Daytonian 1981 Contents FALL .......................................... 18 WINTER ........................................ 68 SPRING ....................................... 100 SENIORS ...................................... 134 HOUSING ...................................... 167 ORGANIZATIONS .............................. 238 FACULTY ..................................... 240 ADVERTISING ................................. 260
Victory VICTORY success or superiority in any struggle or contest (JD DEFINITION a history making national championship for the Flyer football team; an element of the 1980-1981 school year that wi\lllive on in UD folklore like the Friday afternon Bursar's line
4/0 pening
An '80-'81 Original
Orientation ORIENTATiON to familiarize a person with
new surroundings or circumstances 00 DEFINITION to be bombarded with new
information about every aspect of LID life; have a chance to meet people to inquire about hometowns and majors
路 . . And Some Old Familiars Which Define UO Life
Munchies FOOD any nourishing substance eaten or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life_ (JD DEFlNITION any substance, nourishing or otherwise, that may be found at variety of establishments throughout the UD area; pizzas delivered to your door, tuna fish and peanut butter casseroles to last until the next check from home, institutional slop cranked out by Marycrest and KU cafeterias_
8/0 pening
PLAZA a public square or open space in a city or town GD DEFINITION the area between Kennedy Union and Miriam Hall where the masses converge between classes
Diversion DIVERSION a turning aside from a course , activity or use UD DEFINITION an opportunity for enjoyment at UD in which anyone can play; frisbee , volleyball., cycling, bowling, tennis, swimming and numerous other miscellaneous activities
Morning After
14 / 0pening
MORNING AFTER the calendar day directly following an event GD DEFINITION the calendar day following the night you attended some wild UD function, a sin~e exuberant ghetto party, or perhaps some local bar; appearance or trash or remnants along streets and in houses; feelings of disorientation
Fall Candids RIGHT: November 4 marked the first anniversary of the American captives in Iran. Ribbons tied around campus trees marked Dayton's respect for the more than 50 hostages. BELOW: Anxious Flyer fans begin the destruc路 tion of ane of the many big路win goalposts of the 1980 season . BELOW RIGHT: The Flyer News hosted another successful blood bank during the autumn season. BOTTOM LEFT: A balmy weather waterfight resulted from the gung路ho spirit of participanta in the fall joint rush. BOTTOM RIGHT: Flyer footbal fans knew all along that our team would be the national champs ,
LEFT: Cathy Guiswite, a native Daytonian and successful cartoonist, lectured at UD on her alter路ego character "Cathy." BELOW: UD's an路 swer to "The Dukes of Hazzard."
LEFT: The Diehards , an unrecognized UD organization. managed to monogram a good deal of c ampus hardware. ABOVE: An unfortunate housefire left students Emily LaRose and Cathy Rinderle tempoarily without a home in the ghetto.
Fall Candids
ABOVE路 Anne Bowden keeps the suds flowing, ABOVE RIGHT路 Karen Kraft as Anita in West Side Story high jumps during "America", RIGHT路 "Tug-o'war" contest on Library Lawn at Labor Day Picnic ,
ABOVE- Students study on the Library Lawn_ LEFT- A firehydrant's cool-refreshing water aids to the fun of the Labor Day Picnic _ ABOVE LEFT- Freshman unloading at Marycrest during orientation weekend. ABOVE RIGHT- Cheerleaders add to the spirit of the Home路 coming Football Game.
Library Lawn Art Show
For one weekend in early Fall, UD's Library Lawn was transformed into an outdoor showcase as artists from all walks of life came to display their talents and creations. Painters, sculptors, and pottery路makers joined with musicians and thespi路 ans to entertain both students and local Dayton路 ians. Hot dog and soda stands lined the sidewalk, giving all who attended this year's Library Lawn Art Show an opportunity to not only satisfy their cultural tastes but their physical ones as well.
Campus Carnival This years nice weather set an especially festive mood for the annual UAO sponsored Campus Carnival, and the good times l flowed from the mild afternoon into the cool evening. Adding to the atmosphere were campus organizations sell路 ing hot pretzels, beer, hotdogs, popcorn, pizza, etc., etc. In addition to the opportunity to blow your diet, there was also the opportunity to blow your budget with the various games of chance and skill sponsored by still more campus organizations.
Distinguished Speakers Series
Andrew Young Andrew Young, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, addressed more than 1500 people at the University of Dayton Fieldhouse October 9, 1980 on the Mideast and Africa . Young said the United States must take an objective transition from oil dependency to interdependency by exporting U .S. goods and services to oil路rich developing nations in order to rebuild our own security . Young felt that the U.S. should expand the concept of national security from politicall and military security to include economic security. "To talk about the Mideast and Africa is to talk about unemployment and inflation ... energy and trade," he said . But Young added that interdependency can not be attained without establishing diplomatic contact with de路 veloping nations. "Much of the future that you and I will enjoy or the future you and I will suffer will depend on our ability to understand the very complex relationship that exist around U .S. foreign policy interests in the Middle East and Mediterranean," said Young.
He was optimistic on future relationships with the Middle East and Africa, and the Iranian hostage situation . "We have reached a level of strength and maturity in our politics and our economy so that we can reach out to many of these conflicts without ourselves becoming mili路 tarily involved," he said. Young concluded, "this is the time for a renewed faith and optimism in ourselves."
Up The
Organizations Day
On Monday, September 8, the KU plaza was bustling with more than the usual midday activity_ Amidst the assortment of students, numerous campus organizations and clubs set up booths and displays in order to promote themselves and their activities to UD students_ Everything ranging from books and pamphlets to ski equipment was used to catch the passerby's attention and possibly persuade them to participate in one of the many organizations available to UD students_
Joint Rush
What better way to start off the sorority Greek life for the fall semester than a joint rush at Tim's. The six sororities on campus sponsored the event in order to introduce themselves and explain their sorority to any interested girls. Hundreds turned out to drink a few beers and dance to the tunes on the jukebox. The start of the spring semester brought an alteration to tradition as the joint rush was moved from Tim 's to The First Stop. UD's newest local bar provided a spacious disco atmo路 sphere, free flowing beer, and high spirits for all of UD 's sorority sisters and sisters-to-be.
Country And Western Night
Saturday, November 22, the UD Fieldhouse was transformed into a country and western bonanza as the Appalachia Club and University Activities jointly sponsored a toe-tapping, knee-slapping Country and Western Night- Among other things, students had the chance to swing their partners for an authentic square danceor challenge "EI Toro", the famed mechanical bulL Fall/33
The annual Labor Day Picnic is without a doubt the highlight of the first weekend of the fall semester and this year was no exception. Live music entertained those who chose not to participate in the various games of frisbee , volleyball, and tugof-war. Skateboarders raced along the sidewalk as beer drinkers soaked up the sun on the library lawn. As the day wore on, the clouds rolled in, and eventually the rain poured down to end an otherwise fantastic day.
34/Homecoming Week
Labor Day
Homecoming Week /35
International Tea
"Reunited . .. and it feels so good," was chosen as the theme for Homecoming 1980 and what better way to kick off a week of celebration than by being united with countries from around the world. Held in the KU Ballroom on the afternoon of Sunday , Sept. 28, the annual Homecoming International Tea literally offered students a delightful taste of foreign countries . Appetizing ethnic cookies were served with flavorful teas and coffees as one was entertained by international songs and dances. In the rooms adjacent to the Ballroom, several contries were represented by historic and cultural booths giving all who attended an even greater appreciation of foreign customs and ways.
36/Homecoming Week
Gong Show And
I~ Bar Night
On the Monday of Homecoming week, The First Stop, an exciting new addition to the local bar scene, set the stage for a new addition to UD's Homecoming celebration路The Gong Show. The best of UD crazies got together for a night of zany en路 tertainment. The show was jointly sponsored by the Chi Sigma Alpha fraternity and the Homecoming Committee. Tuesday night, Tim's, Flanagan's, and The First Stop provided a party atmosphere for UD students with the annual Homecoming Bar Night. "Specials" offered throughout the evening drew students away from their mid路week studies and into the local pubs for an evening of good drink, good friends, and good fun in honor of Homecoming 1980.
Homecoming Weekj37
The Prides
Of Dayton
October 4, 1981 marked a cold and windy day, a typical Homecoming for the Uni路 versity of Dayton. Fans shivered in the stands while they watched the Flyers blast the Rockets of Slippery Rock 45 to 10. Taking their cue from the momentum set by the players, the UD band performed for a cheering Homecoming crowd with their usual excellence, warm路 ing even the numbest of fans.
38/Homecoming Week
Homecoming weekj39
Queen Skits
On the Wednesday evening of Homecoming Week the KU Ballroom was transformed into a mini-theater as troupes of students performed at the annual Queen Skits. Each Queen candidate selected a theme, banded together a few of her faithful followers, and proceded to entertain her fellow students. Variety was the key work that night with the skits dealing with everything from commercials to cartoons. Besides being lots of fun , the Queen Skits also provided UD students with an opportunity to decide upon their choice for the 1980 Homecoming Queen_
40/Homecoming Week
Homecoming Week/41
Crowning Of The Queen
42/Homec:oming Week
As half路time approached and the crowd grew tense, the time drew near to crown the 1980 Homecoming Queen. This was the moment that topped off weeks of hard work and campaigning by the candidates. Brother Raymond Fitz S.M. had the honor of crowning Peanut McDougal and presenting her to a cheering crowd of Flyer fans. Patti Garrity, UD'S 1979 queen, was present to hand over her reign to the new University of Dayton Homecoming Queen.
Homecoming Weeki 43
Homecoming Dance
44/ Homecoming
Old and new friends came together for a fitting f inale to a week of celebration at the 1980 Homecoming Dance_ Students and alumni alike united at Wampler 's Ballroom for an evening of dancing, drinking, and generall merrymaking. An interesting combination of music catered to the tastes of all those present. A southern-spiced band named Dusty rocked one end of the Ballroom while the Disco beats of Formula LX23 filled the other. The theme of this year's Homecoming was ' ''Reunited . .. and it feels so good." It was obvious to all who attended that at no other time during the week was this theme more appropriate than at the 1980 Homecoming Dance.
Homecoming Week j 45
Beer and brats leant a German atmosphere to the UD campus on the afternoon of Saturday, October 19th. The annual Octoberfest celebration, postponed a day because of rain, gave students a chance to drink a few buckets of beer and sample some delicacies from Germany as well as other countries. Club sponsored games including a car smashing contest provided students with some good American fun to compliment the foreign culinary flavors of Octoberfest 1980.
46/Homecoming Week
Homecoming Week/47
Coming Home In 1980 BELOW: DOT pledges Lynn McGeehan and Sandy Johnson do a little fundraising by selling pop. (Or do you say soda?) RIGHT: UD Fan'atics display their football spirit. Homecoming style. BOTTOM LEFT: Rob Toomb . Lew White. and John Doaln take advantage of the opportunity to show off some of their hidden talents. BOTTOM RIGHT: Oktoberfest provided ravenous UD students with many culinary delights from which to choose.
48/Homecoming Week
TOP LEFT: Marty Dunski leads the Pride of Dayton in his usual refined, conservative manner. TOP RIGHT: Three UD students enjoy some hot dogs and cold beer at the Tailgater before the Homecoming game, BOTTOM LEFT: Mary Krutko gives her all to " Flyer路up " the fans. BOTTOM RIGHT: The Slippery Rock Marching Band entertains at the Homecoming Game with a little " Rock and Roll."
Homecoming Week/49
Death Of A Salesman A rundown apartment building in a Brooklyn neighborhood during the mid 1930's to late 1940's was the setting of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. Miller's modern American tragedy was presented by the Performing and Visual Arts Theatre division on October 3, 4, and 5. This powerful drama encompasses halluncinations, psychic projections and dramatized guilt. Willy Loman (Alan Liddell) is a common man of the 1930's struggling for survival in a society filled with conflicts and contradictions . Miller's play is "the study of one man's misplaced dreams". Major rolls included Willy's wife, Linda protrayed by Barbara Thurman, his successful brother Ben (John McGrail), Biff (Andrew Chestnut), Happy (Thomas Hughes), and Bernard (David Dutton). The cast, under the direction of L.L. Selka, and assistant director, Ronda Batts, created a truly moving and emotional production.
Each semester, students are called upon to participate in certain functions that appeal to their sense of social responsibility_ The Flyer News, in conjunction with the Community Blood Center, offers students one possible way to do this by co-sponsoring the semi-annual Flyer News Blood Bank. Any blood donated by UD students is added to the Flyer News account and is available, free of charge, to any member of the UD community_ This year's Blood Bank was a tremendous success, constituting the largest donation in the history of the Community Blood Bank_
On Friday, October 31 , more than the usual number of strange-looking creatures roamed the UD campus as thousands of students set out for a bit of trick or drinking_Clad in everything from musical instruments to the more traditional ghosts and witches, students flocked to parking lot E for the annual Halloween Beer Blast, this year sponsored by the Zeta 's. As the night wore on and the beer ran out, the crowd dispersed to search the ghetto for smaller and more gruesome gatherings.
The University of Dayton Performance Guild presented its first production, the Jerome Robbins classic West Side Story. The show ran from the end of October through the first of November and was the result of two months hard work_ Student Director, Michael Barlow brought to life the story of two star crossed lovers _ Tony and Maria's love was doomed from the start in this story based on the Shakespearian tragedy Romeo and Juliet. The combined efforts of choreographer Jennifer Huffman, choral director Cathy Choate Hoper and conductor Brian Spitler made the production a great success_ The play featured Lia Alesci as Maria, Paul Allen Harris as Tony, Karen Kraft as Anita, Ronald Manning as Riff, and Jim Klosterman as Bernardo.
Flyer Football In keeping up with the school's motto, "A Tradition of Excellence," the University of Dayton's football team completed a perfect season by capturing their first NCAA Division III National Championship. During the team ' s spotless 14-0 season, the Flyer's outscored their opponents 509-70, including the 63-0 romp over defending champion, Ithaca College, in the Amos Alonso Stagg Bowl. Led by Head coach Rick Carter, and team captains Tim Schoen , Jim O'Hara , and Mark Schmitz, the Flyers rewrote the record books, breaking records for, most wins in a single season, most consecutive wins, and most touchdowns in a season (55). Running back, Grady Pruitt, set a regular season rushing mark, with 1262 yards . There are 21 departing seniors from this year's squad, but with the guidance of new head coach Mike Kelly, and 35 returning lettermen, the Flyers have the potential to keep up with tradition .
TOP RIGHT : Jim O 'Hara drops in the pocket to un路 load a pass, while Tom Berkemeir provides protec路 tion . MIDDLE RIGHT: Head coach Rick Carter. MID路 DLE: Ron Flohre (68) and Mike Howard (56) hold defense. MIDDLE LEFT: AI Laubenthal shakes off a defender after a catch . BOTTOM: Gradlin Pruitt finds an opening for a long gainer.
56/ Fall
LEFT: Jon Vorpe hold for Jim Fullenkamp. RIGHT : Chris Chaney applies pressure to Slippery Rock quarterback.
ROW I: Captains Schoen Schmitz. O路Hara. ROW 2: Huffman. Maloney. Jensen. C. Robinson. Pruitt. Langford. Flohre. Calinan. Malley. linos. Berkemeir. Smith. Fullenkamp. Laubenthal. Tepe. Bowyer. Madden. ROW 3: Polcari . Howard. Vogel. Voyles. Jones. Howse. Domicone. Armstrong. Cugliari. Roller. Hufford. Terkoski. Robison. T. Robinson. Ambrose. Harper. Thomas. ROW 4: Mullins. Smith. Beck. Merrell. Proesel. Pearson. Koper. Vorpe. Brunswick. Twardy. Pignatello. Elder. Hall. Dickey. Chaney. Haner. ROW 5: DeFeo. Michuda. Broderick. Stacey. Schertler . Robinson. Grote. Thomas. Coombs . Bitner. Pappas. Burke. Fitz, Conley. ROW 6: Weber. Southall, Halstead. Pritchett, Block. Zeis, Williams, Ernst. Launtz. R. Hagerty. Drobnick. Keough. Fratoe. Bazany. Blackmon. Haynes. ROW 7: J. Fisher. Vennerholm. Moritz. Sobeck. Purdy. Renkiewicz, Conners. Carney . Kelly. Peffley. Sittloh. Smith. Kornowski. Harp, Harris. Ricke. ROW 8: Haley, Benjamin. Collison, Ahlers. Fox. LeMaster. Santo, Smith. Kinsey. Harrison. Coalt. Williams , Vollman. Hohl. Berry, Kawicki. A. Fisher. ROW 9: Head Coach R. Carter, Assts., R. Chamberlain. K. Karns. D. Whilding. J. McDermott, K. Jordan. M. Kelly. M. Deal.
TOP: Coach Carter, after the big victory . MIDDLE LEFT: Joe Beck (67), and George Twardy (59) get the job done, as Garry Smith goes in for the score. MIDDLE RIGHT : Jon Vorpe hands off to Garry Smith. RIGHT: Dave Merrell (79) makes things difficult for Ithaca receiver .
LEFT: Grady Pruitt shake s off defender to gain yardage . MID路 DLE LEFT: Tim Tepe and AI Laubenthal congratulated by Flyer路 ette Kelly Voss. BELOW: Jim O'Hara (6) and Mike Howard (56) set play . BOTTOM LEFT : Mike Langford intercepts.
On The Road
Long, Long, Way It's a long, long way to Alabama A long, long way from here A lot of good crowds And a lot of cheers It's along, long way to Alabama A long, long way from here With the grace of God Good luck, we'll get it here It all began last August When the air was warm and dry 120 guys had a dream They could reach the sky All the sweat And all the pain It all came down To one great game In Phoenix City, Alabama For you and me
Some of the faces You will not see Scout team players and secretaries It's all a part Of the dream Managers, trainers, SID's Fans, Students, and faculty lit's all a part Of you and me This is a verse For the band Musicians, Flyerettes The best in the land No one else I've seen can compare And jf they can Let them dare! -Jjm Jensen.
Women's Volleyball
The 1980 season, was the beginning of a new era for University of Dayton Volleyball; and the Lady Flyers finished with a winn ing record of 30-20. Under first year coach Ann Meyers , the team went through many changes , including a new court position for all returning members. Highlighting the season , was a match with the U .S.A . Women's Olympic team, in which the team received $25 for every point scored against the Olympians. In tournament play, the Flyers gained two 3rd place finishes , in the University of Missouri at St. Louis Invitational and the Lewis University Catholic Invitational tournaments. Led by team captains, Cathy Marchal and Linda Sargent, the team placed second in state competition, with Sue Clark and Linda Sargent making the all tournament team . With the return of dominant blockers, Sandy Bergman , Jane Meyers, Sue Clark, and Julie Schaefer, the Lady Flyers shall continue to keep alive the deep and rich tradition of University of Dayton Volleyball.
ROW 1: Tina Jasinowski, Sandy Gindling, Cathy Marschal, Linda Sargent, Cathy Hill , An路 gel Groce, mgr. ROW 2: Head coach Ann Meyers, Nan Wintersteller, Jane M eyers, Sandy Bergman, Julie Schaefer, Ruth Maher, Liz VanThorre, Sue Clark.
OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT: Jane M eyers and Cathy Marchal warm up before a match . TOP RIGHT : Julie Shaefer up for a spike. BOTTOM : Co路captain , Linda Sargent sets. MIDDLE RIGHT: Jane Meyers ready for a spike. BOTTOM : Julie Shaefer blocking .
Field Hockey The women's field hockey team started out slowly this season, but proved to be a winning team, finishing with a 12-9-1 record. A major injury to senior Kathy Hinz hindered the defense through the season, and her late season return added new vitality to the team effort. Led by senior co-captains, Connie Duffin and Lisa Daniels, the Flyers finished first in the state, second in the regionals, and were ranked ninth in the nation among Division II OAISW schools.
TOP RIGHT: Ruth Cellar driving past opponent. MIDDLE LEFT: Connie Duffin struggles with de路 termination. MIDDLE RIGHT: Sophomore Ann Britt defending. BOTTOM LEFT: Lori Fritsch gains control. BOTTOM RIGHT: Jackie Schmerge and Connie Duffin never give up.
LEFT: Top scorer, Jackie Schmerge, displaying winning form. BOTTOM: Julie Nathanial and Mary Jane Patrick prepare for the competition .
ROW 1: Coach Pat Jayson, K. Hinz, B. Maguire, P. Adams, A. Britt, C. Duffin, L. Fritsch, J. Schmerge, D. Carney, L. Daniels, R. Cellar, S. Barney, K. Schubert. ROW 2: M.J. Patrick, J . Manski, E. Carney, J. Nathanial, J . Fromholt, K. Wolfrath.
Soccer The University of Dayton soccer team finished the season with their best record since 1976, 7-8-3. Led by first year coach Jerry Butcher, and tri·captains Gene Maurer, Steve Kalinoski, and Kevin Woody, the Fly· ers started off the season well. How· ever, injuries to key players plagued the team midway through the sea· son. Due to the loss of all their start· ers, the Flyers went without a victo· ry in their last four games.
Awards went to: Tim Hogan, Flyer of the Year; Mike Daley, The Ken Keck Dedication Award; and for the second consecutive year, Kevin Woody was the recipient of the Most Valuable Player Award.
ROW 1: Britt, Restropo, Kennedy, Bertroms, Hil· dalgo, Meredith, Schuer· mann, Rose, Kinsella . ROW 2: Beaudet, Mull· ings, Cramer, Kalinoski , Hogan, Hissam, Eifert, Daley , Conway , Schielder . ROW 3 : Coach J . Butcher, Lade· hoff. Vox, Maurer, Woody , Hogan, Eiler· man, Gerker, Ruffolo. vonFahnestock , Asst . Coach VonderBrink .
OPPOSITE PAGE, TOP: Casey Conway blocks a shot during practice. MIDDLE LEFT: Steve Kalinoski pre· pares for the competition. MIDDLE: Gene Maurer de· fending . MIDDLE RIGHT: Kevin Woody warming up. BOTTOM : Lance Ladehoff takes a shot. MIDDLE LEFT: Steve Kalinoski gets a steal. MIDDLE RIGHT: Joe Mullings tries for the steal. BOTTOM: Field players receive support from the bench.
Winter Candids
OPPOSITE PAGE. TOP: Wild sled and tray rides are part of a University of Dayton education. compli· ments of Stuart Hall hill. MIDDLE LEFT: No one at UD escapes the flakes when they fall. MIDDLE RIGHT: A tuba cools from an extremely hot perfor· mance during a half·time. BOTTOM: LEFT: A snow creature inches its way toward Marycrest Hall. BOT· TOM RIGHT: Christmas cheer engulfs Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton. THIS PAGE. TOP: The window to a winter world in Dayton. LEFT: The snow adds even more picturesque beauty to the UD chapel. BELOW: A small car?! BELOW RIGHT: The trials and tribulations of finding Miriam Hall in winter. BOTTOM LEFT: Now is the time for fall and summer frustrations to vent them· selves through the flakes . BOTTOM RIGHT: Getting ready for Christmas on campus always brings a smile.
Winter Candids
TOP Nancy Zeber struts her stuff at the First Stop, TOP LEFT Snow falls on the peaceful scene of the Statue of Mary, ABOVE Cold temperatures force cyclists to bundle up, RIGHT Snowfights were the plaza 's main event during an afternoon snowfall.
TOP LEFT Slushy snow prompted the construc 路 tion of some rather unusual snow "art " . ABOVE Tired sledders return from a battle with Stuart Hill. LEFT Delta Omega Tau ' s snowfairies do some high stepping in KU Ballroom .
Winter /73
Christmas On Campus
Once upon a time, when the weather was beginning to turn cold and pouring rain filled the air, a bit of brightness and good cheer descended upon UD as students welcomed the young and old alike to the annual celebration of Christmas on Campus_ As tradition dictated, the re-enactment of the Nativity Scene and the tree-lighting ceremony marked the beginning of a hectic night of fun-filled activities_ Every inch of KU was festively decorated with Christmas trees, ornaments, and life size storybook characters_ Hundreds of students got involved by singing, dancing, escorting children or senior citizens or simply spreading the Christmas Spirit.
White America On November 20, 21, and 22 the Performing and Visual Arts Theatre Division presents a documentary play based on the black man's struggl,e for freedom from oppression in a land dominated by white people. In White America by Martin Du路 berman was a two act play that traced the struggles of the black race from the inception of slavery to the present. It was based on over thirty events in black history that were recorded in letters, diaries, speeches and other documents. The cast consisted of sixteen students and was directed by Hubert Woodward Martin, associate prod professor of English at the University of Dayton.
Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf According to guest director Dorothy Laming "the destruction and wars that are evolved through the marriages of frustration and unhappiness" describes the situation of characters George and Martha in Edward Albee's play "Who's Afraid of Virginia WooIP" The drama was presented by the Theatre division of the Preform路 ing and Visual Arts Department on February 5, 6, and 7 at Boll Theatre. It is the story of two married couples who participate in a destructive, ritualistic game. The game is used as a way of antagonizing one another. It destroys the foundations on which each marriage is built and allows them to begin again. The play is considered one of the most controversial of the modern theatre . "Who's Afraid of Virginia WooIP" is set in George and Martha's living room near a small New England college. George was por路 trayed by Alan Liddell and Martha by Barbara Thurman. Support路 ing roles, Nick and Honey, were portrayed by David Lee Dutton and Jaye Liset.
This year's "Celebration" of Turnabout, UD worn路 en's answer to Homecoming, was kicked off Mon路 day, February 23 in the Fieldhouse where the king candidates were pitted against each other in a "Superstars" competition. Tuesday, a Pub Night was held in the KU Snackbar while Boll Theatre set the stage for the king skits on Thurs路 day. Voting for king resulted in the crowning of Jack Giambrone Jr., alias the Godfather, at Wampler's Ballroom while UD students contin掳 ued to celebrate good times Friday night.
Winter /81
Friendly Floyd's
Friday, February 7 UD students crossed the border to the land of sombreros and siestas and tasted some authentic Mexican food right in Kennedy Union. What looked like a spicy Mexican eatery, though, was just a front for this year's return of Friendly Floyd. Behind the black curtain of the restaurant was Floyd's Hacienda Hideaway where hordes of people spent their time and money trying their luck at various casino games. The event was spon路 sored by UAO and the Accounting Club with any proceeds going to accounting scholarships.
Dance Marathon
The fourth annual Circle K Dance Marathon for Muscular Dystrophy took place Friday, March 6 through Saturday, March 7 in the KU Ballroom. One hundred forty-one couples boogied, twisted, and swayed for up to twelve hours to raise $13,586 for MD. The Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity brought in the most money for the Greeks while The Monk's Inn topped the list of nonGreek organizations. The highest money-earning couple was that of Julie Schneider and Steve Sprauer who brought in over a grand themselves.
(lno Tournament
Friday, January 30, the University of Dayton once again made history. In collaberation with International Games, Inc ., UD hosted the nation's first university路 level Uno tournament. Over 100 prizes were awarded, including Uno decks, tote bags, two TV sets, a stereo, clock radio, typewriter, and tape deck. In addition, Uno t-shirts were given to the first 150 entrants. Four hours after the competition began, and only a month after learning how to play the game, sophomore John Hallisey emerged as UD's own Uno champion. 86/Winter
Ski Trip
At 3:30 p.m. on Friday, January 16, a bus load of UD students pulled out of the KU plaza and headed north for three days of skiing, drinking, and winter fun . Ten hours later the students, all members of the UD Ski Club, arrived at northern Michigan ' s Schuss Mountain Ski Resort. The days were mild and sunny, perfect weather for not only downhill and cross-country skiing, but also swimming in the hotel's outdoor, 92째-heated pool. A spirit of competition overtook the UD skiers as many tried their luck at Nastar racing on the steep slopes, keep-away on the longer runs, drinking games in the rooms, or even a legs contest in Ivan's Attic, the hotel bar. Winter/87
Women's Basketball The 1980-81 University of Dayton's Women's Basketball team had a surprisingly successful season . With the many changes the team underwent since last season's national championship, the Lady Flyers proved to be equally powerful. Led by first year coach, Linda Makowski and captains, Carol Lammers and Tammy Stritenberger, the Flyers ended the season at 27-7_ The women captured their 4th Midwest Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women crown in the last 5 years. Both captains were named to the first team all-tournament squad, while freshman Yvonne Anderson was named Honorable Mention . With the loss of seniors, Lammers, Stritenberger Pat Hoffman, Kim Ramsey, and Mary McDonald, the Flyers will be a young team next season. Experienced players, such as, Sue Youngpeter, Julie Schaefer, and Yvonne Anderson will look forward to another outstanding season. ROW I: Pam Palmer. Kim Ramsey. Pat Hoffman. Tammy Stritenberger, Carol Lammers, Mary McDonald, Sue Youngpeter. Tonya Davis. ROW 2: Mgrs. Mary Carol Glea son and Donna Schwartz, Donna Burks. Laurie Plank. Julie Schaefer. Yvonne Anderson , Asst . c oach Ann Meyers. Head Coach Linda Makowski.
RIGHT: Julie Schaefer goes up for two. BOTTOM: Pam Palmer overcomes opponents to take it to the basket. BOTTOM RIGHT : Tight defense displayed by Yvonne Anderson(33) and Kim Ramsey(21).
TOP RIGHT: Yvonne Anderson drives in for the layup, while Carol Lammers and Ball State's Teresa Mcintire look on . TOP LEFT: Sue Youngpeter overpowers defender to put up a shot. BOTTOM: The look of determination by Mary McDonald during an attempted free throw.
Winter /91
M.en's Basketball The 1980 University of Dayton's Men's basketball season was one of great intensity. Led by senior captain, Richard Montague, the Flyers finished the season at 18路11. Impres路 sive victories over San Francisco, Marquette, and Du' quesne, highlighted the season, and gained the Flyers an appearance in the National Invitational Tournament. Season highlights included: top honors in the U.D.I.T.; 1000 point marks reached by Richard Montague and junior Mike Kanieski; and coach Don Donoher capturing his 300th coaching victory. With the loss of only one senior, the Flyers will be led by M.V.P. Mike Kanieski, Kevin Conrad, Roosevelt Chapman, Sean McNally, Paul Hawkins, and other returning lettermen, and are sure to improve on past performances. The Flyers will be looking forward to another strong season. ROW 1: Mike Byrd. Sean McNally, Mike Gorney, Mike Kanieski , Richard Manta路 gue, George Morrison , Rusty Jackson, Kevin Conrad. ROW 2: Head Coach Don Danaher , Ass!. Coaches Jack Butler, Dan Hipsher, and Jim Ehler , Paul Hawkins, Roosevelt Chapman , Scot Gray, Ass!. Coach Jim Larkin , Mgrs. Jim Stiff, Mike Eaglowski, Athletic Director Tom Frericks .
TOP LEFT: Kevin Conrad drives up the middle. TOP RIGHT: Paul Hawkins drives passed Canisius defender. MIDDLE: Mike Byrd moves passed defender. BOTTOM LEFT: Roosevelt Chapman shows agres· sive style. Bottom Middle: Sean McNally puts up a free throw. BOTTOM: Leading scorer Mike Kanieski goes up for two .
OPPOSITE PAGE. TOP LEFT: Sean McNally grabs a rebound . MIDDLE: Mike Reichert puts up a shot. RIGHT : Freshman Paul Hawkins tries for two. BOTTOM LEFT: Mike Kanieski receives MVP trophy for Dayton路Xavier match. BOTTOM RIGHT : Richard Montague up for the shot. TOP LEFT: Players show enthusiastic support. MID路 OLE LEFT: Mike Byrd shoots. BOTTOM LEFT: Richard Montague gains control of tip off. BOT TOM RIGHT: Roosevelt Chapman maneuvers around defender.
Wrestling The University of Dayton 's Wrestling team worked to achieve their preseason goal , to have a winning season, but extremely tough competition saw the team finish with a record of 6-12 _ Led by seniors, Larry Dryden, Mark Helderman, and Mark DeSantis, the Flyer squad sent five wrestlers to the NCAA Eastern Regional tournament. Helderman showed the best finish among the five, losing in the second round to the top seeded wrestler in his weight class (167)- With the return of lettermen, Greg Schupp, Tom Coffman, Kieth Smith and Steve Motsco, the Flyers will have all the ingredients of a winning team_
OPPOSITE PAGE. TOP: 118 lb. wrestler Tom Pulfer. BOTTOM: Mark Helder路 man (167Ib.) shows winning form. TOP LEFT: Rich Hunt man maneuvers into position. BOTTOM LEFT: Senior Larry Dryden in action.
ROW 1: John Accrosco, Mark DeSantis, Kieth Smith, Larry Dryden, Rich Hunt, Steve Motsco, Coach World Peace. Row 2: Greg Schupp, Joe Cole, Tony Pulfer, Tom Coffman, Phil Sizer, Stuart Devine, Mark Helderman.
Ice Hockey In regular season action, the University of Dayton's lee Hockey team finished with an 8路4 record, placing third in the Midwest Col路 legiate Hockey League. Ledl by coach Walt DeAnna, the Flyers had a strong season, but ran into trouble toward the end of the sea路 son, losing 3 in a row, including 2 to first place Denison. With returning letterman, Lou Longo, Hank Elwell, Kevin Szanyi, and Dave Harackiewicz, the Flyers will be top contenders for the league title.
TOP RIGHT: Dave Harackiewicz gets by Purdue goalie. MIDDLE LEFT: Lou Longo fights for posses路 sion. MIDDLE RIGHT: Kevin Szanyi gains control. BOTTOM RIGHT: Ray Dunning scores.
TOP LEFT: Bob Reynolds scores a goal. BOTTOM: Goal· ie Tim Hughes(30) gets help from defensemen Hank EI· well(14) and Steve Fern(2).
ROW 1: J. Routzong, K . Szanyi, T. Dougherty, L. Longo, J. Cunningham , B. Eberts(capt.), Tim Hughes· (capt.), J . Fitzgerald, H. EI· well , J . Reagan, R. Dunning. ROW 2: Coach Walt DeAn· na, M . Felton, J. Owens , J . Duffy, P. Kalimyre, J . Pax, D. Joels, D. Fossier, P. Ba· ker , D. Harackiewicz, J . Ir· win , W. Peterson, S. Fern, B. Reynolds , M . Huff · man(MGR.) Asst. Coach AI Meeker. MISSING: T. Baglio. M . Anton, P. Lehman(capt.) .
Spring Candids
TOP RIGHT Picnic weather reo sumed once again as tempera' tures soared into the 70's during March. ABOVE Spring marked the beginning of construction of the new Garden Apartments on Stewart Street. RIGHT The li路 brary lawn proved just as con路 ducive to study as the inside of the building.
LEFT The St. Patrick's Day Parade was headlined by a Robert Wagner Impersonator atop a float. BELOW LEFT Lynda McAvoy had the misfortune of being aboard the Miriam elevator as it decided to stop for 55 minutes. BELOW Warm weather brought the return of the roof dwellers to the ghetto.
Spring Candids
TOP Spring weather brings students back on their porches for the first time in months. ABOVE Gradlin Pruitt. Michael Langford. and Chip Robinson perform during the black ex路 travaganza . RIGHT The Czechosolvakian Polka being demo onstrated by Tom Dever and Dave Presley .
l04/S pring
LEFT Grilling out was reinstated as a favorite pastime with the coming of Spring. BELOW Crowds spilled out of the doorways during the 12:30 Sunday masses in the warmer months. BOTTOM The trees of the plaza provides the first needed shade in the afternoon.
ShalTlfock Shenanigans '81
Everyone loves a parade and UD students were no exception when hundreds turned out to participate in the first annual SL P~trick's Day Parade on Saturday, March 14_ UD's Irish and Irish-at-heart constructed floats, decorated cars, and lined the the ghetto streets to watch the parade pass by. Prizes were awarded to the Gamma Gamma Kappa sorority for the Most Irish Oriented Entry, the Chi Sigma Alpha fraternity for the Best Entry, and the sixth floor of Campus South for the Most Creative Entry_
The parade was just one part of the four day celebration sponsored by the newly formed Irish Club. Immediately following the parade, the Jaycees held their annual Park路 ing Lot E party from 3:00 p.m. to midnight with plenty of beer, hot dogs, and live entertainment. Sunday night a more serious tone was adopted as students celebrated an authentic Irish Folk mass in the Chapel. Irishfest '81 was held in the KU Ballroom on Monday, featuring Irish danc路 ers, cultural food, and a performance by Miami Jade, an Irish Folk band. Tuesday night it was back to Parking Lot E as Shamrock Shenanigans '81 wound up with a Busch Blast co路sponsored by the Irish Club and the Busch Boys.
Greek Life
At (JD
For five days in March members of UD's sororities and fraternities celebrated Greek Week. It was a chance for the Greek organizations to promote themselves to the rest of the student body and to get non路Greeks involved in Greek activities. For those already part of a fraternity or sorority, though, Greek life is more than just a week of amateur nights and keg exchanges; it's a year路long com路 mitment. It's obvious that much of that time is spent at social functions such as rushes or dances . The Greek organizations on campus are also an indispensable part of UD, though, contributing time and energy in service to not only the university but to the Dayton community as well.
Father Robert Drinan
o ~.
Father Robert Drinan, Ex-Congressman of Massachusetts, addresses guests and students of the University of Dayton on the topic "Separation of Church and State"_ "I welcome _.. the people who are evangelicals and fundamentalists into the political order," said Drinan defending his political activity as an effective means to influence morals_ Drinan said that the conservative Christians have historically shied away from political involvement, but now being a real Christian means that you have to be politicized _ Ordained in 1953, Drinan was educated as a lawyer and served as dean of the Boston College Law School for 14 years prior to his election to Congress. 112/spring
Don't Drink The Water Don't Drink The Water presented by Studio Theatre vividly portrayed an American family trapped in a foreign country.
Narrated by an eccentric priest Father Drobeny (Patrick McGrail) who describes the situation of Walter and Marion Hollander and their daughter Susan caught behind the iron curtain. They eventually escape to the American Embassy after being suspected of as spies. The family seek refuge with Ambassador McGee (Tim Kness) and Axel McGee (Paul Harris) asking them for help. They finally escape from the country and the sight of Communist police officer Krojak (Andrew Regiec) who is determined to apprehend them .
Imaginary Invalid The Imaginary Invalid presented by the other Performing and Visual Arts Department April 2, 3, and 4 at Boll Theatre did a delightful job at portraying Moliere's play. The play takes place in Paris during 1763 when Argan (Alan C. Liddell), the imaginary invalid , believes himself stricken with every possible illness. Though he is quite healthy Argan tries to get his daughter Angelica (Julie Emmert) married with a young Doctor Thomas Diaforus (David Dutton). Meanwhile Angelica has fallen in love with Cleante (Jim Pearson) who with the help of Angelica ' s witty maid Toinette (Alicia A . Putnam) and Argan's brother Beralde (Patrick McGrail) is united with Angelica. Under the direction of l.l. Selka the production proved to be appealing and enjoyable.
University Of Dayton Art Series The 1980路1981 University of Dayton Art Series presented talent from all parts of the country to perform for the Dayton community. Special路 ized guests demonstrated their talents from playing a violin or piano to ballet, poetry, and a famous artist drawing some of his most popular cartoons. Co-chairpersons Nora Duffy and Ellie Kurtz presented a well rounded and interesting series to encompass as many tastes and career interests as possible. One change occured mid路season when the London based musicians in their first American tour were unable to attend; they were immediately replaced by the internationally ac路 claimed Verdehr Trio.
TOP RIGHT: David Ignatow recognized as one of America's most prestigious writers, a poet, teacher, critic, and performer, he reads beautifully from a wide range of works including his poems of love, introspection, loss, caring, and humor. MIDDLE RIGHT: Creator of the Warner Brothers cartoon classics, several of which were shown during the festival, Mr. Chuck Jones commented on the creativity, the humor, and the adult themes which characterize his work. BOTTOM RIGHT: Ronald Copes, a highly acclaimed violinist who displays superior qualities as a musical artist achieved tremendous emotional involvement with several classical and contemporary works.
October 30, 1980
TOP LEFT: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet, renowned for its versatile repertoire embracing a vast array of dance styles and moods, this troupe performs enchanting classical ballets and highly dramatic works from internationally acclaimed choreographers. MIDDLE LEFT : Walid Howrani, an extremely talented young pianist who has won awards in Lebanon, Belgium, Russia, and America. His marvelous light touch, superb technique, and interpretive command would do credit to an artist much older. ABOVE: The internationally acclaimed Verdehr Trio brings unique musical combinations to its performances with trios, sonatas, concerto appearances, workshops and master classes. BOTTOM LEFT: Marion McPartland Jazz Trio, famous for her jazz piano playing, she has something for everyone. From classic jazz, favorite popular tunes to the music of Ellington and Wilder she gives it her own special touch.
Parking Lot E was overflowing with rainwater instead of people at this year's annual Spring Festival. At about 2:30 the darkened sky opened up as hundreds of people scattered in search of coveL By 4:30 even the last of the die-hards wandered home, watery beer in hand_ For the two and a half hours before the rains came, though, UD students got a chance to partake in a little pre-finals fun. In addition to the usual beer and food stands, there were various gambling games, a dunking booth, live entertainment, and even carnival rides, offering something for everyone to enjoy.
120/S pring
~;j//: .;/
Spring Candids
More Candids
And Finally ...
Arts &
Nabil Abed Keferzeina. Lebenon
Marlene Acito Youngwood. PA
Peter Agiovlassitis Brooklyn. NY
Serena Althoff Dayton.OH
Judy Andreano Bay Village. OH
Lisa Annis Reynoldsburg. OH
Robert Anthony New Bremen. OH
Daron April Bristol. CT
Anthony A. Arabi Dayton. OH
Thomas Arquilla Dayton.OH
James Aubuchon SI. Louis. MO
Barbara Baker Severna Park . MD
Jonathon Baniak Saratoga Springs. NY
Robbin Barksdale Philadelphia . PA
Stephen H. Barry Toledo. OH
Rhonda Batts Portsmouth. VA
Sara Begley New Vernon. NJ
Maria Belmonte Westchester. IL
l.\) Amy Bauman Battle Creek. MI
136/ Seniors
Elizabeth Beechey Kettering. OH
David Beres Westerville, OH
Carol Biby SI. Louis. MO
John Bindeman Dayton,OH
Barbara Birkhead New York. NY
Bonnie Jean Boeger Massapequa Park, NY
Roger Boetsch Union, NJ
Richard Boyne North Royalton , OH
Barbara Bragger Succasunna, NJ
Monica Bramli sh West Carrollton , OH
r' ,
Kathryn Bolton Dayton,OH
Theresa Botzer Dayton,OH
Patrick Boyle Brentwood. NY
',. ~.,
.. Beth Brandewie Celina, OH
Daniel Brenner Wilmington, DE
Lynn Brewster Willowick, OH
Robert J . Brindlinger Canton,OH
Mary Brodine Allison Park, PA
Tim Broering Maria Stein, OH
Elizabeth Rose Brookens Newark. DE
Sylvia R. Brooks Shrewsbury, NJ
Veronica Brooks Moorestown, NJ
Patricia E. Brown Washington , D.C.
Susan Bro wn Dayton , OH
Matthew Brownfield Kettering, OH
Jane Buhager Bridgewater, NJ
Brian G. Burns Dayton,OH
Debra Busemeyer Edgewood, KY
Maurice Bushroe Monroe, IL
Leslie Butler Coatesville, PA
Thomas Broxterman Cincinnati, OH
Carrie Canny Carlisle. OH
Michael Caine Pi ttsbu rgh. PA
James Caples Amityville. NY
Deborah Cardullo Braintree. MA
Marifran Cassady Arlington Heights. IL
Dan Cavins Westerville. OH
Nancy Cerra Danbury. CT
Annette Chavez Kettering. OH
Virginia Beth Church Pittsburgh. PA
Kimberly Clark Erie. PA
Donna COlby Erie. PA
Dorothy Como Perrysburg. OH
Clare Connelie Albany. NY
Dennis Connair Kettering. OH
Tom Conway Erie. PA
Eileen Crotty Dayton. OH
John Curran Buffalo. NY
James Byrd Cincinnati. OH
Laura Byrne Mansfield. OH
Lynn Carlisle Woodbridge. NJ
Robert Carroll Avon Lake. OH
Lynette M , Cashaw Columbus. OH
Dod Chadwick Centerville. OH
Paulette Chagnon Concord. MA
Annette Colee chi Glassport. PA
Dan Collins Orchard Park . NY
~. ".-Vil~~.
.. "
.." ..1,
'., '-'X ' ,I
• if'·
James Cooper Euclid. OH
138/ Seniors
Jim Couture Belchertown. MA
Kevin Crisler Kettering. OH
Maura Cronan Hudson. OH
Rob D'Agostino Dayton. OH
Ann Davis Dayton.OH
Michael Day Franklin. OH
Emily Debnam Raleigh. NC
Stephen Decker Son City. AZ
Linda Deckert Union, NJ
Thomas Dent Indianapolis. IN
Mark DeSantis Sharpsville. PA
Robert Detweiler Lansdale. PA
Thomas Dever Cleveland. OH
Thomas Didato Middletown. CT
Karen Disser Fort Wayne. IN
Michael Dix Hollywood. FL
Maureen Doherty New City. NY
Kevin Doyle Parkside. PA
Mary Clare Drew Indianapolis. IN
Gerald Drottar Avon Lake. OH
Larry Dryden Midlothian. TX
Connie Duffin Haddonfield. NJ
Cathleen Duffy Dayton.OH
Darlene Duroure Williamsville. NY
David Lee Dutton Foster City. CA
Paul Dwyer Levittown. NY
Marti Eckert Rochester, NY
Andrew Ehrenzeller Middletown. NY
Elizabeth Elmore Indianapolis. IN
Angela Elsier Norristown. PA
Kevin Fallahay Louisville, KY
Mary Farley Shaker Heights, OH
John Eisele Northport. NY
Elizabeth Farren Kettering , OH
Marti Fausold Geneseo, NY
Cynthia Fazio Springfield, Ohio
Judith A. Feltmann Washington, MO
Ginny Ferron Tacoma , WA
Gary Filips Parma,OH
• Susanne Fitzpatrick Cleveland Heights, OH
140/ Seniors
Tim Fitzpatrick Cincinnati , OH
Richard T. Flatley Pawtucket , RI
Nancy Fleuelling Monroe, MI
Georgeanne Foradas Canton, OH
Annalynn Ford Hinington, IN
Katherine Ford Louisville, KY
Howard Franco Red Hook, NY
Raymond Frebis Ripley, OH
Patricia Fressola E. Hanover, NJ
Jeffery Friedman Dayton,OH
Kathleen Fuertges Northville, MI
James Fullenkamp St. Henry, OH
Mary Gahagan Pittsburgh, PA
Edward Galaska Pittsburgh, PA
Michael Galvan Parma Heights, OH
Pamela Garling Dayton,OH
Robert Geiger Westburg, NY
Gordon Gemma Ocean , NJ
Robert Gerbin Jamesville, NY
Karen Geraci Cincinnati , OH
Janet Ghory Waynesville, OH
Maria Giberga Convent Station . NJ
Barbara Gill Chatham , NJ
Bernard Glavy Hamburg. NY
Susan Gorman Syracuse. NY
Rose Marie Gosser Puerto Nuevo. Puerto Rico
Chrissy Gregorich Rocky River. OH
Thomas Gross SI. Louis. MO
Diana Guardiola Kettering. OH
Daniel Hafford Brooklyn . NY
Wendy Harruff Dayton.OH
Benjamin Harrison Chicago. IL
Hollis Haxby Oak Brook. IL
Pat Heil Uhrichsville. OH
linda Hemminger New Riegel . OH
James Michael Henderson Dayton. OH
Carollynn Hernandez Plainview . NY
Thomas Hickey Dayton.OH
Jean Higgins Washington. D.C.
William Hibert Erie. PA
Teresa Michele Hill Cincinnati. OH
Mary Ann Hinkel Macedonia. OH
Marjorie Hirschfeld Toms River. NJ
Edward Hirt Cincinnati. OH
linda Hoffmann Medina.OH
Patricia Hoffman Sparta. NJ
RoDonda Holmes Pittsburgh. PA
Steve Gillespie Louisville. KY
Terry Girard Rocky River. OH
Jay Gould Dayton . OH
Margaret Grace Arlington . VA
Theresa Harper Dayton. OH
lisa Glaser Dayton.OH
Seniors /
142/ Seniors
Colleen Hood Toledo,OH
Patricia Horst Dayton, OH
Colleen Howard Pittsburgh , PA
Joann Houdek Parma,OH
Brian Hunt Rocky River, OH
Emily Huysman Dayton,OH
Marilyn Isley Mansfield, OH
Theresa Jehn Dayton,OH
JoJo Joseph E. Northport, NY
B,ta Kamyablpour Dayton,OH
Mary T. Kelleher Hudson, MA
Mary Monica Kelley Garrett Park, MD
Jean Kelly Kettering, OH
Gregory Kennedy Deer Park, NY
Kathleen Kenney Chatham, NJ
Bryan Keyes T,~enton, NJ
Kristen Kinkade New Castle, IN
Barbara Kistler Maryville, TN
Marion R. Klein Quakertown, PA
Julia Klug Fort Wayne, IN
Anita L. Koester Hamburg, NY
Christopher M. Kohn Marietta, GA
Jean Kowalski Erie, PA
Ann Kreber Columbus, OH
Marylou Krug Bainbridge, OH
John Holtman Louisville, KY
Margaret Holverstott Dayton,OH
Gary Huber Cincinnati, OH
Barbara Kobel Hicksville, NY
Gary Kruse Dayton,OH
Barbara La Brier Batavia, OH
Paul Langenkamp 51. Henry, OH
Joann Lee Baltimore, MD
Natalie Ann Lefken Dayton,OH
Linda Largi Paterson, NJ
Marjie Lennon Massapequa Park , NY
Bill Larkin 51. Marys, OH
Richard Larmer Coventry, RI
Dana Lawlor Winter Haven, FL
Julie Ley Pittsburgh, PA
Michael Linos Hammond, IN
Ellen Loeffler Toledo , OH
\ I ' '.~ · ,. .
."8' Chuck Longo Cincinnati , OH
Mary Patricia Luddy Springfield, VA
Louise McCarthy Huntington Station , NY
Bruce McFarland New Madison, OH
Timothy Macko White Oak Boro, PA
Margaret Maggiacomo East Meadow, NY
Maricarol Luebbe Beavercreek , OH
Teresa Lupp Dayton,OH
Cheryl Lynch Marion,OH
Megan McAndrews Riverforest, IL
Mary Ellen McLaughlin New Merrick , OH
Lori McLeod West Chester, OH
Jill Marie McNeil Dundee, IL
Dee Mack Cleveland , OH
Mark Maher Fort Collins , CO
Kimberly Mains Willoughby Hills, OH
Timothy Malley Parma , OH
Mary Magner Dayton, OH
144/ Seniors
Jill Mever Findlay, OH
Carole Marger Dayton,OH
Linda Martens Cleveland , OH
Maja Matijevic Ware Shoals, SC
Rebecca Meek Cincinnati, OH
Steven Mehall Dayton,OH
Elise Miller Setauket, NY
Sallie Miller Rochester, NY
Susan E. Miller Auburn, NY
Karen Mills Maple Heights, OH
Vincent Misiti Batavia , NY
Dana Mitchel Washington, D.C.
Jaqueline F. Mitchell Brooklyn, NY
Bette Ann Mobley Edgewood, MD
Thomas Mazza North Glenhead , NY
Marianne Moldt Rosemont, PA
Vanessa Moore Washington, D.C.
Timothy L. Morrison Sherwood, OH
Donna Mortel Xenia,OH
Elizabeth Mund Akron,OH
Kathleen A. Munger Worthington , OH
John Murphy Matteson, IL
Pat Murphy Westerville, OH
Lynn T. Murray Elyria,OH
Cheryl Musser Long Valley, NJ
Lisa Nagorski Independence, OH
Ralph Nappi Landing, NJ
Julia I. Navarro Tampa, FL
Kaythryn Nelson Pitaluma, CA
Madonna Nartker Dayton,OH
James Neumann Cincinnati, OH
Curtis New Englewood, OH
Steven Nienhaus Cincinnati, OH
Sharon Novik Marion , OH
Gail Oberst Dayton,OH
Elizabeth O'Brien Convent Station, NJ
Nancy O'Donnell Wayne , PA
Anne O'Keefe Birmingham , MI
Barbara O 'Lear Lower Burrell, PA
Patricia Olshefski Bowie, MD
Diane O 'Neil Columbus, OH
Stephen Oross III West Falls, NY
Eileen Palmer King of Prussia, PA
Martha Parah Port Henry, NY
Darrell Payne Louisville, KY
Karen Perl Cleveland, OH
Thomas Peters Xenia,OH
Cheryl Peterson Glenwood, NJ
Mary M . Phillips Bryan, OH
Linda Mary Pi sa rick Cleveland, OH
Mary M. Pohlman Cincinnati, OH
Mark Porta Loveland, OH
Mark Pribish Somerville, NJ
Ann Quehl Cincinnati, OH
Michael Raskind Canandaigua, NY
Vicki Reaves Dayton, OH
Charles Reed Hudson, MA
Rick Reichard Canton,OH
William Rainey Columbus, OH
Shelley A. Record Clifton Springs, NY
..• :
~ ~
Lisa A . Reitz North Olmsted, OH
Kathi Reynolds Washington, D.C.
Robin E. Rice Macungie, PA
Denise Ricker Dayton,OH
Robert J . Ridge Bethel Park, PA
Marta Riordan Williamsville, NY
Mary Roarty Grosse Point Park , MI
Amy Roedersheimer Parkersburg, WV
Mary Roth Lake Bluff, IL
Thomas Ruffolo Kettering, OH
Monique Rullo King of Prussia, PA
M . Jennifer Salisbury Parkersburg , WV
',' \
146/ Seniors
David Saras Catasauqua , PA
Linda Sargent Kettering, OH
Lawrence E. Sauer Greenville, OH
Jean Scardino E. Brunswick, NJ
Robert W. Schaffer Cincinnati, OH
Loretta Schaub Lexington , KY
Paul J . Schirmer Rochester, NY
Lynn Schram Rocky River, OH
Jeffery Schuffert Euclid,OH
Rebecca Schuhwerk Reading, PA
Judy Selhorst Coldwater , OH
Barbara Shank Noblesville, IN
John Shea Columbus , OH
Bart Sheeler Cincinnati, OH
Patricia Ann Short Beech Grove, IN
Theodore Singer Ney, OH
Deborah Smith Bloomingdale, IL
Julia M . Smith Fort Jennings, OH
Sharon Smith Troy,OH
Sheilah Smok Lombard , IL
Joel B, Sokolsky Pittsburgh , PA
Claire Soldano Rock ville Center , NY
Claudette Spanel Dayton,OH
Catherine Spearman Dayton,OH
Steven Spiller Erie, PA
Stephen Sprauer Kettering, OH
Gregory Robert Stak Wallingford, CT
Kimberly Starrett Wooster,OH
Pat Stebor Durellen, NJ
Julianne Stecker Columbus , OH
Randall Stump Kettering, OH
Michael JOSeph Sullivan Fredonia, NY
Roger Swanson Tipp City, OH
Ellen Taylor Xenia,OH
Anne Testoni Lutherville, MD
Howard Stein Cincinnati, OH
Pamela Stokes Washington, D,C.
Sheryl Stuart Kettering, OH
Elizabeth Sweeney Indianapolis, IN
Ken Swink Brookville, OH
Donna Szwarc West New York, NJ
Loretta Texter Toms Riber, NJ
Deborah Thomas Millersborg, OH
Rosalie Thomas Dayton,OH
Colleen Tarrant Randolph, NJ
Rayna Thompson Arcanum,OH
Barbara Thurman Sonora, KY
Teri Thurman Centerville, OH
Seniors /
Juan Torres Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Mark Traphagen Wayland, NY
Joseph Turella South Euclid, OH
Thomas Underiner Beaver. PA
Kathryn Vassallo Dayton,OH
Kather ine Veazey Rolla. MO
John Wagner Dayton,OH
Terrance Wagner Cincinnati. OH
Jeff Weikert Middletown. OH
Mary Jo Weber Perrysville. OH
Margaret Trick Dayton,OH
Karen Upshaw East Chicago. IN
James Triola Auburn. NY
Barbara Trizzino Cleveland Heights. OH
Barbara Vachon Erie. PA
Michael Valletta Lorain . OH
Deborah True Chillicothe. OH
Laura VanLeeuwer, Kettering. OH
Barbara Vogt SI. Charles . MO
Kelly Voss Dayton.OH
Jodie Vuchovich Dayton.OH
Jerome Walsh West Sayville. NY
Keith Ware Cincinnati, OH
Elizabeth Waters West Carrollton. OH
Mary Elizabeth Weber Rochester. NY
Annmarie Welch Louisville. KY
Jan Wenning Dayton. OH
Thomas Wesselman Cincinnati. OH
Melisa Voelkl Dayton.OH
Mary Ellen Whipp Dayton. OH
Debora Whitehurst Washington, D.C.
David Wilkie Florence, NJ
Scott Wilkinson Aberdeen, NJ
Dan Yeazell Sprinfield, OH
Alp Urdakul Dayton,OH
Karen Zadell Wickliffe, OH
Robert Wolski Maspeth, NY
Ann Marie Wurst Kettering, OH
Nancy Zeber Rocky River , OH
Julie McErlane Cincinnati, OH
David Yates Parma,OH
Patricia Schumann Henrietta, NY
Gregory Agoston Middletown. OH
Sally Andary Dayton . OH
Lucilla Barber Baltimore. MD
Sharon Bauer Fairfield. OH
Jane Bekta Oaklawn.IL
Francisco Ascorbe Ponce. Puerto Rico
Luis Ascorbe Ponce. Puerto Rico
Nancy Ayers Euclid.OH
Thomas Bocchino Norwood. NJ
Raymond Bogusz Deer Park . NY
Peter Boncelet Carteret. NJ
Mark Borsos Barbarton. OH
Patricia Burchett Grosse Point Woods. Mi
James Burns Elmsford. NY
Michael Burns Cincinnati. OH
Jeff Burnside Columbus. OH
Richard Cengeri Bethlehem. PA
Boulos N. Challita Dayton.OH
Keith Cheesman Cincinnati. OH
James Cinque Pittsburgh. PA
Scott Brown Stanford. CT
Christine Caferri Syosset. NY
150/ Seniors
Frank Accovelli Roosevelt. NY
Linda Budd Ottawa.OH
John Carlson Cincinnati. OH
Thomas R. Brickler Rochester. NY
John Broderick Cincinnati. OH
David Clark Louisville , KY
Sherree Combs Waynesville, OH
Nancy M. Cooley Dayton,OH
Kevin Cottingham Massapeque, NY
Rosaleen Courtney Kettering , OH
Curtis Crescent Buyertown, PA
Linda Crutcher Louisville, KY
Kathryn A. Culloo Walnut Creek, CA
M ichael Cooper Indianapolis, IN
Roseann Cordova Stamford , CT
Harold Cordoves Puerto Rico
Keith Cron Coldwater, OH
Diane Crone Cazenovia , NY
Martin J. Crotty Falmouth. KY
Robert B. Davis Centerville, MA
Linda Denson Cleveland, OH
Chawki Diab Dayton,OH
Paul Diab Dayton, OH
James Dieden Summerville, SC
Rhys Dill Ridgewood, NJ
Steven J. Dippolito Camillus, NY
Joseph Doherty Greenlawn, NY
Kevin Donohue Rockaway Park, NY
Patricia Donohue Rockaway Park , NY
Beth Dorrian Columbus, OH
Kathy Dubel Dayton, OH
Martin Dugan Indianapolis, IN
Thomas Duramel Arlington Heights, IL
Dale Easter Greenfield, OH
Tad Eckert Oil City, PA
Mary Eisaesser Stamford. CT
Patti Farrell Mentor.OH
Jack Felton Wheeling. WV
John Flood Parkersburg. WV
Patrice Fonow Mingo Jet.. OH
Don Fericks Kettering. OH
Marc Fussnecker Dayton,OH
Eileen Fussner Chagrin Fall. OH
Pamela Galloway Waynesville, OH
Arthur F. Gannon Jr. Parsippany. NJ
George Garber Miamisburg, OH
Nancy Geers Springfield. OH
Tim Giere Coldwater, OH
James Giltner Akron.OH
Carol J. Glaser Kettering. OH
Kevin Goettl Charleston. WV
Mary Gonnella Niles.IL
Timothy Gregory Kettering. OH
Linda Griffith Dayton,OH
Mitri J. Hage Broummana. Lebanon
Patricia Glaser Wheeling. WV
John Haigney North Plainfield. NJ
152/ Seniors
Steven A . Filippo Richmond Heights. OH
Michael F. Ehlers Fairborn. OH
Jeffrey Hall Gilbertsville. PA
Michael Hampton Beavercreek. OH
Christopher F. Happ Bradford Woods. PA
Jacqueline R. Harden Dayton.OH
Marisue Findley Cincinnati, OH
Carel Hemmert Wapakeneta. OH
Thomas Hession Indianapolis, IN
Oliver A. Hinsman Jr. Pittsburgh, PA
Jeff Hochwalt Dayton,OH
Beverly Hoeck Louisville, KY
Thomas Hogenkamp Minster,OH
Peter J. Hovanec Fanwood, NJ
Rick Howard McMurray, PA
Scott Hower Cresskill, NJ
Thea Hudson Fredricksburg, VA
Timothy Hughes SI. Louis, MO
Charles Hume Arlington Heights, IL
William J. Hurley III Palos Heights, IL
Terzian Iskandar Beruit, Lebanon
Jennifer Judd Cincinnati, OH
Donald Kaiser Montville, NJ
Mary K . Kane Parma,OH
Mohammed Karram Beirut, Lebanon
Gregory Kausch Rochester, NY
Tara M. Kerivan Centerville, OH
Timothy M. Kilroy Chagrin Falls, OH
Thomas Knoth Fairborn, OH
Joseph Koch Farmingdale, NY
Michael Kroger Dayton,OH
Angier Kuhns Westport , CT
Michelle Kushner Dayton,OH
Charles Kuzmic Euclid,OH
Scott Itzel Pittsburgh, PA
Karen Holland SI. Louis, MO
:t \<1 '1
Gerald F. Korbas Shelby,OH
Mark Lampe Cincinnati, OH
Emily LaRose Gansevoort, NY
Peter H. Lehmann Lockport , NY
Mark Lemon Hamilton, OH
Diane Leopold Columbus Grove, OH
Mark Lewis Rochester , NY
Deborah Linneman Dayton,OH
Joanne McCarthy Aurora,OH
Robert McDermott Louisville, KY
Mary Ann McDougal Garden City, NY
Susan McFarlane Hudson, OH
Peter Maciearie Spring Lake Heights, NJ
Martin Madigan Bay Village, OH
~~ I
. â&#x20AC;˘
154/ Seniors
Deborah Littmann SI. Louis, MO
Paul Lorei Erie, PA
Colleen McCarthy Dayton, OH
Mike McGuver East Northport, NY
Thomas McLaughlin Arlington Heights, IL
Cheri McManus Pittsburgh, PA
Michael Maloney Dayton,OH
Mazen Mansour Kuwait
Marie Mariscalco Dayton,OH
Duane Marple Massillon, OH
Gene Maurer Dayton,OH
Steven E. Miller Marion, OH
Terrence Miller Clearwater, FL
Neil Mitchell Louisville, KY
Karen Mohn Butler, PA
Timothy Mawby South Euclid, OH
John Monnett Bellbrook . OH
Richard Montague Elyria. OH
Mark Morabito East Rochester, NY
Aristides Moreno Central Islip. NY
Thomas Mueller Bellville, IL
Margaret Murnen Toledo, OH
Suzanne Neff Dyaton. OH
Keith Newman Massapequa, N Y
Robert Noth West Lafayette, IN
Kathleen O'Loughlin Pittsburgh, PA
Pedro Nel Ospina Meddlin . Columbia
Tyrone Parnell Akron , OH
Brian A , Peabody Atchinson. KS
Mary Ann Penrod Kettering. OH
Matthew Petnuch Pittsburgh. PA
Roxann Phillips Cleveland. OH
Matthew Pocta Bedford.OH
John Podsedly Geneva.OH
Mary Jean Pohlman Maria Stein. OH
Philip C. Powers Naperville. IL
David Presley Westlake. OH
Joseph Preston Cincinnati. OH
Dan Proctor Tulsa. OK
Jeffery G. Purcell Lancaster, PA
Rebecca Ramsey Dayton, OH
Steven Raschella Syracuse. NY
Eileen Reitz Parma.OH
Timothy Reser Kettering . OH
Jace Reyes Rio Pierdes. Puerto Rico
David Richardson Hampton. NH
Seniors /
{/; I
156/ Seniors
Keith Robinson West Carrollton, OH
Camilo G. Rodriguez Ponce, Puerto Rico
Kent Rogers Dayton,OH
Judi Rohr Cincinnati , OH
Greg Romer Dayton,OH
Marcia Roznik Bay Village, OH
Glenn Rushton Franklin Lakes , NJ
Karen Scheible North Olmsted, OH
Mary Beth Schenden Farmington Hills, MI
Patricia Schetter Toledo,OH
Julie Schneider Fairborn, OH
Mary Jane Schuckman Dayton,OH
James Schumacher Glenview, IL
Patricia Schumann Henrietta, NY
Douglas Scott Anderson, CA
Tom Seamando Springfield, VA
Michael Shannon Fort Mitchell, KY
Steve Shellhause Vandalia, OH
Michael S. Smith Washington, D.C.
Victoria Stegman Ballwin, MO
Marylou Stermole Euclid,OH
Michael Stewart Walton Hills, OH
Richard Storey Florham Park, NJ
Tracy Stout Wellsville, NY
James Stradiot Garfield Heights, OH
Lynn Strode Elyia,OH
Mary Stubing Arlington Heights, IL
William Sullivan Vandalia, OH
Paul Seubert Wexford, PA
Dan Shannon Fort Mitchell, KY
Richard Szink Canton.OH
Mark Szittai Doylestown. OH
Michael O . Tontini Chicago.IL
Paul Tortorello Columbus. OH
Kathleen Towse Toledo. OH
Francis J . Trick Dayton.OH
Jeffery Troutman Dayton. OH
James Vacketta Bloomfield Hills. MI
Denny Van Arsdale Kettering. OH
Trese Walsh Springfield. OH
Sue Ellen Ward Marion. OH
William Weil Allison Park. PA
Marilynn Welsh Bethel Park. PA
John Wendeln Kettering . OH
Jeanel West Kettering. OH
Jane Wieloch Ceram. NY
John Wilson Commack. NY
Kevin Wittmer Louisville . KY
Michael Woodman Peru
James Wozniak Connersville. IN
Carma Young Dayton.OH
James M . Ziemer Buffalo. NY
Darcy Oden Wiliowick.OH
Education Marie Angello Dayton.OH
Kristine Bauer Rey. OH
~1 '
Teresa Bender Minster.OH
, Linda Bently Mansfield. OH
Anna Boehman Gen.' va. NY
Mary Ann DiGregory Fort Wayne. IN
Rebecca Dusing Fort Wright. KY
Peggy Gillespie Mount Prospect. II
Kathleen Daly Lincroft. NJ
Mary Ann Fabian Gibsonia. PA
Ann Fehrenbacher Joust. IL
Pamela Gowan NOI th Bergen . NJ
Leslie Grabert Painesville. OH
Karen Gramlich Rochester. NY
Molly A . Holden Columbus. OH
Ruby Ivery Dayton.OH
.!!I ~ .
~ .
t\athleen Hinz Manasquaw. NJ
Lisa Daniels Dayton.OH
David L . Davis Swantow . OH
Kevin Davis Pottsville. PA
Kathryn Flynn Greenfield. OH
Therese Garvin Clyde.OH
Rosemary Guida Weirton . WV
Susan Hall Montclair. NJ
Douglas, Knapke Minster,OH
Lisa Laman Beaver, PA
Karen Lambert Hamilton,OH
Carol Lammers Leipsic,OH
Carol Leibold Dayton,OH
Marjorie Long Kettering, OH
Daniel McCann Lombard, IL
Mary McDonald Dayton,OH
Catherine McGroarty Erie, PA
Doris Mangels Tipp City, OH
Cindy Messina Palatine, IL
Tamara Moulin Dayton,OH
Beverly Mullen Kettering, OH
Mara Nasca Painesville, OH
Darcy Oden Wiliowick,OH
Jeff Osburn Van Wert, OH
Gradlin Pruitt Fort Wayne, IN
Camille Ranaudo West Babylon, NY
Chris Rozzo Mentor,OH
William Saum Saint Marys, OH
Susan Reagan Akron,OH
Marianne Reinhard Willowick, OH
Helen Rhoney Jamestown, NY
Mary Anne Schmitt Oak Park, IL
Donna Schwartz Russia,OH
Lissa Smith Kettering, OH
Anne Robie Berwyn, PA
Patricia Snyder Dayton,OH
Pamela Stein Doylestown, PA
Jeannette Stokes Woodbridge, VA
Seniors /
Deb Stotzer Mineral City . OH
Tammy Stritenberger Dayton.OH
Michael Trudeau Southbridge. MA
Lorraine Sullivan Plain City. OH
Mari Grace Von Holle Fort Wright. KY
Rebecca TatmanKebe Indianapolis. IN
Marianne Whitford Cleveland. OH
Kathleen Thomas Pittsford. NY
Constance Oberfield Newark.OH
Mary Thomas Coldwater. OH
"~ ., . ,,
Sarkis Abdallah Miziara, Lebenon
Antoine Abou路 Jaoude Jal路Dir, Lebenon
Bassam Abuasba Andalus, Kuwait
Nemr Awad Kettering, OH
Hamid Akhbari Kettering, OH
Mohammed AI路 Humaidhi Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Abduarzzak Areabi Dayton,OH
James R. Atchinson Louisville, KY
Aloysius A. Attah Aky Anambra, Nigeria
Michael Banigan Glen Ellyn, IL
Antoine Bassil Kenrwan, Lebanon
Carol L. Bates Farmersville, OH
Timothy Beach Dayton,OH
Steven A. Beckel Williamsburg, OH
John Berkemeier Jackson, MI
Janet Biggins Wickliffe, OH
Michael Bouchard Fairborn, OH
Valerie Brinker Fairfield, OH
Gail Brown Inverness, IL
William A. Bruss Wiliowick,OH
Jean Carew Madison, NJ
Patrick Charvat Lakewood, OH
MichaelChong Spring Valley, OH
Robert Clemens Beaver Falls, PA
Jamey Coleman Westerly, RI
Tim Collins Arcanum, OH
Thomas V. Crumley Cincinnati, OH
Seniors /161
162/ Seniors
Hector Alfonso Cruz Ponce, Puerto Rico
Habib Dagher Bykfay Metn, Lebenon
Helen C. DeLaVergne Vienna, VA
James Dombrowski Independence, OH
Lynn Doty Marion,OH
Paul Doyle McMurray, PA
George Ebner Wheaton, MD
Bilal EI路Habash Dayton,OH
Carrie Eller Piscataway. NJ
Bernard Fergeson Canton,OH
Abayomi Folarin Dayton,OH
Antonie Franceshi Rio Pierdas, Puerto Rico
Vincent Francia Monessen , PA
Bruce Franklin Ovid , NY
Kevin Garland Dayton. OH
Michael J. Geers Cincinnati, OH
Candice Glassner Huron.OH
Thomas Golias Munroe Falls, OH
Mark Goodwin Dayton,OH
John Grady Dayton, OH
Thomas Graf SI. Louis. MO
Steven R. Hahn Dayton,OH
Milton Hamilton Washington, D.C.
Patricia Hannigan Worthington. OH
Eric Harrawood Centerville, OH
James Hays Lakewood . OH
Edward Hill Springboro. OH
Stephen Dellinger Piqua,OH
Joseph A . Dennis III Forest Park, OH
Jeffery DeVoy Gibbstown. NJ
Yolanda Hill Bedford, OH
Boutras Hocheime Bidfoya Metn, Lebanon
Jill Hoene Kettering, OH
Ali Hooshiari Dayton,OH
Michael Hoyman Brookpark, OH
Frantz Huggins Port,Au路Prince, Haiti
Patricia Infanger Columbus, OH
Parviz Jazi Dayton,OH
Gerard Kaiser Dayton,OH
Marcel Katra Santa Barbara, CA
Carol Kearns Ashland, KY
Stephen Kellet Sussasunna, NJ
Sheila Kelly Kettering, OH
Donald Kenzig Fairview Park, OH
Stephen Kettman Hamilton,OH
Donna Knighton Centerville, OH
Robert Konicki Beavercreek, OH
David Kofecki Towsen, MD
Catherine M. Kowallzyk Lakewood, OH
Suzanne Largey Saint Marys, PA
Mohamed Layas AI路Huria Derna , libya
James lindesmith Canton,OH
Patrick Luke Monrovia, liberia
Michael A. McCabe Florhan Park, NJ
Raymond Madachy Kettering, OH
Cynthia L. Majewski Sayreville, NJ
Menhem Mardun Yal el Dib, Lebanon
William T . Maseldo Mount Lebanon, PA
Yui路Ning Lung Kow'Coon, Hong Kong
Daniel Huff East Pasastine, OH
John Miklavcic Pittsburgh, PA
Gabriel Minassian Dayton,OH
James Misenko Broadview Heights, OH
Giorge Moorman Dayton,OH
james Morman Marion,OH
Michael Motz Cincinnati, OH
Eli Najm Dayton,OH
Daniel J. Neff Parma,OH
Clare Neubauer Bryans Road, MD
Catherine Newkold Dayton,OH
Duane Newman Belle Center, OH
Robert Noble Wheaton,IL
Christopher Norton Pittsburgh, PA
Constance Oberfield Newark,OH
Donald E. Owens Dayton,OH
Kevin Pahl Dayton,OH
Carlos Palau Guayaquil, Ecuador
Joe Paulus Hamilton,OH
Nader Pegah Dayton,OH
Lon Pepperman Williamsport, PA
Ronald James Phillips Pittsburgh, PA
Clyde Picklesimer Union,OH
Kathleen Polaha Whitehall, PA
Daniel Polcari Charleston, WV
Brian Pope Westlake,OH
James Princic Euclid,OH
Carlos Noceda Lima, Peru
Stephen Palmer Middletown, OH
Bernard Pizarro Lima, Peru
164/ Seniors
Dalier J. Ramirez Rio Pierdas, Puerto Rico
Michael Ranz Cincinnati, OH
Harriet Richardson Xenia, OH
Samuel J. Riegle New Madison, OH
Daniel Rogatto Dunmore, PA
Chirs Runyan Covington, OH
Jeanine Russell Endicott, NY
William Salyers Cincinnati, OH
James Sammons Kettering, OH
John Savage Centerville, OH
John Scheihing Fairborn, OH
Richard Schrantz Clarence, NY
Joel Searfoss Washington, NJ
tt... -
,~ John Servino Brooklyn, NY
Harry Shaposka Wickliffe, OH
Timothy P. Sharkey Kettering, OH
William Stephanon Bogota, Columbia
Gregory Stidham Xenia,OH
Gary Stokes Reisterstown, MD
Thomas Struewing Batesville, IN
John Taube Levittown, PA
Antoine Felix H. Trudae Ivory Coast, West Africa
Michael Terilli White Plains, NY
Vincent A. Testa Davie, FL
Joseph Skrivan Stamford, CT
Steven Sommers Dayton,OH
Gerry Sowar Coldwater, OH
Rajob Suleiman Tobruk, Libya
Mark John Tascarella West Mifflin, PA
Edward Thompson Louisville, KY
Gary Tiebens Louisville, KY
Cheryl Tomasko Pittsburgh . PA
Thomas Ungar Lakewood. OH
John Weidle Lakewood. OH
Lawrenc e E . Weisman Dayton.OH
Sultan Zalmat Dayton.OH
Rudy Vazquez Brooklyn. NY
Donald Willier Lindenworld. N.J.
Thomas Zumberge Dayton. OH
Alan Waddingham Piqua.OH
Raymond Wise Dayton.OH
Kenneth Hutchinson New Madison. OH
James Waltz Akron . OH
William A. Wolfe West Milton. OH
Michael J . Kantz Dayton.OH
Thomas A . Walzer Rochester. NY
Timothy Youngs New Bremen. OH
-. :>----"..
- - -
. '
Stuart UPPER RIGHT; 2 EAST; 1st row: Dan Young, Gary Spino, John DiMarco, Joe Yokasty, Mark Schneider, 2nd row: Bill Clark, Jim Brennan, Jim King, Jim Furda, Paul Serafin, John Hilyard. MIDDLE RIGHT; 5 NORTH; 1st row: Rick Barnes, Keith Daniel, Tom Nei路 lecker, Carl Wallace, Bob Cramer, Michael Near, Jeff Hofmann, 2nd row: Jerry Bruss, Steve Maselko, Ed Wilson, Dan Paul. Dan Gour路 beaux , Bob Koeppe, Rob Macachy. Bruce Bailey, George Viebrock, Jim Gilbert, LOWER RIGHT; 1 NORTH: 1st row: Tim Kness, Alan Swiatek, Rich Slaght, Flash. Dave Crerwonka, 2nd row: D. Hydrate, John Wiggenhorn , Keith Eichert, Stu, John Buckley, Tim Kopicko, Tony Schwartz, Tim Brown, L.D. Silver, Bill Brown, Ottawa Schroeder, Robert Matthiesen. 3rd row: Dave Mimms, Davey Ramone, Animal, Little Man, Danny Sutherland, Tennessee Peishel, Bob Kortyna.
168/ Housing
UPPER LEFT; " Roger Daltrey" shows his weightlifting ability. LEFT; 4 SO(JTH Row 1: Rob Burch. Row 2: Doug Erpenbeck, Greg Seamands, Mike McLaughlin, Jim George, Dan Wilson, Vic Ber' lage, Karl Volpenhein . Row 3: Ed Zibert, Mark Simpson, Chris Curtis, Kevin Kelley, Jim Whitehead, Scrots Sherry, Joe Gallagher, Marvin Lipshitz, Paul De Masi. Row 4: Jim Corrigan, Tim "007" Bond, Harold " Hat Man" Jagels, Bill Ballard, Mark Korona . LOWER LEFT; 3rd North, Row I: Etho Blarchard, Allen Bailey, Rob Winterman, Joe Maxin, John Thiery, Mark Stanish. Row 2: Tom O 'Brien, Greg Gehlmann, Mike Phelps , Brian Bauman, Mike Pisano, Greg Welsh, Tom O 'Neill. Row 3: Don Sather, Dave Irwin, John Eddingfidd (WUBS), Bob "Dr. " Dee, Bill Flornung, Dave Hogan (sign), Mike Mehl, Rob Stormer. BE:LOW; 7 EAST, Row 1; Phil Handorf, Glenn Santulli, Scott Cooper, Sean Stewart, Ceferino Cata, John Sullivan, Andy Downey, Ken Fisher, Dave Kerner. Row 2: Mark Rydzewski, Kevin Cassidy , Jim Morrison, Jack Callahan, Dan Lehman, Neil Young, James Allen , Tim Kroger, Mike Woerner.
Housing/ 169
UPPER RIGHT; 5 South. 1st Row : Ken Yeager. Dave Setzler. Jim Whalen. Mike Ryan. Jeff Osterholt. Chris Mollo. Michael Keller. Stephen Reeves. Chris Otto. Paul Roach. Mike Glaser. Vince Ser路 vizzi. Kevin Logue. Mike Wurst 2nd Row : Jim Holden. Steve Huels. Dave Marnell. Tom Paulus. Jeff Coverstone. Chris Della Roc ca . John Schwarz. Scott Reveille. ABOVE; Bottoms up for Kevin Mulligan with the help of " Gloria" . MIDDLE RIGHT ; 2 South. 1st Row : Barry Cash. Shawn Walters. John Edelmann. Craig Kurasku. Paul Kelly. Barry Killian. Paul Belanger. FuFu Jones and Dan Messing. Mike Gallagher. Mike Willis . 2nd Row: Tom Connell . Tony Sineni. Kevin Riley. Bill Schmatz. Ed Michalski. Mark Feist. Mike Shultz. Steve Ewers. Chuck Serianni. Sean O路Conneli . Rod Wilson. Glen Mackiewicz. Grant Root. Hisa Tsutsui .. RIGHT; 6 East. 1st row: Joe Cannarozzi . Todd McMonigle. Mike O路Donneli. Bryant Wezner. Jim Hochwalt. Jeff Anderson. Rick Wilwohl. 2nd Row: Kami Tehrani. Paul Calabrese. John Duffy. Rick Morman. Johnny Wave. 3rd row : Baby Huey Wobser. Tom Frenz. Steve Martin. Daren Fetcko. Gary Chmielewski. Jim Renz. Dan Rysz. J.M. Ramsey. Jr.. Frank Hiti. 4th row : Edward J . O 路Reilly . John Ace Ryan . Frederick J . Wolff. Imperi' al Wizard . Dave Skoal Brother Sobek. Hubee. Spider. S.T.U.D .. Charles Waggin .
170/ Housing
UPPER LEFT; 2 NORTH: I hope its not their truck that they ' re on! MIDDLE LEFT; 6 NORTH: 1st row: Brad Van De Sompele. Bob Trigg. Willie. Thierry Kermisan. Jim Rench. Hair Bear. 2nd row : Steve Antosz. Dave Roan. Tom Madey. Dave Connelly. Phil Lampe. Phil Geiger. Chris Shalosky. Kevin Caravati. Kevin O'Brian. Gary Green. 3rd row : Jan Franceschi. Ken Larison. Doug Myers. Kurt Rakovec . Doug Hoying. Bob Benak. Dan Krekelen, Flapper. Mike Flocken路 haus. Steve Carr. LEFT; 4 EAST: 1st row: Steve Krier . James Bradford. 2nd row : Greg Miller. Kevin Mulligan. John Kovarick. Eddie Aversa. Chris Hipskind. Scott White. Frank Harrison. Ken Felzel. 3rd row : Jeff Granitti. Kevin Price. John Schieman. Eric Hoffman. Mitch Aures. Rob Deering. Bob Saum.
Stuart UPPER RIGHT; 3 EAST; 1st row : Eric Hogue, Jim Fields, 2nd row: Mike Brokamp, Danny McCormick, Tom Beiting, Mike Adams , Alain Trial, Matt Rossana, John Daley, Jesse Plasen' cia, David Roy . 3rd row : Neal Cain, Tom Bog路 nar, Matt Hardin, Mark Meade, Tom Bonn, Joe Colleran, Vince Zarcaro, David Broderick. MID路 DLE RIGHT; 3 SOUTH; 1st row: Mike Cisen' eros, Batch. 2nd row: Ward Cleaver, Dave Fleck, Big Vince, Louis Alansaw, Tom Con路 don, Dan Notting, Matt Schuerman, Abbie Hof路 man, Tom Wurster. 3rd row: Andy Pogany, Keith Spoelker, NY Banrick, Mousy, Brian O'Connell, Lefty, Engineer, Mark Anderson , Chief Lush, Rob Fiorilli. BELOW; 4 NORTH; Ted Gage, Rob Gretan, Steve Davis, Scott Har' ris, Don Duckro, Chuck Rueger, Rob DePalma, Dan Alexander, Gary Johnson, Jim Thomas , Brian Hildebrand, Joe Kopesky .
UPPER lEFT; Frank Harrison surprises everyone by do路 ing his homework. MIDDLE lEFT; 6 SOUTH. 1st row: Jeff Fazzone, Steve Motsca, Anthony Helton, Tim Daunch, Chris Mulbaier, 2nd row : Dave Miller, Matt Owens, John McKearney, Damir Jamsek, Animal Mor路 gan, Chris Collier, Joe Pinucki , 3rd row : Michael Powers, Rick Zigman, Dan Bowling, Flounder Mantua, George Simon, Chris Seidel. 4th row : John Fries, Ace Bowers, Bob Hanlon, Carlos Rodriquiz, Dan letterman, Duane Neibert, Mark Tullio, Moe Molmar. BELOW; 5 EAST. 1st row: Sam Deleo, Mike Branigan, John Reid, Bill Berry, Hula Bradford, Jeff Battle, Slate Rossi, Joe Marino, Barth Beaman, 2nd Row: Ston ie Trabold, Rick Kohn, E.T. Mc路 Coy, Jim Morrison, Steve Fowler, Chris Riordan, Jon Gross, Brian Miller, Stinky Klinger, Tom Kilbane, Albert Moore, Weasel Crossland , Pedro Vera, Mike Montag, Rich lourett.
Housing/ 173
Marycrest UPPER RIGHT; 5 MIDDLE; I st row: Joan Maurer. Jane Lewis . Jeanne L ewis. Pam Patton. Mary Retterbush. 2nd row : Lisa Walker. Lynn Barney . Kathy Heidkamp, Julie Dalpiaz. Ginny Wilson. Mary Pat Bourne. Sue Reed. 3rd row : Ester Maurico. Peggy Blessing. Laura Rothenbuhler , Karen Palecek, Toni Frantz. Anne Joefreda, Mary Auf路 derheide. Celeste Bysak. Sue Reilly, Lisa Burrello, Sue Ellen Hoch路 gurter. Sheila Mullen. MIDDLE RIGHT ; GROUND SOUTH; 1st row: Theresa Mueller. 2nd row: Teri Tainter. Eilleen Pendergast, Sue Van De Ryt . K im Farbacher , Mary Torbesk. 3rd row: Julie M iles, Sharon Lochner . RIGHT; Eddie Aversa finds Marycrest lobby a good place to hold a conversation with Maria Caballero.
174/ Housing
UPPER LEFT; 4 MIDDLE; 1st row : Diane Yagich, Julie Ebner. 2nd row : Cindy Robinson , Karla Allamandinger , Patty Fairle , linda Barnes, Kitty McGlone, Jean Forti, Farlee Wade. 3rd row : Gretchen Saller, Anne Waller, Jean Eure, Loire Staffman , Lynn Berry, Vicki Niendorf, Sharon Bauer, Jeanine LaBorne, Brenda Hummel, Terry McClintock, Patty Bornhorst. 4th row : Anna Frank, Bernice Hannermann, Sherri Orschell, Trischa Bunn , Mau路 reen O'Rourke. MIDDLE LEFT 2 MIDDLE: 1st row: Chris Wittmann. 2nd row: Erik Berger, Chris Joseph , Bob Banke, Patrick Sens , Paul Curtin, B. Hymen, Roger Bingham . 3rd row : Tony Riccardi , Jim Mietus, Denny Tritinger, John Sens , Paul Gerace. 4th row : Rich Mates, John Lammer s. Mark Hudson . John Konarski. BOTTOM LEFT ; 4 SOUTH; It's toy world for 4 SOUTH . as all of the girls have brought their stuffed animals along .
Marycrest UPPER RIGHT; 3 SOUTH: 1st row : Terri Strode, Janet Alex路 ander, Susan Baldwin, Marcia Walker, Lesa Taylor路GA, Michelle Cajka, Paula Kirchnee, Mary Roesch , Maria Morookian. 2nd row: Michelle Moorookian, Michelle Charbat, Jill Kaszuba, Mary Ruttker, Sharon Brow, Christine Matve, Mary Meyer, Cathy Gass, Judy Sweney, Elizabeth Aldrich , Sharon Karpiak, Dottie James, Jenny Kramer. 3rd Row : Marcellina M . Gurley, Mary Stoffel, Kathi Fleming, Maureen Doyle, Sue Dovishaw, Andrea Doyle, Cindy Grygier, Amy Mitchell, Kathy Shanabrook, lisa Thomas, Susan Harris, Angie James, Tammrel Keck, Marie Cusack, Tina Kreinbrink, Sue Walsh. MIDDLE RIGHT; 5 SOUTH; I st row : Laurie Schneider, Betsy Bemski, Karen Durbin, Patty Kenney, Anna Segma, Mary Rose Helbing, lisa Eltzroth, Chris Giannetto, Lynda Riska. 2nd Row: Kelly licavoli, Laura Mitchell, Karen Delmore, Cindy Burke, Kim Harpst, Adria Pascvezi, Angie Imwalle, Marcia Slisz, Ami Fabrizo, Lori Calasanti, Elaine Kemme, Judy Guagenti, Cricky Hak, Mary Murphy, Maureen Abrams, Barb Reaman, 3rd row: lisa Happy, Lori " Quarters" Pinter, Sue Broccolli, linda Haemmeric, Meg Wolf, Sandy Kiel路 pinski, Ruth Maher, lisa Ostroski, Holly O 'toole, Kim Votava, Karen Lynch , Leslie Speaksalot, Ann "Prep" Power , Theodore A . Bear, Ann Pugh. BOTTOM RIGHT; 7 NORTH: Iranian Mili路 tants took over 7 north 's floor picture!
176/ Housing
UPPER LEFT; 6 NORTH; 1st row: Carlyle Kin路 kade, Tracie Griffin, Norrice Siddall. 2nd row: Beth Schmidt, Mary Ann Matejta, Mary Beth Dun路 agan, Beth Harwood, Judi Gambill, Sue Wegner, Theresa Reynolds, Stephanie LaRuffa. 3rd row: Sophie Hegedus, Susie Snyder, Karen Nusekabel, Peggy Simpson, Lynn Galvin, Lori Geyer, Dawn Grob. 4th row: Geri Di Sabato, Cecelia Andary, Linda Sheri II. MIDDLE LEFT; 2 SOUTH; 1st row: Jeannine Kelly, Julia Cottrice, Marcia Igel, Mary Ellen Muth. 2nd row: Sue Wuebker, Terrie Kenne' dy, Marilyn Dononic. 3rd. row: Jeanne Culkowski, Chris Murphy, Kerry Gibbons, Carol Van Houten, Lisette Allen, Mary Cowan, Carol Carney. 4th row: Cathy Short, Lori Kerber, Pam Cascone, Colleen Detorre, Sue Wallis, Susan Healy, Patti Huschle, Patty Flanagan, Angela Donovan, Vicki Brown, Chris Murphy, Cathy Bear Clark, Andrea Bear (1st) Clark, Debbie Ditono, Laura Erin, Tane. BOTTOM LEFT; 2 NORTH; 1st row: Mary Jo Buenger, Caryn Schockling. 2nd row : Diane Hoke, Jane Loedding, Lynn Heinold, Marina Meomar路 tino, Kathy Wolfarth, Kris Doyle, 3rd row: Jeanine DeGraff, Sue Bonhomme, Rene DeRose, Andrea Brown, Amy Hellmann, Lynn Mullaly, Liz Vanth路 orre. BELOW; Kathie Coates is quiet for the first time in her life.
Marycrest UPPER RIGHT; 4 NORTH: 1st row: Pat Collins, Tricia Balog. Michelle Wagner. 2nd row: Mary Kay Urnburg. Beth Neundorfer. Teresa Reeves. Linda French. 3rd row: Carol Chato. Christine O'Rourke. Kristina Farrell . Anne Whitney. Molly Barker. Julie Ryan . Trish Reagan. MIDDLE RIGHT: 3 NORTH: 1st row: Nancy Reichert. Laura Yaro, Tiddy Bear, Mary Jean Crabb. 2nd row : Barbara Kieltyka. Anita Koester. Shirley Szezesnial<., Margi O路Connor. Kathy Decaminada. Betsy Hugenbruch. Natalie Segro. Karen Murphy. 3rd row: Jackie Schrnerge. Lisa Aversa. BOTTOM RIGHT; 6 MIDDLE: " THE BATH路 ING BEAUTIES".
LEFT; 1 SOUTH: 1st row: Diana McFarland, Susan Olivero , Edna Whitson , Cathy Frericks , Caryn Bevilacqua, Kerr yellen Votta , Jenny Carey , Ann Riepenhoff, Spaz Stapleton, Dianne Sementille, Debb ie Bolek, Cathy O'Brien , Liz Miller, Francine Trail , Judy Tetiak , Lisa Dayd, Squirrel , Mariann Wojtkun , Sue Schumacher. 2nd row: Carolyn Niece, Ann Wal sh , Mar y Juana, Dorothy Clemmer, Jessi Bear, Lynne Bear, Mary Bear. 3rd row : Kathy Lewallen , Anne V. , Amy Boyne, Jean· nine Dingens, K .K . Magoto. MIDDLE LEFT; 1 NORTH; 1st row: Margret Linane, Jeanne Burt, Genevieve Cerasoli , 2nd row: Chris Leonard, Patty Cronkite, Marian Grant, Tracy Smith, Rose Gosser. 3rd row : Sue DePrez, Theresa McNicho· las, Tricia Drew, Liz Jamison, Regina Carden, Jean Cela · breze, Cathy Clark, Karen Holand, Lynn Strode, Diane Bradi· chich, Renee Hammer. BELOW; 3 MIDDLE; 1st row: George III, Casper Poltergeese , Don Juan, Rudolph Valentino, Tom Johnson, Czar, Dream , A . Kholmehni. 2nd row: Lee Oswald , Massina, Alexi Kosygin, Bill Maselko, Danny G. , AI Capone . BOTTOM; 6 SOUTH; 1st row : Linda Kellen, Millie Santiago , Angel Groce, Karen D. Taylor , Hope Johnston, Mariellen Wolf. 2nd row : Donna Benwitz, Kerry Marston, 3rd row : Pat Abele, Sandy Ohlms, Ma x, Gut, Jeannette Potzwietti , Julie Steinhilber, Kayo, Sherri Lorton, Maggie Linnemann , Laurie Merriweather, Mary Chandler, Amy Wolf, Katy Hughes, Ron· nie. 4th row : Pat Byrne, Angela Fornelli, Lisa DiPalma , An· gela Anybody, Mary Elliot, Gee Stanton, 5th row: Pete R. Abbit, Anne, Mary Corcoran , ME, See Va , Later, Gator, Ber' gie, Mary Stillane, Libby the Hat, Karen Dobremsyl, Terri Decker, Karen Lesh, Teri Rea , Lisa Richards, Mary Mathews, Margie Fertalli, K elly Pi tocco , Tina Caldwell, Patty Sheetz, Teri Waldo, Monica Muller, Stephanie Bordner.
Founders UPPER RIGHT; 4th FLOOR; 1st row: Bob Marino, Tom Nowalk, D.B. Huffman, Brian Girouard, Joe Yagiela , Bruce Menapace, Joe Eckley. 2nd row: Jim Yokajty, Jerry Buckley, G./. Plankenstein, Paul Southall, Dan Pendergast, Dennis Will, Paul Kerney, John Dougherty, Dave Eckert, Jim Leonard, Steve McGlynn, A. Frehley, John Sutton. 3rd row: John Luttrell, Queens, "Fubar", MIDDLE RIGHT; GRO<JND FLOOR; 1st row: Mike Greamy, Kurt Bierman, Bob Aupherheide. 2nd row: George Giulvezan, Jeremiah Bryne, Richard Crosby , Anwar Bajher, Jim Zuccaro. NEAR RIGHT: Staff member Bill Mulligan pores through his list of daily activities at the Main desk. FAR RIGHT; Brian Lorei enjoys a quick game of electronic football between classes.
180/ Housing
UPPER LEFT: Sophomore Kevin Hall stands high atop Founders Hall where he can "check it out"-as UD women amble by , MIDDLE LEFT: 1st FLOOR: 1st row : Phil Garner , Mike Monteiro, Scott Carbaugh , Brian Royle, Steve Smith, Bill Waddy , Steve Minick, Rick Morsc hes, Matt Ruttle, Mike Wolfe , 2nd row: Jon Conversino, Dan Hustinger, Dave Robertson, Ted Cassil , Henry K issinger , Joe Davey, p , Simpson_ 3rd row : Dan Cheter , Craig Eiffer!. Steve Junker, Dan Heitmeyer, Jim Payne. Pony , Brian Nueslein. Dan Mick, LOWER LEFT; Bic ycles are a major source of getting around for the Founders resident-
Housing/ 181
Founders ABOVE; In spite of what the sign says, the Founders resident is actually known to be a very friendly creature. ABOVE RIGHT; In spite of what is thought on campus , Founder's resi路 dents actually can write, as Danny Phil路 lips shows in writing a letter back home. RIGHT : Founders Hall is Home, Sweet Home for over 400 persons.
UPPER LEFT; 5th FLOOR: Tom Geisler, Steve Dowling. MIDDLE LEFT; 2nd FLOOR: 1st row : Jim Tubeling. 2nd row : Scott Citmer, Mike Jones, Don Hart, Tom Ban· non, Greg Danielson, Jeff McGlaun. BELOW LEFT; 3rd FLOOR ; 1st row : Mike Collier , Pete Vistacco, Bob Meyers, Jose Riviera , Jon To· sino, Jay Inwalle, Sloppy Joe, Fred Seeba, Dan Leitch . 2nd row: Tom Callahan, Andy Eversole, Glenn Sla· vin, Vic Melton, Mark Trainer, Rob Curly , Skip Zimmer, Tom Gregory. 3rd row : Tim Toncher , Andy Run · yan , Dave Pugh, Jim Collins, Joe Bachuni, Dave Hallihan, John Woeste, Paul Drake, Mark Moron· ell , Greg Trott .
Housing/ 183
Campus South
UPPER RIGHT; 5·F CAM· PUS SOUTH; I st row: Mau· reen Fay. Sherry Bell. An· drea Capuzzo. 2nd row: Ann Kleinhenz. Jan Fitzsim· mons. Brenda Fullenkamp. RIGHT; 5·E CAMPUS SOUTH; 1st row; Earl Scott. John Peknik. 2nd row: Bill Waltz. Ken Mraz. Joe Don· nelly.
184 / Housing
UPPER LEFT; 88 Campus South: 1st row; Terry Dempsey . 2nd row; Phil Chick, Fred Termi路 nal, Stew Casola. 3rd row; Joe Butler, Dave Girouard. MIDDLE LEFT; 7D Campus South: 1st row; Curly, FuMan. 2nd row; Pods, Yogi, Gary, Dids, Boo-BoD_ BOTTOM LEFT; 6B Campus South: 1st row; Chuck Tongo, John Haughney. 2nd row; Bob Brindlinger, Steve Joseph, Pete Maclearie, Buzzy Ferguson.
C a
m o u p
t u h
~ l
UPPER RIGHT; 2E CAMPOS SOOTH: Paul Murphy , John Gambacorta, Kevin McDonald, Mike Green. ABOVE; 8C CAMPOS SOOTH: Mary Jeanne Holmes, Bowser Kelly , Karen Scheible, Marianne Moldt " M ÂŁ,. M " , Jeannie Wachowiak. RIGHT; 8F CAMPOS SOOTH: row I; Jeff Mickelson, Russ "Bird " Stormer. row 2; Kevin Webler, Bob Patterson.
186/ Housing
UPPER LEFT; 80 CAMP(JS SO(JTH: Rob Branshaw . Rob Sturgeon . Frank Cecere. Rick Pallante. Frank De路 Monte. MIDDLE LEFT; 3A CAMP(JS SO(JTH: Karen Murphy. Karen Barry. Jean Kowalski. Deb Busemeyer. Betsy Neus. BOTTOM LEFT; 6E CAMP(JS SO(JTH: 1 st row: Buzzy Fer路 guson. 2nd row: Chubby Shea. Pete MacLearie. Bob Brindlinger . Jerry Geib.
Garden Apartl1lents TOP RIGHT; 339 Irving-2C; Kevin Wittmer, Tom Broxterman, Tom Wesselman . MIDDLE RIGHT ; 339 Irving-2C; 1st row: Kathy Bender, Norma Brickler, 2nd row : Elise Ruetz, Sharon Broadbent. RIGHT ; 1710 Alberta-3D; 1st row : Peggy Ward, Linda McCarren. 2nd row: Karen Duffy. Beast, Lori Beattie.
188/ Housing
TOP LEFT; 364 STEWART·3D; Lori Harris. Pam Stokes. Deb· orah Fa i r. Vanessa Moore. ABOVE; 361 STEWART·to 1st row ; Jill McNeil . Ann Keber . 2nd row : Annalynn Ford. Beth Melaragno. MIDDLE LEFT; 312 STEWART·3C; Tim Lynem . Mi· chael Smith. BOTTOM LEFT; 312 STEWART·2B; Carlos An· gueira . Dalier Ramirez. Tim Smith.
Housing/ 189
TOP RIGHT: 365 STEWART·3A; Marti Fausold, Kathy Dowsett, Lynn Doty, Don· ise Long, ABOVE: 1710 ALBERTA·IB; Steve Meixner, Scott Allard, AI Gatmaitan, Phil DeFusco, ABOVE RIGHT: 339 IR· VING·3B; Steve Beckel, Joe Paulus, Mike Komer, Mark Smalley, RIGHT: 314 LOWES·le; Carla Whitaker, ,K athy Ell· wood, Dave Merrill, Karen Tarallo.
190/ Housing
ABOVE LEFT; 339 IRVING·3A; Karen Disser. Lisa Reitz . Marge Hirschfield. Julie Phelps. LEFT ; 361 STEWART· I B; Hal McNamara. Louis Ascorbe. Frank Ascorbe. lana· cio Prats. Luis Roses. Christian. BELOW LEFT; 365 STEWART·ID; Liz Brookens. Barb LaBrier. Marlene Acito . BELOW; 339IRVING·ID; Shannon McGaw. Killer. Patty DeNa Ie.
Garden Apartments
UPPER RIGHT; 338 Stewart/2D: I st row : Sarah Gundlach, Tessie Fullenkamp. 2nd row: Lori Fritsch, Therese Hoying. ABOVE; 364 STEWART /16: Elizabeth Rogers, Karen Van路 Ness , Cutie, Porko, Sue laquinta. RIGHT; 350 STEWART /1B: 1st row: Laurie Vivolo, Dee Mack. 2nd row: Janet Pennington, Mary Harris.
UPPER LEFT; 365 STEWART j1C; "The Biscut Eaters". Kitty Munger. Clancy. Pat Snyder. Frogg and Ron. Beth "Biff" McDrath. UPPER RIGHT; "OK. Ed Galaska. you can put your arm around me for the picture. but then get lost." says Ja' net Mescher. ABOVE; 1710 AL路 BERTAj2C; Diane Crone. Susan Samples. Debbie Tue. Judy Koh 路 nen. LEFT; 338 STEWART jlA; click wise from top: Lloyd Pernell. Mike Grady. Joel Sokolsky. Brice Schieltz.
Housing/ 193
Garden Apartments
UPPER RIGHT; 17\0 Alberta-3A; Greg Sauer, Paul Tolli, Bret Campbell , Larry Sauer. 326 Stewart3D; Kathy O'Lough路 lin , Jenny Judd, Cheryl Peterson, Sue Ward . 363 Stewart3A; Pete Wukusick , Chuck Ernst, Ray Muth, John Brogan, Mark Holp, Dave Spurlock .
194/ Housing
OPPER LEFT: 364 E. STEWART·1A: Paul Dwyer, Gregory Towns, Edward Hir!, Allen Koske, Rob Hentz. UPPER MIDDLE; 339 Irving'IA: Lisa Aversa, Kathy Decaminada, Jackie Schmerge, Mary Holmes. LEFT; 364 STEWART·3C: Phil· Moose Call·Moffett. Matt Thurman Pocta, Tony Sky King Dye, Jeff·the Slosher·Deye.
Garden Apartments
RIGHT; 314 LOWES/3C; 1st row: Judy Klein. Jeanne Zeigenfuss. 2nd row: Molly Cochran. Karen Sunder路 lin. BELOW; 338 Stewart/2A; Howard Stein. Richard Boyne. Steve Zuponcic. Mike Grubar. BOT TOM; 365 STEWART /2A; Tom Handwerker. Lon Cuninghis. Mike Brady. Rob Jones.
196/ Housing
LEFT; 350 STEWART /3B: Bob Davis, John Jerzal, Wally Bekta, Scott Kwiat. BELOW; 338 STEWART j1C: Janet Mescher, Cindy Weaver, Linda Marotta, BOTTOM; 339 IRVING/2D: Jeanel West, Linda Zengel , Molly Thomas, Karrie Culloo.
Garden Apartments
UPPER RIGHT; 1710 ALBERTA路3B: Shawn Walters , Dave Beres, Tom Seamans. ABOVE; A visitor from Bowling Green, Carolyn Galbraith, seems to enjoy UD's party life. RIGHT; 339 IRVING路3D: 1st row : Mike Korger, Lisa Reitz. 2nd row : Tim Reser, Jeff Troutman.
198/ Housing
• TOP LEFT; 312 STEWART-3A & 3D; Judy Andreano, Sallie Miller, John Arcaro, John Rapp, Tom Arcaro, Chuck Sassano, Ron Arcaro, Eric McCullough, Lon Pepperman, Judy Johnson, Theresa Fetsko, Jim Schubert. LEFT; Jerry Kaisex chows down on his birthday cake. ABOVE; 312 STEWART·2A; Yolanda Hill, Jo Ann Lee.
", ( â&#x20AC;˘
... \.
ABOVE; 350 STEWART-3C: T. Mac. R. Smith. G. Morsches. Rick Squandy. LEFT; 338 STEWART-3C: 1st row: Sue Orban. Gena Acito. 2nd row: She Smok. Mary Ann Hinkle. RIGHT; 326 STEWART-IA: 1st row: Anne Robbie. Lisa Laman. Julie Stecker. Mary Pohlman.
Garden Apartments 200/Housing
UPPER LEFT; 350 STEWART I C; I st row: Randy Stump, Eduardo Vallarino, Miguel Nino, Jeff Burnside. LEFT; 338 STEWART 1B; 1sl row: Sue Brodeur, Beth Elmore. ABOVE; Mary Jane Schuckman does the dishes.
Garden Apartments UPPER RIGHT; 350 Stewart/3A; Joann " Trump" Houdek , Wally " in the barn" Bekta, Diane "Eu' chre " Schabath , Becky "Bower" Hill. UPPER MIDDLE; 326 Stewart/2D; Ginny Moran, Janet Altieri, Lynn Armbruster, Sherry Wilcox, Car' men Estarellas, UP, PER BOTTOM; 350 Stewart/2B & 3D; Mark Peters, Beth E i cher, Linda Merker, Charlie Ham' montree, Debbie May, Matt Petnuch, Nancy May,
UPPER LEFT; 365 STEWART路2D; 1st row: Lori Sue Moll, Patty Jo McLean, Maureen Pat Meersman, Sheila Mar y Nolan. MIDDLE LEFT ; 365 STEWART路 2B; Bob Bauer, Doug Goerge, Carlos Palau. Pedro Ospina. LEFT ; 326 STEWART路2B; Mary Lou Ellis, Mary Jane Schuckman, Jerry Kaisex , Mary Dagil, Scott Hower.
ABOVE LEFT: 440 Lowes·Alison Otto, Ginger McKenna , Nancy Shafer, Linda Russo, Lynn Domenico, Anne Tortorello. ABOVE RIGHT: 447 Lowes·Joe Pierce, AI Beams, Steve Armacost. ABOVE: 410 LOWES-1 st row·Joann Yasechko, Julie Mcerlane, Becky Meek, Liz Mund, 2nd rowShoe, Kate Fuertges, Jamie Ryan , cat-Booker. Missing: Kathy Wallace, Alex Rhubarb. RIGHT: 242 Lowes·1 st row ·Ann Lincolnhol, Eorann Hickey. Cindy Beger. 2nd row·Alice Skuse, Maggie Clark.
ABOVE LEFT: 438 Lowes-I st row -Jac i Green . Eileen Hilton_ 2nd row -Linda Svec. Lynn Ivanic. ABOVE RIGHT: 449 Lowes-Bob Blocksom. John Lamp . Pete Shaffer_ LEFT: 520 Lowes-"Do you live in a barn?" I st row-Barb Vogt . Lu Fortkamp. Judy Wendelan. Karen Prevish . Missing-Julie Swisshelm. Janet Rumpke_ ABOVE: 332 Lowes-Julie Smith. Kris Bauer. Missing-Linda Deckert. Laine Marucci. Monica Butler. Susanne Estelle_
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP RIGHT: 336 Lowes-"The only house in the Ghetto with a P_ Alley _" Debbie Suifer!, Mary Ann DiGregory . Terry Girard. Kim Starrett. Mary Beth Weber . 441 Lowes-Tom Gross. Mike McGeever. JO(~ Skrivan . Dan Kaiser. Missing-Pete Lehmann . 452 Lowes-"The Losers Club" Mary Schaaf. Kate Young. Janet Steinhilber. Sue Batterspy . Jayne Martin. Laurie Duffy_ 430 Lowes-Tim Gregory. Tom Peters. Tom Ruffolo. Missing-Q-Tip. Jakt' _ 411 Lowes-Jim Schumacher. Sean McGowan. Kevin j\\urzejewski_
206/ Housing
COUNTERCLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: 216 Lowes·"The Bull Pen Crew" Mark Murabito, Steve Kellett, Brian "Woodsie" Hunt, Rick Howard, Rick Szink, Jeff Szink. 418 Lowes: "We're on a diet! " Linda Martins, Dee Linton, Barb Vachon, Peggy Gigliotti, Mo Lowry , 416 Lowes·Miguel Soehner, Pat Keene, Tim Hecht, Steve Zengle, Tony Grun· kemeyer, Missing·Ted Hecht. 218 Lowes·"High neighbor and toodle·loc" Lisa Danials, Karen Schubert, Cindy K. Brown, Mary Jane Patrick,
t:' 'iJy)
TOP RIGHT: 415 Kiefaber路"Vapor House " Judy Jeffreys, Lucy Mollo, Sandy Johnson, Becky Charvat. TOP LEFT: 331 KiefaberDori Chadwick, Kathy Rinderle Val Tracy, Emily LaRose. RIGHT: 413 Kiefaber路Kathryn Vassallo, Becky Dusing, Linda Hoffmann . ABOVE: 311 Kiefaber路"Funky." Sue Miller, Barbara Raptosh. Marianne Reinhard, Barb O'Lear, Bette Mob路 ley, Pam Galloway.
ABOVE LEFT: 309 Kiefaber路"Huber Heights Fire Crew" Dennis Armstrong. Gary Seminara, Bill Chapman, Erich Eggers. ABOVE RIGHT: 230 Kiefaber' "The Regency." Bruce Nagel, Louis Basile, Barb McGuire, Paul Pearse, Richard Chasteen, AI Gibson, dog路Tennessee Jed. LEFT: 441 Kiefaber路Chris Gregorich, Mary Magmer, Mary Pohlman . ABOVE: 330 Kiefaber 路"Got\a Get Back To The Island." Devo DeRoo, Schleprock, Margie Cameron. Bell, Silk, Laurrie Prim, Asian (cat).
TOP RIGHT: 452 Kiefaber·"Guilt Without Sex." Jane Nesbit, Sandy Bowman , Mari Van· Holle, Taron April , Jan Bigginis. RIGHT: 448 Kiefaber ·Ray Alvarado, Terry Cartwright , Steve Barski , Chris Colelli. BOTTOM RIGHT: 236 Kiefaber' '' The Original Cammando Raid ." Joy Goldschmidt, Shaun Healy, Diane Bongio· vanni , Shelia O'Bryan , missing·E.M. Harrison, Tedo. BELOW: 218 Kiefaber·"Pool Party." Debbie O'Donnell, Marjo Stubing , Lisa Smith, Therese Garvin, Mary Condit, Maryanne Whit· ford .
Kiefaber LEFT: 443 Kiefaber·Rich Welsh. John Meder. BELOW: 219 Kiefaber· "Knowledge Is Good." Mike Larison. Mike Messerly . Steve Peter. Woody Metz. Marty Gase.
LEFT: 327 Kiefaber ·Kevin Doyle. Tom Hes sion. Jeff Schuffert. Jim Dam· browski. ABOVE: 322 Kiefaber·Oobes. G.I. George. Gooles. Linder . Smudge. Colonel. Pa. Boo·Boo. Bonzo. ca t·Rocky. Dogs·Tora. Monk.
TOP RIGHT: 455 Kiefaber·Kathy Westrick . Tammi Clark . Teri Boose. MIDDLE RIGHT: 324 Kiefaber·" Home of the 5v, Tripping Eskimos." Vinnie. Tanya. Ned. Fitz, Kentucky John, Crum· ley . ABOVE: 339 Kiefaber·Mary Cay Devine. Apt. 5. Ann Devany, Apt. 2. RIGHT: 442 Kiefaber· Kathy Keelan , Janet Chain, Robin Cleary. Trish Mattimore, missing·Georganna Reed .
LEFT: 420 Kiefaber·John Murphy. Tom Bocchino. Mikey. BELOW: 414 Kie· faber·"Rostaman·Good Vibrations." Jeff Friedman . Nancy Fleuelling. Rosta· man. Lynn Murray. Katie Murray. Larry Dryden.
ABOVE: 321 KiefaberEugene Johnson. Marty Crotty. Kevin Cottingham. Frank Accovelli. LEFT: 423 Kiefaber·Mick Jagger. Glen Coleman. Lacy. Pete Townsen. John. cat·Molsen. Matts.
TOP RIGHT: 430 Kiefaber-Kathy (Mr. Michael), Madelaine Watson, Debbie Eley , Ruth Fremgea_ TOP LEFT: 462 Kiefaber-"EDT Frat House East." Bob Cunningham, Walt Como, Mike Hecht, missing-Gary Emmel. Right: 419 Kiefaber-Linda Plouchalk, Paddy Powelsrin, Kelly Thurston, Dana Bury, misSing-Margie Cameron _ ABOVE: 432 Kiefaber-" If You Can ' t Act Crazy, You ' ll Go Crazy _" Peg Maggiacomo, Jennifer Salisbury, Anne O'Keefe, Loretta Schaub, missing-Amy Roedersheimer.
TOP LEFT: 467 Kiefaber·Mark Porta. Nancy O ·Donneli. Charlie Clennan. Tim Zimmer. Rob Dannels. Tim Dillon. Mark Broffan. David Akin. LEFT: 215 Kiefaber·"The Bullpen." Tim Leary. Pe· ter O·Neil. Phil Schmatz. Ed Martin.
ABOVE: 325 Kiefaber·"The Sunhouse. " Sharon Barney. Joanne Altieri. Patty Burchette. Peanut. Colleen Howard. Betsy Sweeney. LEFT: 460 Kie· faber·"The Roach MoteL ·· Angela Elsier. Carol Keans. Camille Ranando. Mary Lumpp. Carol Hemmert. Darlene Duroure.
TOP RIGHT: 239 Stonemill路"Mom路s House" Becky Berens, Joan Dye, Marie Gallo, Denise Kennedy . CENTER LEFT: 414 Stonemill'''The Six Swinging Chi c ks ", Sue Hall, Karen Kraft. Nancy Gannon , Sharon Waldrop. Liz Euler, Kathy Kazar BOTTOM RIGHT: 409 Stonemill路" Whatever" , Diane Schwartz, Mara Nascer
216/ Housing
Stonemill TOP LEFT: 240 Stonemill-C1aire Connelie, Alice Dubina, Terri Tomcisin, Tracy Duncan, Nancy Cooley CENTER LEFT: 321 Stonemill-"After the Exodus", Margie Cameron, Linda Plowchalk CENTER RIGHT: 323 StonemillLaura Byrne, Bob Detweiler, Missing: June Donka, Janet Manski BOTTOM LEFT: 237 Stonemill-"Go for If', Jay Gallagher, Joe Ledva, Lee Yoakum
TOP RIGHT: 404 Stonemill-Diane Brodine, Katie Nelson. Mary Gahgan, Kathy Kenny, Clare Drew , Gretel CENTER LEFT : 317 Stonemill路"The Fun House" , Jo Ellen Bouley Mo McGroarty, Savior Farre Brannen, Beanie Bertlesman, Francy Teleckey, Patty M cCarthy , Missing in Europe: M.B. Thelen, Allison Partlan CENTER RIGHT: 339 Stonemill-Mary Mullican, Sue Funderlic , Kathy Becker, Missing: Peggy McHale BOTTOM RIGHT: 423 Stonemill 'Rick Rodgers, Pete Rodgers, Dave Rodgers, Tim Rodgers, Missing: "Gerald Shanon路 Never Here", "We Have A Friend Named Kevin Hughes "
Stonemill TOP LEFT: 306 Stonemill ·" ln Rememberance of the Stonemill Bloc k Party" , Mike Bois , Mike Barrett, Lary Cor coran , Kays, Frank, Norm, "Crazy Harry" CEN· TER LEFT: 223 Stonemill·Sharon McAvoy, Patti Do' bremsyl, Mickey Delaney (Mouse), Bucky Lips (Bea · ver), Judy Miller, missing: Jan Graf
ABOVE RIGHT: 308 Stonemill·" The Yank House " , Bado, Patti, Karen, Baracuda Moma # I, Lizzard, Terry Muff, Luke Skywalker AT LEFT: 31 I Stonemill·Joe, Greebie, Ed, Crazy Ray, Razoo, Kevin , Brian "Boy" Keyes, Ziggy
TOP RIGHT: 1211 Alberta-Peter Ashland, John Wernert, missing: Kevin Carr, John Yambor CENTER LEFT: 1711 Alberta-Dave Zimmer, Chris Fuller , Marty Kandy missing: Mike Daley CENTER RIGHT: 1432 Alberta "Phi Kappa Mu Norht", Bill Grar, Brian Tierney , Sieve Chando , Tom Meehan , Mark Donowick, missing: Chip and Laura Davis BOTTOM RIGHT: 1617 Alberta-Rosaleen Courtney , Barb Trizzino, Deb Stotzer, Peggy Gillespie
220/ Housing
Alberta TOP LEFT: 1233 Alberta-Allison Sehappach_ Julie Skalicky. Denise Landon. MaryBeth Spitzer (Fozzie), Shelia Blanton (Ele路 phant), Mary Roarty CENTER LEFT: 1205 Alberta-Hellen Case, Sue Rancurella. Sheila McNeal. Nancy Geers. Monica Bramlish
ABOVE RIGHT: 1215 Alberta-Tim Bichter. Ray Dunning, Phil Horabik, Jeff Haverkos, Chris Keating. missing: Ken Charbat AT LEFT: 1207 Alberta路Chris Ogburn, Greg Stach, Gary Tibbins. Jim Stradiot, Tom Mueller
Alberta TOP RIGHT: 1436 Alberta-Kim Todd, Janice Bach , Donna " Mom" Mortel , Cindy Shaffer, CENTER LEFT: 1434 AlbertaCheryl Tomasko, Laura Sears, Bec ky Schindler , Chris Koller missing: Karen Duncan CENTER RIGHT: 1209 Alberta-Katrina Kargl, Sandy Coressel , Karen Pero BOTTOM RIGHT: 1225 Alberta -Kim Schnebel , Patty Moffitt, Mary Sahal, Lyne Crisafi , Sara Miller, Susan Schweitzer
Alberta TOP LEFT: 912 Alberta-Tim Kilroy. Jim Byrd. Jerry Korbas. CENTER LEFT: 1615 Alberta '''ZZZ'' Les Crooks. Randy Papson , John Scully CENTER RIGHT: 1515 Alberta路Kevin Wagner, Drew. Ann Quehl, Linda Skinner. Seth, Annmarie Welch BOTTOM LEFT: 1519 Alberta 路Mary Philips. Dona Colby. Teresa Bohlander. Jamica, Missing: Karen Mills
ABOVE: 1302 Brown·"What are we fighting for ·broken English?" 1st row·Sam Mathias. Jeff Moore. Joe Mandile (shirt). Dan Cupp. Mike Kammer (pizza) . 2nd row·Joe M cCarthy. Harold Pope (suit) Chris Pappas. Eric SI. Pyr . Ron Cala· brese . ABOVE RIGHT : 1306 Brown·" Whip it " Mike Kantz . Tom Walzer. Don Huff. Missing·Andre Chartrand. RIGHT: 1508 Brown· "Horseballs" Tom "T.D." Durand. Chuck " Pop" Hume. Scott "Watts" Wilkinson . Tom "Slick" Brick land.
224/ Housing
Brown TOP: 1306 Brown-CJ_ Sadosky, Paul Balcerzak, Dave Simko, Phil Bowling_ MIDDLE: 1312 Brown-"They'11 get over it!" Jim Dunn , Dave Davis, Bob Gerbin _ BOTTOM: 1512 Brown-"Reality is for those who can 't handle drugs." Dan Carr, Tim Taylor , Kerry A . Crossland , Duane Collins.
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP RIGHT: 227 K·Mike Fellen· stein , Jeanine Russell, Bill Suess. 220 L·"K .A .Y. Ev· ery red and white product is guaranteed to please you or your m oney will be refunded ," Reggie Shivers, James Brown , David Ayatolloh Byrd , Rafael Reed . 234 L·Shaggy , Ed Munster, Craig , Bo, Cappy Tom, Joe, Jersey Joe, Cisco, coc (dog). 223 K ·"Commando Raid Center " 1st row'Mary Roth, Denise Shumay . 2nd row·Mary Kay Laird, Joan Serewicz. 212 L·Lisa Smith, Pam Stein, Hugh Cochran .
226/ Housing
CENTER LEFT: 515 Irving·Mary Pat Luddy . Kathy Towse. Maggie Grace. Patty Fonow. Jill Meyer. Janice Anderson CENTER RIGHT : 372 Stewart·"lnsane Asylum" Meg Kern. Lisa Sir· ett. Joan Klenki. Beth Rodgers. Puala Cwikly BOTTOM LEFT: 838 Stewart·Sue Ann Roden· feld. Pam Fortina. Michie Yakovak. Marilyn Carfors. Gail Stackowski. Rich Sehuler. John Schropher. Hank Kurauski
ABOVE: 104 Woodland·"Eight is Enough" 1st row·Mindy, Ginnie, Laura, Maria. 2nd row·Ginny, Sue, Jane, Judi. ABOVE RIGHT: 109 Woodland·"1 could have danced all night'" Patti Trauch, Dedi McKeown. Missing·Mary Krutko, Terry Gill. RIGHT: 101 Wood· land·" 101 Woodland Warriors" Schmitty, Tim Brabender, Donny Frer· icks, dog·Luke.
Woodland LEFT: 115 Woodland·"Beta Chapter" ' Jim Quinn, Jay Reyher, Doug Kealy, dog·Ginger Queenie Princess Layla . BELOW: 56 Woodland· "Mom and the family" Cindy Fazio, Kathy Bigler, Karen Zaddell , Leslie Grabert. Missing·Annie Ritter, Marion Klein. BOTTOM: 110 Woodland· " It's a gas " 1st row·John Flood, Jamie Walsky , John Miklovcic, Rhys Dill . 2nd row·Dennis Heslin , Ralph Spagno!.
ABOVE: 40 Chambers路John Cupo, Guido , Timothy Flanagan. Missing'Ebb, Mike Jones, Hank Elwell. ABOVE RIGHT: 60 Chambers " One can never have too many friends ." Nicki Petrone , Sandy Bergman, Donna Mo l路 chan , Grace Kleine-Kracht, Teresa Bruskotter. RIGHT: 68 Chambers 路" The Die路 hards" Lo Texer , Bethie, Patti Farrell, Ro Guida , Marti Eckert, Nancy Zeber.
CLOCKWISE FROM BOTTOM: 120 Lawnview·Kathy Andrae, Carol An· drae, Christy Logan , Helen DeLa· Vergne, Jennie Cooper. 118 Lawnview' Jeff Devine, Steve Drehold . Rick Bauer, Jeff Mullins. 210 Lawnview·Jer· ry Kepes, Dan Harmeyer, Ed Jaunch. 212 Lawnview ·Pam Cawan , Linda Targi, Donna Szwarc.
TOP RIGHT: 13 Lawnview-Mike Ranz. Garry Smith. MIDDLE LEFT: 114 Lawnview-Karen Gramlich. Mimi Amatruda . MIDDLE RIGHT: 16 Lawnview -Barbara Baker , Mary Gonnella, Elise Miller, Angela Notarantonio. BOTTOM RIGHT: 17 Lawnview-Mitri Hage. Ignatius Alam _
COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 215 Lawnview-Ellen Loeffler , Sylvia Brooks . Lee Staudter , Regina Hourigan, Jackie Mitchell, Cathy Spearman, Mona Warwan . 104 Lawnview 路Joe Drobnich , Scott Candeem, Mike Woomer , Joe Dietrich. Brian Quinn . 20 Lawnview-Mike Tullie, Tony Cafiero, Steve Dale, Herb Rumpf. 214 Lawnview路Paul Sheriden, Paul Seubert. "The Oasis"
TOP RIGHT: 120 Evanston路" Another house bites the dust!" ' Laura Van Leevwen, Eileen Crotty , Marie Marisca\co, Lynne Staudter, Natalie Lefken . MIDDLE LEFT: 114 Evanston路" He 's tall, he 's blond, he smokes a cigar, and he's a pig. " Jim Ziemba, John Thomas, Bill Kanther, Jon Ocepek, Andy Goergan . BOTTOM RIGHT: 132 Evanston路 "Go for it' " Margaret Murnen, Patti Glaser, Kathy Simpson, Cindy Majewski, Paula Schmidt.
234/ Housing
LEFT: 31 Evanston "Do a bong!" Don Sibert. Bob Bacsus. Bill Feverstein. Tim Logan. BE路 LOW LEFT: 30 Evanston路Rick Murphy. Tim Merker. Dave Stanley. Missing: Mike Paturzo. Bill Zott;' BELOW: 107 Evanston-Robert McDermott. Neil Mitchell. Van Meyer. Mike Krone. Missing: Brian Scully_
ffiffiID e3!B
TOP RIGHT: 216 College Park路"Dayton Mafia" Mark Maher, Mike Shannon, Ed Galaska, Dan Shannon, Mike Ehlers, Dan Atkins. TOP LEFT: 212 College Park路"The Awsome Palace" Mike Cooper, Ed Zimmer , Steve Raschella, Fred G. Sanford. MIDDLE RIGHT: 224 College Park "Amateur night at the Todd Burlesque" Joan Higgins, Chris Rozzo. MIDDLE LEFT: 232 College Park路Joe Desmarteau, Jim Ziemer, Doug Erdman, Mike Lanzola. BOTTOM RIGHT: 1903 Trinity路"Laid Back" Mitch Schwerckart, Don Smith, Tim Heiterink.
236/ Housing
TOP LEFT: 58 Frank-" Jam Pile" Sharon Novik . Charlotte Acuno. Colleen Hood. Polly Chagnon. Amy Bauman . Carol Lammers_ BOTTOM LEFT: 35 Frank-Marilyn Isley. Mary Stephani. ABOVE: 348 Firwood-"Three 's Company Minus One" Rudy Vazquez. Linda Quick. Missing: Kim Mains_ BELOW: 534 Bec kman-"Where the hell is 534 Beckman?! " Pete Boncelet. Dave Saras. Todd
Fitz Second Year As President
Brother Raymond l. Fitz, S.M. presents award to Marilyn Deiniger at the Alumni Banquet.
Brother Raymond L. Fitz, S.M.
L路R Joseph Belie; Assistant to the Vice President for Student Development, Margaret Mary Holland; Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students, and Clyde R. Wisch , Associate Dean of Students.
242/ Faculty
Gerald W. VonderBrink Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer
Margaret Mary Holland Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students
Tom T. Montiegel Vice President for Development and Alumni Rela路 tions
Mary A . Neacy Administrative Assistant to the President
Faculty /243
Dr. W.J . Steiner University Secretary and Director of Government Relations
Bro. Joseph W. Stander, S.M . Vice Pres. for Academic Affairs f, Provost
Dr. M . Daniel Henry Ass!. to the President for Planning and Evaluation .
j Thomas J . Frericks Vice Prsident fpr University Relations
244/ Faculty
Ellie Kurtz sets up dates for various University Activities
Clyde Wisch Associate Dean of Students' Student Services
Edwin H. Melhuish Director of Housing
Mary W. Toennesen Assistant Director of Housing
Jean Harper Assistant Director of Housing
Julia Wingard Assistant Director of Housing
Faculty /245
Student Development
Psychological Services
Reverend Frank Kenney. S.M . Associate Dean of Students
Jack Riley Psychological Services
Security Director Eleanor Kurtz Assistant Dean of Students路Univ. Activities
Gary J. Scheckel hoff
246/ Faculty
James Stocks Director of Minority Services
Marie Milord International Student Advisor
Rosemary O'Boyie Assistant Dean of Students for Residence Life
Phil Ertel Director of Orientation
Mary Sue Hufnagle Assistant Dean of Students
Faculty /247
Arts &
Sciences 1. Arts & Sciences Deans (L-R)-R _ Peterson, E_ Murphy, F . Lazarus, Bro. T. Wong, S.M. 2. Communication Arts (L-R)-Sitting-F. Wolf, D. Miles, A _ Butler, S. Blatt. Front-S. Nolan, J. Rang, D. Krahenbuhl, L. Kee, G. Kiernan . Back-L. Lain , P. Harwood, D. Morlan, A. Hawkins, M. Weatherly, K. Williams, D. Jones. 3. Geology (L-R)-K. Grey, G. Springer, C. Ritter. 4. Physics (L-R)-J. Schneider, M. Crivello, R. Berney, W . Whitzel, J. Kemepes, B. Craver, G. Miner, T. Grahm, P. Yaney. 5. English-(L-R) Sitting路P_ Arons, S. Palumbo, L. Murphy, D. Durham, P. Labadie, E . Stockum. StandingE. August, M. Means, J. Pici, J. Pa路 trouch, H_ Bernard, A. Cameron, R.A_ Kimbrouort. 6. Chemistry (L-R)Back-D.A. Stanislawski, A. Fratini, S_ Eveslage, J _ Lucier, H. Knachel, Front-C. Michaelis, B. Lawrence, S. Singer. 7. Performing & Visual Arts (L-R)-Front-B. Plogman, J. Barrish, P. Gilvary, C. Baxter, R. Benedum . Middle路S. Wilkinson, L. Weber, L. Selka, C. Miller. Back-L. Blocher, L. Swenehart, L. Tagg.
248/ faculty-Administration
Faculty- A dministratlo 路 n/249
250/ Faculty-Administration
Arts &
Sciences 1. Sociology·(L·R)·Sitting·P. Elmore, M. Huth , S. McNammee. Standing-J. Skerl, S. Saxton , P. Donnelly, D. Miller. 2. Home Economics (L-R)Front-P . Metzger , J. Palmert, B. Schroeder. Back-B. Freeman, J. Lefler. 3. Laura Doherty (Barbara Wayne) is held hostage by unidentified suspect in Waynesville, in a simulated crime scene run by the Crimi nal Justice classes. 4. Mathematics (L·R)-Front-P. Eloe, B. Rice, J . McCloskey , J . Shaughnessy. M iddle-J. Reichman , R. Steinlage, T . Gantner. Back-J . Kauflin, S. Back , W. Friel , R. Gorton . 5 . Criminal Justice-(L-R)-D . De Graw , J. Adamitis, J. Ingram . 6 . Language-(L-R)-Front-A. Chiodo, G. Neufang, M . Castello-Lamas. BackE. Romaguera , C. Galeano, J . Guely , Z. Zeing, R. Conrad, E. Hatch, G. McRensie. 7. Psychology-(L-R)-Front· R. Katsuyama , B. Bers, K . Kuntz , E . Butler , S. Nau . Back-C. Kimble, J . Abell, J . Allik, J. Korte, S. Bower, F. Da Polito, D. Birls. 8. Biology (L-R)Sitting-R. Turgeon, A. Burky . Middle-J . Ramsey, J. Laufersweiler , K . McDougall, J. Rowi, D. Geigo, C. Chandill , R. VentuUo, P. Bajpai , G. Stay. Back-B. Zalewski, B. Alesk . 9. Religion·(L·R)·Front-Fr. N. Burns , Fr. V. Branick , Fr. M. Kohmescher, Dr. W . Roberts, Fr. W. Frost. Back·Sis . A. Zukowski , Fr. B . Buby , Rev . W . Anderson , C. L 'Heureux , Dr. R. Boulet, Dr. M . Barns, Sis . J. Martin .
Arts &
Sciences 1. Chemical Technology (L·R)·J . Sethna, D. Shaw, R. Anduze. 2. Computer Science (L·.R )·Sitting·J . Kester, Bro. Schoen. Standing·L. Jehn, Bro. Neuendorf. 3. Secretarial Studies·(L·R)·J. Webster, N . Forth· ofer, P. Murry. 4. Political Science· (L·R)·Sitting·M . Karns, G. Kerns, R. Liebler, F . Inscho, Standing·A. Lapi· tan, P. Hentrick, P. Nelson, N . Fogel. I Steinbach, D. Ahern . 5. David Ahern discusses with student about Political Science class. 6. Military Science (L·R)·l st·Sfc M . Bittner, LTC W. Benagh , LT K . Warren , SGM W . Chappell. 2nd·MSG A. Baptiste, L T S. Walters, MAJ O. Graves. 3rd·CPT R. Barrett, CPT C. Soby, R. Wright, CPT. M . Kozup. 4th·L T. S. Graham, SSG M. Cain, CPT G. Potts. 7 . Histo· ry·(L·R)·Front·L. Eid, A. Vines, E. King, R. Maras . Middle·B. Perkins, B. Taylor. Back·T. Rhee, A . Bannon, P. Palermo, E . Beauregard. 8. Self Di· rected Learning·(L·R)·L . Rosen, J. Kalven, B. Taylor. 9. Philosophy Dept. Chairman·R. Herbenick .
252/ Faculty·Administration
254/ Faculty-Administration
Education 1. Physical Education (L·R)·Back J. LaNache, D . Crumm, A. Clark, L. Laubach . Front·D. Drees, D. Morefield , K. Bills, J . Schleppi. 2. Secondary Education-(L-R)-E. Gay, H. Frye, P. Metzger, R. Kriegbaum, B. Taylor, R. Arcaro, C. Lammers . 3. Co-operative Education-(L-R)-Front· B. Webb, B. Klein, L. Gobich . BackE. Deardorf, J. Dominy, E. Janning, E. Iselin. 4. School of Education DEANS-(L-R)-J. Hopfengardner, E . Joseph, J. White. 5. Foundations of Education-(L-R)-Front-L. Petit, B. Harawa , J . Britt. Back-J. Watras, H. Torge, J . Geiger. 6. Educational Administration (L-R)-Sitting-C. Wildenhaus , B . Harawa . Standing-J . Hopfengardener, E. Joseph , J. O'Donnell, D. Frericks. 7. Elementary Education (L-R)-Front-R. Klosterman, C. Rudolph, E. Waters. Back-G . Fuchs, P. Lutz, G. Anderson, S. Chavez. 8 . Secondary Education-(L-R)-Front-B . Ketchen, L. Schneider, H. Frye, R. Kriegbaum. Back-J. Gay, J. Donatelli , B. Taylor, P. Metzger.
Faculty·Administra tion /
Business 1. Marketing·(L·R)·Sitting·R. Yates, R. Kline, A. King, B. Sekely, B . Lew· is. Standing·H. Murphy, O . Comer, P. Merenski, D. Sarber. 2. Honor stu' dents meet in the library . 3. Ac· counting (L·R)·Seated·R . Sanford , W . Fry, W . Clark, P. Vorherr, D. Rutz, R. Heidtke, M. Geany . Standing·A. Fior· iti, C. Grismer. 4. Business Deans (L· R)-P. Vorherr, J . Weiler, N. Forthofer, H_ Murphy, W _ Hoben, J . Ellis, Bro. Hebeler, S. Stough, Bro. Bruggeman. 5. Business Management-(LR)-First Row-J. Darr, B. Konstantinvich , F . Ghavami, S. Strough. Second Row-J. Bowling. E. Zahn, M. Holland, R. McClaine. Standing-J . White. A. Casey. C. Scheidler, H. Washing. J. Schenk, H. Tewari, R. Berger, G. Bohlen, E . Marrinan, G_ Vlahos. 6. Economics & Finance (LR)-Front-B. Winger, J. Rapp, P. Louis. Back-J. Weiler, R. Frasca, J. Collins, L. Martain, C. Chen, L. Hadley.
256/ Business
Engineering 1. Prospective students discuss with professor Rooney about a computer which detects sound and replies on the video display terminal. 2. Elec· tric Engineering Technology·(L·R)E. Iselin , D. Haniman, J. Farren, R. Ha· zen , V. Rooney. 3. Civil Engineering(L-R)-Front·R. Thomson, E . Payne, J . Ryckman . Back-N. Phillips, G. Shaw, R. Weiss, J. Saliba. 4. Industrial & Mechanical Engineering (L-R)Front-R. Mott, R. Puckett. Back-B. Smilg, R. Wolfe, J. Wilder. 5. Aerospace Engineering-Franklin Eastep. 6. Kettering Lab. 7. Chemical Engineering (L-R)-E. Rolinski, C. Sandy , R. Servai , R. Primrose, S. Sandhu, C. Lu .
258/ Faculty·Administration
. ----....s:::::~
==-~- . -
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262/ Advertisements
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The Student Association has become the force behind the entire student body. We pride ourselves on our diversity, which enables us to provide social, cultural, and academic programs which appeal to a wIde variety of students. Our main goal is the protection of student rights in all aspects of University life. The purpose of this communique is to alert you to the services of the Student Association. This can best be accomplished by outlining the organizational structure of YOUR Student Association. Serving under the president and vice president are seven directors . Each director is assigned a number of selectpersons who are elected to assist their respective director in carrying out his/ her duties. The selectpersons form committees under the chairmanship of the directors. Input received from selectperson is carried into each board meeting of the directors-who in turn represent their selectper90ns. Your opinion can be voiced through these persons. The Student Association exists for you. Please take advantage of our services, so that we can help unify the student body and improve our stay at the University of Dayton.
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Advertisements / 269
A Year In Review
270/ Closing
Closing/27 ]
Putting the 1981 book together would not have been possJble without the fine cooperation of my staff who did a tremendous job in assisting me. A very special thank you must go to Charlie Miller and Joe Ie who assisted me in finalizing this book. As ' for the 1982 yearbook, I look forward to anexciti\i1g and productive year.
" Karen Kraft Editor ler, Susan HaH-Off路Campus Housing Franchina-Qrganizations Coates-Student Events hlipp-Faculty / Administration 6ulbee-Special Events Muraninslu-Sports Housing Andrea, Kim Kness-Photography