The University of Dayton Alumnus, Fall-Winter 1970-71

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IN THIS ALUMNUS This is the combined Fall-Winter ALUMNUS. The combined edition is necessitated by budget cuts within all departments of the University of Dayton. All departments had to cut 3% last summer after the fiscal year began and it appears that the University will face a similar problem for the next fiscal year. The enrollment has been dropping steadily for two years and apparently it will continue the drop through the coming September. The economic conditions, student dissent, and the draft are given as various reasons for a decline which is being felt on many college campuses. This issue, therefore, is strictly classnotes. There just wasn't room for any other material. Members of the Public Relations Department are studying the University's publications program and some changes may result. At the time this was written no decisions had been made and, in the case of the ALUMNUS, the National Board of your alumni association were going to be brought in for consultation. We promise that we will maintain classnotes and continue to inform you of significant happenings on the campus in some type of publications program. It would be premature to say what approach we might take toward such a program. If you have any thoughts concerning the ALUMNUS or FOCUS magazines please write to me, Joe McLaughlin, Director, General Publicity, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45409.



ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President . . . Vice President

James J . Gilvary, '51 . Donald E. Ruhl, '47

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . Richard H. Finan, '54 Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Shay, '44

BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Kenneth Bockenstette, '57, Cincinnati Arthur 0. Fisher, '48, Dayton Richard R. Durbin, '55, Dayton Mrs. Donald G. Varga, '51, Dayton

John R. Westerheide, '47, Dayton Charles M. Graham, '57, Dayton Mary J o Huth, Ph.D., '50, Dayton James E. Paxson, '56, Dayton

Jerome E. Westendorf, '43, (Past President) Very Rev. Raymond A. Roesch, S.M., '36 Bro. Elmer C. Lackner, S.M., '27 Gerald W. Vonderbrink, '66

ALUMNUS EDITOR Joseph J. McLaughlin ASSISTANTS TO THE EDITOR Dolores McAnespie, '51; Mary M. Shay, '44 ; Jeannine Doty, '71. PRODUCTION Jerome Ingram, Artist & Makeup; Brown & Kroger, Typesetting & Printing: Photos - Ed Morris. The University of Dayton ALUMNUS, established in 1929, is published quarterly, Februacy, May, August, November, for the University of Dayton Alumni Association by the Public Relations Department, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45409. Second class postage paid at Dayton, Ohio.


Golden Wedding anniversary on Church in Detroit, Mich. Mr. salesman with Miller Brothers Loesch ' had six children including

October 26 at St. Jude Loesch is a real estate Realty Company. The a set of twins.

1917 Jack R. Brown, '26, UD's retired Athletic Business Manager, received a recent card from Thomas J. Kehoe, who was active in sports at St . Mary's Institute during the 1917-19 period. Tom, who played football, basketball and track, recalls playing the first game at Old Soldier 's Home ., in 1917. He doesn 't state which sport but we assume it was football or basketball and the opponent was the Army Air Force. His coaches during his athletic days were Foos Cl;trk, Harry Solimano '07 and Babe Zimmerman '11, all great sports names in Dayton in those early days of the 1900s. He also recalled Red. Maloney as captain of one of the teams . Kehoe now lives in Silver Springs, Maryland.






C. Huston Brown, second from left, and Bob Seward, extreme right, renewed old acquaintances at the 50th anniversary of their graduation from U.D. Sitting with their wives, Mrs. Brown is left, the two 1920 graduates hadn't seen one another for some time. Seward, whose great grandfather was William H. Seward, Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln, came down from northeastern Ohio for the occasion. Mr. Brown lives in Germantown, near Dayton.

Otto Moosbrugger, '00, is the patriarch of a well-known Dayton family. He celebrated his 100th birthday last July and the offsprings of that great family - there are many - attended the anniversary Mass in Emmanuel Church. In the above picture, Mr. Moosbrugger is surrounded by his great grand children, Michele, daughter of George Houser, and Paul, son of Charles R. Houser Jr.; his son, Rev. Edwin Moosbrugger, '19, Otto's son in center of picture, and Cincinnati Archbishop, His Excellency Paul Leibold, '36, who concelebrated the Mass which was attended by more than 450 people in Emmanuel Church, Day ton. Otto lives with his daughter, Mrs. C. R. (Carmen) Houser in Dayton.

Dr. Carroll A. Hochwalt received the Cardinal Gibbons Award in November. The award is presented for distinguished and meritorious service to the Roman Catholic Church, the United States of America, or The Catholic U. of America. Doctor Hochwalt has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Catholic U. since 1963 and has served as chairman from 1968 to 1970. He received UD 's first Distinguishctd Alumnus Award in 1967.


1913 Edward G. Weber retired as Manager of the Crystal Water Company in Dayton on December 31, 1969.

1914 Monsignor Robert J. Sherry, Ph.D., has been named chaplain of St. Joseph Infant Home, Sharonville, 0. He also has been elected to the Archdiocesan Senate of Priests and is the Senate's representative of priests in Age Group " A. " Father George Meinzinger, S.M., celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his ordination in the fall. "I am leaving for a tour of my missions in Japan and India on September 23."


Father Andrew L. Seebold, S.M., celebrated his fiftieth year in the Society of Mary in July. He is

George N. Loesch and his wife, Georgia, celebrated their



MR. JOHN B. ALEXANDER, '25 Recipient Mr. John B. Alexander, '25, retired Vice President and Chemical Director of Southwestern Portland Cement Company in Los Angeles, was the University of Dayton's Distinguished Alumnus Award winner for 19 70. He was the fourth winner in the three-year history of the coveted award. Others honored have been: 1967 - Dr. Carroll Hochwalt, '20, President, St. Louis Research Council; 1968 - Mr. Edwin Becker, '14, Judge of the Court of Common Appeals, Hamilton County; late Mr. Alphone Mahrt, '12, Vice President, Meade Corporation; 1969 - Dr. Joseph Park, '29, Professor at Colorado University. Following his graduation from UD, Mr. Alexander joined the cement company in Osborn (what is now Fairborn), Ohio. He was chief chemist there in 1929 and appointed Chemical Engineer for the organization in 1948, transferring to Los Angeles. He was made Chemical Director of the Company in 1957 and assumed his Vice Presidency in 1959. He retired from active service in 1968 and then entered full retirement in 1970. During his long distinguished career he served on the Portland Cement Association's General Technical Committee, American Petroleum Institute on Committee 10 (Production), American Society for Testing Materials, American Chemical Society, National and Ohio Society of Professional Engineers, American Concrete Institute, and the American Ceramic Society. He was instrumental in the development of air-entraining

cement and supervised the formulation and production of the ftrst such cement used by the Ohio State Highway Department in its experimental highway program at West Jefferson. He was active in the development of the cement for the Hoover Dam and the development of Masonry cement and the Class H all-purpose cement for use in oil well applications. He also served with the Ad Hoc Committee of the Southern California Cement Manufacturers which assisted the California Division of Highways in the development of cement for their highway system. Mr. Alexander, who had visited his alma mater in the summer, was unable to attend the Distinguished Alumnus Award ceremony at the October Home-coming Alumni Dinner. A classmate, John Russell, accepted the award for his friend.

shown saying anniversary Mass in Emmanuel Church in above picture. As sixteenth president of UD, Father directed the ftrst community-wide fund raising drive, conducted a self survey which laid the groundwork for the plans and growth of the 1960's, and served a six-year term of offtce. He has retired from teaching but holds the titles of professor of sociology and administrative director of psychological services at UD.

1929 Father Bernard C. Stueve, S.M., has been transferred from St. Henry's Church in Dayton to assistant at All Saints' and chaplain of the new Bethesda Hospital in Cin cin na ti. George E. Freitas, Chairman of the Board of the Pacific Development Company, LTD, has been named to 路 membership on the National Council of the National Planning Association. Mr. Freitas foun ded the Paciftc Construction Company and, in 1957, Pacific Utility Contractors and Community Equipment, Inc. He was President and Chief Executive Offtcer of The Hawaii Corporation and President and/or Chairman of the Board of its eight subsidiaries before retiring in 1969. In addition to his present position, he is Chairman of the Board of VHY Pty, LTD. (an Australian Company), Vice President and Director of Moanalua Shopping, Inc., and Rosalei Apartments, Inc. , Director of the First Hawaiian Bank, Hawaiian Western Steel Ltd., the Hawaii Corporation, Johnston and Buscher, Inc., Pacific Construction Company, Pacific Contractors, Inc., Pacific-Peru Construction Corporation, Von Hamm-Young, Inc. Hawaiian Textiles, Inc. and Pacco Ltd. He is an Honorary Director of Pan American Airways and Sheraton Hawaii, LTD.

1925 Edward A. Schneider "moved to Sun City Center, Fla. , after three-an d-a-half years in Wheeling, W. Va. , as building advisor for Wheeling Diocese. Retired in August '67 after thirty-three years with Union Carbide Corporation." Vincent J. Moir is now retired an d residing in Gates Mills, 0. He and his wife, Jane, have four children Joseph, Sally, Maureen, and Agnes.

1928 Erwin C. Besch, owner of B & W Distributing Company, Inc., has been elected vice president of the National Beer Wholesalers' Association of America, Inc. Formerly he was secretary of the association .


1930 Charles L. Brinkman, Sr., '34, and Robert C. Renner '27 have been cited by the National T ool, Die and Precision Machining Association for their contributions to progress. Mr. Brinkman, a past president of NTDPM was presented the L. A. Sommer Award at the annual convention of the association in Houston Texas. Considered the industry's highest achievemen~ honor, the award is named for the founding president, L.A. Sommer, Cleveland industrialist. The group's honor award went to Mr. Renner for "meritorious se~ce and dedication to the industry. Only three other mdustry leaders have been so honored in the 28-year history of the association.

John R. O'Hearn is Manager of Production for Carter'Day Company in Minneapolis. Mr. O'Hearn and his wife, Rosemary, have three children. Frank H. Marshall was given the unanimous endorsement as common pleas judge of Shelby County (0.) when the Democratic Central and Executive committees met in October. As a result of the end orsement, his name appeared on the November ballot. He was unopposed. Mr. Marshall has been a practicing attorney in Sidney since 1932 when he joined the law firm of Mills and Doorley. In the mid-thirties he served two terms as city solicitor.


Bro. George Kohles, '22, who retired in 1969 as a professor at the University of Dayton after 50 years of teaching in Marianist schools, travelled through Europe last summer. His journey, which he describes vividly, took him to Brussels, Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice Innsbruck Versailles and London. ' ' Bro. Kohles describes his many ventures over the German autobahn, through the Brenner Pass into Italy, into the Cathedral city of Cologne, down the Rhine River, through the 700-year-old university town of Innsbruck, a ride in the gondolas of Venice, a trip through the World's Art Center of Florence, the wonders of Paris, the thrill of seeing Rome, the Colosseum, Vatican City and Pope Paul VI, and the historical places of London. The trip was an obvious joy to Bro. Kohles, who has spent 54 years in the Society of Mary.


Melvyn A. Scott, '38, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers which was fo unded in 1958 and has over 1,000 members including some of the country's most noted criminal lawyers and judges. Mr. Scott says his association is suggesting a once-ayear college program (perhaps, 30 days) be established for the purpose of edu~atin~ l_awyers in cr~n:inal law because of the great increase m cnrmnal cases. C1vil lawyers have been handling many of the cases and do not have the background. Mr. Scott, as an aside to the ALUMNUS Editor, laughingly noted that his real claim to fame was as father-in-law to former UD basketball great, Stan Greenberg, '62.

*** 1936

1939 A. William Schneble, Ph.D., president of Advance Foundry Company, has been appointed chief executive officer. It :-vas ~so announ~ed that Advance is installing a new moldmg line that will expand capacity by about one-third. Colonel Donald A. Kersting has retired to Marco, Florida. Ralph H. Niehaus received his UD's Most Valuable Senior ,Football Player Award for the year 1938 on Sep temoer 25, 1970! "Biff" was named for the award before World War II but was never given the trophy. His sons, John and Steve, are both players on the Moeller HS team (Cincinnati) which played Dayton Chaminade in UD's Baujan Field on the 25th. It was the opportune time to present the award.

Father John G. Dickson, S.M., fourth from left in above picture, chairman of the department of sociology, anthropology and social work at UD, celebrated the silver anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood in July. He was ordained August 24, 1945, at St. Meinrad Seminary in Ind. Father received his Ph.D. from St. John's University in 19 56 and is the author of numerous articles published in various Catholic and professional magazines. He also is a me~ber of C~t~olic relating to theology, socwlogy, religwus adm1mstrat10n and the National Federation of Catholic College Students.

1940 Robert E. Carrigan is Indianapolis Terminal Manager for Hennis Freight Lines, Inc. He and his wife, Barbara, have six children - Robert III, Mike, Tom, Linda, Dave, and Joe. John J. Gibbons is a cost analyst in the hydramatic division of GMC in Detroit. He and his wife, Marie, have five daughters - Maureen, Rosemary, Sheila, Carolyn, and Sharon. ~drian C. Dailey Is Department Head of Design Engineermg Technology - two-year associate applied science degree program - at Forsyth Tech, Winston-Salem, N.C. He has four children- Kay, Jan, James, and Barbara. William A. Herzog is a self-employed CPA with Herzog &

1937 Francis J. Miller is retired and living in Mill Valley, Calif. He and his wife, Arline, have five children and four grandchildren. The Miller's were married on July 27, 1940.

1938 Victor A. Williamitis has been named supervisor of the materials laboratory at Frigidaire Division, GMC.


August 17. He 1s a math teacher at Kailua High in Honolulu.

Gorden in Miami, Fla. He and his wife, Helen, have a son, Ronald Eugene.



Lt. Col. Charles H. Jackson has retired from the USAF. He and his wife are living in Edgewater, Md.

The following MD 's - Jerome P. Hochwalt '37, Norbert L. Kosater '48, and Raymond M. Kahn '40 have been admitted to the American Board of Family Practice - specialists in family medicine.

Names of the 1970-1971 officers of the Alter High School Boosters Association sound familiar ? Presiden t Richard F. Willis '61; Vice President - Ernest H. Wiedemann '52; Secretary - William R. Kehl '52; Treasurer Robert J. Perkins '44.

1942 Father James R. Hickey, S.M., received a masters degree in French from Georgetown University this summer.


Father Thomas Stanley, S.M., writes, " Here's a picture taken during an Alumni get-together here in Rome on November 8. Left to right in picture, Sister Edith Ryan, SND '4 2 (she was Siste r Mary David then) and Sister Mary Florine Mader, SND '43 and I were joined by Sister Anna VonderHaar, SND (who was for many years principal at Julienne and who came here last year to be Treasurer General of the SND's). Sister Edith is an Assistant General of the SND's (elected two years ago) and Sister Mary Florine is Archivist for the SND's.


Simon Nathan, '42, one of the country's leading photographers, was in town last summer for Dr. Maurie Reichard 's retirement party, and posed with Father Roesch, UD President, and Mary Shay, alumni secretary. Simon is the Managing Editor of a new newsletter, Donnybrook Report, which is aimed at filling the widening information gap in photography. It will be written by professionals for professionals. Simon has been writing a column for photography magazines for a number of years.

Patrick J. O'Connell is sales manager for Maxon Corporation in Dayton. He and his wife, Mary Kathleen, have four children - Kathleen, Mary Patricia, Carol Ann, and Patrick John II. Jerome T. Grismer, M.D., is an assistant professor of medicine at Marquette U. He an d his wife, Theresa, have seven children. Richard L. Britton, S.M., is the new principal of DeSales High School in Walla Walla, Wash. Harry F. Finke, Jr., is President of the Finke Construction Company in Dayton. Harry and his wife, Patricia, have eight children - Harry III, Laurie, David, Stephen, Maureen, Andrew, William, and Edward. Raymond F. Biedenbender is Chief Engineer of Heating for Luxaire, Inc., Elyria, 0. Ray and his wife, Dorothy, have four children - Linda, Mark, James and Michael.

*** 1943 Charles A. Schiavo is Vice President and General Manager of Profit Management, Inc., in Cincinnati. He and his wife, Norma, have five children - Frances, Patricia, Charles III, Arthur, and J on.



John L. Hickey was elected vice president of Human Growth , Inc., at the organization's ann ual meeting in New York. The organization presently has fourteen chapters coast to coast and is concerned with children 's growth problems. The group supports medical research related to dwarfism an d provides educational programs for families with growth-problem children.

Col. Edward L. Buescher, M.D., '45, has been appointed Director and Commandant of Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. He lives in Silver Springs, Maryland, and carries the Army Medical Corps Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, a nd Gorgas Medal. His daughter, Mary Christine, 路'70, is now a graduate student in biology at UD.

1945 Terrence L. Leazer married Margaret Mary Lehner,



Department of Health in Columbus. Father William A. O'Connell, S.M., has been named principal of St. Louis High School in Honolulu. The former principal, Maurice W. Miller, S.M. '40, resigned citing his personal health and the need for a younger man in the school's top administrative post. Father O'Connell has a masters degree in counseling and guidance from the U. of Portland. Colonel Norman A. Parker has an APO San Francisco address until September of 1972. He and his wife, Ferne, have four children - Mark, Bruce, Chris, and Patty. Colonel Parker received an MBA degree from George Washington U. in 1966. Colonel Robert D. Funke is project manager for !the Dragon Missile System for the USA Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. He and his wife, Tee, have nine children.

Vincent C. DiPasquale has been appointed to a new pos1t1on at Moorhead State College in an effort to assure that Education majors in particular and all graduates leave with a great awareness of minority groups' past contributions and potentials for future contributions to the nation's culture and welfare. Preparation will include work with Indians, Blacks and Mexican-American in either urban or rural settings. Mr. DiPasquale came to MSC in September of 1963 with over twenty years of experience as a teacher and administrator in public schools, including considerable work in areas that stressed the cultural pluralism of American society. He has been an administrative consultant for the Buffalo (N.Y.) school district, a superintendant for Valley Central Schools in New York and the author of several published articles on non-graded schools, one of which was originally published in 196 7 by Phi Delta Kappa Magazine and reprinted in anthologies.

The 42-year-old Fleming-Raney Motor Sales Inc., GMC truck and coach dealership in Dayton, has gone out of existence. It was replaced by Bachus-Palmert GMC Trucks, Inc., William J. Bachus '4 8 continues as president of the new firm and Daniel F. Palmert 'SO retains the title of vice president and treasurer.

Alice Blaeser Robert is head of the math departmen t of Grace King High in Metairie, La. Letitia Rose Johnson is President-Elect for the Philadelphia Dietetic Association this year. "Also I hold an office in the Pennsylvania Dietetic Association."

1950 Doctor Otto C. Hufziger is superintendent of schools with the Wethersfield, Conn., Board of Education. He and his wife, Phyllis, celebrated their twenty-second wedding anniversary on November 20. John W. Besanceney, Executive Vice President of the Pittsburgh Convention and Visitors Bureau, was elected President of the International Association of Convention Bureaus at the ann ual meeting in St. Louis on August 5. He will serve for one year. Frank L. Schmidt, procurement analyst at DESC, has received a $605 suggesJohn W. Besanceney tion award for an idea to expedite messages to vendors regarding purchase orders. Before entering federal service in 1962, Mr. Schmidt was a member of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce in Louisville. His first assignment was in Cincinnati as a contract specialist. In 1964 he went to Philadelphia as a contract price analyst and joined DESC in 1965 as a procurement agent. Robert A. Kelly, CSC, writes, " Not recruiting anymore. Now part of the Administrative Staff, Director of Student Activities, St. Edward High, Lakewood, 0." Frank V. Parenti has been named Vice President in charge of engineering and research by the Standard Register Company. Seventh child, third son, to Elizabeth and Major Raymond H. Gaier, June 19. " Will retire (probably in the Dayton area) next spring. Hope to visit Dan Yee '50 and other UD friends in Hawaii in October." James A. Riley has been named Director of Corporate Development, a new position, at Technology Incorporated. Robert M. Tormey, president of Cochin Manufacturing Company and Eastgate Ford, has been elected a director of East Dayton Tool & Die Company. Joseph R. Baumgarten, Ph.D., is a professor at the U. of

1947 Paul E. Reichert, D.D.S., dropped in his tee shot for an ace on the 12th hole at Waln ut Grove on August 12. A date he'll always remember? Charles L. Seaman is an attorney in Miami, Florida. He and his wife, Mary , have three children - Charles, 11 ; Paul, 9; and Mary Therese, 6. Joe Accrocco a star UD gridder under Harry Baujan and later the Flyers' trainer, took part in the local phase of Jerry Lewis' $5-million muscular dystrophy telethon. Joe, now a registered physical therapist with his own offices, went on the tube at 4 a.m. - which shows the old spirit is still there.

1948 Raymond L. Fortune, vice president for the Standard Register Company , is the new president of Miami Valley Golf Club. A daughter, Eileen Marie, to Anne and Arthur J . Schmidt, June 11. Marianna Monty Weigel has been appointed as a member of the school board of Nativity School in Hollywood, Fla., where "our four younger children go. Our two high school b oys attend Chaminade High." Marianna's husband is Paul Weigel, D.D.S. '49. Frank Levin, Ph.D., is an associate professor of math at Carleton U. in Ottawa, Canada.

1949 Robert D. Ruther has been named northern division manager of the Dayton Power & Light Company. Bob joined th e company in 1955 and has advanced through several posts with the firm. He and his wife, Barbara, have four children - Pam, Debra, Rob and Tim. The Ruther family is living in Sidney, 0. Evelyn E. Braun is a nursing consultant with the Ohio


Nebraska. Joe and his wife, Martha, have three children Joseph, Jr., Jean Theresa, and David Riney. Bill G. Hulsopple, Ph.D., is Director of Theatre at Youngstown (0.) State U.

Robert J. Sherman received a Doctor of Education degree from Miami U. on June 14. He is the first person to be given associate deanship in the Division of Educational Services at Miami U. He is also assistant professor of educational administration. Bob con tinued teaching and working on a doctorate in that field when he was given a part time appointment in the • Division of Educational Services as Director of Academic Centers. That job became- full time and last year he was made Director of Academic Centers, Summer Sessions Robert J. Sherman and Conferences. He continues in all three responsibilities. Bob and his wife, Marilyn, have three children.

Joanne Combs, has become an interesting columnist for the Dayton Daily News and chronicles many of the social and recreational happenings in the Dayton area. She also teaches and keeps her hand in dramatics, her ftrst love.

1951 Richard H. Hackman has been named principal of Edwin D. Smith Elementary School in the Oakwood School System. Pauline Spring Money has been teaching for twenty years at E. J. Brown School in Dayton. She and her husband, Bill, have a son, Matthew Michael. Father Henry C. Setter, S.M., is working toward his masters degree in fine arts at the U. of Georgia. Father is studying under William Thompson, who did the statue of President Kennedy which stands in front of the JFK Memorial Union . Albert G. Kuntemeier, S.M., is studying at the U. of Notre Dame. Robert F. Archdeacon was named a partner in the Ralph L. Woolpert Company of Dayton on January 1. A former project engineer with Dayton Power & Light Company, he joined Woolpert in 1955. Bob has served as assistant engineer, engineer and associate. First child, son, to Sharon and Howard R. Otto, November 22.

1952 Lester E. Wall, Jr., M.D., is a pediatric Allergist and has his offices in St. Louis, Mo. He received an MS degree from the U. of Michigan this year. He and his wife, Shirley , have four sons, Lester E. III, Peter, Michael, and John. William W. Klare received the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, highest civilian honor given by a major air command, in August at a ceremony marking his retirement after 28 years of government service. He served most recently as assistant for the deputy chief of staff, plans, and operations, at Air Force Logistics Command Headquarters. Daughter to Mary and Robert J . Daniszewski, August 13.

Lt. Col. Walter L. McMahon left for Korea September,1969, and took command of the First Battalion, 38th Infantry in the 2nd Infantry Division and remained on the DMZ conducting border denial operations in the Panmunjom area until 9 January, 1970. "Because the site of the Military Armistice Commission meetings is at Panmunjom, this is a focal point for all kinds of YIP's visiting Korea." wrote McMahon, " I briefed such visitors as former YP Humphrey, the Swiss General who is the Swiss-Swede Neutral Nations Commission representative in Korea, assorted generals, Department of Defense and Army YIP's, and George Wallace! My bjlttalion also secured the area on our side of the DMZ to which the three crew members of the US helicopter shot down in North Korea in August '69 were returned by the North Koreans. Add the challenge and daily problems of guarding 5,500 meters of the barrier fence along the DMZ as well as patrolling the same area of the Zone in front of that grim-looking fence and it adds up to the fastest 4Yz months I've ever spent.

"I left the 1/38th after eight months to come down to the 'other world' of Division Headquarters. Have participated in briefings for the Secretary of the Army, the Army Chief of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Forces, Pacific, etc. My latest chore was acting as escort for a member of a special senate subcommittee investigating drug abuse in the Armed Forces and I was able to get a ringside - albeit muddy - seat for the big doings for the VP's visit in August. "In the GI job, I also get to meet most of the new officers. coming in the 2nd Division for their 13-month tour and in June I met Captain Jim Wilmeth '6 5, fresh out of the Artillery Advanced Course at Ft. Sill. We sent Jim to the Fifth Battallion, 38th Artillery, where he is now the operations officer and doing a fine job. He stopped in one day and we got the Division PJO office to give us a little photo coverage. Also ran in to another UD grad - a platoon leader while I commanded my battalion. That's Jerry Flaig '68, who was with Company C for six months and is now working in the Tactical Operations Center of the Division 's 3rd Brigade, the headquarters which directs the operations of the battalions guarding the DMZ. I am to go into the PIO in First Army Headquarters when I report for duty after leave in November. Fort Meade is centrally located between Baltimore and Washington and I know that the family will enjoy the area."



Robert J. Daniszewski has been named principal of Drexel School in Dayton. He and his wife, Mary, had a daughter on August 13. Kenneth R. Woolley, vice president and general manager of Universal Cabinet, a division of UMC Industries, Inc., has been appointed president of the division. As president Mr. Woolley is responsible for setting performance objectives for his division and -developing policies and programs to meet these objectives in the refrigerated display cabinet industry. He joined UMC as head of the Universal Cabinet Division in March, 1970, and had been vice president and general manager of the Ledex Division previously. He is a member of the American Kenneth R. Woolley Ordnance Association, the National Industrial Conference Board, and the Elec tronic Industries Association. Donald L. Loeffler, Ph.D. , Acting Head of the department of speech and theatre arts at Western Carolina University, was Director of the Huron (0.) Playhouse this past summer. Father Alan M. Sprenger is Administrative Assistant at Father Joseph Wehrle Memorial High in Columbus, 0. "Three years ago I became the Hrst Ohio priest elected to a YMCA Board of Management. Then the Mayor nam ed me a charter member of the Columbus Council on Youth Opportunity. A group of businessmen and Y officials were interested in opening a home for teenage boys a t the Central YMCA and we got it going two years ago and now I'm the ' father' of twenty boys." Margaret J. Eklund is Director of Nursing at Latro be (Pa.) Area Hospital. David L. Kelble, M.D., Denver specialist in pulmonary diseases, has been promoted t o assistant clinical professor of medicine on the volunteer faculty of the U. of Colorado School of Medicine. Dave joined the medical faculty in 1962 as an assistant in medicine and was promoted to instructor in 1964. Lt. Commander Cornelius E. Mandel, Jr., has been assigned to the Naval Electronic Systems Command (NA VELEX), Washington, D.C. He has been assigned to the Command's Logistics Directorate, and reported to NAVELEX from San Diego.

When a University of Dayton alumnus walks by 888 Mililani Street in Honolulu, Hawaii, he can look proudly at a nine-story structure standing there since last May which bears the name of a UD alum nus. It is the Charles R. Kendall Building, the headquarters for the H a waii Government Employees Association which Mr. Kendall served for 20 years as executive director. Mr. Kendall, who died in 1965, was a 1929 UD graduate and captained the football team in his senior year. He was a native of Indiana but made many friends with graduates of Honolulu's St. Louis High School, a Marianist school, while at UD and went to that school to teach after college graduation. Charley's widow, Mililani, visited UD this summer with their daughter, Mrs. Louis (Charlotte ) McKeague Jr. , her husband, and the three grandchildren. It was Charlotte's first visit to her dad's alma mater.


Machine Tool. Jack j oined Stamco in 1955. Twin daughters to Carof and Jerome B. Bohman, September 15. Charles L. Elworth, Ph.D., was presented the distinguished service award fo r his research into pilo t awareness of the deceptive charac teristics associated with night visual approaches at the Flight Safe ty F oundation's a ir safe t y se minar in Montreux, Switzerland, in October. Charlie is with Boeing (since 1962) and is in - M-84 51 integrated logistic support of the Military Airplan e System s Division. He is head of the ex plora tory research lab , personnel subsystem. The research , sponsored Charles L. Elworth and monitored by the electrodyn amics staff of t he Commercial Airplane Group, involves a simulator to measure the relationship between pilot performance and the information he receives by looking out the windshield d uring a night approach. The research is continuing on a part-time basis. Charlie and his wife, Alma Culp Elworth, have fo ur children - Julie, Brian, Christopher, and Cecile. Robert L. Mason is assistant manager of the Plastics Division of The West Company in Montgo mery, Pa. Bob and his wife, Margie, have a son, Michael. Leroy V. Eid, Ph.D., m arried Maureen Murphy, November 21.

1953 George E. Harr is now with Joy Manufac turing in New Philadelphia, 0. He and his wife, Wanda, have seven children - Becky, T om , Teresa, Bobby, Kathy, Barbara and J ennifer. Robert G. Becker received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Miami U. on June 14. Father Martin J. Rauscher, S.M., received his MA in theology from the U. of Notre Dame on August 7. Eugene D. Foley is Vice President and Direct or of the Physicians Labora tory Service, Inc. , Niagara Falls, N.Y. He and his wife, Sara, have three children - Joey, Barbara and Carol. Richard D. Nourot is a m anufacturers representative in Prairie Village, Kansas. He and his wife, Carlene, have three children - Chris, Nan cy, and Peter. Jack R. Eiting has been named General Manage r of the New Brem en (0 .) plant of the Stam co Division of Monarch

1954 Raymond T . Bedwell, Jr., has been appointed Direct or of Education for St. Mary 's Hospital, Milwaukee, Wise . Ray is responsible for staff in-service education programs and is in charge of instructional media equipment and m aterials. In addition, he serves in an advisory capacity to all




educational actlVltles and programs carried on within the Hospital. Ray has his masters degree from Ohio U. He and his wife, Cosmina Pagura Bedwell '55, have four children. Daniel R. Stupka, S.M., received an MA degree in liturgical theology from the U. of Notre Dame on August 7. Philip T. Aaron, S.M., principal of St. Joseph High in Cleveland, is President of the Diocesan Principals Association and Treasurer of the Bishops Commission on Catholic Community Action. David E. Shollenberger received his MS in engineering degree from the U. of Alabama this year. He is Systems Engineering Supervisor with the Chrysler Space Division in Huntsville. He and his wife, Mary, have a son, David James. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Weber (Beverly Nieman '55) couldn't make Homecoming this year since "Vern has a football game that weekend (Gilmore Academy) and our oldest son, Larry , is on the team. I'm back in college working towards state certificate for teaching - attending Ursiline College in Pepper Pike, 0." Robert E. Thompson is a music teacher at McGuffey School in Dayton. He and his wife, Carol, have three children - Rhonda, Teresa, and John. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Hussong (Mary Ann Finn '57), October 11.

George J. Van Schaik is the owner of the Sierra Inn and Lounge in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He and his wife, Susan, have two children. Eighth child, fourth daughter, Anne Marie, to Anne and Charles E. Nahn, Jr., M.D., May 19. The Nahn 's are living in Madison, Wise. Robert A. Schmall is a grad assistant at the U. of Arizona. He holds an MS degree in aero engineering from the U. of Cincinnati. Bob and his wife, Florence Luby Schmall ' 56, have two daughters- Susan and Sally. Charles H. Ernst was installed in September as President of the Indianapolis Chapter of the Federal Government Accountants Association . In addition "I am on the executive board of the National Association FGAA." First child, Cheryl Lynn, to Marilyn and Lt. Col. Frank F. Ledford, Jr., M.D., July 9. Frank is .c hief of orthopedic surgery at the Second General Hospital, Landstuhl, Germany. Leo J. Lammers is Senior Geologist for Atlantic Refining Company, Dallas, Texas. Leo and his wife , Betty, have seven children - Mike, Dave, Ricky, Jerry, J o Anne, Chris, and Kathy. Leo has an MS degree from the U. of Michigan.

1955 Major Jack W. Sallee was presented the Meritorious Service Medal to honor outstanding performance of duty at Ft. Gordon, Ga., recently. Following the award ceremony, Jack left for his new assignment at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, where he is attending the Command and General Staff College. He has also been awarded the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medal with first Oak Leaf Cluster. Jack and his wife, Ruth, have two sons - Rob and Mark. Second child, second son , Andy B., to Rachel and Russell E. Sweetman, July 7. Russ is as sis tan t general agen t with State Mutual Life. Jack D. Wymer has been named district sales manager in marketing by Ohio Bell. An employee of Ohio Bell since 1953, he has been marketing supervisor in Cleveland for the last two years. James W. Zimmerman is teaching with the Taylor (Mich.) Board of Education. He received his masters degree in arts from the U. of Detroit in 1963. Jim and his wife, Helen, have two daughters - Mary Therese and Christa. Donald W. Wigal has edited the Experience in Faith series of adult education books for Herder & Herder in 1969. "Edited Drug Education for Sadlier Publications in 1970. Edited a book on movies for Pflaum Publications in '69 entitled Screen Experience: An Approach to Film. Presently writing a history of motion pictures and working on independent films in New York." Paul J. Clemmer attended the National Convention of National Science Teachers Association last April in Cincinnati. "Recently was candidate for local (Delaware) Board of Education." Thomas E. Gallagher is Marketing Manager with Dunn Paper Company in Port Huron, Mich. He and his wife, Elaine, have a son, Tom. Raymond J. Wach is Research Director with the National Academy of Public Administration in Washington, D.C. Leslie J : 'Winters is a math consultant with the Los Angeles City Schools. He and his wife, Margaret, have three children - Mark, Laura, and Peggy. Mr. Winters has an MS degree from USC and an MA degree from Boston College. Fifth child, sectmd daughter, Mara, to J oan and Robert J. McAuliffe, August 19.

Milton Caniff, that "old" Dayton native recently put more Dayton flavor in his Steve Canyon comic strip. Last fall, .his Col. Joseph Emerson looked suspiciously like 路 Col. Joseph Goetz, '27, who recently retired from the U.S. Air Force. Goetz and Caniff went to Emerson School together. Goetz played an important part in the Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service until retirement. The UD graduate was featured in the Army Digest magazine last August with his article, "The Army Goes To The Movies. " Despite his retirement he keeps his hand in the business. He lives in Arlington, Va. Eugene M. Patton is Director of Manufacturing for Allied Mills, Inc. , Chicago. He and his wife, Pat, have five children - Michelle, David, Mike, Dick, and Andrea. Benjamin L. Schwegman is Branch Manager for the Hackett Corporation. He and his wife, Marilyn, and their five children reside in Royal Oak, Mich . Roger L. Coy is supervisor of secondary education for the Beavercreek (0.) Schools. He and his wife, Carolyn, have three children - Christopher, Scott, and Kimerly Ann. Mary Morefield Vaughan is head of the Science Department and teacher at Studebaker High in Dayton. A widow, Mrs. Vaughan has three children - Henry, Lynn, and Timothy. "I plan to enter UD grad school soon to get my masters in education. " Rita Kinsella Bardo writes, "Tony and I fmally had another little girl, Michelle. She is eleven months old now and gets along fine with Julie and the four boys." Manuel J. Alves, Jr., is Director of Executive Placement for Haskins & Sells CPA's in Chicago. He and his wife, Nancy Frueh Alves, have two children - David and Julie. Bernard J . Canty is an occupational therapist at Harborview Memorial Hospital in Valdez, Alaska. He writes, "From 1964 to 1966 I taught Thiglit Indians and Haida Indians at Wrangell HS, Alaska. n my three months' summer vacation of '65 I tourc;,d Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Germany, BelgiUm, Wales, England, and




Ireland. Returned to Wrangell for the 1965-66 school year 路a nd then toured all of Japan, Taiwan, China, Vung Tau, Vietnam, and Saigon. After ten months of touring the Far East I returned to the US and taught school in Maui, Hawaii. In '69 I went back to Alaska where I worked as a geophone placement engineer for Geophysical Service Incorporation. Did some studying now and again and have toured all fifty states, 9 European countries and the Far East." Russell E. Sweetman, president and owner of Sweetman Insurance Company, was sworn in as Centerville (O .)'s newest councilman in November. He and his wife, Rachel, had their second child, second son, Andy B., last July 7. James H. Short married Barbara Gumm, June 28. Jim is Director of Religious Educa tion at St. Mary's Parish, Ridgefield, Conn. He received his MA degree from Fordham in '69.

and is stationed at the Pentagon. Ernest P. Schnippel is an a ttorney with Lieber & Neff in Indianapolis, Ind. Fourth child, third daughter, Theresa, to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Burke (Nancy Marshall '58), June 24. John is advertising and sales promotion manager with the Kroger Company in Dallas, Texas. G. William Lawless received a masters degree in chemistry from UD in August. John F . Homan has been manager of Lau Incorporated's Indianapolis and Lebanon, Ind. , divisions. John joined Lau in 1960 at the Dayton division as assistant supervisor of cost and standards. He moved to Indianapolis in 196 3. Thomas C. Wesselkamper married Mary Civille , August 28. The couple is living in London, England. Son, Peter Allen, to Dr. and Mrs. Earl C. Scheidler (Mary Gladys Smith), August 18. Jack A. Stickel is teaching in Vandalia, 0., and received his MA from Wright State in June. Shirley A. Pohl is supervisor of laboratory education at Good Samaritan Hospital in Day ton. Gerald T. Bush has the new position as Athle tic Director at Elmhurst High in Ft. Wayne, Ind. J erry and his wife, Mary Jane Kutter Bush, have three children - Mark, Joy and Terry . Noel T. Coughlin received a m asters degree in fine arts (playwriting) this year from Yale U. He and his wife, Brenda, have two children - Siobhan and Sarah - and are living in Albany, N.Y. James J. Merck recently " received an ou ts tanding contribution award at IBM and was hon ored a t a dinner. Jim is a staff engineer with IBM in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He and his wife , Patricia, have four children - Tom , Mary, Bob, and Richard. Raymund J. Robbeloth was advanced to Membership Status in the American College of Hospital Administrators in Houston , Texas, in September. Ray is an Associate Administrator of Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, Wise. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Car路 men J. Riazzi (Ann Fitzgerald '59), September 17. Raymund J. Robbeloth F . Raymond Berus has been nam ed Corporate Controller at Technology Incorporated. James D. Downing is chairman of the chemistry department at t he U. of Central America at Nicaragua. Shirley Ann Pohl will be t he Education Coordinator when Good Sam aritan Hospital's school for medical technologists reopens nex t June. She is now supervisor of laboratory education.

1956 Brother Marius Grone, OSF, was awarded a summer grant from the New York State Department of Health for cancer research at Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y. He was appointed to the department of experimental surgery and assisted with research on immunological response to skin transplants. Brother Grone was one of two such high school teachers selected for cancer research from the entire country for the summer. Son to Mary and John J. Mulligan, August 8, 1970. Daughter to Peggy and Robert A. Kleckner, August 11. Gene G. Pummell is Music Director at Green eview High in Jamestown, 0 . "Just accepted position as direct or for Fayette County Boys Ch oir, Washington Court House, 0." Father Richard J. DeCavitt, CPPS, former missionary in South America, has been assigned to St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington , D.C., for a year of training. Paul G. Dacey is now Eastern Regional Manager f or Premco Tire Company , Inc., in Pittsburgh. Vivian A. Heidenreich m arried Edward Maczis, April 25. The couple is living in Woodside, New York. Donald J. Frericks received his Ph.D. degree fr om Ohio State on June 12. L. John Hartmann is a senior m edical sales representative with Mead Johnson Labs. He and his wife, Diane DeBord Hartmann, are living in Dayton with their daughter, Jennifer Anne. Thomas J. Caffrey, S.M., is director of the Bergamo Counseling Center. "Formerly a t Chaminade, Dayton, as teacher-counselor, SM Vocation Director, Direct or of Guidance at Cathedral Latin and Dean of Students an d Principal. Robert L. Ryan, Jr., has been named President of the BMT Mens' Store in Dayton. Bob has been associa ted with the retail operation for 17 of its 18 years, b ought in fo ur years ago and became a vice president two years ago . William A. Zins returned to Cincinna ti in May and j oined Avco as a Senior Staff Engineer in radio communications systems. Julia Schumacher Will m arried Louis August Kli ne, October 14. She is the widow of John F. Will '29. Sixth child, third son , to Frances and Thomas E. Madigan, November 4.

1958 John C. Lesko has been nam ed principal of Irving School in Dayton. He received his mas ter of educatio n degree fro m Miami U. in June. TI grad, Richard V. Grewe, who received an associa te degree in police ad ministration from UD last year, received his bachelor of social science degree fr om UD in August. John E. Wagner. has been appointed Controller for the Textile Division of The Stearns & Foster Company, manufacturers of non-woven fi ber products an d premium quality mattresses, Lockland, 0 . J ohn had been wit h t he

1957 Thomas F . Geary, Jr., is divisional man ager fo r Dome Lab oratories of West Haven , Conn . Tom and his wife , Patricia, are residing in Cohasset , Mass. Robert F. Koogler has been elected T reasurer of Super Food Services, Inc., in Dayton. A f ormer Internal Revenue Service agent, he most recently was tax m anager for Super F ood. Major Eugene M. Gugleilmo has retu'rned from Vie tnam


Robert E. Pennington has been named man ager of the central regional office in Dayton of Electronic Communications Inc., a subsidiary of NCR. Mr. Pennington joined ECI in 196 7 as a systems engineer and has been manager of engineering liaison. Daughter , Erin, to Captain and Mrs. Edward J. McCallum III (Ellen Fitzgerald '58), April 29. The McCallum family is living in Dayton while Ed is on a tour of duty in Vietnam. Robert A. Jardine, formerly program manager at WPAFB from 1958 to 1963, has been named marketing manager - ECM Systems, for Avco Electronics Division, Evendale, 0. He previously was with Control Data Corporation and Airborne Instrument Laboratory, Melville, N.Y. Diana R. Dunn received her Ph .D. degree in sociology and recreation from Penn State this year. She is Director of Research for the National Recreation and Park Association in Washington, D.C. Pasquale J. Izzo is director of physical therapy for Mercy Hospital in Miami, Fla. He received an MBA degree from Adelphi last year. He and his wife have three children David, Laura, and Andrea. TI grad, Sigmund W. Brzezicki, received a b achelors degree in general business management from UD in August. Daughter to Carol and James D. Hoeffel, August 10. Carlos Mendizabal-Acebo is General Plant Manager for Allis-Chalmers in Mexico. He and his wife , Margarita, have seven children and live in San Luis Potosi. Michael R. Dinnin, Jr., was made partner in the law firm of Harness, Dickey & Pierce in Detroit in June of 1969. He and his wife, Irene Kramer Dinnin '60, had their fif th child, Cathy, on October 2, 1969: Sixth child, third son, Joseph Edward, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wittmann (Carolyn Stueve '60) , July 21. Donald R. Hauer, with Hauer Music House, Inc., has started the Don Hauer Music Company in downtown Dayton. He and his wife, Magda, h ave a son, Stephen Christopher. Donald C. Schaaf, S.M., is the Juvenile Court Officer with Memphis-Shelby Coun ty, Tenn . " Am coordinator who is the go-between for the Court and the 650 volunteer auxiliary probatio n officers and the 1200 children they supervise." James H. Mackey left on September 7 for a year of duty in Vietnam as a R ed Cross assis tan t field director. He had served in this capacity at Dover AFB, Delaware, since j oining the Red Cross in 1969. Mary and George L. Maus, Jr., adopted Susan Marie on May 16. Susan was b orn Decem ber 3, 1969. Major David K. Macci recently participated in a j oint weapons qualifications exerJames H. Mackey cise wi th the German Army. Dave is commanding officer of the 43rd Military Police Detachment in Fuerth , Germany. George R. Gebhart, Ph.D., has m oved from Aust in, Texas, to Lima, Peru, where he will be with USAID for the next two years. George and his wife, Mary Lou, have three children - Bradley, Christopher, and Matthew. Paul V. McEnroe and his wife, Ann Rawers McEnroe '60, moved from California in August of '69 to, Raleigh, N.C. Paul is still with IBM. T he McEnroe's have three

World Publishing Company in Cleveland. Bernard E. Zalewski, S.M., will receive his MA degree in curriculum from Case Western Reserve in February. He is teaching at Cathedral Latin. Son to Judith and Richard J. Shane, August 24. Gerald P. Francis, Ph.D., was promoted to Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the State University of New York and Buffalo on July 1. He and his wife, Anne, have three children - Timothy, Michael, and Peter. Donald B. Sylvain has been promoted to Deputy Director, Office of Program Planning and Analysis, Health Facilities Planning and Construction Service, U.S. Public Health Service. Harry L. Kennedy, Jr., has been named Director of Public Relations and Publicity for St. Bonaventure U. Harry was an assistant professor in the University's department of journalism last year. Daughter to Janet and Thomas C. DeBanto, September 16. Adelaide "Duff" Difino Callahan is director of Sunday Pre-School religion classes at St. John of the Cross. She also is a columnist for the Citizen Newspaper and part-time teacher. She and her husband, Gerald P., have two sons David and Michael. Second child, first son, Michael Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mathew (Barbara Phelps) , June 25 . Wayne B. Woodward is owner of Woodward Engineering. Wayne, his wife, Mary Kath)een, and children - Wayne, Jr., Pamela, and William - are living in Deerfield Beach , Fla. William R. Hieber is a doctoral student at the U. of Georgia. Kenneth L. Rickey, general manager of the Information Systems Division with Technology Incorporated, has been named a Vice President. Stephen Mikula has been named exclusive sales agent in Greater Dayton for the Macklebuilt Florida communities of Marco Island, Citrus Springs, Spring Hill and Deltona. E. C. "Sonny" Wathen is Sales Manager for Whitehall Furniture, Owensboro, Ky. Charles H. Kronke II is food and beverage manager of the Ramada Inn on Natural Bridge in St. Louis, Mo. He and his wife, Mary Lou, had their third daughter, Patricia, last March 31. William J. Oberjohn is a research engineer with Babcock & Willox in Alliance, 0. Bill received his MS from Purdue in 1960. He was married to Lillian S. Acayan on October 9. 1959

Joseph M. Davis, S.M., principal of St. J ames School in Day ton, is the head of the National Office fo r Black Catholics. Devo ted to the "liberation of black Catholics," Bro ther Davis said the NOBC is the result of two years of planning and petitioning by members of the Blac k Catholic Clergy conference, the National Black Sisters ' conference and representatives of black Catholic lay caucuses. NOBC plans to open a national headquar ters in Washington and four regional offices. Each office will provide technical assistance fo r black and white individuals and grou ps working wi th black people. The nation 's Catholic bish ops has an nounced their funding of the organizatio n. Dennis J. Curry is a guidance counselor at High Point High in Beltflville, Md. Third chi.J.d , fi rst son, J ohn Harmon, to Mr. and Mrs. Harmon T. Gnuse (Jeanne Pflaum), July 15.


children - Maureen, Paul, Jr., and Mark. E. Dale Nash has been named Manager of Engineering at the Dayton plant of Harris-Seybold Company. Dale , former chief design engineer, has been with the Company for 24 years. Clifford B. Kramer, Jr., is a new classroom teacher at Culver Military Academy. He took over a counselling post and is instructing a biology class. Cliff formerly had been chairman of the science department and a housemaster at Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh. First child, Lisa Marie, to Sharon and James F. Murray, D.D.S., in the fall of '70. First child, William, Jr., to Cheryl and William E. Krueger, October 18. Bill is with Condit Construction Products in Dayton. Paul A. Taylor has been appointed Plant Manager of the Lake Zurich , Ill. , Plant of Clayton Mark & Company. He is responsible for all manufacturing activities of the operation. Before joining Clayton Mark, Paul was a senior manufacturing consultant with Booz, Allen & Hamilton. He holds an MBA Paul A . Taylor degree from Kent State U. Denis R. Kelly is a philosophy professor at Marian College ; wife, Rosalie Roderer Kelly '60, is program director at the YWCA in Indianapolis. The Kelly 's have two children - Denis, Jr., and J ennifer.

Richard M. Hunt is an attorney with Cromer, Faber, Hunt in Dayton. He and his wife, Maureen, have seven children - Colleen, Kathleen, Christine, Patty, Karin , and Kevin. Thomas N. Grogean and his bride, Gina, were married on July 4. Tom is with Bell Telephone Labs in Holmdel, N.J. John J. McGrath is head of the math department at Chaminade High in Hollywood, Fla. He and his wife, Judith, have two sons, John Joseph II and Christopher Michael, who was born on April 2. Sister Damien Grismer, SND, is coordinator of the Illinois Drug Abuse Program sponsored by the U. of Chicago. E. James Dickerson is controller for Albert Trostel Packings, Ltd., Lake Geneva, Wise. Jim and his wife, Roberta Kaser Dickerson '61, have two children - Jim and Kathleen. Raphael F. Kilcoyne, M.D., is a radiologist at Milwaukee County Hospital. He and his wife, Kathleen, have three children - Paula, Patrick, and Martin. Second child, first daughter, Dianne, to Patricia and R. Thomas Cahill, May 29 . The Cahill's have m oved from Salem, N.J. , to Tiffin, Ohio. William F. Andrews is an English teacher at Lee Academy in Lee, Mass. Third child, second daughter, Daragh Jean, to Kate and Lt. Joseph P. Marnane, March 3. Joe is stationed at the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations in Washington. Robert F. Petrokas is Director of the Division of Administration for the Montgomery County Health Department. Bob and his wife, Judith, have two daughters - Lisa and Beth. Robert J. Barnes, M.D., recently left the USAF as a Major. He is in general practice at the Antioch Clinic, Antioch, Ill. He and his wife, Eileen, have three children Robert, Jr., Elizabeth, and Mary E. Lee J. Liebler is a market research analyst with AMP, Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. Lee and his wife, Kathryn , have two childre n - Kym and Tim. Third child, second son, Kevin , to Dr. and Mrs. Roland C. Duell, Jr. (Colleen Weir ' 61 ), August 4, 1969. Melvin V. Bornhorst is a manufacturer's representative with R. 0. Whitesell & Associates in Dayton. He and his wife, Kathleen Fitzmaurice Bornhorst '62, have three children - J ohn, Michael, and Patrick. R. Thomas Cahill is Operations Manager for WTTF Radio in Tiffin , 0. John J. Manning, Jr., M.D., was released from the US Army in 1969 as a Major. He was awarded the Bronze Star, Air Medal, and Army Commendation - Valor. He is a physician with the Kaiser Foundation Hospital. Major Edward D. Sabol, Jr., M.D., is assistant chief of OB-Gyn Section at Martin Army Hospital, Ft. Benning, Ga. Vincent E. McCabe is chief accountant for Leland Airborne Products Division , Vandalia, 0. He and his wife, Susan Wildenhaus McCabe, have three children - Michael, Steven, and Karen. Maurice J. Doyle is branch manager of Harris-Seybold in Chicago. He and his wife, Ann, have a daughter, Michelle Elizabeth. Third child, second daughter, Marian, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Mentel (Lois Zorc), February 5. George A. Bates is manager of the Public Square Branch of Union Commerce Bank in Cleveland. George and his wife, Bobbie Koenig Bates '62, have two daughters Christine and Bridgette. Thomas 0. Reed is an aerospace project engineer at WPAFB. He and his wife, Sharon, have a son, Michael Owen, who was born on May 9, 1969.

1960 Daughter to Rita and Ronald G. Vonderheide, June 29. Daughter to Marilyn and Bernard V. Mahle, July 3. Henry M. Josefczyk received a masters degree m engineering from Case Western Reserve U. on June 10. Third child, third son, Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franchina (Frances Longo), July 16. Verlie Hardigree Moore and Nicoline Michael MacGregor received masters degree in education from UD in August ; Tl grad, Donald K. Jackson, earned his bachelor of techn ology degree. Theodore J. Szymanski is chairman of the Science Department at George Jr. Republic in Freeville, N.Y. Ted received his MS in science education from Cornell in June and my " Ph.D. thesis to be done this year. " Daughter to Tobey and Martin E. Levitt, D.O., August 9. Second child, second daughter, Stephanie Ann, to Karen and Edward A. Rogerson, Jr., June 9. Ed is principal of St. Mary's School in Dayton. Third child, second daughter, Danelle Marie, to Barbara and Captain Kenneth F. Smith, August 15. Ken is stationed at WP AFB in the Directorate of Flight Test and presently enrolled in the masters program in English at UD. Richard J . Van Atta and his wife, Betty, had their fifth child, third son, Richard Carl, on April 8. He is director of the Southern Region for Computer Data Systems, Inc., and is living in Orlando, Fla. David E. Curtis is personnel director for ITT Continental Baking in Toledo, 0. Dave and his wife, Nancy, have three children - David, Leigh, and Bradley. First child, David, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert E . Smith (Jane Joyce), July 22. Sixth child, second daughter, Mary, to Blenda an d Fenton T. Downey, May 12. The Downey family lives in Sioux Falls, S.D.


Paul F . Bredestege, S.M., received his MA in Spanish from Middlebury this year. He is a language teacher at Dayton's Chaminade HS. Peter A. Schomer is a production superintendent in the sterling transmission and chassis plant of GMC in Birmingham , Mich. Pete and his wife, Joyce, have two sons, Scott Peter and Eric Andrew. Son to Connie and Richard G. Egts, September 29. Second child, first daughter, Kelly Jeanne, to Marilyn and Paul J. Braun, January 4, 1970. Paul is Senior Assistant Car Distributor for Buick Motor Division , GMC, in Farmington, Mich . James W. McBarron II is Subsystem Manager - Space Suit for Apollo and Skylab Projects - NASA. Jim would "welcome any UD friends who live or travel to/in Houston. Especially those who plan to visit NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. " The McBarron 's reside at 4134 Manorfield Drive, Seabrook, Texas. Second child, second son, Mich ael David, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. King (Barbara Leff), last March 1. Third child, first son, J o hn David, to Mr. and Mrs. John D. O'Donnell, Jr. (Mary Sue Miller), last January. Fifth child, third daughter, Kimberly, to Betty and Major Donald D. Kalinowski, July 6. Don is stationed at Ohio State U. Norbert A. Young has been promoted to Area Sales Manager, Chicago, for Xerox. Prior to joining Xerox , Norb was sales manager with Olivetti Underwood Corporation. He and his wife, Janice Wojtena Young '63, recently returned from Mexico where they were presented a sterling silver tea set by Xerox to commemorate Norb 's continuo us outstanding sales efforts. Previously the couple was presented awards in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Water Isle , VI, Nassau and Cocoyouc. He has served as the Vice Chairman of the Calumet City Plan Commission and as Charter President of the Calumet City Jaycees. Norb has been honored with the Community Distinguished Service Award b y the Jaycees and was elected to t he "Outstanding Young Men in the United States, " a national yearly publication. He and J anice have two childre n - Mark and J acqueline. Mr. an d Mrs. Larry M. Murph y (Joan Hollencamp) are living in South Bend , Ind. The couple has two children Michael and Kate. John E. S. Marris a grad student at Me tro State College in Aurora, Colo. J ohn was released from the US Army as a Captain in July of 1969. Martin E. Plage, a builder jobber sales rep. in Frigidaire's New York sales zone, has been honored as one of the compa ny 's top salesmen in the nation during 1970. Mrs. Plage is th e former Mary Barbara Heister '57. C. Dale Middleton is Controller for the Toro Manufacturing Corporation, Riverside , Calif. Dale and his wife, Marcia , have two children - Luan n and J ennifer. F ourth child, third son, to Janice and Patrick T. Connor, November 23.

stock market-oriented motif (place mats have data on early beginnings of market trading). " We are installing a Dow Jones teletype service which will enable peo ple interested to check on the market and business news. We'll have no te pads o n the tables and teleph ones available at t he tables," Jim said. Jim and his wife, Jud y, have three children - J ay, J od y, and Jeffy. Melvin C. Eifert received his mas ters degree in engineering from UD in August ; TI grad , Michael B. Miller, earned his bachelor of technology degree . Ronald F. Hough received his Ph.D. degree from Miami University on June 13. Ron and his wife , Carla, have two children - Jennifer and Adam. Ro n is a member of the fac ulty at Wright State U. James R. Anthony is an earth science instructor at Sidney (0 .) High. He received his masters degree in earth science education from Wrigh t State U. this year. Jim and his wife had t heir second child, second daughter, Gina, on June 14. Harriet M. Ammann is an instructor in bio-sciences at Bowman-Gray Medical School in Winston-Salem, N.C. She is a doctoral student at North Carolina State U. Major Jay M. Berman is a project master at Ft. Hood, Texas. J ay and his wife, Carol, have fo ur childre n Michele, Kevin, Denise, and Mark. Thomas J. Donahue is head advisor at Eastern Michigan U. 's Munson Hall. During the past three years Tom has worked in a West Berlin Public School setting up a mod el guidance department. He wrote a thesis entitled " Pupil Personnel Services in Germa ny" and received an Ed.S. degree from the the U. of Michigan in the summer of '69. David B. Hannan is an installer of Santa Cruz Air Conditioning in Nogales, Ariz. " We had to move here for my wife's health and there are no teaching positions open. " Anthony A. Latell, Jr., is a law enforcement planning officer for Distric t #5, State of Ohio, Warren , 0 . Ton y and his wife, Dottie , have two children - Jacqueline and Kurt David.


Leo F. Flotron III, left, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company representative in the Dayton area, received his Management Development Scho ol diploma from Jack E. R awles, senior vice president and director of agencies, in July . The sessions were held at the home office in Ft. Wayne, Ind. , and th irty-two supervisory personnel of Lincoln age ncies located th rougho ut the U.S. attended the school which covered all phases of agency management. Leo was also named a winner in his company 's recent President's Mo nth Sale-s Contest.

Thomas J. Cosgrove is wo rkin g o n his Ph.D. in leadersh ip and human behavior at the U.S. International University in San Diego , Calif. He is also teaching English and theology at the Convent of th e Sacred Heart in El Cajon . Tom and his wife, Karen, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on December 20. Vincent S. Gobozy is controller of Canadian Ko yo Company , LTD. He and his wife , Sandra, are living in Islington, Ontario, Canada. James J . Pistana is vice president and general manager of the Bull Marke t restaurant in Dayton's Grant-Deneau Tower. T he restaurant was opened o n August 3 with a

So n to Sandra and John


W. Luehrs, July 15.

Richard T. Mocny has a new job as accountant-consultant with Midwest Business Consultants, Inc., Oak Park, Ill. " Passed the Illin ois CPA exam in May. " Dick and his wife, Brenda, have two children - Peter and Susan. Ned P. Becker, Moraine City engineer for the last two-and-a-half years, has accepted a position as Director of Public Works at Naperville, Ill. Daughter to Anna and Norman J. Sawdey, November 14. 1962 Suzanne Mary Dawicke married George Daniel Myers, August 1. A son, James Dennis, Jr., to Cookie and James D. DeVito, July 13. First child, son , to Esther and Thurman J. Mattingly, Jr., August 3. Daughter to Betty and Chester F. Bauch, August 3. Masters degrees in education were awarded to Frank C. Maus and Bernard J. Hartman, S.M., at UD's August graduation ceremonies - TI grad, Thomas M. Tully, Jr., received his bachelor degree in business. John K. Huentelman, M.D., is chief of obstetrics at Grissom AFB Hospital, Peru, Ind. He and his wife , Nancy, have two children - John Christo pher an d Am y Marie. Paul A. Dirks, S.M., is chairma n of the math department at Colegio San J ose, Rio Piedras, P.R. First child, Mollie Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Martin (Carol Irvin '68 ), February 8, 1970. Michael E. Brennan, Ph.D., is employed as a Research Chemist with Jefferson Chemical Company , Inc. , in Austin, Texas. Thomas J. Lamendola married Betty Ann DiBetitto, August 15. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Maus (Genie Vogel '64 ), August 16. Mark F. Daley writes, " Still with Brown Company in Kalamazoo but recently was promoted from industrial engineer to corporate m anage r of commodity purchasing." George J . Mousaian was elec ted to the Board of Directors, Dayton Advertising Club , in May. " No w selling WHlO-TV exclusively as account executive." John E. Kauflin received his Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University in August. He and his wife , Judith Baker Kauflin '64, have returned to Dayton . J ohn is a member of the math faculty at UD. The Kauflin 's have two sons J ohn and James. Michael L. Konrad is a buyer with F & R Lazarus in Columbus. Mike and his wife, Estelle, have three children Hea ther Lee, Kristen Ann , and Michaelle Marie. Fourth child, third daughter, J ennifer, to Gail and Ralph J. O'Donnell. Daniel R. Laughlin is assista nt football coach at Villan ova U. Dan and his wife, Janet, have t hree daughters, Beth , Kelly Lynn , and Kathleen. Gerald K. Huntsberger is teac hing and coach in g at Meadowdale High in Dayto n. He and his wife, Karen, have three children . James L. Hemmert re tired from varsity basketball coach at Carroll High in Dayton to becom e chairman of the English Department there. Sister Mary Ermelinda Burgei, CPPS, has been nam ed principal of Resurrection School in Day ton. Cicily A. Weaver is teaching both elem entary and high school art in Harrison District and living in Mani tou, Colo. " Program chairman for Colorado Springs Art Guild - also h ~e exhibited paintings around Colorado and won several /awards in juried exhibits. " Major J. Robert White, wife Noreen , and children, Judy

Charles P. Connolly, Jr., received his Ph.D . .degree from Ohio State in June , and has been appointed Acting Director of Telecommunicative Arts at Iowa State University. Second child, second son, Joseph Daniel, to Florence and William J . Murphy, February 6, 1970. John E. Roby is a systems analyst with the Defense Systems Automation Office, Defense Supply Agency, in Columbus, 0. J ohn and his wife, Nancy, have four children - Catherine, Jeffrey, Gregory and Mark. Jack T. Thein "just completed my first year in management with American United Life Insurance Compan y. In '69 I qualified for National Quality Award and National Sales Achievement Award." Jack and his wife, Judith, have two sons - James and Michael. Seco nd child, second daughter, Sandra Rose, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Knapke (Marjorie Pleiman '66), July 28. First child, William Brennan, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Danna, August 28. John P. Uriah is athletic director , teacher an d coach at Aquinas Institute in Rochester, N.Y. John and his wife, Nancy , have two children - James and Susan . Walter A. Reiling, Jr., M.D., has completed his surgical residency and after nine years in Boston, the Reiling fa mily has returned to Dayton. Walt has gone into surgical practice with his fath er, Walter A. Reiling, Sr., M.D., '30. He and his wife, Suzanne Geyer Reiling '60, have four children Walter III , Betsy, Mary Anne, and J oseph. John J. Fortman, Ph.D. , presented a paper at the Xlllth Intern a tio na] Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Zakopane, Poland, in September "on travel grant from Wright State University Foundation. I will become a member of Editorial Advisory Board of 'CHEMISTRY' Magazine this January. 'CHEMISTRY ' is a national m agazine published by the American Chemical Society for high school and beginning college students. I will remain an associate professor at Wright State." First child, Kevin Ray, to Mary Lou and Michael F. John J. Fortman Barry, August 6. Paul E. Beck has been named Technical Director of Crew and Aerospace Ground and Subsystems Engineering at Aeronautical Systems Division, WPAFB. Anthony N. Doria is a guidance counselo r at Deer Park (N.Y.) Junior High. He has his MS degree in guidance from Hofstra College. His wife, Carol Yordy Doria, is a medical technologist at Mercy Hospital in Rockville Centre. The couple has four children - J ames, Anne Marie, Stephen , and Patricia Andrea, who was born on September 9, 1969. Carl A. Barhorst is a pharmacist with Super X in Dayto n. Carl and his wife, Eloise Evans Barhorst, had their second child, first son, Ma tthew J ohn, on February 28. Robert J. Stankard was recently promoted to Marketing Educational Specialist with Eastman Kodak. " I instruct sales representatives in the sale and use of microfilm products and systems. This is generally a two-to-three-year assignment. " Charles J. Mencsik married Rita J ean Naas, June 20. Charles is employed by Hobart Manufacturing in Troy, 0 . Myrtle Louise Miller married Gary Lee Estep, July 25. She is a social worker with the Columbus (0. ) Welfa re Department.


4Y2 and Tim 3Y2, are assigned to Columbia, S.C. "We are enjoying the southern hospitality and the beautiful weather which is perfect for golfing, hunting, fishing, and cam ping. Bob, as the Assistant Chief, Supply and Service Division of the USA Hospital, is kept busy planning system studies, ordering and purchasing equipment and supplies for a new 11-million-dollar hospital scheduled to open next June and simultaneously keeping the present 800-bed hospital supplied and serviced. At night I'm attending school at the U. of South Carolina taking courses to qualify for an MBA degree."

graduate work with W.P.T.I. and at present am Chief of State Utility in Iran." Daughter to Barbara and John A. Moraites, June 24. J. Norman Eckstein has been named the outstanding young man for the year by the Ohio Association of Insurance Agents. Norm is with the Eckstein Insurance Agency, Inc. Third child, second daughter, Melissa Kaye, to Barbara and Ronald J. Niess, July 5. Dennis L. Sunderhaus is a doctoral student and writes, "Whatever adjective you use to describe San Francisco, it isn't 'quiet'." Joseph R. Grossi has his MA in Spanish from Middlebury College in Madrid, Spain. Cynthia A. Peake is working on her masters in social work at Smith College in Northampton, Mass. Twin daugh ters, Suzanne Marie and Jennifer Paula, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Wagner (Geraldine Dickson '60), July 15. Second child, second son , Carl Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jadwisiak (Judith Dahm), last J anuary 23. Daughter to Winifred and Peter H. Plocher, July 20. William J. Knostman married Cathie Romer, April 25. The couple is living in Troy, 0. Father John J . Franck, CPPS, has been appointed Director of Catholic Charities in Hamilton, 0. Father recently received a second masters degree (this one in social work) from Ohio State. First child, Carolyn, to Elaine and Joseph R. Trovato, J anuary 27, 1970. The Trovato family is living in Fairport, N.Y . Jerome E. Schmitz and Ronald F. Budzik received MBA degrees at UD's August graduation ; Norman D. Rich got his masters degree in education. Richard F. Lain, M.D., is a physician with the U.S. Navy. Dick and his wife, Lynn, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on July 1. Thomas P. Connelie has been released from service and is an engineer with B. G. Danis in Dayton. John J . Spiwak received his Ph.D. degree from Ohio U. in June. John is senior research chemist with Ashland Oil and Chemical Company in Minneapolis, Minn. He and his wife, Dolores, have two children - Stephen and Patricia Ann. Navy Lt. L. Eugene Vassy, M.D., has been awarded the achievement medal during ceremonies ab oard the amphibious transport dock USS Vancouver in Yokosuka, Japan. He was cited for meritorious achievement aboard the Vancouver during combat operations off the coast of Vietnam. Aldo A. Rossini, M.D., is a medical officer with the USN at Charleston (S.C.) Navy Hospital. Fourth child, second son, John, to Constance and Charles W. Miller, Aprill9. Charles is teaching fifth grade in the Troy (0.) Public Schools, and is working on his masters in elementary education at UD. Father Thomas L. Albers, CPPS, has been appointed mental health chaplain in training at Anna State Hospital, Anna, Illinois. Kenneth R. Somerhalter is an underwriter with Aetna Insurance and living, in Aurora, Colo. Ken and his wife, Silvia, have a daughter, Jane Ann. Michael J. Cunningham is Vice President of Image Industries, Inc. , Miamisburg, 0. He writes, "Image has recently installed a computerized typesetting service at a cost of $150,000 which makes all other type sources obsolete." Mike and his wife, JoAnne, have three cltildren - Michael II, Patrick, and Colleen.

ALUMNUS ASSISTS Don Beard, '62, who works for the Interstate Materials Supply Company in Avon Lake, Ohio, is an alumnus who assists his university . Earlier this year he was instrumental in securing traffic control equipment for the Civil Engineering Department. The equipment, which is installed in a laboratory of the new Eugene W. Kettering Engineering & Research Laboratories, came from the Eagle Signal Division of E. W. Bliss Company, Davenport, Iowa, and is valued at $5,000. This is one manner in which an alumnus can aid his university. Third child, third daughter, Rebecca Lynn, to Theresa and Major Hector T. C. Dittamo, Jr., September 17. "Will be leaving Asmara, Ethiopia, in January for Vietnam." First child, Kristi, to Mr. and Mrs. E. James Kula (M. Patricia Veit), March 4. Third child, third daughter, Katie, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Stanton (Julie O'Meara '6.3 ), June 6. Tsung-Sing Chow is presently studying in Postfach, West Germany. Richard C. Roesch has been promoted to Resident Sales Manager for Electronic Data Processing Systems, Honeywell, Inc., in Dayton. " We have merged with General Electric to form Honeywell Information Systems, Inc." Mrs. Roesch is the former Mary Ellen O'Connor '63. John F. Wagner is manager of corporate accounting for Wickes Corporation in Saginaw, Mich. John an d his wife, Karen , have four children - Margaret, J ohn , Patricia, and Amy. Second child , first son, Edward Hugh, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. WeHmeier (Joyce Koeller), July 23. Daniel F. Shannon is a guidance counselor at Bishop Loughlin High in Brooklyn. Dan will receive his masters degree in education from St. John 's U. in January. Richard A. Gaither married Deanna Dixon, November 28. Dean R. Craycraft is a department head and teacher in the New Carlisle-Bethel (0.) School System. He is working on his masters in economics education. Second child, second son, Anthony Gerald, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Westbrock (Darlene DiPasquale '66 ), October 13. First child, daughter, J ennifer Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pici (Anne Greicius '69), November 9. Son to Margaret and John P. Hagedorn, November 4. Third child, third son, Douglas Paul, to Carolyn and Karl G. Froning, October 18. F irst child, Louis Sucher, to Helen Deitz Kavanaugh and the late Louis S. Kavanaugh, October 15.

1963 Hassan FirOlfzabadian writes, "I am at Stanford University for the summer in Engineering Economy. I finished my I


Father Gary M. Scherer, CPPS, former assistant pastor at St. Joseph Church in Wapakoneta, 0., is now chaplain at Bethesda and Rollman Hospitals in Cincinnati. Michael P. Whalen is Area Sales Manager for the Xerox Corporation in Erie, Pa. He and his wife have three children - Maura, Tim, and Michael. Second child, first son, Brian Gerald, to Mary and Gerald J . Huelsman, April 21. Gerry is an advertising coordinator for NCR. Pierre A. Grimes and his wife, Beverly, had their second child, second daughter, Kerry Ly n, on July 25 . "We now have two girls who will become Homecoming Queens at UD. Papa is unbiased, of course." First child, Misha Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. Walker (Lorraine Olszewski), May 18. First child, Stacy Charlotte, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J . Kula, Jr. (Katherine Miller '66 ), in August. He is a doctoral student at the U. of Kentucky . Second child, second daughter, Jill Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Hall (Francene Lombard ), August 14. First child, J ason Christopher, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Seifert (Mary Sheila Doud '66 ), in September. Stephen F. Schumm is a high school principal in the Wellington (0 .) Board of Education. He received his "Ed.S.Adm." degree from Bowling Green last March. Steve and his wife, Margaret, had their second child, first son, Gregory Stephen, on March 21. Third child, second son , Michael Edward, to Kay and John T. Moore, September 15. John is a contract specialist at WPAFB. Third child, third daughter , Melissa, to Mary Ellen and RobertS. Bertke, November 9. James C. Herbert, Ph.D., received that degree from Brandeis U. in 1970. Jim is an assistant professor at the U. of Maryland. He and his wife, San dra, have two daughters Kristen an d Sonja. Martin J. Livingston is supervisor of the Union County (N.J. ) Welfare Board. He is a member of the New Jersey Bar Association. Malcolm T. Lorimer has been named an account executive fo r WHIO-TV. Mac went t o WHIO after three years in the same capacity with WLW-D. Second child, second son, Daniel Cain, to Trish and Lawrence C. Klingensmith, Jr., November 22.

Carol Teodori Hartlage writes, "After graduation I taught for two years on the Navajo Reservation. Tony , my husband, attended UD and is operating heavy equipment. We are looking for a farm and are going to join the Back-to-the-Land movement." The Hartlage's have two children -Christy and Robbie. John M. Meagher is among the ftrst fourteen members named to the Citizens Charter Committee by Dayton city commissioners early in September. Third child, second daughter, Holly Ellen, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Handorf (Virginia Beatty), August 29. The Handorf's are residing in Flint, Mich . Dennis H. Dicker writes, " I've started my own company Dicker Instruments, Inc. - and am a manufacturers representative in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina for several laboratory instrument manu fac turers. We sell and service equipment for hospitals, industry, and colleges an d universities. The wife and children are doing fine. We adopted our second child, a boy, in October." Kenneth E. Pintwala is teac hing at Wickliffe Senior High and working on his masters in history at J o hn Carroll U. Richard S. Yolles received his MA in edu cationpsycho logy from San Fernando Valley State College in '69 and is now a Ph .D. candidate in education (instructional technology ) at the U. of Southern California. William J . Gannon is evening supervisor at the student union at Case Western Reserve U. and also doing counseling. Third child, ftrst son , to Carol and Eugene F. Bear, April 21.

1964 David R. Smith has been named Manager of an electrical engineering section in Comm onwealth Associates ' (CAl) Substation Design and Engineering Section . Dave is responsible for substation engineering services which Commonwealth performs for Pennsylvan ia Power Company and Delmarva Power and Light Company. He has h ad more than six years of professional experience in the design of facilities an d the eq uipment an d apparatu s aspects of High Voltage and Extra High Voltage su bstaDavid R. Smith tions. Prior to joining CAl in 1968, Dave w as a test engineer in the Detroit Edison Company's electrical syste ms group. A Registered Professional engineer in Michigan, he is a member of the ln•stitute of Electrical an d Electronic Engineers an d the Michigan Society of professional engi-

Capt. Edward F . Hackett, Jr., M.D., finished one year as a flight surgeon for a F105 squadron in Takhli, Thailand recently. "I've grown a moustache and quit smoking." Ed was aw arded the Air Medal by Col. Anderson for meritorious achievement in airmanship and courage while participating in Aerial Flight from Novem ber of '69 to May 1970.

Robert B. Eisenhauer received his MA in French from Case Western Reserve in September of '69 and "spent this past year stu dying in Brussels, Belgium." Donald A. Kasner is an engineer in Harvard, Ill. He and his wife, Kathleen Tillmans Kasner, have three children Kristin , Douglas, an d Dennis. Fourth child , second daughter, to Barbara and Eugene J. Doll, September 13.


neers. He and his wife, Barbara Bills Smith, have three children and reside in Jackson, Mich. First child, Andrew David, to Linda and J. David Spears, September 2, 1969. Dave is teaching history and is an assistant coach with the Oakwood Board of Education. Second child, second daughter, Kristin Regina, to Kathleen and George H. Bennett, March 27. George is personnel manager for First National City Bank in New York City. Thomas A. Tassia is a computer programmer with Lawrence Radiation Lab in Livermore, Calif. Tom and his wife, Rita, have a son, James Christopher. First child, Theodore John, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Lehmann (Paula Nolan '66), April 6. Second child, first son, John Jacob, to Captain and Mrs. Richard A. Baker (Marilyn Musterman '65), April 21. The Baker's are stationed at Ft. Bragg, N.C. Lawrence E. Russo received his MA in social work from Rutgers U. in December. He is a parole officer with the State of New Jersey. He and his wife, Emily Thornton Russo '66, have two children - Victor and Jessica. Emily is a free-lance artist for Prentice-Hall, T.F.H. Publications, and others. Third child, third son, William Andrew, to Mr. and Mrs. Lavern J. Menker (Kathleen Drummer '66), May 7. "We could write our own TV show -'My Three Sons'." First child, J ohn Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barklow, Jr. (Jane Sheridan), in March of 1969. Jim is a clinical chemist in the pathology department at University Hospital in Cleveland. " Slowly working on a masters in chemistry." Karen and Captain Joseph L. Kievitt, DMD, announce the adoption of their daughter, Kathleen Ann , who was born on July 10. Daughter, Stephanie Lyn, to Brenda and Roger F. Ferry in October. James J. Cain upset incumbent Republican Forest E. Hill in the Greene County (0 .) Commission race in November. Seeking office for the first time, Jim had campaigned extensively throughout the county favoring a county manager to administer county government much as a city manager directs municipal government. Richard D. Donohue is coaching footba ll at Columbia U. He and his wife, Rita Anderson Donohue '66 , have a daughter, Brigid. Another daughter, Erin Eliza be th , was a day old when she died on December 2, 1969. Rudolph J. Koporc, Jr., has taken a j ob in Orlando, Florida, as a salesman for Tee Pee Lumber Company. Rudy and his wife , Nancy Blair Koporc '65, have two children Randy and Kelly. Michael Scrimenti has beeri advanced by Standard Register Company to superintendent of production in t he firm's new plant under construc tion in Newark, 0. Mike j oined the firm in 19 50 and had been an equipment specialist. William E. Zielinski is supervisor of process engineering for Chrysler Corp ora tion 's Chemical Division in Trento n. He and his wife, Patricia, are living in Grosse lie, Mich. , with th eir two children - Nicki and " B." Son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schroll, Jr. (Joanne Sengi), July 28. James C. Puthoff married Do nna Jean Stearns, August 15. ..' Gilbert C. Tipple married Linda G. Walker, J anuary 17, 1970. The couple is living in Marysville, 0. James W. Biehl has been named visiting instructor in English at Ohio Wesleyan ~niversity for this academic year. Jim is a candidate for a Ph.D. degree fr om Southern Illinois

U. and is a member 9f the Modern Language Association , the Midwest Modern Language Association , and the American Association of University Professors. Sister Marie Weber, CPPS, dietician for the past five years at the Salem Avenue central house of the Precious Blood Sisters, has been approved for a government traineeship grant from the U.S. Public Health Service and is attending the U. of Michigan to work for a masters degree. Replacing her at Salem Heights is Sister Nancy Raley, CPPS, who received her masters degree from Michigan State U. and has three years of experience as a dietician at a home for the aged in Flint, Mich. Thomas J. Matczynski has been appointed Assistant Professor of Education at Wright State U. Tom came to WSU from Grace Greene School in Dayton where he taught social studies, reading, and English. He has also served as curriculum and administrative assistant at the Minoa Central Schools in E. Syracuse, N.Y. Jose L. Ponce-Garcia m a rried Esther M aria Manzanilla, November 7. Jose is Marketing Manager for Jose L. Ponce-Garcia Gerveceria Yucateca, S.A. First child, Michael Ordell, to Margaret and F. Daniel Krapf, November 19. Second child, first daughter, Tara Colleen , to Ruth and Thomas L. Walsh, August 25. Tom received his Private Pilot license in July. Linda Harrison Trent and Linda Marie Sobieski received masters degrees in education from UD in August; Harold F. Leahy picked up his master of science degree in biology. Edward W. Sachs III, M.D., is a resident physician at the Ve terans Hospital in Day ton. Thomas E. Corrigan, S.M., received his MS in biology from the U. of Notre Dame in August. He is teaching at St. Joseph HS, Cleveland. David A. Thompson, S.M., received his MA degree in liturgical theology from the U. of Notre Dame on August 7. John J. Flanigan has been elected a vice president of American Information Systems and is heading the Computer Output Microfilm Division. Form erly he had been an IBM systems engineer and salesman. Thomas J. O'Hare, Jr., has been promoted by the Prudential Insurance Company to assistan t auditor o n the Eastern home office comptroller's staff in Newark, N.J. Tom joined the unit last August as a supervising auditing examiner. He has managed the Hillside Little League 's K of C team for the past two years. This season the team finished in second place. Tom and his wife, Judith , have two sons - Brian Thomas and Terrence Michael. Mildred C. Burkhart married David Bowden, September 5. The couple is living in North Miami, Florida. Carolyn L. Price was appointed community librarian at Trotwood, 0., in May. She also serves as librarian at the part-time branch in New Lebanon. Carolyn , who once taught English and speech at Northridge Junior High, selects books for both branches. Ronald J. Plavchan, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of history at Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa. Barry E. Herchenroder married Constance Marie DiPietro, August 15. Barry received his Ph.D. from N orthwestern in October. Joseph F. DeLeo, Jr., is a department head in ware-


John A. Zorc is a contract administrator with Adel Great Lakes in Cleveland. He received his J.D. degree from Cleveland-Marshall in '68. John was married to Sheila C. O'Grady on August 10, 1968. William J. Hess has been promoted to attorney in the investment department at State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company's home office in Bloomington, Ind. He joined State Farm in September '67 as a field claim representative at the firm's Cincinnati claim service office. He and his wife, Judy, have two sons - Keith and Darren. Second child, first daughter, Beth Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. PaulL. Horstman (Penelope Poeppelmeier '66), September 19. Second child, first daughter, Stacy Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wolf (Elaine Snedden '66 ), February 13. Captain Adrian J. Gravelle is a member of the Judge Advocate General Corps at the Presidio of San Francisco. James R. Fenelon became psychologist for the Sacramento (Calif.) County Probation Department Juvenile Center in August. James M. Chriss is now Senior Product Manager for Boys' Casuals with Levi Strauss & Company of San Francisco. Jim had been Sportswear product manager and joined the company in 1967. John J. Leahy is Marketing Manager for Grumman Aerospace in Bethpage, N.Y. John and his wife , Martha, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on August 5. Louis A. Droesch, Jr., is a project engineer in the Drives & Control Systems Department, Space Systems Group, Ball Brothers Research Corforation. He is Vice President of both the Boys' Club o Boulder (Colo.) and the Boulder SERTOMA Club. Lou and his wife, Pat, have three sons Louis III, Chris, and Andy. Earl R. Staddon, D.O., is practicing in Englewood, Ohio. Robert M. Greschl married Carolee Ruth Christy, November 21. First child, daughter, to Bonnie and Charles L. Izor, November 24.

housing for Clairol, Inc. Joe and his wife, Sandra, are living in Stamford, Conn. The couple has two children. Dale R . Gilles is "still with the Peace Corps. New job is Liberia Operations Officer - am now responsible for the Washington end of a very active Peace Corps program. Currently there are over 200 Liberia volunteers and ten staff members. I have total responsibility for planning, r,ecruiting, training, etc., and will be spending the month of September in Liberia which is the first time I have been back since December '67."

MODEL PLANE CHAMP Joe Servaites, '64, whose degree is in civil engineering, is the grand national champion of the National Model Airplane championship competition for the second year in a row. The youthful UD graduate competed against more than 1,000 model plane enthusiasts. He won his title this summer by scoring 818 of a possible 900 points in nine events ranging from speed flights by small U-control models that hit more than 100 miles an hour to gasoline and rubber-band free flights where duration is the objective. Servaitis says he used his engineering knowledge to calculate aero-dynamics data. He feels he would be lost in national competition without a strong scientific and mathematical background. He says of his title: "I think I've got the right formula now."

James R. Halley, Jr., is Transition Vice President for Barnes Pewter Corporation in North Tarrytown, N.Y. Jim and his wife, Bernice, have three children. Gary A. Casarella received a bachelor of fine arts degree from Carnegie Institute of Technology in June of '6 7. He is an instructor in the drama department at Emerson College in Boston. Third child, third daughter, Sally Marie, to Marie and R. Kenney Shields, May 31. Kenney received his masters in education degree from Xavier in January of '7 0. Elaine Schumacher Casperson writes, "husband Don finished his doctorate at Indiana and we moved to Fresno, Calif., where he'll be teaching at Fresno State. Sure would like to see some UD'ers in the area." Beverly J. Greene is a counselor with the Sidney (0.) City Schools. Annette Kay Herres married Robert Anthony Dugger, August 1. "Taught two years in the Henry County Public Schools and began grad studies at the U. of Virginia. Have now transferred to the U. of North Carolina." First child, Patricia Eileen , to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Brady (Jeanne Myles), August 20. The Brady's are living in West Lafayette, Ind. Captain Garrett C. Starr, Jr. , is with the Officers ' Advanced Career Course at Ft. Knox, Ky. He and his wife, Ann, say "another 'boy' due in January." They have two sons - Gary and John. Thomas L. Salerno is music director at McNicholas High in Cincinnati, 0. "Working toward Master of Music at U.C. Conservatory." Gordon P. Richardson, S.M., received his MFA from Pratt Institute this summer. Second child, first son, Paul Andrew, to Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Fullarton (Carmella Giambrone), July 21.

1965 Peter A. Luongo married Deborah Mae Forschner, August 1. Captain William J . LaBaugh completed a 33-week Army Medical Department officer career course at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort San Houston, Texas, in June. Second child, second daughter, Patricia Dawn, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rezy (Judith Rueth), July 3. Bob is a systems analyst at NCR. Dennis G. Collins was released from service as a Captain on July 29. He is law clerk for The Honorable Judge Roy W. Harper, Chief Judge of the Federal District of Missouri. Dennis is living in Brighton, Mo. First child, Alisha Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Seigel (Joan Puterbaugh '64), September 28, 1969. Larry is service engineer with Carrier Air Conditioning in Syracuse, N.Y. Daughter, Amy Durr, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jahelka (Charlotte Keyes), in June. Twin sons, Patrick and Anthony , to Maria and Joel A. Riley in Equador on February 12, 1969. J oel is with the Peace Corps. John P. DeMatteo married Marlene Gerda Schirk, July 25. J ohn is plant supervisor for the R & L Machine Company in Columbus, 0. Joseph G. Rauch, M.D., is serving his residency at Metropolitan General Hospital in Cleveland. Joe and his wife, R osemary y had their first child, Laura Anne, on April 12. • Capt. and Mrs. Philip A. Indovina (Kathryn Kehoe '66)



fourth grade half days at St. Henry (0. ). " First child, Brian David, to Carol and Captain Stanley R. Chmielewski, M.D., July 29. Stan is serving a year's tour of duty with the USAF in Thailand. Thomas R. Howard, Jr., is manager of data processing for the City of Cleveland. Tom and his wife, Mary, have two children - Christine and Thomas Joseph. 路 First child, Patricia, to Mr. and Mrs. William Winkler (Phyllis Hirn), February 9, 1970. The Winkler's are living in Indianapolis. Father John C. Wolf, CPPS, has been appointed associate pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Sedalia, Mo. He had served on the faculty of the high school seminary of the Kansas City Province of the Precious Blood Society during the past year. Richard E. Wilson and his wife, Faith, are living in Ithaca, N.Y., with their two children - Richard, Jr., and Geoffrey. "For two years we were advisors to a cooperative house on the Cornell campus. I hope to finish my thesis this winter." Kenneth F. Dusyn received his J.D. degree from the U. of Connecticut on May 31. He is a patent attorney with Curtis, Morris & Safford in New York City. James J. Pfander is teaching English at St. Xavier High in Cincinnati. He is also attending grad school at Xavier. Donald L. Raiff completed his written and oral Ph.D. general exams in economics during May. "Started on a University dissertation year fellowship at Ohio State on July 1." First child, Nina Thawata, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Harawa (Carol Miller '66), August 12. Bernie has an MS degree in educational administration (secondary ) and intends to do Ph.D. work in the fall of 1971.

are now stationed at Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind., after Phil's return from Vietnam. Captain Theodore C. Ning, Jr., M.D., is serving a tour of duty in Vietnam returning to the U.S. in February. William H. Engelhardt has been released from service and is attending UD. Edward R. Romey, Jr., received his MBA degree from Case Western Reserve U. on June 10. Robert G. Schult has accpeted an NDEA Fellowship to pursue a doctorate in education evaluation at Ohio State. His wife, Anne Bourgeois Schult, is teaching at Hartley HS in Columbus. Julian B. Fasano received a masters degree in chemical engineering from Lehigh University in June. Wolfgang W. Strobl, M.D., is a resident at the U. of Michigan. He and his wife, Kathleen , have three children Peter, Philip, and Heidi. Thomas E. Dechant is working on his masters degree in computer engineering at Case Western Reserve. Tom and his wife, Kathleen Kaple Dechant '66, are living in Cleveland with their son, Stefan. Barbara Franzonello Brown writes, "I received my MA degree in counseling from Newark State College in May. Graduated with a 3.83 point average and passed my comprehensive exam with commendation. Additionally , I have 24 credits in psychology and hope to do further grad study in the field of counseling psychology. My husband is starting work on his Ph.D. at New York Medical College in September and has received a fellowship. I am returning to teaching in the fall. Our daughter, Kristin Beth, is now 3 and attending nursery school." First child, Heather Michelle, to Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Jones (Louann Feldmann '67), July 14. Gary received his Ph.D. from Iowa State in May. The family is living in Albuquerque, New Mexico ; Gary is with Sandia Corporation. Second child, second daughter, Kathryn Grace, to Dr. and Mrs. David J. Hibler (Bonnie Ann Shuman), July 17. The Hibler's have moved to the outskirts of Unadilla, Nebr., a small town 25 miles from Lincoln. Dave commutes to the U. of Nebraska each day and raises purebred Great Danes in his spare time. Masters degrees were awarded to James H. Alt (electrical engineering), Helen Surber Barger (education), Lawrence D. Reinhard (MBA), Vincent J. Varnas (public administration ), and Sister Jeanette Buehler, CPPS (theology), at UD's August graduation ceremonies. TI grad, John H. Lehman, received a bachelor of technology degree. Second child, first son, David Luis, to Doctor and Mrs. Luis A. Garcia (Patrici!l Carroll '66 ), August 4. Lt. Edward S. Vitunic has been awarded USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Craig AFB, Ala. Third child, second son, Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Haley (Nancy Craighead), June 6. The Haley's are living in Dayton. Neil E. Gallagher was married to Suzanne F. Matt on September 20, 1969. Neil is an assistant professor at Towson State College and working on his Ph.D. at the U. of Maryland. Kenneth E. Steinke is a CPA with Touche, Ross & Company. He and his wife, Mae belle, are living in Lewisburg, 0. Charles G. VonderEmbse, D.O., is an osteopathic physician at the Ashville Clinic in Columbus, 0. He and his wife, Sheila, had their first child, Christine Ann , on April 7. First child, Scott Lee , to Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Eyin k (Linda Jo Olcijng), March 14, 1970. Linda writes, " I taught kindergarten part time this summer and am now teaching

Joseph J. Manzo "just celebrated my second wedding anniversary and first birthday of my son, William Drew, this August. I am teaching Spanish at Mater Christi High and completing a guidance degree at Queens College." David J. Marcozzi is a cost accountant with Hughes Industries in New Jersey. Dave and his wife, Annette, have one son, David, who was born on July 7, 1969. Daniel S. Kenney is maintenance supervisor with the N. W. Paschall Corporation in Peachtree City, Ga. He and his wife, Susan, have a daughter, Lorri Sue. Captain Stephen J. Doelker, D.D.S., is stationed in the Phillipines at Clark AFB. David M. Davis is an accountant with Arthur Andersen & Company in Cincinnati. "Presently completing writing thesis (NYU)." Dave and his wife, Sandra Leach Davis, have two daughters, Nancy Jane and Denise Maria. James C. Johnson married Skaidrite Pavasars, July 18. Both are teaching in the Rochester (N.Y.) Elementary School System. Jim taught two years in Rochester before entering the Army in June '68 and served in Vietnam from April '69 to March '70. He attained the rank of Sargeant. Robert A. Lauer is a senior project engineer with Philco-Ford in Connersville, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Periolat (Barbara Hyde) write, " Would like to an nounce our third and fourth children Pam (second daughter), born in July of '69 and Paul (second son), born this July ." Donald J. Kavalunas is an operations research analyst with the Campbell Soup Company in Camden, N.J. Don was married to Crystine Collings Tyler, September 19. Jan T. Steinbaugh, M.D., is a resident doctor at University Hospital in Columbus, 0. He was married to Maria Lorraine Walker on May 40. James W. Hoefler is a tllember of the fac1.1lty of economics at. the Zanesville 路 ranch of Ohio U.



Eighth child, fourth son , Brian , to LaDonna and Donald J. Trentman, May 1. 路 Robert J. Fay, Jr., is supervisor of inventory control for Fotomat Corporation in LaJ olla, Calif. Bob and his wife, Stephanie, have a son, Robert Brian. Nancy Ann Beisel is assistant manager of the Ohmer Business Service in Dayton. Kenneth M. Artl is an engineering aide with Xerox in Webster, N.Y. Ken and his wife , Karen, have two childrenMichelle and Stephen, who was born January 31, 1970. Paul R. Woodie received his MA degree in political theory from Georgetown U. in June. He is a manageme nt analyst with the City of Dayton . Thomas A. Kuczkowski is an engineer with Western Electric in Pittsburgh. Tom and his wife, Patricia, had their first child, Keith Thomas, July 26 . Robert A. Stewart received his J.D. degree from Rutgers in 1968. He is an associate with Donald Masten Esquire in Penns Grove , N.J. Bob and his wife, Judith, have a son, Robert Scott. First child, Christina Angela, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Lucas (Constance Santariello ), March 7, 1970. First child, Aron An thony, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Moskewicz (Lorraine Shostack), March 7, 1970. Russell A. Steiner is with Ross Labs in production systems. Russ and his wife, Lois Spatz Steiner '60, have four children - Russell, Marlise, Vicki and Leanna. Audra Keener Stekli received her MS degree from Ohio State in June of '69. She is director , fam ily and children's department, Lutheran Social Service, in Dayton. Audra and her husband , J oseph, have two children - J oseph , Jr., and John. John E. Morcos, M.D., is a resident psychiatrist at OSU Hospitals in Columbus. Wife, Nancy Huber Morcos '67, is an instructor of English at OSU. J ohn "will go on active duty as Lt. in the USN in July of '72." Vincent J . Varnas is an administrative assistant with Montgomery County Division of Parks and Recreation. Donald W. Dunnington is a senior staff CPA with Battelle & Battelle in Day ton. Robert H. Earp, Jr., is assistant vice president of operations for the Ponderosa System, Inc., in Day ton. Bob and his wife, Margaret Soller Earp '67, have two children. Terrence J. Thomas is teaching at St. J oseph High in Cleveland. He and his wife, Rose, have two daughters J anet Marie and Laura Ann. Thomas F. List, Jr., is a soils engineer with McClelland Engineers, Inc., New Orleans, La. First child, Laura Michelle, t o Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Grigsby (Jean Woracek), September 3. Don is an estate tax attorney with the Internal Revenue Service in Cincinnati. Peter J. Kaufmann is a regional specialist for Mead Corporation in Dayton. Pete and his wife, Cynthia MacFadden Kaufmann '66, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on December 30. Norbert A. Wethington is an English teacher at the North Central Ohio Technical Institute in Mansfield, 0. He and his wife, Martha, have three children - Mary, Mark, and Eric. Pamela Ann Wenskus is selling aerospace equipm ent with Borg-Warner International Corporation in Chicago. First child, Edwin Stuart VII, to Pamela and Capt. Edwin S. Ross, August 30, 1969. The Ross' are stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. William T. Keegan is a resident salesman with U.S. Steel Corporation in Lima, 0. He and his wife, Sue Anne, have three daughters - Laura, Anne, and Carrie. Bill received his MBA from Case Western Reserve in September of '69.

Leila Sanders McCluskey writes, " Suppose the most exciting happening for me has been the development of my own reading program. Last year I was a guest speaker for Dayton Area Reading Council of Dayton and again for the Miamisburg Schools. This November I will be a guest speaker in Kansas City, Mo., at the National Meeting of Independent Schools. The program will be in its fourth year and is being carried beyond third grade where it starts. 'Independent Structured Choice Language Arts' program is a success because the children love it - which is what education has to be about these days."

Peter M. Guzanick, Jr., is manager, inventory control and production department, with Westinghouse Electric in Youngwood, Pa. First child, Aric Scott, t o Kathleen and Herbert L. Dershem, Jr., Ph.D., October 20, 1969. Marion G. Barga is a staff accountan t with F rank R. Somers CPA's in Dayton. He and his wife, Alana, have two children - Anna Marie and Brian Gene. Marie Helm Storment is teaching second graders at Vandalia-Butler. Her son, Richard, is associate minister of the Otterbein United Methodist Church in Dayton. Richard A. Abdoo is a senior engineer with Gilbert Associates, Inc. , and living in Sinking Spring, Pa. He and his wife, Joan, had their first child, Mark Anthony, on June 26, 1969. Harry A. Meredith is program coordinator with Top Value Enterprises in Dayton. He and his wife, Michaeleen, have two daughters - Lisa Marie and Am y Elaine. Captain and Mrs. Martin J. Dense (Marilou Ladner '66) are living in Indianap olis, Ind. Martin "just returned from Vietnam in August and am attending F.C.C. for nine months. " William P. Cahill received his MS in audio-visuals from Indiana U. in August. Captain David P. Parker is a social work fellow at The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas. Dave and his wife, Carol, had their first child, Mark David, on March 20. Second child, second daughter, Colleen Lynnet te, to Zhara and Edward E. Pope, J uly 5. Ed received his MBA degree from Arizona State in July. He is product engineering manager for Dickson Electronics in Scottsdale, Ariz. Robert G. Prokop is financ ial analyst for Samsonite Corporation in Denver, Colo. He and his wife, Barbara, have four children - Robert,leanne, Richard , and Bernard. First child, Amy Christine, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ray (Susan Venhoff), September 14, 1969. Susan is a lab technician at the U. of Kentucky Medical Center. Ronald P. Winters is a management consultant with Ernst & Ernst in Clevelan d. He and his wife, Marcia, have two children - Brian and Kristin. Third child, third daughter, Susan Kathleen, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hoelle (Gloria Schenck), March 11. Captain Lawrence R. Klur is an aide to the commandant at the National War College, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. William E. Ross is Dayton sales representative for GAF Corporation. Bill and his wife, Mary Ann, have two sons Bryan and Mark. Ann Mangas Tucker is a medical technologist at Dettmer Hospital in Troy, 0. Ann and her husband, J oseph, have a daughter, Michelle. / Donald M. Polomsky is training coordinator at NCR. He and his wife, Donpa Hartzell Polomsky, have a daughter, Doreen Kay.


Capt. Joseph J. Vetrick, Jr., married Susan Hollander, 路 August 13. First child, Matthew, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Marchal (Carol Ann Bolan), August 10. Joseph J. Spacek is a Held engineer with Sperry Syroscope in Lake Success, N.Y. Joe and his wife, Donna, were married on May 5, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy C. Beavin (Peggy Wood) have two children - John and Elizabeth Wood, who was born on January 13, 1969. Second child, first son, Tim othy Christopher, to Camille and Thomas F. Conley, August 11. Tom teaches social studies in Troy, Mich ., and also coaches JV Football. Arthur C. Fisher is a CPA with Ernst & Ernst in Dayton. He and the Mrs. , Barbara Shenk Fisher, '66, have two children - Joseph Michael and Meagan Marie , who was born on December 21 , 1969. First child, Angela Ly nn, to Linda and Claude A. Paumier, Jr. , September 11. First child, Cy nthia May, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Broerman (Alma May), May 28. Alma is teaching at Julienne HS in D ayton. Ralph E. Meiser married Barbara Ann Anderson, August 1. Ralph was released from service in May and is an accountant with Ford Motor Company in Bedford, 0.

Third child, second daughter, Laura Margaret, to Margaret and Robert T. Krebs, August 7. A. Francis Puglia is President of Concept Productions Inc., in Des Plaines, Ill. First child, Jeffrey, to Joan and J ack E. Lukins, March 6, 1969. First child, David, to Anita and Robert 0. Dausman, August 23. First child, Stephanie Anne, to Athleen and Gary A. Novak, October 31, 1969. Gary received his Ph.D. degree from VPI in August and is now an assistant professor of geology at California State College at LA. David R. Dryden is an estimator and contract manager for George J. Igel & Company in Columbus, 0. He and his wife , Rita, have three children - David, Joseph, and Michael, who was born on August 13. Robert M. Boeke is a math and physical science instructor at Harper College, Palatine, Ill. Bob and his wife, Rita, have one son, Daniel Robert. Second child, ftrst son, Robert John, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schaefer, Jr., (Miriam Hohman '66), January 24, 1970. Robert T. Mohr is a psychiatric social worker at the Northport (N.Y.) VA Hospital. Bob and his wife, Andrea, were married on May 17, 1969. Dixie A. Pemberton received her Ph.D. from the U. of Kansas this year. She is a geographer with the Blacksburg (Va.) Department of Education. Donald R. Burke is a senior systems programmer with the Mead Corporation in Dayton. Don and his wife, Eloise, have three sons - Donald, Matthew, and Ryan Michael, who was b orn on March 1. Second child, second daughter, Kellie Michelle, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Disher (Carole Day). John B. Poppa is project development for Imperial Development in Day ton. He and his wife, Joyce, have two dau ghters - J enny and Laura. Daughter, Meredith Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wheeler (Carolyn Bolton), February 18. Second child, second son, Tony Louis, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kemper (Theresa Hageman), May 5. Craig M. Eckstein is a tax accountant with Top Value Enterprises in Day ton. C. Laurence Camp married Helene Marcia Cohen , January 17, 1970. He is an engineer with Robert & Company in Atlanta, Ga. Helene Greed Sylvia, a West Carrollton teacher, has been selected to appear in the 1970 edition of "Outstanding Educators of America." She has been chosen for the award publication on the basis of her civic and professional achievements. Mrs. Sylvia came to West Carrollton from Centerville in 196 7 to start the occupational work experience program. This fall she was named coordinator of the occupational work experience and occupational work adj ustment curriculum which now includes four teachers in the junior and senior high schools.

Allen E. Sebenik finished his MBA at Wright State in August. " We have just m oved to the Boston, Mass., area where I have accepted a sales position with Xerox. Mary and I are quite pleased with the job and the move although we're sorry we'll miss Homecoming this year for the ftrst time." Edward R. Romey, Jr., is product supervisor with J. I. Case in Racine , Wise. Ed and his wife, Mary, have two daughters -Michelle and J eanne. Chie Y. Yu, Ph.D., is an assistant professor on the Berks campus of Penn State U. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics on September 5. He and his wife, Lorraine Kao Yu, have a son, Christopher. Timothy J. Nealon married Catherine Marie Clark '69, November 7. Gerald E. Amos is an estimator for the A. J. Kellos Construction Company in Augusta, S.C. He and his wife, Geraldine, have a daughter, Heather Elaine. Marvin J. Brunswick is a project engineer with Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati. He received his MS in Engineering from the U. of F lorida this December. Paul J. Bender is a quality engineer with the Bechtel Corporation in Gaithersburg, Md. Second child, second son , William, to Mr. and Mrs. FrankL. Conkle (Donna Lindsey ), August 26. The Conkle's have returned to Dayton, 0 . David S. Bayard received his MA in teaching from Miami U. on August 30. First child, Noel, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Derethik (Sharon O'Malley), March 5, 1970. Sharon is a consultant dietitian with American Automatic Vending in the Cleveland area. Charles D. Facciponte, Supervisor of General Accounting, will be transferred to Assistant Controller's Organization, General Offices, Houston, on January 1. Buddy joined Shell Oil in August of '65 and spent the first two years in various Division offices in the former Pacific Coast area. He was transferred to the Los Angeles Data Service Center in '67 where he has worked in various accounting positions. Thomas A. Kuczkowski is an engine r with General Electric in S. Portland, Maine. He and his Wife, Patricia, had their first child, Keith Thomas, on July 26.

F ourth child, third daughter, Kristin Marilynn, to Patricia and Thomas C. Dryfuse, July 2. T om is on a year's leave of absence from Gorham-Fayette HS (teacher and track coach) and is studying for his masters at Bowling Green. The Dry fuse family also numbers son, Marcus John, and twins Nicholas and Elizabeth. Captain Richarc:Y H. Lawler, Jr., is with the USMC FPO San Francisco. Dick and his wife, Marilyn, have a son, Rob ert. Daniel J . Kirsch has- been released from service and is now involved in management of the Sears downtown Dayton store. I


* * *-


Debbie Hessell is the 1970 Homecoming Queen


The usual hoopla surrounding Homecoming was again present this year as Homecoming, 1970, was presented on Saturday, October 17. An extra added attraction was Joe Higgins, '49, the famous Dodge Sheriff of television commercials. He spent th ree days visiting friends and serving in an official capacity at the gala activities. He was the parade marshal and proved a great attraction since th e d owntown crowds were bigger than in the past few y ears. He held forth at halftime of the game in which UD beat Buffalo, 41-0, visited some of the reunion parties including the one which former friends from the UD theater group held for him , talked at the annual alumni banquet and visited the student and alumni dances. Debbie Hessell, a junior from Beavercreek, Ohio, was elected 1970 Homecoming queen and the students held, for the first time, Expo '70, an exhibition which revealed many of the facets of college life at the University of Dayton.

The School of Education exhibit at Expo '70.

Joe Higgins, '49, with the sheriff hat, is greeted at the airport by Bernard .. (Beano) Keiter, '42, Sheriff of Montgomery County, and Mary Shay, '44, ,.. alumni secretary . Guy in background is ALUMNUS Ed itor, Joe Mcl augh lin .

*** Second child, second son, J e ffery F. , to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J . Kolacz ko wski (Bertha Dix), November 6. The family resides in Medway , 0 . John P. Pandosh married Dana Colleen O'Keefe '69 , June 27. J oh n is with Sun Oil Compan y; Dana is teaching at Delcro ft Sch ool. The couple resid es in Wallingford, Pa. First child, Sco tt Brendan, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kaplan (Rita Thesing), September 10. David V. Dempsey married Vivian Perdue, November 28. George J . Wojtusiak is Assis tant to the VP of Investments at Great American Insu rance in New York. He's also attending City College for MBA degree. George an d his wife, Nora, have two so ns - Glen n and Gregory Mark, wh o was born on May 19. George M. Crynick is supervisor of salaried employment and commu nications for Philco-Fo rd Corporation's Refrigeration Products Division in Richmond, Ind . He and his wife , Caro l J o, have two so ns, George M., J r. , an d Tim othy J ohn , wh o was b orn last J anuary . Paul H. Gohring is a salesman with Monroe Calcula tor in Cleveland. Edward E. Pope has been prom o ted to ['.4icro-Electronics Pro duc t Marketin g Manager at Dickson Electronics in

Andrew J . Lukcso is an attorney in Cleveland, 0 . Andy and his wife, Barbara Rhue Lukcso '66, had their first children - twins Douglas James and Jeffrey Michael - on August 31. Kenneth E. Fischer, Jr., is a design engineer wi th Armstrong Rubber Company in New Haven , Conn . Ken and his wife, Dolores Lemmons Fischer '66 , have a daugh ter, Kristina Marie. Lawrence E. O'Brien is working at the Talcott Moun tain Science Center fo r Studen t Involvemen t in Avon , Conn. He teaches two classes at Hartford U. in geology as part of his duties at the Science Center and is the Center's geologist. He is also completing work for his masters from the U. of Michigan. Larry and his wife, Susie, had their first child, Edward J oseph (" Teddy J oe" ), o n December 29, 1969. Robert J. Kenney is a theology teacher at Stam ford (Conn. ) Cath olic High. Anthony M. Pascale is quality control man ager for Corning Glass Works in Bradford, Pa. To ny and his wife, Martha, have three children - Teresa, Tony , Jr. , and Mark Vineent, who was bo rn on August 18, 1969. F 4 st child, Damian Benjamin , to Mr. and Mrs. George Seb ouhian (Rose Marie Colopy), June 18. I


Scottsdale, Ariz. First daughter, second child, to Mr. and Mrs. James M. LaBeau, Jr. (Kathleen Wamboldt), November 28. Byron R. Musselman is teaching in the HampdenWilbraham (Mass. ) Regional School District.


passed the July Ohio Bar Exam, and is associated with the law firm of George, Greek, King, McMahon & McConnaughey in Columbus, 0. Herman M. Buerschen married Elizabeth Ann Williamson '70, August 22. Joseph E. Prusaczyk received his Ph.D. degree from Case Western Reserve U. in August and is interim assistant professor of chemistry at the U. of Florida. J. William Limoncelli has accepted a new position at Elmira Free Academy in N.Y. as head basketball coach and physical education instructor. He and his wife, Barbara, have two children with the addition of daughter, Lisa Marie, born May 26. Lt. Michael V. Wurm married Carolyn Goodrick, August 15. The couple is living in Germany. Richard J. Imber received his M.D. degree from Temple U. this year. He is interning at Presbyterian Medical Center in Denver, Colo. First child, Jennifer Ellen, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wolf (JoAnn Donohue), June 1. John F. Kelly is the new head eighth grade foo tball coach at West Carrollton Jr. High. John has taught and' coached seven years in parochial schools in Ottawa, 0., and Dayton. Third child, second daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . McKale (Joyce Schneble '6 5), August 4. Donn M. Serafini is a systems engineer with Singer Friden Division in San Francisco. James W. Blust is personnel management specialist with the Federal Water Quality Administration, Chicago. Jim and his wife, Joyce, have a son, James Wilfrid II. First child, David Alan, to Mr. and Mrs. John K. Holtby (Nancy Interlicchia), December 11, 1969. First child, Jeffrey Allen, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ziehler (Carol Saettel '6 7 ), July 6. Mary Alice Muhlenkamp married Peter Macchia, May 31, 1969. First child, David Christopher, to Pamela and John M. Gerwels, January 27, 1970. John E. Kline received his MBA from Boston College in June. " Last summer I married the former Elaine Poliferno of Derby, Conn. We are now living in Brookline, Mass." Daughter to Ruth and Robert R. Koverman, August 13. Third child, third son, Sean Michael, to Patricia and Charles W. Swoope, June 12. He is a marketing representative with the Sun Oil Company and the Swoope family has recently moved to Charlotte, N.C. Captain David T. Coyle is with the Judge Advocate General Corps at Ft. Lewis, Wash. Dave received his J.D. degree from the U. of Detroit last year. "Was admitted to the Michigan Bar in December of '69 and entered the Army in March '70. Mrs. Coyle is the former Carol Gasson. Joan Clare Bensman is a remedial reading teacher in Cincinnati, 0. She received her MA degree from Clarke College this year. First child, John Charles, to Sheila and John C. Sargent, Jr., August 13. "New job assignment from GE Re-Entry systems to Medical Cardiac Electronics Systems of GE." First child, Stephen Arthur Jude, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Scovic, Jr. (Carol DiSabatino), May 17. Steve is assistant director of financial aid at Wright State U. Thomas J. Trey received his Ph.D. degree from the U. of Notre Dame in August. He is with Esso Research & Engineering, Morristown, N.J. Tom and his wife, Jean Hammond Trey, had their first child, Laura Ann, on September 5. ,{' First child, J en 'fer Lynn, to Sally af\d Joseph D. Frank. Joe writes, "Recently I have received a promotion at

1966 W. Todd Kain has been promoted to manager, nutritional marketing studies, in the marketing research department of Mead Johnson Laboratories. He was a medical sales representative for the Company from December 1966 in Cleveland, 0., until July of 1968. At that time he was promoted to analyst in the marketing research department in Evansville, Ind.; and in June of 1969 he was promoted to senior analyst the position held until his w. Todd Kain recent promotion. Ophelia Guerrero Krewedl is a member of the nursing education faculty at Sinclair Community College. Roy R. Woleben has been promoted to staff sergeant in the USAF. He is an information specialist at Ent AFB, Colo., assigned to the 4600th Air Base Wing, a unit of the Aerospace Defense Command which protects the U.S. against hostile aircraft and missiles. William F. Sweeney is a student in hospital administration at the U. of Pittsburgh. James P. Farrelly married Barbara Ann Waite '69, July 25. First child, David Peter, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Chrest (Claire Burgess), June 21. The family is living in Taradale, Napier, New Zealand. Alan D. Hunter is a counselor for the mentally ill at the Texas Rehabilitation Commission in Houston. He received his masters degree in education from Stephen F. Austin State U. in 1968. "Still a confirmed bachelor," says he. James R. Homan received his D.O. degree from the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery in May. Jim is interning at Bay View Osteopathic Hospital in Cleveland. Mrs. Homan is the former Judith Sparaco '67. Frank A. Deniston is a marketing representative for Stromberg Datagraphics, Inc., Hinsdale, Ill. He and his wife, Paulette Olson Deniston '68, have two children - Theresa and J oann.e: Casimir J. Majcher received his D.D.S. degree from Case Western Reserve U. on June 10. He is interning at Veterans Hospital in Cleveland. Thomas H. Shea, S.M., received his MA in math from Louisiana State in August. "I have been working here this past year on a National Science Foundation Academic Year grant. In August will be heading to Hollywood, Fla., where I will be teaching math at Chaminade High." Eugene M. Velk received his D.D.S. degree from the U. of Detroit in May. He and his wife, Sandra Nobis Velk, are living in San Diego, Calif., while Gene is in the U.S. Navy. First child, Christopher, to Joan and Thomas J. Waddick, May 6. Tom is with the Humble Oil Company's research center in Morristown, N.J. "Still working on Ph.D." First child, Gregory Joseph , to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Vergamini (Shirley Maus), September 29, 1969. Stephen graduated from Ohio State College of Law in June of '69,



Carl H. Mayer is teaching at Gardendale and Highview Elementary Schools. He and his wife, Marilyn, had their third child, second son, Jeffrey Mark, June 14. James L. Heft, S.M., received his masters degree in theology this summer from the U. of Toronto. Frank D. Chew is a science teacher at Centerville (0.) High. First child, Todd Andrew, to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Caulfield (Jean Wassi) , June 21. Nicholas K. Ronan, Jr., is a public accountant with Soloway & VonRosen in Cleveland. He and his wife, Jane, have a son , Patrick. Thomas G. Petkewitz has been promoted to Captain in the USA. He is curren tly in the Legal Office at the Defense Contract Administration Services Region, Cleveland. Dennis G. Buchert is in management with the First National Bank of Dayton; wife, Joan Szempruch Thomas G. Petkewitz Buchert '68, is teaching fifth and sixth grades at Our Lady of the Rosary School. Dennis is also working toward a MBA degree at UD. John P. Hoover is teaching English I and II at Our Lady of Pompei High in Baltimore and working on his masters in religious education at the U. of Notre Dame. First child, J o n Charles, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freyvogel (Karen Brick '65), May 9. Robert F. Legan "graduated from OSU College of Dentistry and am entering the Air Force for a two-year tour of duty." Jane EJlen Schoenharl writes, "After returning from Korea in April of '69 I was assigned to Valley Forge General Hospital by the American Red Cross. Here I worked with both p atients and community groups who sponsored various forms of entertainment. In May of this year I resigned to become Mrs. Thomas L. Gruno. I am proud of my husband who is a Captain in the Infantry and holds a silver star, two bronze stars with valor and two Purple Hearts, and the Combat In fan try Badge. After a beautiful honeymoon in Europe we are n ow living at Ft. Benning, Ga., where we will be stationed until July of '71."

Duquesne Light Company (where I have spent my four years since graduation) from engineer in the structural engineering department to sales representative." Victoria E. Rodak is a school principal in Parma, 0 . Son to Ila and Phillip L. Hale, August 19. Thomas A. Knapke is superintendent of the Minster (0.) Schools. He and his wife have a son, Greg. Sandra Eitmant Krekeler, a teacher of deaf and hardhearing students in Cincinnati, recently received a masters of special education degree from the U. of Cincinnati. Freddie L. Beason is with the Hq. USAF Civil Engineering Center at WPAFB. He and his wife, Mary, have two daughters - Angela and Amy Jane. Captain Nicholas 0. Sharkey is stationed in Vietnam. Second child, first daughter, Sherre, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil H. Zwelling (Barbara Dworkin), March 24 , 1969. "Traveled to Europe and Israel during the month of July." Edward J. KraJI and his wife, Leona, are living in Austin , Texas, where Ed is a research assistant and doctoral student at the U. of Texas. He earned his MS in computer science from Penn State recently. Janet R. Doyle is a lawyer with the Department of the Interior - Mine operations appeals. She received her J.D. degree from the U. of Cincinnati in 1969. Gary G. Marconi received his Ph.D. degree from Case Western Reserve in September. Gary is senior biochemist with Lilly Research Labs and he and his wife, Michaele, are living in Indianapolis. Frank J . Talz, Jr., is manager of the State Street Sears, Roebuck & Company in Chicago. He and his wife, Sandra, had their first child, Kevin Francis, on December 28, 1969. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. McElligott (Armonde CorreJI '64 ), August 28. Captain Edward A. Miller, Jr., returned from Vietnam in October 1969 and was awarded the Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medals. " Next station - Hawaii on 3 November." He and his wife, Peggy, have two children Julianna and Edward Ill . Denis J. McSweeney is recruiting personnel for Memorex, Inc., Santa Clara, Calif. Maureen Ann McCarren received her M.D . degree from St. Louis U. in June. She is a straight medical intern at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn. Robert J. Johnson recently handed in his resignation as the City of Dayton's $12,043-a-year personnel supervisor in charge of labor relations to become a patrolman in the Oakwood Safety Department at $7,904, where he 'll be a combination policeman-fireman. I prefer to think of myself "as someone who has the guts to do what he wants to do in life. I think the professional officer today is misunderstood. There's a communication gap between the police and t he people. I just want to do my little bit to rectify it." For the past t hree years, Bob has been a $1-a-year Montgomery County deputy sheriff and a m ember of the Box 21 volunteer rescue squad. In October of '68 he was one of three deputy sheriffs wounded in a shootout with the Healy Brothers gang in North Dayton. Bob married Susan Elizabeth Tuma on November 27. John B. Bartolino writes, "Have two children now Mike and Jodi. In August of '69 I completed my MBA at Xavier. Until July 1, was with Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC, as a development engineer. In August my family and I moved to Princeton, N.J., where I am employed by Cities Service Company at their corp orate headquarters on Wall Street in New York City. I am on the Corporate Planning staff in the capacity of a long-range planning associate ." Joan Marie Rubeck is a free-lance artist and living in Brookfield, Ill.


John W. Miller is a partner in the law firm of Miller & Saxton in Longmont, Colo., "which is about 35 miles north of Denver. I was married to Shirley Nowacki on February 14, 1970. We have recently returned from a vacation trip to San Francisco where I saw my old roommate, Donn Serafini. As usual, Donn was able to guide us to the best bars in town." R. Patrick Richter is a grad assistant at UD. He and his wife, Tinsley, have two daughters - Rachael and J essica. Nancy Jane Stander married Captain Peter A. Kes, February 21, 1970. George E. Lang, Jr., received his Ph.D. from Purdue las t January. He is an assistant professor at Fairfield (Conn.) University. Michael W. Bell is an accoun t manager for U.S. Leasing in Cleveland. Mike and his wife, Paula Faroh Bell, have a daughter, Lisa. First child, Eric Thomas, to J anet and Thomas E. Zimmer, May 25. T m is with Industrial Nucleonics m Columbus, 0 . • Richard L. Bodner received his Ph.D. degree from Ohio


State U. this year. He is a research associate in the chemistry department at Michigan State U. Dick and his wife, Barbara Rouse Bodner '68, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on September 7. Ronald L. Meshew is plant manager for Tenna Corporation. The Me shew family is living in Auora, Ohio. William R. Sirl is assistant administrator of mental hygiene at the State Hospital of Buffalo. He received his MAin hospital administration from Xavier in 1969. Bill and his wife, Patricia Ryan Sir!, had their first child, Kimberly Sue, on June 20. Helen L. Weldon is teaching at St. James School in Denver, Colo. Pamela Jean Wood married Peter E. Klose, September 4. The couple is living in Grand Blanc, Mich. Anita Marie Post is teaching fifth and sixth grade English with the North Newton School Corporation, Rensselaer, Ind. Paul A. Thomas married Joyce A. Benham, April 29. Paul is a project engineer with B. F. Goodrich, Aerospace and Defense. The couple is living in Dayton. Ronald N. Forthofer received his Ph.D. from the U. of North Carolina this year and is an assistant professor in the Public Health School at the U. of Texas. Ron and his wife, Mary Johnson Forthofer '6 7, are living in Houston. Mary is an IBM programmer with NASA at Nassau Bay. Douglas H. Taylor received his Ph.D. degree from Mississippi State in August and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the U. of Notre Dame. Mary Eugenia Green married Clarence Donald Bassett, June 6. She is a home economist with the Roch ester Gas & Electric Company. Joseph D. Knox and David D. Mushenheim, S.M., were graduated from Case Western Reserve on September 2. Joe received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering; Brother got his MAin history. Robert C. Gallo is coordinator for Allegheny County in Pittsburgh. He and his wife, Violet, have a son, Robert Charles II. David E. Zubelik married Mary Louise Marchal '64, October 17. Dave is teaching at Julienne High School in Dayton. Geraldine Mary Gasper married Dan Schnobrich, June 6. Gerri is a Public Health Nurse for Manchester, Conn . First child, Susan Lynn, to Patricia and Dennis K. Bushnell, September 14. Dennis is a design engineer with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in West Palm Beach, F la.

Barbara is a medical technologist at UCLA Hospital. Jane Mary Boettinger married John Patrick Maurer, August 15. Jane is a research assistant at the U. of Buffalo Medical School. Robert A. Sherman received his masters degree in education from Miami U. on August 30. Bob and his wife, Dianne Nevius Sherman '6 5, had their first child, Jennifer Lyn, on July 6. Susan C. Mullane is employed by the Department of Defense Overseas Dependents Schools System. "I began teaching for them for the 1968-69 school year which I spent on Okinawa. This is now my second year at Bitburg AB in Germany. I am teaching third grade and love it here." Donald E. Renner has received a graduate assistantship in the U. of Cincinnati's department of economics. Donald L. Calloway married Marilyn Kay Wright, November 7. The couple is living in Dayton. First child, Philip Charles, to Jill and William A. Kilinskas, October 4. Bill is employed by Union Carbide Corporation as a physicist. Captain Brian E. McGuire has received his fifth award of the Air Medal at McClellan AFB, Calif. He was decorated for his outstanding airmanship and courage on successful and important missions completed under hazardous conditions flown in support of the US operations in Southeast Asia. Brian has completed 16 months of duty in Vietnam and is assigned to a unit of the Aerospace Defense Command at McClellan. Gary L. Thibo has been released from service and is back at Ernst & Ernst CPA's in Dayton. James S. Tyler married Sally Ann Wertenberger, July 25. He is a dodoral student in chemical engineering at the U. of Notre Dame. Judith Ann Moore married David Thomas Wagner, October 3. Judy is a medical technologist at St. John Hospital, Detroit. Capt. Joseph L. Graves, Jr., is with the Judge Advocate General Corps and is stationed at Walter Reed Army Hospital to act as forensic medicine consultant to the Surgeon General in malpractice and other medical-legal problems. Joe and his wife, Barbara Swan Graves, have a son, Matthew. James A. Jennings is a salesman for Ed Petty Real Estate in Traverse City, Mich. His wife, Sharon Imhof Jennings, is teaching in the Traverse City Schools. Second child , first daughter, Christine Marie, to Barbara and Joseph A. Cogliano, October 17. Joe, formerly with General Dynamics in Ft. Worth, Texas, has joined NCR in Dayton. He earned his MBA degree from Texas Christian in August. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Schierloh (Phyllis Smeltzer '68), October 31. Second child , second son, Sean Christopher, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Hoefling (Sara Sullivan '6 7 ), October 19. Donald D. Barrett, a division manager in Frigidaire's Houston, Texas, sales zone, has been honored as one of the company's top salesmen in the nation during 1970. His outstanding sales record has earned honorary membership in the Frigidaire-Goal-Maker Club. Major Joseph H. Battaglia is stationed at WPAFB. He and his wife, Ruth, have six children - Gail, Karen, Lisa, Joseph, Mary Lynn and Beth. Daniel L. Carozza has been named Con troller for the Val Decker Packing Company in Piqua, 0. Dan and his wife, Christine, have two children - Karen Ann and Daniel Lee, Jr., who was orn on October 10. Dan earned his CPA certi~ca,te ~March of '69. Frrst child, daughter, to Joyce and Thomas A.

Clarence J. Sech returned from Vietnam in August and is completing his active duty in the Army at Ft. Carson, Colo. Clary and his wife, Barbara Schmitz Sech, are living in Colorado Springs. John V. Alberts has been appointed Sales Manager for Roth Realty in Dayton. Fifth child, fourth daughter, Kristen, to Kathleen and Thomas J. Kling, July 30. The other Kling children are Michael, twins Emily and Anne, and Victoria. Tom is a buyer with Eaton Yale & Towne in Cleveland. Donald E. Garlikov has joined the Consumer Products Division of Borden Chemical in New York City as Controller. He was forme rly with Trans World Airlines as senior fmancial analyst on the controller's staff since 1968. Don and his wife, Edith, have a son, Kenneth. First child, Kent, to Lois and Klaus K. Huber, June 26. Nicholas J. Wilkens has taken a leave of absence from "my job with the International Harvester Company (Ft. Wayne, Ind.) and am now a grad student at Eastern Michigan U. I am working toward an MBA degree." Barbara Ann Halpin married Charles McCleary, July 11.

, 26

WeHmeier, November 15. Second child, second daughter, Karen Louise, to Carol and Harold J. Schimmoller, November 16. John T. Maiko is with the Chicago Branch of the Clark Transfer Company. George F. Batten is front-office manager of The Shaker House Motel and Restaurant in Warrensville Heights, 0. Robert J. Johnson married Susan Elizabeth Tuma, November 27. Second child, second son , Brian, to Mr. and Mrs. James C. Sullivan (Ruth Doyle), July 19. Nicholas M. DiBari, Jr., married Donna Marie Bergeron '69, October 31. Donna writes, "I stayed in Dayton to teach in a state-sponsored program for juvenile rehabilitation . My office is at the Board of Education - 'Continuing Education Center.' I am consumer education coordinator and teach in all four of our centers. The students are 13-18 years and are school drop-outs or have been suspended or expelled from the regular school system. Nick completed his tour in the Army and became employed with Computer Trade Inc. Much to our surprise he was transferred to Dayton and opened up a midwest office. Our wedding party consisted of UD faces: Charles (Buddy) Facciponte and John Christopher '65, Jim Beams '66, and Mary Kay Lanahan '69."

to the Chicago area where John is working for the A.B. Dick Company as a salesman in the Loop!" Marlene A. Zeitz is secretary-receptionist for the National Association of Refrigerated Warehouses in Washington, D.C. First child, Sean Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sullivan (Mary Louise Berti), September 30, 1969. The Sullivan family is living in Jeffersontown, Ky. James A. Ciocia received his J.D. degree from Cleveland Marshall College of Law in June. He is a part-time legal intern with the Legal Aid Society in Cleveland, 0. Ronald J. Konopka is still in grad school at Caltech. "I'm doing a project in biology and expect to finish my Ph .D. in about a year. Have been spending my summers elsewhere - last summer I was at the Salk Institute in LaJ olla, and this summer I'm doing some genetically related research at Stanford U." Joel H. Guthleben is Assistant District Office Manager for the H. J. Heinz Company in Shaker Heights, 0. Dennis R . Minano received his J.D. degree from the U. of Detroit on May 2. He served as President of the Student Bar Association during his senior year and President of the junior class during his second year of law: school. In addition, he acted as Secretary of the Moot Court Board and was selected by the University Senate to serve on its Executive Council and was an instrumental liason between the students and the umversity administration. Dennis was a staff member of the Journal of Urban Law, the university's Law Review. In Dennis R. Minano recognition of his service to the School of Law and his fellow students, he was J'resented with the annual Dean's Award and was selecte to Blue Key, a national honor society. He was also a member of the ROTC program and gained recognition as a Distinguished Military Grad and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army . He was presented with the Junior Cade t of the Year Award by the Ford Motor Company. Dennis was married to Martha Carol Murdock on August 1. Mark R. Rowland married Carol Doreen Green '68, June 27 . Mark is a geologist with Burgess & Niple, Limited, and living in Columbus, 0. Lt. Jerry J. Mazza writes, "I obtained an MBA from Columbia in '69 and then worked for both General Foods and Time Magazine. Entered active duty (Army) in March and was promoted to 1LT in April. After graduation from the Adjutan t General's School in May, I moved to my permanent assign ment Lt. Jerry J . Mazza a t the Army Security Agency in Arlington, Va." Marquerite R . Donne llan received a masters of science degree in library science from Case Western Reserve U. on June 10. J. Michael Saettel is Dayton Area Manager of pharmaceutical sales for Ross Laboratories.


Mrs. Lawrence (Betty) Jehn went back to college. Children approved . This is the caption for above picture after Mrs. Jehn, a 1943 graduate of UD, received her masters degree in history at graduation last August. The family , left to right, are Ann, Mr. Jehn , who teaches in UD's Computer Science Department; Betty, Paul, Mary Chris, Joe, Dave, Jim and Judy. In the front are the youngest, John and Theresa.

*** 1967

Barbara Ann Kinzig married James A. Armstrong, October 4, 1969. Barbara is a medical technician with Zipf Laboratories in Dayton. Capt. Arthur J . Intemann has returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam and writes, " My service committment expires in June of 1973. Right now am flying the Pacific in C-141 (jet transport) type aircraft. Really enjoy the San Francisco area." PaulS. Mitch married Sharon Dale Senger '68, June 13. Paul is a senior medical student at Ohio State and plans to go into psychiatry. Sharon is teaching the second grade in the Columbus Parochial School System. Mariellen Nasiatka Kurtz is an instructor at Wesley College in Dover, Delaware. First child, J ennette Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reiling, Jr. (Marilyn Preuss), July 4. "Moving from Dayton


Michael J. Kubek, Jr., married Virginia Marie Keyes, August 1. Mike is a doctoral candidate at the U. of Rochester. Judith Ann Brethauer married Byron Lanier Nelson, July 11. The couple is living in Tempe, Ariz. Dennis P. Wagner has been released from service and is in purchasing with Copeland Refrigeration in Sidney, 0. Rosemarie A. Casper married Stan Smith, December 27, 1969. The couple is living in Dayton. Robert J. Kosins married Pamela Woodie, August 1. Bob is teaching at Roth High School. Francis A. Nocifora writes, "Wife, Lynn Bedford Nocifora '68, received her masters degree in counseling from Duquesne U. on May 10. She will be a high school guidance counselor this fall in Springdale, Pa." The Nocifora's have moved to Pittsburgh. Martin L. Zwiren has accepted a teaching position at the U. of Bridgeport (Conn.). "I will be involved in teaching undergraduate physical education majors. I taught with the Philadelphia Public Schools last year and received my master of education from Temple U. the year previous to that." Patricia Claire Bulger married Jeffrey K. Howell, June 7, 1969. She is teaching at Hilliard High in Columbus. James J. Reisinger received a master of arts degree from Bucknell U. on May 31. Sue Stephan Hoffman writes, "Larry was promoted to Captain on May 4. Eleven days later he received orders for Korea. He left on October 8 for a 13-month tour of duty. I am staying in Huntsville, Ala., so I can teach at the same school that I have been for the past two years. I still have a fifth-grade class at West Huntsville Elementary which is best described .as being located in a welfare district." Son, Robert Thomas, Jr., to Margaret and Lt. Robert T. Ferrigan, May 30. Clyde E. Miller is with the Columbus (0.) Technical Institute. He and his wife, Rita McGowan Miller, have a son, Joseph, who was born on July 6, 1969. Bruce A. Brumfiel married Marilyn Kraft, August 29. Bruce is a fourth-year medical student at Ohio State. Master degrees were given to David P. Wittman and John R. Dowalo (electrical engineering), James L. McDaniel (MBA), James E. Reboulet (MS in chemistry), and Edward H. Romond (MA in theology) at UD's August graduation. Ed is teaching at Sacred Heart Academy in Newton, Mass. James G. Hauck has returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam where he worked as a Personnel Management Specialist at Soc Trang Army Air Base. "I have returned to work at the Dayton Museum of Natural History." Daniel J. Steinmetz is with the sales force of Addressograph Multigraph Corporation in Dayton. Brian A. Weiss is employed by the international marketing division of NCR in Dayton. Susan Marie Rannigan married Edward Patrick Whelan, September 21, 1968. Susan is teaching fifth grade with the Cleveland Board of Education. Winford E. Holland (MBA) received his Ph.D. from the U. of Texas on August 25. He is an assistant professor of behavioral management science at the U. of Houston. Thomas E. Baratka married Mary Eileen Whalen '68, August 29. Tom is out of service and an accountant with H. H. Robertson Company, Ambridge, Pa. Christine Rasor Chisolm and her husband, Lt. L. D. Chisolm, are living in Orlando, Fla. Robert E. Beacom is an agent with Internal Revenue in Ashtabula, 0. Bob and his wife, Mary, have two sons Robert Charles and James Patrick. William M. Fitzgerald, Jr., married Marie Kelly '68,

January 2, 1970. Marie is a fourth grade teacher at Indian - Head School in Kings Park, N.Y. Bill is in sales with Saxon Business Procuts, NYC. Michael E. Madden writes, "Linda and I celebrated our first daughter's (Nan Elizabeth) first birthday with the birth of our second daughter, Wendy Ann, on May 27. We have moved again and are now living in St. Paul, Minn." Martin E. Flahive writes, "On July 20 I assumed a position as a manager analyst for the Concentrated Employment Program of the City and County of Denver, Colo. Technically, I am the Director of Program Evaluation for the C.E.P. program, which recruits, trains, and finds jobs for the hard-core unemployed. Clients are primarily Mexican Americans and Blacks who are currently living under the poverty level. " Mrs. Flahive is the former Diana Kazmierski '70. Kathleen Ann Gugino married David D. Ward on May 2. "We are making our home in Pittsburgh where Dave is associated with The Hartford Insurance Group." Mary Goring Barhorst is teaching third grade at Huffman School in Dayton. "I taught remedial reading and math to psychiatric adults at Good Samaritan's new Mental Health Clinic this summer." First child, Tammy, to Mary Lynn and Ralph T. Dorsten, March 13, 1969. He is out of service and with IBM sales in Oakland, Calif. Barry M. Reed is with the personnel department at Monsanto Research Corporation in Miamisburg. He and his wife, Amy Griffith Reed '66, have three children - Jane, John, and Mary. Amy is teaching in the West Carrollton Schools. Alfonso R. 路Torres-Diaz married Mary Joan Nickol '69, June 27. Al is an electrical engineer at NCR and working on his masters at UD. Joan is teaching Spanish at Julienne High. Joseph C. Axley married Linda J o Brown, September 5. James P. McGinley is working towards an MBA degree from UD. He is a grad assistant. Nelson L. Noggle received his Ph.D. from Florida State this year. He is project manager for Science Research Associates in Chicago. Leonard C. Link is teaching in the Dayton Public School System and received his masters in education from Xavier U. in August. Len and his wife, Gayle Wood Link '65, have two children - Jeff and Chris. "Plan to start on doctorate in 1971 in education at Michigan State or Oregon State." James E. Johnson received his M.D. degree from the U. of Cincinnati on June 14. He is interning at Abraham Jacob Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y. Ronald C. Andriani is in auditing-sales with the WaldenMott Corporation in Oradell, N.J. Ron is also working on a masters in quantative analysis at Fairleigh-Dickinson U. First child, Kathryn E., to Mr. and Mrs. James C. David (Patricia Jacobs '65) , July 31, 1969. Thomas L. Draur married Barbara Jean Schmitt '68, March 14, 1970. Tom is in marketing research with American Motors Corporation in Dearborn, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schafer (Helen Marie Tunney) are living in Tuscon, Ariz., while John is a grad assistant in Spanish at the U. of Arizona. The couple has a son, David. John S. Alberici is Assistant Office Manager for the J. S. Alberici Construction Company in St. Louis, Mo. George T. Sisco, Jr., is a methods standard engineer with Inland Mfg. Division, GMC. He and his wife, Sharon, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on November 18. / Lt. John C. / Graser married Judifh Ann Paul, May 2. John is in the .l:1SAF.



first child, Brian David, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D Soule (Geraldine Laurich), June 5. Captain Charles J. Borns is with the USA (Aviation) in Vietnam. He and his wife, Judith Elder Borns, have a daughter, Tina Diane, who was born on August 1, 1969. Gloria Jean Sweeney married Donald Rogers, August 16, 1969. "Have been employed during the past three years as a social worker for the Lake County (0.) Welfare Department." First child, Traci Lee, to Judith and Lt. Andrew T. Augulis, February 15, 1970. The Augulis family is living in Beaufort, S.C. William P. Schindler married Pamela Sue Clark, September 5. Bill is with Federated Stores in Cincinnati. Richard P. Joseph is an ammunition officer with the USA in Vietnam. Dick was married to Jo Ellen Lucchi on May 31. Elena J. Estasen received as MS degree in geology from the U. of Nebraska in July of '69 and is a geologist with Texaco in Houston, Texas. Susan Engel Houck is a computer programmer/analyst for Duke Medical Center in Durham, N.C. She and her husband, John A. Houck '66, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on June 17. Thomas Y. Moore is an assistant football coach at Georgia Tech. Captain Frank E. Kline (was promo ted on October 19) has a new assignment with the 8th Cavalry, F Troop, in Vietnam. Louis J. Colangelo, Jr., received his J.D. degree from the U. of Connecticut in 1970 and in prac ticing law in Norwalk, Conn. First child, Christine Joanne, to Mr. & Mrs. Herbert F. Katzman (Linda Lauder '68), March 14, 1970. Robert J. Bush is an art instructor in the Bedford (0.) Public Schools. Philip J. FitzSimons is spending three months in San Francisco this fall at the U. of California department of surgery w orking on a fellowship in Are bronascular research. "Am still located on the near north side of Chicago in a great bachelor apartment. Looking forward to an M.D. degree this June and an internship on the West Coast. Future plans are to specialize in cardo-vascular surgery." Gary F. Popeck writes, " Am enjoying my return to the civilian world after being in the Army and spending the past 18 months in Fairbanks, Alaska. My plans include my re turn to grad sch ool at Fairleigh Dickinson U. where I'll be working toward my MBA. Also hope to be employed by Arthur Andersen CPA's in Newark, N.J. soon." James A. Schneider is a general accountant with Glidden Division (SCM) and living in Franklin Park, Ill. Karen Joanne Lindgren married William E. Bed ore, July 11. Kare n is news editor for Vance Publishing in Chicago. Sister Martha DeBrosse, CPPS, h as been named principal of St. Rita Sch ool in Dayton. David E. Brown writes, " I've resigned my position with Chase Brass & Copper to attend law school full time at the U. of Texas. Also working part time." Dave is a library assistant at the Tarlton Law Library. Sharon L. Tucci is a secretary and p ersonnel assistant with Cartridge Television, Inc., San J ose, Calif. Ralph D. Camardo is completing his senior year at Albany (N.Y.) Law Sch ool. " My wife, J oanne, and I have a son, Ralph, 17 months old." Second child, first daughter, Beth, to Captain and Mrs. Robert D. Cupples (M~ McCrabb) , June 9. "My husband is now a Captain in ne USA and received ,the Purple Heart for action in Vietnam."

Louis G. Fischer is an underwriter trainee with Royal Globe in Chicago. Captain Sue Ann Quashnock married Lt. Michael David Weinstock, February 20. " My job at George AFB, Calif., is the only dietitian at the AF Hospital. It wasn't til August that I was able to join my husband who has been at George since March. Also in August I was promoted to Captain." Elaine Gast Broering is teaching in the St. Henry (0.) Elementary School. She and her husband, Gerald, have a daughter, Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kelly (Loriel Pavlik) are living in Lafayette, Ind., while John is a grad student at Purdue U. Terence M. Dean is working on his Ph.D. degree at Case-Western Reserve U. John E. Dale is a nuclear engineer with General Electric in Schenectady, N.Y. John and his wife, Joan, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on July 20. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Dougherty (Janet Hillenmeyer '68), September 15. Roger P. Pryor married Jean Hahn, April 4. Charles C. Newton is an instructor in psychology at St. John's University. He is also working towards his Ph.D. at the New School for Social Research. He and his wife, Lynne, have two children - Allyson Lee and Matthew Charles, who was born on May 22. David J. Jehn is the new English teacher at The Elgin Academy, Elgin, Ill. He had been teaching English at Catholic Central HS m Springfield, 0 ., last year. Dave is one of six new teachers in a faculty numbering 24. Lt. Thomas A. Olsen is stationed at the Armor Training Center, Ft. Knox, Ky. " Was graduated from OCS at Ft. Benning on June 5 and commission e d. Wife, Maureen, and I celebrated David J. Jehn third anniversary on September 2. We're 'Southerners' for the first time in our lives." James M. Zidar is in sales with Xerox Corporation in Seattle, Wash. Jim and his wife, Sandra, have a son, Jim, J r., who was born on June 2, 1969, Larry D. Wright is out of service and is a project engineer with Duriron and attending Wright State part time working on his masters degree. J. David Stitt is project engineer for M. M. Schirtzinger & Associates, LTD. Dave and his wife , Susan, have a daughter, Belinda Sue. The Stitt's are living in Chillicothe,

0. Ronald M. Silvestro is assistant field director for the American Red Cross at the Norfolk Naval Base. Joan Louise Heinlein married Roger Matiasek, Octob er 17. The couple is living in Lisle, Ill. Maureen J. McGrail is teaching kindergarten in the Phillipines (Dep artme nt of Defense Dependent Schools Program ) at the San Miguel Naval Communications Station. "This is a completely new experience and this part of the world is beautiful and very in teresting. My sponsor at this station is Major Joaquin Santos, Jr. '59. When I arrived I found that the Catholic Chaplain, Father James P. McKay, CPPS, ' 51, is also UD." Helen Meiring LeFevre is teaching fifth grade in St. Henry, 0 . The LeFevre's have a daughter, Angela, who was b orn in December of 1969.


(Mary J~ Fischer), October 26. Lt. Carlo B. Caputo entered active duty in June and is undergoing special forces training at Ft. Bragg, N.C. Michael J. Gabria, Jr., has been named technical sales manager for Medatron, Inc., in Dayton. Mike was forme rly with NCR and is now involved in audio visual design and other facilities for training programs.

Bernard J. Galiley is an instructor at Ladycliff College in Highlands Falls, N.Y. He received his MAin math from the U. of Virginia in June. JohnS. Pickrel received his J.D. degree from Ohio State in May. David V. Pohlman received his Masters in Educational Administration from Bowling Green State U. in August and is now Dean of Students at Sandusky (0.) High School. Jerry F. Donovan, Jr., has been an auditor with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance since January of '70. First child, Kenneth Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Laughlin, Jr. (Marion Selva), September 29. YN2 John J. Cawley, Jr., is attached to Attack Carrier USS America (CVA-66) operating in Gulf of Tonkin. Bernard J. Olup, Jr., was promoted to First Lieutenant in recent ceremonies at the USA Engineer School, Ft. Belvoir, Va. He is assigned to the Engineer School as an instructor in the geology subsection of the Department of Engineering and Military Science. He holes a masters degree in geology from the U. of Wisconsin where he was employed as an instructor prior to entering the Army in 1969. Mary Lee Rothley is a special education teacher at Emerson School in Dayton. She is also working on her MA in special education at the U. of Cincinnati. Richard A. Mares is a social studies science teacher at Anchor Bay Catholic Elementary School in Sterling Heights, Mich. James P. Schiml, Jr., is out of service and attending IBM School at WPAFB. Martin E. Miller married Mary Majewski, August 22. The couple is living in Indianapolis. Michael S. Kedzierski received his masters in education degree from the U. of Toledo on August 25. Captain Leonard E. Berry is financial officer with the USAF Auditor General at Norton AFB, Calif. He received the USAF Commendation Medal there for meritorious service as resident auditor at Chicksands RAF Station, England. James J . Corwin has been assigned to the Cincinnati Sales Office at Ampco Metal, Inc. Jim recently completed an extensive nine-week training program at the Company's headquarters in Milwaukee. He is representing Ampco in an area covering James J. Corwin southern Ohio and Kentucky. Second child, second daughter, Emily Anne, to Capt. and Mrs. Timothy L. Kearney (Patricia Gilmore), August 18. Donald J. Koepnick is project manager for Irwin Company and living in Charlotte, N.C. LT.JG Samuel A. Malene is a Navy pilot stationed at the Pentagon. John R. Meehan received his D.D.S. degree from the U. of St. Louis on June 6. His office is on Summer Street in Stamford, Conn. Lt. Bernard J. Olup, Jr., received his MS in geology from the 0. of Wisconsin in June of '69. He and his wife, Carol, had their first child, Michelle Louise, on April 3, 1970. Second child, second son, Michael Vincent, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Smith (Mary Ann Domansky '64 ), October

Where's the "Little Man" Rudolph Popolizio, '68, wrote to us in October looking for what he called his " little Man. " The fabricated object which was made of plywood and stood five feet and had a green body and magenta hair. The mascot was used in the 1966 Homecoming Queen campaign of Cathy Cleary and Eileen Gunn. He would like to get the mascot or at least pictures of it. He says his request is slightly irregular but he 'd at least like to have pictures of it for his scrap book. Send pictures or information to him at 144-27 35th avenue, Apt. 6A, Flushing, New York. His letter also reveals that his wife, the former Florence Dorsam, '67, was expecting their first child on December 24. Since this is written before that date we can't report the result. He says he has changed jobs to work with the Traffic Department, City of New York. Richard L. Ferris received his J.D. degree from Ohio Northern U. in June and. passed the Ohio Bar examination. He is working towards the masters of law degree in taxation at Boston U. and plans to graduate in June 1971. Kathleen M. Hurley is a perceptual training teacher with the Roxbury (N.J.) Township Schools. John W. Kawa is a salesman with Procter & Gamble in Chicago. Lawrence P. Keller writes, "I graduated from Syracuse U. College of Law in June and am presently serving a short term in the Army at Ft. Benning, Ga." Donald P. Lemoi married Donna J. Lebrun on July 12, 1969. "My present employer is Wollensak Inc., a multidivisional electro-optical component manufacturer, headquartered in Rochester. My responsibilities are that of maintaining and cultivating sales and new markets thru both direct salesmen and manufacturers representatives for the 18-Eastern States. Sales volume is in the multi-million dollars from the East alone!" Captain Lawrence W. Hoffman is Division Ammunition Officer for the Second Infantry Division along the DMZ in Korea. His wife, Sue Stephan Hoffman, is staying in Huntsville, Ala., and is teaching fifth grade at West Huntsville Elementary. SP/4 Frank M. Tedesco is a personnel specialist at Ft. , ' Leonard Wood, Mo. Donald F . Zwilling married Denise Mary Perozek, November 21. W. Rodney Wishard has been named Florida area sales manager by Square D Company. He super:nses the w. Rodney Wishard marketing operatwns and continues as district manager of the Tampa office. Rod joined Square Din 1953. He and his wife, Alicia, have three daughters.

4. First child, Kelly Sue, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Eugene Klaus I



The University of Dayton football team fini shed another winning year under Coach J o hn McVay. The grid Flyers were 5-4-1. Just as important were these features from the season. Gary Kosins completed the season in a first-place tie with Brian Bream of the Air Force for the national scoring championship. They each averaged 12 points a game. The junior Flyer also finished fourth nationally in rushing yardage with an average of 130.2 per game. He also set 13 UD offensive records: most carries per game average, 38.2 (NCAA record ); most carries in one game, 51 vs. Louisville ; most carries in a season , 344 ; most carries in a career, 542 ; most touchdowns in a game, 5 vs. Xavier ; most touchdowns in a season, 18 ; most touchdowns in a career, 28 ; most points in a game, 30 vs. Xavier; most points in a season , 108; most points in a career, 168; most rushing yards in a gam e, 236 vs. Akron; most rushing yards in a season, 1172 ; m ost rushing yards in a career, 1955. He also won the Most Valuable Player Award and visited U.S. troops in Vietnam over Christmas as a guest of the Defense Depart ment and the NCAA. And to t hink he has another year.

The UD Arena has gained two feature attractions over the next two years. The annual Coaches' East-West All-Star game will be played in the Arena on April 3, 1971, and April 1, 1972. The NCAA's Mideast Regional Finals will be held in March, 1972.




1970 SOCCER We


Wilberfo rce Cleveland State 0 0 Bowling Green Cedarville 7 Ball State 3 11 Ohio Northern Wrigh t State 3 Wilmington 4 4 Miami (0 ) 1 Morehead State 0 Ohio State Record: Six wins, four losses, one tie .

They 0 8 3

0 1 0 4 6 2 0 0


Dan Quinn, who won the John L. Macbeth ScholarAthlete Award, set four punting records: most punts in a game, 14 vs. Miami; most punting yardage in a game, 652 vs. Miami ; most punts in a season, 71; most punting yardage in a season, 2884.



45 7 14 28 14 41 14 21 0 7

Team records were: most first downs by rushing a game, 21 vs. Xavier ; most penalties in a game, 15 vs. Xavier; most penalty yardage in a game, 173 vs. Xavier; most rushing touchdowns in a season, 23; most punts in a season, 80; most punting yardage in a season, 314 7 ; best punting average, 39.3.


Other award winners in football were : Jim Tierney, linebacker, the Stanley Kurdziel Memorial Award for the outstanding lineman ; Mark Ellison, the Flyer of the Year Award, as voted by the student body; and Bob Palcic, linebacker, the Andrew Zulli Award, for outstanding character and devotion as a student and a player.



Xavier (H-12,338) Cincinnati (A-19, 871 ) Bowling Green (A-15,347) Louisville (H-10,104) Ohio U. (A-12,100) Buffalo (H-12,820) Akron (A-15,230) Northern Ill. (A-17,780) Miami (A-9,706) Toledo (H-7,163) TOTAL POINTS

22 13 14 11 17 0 6 20 17 31 151

RECORD : 5-4-1

*** BASKETBALL CAMP Don D onoher, ' 54 , University of D ayton basketball coach, left, conducted the Don Donoher Basketball Camp last summer at Bergamo on the University's East Campus. There were three sessions. Don is shown h ere with forme r UD cage stars, Henry Finkel, '66 , center, and Don May, '68, who were camp instructors. Hank is now with Boston and Don with Buffalo in th e National Basketball Association.

/ 31


1968 Albert E. Liguori is stationed at Ft. Benj. Harrison (Ind.) James C. O'Hare married Dianne Emma Grusenmeyer, August 22. Jim is teaching at Jefferson HS in Dayton. Lt. Thomas C. Davis is a Navy helicopter pilot with HAL-III at Binh Thuoy, South Vietnam. Earlier Tom had been designated a Naval Aviator during ceremonies at Helicoper Training Squadron-Eight, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. He received his Navy "Wings of Gold" after more than 16 months of ground instruction in fixed wing flight and rotary wing principles plus 200 hours of in-flight instruction. Sgt. Daniel A. Maschino is Lt. Thomas C. Davis stationed in Hawaii for the next two years. Christine H. Jakubowski is teaching first grade at Stark School in Stamford, Conn. Frank G. Burianek is an acturial student with Retirement Plans, Inc., in Cleveland. He received his MS degree from Michigan State this year. John F. Henderson is a fire controlman third class with the U.S.N. aboard the USS Independence. G. Bernard Tuttle married Bonnie E. Killiam, August 8. He is a grad assistant in education at UD. William J. Harrison married Patricia Ann Bowen, August 22. Bill is a graduate teaching assistant in geology at Northern Illinois U. ; Pat is on leave from UD working on her thesis. Ralph G. Renneker is a staff assistant with Cincinnati Bell Inc. He received his MS degree fro m Michigan State U. this year. Roseann M. Bornhorst is teaching at St., Albert the Great School in Dayton. Judith M. Besanceny received her MA degree from Ohio State in September and has returned to 11th Avenue School in Columbus. She teaches sixth grade. Ronald D. Himes is manager of value analysis for Bauer Brothers in Springfield, 0. "Also teach in area of business administration in School of Community Education, Wittenberg U." Ron and his wife, Linda, have a daughter Susan Elizabeth. ' Claudia Clare Huber married Kenneth A. Zaher, November 22, 1969. Michael R. Rourke is a management trainee with Filene's of Massachusetts. Edward R. Murnan is with Travelers Insurance in Worcester, Mass. Ed and his wife, Charm, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on June 22. Mary Ann Jones married Michael T. Manley, June 27. Pfc. John M. Wetzel has an APO San Francisco address. Captain Kenneth E. Bruns married Virginia Marie Eckert, August 15. The couple is living in Gainesville, Ga. Peter C. Rielly was discharged from the USA this past summer. Peter and his wife, Susan Stuhlreyer Rielly '69, are living in Cincinnati. She is teaching at St. Saviour School. First child, Robert Michael IV, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1\1 Powers III (Susan LaRocca), June 12. William F. Habjan is teaching biology at Chaminade H.S. in Dayton. Maureen Frances Ferron married Charles Robert Logan, June 1~. Maureen is teaching tenth grade English at Westerly (R.I.) High. She received an MA in English from

of Rhode Island in June. John F. Fisher married Kristine Cartier Colthurst, June 6 . .J?hn _is a ci:riJ engineer with Bechtel Corporation; Knstme 1s teachmg at Rosemary Hills School in Silver Spring, Md. J. Daniel Pfahl has returned to civilian life and is employed by Johnson & Johnson and residing in Palos Hills, Ill. Lt. Thomas F. Grennan married Kathleen Lowery '69, Febru~ry 7. To.m is serving a year's tour of duty in Japan and Vtetnam wtth the USMC. Kathleen is living in Dayton until his return. Otavio R. Tabacchi is a business systems analyst with Digital Equipment in Maynard, Mass. He earned his MBA from the U. of Pennsylvania in May. Second child, son, to Vasantha and Venkataraman Balachandran, July 11. James A. Donauer married Susan Marie Herbert '69, July 25. Donald E. Molloy is with the Home Insurance Company in San Francisco. Joyce J. Huzzar is a personnel clerk with the Ohio Personnel Department. She is living in Columbus. Gary J. White married Patricia Ann Barbour, last January 24. Pat is teaching at Mayville (N.Y.) Central School. First child, Jon Eric, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hayward (Myrna Derringer), July 18. Lt. Carmen J. Lo Paro writes, "I'm now with the Sixth Special Forces Group at Ft. Bragg. Just completed the Special Forces Officers' Course and Jumpmaster school and am waiting for my alert orders to Vietnam. Only 18 months to go." William L. Simonton, Jr., Lt. Carmen J. Lo Paro married Linda Kay Dallman, August 8. Bill is an automation engineer with Monsanto in Miamisburg, 0. William C. Diliberto married Lisa Joan Felecitti, August 2. Bill is a junior dental student at Loyola U. of Chicago. George C. Patterson writes, " In August of '68 I enlisted for two years in the USA. After regular training I went to the Republic of Vietnam where I served with the 73rd Signal Battalion at Cam Ranh Bay. Was released from active duty in June and now going for my masters of arts degree in history at the U. of Notre Dame." Richard W. Lutts married Shirley Barnett on August 9, 1969. He is a commerical credit analyst with Union Commerce Bank in Cleveland. Daughter, Karyn Anne, to Mr. and Mr . Robert J. Cella (Mary Anne Finegan '67), July 25. Kenneth M. Herman is a member of the technical staff with Bell Telephone Labs in Whippany, N.J. His wife, Lois Elizabeth Anderson Herman, was graduated from UD in August. Ken received his MS in computer sciences from Penn State this year. Son to Janet and Lt. William J. Brownsberger, July 29. Third child, third daughter, to Paula and Ronald F. Scheper, July 30. Roberta Marie Boesch married Robert W. Sherk, August 21. The couple is living in Middletown, 0. Peter R. Singler is associate director of housing at Wisconsin State U.



UD HOMECOMING WEST (A group of UD alumni living on the West Coast held their own Homecoming this fall and Ronald Land, '68, sends the following report.) married and working on M.A. at San Francisco State The 1st annual UD Homecoming West was held on and Bill McCarthy, who is a products specialist with October 17 at the home of Beaven, '67, and Mary Xerox. Walker Hoffman Smith, '66, in San Mateo, California, Other alumni living in the Bay Area are Andy which is on the Bay about 30 miles south of San Francisco, where Beaven was recently transferred by Cerar, '65, who is a stewardess with Seaboard World Airlines ; Norm Miller, '68, working on a ranch in Chrysler Airtemp. Other alumni in attendance were Ronald Land, Sonoma; Harvey Barker, '67-68; Bob Frey, '68, who '68, of Sausalito, and Michael O'Connor, '66, of San is retired and living in a trailer in El Serrito; Ray and Mary Jane Glynn, Walnut Creek; Bob Sedivy, '69, Francisco who are seniors at the University of California Hastings School of Law in San Francisco. who is an engineer with Pacific Gas And Electric; Chris Land, '67-68, who is married and expecting first They plan to practice in Hawaii after taking the bar child in January; and Second Lt. Steve Danner, '68, exam this summer. Others were Terry McSweeney, who has been assigned to active duty in Livermore '69, of Sausalito, who is working at Joe DiMaggio's after getting his masters at UD. on the Fisherman's Wharf; Denis McSweeney, '66, Santa Clara, who is a compensation analyst with Non-residents but frequent v1s1tors are Jack Memorex Equipment Group; and Edward Land Jr., Warrell, '67, who is a stock broker in Los Angeles; '66, of Tiburon, who is an attorney with the firm of Tommy Dee, '63-65, and Paul Meyers, '68, who are Brobeck, Ohlager and Harrison in San Francisco and working on a ranch in Glendale, Arizona. his wife Jo Grasso Land, who attended UD '64-'66. Ron is looking for other alumni in the area. (Editor's Note: Do you know that the Public RelaThey had their first child on Father's Day. tions Director of the Shrine East-West Game, Francis Pete Cassidy, '65, of Sausalito, who is a CPA with Powers is a 1917 graduate of UD). Price Waterhouse; Adele Knuth LaFrenz, '65, who is Guy T. Barone married Mary Susan Selleck, July 11. Guy is a law student at the U. of Toledo. Mary is teaching and finishing her grad work there also. Gerald K. Hoppe is teaching at Cardinal Newman High in West Palm Beach, Fla. George W. Chickering, Jr., is a time and methods engineer with Cambridge Filters in Syracuse, N.Y. He was married to Beverly Jean Ludwick on March 14, 1969. Mark E. Spilker became a first lieutenant on August 7. He is a jet pilot instructor at Craig AFB , Ala. Lois A. Rudzienski received her MS in bacteriology from Ohio U. in June and is now working in the lab at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Dayton. S. James Ryckman, Jr., married Barbara Jane Pier, August 8. Gary L. Swartzbaugh is a child welfare worker with the State of Florida, Division of Family Services. His wife, Catherine Baker Swartzbaugh, is teaching in the Broward County Board of Public Instruction. The couple is living in Ft. Lauderdale. Lt. Anthony J. Anzalone, Jr., is stationed in Aschaffenburg, Germany, until August 1972. "I completed airborne school at Ft. Benning, Ga., on July 30." Frances Kathryn Denham married Dr. Laurence Hurley, June 27. The couple is residing in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Dr. Hurley is doing cancer research. At UD's August graduation - J. Richard Hoppenjans and Albert E. Liguroi received masters degrees in civil engineering; Richard A. Cimaglia a masters degree in engineering management: Peggy Shaw Leahy and Constance Eifert Tokay masters degrees in education; John E. Stevens, Jr., Paul F. O'Malley, Michael J. Madigan, Kevin P. Harte, and Louis W. Feldmann III earned MBA'S; Mary Kalafus Keirn a masters degree in mathematics; MA degrees went to Donald E. Baechtel, Mary Ann Ve hoff Routledge, Jeffrey P. Lynch, Thomas L. Guarriello, Carol Jean Giglia, and Robert M. Dowling. TI grad, J / Michael Kennedy, picked up

his bachelor of technology degree. J. Alfredo Rizo-Patron is with the international division of NCR in Miami, Fla. Al was married to Rose Maria Gomez on January 23 , 1970. First child, Douglas Andrew, to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stevens (Kathleen Connell), February 15, 1970. Joyce Ann Daum was married to Richard Dennis Alexander on October 19, 1968. The Alexanders had their first child, David Anthony, on May 29. Eugene J. Raus married Rita Catherine Schirtzinger, August 29. The couple is living in New Rochelle , N.Y. Carolyn F. Cosgrove received a masters degree in English from Kent State U. in August. She is teaching English at Celina (0.) High School. Patricia Anne Altobellis is a social worker with the Michigan State Department of Social Services. A. James Bonahoom, Jr., is a partner and secretary of the Wolverine Packing Company in Detroit. Mrs. Bonahoom is the former Marcia Homan '70. James D. Gerdeman is a systems engineer with IBM in Cleveland. Jim and his wife, Mary J o, have a son, James Jr. Lt. Thomas A. Stuntebeck has been awarded USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Sheppard AFB, Texas. He is now assigned to Charleston AFB, S.C., with the 41st Military Airlift Squadron. Ellen L. Raterman is teaching sixth grade in the New Bremen (0.) School. She is taking grad courses at Wright State. John A. Muller is teaching in the Mahwah (N.J.) Schools. Thomas H. Landry was discharged from service on June 16. The Landry's (Eileen Iannucci) are living in Ferndale, Mich. , while Tom attends Wayne State for masters in marketing. The couple has two children. Ralph W. Stromenger is a management trainee with Western Savings & Loan in Phoenix, Ariz. He received his MBA from Indiana U. in August. David J. Kinkoff was discharged from the Army in June


Lynn W. Mattingly is teaching sophomore English at Potomac Senior High in Oxon Hill, Md. Edwin Detweiler, Jr., married Susan Dickenshied, April 4. Ed is in his third year at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Francis X. Swope is a USA clerk at Ft. Knox, Ky. James E. Rothermel married Nancy Lee Swihart, December 20, 1969. Jim is in his second year of law school and is attending the U. of Akron. He is a law clerk with Attorney George Tzangas and is also selling real estate. Joseph R. Pagano married April P. Schaare, August 15. Joe will get his J.D. degree from the U. of Notre Dame in May. Martha Schulten Martin writes, "Jerry will become a Lt.jg this month. He's stationed aboard the carrier USS Coral Sea which returned in June from a 9-month cruise in the Western Pacific. Now his ship is in the yards for a year-long overhaul. I'm teaching kindergarten in El Cerrito, Calif., a small community across the bay from San Francisco. We really like the Bay Area and are enjoying our stay." M. Abigail Harrison is an instructor of English at Fort Hays Kansas State College. She received her MFA this year from the U. of Iowa where she was honored as a distinguished graduate. Thomas R. Hession has begun his third year at Duquesne U. law school. He accepted a position on the staff of Austin L. Staley, Senior Judge, Third Circuit Court of Appeals, in August. Mrs. Hession is the former Jacqualyn Coletta. Cheryl Anne Lieberman is the recipient of an NIMH grant for work in the field of aging. She has begun her second year of a two-year program for MSW at the U. of Pennsylvania. William P. Mannix, Jr., has begun his third year of study at New York Law School. "I have been a member of the law review and at present I rank number one in my class." First child, daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Dueweke (Marilyn King '69), September 2. Raymond H. Owen is a junior high teacher at St. Cecilia's in Detroit and attending grad school at U. of Detroit. His wife, Paula Barzone Owen, is doing substitute teaching. The Owen's have a son, Raymond Paul. Joseph F. Marino enrolled for the first year of study at the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines in September. Nylah Kay Thompson is teaching music in the New Rochelle (N.Y.) Schools at Albert Leonard Junior High. Dianne Lee Durante mar,ried William M. Hagman, August 16. She is teaching fifth grade with the Rye Neck Board of Education and living in Montvale, N.J. Stephen P. Brockman returned from Vietnam in June and is now with the Dayton Planning Board. Second child, first son, William Matthew, to Mr. and Mrs. William V. Harris III (Mary Jane Janning), September 16. Bill is an English teacher at Chalk Hill Middle School in Monroe, Conn. David E. Melcher married Anne Morrison, October 10. Dave is in his final year of law school at the U. of Cincinnati. Second child, first daughter, Beth, to Lt. and Mrs. Martin B. Csercsevits (Ursula Stringer), July 14. Ursula writes, "Marty received his commission in the USAF Medical Service Corps. In January he will begin his new assignment at Malcolm Grove Medical Center, Andrews AFB, Washington, D.C." Twin sons, Michael and Mark, to Mr. and Mrs. Angelo E. Settembrini (Virginia Chmiel), March 4. Angelo i~ a junior student at the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery

as Sergeant in the Infantry after serving with the First Air Cavalry in Vietnam. First child, Johanna Elenore, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Garton (Jane Ellen Dwyre), June 26. The Garton family is living in Waterville, Iowa. Darlene Frances Preski married John Charles Conrad, August 16. She is teaching in the Mt. Prospect (Ill.) Public Schools. Zdzislaw "Harry" Piotrowski is an operating-room surgical assistant at Ellsworth AFB Hospital. He is working on a masters degree in guidance and counseling and plans to get his Ph.D. in p,sychology after the AF in '73. His wife, Michele "Miki' Williams Piotrowski, writes, "I am a staff member of the Black Hills Guidance Learning Center and teach and counsel children with learning disabilities and emotional problems. The Black Hills of South Dakota are lovely. We live 100 feet from a lake in a stucco cottage. Nearly idyllic." Captain John F. Newman is serving a tour of duty in Vietnam. His wife, Ann Harsacky Newman, is living in Centerville, 0. Lt. and Mrs. David P. Klasnick (Nancy Krajenke) are living in Georgia while Dave is stationed at Robins AFB doing personnel work. Nancy is teaching in junior high school with the Houston County Board of Education in Warner Robins. Lt. and Mrs. Edward R. Cooksley (Nancy Marble '67) have moved to El Paso, Texas, where Ed is attending Vietnamese Language School prior to going to Vietnam in January. "Will be promoted to Captain in November." Nancy will be returning to Dayton while Ed is serving in Vietnam. Robert W. Kennedy, Jr., writes, "Am now editor of employee communications with Mead Packaging in Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta is the division headquarters for Mead Packaging. My main function is editor of Inside Mead Packaging and Report to Management but also I conduct tours, and work in public relations." Mrs. Kennedy is the former Janet lding '69. Lt. John T. Manclark married Harriett E. Baird, February 20, 1970. John is a jet pilot at Reese AFB, Texas. Peggy Shaw Leahy is a counselor with the St. Elizabeth Medical Center School of Nursing. Anita M. Hibler received her MA degree from the U. of Wisconsin in August of '69. She is an English instructor at Heidelberg College. Lt. William R. Wolven received Navy pilot wings in May and is flying off USS Forrestal, Norfolk, Va. Jerry G. Bridges "passed all parts of the CPA exam in Virginia in May." He is an auditor in the office of the assistant secretary of defense. Terence J. Davis writes, "Returned from Vietnam on June 13 so I could begin my grad studies at UD. While in Vietnam I served with the First Air Cavalry Division and received the Combat Infan try Badge, Bronze Star, the Air Medal, and the Air Medal Cluster." First child, Kimberly Ann, to S/Sgt. and Mrs. William M. Mauk (Patricia Dudek) , October 24, 1969. Susan Carol Schwaner is a vocal music teacher with the Levittown (N.Y.) Public Schools at Lee Road School. She's working for masters in secondary education at Queens College. Thomas P. O'Neill was released from active Duty July 17 and ' ~I- am now attending Seton Hall U. in the pursuit of a masters degree in history." John R. Henry completed his master of arts in teaching work for the Antioch-Putney Graduate School of Education in Sep.tember and will be awarded his degree from Antioch College at Commencement 1971. I


Virginia is a registered medical technologist at Iowa Methodist Hospital. Captain John P. Lutz is stationed in Vietnam.

CROSS ON TARGET Lt. James B. Cross, '68, following his pattern of high academic achievement, completed his course work, thesis, and fmal orals for his doctorate degree in Chemistry at Michigan State University in less than two years. The degree was awared on September 1. Lt. Cross, who has now assumed his military obligation, was the top graduate at the University of Dayton in April, 1968, receiving his diploma summa cum laude (3.953) in chemistry. He also was the top military science graduate receiving the title, Distinguished Military Graduate. Following his UD graduation he was the winner in the First Army District and runnerup within the entire United States for the Hughest Perpetual Trophy as the most outstanding ROTC graduate in the country. Lt. Cross's mother, Mrs. Laurene Van Hoosen Cross, is a 1960 UD graduate in education. Major and Mrs. William B. Cross are living in Camp Springs, Maryland. Jim was married to Karen Martikainen on June 13.

Raymond V. Montagno married Dianne Louise Bolger '69, March 21, 1970. Ray is a management trainee for the Ohonite Company in New Jersey but is presently on a leave of absence while serving in the USA. Dianne spent a year teaching children who are retarded and have severe behaviour problems. She is now going to grad school in educational psychology at Butler U. Daughter to Patricia and Domenico G. Stolfo, September 19. Ensign Daniel G. Baker just returned in September from a cruise of the Mediterranean. Wife, Constance Bradt Baker, was able to join him for three weeks in Naples, Italy, and 路 Valencia, Spain. Dan is a supply officer aboard to USS Corry. Virginia Monte Langevin writes, " My husband and I are so proud an d happy with our little girl - Lisa J ean. My husband and I are now living outside of Chicago. He is a United pilot and flies out of O'Hare. We would really love to get in contact with any other UD Alumni in the Chicago area - hope we will hear from some - 459-8355." James P. Mondzelewski married Suzanne Mary Ackerman '69, October 31. Jim received his masters degree in physics from Ohio State in June and is now attending OSU Medical School. "Am scheduled to graduate in two-and-ahalf years." John L. Lahey is a grad student at the U. of Miami (Fla. ) Frank R. Hoguet married Mary Louise Genta, May 31, 1969. Frank is a manufacturing engineer with Westinghouse Electric in East Pittsburgh, Pa. John M. Ludwig is an art teacher at Charles Eliott Junior High in Cleveland. Robert J. Archer writes, " I returned from Vietnam in September and am employed by the Marietta (0.) City Schools." Bob and his wife, Jane Lennon Archer, have a daughter, Kimberly. Daughter to Aurora .and Raul Maristany, September 24. Lt. Robert L. Casey married Sharon Kathleen Kennedy


'69, September 27, 1969. Bob is stationed at Ft. Carson, Colo. First child, Antoinette Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J . Lauricella, Jr. (Theresa Raponi), April 8. "Tony was released from the Green Berets in July - now I am teaching English at Julienne HS while he attends Sinclair. " ' Sylvanus I. Onyedika, S.M., received his MS in psychology from Case Western Reserve on September 2. Elayne Arrington Idowu received a graduate assistantship to study at the U. of Cincinnati. Rocco J. DeCioccio, Jr., is teaching at Longview State Hospital in Cincinnati. He is also working on his Masters in education at Xavier U. Hugh R. Harkins is an engineer with Dravo in Pittsburgh; Wife, Margaret Gast Harkins is teaching in the Pittsburgh Public School System . Walter L. Bennett married Carol Ann Walters, October 10. Martha L. Warner is teaching in the Columbus (0.) Public Schools. Martie is also working on her masters in business education. Janice L. Cool is teaching fifth grade at Liberty Benton School and living in Fostoria, 0. James T. Nagle is teaching at St. Louis HS in Honolulu. Jim is also performing at the Hilton Hotel and "on the weekend preforming in 'Irma La Douce' at the Honolulu Community Theatre. In the summer of '69 had the opportunity of auditioning in Hollywood for the title roll in The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart which will be brought to the screen under the direction of Leonard Horn for Martin Poll Productions/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Also performed with Miss Pat Collins at the Session Club in Beverly Hills. Most recently I played the parts of Tom in The White Liars and Harold Gorringe in Black Comedy for the Dayton Theatre Guild. " Bernadine A. Unewitz is a third grade teacher at St. Bartholomew School in Waukegan, Ill. Mary Jo Burke married Gerald David Harris, September 6. She is studying for her J .D. degree at Northwestern U. William L. Arnold married Linda Frock, April 4. Bill is a fellow at the U. of Cincinnati studying radiation health.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Aumer (Jacqueline Vaughn) wrote us ab out the going-away party at their home fo r Lt. Paul W. Ackermann who left for Vietnam the middle of October. From left to right in the picture - Bob Aumer, Joe Cortese, Jim Cull, Tom Eliseo, Jim Fritz, and Gerry Hickel. Paul is seated in the middle. Barry L. Profa to married Pamela J o Lauer, November


Washington, D.C. First child, Heidi Lynn, to Judith and Lt. Arthur J. Heiles, September 1. Art is stationed in Vietnam. Daniel F. Kubovic was discharged from the USA on August 11. "Plan to attend the U. of Buffalo for MBA starting June '71." Donald R. Havas married Sally Jo Doughty, November 27. Rafael E. Deschapelles is Carribbean Area Manager for the Ridge Tool Company in Summit Hills, P.R. He and his wife, Barbara, have a daughter, Carolina, who was born on September 5. Ralph H. Holtvoigt, Jr., married Diann Mary Schott, November 7. Ralph is a trainee buyer with NCR in Dayton. Son to Mary J ane and Stephen P. Bramlage, October 17. Joseph W. Bozzelli received an MA degree in chemistry from Princeton U. recently. Lt. Robert J. Iannozzi just returned from Vietnam and is now stationed at Camp LeJeune, N.C. John V. Durgin married Billie Jean Jordan, October 24. Elizabeth Cahill Gochnauer married Dennis Raymond Moore, November 14. She is executive secretary for the Community Health Facilities, Baltimore, Md. Philip M. McKenzie, Jr., is with the South Burlington (Vermont) School System. Ernest E. Pohl, Jr., who has been sales manager of Bench and Teknika Divisions, Chemineer Inc., became General Manager in November.

Richard R. Bello is out of service and he and his wife, Janis Baeuerlen Bello, are living in Cincinnati. The Bello's have a son, Damian. Kathleen Schemmer Jensen is teaching sixth grade at Harrison Elementary in Oxford, 0. Thomas R. Mengelkamp is an accountant with Society National Bank in Cleveland. He and his wife, Carol Ann, had their second child, second son, Steven Edward, on September 16. Pierre A. Kleff, Jr., is Executive Secretary of the Sheet Metal & Roofing Contractors Association in Dayton and "in second year of study for Juris Doctor at Chase College of Law." Pete and his wife, Cheryl, have a son, Pierre A. III. Timothy B. Lyons and his wife, Rita, had their first child, Gina, on June 16. Philip G. Schwegler married Jeanne Ellen Heyer '70, September 19. Phil is working on his MS in Secondary Education from Murray State U. Terry J. Elliott is with Montgomery Ward and has been promoted to Assistant Manager of the Centralia (Ill.) store. Wife, Susan Smith Elliott '69, is "looking for a teaching position." Richard A. Cimaglia married Patricia Jane Rau, daughter of George J. Rau, M.D. '30, October 24. Robert R. Carrigan is a grad student at California State. James M. Fritz and his wife, Karen, had their first child, Jonathan Michael, on August 7. Jim has a staff position with Arthur Andersen & Company in Detroit. He received his MBA degree from Bowling Green in August of '69. Cynthia L. Gels is teaching in the San Joaquin (Calif.) School District. Maureen K. Sullivan received a masters degree in arts from the U. of Toledo in August. James W. Leffingwell married Gerene Ann Jarding, October 17. Jack F. Scherrer, Jr., is a physicist with the USAF. Jack and his wife, Jane, and their children - Jack and Joan - are living in LaVerne, Calif. Rita Katherine Smith married James Petty , Ph .D., November 21. The couple is living in Dayton. Captain Albert L. Andzik, Jr., is stationed in Vietnam. Lt. Michael J. Bridgewater is stationed at the Air Defense School, Ft. Bliss, Texas. J. Richard Faucette, Jr., is a quarterback with the Long Island Bulls, New York Giants Farm Club. Lorine M. Getz is a tutor at the U. of Toronto and is studying for her Ph.D. in theology. Paul M. Joseph married Bonnie Ellen Kahn, on December 20, 1969. The couple is residing in San Mateo, Calif. Lt. C. Eugene S.teuerle married Norma J ean Lang, October 3. Gene returned from Vietnam in August and is now at the Army Education Center, Ft. Knox, Ky. "I'll return to grad school in February." Michael A. Peters is an analyst-programmer with the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland. He and his wife, Glenna, have a son, Anthony Michael. Maureen K. Sullivan is a political science instructor at the College of Lake County , Grayslake, Ill. Rosemary J. Sutter is a grad student at John Carroll U. Edgar W. Waybright III is Clinic Director at MH/MR Clinic, Washington, Pa. Barbara Ann Weeks 1s an education specialist at Ft. Belvoir, Va. Thomas A. Westerkamp is an account executive for Galvin & Friends Advertising, an agency in Cincinnati handling loca'l, regional, and national accounts. Patricia Jean Weber is an audio-visual specialist in the Office of Public Affairs, Secretary of Transportation,


After three years of intensive studies the University of Dayton top governing structure underwent significant change. A new Board of Trustees, composed of both religious and lay people, replaced the former all-Religious Board of Trustees and the Lay Board Trustees. The first Board, created officially on November, consisted of five religious and 19 laymen. Most significant was the election of H. Talbott Mead, President of the Mead Investment Company, third from left in picture, as the first lay chairman of the new Board. As Rev. Raymond Roesch, UD's President, second from left, put it: "It's the first time I've had a lay boss." Dr. Walter Reiling, '30, extreme right, was elected Vice Chairman and Rev. William Ferree, S.M., last chairman of the old Board of Trustees, is on the left. Picture was taken at the press conference following the November 13 meeting.


Janine Claire Potter married Michael Gene Scott, November 28. Robert P. McClintock is a Lt. in the USA B Battery 311. Bob and his wife, Judie, are living in Irwin, Pa. Alfred S. Roberts III is traffic superintendent with the New York Telephone Compa,ny in Jamaica. Rameshchandra M. Modi married Beatrice Mary


Manthuruthil, October 11. He is a grad student at the U. of Cincinnati. Paul D. Luyben has been employed as a teacher in the Volusia County (Fla.) Public School System. John W. "Bucky" Albers was elected Vice Chairman of the Cincinnati chapter of The Baseball Writers Association of America in November. Michael A. Glotfelter married Marjorie Jane Lang, December 18. Mike is a trainee with Graybar Electric in Dayton. First child, Christy Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. LaFra y ( Joyce Cornyn), November 10. The family is living in Berea, 0. Michael B. Manning has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF upon graduation from OTS at Lackland AFB, Texas. Mike is now assigned to Mather AFB, Calif., for navigator training. Michael B. Manning John P. Webb has been appointed Library Information Consultant and Specialist at Wright State U. John is a member of the Society of American Archivists and The Society of Ohio Archivists. Marlene Ann Uhlenhake married Lt. Harold J ohn Rome, Jr., November 21.

James D. Plescia married Suzanne Catherine Berichon, November 7. The couple is living in Warrensville Heights, 0. Frederick W. Maryniak is an instructor at the Industrial Management Institute in Reading, Pa. Fred and his wife, Patricia, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on October 4. Daughter to Elaine and Rufus S. Humfleet, November 21. Allen R. J. Miller married Maureen Jane Sisolak '70, November 28. Allen is a law student at the U. of Cincinnati. Allen wrote, "I had three '69 grads stand up for me Robert J. Hayes, who's teaching at North Catholic in Pittsburgh ; Douglas A. Henson, who's a law student at UC with me; and Stephen J. Hintersehr, who's working with Riggs National Bank in D.C. Maureen had Mary Jane Ketch '70 as her maid of honor. Mary Jane is teaching in Dayton. UD Alumni who came to the wedding are: Brian T. Mahoney and Walter J. Quinn, who are both teaching at North Catholic in Pittsburgh ; R. Michael Bonnell, who's a salesman for a N.J. corporation; Richard E. Schmotzer, who's working on his Ph.D. at UC in aerospace engineering; Patrick E. McGann, who is still at DePaul Law School; and Judy Nervy, an accountant for Arthur Andersen in Chicago." Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haley (Linda Carol Swigeart '67) , June 29. Barbara Ellen Craig is a sixth grade teacher with the Kettering Board of Education at Southdale Elementary. Beverly Ann Dynda married Myron G. Spooner, June 28, 1969. Bev is a tax auditor with Internal Revenue in Chicago. Her husband is attending Northwestern U. medical school. James G. Donnelly married Susan Joan Poandl, March 21. Harry D. Hunt III is with Union Carbide in Parma, 0. Pvt. Michael E. Anderson is stationed at Ft. Dix, N.J.

David M. Richards, S.M., '69 writes, " Perhaps you'd like to know something of what the Marianists are doing in Australia. For the next school year (which begins in early February), there will be fourteen of us in Australia at St. Paul's College in Altona North, a suburb of Melbourne. There are almost 700 "lads", grades 7 through 12, being taught according to the British educational system. The other Marianists are: Father Daniel H. Winters '56, Paul A. Ubinger '52, Henry A. Sowa, Richard K. Robbins, Robert C. Resing, Donald Neff, Dennis A. Martin '69, Bernard J. Laurinaitis, Edward F. Duffy, James M. Buckley, and Charles F. Barnett '50."

John P. Hegman has been promoted to Airman First Class in the USAF. He is an accounting and finance specialist at McConnell AFB, Kansas, assigned to the 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing. James L. Manning married Linda Ann Loyd, June 29. Jim is coop coordinator at Sinclair College. Son, Kevin David,. to Shirley and Donald J. Coty in June. Robert E. Toia, Jr., married Kathleen Inez Todarello '70, August 22. Bob writes, "This past summer I was continuing my grad studies at UD in biology under an Atomic Energy Commission research grant awarded my major professor. Now I'm continuing my grad studies under a teaching assistantship and my wife is teaching kindergarten at Menlo Park Elementary." Christopher M. Kerns married Carole Louise Hock, January 24. Chris is a law clerk with Sharon, Pierson, Semmes in Washington, D.C., and is a second-year student at George Washington Law School. Francis L. Kohler married Frances Agnes Arhutich '6 7, June 27. Frank is dock foreman with Eazor Express in Cleveland. Frances is teaching in the Berea School System. Robert H. Sternowski is a member of the USA stationed at Ft. Lee, Va. His wife, Carolyn LaFratta Sternowski, is a music teacher with the Chesterfield County Public Schools. Bob is a part-time grad student at the U. of Richmond in commerce program. Linda Ann Mongillo married Joseph William Dowd, December 20, 1969. Linda is a medical researcher with Merck & Company in New York City. The couple is residing in Bayonne, N.J. Mary Kathryn Massopust married Michael R. Callahan, July 11. The Callahan's are living in Shirley, Mass. Mary had

1969 SP/4 Michael D. Cronin was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious achievement in con路 nection with military operations against a hostile force in Vietnam. He distinguished himself from May 1970 to June 1970 while serving as Intelligence Analyst. During heavily intensified requirements in support of the Cambodian Operations, Mike worked diligently in contributing to an unprecedented increase in information support. Suellyn M. Dennis is teaching second grade at St. Anthony's School, Belleville, N.J. Robert E. Buck, Jr., is a doctoral student at the U. of Kentucky. Bob and his wife, Patricia, have a daughter, Barbara. Mrs. Mary McDermott Becker was named by the Archdiocesan of Cincinnati Council of the Laity to receive the National Council of Catholic Men St. Thomas More Award. It was presented in November at the NCCM Presidents meeting in Washington, D.C. Patricia Mary Paridon married Robert Sine, October 31. Edward M. Roche, Jr., is' in sales with Cutter Labs in Columbus. Ed and his ~fe, Joyce, have two children Laura and Sean. '


been teaching in Milwaukee. Ensign Stephen G. Auer is in pilot training with the US Navy at Pensacola Naval Air Station. Leslie Ann Hughes is a legal secretary with Sealy M. Yates in Santa Ana, Calif. She was married to Robert Arthur Webster in September. Charles G. Coston married Christine Louise Schirf on May 2. The couple is living in St. Petersburg, Fla., where Christine is a social worker for the State Division of Family Services and Charles is with Honeywell. Alfred T. Lane married Maureen Diane Martin , August 29. The couple is residing in Columbus while Al attends medical school at Ohio State. William E. Brown is a lay missionary and teacher with the American Lutheran Church. He and his wife, Barbara, have four children -Joan, Stephen, Katherine and Jeffrey. The Brown family is in Debiezeit, Ethiopia, Africa. Ronald P. Huffman is a company executive officer with the USA at Ft. Hood, Texas. Lt. Robert J. Linden married Faith Saunders, June 27. He is stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. Thomas J. Rogers married Linda Lakatos, July 25. Tom is a division manager with Sears in Dayton. Pvt. John A. Wills is stationed at Hunter AFB, Georgia. David L. Jordan writes, "This past year I attended grad classes at the U. of Pittsburgh and this fall will attend their den tal school." First child, Michael James, to Mary Jane and James P. Waltz, June 12. Linda Ann Litzinger received her masters degree in library science from Case Western Reserve U. on June 10. David D. Farina is an engineer with NCR. He and his wife, Ann, have two sons born in May of 1969 and May of 1970. Gerard A. Jannazo is a financial analyst with GliddenDurkee in Cleveland. He was married t o Elaine Homer last January 10. Robert K. Grimshaw married Cheryl Anne Waltz, July 11. He is a teacher in the Fairborn (0.) City Schools.

pre-kind_e rgarten teacher at Emerson School. Mark J. Nocito is an accounting instructor at Ohio U. Mark received his MBA from OU this year. Jeffrey A. Linck married Anita Louise Thiel '70, August 22. Jeff is with MISCO in Dayton; Anita is employed by the UD Research Institute. Lt. James A. Matre is an advisor with the USA m Vietnam. Lt. Charles D. Lieser is with the USA at Ft. Bliss, Texas. Lt. Joseph F. Spadaford, Jr., is a deputy finance officer with the USA at Ft. Lewis, Wash. "Here I am balancing out cashiers at the close of a business day. I expect to be out of service in January, 1 9 7 2, with future plans pointing toward business or law." Lt. Joseph F. Spadaford, Jr. Robert P. Van Bergen married Virginia Marie Pojman, June 20. Bob has completed his first year of medical sch ool at the U. of Cincinnati and Ginny has completed one year of teaching in the Berea City School District. Ginny is teaching second grade with the Mt. Healthy School District this year. SP/4 Joseph G. Curran, Jr., married Gretchen K. Schottdorf '68, June 20. Joe is in personnel services at Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, Colo. Ann Frances Burgunder is a research analyst with Brandeis University (Heller School). James G. Donnelly has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF upon graduation from OTS at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is now assigned to Moody AFB, James G. Donnelly Ga., for pilot training. William P. Lalk, Jr., married Margaret Jean Byrd, August 29. Bill is teaching at Stivers High . Thomas J. Santner married Gail Frances DeFord, August 29. Tom is a grad student at Purdue; Gail is an analystprogrammer with LARS.

Thelma Dean Reinhart is teaching at Smith Junior High in the Vandalia-Butler School System. Alice J. Spatz married Paul C. Pleva, Jr., August 8. She is teaching at Immaculate Conception School in Dayton. Paul E. Dugan married Nancy Ann Wagner, August 8. Paul i-s teaching at Longfellow School. George G. Seifried married Deanna Louise Ward '68, August 8. George is an engineer with J. Ahart Engineering and Deanna is teaching in the Wayne Township Schools. Kenneth J. Novak is a house parent at the Hamilton (0.) Children's Home. 路 John J. Hauer married Julia L. Burdg, August 8. John is teaching at Vandalia-Butler High. Lt. Richard A. Hale writes, "Am stationed at Cu Chi base camp in Vietnam until June of '71. Wife, Patty Furness Hale '6 8, and son, George Alan, are living in Los Angeles until I return." Marcia Diane Terrell married J oseph Millard Rice , UD student, on August 8. Beverly Ann Blauvelt has been hired as " Assistant Personnel Manager at Wesley-J essen, the Plastic Contact Lens Company in Chicago, Ill. , where I curren tly reside." Roy M. Sigritz, Jr., married Karen Sue Seidel, August 8. Sandra M. Matayosian received her M.S. in music education from the U. of Illin ois in August and is teaching high school vocal music and elementary general music with the West .Bend (Wise.) School Board. Richard. A. Van Jura married Susan Ann Grupenhoff '70, August 15. Dick is attending UD grad sch ool; Susan is a

Frank P. DePalma married Mary Sheila O'Connell, August 21. The couple is living in Centerville, 0. Margaret Mary Thompson married Terrance Michael Doyle, April 4. She is teaching at Coffinberry Elementary in Fairview Park, 0. Jerome P. Kriegel married Francene Maple, December 31, 1969. Sandra Louise Fraley is with the personnel department of the National Shawmut Bank of Boston. Anita Mae White married Dave Franklin Mathews, September 5. The couple is living in Athens, 0. Karen Sue Wolf married Timothy Craig McCann, September 5. Karen is with the Ohio State University Instruction and Research Center. Gregory T. Garland married Marilyn Louise Martinson, August 22. Alan D. Melnyk married Mary K. Coffee on September 5. "I received the master of arts degree in labor relations



Evendale, 0 . Barbara Jean Heintschel married Thomas Patrick Specht, June 20. Barb is a teacher with the Toledo Board of Education at Garfield School. Joseph T. Cunningham is a grad assistant at UD. Dennis B. Romich has joined The Babcock & Wilcox Company and has been involved in the initial phase of a company- wide orientation program. Dennis is now assigned to the power generation division . Robert J. Evanko is a sales representative with A T & T in New York City. Bob and his wife, Bonita, had their first child, Robert J ames, Jr., on May 13. Michael W. Fadden is personnel manager with Hudson Oil Company of Delaware, Dennis B. Romich Inc., in Kansas City, Mo. Joseph C. Drilling is a design engineer with Square D Company in Lexington, Ky. Mary Katharine Ogren is a math teacher in Evanston (Ill.) T ownship High. She received her MS in education degree from Indiana U. this year. Wayne A. Tarasi is teaching at Domenec High in Pittsburgh . Robert J. Berkoben is a perso nnel analyst with t he Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. He was married to Katherine Ann Wagner, June 6. First child , Michael Patrick, Jr., to Carol and Michael P. Kilhaney, May 1. Mike is personnel manager for the ITT Continental Baking Company (Wonder Bread ). Lt. Christoph K. Kimker, Jr., is stationed at the Aberdeen (Md.) Proving Ground. He and his wife, Patricia, had their firs t child, Christoph, III. , February 23, 1970. Charles R. Herchelroath is attending grad school at UD. Thomas W. Schwartz married Cynthia Marie Maier, June 27. Lt. Richard H. Ostberg, Jr., is with A Company, 809th Engineering Battalion , APO San Francisco, until J une of '71. J. Daniel Schmidt is teaching at LaSalette Academy, Covington, Ky. Dan and his wife, Sandra Bertoni Schmidt, are living in Florence. William J. Redlin married Nina Marie Meetin, August 8. The couple is residing in Lawrence, Kansas. Timothy F. Ryan is President of Sales with T. F. Ryan in Cleveland, 0. Tim and his wife, Marilyn , have a daughter, Katherine Emer. J erome G. Lauer, Jr., is an internal auditor for Magnovox in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Jerry and his wife, Susan Benjamin Lauer, had their first child, J ennifer Allison, August 3. Eugene T. Gregorchik married J ackl yn Harshman Brownell, September 19. Leigh E. Gove, Jr., with General Electric in Lynn, Mass., has started on his MBA part time at Northeastern U. Mrs. Gove is the former Patricia Kammes '68. Lt. William J. Fisher Ill married Mary Eileen Sandman '68, August 1. Bill is with the USA and the cou pie is living in Killeen , Texas. " In Arm y until July 1971 - then Square D Company in New York." H. David Speer and his wife, Mary J oan, had their first child, Howard David III , May 11. Dave was promoted to Assistant Proj ect Engineer with the Piston Ring & Seal

from the U. of Cincinnati in June." Th e couple is living in Cincinn-a ti. Thomas E. Peterson married Carolyn Marie Hanzal, July 4. Tom is an area sales representative with Xerox Corporation in Los Angeles, Calif. Thomas E. Seifert is with Addressograph-Multigraph not Addressograph-Lithograph as reported earlier. Son to Bernadette and Vincent E. Sacksteder III, July 29. Airman William J. Brooks ma rried Mary Helen O'Brien, May 30. Thomas G. Harkins married Donna Marie Matthews, August 8. T om writes, " I now work for Nelson-Harkins Industries in Chicago as design engin eer. Donna will be teaching seven th grade social science and English at St. Norbert's in North brook, Ill." Walter J. Ciecko, Jr., married J eanne Szymkowski, June 27. Walt is residence hall counselor at Indiana U. where he received his MS in college counseling in July. Margaret Suzanne Kien married J oseph Pasquale, August 22. Margaret is teaching English in the Northmont school system. James D. Scanlon is a parole officer with the Parole Bureau , Newark, N.J . His wife , Karen Schlaiss Scanlon, is a social worker with the Bureau of Children's Services. Robert A. Wolff, Jr., married Ann Margaret Shively '70, August 22. Bob is with NCR in marketing and publications. Ann is a medical technologist at St. Elizabeth Medical Center. Thomas H. May married Helene Elise Drummon d, October 18, 1969. Tom is merchandise manage r for Sears, Roebuck & Company inN . Bergen, N.J. William F. Haley married J anice M. Loges, August 29. Joyce Ann Stine is teaching in the Mad River School System after having taugh t with the Dayton Board for 1Y2 years. " Am returning to UD to co ntinu e grad courses." Mark F. Sweeney is a member of the faculty of t he Morris, Minn. , bra nch of the U. of Minnesota. Bernard R. Neff is an instructor at St. Louis H.S. in Honolulu. William J. Klem recen tly completed Electric Boat Division 's Professio nal Personnel William J. Klem Comprehensive Training Program. He is now employed in E lectric Boat's Marine Engineering Department. Presenting the certificate at ceremonies on July 27 is Mr. J. D. Pierce, General Manager. Bernard F. Thorrez is set-up man for Allied E ngineering in J ackson, Mich . Joseph R. Kanak is in the U.S. Army. TI grads, Charles T. Stoltz, Edmond F. Monnin, Glenn R. Miller, Don G. Jacobs, Jr., Robert E. Hartke, Joseph A. Ferrante, Jr. , and Thomas E. Bohman, all received bachelor of technology degrees fro m UD in August. Gary K. Pence was awarded a masters degree in communication arts and Deborah L. Neale a masters degree in political science. Frederick R. Russell is an industrial engineer wi th the Square D Company in Oxford, 0. He was married to Charlotts R. Gardener on April4. Richard J. Dwyer III w ites, "I start working towards my J.D. degree from Arne lean U. in September.l' Edward V. Maenle is an engineer with General Electric at


Division of Koppers Company, Inc., "Travel to major diesel engine builders all over the country to remedy oil consumption and blow-by problems relating to piston rings and seals." Peter J . Janeczek is a physical education teacher at Highergreen Middle School in Centerville, 0 . First child, Laura Katherine, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Hickey (Katherine Loeber '68), February 13, 1970. Ted is with NCR - manufacturing standards and time study department. Anne Terese Lauber married John T. Camp III, August 8. The couple is living in Hackensack , N.J. Edward W. Houck married Linda Carole Serro, December 12. Ed is working on his MS degree at the U. of Oklahoma Medical Center. Linda is teaching in the Oklahoma City public school system. Lt. George E. Plakosh is stationed near Stuttgart, Germany. Mrs. Plakosh, the former Catherine Hyde '68, writes, " We love Europe - so far we've been to Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium - as well as many interesting cities in Germany. " The couple had their first child, Michael Andrew, on October 7. Lt. Walter J. Wood is a company commander with the USMC. He and his wife - the couple was married on August 22 - are living in Jacksonville, N.C. First child, Anne Catherine, to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Vick (Helen Conklin), June 1. James J. Prichard is teac hing in the Mesa County Schools and living in Grand Junction, Colo. Jim and his wife, Lois, had their first child, Mark Jay, on May 6. Susan Louise Getz has been selected by The Outstanding Young Women of America program to appear in its 1970 edition, according to the Delta Sigma Ch apter of Beta Sigma Phi International Sorority. She had been nominated by the Chapter earlier this year. Susan is currently involved in cancer research at the M.D. Anderson Hospital & Tumor Institute of the U. of Texas in Houston 's famed Texas MediSusan Louise Getz cal Center. Daughter to Joanne and Victor L. Stanchina, September 3. Robert C. Reinoehl reported to Lackland AFB for flight school in October. He and his wife, Chris Byers Reinoehl, had their ftrst child, Tracy Sue, a n J anuary 2, 1970. Susan Marie Veihdeffer is a youth counselor with the Ohio Youth Commission in Cleveland. William J. Turey, Jr., is a grad student at Fairfield (Co nn. ) University. Richard J. Minor is working toward his MBA in hospital and health administration at Xavier U. He and his wife, J anet, have four children - Linda, Rick, Lorraine and Mary. Second child, first daughter, Kimberly Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Keating (Ruth Elliott '66),July 17. Terry is an associate engineer with Western Electric in Indianapolis. Anthony C. Navilio married Kathleen Mary Durnin, June 12. Tony is a salesman with Michael J. Navilio, Inc. The couple is living in Oak Park, Ill. Donald G. Forlenza married Patricia Ann Curran, May 2. Don is a fie ld engineer with SquareD Company in Mineola, N.Y.

MATH SEMINAR Dr. Kenneth Schraut's Fifth Biennial Alumni Seminar on Employment Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences was its usual success this fall. Some 40 UD alumni - all Dr. Schraut's "boys" - were on hand to give mathematics majors the benefit of their experience in the working world. Five presentations opened the afternoon's activities. Mr. Thomas A. Beckert, '49, spoke on Actuarial Science, Dr. James J . Hogan, ' 59, discussed Industrial Mathematics and Computation, Mr. James J. Tumbusch, '52, lectured on Management Science, Kenneth Busch, '52, on Statistics and Dr. Max Gruende, '63, Teaching. Seven group discussions followed the presentations. Later the "gang" had their usual cocktail party and some partook of Dr. Schraut's hospitality where the " bull sessions" bounced around the rooms of his home. Robert A. Dittler is Director of Development at St. John's College in Washington, D.C. He'll get his MBA degree in '71. SP/4 Ronald Derwin will be stationed at Pleiku, Vietnam, until July of '71. Ronald V. Mausser is an engineer with Magnovox in Ft. Wayne Ind., and working on MSEE at Purdue. Samuel M. Slowinski, Jr., is a grad assistant at Penn State. Lt. Orville E. Kitchen, Jr., who was killed in Vietnam in April, was posthumously decora ted for gallantry in action in Seftember. His parents accepted seven medals on his behal - including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart. Raymond V. Glynn married Mary Jane McManus, September 5. Ray is an accountant with Shell Chemical Company. The couple is living in Elmhurst, N.Y. Robert R. Czaplicki is a product test engineer with the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Mich. Marino Moscioni is a foreman with the Ford Motor Company in Walton Hills, 0. He and his wife, Constance, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on August 2. Eileen M. Mahoney served her dietetic internship at Harper Hospital in Detroit an d is now a therapeutic dietitian at Bethesda Hospital in Cincinnati. Raymond P. Woodie married Mary Kathryn Pulliam, September 12. Joyce E. Westerheide is teaching at Van Buren Junior High in the Kettering School System. Lt. Thomas P. Stahl is the Allied Liaison Officer fo r the Armor School at Ft. Knox, Ky. " Have been on active duty since January '70. I hope to remain at Ft. Knox fo r the next sixteen months. On November 7 Mary Patricia Bauer '70 and I will be married. She is presently a dietetic intern at Cincinnati General Hospital and will complete her training in June '71." Charles J. Nietubicz, Jr., is a grad assistant in engineering at UD. Onorina Maria Stolfo married Ernesto Milani, September 12. The couple is living in Gallerate, Italy. First child, Mark Philip, to Lynn and Jeffrey A. Gray, May 26. First child, Romon Joseph, to Frances and Gregory J . Bodnar in September. Mary Patricia Williamson Scheidt is teaching math at St. Thomas Aquinas Grade School in East Lansing, Mich. Hubby, John K. Scheidt '66, is a doctoral candidate at Michigan State.


John A. Marrah, Sr., received the degree, Doctor of Education, from the U. of Cincinnati on August 29. He is now employed with Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, N.J. Stephen A. Hovan is a management trainee with Cleveland Trust. He and his wife, Ruth Meyer Hovan '68, celebrated their second wedding anniversary on December 18. Christine L. Conrad is a social worker with the Montgomery County Welfare iri Dayton. Raymond L. Osborn is a commercial engineer with the Delmarva Power & Light Company in Wilmington, Delaware. Kevin J. Wood is a teaching assistant at Southern Illinois

Barbara Ellen Craig married Phillip Lee Baldwin, November 14. She is teaching at Southdale School in Kettering, 0. Gary L. Lamb married Rebecca Ann Tyler, August 22. First child, Donald Brian, to Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Coleman (Kathleen Ferron), September 14. The Coleman's have moved to Billerica, Mass. Terrence W. Meier is science department chairman at Covington (Ky.) Catholic HS. Donald J. Bassolino writes, " My brother and I are taking over my father's business. I am studying plumbing and heating for business reasons and photography for recreational purposes." First child, Carl Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Webb (Kathleen Carley) , August 21. Brian S. Noonan married Melinda Vercini, October 17. Rita M. Fecke is a grad student at St. Louis U. Thomas J. Giedlin has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF upon graduation from OTS at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is now assigned to Columbus AFB, Miss., for pilot training. Regina Romano Reynolds "has moved to State College where my husband is attending Penn State." Joseph G. Dahm married Lynda Mae Lackey, June 13. Thomas J. Giedlin Joe is a grad student in fine arts at the Art Institute of Chicago. Hugh P. Ryan is with Montgomery County Courts in Adult probation. He is also attending grad school at Xavier


Pvt. Andrew W. Lasko III is stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. Bobbie Jean Wilks m arried Louis Shockley, June 27. Bobbie is teaching at Jefferson Elementary School in Dayton. William F. Wodrich, Jr., was selected recently "to be part of a three-man team to handle all bill of material changes at the Hyster Company. In short, a new department has been formed." Mrs. Wodrich is the former Anne Niggles. Leonard D. Wisniewski married J ane Wigdalski, June 27. He is a water management engineer with Republic Steel in Cleveland. Charles T. Farkas is teaching at Macksville High School (Kansas). Pamela M. Sanford is a sales supervisor for Hutzler Brothers Department Store in Baltimore, Md. First child路, Robert Anthony, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Fitzsimmons (Mary Ann Burns), June 1. Lt. John G. Lilienthal married Lucianne Maria Beach, April 25. Susan Beth Stefek is a personnel placement analyst with Western Electric. Lt. Philip L. Maughan is stationed in Vietnam. Phil and his wife, Marcella, have a daughter, Marie Christine. Timothy M. Lane married Julie Ann Minorini '68, August 2, 1969. Tim is a management consultant with Touche, Ross and Company in Dayton. Julie is teaching at 0. R. Edgington Elementary School. Ronald P. Quinlan is assistant treasurer for the Quinlan Funeral Home, Inc., Passaic, N.J. First child, Joshua, to Lt. and Mrs. James R. Brunck on July 28, 1969. Jim is a student pilot in the USA and living in Mineral Wells, Texas. J. Michael Moser has joined VISTA and is stationed at Nashville, Tenn. Nancy Lorraine Kier married David Lynn Barnes, October 10. Joseph A. Matsko married Carole Ann Hochwalt, October 31. Karyn Jane Makley married William E. Hecker, June 20. The couple is living in Xenia, 0. Barbara Jo Sliver is an elementary vocal music teacher with the Adrian (Mich.) Public Schools. Joseph T. Masiokas is a second-year student granted United States Public Health Service traineeship in the U. of Cincinnati's health-planning program. Paul F. Tursi is treasurer of Sunrise Lumber in Massapequa, N.Y. Lawrence J. Brannan married Ellen J ean Graves on June 21 , 1969. Larry is teaching social studies at Southampton County Junior Hjgh in Courtland, Va. Thomas P. Murray is an auditor with the Department of Health, Eductt:ion and Welfare.



David A. Griesbaum married Lynda Ann Charlesworth, November 6. The couple is living in Flint, Mich. Marilyn E. Connors married Robert Paul Barron, November 28. The Barron's are living in Alexandria, Va. J. Douglas Boland married Joan ne Claire Graham, November 7. Doug is an engineer with Singer Manufacturing and residing in Sparta, N.J. Lt. J. G. Lawrence S. Ducate, Jr., received Navy wings as Naval Aviator on September 4. His first-permanent-duty assignment is in Norfolk, Va., with VR-1. Nicholas J. Eancheff is a salesman with Thomas J. Lipton, Inc., Detroit. He and his wife, Cherry! Lee, were married on May 28, 1966. Joseph F. Ferrall is a research assistant at the Colorado School of Mines and "going for MS in approximately January of '72." Sgt. John D. Friedrich married Cathy Anne Milto, June 13. John is stationed at England AFB in Louisiana. First child, son, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hovan (Ruth Meyer '68), October 24. Karen M. Kumor is a grad student in biochemistry at Johns Hopkins, but "will probably attend medical school next year." Mary Susan Mandyck is a case records secretary in the pathology department at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. First child, Michael Andrew, to Lt. and Mrs. George E. Plakosh (Catherine Hyde '68), October 7. A1C James R. Rogers was assigned to Vietnam in October. Kathleen Louise Conly married Norman H. Schrein, November 21. Wayne T. Szmyt writes, " Have been working at Higbee's


Teresa Ann Henderson married Robert L. Dillhoff, June 27. The couple idiving in Columbus, 0. Robert E. Bauerle married Paula Marie Moorman, August 8. Bob and Paula are residing in Martinsville, Va. Todd E. Schumann is employed by Factory Insurance Association in the Western Regional office in Chicago. John C. Weidner is a plant engineer with Ferro Corporation and living in Huntington Beach, Calif., with his wife, Rebecca, and son, John Christian. Aldo A. Gillio married Mary Louise Flodder, August 8. Lt. James F. O'Heron spent nine weeks at Ft. Benning, Ga., and is now stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. Judith Ann Altman is teaching first grade at Our Lady of Good Council in Cleveland. Daniel J. Riehle married UD student, Dorothy Ann Riccardella, July 4. Dan is a math assistant in UD grad school. Jeffrey J. Vaughn married Shari Lee, June 13. He is a grad assistant at UD. Jeffrey M. Thomas married Linda May Pheifer, August 1. Jeff is a health and physical ed teacher and coach at Warsaw (N.Y. ) High. He's also assistant soccer coach. Robert M. Mahle married Marcella J ean Mulvihill, August 8. Bob is attending dental school at Case Western Reserve. Andrew J. Devery II married Brigid Elizabeth Gibbons, August 1. He is a management trainee with Signode Corporation in Glenview, Ill. Dennis P. Gabinelli married JoAnn Falgiano, July 18. He is an engineer with Worthington Corporation in Irvington, N.J. John M. McGuirk married Cheryl Ann Powis, August 21. The couple is working at the Dayton Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Samuel E. Redlinger married Rita Dolores Riley, August 8. Sam is a lab technician with the Miami Conservancy District and attending UD. David L. Buehrle married Barbara Jean Luigs, May 2. Dave is with Dayton Newspapers, Inc. Jerry C. Gordon is with the Kroger Company. He and his wife, Marcella, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on December 30. Sister Jo Marie Griesgraber, CPPS, is teaching at St. Ann's School in Denver, Colo. Judith Anne Heiny is a grad student at Indiana U. Sister Mary Rita Hoguet, O.P., is program coordinator for the Catholic Volunteer Service Center in Day ton. Henry J. Iori is teaching in the NYC Board of Education and attending grad school at St.John's U. Thomas F. Koehl married Barbara Ann Bangert on December 27, 1969. He is a member of the U.S. Navy. Margaret Ann Fisher married Ronald R. Kusner, June 14, 1969. She is employed b y the St. Elizabeth Medical Center. Margo Lea Wood married William R amage, A ugust 9, 1969. The couple is living in Fridley, Minn. Zane E. Schauer married Patricia Ann Dedrick on May 2. David P. Timpone is teaching at Ascension School in Dayton. James E. Eichelkraut married Marilyn R . Moses, April 4. Jim is with Dayco Corporation. Catherine Jane Harsacky married Thomas Carl Schramm, August 15. Daniel H. Moenter married Nancy Lee Fischer, Augu st 1. Dan is with Marathon Oil Compan y in Findlay, 0. Michael S. Puncsak is a grad student at Youngstown State U. Joseph A. Simeone married Anne Louise Hoffm~n,

in Cleveland for the past year and enjoy it tremendously. My title is an impressive 'Audio-Visual Communications Manager.' To date, I have produced and directed about thirty-five programs to be used corporately in our company." Lt. James P. Waltz is stationed at Ft. Rielly, Kansas with the Air Defense Artillery. Anthony C. Venafro is a customer service correspondent with E. F. MacDonald Incentive Company in Dayton. John F. Kieran, Jr., works "for the private contractor operating the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Burlington." First child, son, to Peggy and T. Robert LoPresti, November 24. Michael I. Feldman married UD student, Pamela Marie Ummel, December 27. Mike is a medical student at the U. of Cincinnati. Stamatis Bulugaris married Susan Mary Loy, November 28.

1970 Richard J. Mayer is technical service representative with Esso Research & Engineering Company and living in Clifton, N.J. Stephen M. Bickford is a grad student at the College of William and Mary. Thomas R. Isgro married Rita Ann Cooper, July 11. Tom is an electronic technician with Mosler Safe Company in Milford, 0. Cheryl J. Kelly is a social worker with Montgomery County Welfare. Antonio A. Desando is a traveling auditor with Top Value Enterprises in Dayton. Robert W. McElearney married Bonnie Ann Baklini, June 27. Bob is teaching the seventh and eighth grades at Ascension School in Dayton. Robert K. Calzetta married Rosanne Janice Gunn '68, June 27. Bob is data processing supervisor with Data Services Corporation in Day ton. Bernard P. Staples, Jr., is office manager of Pocono Carpets in E. Stroudsburg, Pa. He and his wife, Kathy , had their first child, Rachelle Layne, April 21. Margaret M. Harrington is service assistant at First National City Bank in New York City. Carol T. Lukas is a special education teacher with the Seaside R egional Center, Waterford, Conn. Patrick J. Grady married UD student Cynthia Ann Vollmer, April 25. Pat is production manager with L. M. Berry in Dayton. David L. Coene is a sanitary engineer with the U.S. Public Health Service at the Indian Health Center in Kayenia, Arizona. Glenn W. Watterson, Jr., is employed in the management section of the U.S. Steel Corporation in Loraine, 0 . He and his wife, Cheryl, were married on April 26 , 1969. Francis A. Groach, Jr., married Holly Rembe Hobson, May 16. Frank is in navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif. Michael D. Miller is on the quart ermaster school staff at Fort Lee, Va. Joyce Ann Drogan is a research assistant in UD's grad school. Gregory ,J\. Keller is assistant purchasing age nt with DAP, Inc., in Dayton. First child, Andrew James, to Carol and Ralph E. Andrews, Jr., July 3. Michael C. GeCÂŁwicz is a financial analyst with Pfizer (Leeming Division) in New York City. 42

Linda Jane Bruns is teaching at St. Albert the Great School in Day ton; Linda Marie Bunn with the Miamisburg (0. ) Board of Education. Sister Mary Elizabeth Burns, SND, is a member of the faculty at St. Augustine School in Cincinnati. , Terry J. Busch is attending grad school at Miami U. He and his wife, Paulette, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on January 14. John L. Cecconi married Penelope Jill Gauthier, June 14, 1969. Mary Munden Collins is with the Rockville (Md.) Board of Education. Sister Eileen Marie Cordes, RSM, is teaching at St. Mary School in Hemlock, Mich.; Sister Mary Anne Croitz, SSJ, at Holy Family High, Massena, N.Y. ; Sister Mary Jacqueline Dewar, RSM, at Immaculate Conception School, Traverse City , Mich. Barbara Ann Hackett married Joseph Dineen, August 29. She is with the U.S. Shoe Corporation in Cincinnati, 0. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Dohner (Diane Marie Doll) celebrated their third wedding anniversary on October 14. Joseph E. Drago is teaching with the New York Board of Education. David A. Dudon is with Mutual Tool & Die Inc. Dave and his wife, Mary Anne, were married on September 2, 1967. Thomas E. Dunlap is a law student at Ohio Northern U. Charlene Ann Kinzeler is teaching at St. Brigid's School, Xenia, 0. Charles A. Schrauder is an engineering trainee with American Bridge. He and his wife, Susan, are living in Sewickley, Pa. John E. Sheehan is a computer programmer at NCR. Louis A. Szabo married Judith Rae Bowers, August 22. Lou is attending law school at the U. of Cincinnati. Stephen J. Olzerowicz married Elisabeth Anne Stevens, May 9. Steve is a manager trainee with Stevens Spring Company, Inc., Elkhart, Ind. John W. Englert married Elaine Marie Hauck, August 9, 1969. He is an engineer with RCA and living in Delran, N.J. Margaret Ann Traynor married Paul Edwin Zimmer, August 22. The couple is living in Durham, N.C. , while Paul attends law school. Dennis L. Stelzner (TI '69) received his bachelor of technology degree at UD's August graduation. He is with the Duquesne Light Company and living in Pittsburgh. David A. Dolph is teaching fifth and sixth grade boys' physical education at C. F. Holliday and Walter Shade Schools in West Carrollton, 0 . He is assistant seventhgrade football coach. William M. Weatherwax has joined The Babcock & Wilcox Company and is in the initial phase of a companywide orientation program. Bill participated in a fourweek session at Barberton William M. Weatherwax prior to b eing assigned to the power generation division. Bill was married to Denise Anne Quimet, October 10. William P. Carey received a second masters degree from UD in August - this one in English ; TI grad, Marvin H. Gehret, received his bachelor of technology degree . First child, J effrey Stephen, to Mr. and Mrs. George S. Terlinden (Mary Ann Kunz ), May 7. The Terlinden family

August 2, 1969. Ann Louise Tillitski is a stewardess with United Air Lines. Richard H. Wetterauer is attending Northwestern University. Frederick D. Armstrong and Roger A. Collinsworth are with the City of Dayton Police Department. Fred and his wife, Harriet, have two children- Julie and Amy. Kenneth P. Saunders is a communication systems analyst with General Electric in Philadelphia. Michael A. Infantino is a junior accountant with Horner & Soper in Cincinnati. He and his wife, Barbara, had their first child, Christopher, on January 20, 1970. Judith Deanne Brown married J . Philip Balog, August 9, 1969. Dorothy Taylor Begovich, Helen L. Ingle, Stephen Kahn, and Suzanne L. Meder are teaching with the Dayton Board of Education. Molly Kay Whitmore was married to Edward A. Katkic on July 6, 1968. She is teaching in the Tipp City Exempted School District. Barbara Ann Bertke is a teacher in the Washington (0.) Local School District. Richard D. Beyland married Donna Lynn Miller, May 16. He is with Pacific Finance in Dayton.



Dr. Maurice Reichard, '35, who stepped down as Chairman of UD's Music Department after 31 years this summer, was given a " retirement" dinner this summer by more than 300 of his friends who came from all parts of the United States. In this picture he is receiving a citation from Pope Paul VI which entolled the UD educator for his long service to music education. It is b eing presented by F ather R oesch, UD President. Maurie, whose bands have paraded for the University of Dayton in many parts of the midwest and south over the past 40 years, has been associated with his alma mater for 52 years as high school and college student, consultan t, teacher and administrator. Other messages came from Ohio Governor James Rhodes, Dayto n Mayor J ames McGee, Ohio Superintendent of Schools Martin Essex and many friends from around the world. His four living children and 22 grandchildren all sat at the huge head table as "pop" and " grandpop" received many gifts including a gold trumpet and a special alumni scholarship named after him.

*** 43

is living in Cincinnati. Deanna C. Schaefer is a speech and business teacher with the Montgomery County (Md.) Public Schools. She is living in Hyattsville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Berg (Pamela Jo Fletcher) celebrated their second wedding anniversary on November 24. Attending UD grad school are Robert J. Bouffier, S.M., Sandra E. Jay, Gary L. Hartman, S.M., and Patricia Ellen McGovern. Gregory L. Eiler married Kathleen Sue Prueitt, February 20. Greg is with Armco Steel Corporation. Gregory K. Ezell is with International Harvester Company in Springfield, 0. Tl grad, Ira Ferrell III, is continuing his studies at UD. Michael A. Fields is with the International Voluntary Service Inc. with an APO San Francisco address. David E. Furry is employed by NCR. Thomas H. Goodwin is teaching and assistant football coach at Lumen Christi High School, Jackson, Mich. Tom and Anne had their first child, Julie Marie, on January 28, 1970. Barbara Diane Gosney and Donna Jean Hacker are teaching at Holy Angels School in Dayton. Donald E. Goubeaux is working at NCR and taking grad , classes at UD. Gaylee Smith Goubeaux is teaching at Franklin-Monroe School. Sister Patricia L. Haines, SND, and Sister Barbara J. Markus, SND, are members of the faculty at Immaculate Conception School in Dayton. Sara Mayfield Hall is with the West Carrollton Board of Education. Sister Geraldine M. Heffernan, OSB, is with the Bender Memorial Academy, Elizabeth, N.J. John E. Hennessy, Jr., married Ann Theresa McGannon, August 7. He is working at NCR and attending UD grad classes. David F. Herbold, S.M., is teaching at Moeller High in Cincinnati. Deborah Ann Hill is with the Kettering Board of Education . Patricia Lewis Hoblit is with the New Lebanon (0 .) Local Schools; Sharon C. Homan with the Coldwater Exempted Schools, third grade. Sister Paula Louise Ivory, SND, is teaching at Holy Trinity School; Sister Mary R. Johnson, SND, at Notre Dame Academy in Toledo, 0. James T. Jurcic is a grad student at the U. of Pittsburgh. Marcheta Cramer Lantis is teaching at St. John's School, Middletown. Michael S. Leffel is a teacher and coach at FranklinMonroe H.S. Jack S. Lempke married Michele Elizabeth Ukey, June 19, 1969. Sister Carol E. Lichtenberg, SND, is teaching at Julienne High in Dayton. Father Fred A. Link, OFM, is a faculty member of Bishop Luers High in Ft. Wayne, Ind. A. Joseph Lukezic is with Ohio National Life. Thomas E. McCann is with Fidelity Union Life in Dayton. . Sister Mary -¡1felen McCreary, RSM, is teaching at St. Anne School, Columbus, Ga. John J . McDonough III is with Frendel, Brown & Weissman CPA's in New York City. Thaddeus P. McHugh is teaching at Mary Manse College in Toledo.

Horst E. Maczuga is teaching at Waite High in Toledo. Leonard R. Matuch married Phyllis L. Brindisi, May 9. Len is stationed overseas. Bernard J. Middleton is with Ernst & Ernst CPA's and attending UD grad school. Jean Ann Milillo is teaching in the Fairborn City Schools. Dennis J. Minkler married Elaine Marie Recker, December 19, 1969. Barbara Anne Roos married UD student, Mario Ronald Modica, August 8. Barbara is teaching in the Bethel Local Schools. Sister Rose C. Momm, SNJM, is teaching at Marylrose Academy, Albany, N.Y. James W. Morrison, Jr., is with the Air Force Logistics Command at WPAFB. He and his wife, Marva, celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary on August 8. Ronald V. Mosca is with the J & R Dress Company and attending grad school at Kings College. He and his wife, Ma6ellen, are living in Kingston, Pa. James R. Mueller married Suzanne Taylor, March 30, 1969. Sister Patricia M. Murphy, RSM, is teaching at St. Mary School, Streator, Ill. Sister Barbara Muth, S.C., is stationed at Sacred Heart School, Denver, Colo. Frank F-C Na is a programmer with Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, 0 . He was married to Joyce Erh-li Wang on May 31, 1969. Sukhdev Nanda married JoAnn Marie Meye r, April 18. He is with NCR. Otieno Okelo is with the District Commission of the Kenya, East Africa, government. Carol Ann Pahl is teaching at Holy Trinity School in Dayton. Sister Rita Ann Pinault, CND, is teaching at St. John Baptist School, New Haven , Conn . Judith Ann Porter is with the Xenia Board of Education and attending grad classes at Wright State. Andrew L. Preiwisch is with the Electro-Motive Division, GMC. Sister Mary Roselyn Quebbemann, SND, is an instructor in religion at Notre Dame Academy in Covington , Ky. Sister Florita Rodman, CDP, is stationed at St. Ann's in Marshfield, Mass. Sister Marian Ruth Ruede, SC, is at St. Helen School, Saginaw, Mich. Joseph D. Ruhkamp is wi th Globe Industries and attending UD grad classes. Joe and his wife, Virginia, were married eleven years on September 18. Sister Jean Ryan, SND, teaches at St. Agnes and Holy Family schools. Margaret C. Rzetelny is assistant to the Director of Admissions at UD. Barbara Ann Schick is teaching at St. Anthony School in Dayton ; Judith Ann Schroeder is with the Kalida (0.) Elementary School. Robin P. Sharp and Jeanne Rae Tiber are teaching in the Centerville (0.) Schools. Rinah Ruth Lipis married Leon Saul Shaskolsky, May 7, 1969. Garland G. Staton is on the facu lty at Fairmont East HS. David L. Summer is with the General Telephone Company in Marion, 0.; he was married to Virginia Ann Willett, August 5, 1967. Ruona G. Barsotti married Jeffrey John Titterington, December 27, 1969. She is teaching in the Madison• Township Schools.



Mary Ann Slavik married James Alan Vail, June 22, 1968. She is teaching in the Middletown (0. ) City Schools. Craig R. Villwock married Anne Marie Komarek, May 3, 1969. Sarah Elizabeth Vontress is teaching in the Anderson (Ind. ) Public Schools. Sister Gertrude M. Wisniewski, CSFN, is teaching at St. Blase School, Argo, Ill. Joseph S. Zaidain married Roseanna Ilene Burgmeier, July 6, 1968. Brian D. Zimick is with T op Value Enterprises in Dayton. Donald K. Jackson is with Bendix Automation and Measurement Division in Dayton. Sister Irene Dailyda, OSF, is teaching at St. Francis de Sales School in McKees Rocks, Pa. Dennis A. Mace! married Anne Marie Toll, August 22. " Anne and I will be moving to Houston , Texas, in late August. " Dennis is a sales representative with Koppers Company , Inc. Constance Ann Welsh is a junior planner in urban analysis with the City of Dallas, Texas. Joyce Ann Drogan is studying fo r her masters in English on a fellowship at Catholic U. Roger B. Keeney, Jr. , is with the Ecole D'Alliance Francois and living in Paris. Mary Jeanne Matre married UD student, Alan William Tortorella, August 15. Richard V. Grewe has been named Safety Director at Wright State U. He is responsible for a nine-man security force.

William C. Wellbaum, Jr., married Rebecca Jane Apple, June 27. Bill is a buyer in budget men's furnishings at Rike's. Barbara L. Brush married James Douglas Chapman, June 13. Barbara is executive secretary for the Security Central National Bank in Portsmouth , 0 . Richard F. Frisch married Patricia Ann Fitzgerald, August 29. Mary Ann Popp married Robert Allen Rhoads, September 5. Richard M. Peitz married Mary Ann Miller, September 5. William H. Robinson married Joanne Carolyn Christie, August 8. Bill is a system switching design engineer with North Electric in Galion , 0. First child, James Peter, to Eileen and James L. Gerold, July 26. Judy Ann Frilling married Henry Wayne F ortenberry, August 8. Judy is teaching math in the Crockett (Texas) Public Sch ools. C. William Kinzeler married Kathleen Anne Ellis, August 15. Anthony P. Cannone married Pamela Jane Crincoli, April 4. Tony is in technical sales with Onyx Chemicals, Jersey City, N.J. James P. Lewis married Kathy Louise Shelton, August 1. He is teaching in the Kettering School System. Michael W. Herrlein has been a probation counselor for the Montgomery County Juve nile Court since J anuary. He was also fea tured in a LIFE Magazine article covering UD Professor J ohn Bregenzer's sociology study. Mike 's wife, Pamela Grabowski Herrlein, '68, is a systems analyst for Dayton Power & Light Company. "Both of us hope to do grad work eventually. " Marilyn L. Batsche is studying for her bachelor degree in education at UD. First child, Thomas Gary, to Mary Ellen and Gary H. Sellars, July 21. Gary is a buyer with Inland Manufacturing Division, GMC. Richard D. Reilly married J o Anne Meyer, Augu st 29. Dick is a grad assistant at Penn State U. Robert A. Faut is with the Naval Reserve in Beeville, Texas (Chase Field). Virginia M. Warnke is a social work assistant at University Hospital i1; Cleveland. "The position is challenging and very interesting." Joseph R. Fox is teaching at Ch amin ade High in Dayton. Sister Laurette Sprosty, FSPA, is teaching at CathedralSt. Wenceslaus Elementary School in LaCrosse, Wise. Donald J. Hiebel is a grad assistant at Miami U. ; wife Navarre Montana Hiebel '69 is teaching with the Hamilton (0.) Board of Education. First child, Kristi Lynn, to Barbara and David S. Drabic, April 16. Dave is teaching sixth grade in the Bethlehem (Pa.) School District. Mary Jean Jecklin married Dennis E. McWilliams, September 5. John M. Heiberger, Jr., married Janice Kay Siemieniec, September 5. J ohn is a graduate technologist with Consumers Power in Jackson, Michigan. Robert F. Lampert is chairman of the fin e arts department at Chaminade High in Day ton. Paul A. Martin is a grad assis tant in biology at UD. Sister Mary Joel Pax, CSC, is teaching at Blessed Sacrament School in Washington, D.C. Joseph H. Freitag is assistant manager of the Golden Ox Restaurant and living in Alexandria, Va. He and his wife, J oanna, were married on June 21, 1969. David G. Ihlendorf is teaching eighth grade history and

ALUMNI OFFICERS James Gilvary, '51, former Student Council President, 1950-51, has been elected President of the University of Dayton's National Alumni Association. Don Ruhl, '4 7, was elected vice president; Dick Finan, '54 , treasurer, and Mary Shay, '44, secretary. Gilvary and Ruhl are from Dayton and Finan from Cincinnati. Miss Shay began her 26th year as secretary. El"e cted to the National Board was Jim Paxson , '56, and re-elected were John Westerheide, '47 , and Dr. Mary Jo Huth , PhD., '50, all from Day ton. Bill Lange, '50, was re-elected and Chris Harris, '55, elected to the Athletic Board. Both are fr om Day ton.

John N. Moore married Anne Mary Poirson, August 21. J ohn is a law student at William & Mary College. James P. Foreman married Judith Ann Sh aeffer, August 15. Gerald B. O'Meara is an assistant inn keeper with Holiday Inn, Inc., in downtown Dayton. Stephen P. Stasko married Carol Ann Bertke, September 12. Mary Kathryn Klae married L. Ned Clark, September 5. She is with the tru&路 department at Third National Bank in Day ton.


Science at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School in Reading, 0. Linda Marie Chapla is a medical technologist in Denver, Colorado. "And skiing," says she. How about sending us your Colorado address? James L. Wopperer, Jr., is and "Adv. Man. Engineer" for Xerox in Rochester, N.Y. Patricia Kathleen McLean married UD grad student, Thomas Frank Herold, July 25. Pat is teaching at St. Albert the Great School. Alan R. Beach is teaching English at Chaminade High in Dayton. Nadine D. Weltner is teaching at Our Lady ot Mercy School in Dayton. Patricia J. Winkler is an assistant buyer with FrederickGottlieb in Chicago. Paul D. Hoff is a sales representative with Lollilard Corporation and living in Dayton. Kenneth M. Krall married Charlotte Marie Bokal, January 3, 1970. He is employed by the State of Ohio with the Bureau of Employment in Cleveland, 0. He is a security specialist. Ronald A. DiCarlo is attending dental school. Milton C. Barnard III is a member of the professional staff of Arthur Andersen & Company in Chicago. He and his wife, Phyllis, celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary on July 17. Lt. Edmund C. Meadows, Jr., married Mary Theresa Canna, September 5. The couple is stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. Ted W. Knapke is teaching math at Centerville (0.) High; Jeanne R. Tiber is teaching French there. Roberta M. Langenkamp is a medical student at Ohio State U. Kenneth A. Sakie married Kathleen Louise Archer, August 1. Ken is administrative assistant with Cardinal Vending Company in Mansfield, 0. Lt. Robert C. Bernard, Jr., is stationed in Vietnam. Lt. and Mrs. Richard F. Frisch (Patricia Fitzgerald) are living in Columbus, Ga., while Dick is stationed at Ft. Benning. Georgiana C. Nye is teaching English at Dayton (Ky.) High School. Nicki L. Casbarro is teaching at McGuffey School in Dayton. Joseph W. Schwarz III married Judith Rita Kittelman '68, May 16. Jay is an engineer with U.S. Steel in Lorain, Ohio ; Judith is a math teacher at St. Augustine Academy in Lakewood. Susan Kay Wetzler is a grad teaching assistant at the U. of Maryland. Deborah J . Kile is a special education teacher with the Anderson County (Tenn.) Schools. Third child, second son, to Audrey and Ronald E. Niekamp, September 21. Dennis J . Hunsberger is with Bell Telephone Labs in Holmdel, N.J. Rosemary E. Diehl is a reinsurance assistant with Lincoln Nat. Life Insurance Company in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Patrick J. Murray is an attorney with Murray & Murray in Sandusky, 0. Pat and his wife, Louise, have two children - Patrick and Erin, who was born on August 28. Charle( J. Busta married Bonita Louise Erzen, September 18. The cou pie is living in Chicago. Deborah J. , Thobe is a medical technologist with the Dayton Community Blood Bank. Frank X. Ma terson, Jr., has been appointed Ohio sales representative for Kurfees Coatings, Inc., of Louisville, Ky.

Jerome T .. Baer is an accountant with Arthur Andersen & Company in Chicago.

Peter M. Franco married Diane Branda, September 19. Joan Candice Comiskey is a special education teacher with the Bay Shore Public Schools. Karl T. Schroeder is a grad assistant in chemistry at Duquesne U. Michael S. Warner married Daneen Ellen Georgy, August 22. Mike is a staff consultant with Weinreich & Plotnick CPA's in Dayton and attending UD grad school. Daneen is a medical technologist at St. Elizabeth Medical Center. Daniel G. Shillito is enrolled in the law school at Ohio Northern U. Patrick H. Welsh is assistant editor of the Ohio State Monthly. Pat and his wife celebrated their second wedding anniversary on December 28. Thomas J. Neihengen is doing substitute teaching in the Chicago Schools. Joann M. Hyle is engaged in social services working with Puerto Rican families in Philadelphia, Pa. John J. Butler married Jo Anne DeCaro '69, May 1. John is an information system specialist with TRW Inc., in Cleveland. Jo Anne is an editorial promotion writer with the Cleveland Plain Dealer. John is working on an MS in information sciences in the school of engineering at Case-Western Reserve U. also. Patricia Ann Guthrie married Roger Lawrence Frisch, September 12. Pat is a service representative for Partime, Inc., in Columbus, 0. Robert E. Maloy married Mary Lee Grace, August 29. Bob is an engineer trainee in construction with U.S. Steel. The couple IS living in Pittsburgh. Terrence F. Brady is a Private in the USA stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. David R. Barth has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF upon graduation from OTS at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is David R. Barth now assigned to Webb AFB, Texas, for pilot training. Joseph S. Santner is a teaching assistant in the physics department at Michigan State U. Frank V. Surico is with the Center for Executive and Organization Development and coordinator for Project Interface in Dayton. Corine Anne Yee is attending medical school at Rutgers


Pvt. Michael J. Luthman is stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. James F. Stangle is a grad student at UD. Mark A. Redrick is with Universal Atlas Cement Company. D. Jeanne Wank is teaching at Emerson School in Dayton. Stewart H. Brash is a medical student at Northwestern U.

Stephen J. Riebling is an engineer with Eric Riebling Company, Inc., Rye, N.Y. Barbara J. Cicciollo is a teaching assistant at Ohio State U. in the Home Management Department. Lawrence P. Fabbroni is a grad research assistant at Purdue U. First child, Kimberly Susanne, to J oann and Dennis B.



Graf, September 12. Karen E. Lake is teaching at All Saints School in Puyallup, Wash . Denise M. Zaccardi is an intern with the Teacher Corps (Office of Economic Opportunity). She is also working on her M.Ed. degree at the State University at Buffalo, N.Y. Alexander H. McPhee is a grad student in chemical Engineering at Purdue. Mikel Ann Groezinger married William John Blackburn, November 7. Mikel is teaching third grade at Clinton Elementary in Columbus, 0. Charles E. Saltzer is a grad student in geology at the U. of Wisconsin. Mary Margaret O'Hara is teaching at St. Joseph's School in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Sheila M. Murphy is on an NDEA Title IV Fellowship at Boston College working on her Ph.D. in counseling psychology. John H. Lehman married Carol Ann Hickman, September 12. Lt. Francis A. Groach, Jr., is in navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif. Diana M. Schumacher is a math teacher at Alter High in Dayton. Michael A. Laubacher is a math-science teacher at Hillsdale High in Cincinnati. Thomas M. Mayer is a grad student at Penn State U. Dolores M. O'Neil is a home economist in the Nestle Test Kitchens, White Plains, N.Y. Gregory K. Ezell is Assistant Personnel Manager for Rubbermaid, Inc., Wooster, 0. Greg and his wife, Nan, have two children- Erin Benet and Brett Anthony. Thomas A. Miltner is a salesman with Soundfold Inc., in Dayton. Frank J. Becker is an engineer with Becker Electric and living in Alexandria, V a. Alfred K. Satkowski is a student at Hofstra U. Wife, Virginia Boyle Satkowski '68, is teaching at Massapequa (NY) HS. Susan A. Anzivino is a student personnel assistant at Morrill Tower, Ohio State U. Michele Anne LaMorgese married Terrence Sean Higgins, March 8, 1970. Robert J . Pierce married Patricia Clare Spencer '69, August 8. Bob is a grad assistant at Miami U. Pat is a health and physical education teacher in the Talawanda School System. Lt. Robert J. Scarpa is with the USA and residing in San Antonio, Texas, until January. Michael E. Reifel is teaching at Catholic Central High in Grand Rapids, Mich. He and his wife, Julie, were married on June 8, 1968. Donald A. Merkle married Barbara Ann Schick, November 28. David A. Dolph married Barbara Ann Staretz '69, November 7. Cynthia Ann Luckoski is a substitute teacher in the Dayton Public Schools. Thomas M. Maloney is teaching at Precious Blood School in Dayton. Joseph E. Moore is an accountant with Hoffman & Campbell CPA's in Dayton. David E. Nowicki is a grad assistant in the art department at Indiana U. Marianne Elizabeth Hughes married Anthony J . Parenti, September 6. Joanne E Parulis is working for the Director of O.E.C. at Antioch College.

ROOT-TILDEN SCHOLAR Tom Huser, Speaker of Student Congress in the 1969-70 Student Government, has continued his studies at New York University law school with one of the coveted 20 Root-Tilden scholarships. Huser is one of two college graduates picked from the Sixth Federal Circuit Court District which includes Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. The special program, which attracts some of the country's top government and law officials as guest lecturers and resource persons, awards the scholar a yearly tuition of $2350 and $1500 fo r living expenses. The scholars also receive transportation to and from New York once a year. The program includes seminars, person-to-person meeting with the New York legal community and excellent job opportunities in the field. Some of the men connected with the program are Arthur Goldberg, Cyrus Vance, Arthur Dean, and before his untimely death, Robert Kennedy. Kenneth J. Rensi, Jr., is a substitute teacher m the Trenton (Mich.) School System. John W. Snyder married Nancy Agnes Casselman, October 24. Nancy is a social worker with the Montgomery County Welfare Department. Timothy J. Tabernik is Director of the Mann Ranch Seminars in Ukiah, Calif. He and his wife, Joan, celebrated their first wedding anniversary on November 8. Daniel A. Lauricella, Jr., married Margaret Ann Plassenthal, November 14. The couple is living in Columbus, 0. Second child, second son, Brian Joseph , to Jane and Thomas M. Tully, Jr., September 25. Lt. and Mrs. Michael B. Duffin (Christine Weckesser '69) are living in Aberdeen, Md., while Mike is stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Diane P. Doherty is a substitute teacher with Alachua County of Florida. First child, son, to Kathy and Stephen C. Zimmer, November 1. Gregory A. Harris is with Julian Brothers Contractors in Leominster, Mass. Lt. David A. O'Neill is stationed in Germany. Dave and his wife, Judy Browne O'Neill, will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on April 25. Pvt. Robert G. Piotrowski is stationed at Ft. Dix, N.J. Peter M. Franco married Diane A. Branda, September 19. Pete is a designer with Dante in New York City. Dennis J. Callaghan has been named Assistant Manager of Barnaby's Restaurant in Dayton. Elizabeth M. Armstrong is teaching English at Alter HS in Dayton. Jack S. Lempke is a marketing rep for Shell Oil Company in Dayton. Jolene Ann Barber is teaching at the Miami Valley Child Development Center in Dayton. Lt. Janet M. Vennekotter graduated from OTS on November 18 and " am now serving at Blytheville, Ark." Judith Ann Schroeder married Lawrence C. Birkemeier, November 7. Thomas F. Fanelli, Jr., married Nylah Kay Thompson '68, November 20. Anne B. McNamara is doing substitute teaching in the Toledo (0.) Public Schools. Anne wrote in November, "Just spent six weeks in Mexico and eight touring South America."





ROBERT M. PAYNE SR. One of U.D. 's great friends, Robert M. Payne Sr., died July 8. He meant much to the University of Dayton and the Society of Mary. We would like to pass on a little article we asked a member of his family to write for us. When the Cancer Society asks for help think of Bob Payne. The dreaded disease took him from us. The University of Dayton was as much a part of the life of Robert M. Payne Sr. as his family and home. He knew personally most of the priests and brothers of Mary and he considered them not only as his teachers but his friends. The training he gained from them he passed on to his children. First and foremost was the love of God, which was instilled in his family by his great example of attending Mass together ; his love of sports, and few were the games of football and basketball that he missed, and his love of Civic p ride and duty shown by his years of duty to the Sie na Home, Catholic Charities and as a writer of Catholic news for the Journal Herald. He attended St. Mary 's High School as a boarding student went on to graduate from college with a degree in chemical engineering in the class of 1922. After graduation he joined the Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories. When they moved to Detroit he decided to go into the insurance business, as his father was ill and he had to stay in Dayton. He became office manager of Anderton, McCabe & Shepard. A few years later he opened his own office, The Payne Insurance Company. Those days are now called the " depression years," but Bob never relinquished his football tickets at UD. As his children grew old enough they attended the games with him. It can now be told (Editor's Note: for you oldtimers of the '20s) that he was the author of "Alberta Street. " He was twice elected president of the U.D. Parents

This picture was taken when Bob, '22, and Mary Brennan Payne, '30, received the Montgomery County Chapter, Alumni Association, "Award for Professional Achievement," in 1958. Bob is at right and R. William Patterson, ' 29, Alumni President, is at left.

Associatio n, which organization was started in his home on Brooklands Road, and he helped on the welcoming committee several years after his last child graduated from U.D. He was president and a member of the Board of Directors of the Dayton Association of Insurance Agents. In 1958 he received the "Award for Professional Achievement" presented by the Montgomery County Chapter, University of Dayton Alumni Associatio n." Perhaps the greatest heritage a man can leave to his children is the kind of life they would like to follow " in his footsteps." All the children, graduates of the University of Dayton, are doing just that and Bob, in his humble and quiet way, would be happy for that. Bob died in Kettering Memorial Hospital. He had bee n ill only six weeks. He is survided by his widow, Mary Brennan Payne, '30 (law), and Robert M. Jr., '58; Mrs. Barbara Koerner, '53; Mrs. Sally Martino, '55; Mrs. Molly Conger, '60, and Thomas A., '6 7.

Melvin J. Klarin '35 - died about " eight months ago." Antonio R. DeLa Cruz '68 - murdered by hitchhiker in Agana, Guam - July 23. William J. Connelly '41 - co-owner of the Bradford & Connelly Funeral Home in Dayton - September 6. Husband of Dorothy Bradford Connelly '41 and brother of John R. Connelly '32, James A. Connelly '35, Robert J. Connelly '37 and Joseph F. Connelly '45. Edward T. Horgan '35 - notified of his death in September - date of death not known. Jose L. Saide '52 - notified of his death in September date of death not known. Harry P. Gross '29 - Dayton educator for many years September 15. Aloysius A. Voelker '06 - September 16. Most Rev. Edward J. Hunkeler, D.O. '09 - died of a heart attack on October 1. He retired in 196 9 as Archbishop of Kansas City, Kansas.

Father James W. Bartholomew, S.M. '29 - J uly 27. Father was assigned to County Dublin, Ireland. He taught twenty-eight years at Mt. St. J ohn. Eugene E. Hug '27 - July 25. Henry J. Malloy '26 - Number One booster of UD sports for many years - father of Edward Q. Malloy '3 5, Verne H. Malloy '36, and Don J. Malloy '39 - August 3. Colonel Thomas D. Drake '23 - April 8. William P. Carolan '27 - July 22. Father Karl F. Wilhelm, S.M. '31 - August 15. Father died on the day of his 42nd anniversary of religious life. He was assi~tant pastor of Sacred Heart Church in New Carlisle, 0. . Harold E. Carmony, Sr., '24 - in August while on European v~cation. He was a member of the faculty at Florida Junior College at J acksonville. John A. Retter, Sr. ' 27 - August 21. F ather of John A. Retter, Jr. '59. I


Leo A. Sieben, S.M. '12- October 4. Elwood E. Booher '49 - October 4. Patrick C. Cunningham '30- October 15. S.C. Allyn '54 Hon. -October 31. C. David Etzler '47 - October 17. Husband of Kathryn Kunka Etzler '44. 路 Peter S. Veda, father of Edward P. Veda '53 - July 13. Joseph W. Fecke, Sr., father of Joseph W. Fecke, Jr. '56 -July 14. Mrs. Helene M. Hochwalt, wife of Cyril E. Hochwalt '13 and mother of John F. Hochwalt '51- July 20. John Dowling, father of Suzanne Maureen Dowling '69 - died recently. W. Thomas Noyes, father of Janice Noyes Milne '47 July 26. Joseph W. Kehoe, father of Joseph A. Kehoe '68 March 10. Mrs. Frances M. Leibold, widow of Joseph L. Leibold '28 and mother of Jerome P. Leibold '57- July 29. Clement Fischer, M.D., father of Mary Fischer Freer '46 - July 31. Mrs. Helen Van Schaik, mother of George J. Van Schaik '55 - July 31. Mrs. Consuelo Babb, mother of Robert J. Babb '27 and Peter A. Babb '26- July 21. Mrs. Hazel G. Hamrock, mother of Donald I. Hamrock '44 - August 4. Mrs. J eanette H. Bucher, widow of Lawrence C. Bucher '11 - August 7. Clarence J. Hausfeld, Sr., brother of Walter Hausfeld, S.M. '22 - August 11. Mrs. Alma E. Hecker, mother of Eugene L. Hecker '56 August 16. Mrs. Gladys J. Quigley, wife of Clarence E. Quigley '08 - August 17. Gerard Barhorst, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Barhorst (Mary Goring '67), January 28, 1970. Mrs. Eva Reiter, mother of Anthony M. Reiter '28 August 21. Sister Francis Marie Loges, SND, sister of Miriam Loges Fitzharris '44, G. Edward Loges, Sr., '32, G. Kramer Loges '41, and Richard J. Loges '43 - August 26. Fernando Estasen, father of Elena J. Estasen '6 7 - July 31. Mrs. Gertrude K. Sussman, mother of Reva Sussman Olch '41 - September 6. Lori Lynn Alberts, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Alberts '66 (Sharon Wagner), September 4. Mrs. Irene Westendorf Froehle, wife of John B. Froehle, Sr. '28 and mother of John B. Froehle, Jr. '57 - September 10. Mrs. Froehle was the sister of Sister Olivia Westendorf SND '59, Walter J. Westendorf '17, Eugene U. Westendorf '41 and Jerome E. Westendorf '43. Joseph A. Kuntz, father of Gerard B. Kuntz '60 September 7. Kenneth Teegarden, father of Douglas K. Teegarden '68 - September 12. Mrs. Pearl F . Harlan, wife of Roy C. Harlan '33 September 18. Calvin S. Tawney, father of Gretchen Tawney Pearson '62 - September 18. Mrs. Ellen Marie Dodson, mother of James E. Dodson '65 - June 3. Michael A. Canty, father of Bernard J. Canty '55 September 23. Mrs. Eugenia T. Hunter, mother of Joseph E. Hunter, D.D.S. '57 and Sharon Hunter Buehrer '66 - September 27.

Arthur C. Striebel, father of James L. Striebel, M.D. '55 - September 29. Glenn E. Thomas, father of Betty Thomas Berk, Ph.D. '44 - August 10. Claude Senseman, father of Rodney H. Senseman '51 October 4. Mrs. Marie S. Milord, mother of Robert 0. Milord '49 October 14. Charles E. Sims, father of Mary Louise Sims '66 November 1. Patricia Wildes Klosterman, wife of Earl H. Klosterman '61 -October 18. John F. Kieran, Sr., father of John F. Kieran, Jr., '69 October 1. Mrs. Amelia B. Amann, wife of the late Hans Amann, Ph.D. '10 and mother of Thomas J. Amann '50 and Richard J. Amann '50 - November 10. Denis Downing, son of Paula and James D. Downing ' 57 - July 26. Mrs. Anna C. Vandevander, mother of Robert H. Vandevander '53 - October 30. Mrs. Eleanor E. Witte, wife of Paul L. Witte, Sr. '35 and mother of Paul L. Witte, Jr., '62 and Philip N. Witte '68 November 15. Mrs. Ethel M. Mudd, mother of Geraldine Mudd McLaren '49, Lloyd E. Mudd, Jr., '50, and Donald E. Mudd ' 57 - November 10. Thomas F. Page, Sr., father of Thomas F. Page, Jr., '54 - November 7. Clifford Peckholt, father of Catherine Peckolt Butler '53 - October 27. Mrs. Marie Gurokovich Hall, mother of Karl G. Gurokovich '56 - October 18. Mrs. Doris D. McFall, mother of Paul N. McFall D.D.S. '52 - October 18. M-rs. Frances Spatz Heath, sister of Henry J. Spatz ' 39 November 18. F. Thomas Heinold, husband of Shirley Ackermann Heinold '54 - killed in auto accident- November 9. Victor A. Engel, father of Joan Marie Engel '63 November 21. Mrs. Rosanne Wheelersburg, mother of Carl P. Wheelersburg '52 - November 23. Mrs. Isabelle E. Brown, mother of Rev. Robert E. Brown, S.M. '27 and Jerome U. Brown '30 - November 13. Mrs. Mary Louise Mahan, mother of Carol Mahan Judd '63 - November 28. Mrs. Ruth W. Smith, wife of Lt. Col. (ret.) DeWitt W. Smith '33 - November 25. Mrs. Lena Mae Heidkamp, mother of Robert H. Heidkamp '42 - November 28. Joseph E. Bender '26 December 3. Former owner-operator of the Xenia Distributing Company. He headed the beer firm for 25 years before retiring last year. G. Springer Crawford '15 - December 2. William G. Slonaker '50 - first layman to serve as UD comptroller from 1956 to 1962 and an assistant professor of accounting at UD - December 7. Father of William M. Slonaker '68. Charles J. Belz, S.M. '12 - December 11. Brother Belz served as chairman of UD's civil engineering department in the 1930 's and 40's. He retired from teaching in 19 58. Allen E. Sebenik '65 - in auto accident - December 23. Brother of Roger F. Sebenik, Ph.D. '63. Edward C. Jordan ' 55 - January 2. Charles Lewis Cluxton, father of Charles N. Cluxton '57 - December 4. Mrs. Pauline M. Kiacz, mother of Joseph R. Kiacz '69 49

Mrs. Betty Moss Schmieding, wife of the late Edward L. Schmieding '35 - January 1. Mrs. Loretto G. Peters, sister of Jerome A. Logan, M.D. '51 -December 28. Mrs. Bertha Gibbons, widow of Michael J . Gibbons, Sr., '02 and mother of Samuel J. Gibbons '48 and Michael J. Gibbons, Jr., '48 - January 6. Mrs. Betty Jane Carlin, wife of William C. Carlin '33 January 6. Mrs. Mary Alma Hale, sister of William J. Raiff .'47 January 6.

December 3. Mrs. Irene June Baird, wife of Ralph M. Baird '54 December 11. Bernard E. Reising, father of Lester E. Reising '22 December 15. Mrs. Kathleen Grimes, mother of Philip L. Grimes '35 and David L. Grimes '39- December 24. Mr. F. J. Bruening, father of William P. Bruening '57 November 13. Mrs. Leona C. Highflll, mother of George W. Daly 'SO December 31.

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Vol. XXXVII, No.4

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