads'" in the Dayton area who had not gi\'en or pledged to the Kelt ring Challenge. ince the final week of january and through March G, 75 students had alternated on a week-night telep hon e chase to contac t some 4,000 loca l area alumni. During the first six week period. th e st ud en ts had made 3,622 ca ll s ;:mel reached 1,781 alumni in the 21 nights and 52 hou rs th ey hnd devoted to the task . The Development Office expec ted a report on th e effort sometime in April. This tele thon e ffort is nn indi ca ti on that present-day co ll ege s tud en ts can mnke n commi tm e nt to their Univers it y, e\'en before th ey have walked from commencement exerc is es with their co ll ege diploma .
Chris Kerns, Student Government President who conceived of the student telethon for the Kettering Challenge, goes over details of the project with Mary Shay, Alumni secretary.
Th e phones in the Public Relations Department are manned by students contacting Dayton area alumni. Down the line are Chris Kerns, '69, Celina , 0 .; Chris Weckesser, '70, mem 路 ber of well-known Dayton and UD family; Mike Duffin , '70, Cleveland; and Joyce Dragan, '70, Roselle, New Jersey, standing behind Duffin .
Joe Caruso, student leader, coordinated earl y phase of students' participa tion in tele路 than.
Students enjoy dinner while being briefed on t heir part in Kettering Challen ge Telethon.
ALL VARSITY LETTER WINNERS IN ALL SPORTS SHOULD REGISTER- NOW Our records of all letter winners are incomplete. Please help the University update its records as to all persons who earned letters in all sports, including managers and male cheerleaders. This also informs us as to who is eligible for membership in the Varsity "D" Club. The computer is helpful but it will only process the information which is put into it. Seriously, let's help Dee McAnespie bring her records up-to-date. Cooperate and fill out the blank below. This includes all letter winners to the present time and means ALL sports - football, basketball, baseball, track, tennis, golf, fencing, soccer, ice hockey, wrestling, an d rifle. The plaque pictured on this page may be ordered for $12.50. For thos e who ordered earlier - be patient. The last publication listed a closing date of December 28 , 1968 but most members didn't receive the Alumnus until after the first of the year - sorry. Please place your order now. The plaque is beautifully framed in wood and reproduced in four colors on a leatherette
surface. It 's somethin g you 'll be proud to display. It comes ready to han g. Fill out the blank below and attach your check. Will all alumni eligible to join The Varsity " D" Club please fi ll out the blank below and send in their dues for 1969? All members living in Montgomery County pay $5.00. The increase is due to our rising costs. All others pay $2.00. You will be notified of all events. Let 's make 1969 another banner year. 1969 membe rship cards will be mailed as soon as dues are received . NOTICE : There will be a Varsity "D" meetin g on Friday, April 11 at 8:00 P.M. in the Flyer's Han ger which is imm ed iately behind th e Fieldhouse. Coach Danaher will rev iew the 1968-69 U.D. bask e tball season . Be on time. Re freshments will be served following the meeting. By-laws will also be discussed at the meeting, our new president installed and our new board introduced .
, ..... ;p•.• ,,,,, u...,,..J "} lllrl••lir l mrfrol
.JO l-IN
F'O<YI'IlAL.I. I H:"il-52
I-------------------------------- -
Complete and return to:
Box 401 University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio 45409 Attention: Jack Brown
Name (same as you want on pla qu e)
Cit y
Years Lett ered
Athletic Direct or
Years Lette red
Athletic Direct or
Spo rt
Years Lette red
Ath let ic Director
Sta t e
D othe r t han Montgomery County $2. 00 D Attached is my order for a Plaque. $ 12. 50 is enclosed . D
Attached is my dues for Montgomery Cou nty $5 .00 ____________ _
__ ________ _
__ _
_______ ___ _
__ _
UD's hopes to be in its new sports arena by December 1, 1969, came tumbling down with a good
portion of the steel structure on February 28. The long steel beams stretching 187 feet across the playing floor caved in on that date and left a twisted mass of steel which would take some cleaning out. When the ALUMNUS went to press, it hadn't learned how soon work could begin but it was certain that an investigation must take place before any more construction could be accomplished. No explanation for the cave-in was available at press time. Ticket orders for the 1969-70 season in the new arena had exhausted the seating space of 13,000.
Tom, Art and Gene in Spotlight Before L. Thomas Blackburn assumed the basketball coaching reins at the University of Dayton in 1947, Flyer cage teams were barely known outside of Dayton. When Art Bok was a roving, running, plunging halfback at UD, Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis were known as Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside on the great Army football team. Art performed so well with the Flyers that he was dubbed Mr. Inside-Outside in the same era. When Gene Westendorf completed his athletic career with the Red and Blue in 1941, he had tucked away two football, three basketball and three baseball monograms. Because of these achievements, all three, Tom, Art and Gene, are members of the University of Dayton Athletic Hall of Fame, having been inducted during halftime of the February 1 basketball game against Niagara. Their induction brought to 26 the number now
in this honored position. Bok and Westendorf were on hand for the induction while Mrs. Libby Blackburn, wife of the late UD coach, received the award honoring her husb and, who died in March, 1964. She came from Florida where she is now residing. She is now Mrs . Clinton Courson. Tom Blackburn needed only three seasons to give Dayton a top winning record- 24-8 in the 1949-50 season. However, it was one year later in which the Flyers gained national fame when the 1950-51 quintet. one of the last selected tourney teams, went to the finals of the National Invitation Tournament when that competition was the top collegiate basketball event in the country. This was the beginning of 17 seasons of greatness
Photos by Ed Morris
under Tom . During his long tenure, Blackburn's teams won 352 games and lost 141 . He piloted his teams to 22 tournaments including 10 IT competitions and finished second five times in the NIT before winning in 1962. His 1955-56 quintet also won the prestigious Kentucky Invitational Tournament in December, 1955. It was under Blackburn that the UD Fieldhouse, now in its final season, became the Winter entertai nment palace of the Dayton area. Fu ll hous es have been the rule since the early 1950s and it was the coaching
of Blackburn which accounted for these cons tant turnou ts. It could be said of the Bl ackb urn Era that he cha nged the w hole complex ion of th e University since football had once ruled th e roost a nd academically UD was just renewing itself a ft e r W orld W ar II. They ca ll ed Art Bok, "M r. Inside-Outside," "A rtful Art, " and "Th e Toledo Torpedo," amon g other things. As a n 18-year-old freshman in 1946, he led th e Flyer varsity in rushin g with 602 yards and a 6.4 yards per-carry average. This was only the beginnin g. As a sophomore he paced the Red a nd Blue again in the rushing department with 665 yards and scored what was then a record 66 points. He also made All-America Honorable Mention and was first string All-Ohio . He had a (Continued Next Page)
The Athletic Hall of Fame awards have been made and the recipients receive the plaudits of the 5,882 fans in UD Fieldhouse. Left to right, are Gene Westendorf, Mrs. Thomas Blackburn, wife of the late coach, (now Mrs. Cli nton Courson), and Art Bok.
leg injury in his junio r seaso n [1948) but still made a ll-s ta r tea ms aga in a nd led th e Fl ye rs in rushing for th e third strai ght yea r. Th e leg s till bothered him as a se ni or but neverth eless he w as " th e star" and compl eted his college caree r with 132 points w hi ch still is hi gh in UD annals . Jac k Padl ey matched th at in an earli er era. He also finish ed with a 40-yard per kick pun lin g average. Bok is ge nerally considered, with Pad ley , to be the greatest and most versa tile runner in UD history. Gene Westendorf came to UD as a basketball and baseball player. But so talent ed was this little fellow th a t he became a fine quarterback for Harry Baujan over two years. In Baujan 's Notre Dame Box formation, the quarterback was a blocker and pass receiver.
Gene became adept at both, particularly as a downfield blocker. He completed his grid career as Most Valuable Player. Westendorf was the scorin g star and sparkplu g of three UD basketball teams . He averaged over 10 points a game in the days w hen 40 points for a team was cons idered high. He was hon orary cap tai n in hi s senio r year and placed on th e All-Ohio team as a guard . In the sp ring he turn ed to baseball and roam ed the ou !field successfull y for three campa igns . He also hit over .500. So grea t was his versati lity that he was picked the A thl ete of the Year at the University in 1941. He also received th e Award for Excellence m Scholars hi p and Ath letics , a most prized award in those days of a ll-around athletes .
University of Dayton
ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME The Athletic Hall of Fame was s tarted in 1962 at th e Univers ity of Dayton. In the ensuing years, 26 men have been named to its honor list. Herewith is the list of those outstanding athletes:
Gene Westendorf, left, and wife, Betty, appear relaxed at the pre-induction dinner party.
1962 Harry Solimano, '07 AI Mahrt, '1 2 Lou Mahrt, '26 Sam Hipa, '28 Stan Corbett, '35 Jack Padley, '40 Bernard Keiter, '42 Bill Knisle y, '47 Don Meineke, '52 Charles Noll, '53
1965 Richard Snelling, '27 Tony Furst , '40 1966 Bob Swan, '29 Jim Katcavage, '56 1967 Bob Payne, '34 Arlen Bockhorn, '58
1963 Herb Eisele , '26 Leland Norris, '52
1968 John Deb esis, '28 Bill Uhl, '56 Harry Baujan
1964 William Blake, '26 John Horan, '55
1969 Gene Westendorf, '41 Art Bok, '50 Tom Blackburn
Art Bok and wife, Jea nne , were a happy couple.
Libby enjoys a moment of conversation with Hall of Fame co-chairman Stan Greenberg, former Blackburn player, right, and Charlie Graham , president, Montgomery Chapter of National Alumni Association . Wife of the late coach came from Florida for festivities .
Harry Solimano, oldest member of Hall of Fame, left, and Bill Blake, anot her Hall of Farner, chat at pre-induction party. Mr. Solimano is a 1907 graduate.
/\thlelic records fe ll in th e Fall of 1968 at th e Universi ty of Dayton. The football tenm and its members set 12 marks in the 10 games which produced a 5-5 seaso n and the soccer eleven established or tied four major marks in a highly successful 9-1-1 campaign. john McVay's gridders were as exciting in this 5-5 season as they were in the 8-2 finish in 1966. The 1968 Red and Blue gridders produced the most successful offensive campaign in McVay's four years at the Flyer Helm. I falfback Bernie Kress a lone set six marks. He h ad the most carri es in a sing le gnme - 38 against Loui svi ll e. Hi s 76 seasonal points beat the old 72-point mark of Leroy Ka-N e in 1949 and hi s 12 touchd own s lied Ka-Ne's efforts in that departmen t, again in 1949. Kress removed Roosevelt Mell's most-carries reco rd o f 1966 with 231 ball lugging excursions and hi s netyards-rushing effort of 973 erased Jim Akau's 780 in 1951 . Kress set career records, too. He carried the ball 383 times in three years to eliminate Billy Smith's 303-effort (1954-56) from the record book. Kress' net ya rd s rushing were 1662 whereas Ka-Ne total ed 1570 in the 1948-50 period. Besid es Kress, punter Mike McGinnis chipped in with 172 punts for a three-year caree r mark and a lso
booted th e pigskin 6217 yards in three seasons. Both marks were formerly held by joe Zaleski from 1948 through 1950. Halfback Bob Mndden tied nnother record, that of catching four punts in one gnme. He did it against Ohio Un iversity an d matched an effor t by Bobby Recker agn in s t Xavi e r in 1950. Two team reco rds fell when the Fly e rs ru sh e d th e ball o n 77 pl ays aga in s t Lo ui svi ll e . The previous s ta ndard had been 70 against Cincinnati in 1956 . The Red and Blue h ad 21 rushing touchdow ns and thi s effor t did away with th e mark of 20 by the 1951 eleven. The soccer men accomplished on ly four marks but they were ever so important in the record-breaking season. First of all, the 9-1-1 mark is the best since the school officially sanctioned the sport in 1956. The nine victories were the most in a season and 11 s tra ight victories over 1967-68 matched th e winning s treak o f the 1957 a nd 'J 958 Fly e rs . Since the boat e rs had no outs tanding offensive s tar, it was imp o rta nt th a t th e de fen se was co ll ecti ve ly s trong. The Red and Blu e permitted on ly s ix goals all season to top th e o ld mark of 13 in 1966 and the men of john Schleppi achieved seven s hut outs for nnot h er mark. The 9-1-1 season pushed th e 13-year record over the .500 mark for the first time since th e early part of the 1960 campaign. Flyer teams now stand 55 wins, 49 losses and seve n ties. Desp it e th e fine offens ive s h ow in g in 1968, the football didn ' t always bounce th e Fly ers' way. Fo r in s tan ce, three of the grid losses were by a total of nin e po ints. Both th e X a vier (25-27) an d Southern I Ilin ois [17-18) oames were los t in th e final minute. Th e Fivers had n field goa l spli t th e uprights aga in s t Sl b~t the gun sounded just before the snap of th e ball and Xavier. through two 15 yard penalties, got within field goal range and made good in the last 20 seconds. The Flyers were in every game bu t the 42-12 loss to Ohio University. As McVay put it: " The breaks went against us in key s itu ations this year. We got th em in other seaso ns. W e h ad to give up too much defensively while our n ew players were lea rnin g their positions." M cVay hasn ' t started the 1969 tears bu t it is fri ghte nin g to look at th e personnel losses from 1968. The
Bernie Kress, halfback record -breaker. was the 1968 grid路 ders' Most Valuab le Player, left, and the Flyer of the Year. right. His teammates voted him the MVP honor and the
student bod y, the Flyer of the Year. Toastmaster and Cleve路 land Brow ns' chaplain Rev. Richard Connelly makes the awards.
Their Moment of Glory
* *
Jim Siewe, reserve quarter路 back, is winner of the Lt. Andy Zulli Memorial Award at the fi nal 1968 home game agai nst Toledo.
three big offensive weapons, quarterback Jerry Biebuyck, Kress and Madden, accounted for 5774 yards in their three years on offense. Besides, Co-captain and fullback Mike Wilson , a great blocker, is gone. Loss of this backfield not only creates a personnel problem but it could signal a change in offensive tactics for 1969. McVay isn 't saying this but he will be dealing with a different type signal caller in John Haynes or sophomore Rich Krechting. John won 't have a blocker like Wilson who enabled him to stay with a halfback offense. As if the offensive backfield losses weren't enough , John loses AI Shatteen, Tony Wittbrod, Jim Schmalz and Don Ragon in the defensive secondary. He also loses punter McGinnis and other key personnel such - as offensive center Tom Kavanaugh and defensive line stalwarts, huge Lou Galiardi and tough Jim Place, a co-captain, among other others.
Rich Nosse, fullback, receives the fifth annual Most Valuable Player Award for the 1968 soccer season.
Center Tom Kavanaugh hap路 pily receives the Lt. Stan Kurdziel Memorial Award as the 1968 tea m's outstanding linema n.
Junior tackle Ji m Stangle is the recipient of the John L. MacBeth Memorial Scholar路 Athlete Award .
Joe Tyler, linebacker Junior Class Award
McVay does have some promising material for 1969 but that story can wait uritil the August ALUMNUS and after Spring practice separates the men from the boys. Schleppi now feels that UD 's soccer program has come of age with three straight winning seasons. In all, the Flyer hooters h ave 24 victories, four lo sses and three ties in th at 1966-68 span. "We averaged 19 players a ga me this year, " says Schleppi, "and we lose only wing AI Rizo-Patron, inside Dave Loftus and fullback Rich Nosse. "We had our biggest squad since I've been coaching. Fifty five players reported and 30 stayed with us all year," continues John. "The morale throughout the whole squad was fine all season. We developed two front lines and some other depth and this not only helped our playing but it contributed to the morale. "We won all th ree overtime matches," he went on. "Because we weren't scoring much we were under pressure all the time and this should be an asset next season. We played one game in Baujan Field, stopping Morehead College's 23-game unbeaten streak, and this helped our morale as well. " We had eight different scorers," he concluded, "and this enabled us to sneak in a goal here or there because the opposition couldn 't concentrate on one man . We 'll basically be the same next year. This means good defensively and versatile offensively."
Fullback and Co-captain Mike Wilson, one of the best liked players in UD football history, makes a presentation at the Fall Sports Ba nquet in December. Mike's humor prompted la ughter.
JOHN l. MacBETH MEMORIAL SCHOLARATHLETE AWARD The John L. MacBeth award goes annually to the junior or player who 1senior football has maintained the highest accumulative scholastic record over at least four and a half semesters. 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
Tony Sperandeo Joe Belanich Joe Belanich Bob Heckman, Jack Unverferth Bob Heckman Bob Katcavage Tom Bushman Gary Hussion, Tom Gorius Tom Gorius Bob Thomas Jim Stangle
WHITE-ALLEN MOST VALUABLE PLAYER TROPHY The White-Allen Trophy is given each year to the Most Valuable Player selected by a vote of the varsity football coaching staff, or players. 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
No Recipient Ed Toscani No Recipient Joe Zaleski No Recipient Bob Recker Roy Fischer Jim Shafor, Vince Werl Billy Smith Vic Kristopaitis Fred Dugan Emil Karas Vince Palyan Bob DeMarco George Kelly Jim Overman Jim Overman Mickey Bitsko Bob Shortal Mel Taylor Billy Mayo Bernie Kress
The Stan Kurdziel Trophy is given annually to the outstanding lineman on the varsity for play during the regular season. It once was the MVP for every game.
The Lt. Andy Zulli Trophy is awarded each year to the senior football player who best exemplifies the qualities of sportsmanship and character.
1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
Johnny Bettinger Don Zimmerman Ernie White Mel Smolik Dan Laughlin, Steve Palenchar Bob DeMarco George Kelly Bob Donley Mike Ciccolella Jim Blubaugh Mike Ciccolella Bob Shortal Dan Kramarczyk Tom Kavanaugh
JUNIOR CLASS TROPHY Voted by members of the junior class for the junior football player they feel is the best during a current season. 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
Earl McFeaters Earl Spivey Bob Heckman Jim Overman Chuck Bronzi Roosevelt Mel1 Gary Hussion Barry Profato Bernie Kress Joe Tyler
Jerry Bush Gary Krause Bill Korutz Cliff Harestad George Marklay John Robert White John O'Connor, Dick Pagliari Tom LaBeau Tom Mlinac, Bill Ross Gary Hussion Bob Kocher, Ken Conliffe Bobby Lowe Jim Siewe
Luciano Crusi Bill Klesse Pat Obiaya Bill Klesse Rich Nosse
1968 freshman football co-captains were, left to right, fullback Gary Kosins from Dayton Chaminade and tackle Fest Cotton from Dayton Roosevelt.
Powerful varsity co-captains, fullback Mike Wilson, left, and defensive end Jim Place.
663 158 93 47 18 2316 2120 1054 162-67 3174 317.4
24 57 14 28 17 12 25
717 182 102 72 8 1930 1713 1475 259-124 3188 318.8
Total Plays First Downs By Rushing By Pass ing By Penalty Gross Yds t Rush Net Yds t Rush Net Yds t Pass Pass Att t Comp Total Offense Average Game Offense
Kent State St . Joseph's Bowling Green Louisville Southern Ill. Ohio University Xavier Miam i Toledo Temple TOTAL POINTS
10 35 222
20 14 18 42 27 14 3
17 165
RECORD : 5·5 RUSH ING Kress, Bernie, HB Madden, Bob, HB Miller, Terry, HB Handley, Willie , H B Haynes , John , QB Cully, Phil, QB Schaffer, Denny, QB Wilson , Mike , FB Biebuyck, Jerry, QB TOTALS
231 164 36 27 3
1005 726 282 137 62 25 30 20 29 2316
32 54 1 18 0 0 8 0 83 196
4 9 26 501
62 25 22
20 -54 2120
145 10 5 1
63 2 2 0 0 67
9 1 0 0 0 10
982 46 26 0 0 1054
PUNT ING McGinnis, Mike , E Siewe, Jim, FB
55 1
2042 33
0 0
37.1 33.0
PASS RECEIVING Madden . Bob, HB Kress, Bernie . HB Tant, Bill, E Sidebottom, Denny E Handley, Willie HB Christopfel , Bob, E Haynes , John, QB McG i nnis , Mike , E Wilson , Mike, FB TOTALS
23 17 13 4 4 2 2 1
434 259 144 57 51 55 37 13 4 1054
3 1 2 1 0
SCORING Kress , Bernie, HB Madden, Bob, HB Redrick, Mark , K Tant, Bill, E Miller, Terry , HB Biebuyck , Jerry, QB Haynes , John , QB Christopfel , Bob, E Shatteen, AI, DB Handley, Willie, HB Sidebottom, Denny, E Furia , Bob, K Schaeffer. Denny, QB TOTALS
12 7 0 2 2 2 I I
1 I I
0 0 30
4 .2 4.0 7.8 4.4 20.1 25.0 5.5
T O' S 11 4
973 672 281
PASSI NG Biebuyck, Jerry, QB Schaffer, Denny , QB Haynes . John , QB Miller, Terry, HB Madden, Bob, HB TOTALS
2 I 1
2.2 0 .0
0 0 2
T O'S 7 1
0 0 0 8
0 0 0 8 PAT' S MAD E
0 0 19* 0 0 4 .. 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 30
•includes Two Point Play by Run Aga inst St. Joseph's • •includes Two Successful Two-Point Passing Attempts from Biebuyck
2•. 0 17 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
76 42 33 12 12 12 6 6 6 6
6 5 0
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON FRESHMAN FOOTBALL STATISTICS (4GAME) DAYTON 293 57 30 24 3 737 550 715 91 ·41 1265 316.5
RUS H ING Kosins, Gary, HB Santangelo, Bob. HB Allen , Sonny, HB Harris , Larry. HB Bass, AI , FB Morhauser, Tom, QB Burgermeister, Chuck, HB Krechting, Ron, Q B TOTALS PA SS ING Krechting, Ron , QB Morhauser, Tom, QB TOTALS
ATTS. 90 1
CAUGHT 13 16 7 5 I 42
* Case * Miami (0) * Oberlin Oberlin * Detroit * Toledo Denison Ohio Wesleyan ''' Hillsd ale Hillsdale Miami (0)
4 0 2 7 4 2 0 4 2 3 4
Season's Record: 9 Wins, 2 Losses * Midwest Collegiate Hockey Ass 'n games. UD finished second (5· 1), De· troit (6·0) first.
Midwest League Pla yoffs At Oberlin Semi-f inals Hillsdale Consolation Oberlin
GA I N 451 136 54 41 11 1 0 35 737
YDS. 242 225 154 86
TDS 2 2 2 1 0
NET YD S. 427 136 52 40 11 I -4 -11 2 550 YDS. 696 19 715
4 4 1 2 1 3 1
2 0 2 3 23
T O'S 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
They Wilberforce Kent State Cedarville (OT) Toledo Wittenberg Mo rehead Miami (0) Wright State Cleveland State Wilmington (OT) Ohio State (OT)
A VG. 4 .7 8 .5 2.7 2.1 3.6 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.8
TO 'S 7 0
1968 University of Dayton Soccer Record We
THEY 28 24 20 21 93
Miami Marsha ll Louisville Xavier TOTALS
RECORD : 2·2
LOSS 24 0 2 1 0 0 4 147 178 IN TCP. 9 0
Ice Hockey
41 25 11 805 623 671 96·44 1294 323 .5
COMP. 40 1 41
WE 0 7 62 23 92
CARRIES 91 16 19 19 3 1 1 30 180
PASS RECEI VIN G Hamilton , Dave . E Lynch, Pat, E Allen, Sonny, HB Kosins, Gary, HB Bradley, Bill , HB TOTALS
12 8 3 2 1 4 3 6 12 9 8
Total Plays First Downs By Rushine By Passing By Penalty Gross Yds ; Rush Net Yds ; Rush Net Yds t Pass Passes Att; Comp Total Offense Avg. Game Offense
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 6
All-Ohio Collegiate Soccer Association Selections: Halfback Bill Chaney-sec· ond team; Fullback Rich Nosse-honor· able mention .
Wrestling 15
Quadrangular Meet: UD 29, Cleveland State 76, Miami (0) 75, Clarion State 82. 25 7
8 8
Morehead Bowling Green Cinci nnati Ohio Northern
12 28 25
Six-Team Match : Anderson 74, UD 71, Evansville 59 , Frankl in, Findlay, Han · over. (No scores on last three teams but UD defeated them .)
40 20
Wilberforce Eastern Kentucky
0 14
Quadrangular Meet: John Carroll 95 , Buffalo State 86 , Cincinnati 59 , UD 25.
Overall Record: 10-3
class notes by
dee • mcanespte
The Kuntz Family Edward J. Kuntz, Sr., '21, chairman, and his brother, Richard P. Kuntz '26, vice president· treasurer, retired officially from their posts with the Peter Kuntz Company in November. The two are the last of the founder 's six sons to be associated with the firm. William J. Kuntz '14 re tired as board chairman earlier in 1968. The company was founded in Dayton about 1904 as a wholesale lumber company. General Edwin W . Rawlings, USAF (ret.) , '54 Han. , who resigned as Chairman of the Board of General Mills, Inc., in January, has been elected to the Board of Trustees of The Aerospace Corporation. The Aerospace Corporation is a nonprofit organization devoted to the national interest. It is engaged primarily in providing scientific and engineering assistance to the Air Force in its space and missile programs.
Our girl DEE of the McAnespie Clan and Classnotes Editor enjoys a moment of levity with Jim Coward, '67, while discussing the alumni mailing list. Jim is a systems analyst at the University 1926 Andrew A. Aman, who retired recently as president of the lay advisory board of Good Samaritan Hospital, was presented an oil portrait of himself at a meeting of that board in January . He and his wife , Mary Eileen , have two children. Mr. Aman is a jeweler and has been active as a member of the board of the Campfire Girls and as a Community Chest worker.
1929 The son of William J. Reynolds, Sr., Bill, Jr., is following in his Dad's footsteps . Mr. Reynolds , retired from football officiating, is an officer with Girard Trust Bank in Philadelphia, Pa ., but he was known as one of the outstanding collegiate football officials in the country. His son is off to a good start. Recently he worked the Cardinal Dougherty· Msgr. Bonner champ ionship game at Temple Stadium.
1931 Solomon Arnovitz, chairman of the Air Force Logistics
This article appeared in the December 29 issue of the Dayton Daily News . ..
HE SWAM AT PIXFAIR By Maggie Fitzgibbons " I even went swimming at Mary Pickford's Pixfair," mused Joe Keller (1929) , now a Washington attorney, but once a drama critic. He was here for a Christmas visit with his sister, Mary Keller, of Volusia Avenue. Joe , a six-foot-five Daytonian , who moved to Wash· ington in 1934, after teaching journalism and writing col umn here , knew Hollywood in its heyday. Garbo and all that. "I had an interview with Ethel Barrymore," he recalled. "But never with Garbo. " He recalls meeting other luminaries of the day: Geo rge Arliss , Judge Ben Lindsey , Bette Davis , Buster Keaton , Janet Gaynor, Will Rogers . "I watched the making of 'An American Tragedy' with Sylvia Sydney, he recalled. Keller took over his drama post when Murray Powers was killed in a plane cras h at Mitchell Field .
He had a knack for getting in at the beginning of things . He was guest of the man who got th e idea for Williamsburg's restoration . "I wrote one of the first articles on rural electrifica· tion ," he remembered. " I called it 'Flip-a-Switch Farming.'" He was invited on a special Broadway Show train to a Roosevelt inaugural. Keller had an entree that any drama editor might have envied. He already knew Tyrone Power. Tyrone was a student at the prep school that was once a part of University of Dayton. "Tyrone," recalled Keller, "came from a theatrical family in Cincinnati. He spent his ea rly years in board· ing school. "He was one of my favorites . And I knew them all."
1933 Melvin Huden, D.P.A., J.D., is Dea n of Instruction at Barstow (Calif.] College . Doctor Huden and his wife, Angela, celebrated their thirt y-third wedding anniversary on Decemb er 28.
1934 Irwin H. Hollander is a civ ilian logistician at Tinker AFB, Okla . Mr. Holl a nd er and his wife, Clara, were married in 1946 and have two children- Neil and Nancy. He is serving as Stat e B'nai B'rith Pre s ide nt for 1969 and is also active in the YMCA, Red Cross , and community activities.
Sixty years have passed s in ce th ese ge ntlemen , left to right, Arthur Kramer, Clem Jauch, and Emil Ball, received their s he epskins from o ld St. Mary' s Institute in 1908. All scien ce grad uates , the thr ee "old bo ys," as St. Mary's men were known th en, often get together to speak of those wonderful days. Mr. Jauch was president of their grad uating c lass and is still secretary-treasurer of Dayton Stencil Company and the Da yton Fabricated Steel Company while Mr. Kramer has retired from the National Cash Re gis ter Company and Mr. Ball from the Sheffield Corporation. Command Procurem ent committee, h as bee n promoted to "supergrade" status, becoming one of AFLC's top -level executives.
1932 The wife of Albert R. Evans, who died on May 9 last year, has written an Epitaph to her husband. It has appeared in The Lyric Magazine and she wo uld like to share it with his friends. EPITAPH FOR A TEACHE R Lifelong he served humanity, fired by the flam e of truth , this man who left his fingerprints on the cornerstone of yo uth . Virginia Moran Evans Mr. Eva ns served for thirty-eight years in th e Dayton Public School System. Two of the Evans' four children are UD graduates-Ann Evans Wolf '60 a nd David R. Evans '54.
Fred C. Meyer and Richard W . Kimmel have formed Kimmel-Meyer & Associates, consulting engineers, with o ffic es in the Gaslight Village in Dayton . Mr. Meyer hea ded Meyer Plumbing Company locally for twenty-two years b efore disposing of th e business last fall.
1936 James J. Spatz, form e r exec utiv e sec retar y of the Dayton Area Board of Realtors , has been named executive vice president of th e Ohio Association of Real Estate Boards in Columbus . He assumed his new duties on Decemb e r 1. Mr. Spatz was executive secre tar y of the Da yton organization for eig ht years prior to joining OAREB .
1937 Stanley K. Vangrov, M.D., has been elected chief of staff at Barney Children's Medical Center for 1969. A fellow of th e American Acad em y of Pe diatrics , he interned at Cincin nati General Hospital and was a resident at Children's Hospi tal in Detroit , Mich . Do cto r Vangrov becam e the fifth chief of staff in th e short tenure of the Chil dren's Medical Center.
1938 Robert E. Mastandrea is President of the Miami Valley Wholesale Drug Company in Dayton .
1939 William A. Fitzpatrick has been e lected president of the Dayton Area Board of Realtors for 1969. Mr. Fitzpatrick of th e Gibbons Real ty Company is vice chairman of the Center City Task Force, chairman of the Montgomery County P lanning Commission, trustee of the Montgomery County College district and secretary and director of the United Appeal.
* * * Barry Shillito, '49, who is Assistant Secretary of Defens e, and Congressman Charles Whale n Jr., '42, get together for a Washington visit recently . Mr. Whalen was reelected to the House of Representatives last ovember. Mr. Shillito served the Nav y Department in the LBJ Administration.
The Reverend Ro y A . Goss, Executive Director of the United Methodist Convalescent and Retirement Homes of Connecticut, has rec e ived the Doctor of Divinity degree in recognition of his work in health-can:! ministries to the aging. Doctor Goss has also been elected a Fellow in the American College of Nursing Home Administrators.
Lloyd E. Lewis, Jr., an executive with Rike's, was the choice of the Dayton City Commission to fill the vacant Plan Board seat . Mr. Lewis said he "considered the plan board's ro le an important one." Shortly after his appointment he was named Se lli ng Service Superintendent at Rike's.
1940 Colonel John J. Padley July. A UD Hall of Farner, He and his wife , Shirley Vista, California., after a and a visit to Dayton.
retired from the Marines last jack is a veteran of three wars. Wu rstne r P ad ley, are living in two-month European vacation
1942 John J. Somers has been elected president of the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association for 1969.
1943 Ja mes F. Gray, S.M., Ph.D., Director of Education for the Marianists' St. Louis Province , has been elected Secretary of the National Cathol ic Educational Association's school supcrin tend en ts' department. Ma nuel L. Ga rliko v, Middletown (0.) realtor and insur· ance agent , was given a leadership award for outstanding service at the annual United Jewish Appeal Fund Drive recently . The honor from the jewish community was followed by a resolution honoring him from the city of Middletown presented by the chairman of the city commission. Mr. Garlikov has been active for many years in the United Jewish Appeal and is past chairman. He also was chairman during the "Six·Day Crisis " in June of 1967. He is past president of the Middletown Rotary Club , of B'nai B'rith 804 , and of Temple Beth Sholom. A member of the National Council of the joint Distribution Committee, he serves on the Interfaith Council and the membership committee of the YMCA.
George H . Mitchell, manager of agency and d istribu tor s ales of industrial air too ls for the Power Tool Division of Rockwe ll Manufacturing Company, h as moved to th e firm 's Pittsburgh headquarters from Dayton. Mr. Mitchell joined Rockwell in 1953 as manager of the plant 's sales department. He is married to the former Ela ine Whalen '45 and has s ix chi ldren. Daughter, Judy, is attending UD.
1949 Henry L. Ferra zza is director of land development for Vic Cassano Enterprises in Dayton. Hank and his wife, Jo, have three ch il dren - Joey, Marie and John. Willia m H . Weis married Katherine Ann Lytle , December
:l1 . Barry J. Shillito has been appointed assistant secretary of defense for insta ll atio n s and logistics , a post th at puts him near the top echelon of the Pentagon civilian group. He wa s promot ed from the position of assistant secretary of the Navy, a job he had held since last April. Mr. Shillito becomes one of seven ass istant defense secretaries and w ill oversee Pentagon procurement contracts, w h ich tota led about $44 b ill ion in the last fiscal year, and have respo n· sibility for administration of a ll US mi litary installat ions. Second child , second son, Matthew, to June and Thomas V. Ega n, January 8. He joins Mark who was born June 19, 1951.
Brother A. Charles Opferm an, S.M., has been appointed to the new post of executive assistant for secondary education in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville, Tenn. Brother was principa l of Catholic High School for Boys in Memphis.
Adolph R. Maslar is executive secretary of th e County Commissioners' Assoc ia tion of Ohio in Columbus. Robert F. Steiner is supervisor of general acco u n tin g for Automation & Measurement (Bendix Corporatio n ). His wife, Anna, is work in g in UD's Public Relations Department. The Stein er's h ave two daugh ters-A n n and Nancy. Richard C. Volk married Constance Stein, December 21. Rev. Robert J. Hennessey, O.P., has been transferred to St. Mary's Priory in New Haven, Conn . "St. Mary's is a s izeab le Dom in ican comm u nity. We have ab out eig h tee n priests and two lay brothers. Some of the pries ts sta ff a parish church; some are working on a specia lized historica l project at Ya le Library; some teach; some give retreats. Ya le dom inates the area. I'm try ing to carry on two p rojects. I teach at Albert us Magnus College. In addit ion I have a research fellowship at the Divini ty Schoo l of Ya le U ."
1947 Alice M. Doyle is coordinator of family life education for the Stale Department of Education in Honolulu. Joseph H. Mori is a senior engineer with FMC Corpora · lion ESD. He and his wife, Emma, reside in Saratoga , Calif., w ith their two children , Christine and Dav id.
1948 Virginia Chafin Chapple, a second grade teacher at Smith School in Oakwood , has retired after a teaching career of thirty years. Mrs. Chapple had spent the last len years in the Oakwood School System.
William J. Gutbrod has been the only football coach Cleve land's St. Joseph High has had s ince com ing on the scene with its first varsity team in 1952. During that time. Bill's teams have won 118, lost 40 and tied eight, climaxed by a 10-0 record last fall. The Cleveland Plain Dealer annually conducts a Favorite Coach contest with the winner re· ceiving $1,000 in cash and his school , $500. Bill finished third in the ballot ing in 1967 but the St. Joe boosters sent Bil l a nd his w ife, Jeane Warman Gutbrod '48, to M iami for a Christmas vacat ion . He finis h ed at the top· of the list in last fall 's poll receiv-
ing 32,199 votes, more than one·fourth of those cast. "We' re going on a sk i trip to nor thern Mic h igan. Jean was the first to get the ski bug about five or six years ago. I'm sti ll probably pretty much of a rook ie at it but this prize comes at a pretty good time since we hadn't rea ll y pla nned on any trip this Christmas." The Gutbrod 's have seven children - five boys, two girls. Oldest, Bill, Jr., was senior defensive halfback on his Dad's undefeated 1968 team. The other ch ildren arc Lyn, Bob, M ike , T im , Mary, and David.
Thomas E. Gates '51, has been elected president of the lnlt•rnational Junior Chamber of Congress at a world congress in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Tom won on the first ballot of the e ight y-seven countries represented. He a nd his wife, Donna , a tt en ded th e congress. !li s ele ction means h e will I ravel some 250,000 miles during the next year. H e is the third person from the United S tates to win this office and th e first from the state of Kentucky.
"The second picture depicts Donna looking on ecsta tic· ally as I am sworn into office."
"This photo was taken a moment after my election was announced. My wife, Donna , is partly obscured by the Pepsi bottles. The individual to the right is my predecessor, Philippe Abravanel, of Lausanne, Switzerland."
Robert L. Paulick received his MBA degree from UD during Dece mber gradua lion exercises. Sanford M. Shapero, Ph.D. , is executive vice president of Alliance Diversified Services Inc., in Stamford, Conn. Robert Kral , formerly associated with Globe Industries, has been named advertising and sales promotio n manager for the Janitrol Division of Midland-Ross Corporation in Columbus. He and his wife, Betty, have two childrenWa yne and Marsha. Robert L. Winemiller ha s been appointed Zoning Administrator for the City of Dayton. He has been with th e City since 1957 in the capacity of engineer and plans examiner. lle also was project engineer during th e construc ti on of the James M. Cox Dayton Municipal Airport in 1960. His wife, "Rosy" Weinmann Winemiller, was graduated from UD in 1968 and, in addition to maintaining a home for three boys, is teaching nursery and kindergarten school part time. Robert D. Neff has been named Vice President and General Manager of Valley Farms. Inc., in Dayton.
1951 Joseph J. Zaleski has signed a new three-year contract as coach of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian Football League. Frank P. Krein received a masters of art degree in teach· ing from Miami U. in August. Eugene A. Jablinski was elected c hairman of th e executiv e committee of the ta sk force formed to evaluate proposals for ending racial imbalance in the Dayton area's parochial schools in November. Tentative target date for completion of the study has bePn set for May 1, 1969. Armin P. Losh, president and treasurer of Losh-Petcrs Design in Dayton , announced its incorporation in January. The company now has a new name - Losh-Peters and As· sociatcs . Inc. Over the past year the firm expanded activities into the field of collateral advertising and prepara· lion of sales promotion programs and materials, while retaining art and design functions.
"Last is a picture of the delegates attending the In s tallation Banquet."
James F. Leary, M.D ., has bee n voted president-elect of the medical staff at St. E li zabeth Hospital in Dayton . H e will serve a two-y ear ter m beginning in 1971.
William J. Greaser
William P. Wagner
William J. Greaser has been appointed branch sales manager in Cleveland for Micro Switch. a division of I loneywell. Bill transferred from Honeywell's Precision Meter Division in Manchester, .II. , where he had been panel meter sales manager since 1967. He joined Honeywell in 1953 as a sales engineer in New York City; was pro· moted to branch sales manager in Boston in 1957 and beca m e a registered professiona l e ngineer in 1958. William P. Wagner ha s been appointed District Sales Manager for C.l.T. Corporation in southeastern Michigan. li e is responsible for supervising the firm's financing and leasing sales activities in western Detroit and in Monroe. Washtenaw and Lcnawee counties. lie joined CIT earlier this year after spending a year working with his brother in Wagner Indu stries. a family-owned machine tool shop in Madison Heights. Bill and his wife. Joanne , have seven children. He is president -elect of the Parish Council of St. Columban Church, Birmingham , and parent representative on th e school board a t Sacred I !car t Seminary , Detroit.
Merrill L. Ridgway has been named Vice President of Sales for Minster [0.) Machine Company. Llo y d N. Monnin is chairman of the general education department with the Clark Count y T e chnical Institut e in Springfield, 0. Ninth child , son, to Geraldine and Michael F. Hennes sy, January 28 . C. William Ke ssler has been named an assistant vice president in the NCR Research, Development and Manufacturing Division. Bill, an employee since graduation , is working on applied research and on-line systems development for which he has been director since September.
1952 Neal T. Kurfiss has been appointed chief engineer for the SOMISA project of Armco Steel Corporation's International Division. He had been works engine e r for the Middletown [0.) Works. Fifth child , third son, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bo yle (Joan Oldiges} , November 6. William F. Hilbert has been named national sales and merchandising representat ive of Visual Education Association, Inc., with offices in Dayton. Bill is working primarily with college book stores setting up programs for the sale of the firm's lines of study aid products. First child, Scott, to Virginia and Ronald J. Berg last May. Robert N. Goodpaster, former employee of the Defense Electronics Supply Center in Dayton, has accepted a civilian position with the officer in charge of construction in Saigon , Vietnam. Mr. Goodpaster, a program analyst for DESC's office of planning and management, began his federal career with DESC in 1949 and formerly spent fourteen years in inspection, sa les and other fields with NCR . Eduardo J. Mulanovich has reached his ultimate goal - Truj ilo, Peru. "Am preparing to build [project construction superintendent) and la ter be manager of a fish prote in Concentra te plant in nearby Salaverry. My wife, Carme la, was born here. Our three children- Victor, Carlos and Gonzalo-a ll love it here . So do I. Beautiful weather, quiet , friendly peop le, lots of tennis , badminton, soccer." Margaret J. Eklund is assoc iate director of professional services (division of n u rsing) at Community-General in Syracuse, N.Y. She earned her masters in nursing service administration from Syracuse U. in 1960. Son to Ellen and William E. Hallerman, February 1.
Frank M. Siggins
Fra nk J. O'Boyle
Frank M. Siggins has been named Executive Director, Marketing for Packaging and Industrial Products , with Elanco Prod ucts Company. Frank , formerly executive director of sa les for Elanco's Agrichemical Division, is responsible for marketing of Creative Packaging products , industria l chemica ls, equipment, and empty capsules. He joined Elanco in 1961 and has held several executive sales positions since that time. The Siggins ' are living in Indianapolis.
Frank J. O'Bo yle has joined Dalmo Victor, a Textron division , as assistant manufacturing manager for LM / Apollo. He is responsible for managing and coordinatin g all manufacturing operations related to the steerable communications antennas for both the lunar and commandse rvice modules of NASA's Apollo spacecraft. Frank came to DV from RCA's Defense Electronic Products Division in Camden, N.J. He and his wife, Mary , have two children. Karl C. Ritz has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and has been ass igned as Army Aviation Operations Officer and G-3 Air for the USA John F. Kennedy Cen ter for Special Warfare at Fort Bragg, N.C. Wilbur J. Spatz is working in the Electronic Accountin g Machine Products International Division a t NCR in Dayton . Tula Vardalides married W ill iam Owe ns Chamb erlin , Jr., October 27. Richard G. Bellmyer is branch ma nager of Fo rest E. Olson, Inc. , Realtors in Anaheim, Calif. "Named to 'Million Dollar Club' in sales for 1968." Jerome B. Bohman is the new president of the Archdiocesan Council of Catho lic Men; he is a practicing attorney in Dayton and has served in various offices of h is parish Holy Name Society . Formerly legislative chai rman of the Dayton Deanery Council of Catho li c Men, he had also been serving as second vice president of ACCM. Jerry and his wife , Carol, have six children . Kenneth I. Hayden is intern director at Greene Joint Vocational School in Xenia, 0. He and his wife, Lois, have three children- Eugene, Karen, and Keith.
1954 John J. Sullivan is Vice-Principal of The American School in Tokyo, Japan. Carroll J. Wentker is teaching at Severna Park [Md.] High School. He is married to the for m er Mary Patricia Hayes. Edward F. Tate married Barbara E. Taylor, Ja n uary 4. Major Ronald G. Weiher returned fro m Viet na m in December and is now completing h is masters in guidance and counseling at UD. "I am still in the Army but on a leave of absence for approximate ly six months. My orders read to report to Ft. Benning, Ga. , on or abo u t 1 July for my next assignment." Son to Mr. and Mrs. Winfield A . O'Neill, Jr. (Elizabeth Stoltzman '57), January 14. Donald Neff, S .M., who had been serving as d irector of vocation serviâ&#x201A;Źes for the Cincinn ati Province of the Society of Mary, has been assig ned to St. Paul Coll ege in Victoria, Australia, as treasurer. He also is vocation an d development d irector for the Aus tralian m issio n of the Marianists.
Vernon E. Webe r was the h igh sch ool speaker at the large "Coach of th e Year" Clinic held in Pittsburgh in January. Onl y one high school coach is chosen from all over the country. Vern was "Coach of the Year" for th e independent schoo ls in Cleveland th is past year (third time he has received this h onor]- his record was 10-0. He coaches at Gilmour Academy.
1955 Major Jack W . Sallee became the secretary of the gene ral staff at Fort Gordon, Ga., in December. Jack's basketball is strictly recreational these days-squad games at the base. William B. Walsh has been promoted to assistant d ivision manager of the Corrosion Resistance Plastics Division
-Techno logy Inco rporated main plan t in Dayto n
OUR GRADS AT TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED Ivy League grads, it is alleged , take care of their own. If this be true, Maurice Krug, President and co-found er of Technology In corporated in Dayton, is following th e Ivy League tradition b y hirin g fellow UD graduates for his main
plant in Dayton. Following is the list of men at TI who rece ived UD degrees. Jam es R. Braun is co-founder. TI has other plants in Texas , California , Illinois and Michigan .
Personnel Maurice F. Krug, BSME james R. Braun, BSEE Kenneth L. Rickey, BSEE jam es A. Ril ey, BSME , MBA Ra y F. Berus, BS in Bus. Willi am S. Arnold , Jr. , BSEE john R. Brinkman , BSME Frederick W. Brown, Cand. BSM E Gerald M. Bruckner, Cand. AEE Larry E. Clay, MSE Willi am A. Fuller, BSEE , AEE
TI Posi tion President Group Vice President General Manager Contracts Manager Comp troll e r Assoc. Prin c ipal Res. Engr. Design En gineer Jr. Resea rch Engr. Jr. Researc h Engr. Assoc. Principal Res. Engr. Resea rch Engr.
Edward Hidalgo , BSEE Gerald V. Machowsky, BSME, AME John F. Nash, BS in Bus . Rob ert J. Papajcik , BS in Math. Ronald I. Rockafellow, BS in Math Lamont C. Stewart , AME Jam es H . Trageser, BSEE Michael C. T yler, BSEE Leon A. Vorst, BSME
Jr. Electronics Engr. Sr. Resea rch Engr. Sr. Data Red uction Sup. Resea rch Mathematician Resea rch Math ematician Jr. Res ea rch Engr. Assoc. Principal Res. Engr. Resea rch Engr. Sr. Resea rch Engr.
Edward H. Back , Cand. AEE Wa y ne E. Norris, AlE
Electronics Technician Sr. Electronics Technician
UD Graduation June 1955 1955 1958 1950 1957 1958 August 1966 April 1969 May 1969 Dec. 1965 Assoc. - 1964 Bachelor's - 1966 August 1968 1965 1957 Dec . 1964 Dec. 1964 1957 Jan . 1960 May 1964 Jan. 1962 Masters - Apr. '69 June 1970 June 1955
* * *
of Duriron Company, the firm he joined in 1955. Mrs. Walsh is th e form er Shirley Gehring '54. Thomas L. Volk, M.D., is ass istant professor of pathology at th e new medical sc hool at the U. of California a t Davis. Tom and hi s wife. Pat ha ve four children and are li vin g in Davis. Visitors ar e welcome at 4401 San Ramon Drive. Basil W. Theodoras is th e new controller, Peninsula Lithograph Company 'J C., Men lo Park , Ca lif. The company is a s ub sid iar y of th e McCa ll Corpora tion and he has been with McCall 's for s ix-and-one-ha lf years. He a nd hi s wife , Suzanna , have three children-Hope, Thomas and Michael. Willard C. Clark, Jr., M.D., has been released from service
and has opened hi s office at 2454 Shiloh Springs Road in Dayton . He and his w ife, Toni , have six children- W illiard III , Elizabeth, Thomas , jo e, Jam es and Jennifer. Fourth child , third son, Andrew Joseph , to Doctor and Mrs. John T. Janning (Joan Voelker '56) January 11. Robert G. Bo wli ng is Regional Direc tor of the American Arbitration Association administering all territory from Albany north and west within the boundaries of the state of New York. "So m e of the programs w e have been participating in as a n administrative agency have been th e admin istration of the Model Cities Election in Roches ter and certifica lion e lections for public employees in Buffalo and blue-collar work ers in Syracuse. Also , my office has just initiated a voluntary labor arbitration plan
for persona l inj u ry suits for claims or accidents noticed or pending in the Supreme Court of Eric County or the City Court of Buffalo. I am also a member of the NY State Med iation and Fact-Finding Panel maintained by the Public Emp loyment Re lat ions Board to serve in disputes under the n ewly enacted Taylor Law." Bob an d h is wife, Pat, had their second child, first son , Lance A n drew, Dece mb er 8. John E. Brune has been promoted to the posit ion of marketing manager, supporting services, for the Aeroquip Corporation, Industrial Division, Jackso n , Mich. Jack was fo rme rl y district sales manager wi th responsibility for the Di路 vision's Detroit office. In his new post he is responsible for all supportJohn E. Brune ing services for Industrial Marketing including tra ining, personne l selection and performance appraisal programs, new product development , and the overall de ve lopment of sa les procedures and marketing administrative programs. He joined Aeroquip in 1955 as a customer service correspondent in Van Wert, 0., and in 1956 became a sales engineer assigned to th e Dallas territory. Two years later he was transferred to Dayton where he was subsequently promoted to district m<Jnagcr in 1962. Jack and his wife have two children. From Stephen K. Stewart, Jr.- "Wc take pleasure in announcing the formation of S. K. Stewart & Associates for the purpose of personnel consulting, executive search, professional recruiting and evaluation." Location: Cincinnati , Ohio. 1956 Matthew T. Hillen is Assistant Professor of Business at the Commu ni ty College of Bea ver County [Pa.) He earned his mas ters from the University of Pittsburgh. He and h is w ife , Jus tina, have a daughter, Veronica. Lenore Booher Littleton is beauty salon manager at Burd ine's Depar tment Store in Miami. Fla . Gerald J. Bergman [TI grad) received his bachelors de gree in business from UD during December graduation exercises. Major Robert J. Fiel y was awarded the Bronze Star recently for meritorius serv ice while in combat duty in Vietnam from September 1967 thru August , 1968. Bob and his wife, Majorie, have five chi ldren. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Koehler (Mary Janet Recker), January 28.
1957 Captain Harold E. Johnstone , M.D., is with the US Army at Ft. Be lvo ir, Va. Harold and his wife, Carol, have six chi ldren- Teresa, Karen, Michael, Stephen , Amy and Kevin. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kunz Jr. (Carole Crosley) , November 2. Bernard J. Westbrock married Nancy Smith, November 29. The couple is liv ing in Syracuse, N.Y., where they both teach. Manuel G. Ferrara is manager of Cajas de Carton Su ltana. S.A. He and his wife, Dagmar, and their two children- Manue l and Marcelo - are living in Monterrey, Mex ico . Merle E. Flannery is assistant art director at the Univers ity of Florida. William J. Klenk has been named Department Manager for Guidance Analysis and Software in the Electronics Systems Laboratory of TRW 's Houston (Tex.) Operations. His new duties include responsibility for activities such
Charlie Graham, '57, President of the A lu mn i's Montgomery Coun ty Chapter , displays hi s fo n d n ess for cu lt u re by attending the Fall s h owing of the Mead Corporation Paintings exhib it in the Kennedy Uni on. En joy in g th e pai n tigs, too , are left to rig ht , Kim , wife Eve lyn, Ch arles W., and Janet.
* * *
as development , evaluation an d ver ification of onboard and real time ground support gu idance and navigation software; data utilization and monitor ing of manne d systems; math mode li ng and deve lopment of s im ul ations and related software programs. He and h is wife, Jud ith , have three chi ldren- Sharon, Eileen and David. Ernest P. Schnippel has left th e Ind iana Attorney Ge neral's office and is in th e private prac tice of law at Carvey, Watson & McNevin, At torneys, in th e Inl and Building in Indianapo li s. Thanks for yo u r a d d ress correction! James L. Turvene w il l beco m e athl e ti c d irec to r of Ch am inade High in Dayton th is fal l. H e a lso w ill continue to coach basketba ll for th e Eag les. Ji m's basketball tea m s at Chaminade have h ad five w in ning seasons. H is 1965-66 team won the State Class AA cha m p io n ship. Jim was elected president recently of the Southwestern D istri ct High Schoo l Basketba ll Coac h es Assoc iatio n. Thomas E. Weber is w ith As hl a n d Ma nufac turi ng Co m pany. He and his wife, Caro le, h ave eigh t chil d renM ichael, Patrick, jody, David, Becky, Steven, Kath leen and T homas - and are living in Perrysvill e, 0.
1958 Raymond P. Grehofsky is with Ru st E ngi n ee ri ng Company in Pi ttsburgh. He and his w ife, Rosa lie, h ave th ree daughters-Mari, Clare and Jane. Fourth child, second da u gh ter, S h a n non Ma r ie, to Mr. and Mrs. jam es A Call ah an (Barbara Robke) , Aug ust 24. The Call aha n 's li ve in Flin t, Mi ch . First ch ild , Mic h ael Josep h , to Mr. an d Mrs. Laurence R. Gi ll (Therese Marie Fischer) , Octobe r 3. Alphonse F. Wunsch is a senior eng ineer wit h Magnavox Research Laboratory in Tor r a n ce , Ca lif. He and his w i fe , Su za n ne, h ave three ch ild re n- S tep h en, Jeffrey, and Pamela. Daughter to Rae and Lester A. Balster, December 10. Richard V. Curtis and Lawrence C. Roderer, Jr. , received masters degrees fr om UD in December. TI gra d , Richard G. Tschabrun, earne d hi s bachelor of tec hn ology degree. Daughter to Mari lyn and Robert E. Caporal, M.D., Ja n uary 18. Daniel U . Dunson has been promoted to cash iering manager for Top Va lue Enterprises, Inc. Dan jo ined Top Value in 1967 and had served in accoun t in g posts . He and h is wife , Marianne King Dunson '59, h ave thr ee children.
The Music Department at the University sponsored the 19th annunl Christmas Concert in the fieldbouse on December 8. Professor Lawrence Tagg directed thP community-wide chorus nnd the Dayton Philharmonic Training Orchestra in a special presentation of the "Messiah."
1959 Edwin M. Candler, aerospace engineer with the AF Flight Dynam ics Lab· oratory at WPAFB , was selncted lo attend the Air Command and Staff Collngn , 1axwell AFB , Alabamn. Ed has been with WP since April, 1958. J!e became a research engineer in 1959 and joined Ar F li gh t D y n a mi cs in Edwin M. Candler May, 1962, as a n ae rospace engineer in mate ria ls nnd structures . l ie has nuthored numerous technica l reports. Sister Ruth A. Grathwohl, a graduate student at New York U., is \\'Orking as a housing intf'rn at 1\onlclair State College. Sister. who is studying student personnel work and higher education al NYU under an DEA Grant. is spending three days a wPek at the college for a nine-week period. The first intern in thf' field of housing at Montclair State , she has received a secondary teaching certificalt~ in history and Engl ish from St. Mary's U., San Anto ni o, Texas. Raymond P. Mullman h as been appo in ted a sa les re p rnsc nt ative of th e Connec ticut Mu tual Life Ins u rance Co m pany. li e is associated with the Warren Clark Agency in New York City. l ie and his wifP . Cnrol. had their seventh child. fourth son. Rnymond Paul, Jr .. on january 3. Sc·cond child. first son, 1nllhf'w, to Mr. and Mrs. David E. Burke (Theresa Cerrito) , 0Pc£'mher 9. Rev. John J. Zvijak , CPPS, rpccived a masters in arts from UD during December grnduation exercises. Edward M. Hagerman is a research chemist with the General Motors I nsti tute of Technology. He and his wife, Dec, have two children Christina and Scott. William C. Laub is genera l manager o f Leas & M c Vitt y,
In c., S al e m , Va. Bill nnd hi s wife. Ca rol y n , h avn thr e 1~ c hil d ren - Edwa rd , ja m ns a n d Li sn. Captain Edward J. McCallum III h as b ee n recog ni zed for h elping his unit ea r n th e USAf' Outs tanding Un it Award. Ed is an instructor in the OTS al Lackland AFB, Texas, and is wearing the distinctive service ribbon as a pPrmanent drcorntion. ! lis unit was cited for exceptionall~r meritorious service in demonstrati n g outstanding professional competPnce. initintivP , imagination and dedication to the critical demnnds of the Southeast As ia buildup while provid ing a threefo ld increase in the n um brr of officers commissioned. !l is wife is th e fo rm er Ellen Fitzgerald '58. So n to Sh e il a a nd Dale J. Bushong, j a nu a r y 19. James F. Theiss is an nd mi n is t ralo r w ith RCA in In· rlianapolis . ji m and his wife, Jill , have fo u r c hi ldren Scott. Tom, Leigh Ann and Wendy Lyn n e. Fourth child. first son, to Audrey and Richard A . Mainella, February 6. Donald J. Becker is a traveling sales engineer with GenPral Electric. lie and his wife , Virginia , are living in 1orrison, Ill., w ith their four children- Bernard, Brian, Bnr· hara. nnd Beth. who was born on Ja n uary 15.
1960 William J. Brennan, Jr., is Vi ce Pr es id e nt o f Eas tr, rn Sta tes Ba n kcard Assoc ia ti on in Ne w Yo r k C it y. li e a n d his w ife. Rochel le, havn th ree c h ild ren-E li zabet h . Willi am and Michael. Hershel B. Cunagin recently moved to Las Cruces, ew Mexico , to accept n position wi th the Management o ffici' of the While Sands 1issiln Range, U.S. Army. He has bepn employed by the US Government for seven years, working in various c ities. The most recent position was that of director of accounting for the US Nava l Station in Key West, F lor ida. Richard W . Webster, Jr., is manager of indu s t rinl a n d co mm erc ia l sales for n or th er n Indi a n a for Ow e n s Cor nin g
Fiberglas. He and his wife, Nancy, have two childrenBilly and Ricky. Major Gordon L. Bilbrey, M.D., is Command Surgeon and stationed in Korea. His wife, Janet, and childrenKaren and Tracy-are with him. Son to Charlotte and Marion A. Minnelli, October 28. Joseph F. Rogus, Ph.D., a Dayton teacher consultant who specializes in inner-city education, has been named principal of Westwood School in Dayton. Doctor Rogus was the Dayton school system's expediter for the development of the first inner-city education programs under the Economic Opportunities Act of 1964. The programs included Head Start, Early Childhood Education and the summer SPEAR and tutorial programs. John T. Schurer is district manager of Varco-Pruden Inc. in Denver, Colorado . Sister Anne Ellen Judd, S.C. (Donna Judd) is a clinical psychologist at Catholic Charities in Cincinnati and is teaching a course at Xavier U. Son to Marcia and Robert M. Sarmir, November 30. At UD's December graduation James R. Cooney received an MBA degree. Son, John Christopher, to Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Warnock (Susan Guess Caliboso), January 4. Son to Rosemary and Donald G. Roshkowski, January 11. Captain John S. Hunt, M.D., is on duty at Cam Rahn Bay AB, Vietnam. John, an internist, is assigned to the 12th USAF Hospital, a unit of the Pacific Air Forces . Daughter to Mariann and Hugh E. Becker, January 15. John E. S. Marr is manager of the Pizza Hut, Inc., in Boulder, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Burdette N. Peterson, Jr. (Judi Ann Goelz '61) are busy- "Bear" as chairman of the Easter Seal campaign in Zanesville, 0.; Judi as president of the Good Samaritan Hospital Guild. The couple has three childrenScott, Linda and Julie. Richard E. Lawrie, Ph.D., is a member of the technical staff of Texas Instruments in Dallas. He and his wife , Toni , have a daughter, Samantha. Maude Slaton Randall received a masters degree in education from Miami U. in December.
1961 Hubert T. Rozman writes, "After four years in the International Division of Amp, Inc., where I worked in Australia and Japan as a specialist in product and marketing, I have taken temporary residence in Kansas City, Mo., as sales manager. Married in September 1967, to Karen Cronier and we have a baby boy (Thomas) born July 17, 1968." Major and Mrs. Frederick J. Trzos (Sandra Carlile) are living in Renton , Wash., with their children-Suzanne, Sharon and Melissa. Fred is with the Chief Production Division of the Defense Contract Administration Services, District Seattle. Ronald C. Klaus has been appointed manager of the newly established Baltimore Zone for Top Value Stamps. The new Zone began operations with three redemption centers , two in Baltimore and one in Glen Burnie, Md. Ron had been Assistant Zone Manager in the Columbus (0 .) Region . He and his wife , Ann, have four children . Son to Carol and Alex J. Occhionero, October 22 . H. Ronald Fogle is teaching with the Middletown (0.) Board of Education. James J. Spieles received his masters degree in teaching from Miami U. in August. Timothy F. Weiss is a management consultant with Lybrand, Ross Brothers, & Montgomery in Philadelphia, Pa. He received his MBA degree from Wharton last May. Tim and his wife, Kathleen, have two sons, Timothy, Jr., and David , born November 2. Charles R. Spoerlein is a social worker with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services in
the Antelope Valley Office, Lancaster, Calif. Son to Beatrice and Michel Etienne, December 3. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert L Merz (Louise Glover), December 5. Arlo D. Harris, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry at California State College, will spend the next academic year on the chemistry faculty of an English university. He has been invited to be a temporary lecturer at the U. of Nottingham, England. The appointment extends from September 1, 1969 thru 1970. And he has an Arlo D. Harris, Ph.D. academic promotion for the next academic year also-associate professor. Kathleen Mavoureen Harris married Robert J. Grainger, December 28. The couple is living in Santa Monica, Calif. Tom Karrenbauer has landed in Philadelphia for his current assignment with the U.S. Army. Torn who worked with the Sports Information Office for three years while at UD, is at the Defense Personnel Support Center and is chief of the branch which purchases all surgical and dental instruments and supplies for the Department of Defense. Since he graduated in January of 1961, Major Torn has been stationed in Chicago , Korea, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio; Denver and now Philadelphia. He married in October of 1961 and he and Pat have two boys, Michael, 6, and Thomas , 4. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Geraghty (Barbara Balsom), December 17. Tina Maria, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Nielsen (Anita Marting '60), December 24. Michael E. Hemmert is a draftsman for Hobart Mfg. Company in Troy, 0. He and his wife, Judith, have two daughters-Elizabeth Ann and Mary Ann. Fourth child, second son, Ted James, to Doctor and Mrs. George W. Koehl (Patricia Ann Smith), January 5. George will finish his pediatric residency in July at the U. of Oklahoma Medical Center but stay on for a one-year fellowship. Karl W. Flaster is a senior engineering writer for NCR's engineering publications department. Mr. Flaster became a grandfather on November 25. James P. Cleary, D.O., has his office in St. Petersburg, Fla. He and his wife, Marie, had a "new addition," James P. II, last July 10. Robert M. McGuire has served with the Pacific Fleet on the carrier, Ranger. "I married a high school teacher in April '67 and my wife, Valerie, and I have a son, Matthew Robert, born June 13, 1968. In February of '68 I received my MBA in marketing management from Hofstra U. I have worked for Montgomery Ward Buying Office in NYC since my discharge from the Navy. My position is controller." Son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Steinmetz (Sandra Krizin '65) , January 21. Daughter to Patricia and Jerome I. Wysong, January 23. Melvin C. Eifert has been named to the new post of manager, support services , for the recently formed Beta Industries , Inc. His wife is the former Sally Bringman '60. Richard S. Scranton has been named Manager of electronics systems- also with Beta Industries . Richard W. Flanagan has been promoted to Major in the U.S . Army. He and his wife , Ellen, are living in Alexandria, Va .
1962 H. T. "Derry" Derivan , Jr., is an attorn ey-at-law (selfemployed] in Middletown, 0 . He and his wife , Ann , hav e two ch ildren- Mike and Marianne. Second son to Carolyn and Karl G. Froning, January 6. Julian J. Kielbasa has receiv ed his Ph.D. degre e in forestry from Michigan State U. Norman D. Guise is an accountant with Inland Mfg. Div., GMC. Clifford C. M. Psenicka is an appraiser with West Side Federal in Cleveland. He and h is wife, Mary Elizabeth, had their first ch ild, Mark Antho n y, January 11. Captain Richard C. Lienesch, M.D., has arrived for duty at Andrews AFB , Md . He is assigned to th e Headquarters Command and had previously b een serving at Taiwan . Edward P. Ferris was marri ed to Kay Mullenix last July 20. Ed is a partner in Columbus Eng ine ering Co n sultan ts , LTD. Ronald F. Mulholland is still working for the Roh m a n d Haas Company in Bristol, Pa., as a compute r specialist in their Central Enginee ring Division. " Also I am now a reg istered professional engineer in the state of Pennsylvania . My w ife, Dawn , and I had a boy, Mi ch ae l, last January (1968) , our second child . W e ha ve a little girl, Laura, who is 2." Mary Ann Montgomery Korn writes , "We moved to the Chicago area this past fall b ecaus e my husband was tra nsferred by th e coatin gs a nd resins division of the Glidden Company. We hav e a n ew baby girl, Juli e, who was born in October. Our oldest, Beth, is 4 1/2 and Robbi e is 3 1/2 ." Daughter to Cel estina and Robert E. Hale, Janu ar y 26 . Thurman J. Mattingly, Jr., was installed as the new pre si· dent of th e Megacity Toastma sters Club in January . H e is a chemist at NCR. Vincent C. Hvizda recei ve d his MBA de gree from Case W estern Res erve in January. John P. Hagedorn is teachin g in th e Shaker Heights (0.) Schools. He expects to get his M.A . in En glish from Case Western in June. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Honingford (Linda Ann Sims '67), February 9. Dennis J. Wernersbach is an insurance adjuster with General Adjustment Bureau in Washington, D.C. Jacqueline Hopkins married Elmer Ward Brown , Jun e 24 , 1967. Th e couple has a daughter, Amy, born Octob er 1. John H. Broerman is emp loy ed by Leesona Corporation in Warwick, R.I., in programming . He and his wife, Mary Lou Gephart Broerman '63 , hav e a son , Michael. Captain Denis P. Campbell, M.D., was married to Katherine Burk e, September, 1967. Denis is a surgeon with the 6th Special Forces Group and stationed at Ft . Bragg. N .C. John E. Decker is a special a ge nt with th e FBI in Tampa, Fla. He and his wife , Janie , hav e two childre n, Jeff and Jill Ann . John earned his J.D . d egree from O h io Northern in 1966. Anthony T. Parker is a senior e n ginee r for Westinghous e Atomic Power Division in Pittsburgh, Pa . H e and his wife , Sandra, have a son , Gregory. Son to Judith and Paul J. Palcic, Nov emb e r 15 . Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Fuchs (Julie Krumm '64) have re turned to Dayton from Philade lphia , Pa. Walt is with NCR as an op erations res ear ch a nal yst and working on h is th esis. He should rece ive his Ph .D. soon from the U. of Pennsylvania . Th e Fuchs had th e ir third child, first son , Ste ven Paul, on December 23. Daniel E. Coughlin II is an a udi tor with th e U.S . Govern · ment and living in Berwyn , Ill. Dan and his wife , Nancy, had their second ch il d , second son, Michael, on November 5. Son to Georgienne and Timothy C. Ku kla , Nov ember 30. Daughter to Alice and John T. Duffy, De cember 1.
First child , Kathy Lynn, to Je nn y an d John W. Daudt, Jr., Novem b er 30 . John is worki n g at NCR. Helen Ann Deitz married Louis Such er Kava n a u gh , December 28.
Major Clinton A. Hodder was graduated from Q uarter· ma s ter Office r Advanced Class No . 68·4 recently. He was pre sent ed the Major Gene ral Kest er L. Hastings Award, consisting of an engraved desk pe n set as the officer who had shown th e most unu s u al e ffort, atten tivene ss a n d d esire to impro ve himself a s a quarte rmaster officer. Th e pres ent a tion is b eing made by MG Victor J. MacLaughlin , CG, USA QM Center, Fort Lee, Va.
1963 Eugene L. Cade is tea chin g at Annapolis Senior High School and living in Glen Burnie, Md . He hop e s to get his masters from Xavier U. som e time this year. William E. Powers, Jr., married Karen Cramer, August 10. H e is a graduate fellow in labor la w at New York Uni · versity and receiv e d his J.D . degree from Cleve land Marshall Law School. John T. Kenned y has a new job as Products Ma r keti n g Manager with Northern Ele ctrics in Chicago. John and his wife, Carol , had a daughter, Ann, July 22 . Philip C. Gigliotti recently returned from a two-mo n th , 13-co u ntry visit to Europe. "New job, sales trainee progra m for DARCO Corpo ration, selling business forms in Cinci nnati. Former occupation : teach e r and coach at Moell er H igh School since 1963." Joan Mary Reichert was married to James J. Buelte l in August of 1964. The couple has a daughter, Terri. Captain Orey R. Buzzelli received the Bronze Star Medal in November near Pl eiku , Vietnam. H e was presented the award for meritorious service in grou n d operations against hostil e forc es in Vietnam. Orey also holds the Air Meda l for h eroism and th e Distin guished Fly ing Cross . Mrs . Buzzelli is th e form e r Lucia DiPiazza '65 . The couple is now statione d at Ft. Rucker, Ala . Donald P. Hoffman is a pro ject engin eer with W all ace Business Form s in Chicago . First child, Kristen Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Ha ll (Francene Lombard), November 20. Daughter, Kerri Lynn , to M r. and Mrs. Jack Gayh eart (Judith Dapore), O ctob e r 28. Daughter to Mary and Gerald J. Huelsman, December 10. First chi ld , Scott Thomas , to Captain and Mrs. Thomas B. Mannix (Joyce Issenmann '66) , November 14. Joyce writes, " We've b een stationed at Fort P olk , La ., where Tom is a compan y commander tra in ing troops for service in Viet · nam . W e' re planning to ge t out of th e s e rvice in April and hope to s e ttle in Colorado ." Son to Sandra and Paul T. Ley, December 23 . Captain John C. Horner has received the USAF Co m me n dation Me dal at U-Tapao Airfield , Thailand. H e wa s dec· orated for meritorious service as a productio n control of-
ficer at Gl asgo w AFB , Mont. john was cited for h is superior professional skill, leadership and ini tiative in the perform ance o f his duty. Hi s wife is Carol Doolan Horner. Robert S. Bertke and John A. Moraites received masters degrees in eng in eerin g during UD's Dece mb er graduation ce re moni es . .. Clement B. Lokai, Jr., Robert L. Diller, and Ronald T. Deger rece iv ed MBA d eg rees . .. Thomas W. Rueth ea rn ed his mast e rs d eg ree in psycho logy ... and TI g ra ds Denis A. Koesters and Eve re tt E. Harshman rece ive d bachelor degrees in te c hnolo gy. Au gus tine R. Aufderheide received a master of engineering degrP.e from Pe nn St ate on December 6. Judith Nosil Wentz writes, "My husband. Frank, h as accepted the position of Finance Manager for the Batte ll e Seattle Research Center. W e are excited about the opportunity to learn about th e West. Our ch ildren are jeffrey a nd Laura . I'm sure they will enjoy seeing th e mountain s and huge fir tr ees." The W entz' arc li vin g in Be ll evue, Wash . Captain John P. Frucco, Jr., is stationed a t Fort Ri ley, Kansas , in the Staff Jud ge Advocate's office. John rece ived his LLB degree from New York Law School in 1967. He and hi s wife, Judith , hav e a so n. j o hn Da ni el. Donald P. Hoffman is teaching at Ka lida [0.] High S chool. Don and his wife, Mary Lou, have two sons-D ennis and Patrick [born October 4). Pete r C. Miller is President of the Miller Corporation in Torresdale, Pa. Charles M. Kosta is a senior electronic eng in eer with W arne r & Swasey in Cleveland. He and his wife, Diane, have two sons-M ike and Dave. Jeanette R. Schwieterman marri ed Robert E. Neumeister, February 1. John J- Bodner is an engineer with Sun Oil Company in Toledo . john and his wife. Maril yn, hav e a daughter. Li sa Mari e. Ned J- Sifferlen, assistant professor of business administrati o n a t Sinclair Community College, has been promoted t0 assistant chairman of the division. Ned has been a m emb e r of the Sinclair faculty since 1965. Captain Ron ald J- Finkbeiner is assigned to the Fifth Bat tali o n , 16th Artillery, Fourth Infantry Division. "My assign ment in th e fi eld is liaison officer to the First Squ ad ron , Tenth Cavalry. W e're loca ted near Pleiku, Vi etnam . My wife, Christine , is staying with her parents in Hell ertown , Pa. Th e four children. Marcy. Garry, Kenny and Kat h y are fine." Dau ght e r to Rosa lind and Perc y 0 . Vera, January 23. Captain Joseph M. Cizm adia is an ROTC instructor a t St. Peter's Coll ege in Jers ey City. Ronald L. Hodge is e m p loyed by the specia lty m a terial s department of General Electric in Worthington. 0. Ron and his wife. Carol, have a son. Danny. John A. Thomas is teaching and coaching at Great eck ( .Y.] orth Senior Hi gh. John and his wife, Phyllis , have a daughter. Mary Theresa. Lt. Thomas F. Connelie has returned from a tour of duty in Vi etna m and is now stationed in Rhode Is land. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Winterhalter (Ruth Bohne '64) , Februa ry 4. Se cond child , first son. David Lee II , to Mr. and Mrs . Ralph C. Harper (Mary Kaye Au gs pu rger '62), November 23. Ri chard H. Ma yer m arried Karen jean Moroz , February 15. The Mayer's are living in Dearborn. Mich. James 0 . Armacost received his D.O. degree from the Kirksville Col lege of Osteopathic Medicine last June and has been interning in Flint. Mich. lie will enter the U.S. Navy in June. H e a nd his wife. Sunnye. have a daughter. Elizabeth Ann, born March 13, 1968.
sity of Bologna in Ital y. George D. Schrader [MBA) has been promoted to li eutenant co lone l in the USAF. Colonel Schrader is a lega l staff officer at Maxwell AFB, Ala .. and is a m ember of the A ir University. John W. Michalski is a management train ee w ith Int e rnationa l Harvester in Chicago. First ch il d , Caro lin e Mari a, to Mary and Anthony H. Hoeffel, Novemb e r 20. H e is an assistant divisiona l e ngi neer with Gr ea t Lakes Dredge & Dock Company in Cleve路 land . Lawrence D. Schafrath has recently been transferred r1om Cleveland to Waltham, Mass., a nd promoted from Area Representative to District Manager for Stouffer Foods Corporation. First child , Laura Ann, to Ginny and James F. Bauhof, August 10. The Bauhof's have moved from Dayton to Miamisburg, 0. Charles R. Brooks is an e ngin eer with Mercury Record Manu[acturing Company in Richmond. Ind. H e and his wife, Virginia , had th e ir fir s t c hi ld , Eric Da le, on November 16. William E. Greve taught in Swit zer land for two yea rs and h as ea rn ed hi s masters in physics from Purdu e. He moved to Washin g ton sta te recently a nd is teaching ph ysics at Kent High S ch ool. south of Seattle. Second daughter, Jean Louise, to Mr. a nd Mrs. Willi am II. Kelly, Jr. [Nanc y Close), January 17. Second child , first daughter, Kelly. to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J- Koporc, Jr. [Nanc y Jane Blair '65), S epte mb er 18. Thomas L. W alsh is Da yto n Di stric t Manager for Airborne Freight Corporation at Cox Municipal Airport. H e and hi s wife , Rut h , had th e ir fir s t ch ild , Kev in Micha el, January 7. Third child, second d a ughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert }Benko, Jr. (Rose Unser '65), January 29. Norman P. Hoening is marketing m a na ge r with Dayton USA Magazine which is pub li s h ed by the Chamber o f Commerce. Th e m agaz in e h as won tw o consec utive gra nd national awards for co mmunit y ma gaz in es in 1967 and 1968. Robert E. Voehringer is projec t e ngineer with Esso Research and Enginee rin g in Chatham, .J. His wife is th e former Karen Zimmerman. Second ch ild, second daught e r, Casey Marie, to Carol and F. Jan Kopis , October 29 . Lt. Jack K Issenmann m a rr ied Kath y Ann S ierevelt, November 2. The coup le is l iving in Colu mbus , Ga. George R. Schubert marri ed Eva Ja ne Marie Scyo c, Nove mb er 23. George is a senior systems a na lyst with Univac in Shaker H e ights . 0 . Second child, second so n, S ean Pa tri ck, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J- O'Brien (Mary Lynne Reineck '66], Octob er 27. Dan is with Int e rnat iona l H a r ves ter. Barry J. Uhlenhake is out of se rvice a nd atte ndin g grad sc h ool at the U. of Pitt sburg h . Beverly Joan Greene re ce ive d h er masters in education from Miami U. in August. Mr. and Mrs. David F. Schrage (Kathleen Roach '66) are living in Eau Cla ire, Wis e., while Dave is atte n ding W isco nsin State University. Anthon y H. Hoeffel is an assistant divisional e ngin eer with Great Lakes Dred ge and Dock Company . He a nd hi s wife, Mary, are living in Lakewood, 0 . Daughter to Pam e la and John G. Powers , November 17. Daniel L. Rode received hi s Ph.D. from Case Institute of Tech nolo gy last year. He is with Bell Telephone Labs in Murray Hill , .J. Mrs. Rode is th e former Charlene Trauth '66.
1964 Kenneth J- Pompilio marri ed Mar y Katherine Knorr, january 11 . Ken is a third -ye ar m edi ca l s tud e nt at th e Univ e r-
Richard J- Olas is a sales re presentative with Eastman Kodak. The O las' are living in Schaumburg, Ill. , wit h th eir two ch ild ren , Ke ll y a n d Jo h n .
Dale R. Gilles is Liaison Officer in the Peace Corps' Office of Volunteer Support in Washington. "Part of this job is being a channel of communications for the Volunteers serving in the East Asia and Pacific Region. Some of my additional l'esponsihilities include participation in the initi al ion, revision and development of Peace Corps policies that affect Volunteers. Another major activity is conducting policy orientations for Peace Corps trainees. This entails visiting training sites all over the country and discussing with the trainees policies and procedures . After spending the last four years with Peace Corps (3 1/2 as a volunteer and now as a staff member) I am convinced that it is one of the few remaining avenues of service for today's concerned college student. There has been quite an addition to my personal life also. I have taken on the responsibility of educa tin g and supporting here in the U.S. one of my former Liberian students. lfe is 16 and attending St. Anthony's High here. Becoming the 'fath er' of a high school-aged 'son' is quite an experience. It is really interesting watching him adjust to the American culture in the same manner that I attempted to adjust to his Liberian culture while I was teaching there."
Richard C. Daoust is CCD Director at St. Clement Church in Toledo. Mrs. Daoust is th e former Mary Pamela Wakelin '65. Captain Richard C. Mink ha s returned from Thailand and is now a minuteman missile officer stationed at Malstrom AFB, Montana. Pvt. William 0 . Gottschall is stationed at Fort Geo. Meade, Mel. USAF Captain Perry A. Reed has completed his 100th combat mission in Southeast Asia . Perry, a B-52 Stratafortress pilot, is on temporary duty with the 4258th Strategic Wing at U-Tapao Airfield, Thailand. He is permanently assigned to Westover AFB, Mass. Lt. Rodney L. Oney received his DDS from Marquette last Jun e. He is now stationed in Vietnam . First child , Kevin Charles, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles W . Schroll, Jr. (Joanne Sengi ), December 16. joanne writes, "! had previously taught e lementary school in th e Kettering School System. My husband is with the UD Research In stitute." James J. Puhala is with Xerox Corporation in Greens boro, N.C. During UD's December graduation exercises Samuel C. Lehmann and Kenneth H. Burr received MBA degrees; Mary B. Campanelle and Harlan B. Judd picked up their masters degrees [Mary's was in English; Harlan's was in pub li c administration); and TI grads Richard F. VanDorpe , Alvin R. Keebler, John S. Franko, and Marinus J. Keller were awarde d th eir bachelor de grees in techno logy. Lena Ruth Vanderpool married Dean H. Edwards, December 20. Max K. Beggs is director of data processing for the ). M. McDonald Company and living in Hastings, ebraska. Barbara A . Micheel is a children's consultant with SWORL- LSCA Project- in Wilmington , 0. She also is librarian at the Wilmington Public Library. Gerald L. Boner has left the UD Research In stitute and ir- a senior instructor with the Clark County Technical Institute in Springfield, 0. He and his wife , Louisa. have four children: Sheryl, Bruce , Denise and Teresa. Captain PaulK. Kahl is with the Fifth USAF Information Office at Fuchu Air Station. Tokyo. Paul and his wife,
Charlotte, have three children- Konra, Tamra and Paul, Jr. o new assignment coming up until ovember, 1971. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A . Kunihiro [Susan Rudig ), February 8. 1965 David L. Swafford is "presently emp lo yed by Inland Manufacturing Division , GMC , as a Labor Re lati o n s Represe nt a tive. On Apri l 26, our fourth so n, Darryl , was born." First chi ld , Eileen Joan, to Lt. and Mrs. Michael Gagel [Karen Jans '67), October 12. Mike is due home from Vietnam in January. Joseph M. Farrell is Dean of Men at John Carroll University. Joe and his wife , Virginia Gornik Farrell, had their first child , Michael Kevin. October 17. Jerry Dunnigan is an art department cha irm an and tC'acher with the Cleveland Board of Education. He and his wife, Roberta, have two sons, James and Jerome. James A. Willke has assumed the additional responsibilities involved in managing two offices for the Columbus Branch and the Dayton office of Xerox Corporation.
John G. Boucher has been promoted to Captain in th e U.S. Army. His insignia of rank was presented by Col. Franklyn W. Donahue, assistant chief of staff, G-4, at Fort Devons, Mass. Prior to his assignment at Devons, John served with the Korea Military Advisory Group (KMAG) . P. Christian Hague received his Juris Doctor degree from the U. of Pittsburgh last May. Chris is an attorney with Meyer, Unkovic & Scott in Pittsburgh. Alma May is teaching at Julienne High School in Dayton. Daughter to Mary Anne and Edward M. Piela, Jr., Oc路 tober 20 . Craig M. Eckstein married Carol Ann Mill er, November 23. Craig is with Haskins & Sells in Dayton. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Schaefer (Judith Litmer), ovember 6. Pierre A . Weisgram married Dianne Hunter. August 28. Pierre is an assistant professor of math at State University College in Genese. N.Y. John D. Burke is a budget analyst for Prince George County . Mel. He and his wife . Nadene Hickenbotham Burke , arc living in Oxon Hill, Mel. David J. Hibler, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of English at the U. of Nebraska. llc and hi s wife. Bonnie Shuman Hibler, h ave a daughter, Margaret j oy, born last May 26 . Dave earned hi s Ph .D. at th e U. of Notre Dame. Son to Mary Lee and Kenneth A . Davenport , December 13. Kenneth M. Bonder married Dorice Maryanowski , August 10. Ken is a budget analyst for the City of Dayton. George P. Whelan is out of service and a special agent with the Federal Bureau of arcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Captain Anthony A . Arko received the Army Commendation Medal in November while serving with the First Logistical Command in Vietnam. He earned the award for meritorious service during his la s t assignment in I leadquarters , U.S. European Command, Support Group in Germany.
David A. Hunt married Cheryl Diana Campbell, December 28. Dave is an engineer with Dow Chemical Company . John A. Bettice is a grad student in physiology at Johns Hopkins University . MBA degrees were awarded to Donald L. Kronour, Peter J. Kaufmann , Frederick A . Fensel, Jr., and Frank E. Bray III at UD's December gradua tion ceremonies . John R. Cloppert, Jr., received his ma sters in science degree. MA degrees were earned by Roy J. Gricar, John D. Burke, Larry J. Wyen, CPPS, John C. Wolf, CPPS, Thomas A. Welk, CPPS, Thomas J. Sherlock, CPPS, and Richard J. Andolsen, CPPS. Jerome R. Pequignot is a senior buyer in the purchasing department at Dayton Tire & Rubber Company. He and his wife, Martha, have one child- Jerri Lynn. Vincent T. Brice is a grad research assistant at Ohio State U. First child , Victor Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Russo [Emily Thornton '66), December 29. Margaret Anne Corbett is a project manager with Professional Communications Association in Chicago. Sixth child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. McCarty (MBA) [Vera Seiler '50), January 7. John R. Cloppert, Jr., is a chemist in the paint lab ·at Inland Manufacturing Division , GMC. Lt. John J. Coyle, Jr., completed an ordnance officer basic course in November at the Army Ordnance School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., and is now stationed at Army Material Command Hqs., in Washington , D.C. John re-
ceived his LLB degree from the University of Notre Dame last year. He took the N.J. Bar Exam and worked for th e law firm of Lum, Biunno and Tompkins in Newark until September when h e ent ered service. John was admitted to the N.J. Bar on November 27. John A . Cervay, Jr., with his J.D. degree from Ohio State, is teaching at St. Brid get's School in Xenia, 0 . First child , Laura Catherine, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Steele (Maxine Johnson ), September 10. The Steele's are living in Midland , Mich. John F. Byno III is an assistant buyer at Mercantile Stores, Inc ., in New York City. John and his wife, Dorothy, had their second child , first daughter, Nichole Suzette , November 27. "Woody" Dugan has ret urn ed from Vietnam and has joined "the Chamber of Commerce in Louisville Ky. , in the guise of their public relations man and general all-round troubleshooter. It is a well staffed organization and one that is growing and doing its 'thin g' for the Louisville area. If I can be of any help with the Louisville Alumni Group, don't hesitate to contact me at 582-2421." Sharon O'Malley Derethik is head dietician with the Nursing Home Council in Shaker Heights , 0 . Sharon was married to Gary M. Derethik, September 2. Joseph E. Dete, after working a year for Sanford Ros e Associates, is now with Xerox in Detroit, Mich. Timothy J. Stueve received his masters in accounting at Ohio State in December and is now with Haskins & Sells in Da yton . Gerard M. Periolat is employed by Preferred Business Servi ces-Data Servi ce in Oak Brook, Ill. He and his wife,
Barbara Hyde Periolat, have two children-Nicole and Vincent. Franklin R. Hertvik is a trainee coord inator with Sears· Roebuck at the Tri-County Shopping Center in Cincinnati. Edward T. Priore is a management trainee with Frigidaire Division , GMC. Joel A. Riley is an associate representative of the Peace Corps in Quito , Ecuador, S.A. Gerard E. Glassmeyer is a biology teacher in th e North College Hill Schools in Cincinnati. He has a masters in education guidance from the U. of Cincinnati. William A. Wagner is sales manager for the American Trading Company in Saigon. Mary Rose Nastasi married Gary T. Marwick in November. "Gary and I were married shortly after I completed my two years of active duty service in the Navy. Gary is stationed at Point Mugu. I am presently working as a teacher for Ventura County School District." Anthony R. Lodovico is a physical ed ucation instructor at St. Paul Catholic High in Bristol , Conn., and also is varsity soccer a nd wrestling coach. He had the distinct honor this year of being the first coach in the school's history to coach an undefeated athletic team. The soccer team finished with an 11·0-1 record. His team scored a total of thirty-nine goals as opposed to a lone goal scored by opponents. Tony and his wife , Judie, have two children - Jennifer and Anthony. Robert J. Beutel is an accountant with Lybrand , Ross Brothers & Montgomery and attending UD for an MBA degree . John R. Kiefer is sales representative with WheelingPittsburgh Steel Corporation. He and his wife , Sally, ha ve a son , Ronald Jon . The Kiefer's are living in Des Plaines , Ill . Jimmy L. Shilt is a design engineer with the U.S. Navy in Seattle, Wash. He and his wife, Patricia , will celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary on S eptember 14. Charles G. Vander Embse will receive his Doctor of Oste· apathy degree from the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines, Iowa , in June. He will intern at Doctors Hospital in Columbus , 0 . Charles was married to Sheila Kepper, December 27, 1967. Second and third children , twins Jennifer Anne and Julia Marie, to Joanne and John B. Augustin , Jr., October 10. Their first child is John B. III. Lt. Robert J. Wilczek left for Vietnam in April. He was working in the department of combat intelligence at Fort Holabird, Md. Mrs . Wilczek, the former Marcia Wilkins, writes: "We received an early Christmas present in the form of a red-headed little girl. Meghan Rowan [had to get a little Irish into the name) arrived November 30." Carol Ann Dull was married to Edward 0. Smith , former Xavier footballer, in 1967 and the couple has a son, Christopher Todd. Carol writes, "I have temporarily retired to care for Christoph er after teaching two years in Cincin· nati's inner city." William J. Gartland is with the marketing and research services division of Dun and Brads treet in New York City. He received an MBA degree from Columbia last June . Donald L. Kronour is a member of the faculty at MiamiJacobs Junior College of Business in Dayton . Marilyn Joyce Surdyk married Charles Edward Yonts , Jr. , February 8. Marilyn is living in Dayto n while her husband finishes his tour of duty in Vietnam. Vivian Jane Panek is an instructor at Mt. Aloysius Junior College in Cresson, Pa. William E. Wilson is with th e S. N. Eben Corporation in New York City. He was married to Sandra Ben jamin, last August 25. Anthony J. Schirtzinger, Jr. , is a social worker at the Wisconsin Bo ys School in Wales. He earned his masters in social welfare from the U. of Wisconsin in January. He and his wife , Rose , have two children. Son to Susan and Richard J. Melowic, February 10.
1966 Arthur J. Dudzinski has re turn ed from service with th e U.S. Navy and is doing computer work with the Danis Con路 struct ion Co m pa n y. His wife is Mary Siewe Dudzinski '65. Nicholas F. Frischhertz, Jr. , marri ed Roberta Jean Heideman '68, February 15. Nick is assistant manage r of the Centra l Trust Bank in Cincinnati, 0. Captain William G. Flynn is s tation ed at Ft. Dix, N.J., with th e USA. Herman M. Buerschen is director of Doyle Res id e nce H a ll and leaching English a t Marian College in Indianapolis, Ind . Thomas R. Meyer left the UD Research In stitute and is working for the Duriron Company. Inc .. as a chemical research laboratory technician in its Corrosive Resistant Plastics Division. " I plan to return to UD on a part-time basis this summer to receive my bachelor of techn ology degree." Barbara Ann Halpin is a medical technologist with Children's Hospital in Los Angeles . Joseph T. Bermingham ha s been promoted to Captain in th e USA. Mary Elizabeth Welch is a s tewardess with United Air Lin es at Los Angeles Airport. She's a lso with Chuck Barris Productions part tim e- Newlywed Game. Lawrence J. Wilberding, Jr., got out of serv ice on 22 Feb . "Wi ll b e substitute teaching this sprin g. Hope to settle next fall in Dayton , Indianapolis . or Colorado Springs, Colo .. area ." Lt. Ernest L. Plummer is a maintenance supervisor with the USAF overseas. He and his wife , Marjorie , have two children- Marjorie and Karen . Norman L. Naughton is in production with General Food s in Kankakee, Ill. Captain John P. Emington, Jr., is stationed at th e University of Massachuset ts. Margaret Mary DeChatelet married R. Patrick Ril ey, January 25. Pat was formerly an instructor in theology at UD but is s tud ying law at the U. of Cincinnati now. Margaret is a technical writer in marketing publications at CR. Joseph A . Frole is with the Fisher Body Division of GMC in Columbus. Joe and his wife, Diana , have a daughter, Alanna Jun e. Stephen F. Miller is interning at Miami Valley Ho spita l in Day ton . Seve nth child, daughter, to Marcella and Richard H. Topp, January 17. George L. Slack is proj ec t e ngin ee r with the Warrenton (Va.) Training Center. He and hi s wife, Paula, hav e two child re n- Eli za beth and Anastasia . Son to Virginia and Robert L. Hentrich, Jr. , January 20. Gerald E. Reid , Jr. , is assistant personnel director with West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh . He and his wife, Carol. had their first child , Jane Ellen , September 23. Denis N. Ebach is a project engin eer w ith Lear Siegler in Cleveland . He and his wife , Cheryl , celebrated their third wedding anniversary on December 18. John J. Freyvogel is a sa les representative with Wyckoff Steel in Bloomfield , N.j. john and hi s wife, Karen Brick Freyvogel '65, will celebrat e their fir s t wedding anniversary on June 22. Paul D. Zugger is an engin eer wit h Miller & Davis Construction Company in Chicago. John T. Maiko is truck operations and container control man ager for American Export , lsbrandtsen Lines in Bayo nn e, N.J. Lt. Carole Ann Grilliot married V. Steven Simmons, February 8. The couple is stationed at Luke Air Force Bas e, Arizon a. Steven R. Brown married Constance Eileen Smith , December 18. Steve is manager of Doyles Auto Parts in Dayton .
Twins, son and daughter, to Billie Jo and Victor L. Wainscott, January 24. Son to Susan and John T. Moessner, January 29. Chester Lewis is an engineer with Price Broth ers in Dayton. He just fini sh ed a tour of duty in Vietnam . Melvin K. Roseman is a partner in T ec h-Tronics Corporation in Springfi eld . He and his wife, Barbara. hav e a son, Ste phen. Barbara Budzik writ es, "After gradua ting I tau ght fourth grade for two years in Dayton . I spent the summe r of '67 in Europe lourin g England, Fra nc e, Germany, Italy , and a bit of Austria. Am curren tl y emp lo ye d by Arbor Park School District in Oak Forest , Ill. , as a permanent subs ti tute and moved to my new apartment in H arvey la s t August." Richard J. Schenk is a family counselor with the Catholi c Soc ial Service Bureau in Covington, Ky . Michael Callahan ha s returned from a year in Thailand last July . "My wife, Carol, and I had our first child , Deborah Ann , on July 24. I was promoted to Captain in the Army in August and am presently s tationed at Fort Lee, Va . Will b e re lease d from th e Arm y n ext August." Barbara Brogan Kalvans writes , "A beautiful littl e girl was born to Di ck and me on jun e 10 . . . Katherine Ann .. . we ca ll h er Kati e." Carol Elisabeth Sidner married Lt. Ar ch Woodard , October 19. The co upl e is living in San Diego , Calif. J. William Wahler was released from service in Sep te m路 ber and is back in Dayton working in the Personn el Offi ce of Monarc h Marking. James A. Jennings m arr ied Sharon Imhoff, July 19. Sharon writes , " W e are livin g in Traverse Cit y, Mi ch . Jim is teaching En gli sh and coac hin g football at St. Fra n cis High . I teach first grade with Trav e rse City Public Schools . La s t August Jim received his mast ers degree in physical edu catio n from W estern Michigan U." Thomas E. Arndt just returned from Vietnam and plans to pick up his MBA from Loyola U. in Chicago while working part time for the U.S. Govern ment. Lt . Theodore M. Patterson writes , " I ha ve been ass igned to the 拢our-man sports production team of Armed Forces Radio in Washington. It is a thrill knowing I am heard all over the globe from Saigon to Alaska. And conce ntratin g exclusively on sports is right up m y alley. Will probably spend m y two-year hitch h ere." Camilla Baker is a dietitian at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton. James J. Bruggeman is an engineer with Price Broth ers in Dayton. Delores Ann Schroeder m a rri ed C. Michael Hampel. September 14. Sh e is teac hin g at Stebbins High School. Carole J. Borland is teachin g at Carpinteria (Calif.) Junior High. Donald D. Barrett (M BA). a division mana ger in Frigida ire's Houston (Texas) Sales Zone. has been honored as one of the company's top sa lesmen in the nation durin g 1968. Hi s o utst and in g sa les record ea rn ed him an honorar y appointment of " top me mb e r" in th e Frigidaire Goal -Maker Club, a gro up of top sa le s lea ders in the company's n a tion wide wholesa le distributin g organizat ion. H e also earned this award in 1967. First child , son, to Marie a nd John H. Stebel II, Nov ember 18. First child . Michelle jeannette, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Fromm [Jeannette Lerch '67) , October 24. jea nnett e writes , "I quit the department of public we lfare las t July but joe is still working for Avco as an electronics engineer. He is also continuing his night school graduate courses at UD ." Second child . first daughter, joan Marie , to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Freedman (Susan Marquis). ovember 12. First chi ld , Christine Anne . to Mr. and Mrs. James A . Butler (Joanne Buck), September 24. Philip E. Salm marri e d Mary Kathryn Mirsberger, No-
vember 23. Phil , after rec e iving hi s MBA from Indiana U., is serving in the U.S. Navy. Davi d G. Hend y is an indu s trial eng in eer with Pro c tor & Gamhle in Cincinnati. He and hi s wife , Martha, hav e a son, Brian David. Barbara Anne Westbrock married Jam es Ri chard Oxley. Dece mber 7. Barbara is teachin g at Precious Blood School in Dayton. Carl H. Ma yer is in Vietnam as a militar y advisor to the Vietnamese. His wife, Maril yn, an d children are living in Dayton. "In April '68 our second child, first daughter, Rehecca Noelle, was born ." Edward A. Mill er, Jr., was promote d to Captain in Decemher- and is stationed in Vi e tnam.
Michael P. Gardn er r e turn ed from a lour in Vietnam on July 26 and was dischar ged at that tim e. His wife, Martha Fields Gardn er '67, writes, "Mike's tour provided a vari路 ely of experiences. He began work as a Fire Direction Officer in an artillery batter y . In January he left that to become a forward observe r with the First Cava lry and observed with the ARVN 's (the Vietnamese Army). Th e latter part of his tour was spent as a MACV advisor. This job entailed going into a differ ent Vi e tnamese vi ll age each week and teaching th e men in the village offensive and defensive tactics. Th e highlight of Mike's tour (I think!) ca me in February when I fl e w with his parents to meet Mike on his R&R . During Mike's absence I lived with my family in Euclid , 0 .. and taught kindergarten. Presently I am a substitute teach er with the Troy (0.) Board of Education and a hom emaker!" Mike is in sa les with Gummed Products Company in Troy. Anastasia C. Andrianos married Jerome Joseph Bulcher, November 2. Katherine Dyke Lutz and h e r husband , David E., had their first ch ild, Karen Eileen , September 30. Michael E. Fitzgerald, stationed with the U.S. Navy at Bethesda, Mel ., until December, is now assigned to Japan for three years. Patrick J. McGarry has be en released from service and is back with the UD Research In s titute. Daughter to Margie and Robert E. Zerbe, November 2. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Emmrich (Denise Piva rn ik '67). October 25. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hein , Jr. (Patricia Nolan ), October 26. Charles M. McElligott, who caught 59 passes for 1.220 ya rds and 18 touchdowns for the Davton Colts. was named Most Valuable Player at the end of the season . The Colts team was t h e first in the Midwest Football League to wind up undefeated. Chuck's wife is th e former Armonde Correll '64. W . Todd Kain is a market analyst with Mead Johnson Laboratories in Evansville , Incl. Todd and his wife, Connie, have a son, Alan . Richa rd L. Bodner is a graduate student in th e chemistry department at Ohio University. Mrs. Bodner is th e former Barbara Kaye Rou se '68. Th ey were marri ed on September 7. Donald E. Renner received his masters de g ree in arts from Indiana University last February. Dennis P. Beach, S.M., professed his perpetual vows as a Marianist in ceremonies in Au s tralia in Dece mb er. Brother has been station ed in Australia, since hi s graduation , at St. Paul 's College, a secondary sc hool for boys , Altona North , Victoria. First child, Lisa Jenin e, to Pamela and Fred J. Richards, Jr., November 16. Mary Jo Warth is a report e r with the Evening Capitol. Annapolis, Mel. Robert J. Pelc is a systems analyst for Eaton's, Canada's largest department store. Bob and hi s wife, Pamela Rode-
rick Pelc, had th e ir first child , Wendy Diane , October 31. " We wou ld be glad to hear from anyone in the UD family who mi ght b e in the Toronto area." Salvatore A . Sangi is in employee relations with the Mobil Oil Company in New York City. Thomas R. Bucher is with the Washington Township Board of Education near Dayton leaching art. Major Joseph H. Batta glia (MBA) has rece ived the Distingu ished Flying Cross and his third award of the USAF Commendation Medal. He is currently enrolled in the AF Institute of T ec hnology education-with-industry program at th e McDonnell Douglas Corporation in Long Beach, Calif. Major Battaglia dist inguished himself by extraord inary achievement as a navigator in the 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Offutt AFB, Neb. Clifford E. Bro w ne wrote in December, "Just returned from Vietnam and separated from U.S. Army active service. Rece ive d the Bron ze Star whil e in Vietnam ." Second chi ld, second son. to Mary and James C. Gilzinge r, December 6. Paula K. Rede r is workin g at Ohio Bell in Columbus and attending Ohio State grad school. Michael E. Wilson is with Hask ins and S ells in Dayton. H e and his wife, Joyc e, were married on February 3, 1968. Thomas M. Gallagher is with Ford Motor Company and living in Dearborn Heights , Mich., with his wife. Sandra, and their dau ghter, Julie Christine . He rece ived his MBA in marketing from Michi ga n Stat e in 1967. Henry G. Fallek is an R & D engineer with Dana Labs and living in Costa Mesa, Calif. Carl J. Melcher is a development engineer with Chrysler Airte mp in Dayton. Andrea Kusinski was married to James Robert Sinclair on May 28, 1966. The Sinclair's have a son, James Vincent , and are living in Parma , 0. Judith C. Blind and Elaine A . Lochmandy are nurs es at St. Anthony 's Hospital in Denver , Colo. Gordon T. H. Ching (MBA) is assistant director of property management for th e University of Hawaii . James K. Horlacher, a medical student at Ohio State , married Linda Sharon H ey man , December 21. Agostino S. Franzone married Maria Josephine Bonelli '68, December 28. Agostino is a negotiaton engineer with Westinghouse Ele ctr ic in Newark, N.J. David E. Hogan has been r elease d from serv ice and is a pilot at Hamilton (0.) Airport. Walte r A . Cusick, Jr., was promoted to Army Captain during ceremonies at Ft. Story, Va., in November. Assi路 tant adjutant of the 79th Transportation Battalion , he was last stationed in V ie tnam. His wife, Shirl, is with him at Ft. Story . Burton W . Thompson married Marion Wells Sparks . December 21. He is teach ing with the Dayton Board of Education . Donald J. Hoffman is a project engineer with Wallace Business Forms in Chicago. Euge ne T. Krasicki was awa rded a masters degr ee in electrical e ngin eering from UD in Decemb e r ; MBA deg r ees went to Robert J. Johns on, Robe rt L. Heath , Jr. , Thomas B. Gorius, and Daniel L. Balogh ; MA degrees were presented to A . William Wiggenhorn, Jr., James F. Mare sca, CPPS, Patrick T. Fitzge rald , CPPS , and Robert L. Butler ; and TI gra ds Donald E. Krintzline and Gerald W . Fridenmaker ear n ed their ba chelor degr ees- Dan's in tec hnolog y, Ge rald's in business. Denis J. McS w eeney married Mar y Joan Somsel , February 15 . Joan is th e daught er of Cla rence P. Somsel, M.D. '32. De nis is with Career Center, Inc ., in Cincinnati. Patrick W . Hoga n is completing course work at th e U. of C incinn a ti for his Ph.D . in eco nomics. Pat holds an MBA from Xavier and is an account executive with Ha y den Stone . In c. He was recently accepted as a memb e r of the Cincin路 nali Societ y of Financial Analysts.
Captain Joseph S. Tyburczy completed a basic Medical SNvicc Corps officer coursP in Dccembrr at Brooke Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam lloustun. Trxas. During tbe eightweek course he received training and orientat ion in a vari· ely of military subjects. including military law, unit administration and management, supply principles and pro· cedures, and military preventive mcdi inc. Joe receiv ed his masters degree from Washington U. last year. Son to Marilyn and William L. Baltzell, December 31. William E. Lude is teaching emotionally disturbed children in the Columbus [0.) Public Schools. He was married to Lynn Diane Moody on August 28. 1967. Bill is nlso nttcnding grad school in school administration at OSU. John A . Borinski received his masters degree in science from Michigan State in '68. George E. Sine has been appointed manager of the Dayton office of the Monarch Machine Tool Company. George has been with Monarch since 1964. li e began in the Sidney, 0., plant but transferred to Dayton in '66. Michael E. Bellert and John E. Davis are emp loyed b y Inland Manufacturing Division. GMC. Thomas G. Petkewitz marri ed Judith B. llal e, January 25. Tom is in his final year of law schoo l at the U. of Cincin· nati. Captain Michael J. Storck milrricd jenny Schneider, Augt•st 24 . He is an Army hclicoptrr pilot in Vietnam. Second ch ild , first son. Christopher Howard, to Mr. and Mrs. Iloward [. Varley [Irene Ramski ), December 4. Miguel A . Elias-Boneta is a plant engineer with Garcia Commercial in Rio Piedras. P.R. First child , Christopher, to Karen and Albert J. Aufman, Jr., January 13. F. John Keslo is a sales eng ine er for Fischer & Port er Company in Clifton, N.J. Jo hn ilnd his wife, Joyce. will ce lebrate their first wedding anniversary on Ma y 18. 1967 Mary Anne Lulucki is a first grade teacher at Westw ood Elementary School in Dayton . Joel H. Guthleben married Sandra Ann Walter, daughter of Robert L. Walter '41, February 22 . Joel will be stationed in Korea for one year with the USA. Richard N. Danzeisen is working in statistics for Booz· Allen Applied Res earch and living in Silver Spring, Md. PhilipS. Piro is a psychologist with Clevelan d 's Highland View Hospital. He and hi s wife , Nancy, have two daught e rs . Gloria and Jacqueline . Lt. Andrew T. Augulis marri ed Judith Patten Easley, March 1. He is stationed in the Presidio in Monterey. Calif .. until June . Lt. Gregory M. Takacs is "presently statio ned in Vietnam with the 261st Signal Company. In fact. I arrived in Nam on New Year's Eve. There wasn't any Guy Lombardo music though . Prior to co min g here , I was an instructor on the General Military Subj ects Committee of the Officers Department in the Si gnal School at Ft. Gordon. Ga." Joseph C. C. Hoehl married Marv Ann McGuire. February 15. The Ho eh l's arc livin g in Ridgefield, Conn. · John J. Cawley, Jr., is a yeoma n seaman with th e U.S. Navy in Fighter Squadron 96 off the cons ! of Vietn a m . Lt. Timothy L. Kearney is n finance officer with thr. U.S.A. at Ft. Be lv oir, Va. Tim and hi s wife, Patricia Gilmore Kearney, hav e a daughtr.r. Colleen Catherine, born Novr.mber 12. Lawrence W. Gatto , Jr., rna rricd Maureen Patricia Dug· gan '68, January 18. Larry is a teaching assistant at thr University of Southern California: Maureen is a medical rrscarch technician at the U. of California. Lt. David L. Keel went to flight school after graduation and received hi s wings on August 12. "On September 23 I came to Vietnam and was assigned to Troop C. First Squadron. Ninth Cavalry , First Cavalry Division. We arc s t~tion c cl a t Phuo c Vinh. My job is low-level reconnais-
sancc of enemy positions. I fly an OH·6A heli cop ter and am presently section lr.adcr. In two w eeks I will be platoon leader of th e scout platoon."
Philip E. Perry became assoc ia ted with The I Iob ar t Manufncturing Company in May of last year and is now assigned to n ew responsibilities as Supervisor of Salaried Personnel Administration. I Je joined Hobart after leav in g Ohio Bell Telephone Company in Da y ton where he had served as commercial manager. H e is responsible for recruiting, employment. training, and development, main · tcnancc of personnel records , gro up insurance and genera l personnel activities. The Perry family resides in Troy, 0. Joseph D. Farone wrote us on February 6- "I just compl e te d my militar y obligation with the U.S. Navy and hav e been discharg e d. It's really great to be hom e again. At the present time I am unemployed." Let us know a n y new developments, Jo e. Marjorie Marie Blake married Allan A . Teran , August 24. Marjorie is t c<~ch in g at Miamisburg Junior High. Roger W. Steinlage is a co mput er specialist with WPAFB. Lt. Vincent F. Speziale has been awarded USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Re ese AFB. Texas. He has b een assigned to a unit of thr. Pacific Air Forces for flying duty in th P. C·130 H erc ules. Kathleen Mary Hurley is a perceptual trainin g teacher in th e Roxbur y Township ( . J.) Public Schools. Lt. Robert T. Ferrigan comp l ete d a sixteenweek helicopter pilot course at th e Army PriLt. Vincent F. Speziale mary I le li co pt cr S ch oo l. Ft. Wolters , Texas . Durin g tlw co urs e he was tr ained to fly Army and lr.arncd to usc them in tactical manr.uvcrs. l-I e is now unclr.rgoing advanced flight training at th e Army Aviation School, Ft. Ru cker, Ala . First ch ild , D avid john. to SP/ 4 and Mrs. John D. Schafer (Helen Tunney]. Dr.r.ember 24 . Thr. Schafer's a re stat ioned in Germany. Kathryn Mary Jirka began hr.r second year of teaching in the orth Olmsted [0.) School System in September. James F. Gareau married Patricia Mary Callaghan '68. December 28. James E. Saunders [MS) marri ed Mary Louise Anthony 'fiB, February 1. Both arc grad students at Purdu e. G. Douglas Jones marri ed Patsy Ann Stephenson , Febru ·
ary 8. Doug is owner-contractor for Stanley Jones & Sons Builders in Vandalia, 0 . Carol Benner is a service shopper with May Company in Los Angeles. Nancy Koch Roderer and her husband , UD student David W. Roderer, will celebrate their second wedding anniversary on December 27. The Roderer's have a son, David Lawrence, born last July 27. Paul F. Gittere has been appointed an assistant turn foreman in the cold sheet mill at Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Lackawanna plant. Paul joined Bethlehem after graduation as a member of its Loop Course-management t'raining program for college grads- and was assigned to the Lackawanna mill. He had bee n se rving there as an engineer. He is also attending Canisius College for an MBA degree. Cornelius 0 . Ejimofor is a doctoral student in political science at the University of Oklahoma. He and his wife, Priscilla, have three children- Cornelia , Caroline, and Cornelius, Jr., born December 3. Edward W. Evans married Ros emary Cla ire Weber, April 20, 1968. Edward is with Montgomery County Juve路nile Court; Rosemary with the Montgomery County Welfare Department. Jeffre y G. BaUmann married Julie Ann Strozdas '68 , December 28. Jeff is in the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. Katherine Eleanor Hansman married Charles Lewis Bachus III, December 28. Mary Beth Fenelon married UD senior, Christopher J. Celebrezze, December 28. Shiv K. Gupta [MBA] has been awarded a University tuition scholarship at the University of Cincinnati in the marketing department. Dale J. DeBrosse received his masters from Ohio State in December. Joa n Frances Dunham married A. Dean Howell, De路 cember 21. James E. Bradley, Jr., married Sandra Ellen Metzge r '68, November 30. Jim is a marketing representative for Ohio Bell Telephone in Cleveland . H e earned his MBA from Michigan State last year. Ja mes R. Meister, Jr., married Suzanne Powell , December 21. Lt. Joseph T. J. Bishop is station ed in Vietnam until August. Joe's father, Thomas J. Bishop , died suddenly last April 6. Ralph M. Maruscak married Darla Karen Henry, October 12. Ralph is a scientist with Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division in Waltz Mill , Pa. Charles J. Berning, Jr., is a radioman with the U.S. Navy . Lt. Joseph R. Bouman has been graduated at Tyndall AFB , Fla ., from the training course for USAF weapons controllers . Joe was trained to direct operation and maintenance of ground search and height-finding radars . He was commissioned upon completion of Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Thom as J. DeLuca married Joan Leslie Eisenstadt, Janu ary 3. Tom hopes to get his JD degree from Notre Dame this year. M. John Hess married Ka thleen Marie Mikos '67, June 8. He is with the Lorain [0.] County Community College and has a masters from Bowling Green. Mary Margaret Madden is teaching at Parkdale Senior High in Riverdale, Md . "I start ed on m y masters in American Studies at the U. of Maryland last summer." Frank E. Kline is a lieutenant in th e Army stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. Garville H. W illiams is an associate engineer with IBM at the E. Fishkinn facility ~n New York. Je anette Marie Seigle married A. Dennis Cronin III, August 31.
Guy W . Endicott was married to Margaret Satterfield on September 9, 1967. He is a project engineer with E.S.B. in Philadelphia. Robert J. Beiner writes, "I am a lieuten an t in the US Army presently on educational deferment. I am finishing work on an MBA at Wright State U." James T. Doyle earned his m asters d egree in system s science at Polytechn ic Institute o f Broo k ly n in Jun e. William P. Youmell m arri e d Lois Ruth Fortens e, Augu st 3. Bill is a trust adm in istrator with the Clevela nd Trust Company. Mary Katherine Solon is a lab technician for Mercy Hospital in Toledo. Michael G. McKeever has a masters degree in education from Georgetown College and is a graduate assistant and coach at Michigan State U. Patricia Ann Kennedy is a grad assistant at New Mexico State U. in psychology . Ma rgaret Ann Zilinsky is a medical technologist with the Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New O rle ans, La.
Thunder Lt. Scala Rosemary G. Thunder has joined the Am erican Red Cross as a Recreation Aide in the Supplemental Recreational Activities Overseas program. As a Clubmobile worker, Rosema r y is conducting recreation programs for American servicemen in South Vietnam. She completed her twoweek training period at American Red Cross National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. in September and then flew to Vietnam for a year's tour of duty. Lt. Frank E. Scala has been awarded USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Craig AFB, Ala. Frank is as路 signed to Nellis AFB, Nev., for specialized aircrew training in the F-111. His wife, Stephanie Heit Scala, is w ith h im . Vera Marie Thompson married Stanley A. Locknar, August 10. Mimi is a pharmacological technician with Abbott Laboratories in N. Chicago, III. Michael Q. Doyle is a medical student at the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery. First children , twins , Joan Patricia and Daniel James, to Mr. and Mr s. Donald J. Hertvik (Cary l Jean Rounds '68] , October 18. Don is with Greene & Ladd in Dayton. Second child, first son, William, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold " Skip" Hapner (Susan Shipley '65), November 7. James R. Missig, an engineering assistant with Argonne, Ill. National Lab , and his wife, Jean, have two childrenJames and Joele. Ja mes M. Cumming III is a teacher with the Dayton Board of Education. Ka thleen Marie Koenig married Michael L. Laboe, June 29 . She is teaching home ec at St. Mary's Academy, Monroe, Mich. Fred M. Saah, Jr., is with the Arabian American Oil Company in New York City. He has a degree from the American Institute for Foreign Trade. Mr. a nd Mrs. Philip E. Doepker (Bonita Webe r] have moved to Alliance, 0 ., where Phil has accepted a job with Babcock & Wilcox Research as a senior engineer. "In Oc路 tober Phil completed work toward a m asters degree in
mechanical engineering at Ohio State. We have a son, Geoffrey, born January 25, 1968." First child, Lisa Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. David G. Urbany (Florence McCahill) , July 23. The Urbany's have a new address in Levittown , N.Y. Fourth child , daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walling, Jr. (Bonita Musselman '65), November 15. Alice Carroll Flannery married UD senior Thomas Francis Ryan, November 30. Alice is casework director for Goodwi ll Industries in Dayton . Lois Ann Federbush married Edward William T ischer, November 30. Lois is teaching at C. L. Stingley School. Carol S. Barron has just completed her year as a VISTA. "In January I'll be home again and plan to teach." Lawrence E. Gawell is a member of the USAF stationed at Lackland AFB , Texas . Pfc. Jeremiah F. Donovan, Jr., is with the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Sylvia D. Flemming is a social worker at Miami Valley Hosp ital in Dayton. SP/4 Frederick C. Bittlinger, Jr., is stationed at Quant Tri, Vietnam. Donald G. Cress:v married Patricia Lynn Bogumill, November 29. The Cressy's were matched through a UD computer dance. William C. Mess married Margaret Elizabeth Wagner, September 7. Bill is an assistant engineer with Burgess & Nip le, Ltd., in Columbus, 0. Lt. Carlos R. Dos Santos has been awarded his silver wings upon graduation from USAF navi路 gator training at Mather AFB, Calif. Following specialized training at other bases, he has been assigned to Nha Trang AB, Vietnam . Martha Jane Robinson married Philip Kenneth Brice, December 14. Martha is working for Lt. Carlos R. Dos Santos Manpower of Dayton, Inc. Victor K. Norton married Jan Marie Reiling '68, January 25. Vic is with Dow Chemical and studying for his MBA at Central Michigan U. Mathew F. Betkouski married Marianne Therese Boguski, jun e 22. Mat is a doctoral student at the University of Florida; Marianne is engaged in ca nc er research as a lab technologist at the U. of Florida Medical Center. John M. Doyle has bee n promoted to Army first lieutenant while assigned to the 19th Supply and Service Com路 pany near Phu Ti , Vietnam. His wife, Mary Eliazbeth Schlanser Doyle '66, is living in Downers Grove, Ill. Airman Louis W. Clark III married Sarah Jane Wenzel '68, December 21. Andrea Lee House married Captain Edward A. Duff, Decembe r 21. Leo C. Daiuto, Jr., marri ed Sandy Camiscioni, November 2. Leo is with Burroughs Corporation in Paoli, Pa. Anthony C. Rampino is a research chemist with Alox Corporation in Niagara Falls , N.Y. He was married to Barbara Zupp elli , November 9. John A . Barnshaw III is an associate quality engineer with IBM in Endicott, N.Y. john was married to Faith Bossl er, September 2, 1967. Lt. Thomas A. Smith's militar y address is A Company, 3rd AT's 3rd Tank Bn ., Third Marine Division , FPO San Francisco 96602 . He 'd like to hear from you. Tom will be servin g in Vietnam until July. Sharon M. Pasternak is a computer progr.ammer with
General Motors Corporation in Detroit. Thomas A. Olsen is in industrial relations wit h the Department of the Navy at Great Lakes, Ill. He was married to Maure en Quinn on September 2, 1967. Richard R. Burk is a Peace Corps volunteer in Tororo, Uganda, East Africa. Timothy G. Hanna is a finan cial a nalyst with Xerox Corporation in Roch es ter, N.Y. He rece ived his MBA degree in finance from Syracuse U. in January. Richard F. Novak obtained a position as Assistant Person nel Director of Fasson Produ cts Corpora ti on, a subsidiary of Avery Products Inc., in Painesvill e, 0. In the fa II of '67 he e nroll ed in Cleveland Marshall Law School. In May of '68 he volunteered for the Army Reserves at Wooster, 0 ., and on Sptember 30 was call ed to active dut y. Since that time he has spent four m onths at Ft. Leonard Wood , Mo .. and w as th e n sent to Fort Riley, Kansas, for advanced training in the 5th Army, 508th Division o f the MP 's an d now has been reassigned to the Wooster post. He has return ed to Fasson Products and to law school. Charles E. Russell is a se nior engi neering technician with Hartman Electrical in Mansfield, 0. Pvt. Patrick H. Rossi, Jr., married Jerrene Lee Kendall '68, August 16. Pat is stationed at Ft. Carson, Colo. John R. Mahne was married to Joan E. Edward s last Jun e 1. He is assistant to the technical m ark eti ng manager at East Ohio Gas Company in Cleveland. Barbara Lee Rauch is teachin g at Carroll High School in Dayton. SP/4 Barry L. Rice is wi th the USA in Vietnam ; SP/4 Larry G. Rice is stat ioned at Ft. Meade, Md . TI grads Frederick A. Willits III, William G. Palsulich, Richard P. Moran, Michael B. Manning, Kenneth L. Mack, James N. Krause, Daniel K. Frederick, John G. Chicken, Lawrence A. Cadman, Norman J. Boesch, James Bennett, and Ralph E. Barhorst all received bachelor of technology degrees at UD's December graduation. Robert P. Jennewine was awa rd ed a masters degree in elec tri cal engineeri ng; Manfred K. Ernst rece ived his MBA degree; and Lt. Frank E. Kline earned his masters degree in arts. Sandra Catherine Clark married UD student Daniel A. Ozog. December 14. Sandy is a speech and drama teacher wit h th e Dayton Board of Education . Lt. Lawrence W . Hoffman co mpl eted a mi ss il e m ai nt enance officer course in Dece mb er at the Army Missile a nd Munitions School, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Durin g the tenweek course he received in struc tio n in the function a nd theory of operation of th e Army missile systems, and acqu ired a knowledge of the mi ssion, capabiliti es and employment of missile sys tems support units and familiarization w ith logistical support proced ures. Mrs. Hoffman is th e form er Sue Ellen Stephan. Sue is teaching fifth grade at W est Huntsville Elementary. Larry has been reassigned to the Missile Components School. Joseph F. Fitzgibbon III is an English teach er with the Barstow (Calif.) Uni fi ed School District. He has comp leted a year of graduate work at the U. of Oklahoma. Army Private Thomas C. Kabat h as co mpl eted advanced tra inin g as a comb at engineer at Ft. Leonard Wood , Mo. Lt. Lawrence E. Augustyn writes, "My tou r with the USAF has taken me to th e frigid wastelands of North Dakota where I will reside until my four yea rs are up [March of '72). After intensive trai nin g in Illinois and Ca lifornia, I finally certified as a Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander on October 1. I am a missil e launc h officer for the Minutema n II ICBM missile. I am taking advantage of the AF Education Program by attending classes at the U. of North Dakota and hope to get m y masters in business sometime in 1970. In case th e weather in Dayton is on the cool s id e, maybe this will chee r you up. It was 31 degrees below zero h e re on New Year's Eve."
Gerald F. Ka minsk i married Gera ldi n e Ma rga ret Feigel, jnnuary 25. Gerry (thr. 1\1rs.) is working in research at l.hilrlren's ll ospital in Cincinnnti. CPrry (the 1r.) is in his second year of Law School nt tlw lJ. of Cincinnat i. Sha ron Ma rie Sanislo married Lt. Francisco Fi gueroa. Decem ber 14. Sharon is a soc ial worker nt Barn ey Children's I Io s pital in D <1y ton. I lr. r hu s band is stationed at WPAFB until jun e. Ja mes A . Ciocia is attending law sc hool at john Marsha ll in Clrveland. Ba rb a ra Ann Kinzi g is emp loyed by the ch e mistr y la b at l\1iilmi Valley 1 Iospita l in Dayton . Ba shir Bidiwa la ha s bern rler.terl first \·ice president o f Friendship Interna ti onal of Dayton for 1969. Ma riellen Na sia tka milrried james P. Kurtz, j anuary 25. Mariellen is a gra dua te teaching ass ista nt in sociology at the U. of D e laware. Michael L. Crompton is with Inland Manufacturing Divi · sion. CMC. Le ft to r ight - Stanley Perin , Butler Cou n ty Engineer; j ean; and Congressman Dona ld E. "Bu z" Lu kens.
Lt. John H. Groskopf has been awarded USAF s il ver pilot wings upon graduation at Williams AFB, Ariz. Followin g specialized air c rew trainin g at o th er bases, he will be ass igned to Bien Hoa AFB . Vietnam . He will be a pilot in th e Pacific Air Forces. Airman Henry J. Kutne y finished a yea r in economics a t Catholic U. before e nt e rin g service . Robert B. Shortal is a foreman with Inland Manufacturing Di vision , CMC. Lt. Daryl A . Pasek is stationed at Ft. Leon ard Wood , Mo . I !e and his wife, Mar y Ann , hnd th eir first child, Sharon Rose, on December 10. R. Craig Egbert is with CMAC in Dayton. Michael J. Pasqua rett is a tt en din g OCS at Ft. Sill , Okl a. Pvt. Gary F. Popeck co mpl eted nine weeks of advan ced infantry tra inin g in December at Ft. Polk, La . The last week was spen t in guerr ill a warfare exercises. Lt. Fra nk E. Scala is a pilot with the USAF at Hom es tead AFB , Fla . H e and th e Mr s., th e former Stephanie Heit, have a daughter, Jeanette Lynn. Pfc Louis G. Fischer is a rildio-te lephone operator with th e USA in Vietnam. Carol Hengesbach Gall ag he r is li vi ng a t home and work · ing in Batt le Creek, Mich ., for th e So c ia l Security Admin is tration . Her husband is serving with the Fifth Spe cial Forces Croup in Vietnam. Janice Ad air Kenned y married Terrance Clapp. August 31. Th e Clapp's are resid in g in Pasadena , Calif. Eugene C. McClead is in government sales and sa les records for the Toledo Scale Company. Saundra Ann Willingh a m is a grad student at Case West e rn Reserve U. in Cleveland. Saundra was the writ er of an a rticle in th e December issue of EBO Y Magazine rntitled "Why I Quit th e Convent." Richard L. Stelzer marri ed Judith Ann Dattilo, la s t Mily 31. Di ck is a systems en gineer with IBM in Day ton.
Jean Carter Blazer wr ote in reply to our request for other newly elec ted grads. " !la vin g been an elementary teac h e r for severa l years, I d ecided that a change of pace was in s tore. Three years ago I was oriented to a political life in the ca mpaign of Congressman Don a ld Lukens, Ohio 24th Di stric t, and decided at that tim e to run for an office m y· self. This Tove mb er 5, I wa s e lect ed Record e r of Butl er County b y defea tin g a n incumbent of twenty-eight yea rs and have the honor of bein g th e third wo m an ever to be e lected in th is coun ty to any of the offi ces; th e last woman office h o ld er being h ere in 1930. By th e way , I a m a Republican." Jea n is the wife of C. M. Bl;u.e r and the couple has two sons, Ste ve n and Douglas .
Dennis A. Pace is Assistant to the Vice Presid e nt at Voland, Precis ion Instrumen t, in New Rochelle , .Y. H e and his wife, Donna Klosterman Pace, have two childrenKimberly Ann and Sandra Kay. Robert J. McGowan h as been appo in ted in strument sa les manager for th e produc t ope ra ti ons depart m ent of Sys te m s Resea rch Laboratori es, I nc . Pr ior to join ing SRL h e was asociated with Bell & Jfow e ll as a field engineer for southern Ohio and Ke ntu cky. Mr. McGowan is responsib le for mark e ting SRL d es ign e d and fabricated products , in· eluding larg e instrum en tation systems ranging in price from $40,000 to $200.000 and produced at the Fairborn (0.) plant. Ca thleen Anne Doyle m arrie d Leigh Ra ymond Fenn e man , February 8. Cathy had b een employed by the UD public relation s office a nd had designed the cover of the winter issue of th e ALUMNUS. The Fenneman 's are living in Oxford , 0 .. w h e re Le igh is at tending M iami U. Ra ymond M. Zebroski is a pro ce ss eng in eer wi th Burntly. Tn c .. in Norwalk , Conn . Lt. Joseph R. Bouman is serving a year remote tour at a ra dar site near Kotzebue, Alaska, an Eskimo villag e. Jo e is a weapons con tro ll e r with the USAF.
1968 Ma ureen R. Ca vanau gh is teach er and guidance counse lor at Imma cu late Conception School in Rav en na , 0 . Martha M. Hess is tear.hing in the St. H e nr y (0.) Consolida ted Schools. James J. Busta rna rried Susan Mary Heintel, August 10. Jim is teac hin g in the Parma (0 .) Ci ty Schoo ls.
Airman Daniel J. Min ogue has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas , and has been assigned to the A F Technical Training Center at Keesler AFB, Miss., for specialized schooling as a communications specialist. Dan married Barbara Jean Chmie l on November 1. Robert T. Aumer is teaching at Holy Spirit Seminary in Toledo . Dav id D. Egleston is a Airman Daniel J. Minogue student at the U. of South Carolina doing "graduate work in bio logy p lanning on medica l school." Robert M. Po w e rs III nwrried Su san Barb ara LaRocc a, May 18. Bob is attending Michigan Slate's g raduate school of business; Susan is working for three doctors in Lansing. Je an H. Dryden is leaching nt Akers School in Lemoore . Calif. Henry M. Hermet z is a customer路 engineer with IBM in Dayton. lie and his wife. Peggy Jo . have a daughter , Christine Marie. Lt. and Mrs. Ri chard R. Bell o [Janis Baeue rlen) arc living in Augusta, Ca., while Dick is stationed at Fl. Cordon. Richard M. Grout marrird Susan Mary Ri cketts , last Ma~' 15.
William E. Jo s t, Jr., is employed hy the personne l department of the Los Angeles Times . Michael B. Griggs is a dental technician with th e U.S. Navy in San Diego, Calif. Richard R. Basel married Dona Marie Cicciollo, August 10. Dick, a TT grad, is working on his bachelor of technology degree at UD; Dona is a cashier with Stengers Ford. Thomas E. Tyler marr ied Sharon Sue Wolf, November 9. Tom is w ith Bendix Corporillion in Dayton. Stephen P. Bramla ge married Mary Jane Flynn . November 9. Stephen is an eng ineer with United Systems Corporation in Day ton . James A. Morrow, Jr., married Linda Lee Scott, November 23. Linda is in th e data processing depar tment at NCR. Robert L. DiGuardi married Kathleen Ann Hast ier, Nove m ber 16 . Bob is an e lectrical eng ineer w ith Schriber Company in Dayton. William J. Scharf is an associate programmer wi th Univac in Warminster, Pa. Lt. Walter J. Wood (USMC) left for Vietnam on October 16. He is sou theast of Khc Sanh ncar the Laotian border. Airman Andrew E. Szucs has received his first USAF duty assignment after comp leting basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas. He has been assigned to Laughlin AFB. Texas, for training and duty as an information specia l is t. Robert C. Reinoehl married Rebecca Chris Byers , UD senior. August 24. Ronald E. Wy song married judy Lynn Ring , Airman Andrew E. Szucs November 30. Ron is an engineer with R. L. Drake Company in Dayton. Charles W. Struhar is teaching at North Cat h olic High in Pittsb u rg h , Pa.
William T. Francis married Mary Lou S h e rm a n , No ve m ber 30. Bill is a plant engineer wi th Francis Manufac tu r in g Company in Russia, 0. Boonrawd Bosereewong [MBA) is an auditor wi th In ter nal Revenue in Bangkok. Thailand. Ronald C. Sheets married Linda Ann Mu ll in, Nove mber 30. Fredrick N. Dossena has been commissioned a second li eu tena n t in the USAF upon graduation from Off icer Training Schoo l at Lackland AFB, Texas. Fred, selected for OTS through competitive examinat ion, has been assigned to Vance AFB. Okla. . for p ilot tra ining. Sheila Ann Seidel mar路 ried H. james Graham, November 30. The Graham 's arc l iving in jackFredrick N. Dossena sonville, F la. Ruth Ann Siefker is a technician with the U .D. Research Institute. Catherine Louise Hyde marr ied UD senior George E. Plakosh, December 28. Catherine is teaching at Mor to n )11nior lligh in Vandalia, 0. William R. Stoddard, Jr., milrr ied UD secretary Linda An n Kline, November 28. Lt. John P. Lutz marr ied Kath leen jeanne Jones, jan u ary 11 . John is stationed at Fort Carson. Colo. Paul M. Joseph [MA) is a psyc h ologist with the A n ne Arundel County Board of Education in Annapo lis , Mel. Ralph E. B a ~horst marr ied Janet Elizabeth Hartke '65, December 28 . Pe ter R. Singler married Linda Ma ri e DeSte fano, Decemher 28. He is UD's assistant d irector of hous ing . Robert E. Mulcahy marrie d Carol Ann Loykovich '67. August 17. Bob is an engineer at WPAFB. Nicholas A. Marino married Beverly Jean Ha iL Dece m ber 28. Nick is studying medic ine in R ome, It a ly. Patricia Je an Weber is a news reporter and s taff announcer wi th Channel 33 in Lima, 0. Henry L. Schwieterman married Joyce An n E ifert , A u gust 17. Theresa Jane Raponi marr ied Anthony J. Laur ice ll a , Jr .. December 28. T he coup le is livi n g in Faye tt ev ill e, N.C. Janice Louise Cool is leach ing grades fi ve and s ix in th e Monroe [M ich .) Schoo ls. Lt. Robert J. Archer marr ied Jane Ann Lennon, Ju ly 6. David F. White is a member of th e USMC sta tio n e d at Quan tico , Va. Lt. Kenneth J. Molnar marrie d Lorraine H . Sweeney, October 26. T h e Mo lnar 's arc s tationed in Bo bl in gen, Germany, until May , 1970 . Andrew E. Szucs is an informatio n specia li s t in the USAF stationed al Laug h lin AFB, Texas. William V. Harris marrie d Mary Jane Janning, December 23. They arc both leaching in the Fairborn [0.) Sc h oo l System. Tf grads Kareld A. Solomon , Jr. , Raymond V. Montagna, and Ralph A . Braun were awarded bac h e lor d egrees in techno logy at UD's December g radua tio n. James Bennett is work ing for Rep u bl ic S tee l Co r po ra t ion in Cleve land . Ralph A. Braun is employed by Factory Mutu a l Co r poralion in Cleve land. Gerald W . Fridenmaker is w ith NCR. Kenneth L. Mack is wit h Dayton Tire & Rubber Company. Marcia Jean Dahlinghaus is w ith Day ton's Burea u of Vocational Rehabil itation.
Zoila Beatriz Leal was married to Richard Lewis Ferra ndo on Decembe r 16, 1967. Barbara Elizabeth Fritsch is a graduate student at the U. of 路connecticut. Mary Louise Honnert married UD student William Joseph Gorman, December 28. Richard M. Grout is tract coordinator for the Manpower Program Sect ion in Dayton. His wife is the former Susan Mary Ricketts. Constance B. Gryzlo is attending the Univers ity of Illinoi s. Rose J. Guidera is with Dayton's Juvenile Court. Pamela Jean Grabowski married UD student Michael Willi am Herrlein , October 31 . Pam is a library assistant in th e periodicals department in the Albert Emanuel Library . Donna Marie LaBruyere is with the Rockland County [N.Y.) Department of Social Services. Michael J. Ludvik is with Dayton's Juvenile Court. He and his wife, Virginia, have one daughter. John C. McDonough is emp loyed by R. A. McDonough & Co mp any. Johanna F. Forma married James Walter, December 22 . The Meryman's are living in Beverly, Mass. Ronald J. Michnik married Lynda Elena Bordone , August 24. Joseph L. Roche III is employed by Delco Products Division, GMC. His wife is th e former Joan Louise Powell. George E. Rowan married Mary Margaret Sobieraj, last April 26. George is attend ing Wayne State University; Mary is attending U. of Detroit's College of Law. Carmen Rosa Cortes married Lewis Bernard Schmalstig. December 14. Carmen is a socia l worker with Montgomery Co unt y W elfare. Michael E. Williams plans a career in the U.S . Navy . Bernard T. Fry [MA) is with McDonnell-Douglas Corp oration in St. Louis, Mo. He and his wife,' Virginia, were married on June 24 , 1962. Terrence J. Seymour (MA) is an instructor in UD's English Department. Mary Louise Anthony is at tending Purdu e Un iversity. Walter A. Dudley is with th e Research Lab at Monsanto in Miamisburg, 0. He and his wife, W a nd a, have four chi ldren-Walter, Jr., Wanda , Eri c and Erin. Barbara Louise Gray is employed by Glidden -Durke e Division of SCM in Cleveland. She is also attending John Carro ll Un iversity. Katherine Emma Loeber married UD senior Th eodo re William Hickey , January 18. Wayne A. Jansen married Mary Audrey Delaney, August 24. Wayne is working at WPAFB and attending UD grad school. Monika Maria Reitzug is a gra duate student at th e U. of Illinois in the plant pathology d epa rtment. Robert L. Belichick (MS) is a gra duate student in the NIH training program at John Hopkins U. Paul W . Dueweke (MS) is with the UD Research Institute at WPAFB . William G. D. Frederick is a physicist a t WPAFB. He a nd his wife , Nancy , h ave a son, William , Jr. Edmund H. Schwartzel, Jr. (MS) is a research associate with the Kettering Foundation in Yellow Springs , 0. He and hi s wife , Edith , will celebrate their third w edding anniversary on May 7. James A. Sena (MS) has joined Spindle Top Resea rch and is a grad student at th e U. o f Kentucky. Jim's wife is the form e r Beatrice Kahles '63. Milton E. Wood (MS) is a research psychologist at WPAFB. He and his wife, Constance, hav e two children - Janna and Eric. Joseph N. Abraham, Jr., is employed by the Lake City Amusement Company in Cleveland.
Clay T. Ashbrook is working at NCR and a tt end in g UD grad school. W. Neil Bauer married Ricky Ann Hofmann, last May 4. Robert J. Christadore is with Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company in Dayton. Robert J. Dolan is a grad student at Wagner College. Michael J. Early is stat ioned at Fort Knox, Ky. Terry J. Elliott is with Montgomery Ward in Middletown , 0 . Robert L. Hoersting and Edward J. Feltz (MBA) are employed by NCR. Ed was married to Stella Cunningham. las t June 24. Gerald Humphrey is with Standard Oil of Ohio and attending UD grad school. Jerry L. James is working for United Air Lines in Vandalia, 0. John A. Kacanda has joined Travelers Insurance Co mpany in New York City. Gerald L. Koesters married Patricia Lee Wendeln last May 4. Jerome E. Kroger is with Leland Airborne Products Division of AMF in Vandalia, 0. His wife is the former Dolores Marie Thurn '63. William D. Kussman is working for Philips Industries in Dayton and attending night classes at UD. He was married to Nancy Jean Stoner, November 11, 1967. Mary Frances Strobhar married George Francis Medary, December 28. Steven D. Milano is employed by Duriron Company in Dayton. Steve was married to Barbara Jane Miller, last June 22. Brian A. Murphy is with Penn Mutual Insurance Co mpany in Dayton. Brian and hi s wife , Karen, have twin sons , Sean and T im othy. James N. SanVito is with Hamilton Bell Company, Inc., in Montvale, N.J. Robert J. Schmoll and Ralph W. Stromenger are attend ing grad schoo l at Indiana U. Russell L. Scott, Phillip L. Blue (MBA), and James M. Woolley (MBA) are with Frigidaire Division, GMC . David L. Smart is emplo ye d by Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC, a nd atte ndin g UD grad school. Domenico G. Stolfo married Patricia Ann Putnam, Novemb er 23. William J. White is with Burlington Industries. He was married to Linda M. Mills, October 26. Richard E. Baldwin (MBA) is employe d by Dayton Power & Light Company. Hans G. M. Funke (MBA) married Antje Romahr last April 12. He is an engineer a t NCR. Richard J. Giba (MBA) is an engineer with Inland Manufact urin g Division, GMC. He an d his wife, Stephanie, celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on April 4. Robert T. Golitz (MBA) is employed by Winters National Bank & Trust Company. George C. Key (MBA) is with International Harvester Company in Springfield, 0. Robert E. Koogler (MBA) is a mark et anal yst wit!:J. Dayton Power & Light. Walter C. Layton [MBA) is working for Frigidaire Sales Corporation. He and hi s wife, Sherra, were married on August 22, 1965. Marc E. McCallister (MBA) is a department auditor for Richard C. Dabney. Ernest E. Pohl, Jr., (MBA) is sales manager of th e Benc h Scale Equipment, subsidiary of Chemineer, Inc. Donald E. Riegel (MBA) is with Delco , GMC. He and his wife, Janet, have a son, Charles Allen. Fred J. Sackleh (MBA) is an engineer at WPAFB . He and his wife, Joan , have two children - Suzanne and James.
Mercy School in Da y ton. Sh e and h e r hu s band , Chester E., have two c hildren at UD - j ames and P au l. Yvonne Marie Ruschau is teaching at Mad River junior Hi gh. Mary Virginia Ruther is tea c hin g at St. Ann School in Cincinnati. Robert W. Stachler married Marsha Nell Chaney, last April 27. Catherine Baker Swartzbaugh is teac hin g at St. Rita S c hool in Da y ton. Her hubb y is Gary L. Swartzbaugh. Marlene Ann Uhlenhake is teachi:1g at Indian Riffle Junior Hi gh. Carole Ann Yoppolo is teaching with the Cleveland Board of Education. Major Eugene R. Cromartie (M.Ed.) is a n MP in structor at Fort Gordon , Ga. H e and hi s wife, Jo yce, have four childr e n- Eugene II , Leona rdo , Marcus and Eli se . Robert H. Frum [M .Ed .) is teac hin g in th e Wayne Town· s hip Schools. H e and his wife, Mary, h ave two childr e nBre tt and Cynth ia . Larry G. Perkins (M.Ed.) is with th e Marion (Iow a ) In dc· pendent School District. Sister M. Natalie Ruetten, FSPA, (M .Ed.) is taking postg raduate courses at UD. Howard L. Applebaum ha s join ed Ha ze ltine Electronics. David A. Bales is with the Bail ey Meter Company in Wickliffe , 0. Mrs. Bates is the form e r Frances Marie Jedlicka. Th e couple wa s m a rri ed on Dece mb e r 28. Lt. Arthur J. Heiles mar ried Judith Anne MacArthur, Dece mb e r 28. Barbara Sue Chamberlain married UD sen ior ] ames Char les Carruth, Dece mb e r 28. Barb is teac hin g at Frank · lin Elem en tar y S chool. Kathleen Ann Marquitz is emp lo ye d by th e Microbio logy De partm e nt at DuBoi s Chemicals in Sharonville , 0. Donald E. Krintzline le ft th e UD Research In s titut e and is now with Be ndi x in Da yton as a senior designer. John J. DeMange is a plant m anage r with Delco Moraine Division of GMC. John and hi s wife, Cy nthia , hav e a son , Brian , born November 3. John H. Gerhardstein is an e n gineer with th e Production Engine e rin g Di v is ion of Inl and Man ufac turin g. john and his wife, Nancy, hav e a daughter , Li sa. William J. Drerup and Michael E. Hall arc e mplo ye d b y De lco Moraine Divi s ion of GMC. Lt. Bernard M. Andzik m arried j oyce Ann Bowlin g, january 25. Both h e and hi s brother, Lt. Albert L. Andzik, Jr., are stationed at Fort Sill, Okla. Lila Mary Richter is teaching at St. Anthony's Schoo l in Manteca, Calif. Patricia Ellen Taylor is a non-graded teac her at Clara Barton School in Lev ittown , Pa. Dale J. Gerding is teaching at Leipsic [0.) Hi gh. Connie Sue Knoll m a rri ed A. Thomas Thoma s, Jr. , Dece mb e r 14. Con ni e is working for th e Mead Corporation. William T. Wall m arr ied Sandra Lee Whipple, january 18. Bill is an e ngin eer with Rex Chain Belt, In c., in Mil· waukee , Wi se. Mary Diane Franta married Richard Edwar d Nugent, August 10. Her husband is stationed w ith the USAF at Lackland AFB, Texas. Virginia Ann Hughes is an home econom ics teac h e r at Fort Couch Middle School in Pittsburgh. David L. Dawson is a process enginee r with Delco Moraine Di v., GMC. Dave was married to j ane Marec Witwer, October 12. Martin B. Csercsevits is an acco unt ant trainee with th e State of New Jersey. He and his w ife, Ursula Stringer Csercsevits, arc li v in g in Roebling. N. J. Ensign Daniel G. Baker married Constance Marie Bradt, November 2~. Dan is s tati oned at th e N<lVy Supp ly Schoo l, Athens, Ga.
Lt. Thomas H. Landry married Eileen Kay Iannucci, june 22, 1968. E il een is a substi tut e teach er in the Warren (0.) Ci ty Schoo ls whil e Tom is s tation e d in Vietnam with th e USA. Harry C. Drain has join ed Ra yt h eo n Company in Waltham , Mass. , and is attending g rad schoo l at Northeastern
u. Nicholas J. Mussro, Jr., married Nancy Eileen McCormick last August 3. Nick is with Goodyear Tir e & Rubber Co mpan y in Akron , 0. Elaine Margaret Kelly and E. Jane Ryder are emp loy e d by Richard 's Store in Miami , Fla. Mildred A. Grencik is teaching with th e Hammond (Ind.) Board of Ed ucation. Elmer Craft is in the ind ependen t relations d epartme nt o f the Ohio Be ll T e lep hone Compa n y in Co lumbu s, 0. H e and hi s wife , Florence, ha ve tw o chil dren - Teresa and Vaughn. Robert L. Hoersling married Janice Louise Knight , Feb· ruary 1. James L. Cull marri e d Virginia Anne Good, F ebruary 1 . Stephen J. Hemmelgarn married Linda K. Stcahly , Dece mber 28. Stephen is at te nding UD and working at PressRite Too l Company. Michael A. McCall wa s th e Honor Grad in hi s c lass as a member of the Army at Ft. Bliss , Texa s. His selection reflcr.ted th e hi gh standards, outs tanding leadership, at· tcntion and devo ti on to duty , personal conduct and ch aracter an d att itu de toward milit ary life. He has r e turned to Day ton and NCR. Lt. Robert A. D'Amico is with th e USA Corps of Eng ine e rs in Vi e tn a m . He' ll be ba ck in th e States in De· ce mb er. Carol Ann Haydu is an editor with Fry Cons ult ants, In c. , in Lo s Angeles. Janet Marie Knapke is a secretary with Avco New Idea in Coldwate r , 0. Barbara K. Mondl is a s tat istica l analyst with General Tire in Akron , 0 . Paul W. Vogel is a m e mber of th e production department at WLKY-TV in Louisvill e, Ky. Mrs. Vogel is the form e r Clara Hull. Lt. A . James Bonahoom [MBA) marri ed Marcia Elizabeth Homan , Decemb e r 28. Jim is stationed at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama . On january 18 Timothy H. Riordan married Mary Eileen Hymans. The c oupl e is livin g in Milwaukee. Joseph R. Locker, Jr., married Patricia Ann Dempsey, October 25 . Th e Locker's are li v in g in Cincinnati. William R. Klesse, Jr., married Margaret Agnes Smith, December 28. Bill is an eng in eer wi th Diamond Shamrock Co mpany in Pain es vill e, 0. Robert J. Thomas is a stud e n t at Kirksville (Mo.) Co ll ege of Osteopathy and Surgery. Richard F. Kress married Leslie Mar ie Adams, Decem· bcr 28. Di c k is teachi n g at St. Louis School in Louisville , 0. Joseph R. Pagano is attend in g law sc h oo l at the U . of Not re Dam e. Dale T. Tangeman married Candace Snyder, July 4, 1968. Dale is w ith Berge n Adv er tising Art and li v in g in Dayton. Lt. Charles J. Arduini married V e ronica Krumholtz, February 1. H e is stationed at Ft. Benni n g, Ga. Robert W. Kennedy, Jr., is a claims manag e ment trainee with Lib e rt y Mu tual " temporarily in Boston. " William P. Mannix, Jr., is e nroll e d in law schoo l a t New York U. Gail Marie Rust is e mployed by Chi ldren's Hospital in M il waukee, Wise. Sh e is att e nding U. of Wisconsin gr ad schoo l. part time. John F. McGrath m a rri e d Mary Lee Anderson '67, Dece mber 28. john is teachin g at Commack High South in Lake Ronkonkoma , N.Y.
Robert J. Simons is a managnrial tr a in ee w ith Montgomery Ward in Lima. 0. John A. Kimak and his wife. 13arbara , had their first c hild , ~ark Alan, September 20. Richard A. Cimaglia is working ill NCR and a tt end in g tJD grad school. An thon y R. Ciliberto marrir.d Pamela Ann Preffer, Feb 路 ru ary 14. Phillip C. Sellati is a n ;li rman wi I h I hr. USAF. ll e a nd his wifr. , Kny, r.e lr.b ratnrl th r. ir first wedd in g ann iversary nn Apri l 27. Lt. William L. Steadman married Mary Catherine Coughlin , October 2!3. The co up!l ~ is living in Germany. Shirley Ann Goubeaux is leaching first gra de in the Troy [0 .) Public School s. Jeanne Marie Smith is tca r. hin g ph ys ical education at Be ll evue [0.) ju nior Hi gh. Terence M. Willacker is a teac her a t St. Patrick's School in Troy , 0. John E. Stevens, Jr., is workin g at NCR and a ll end in g UIJ part tim e. j o hn was ma rri e d to Karen Frances Kwiencinski, August 2!3. Lt. D. Michael Starita is s tation ed at Fort Bli ss , Texas. until june. He and his wife , Mar ya na , have lwo chi ldr en - Tammy and Lori , who was born September 16. John K. Carlin marri e d Shirle y Ann Zimmerman , February 15. John is a techni c ian with the UD Research In stitute. John 0. Walter is a foreman with Inl and Manufacturing Division , GMC. Martin C. Kuntz III marri e d UD se nior , Rose Marie Gr illi ot , February 14. Edward D. Valeska is in bas ic training with lhe USAF a l La c kl a nd AFB , T exas.
Dean D. Schnurr and his wife, Gloria , will ce le brate their first wedding anniversa r y on june 1. Dean is a draf tsman with NCR. Lt. David P . Klasnick is a m e mb e r of the USAF a nd is attending flight sc hoo l. Dennis M. Reiter is fl casewo rk er with th e Butl er County W1~ l fare 1Jeparlm1~nl in ll am ilt o n , 0. Lt. Dennis F. Serio ma rri e d Mary Susan Dittrich, jan uary 25. Denny lef t for a tou r in Vietnam on March 1. Barbara E. Fritsch is assis tant to th e director of personnel a t the Illin o is Inst itut e o f T ec hn o logy. John T. Patterson, Jr., has been named an Account Ex1~cutive with !! ayden, Stone Inc., in Da yton. Nancy Jean Donlon married Phillip Neil Sherman last ju n" 15. Nancy is teach in g at ll omer Com munit y Sc h oo l and li ving in Urbana, Ill. St a nley E. Zwick is an engineer with Ca terpi ll ar Tractor Company in East Peoria , Ill . Mary Sue Selleck is emp loyed by Xerox Co rpor a ti on in Co lumbu s, 0. , as a co mbin a tion cus tom er- Re prese nt a tiv e / Cus to mer Assistant. " ! tra ve l cons tan tl y and act, more or less, ns a liasion between c u s tomer and co rp o ration. Am nlso attend in g gra d sc hoo l at Ohio State working toward an MA in speec h. " Thomas J. Ledinsky is teac hing in th e Licking Co unt y [0 .) School Distri c t. Julius A. Hoeft, Jr., is a li e ut enant in th e USA stationed in Vietnam . Mrs. Hoeft , th e form e r Margaret Hill, is Jiving in Fa irfax, Va. Cheryl Ann Martin is a Pence Corps vo lu nteer in Brazil, South A m er ica . John J. Lent married Nora Lillen , February 22. john is s ta tion ed in Ger man y wit h th e U. S. Army.
RAZOR CAMPBELL DIES Richard (Razor) Campbe ll , capta in of the first Univers it y of Dayton bask e tball team to go to the Na tion a l In v it a tion Tournament finals in 1951. died in a freak auto m o bil e accident , january 5 in W est Columbus , Ohio. Razor, who had been li v in g in Hilliard, Ohio , with hi s wife a nd four c hildr e n , was killed in s tan tl y wh en his car hit a 900-po und hors e and ro ll ed down a 35 -fool em路 bankmen t. A star at Co lum bus Artuinas Hi g h School, Razor came to UD in th e fall of 1948 anr! was a thre eyea r starter on th e la te Tom Blackburn's early basketba ll lea rns. As a guar d he scored 779
points in three years but was ge nera ll y considere d a grea t floor le ader. Leland [junior) Norris , who played the other guard on that first NIT tea m, cre dits Razor with much of the success of the quinte t throu gh his lea d e rship and instin c tive play. Campbell , who graduated was 42 years o ld.
UD in 1951,
Darrell E. Royer '56- Aeros pace engineer at WPAFBDecember 10. Kenneth J. Molchen, Ph.D. '54-December 15. James Cleary 1888-December 16. Michael Dolan '26-September 15. Rev. John L. Oberlander '16-beloved "Father john" of St. John's Church in Middletown , 0., since 1942- Decem路 ber 17. Brother of Robert W. Oberlander '23. Louis E. Moosbrugger '00-former Chief of the Deputy Montgomery County Treasurer's office for twenty-eight years and father of Paul H. Moosbrugger '49-December 22. Herbert S. Nooneman '26- December 23. Vincent F. Barlow '15-retired chairman of the board of Ludlow Battery & Ignition Company in Dayton- January 3. Mr. Barlow had played varsity basketball center the last year UD was known as St. Mary's College, and then in its first year as UD. Rev. Henry J. Fritz, S.M. '20- Decemb e r 31. Norbert V. Hannegan '31 - brother of Michael H. Hannegan '23-December 26. Robert D. Jones '35-December 1. Harold D. Robinett '64 , '59 TI--January 9. Project en路 gineer with Data Corporation in Dayton. John G. Popovich '56-killed in plane c rash in Yoakum , Texas- September 2, 1967. Ellis N. Hickman '64-June 6. John F. Hinkle '55- january 26. Rev. Ralph J. Gorg, S.M. '33- January 31. Father was Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences and assistant professor of theology. Brother of Jerome R. Gorg, S.M. '29 . Arthur B. Schinner '25- notified of his death in February. Date of death not known. W. Edward Farren '49-a uto accident in Toledo, G.February 21 . John J. O'Connell '10---February 26. Henry L. Beigel '26- attorne y with Beige l, Mahrt & Duffy for forty years--March 2. Andrew E. Mitakides '49- head of the Reports and Analysis Division with Dayton Power & Light CompanyMarch 2. Mrs. Evelyn E. Tschabrun, mothe r of Richard G. Tschabrun '58-January 4. John Victor Baumgarten , sixteen-month old son of Dorothy and James A. Baumgarten, M.D. '52-December 22. Frederick A. Ahlquist, Sr. , father of Frederick A. Ahlquist, Jr. '51-January 9. Lucian W . Shillito , father of Barry J. Shillito '49 and Thomas L. Shillito '49- January 11. Mrs. L. Mae Whetro , stepmother of R. Kathleen Whetro '43-January 10. Mrs. Ada Vernier, mother of Robert L. Vernier, M.D. '48 and William S. Vernier '57-January 13. Paul C. Beach, father of Carolyn Jean Beach '66 and Brother Dennis P. Beach, S.M. '56-January 19. Louis P. Caravella, Sr., father of Philip J. Caravella '66 - January 22 . Gustav Akerland III, son of Lt. Col. Gustav J. Akerland '41- January 21. Mrs. Anna Rush , mother of Captain Anthony P. Rush, M.D. '40-November 10. J. Jack Walkup , father of Thomas J. Walkup '43January 24. Paul J. Osweiler, Sr., father of Paul J. Osweiler '52, and Elizabeth Osweiler McNett '54-January 30.
Major John A. Petrie '59-killed in action while serving his second tour of duty in Vietnam- husband of Linda Lyons Petrie '60---March 2. Alfred W. Schmitz '26-notified in March- date of death not known. Curtis E. Niles '52-civil rights leader, treasurer and cofounder of FORCE, president of the St. James parish board of education, and air traffic manager with the AF Logistics Command at WPAFB-March 11. Helen Anna Kurz '63-March 12. Richard C. Miller, Jr., M.D. '59-March 18. Son of Richard C. MiHer, Sr., M.D., '32 and brother of Judith Miller Pistone '62 . Norval Dwight Hunt, brother of Sharon Hunt Meyer '59-December 11 . Raymond F. Maurer, father of Donald J. Maurer '52December 15. Newton E. Leyda, M.D ., father of William N. Leyda '59 - December 22 . Mrs. Helen A. Row e, mother of C. James Rowe, Jr., '45 December 22 . Professor Theodore Heimann, father of Claire Heimann Kuczinski '52-December 23. August F. Aiple , father of George J. Aiple '5 3 December 23 . Mrs . Evelyn M. Sargent, mother of John C. Sargent, Jr. '66- in November. Emerson V. Moore , father of John T. Moore '53December 28. Mrs . Barbara Ellen Lubbers , mother of Bartlett C. Lubbers '47-December 27. Andrew A. Osterday. father of Richard A. Osterday '36- December 30. Harry R. Huston, M.D., father of Robert B. Huston '52 - December 31. Bob is living in Rockwood , Pa., but has been in our lost file since 1957. Does anyone have his address ? Mrs. Julia M. Goecke, sister of Clarence G. Schwieterman '29- December 30. Miss Mary Ann Glaser, sister of Leo B. Glaser '34 - De路 cember 30. Mrs. Sara Pickens, mother of Gwendolyn Pickens Rice '58- February 2. Henry L. Ahlers, father of Louis H. Ahlers '64-Februarv
Edward A. Schaaf, father of Martha Jane Schaaf '57 - February 6. James Steven Sukola, UD student and brother of John S. Sukola III '57-February 7. Mrs . Clara Kelly, mother of the late Norman R. Kelly '23- February 12. John Remnant, father of Alice I. Remnant '51-Febru路 ary 20. Mrs . Theresa Hentrich, mother of Richard C. Hentrich '64 and sister of Charles H. Wassenich '17- February 24. Irvin A. Scharff- father of Martin Scharff '56-February 27. Howard E. Dadisman , brother of Orpha Dadisman Kerr '41-February 27. Mrs . Lava Mae Hohler, mother of Robert L. Hohler '36February 28. Louis D. Preonas, father of Diamantis D. Preonas '57March 9. James P. Duffy, father of John T. Duffy '62-March 13. Catherine Hunkeler, sister of Most Rev. Archbishop Edward J. Hunkeler '09- March 13.
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Volume XXXVI , No. 1
The University of Dayton ALUMNUS, established in 1929, is published quarterly, February, May, August, November, for the University of Dayton Alumn i Association by the Public Relations Department, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton , Ohio 45409.